教科版 必修一 Unit 1 Teachers’ day Reading(共32张PPT)
五年级英语上册(鲁科版)Unit1Teachers’ Day Lesson 1 She’s very kind课件

Listen and read along.
Step 1. Read in roles. Step2. Imagine and act.
Try to think(想一想)
Does Danny love his teachers? Yes, he does. How do you know that? He makes cards for his teachers.
The theme day is sponsored by UNESCO and the International Labor Organization.
世界教师日是10月5日,该主 题日于1994年由联合国教科文组 织和国际劳工组织共同发起。
In foreign countries, Teachers’ Day is also very important. They celebrate Teachers’ Day
Unit 1 Teachers’ Day
Lesson 1 She’s very kind.
What do you know about Teachers’ Day?
In ancient times, KongZi was a great educator. He had more than three thousand students. But he still learned from Lao Zi.
So it is 33 Teachers’ Day this year.
Today, pupils often make beautiful cards or draw pictures for their teachers on Teachers’ Day .

2.日常交际用语:1)复习已经学过的打招呼用语,并会实际运用;2)学习以下问候用语:Gladtomeet/seeyouagain.3)学习并初步运用以下表示祝愿、祝贺的用语:HappyTeachers'Day!Withourbestwishes!Wehopeyouhaveaveryhappy yearinourclass.Goodluck!Bestwishes!二、教具录音机;自制教师节贺卡一张。
下列提问供教师在教学中参考:1.Didyouhaveagoodsummerholidayornot2.DidyoureadanybooksornotIfyoudid,whatbooksdidyoureadWhatwa sthebookaboutWhowrotethebookWasitinteresting3.DidyougotoseeanyfilmsornotIfyoudid,whatfilmsdidyouseeWere theyinterestingornotDidyouenjoythemornot4.DidyougotootherplacesornotIfyoudid,wheredidyougoAndwhodid yougowithHowdidyougothereHowlongdidyoustaythereDidyouseeany thinginterestingthere5.DidyouhelpyourparentsdohouseworkornotIfyoudid,whathousewo rkdidyoudo6.DidyoudosportsinyoursummerholidaysornotIfyoudid,whatsport sdidyoudoDidyougoswimmingornotIfyoudid,wheredidyougoswimmin gWasitdangerousHowmanyofyoucanswimWhendidyoulearntoswimWhot aughtyouWhatothersportsdidyoudo7.Didyouvisitanyfactories,farmsorotherplacesIfyoudid,whatdi dyouseethere2.通过与前排学生的寒暄,引导出本课第1部分内容:T:(与坐在前排的几位同学握手,并用英语打招呼或表示欢迎)Hi,×××!Welcomebacktoschool.Howareyo uS:Fine,thankyou.AndyouT:I'mverywell.Thankyou.(转向另一位同学)Hello!I'mgladtoseeyouagain.教师富有表情地重复两遍,引导学生猜测这句话的含义,并通过分解glad一词的读音,让学生猜测这个词的拼写形式。

(1)重点词汇和短语:foremost, ancient, according to, class, require, respect, government, policy, receive, illiterate, citizen, provincial.
a.There will be a meeting tomorrow.
b.Confucius gave us a good example.
c.Confucius had more than three thousand students.
d.Confucius has always been a model for all teachers.
第 1 页共32 页。
小学英语《Unit 1 Teachers' Day A Great Teacher》优质教学课件

Task 3. Read by yourselves then fill in the blanks
Anne loved_ little Helen. Anne_taugh_t(教授)_ Helen how to read and write.
Anne helped( 帮 助a)nd encouraged( 鼓 励 h)er.
( 你认为 Anne 老师是怎样的一个人?)
helpful clever smart great …
Task 3. Let’s match and retell thestory
What do you want to say to your teachers
( 你想对老师说什么? )
1.Read the book---Three Days To See 2.Watch the film--- A Miracle Worker
3.阅读海伦凯勒写的名著《假如给我三天光明》 4.观看以海伦和安妮老师为题材的电影《奇迹缔造者》
Helen was blind and deaf. Anny became her teacher. She taught Helen how to read and write. She often helped her and encouraged her. Helen became a great writer. What a great teacher!
高中英语:Unit 1 Teachers’ Day

