
.NET Compact Framework 2.0中的新事物介绍.NET Compact Framework 2.0版在以前版本——.NET Compact Framework1.0版——上提供许多改善。
虽然普遍改善,但他们都集中在共同的目标——改进开发商生产力、以完整的.NET Framwork提供更强的兼容性,以及加大对设备特性的支持。
这篇文章提供一个.NET Compact Framework2.0的变动和改进的高水平的概要。
为了简化创造应用用户界面的任务,.NET Compact Framework2.0提供许多关于这方面描述的新特性。
窗口形式控制存在于用户界面中心的是控制;.NET Compact Framework2.0提供了很多新的控制。
这种控制是.NET Compact Framework有的与.NET Framework一样充分的控制。
当显示信息时,DateTimePicker控制与正文框相似;但是,当用户选择了一个日期, 可能显示一个类似于MonthCalendar控制的弹出日历。
超市库存管理系统毕业设计中文摘要毕业设计外文摘要目次1 绪论 (1)选题背景 (1)选题的意义 (4)2 瑞星超市当前状况描述 (5)瑞星超市现状 (6)瑞星超市库存分析 (6)3 总体规划 (7)系统的功能 (7)系统的目标 (7)系统的任务 (8)系统功能结构说明 (9)系统开发步骤 (10)4 瑞星超市库存管理系统调查分析 (10)需求分析 (11)可行性研究 (12)当前系统分析 (13)5 系统设计 (34)系统总体设计 (34)数据库设计 (52)输入输出设计 (54)系统界面及功能模块简介 (54)6 系统的实施与维护 (56)系统的实施 (56)系统维护 (57)新系统存在的问题 (58)新系统对其他部门的要求 (59)7 系统评价 (59)结论 (60)参考文献 (61)致谢 (62)1绪论社会在不断进步,科学技术和管理也在迅速发展,这使得超市企业得到了前所未有的发展机遇,但同时也必须面对市场竞争的严重挑战,在日趋激烈的竞争环境下,超市企业要求生存、发展,就必须对其进行科学的管理,尤其是在超市运营中起着关键作用的库存管理。

Network Information Management SystemA.Crewe &A.g. paddockFerranti International plcComputer-based supervisory Control and Data Acquisition syetems (SCADA) are already established for the monitoring and control of high voltage (33-400kv)transmission and distribution networks. Systems already installed use semi-graphic Man machine Interface (MMI) technology. New targets are the much higher density low voltage(under 11kv)distribution networks with high resolution colour graphics workstations providing the MMI.These demand facilities to provide fast network roam (Pan)and detail-adding zoom/de-zoom (clutter/declutter)on control engineers multi-windowed displays.To populate the diagram,interfaces are necessary to large sophisticated relational databases and a real-time database which is updated by telemetered values in real-time.Graphics display technology in energy management Systems is not a recent innovation.As early as 1966,monochrome graphics displays using cursive writing technology,with screen resolutions of 1024×1024,were installed to monitor the CEGB supergrid.Since then,graphics displays have become based on high resolution raster technology with a consequent reduction in cost,and colour has come providing typically 256 on screen hues.The de facto industry standard resolution is now 1280×1024 on a 20 to 25 inch diagonal monitor,although higher resolutions,upto 2560×2048,are available at substantially greater cost.Ferranti International has been developing a distribution management system which integrates dynamic display of low voltage networks on high resolution colour graphics equipment with flexible access to the network’s supporting relational databases,able to run on demand,application programs for load forecasting,economic despatch,and power system modelling.Based on extensive experience gained with.Ferranti’s high voltage network SCADA systems,the new product has been termed a network information management system or NIMS.NIMS is written in a combination of ANSI FORTRAN 77 and‘C’.It interfaces to the displays via version 11 of x-Windows(utilising MOTIF)and a relational database via Structured Query Language (SQL).By making full use of these standards,portability across a wide range of hardware platforms under operating systems such as VMS and UNIX is assured.Use of the X-Windows System provides great System flexibility in terms of display monitor without or distribute these windows over several monitors without any software changes.In addition network can appear in a window providing it adheres to the x-windows standard.The central problem faced by NIMS on a low voltage distribution network is its much higher density compared with a relatively sparsely populated high voltage transmission network. To provide a computer-based colour graphics display replacement for the traditional wall diagram used for the past thirty years,needs some means of representing,with no loss of facilities,a wall area of upto 5 000 square feet.The wall diagram may be old-fashioned technology but the experienced control engineer can access information from widely separated areas of the network in seconds.On the graphics display he must be able to do no less. He must be able to quickly navigate around the network using an overall’world co-ordinate’view with unnecessary detail filtered out and then zoom in with the detail he needs being automatically added to the picture as a function of current magnification.In other cases,he needs to go directly and immediately to a particulat page using a n area or plant item name just as he could using his memory of the wall diagram. These favilities and their necessary speed of operation dictate basic parameters of system performance.Pull down/pop-up menus and display windowing are related graphics features of NIMS which offer something new.Menus are associated with input and greatly reduce the use of the trafitional keyboard,speeding the selectin of options and data entry,acting as an aide memoire to system operation and diminishing keying errors.Display windowing enables different parts of the screen to be used simultaneously for different purposes. A major window may contain a network diagram being dybanically updated whilst a second shows an overview of the whole network indicating the position of the major window on it,and a third contains a tabular list of current alarms which the engineer may scroll up and down. Where NIMS is added to an existing telecontrol system,the display monitors of the telecontrol system can be replaced by windows on the NIMS workstationd.It is possible to expand,contract and move windows containing dynamically updated diagrams and other data,and partially or wholly overlay them. Where operational safety is not prejudiced by a window obscuring vital data,the engineer may be allowed to set up the screen to match his particular requirements at a given time.The flexibility of the colour graphics display allows further types of data to be presented in windows. The emulation of chart recorders with vertically plotted high quality curves is possible and other analogue values can be shown in meter,pie chart, polar co-ordinate form,or as bar graphs. All these help to ensure that information is more easily and rapidly assimilated by control engineers.Behind every network is a vast amount of data associated with network planning and day to day operation.For examplr,on every item of plant there are records covering its location,capacity,manufacturer,when it is due for maintenance and so on.Day to day documentation is held covering job management, scheduled, unscheduled and other safety documents.This type of data is currently accumulated on a variety of computer-based or even written media.With the increases in efficiency and economy being sought,a new generation of network management system is needed with will provide responsive and flexible access to all of this data in addition to the largely diagrammatic data from the network,and integrate the two.As an example of benefits obtainable,one wondow on the display might show part of the network indicating a faulty breaker whilst a secand might show tabular information on the same breaker indicating the maintenance status,obtained form plant records,whilst a third might show tabular information on customers affected by the fault , obtained from customer records.The ability to associate this data on thescreen at the same time relies heavily on the properties of the relational database.A further example integrates diagram dressing with the issue of job lists,swithing forms and permits to work.Disgram dressing carried out on the display by the control engineer to reflect his own actions or those of enginers in the field may be visually and computer vetted against the generation of the requisite documentation and permits,heid on computer-based records.Again the properties of the relational database are vital.When considering data migration,may of the Electricty Distribution Companies have already invested in CAD/CAM equipment and digitised portions of their 11KV Network. Because the majority have purchased Intergraph equipment for this purpose,a conversion tool,using data sourced from one of the Distribution Companies, has recently been completed which translate data in Intergraph format to NIMS format preserving this investment.This tool could be adapted to accommodate other CAD\CAM systems.The graphics information system has had a substantial and beneficial impact on the monitoring of high voltage transmission networks.Powerful new tools such as the Frttanti NIMS are emerging to meet the challenge of monitoringthe much higher density low voltage distribution networks.With their world-eye colour graphics displays,finger-tip access to the entire network relational database,and on-line network modelling,these will bring enormously greater operational convenience and efficiency,contributing to fewer emergency outages,greater safety,more economic generation,extended plant life,and many other improvements to network management,which will result in substantial reductions in operating costs in all sectors.NIMs has been designed to directly replace the wall mimic and paper information systems traditionally used in the electricity distribution industry.However,its applicabilty to utilities as vatied as water and gas is practcal since complementary water and low pressure gas modelling packages can be included.网络信息管理系统Ferranti国际可编程序控制器(plc)计算机监控和数据采集系统(SCADA)已经建立的监测和控制的高电压(33-400kv)输电及配电网络。

