



Transducer in the water control system applicationsCurrently,the water level control in a large part of the electrical pumps are not towing gear shift system, no gear shift most of the electrical energy consumed in the water supply to the frequent changes in the pumps stopped. This not only makes the electrical work in inefficient zones, cut short the useful life of electrical and electrical equipment for the frequent failure to stop the high rate, leading to serious waste of water resources, system maintenance,repairs larger workload。

With high living water and industrial water gradually increased, the traditional control methods that are outdated。

Originally used for artificial water level control,water level due to the lack of accurate positioning hour monitoring,it is difficult to accurately control the pumps have stopped;Using buoys or mechanical control devices such as water supply situation has made some changes,but because of mechanical failure more devices,poor reliability to maintenance will face great trouble。



PID controllerA proportional–integral–derivative controller (PID controller) is a generic .control loop feedback mechanism widely used in industrial control systems. A PID controller attempts to correct the error between a measured process variable and a desired setpoint by calculating and then outputting a corrective action that can adjust the process accordingly.The PID controller calculation (algorithm) involves three separate parameters; the Proportional, the Integral and Derivative values. The Proportional value determines the reaction to the current error, the Integral determines the reaction based on the sum of recent errors and the Derivative determines the reaction to the rate at which the error has been changing. The weightedsum of these three actions is used to adjust the process via a control element such as the position of a control valve or the power supply of a heating element. By "tuning" the three constants in the PID controller algorithm the PID can provide control action designed for specific process requirements. The response of the controller can be described in terms of the responsiveness of the controller to an error, the degree to which the controller overshoots the setpoint and the degree of system oscillation. Some applications may require using only one or two modes to provide the appropriate system control. This is achieved by setting the gain of undesired control outputs to zero. A PID controller will be called a PI, PD, P or I controller in the absence of the respective control actions. PI controllers are particularly common, since derivative action is very sensitive to measurement noise, and the absence of an integral value may prevent the system from reaching its target value due to the control action.The PID control scheme is named after its three correcting terms, whose sum constitutes the manipulated variable (MV). Hence:where Pout, Iout, and Dout are the contributions to the output from the PID controller from each of the three terms, as defined below.1. Proportional termThe proportional term makes a change to the output that is proportional to the current error value. The proportional response can be adjusted by multiplying the error by a constant Kp, called the proportional gain.The proportional term is given by:WherePout: Proportional outputKp: Proportional Gain, a tuning parametere: Error = SP − PVt: Time or instantaneous time (the present)A high proportional gain results in a large change in the output for a given change in the error. If the proportional gain is too high, the system can become unstable (See the section on Loop Tuning). In contrast, a small gain results in a small output response to a large input error, and a less responsive (or sensitive) controller. If the proportional gain is too low, the control action may be too small when responding to system disturbances.In the absence of disturbances, pure proportional control will not settle at its target value, but will retain a steady state error that is a function of the proportional gain and the process gain. Despite the steady-state offset, both tuning theory and industrial practice indicate that it is the proportional term that should contribute the bulk of the output change.2.Integral termThe contribution from the integral term is proportional to both the magnitude of the error and the duration of the error. Summing the instantaneous error over time (integrating the error) gives the accumulated offset that should have been corrected previously. The accumulated error is then multiplied by the integral gain and added to the controller output. The magnitude of the contribution of the integral term to the overall control action is determined by the integral gain, Ki.The integral term is given by:Iout: Integral outputKi: Integral Gain, a tuning parametere: Error = SP − PVτ: Time in the past contributing to the integral responseThe integral term (when added to the proportional term) accelerates the movement of the process towards setpoint and eliminates the residual steady-state error that occurs with a proportional only controller. However, since the integral term is responding to accumulated errors from the past, it can cause the present value to overshoot the setpoint value (cross over the setpoint and then create a deviation in the other direction). For further notes regarding integral gain tuning and controller stability, see the section on loop tuning.3 Derivative termThe rate of change of the process error is calculated by determining the slope of the error over time (i.e. its first derivative with respect to time) and multiplying this rate of change by the derivative gain Kd. The magnitude of the contribution of the derivative term to the overall control action is termed the derivative gain, Kd.The derivative term is given by:Dout: Derivative outputKd: Derivative Gain, a tuning parametere: Error = SP − PVt: Time or instantaneous time (the present)The derivative term slows the rate of change of the controller output and this effect is most noticeable close to the controller setpoint. Hence, derivative control is used to reduce the magnitude of the overshoot produced by the integral component and improve the combined controller-process stability. However, differentiation of a signal amplifies noise and thus this term in the controller is highly sensitive to noise in the error term, and can cause a process to become unstable if the noise and the derivative gain are sufficiently large.4 SummaryThe output from the three terms, the proportional, the integral and the derivative terms are summed to calculate the output of the PID controller. Defining u(t) as the controller output, the final form of the PID algorithm is:and the tuning parameters areKp: Proportional Gain - Larger Kp typically means faster response since thelarger the error, the larger the Proportional term compensation. An excessively large proportional gain will lead to process instability and oscillation.Ki: Integral Gain - Larger Ki implies steady state errors are eliminated quicker. The trade-off is larger overshoot: any negative error integrated during transient response must be integrated away by positive error before we reach steady state.Kd: Derivative Gain - Larger Kd decreases overshoot, but slows down transient response and may lead to instability due to signal noise amplification in the differentiation of the error.PID控制器比例积分微分控制器(PID调节器)是一个控制环,广泛地应用于工业控制系统里的反馈机制。







%With decreasing the pressure of system control,compared with the frequency changeless equipment,the energy can be saved obviously by frequency conversion water supply equipment,The water pump motor of medium-sized waterworks is driven by the high-pressure motor.The traditional way, controlling the number of operating pump and adjusting the open degree of the valve,is often used to adjust the water pressure and flow.Due to fixed water supply time and obvious daily load varying espe-cially in the midnight and morning as well as in winter and spring,thus it not only wastes the energy but also makes the pressure of the water supply network fluctuated.This paper describes the energy saving of the constant pressure water supply system.【期刊名称】《微处理机》【年(卷),期】2014(000)005【总页数】5页(P91-95)【关键词】变频调速;恒压供水;控制;节能【作者】孙文革【作者单位】新疆职业大学机械电子工程学院,乌鲁木齐830013【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP23随着系统控制压力的降低,变频给水设备工况相对于工频工况的节能效果十分明显。







压力传感器检测当前水压信号,送入PLC与设定值比较后进行PID 运算,从而控制变频器的输出电压和频率,进而改变水泵电机的转速来改变供水量,最终保持管网压力稳定在设定值附近。


关键词:变频调速,恒压供水,PLC,组态软件ABSTRACTAccording to the requirement of China's urban water supply, this paper designs a set of water supply system of frequecey control of constant voltage based on PLC, and have developed good operation management interface using Supervision Control and Data Acquisition.The system is made up of PLC, transducer,units of pumps,pressure sensor and control machine and so on.This system is formed by three pump generators,and they form the circulating run mode of frequency conversion. With general frequency converter realize for three phase pump generator soft start with frequency control,operation switch adopts the principle of”start first stop first”. The detection signal of pressure senso r of hydraulic pressure,via PLC with set value by carry out PID comparison operation,so,control frequency and the export voltage of frequency converter,and then the rotational speed that changes pump generator come to change water supply quantity,eventually,it is nearby to maintain pipe net pressure to stabilize when set value. Through work control machine the connection with PLC,with group form software consummately systematic monitoring,have realized operation state development to show and data,report to the police inquiry.Keywords: variable frequency speed-regulating, constant-pressure water supply, PLC, supervision control and data acquisition.目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 课题的提出 (1)1.2 变频恒压供水系统的国内外研究现状 (3)1.3 PLC概述 (5)1.4 本课题的主要研究内容 (7)2 系统的理论分析及控制方案确定 (8)2.1 变频恒压供水系统的理论分析 (8)2.2 变频恒压供水系统控制方案的确定 (11)3 系统的硬件设计 (19)3.1 系统主要设备的选型 (19)3.2 系统主电路分析及其设计 (23)3.3 系统控制电路分析及其设计 (25)3.4 PLC的I/O端口分配及外围接线图 (27)4 系统的软件设计 (31)4.1 系统软件设计分析 (31)4.2 PLC程序设计 (33)4.3 PID控制器参数整定 (40)5 监控系统的设计 (46)5.1 组态软件简介 (46)5.2 监控系统的设计 (46)6 结束语 (51)参考文献 (53)致谢 (55)附录 (56)附录A 英文文献 (56)附录B 中文翻译 (65)附录C 主程序梯形图 (71)1 绪论1.1 课题的提出水和电是人类生活、生产中不可缺少的重要物质,在节水节能已成为时代特征的现实条件下,我们这个水资源和电能源短缺的国家,长期以来在市政供水、高层建筑供水、工业生产循环供水等方面技术一直比较落后,自动化程度较低,而随着我国社会经济的发展,人们生活水平的不断提高,以及住房制度改革的不断深入,城市中各类小区建设发展十分迅速,同时也对小区的基础设施建设提出了更高的要求。