Unit1 Teachers’ Day姓名:班别:学号:Warm-up and Reading(第1课时)一. About the textKnow some holidays in China and other countriesRespect for teachers and learning—Teachers' DayChina's foremost teacher in history—ConfuciusNine years of compulsory educationTeachers' further trainingRemember some new words and phrases二. TopicsTalk about teachersTalk about learningTalk about showing respect to teachersTalk about Teachers’Day三. I.根据词性和汉语写出单词1._____ (adj.)最著名的,首要的2.__________ (n. &v.)尊敬、敬重3.____________ (n.)阶级,阶层4.____________ (n.)方针,政策5.____________ (v.)收到,接到6.____________ (n.)公民Ⅱ.根据词性和汉语写出单词,并注意拓展词汇1.____________ (v.)需要→requirement(n.)要求(物),必需(品),需求2.____________ (n.)政府→govern(v.)治理(国家、国民),统治;管理3.____________ (adj.)不识字的→literate(adj.)识字的;有学问的4.____________ (adj.)省的→province(n.)省四. 孔子(公元前551——公元前479),名丘, 字仲尼,春秋末期鲁国陬邑(今山东曲阜市东南)人。

Anne’s best friend
her diary--Kitty
Reasons for being hidden
They were Jewish and would be caught by the German Nazis.
The length of time they hid away
over two years
Unit 1 Friendship
Step 1 Warming up
1.The teacher makes a brief self-introduction to the students.
2 Students are asked to describe themselves and a friend.
Step4 Explain the new words and phrases
把…加起来 总计,共达 增加/添 把…加在…上 增加说,补充说 对….心烦不安的 保持镇静 使…..平静下来 不得不,必须 对…关心,担忧
add up add up to add to add…to… add be upset about sth keep/stay calm calm sb/sth(down) have got to=have to be concerned about
for me.
《赠汪伦》 李白
李白乘舟将欲行,忽闻岸上踏歌声; 桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情.
What does this poem talk about? Friendship
Questions :
1. Do you need friends?
2. Do you think friendship is important in your life? Why do you think so?

高三英语上册第一课Unit1TeachersDay第一课Lesson One一、教学内容1.词汇(略)。
2.日常交际用语:1)复习已经学过的打招呼用语,并会实际运用;2)学习以下问候用语:Glad to meet/see you again. 3)学习并初步运用以下表示祝愿、祝贺的用语:Happy Teachers' Day! With our best wishes! We hope you have a very happy year in our class. Good luck! Best wishes!二、教具录音机;自制教师节贺卡一张。
下列提问供教师在教学中参考:1.Did you have a good summer holiday or not?2.Did you read any books or not? If you did, what books did you read? What was the book about? Who wrote the book? Was it interesting?3.Did you go to see any films or not? If you did, what films did you see? Were they interesting or not? Did you enjoy them or not?4.Did you go to other places or not? If you did, where did you go? And who did you go with? How did you go there? How long did you stay there? Did you see anything interesting there?5.Did you help your parents do housework or not? If you did, what housework did you do?6.Did you do sports in your summer holidays or not? If you did, what sports did you do? Did you go swimming or not? If you did, where did you go swimming? Was it dangerous? How many of you can swim? When did you learn to swim? Who taught you? What other sports did you do?7.Did you visit any factories, farms or other places? If you did, what did you see there?2.通过与前排学生的寒暄,引导出本课第1部分内容:T:(与坐在前排的几位同学握手,并用英语打招呼或表示欢迎) Hi, ×××!Welcome back to school. How are you?S:Fine, thank you. And you?T:I'm very well. Thank you. (转向另一位同学) Hello! I'm glad to see you again.教师富有表情地重复两遍,引导学生猜测这句话的含义,并通过分解glad一词的读音,让学生猜测这个词的拼写形式。