本科毕业设计(论文)设计题目基于B/S模式的连锁超市管理系统的设计与实现The Design and Implementation of Supermarket Chain Management System Based on B/S Model学院专业班级学号作者姓名指导老师职称目录摘要 (1)英文摘要 (2)第一章概述 (3)1.1项目设计的背景及意义 (3)1.1.1 课题来源及背景 (3)1.2 研究目的和意义 (3)1.3 系统技术概述 (4)1.4 系统开发平台 (4)1.5 系统开发过程 (5)第二章系统需求分析 (6)2.1需求分析目的 (6)2.2需求分析 (6)2.2.1 问题定义 (6)2.2.2可行性分析 (6)2.2.3系统功能需求 (7)2.2.4系统非功能需求 (7)第三章设计简介及方案 (8)3.1总体设计 (8)3.1.1 设计思想 (8)3.1.2 设计原则 (8)3.1.3 设计框架 (9)3.2功能模块分配 (9)3.2.1 商品信息管理 (9)3.2.2 员工信息管理 (10)3.2.3 商品进货管理 (10)3.2.4 商品销售管理 (10)3.2.5 商品库存管理 (10)3.2.6系统管理 (10)3.3业务流分析 (10)3.4数据流分析 (11)第四章详细设计 (14)4.1模块功能设计与实现 (14)4.1.1系统总体结构设计 (14)4.2数据库设计 (15)4.2.1数据项和数据结构 (15)4.2.2数据库物理设计 (18)第五章系统主要功能实现 (23)5.1页面设计 (23)5.2系统登陆模块的实现 (23)5.3商品管理模块的实现 (27)5.3.1添加商品类别信息功能的实现 (27)5.3.2商品查询维护功能的实现 (28)5.4员工管理模块的实现 (30)5.4.1 添加员工信息功能的实现 (30)5.4.2 员工查询维护功能的实现 (30)5.5进货管理模块的实现 (31)5.5.1 添加进货信息功能的实现 (31)5.5.2 进货信息查询功能的实现 (33)5.5.3 添加进货退货信息功能的实现 (34)第六章系统测试及分析 (36)6.1 模块功能测试 (36)总结 (38)致谢 (39)参考文献 (40)基于B/S模式的连锁超市管理系统的设计与实现摘要:随着超市规模的发展不断扩大,商品数量急剧增加,有关商品的各种信息量也成倍增长。

超市管理系统设计中英文对照外文翻译文献Supermarket Management System Design English-XXX)AbstractServlet XXX ns using Java technology。
namely Model1.Model2.Struts。
and JavaServer Faces (JSF)。
Model 1 uses a series of JSP pages。
Model 2 adopts the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern。
XXX uses the Model 2 design pattern。
JSF is a new XXX ready-to-use components for rapid web n development。
Model 1 is difficult to maintain for medium and large ns。
so it is not XXX of n development and performance by using Model2.Struts。
and JSF to build three different ns of an online store n.nToday。
web ns are the most common way to present dynamic content。
There are many ways to build web ns。
and the most popular is Servlet XXX such as CGI and PHP。
Servlet is still cumbersome for development because it requiresprogrammers to combine HTML tags into a string object when sending them。
超市货物管理系统 毕业设计论文

毕业论文超市货物管理系统The Management system of Supermarket摘要随着经济的全球化以及中国经济改革的逐渐深化,中小企业面临着越来越激烈的竞争。
[1]本设计通过用Visual Basics6.0及SQL Server2000来完成,并逐次介绍了开发软件的背景,以及系统设计的详细步骤。
关键词:Visual Basics6.0;管理;SQL Server;超市货物管理系统AbstractWith economic globalization and the gradual deepening of China's economic reform, SMEs faced with increasingly fierce competition. To improve the internal and throughout the supply chain management, scheduling and resource allocation, to adapt quickly to changing customer demands and new market opportunities for small and medium enterprises to compete to win the decisive factor in victory. Invoicing of goods effectively manage small and medium enterprises has become the survival and development of first class events. However, the consistent neglect of management insmall and medium enterprises, the implementation of effective management of goods Invoicing there must be some difficulty, we must by means of modern management methods and information technology ---- Computer Supermarket cargo management system. [1] This design by using Visual Basics6.0 and SQL Server2000 to complete, and the successive introduction of the software development background, as well as system design, detailed steps.Keywords:Visual Basics6.0; management;SQL Server;the management system ofsupermarket目录ABSTRACT (I)1.引言 (1)2. 基于VB的超市货物管理系统 (1)2.1系统的目的: (1)2.2系统的任务: (2)2.3数据库的创建及设计 (4)2.4数据库连接 (5)2.5用VB6.0设计系统主窗体 (7)2.6用VB6.0创建公用模块 (8)2.6.1 OPeratDataBase.bas (8)2.6.2 PublicVar.bas (8)2.7用VB6.0创建各个模块主界面和子界面 (8)2.7.1 “资料管理”模块: (8)2.7.2 “采购管理”模块: (9)2.7.3 “销售管理”模块: (10)2.7.4“库存管理”模块: (11)2.7.5 “统计分析”模块: (12)2.7.6 “系统管理”模块: (13)2.8数据库连接界面的设计 (13)3.软件测试 (14)4.软件应用 (15)5.结束语 (15)参考文献 (16)1.引言货物管理在经济管理中占有重要地位,其计算机化在发达国家中也已经达到了相当高的水平。

毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献翻译计算机科学与信息工程系(院)届题目(中文)超市信息管理系统(英文)Supermarket Information management system 学生姓名专业班完成日期:目录IntroductionAbstractChapter 1: Introduction1.1 social background1.2 supermarket BackgroundFeasibility study on the second chapter2.1 The technical feasibility study2.2 economic feasibility study2.3 feasibility study on the operation ofChapter III System Requirements Analysis3.1 users workflow3.2 users business needsChapter IV System Design Overview4.1 Design thinking4.2 Design Principle4.3 business process analysis4.4 Data Flow Analysis4.5 Data Dictionary4.6 Functional Requirement4.7 Performance Requirements4.8 operating needsT WO Construction Management Information System摘要第一章绪论1.1社会背景1.2超市背景第二章系统可行性研究2.1 技术可行性研究2.2 经济可行性研究2.3 操作可行性研究第三章系统需求分析3.1 用户工作流程3.2 用户业务需求第四章系统概要设计4.1 设计思想4.2 设计原则4.3 业务流程分析4.4 系统数据流分析4.5 数据字典4.6 功能需求4.7 性能需求4.8 运行需求AbstractIn d on the main supermarket management, including stock management, cashier management, inventory management and staff management 4 aspects. System can be completed on the various types of information here, query, add, delete, modify functions. System is the core of marketing, inventory management and receiving for the links between, each table will be linked to amend the impact of other forms Upon the completionthe information age today, the effectiveness of the computer is already known, particularly in the supermarket cash register system is inseparable from the computer, the system complete of the sale or purchase operation, the system will automatically complete the corresponding information changes. Query system is the core of the system based mainly in the number and title of goods, such as query, the purpose is to facilitate users, in order to find faster to the various materials and the basic product quality information. System integrity of the users to add, delete and modify password function, the system used in Microsoft Office Access 2000 to design databases, and use the current good development tools - VB 6.0, it has the most flexible structure of the database, the database applications are good support. This paper introduces the topic of development background, to be completed by the function and development of the process. Focus on the design of the system the focus of design ideas, technical difficulties and solutions.Key words: Supermarket Management Information SystemChapter 1: Introduction1.1 social backgroundWith modern science and technology in the rapid development of computer technology has infiltrated brother areas, as an essential tool for all sectors, in particular the promotion of Internet technology and the establishment of the information superhighway, so that the IT industry more competitive in the market showed its unique advantages, entered the era of information, and has a huge waiting for the data processing and transmission, which makes the database on the further development and use of it is particularly urgent.Some of the domestic market as small and medium-sized supermarkets, and their information in the course of the pace to lag behind the large and medium-sized supermarkets, and for these enterprises resource management, storage and processing of information was also an urgent need to adapt to the market competition, it needs to be efficient handling and management methods, and speed up the information supermarkets will be able to process less.Attachment period, we have adopted in the market survey, for the small and medium-sized supermarkets now on the business and personnel management of the actual needs of the development of this supermarket management system. In the development process, we focused on the current management of the supermarket characteristics and the actual level of technical staff, based on the Windows graphical user interface easy to learn and use of this operating environment, in the system design process, we as a people easy accessibility Machine Interface, allowing users to fully grasp in the short term. We also always give top priority to the accuracy of the system, data integrity and to deal with the validity. On the basis of this optimization code, to speed up the system operation and reduce the system resources of the occupier.1.2 supermarket backgroundSupermarkets in China formed in the 20th century, the early 1990s, China has now become an important form of the retail industry for the development of the national economy has played an important role. With the high-speed development of supermarkets, its management has become increasingly complex, early in the form of salespersons Zhanguisi already unable to meet existing sales development, and that the urgent need to introduce new management techniques.Supermarket patterns provide a number of advantages, but in the current situation, it still exists retail companies have been behind the side, such as: You can not effectively manage every commodity, clearing receivables slow, error prone business, it is not appropriate for commodity price adjustment , inventory and low efficiency, but also in day-to-day management of supermarket goods the import and sales of such decision-making to experience mainly, the lack of real-time analysis capabilities, management personnel, the timely transmission of information are not always meet the requirements. Su Che supermarket forms of high-speed development, and its management has become increasingly complex, the need to deal with the day-to-day data also gradually increasing, commercial operation of the intermediate links more and more, the original artificial management has been unable to cope with this complex market . Therefore, in the choice process, I chose the topic of supermarket management system design, relying on the modernization of the computer information processing technology to manage the supermarket, thus saving a large amount of manpower, resources, and improve the working conditions of staff, reduce the labor intensity, Commodities and quickly reflect the import and sales of all kinds of situations, such as the feedback information and analysis so that the management staff of the rapid market changes to