Constant pressure water-supplyWith the progress development of social economic and the construct scale of city continuously enlarge, increasing of population and standard of living of people continuously improved, more and more demanding to quantity, quality and stability of water supply bring forward in city. The automatic degree of waterworks in town is much lower than the correspondence in city. Especially in some old waterworks, the equipment of automatic control system is dropped behind. The control of unit ismainly depended on manual operating of watches. The process of control is very complicated and that manual control can't meet the change of pressure in the pipes and the water level of the pure pond. It also can't act the proper feedback in time. For the sake of water supply, the electromotor unit usually works in the state of over charge. Not only efficiency of electromotor is low and electricity consuming is bigger, but also the pressure of pipes is overload in long term. On the basis of analyzing status in quo of the waterworks in our country, this paper designs a suit of constant pressure water supply automatic control system by using variable frequency speed-regulating technology based on PLC.The system is made up of PLC, transducer, units of pumps and electromotors, pressure sensor, industrial control computer and console. The system is used a transducer to make four electromotors starting, running and timing. The two high-power electromotors(220Kw) and low-power electromotors(160Kw) is partly circulated. To connect control computer with PLC and realize supervisal, a real time supervisal control software of water supply system is developed. The software has the function of data connection, communication, state control of facilities and data management.To tune up the frequency of power supply by the transducer in the system, this adjusting make the speed of electromotor and performance curve of pump change. At last, it make the status of a pump alter. Through analyzing the figure of energy wasting of pump, the quality in pipes is direct proportion of the speed of pump if the speed of pump is reduced. The power of electromotor fell the cube of the speed of pump. So the energy wasting of constant pressure water supply based on variable frequency speed regulating technology is envident less than the traditional mode isused throttle to supply water.Through using STEP7 MicroWin program software of SIMENS Company in German in the control system, a PID controller of pressure control within PLC isdesigned. The controller can compare the measure value and the value in advance of pressure. Through‘real-time controlling the output voltage and frequency of transducer, the output quality of pump is changed along with the changing of pump's speed. It makes the pressure of pipe self-regulating and steady in the scheduled value.There are some drawbacks such as conversion current is great, easy to burn the fuse and switch if off in variable frequency to working frequency of high-power electromotor. In the former researching, the conversion of variable frequency to working frequency is only emphasized the speediness. The conversion is usually failed because the key is not the speediness of conversion. Through analyzing and researching the problem of variable frequency to working frequency of high-power electromotor in theory, the key of conversion is pointed out in the paper. On the basis of analyzing equivalent circuit diagram and vector-diagram of induction-motor, the phase of working frequency power whether or not consistent with the output phase of variable frequency power at the moment of conversion is the key to decide whether the conversion is successfully.With the application of phase detector in industrial experiment on the spot, when the phase of working frequency power supply is consistent with the output phase of variable frequency power supply, PLC sends out the instruction to switch off the output of transducer. The electromotor is connected with the industrial frequency voltage after it was disconnected from the output of transducer. The conversion time is less than half hundred ms. The switch off current of variable frequency to working frequency is around one and half times of rating current of electromotor when the measures is made. It is succeed to solve the problem of variable frequency to working frequency and realizing the smooth conversion of high-power electromotor. It reduced the impact on power supply and equipments, too.The operation and experiment demonstrates that the system make the work of water supply automated in some degree. It is good for energy saving and improving the management of waterworks. It's also facility to mount and maintain, reliable to operating, and precise to supervise and control. The supervisory control software has abundant functions, kind interface and convenience to using.恒压供水随着社会经济的飞速发展,城市建设规模的不断扩大,人口的增多以及人们生活水平的不断提高,对城市供水的数量、质量、稳定性提出了越来越高的要求。




关键词: 变频调速;恒压供水。

PID调节器中图法一、引言目前,我国居民小区与高层建筑的生活供水,普遍采用工频方式.它存在着能耗大,噪音高,水源存在二次污染等诸多问题.而用变频调速控制的给水装置是一种较为理想的模式.进入90年代中后期,随着变频调速技术的不断发展与完善,基于该项技术的全自动恒压给水方式已在发达国家得到广泛的应用,且日趋成熟.近几年来,作者在变频调速给水控制系统的设计与施工方面做了些实际工作,积累了一些经验,并形成了对于一些问题的看法.水泵节能原理变频调速系统之所以得到推广,一个很重要的原因就是它有较好的节能效果.一台水泵的实际扬程与电源频率的平方成正比.因而通过变频器改变水泵电机的供电频率,就可控制水泵的供水压力.恒压供水自动控制变频恒压供水原理框图如图1所示. 为给定的压力值, 为压力传感器从管道上所测得的实际压力值,PID调节器通过对两者的误差运算,并经过控制变频器的频率输出,从而使管道的压力始终保持在设定值上。

该系统能自动检测用户的瞬时水压,据此调节给水量的多少及电机的运行状况.还可根据所需的给水压力设定控制压力值,让设备始终处于恒压状态,从负载电机的特性可知,所配电机的轴功率与其转速的三次方成正比,即 .例如,当变频器输出频率为35Hz(最高设定为50Hz),也就是实际转速为额定转速的70%时,调速器的用电量为0.343,约占额定的35%.也就是说,水泵总处于恒压变流量匹配方式的工作状态,从而消除了超压和回流的无功损耗.恒速与变频调速轴功率变化曲线如图2所示,比较可知,变频调速方式节能效果最为明显。




Abstract: The paper introduces today's main frequency constant water supply system and makes the compassion and analysis.关键词:变频恒压供水控制系统;主要类型;比较;分析Key words: frequency constant water supply system;main types;comparison;analysis中图分类号:TV73 文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-4311(2010)27-0236-01在我国,节电节水的潜力非常大。















恒压供水保证了供水质量,以PLC 为主机的控制系统丰富了系统的控制功能,提高了系统的可靠性。

关键字:PLC;恒压供水;变频器AbstractThis article introduced the constant pressure water supply's basic principle as well as the system constitution's foundation, showed the programmable controller (PLC) the role which holds the post in the constant pressure water supply system. Start from system's overall design plan and the energy demand analysis, the close relation practical life's need, makes every effort to achieve causes the systems operation to be stable, the operation is simple, the solution real issue, the guarantee water supply security, is quick, is reliable. The constant pressure water supply had guaranteed the water supply quality, as main engine's control system has enriched system's control function take PLC, enhanced system's reliability.key words:PLC; Constant pressure water supply; Frequency changer目录 (2)前言 (3)第一章恒压供水原理及工艺 (4)1.1 本课题的研究意义 (4)1.2 工艺要求 (4)1.3 系统的组成和基本工作原理 (4)第二章 PLC概述 (5)2.1 PLC组成 (5)2.1.1 PLC的组成 (5)2.1.2 PLC的定义 (5)2.1.3 PLC的特点 (6)2.1.4 PLC的性能指标 (6)2.1.5 PLC的分类 (7)2.2 PLC工作原理 (7)2.2.1 循环扫描 (7)2.2.2 PLC的编程结构功能图 (8)2.3 PLC的分类 (9)2.3.1 按I/O点数容量分类 (9)2.3.2 按结构形式分 (10)2.4 PLC与继电器控制系统的区别 (10)第三章系统硬件设计 (12)3.1 恒压供水系统的基本构成 (12)3.2 系统控制要求 (13)3.3 控制系统的I/O点及地址分配 (13)3.4 系统选型 (14)3.5 PLC模拟量控制单元的配置以及应用 (15)3.5.1 EM235模拟量工作单元性能指标 (15)3.5.2 校准及配置 (16)3.5.3 EM235的安装使用 (16)3.5.4 EM235工作程序编制 (16)3.5.5 电气控制系统原理图 (18)第四章系统程序设计 (20)4.1 由“恒压”要求出发的工作泵组数量控制管理 (20)4.2多泵组泵站泵组管理规范 (20)4.3软件及控制过程 (20)4.3.1自动控制水泵运行转速 (20)4.3.2自动控制主泵运行台数 (20)4.4 程序的结果以及程序功能的实现 (21)总结 (32)致谢 (33)参考书目 (34)在居民生活用水、工业用水、各类自来水厂、油田、油库、锅炉定压供热和恒压供水喷淋及消防等供水系统中,采用传统的供水方式(一般为水塔或高位水箱供水方式、气压罐供水方式和泵组分时供水方式)其主要缺点是占地面积大,基建投资较多, 维护困难,已不能满足高层建筑、工业、消防等高水压、大流量的快速供水需求。