They were active then.
They were smart then.
They were naughty then.
They were short then.
根据课文内容填空。 “Happy Teachers’ Day, Mr Wang!” they say. “Thank you. I’m so happy __t_o_s_e_e_ you today,” Mr Wang says.
对人物的过去进行评价的句型: 主语+was/were+形容词(+其他). 注意: ① 系表结构, be动词后面要接形容词作表语。 ② be动词要根据主语人称和数的变化而变化。
Li Na and Linda were thin then. They were smart. Now they are tall and beautiful.
Today is Teachers’ Day. Mr Wang’s pupils _a_r_e_b_a_c_k_ at school.They _w_e_r_e_ in his class _te_n__ye_a_r_s_a_g_o_.
Li Qi, Sun Xu and Chen Yi were _s_h_o_r_t _ then.They were _a_c_t_iv_e__ in class, But sometimes they were __na_u_g_h_t_y_.
Li Na and Linda were __t_h_in__ then. They were __sm__ar_t__. Now they __a_re__ tall and beautiful.

高中物理(教科版必修一)教师用书:第1章 4

1.理解加速度的物理意义、定义式、单位.2.知道vt图像中斜率的含义,会用vt图像求加速度.3.理解加速度是描述物体速度变化快慢的物理量,会根据速度和加速度的方向关系判断运动性质.(重点)4.掌握速度、速度变化量和速度变化率的区别,并在生活中准确地使用加速度的概念.(重点、难点)加 速度[先填空]1.定义:速度的改变量Δv与发生这一改变所用时间Δt的比值.用a表示.2.公式:a=.3.单位:在国际单位制中为米每二次方秒,符号是m/s2或m·s -2.4.方向:加速度是矢量,它不仅有大小而且有方向,加速度的方向跟速度变化的方向相同.5.物理意义:表示运动物体速度变化快慢的物理量;加速度在数值上等于单位时间内的速度变化.[再判断]1.速度大,加速度可能为零.(√)2.速度变化大,加速度一定大.(×)3.加速度的大小与速度的大小无关.(√)4.物体A的加速度为2 m/s2,B的加速度为-3 m/s2,则A的加速度大于B的加速度.(×)[后思考]1.“我国的新型战斗机歼20飞得很快.”“小轿车比公交车起步快.”以上两句话中的“快”的含义各是什么?图141【提示】第一个“快”指战斗机的速度大,运动得快;第二个“快”指起步时小轿车比公交车的加速度大,即小轿车比公交车速度增加得快.2.速度的变化量Δv等于末速度v与初速度v0的大小之差,这种说法对吗?【提示】公式Δv=v-v0中各量都是矢量,只有物体做直线运动时,才可以应用代数运算计算Δv.[合作探讨]如图142为猎豹、蜻蜓、歼20战斗机的运动图像甲乙丙图142图甲中猎豹捕食时能在4 s内速度由零增加到30 m/s.图乙中以9 m/s的速度运动的蜻蜓能在1 s内停下来.图丙中歼20战斗机在试飞时以600 m/s的速度在空中匀速飞行.试结合以上情景分析:探讨:(1)哪一个物体的速度最大?(2)哪一个物体的速度变化量最大?(3)哪一个物体的加速度最大?(4)蜻蜓的加速度和猎豹的加速度符号相反说明什么问题?【提示】(1)歼20战斗机的速度最大.(2)猎豹的速度变化量最大,为30 m/s.(3)猎豹的加速度为a1== m/s2=7.5 m/s2蜻蜓的加速度为a2== m/s2=-9 m/s2歼20战斗机速度不变,加速度为零,故蜻蜓的加速度最大.(4)符号不同表明两者的加速度方向与速度方向关系不同,猎豹的加速度为正值,加速度与速度同向,猎豹做加速运动;蜻蜓的加速度为负值,加速度与速度方向相反,蜻蜓做减速运动.【答案】(1)歼20战斗机(2)猎豹(3)蜻蜓(4)见解析[核心点击]1.加速度的理解加速度是速度的变化量Δv与发生这一变化所用时间Δt的比值,在数值上等于单位时间内速度的变化量,即速度的变化率.2.速度、速度变化量、加速度的比较速度v速度变化量Δv加速度a定义位移与所用时间的比值末速度与初速度的差值速度变化量与时间的比值表达式Δv=ΔxΔtΔv=v-v0a=ΔvΔt单位m/s m/s m/s2方向为物体运动的方向,与a的方向不一定相同由初、末速度决定,与a的方向相同与Δv的方向相同,与v的方向不一定相同物理意义表示物体运动的快慢和方向表示物体速度变化的大小和方向表示物体速度变化的快慢和方向大小关系三个物理量的大小没有必然联系,其中一个物理量较大时,其余两个物理量不一定较大关于速度和加速度的关系,下列说法正确的是()A.