make the corresponding decisions, speed up the supermarket business management efficiency. In the information age today, the effectiveness of the computer is already known, particularly in the supermarket cash register system is inseparable from the computer, the system completed on the main supermarket management, including stock management, cashier management, inventory management and staff management 4 aspects. System can be completed on the various types of information here, query, add, delete, modify functions. System is the core of marketing, inventory management and receiving for the links between, each table will be linked to amend the impact of other forms Upon the completion of the sale or purchase operation, the system will automatically complete the corresponding information changes. Query system is the core of the system based mainly in the number and title of goods, such as query, the purpose is to facilitate users, in order to find faster to the various materials and the basic product quality information. System integrity of the users to add, delete and modify password function, the system used in Microsoft Office Access 2000 to design databases, and use the current good development tools - VB 6.0, it has the most flexible structure of the database, the database applications are good support. This paper introduces the topic of development background, to be completed by the function and development of the process. Focus on the design of the system the focus of design ideas, technical difficulties and solutions.Commodity Management of the system against the scope of business and job characteristics, design of the stock management, stock enquiries, sales management, sales enquiries, inventory management and system maintenance six subsystems, six subsystems including the management of major commodities business, the full realization of the purchase of goods, payment, sales, receivables, and inventory management of the computer business, greatly reduce the workload of the staff of shops, and comprehensively improve the management efficiency of the management of goods as well as service quality, and level of the commodity management Business soars to a new level in accordance with the needs of modern commodity management and development, and easy to operate and aesthetically pleasing interface to the user save a lot of valuable time, the full realization of the purchase of goods, payment, sales, receivables and inventory statistics, the computer management business, greatly reduce the workload of the staff of shops, stores and comprehensively enhance the efficiency and service quality management. Supermarkets need to deal with a lot of inventory information, but also always updating product sales information, adding commodity information. Faced with different types of information, the need to rationalize thedatabase structure to preserve data, the need for effective program structure to support the implementation of various data manipulation. Store automation of product management in Europe and the United States and other countries have already been realized, is the basis of retail management. It can be the most important feature of real-time and accurate control of the shop sales. If we can grasp in real time the sales process and sales, can be effective in speeding up the turnover of goods and improve service quality and reduce product prices, such as inconsistent with the problems that have occurred. Customer requirements of the consumer is shopping in the supermarket in the hope that basically can be bought for commodities, but also to ensure that the quality of goods but also enjoy high-quality, convenient service.Chapter II :feasibility study2.1 The technical feasibility studyIn the IT industry in the employment of staff generally require mastering computer technology, hardware and software has some basis, the use of management software will be familiar with IT products. This is because some of the supermarket staff relatively high quality requirements, from the management to the sales staff below, requires a certain degree of basic computer, the new system put into use, as long as a small number of staff to conduct the training, the function of the system and Basically, the use of the system can run smoothly.2.2 economic feasibility studyBecause sales information through the network transmission distance can be exempted from the restrictions, it can borrow a lot of human and material resources, and facilitate management, which can reduce unnecessary expenditures, while the system can improve the efficiency of supermarket sales, which increased the economic Supermarket benefits, and so on the economy is feasible. (1) supermarket afford systems development costsDevelopment of the new system is a complex task spacing, it is mainly the investment of human and material investment. For the developers of the system, its major investment in human and material resources or two. If it is our own development system for the staff, or its major investment in human resources, from the investigation to the business needs of the coding system are produced enormous human needs investment. Software enterprises as a short high-tech industries and their employees than general corporate requirements of the request must be high, and the development of the system and more understanding of the software industry, in a self-management system developed in the course of our own relatively easy manpower, Such enterprises will be able to borrow most of the additional expenditure. At the same time on other software products, a high-end industry, whether it is the price or quality of products with relatively high, and the operator product distributors or businesses are required to have strong financial support. Therefore, in the system development process, enterprises are able to assume full development costs.(2) new enterprise system will bring economic benefitsIs a management system of information, intelligence and advanced management concept of aggregation. The management is a dynamic process, in the course of its operation a number of measures to be taken. Therefore, in the management of access to comprehensive benefits is acost-effective, it must engage in direct quantitative analysis is more difficult. General the economic benefits of the new system are outlined, the most important is to reduce the performance of enterprise management costs and manpower expenditure. And other food through cumbersome new system to be analysed solution not only saves a great deal of time, but also the decision-making enterprises has provided valuable information for enterprises bring enormous economic benefits. 2.3 operating feasibility studyThe system uses a Windows-based graphical user interface, and the system is the operating system we are familiar with, for those who have general computer knowledge can be easy-to-use staff. Supermarkets and the entire management system by the most friendly interface, brief and clear, no need to conduct an in-depth understanding of the database.Thus, the operation of the system is feasible, it is necessary to develop the system.Based on the above three areas, the system has a high feasibility of the development, whether it is technically or economically or operationally. Therefore, we can design the system data flow diagram, establish a data dictionary.Chapter III: system needs analysis3.1 users workflowPurchase or sale of goods, the user must Jinhuochan or sale of single-check review and registration; users to obtain purchase, sales, inventory information, it is necessary to the purchase, sales, inventory query and print.3.2 users business needs(1) the inventory management software will be tea for management and statistical information, products and product sales Jinhuochan a single input management and statistics;(2) The management software will be depending on the user's need to purchase, sales, inventory query, and print detailed information;(3) The management software will provide users with account management tools so that users on the account management, for specific users add, delete users, modify user passwords;(4) The management software provides enterprise management, enterprise employees can be classified management and the addition of new employees, as well as employees to delete, modify the information into functional.Chapter IV: detailed design4.1 Design thinking: (1). System is divided into several relatively independent modules, but these modules to centralized management. (2). Hierarchical modular design thinking process, the entire system is modular in design agencies. Application procedures are as strong operational and scalability. (3). Reasonable data flow design, in the design of applications, relatively independent of the data flow between modules interconnected so that the coupling between modules and lower for the system's operation and improve the security of the system.4.2. Design principles: In order to make the system fully functional comprehensive, easy to operate, the maximum improve software quality, and to meet the practical needs of users in the design and development process followed, as the following principles:1), the principle of legality: accounting products based on the work requirements as well as system requirements, in the light of the actual accounting work conducted by the goods such as product, sales and other work.2); practical principles: product information management for the actual needs, and be able to deal with some special circumstances require, in addition, as far as possible, set aside space for expansion capabilities.3); accuracy principles: on the importation of relevant information to establish mechanisms seized the wrong time error, allowing users to input timely and accurate legal information (such as matching type, length not exceeding limits, etc.).4); easy operating principles: to demand the complete system design, friendly interface, easy to operate, suggested that the necessary places.5); source readability principles: In order to facilitate other design, maintenance personnel understand the code or modify the code after software upgrade maintenance, can be both good code Notes work.6) optimization principles: In order to achieve the purpose of optimizing and reasonable use of windows, menus, objects of succession, since the user-defined objects, events, function, reduce unnecessary repetition code, the procedure simplicity, ease of the future maintenance. 