附录IV外文文献翻译原文Wincc in heating supply stapply stations Constant Pressure Monitoring System Application onstant voltagesupply basic working principleSystem uses Automatic Frequency Control regulation or pump motor speed. Plus or minus pump.It is primarily by the Frequency Control System.PID regulator,pressure sensors,liquid level sensor power control circuits and other conponents.Host users control system or control board light over-the-counter transactions,buttons,switchto understand and control systen operation,Based on the PID control mode,the operator interface settings in water pressure,PLC to pressure settings and measured valucs for the deviation PID operation and regulation of distribution through inverter pump speed,so that water pressure was maintained at the set value.Systen hanlware configurationThe system uses Siernens S7-200 PLC and its configuration software constitute a constant WinCC V6.0 Water pressure control system,water pressure monitoring process.Industroal Ethernct controller for PLC and the operator station computer communication betwween the Remote I/O network for the PLC and the operator station compuler communication betwween the Remote I/O network for the PLC controller and inverter,the soft starter of communication betwween equipment.PLC controller mainly used to monitor and control water and electricity systems.For1#-4#pressurized pump converter using the ABB Acs510-01-031A4 inverter,HMI operatostation selection DELL conputers,conputer,Industrial Ethernet server card Siemens conmmunications company CP1612.Software design of SystenThe control system software company Siemens PCS7V5.2 package,STEP7V5.2 PLC controller mainly used to monitor and control water and electricity systems.For 1#~4# pressurized pump converter using the ABB ACS510-031A4 inveter,HMI operatorstation selection DELL puter,Industrial Ethernet server card Siemens communications company Cp1612Software design of SystemThe control system software company Siemens PCS7V5.2 package.STEPV5.2 PLC controller.HMImonitoring system used WinCCV6.0 version.HMI server and operating station are using the Windows2000 operating system to have an open programming environment.HeatingSation Wincc configuration control software maior constant pressure water system and coal Gallery in two parts.Implemention of the system of automatic detection and automatic control.Detection constant pressure water and coal Gallcry equipment operation parameters.the real-time data acquisition.uploads.real-time data acquisition.uploads,real-time display and recording.Ciontrol unit operation.fault alarm and automatic parking operation .Theconstant pressureof water supply pressure system configuration parameters.real-time monitoring regulatory pressure pumps water pressure and so valued.CoalHanding Gallery in to control the volume.of coal to speed,to monitor the quality of coal (coal crushing degree of quality and impurity)PLC-Based Fuzzy Constant water suppl;y system design constant pressure water system componentsFrom the water supply system programmable controller,inverter,pressure transmiter,and the constact group on the pump unit and other components.Programmable controller selection of AB ControlLogix system.It includes Logix5550 controller,analog input modules,digital input and output modules and communication modutes.Which analog input modute used to test the water pressure on the export signal,digital input module and valves Kai stopped.Inverselection of AB 1336 Plus Inverter.Inverter and Devi2 cenet controller thtough the network for communication.Constant Pressure Water PrincipleThe outlet channel of pressure sensor installation will export water pressure signals are converted to electrical signals, send PLC fuzzy inference operation, the output control signals to the converter, regulating the operation of pump motor speed, until the actual elimination of hydraulic pressure and set the deviation, constant voltage supply. Programmable controller can control pumps Kai stopped. When the system started working, inverter control from start on 1st pump frequency operation. If users increased consumption of the converter output frequency up to 50 Hz, the pressure will still be less than the set value, then after some time delay, on the 1st of the pump switching frequency operation; Inverter start again on the 2nd pump operation. If pressure is less than the set value, they will be on the 2nd to pump switching frequency operation; Inverter start again on the 3rd pump operation until the output pressure settings to achieve so far. However, if users to reduce water consumption, in accordance with the “Kai-stop”principle will be followed with pumps. This cycle repeatedly to achieve constant pressure water system.Fuzzy2PI control algorithmAs the water supply system in many areas (such as the pipe network and pumps) nonlinear, time-varying, and the variables still exist between the cross-coupling, so it is difficult to establish a precise mathematical system model. For such a complicated process that merely using the conventional PID control is difficult to achieve the desired control. Fuzzy control is not dependent on the mathematical model and the right parameters sensitive to the merits, Fuzzy used to control the water supply system, we can improve the control system dynamic performance. But Fuzzy Control System steady-state performance is poor, this design of a dual-mode Fuzzy2PI control, As shown in figure 2, and its design thinking is; when the pressure is greater error when using fuzzy control, to obtain good transient; When the pressure on the stead-state error into smaller, switched to process from PI control, to obtain good steady precision. PI control algorithms and fuzzy control algorithms are PLC, switching time by a computer program based on prior to the error autormatically.The system uses two-input single-output fuzzy controller. to pressure the desired value and the measurement of e error and the error as a fuzzy controller input linguistic variables, transducer frequency variation u language as output variables. To e error, the error rate ec and control volume u fuzzy subset of ( NB,NS,ZE,PS,PB) and they quantified the domain of seven grades, (-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3). Fuzzy subset of the membership function used triangle. Initial experience of fuzzy control rules, as shown in table 1. Under these rules calculation of the total fuzzy relation R:Where x, U fuzzy relationship matrix on behalf of the “Cartesian”and the “and”operator. According minimax inference rules synthesis of output variables language domain of fuzzy sets U:U Finally, the weighted average method used for solutions vague and fuzzy volume U converted into precise amount u. The process is carried out offline, eventually Fuzzy Control Table, as shown in table 2. This form of the PLC memory storage, real-time control, fuzzy control would streamline the process for finding inquiries on the questionnaire process.Parametric Selection of Frequency-water systema reasonable selection pressure control parameters constant pressure to achieve energy-supply system. The realization of is this objective the key is pressure control parameter selection, usually pipe network pressure control point two choice: a pipe network is the most negative pressure on constant pressure control and the other is the constant pressure pump outlet.pressure control. How will the two choices, we have to analyze simple Network pressure on the most disadvantaged constant, the water pipe network by QMAX reduced to Q1, pumps reduce speed, and water characteristic curve of A (unchanged) at the intersection point C, pump characteristic curve downward, network pressure on the most disadvantaged H0. And the pump outlet pressure constant pressure control, Ha unchanged, reduce water consumption by QMAX QI and Ha to pay to point B, water characteristic curve upward A through B, the network most disadvantaged Hb pressure into points. Hb-H0 lift the poor namely, energy waste, so I chose the most disadvantaged network points for the smallest head pressure control parameters. Formation pressure on the closed-loop control system, making the pump speed and PID regulator set pressure match, achieve maximum energy-saving effect, but the constant pressure to achieve the purpose of water supply.the converter and put into operation after the commissioning of the system to ensure optimum operation of the state means necessary. According to the inverter load inertia size of the start and stop the motor when the time is not the same, Set time is too short to be accelerated when the inverter overcurrent, overvoltage decelerating protection; Set time will lead to excessive speed converter running in the system become regulate slow, delayed response, contingency ability is poor. Yi system at the state short-term instability. To protect the converter is not tripping, the scene of many of them using converter increases deceleration time setting too long, the problems they bring very easily be the appearance of the normal equipment and hide, but the converter operating in less-than-optimal state. So the scene when used according to the load driven by a different nature, testing out the permission of the shortest load increases deceleration time, setting. For the pump motor, plus deceleration time in the choice between 0.2-20 seconds.附录V外文文献翻译Wincc在供热站恒压供水监控系统中的应用恒压供水基本工作原理系统采用变频调速方式自动调节谁笨点击转速或加、减泵。



