
广东粤人版六年级上册单词默写版Unit 1 Feeling Sick1.头痛2.牙痛3.感冒4.发烧5.肚子痛6.吃药7.看牙医8.躺在床上9.受伤10.护士11.紫色12.转弯13.星期四14.钱包15.应该16.小心17.下一次18.挖19.水井20.他们21.担心22.别担心23.容易的Unit 2 Looking for a Hospital1.向左转2.向右转3.直走4.在…对面5.街道6.拐弯7.交通灯8.公交站9.马10.短的11.早上12.运动13.四十14.找到15.穿过16.汉堡包17.请18.打扰了Unit 3 Staying Healthy1.足够的2.大量的3.健康的4.巧克力5.不够的6.太多10.做大量的运动11.头12.面包13.天气14.重的15.毛衣16.奶酪17.果冻18.所有的19.不是这样的20.很多的21.讨厌22.从现在开始23.仅仅24.可乐25.其他的26.水Unit 4 Keeping Clean1.温暖的2.潮湿的3.干净的4.整洁的5.凉爽的6.干燥的7.脏的8.凌乱的9.这个10.那个11.妈妈12.这些13.那些14.爸爸15.垃圾16.博物馆17.昨天Unit 5 A Circus in the Park1.好的2.美味的3.下雪的4.辣的5.坏的6.难吃的7.泰国8.加拿大9.煮饭10.脚11.看12.书本13.木头14.食物15.马戏团16.星期17.月Unit 6 Planting Trees1.种植2.观看3.洗4.煮饭5.听6.帮助7.画画8.打电话9.走路10.打扫12.关13.做14.树15.植树节16.上一个17.年广东粤人版六年级上册单词答案版Unit 1 Feeling Sick1.头痛have a headache2.牙痛have a toothache3.感冒have a cold4.发烧have a fever5.肚子痛have a stomachache6.吃药take some medicine7.看牙医see a dentist8.躺在床上stay in bed9.受伤hurt10.护士nurse 11.紫色purple 12.转弯turn 13.星期四Thursday 14.钱包purse 15.应该should16.小心be careful 17.下一次next time 18.挖dig19.水井well 20.他们them 21.担心worry22.别担心Don’t worry 23.容易的easyUnit 2 Looking for a Hospital2.向左转turn left 2.向右转turn right3.直走go straight 5.在…对面across from 5.街道street 6.拐弯corner8.交通灯traffic light 8.公交站bus stop 9.马horse11.短的short 11.早上morning 12.运动sport 14.四十forty 14.找到find 15.穿过cross 17.汉堡包hamburger 17.请please 18.打扰了Excuse meUnit 3 Staying Healthy2.足够的enough 2.大量的plenty of3.健康的healthy4.巧克力chocolate5.不够的not enough6.太多too much10.做大量的运动get plenty of exercise 11.头head 12.面包bread 13.天气weather 14.重的heavy 15.毛衣sweater 16.奶酪cheese 17.果冻jelly 18.所有的all19.不是这样的Not really 20.很多的a lot of 21.讨厌yuck 22.从现在开始from now on 23.仅仅only 24.可乐cola 25.其他的else 26.水waterUnit 4 Keeping Clean2.温暖的warm 2.潮湿的wet3.干净的clean4.整洁的tidy5.凉爽的cool6.干燥的dry7.脏的drity 8.凌乱的messy 9.这个this10.那个that 11.妈妈mother 12.这些these 13.那些those 14.爸爸father 15.垃圾trash 16.博物馆museum 17.昨天yesterdayUnit 5 A Circus in the Park2.好的good 2.美味的tasty3.下雪的snowy4.辣的spicy5.坏的bad6.难吃的yucky7.泰国Thailand8.加拿大Canada9.煮饭cook 10.脚foot 11.看look 12.书本book 13.木头wood 14.食物food 15.马戏团circus 16.星期week 17.月monthUnit 6 Planting Trees1.种植plant\planted2.观看watch\watched3.洗wash\washed4.煮饭cook\cooked5.听listen\listened6.帮助help\helped7.画画paint\painted8.打电话call\called9.走路walked10.打扫cleaned 12.关closed 13.做did 14.树tree 15.植树节Tree Planting Day 16.上一个next 17.年year。

广州版小学英语《SuccessWithEnglish》教材内容提要第一部分:句型、语法肯定句否定句一般疑问句一般现在Iam⋯Iamnot⋯AmI⋯?We/You/They We/You/They Arewe/you/theyare⋯aren’t⋯⋯?He/She/Itis⋯He/She/Itisn ’tIs⋯he/she/it ⋯?一般将来Iwillbe(am Iwon’tbe Will/Shallwe/I ⋯?goingto (amnotgoing AmIgoingtobebe)⋯tobe)⋯⋯?We/You/Theywill We/You/They Willyou/we/they/be(aregoingto won’tbe he/she/it⋯?be)⋯(aren’tgoing Willyou/we/theyHe/She/Itwillbe tobe) ⋯be⋯?(isgoingto He/She/Itwon’t Arewe/they/youBe)⋯be(isn ’tgoing goingtobe ⋯?tobe) ⋯Ishe/she/itgoingtobe?一般过去I/He/She/Itwas ⋯I/He/She/Itwasn ’t WasI/he/she/it ⋯?We/You/They ⋯Werewe/you/theywere⋯We/You/They ⋯?weren’t⋯Therebe:肯定句否定句一般疑问句一般现在Thereis/are⋯Thereisn ’t/aren ’Is/Aret...there⋯?一般将来Thereis/aregoing Thereisn ’t/aren Will’t therebe ⋯?tobe⋯goingtobe⋯AretheregoingtoTherewillbe ⋯Therewon’tbe⋯⋯?一般过去Iwas⋯I/He/She/Itwasn ’t Was/Werethere⋯?We/You/They ⋯were⋯We/You/TheyHe/She/Itwas ⋯weren’t⋯Todo(行为动词以work为例)一般现在I/We/You/TheyI/We/You/Theydon’t DoI/you/we/theywork⋯work⋯work⋯?He/She/Itworks⋯He/She/Itdoesn’t Doeshe/she/itwork⋯work⋯?现在进行时Iamworking⋯Iamnotworking AmIworking⋯?1We/You/Theyare ⋯Areyou/we/theyworking⋯We/You/Theyaren’t working⋯?He/She/Itis working⋯Ishe/she/itWorking⋯He/She/Itisn ’t working⋯?working⋯一般将来I/We/You/He/She/It I/We/You/He/She/It/They WillI/we/you//Theywillwork won’twork ⋯they/he/she/it⋯I’mnotgoingtowork ⋯work⋯?I’mgoingtowork We/You/Theyaren’t AmIgoingto⋯goingtowork ⋯work⋯?We/You/Theyare He/She/Itisn ’tgoingtoAreyou/we/theygoingtowork ⋯work⋯goingtoworkHe/She/Itisgoing ⋯?towork⋯Ishe/shegoingtowork⋯?一般过去I/We/You/They/He/ I/We/You/They/He/ DidI/we/you/they/She/Itworked ⋯She/Itdidn ’twork ⋯/he/she/itwork⋯?1.