7); safety of principle: the system administrator can set up a landing password, password privilege. After the previous design of the whole system we have a preliminary understanding of the various modules and functional differentiation.Requirements Analysis1, the system functional analysis1) the maintenance of basic informationType the establishment and maintenance, including new types of goods, modification and deletion. Basic information management products: basic commodities including the new information, modification and deletion.Supplier of information management include: suppliers of new information, modification and deletion.Administrators information management: the system administrator add, delete and modify password.2) stock managementInformation Management bought goods: commodities stock information including commodity purchase quantity, unit price, suppliers, etc.. Goods bought stock management functions complete registration information, modification and deletion.Categories Show: According to the merchandise can be a commodity type to view the stock situation.Inventory update: stock information directly related to changes in inventory changes.Stock analysis: the current stock list of the largest previous purchase of goods and at least the first several commodities.Inventory: Inventory list of the current top number of goods and inventory for at least the first several commodities.3) Sales ManagementMarketing information management: marketing information including marketing quantity, unit price, statistics and dates. Merchandising sales information management capabilities registration, modify, and delete.Categories Show: According to the merchandise can see a certain type of merchandise sales. Update Inventory: sales information directly related to changes in inventory changes.Sales Analysis: lists the most current sales and sales of goods before at least several of the previous commodity.4) reported loss managementInformation management products reported loss: loss of information on goods, including goods at the number of loss, such as the reasons for reported losses. Commodities reported loss management functions complete registration information reported loss, modification and deletion.Categories Show: According to the merchandise can be a commodity type to view the reported loss situation.Update Inventory: loss reported the same information directly related to changes in inventory changes.Reported loss analysis: the current list at the top loss of several commodities and reported the lossof at least the first several commodities.Inventory Management: Integrated Query detailed inventory records. Automatic Alarm stock tips. If excess inventory, fewer goods, such as a shortage. Software for your warning, the backlog of stock losses and avoid shortages. Automatic calculation of inventory stocks.4. Personnel management: staff members, suppliers, manufacturers and other basic information about registration and management. Staff operating rights management. Customer sales management competence.Second, the system performance analysis1) Multi-storey structure designStrict sense of the three-tier structure design, the process is divided into logical structure of the user interface, business logic and data processing layer storage layer. The system used on the three-tier structure was further extended from the multi-storey structure.2) object-oriented designLieutenant General merchandise type in the system, a package of goods and so on the corresponding categories, each category has its own corresponding collections and operational category, which once again raised the database operational safety procedures and scalability.摘要在信息时代的今天,计算机的功效已经是家喻户晓,超市中尤其是收银系统更是离不开计算机,本系统主要完成对超市的管理,包括进货管理,收银管理,库存管理和员工管理四个方面。

河北师范大学本科毕业论文外文翻译商品销售系统的设计与实现院(系、部)名称:数学与信息科技学院专业名称:科学与技术****:***学生学号:**************:***2013年03月05日河北科技师范学院教务处1 引言校园在线商品销售系统指的是将超市和网络相结合,通过互联网作为展示平台,线上订购,下线配送的一种商业运营模式。
2 功能描述系统结构分为三个部分,即用户购买管理子系统、用户出卖管理子系统以及后台管理系统。
3 系统设计3.1 业务流程业务流程分为两个部分:第一部分为,注册登录经身份验证后,用户进入系统页,挑选商品,点击购买放入购物车。

有关零售超市毕业设计外文翻译毕业设计(论文)外文翻译题目对零售超市数据进行最优产品选择的数据挖掘框架:广义PROFSET模型专业网络工程附录英文原文A Data Mining Framework for OptimalProduct Selection in Retail Supermarket Data:The Generalized PROFSET Model1 IntroductionSince almost all mid to large size retailers today possess electronic sales transaction Systems, retailers realize that competitive advantage will no longer be achieved by the mere use of these systems for purposes of inventory management or facilitating customer check-out. In contrast, competitive advantage will be gained by those retailers who are able to extract the knowledge hidden in the data, generated by those systems, and use it to optimize their marketing decision making. In this context, knowledge about how customers are using the retail store is of critical importance and distinctive competencies will be built by those retailers who best succeed in extracting actionable knowledge from these1data. Association rule mining [2] can help retailers to efficiently extract this knowledge from large retail databases. We assume some familiarity with the basic notions of association rule mining.In recent years, a lot of effort in the area of retail market basket analysis has been invested in the development of techniques to increase the interestingness of association rules. Currently, in essence three different research tracks to study the interestingness of association rules can be distinguished. First, a number of objective measures of interestingness have been developed in order to filter out non-interesting association rules based on a number of statistical properties of the rules, such as support and confidence [2], interest [14], intensity of implication [7], J-measure [15], and correlation [12]. Other measures are based on the syntactical properties of the rules [11], or they are used to discover the least-redundant set of rules [4]. Second, it was recognized that domain knowledge may also play an important role in determining the interestingness of association rules. Therefore, a number of subjective measures2of interestingness have been put forward, such as unexpectedness [13], action ability [1] and rule templates [10]. Finally, the most recent stream of research advocates the evaluation of the interestingness of associations in the light of themicro-economic framework of the retailer [9]. More specifically, a pattern in the data is considered interesting only to the extent in which it can be used in the decision-making process of the enterprise to increase its utility.It is in this latter stream of research that the authors have previously developed a model for product selection called PROFSET [3], that takes into account both quantitative and qualitative elements of retail domain knowledge in order to determine the set of products that yields maximum cross-selling profits. The key idea of the model is that products should not be selected based on their individual profitability, but rather on the total profitability that they generate, including profits from cross-selling. However, in its previous form, one major drawback of the model was its inability to deal with3supermarket data (i.e., large baskets). To overcome this limitation, in this paper we will propose an important generalization of the existing PROFSET model that will effectively deal with large baskets. Furthermore, we generalize the model to include category management principles specified by the retailer in order to make the output of the model even more realistic. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we will focus on the limitations of the previous PROFSET model for product selection. In Section 3, we will introduce the generalized PROFSET model. Section 4 will be devoted to the empirical implementation of the model and its results on real-world supermarket data. Finally, Section 5 will be reserved for conclusions and further research.2 The PROFSET ModelThe key idea of the PROFSET model is that when evaluating the business value of a product, one should not only look at the individual profits generated by that product (the naive approach), but one must also4take into account the profits due tocross-selling effects with other products in the assortment. Therefore, to evaluate product profitability, it is essential to look at frequent sets rather than at individual product items since the former represent frequently co-occurring product combinations in the market baskets of the customer. As was also stressed by Cabena et al. [5], one disadvantage of associations discovery is that there is no provision for taking into account the business value of an association. The PROFSET model was a first attempt to solve this problem. Indeed, in terms of the associations discovered, the sale of an expensive bottle of wine with oysters accounts for as much as the sale of a carton of milk with cereal. This example illustrates that, when evaluating the interestingness of associations, themicro-economic framework of the retailer should be incorporated. PROFSET was developed to maximize cross-selling opportunities by evaluating the profit margin generated per frequent set of products, rather than per product. In the next Section we will discuss the limitations5of the previous PROFSET model. More details can be found elsewhere [3].2.1 LimitationsThe previous PROFSET model was specifically developed for market basket data from automated convenience stores. Data sets of this origin are characterized by small market baskets (size 2 or 3) because customers typically do not purchase many items during a single shopping visit. Therefore, the profit margin generated per frequent purchase combination (X) could accurately be approximated by adding the profit margins of the market baskets (Tj) containing the same set of items, i.e. X = Tj. However, for supermarket data, the existing formulation of the PROFSET model poses significant problems since the size of market baskets typically exceeds the size of frequent item sets. Indeed, in supermarket data, frequent item sets mostly do not contain more than 7 different products, whereas the size of the average market basket is typically 10 to 15. As a result, the existing profit allocation heuristic cannot be used anymore since it would cause the6model to heavily underestimate the profit potential from cross-selling effects between products. However, getting rid of this heuristic is not trivial and it will be discussed in detail in Section 3.1.A second limitation of the existing PROFSET model relates to principles of category management. Indeed, there is an increasing trend in retailing to manage product categories as separate strategic business units [6]. In other words, because of the trend to offer more products, retailers can no longer evaluate and manage each product individually. Instead, they define product categories and define marketing actions (such as promotions or store layout) on the level of these categories. The generalized PROFSET model takes this domain knowledge into account and therefore offers the retailer the ability to specify product categories and place restrictions on them.3 The Generalized PROFSET ModelIn this section, we will highlight the improvements being made to the previous7PROFSET model [3].3.1 Profit AllocationAvoiding the equality constraint X = Tj results in different possible profit allocation systems. Indeed, it is important to recognize that the margin of transaction Tj can potentially be allocated to different frequent subsets of that transaction. In other words, how should the margin m (Tj) be allocated to one or more different frequent subsets of Tj?The idea here is that we would like to know the purchase intentions of the customer who bought Tj . Unfortunately, since the customer has already left the store, we do not possess this information. However, if we can assume that some items occur more frequently together than others because they are considered complementary by customers, then frequent item sets may be interpreted as purchase intentions of customers. Consequently, there is the additional problem of finding out which and how many purchase intentions are represented in a particular transaction Tj . Indeed, a transaction may contain several8frequent subsets of different sizes, so it is not straightforward to determine which frequent sets represent the underlying purchase intentions of the customer at the time of shopping. Before proposing a solution to this problem, we will first define the concept of a maximal frequent subset of a transaction.Definition 1. Let F be the collection of all frequent subsets of a sales transaction Tj . Then YX∈is called maximal, denoted as X max , if and only if.F∀: Y X≤.Y∈Using this definition, we will adopt the following rationale to allocate the margin m(Tj) of a sales transaction Tj .If there exists a frequent set X = Tj, then we allocate m(Tj) to M(X), just as in the previous PROFSET model. However, if there is no such frequent set, then one maximal frequent subset X will be drawn from all maximal frequent subsets according to the probability distribution Tjθ, withAfter this, the margin m(X) is assigned toM(X) and the process is repeated for Tj \ X. In summary:Table 1 contains all frequent subsets of T for a particular transaction database. Inthis example, there is no unique maximal frequent subset of T. Indeed, there are two maximal frequent subsets of T, namely {cola, peanuts} and {peanuts, cheese}. Consequently, it is not obvious to which maximal frequent subset the profit margin m(T) should be allocated. Moreover, we would not allocate the entire profit margin m(T) to the selected item set, but rather the proportion m(X) that corresponds to the items contained in the selected maximal subset.Now how can one determine to which of both frequent subsets of T this marginshould be allocated? As we have already discussed, the crucial idea here is that it really depends on what has been the purchase intentions of the customer who purchased T. Unfortunately, one can never know exactly since we haven't asked the customer at the time of purchase. However, the support of the frequent subsets of T may provide some probabilistic estimation. Indeed, if the support of a frequent subset is an indicator for the probability of occurrence of this purchase combination, then according to the data, customers buy the maximal subset {cola, peanuts} two times more frequently than the maximal subset {peanuts, cheese}. Consequently, we can say that it is more likely that the customer's purchase intention has been {cola, peanuts} instead of {peanuts, cheese}. This information is used to construct the probability distribution Tjθ, reflecting the relative frequencies of the frequent subsets of T. Now, each time a sales transaction {cola, peanuts, cheese} is encountered in the data, a random draw from the probability distribution Tjθwill provide the most probable purchase intention (i.e. frequentsubset) for that transaction. Consequently, on average in two of the three times this transaction is encountered, maximal subset {cola, peanuts} will be selected and m({cola; peanuts}) will be allocated to M({cola; peanuts}). After this, T is split up as follows: T := T \{cola; peanuts}and the process of assigning the remaining margin is repeated as if the new T were a separate transaction, until T does not contain a frequent set anymore.3.2 Category Management RestrictionsAs pointed out in Section 2.1, a second limitation of the previous PROFSET model is its inability to include category management restrictions. This sometimes causes the model to exclude even all products from one or more categories because they do not contribute enough to the overall profitability of the optimal set. This often contradicts with the mission of retailers to offer customers a wide range of products, even if some of those categories or products are not profitable enough. Indeed, customers expect supermarkets to carry a wide variety of products and cutting away categories / departments would be against the customers' expectations about the supermarket and would harm the store's image. Therefore, we want to offer the retailer the ability to include category restrictions into the generalized PROFSET model.This can be accomplished by adding an additional index k to theQ to account for category membership, and by adding product variableiconstraints on the category level. Several kinds of category restrictions can be introduced: which and how many categories should be included in the optimal set, or how many products from each category should be included. The relevance of these restrictions can be illustrated by the following common practices in retailing. First, when composing a promotion leaflet, there is only limited space to display products and therefore it is important to optimize the product composition in order to maximize cross-selling effects between products and avoid product cannibalization. Moreover, according to the particular retail environment, the retailer will include or exclude specific products or product categories in the leaflet. For example, the supermarket in this study attempts to differentiate from the competition by the following image components: fresh, profitable and friendly. Therefore, the promotion leaflet of the retailer emphasizes product categories that support this image, such as fresh vegetables and meat, freshly-baked bread, ready-made meals, and others. Second, product category constraints may reflect shelf space allocations to products. For instance, large categories have more product facings than smaller categories. These kind of constraints can easily be included in the generalized PROFSET model as will be discussed hereafter.中文翻译对零售超市数据进行最优产品选择的数据挖掘框架:广义PROFSET模型第一章引言当今几乎所有的中大型零售商拥有电子销售交易系统,零售商认识到,竞争优势将不再仅仅取决于使用这些系统管理目的的库存或便利客户退房。

Code of practisiness management.
powerful inventory early warning, and try to avoid losses.
powerful query analysis.
Flexiblecontrolsub-function.so that you can understand the operation of supermarkets.
Development of this system is applicable to many types of supermarket, supermarkets, fast and effective management can help purchase, sales, inventory and other business, Invoicing reasonable control all aspects of raising capital utilization, management efficiency and to achieve real-time.