恒压供水控制器恒压供水控制器(Constant Pressure Water Supply Controller)是一种自动控制设备,用于维持水流的稳定压力,确保供水系统能够稳定运行。



其工作原理可以简要描述如下:1. 感应控制:恒压供水控制器内置感应器,用于监测供水管道中的水流压力。


2. 反馈控制:接收到感知信号后,恒压供水控制器会根据预设的工作模式进行反馈控制,启动水泵,提供足够的水压力,确保供水系统的正常运行。

3. 压力调节:恒压供水控制器能够根据实时测量的水流压力进行精确调节,使水泵的工作状态始终保持在合适的范围内,以满足用户所需的恒定水压。

二、恒压供水控制器的特点和优势1. 精确稳定的供水压力:恒压供水控制器能够实时监测和调节水流压力,确保供水系统提供稳定的水压力,避免因压力波动而影响用户的使用体验。

2. 自动化控制:恒压供水控制器采用先进的自动化控制技术,无需人工干预即可实现对水泵的智能控制,大大降低了人力成本。

3. 节能环保:恒压供水控制器能够根据实际需求智能调节水泵的运行,减少不必要的能源消耗,提高能源利用效率,达到节能环保的目的。

4. 可靠性高:恒压供水控制器采用优质的材料和先进的生产工艺,具有稳定可靠的性能,可长时间稳定运行,降低了设备故障率和维修成本。

5. 易于安装和操作:恒压供水控制器的安装简便,只需按照说明书进行正确连接即可。


三、恒压供水控制器的应用场景1. 建筑物供水系统:恒压供水控制器广泛应用于住宅楼、商业综合体、写字楼等建筑物的供水系统,确保每个用户都能够享受稳定而高品质的水流供应。



题目 PLC恒压供水系统的应用英文并列题Application of PLC Constant Pressure Water Supply System目录一、绪论1.1研究背景 (1)1.2课题主要研究内容 (2)1.3恒压供水系统的国内外研究现状 (3)1.3.1变频调速技术的国内外发展与现状 (3)1.3.2变频恒压供水系统的国内外研究与现状 (3)二、系统理论分析及控制方案确定 (4)2.1恒压供水系统的理论分析 (4)2.1.1电动机的调速原理 (4)2.1.2变频恒压供水系统的节能原理 (5)2.2恒压供水系统控制方案的确定 (6)2.2.1控制方案的比较和确定 (7)2.2.2变频恒压供水系统的组成及原理图 (8)2.2.3变频恒压供水系统控制流程 (9)2.3基于PLC与变频器的恒压供水系统设计 (9)2.3.1多台水泵的切换 (10)2.3.2主电路说明 (10)2.4程序处理 (11)三、系统的硬件设计 (12)3.1系统主要设备的选型 (12)3.1.1PLC及其扩展模块的选型 (12)3.1.2变频器的选择 (13)3.1.3水泵机的选型 (13)3.1.4压力变送器的选择 (13)3.1.5液位变送器选型 (14)3.2系统主电路分析及其设计 (14)3.3系统控制电路分析及其设计 (14)四、系统的软件设计 (15)4.1系统软件设计分析 (15)4.2 PLC程序设计 (17)4.2.1控制系统主程序设计 (17)4.3注意事项 (19)五、结论 (19)谢辞 (21)参考文献 (22)PLC恒压供水系统的应用摘要:针对传统供水系统压力不稳定、能源浪费严重、自动化程度低等缺点,基于PLC和变频器的恒压供水系统的设计。


供水系统的控制目标为总管道的出水压力,将给定压力值和反馈的出水压力值相比较,把偏差值送到 CPU中进行处理,从而发出控制指令来调整水泵电动机投入运行的台数和调节水泵电动机的转速,以保持总管道出水压力的稳定。



Constant pressure water supply frequency changerThe transistor frequency changer not only overcame has formerly exchanged velocity modulation many shortcomings, moreover the velocity modulation performance might compare favorably with the direct current motor velocity modulation performance. The three-phase asynchronous motor has the service to be convenient, merit and so on price small advantage, power and rotational speed adapt breadth, its frequency conversion velocity modulation technology in the miniaturization, the low cost and the redundant reliable aspect holds the obvious superiority. To the end of the 80's, the alternating current machine frequency conversion velocity modulation technology rapidly develops into a mature technology, it will supply the alternating current machine the labor frequency alternating current supply to turn direct current after the diode rectification, again by component and so on IGBT or GTR module counter will turn the alternating current supply which the frequency might move, will drive the electrical machinery by this power source to move under the speed change condition, and automatic suitable strain load condition. After it changed in the traditional industry the electrical machinery to start only can by the rated power, decide the rotational speed the sole movement way, thus achieved the energy conservation goal. The modern frequency conversion velocity modulation technology applies in the electric power water pump water supply system.Because the frequency conversion velocity modulation has the velocity modula -tion the physical characteristics well, efficiency high, velocity modulation scope -wide, precision high, adjusting character curve smooth, may continual realize, the steady velocity modulation, the volume small, the maintenance simple is conven -ient, the automated level higher a series of prominent merits but time people's favor. When it applies especially in the air blower, the water pump and so on the large capacity load, may obtain the energy conservation effect which other velocity modulation ways is unable to compare. The frequency conversion velocity modulation system main equipment is provides the frequency conversion power source the frequency changer, the frequency changer may divide into exchange - direct current - to exchange the frequency changer and the exchange - exchan ges the frequency changer two big kinds, at present domestic mostly uses hands over - is straight - hands over the frequency changer.Has been published since the general frequency changer, the frequency conversion velocity modulation technology obtained the widespread application in each domain. The frequency conversion modulates velocity the permanent water level feed water equipment by its energy conservation, security, high quality merit and so on water supply quality, caused our country to supply water the profession technical equip level to start from the beginning of the 90's to experience a leap. The constant pressure, the permanent water level water supply velocity modula -tion system realization water pump electrical machinery step less speed regulation, rests on with the water level change regulator system movement parameter, in the water consumption change regulator system movement parameter, changes when the water consumption maintains the hydraulic pressure to be constant and the water level constantly by satisfies the water used request, is now most advanced, the reasonable energy conservation water supply system. Obtained the very big development in the practical application. Along with the electric power electronic technology rapid development, the frequency changer function more and more is also strong. Fully uses each kind of function which in the frequency changer sets, to the reasonable design frequency conversion velocity modulation constant pressure feed water equipment, reduces the cost, guaranteed aspect and so on product quality has the extremely vital significance.In the short several years, the frequency conversion velocity modulation constant pressure water supply system experienced the developing process which consummated gradually, the early time has pumped the velocity modulation constant pressure system to pump only the velocity modulation system to replace gradually. Although only pumps the velocity modulation system design simple reliable, but because only pumps the electrical machinery depth velocity modulation to create the water pump, the electrical machinery operating efficiency lowly, but pumps the velocity modulation system investment more to save, the operating efficiency is high, by the actual proof is the most superior system design, very quickly develops into the leading product. The Semen’s frequency changer design level compares with various brands frequency changer, the function is formidable, impeccable! If again can from the design consider will service convenient to the future, The nature and enhanced the components in the manufacture selection the quality is most ideal.The Semen’s frequency changer rectification unit pressure resistance is 1200V. Ifcan use pressure resistance 1600V the rectification unit, I thought can enhance the stability greatly and reduce the failure rate.Guards against the disturbance the measure to wait for strengthens, Semen’s frequency changer sometimes can but control because of the disturbance question the host the board or I/The O port burnt.The constant pressure water supply series frequency conversion voltmeters is for the air blower, pumps kind, current capacity and the special-purpose frequency conversion voltmeters the pressure control characteristic specially and so on air compressor which but develops. This aircraft type has the general frequency changer the basic function.This product design had mainly considered the energy conservation and the automated request, in sets at the automatic energy conservation, PID, simple PLC and function and so on RS485 communication connection, may facilitate and PLC, the computer or the main line carries on the communication, the convenient customer operation and the monitoring, at the same time this company also specially developed one kind to process the constant pressure water supply specially the control panel, might conveniently be used together with the far biography pressure gauge.First, frequency conversion constant pressure water supply characteristic:1st, the frequency conversion constant pressure for the hydro-energy automatic 24 hour maintenances constant pressure, and automatically starts the relay pump according to the pressure signal, the step less -adjustment pressure, the water supply quality is good, compares with the traditional water supply, cannot create the pipe network to burst and the water cock resonance effect.2nd, the start is smooth, reduces the electrical machinery water pump the impact, lengthened the electrical machinery and the water pump service life, has avoided in the traditional water supply impingement phenomenon.3rd, uses the frequency conversion constant pressure water supply protection function completely, the movement is reliable, has owes presses, has pressed, has flowed, protection function and so on the heat.5th, may according to the user need, choose each kind of attachment function, for example: The electrical machinery fixed time takes turns, function and so on dormancy.Second, principle of work:The frequency conversion constant pressure water supply system uses a potentiometer hypothesis pressure (also to be possible to use kneading board interior hypothesis pressure), uses a pressure transmitter (feedback is 4-20mA) examines in thepipe network the pressure, the pressure transmitter sends in the signal the frequency changer PID return route, after PID return route processing, sends out a water volume to increase or the reduced signal, controls the motor rotational speed. Like in certain delay time, pressure insufficiency or oversized, then does work the frequency through PLC/The frequency conversion cut, causes the actual pipe network pressure to be consistent with the hypothesis pressure.Moreover, along with the water consumption reduction, the frequency changer automatic reduction output frequency, has achieved the energy conservation goal. Third, applicable scope:Uses the frequency conversion constant pressure water supply, has the highly effective energy conservation, the pressure stable, movement reliable, operation simple, installment convenient, occupying a land area of few, the noise is low, does not have the pollution, invests lowly, benefit higher merit. Is suitable specially for:1. Place the and so on guesthouse, office, apartment, inhabitant plot life gives the heat of hydration water heating system.2. The high-rise construction, the large-scale civil construction fire prevention gives the aqueous system.3. Industry and mining production enterprise.4. Each kind of running water factory.恒压供水变频器晶体管变频器不但克服了以往交流调速的许多缺点,而且调速性能可以和直流电动机的调速性能相媲美。