速度变化得越多,加速度就越大B.速度变化得越快,加速度就越大C.加速度方向保持不变,速度方向也保持不变D.加速度大小不断变小,速度大小也不断变小【解析】“速度变化得越多”是指Δv越大,若所用时间t也很大,则就不一定大,故A错;“速度变化得越快”是指速度的变化率越大,即加速度a越大,B正确;加速度方向保持不变,速度方向可能变,也可能不变,当物体做减速直线运动时,v=0以后就反向运动,如竖直向上抛出的物体,故C错;物体在运动过程中,若加速度以向下为正方向,v1=+6 m/s,v2=-4 m/s,加速度为a== m/s2=-50 m/s2负号表示加速度方向与正方向相反,即向上.【答案】(1)-10 m/s 方向向上(2)见解析关于速度、速度变化量、加速度的五点提醒1.速度大,速度变化量、加速度不一定大.2.速度变化量大,加速度、速度不一定大,它们之间无直接关系.3.加速度大,速度不一定大.4.加速度的方向与速度变化量的方向一定相同.5.加速度的大小等于速度的变化率.但与Δv和Δt其中的任何一个因素均无关.加速度的大小决定于力的大小(第4章学习)速 度 与 加 速 度 的 关 系[先填空]1.在直线运动中,速度变化量Δv=v-v0的方向可能与初速度v0相同,也可能相反.2.(1)加速直线运动:加速度方向与初速度方向相同.(2)减速直线运动:加速度方向与初速度方向相反.[再判断]1.物体A的加速度为aA=2 m/s2,则物体做加速运动.(×)2.B的加速度为aB=-3 m/s2,则物体可能做加速运动.(√)3.某物体的加速度为-1 m/s2,初速度为-2 m/s,则该物体做加速运动.(√)[后思考]1.直线运动中,加速度为负值,物体一定做减速运动吗?【提示】物体做加速还是减速运动,取决于速度与加速度的方向关系,而不是取决于加速度的正负.2.若物体的加速度逐渐减小,速度一定减小吗?若物体的加速度逐渐增大,速度一定增大吗?【提示】不一定.若加速度a与初速度v0同向,则物体做加速直线运动,这时若a逐渐减小,只是说明v增加得慢了;若加速度a 与初速度v0反向,则物体做减速直线运动,这时若a逐渐增大,只是说明v减小得快了.[合作探讨]探讨1:做直线运动的火车,在40 s内速度由10 m/s增加到20 m/s,那么火车在40 s内速度的变化量是多少?火车的加速度是多少?加速度的方向与速度变化量的方向有什么关系?【提示】Δv=20 m/s-10 m/s=10 m/s,为正值,说明Δv的方向与速度v的方向相同.a===0.25 m/s2,也为正值,说明a的方向与v方向相同.故加速度的方向与速度变化量的方向相同.探讨2:汽车紧急刹车时,在2 s 内速度从10 m/s 减小到0,汽车2 s 内速度的变化量是多少?加速度是多少?加速度的方向与速度变化量的方向有什么关系?【提示】 Δv =0-10 m/s =-10 m/s ,为负值,说明Δv 的方向与速度v 的方向相反.a ===-5 m/s2,也为负值,说明a 的方向与v 的方向相反,但加速度的方向与速度变化量的方向相同.[核心点击]判断物体是加速运动还是减速运动的两种方法1.根据vt 图像判断2.根据v 与a 的方向的关系判断 (1)a 和v0同向→加速运动→⎩⎨⎧ a不变,v均匀增加a增大,v增加得越来越快a减小,v增加得越来越慢(2)a 和v0反向→减速运动→⎩⎨⎧a不变,v均匀减小a增大,v减小得越来越快a减小,v减小得越来越慢一质点自原点开始在x 轴上运动,初速度v0>0,加速度a>0,a 值不断减小直至为零的过程中,质点的( )图143A.前3 s内速度与加速度方向相同,物体做加速运动B.第5 s内速度与加速度方向相反,物体做减速运动C.第6 s内速度与加速度方向相同,物体做加速运动D.第6 s内速度与加速度方向相反,物体做减速运动【解析】前3 s内速度随时间均匀增大,故物体做加速运动,速度与加速度同向,A正确.第5 s内速度随时间减小,速度与加速度反向,物体做减速运动,B正确.第6 s内速度随时间增大,速度与加速度同向,物体做加速运动,D错误、C正确.【答案】ABC判断速度变化规律的方法1.判断物体速度的大小变化,不必去管加速度的大小和变化,只需看加速度的方向与速度的方向是否相同.若加速度与速度的方向相同,则物体一定做加速直线运动;否则,物体一定做减速直线运动.2.判断物体速度变化的快慢,只需看加速度的大小,不用去管加速度的方向或速度的大小.物体的加速度大,则表明物体的速度变化较快,加速度小,则表明物体的速度变化较慢.页码 / 总页数。