Java 编程的标准,是便携性的应用和再利用的应用组件的计算平台。
Sun Microsystems 的Java程序社区仍然是增长Java基础设施和语言标准一个强有力的基础。
Java 开放标准能够打破开放源代码的障碍,加快了发展速度。
应用JA V A的万维网Java在世界上一些最流行的网站上找到一片空间并且Java的使用空间会继续增长。

英文翻译资料A.英文原文History of JavaThe java programming language is becoming more and more popular each day. It is the language without which one cannot even hope to a land a job these days. But has somebody even wondered how this language came about? There are many stories about, many books have been written. Here is my version (not approved by Sun Micro systems).The java programming language originated in Indonesia. It was meant to be used by the tourists that visit that country each year. Why would tourists want to use computer? Well, these are no ordinary tourists. They are rich tourists. Have they not been rich, they would not travel half way around the world to visit this place. Most people would be content to see just what is available near by. For example, if you are a TEXAN living in Dallas, you will visit the stockyards or may be the trinity river park. If you live in New Orleans area, you would see st. mars bayou. Once in your lifetime, one will probably visit Hawaii or Niagara. But going to Indonesia and its islands, Bali, Java, etc is not for the ordinary people. Anyway, coming back to the question why these tourists need to use computer programs. They go there not just to have fun and also get some work done in a fun atmosphere as these people are very important people.From the very start java was supposed to be computer independent. That means if you write a program in java in one computer, it should run in all computers. This was necessary because tourists bring all kinds of computers with them. Some bring Windows machine, some Apple mackintosh. Some of the affluent ones bring Sun server workstations or even a super computer.Before starting to create java they also sought to see if there have similar stuff done already. Even though they could find none, they found they can use lots of feature from some existing languages. One such language they found was C++. C++ was an advancement over the language called C. In fact, ideas of C++ was already hidden in C. In that language, one can increment a variable, say i, by applying the ++ operator e.g. i++. This would increase the value of the variable i by one. If i had a value of 5, it would make it 6, etc. What a vision!Anyway, coming back to C++, it made an important advancement over C by introducing the idea of a class. To understand class, one has to understand structure which was already used in C. The structure is a group of variables. For example, you have a name, an address, age etc. for any person. In stead of using them separately, in C one can group them together and call it a person. The creator of C++ said there is no need to expose these variables (name, address, etc) to the outside world. They said these details should be hidden from the outside world. They called this concept encapsulation.Another important contribution of C++ was the concept of inheritance. Thisconcept can be best explained by example. Let's go back to the example of the person.A person is very general concept. There can be many different kinds of persons, e.g doctors, lawyers, teachers, or just a bum! But each of these people have a name, an address, age etc. Even a bum has all these. The creator of C++ thought one can define a base class call person and other classes can be derived from it. In plain english, this would mean, a doctor is special kind of person, lawyer is another special kind of person. Now the common attributes of all these kinds of people can be put in the person class and special attributes can be put in the derived classes, e.g. hospital for the doctor, court for the lawyer, and nothing for the bum.But C++ was still complex with things like pointers, memory leak and multiple inheritance. The pointer concept was taken from C and it was very messy! The pointer is special type of variable that points to other variables. Since there was no guidelines as to how to use these pointers, it was very easy loose track of them. In a typical two thousand lines program, one would frequently end up with hundreds of pointers pointing to thousands, some of them are pointers and some just plain variables. Needless to say this made a large program extremely difficult to read and when the programmer left for another company, they would have no other choice than to just throw away his program! It was sometimes necessary to do this even when the programmer was around and very much alive. This is because the pointers he created inside his program had taken a life of their own and defy every attempt to predict how the program should behave. Memory management was also another weak point of C and C++. The programmer was responsible for cleaning up the memory their program would allocate and use. Failure to do so will result in a crash of the whole computer.Multiple inheritance, though sparingly used, was another feature of C++ which made a programmer's life miserable. It, however, had its use, especially in job interviews. This one question, they thought, helped them separate the wheat from the chaff. But C++ still had some nice and simple features, like inheritance, encapsulation, etc. They are something one can describe in plain english, something one can explain to a layman. So the creator of java decided to take the good features of inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism from C++, while discarding the bad features such as multiple inheritance, pointers etc. The memory management was improved in java where the programmer will not be held responsible for memory management. They can clean up after themselves if they want to get extra credit, but they do not need to. Needless to say all these was great news to the tourists in Indonesia.Java introduced lot of clarity in notations too. For example, in C++ they would say class doctor:person to mean doctor is derived from person. It is obviously very cryptic. The same situation can be expressed in java as class doctor extends person , which is much easier to understand. But there are few awkward stuff in java too especially when someone Says class bum extends person.Java made an important contribution in the graphical user interface (GUI) area. C++ was really lacking in expertise here. They visual C++, but worked only on windows environment. But it did not work in UNIX systems or mackintoshes. Just like other features of java, this was also supposed to be platform independent. This was further necessary because one can put some little GUI on a web page which can be views over the internet. And onecannot control what kind of computers other will have.After a while, it was necessary to call programs from one computer to another computer. To do this, they created J2EE. I am not sure how they came up with the name J2EE. The 'J' of J2EE, of course, means "Java", and I can be reasonably sure '2' stands for 'To'. But I do not know what the 'EE' part is all about, probably some kind of extension. Or at this point they ran out of names to think of. So they decided to have one of those just another vague acronyms..cn/Article/Computer/Software/14398.htmlB.原文的翻译Java的历史Java编程语言一天比一天的受欢迎。

在运用JAVA技术开发Web应用中有四种模型,分别是:Model 1、Model 2、Struts和JavaServer Faces (JSF)。
Model 1使用一连串的JSP页面;Model 2采用了模型-视图-控制器(MVC)模式;Struts是一个采用了Model 2设计模型的框架;JSF是一种支持ready-to-use组件来进行快速Web应用开发的新技术。
Model 1对于中等和大型的应用来说很难维护,所以不推荐使用。
本文通过利用Model 2、Struts和JSF这三种模型分别构建三个不同1版本的在线商店应用程序,来比较和评价这三种模型在应用程序开发和性能上的差异。
基于这个原因,SUN公司发明了JavaServer Pages(JSP)技术。
随后,出现了许多种设计模型用来构建servlet/JSP应用:Model 1、Model 2、Struts]和JavaServer Faces (JSF)。


外文翻译原文The Distribution Systems of SupermarketChainsMaterial Source:《The Service Industries Journal》Author: Alan C. McKinnon This article considers the benefits supermarket chains may achieve from setting up their own distribution systems and attempts to explain differences in distribution strategies. These differences appear to be closely related to differences in the way chains have grown, management investment preferences and turnover composition, taken in conjunction with total sales, branch size and geographical extent of the business.The investigation of structural change within the tertiary sector can be seriously constrained by the way in which service activities are classified. This is particularly true of wholesaling and retailing. The traditional distinction between wholesaling and retailing has become blurred as firms have extended their control along the distributive channel to encompass both these activities. In most trades the integration of retail and wholesale functions has been achieved mainly as a result of multiple retailers dealing direct with producers and assuming responsibility for the storage and movement of supplies 'upstream' of the shop. Using statistics currently available, however, it is not possible to measure the extent to which retailers have taken on wholesale functions. Investment and employment data for multiple retailers are presented in highly aggregate form and fail to distinguish between their warehousing and retailing operations.The nature and location of investment and employment clearly differs between shops and warehouses. Although these two spheres of activity are closely inter-related, their growth potential can also differ significantly. The scale of the retail operation is largely determined by the volume and spatial distribution of consumer expenditure. Even if the level of retail activity remains constant a multiple can vary the demands placed upon its own storage and delivery system by altering the allocation of flows between distributive channels. A multiple retailer can, for example, increase its dependence on its own system of distribution by requiringmore manufacturers to deliver supplies in bulk loads to its warehouse(s) rather than in small consignments direct to branch stores (Pettit, 1983). The pressures on multiples to vary their reliance on their own distribution systems are often quite independent of the factors affecting the scale and character of their retail operations.THE GROWING IMPORTANCE OF RETAILERS' WAREHOUSESBetween 1938 and 1982, multiple retailers increased their share of grocery sales from 24 per cent to 65 per cent (Jefferys, 1950; Institute of Grocery Distribution, 1983). In the 1950s and 1960s, while their share of the grocery market was expanding, supermarket chains channeled an increasing proportion of their supplies through their own warehouses (usually referred to as 'central warehouses'). By 1967, grocery multiples were directing, on average, about 60 per cent of their supplies through their own warehouses (Pettit, 1983). This proportion changed little between 1967 and 1972 (Thorpe et. al., 1973) but during the 1970s it declined, partly as a result of the development of superstores capable of receiving