关键词:恒压供水;PLC控制;闭环PIDAbstractWith the development of society, more and more important in the constant pressure water supply. This system uses PLC and inverter control pump working pressure, according to the given ideal value signal and pressure of the pipe network compares the feedback signal, frequency converter according to the compared result, adjust the pump speed, to control the pressure of the pipe network for the purpose of. This paper mainly describes the energy saving principle of variable frequency, constant pressure water supply theory and PID control. And provides the control system hardware and control software, the simulation debugging success, to achieve reliable operation, energy saving, low noise, simple maintenance and effect.Key Words:Constant pressure water supply;PLC control;Closed loop PID1 引言随着我国社会经济的发展,城市人口和城镇建设规模不断扩大,高层建筑与日俱增。

















The constant pressure watersupply system based on MCGSAbstract:This paper expounds the application of the configuration software to realize a kind of constant pressure water supply system of boiler. This paper introduces the system composition, the adjustment of system parameters, system assembly process. The system facilitates extension, the interface is friendly, but when the curve show that the system's stability and reliability.Key words: configuration software, data interception, computer monitoring and controlTHE first IntroductionConfiguration software is a new developing technology in recent years, rise to the field of industrial automation. Developers are usually not necessary to study its substances and rules, but the configuration software tool through the hardware configuration, data configuration, configuration and application software image to complete the work. In process control experimental device QXLPCS-3B, control of boiler pressure reaches the set value, realizing the constant pressure water supply. At present, in order to control the whole process and through which the front control panel control parameter, device using PID algorithm. At the same time, the device is not real time curve of output, what is more, it can realize the real-time monitoring and control. Therefore, inconvenient adjustment parameters. In order to change this situation, the use of MCGS development of configuration software for boiler water supply system with constant pressure is necessary. Using the computer to receive data, processing data and display data. Based on the real time curve of output MCGS, the mouse is used to move and change the input segment to on-line to adjust parameters, in order to achieve better control performance.The second options and MCGSBSPWSS ( boiler water supply system ) is the main function of boiler for storage, processing, display real-time data, curve drawing and automatic pressure regulation. Human machine interface is friendly. In order to meet these requirements, in our analysis of some software, MCGS5.0 is used. It not only has and similar to the VB algorithm this benefit, friendly interface, is easy to be understood and used. What is more, it introduces the operation principle of the thought, so users can create a new element to the expansion of systemfunctions, furthermore, this software also can save time to develop the interface.MCGS ( monitoring and control system ) is based on the Windows95 / 98 / NT operating system applicable to the composition and creation of the configuration software package, is a client of the monitoring and control system. It can accomplish real-time data acquisition, real-time data and historical data processing, flow control mobile image display, mechanical device 's security alarm, trend curve tracing point, statements output task. MCGS make the system and operating tools integration to help users to solve practical problems. This software has the following advantages: multiple tasks, traffic and rich design drive element, moving image element, strategic components, and available extension system. MCGS configuration environment and runtime environment component, all configuration in configuration environment can be completed. According to the results of operation system configuration configuration path to perform all of the process of realization of configuration, design objectives and functions.The third components of the system hardwareBSPWSS hardware components such as shown in figure 1. Boiler feed water and drainage measuring device is composed of a LDG-S ( electromagnetic button ) to achieve, the button transfer flow signal to 4-20mADC. Boiler water tank and a pipeline electromagnetic pressure pressure transducer is sent to4-20mADC by PK2AAAA. QSVP-64K ( electric adjustment value ) value to the 4-20mADC feedback set. All of the current signal through a precise resistor is passed to the 1-5VDC, the resistance value in the control panel before being sent to the A / D access card. A / D and D / A conversion card is a PC-633 multi-function analog signal input and output interface card, the card has 16 single 12 bit analog signal input port ( 8 double 12 bit analog signal input port ), an analog signal output port. At the same time, 6 D / I and 6 D / O, 3 16 bits counter / timer, 1MHZ standard clock. The control algorithm, industrial computer control real time data, at the same time, the digital computer calculation results are transmitted to the 4-20mADC, the 4-20mADC by D / A conversion channels to control the electric regulation value, a digital switch numbers by D / O conversion channel to control the opening and closing of the sensor. Printer output real-time curve and reports to analyze the operation of the system.In the whole process control, closed loop control includes a sensor and the control system of water supply pressure sensor, the sensor is used to control the boiler water supply.Figure1.The diagram of interface of the projectTHE fourth on the system to monitor, control and implementation of the design4.1 system configurationBoiler water supply system with constant pressure and detailed configuration process is as follows:The first configuration the user window human mechanization window, such as a main control interface, graphics, moving imageThe second configuration control configuration window after window users, developers configuration control window, the window is the main control window or a primary frame of the system, based on the definition and the settings menu or system parameters to control operation of the window or close the window.The third configuration database real-time database is a portion of each data exchange and processing center, so that all parts of the integration of engineering. In the Database window, according to actual needs, basic attribute, attribute data storage, alarm function is defined and provided.The fourth configuration device the device window is connected and drive the whole device environment. In conclusion, from the device list of tools PC-633 device to be registered in the system, in the window, data is connected to the A / D or D / A conversion channel. On the basic characteristics of the window, inorder to improve the accuracy and reliability of sampling data, repeated sampling and sampling of data the maximum and minimum values of this method has been used in the treatment of. In a data processing window, the most appropriate repeated sampling frequency is 15 times. Data processing methods such as digital filter and engineering conversion have been used ( in actual testing data conversion gain and output conversion data ). For example, when processing the boiler liquid level data, the boiler liquid level range from 0-600, A / D converter out data is 1000-5000mV voltage signal, therefore, if Imin = 1000, Imax = 5000, Vmin = 0, Vmax = 600. When the configuration of A / D channel, output range and output method and device must be consistent.The fifth configuration scheme for operation of BSPWSS using the digital PID algorithm, according to the algorithm, a special flow has been completed and the operation is very clever, user to the respective configuration and set their own start scheme, circulation flow scheme and storage scheme. For example, cycle algorithm configuration is to use script works with and similar to the Basic language to compile control language and control flow quantity, so as to set the 100ms cycle interval.The following is part of the process: PID algorithm procedureERRON = SetValueOFcont1-PosOfCont1 calculating the in the ' n time n calculation time in the number of errorsIF! Abs ( Errorn ) > = 40 THEN = 0 separate integral PID LogOfCoe ' if the number of errors is greater than or equal to 40Logic word for 0, using PID integralIF! Abs ( Errorn ) < 40 THEN LogOfCoe = 1 ' logical coefficient if the number of errors of less than 40, 1 logic wordIFTimeOfInteg1 = 0 THEN DataposOfValn1 = CoefOfprop * ( ( Errorn-Errorn-1 ) +TimeOfDiff ( Errorn-2 * Errorn-1+Errorn-2 ) / Ts )ELSEDaitasOfValn1 = CoefOfprop * ( ( Errorn-Errorn-1 ) +LogOfCoe * ( Ts * Errorn / TimeOfIn-teg1 ) + TimeOfDiff1 * ( Errorn-2 * Errorn-1 +Errorn-2 ) / Ts )Endif... ...The completion of the user design and application system configuration, user configuration result is called a configuration results database file.4.2 the operation of the systemThe operating environment of MCGS is independent of the operating system, which according to the user set up database classification performs all the process, achieve the goal and function. Developers through the runtime environment to control the whole project. Operating environment make the configuration results database integration to form the application system, once completed the configuration, operation environment and database from the configuration environment points out and run independently, and then, to exclude work can be done. Boiler control system for constant pressure water supply control of the main window as shown in figure 2.4.3 parameter adjustmentIn the configuration environment, the user window like PID regulating window as shown in figure 3. Running the PID window regulator window, is based on the real-time curve element output, the mouse is used to move the right input fragment to online adjustment of parameters to obtain better control results.The MCGS configuration software in water supply system of constant pressure boiler with perfect properties of this characteristic, it has been successfully applied. It can realize the real-time data browsing, data processing, historical and real-time data, history data storage and so on, can achieve the expected reconstruction significance. And apparatus regulator instead, system reconstruction, lower cost, better practicability, accurate data detection and expansion. Along with the development of the promotion and configuration software technology development, it will be in the field of industrial automation to get more use.References[1 ]. W.K.HO.K.W.LIM, WENXU, Optional Gain and Margain Tuning for PID Controller Technical Conmunique, VOL34, NO.8, PP: 1009-10141998.[2 ] . The Manual of MCGS, Beijing computer techology Institute.[3 ] . Zhao Junguo, Li Xiangbing, The computer monitoring and control system of distributed heat puter measurement and control, 10 ( 3), pp.169-171.2002.[4 ] . Li Yixiang, Ye Zengming The application and ist improvement of configuration software in the fan test and control, computer application, 6, pp.46-482001.[5 ] . Li Ning, Jia peigang.The microcomputer control of industrial boiler, new technology and newe technics, 4, PP, 2-32003.[6 ] . Wang Zhongxin, Wang Haijun, The development of a frequency inverter, HENAN SCIENCE, 6, PP, 195-1972000.基于MCGS的恒压供水系统摘要:本文阐述了一种应用组态软件实现锅炉恒压供水的系统。



