美国西进运动课件Westward Expansion2013

美国西进运动开放分类:美国政治西进运动(Westward Movement)是美国人民由北美东部向西部地区开发、移居的过程。
美国西进运动 - 历史背景早在北美殖民地时期,向西移民的活动就开始了。
178 3年英美议定了和平解决方案,英国把阿巴拉契亚山以西至密西西比河这一大片印第安人所有的土地,开放给了美国。
Westward Expansion西进运动

• Slaves from the South could have freedom in the new western territories where they settled in all black communities free from white prejudice.
III. The progress of Westward Movement
• The westward movement began in the early 1600's with European settlements along the Atlantic Coast of North America. It continued until the late 1800's. First, some illegal immigrants went into west, and then American government brings these areas into their control. Then, many pioneers located in these areas. At first, pioneers were located in the east of Mississippi River. In the early 19th century, America expended its territory by the way of buying and invasion. In 1803, American government bought the Louisiana from French. From the early age of 19th century, the immigrants move to the west of Mississippi River. By the mid-1840's, adventurous pioneers had reached what are now California and Oregon in the Far West. The last frontier was the Great Plains between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains. The settlement of that region began in the 1860's. In 1862, Lincoln promulgated the homestead law and made the westward movement reach the peak. American Westward Movement is not only the process of original accumulation of capital in the development of capitalism, but also the process of promoting extensive exploitation of the west and rapid development of economy.

Cowboy Style
Cowboy Style
should ve been a cowboy 歌手:keith toby
专辑:toby keith (Toby Keith)
I bet you've never heard ole Marshall Dillion say Miss Kitty have you ever thought of running away Settling down will you marry me If I asked you twice and begged you pretty please She'd of said Yes in a New York minute They never tied the knot His heart wasn't in it Keith Toby Stole a kiss as he road away He never hung his hat up at Kitty's place I should've been a Cowboy I should'be learned to rope and ride Wearing my six-shooter riding by pony on a cattle drive Stealing the young girl's hearts Just like Gene and Roy Singing those campfire songs I should've been a cowboy I might of had a side kick with a funny name Ending up on the brink of danger Riding shotgun for the Texas Rangers Go west yound man, haven't you been told California's full of whisky, women and gold Sleeping out all night beneath the Texas stars Dream in my eye and a prayer in my heart I should've been a Cowboy I should'be learned to rope and ride Wearing my six-shooter riding by pony on a cattle drive Stealing the young girl's hearts Just like Gene and Roy Singing those campfire songs I should've been a cowboy

The Gold Rush淘金热
(GOLD RUSH,英语里意为对金子的向往)淘金热是美国西进 运动的产物,也是其中极为重要的一个环节。对美国18-19世 纪的经济开发,农业扩张,交通革命,工商业发展具有重要的 意义。
It began on January 24, 1848, when gold was discovered by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill, in Coloma, California, a foreman working for Sacramento pioneer John Sutter, found shiny metal in the tailrace of a lumber mill Marshall was building for Sutter on the American River.
• 1836年3月2日,德克萨斯人举行全体代表 大会,宣布脱离墨西哥,成立“孤星共和 国”
(得克萨斯共和国) • In 1845 it joined the United States as
the 28th state, which led to the War between Mexico and America in 1846.
Stage 1
It took Americans a century and a half to expand as far west as the Appalachian Mountains, a few hundred miles from the Atlantic coast.
Stage 2
★老西部(old west)——大西洋滨海平原的西边是瀑布线(Fall line),河流和瀑布湍急。在殖民 地时期,这里是英属殖民地的西部边疆,也称为老西部。