读下面的特殊疑问式的句子,你能总结一些特殊疑问句的构成的规律吗?I.Wholivesthere.Whoissingingintheroom?Whowasathomeyesterday?II.Whatdoeshedo?Whatishedoing?Whatdidtheydo?Whendoesheusuallygetup?Whendidshehavedinneryesterday?Whereishenow?Wherearetheyplantingtrees?Wheredidtheyplayfootball?Howisyourmother?Howishecoming?Howdidtheygetthere?Whydoeshegothere?Whydidshegothere?III.Whosebookisthis?Whoseparentsarecominghere?Whichbookisyours?Whichpresentsdidhegiveyou?22.关于形容词、副词的比较级和最高级(1)你知道形容词、副词的比较级和最高级构成的一些规律吗?A.一般情况下加-er,-est:long–longer,longest;small–smaller,smallestB.重读闭音节,双写最后一个字母再加-er,-est:big–bigger,biggest; hot–hotter,hottestC.辅音字母加y,改作后一个字母y为i再加-er,-est:funny–funnier,funniest, lucky–luckier,luckiestD.部分双音节和多音节词,加more,most:slowly–moreslowly,mostslowly; moredelicious,mostdeliciousE.不规则变化:good–better,best; bad–worse,worst(2)你知道形容词、副词的比较级和最高级句子的构成吗?A.Thisbookisnewerthanthatone.TheEnglishbookisthenewestofthethree.MikerunsfasterthanJohn.Mikerunsfastestinhisclass.B.Thisflowerismorebeautifulthanthatone.Thistreeistheoldestinthepark.Thegirlisswimmingbetterthanthegirl.Jimswimsbestinhisgroup.C.Snakesaremoredangerousthanfrogs.Themeetingisthemostimportant.Theoldmanwalksmoreslowlytheyoungman.Katejumpshighestinherclass.D.TimhasmorebooksthanJim.Timhasthemoststampsinhisclass.3.关于代词some-,any-,no-,every-:(1)some-多用在肯定句表示请求得到某些东西的句子:Someonewillcomehere.Wouldyoulikesomethingtoeat.(2)any-多用于疑问句或否定句:Isthereanythinginthebox?Wedon’twanttoseeanyoneofthem?(3)no-是事实的否定:Thereisnothingintheroom.Nobodycandothat.(4)代词some-,any-,no-,every-语法上看成是第三人称单数:Thereissomethinginthebottle.Everyonelikesit.3表1:小学教材各话题板块涉及的主要内容话题板主要涉主要涉及单词快及模块数字、B1M6 基数、序数、星期、数量、B3M5-6 日期、月份、季节、时间、B5M1 年份、钟点的表达、日期计量单位等购物B3M1 money,change,shopB4M4 assistant,vendor人物:年B1M2 表男女老少的类别龄、体貌B2M3 名、身体部位名、服衣着、性B3M1-4 饰名、体质与外貌形格、职业、B4M1-2 容词、性格形容词、爱好与特B5M2 职业、表特长爱好的长、理想、B8M3 动词生平B8M5学校生B4M3 科目名、作息动词、活:课B5M1 运动、娱乐动词程、作B6M1息、课B6M3外活动家庭生B2M1 家庭成员名、职业名、活:家B3M6 爱好特长动词、娱乐庭成员B4M4 形式名词及动词、家及其职B5M1 务动词、频度副词业与爱好、家务与休闲食品B4M4 食品名、三餐名、进B6M5 食动词生活习B6M2 描述体质的形容词、惯与健B6M5 描述身体感觉的形容康词、生活习惯的动词、主要涉及语法、功能等名词复数;Howmany/Howheavy/Howlong/Whattime/When 等引导的疑问句和回答等;时间、星期、日期的询问与表达;招呼与应答;表达要买某种商品或询问是否有某种商品;对商品的评论;询问价格;询问是否还需其他商品及应答;找零描述体质外貌的各种句式:be+adj,has/have+n,with+n,in+n 的用法表示爱好与特长的句式: likesth/doingsth,begood/badat⋯,do(es)⋯well;描述爱好与行为习惯等的一般现在时:Hereadsalot.HewatchesTVveryoften等;表示职业、愿望的句式:be+jobs;Iwanttobea⋯whenIgrowup.IhopeIcan⋯叙述生平的句式:beborn⋯一般现在时的各种句式一般现在时的各种句式;询问与表达频度;谈论对娱乐节目的爱好;评论娱乐节目三餐时间;谈论饮食习惯;对饮食的偏好与评论;待客用语及应答描述身体感觉和状况看病用语情态动词 should的用法祈使句4(电B7M3-4话)邀约与聚会动物、B1M2 植物B2M2B5M2-3B5M5B6M4 天气与B6M1 季节B6M6节假B1M5 日、旅B5M4行、城B7M1-2市、计B7M6划与建B7M3-4议地点、B2M4-6方位与B5M6 方向变化:B6M3 人的变B8M1 化、地方的变化过去的B7M5事情B8M2-4邀请与应答电话用语商量聚/约会时间、地点、交通方式等动植物名、动物行为描述动物外貌和习性的一般现在时方式动词、公园行为祈使句动词、描述动作的副规则的表达(can,need,must,mustn’t)词天气形容词、气象名询问与描述天气词、季节性娱乐和体比较天气育活动动词谈论对季节的偏好节假日名、交通方式询问计划和称述计划名、国家与城市名、各种提建议的句式描述城市的形容词、描述和比较城市休闲娱乐动词描述传统节日房间名、家具名、场描述位置关系所名、学校场室名、问路和指路方位介词、描述场室描述场室的形容词动词的过去式描述体貌性格、职业身份、行为习惯、能力、场所处室、天气等各种变化动词的过去式讲述过去的事情故事中的词组描述人物的生平讲述故事表2:小学教材话题分配Module Book1Book2Book3Book4Book5Book6Book7Book81 GreetingsRelationships Clothes Age Routines OurLifePlansChanges√/Shopping √And√√√√Dates√2 MyBody Animals People Activities AbilitiesSeeing aCitiesDiaries√√√/Hobbies√√Doctor√√√3 StationeryNationalitiesOccupations Sports Plants Our an Famous√√√School Invitation People √√and Our5Class √4 Colours MyRoom PeopleWho Entertainment TravelWildOnthe Stories √ HelpUs √√ Animals telephon e and√√Fables√√5 Transport MyHouseTime Foodand Zoo Eating ThePast Hopes√ √ √ Drink Animals Habits √and √ √Fantasi es √ √6 Numbers MySchool DaysOfThe Shoppin g Directio ns Weather Festivals andShapes √ Week √ √ √ √√ √表3:小学教材动词分类日常作息:wakeupgetupgetdressedwashtheface brush theteeth have breakfastgo to school goto workhave lessons havelunchtakearest play sport s takeexercises go(back)homehavedinnerdohomework haveabathgotobedsleepeatdrinkcook娱乐休闲:haveapartyhaveapicnic dosomereading doshoppinggoshopping goboatinggoswimming gosightseein ggofishinggotravelinggoonarivercruise gotothecircus goto theflower show goto th e cinema gotoa footbal l matchwatch afootball matchonTVcome to tea seea filmwatch thebirds listen to music / theradiowatch TV climbthemountain playcards e-mailafriendwritealettervisitafriend/Beijingmeetafriend爱好与特长: singdrawpaintplaythepiano/theguitar dowellin ⋯makeashipmodelplaycardsplaychess体育运动: runswimskiprope