外文文献原稿和译文原稿The water supply system is the national production and life indispensable important one annulus. The traditional method of water supply area, water pollution, infrastructure investment, but the main drawback is that water can not be kept constant, causing part of the equipment can not work normally. Variable frequency speed control technology is a new mature AC motor stepless speed regulating technology, its unique excellent control performance is widely applied to the speed control field, especially in water supply industry. Due to the safety in production and the water quality of special needs, for constant pressure water supply with the stringent requirements, so the frequency control technology has been more in-depth application. Constant pressure water supply ways to advanced technology, constant pressure, convenient operation, reliable operation, energy saving, high degree of automation, in pump station water supply can perform the following functions:( 1) to maintain constant pressure;( 2) the control system can be manual or automatic operation;( 3) a plurality of pump automatic switch operation;( 4) system of sleep and wake, when people stop when water, the system is in a sleep state, until the water demand automatically wake;( 5) adjusts the PID parameters on line;( 6) pump unit and circuit protection detection alarm, signal display.The actual pressure of the pipe network feedback and a given pressure were compared, when the pressure of a pipe network is low, increase the output of frequency converter, pump speed faster, water supply quantity increases, forcing the pipe network pressure rise. Vice pump speed slow down, reduce the water supply pipe network pressure drop,, to keep the constant pressure water supply.System hardware structureSystem uses a pressure sensor, PLC and inverter as a central control device, to achieve a desired function. Source: network transmission and distribution equipment installation in pipe line pressure sensor, for detecting the water pressure of the pipe network, converting pressure is 4 ~ 20 mA current or voltage signal is 0 ~ 10V, supplied to the inverter.Converter pump motor control device, in accordance with the constant water pressure needs to be 0 ~ 50 Hz frequency signal supply pump motor, adjust its speed SAJ converter is powerful, i.e. pre-programmed set parameter set, will use the required in the process of setting the number of parameters is reduced to a minimum, default value according to the application parameter of the macro choice and different. The system adopts the PID control application macro, closed loop control. Inverter based on a constant pressure corresponding to the voltage setting value and from the pressure sensor to obtain the feedback current signal, the use of PID control macro automatically adjust, change the frequency output value to adjust the control the speed of the pump motor, to ensure that the pipe network pressure constant requirements. The application of inverter in the constant pressure water supply 一.The characteristic and analysis of variable frequency speed regulation The water users in general is dynamic, so the water supply is insufficient or excess water supply situation has occurred. The water supply and the imbalance between the concentrated reflection in water supply pressure, namely water and water supply is less, the low pressure; less water consumption and water supply, the pressure. Keep the water pressure constant, can make the water supply and water balance between water supply and water for a long time, that is, less water when the water is less, so as to improve the quality of water supply.Constant pressure water supply system for the user is very important. In production and living water, if water supply due to insufficient pressure or short of water, may affect the quality of life, serious when can influence the survival safety, such as when a fire occurs, if the water pressure is insufficient or water supply, can quickly fire, may cause significant economic losses and casualties. Therefore, water area by means of Arts is the constant pressure water supply system, can produce great economic benefit and social benefit.With the development of electric power technology, frequency conversion technology perfected, with variable frequency speed control as the core of the intelligent water control system replaced the previous high level water tank and a pressure tank and water supply equipment, stable starting, the starting current can be limited within specified current, thereby avoiding the starting time of the impact of power grid; because the average rotational speed of pump is reduced, which can extend the pumps and valves and other things of life; to eliminate the start and stop of the water hammer effect. The stable and safe performance, simple and convenient operation, and complete and thoughtful function, will make the water supply and water conservation, energy saving, labor saving, ultimately achieve efficient operation.二.The application of variable frequency control constant pressure water supply modeUsually in the same way in the water supply system, setting multiple common pump, water supply when the quantity of multi pump full open, water supply on one or two hours. In the variable frequency speed control for constant pressure water supply, in two ways, one is all pumps with a frequency converter; and each water pump with a frequency converter. After a method based on pressure feedback signal, operated by PID automatically adjusts the output frequency of the inverter, change the speed of the motor, eventually reaching the purpose of network voltage, a closed loop, is relatively simple, but the cost is high. The previous method of low cost, less than kind of poor performance, but the control program is complex, is the future direction of development, such as the Shanghai arts and science and technology of constant pressure water supply control system can realize a inverter control any number of motor function. The principle mentioned below are multiple motor inverter drive system.三.The PID control principleAccording to the feedback principle: to maintain a physical quantity unchanged or essentially unchanged, it should bring the physical quantity and the constant comparison, to form a closed loop system. We want to keep the pressure constant, so we must introduce the hydraulic feedback value with a given value, thereby forming aclosed loop system. But the control system is characterized by nonlinear, inertial system, now the control method combined with PID in the large pressure fluctuation, using fuzzy control, in order to accelerate the response speed in the pressure range; using PID to maintain static accuracy. This through the PLC and intelligent instrument can show the algorithm, while the PLC programming to show when the pump frequency and inverter switching between. Practice has proved that, using this method is feasible, and the cost is not high.To maintain the constant pressure water supply network, according to the feedback theorem in network management system installed on the pressure transmitter as a feedback element, because of long, large diameter pipe system of water supply, pipeline pressure charging are slower, so the system is a big time lag system, is not easy to directly with PID regulator for control, and adopts PLC is involved in the control of the way to achieve the control system regulates the effect.