以下为一些常见的主谓一致错误示例:1. One of the factors that contribute to climate change is deforestation.改正:One of the factors that contribute to climate change are deforestation.2. The results of the study was published in a peer-reviewed journal.改正:The results of the study were published in a peer-reviewed journal.二、时态错误时态错误也是论文写作中常见的语法错误之一。
以下为一些常见的时态错误示例:1. The researchers discovered that the previous studies shows conflicting results.改正:The researchers discovered that the previous studies show conflicting results.2. The experiment was conducted last year, and the findings are presented in this paper.改正:The experiment was conducted last year, and the findings were presented in this paper.三、冠词和名词用法错误冠词和名词用法错误也是论文写作中常见的语法错误之一。
Redundant presence components
Adding unnecessary information or repeating the same idea in different ways Example: "The cat, a domestic animal, is a popular pet." (redundant "a
Detailed description
In English, the singular and plural forms of the subject and predicate must be consistent, which is a basic requirement of grammar rules. If this point is ignored, it will lead to sentence structure confusion and affect the accurate transmission of information.
Sentence structure error
Incomplete or redundant presence components
Incomplete presence components
A presence may be missing a subject, verb, or object, making it graphically incomplete Example: "The experience was conducted to study the effects of..." (missing object)
2.分组名称隐晦难懂实验动物按照治疗方法分了几个组,作者命名为A组,B组,C组,A+B 组,B+C组和A+C组。
临床研究特别要注意是否有limitation ,并进行充分讨论。
Sentence Fragments
• Make sure that each word group that you have punctuated as a sentence contains a grammatically complete and independent thought that will stand alone as a sentence.
• In a list of treatments, use "or" rather than "and"
– Wrong = After incubation over night, cells were treated with 0, 2.5, 5. 7.5 and 10 uM of DN6-3 for 12 h. – Right = After incubation overnight, cells were treated with 0, 2.5, 5. 7.5 or 10 uM of DN6-3 for 12 h.
Number or Amount?
• Use the word amount with quantities that cannot be counted • Use the word number with quantities that could be counted one-by-one. • Examples:
• Right = Because of his interest in economic development, Tom sometimes neglects the environment,
Accept or Except ?
• Accept means "to receive." • Except is usually a preposition meaning "but" or "leaving out." Except can also be a verb meaning "to leave out." • As verbs, accept and except are nearly antonyms, so the difference is important!
给英语作文纠错与润色 语法方面易犯的48个错误
![给英语作文纠错与润色 语法方面易犯的48个错误](
1.I saw aman in black stood behind…(Stood→standing)2.I’m going to held a party.(held→ho ld)3.I think it is nice to do… (去掉is)4.We allwish thatwe could receive pre-sents from cards from our parents and friends.(We allhope thatwe will receive presentsfrom cards from ourparents and friends.)5.You’ll soon find you can build yourbody very strong. (You’llsoon find you canbuild a very strong body.)6.Jogging for an hour everyday, and you’ll soon find… (Jogging→Jog everyday→every day)7.A outweightB (A outweighs B)8.There iswater exists on themoon.(ex-ists→existing exists→that exists 或者There exists water on themoon. Waterexists on themoon.9.It is deserved to be done. (is de-served→ deserves)10.They can achieve it whatever howhard to… (whatever how→ however)paringwith America,China has alongway to go. (Comparing→ Compared)12.Reading books online willmake oureyes be bad. (去掉be)13.These merchantsmustn’t be enoughwise. (enough wise→ wise enough)14.The too high pricemakesme feel sad.