swim play basketball playfootball playtabletennisplaytennisplaybadmintondoweight-lifting家务:watertheflowersdogardeningplanttrees/flowerscleanthehousesweepthefloor washthedishes cook washthecar washclothes feedthepet学习:read listen speak write study learn practice hand inthehomework borrowabook returnabook catchupwithteach markthehomework preparethelessons tellastory6心理和情感活动:want love enjoy like dislike love prefer hope wish agreewith think dream feelsad/happy/excited/boredworry身体健康:takeexercise seeadoctorhaveacold/fever/toothache/headacheeat drink takethemedicine goonadiet feeltired/hot/cold/ill/sick感官动词:listento hear lookat see watchfeelhot/cold/tired soundinteresting/different/greatlookyoung/tall/beautiful/fresh/good种植活动:grow/plantatree grow/plantflowers watertheflowers digahole fillintheearth pickupthefruit appear位置移动:leave leavefor startfor move bring take climb run walk swim jump fly sitdown standup throw⋯at⋯travel go comegetto⋯getoutof⋯getdown fall fallover与职业有关的动词:work putoutfires cleanupeverythingdeliverletterscatchcriminals servefoodanddrinks helpinashopdriveataxi/anambulance checkyourteeth helpustolearnhelpsickpeople与“说”有关的动词:say speak talk tell与“看”有关的动作:look lookat lookfor watch see其它动词:last begin start end finish bite blow blow outbuy call carry catch change check close open countcostcover crash cut decorate free changegive grow /grow uphelpinvite getwet kill keep look for make need put onputout show turn waitfor runinto crashinto weighhavehavearest haveabath haveacold haveagoodtime havebeento⋯havealook havefun havetotaketakeamessage takearest takemedicine takeexercise takephotos takeabus takemetotheflowershow takethethirdleft I’lltakeit.WORD格式playplay computergames play cards playbasketball playmusicalinstruments playthepiano7专业资料整理。

广州版六年级英语上册复习资料❖Shall +动词原形(用来提建议,意思是“做…怎么样?”❖例如:Shall we go shopping now?我们现在去购物怎么样?❖be(am,is are)going to+动词原形=will+动词原形❖例如:He is going to see a film with his friends.❖=He will see a film with his friends.❖have been to 已到过(注意主语是三人称单数时have要变成has)❖例如:He has been to Beijing many times.❖ 4.want to do (不定式)❖例如:I want to watch TV now.❖He wants to watch TV now.❖ 6.a lot of 许多=lots of(用来修饰可数名词和不可数名词)❖There ate a lot of trees on the hill.❖7.play football踢足球play basketball打篮球(中间不需要加任何的冠词)❖Would like to do愿意做….想要做….❖Eg:I would like to go fishing this weekend.❖why don’t 为什么不…(后面加动词原形)❖Eg:Why dom’t you go with us?❖like doing sth 喜欢做….❖Eg:I like going swimming in summer❖Had better do 最好做…❖Had better not do 最好不要做…❖Eg:You had better ask your parents first.❖You had better not talk in class.❖各类疑问词的用法:❖When问时间,how 问方式,where 问地点,what问具体的内容是什么Why 问原因❖What’s the capital of China?中国的首都是哪里?❖The capital of China is Beijing.中国的首都是北京。

包括家庭成员(family members)、交通工具(means of transportation)、食物(food)、学科(subjects)等等。
例如:当我们在描述家庭成员时,我们可以使用以下词汇:1. 爸爸 - dad2. 妈妈 - mom3. 儿子 - son4. 女儿 - daughter5. 姐姐 - sister6. 弟弟 - brother7. 祖父 - grandfather8. 祖母 - grandmother二、语法知识在六年级上册英语广东地区的语法知识中,学生需要掌握一些基础的句式结构和时态用法。
以下是一些常见的语法知识点:1. 一般现在时 - Simple Present Tense一般现在时用于描述经常、习惯性或真实存在的动作或状态。
例如:- I eat breakfast every morning.(我每天早上吃早餐。
)- They live in Guangzhou.(他们住在广州。
)2. 问句和陈述句的转换在六年级上册英语学习中,学生需要学会将陈述句转换成问句,以此提高他们的口语表达能力。
例如:- You like ice cream.(陈述句)- Do you like ice cream?(问句)三、阅读理解阅读理解在英语学习中占据着重要的位置。

[解析] 文段的前半部分是说对先秦诸子的划分有“六 家”“十家”,“杨朱与老子、庄子不同,其观点立场更不 一样,不宜列入道家,应是独立的一家”,由此可以判断① 处应是后一部分领起句,应填写对这种划分法并不敢苟同之 类的内容;根据文段末尾一句,可以判定②处亦为领起句, 应填同一流派中有继承更有发展之类的内容。
[例 2] 根据下面的文字,补写后面总括性的句子,每句 补写部分不超过 15 个字。
关于低碳经济的解释较多,例如:“低碳经济是以低能耗、 低污染、低排放为基础的经济模式”“低碳经济就是能源高效 利用、清洁能源开发、追求绿色 GDP”,“低碳经济是通过 技术创新、制度创新、产业转型、新能源开发等多种手段,达 到经济社会发展与生态环境保护双赢的一种经济发展形 态”“低碳经济是能源技术和减排技术创新、产业结构和制度 创新,以及人类生存发展观念的根本性转变”。在低碳经济的 背景下,“低碳技术”“低碳发展”“低碳生活方式”“低碳 社会”“低碳观念”等一系列新概念应运而生。
[典例] (2016·全国丙卷) 在下面一段文字横线处补写恰当的语句,使整段文字语意完整连 贯,内容贴切,逻辑严密。每处不超过 10 个字。 自第一颗人造地球卫星进入太空以来,除了载人航天飞行器会回 收之外,其他上天的人造物体陆续被遗弃在太空中, ① 。太空垃 圾已经威胁到人类的航天活动。比如厄瓜多尔的一颗卫星升空后不到 一个月,就与太空中的火箭残骸相撞而报废。这种威胁不仅仅发生在 太空,甚至地球上的人类生活也会 ② 。因此, ③ ,应是人类 接下来要解决的一个重要课题。
[参考答案] ①没有约定俗成的定义 ②广泛的产业领域 和管理领域
(二)阐述转换句的定位补写 阐述转换句多出现在同一个句子的上半句或下半句中, 通常是并列关系复句的另一半,条件关系复句的“条件”或 “结果”等。补写时或合理推出语段未有的新内容,或根据 上下文推出已有的内容。阐述句的补写在语句补写题中有上 升趋势,在复习中应引起关注。