四.Frequency controlUsing frequency control to realize constant pressure water supply, with adjustable valve to realize constant pressure water supply, energy-saving effect is very significant ( according to the specific circumstances calculated ). The utility model has the advantages of:1, starting balance, the starting current can be limited within specified current, thereby avoiding the starting time of the impact of power grid;2, because the average rotational speed of pump is reduced, thereby prolonging the service life of pump and valve etc.;3, can eliminate the start and stop of the water hammer effect;Generally speaking, when performed by a frequency converter to control a motor, just make the inverter motor capacity and the actual capacity of the motor can be. When one inverter control two motors, principle of inverter motor capacity should be equal to the capacity of the two motors. But if the peak load of water more than two pumps at full supply a lot of difference, Shanghai arts and science and technology engineers suggested, may be considered appropriate to reduce the capacity of the frequency converter, but attention should be paid to leave enough capacity.Although the pump at low speed, small working current of the motor. However, when the user with the water volume changes frequently, the motor will be in frequent ascending, descending and ascending, descending speed state, the current speed slightly over the motor rated current, cause the motor overheat. Therefore, the motor thermal protection is required. For this due to frequent ascending, descending speed and accumulated temperature rise, frequency converter in electronic thermal protection function is difficult to play a protective role, so should be used in thermal relay for motor thermal protection.The main function of preset, the highest frequency should be rated motor frequency converter the highest working frequency. Ascending, descending speed time in using PID regulator case, ascending, descending velocity time should be set to be short, so as not to affect the PID adjuster determines the dynamic response process. Such as the frequency converter with PID regulation function, as long as the preset set PID function effectively, the setting of the acceleration and deceleration time will automatically lapse.五.Constant pressure water supply system1, power: the optimal energy-saving control software, so the pump to achieve maximum energy efficiency;2. according to the actual water use, water saving setting pressure of the pipe network, the automatic control pump out the water, reducing the water running, leakage phenomenon;3, reliable operation: by the frequency converter to realize the soft starting of pump, the pump is realized by frequency to the frequency of the bumpless transfer, prevent network impact, to avoid the pipe network pressure gauge, pipe rupture.4, network function : the whole Chinese industrial control configuration software, real-time monitoring of each site, such as the motor voltage, current, frequency, pipe network pressure and flow. And the ability to accumulate each site electricity use, cumulative per pump out the water, at the same time to provide various forms of print statements, in order to analyze the statistical.5, flexible control: section water supply, water supply, manually select working mode.6, self protection functions: such as a pump failure, take the initiative to the PC alarm information, at the same time start standby pump, in order to maintain water balance. If the control system failure, the user can directly operate manual system, in order to protect the water supply.六.The system application1, water plant, pressure pump2, the residents living area, hotels and other buildings3, enterprise production water4, boiler circulating water system5, the farmland irrigation systemCompared with other water supply, frequency constant pressure water supply system, in addition to having significant energy-saving effect obviously, has the following advantages:1, constant pressure water supply technology by using the frequency converter to change the motor power supply frequency, and to adjust the pump speed to change the pump outlet pressure, than by regulating valve control pump outlet pressure, has a reduced resistance greatly reduced the effectiveness of the interception loss.2, because of the variable pump work in the frequency condition, at its outlet flow rate is less than the rated flow rate, pump speed is reduced, reducing the abrasion of the bearing and fever, to extend the pump and motor of the service life of the machine.3, pump adopts soft starting mode, by setting the accelerated acceleration time, avoid the motor starting current impact, on the grid voltage fluctuations caused by the impact, but also to avoid the sudden acceleration caused by motor pump systems surge. The complete elimination of water hammer.4, to realize automatic control, operating personnel do not need frequent operation, reduces labor intensity of workers, saves the manpower.Constant pressure water supply equipment1, frequency conversion control cabinet structure and principleVariable frequency pump control system through the pipeline pressure, the inverter system with built-in PID regulator operation, regulate the output frequency,and then to achieve a constant pressure water supply pipe network. The frequency of the transducer overrun signal ( generally used as pipeline pressure limit signal ) can be timely informed the PLC variable frequency pump switch. In order to prevent the occurrence of water hammer, pump switch is linked to the outlet valve.Variable frequency water pump control cabinet works as follows:Various types of directly from the municipal pipe network water tank ( box ). Such as: the construction of various types of ground water reservoir water, ground boiler cold water supplying, ground air conditioning system cooling water circulating pool water, ground water circulating pool water, fire and spray for ground water reservoir inlet. The intelligent variable frequency constant pressure water supply energy-saving control cabinet, frequency conversion water supply energy-saving control cabinet assumes the entire system is composed of four pumps, a converter, a PLC and a PID and a pressure transmitter and a plurality of auxiliary components. The function of each part are as follows : installed in the water supply pipe network pressure pressure transmitter will be converted into 1-5 volt electrical signal; frequency conversion speed regulator used for adjusting the pump speed to regulate the flow; PLC for logic switching. In addition, the system is also equipped with an auxiliary circuit, in order to ensure automatic control system failure can be regulated through the artificial way to maintain the system operation, to ensure continuous production.2, frequency conversion control cabinet features:According to tank ( box ) the height of the water level in the automatic control electromagnetic valve ( or electric valve ) opening and closing, in order to control the water tank ( pool ) of the water inlet and the tank ( box ) to automatically maintain a certain amount of water for use by the user.3, frequency conversion control cabinet selection instructions of variable frequency water pump control cabinet is mainly composed of variable frequency control box, a pressure sensor, pump etc.. Frequency conversion control cabinet comprises a circuit breaker, inverter, contactor, an intermediate relay, PLC etc..Variable frequency water pump control cabinet system selecting principlePump head should be greater than the actual height.Pump flow sum should be greater than the actual maximum supply quantity.Selection of variable frequency pump control cabinet:According to the user's water supply and water height determination model of pump and the number, then the control cabinet selection.ConclusionA high quality variable frequency control box, from the design, technology, manufacturing, transportation, packaging, is the actual products require a higher request, all aspects of quality assurance, can make the high quality and the level of control cabinet.Constant pressure water supply used in the field of1, water supply, community living and fire water supply system, and can also be used for hot water supply, constant pressure sprinkler system.2, industrial business life, production water supply system and the other factory needs constant voltage control areas ( such as air compressor system of constant pressure gas supply, constant pressure air supply ). On various occasions, the constant pressure control, cooling water and circulating water supply system.3, sewage pumping stations, sewage treatment and sewage lifting system.4, agricultural irrigation, garden sprinkler, waterscape and music fountain system.5, hotels, large public building water and fire system.译文供水系统是国民生产生活中不可缺少的重要一环。