(too high price→ price to high)15.In order to avoid happing the sameevents again (In order to prevent the sameevents from happening again)16.I have gone there many years ago.(have gone→ went)17.cause thewhole thing become (causethe whole thing to become)18.I have watched thismovie formanytimes. (去掉for)19.There will be no one who come tothis place.(No one willcome to this place.)20.IfChinawants to bemore powerful,it is about to… (IfChina is to be morepowerful, it is going to…)21.What to attract more tourists is…(What attractsmore tourists is…)22.Itwillmake tourists less and less. (Itwill lead to fewer tourists.更好:Itmay re-duce the number of tourists.)23.I am hope…(I am hoping…)24.make contributions to the society (去掉the)25.They didn’t be together. (Theyweren’t together.)26.There are somany pleasant things in ourlife,sowe should learn to treasure it.(it→them)27.I remember sth. happened yesterday.(happened→ that happened)28.It’s a serious problem needs solved.(It’s a seri ous problem needing to be solved.或者It’s a serious problem that needssolving.)29.Globalwarmingmakeswinter so cold,even making people die. (Global warmingmakes winter so cold, or even makespeople die.)30.People watch TV can promote com-munication.(That people watch TV can pro-mote communication.或者Watching TV canpromote communication.)31.There aremany other reasons can sup-portmy point.(There are many other rea-sons that can supportmy point.There aremany other reasons supportingmy point.)32.Tomy opinion (Inmy opinion或Tomymind)33.I am sure you will love here.(I amsure that you will love it here.)34.It is very necessarymore qualified sci-entists and technicians. (Qualified scientistsand technicians are in great demand.)35.Sports like swimming and runningim-prove children’shealth.(Like→ such as)36.He has only thirty days remain. (Hehas remaining thirty days. 或者 He hasonly thirty years left.)37.One isApple, the other is his pre-sentation. (One is Apple, and the other ishis presentation.)38.Fashion is a strange thing that it al-ways gives you a different feeling. (去掉that<本句是定语从句>)39.I first know Yao Chen… (I got to know)40.…not only because her popularTVseries, but f or those things she does… (…notonly because of her popular TV series,but [去掉for] those things she does…)41.Recently, the reports ofGuizhengtangare being filmed in the television (Recently,there are reports ofGuizhengtang extract-ing bear bile on television.)42.They are belonged to nature. (Thebelong to nature.)43.Do something can bring happiness topeople ismeaningful.(Do→ Doing) the trouble (in trouble)45.Thoughwe have to fight for our fu-ture,butwhen you… (去掉but)46.They areworth being respected. (Theyareworth respecting.)47.They are a lotofpeople live in hunger.(live→living)48.We should do everything thatwe canhelp them.(We should do everything thatwecan to help them.)参考来源读书人网/。
英文SCI论文中的语法错误:一图让你用会“the”https:///group/6678598003021840908/?a pp=news_article×tamp=1554988772&req_id=201904112 119320100220560473540B7E&group_id=667859800302184090 8英语是中国学者发表英文期刊的最大拦路虎。
一般以'an overview of …’或'a review of …’,当然也有不加冠词的,直接'review of …’,我看了很多文章,加不加冠词应该都可以。
1. 主谓一致错误主谓一致错误是指主语与动词在人称和数上不一致的情况。
例子:- 错误:The students is studying hard.- 正确:The students are studying hard.2. 时态错误时态错误是指在叙述事件发生时间上的错误。
例子:- 错误:The researchers will discover the cure for cancer last year.- 正确:The researchers discovered the cure for cancer last year.3. 冠词错误冠词错误是指不正确使用冠词(如"a"、"an"、"the")导致的语法错误。