广州教科版六年级上册英语复习整理M1 Country life(一)1.村 country2.田 field3.摘 pick4.草 grass5.give6.奶牛;母牛cow7.羊sheep8.其他的other9.极少few10.江;河river11.祖父母grandparent12.奶milk13.ride14.花take15.仍然still16.空气air(二)短1.几个 a few +可数名2.帮助⋯做help⋯ With ⋯3.喂物feed the animals4.摘一些苹果pick some apples5.种花grow flowers6.植plant trees7.自行ride bike8.多plenty of(三)句型1.you can (原形)if you want.2.There is\are + 名3. ⋯ because ⋯M2 City life(一)1.城市city2.学生student3.安静的quiet4.便宜的cheap5.代化的modern6.嘈的noisy7.的wide8.的crowded9.舒服的10. 的 ,大量的 heavy11. 慢 ,慢 slow12. 明信片 postcard13. 的 dirty14. 害怕 afraid15. 因 because16. 出售 sell17. 村 countryside18. 院 theatre(二)短1. 不同于⋯ be different to2. 害怕 be afraid3. 整天 all day(三)句型1.Where are you from?I’m from⋯⋯2.What ’s New York like?It is ⋯⋯3.It’s very different to our home on the farm4.I am afraid to go outside.5.There is much more to do in the city than in the country.6.I can’twait to get back home.M3 Health(一)1.健康healthy2.事情matter3.病的ill4.胃疼stomachache5.牙疼toothache6.疼headache7.fever8.听到hear9.medicine10. 刷 brush11. 两次 twice12. 断了的 broken13. 手指 finger14. 休息 rest15. 秘密 secret16. 的 simple17. 最少 least18. 少的 less19. 最后的 finally20. 食 diet21. 多油的 oily22. 微笑 smile23. 甚至 even(二)短1.check-up2.服take medicine3.休息take a rest4.感冒have a cold5.一天三次three times a day6.持一周for one week7.至少at least8.食on a diet(三)句型1.What ’s the matter?What ’s the matter with you?I feel ill\bad.I feel better.2.I’m sorry to hear that.3.He gave me a check-up.4.I think you ’ll be well soon.5.Keep a good diet6.Eat more vegetables and less meat.7.To be happy.M4 Past experiences(一)1.昨天yesterday2.生气的angry3.可怜的poor4.最近的 ,上一个last5.年 year6.日diary7.后来later 8.直到until9.更好better10.惊的surprised(二)短1.一点都不no/not at all2.一点 a little3.去物go shopping4.待家里stay at home5.看影see a film6.上周末last weekend7.去旅游go on a trip8.关于talk about9.照相take a photo(三)句型1.What did you do?2.Where did you go?3.It was no fun at all.M5 Changes(一)1.有礼貌的polite2.肥胖的fat3.哭 cry4.⋯之前ago5.村子village6.附近nearby7.公室office8.商店store(二)短1.当 back then2.上网 surf the Internet3.遥 far away4.百公司 department store5.在上 in the picture6.留短 keep it short7.常笑 smile a lot8.大多数人 most of the people9.三年前 three years ago(三)句型1.Who is that in the picture?2.When you were five years old.When I was ⋯⋯3.Was I a good girl back then? Yes,you were./ No, you weren ’t4. But now I am still very good.M6 Festival(一)1.春Spring Festival2.礼物gift3.希望;祝愿wish4.子jiaozi5.中秋Mid-autumn Festival6.月亮moon7.月mooncake8.端午Dragon Boat Festival9.dragon10.粽子zongzi11.比race12.重阳Chongyang Festival13.圣Christmas14.分享share15.奇妙wonderful16.匆忙hurry17.来bring18.火腿ham19.火turkey(二)短1.lucky money2.起put up3.打房子clean the house4.新衣服buy new clothes5.互相each other6.拜家人visit the family7.吃大餐have a big dinner8.最重要的the most important(三)句型1.What ’syour favourite festival?My favourite festival is⋯I like ⋯ best.2.so much funSo many things3.Wish them a happy Spring Festival.4.It sounds great.重点法一.人称代我你他她它我你他I you he she it we you they Me you him her it us you them 我的你的他的她的它的My your his her itsBe 用法口:I 用am,you用areis 着他她它数名用 is,复数名全用 are 疑 ,往前提 ,句末号莫弃否定 ,更容易 ,be 后 not 莫忘二、一般去1.志:去的点yesterday, last night, last night, last weekend, three years ago⋯⋯2.构:主+去式+其他1)否定句:主+didn’ t+原形+其他.如: We didn ’ t go to the party.2)一般疑句:Did+主 +原形 +其他 ?Yes, 主 +did. / No, 主 +didn ’ t.3.一般去式化1)直接加“ ed:”work —— worked2 )以不音的字母“ e”尾的,直接加“ d:”live ——lived hope ——hoped3)以音字母 +y 尾的 , y i 加“ ed:” study ——studied carry ——carried4.特殊去式1.( ride ): rode2.花( take ): took3.出售( sell): sold4.听到( hear ): heard5.吃( eat): ate6.( give): gave7.穿( wear ): wore8.更( can): could9.( buy): boughtcame11.遇( meet ): met12.看( see): saw13.( read): read14.感( feel ): felt15.坐( sit): sat16.来( bring ): brought17.do/does - did18.am/is/ - wasare - were。

可编辑修改精选全文完整版教科版六年级上册基础知识汇总Unit 1 What are those farmers doing? 【重点单词】1.country农村2.field田3.pick摘4.grass草5.cow奶牛;母牛6.sheep绵羊(单复数一样)7.goat山羊8.goose鹅(复数是geese)9.river河;江10.other其他的;别的/其他的(人或事)11.few极少;几乎没有【重点短语】1.feed the chickens and ducks喂鸡和鸭子2.feed the pigs喂猪3.feed the horse喂马4.grow flowers and vegetables种花和蔬菜5.plant trees植树6.on your farm在你的农场里7.in this field在这片田里8.pick some apples摘一些苹果9.grow rice种植水稻10.cut grass割草11.feed the animals喂动物12.other animals其他动物13.a few几(个、条…)14.on the river在河面上【知识总结】1.What do you grow on your farm,Uncle Chen?句子结构:What do you grow on your/the farm?此句型用于询问对方在农场里种植什么。
