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装 订 线

卢龙职教中心20 11 —20 12 学年度第 二 学期 期中 考试(科目) 英语 试卷 应用班级: 11高考 姓名: 班级: 考号:


一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分 分数

一、 语音知识 从A,B,C,D 四个选项中找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。(5分)

( )1. dollar A. stomach B. honestly C. collect D. comfortable ( )2. rather A. engage B. Latin C. agree D. ask ( )3. gesture A. argue B. agree C. finger D. engage ( )4. regard A. particular B. warn C. research D. star ( )5.emotion A. decorate B. decorate C. intend D.select

二、词汇与语法知识 从A,B,C,D 四个选项中,选择出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(25分)

( )6. He ___ a lazy man when he was young.

A . used to being B. used to be C. was used to being C. was used to be

( )7. We communicate with each other _____ language.

A. use of

B. with the help

C. for instance

D. by means of ( )8. You can _____choose an optimistic attitude____ choose a pessimistic attitude.

A. or; either

B. either ;or

C. but; also

D. and ;both ( )9. I have ____ .

A. nothing delicious to eat

B. delicious nothing to eat

C. eat nothing delicious

D. to eat delicious nothing ( )10. He promised ___ his son to Tibet for sightseeing.

A. taking

B. to take C, take D. took ( )11. We arrive at the airport late ___ the traffic jam.

A. because

B. because of

C. since

D. as

( )12. The children were ___ breath when they got to the top of the mountain.

A. out of

B. in

C. from

D. under ( )13. It is no use ___ him ___the matter. A. arguing with ;about B. argue; for

C. to argue with; for

D. to argue ; against

( )14. He pretended ____ everything about it, but in fact he knew nothing.

A. to know

B. know

C. knowing

D. known

( )15. Every time she arrives home and sees her daughter, she will be ____.

A. in good mood

B. in a good mood

C. in the good mood

D. in better mood ( )16. He hasn‟t passed the exam .Nor _____.

A. is his sister

B. does his sister

C. has his sister D .his sister has

( )17.These tools ______ the fields.

A. used to plough

B. are used to plough

C. used for plough

D. used to ploughing

( )18.Fast-food restaurants _____ greens or blues because they don‟t want people in stay long in their restaurant.

A. avoid

B. rid

C. escape

D. free from

( )19. The Egyptian kings had Pyramids(金字塔)____for them on the west bank for the river.

A. build

B. to build

C. building

D. built ( )20. You should avoid _____ late for the meeting.

A. being

B. to be

C. be

D. is

( )21.He____ himself ___ the cleverest man in the world.

A. regards ; to

B. thinks; to

C. consider ;with

D. regards ;as ( )22 _____ , I‟m in favor of the idea.

A. With the whole

B. In the whole

C. On the whole

D. As the whole ( )23.We all know oranges ___ vitamin C.

A. are low on

B. are poor in

C. are rich in

D. are high on ( )24.Mr. Smith ____ our school tomorrow.

A. intends to visit

B. intends of visiting

C. will intend to visit

D. is intend to visit ( )25 ---I went to Dalian for holiday last week.

---- _______.

A. So did I

B. So was I

C. So I did

D. So I was