例子:- 错误:I want to eat apple.- 正确:I want to eat an apple.4. 并列结构错误并列结构错误指的是在列举事物或描述两个以上事件时,不正确地使用逗号、分号或者连接词。
例子:- 错误:I like swimming, and go hiking on weekends.- 正确:I like swimming and go hiking on weekends.5. 句子片段错误句子片段错误是指不完整的句子或独立分子被错误地视为完整的句子。
例如: "The results of the experiment was very interesting." (实验结果很有趣)。
在这个句子中,“results” 是 plural(复数),“was”是单数形式,因此不符合主谓一致的原则。
在上述例句中,正确的修正方式应该是:"The results of the experiment were very interesting."(实验结果非常有趣)。
例如: "The researcher will complete the experiment yesterday."(研究人员将在昨天完成实验)。
这个句子中,动词时态错误,将将来时的"will complete"错误地用于过去的时间点"yesterday"。
在上述例句中,正确的修正方式应该是:"The researcher completed the experiment yesterday."(研究人员昨天完成了实验)。
1. 语法检查技巧(1) 使用语法检查工具:在撰写SCI论文时,可以借助语法检查工具如Grammarly、Ginger等,对论文进行初步的语法检查。
(2) 牢记语法规则:研究者在写作过程中需注意常见语法错误,如主谓一致、时态一致、代词引用、冠词使用等。
(3) 使用并列句和复合句:适当运用并列句和复合句可以增强语句的表达力和修辞效果。
(4) 避免使用被动语态:SCI论文通常要求使用主动语态,因为主动语态更直接且易读。
2. 拼写检查技巧(1) 使用拼写检查工具:拼写错误可能是SCI论文中的致命问题,因此研究者宜借助拼写检查工具如Microsoft Word中的拼写检查功能、在线拼写检查网站等,对论文进行拼写检查。
(2) 三思而后写:写作时要保持专注和细心,避免随手输入造成的拼写错误。
(3) 反复校对:写完论文后,进行反复的校对是减少拼写错误的有效方法。
(4) 注意专有名词和缩略词:在SCI论文中,专有名词和缩略词的拼写准确无误尤为重要。
范例一:use,utilize 和 using许多人喜欢用utilize 代替use 表示“用”的意思。
Using也经常被误用:QoL was evaluated using Hamilton scale。
此处语法上不正确,正确的用法是前面加个“by”: QoL was evaluated by using Hamilton scale。
范例二:due to 和 because of用due to代替because of在笔者编辑过的论文里也非常常见,但这是错误的。
Due to的意思是causedby,做形容词用,修饰的是名词,而becauseof做介词用。
比如:He died frompneumonia due to (caused by) a severe infection 是正确的,due to a severe infection形容pneumonia。
例如:错误:The results of the research has been published.(研究结果已经发表。
)修正:The results of the research have been published.二、时态错误时态错误也是论文写作中常见的问题之一。
例如:错误:Researchers are finding ways to solve this problem.(研究人员正在寻找解决这个问题的办法。
)修正:Researchers have found ways to solve this problem.三、虚词错误虚词在句子中不起实质性意义,但在语法上起到连接意义。
1. 介词错误:错误:He is interested on the topic.(他对这个话题很感兴趣。
)修正:He is interested in the topic.2. 连词错误:错误:She is both talented but hardworking.(她既有天赋又很勤奋。
)修正:She is both talented and hardworking.3. 副词错误:错误:The experiment was very successful surprisingly.(这个实验出奇的成功。
不强调否定:The performance or the durabil changed.
强调否定:Neither the performance nor the durability of the engine has been changed.
不好:I thought the reason was that I was not fluent in German.
较好:I thought this was because I was not fluent in German.
不好:The reason for the engineers to choose this software was that they wanted fast computation.
较好:Statistics from the Ministry of Education of China have shown that, by 2016, the Internet access rate of elementary and high schools in China had reached 87%.
这类问题涉及以“Only after”、“Only if”、“Only in this way”等开头的句子。
错误:Only by changing the work condition, it is possible for them to finish the project.
Unclear Pronoun Reference
• All pronouns must refer clearly to definite nouns. Be careful with "It", "They", "That", "These", "Those" and "Which"
• Wrong = Because Tom is less interested in the environment than in economic development, he sometimes neglects it.
– Examples: He accepted the gift. (He received it.) – He excepted the twins. (He did not include them.) – Everyone except Bill. (All but Bill.)
i.e. vs e.g.
Misplaceifiers near the words they describe and be sure the modified words actually appear in the sentence
– Wrong = Many tourists visit Arlington Cementary, where military personnel are buried every day from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm.
– Right = Scientists report no human deaths due to excessive caffeine consumption, although caffeine does cause convulsions and death in certain animals.