例如:—What do you grow on your farm?你在你的农场里种植什么?—Some vegetables.一些蔬菜。
2.You can pick some apples or oranges from the trees if you want.句子结构:You can十动词(短语)原形十if you want..此句型用于表达“如果你想要的话,你可以…”。

六年级上册期末复习单词句型总结Module 1 Country life一、单词cow 奶牛sheep 绵羊goat 山羊goose 鹅(复数是geese)pick 摘feed 饲养‘喂养’give 给milk 挤奶ride 骑(过去式rode)take 花费(过去式took)help ...with在…(方面)帮助field 田grass 草other 其他;别的few 极少;几乎没有a few 几(个、条…)river 江;河country 农村grandparent祖父母;外祖父母still 仍然air 空气二、短语1. on the farm 在农场里2. fruit tree 果树3. in the field 在田里4. pick apples 摘苹果5. some geese 一些鹅6. on the river 在河面上7. feed the chickens 喂鸡8. feed the pigs 喂猪9. grow flowers 种花10. plant trees 植树11. on a small farm 在一个小农场里12. in the country 在农村里13. milk the cow 挤牛奶14. ride a bike 骑自行车15. get home 回到家16. much work to do 很多工作要做17. feel tired 觉得疲倦18. a healthy life一种健康生活三、句型1.Whal do you grow on your farm, uncle Chen?陈叔叔,你在农场里种些什么?I usually grow flowers and plant trees.我常常种些花和树木。
2. What are those farmers doing? 那些农民正在做什么?They are cutting grass to feed the animals. 他们正在割草喂动物。

It is dry now.
tidy 整洁的
The desk is tidy now.
messy 凌乱的
It was messy before.
clean 干净的
The shoes are clean now.
dirty 肮脏的
But they were dirty before.
Guangzhou Beijing Shanghai Hong Kong
What was the food like?
It was __________.
Unit 6 Planting trees
watch ed /wɑtʃ/
cook cooked /kuk/
helped /help/
Yesterday your books are on the desk, today your books are in bed.
昨天我的衣服是干燥的,现在我的衣服是潮 湿的。 Yesterday my clothes were dry, and now my clothes are wet.
good 好的 bad 坏的 tasty 美味的 yucky 难吃的 spicy 辣的
Be careful next time.
你怎么了 what's wrong with you ? 我肚子痛 I have a stomachache 吃点药吧
please take some medicine
你怎么了 what's the matter?
I have a cold
fromejnelsolelwy on a lot of

六年级英语上册单词默写Unit 1 what are those farmers doing ?一、单词田__________________ 摘___________________ 草________________饲养,喂养_____________给奶牛,母牛绵羊极少,几乎没有_________河,江几(个、条...)________山羊__________________ 鹅________________其他,别的,其他的人或事___________ 农村___________二、短语1、在你的农场里2、在这片田里3、一些鹅4、喂鸡5、种花6、果树7、摘苹果8、在河面上9、喂猪 10 种树 11、其他动物 12、很多东西13、看起来很可爱 14、住在农场 15、醒来 16、造暖和的衣服 17、养牛为了奶 18、从树上搞一些苹果和橘子 19、看上去很可爱 20把草给牛和羊 21、给动物喂食 22割草三、课文1、陈叔叔,你在农场里种些什么2、很多东西。
他们看起来真可爱四、句型与重点1、what do you grow on your/the farm?询问对方在农场里种植什么的句型2、you can …if you want….If 如果。
连词,引导条件状语从句,can 情态动词 +动词原形3、also 的用法意为也、还。
一般情况下放在行为动词的前面,助动词、情态动词、Be动词的后面4\There be have/has的用法There be 表示存在某物或某人,表示客观存在There are some men in the office. Are there any … ?/ there are not any …He has two sons. Does he have …? He does not have …进行时 be +动词ing以不发音的字母E去E +ing以重读闭章节结尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,应双写末尾辅音字母+ing一、句型:1.What are those farmers doing? They’re cutting grass to feed the animals.2.What do you grow on your farm?3.We have a few goats and pigs.4.There are fruit trees in this field.5.There is a cow on the farm.三、重点精析:1. any other + 名词单数,指一堆当中的的某一个any other + 名词复数,指一堆当中的一些如:Tom runs faster than any other student in his class. 汤姆比他班上的任何人都跑得快。

四、对所有的句子,应:1、能在肯定句、否定句、疑问句这三种形式之间熟练转换;练习:根据下列给出的句子,写出它的其他两种句式:(1)、We usually have breakfast at seven.(2)、Jean is n’t my English teacher .Does she have big eyes?(3)、Do you often go out?(4)、I’m helping my mother with the housework.(5)、They are cleaning the classroom now.(6)、He isn’t going to watch TV tonight.(7)、Are you having a party tomorrow.(8)、I went for a walk after dinner last night.(9)、He called me last night.(10)、Were the pupils in the library at nine this morning?2、能注意到句子中的主语和名词的单复数,以及与它们相对应的人称和动词等的变化;练习:中翻英下列的句子:(1)、我是小学生。