? Slaves from the South could have freedom in the new western territories where they settled in all black communities free from white prejudice.
III. The progress of Westward Movement
Westward Expansion
I. Brief Introduction II. The Causes of Westward Movement III. The progress of Westward Movement IV. The influences of Westward Movement
American people and their society expanded from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coast. It plays a vital role in the formation, the development and the present situation of the United States of America. Particularly, Westward Expansion has seeped into this young nationality in the sphere of cultural influence . However, at the same time Westward Expansion is also the Indians' tragic history .
? The westward movement began in the early 1600's with European settlements along the Atlantic Coast of North America. It continued until the late 1800's. First, some illegal immigrants went into west, and then American government brings these areas into their control. Then, many pioneers located in these areas. At first, pioneers were located in the east of Mississippi River. In the early 19th century, America expended its territory by the way of buying and invasion. In 1803, American government bought the Louisiana from French. From the early age of 19th century, the immigrants move to the west of Mississippi River. By the mid1840's, adventurous pioneers had reached what are now California and Oregon in the Far West. The last frontier was the Great Plains between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains. The settlement of that region began in the 1860's. In 1862, Lincoln promulgated the homestead law and made the westward movement reach the peak. American Westward Movement is not only the process of original accumulation of capital in the development of capitalism, but also the process of promoting extensive exploitation of the west and rapid development of economy.
Westward Expansion(西进运动)(课堂PPT)

• It utterly changed American appearance: large quantities of barren lands were reclaimed; a lot of capital farms were set up; the development of agriculture in west provided a large amount of food, material and domestic market on industrial development; nature recourses were opened up to developed industries. By expanding the nation’s borders to include more than three million square miles, the United States became one of the most powerful countries of the 20th century.
• Slaves from the South could have freedom in the new western territories where they settled in all black communities free from white prejudice.
III. The progress of Westward Movement
favorable environment on the frontier.
• Gold was discovered in California in the 1840s. This rush made lots of people move West with the hopes of becoming rich!

国家认同的形成 民族精神的塑造 经济结构的变化 社会矛盾的加剧
西进运动使得美国人民更加团结,共同面对西部开发的挑战, 增强了国家认同感。
西进运动中,美国人民展现出了顽强拼搏、艰苦奋斗的精神, 这种精神成为了美国民族精神的重要组成部分。
西进运动促进了美国经济的发展,特别是推动了农业现代化和 工业化的进程,使得美国的产业结构更加合理。
随着西进运动的推进,社会矛盾逐渐加剧,如种族歧视、土地 争夺等问题,这些问题对美国社会产生了深远的影响。
西进运动促进了不同文化的交流 和融合,形成了多元化的文化格
西进运动推动了美国社会制度的 完善和发展,特别是在土地管理 和社区建设方面,形成了具有美
西进运动是南北战争的重要诱因 之一,西部地区的开发和管理问 题导致了南北之间的矛盾和冲突 。
西进运动带动了工业的发展,特别 是钢铁、石油、煤炭等重工业,为 美国的工业化进程奠定了基础。
西进运动促进了交通的发展,建设 了大量的铁路和公路,构建了完善 的交通运输网络。
西进运动改变了美国的人口结构 ,大量的人口从东部迁移到西部
Presentation--- Westward Movement西进运动

Opportunities American characteristics
Negative Influences
• Aboriginal Indians • Loss of natural sources
• American Westward Movement is on the one hand a great history, on the other hand a miserable history.
All told, the news of gold brought some 300,000 people to California from the rest of the United States and abroad.
Homestead Act
The first of the acts, the Homestead Act of 1862, was signed into law by President Abra The two opposite and related sides of Westward Movement are one of the most influential forces to shape North American history.
That’s all. Thank you!
Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase was the acquisition by the United States of America in 1803 of 828,000 square miles of France's claim to the territory of Louisiana. The U.S. paid 15 million dollars (less than 3 cents per acre) for the Louisiana territory. The Louisiana Purchase nearly doubled the size of the young nation , changing its borders from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Mississippi River to the Rocky mountains.
Westward Expansion(西进运动)

• Slaves from the South could have freedom in the new western territories where they settled in all black communities free from white prejudice.
III. The progress of Westward Movement
• The westward movement began in the early 1600's with European settlements along the Atlantic Coast of North America. It continued until the late 1800's. First, some illegal immigrants went into west, and then American government brings these areas into their control. Then, many pioneers located in these areas. At first, pioneers were located in the east of Mississippi River. In the early 19th century, America expended its territory by the way of buying and invasion. In 1803, American government bought the Louisiana from French. From the early age of 19th century, the immigrants move to the west of Mississippi River. By the mid-1840's, adventurous pioneers had reached what are now California and Oregon in the Far West. The last frontier was the Great Plains between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains. The settlement of that region began in the 1860's. In 1862, Lincoln promulgated the homestead law and made the westward movement reach the peak. American Westward Movement is not only the process of original accumulation of capital in the development of capitalism, but also the process of promoting extensive exploitation of the west and rapid development of economy.