supplies in bulk loads direct from producers and partly because of the disproportionately large growth of some chains, such as Tesco and Asda, whose dependence on central warehouses was much less than the average for grocery multiples. In terms of the volume of business handled, the retailer's central warehouse has already become the most important node in the grocery distribution system. It is estimated that, overall, supermarket chains possess (or rent) around 850,000 square meters of warehouse floor space, roughly one square meter for every 3.2 square meters of retail floor space in their shops.REASONS FOR MULTIPLE RETAILERS DEVELOPING THEIR OWN DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMSMultiple retailers have several motives for channeling supplies through their own warehouses. These motives will be considered fewer than eight headings:1 Buying Terms: By receiving goods in bulk loads into their warehouses multiple retailers can qualify for bulk discounts (usually of 1-2 per cent of selling price). These discounts are never large enough, however, to finance multiples' warehouse and transport operations, which are estimated to average around3 per cent of turnover (Thorpe and Shepherd, 1977). To justify incurring the additional distribution costs, the multiple retailers must, therefore, benefit from centralized delivery in other ways. These are listed below.2. Minimum order restrictions: In some cases, distribution via central warehouse is made necessary by a manufacturer's refusal to deliver less than a certain amount direct to the store. Some alternative channel is needed, therefore, to provide small branch stores with supplies in amounts of less than this. (Larger chains often wield sufficient bargaining power, however, to force manufacturers into waiving minimum drop-size restrictions for their smaller branches.)3. Product availability: By holding large central stocks and operating their own store delivery, retailers can reduce the risk of 'stock-outs"(i.e., shops being out of stock in particular products). By offering more frequent deliveries, they can reduce lead times and accelerate the replenishment of fast-moving lines.4. Stock control: The profitability of retailing is critically dependent on the rate of 'stock-turn'. This is defined as the ratio of annual sales to the value of stocks held at the end of the financial year. It is important, therefore, not only to maximize sales, but also to minimize stock levels. The centralization of inventory reduces the total volume of stock that must be held to ensure a given level of service (Maister, 1976). In addition to this, stockholding can be more easily monitored and controlled when it is centralized (Millar, 1983). Where delivery is direct from the manufacturer, it is usually the store manager who decides how much to order. This dispersal of responsibility for ordering is particularly inefficient in a trade, such as the grocery trade, where product lines abound and differ greatly in their turnover rates.5. Use of shop space: By relieving shops of the need to hold large amounts of stock, much of the space otherwise used for storage can be used as selling space; thereby raising the productivity of the retail floor space .It is more cost-effective to concentrate stocks in central warehouses located in peripheral areas where site costs are lower.6. Labour costs: These costs comprise around 50 per cent of average supermarket operating costs (Dawson, 1982). According to one large supermarket chain these labour costs can be disaggregated as follows:Management 10 per centCustomer service 10 per centCheckout 30 per centGoods handling (i.e. unloading vehicles, shelf filling, price marking)40 per centPersonnel/miscellaneous 10 per centOf these activities, management and goods handing, together representingaround half the total labour costs, can benefit most from centralized distribution. In the case of management, less of the manager's time need be spent meeting sales representatives, drawing up orders and processing invoices. Madigan (1980) describes the case of one supermarket at which 79 separate calls were made by salesmen, taking up 26 hours of the manager's time and requiring the processing of 79 invoices. Goods handling can also be rationalized by the arrival of supplies in fewer, larger loads. The scope for rationalization of this type was indicated by a survey of deliveries to a supermarket in Edgware. Fifty per cent of this supermarket's supplies arrived in the form of large consolidated loads from a central warehouse and took 45 minutes to off-load. The remainder came in 132 small drops directly from suppliers and took in total around 25 hours to unload. The GLC Freight Unit (Greater London Council, 1975) also quotes an example of a supermarket receiving 60 per cent of its throughput from a central warehouse in five consolidated deliveries (average load size = 740 cases). The remaining 40 per cent was received in 95 direct deliveries from suppliers (average load size = 26 cases). The extent of possible cost and time savings from consolidation has been indicated by Kirby (1975). He notes that one order of 500 packs is 31 per cent cheaper and 47 per cent quicker to assemble and unload than five orders of 100 packs.7. Security: It is widely acknowledged that the loss of stock through theft (euphemistically termed 'shrinkage') correlates closely with the number of separate deliveries to the shop and 'number of times the back door is opened'. By greatly reducing the number of deliveries and making it possible to supervise the delivery operation more closely, the centralization of deliveries can significantly reduce pilferage.8. Product range: Many suppliers are too small to be able to offer direct delivery economically. This is particularly true in the recently developed frozen food industry. By making it possible for the small supplier to deliver in bulk to a central warehouse, the multiple retailers are able to include more specialized goods and lesser brands in his product range.V ARIATIONS IN THE PROPORTION OF CENTRALISED DELIVERIES BETWEEN CHAINSDespite the numerous advantages of centralized delivery, firms differ widely in the proportion of turnover they channel through their central warehouse(s). This is a variation that many people within the trade find baffling. Walters (1976)lightheartedly suggests that there are as many views on why this should be so as there are retailers. The variation is sometimes ascribed rather vaguely to differences in 'business philosophy' or 'trading behavior', expressions that need clarification.Thorpe et. al. (1973) identify eight factors thought to influence the choice of distribution strategy: number, dispersal, size of branch stores, growth history, commodity mix, vertical integration, sales density and site costs. They do not adequately explain the role of these factors, however, and represent the relationships between them and the level of centralized delivery in a series of graphs, several of which show trends that are neither self-evident nor substantiated by empirical evidence. These variables will be considered fewer than five major headings:1. Number and size of shops: There is no significant relationship between the number of shops in a chain and the proportion of centralized deliveries. The number of shops and their sizes (measured in turnover) will together determine the aggregate turnover that will have to exceed a certain threshold level to justify the establishment of a central warehouse. As all the retailers surveyed were large enough to operate at least one central warehouse, it is not possible here to comment on the minimum viable size of a centralized delivery system but above a possible lower size limit, there is no significant relationship between the degree of centralization and turnover.The relationship between the proportion of centralized delivery and sizes of shop in the chain is complicated by the fact that most chains comprise shops varying widely in size (measured both in floor space and turnover). Despite this, most chains claim to standardize the proportion of supplies each store receives from the central warehouse. While the shop size profile is likely to influence the level at which this proportion is standardized, in the absence of shop floor space and turnover data it is not possible to test this relationship. Nevertheless, it should be noted that some chains, notably those that include superstores, do vary the proportion of warehouse delivery with shop size.2. Spatial distribution of shops: Thorpe et al. (1973) suggest that the level of centralized delivery falls with increasing dispersal of branch stores. Although not made explicit, this suggestion is probably based on the reasoning that more dispersed chains would be more costly to supply from a central warehouse (for a given level of service). This would be particularly so where shops lay beyond the daily range of a delivery vehicle. Deliveries beyond this range, however, are very exceptional. Most chains with a centralized grocery delivery system have all their。

超市管理系统外文翻译中英文参考外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)译文字数:4400多字文献出处:G kim. Design of Supermarket Management System [J]Advanced Materials Research, 2015, 9(5) 16-26.