六年级上册基础知识(包括单词短语语法)一单词分类Country 国家China Japan America Australia Canada France Germany 中国日本美国澳大利亚加拿大法国德国Russia the UK Italy New Zealand俄罗斯英国意大利新西兰Nationality 国籍Chinese Japanese American Australian Canadian French中国人日本人美国人澳大利亚人加拿大人法国人German Russian British Italian德国人俄罗斯人英国人意大利人Capital 首都Beijing Tokyo Sydney Ottawa Pairs Berlin北京东京华盛顿哥伦比亚区悉尼渥太华巴黎柏林Moscow London Rome Canberra Wellington莫斯科伦敦罗马堪培拉惠灵顿Weather 天气sunny rainy cloudy snowy windy dry wet warm阳光充足的多雨的多云的下雪的刮风的干燥的潮湿的温暖的cold cool hot冷的凉爽的热的Season 季节spring summer autumn winter春天夏天秋天冬天Month 月份January February March April May June July一月二月三月四月五月六月七月August September October November December八月九月十月十一月十二月Festival 节日Spring Festival New Year's Day National Day Army Day Christmas春节元旦国庆节建军节圣诞节Dragon Boat Festival Labour Day Children's Day Teachers' Day端午节劳动节儿童节教师节Mid- autumn Day Easter Halloween中秋节复活节万圣节Week 星期Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday星期日星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六Number 数字one two three four five six seven eight nine ten一二三四五六七八九十eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen twenty thirty十一十二十三十四十五二十三十forty fifty one hundred one thousand四十五十一百一千Food 食物Juice 饮品tea soup coke orange juice milk c offee water茶汤可乐橙汁牛奶咖啡水Food食品meat fish dumpling bun pasta bread chicken toast肉鱼饺子馒头意大利粉面包鸡肉烤面包noodles cake chips sandwich porridge hot dog beef面条蛋糕炸薯条三文治粥热狗牛肉rice pizza sausage egg chocolate beefsteak hamburger米饭比萨香肠鸡蛋巧克力牛扒汉堡包Fruit 水果grape banana apple orange pear lemon watermelon葡萄香蕉苹果橙子梨子柠檬西瓜pine apple 菠萝peach 桃子Vegetable 蔬菜tomato pepper cabbage potato carrot broccoli onion西红柿辣椒大白菜土豆胡萝卜西兰花洋葱mushroom Chinese cabbage蘑菇中国大白菜Clothes 服装dress skirt shirt coat sweater stocking sock jacket连衣裙裙子衬衣大衣毛线衣长袜袜子夹克T- shirt blouse shoe shorts trousers cap hat文化衫女衬衣鞋子短裤裤子帽子有边的帽Colour 颜色red yellow blue orange purple brown pink white black红色黄色蓝色橙色紫色褐色粉红色白色黑色grey blonde灰色金色Family亲属mother father brother sister son uncle aunt母亲父亲哥哥姐姐儿子叔叔阿姨daughter grandfather grandmother女儿外公外婆body 身体head hair eye nose ear mouth tooth neck hand头头发眼睛鼻子耳朵嘴巴牙齿脖子手finger arm leg foot knee toe face body手指臂腿脚膝盖脚趾脸身体Job 工作farmer doctor teacher cook nurse driver worker农民医生教师厨师护士司机工人postman soldier fireman cleaner athlete policeman邮递员士兵消防员清洁工运动员警察waiter lawyer bank clerk waitress ambulance man dentist服务员律师银行职员女服务员救护车驾驶员牙医Subject 科目Music Maths Art English Chinese History Science音乐数学体育美术英语语文历史科学Sport 运动play basketball swim play table tennis play football skip打篮球游泳打乒乓球踢足球跳绳play tennis play badminton run do the hight jump打网球打羽毛球跑步跳高do the long jump 跳远Location 场所school home book shop restaurant hotel post office bank学校家书店饭店宾馆邮局银行market cinema hospital police station train station airport市场电影院医院派出所火车站机场School location学校场所clinic school gate library teachers’ office school building校医室学校大门图书馆教师办公室教学大楼reading-room swimming-pool playground classroom阅览室游泳池操场教室Rooms 房间living room kitchen study bedroom bathroom toilet起居室厨房书房卧室浴室厕所Furniture 家具desk table chair stool sofa TV shelf wardrobe fridge书桌桌子椅子凳子沙发电视架子衣柜冰箱Orientation 方位in on beside near behind in front of在……里面在……上面在……旁边在……附近在……后面在……前面at the top of by opposite between under在……顶部在……旁边在……对面在……之间在……下面left 在左边right 在右边Stationery文具pen pencil ruler rubber knife point pen pencil-case钢笔铅笔尺子橡皮小刀圆珠笔铅笔盒Direction 方向east south west north东南西北Animal 动物hen rooster chick duck goose sheep hare rabbit母鸡公鸡小鸡鸭子鹅绵羊野兔兔子dog cat goat cow bull horse pig beer lion tiger狗猫山羊奶牛公牛马猪鹿狮子老虎bird mouse bear fox polar bear monkey fish snake鸟老鼠熊狐狸北极熊猴子鱼蛇zebra panda giraffe wolf frog eagle elephant kangaroo斑马熊猫长颈鹿狼青蛙鹰大象袋鼠cheetah leopard crocodile shark turtle whale blue whale猎豹豹鳄鱼鲨鱼龟鲸蓝鲸Plant 植物lily rose tulip sunflower bluebell violet banyan oak tree百合花玫瑰郁金香向日葵风铃草紫罗兰榕树橡树conker tree pine tree grass七叶树松树草二、固定搭配over there of course the only child catch up catch up with在那边当然独生子女赶上赶上half past.. a quarter to… wake up window of the world each other半点差一刻到…… 醒来世界之窗互相have a good time have a cold have a bath have to have been to过得愉快感冒洗澡不得不到过have fun pick up look for keep a diary a lot of lots of玩得开心捡起寻找写日记很多很多be good at… be worried about fall over Well done ! help…with…擅长…… 担心…… 跌倒干得好! 