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毕业设计(论文)翻译资料课题名称:S7-200 PLC控制的变频调速恒压供水系统设计毕业设计(论文)起止时间:2007 年 3 月 1 日~ 6 月10 日(共17周)学生姓名:学号:指导教师:报告日期:The control and Energy-saving of automatic Water Supply SystemAbstract: Based one simple analysis of the methods for water supply used domestically and abroad, this paper discusses the principe and system’s structure of automatic water supply system by using frequency conversion speed regulation in detail. Then the system’s advantages are discussed and some key problems that should be pay attention to designing are presented.Keyword: Frequency conversion speed regulation; water supply with stable pressure: PID regulator.1、ForewordAt present , supply water in residential area and life of the skyscraper of our country generally adopt the way common frequently . It has heavy energy consumption, high noise ,and there has a great deal of questions in the source of water, such as secondary pollution etc. And it is a kind of comparatively ideal mode to adjust the watersupply device controlled rapidly with frequency conversion .Entering the middle and later periods of the 1990s, as the speed technology of frequency conversion achieves more development becomes perfect, the way of the full-automatic constant pressure that based on this technology supplied water has already been widely used in the developed country , and is becoming riper.In recent years, author has made some real work on rapidly to the transformation in frequency conversion supply water design and construction of control system , have accumulated some experience, and has formed the view on some questions. The reason why the energy-conserving principle frequency conversion of the water pump system of speed adjustment becomes popularized , is mainly because that it has a better energy- conserving result. To pump system of frequency conversion, the water pump after adjusting the speed has functional relation of the following:Q1/Q2 =n1/n2 (1) H1/H2 = (n1/n2)2 (2) of the type. Q1, Q2 represents the flow before and after the speed for the water pump respectively; N1, n2 represents the rotational speed before and after the speed for the water pump respectively; H1, H2 represents the lift before and after the speed for the water pump respectively . According the above:H1/H2=(f1/f2)2 Namely real lift of a water pump is power the square of frequency in direct radio. Therefore changing the power supply frequency of the electrical machinery of water pump through the frequency converter , can control supporting water pressure strength of the water pump . 2 constant pressure as Fig. 1 shows supply water of the automatically controlled frequency conversion water -supply system principle block diagram. P1 is the give pressure value, p2 for the actual pressure value had examined from the pipeline of the pressure sensor, PID regulator passes the error operation of the two value, and through controlling the frequency output of the frequency converter, thus make the pressure of the pipeline remain throughout on establishing value p1.This system can measure users' instantaneous water pressure adjust automatically , regulate the amount of quantity of supplying water and operation conditions of the electrical machinery in view of the above. Can according to give water pressure strength to set for and control pressure value which needed , make the equipment in the constant pressure state all the time, can know from load characteristic of electricalmachinery axle power and its the third power of in direct radio rotational speed of electrical machinery mixed, that is p1/p2=(n1/n2)3. For example, as the frequency converter output frequency for 35Hz (establish as 50Hz at most), that is to say that the actual rotational speed is 70% o'clock of specified rotational speed, the power consumption of the governor is 0.73 =0.343, account for specified 35%. That is to say , the water pump is always in constant pressure and turn the working state of matching the way into the flow , is it is it keep to exceed to dispel and backset current have work loss. Constant speed transfer with frequency conversion speed axle power change curve as Fig. 2 shows , relatively can know, it is the most obvious that frequency conversion adjusts the energy-conserving result of speed way.2、Case analyseConstant pressure is it regulate flow of water to the purpose to up to constant pressure through suiting well rapidly in frequency conversion to supply water, the goal that it controls finally is the water pressure. Controlling the target has non-linear , lagging characteristics. The quality of PID regulator performance , has determined the quality of the water -supply system to a great extent When the system is during the course of starting and stopping, or the pressure establishing value changes by a large margin , because there is a very great deviation within short time, no matter the controll algorithm of PID regulator adopts the increment type or the position type, its total mark one will fetch the cistern , water pump group (1M , 2M ) and complement the fittings to form relevantly. The core of this system is that frequency conversion adjusts the speed switch board, it monitors the pressure of the pipe network in real time through the pressure sensor , and change into the electric signal and offer the frequency converter to to make operation, through the controlling commonly of frequency converter , programmable controller PLC and relay array, adjust the system of supplying water rapidly after forming perfect full-automatic frequency conversion. Frequency converter is various in kind, for instance the types , such as Mitsubishi , Fuji , three Kenya and ABB ,etc.. Generally often select the pumps , special-purpose series of air blower for use. Whether take Mitsubishi FR-A140E as an example, it except general function had of brand , there are the following characteristics : The inside adopts the intellectual power module of IPM, it is lowest to make the noise of the electrical machinery to reduce ; Frequency converter, and work-frequency power can is it switch over to go on frequently, user is it is it start , stop through PLC and switch over the order automatically to input to need only, can conveniently through to lock movement switch over different water pump each other contactor, and does not need to design the tedious control procedure by oneself like the thing that in the past , this is one of this peculiar functions of frequency converter; Built-in instantaneous power cut starts and retries and starts the function , in a situation that nobody guarded, even if can be started by oneself after the frequency converter shuts down, totally realize with the operation of the automatic way. PID regulator available frequency converter of system this built-in value very heavy, this will store deviation in regulate. During the process of dispelling the deviation to regulate , must lead to the fact the system and present greater ultra mediation long-time vibration , can produce the serious integration saturation phenomenon also at the same time , thus influence thenormal running of the equipment. Is it drop the influence to most low to want , should adopt PID control method that integration separate among controlling algorithm, in order to reach the anticipated result. After dealing with like this , can shorten the system and reach steady transition course time greatly System allocate two 11kW water pump support 600 over resident water. Two pump offer large peak flow most when working at the same time, single platform meet the small flow and supply water at night. In addition all water pump can run by way of frequency conversion , can circulate way soft to start, in this way , can reduce the impact to the electric wire netting and pipe network . What merits attention is two pump when frequency conversion and worker are switched over frequently , have procedure it locks to be enough each other only, outputting must adopt machinery to interlock the contactor , can avoid the situation that two contactors close at the same time in the twinkling of an eye in this way, so as not to short out in twinkling of an eye causing power . pressure sensor P monitors the size of the water pressure signal in real time, the signal is dealt with by PID, input it to the frequency converter. At the small flow, water pump electrical machinery 1M turn round (whether 1KM1 is it shut to suck), and through feedback password change his rotational speed constantly, it is invariable in order to keep the pressure; In case of large flow , compare frequency conversion by pressure circuit send out through PLC " constant/changed switch over frequently" " operate and interlock " the order, machinery interlocks the contactor ( 2KM2 in 2KM (2KM1 +2KM2 ), contactor 3KM have the electricity. At this moment, electrical machinery 2M is started by way of frequency conversion, 1M is switched over and run at full speed frequently to run . In this way, this system can maintain water consumption on a invariable pressure all the time . Built up in the aforesaid district initial stage , supply water and adopt the way frequently of workers, because of energy consumption being heavy dependability is bad, the household reflects strongly. Use instead after frequency conversion supply water, installation total capacity reduce 25% than original equipment , economize on electricity the index is close 30% synthetically actually, the result is remarkable.3、Several questions while apply are in case of great majorityThe environment for use of the scene is comparatively abominable . Though frequency converter has very strong protection functions itself, such as owe keep , excessive pressure , is it flow to pass, electric current amplitude limiting is it make exactly to choose, overload, overheated lacking looking , shorting out and disconnected ink protect the function But must prevent trouble before it happens . Through using finding , two kinds of brands of Mitsubishi , Fuji, because has fully considered various kinds of abominable running environment in design and manufacture. The dependability and service life under the same condition are higher than some brands. One small city of mountain area of west place in Hubei in Hubei, average 1200m above sea level, the humidity on the high side of long-term most of the time (about 80%), the sulfur dioxide is seriously polluted, a set of frequency conversion that one factory produces supplies water of the equipment, because has not considered above-mentioned factors , less than one year, the relevant parts of the equipment are corroded seriously. And the like product which we designed , installedin the same area, because has fully considered the situations of different difference, on the selecting types of the equipment and component , have adopted the ship standard. Through the use of more than two years , ran well , stood the tests of different sternness. Find in using actually , the frequency converter itself is that a strong interference takes place in the source , will often influence the normal running of the equipment. Especially when the low rotational speed of the water pump operates, the frequency shown on the frequency converter does not correspond to actual operation frequency. Generally there are two kinds of spread ways to interfere: The circuit bunch is disturbed and space radiation is interfered. Can take the corresponding measure to solve according to the actual conditions of the scene. For example is it strain wave and absorb the return circuit to increase to programmable power end of controller, PID regulator introduction of unit output sure to have reliable shielding , link frequency converter , ground terminal of electrical machinery with earth stake firmly, control the line and motive force line leave certain distance , in order to strengthen and resist the electromagnetic ability to interfere. Only in this way ,can make system keep the long and steady working state in high temperature , humidity , mould , strong harsh terms of interfering etc..4、ConclusionsAre by way of adjusting the speed as the central water supply in frequency conversion, the result is obvious to economize on water , economize on electricity, can be extensively suitable for 20-10000 residents the biotope , skyscraper , hotels and retaurants , fire control or district pressurize and supply water, it is ideal facilities that the medium and small- scale waterworks supplied water too. Its amount of water quality supported is high, the economic benefits are obvious, the social benefit is enormous, with the development of national economy and constant improvement of the living standards of the people, it is sure to be used and popularized progressively in our country5、List of referencesZhang Wanzhong, Zhu Jie, Wang Mingquan. A kind of new-type frequency conversion constant pressure supplies water of the plan of design of the pump station. Electrical age, 1999 (10): 22-232Liu YingChun. Principle design of the sensor and application. Beijing: University of Science and Technology of the national defence publishing Presss, 1989.59-623Lu Guangda. Electric installation project manual of the building . Beijing: The electric publishing house of water conservancy, write the group in 1995.222- 2244 "The automatic projecting ". Give and drain off water the automatic project. Beijing: The electric publishing house of water conservancy, 1997.301-312恒压供水的控制与节能的探索摘要:在简要分析国内外给水系统现状的基础上,介绍了系统的组成,提出了以变频调速为核心所构成的全自动给水系统控制方式,并以实例详细分析了该系统的组成、工作原理以及在控制与节能方面所表现出的优越性.文中根据作者的实际使用经验,简要阐述了该系统在应用中应注意的一些问题。