• The boys were ______. • They were _______. • But sometimes ___________.
girls • The girls were thin then. • They were smart.
thin then
there thin this
Mr Wang
What was Mr Wang like then?
• He was young then. • He was strong. • His hair was black.
她有什么特 点?
She was…
He was…
She was a little baby then.
thin tall
Talk about your favourite teacher.
• Notes: young, old, tall, strong,hort hair, thin, fat…
Teachers’ Day
What's the song about?
• Teachers’ Day
What is Danny doing?
He’s making a card.
make cake lake
What is Miss Zhang like?
• She’s young. • She’s tall. • She has long hair. • She’s very kind. • She’s strict.
Unit 1 Teachers’ DayPPT优选课件

he she your parents
How are you?
How many festivals do you know ?
Memorize them!
Christmas Day New Year’s Day Women’s Day Teachers’ Day
luck n.-----Good luck!
4. How old_w_i_llyou _b_e_ (be) next year? 5. My sister_w_i_l_l _g_o__(go) over her history
lessons tomorrow. 6. Jackb_o_u_g_h_t(buy) the dictionary yesterday.
study write cho2o02s0e/10/18
teach take
do tell 11
3 语法 掌握所学时态的谓语动词的形式 以动词talk为例
现在进行时:be(am\is\are) talking
be not talking 一般现在时:talk------don’t talk
What can you say when you meet other people ?

高三英语上册第一课Unit1TeachersDay第一课Lesson One一、教学内容1.词汇(略)。
2.日常交际用语:1)复习已经学过的打招呼用语,并会实际运用;2)学习以下问候用语:Glad to meet/see you again. 3)学习并初步运用以下表示祝愿、祝贺的用语:Happy Teachers’ Day! With our best wishes! We hope you have a very happy year in our class. Good luck! Best wishes!二、教具录音机;自制教师节贺卡一张。
下列提问供教师在教学中参考:1.Did you have a good summer holiday or not?2.Did you read any books or not? If you did, what books did you read?What was the book about? Who wrote the book? Was it interesting?3.Did you go to see any films or not? If you did, what films did you see? Were they interesting or not? Did you enjoy them or not?4.Did you go to other places or not? If you did, where did you go? And who did you go with? How did you go there? How long did you stay there? Did you see anything interesting there?5.Did you help your parents do housework or not? If you did, what housework did you do?6.Did you do sports in your summer holidays or not? If you did, what sports did you do? Did you go swimming or not? If you did, where did you go swimming? Was it dangerous? How many of you can swim? When did you learn to swim? Who taught you? What other sports did you do?7.Did you visit any factories, farms or other places? If you did, what did you see there?2.通过与前排学生的寒暄,引导出本课第1部分内容:T:(与坐在前排的几位同学握手,并用英语打招呼或表示欢迎) Hi, ×××!Welcome back to school. How are you?S:Fine, thank you. And you?T:I’m very well. Thank you. (转向另一位同学) Hello! I’m glad to see you again.教师富有表情地重复两遍,引导学生猜测这句话的含义,并通过分解glad一词的读音,让学生猜测这个词的拼写形式。
unit1 Teacher's Day