以下是一些常见的名词与动词一致性错误:1. 不一致的人称代词:例句:Each of the students have to submit their assignments.纠正:Each of the students has to submit his or her assignment.2. 错误的主谓一致:例句:The results of the experiment was surprising.纠正:The results of the experiment were surprising.二、主谓一致性错误主谓一致性错误是指主语与谓语动词之间不一致的问题。
以下是一些常见的主谓一致性错误:1. 不一致的单复数形式:例句:The data shows that the theory are incorrect.纠正:The data shows that the theory is incorrect.2. 错误的主谓一致:例句:One of the solutions to the problem are effective.纠正:One of the solutions to the problem is effective.三、介词错误在论文写作中,介词的使用往往容易出错。
以下是一些常见的介词错误:1. 不正确的介词使用:例句:The research was conducted in the University of Oxford.纠正:The research was conducted at the University of Oxford.2. 介词短语的位置错误:例句:The results were obtained by using a new method with.纠正:The results were obtained by using a new method.四、句子结构和逻辑错误句子结构和逻辑错误会导致读者难以理解句子的意思。
一、冠词误用1. 不加冠词:有些作者在描述一般概念或抽象名词时忘记加上冠词。
例如,"We conducted experiment"应该写为"We conducted an experiment"。
2. 加错冠词:有些作者在描述单数可数名词时加错冠词。
例如,"A researcher conducted a experiment"应该写为"A researcher conducted an experiment",因为以元音开头的单词前应加上"an"而不是"a"。
二、主谓一致错误1. 复数动词与单数主语:有些作者在使用复数动词时,却将其与单数主语搭配。
例如,"The results of the experiment was unexpected"应该写为"The results of the experiment were unexpected"。
2. 单数动词与复数主语:有些作者在使用单数动词时,却将其与复数主语搭配。
例如,"Half of the participants has completed the survey"应该写为"Half of the participants have completed the survey"。
例如:例句1:All the students are very happy.(错误)修正:All the students are very happy.(正确)2.动词时态错误动词时态错误也是英文写作中常见的语法错误之一。
例如:例句2:I will visit my grandparents tomorrow.(错误)修正:I will visit my grandparents tomorrow.(正确)3.介词使用不当介词使用不当也是英文写作中常见的语法错误之一。
例如:例句3:I like to read books in my room.(错误)修正:I like to read books in my bedroom.(正确)4.冠词错误冠词错误也是英文写作中常见的语法错误之一。
例如:例句4:The book is on the table.(正确)例句5:The book is on the table and I like it very much.(错误)修正:On the table I found a book and I like it very much.(正确)二、解决方法1.多读多背多读多背是提高英文写作水平的基础方法之一。
学术英语 常见写作错误
![学术英语 常见写作错误](
常见写作错误一、主语错误1. 主语缺失1)In our country feels very free.People feel free in our country.2)In my hometown aren’t very busy.People in my hometown are very busy.2. 非名词主语1)Rich doesn’t ensure a happy life.Being rich doesn’t mean a happy life. / Wealth doesn’t ensure a happy life.2)Keep two full-time jobs is simply impossible.Keeping two full-time jobs is simply impossible.3. 主谓错位1)Reading books can acquire knowledge.People can acquire knowledge from books.2)Now people’s lives can’t leave TV.Now people can’t do without TV.二、谓语错误1. 多重谓语1)In our modern society, there are many examples around us show that many people are cheated.In our modern society, many examples around us show that many people are cheated. / A large number of people have fallen victim to various tricks.2)Poverty makes many people can’t study abroad.Poverty makes many people unable to study abroad. / Poverty makes it impossible for many people to study abroad. / Poverty prevents many people from studying abroad. / Many people can’t study abroad because of poverty.2. 非动词谓语1)Some people firmly agree, but others against it.Some people firmly agree, but others are against it.2)It is said that the place worths touring.It is said that the place is worth touring.3. 主谓不一致1)I have to visit the teacher who teach me College English.I have to visit the teacher who teaches me College English.2)I use a disk because it hold plenty of data.I use a disk because it holds plenty of data..4. 误用词组1)They insist on post-graduate study is very important for them.They insist that post-graduate study is very important for them.2)I am afraid of that it’s going to rain.I am afraid that it’s going to rain.三、冠词错误1)In my opinion, the future of bicycle is very promising.In my opinion, the future of the bicycle is very promising.2) They suggest that we should choose only the good books to read and never touch the bad ones.They suggest that we should choose only good books to read and never touch bad ones.四、代词错误1. 偷梁换柱1)An important thing for the student to remember is that when writing a paper, you should not plagiarize.An important thing for the student to remember is that when writing a paper, he should not plagiarize.2)If we cheat others, friends will never believe you and they will leave you alone.If we cheat others, friends will never believe us and they will leave us along. / If you cheat others, friends will never believe you and they will leave you alone.2. 