西进运动中,大量欧洲移民涌 入美国西部,侵占原住民的土 地,导致许多原住民被迫迁移 到保留地,失去了传统的生活 方式和资源。
随着西进运动的推进,大量森 林被砍伐、矿产被开采,造成 了严重的生态破坏和环境污染 ,影响了当地生态系统的平衡 。
西进运动推动了美国交通运输业的发 展,修建了大量的道路、运河和铁路 ,加强了东西部之间的经济联系。
随着西进运动的深入,西部地区的资 源得到了开发利用,为美国工业革命 提供了重要的原材料和市场。
西进运动吸引了大量欧洲移民来 到美国西部,这些移民在美国西 部定居、开垦土地,形成了新的
美国西进运动课 件
• 美国西进运动的背景 • 美国西进运动的发展历程 • 美国西进运动的影响 • 美国西进运动的反思与启示 • 美国西进运动的现代意义 • 美国西进运动的相关文献与资料
美国西进运动的历史可以追溯到 欧洲殖民时代,欧洲殖民者在美 国东海岸建立殖民地,逐渐向西
西进运动过程中,美国率先在西部地区开发了大量的矿产资源,推动了全球资源 的开发和利用。
西进运动使得美国的领土扩张到了太平洋沿岸,这使得美国在全球的地理地位和 影响力得到了提升,对世界格局的变化产生了深远的影响。
《美国西进运动时期的 报纸和政府文件》

2. Anti-slavery people—abolitionists;
3. southerners;
4. A fourth group, by Senator Lewis Cass of Michigan and Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois
Its admission was refused. Why?
Slavery, war with Mexico.
American expansion
• In the Presidential election of 1844, the Democrats demanded the annexation of Texas as well as Oregon, and won the election.
• In Dec. 1845, the new President James K. Polk(11th), was eager to acquire for the U.S., the area stretching from Texas to the Pacific;
• Sent Ambassador to Mexico, with an offer to buy Upper California and New Mexico;
• The outgoing President, John Tyler, took steps to admit Texas to the Union,
• and the Mexican government broke off diplomatic relations with the U.S.

西进运动过程中,美国人民形成了开拓创新、勇敢奋斗的精神,这种 精神一直延续至今,成为美国民族精神的重要组成部分。
西进运动过程中,美国开创了现代化的新模式,推动了世界现代化的进程,为其他国家提 供了借鉴和启示。
西进运动使得全球资源得到更加合理的开发与利用,加强了各国之间的交流与合作,推动 了全球经济的发展。
西进运动过程中,美国人民更加团结和凝聚,形成了更为强烈的国 家意识,有利于国家的统一和发展。
1 2
西进运动过程中,大量砍伐森林、开垦土地,导 致土地荒漠化、生物多样性减少等问题。
早期的开拓者往往只关注短期利益,忽视了长期 的环境影响,导致资源浪费和环境恶化。
19世纪50年代,美国开始建 设第一条横贯大陆的铁路,即
19世纪70年代,美国开始建 设伊利运河,连接纽约州和密
美国西部地区拥有丰富的自然资源,包括土地、矿产、 森林等。
同时,美国也开始大规模开发西部地区的农业资源,如 小麦、玉米、棉花等。
19世纪中期开始,美国开始大规模开发西部地区的矿产 资源,如金矿、银矿、铁矿等。
西进运动吸引了大量人口向西部迁移,促进了西部地区的 开发,为美国经济的多元化发展提供了支持。
西进运动导致了大量人口向西部 迁移,改变了美国的人口分布,
美国西进运动课件Westward Expansion2013