The Chinese people have been celebrating Teacher's Day since 1949.
3. When did China first celebrate National Teachers' Day?
4. How dose the government help the iliterate people?
5.What dose the government do to help teachers?
Paragrph 1 Some policy that help teachers improving themselves. The introduction of Confius's philosophy The origin and development of Teacher's areful Reading
Read the passage carefully. Acording to the text, answer the following questions.
1.Who is China's foremost teacher in history?
2.What is Confucius' s educational phylosophy?
middle-aged illiterate citizens learn to read and write.

高三英语上册第一课Unit1TeachersDay第一课Lesson One一、教学内容1.词汇(略)。
2.日常交际用语:1)复习已经学过的打招呼用语,并会实际运用;2)学习以下问候用语:Glad to meet/see you again. 3)学习并初步运用以下表示祝愿、祝贺的用语:Happy Teachers’ Day! With our best wishes! We hope you have a very happy year in our class. Good luck! Best wishes!二、教具录音机;自制教师节贺卡一张。
下列提问供教师在教学中参考:1.Did you have a good summer holiday or not?2.Did you read any books or not? If you did, what books did you read? What was the book about? Who wrote the book? Was it interesting?3.Did you go to see any films or not? If you did, what films did you see? Were they interesting or not? Did you enjoy them or not?4.Did you go to other places or not? If you did, where did you go? And who didyou go with? How did you go there? How long did you stay there? Did you see anything interesting there?5.Did you help your parents do housework or not? If you did, what housework did you do?6.Did you do sports in your summer holidays or not? If you did, what sports did you do? Did you go swimming or not? If you did, where did you go swimming? Was it dangerous? How many of you can swim? When did you learn to swim? Who taught you? What other sports did you do?7.Did you visit any factories, farms or other places? If you did, what did you see there?2.通过与前排学生的寒暄,引导出本课第1部分内容:T:(与坐在前排的几位同学握手,并用英语打招呼或表示欢迎) Hi, ×××!Welcome back to school. How are you?S:Fine, thank you. And you?T:I’m very well. Thank you. (转向另一位同学) Hello! I’m glad to see you again.教师富有表情地重复两遍,引导学生猜测这句话的含义,并通过分解glad一词的读音,让学生猜测这个词的拼写形式。