指代不明1)He gave a reason for not attending the meeting, which nobody believed.He gave a reason, which nobody believed, for not attending the meeting. / He gave a reason for not attending the meeting, a reason which nobody believed.2)Sometimes teachers have to inform the students of the heavy burden they have to bear.Sometimes teachers have to inform the students of the heavy burden students have to bear.五、形容词、副词错误1)What is more, the change of the weather will make the place look differently.What is more, the change of the weather will make the place look different.2)Surprising enough, he faces the failure very bravely.Surprisingly enough, he faces the failure very bravely.六、分词误用1) Comparing with other countries, China pays little attention to the energy problem.Compared with other countries, China pays little attention to the energy problem.2) Those spirits were just like an indispensable part of the whole picture when viewing through my camera.Those spirits were just like an indispensable part of the whole picture when viewed through my camera.七、修饰语误置1) Spoken English is an important part for learning English people.Spoken English is an important part for people learning English.2)To keep the air clean, we must move the factories which give off poisonous gases to the countryside.To keep the air clean, we must move to the countryside the factories which give off poisonous gases to the countryside.八、垂悬修饰语1) Having carried out economic reforms in our country, people’s living standard has been greatly improved.Having carried out economic reforms in our country, people have greatly improved their living standard.2)To tell my friend the good news, the letter was posted at once.To tell my friend the good news, I posted the letter at once.九、平行错误1) While we reduce the number of vehicles, the speed of traffic can be increased.While we reduce the number of vehicles, we can increase the speed of traffic.2) Before I selected the new course, my teacher warned me of the difficulty of the course and how long it lasted.Before I selected the new course, my teacher warned me of the difficulty and length of the course. / Before I selected the new course, my teacher warned me how difficult the course was and how long it lasted.十、搭配错误1) In the past the price of meat was so expensive that most families could not afford it.In the past the price of meat was so high that most families could not afford it.2) Crowded traffic in some large cities is a big problem for city dwellers.Heavy traffic in some large cities is a big problem for city dwellers.十一、破句1) Nowadays, if you want to find a job. Then you must pass the job interview.Nowadays, if you want to find a job, you must pass the job interview.2) First you should show good manners. Because the first impression you leave on others is important.First you should show good manners, because the first impression you leave on others is important。
SCI写作常见的语法问题1.主语和谓语的单数和复数要一致例:A high percentage of peptides that are made of amino acids are present in the sample. 句中A high percentage才是真正主语,所以谓语用单数is注意:集合名词当整体用时谓语用单数,每个成员当个体时谓语用复数。
例1 : The number of mice was increased.例2 : A number of mice have died.例3 : All of the samples were analyzed例4 : All of the safety procedure was followed注意:代词none既可以是单数也可以是复数,none后面的词是单数,用单数;后面的词是复数,用复数。
例1 : None of the information was usefu.例1 : None of the animals have died.注意:描述数量/质量/体积/时间等词用单数,但分次添加或减少时用复数。
例:1.5 mL was added/10 g was added/5 g were added ste-pwise.2.修饰语同主语名词关系上要一致用动名词/分词短语/不定式短语做修饰语时,修饰语中的动词要同主句中的主语关系上要一致。
例(动名词):After finished the purification, the activity of the isolated compound was then studied. finishing形式主语是We或者I,主句主语是activity,不一致。
应改为:After the purification was finished, the activity of the isolated compound was then studied.或者:After finished the purification, we studied the activity of the isolated compound.例(分词短语):The iron concentration was determined using the Fenton reaction method.iron concentration 和using the Fenton reaction method 关系不一致因该把using改为by。
但在动词的使用上,医学英语更多地强调用规范的书面语动词来代替口语中的短语动词,如:用evaporate而不用to turn …into vapor;用discover而不用to find out;用absorb而不用to take in等等。
例:The objective of the study was to obtain the gene of human Aromatic amino aciddecarboxylase(AADC)needed (比which is need要好)in gene therapy for Parkinson’s disease.本研究目的在于获得帕金森病基因治疗中所需的人芳香族氦基酸脱羧酶(AADC)的基因。
例:Transcription to mRNA is a process very similar to DNA replication and may use some of the same enzymes.信使RNA的转译过程与DNA的复制过程非常相似,它可能需要一一些同种类的酶的参与。
(句子中DNA是Deoxyribonucleic acid的缩写词,同时又作为名词修饰replication)医学论文属于较为正规的文体,所以用词的正确性和准确性就显得十分重要。
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Accept or Except ?