帮助某人做某事agree with do some reading do well in put on on land more than同意阅读在某方面干得好穿上在陆地上多于go to school go to bed go back home go for it go fishing go away 上学睡觉回家努力钓鱼走开go for a walk go on a diet after class after school come to tea散步节食下课后放学后来喝茶at home at school at the top of at last at first in time on time在家在学校在……的顶部最后首先及时按时a cup of… a glass of… a piece of… a bowl of… a pair of… a plate of…一杯…… 一杯…… 一片…… 一碗…… 一双…… 一碟……take exercises take photos take a message t ake medicine a bottle of…锻炼身体照相传递信息服药一瓶……different from come from far away from from door to door不同来自远离挨家挨户from then on in trouble get dressed get out of ask for从那时起遇到麻烦穿衣服出去要leave for hand in出发前往交上来三、短语Go shopping go swimming go boating go sightseeing go fishing去购物去游泳去划船去观光去钓鱼go for a walk go to the cinema go to the zoo go to the circus 去散步去电影院去动物园看马戏go on the Pearl River cruise take photos take a walk fly a kite珠江游照相散步放风筝come to tea listen to music listen to the radio do some reading来喝茶听音乐听收音机阅读watch TV have lunch have breakfast have dinner play cards看电视吃午饭吃早餐吃晚饭玩纸牌Play chess play the piano play the guitar play football play basketball下棋弹钢琴弹吉它踢足球打篮球play badminton play table tennis play tennis climb the hill run skip 打排球打乒乓球打网球爬山跑步跳绳do the long jump do the high jump pick flowers sing dance 跳高跳远摘花唱歌跳舞ride a bike surf the net see a film骑自行车上网看电影四、介词in on with at from after to for by在……里面在……上面和,同在从……来在……后到,去为沿,经,由under behind beside in front of between about before在……下面在……后面在……旁边在……前面在……之间关于在……前A)时间要用at例: at noon at night at six o'clock at 7:30 at half past eleven在中午在夜间在6点钟在7点半在11点半at nine fifteen at ten thirty a.m. at a quarter to two at the weekend在9点15分在上午10点30分1点45分在周末B)早、午、晚要用in例:in the morning in the afternoon in the evening in the day在早上在下午在晚上在白天C)年、月、年月、季节、周即在“来年”,在“某月”,在“某年某月”,在四季,在第几周等都要用in。

词汇农村田摘草给奶牛;母牛绵羊其他地极少江;河祖父母挤奶骑花费仍然空气短语几个可数名词帮助…做……喂动物摘一些苹果种花植树骑自行车许多句型(动词原形). \ 名词… …(一)词汇城市学生安静地便宜地现代化地嘈杂地宽阔地拥挤地.舒服地.拥挤地,大量地.慢,缓慢.明信片.脏地.害怕.因为.出售.农村.剧院(二)短语. 不同于…. 害怕. 整天(三)句型. ?’ ……. ’ ?……’..文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习’ .词汇健康事情病地胃疼牙疼头疼发烧听到药刷两次断了地手指休息秘密简单地最少较少地最后地节食多油地微笑甚至短语检查服药休息感冒一天三次持续一周至少节食句型’ ?’ ?\..’ ..’ ...词汇昨天生气地可怜地最近地,上一个年日记后来直到更好惊讶地短语一点都不一点去购物待家里看电影上周末去旅游谈论关于照相句型??.词汇有礼貌地肥胖地哭…之前村子附近办公室商店短语当时上网遥远百货公司在图上留短发常笑大多数人三年前句型?.……?, , ’.词汇春节礼物希望;祝愿饺子中秋节月亮月饼端午节龙粽子比赛重阳节圣诞节分享奇妙匆忙带来火腿火鸡短语压岁钱竖起打扫房子买新衣服互相拜访家人吃大餐最重要地句型’ ?…… ...重点语法人称代词我你他她它我们你们他们我地你地他地她地它地动词用法口诀:用,用连着他她它单数名词用,复数名词全用变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃变否定,更容易,后莫忘记一般过去时标志词:过去地时间点, , , , ……文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习结构:主语动词过去式其他)否定句:主语’动词原形其他.如:’ .)一般疑问句:主语动词原形其他?, 主语. , 主语’.一般动词过去式变化)直接加“”:——)以不发音地字母“”结尾地单词,直接加“”:————)以辅音字母结尾地,变为加“”:————文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习.特殊动词过去式骑():.花费():.出售():.听到():.吃():.给():.穿():.更够():.买():.来():.遇见():.看见():.读():.感觉():.坐():.带来():..。

(完整word版)⼴州教科版六年级上册英语复习整理.pdf 六年级上册英语复习资料M1 Country life(⼀)词汇1.农村country2.⽥field3.摘pick4.草grass5.给give6.奶⽜;母⽜cow7.绵⽺sheep8.其他的other9.极少few10.江;河river11.祖⽗母grandparent12.挤奶milk13.骑ride14.花费take15.仍然still16.空⽓air(⼆)短语1.⼏个 a few +可数名词2.帮助…做help…With…3.喂动物feed the animals4.摘⼀些苹果pick some apples5.种花grow flowers6.植树plant trees7.骑⾃⾏车ride bike8.许多plenty of(三)句型1.you can (动词原形)if you want.2.There is\are +名词3.…because …2.学⽣student3.安静的quiet4.便宜的cheap5.现代化的modern6.嘈杂的noisy7.宽阔的wide8.拥挤的crowded 9.舒服的comfortable10.拥挤的,⼤量的heavy11.慢,缓慢slow12.明信⽚postcard13.脏的dirty14.害怕afraid15.因为because16.出售sell17.农村countryside18.剧院theatre(⼆)短语1. 不同于…be different to2. 害怕be afraid3. 整天all day(三)句型1. Where are you from?I’m from……2. What’s New York like?It is ……3.It’s very different to our home on the farm4.I am afraid to go outside.5.There is much more to do in the city than in the country.6.I can’t wait to get back home.M3 Health(⼀)词汇4.胃疼stomachache5.⽛疼toothache6.头疼headache7.发烧fever8.听到hear9.药medicine10.刷brush11.两次twice12.断了的broken13.⼿指finger14.休息rest15.秘密secret16.简单的simple17.最少least18.较少的less19.最后的finally20.节⾷diet21.多油的oily22.微笑smile23.甚⾄even(⼆)短语1.检查check-up2.服药take medicine3.休息take a rest4.感冒have a cold5.⼀天三次three times a day6.持续⼀周for one week7.⾄少at least8.节⾷on a diet(三)句型1.What’s the matter? What’s the matter with you?2.I’m sorry to hear that.3.He gave me a check-up.4.I think you’ll be well soon.5.Keep a good diet6.Eat more vegetables and less meat.7.To be happy.M4 Past experiences(⼀)词汇1.昨天yesterday2.⽣⽓的angry3.可怜的poor4.最近的,上⼀个last5.年year6.⽇记diary7.后来later8.直到until9.更好better10.惊讶的surprised(⼆)短语1.⼀点都不no/not at all2.⼀点 a little3.去购物go shopping4.待家⾥stay at home5.看电影see a film6.上周末last weekend7.去旅游go on a trip8.谈论关于talk about9.照相take a photo(三)句型1.What did you do?2.Where did you go?3.It was no fun at all.M5 Changes(⼀)词汇3.