====Word行业资料分享--可编辑版本--双击可删====ReadingHonor Teachers –Teachers’ DayChinese people consider Confucius, China's foremost teacher in history, as a role model for all teachers. The ancient great master of education had expressed his educational philosophy as “ equal education for all and teaching according to students' learning style." During his lifetime,Confucius had taught over three thousand Students. In practice, he had never turned a pupil down because of his low social class. All the great master required from his students was a desire and determination to learn.Today, people not only remember Confucius, but also show respect to all teachers for their hard work. Since 1985, China has been celebrating National Teachers' Day on September 10th. On that day, teachers all Over the country are honored for their contribution in raising the level of literacy of the nation. The government briefs the nation’s accomplishments in education within the year. One recent great success has been the implementation of a nationwide nine-year compulsory education policy. As a result, almost all school-aged children now receive at least nine years of public education. The government has also been helping young and middle-aged illiterate citizens learn to read and write.Meanwhile, the government works on improving the working and living conditions of the country’s more than 10 million teachers. Primary and high school teachers are provided with continued in-service training for the improvement of their performance and professionalism. Outstanding teachers are honored as national and provincial “model teachers”. With all these efforts, Confucius’s ideal of education for all is becoming the reality of education in China.源-于-网-络-收-集。
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dutiful frank energetic humorous responsible impartial(公正的)
precise (一丝不苟的)
Teachers play a vital role in shaping our lives. They teach us much more
Task 3
Find out whether each of the following statements is true (T) or false (F).
1) The theme of Teachers’ Day is to show our respect for teachers and learning.
2. One recent great success has been the implementation of a nationwide nine-year compulsory education policy.
多som个e形e容xe词rci修se饰s 同一名词排序 ①Pu冠t t词he、se指w示o代rd词s i、n 不rig定h代t o词rd、er物. 主代词 ②br序ow数n词ol+d基t数ab词le wood ③④⑥olalrd一 大 颜gbe般 小 色rot性 、hwo描长nse绘短wbo形、eoa容形dut词 状taifbulles⑤qu年a龄re、th新re旧e ⑦tho国se籍t、hr出ee处beautiful large square 近⑧期材料一个巨大的成功就是全国性九年义务 教⑨育用途政、策类的别实施。
3. In practice, he never refused a student because of his low social class.
because of: as a result of 因为,由于
The train was delayed because of bad weather. 火车由于恶劣天气而延误了。 He walked slowly because of his bad leg. 他走得很慢,因为他的腿不好。
Paragraph 3
The government works on improving the working and living conditions of the teachers.
Task 2
Read and answer the questions.
1. Who is Confucius? What is his educational philosophy?
2. “equal education for all and teaching according to students’ learning style.”
according to: as stated by 据…所说,按…所记载
According to Sarah they're not getting on very well at the moment. 据萨拉说,他们目前关系不是太好。 According to our records you owe us $130. 根据我们的记录,你欠我们130美元。
1.Chinese people consider Confucius, China’s foremost teacher in history, as a role model for all teachers.
consider ... as 意为"认为……是……"
We consider him (as) honest. 我们认为他很诚实。 We all consider the city library as an important part of public service. 我们大家都认为市图书馆是公共事业的一 个 respect, class, policy, require,
government, receive, illiterate, citizen Expressions: according to, because of, not only …but also…, help sb (to) do sth.
Who said these
不亦说乎?有朋自远 Confucius.
方来,不亦乐乎?人 不知,而不愠,不亦君 子乎?”
What do you know about him?
He taught over
子曰:“温故而知新,three thousand
4. Today, people not only remember Confucius, but also show respect to all teachers for their hard work.
not only...but also... used to say that two related things are true or happened, especially when this is surprising or shocking 不但……而且……,主要用来连接两个 并列成分,also有时可省略。
than just science, math, and language. They teach us to live. A “thank you” for all that they do for us may not be enough. But that's
the least we can do to express gratitude towards them.
He is a great master
Do you know any otohfeerdfuacmatoiouns.
What about your teachers? Do you have a favourite teacher in your school days? Could you introduce him/her to us? Here are some words that may help you.
Unit 1
Words review
foremost according to
respect class policy
adj. 最著名的,首要的 prep. phr. 根据 n. & v. 尊敬,敬重 n. 阶级,阶层 n. 方针,政策 v. 需要
Words review
government receive illiterate
2) Confucius had aboovuert 3000 students. 3) AClol Cnofunfcuicuiussorneqlyuiarecdcefrpotmedhisstsutuddeennttss wfraosma
dpeosoirre faanmd dileietesr.mination to learn. 4) Confucius played a very important role
He is an ancient great master of education. He expressed his educational philosophy as “equal education for all and teaching according to students’ learning style.” 2. Why do we celebrate Teachers’ Day? We celebrate Teachers’ Day for their contribution in raising the level of literacy of the nation.
1. Should the social class be considered when teachers accept students? 2. What has China achieved in the field of education in recent years? 3. What do you expect of a teacher? 4. What would you do to show respect to your teachers?
Careful reading
1. All the great master required from his students was a desire and determination to learn. to do做后置定语
require vt. 需要;要求;规定 require sb/sth to do sth You are required by law to stop your car after an accident. require that The rules require that you bring only one guest to the dinner. 这位大师对其学生的所有要求就是对学习的渴 望和决心。
7) Teachers will receive compulsory education to improve their teaching quality.
8) Because the living conditions of teachers are good, all young people want to be teachers. Not mentioned.