• Accept means "to receive." • Except is usually a preposition meaning "but" or "leaving out." Except can also be a verb meaning "to leave out." • As verbs, accept and except are nearly antonyms, so the difference is important!
• "Between" is used with "and" and "From" is used with "to". • Never use "to" with "between".
– Incorrect: We shuttled between New York to Chicago. – Correct: We shuttled between New York and Chicago. – Correct: We shuttled from New York to Chicago.
• i.e. is a way of saying "in other words"
• e.g. is a way of saying "for example"
There, Their and The're
• There = a position. There it is. Can also be a pronoun = There is a likelihood of success. • Their = belonging to. Their hands are cold • The're = They are. The're over here.
– Right = The candidate's goals include winning the election, enacting a national health program and improving the educational system
Unclear Pronoun ReferБайду номын сангаасnce
Sentence Fragments
• Make sure that each word group that you have punctuated as a sentence contains a grammatically complete and independent thought that will stand alone as a sentence.
– a once-happy lover (w sound) – a universal problem (y sound)
• Vowel Sound: an honest man (no h sound)
– an only child (o sound) – an unusual insect (u sound)
• In a list of treatments, use "or" rather than "and"
– Wrong = After incubation over night, cells were treated with 0, 2.5, 5. 7.5 and 10 uM of DN6-3 for 12 h. – Right = After incubation overnight, cells were treated with 0, 2.5, 5. 7.5 or 10 uM of DN6-3 for 12 h.
– Wrong = Scientists report no human deaths due to excessive caffeine consumption. Although caffeine does cause convulsions and death in certain animals. – Right = Scientists report no human deaths due to excessive caffeine consumption, although caffeine does cause convulsions and death in certain animals.
Its or It's? • Its is the possessive pronoun; it modifies a noun. • It's is a contraction of "it is" or "it has".
– Incorrect: The mother cat carried it's kitten in it's mouth. (Possessive pronoun, no apostrophe) – Correct: The mother cat carried its kitten in its mouth. – Correct: I think it's going to rain today. (Contraction of it is)
Dangling Participle
• Occurs when a phrase is not intended to modify what follows next in the sentence
– Wrong = After rotting in the cellar for weeks, my brother broght up some oranges – Right = My brother broght up some oranges which had been rotting in the cellar for weeks,
• All pronouns must refer clearly to definite nouns. Be careful with "It", "They", "That", "These", "Those" and "Which" • Wrong = Because Tom is less interested in the environment than in economic development, he sometimes neglects it.
Faulty Parallelism
• Be sure to use grammatically equal sentence elements to express thoughts or when matching ideas or items in a series
– Wrong = The candidate's goals include winning the election, a national health program and the educational system
– Examples: He accepted the gift. (He received it.) – He excepted the twins. (He did not include them.) – Everyone except Bill. (All but Bill.)
i.e. vs e.g.
"Compared to" or "compared with"?
• Always compare with never compare to!!!!
• Wrong = Compared to the control • Right = Compared with the control
"And" / "or"
• To test which to use, say the sentence with the words "it is" in it. If that sounds strange, then "its" is likely the better choice
Misconnecting verb s
– He had a small amount of solution left. – He had a small number of tubes left.
Use of "because" after "the reason"
• Do not use "because" after the words "the reason". Use "the reason" plus "that", or else rewrite the sentence. • The word "because" starts adverb clauses, but the noun "reason" needs an adjective modifier. The word "that" introduces adjective clauses which modify nouns.