哭cry4.…之前ago5.村⼦village6.附近nearby7.办公室office8.商店store(⼆)短语1.当时back then2.上⽹surf the Internet3.遥远far away4.百货公司department store5.在图上in the picture6.留短发keep it short7.常笑smile a lot8.⼤多数⼈most of the people9.三年前three years ago(三)句型1.Who is that in the picture?2.When you were five years old.When I was ……3.Was I a good girl back then?Yes, you were./ No, you weren’t4.But now I am still very good. M6 Festival(⼀)词汇1.春节Spring Festival2.礼物gift3.希望;祝愿wish4.饺⼦jiaozi5.中秋节Mid-autumn Festival6.⽉亮moon7.⽉饼mooncake8.端午节Dragon Boat Festival9.龙dragon12.重阳节Chongyang Festival13.圣诞节Christmas14.分享share15.奇妙wonderful16.匆忙hurry17.带来bring18.⽕腿ham19.⽕鸡turkey(⼆)短语1.压岁钱lucky money2.竖起put up3.打扫房⼦clean the house4.买新⾐服buy new clothes5.互相each other6.拜访家⼈visit the family7.吃⼤餐have a big dinner8.最重要的the most important(三)句型1.What’s your favourite festival?My favourite festival is …I like …best.2.so much funSo many things3.Wish them a happy Spring Festival.4.It sounds great.重点语法⼀.⼈称代词我你他她它我们你们他们I you he she it we you they Me you him her it us you them 我的你的他的她的它的My your his her its Be动词⽤法⼝诀:I⽤am,you ⽤areis 连着他她它单数名词⽤is,复数名词全⽤are变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃1.标志词:过去的时间点yesterday, last night, last night, last weekend, three years ago……2.结构:主语+动词过去式+其他1)否定句:主语+didn’t+动词原形+其他.如:We didn’t go to the party.2)⼀般疑问句:Did+主语+动词原形+其他?Yes, 主语+did. /No, 主语+didn’t.3.⼀般动词过去式变化1)直接加“ed”:work—— worked2)以不发⾳的字母“e”结尾的单词,直接加“d”:live ——lived hope——hoped3)以辅⾳字母+y结尾的,变y为i加“ed”:study—— studied carry——carried4.特殊动词过去式1.骑(ride):rode2.花费(take):took3.出售(sell):sold4.听到(hear):heard5.吃(eat):ate6.给(give):gave7.穿(wear):wore8.更够(can):could9.买(buy):bought10.来(come):came11.遇见(meet):met12.看见(see):saw13.读(read):read14.感觉(feel):felt15.坐(sit):sat16.带来(bring):broughtare - were。
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去看牙医 躺在床上
review 受伤 不用担心 下一次
服药 月 小心肚子痛
重点句型一 询问他人怎么了以及回答
What's wrong with you ? What'the matter with you ?
回答 我肚子痛 I have a stomachache
我感冒了 I have a cold
• I have a headache.
What’s the matter with you?
• I have a toothache.
What’s the matter with you?
• I have a stomachache.
• see the doctor
not enoughFra biblioteklenty of
too much
good for you
bad for you
what's wrong with you?
from now on
get plenty of exercise
英译汉 学习课文 What's good for me?
and drink a lot of water.
Get plenty of exericise,
Too much junk food.
eat plenty of vegetables,
You should see the doctor.
I have a toothache.
You should see the dentist.
• You should stay in bed.
review 难吃的
肚子痛 服药 看医生
1. 你怎么啦? What's the matter with you ? 我胃痛 I have a stomachache. 2.你应该服药 You should take some medicine. 3.下次小心点 Be careful next time.
I hurt my foot.
你应该去看医生 you should see the doctor. 请服药
please take some medicine
你怎么了 what's wrong with you ? 我弄伤了我的脚 I hurt my foot 让我看看,下次小心点
I drink too much cola
回答 什么对我有利的? What's good for me?
足够的运动,吃大量的 蔬菜,喝很多水
Get plenty of exercise, eat plenty of vegetable, and drink a lot water.
Turn left at the corner. It's next to the supermarket.
Unit 3 Staying Healthy
太多 review 不够的 足够 从现在开始 太多的 健康的 充足的
糖果 巧克力 大量的
回答 怎么了? What's wrong with you ?
review headache stomachache toothache
next time see the dentist stay in bed fever take some cold be careful medicine hurt should don't worry
头痛 牙痛 感冒
Unit 1 Feeling sick
What’s the matter with you?
• I have a cold.
What’s the matter with you?
• I have a fever.
What’s the matter with you?
Let me have a look. Be careful next time.
你怎么了 what's wrong with you ? 我肚子痛 I have a stomachache 吃点药吧
please take some medicine
你怎么了 what's the matter? I have a cold 我感冒了 躺在床上休息下
英译汉 学习课文 what's wrong with you, Gogo?
What else is bad for me?
还有什么别的对我有 害的?
I drink too much cola.
Too much junk food.
That's bad for you.
Excuse me. Where is the hospital?
Go straight. It's across from the park.
2. 打扰一下,请问银行在哪来?
Excuse me. Where is the bank?
not enough too much healthy chocolate unhealthy candy cheese jelly a lot of fromelse now on
充足的 不够的 大量的 健康的 奶酪 巧克力 不健康 的 其他的 水 从现在开始
Unit3 重点知识 单词
please stay in bed.
Unit 2 Looking for a hospital
turn left go straight traffic across light from go straight turn right bus stop Excuse me hamburger street