英文原文Design of Supermarket Management SystemG kimAbstractIn recent years, with computer information and the popularity of the Internet, the use of advanced systems and software to develop enterprise-level functional software has become an important form of employee work. However, the operation status of small and medium-sized supermarkets in the domestic market is its information speed and some of them are far less than large-scale supermarkets. The timeliness and practicality of the manual operation and summary information mode currently adopted by small- and medium-sized supermarkets need to be improved. Manual information error rates are also extremely high. Therefore, for the management of personnel and personnel of these companies, the storage and processing of relevant information is also very important. Today, with the rapid economic development, it is necessary to have efficient treatment methods andoptimized management methods in order to adapt to market competition. Therefore, it is urgent to speed up the information process of domestic small and medium-sized supermarkets. The use of computer software to centrally manage relevantinformation and eventually form centralized, accurate and authoritative commodity information is an inevitable trend.Supermarket management system is a typical computer management system. Similar to other management systems, its development process also mainly includes two aspects: the establishment of background data table structure and table relationships, and the development of front-end application programs. For the development of applications, the basic requirements for the development of full-featured, easy to use. For the establishment of the database, the main concern is the consistency, integrity, and data security of the data. When the system was under construction, it fully investigated and investigated the entire process of purchase, sales, and storage of several small and medium-sized supermarkets, making full use of the existing software and hardware environment, trying to control the software construction funds, and shortening the software development cycle so as to minimize the time Meet the maximum user's work needs in time.This article starts from the practical application of supermarket management work, analyzes and designs in the process of system requirements analysis, strictly according to the thought and method ofsoftware engineering; in the process of system development, the overall design from the two aspects of functional structure and technical structure, and finally A very practical management system has been formed. The overall structure of this dissertation is as follows: First, in the first chapter of the system, the research background and the significance of the topic selection of the supermarket management system are introduced; in the second chapter, the technical feasibility and economic feasibility of thesystem are analyzed, and The demand model of the supermarket management system was introduced in detail, and finally the system design and system testing. The system is mainly designed and developed from the following three aspects: the outline design of the supermarket management system, system database design and detailed system design. The system uses a typical MVC three-tier structure. The presentation layer adopts the traditional jsp technology. The middle layer adopts the popular Fitter+Hibernate. The Fitter technology runs through the entire middle layer and seamlessly combines the web layer, service layer, and DAO layer. Integration. The data service layer is used to service data. The interaction between the front desk and the back office adopts html as the data exchange medium, and the information is distributed in the form of internet. After strict tests, the system is feasible.Keywords: management system; Fitter; MVC; HibernateIntroductionThe formation of supermarkets in China in the early 1990s has now become an important form of China's retail industry, which has played an important role in the development of the national economy. With the rapid development of supermarkets, their operations and management have become more complex. The early forms of salesperson station counters can no longer meet the development of existing sales, and thus urgently require the introduction of new management technologies. The supermarket form has various advantages, but in the current situation, it still has a backward side shared by retail enterprises. For example, it cannot effectively manage each type of goods, the collection and payment settlement speed is slow, and it is prone to business errors. It is not appropriate to carry outcommodity price adjustment. , inventory efficiency is low, and in the daily management of supermarkets, merchandise, sales, sales, deposits and other decisions based on experience, the lack of real-time analysis capabilities, management personnel on the timely transfer of data requirements have not been met. With the rapid development of supermarkets, the management of these supermarkets has become increasingly complex. The amount of data that needs to be processed daily has also gradually increased. The intermediate links of business operations are also increasing. The original manual management has been unable to cope with this complex market. To this end, I chose the supermarket management system design theme,relying on modern computer information processing technology to manage supermarkets, which saved a lot of manpower, material resources, improved the working conditions of employees, reduced labor intensity, and can quickly reflect the goods The analysis of the status of advancement, sales, deposits, and various feedback information enables managers to quickly make appropriate decisions on changes in the market and speed up the efficiency of supermarket operations and management.1 Research purpose and significanceComputer technology is a major trend in the development of society today. In recent years, the development of informatization has become even more rapid. It should be widely used and has become one of the essential tools for use in various industries. At present, the informationization of small and medium-sized supermarkets in the domestic market is far less than that of large-scale supermarkets. For these enterprises, it is necessary to have efficient treatment methods and management methods in order to adapt to market competition. Therefore, it isvery urgent to speed up the informationization process of supermarkets. Supermarkets play a very important role in the daily lives of Chinese citizens. They also play an important role in satisfying people's daily diversified needs and serving as transit hubs for various industries. However, traditional supermarket management still faces many problems. From the sources of supermarkets, there are numerousgoods and various types of goods, which are frequently imported and shipped. From the perspective of supermarket staff, their employees are generally more and their positions are also numerous. Classification, management is also relatively complicated. Prior to the development of software systems, people used traditional manual methods to manage them. However, there are many shortcomings in this manual management method. For example, the management efficiency of the management is low, and the accuracy rate is difficult to guarantee. With the increase of time, manual work has produced a large number of documents and data, which is not only inconvenient to save, but also brings many difficulties for searching, updating, and maintenance. With the rapid economic development, people have not satisfied the current manual methods. In addition, the requirements of companies and customers on various links have also been increasing. As for supermarket management, procurement personnel are required for all aspects of supermarket management. Purchasers may need to press Assignment of work areas or job responsibilities, etc., as well as shipments, purchases, etc. The close link between each link is also an integral part of the relationship. Errors in one link lead to other issues such as data errors or time delays. If employees are classified strictly, they need various professionaltalents. Therefore, Need to have corresponding management. Therefore, the current small and medium-sized supermarkets urgently need a well-developedmanagement system. This will not only reduce the operational burden on managers, but also free management personnel from heavy physical labor and turn them into mental work.The main purpose of the design and development of this system is to realize the information, intelligence, and convenience of the management of small and medium-sized supermarkets, and to reduce some of the losses caused by over-complicated cargo management, human resources management, and inventory management. As a part of computer applications, the use of computers to manage supermarket-related goods information has advantages that cannot be matched by manual management. For example: rapid information retrieval, high data reliability, large amount of data storage, good operational confidentiality, and increased information lifespan Wait. These advantages can greatly improve the efficiency of supermarket management and at the same time bring certain economic benefits to the development of the company.2 Problems with the current systemAs a comprehensive goods transit hub, there are many problems in its system operation process. The main performance is as follows: Stand-alone single-user system: With the development of the network, the existing stand-alone single-user system is far from meeting the needs. At the same time, the original database does not support multi-user network operating environment.Poor system independent use: The original system is aprogram written using the development tools provided by the database. Therefore, the use of the system is greatly constrained by the database and the program performance is not good. It also cannot support new databases such as Access. The use of enthusiasm is not high: In addition, because information lacks a unified portal, the resulting information cannot be assigned to the responsible person, which ultimately results in poor applicability of information.Poor modularity: Since the original system is not a complete programming language, the system cannot achieve modularization of the code and inconveniences the expansion of the function.3 Research contentThe information provided by the supermarket management system is characterized by large amounts of information, high accuracy, and wide coverage. During the construction of the system, the system fully investigated and researched the business processes of existing neutral supermarkets in Changchun, and fully utilized the existing software and hardware environment. Try to control the software construction funds and shorten the software construction period so as to meet the needs of the largest users in the shortest possible time.The main work of the dissertation is to use the architecture of J2EE to implement the design of the platform system based on the requirements。
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所有的Java开发都使用Servlet技术作为基础技术。同样的,所有的Java Web应用都有一些问题需要解决:
另外,通过使用JavaBean和定制标签库,JSP能够将表示与业务逻辑相分离。 现今,基于JAVA的Web应用开发标准是将servlets与JSP结合在一起。随后,出现了许多种设计模型用来构建servlet/JSP应用:Model 1、Model 2、Struts]和JavaServer Faces(JSF)。Model 1和Model 2最早是在JSP规范中被提及的。Model 1只使用JSP而不使用servlet,Model 2则结合了JSP与servlet。Model 1和Model 2的使用是有条件的,Model 1适合与开发原型和非常小的应用,Model 2则是开发中型和大型应用推荐的设计模型。由于Model 2越来越被行业所接受,一个建立Struts框架的开源项目也因此被启动了。Struts通过为Model 2提供了模型-视图-控制器中的控制器来完善Model 2。另外,Struts提供了更好的页面导航管理机制和一些定制标签库,能够进行更快速的开发。尽管它学习难度大,并且,实际上它没有在任何的规范中被定义,但是它还是作为Model 2的一种替代获得了流行。JavaServer Faces是在JCP的JSR-127规范下被建立。Sun公司力推这项技术,希望它能够成为构建Java Web应用的最终模型。JSF最重要的特性是对ready-to-use组件的支持,比如:可扩展用户接口组件、简易的页面导航、输入验证、数据转换和JavaBean管理机制。servlet/JSP程序员面临的问题是选择最合适的设计模型。明显的,JSF在开发时间上提供了更好的解决方案。然而,有些人担心实施JSF的开销所带来的性能下降而不愿采用这种技术。
Design andimplementationofsupermarketmanagement system
Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology
Servlet技术在建立可扩展性Web应用中是被应用最广泛的技术。在运用JAVA技术开发Web应用中有四种模型,分别是:Model 1、Model2、Struts和JavaServerFaces(JSF)。Model1使用一连串的JSP页面;Model2采用了模型-视图-控制器(MVC)模式;Struts是一个采用了Model2设计模型的框架;JSF是一种支持ready-to-use组件来进行快速Web应用开发的新技术。Model 1对于中等和大型的应用来说很难维护,所以不推荐使用。本文通过利用Model 2、Struts和JSF这三种模型分别构建三个不同版本的在线商店应用程序,来比较和评价这三种模型在应用程序开发和性能上的差异。
我们使用Model 2、 Struts和JSF分别构建三个不同版本的在线商店应用,比较的参数是:代码的行数、类的数目和性能测试结果。