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下面是为大家整理的职业规划英语精选 (thousand) rate(%) 1140 340 2982


xx xx xx xx


2120 2800 3380 4130


520 690 790 1010


2453 2463 2337 2457


Career is one of the best ways to achieve the value of life

Then choose yourself is that almost escape this a career suit so necessary anybody can not destiny But according to our country’s employment situation , we should do something to adapt to it Contents

Major Goals Personal situation Future plan Measures

Zhang Yuntian

Major Marxs Philosophy Ability required A comprehensive and systematic grasp of the Marx philosophy basic theory and professional knowledge; Having the discipline,professional teaching and scientific research ability

Professional advantage

A philosophy student employment advantage, has a very wide knowledge, and a strong ability to adapt,has the very high political quality


a qualified civil servants

Personal situation

Strong analytical and comprehensive quality not with the civil service examination system the lack of work experience

Future plan

2 years later was admitted to the civil service 4 years later to make achievements in their own positions 6 years later for the platform in a bigger space, to serve the people

Measures Cultivate my thinking ability, creative ability,learning ability,deeply study the

specialized knowledge, highlight the advantages of my own

My Dream

Hao Ying

To be a good te a c h e r H a v e a lo t o f frie n d s T ra v e l a ro u n d th e w o rld M a k e a lo t o f m oney

A fte r I to te a c h th e g ra d u a te d , p o litic a l fo r m ay be I th e w ill w e n t to fre s h m e n a c o lle g e o r th e to b e a s o p h o m o re te a c h e r


Requirements for Graduated

P u b lis h tw o a rtic le s o n th e D p u b lic a tio n s E n o u g h c re d its N o s ig n ific a n t v io la tio n s

I’m a graduate I w o u ld lik e to try m y student in the firs t g ra d e , b e s t to in th e n e x t a c h ie v e tw o y e a rs , th e re q u ire m e n ts o f m y m a jo r



Zhou Chao

Although my major is Marxist

philosophy, but now my main research direction is the western Marxism, just like Jean Paul Sartre So,after I graduate, I want to go to Germany or France to work for my PhD


First, philosophy research is the traditional in Europe Therefore, Purely theoretical study might have a better environment there

Secondly,my interest is also the western philosophy, such as Martin Heidegger So, if I want to know what they thought at beginning and achieve a good progress, it would be better to



Where would you like to be in 5 years?