Stage 3 Stage 2 By 1850, pioneers had pushed the edge of settlement all the way to Texas, the Rocky Mountain and the Pacific Ocean.
Thousands of families chalked GTT (Gone to Texas) on their gates or on their wagons, and joined the trek westward.
☺This expansion also resulted in great suffering, destruction, and cultural loss for the Native Americans of North America.
The Trail of Tears
• The Trail of Tears is a name given to the forced relocation of Native American nations from southeastern parts of the United States following the Indian Removal Act of 1830. The removal included many tribes, who did not wish to assimilate, from their homelands to Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River. The Native Americans who chose to stay and assimilate were allowed to become citizens in their states and of the U.S. • Many Native Americans suffered from exposure, disease and starvation and many died on the route to their destinations.

• 移民政策
• 1787年的美国土地法令 人们可以向西部自 由迁徙
• 俄亥俄公司一马当先,1787-1788年冬天, 他们的先遣队从麻萨诸塞和康涅狄格出发, 向着日落的方向前进。此后,群众性的大 规模的西进运动便蓬勃发展,移民主要来 自北美十三州的新英格兰、中部州和南部 州
(1)利用风险投资机制,建立高科技园区。 (2)利用区域经济管理政策,促进西部开 发。 (3)利用市场的力量,促进落后地区的经 济发展。
20世纪30年代,美 国的科技革命发端 于斯坦福大学及其 周围地区,60年代 成为高新技术的核 心
在加州产生了举世瞩 目的“硅谷”。自60 年代在加州的圣何塞 市建立硅谷高科技园 区以后,美国在西部 以至全国建立了十几 个类似的高科技园区。 这些园区对工业创新 和科研成果的孵化, 对美国西部甚至整个 美国经济和科技的发 展起到了极为重要的 作用。
• 第三次移民高潮是伴随着19世纪中叶美 国领土扩张和兼并到来的。当时,美国
的领土扩张朝着两个方向继续推进:在 西南方面,它于1845年兼并得克萨斯; 在1848年美墨战争中,夺取墨西哥领 土的一半;在西北方面,经过与英国长 期谈判,于1846年取得俄勒冈大片土 地。最后,这两方面的扩张在加利福尼 亚汇合,完成对整个大西部的占领。与 此同时,由于加利福尼亚发现金矿,激
同时,在美国产业布局的西移过程中,政府加 大了对西部地区的财政支持,并鼓励企业迁移 到西南部的阳光地带。
·在克林顿政府期间,始终把发展美国落后地区的任务留 给了私人部门。
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☺This expansion also resulted in great suffering, destruction, and cultural loss for the Native Americans of North America.
The Trail of Tears
• The Trail of Tears is a name given to the forced relocation of Native American nations from southeastern parts of the United States following the Indian Removal Act of 1830. The removal included many tribes, who did not wish to assimilate, from their homelands to Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River. The Native Americans who chose to stay and assimilate were allowed to become citizens in their states and of the U.S. • Many Native Americans suffered from exposure, disease and starvation and many died on the route to their destinations.
From W orld Book ?2002 World Book, I nc., 233 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60601. All rights reserv ed. World Book map
The Louisiana Purchase
Stage 3 Stage 2 By 1850, pioneers had pushed the edge of settlement all the way to Texas, the Rocky Mountain and the Pacific Ocean.
Thousands of families chalked GTT (Gone to Texas) on their gates or on their wagons, and joined the trek westward.
The Trail of Tears
American Indians Today
2.5 million still live in the US. About 1/3 live on reservations or traditional lands. Most live in urban settings outside of traditional Indian culture.
Westward Expansion and the values associated with the frontier heritage(边疆传统)
Unit Goals
1.Motivations of people’s moving westward.
2.The trail of tears of the Indians.
Lewis and Clark Expedition
• Lewis and Clark led the first United States expedition (1804–1806) to the Pacific Coast. • The expedition was commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson shortly after the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, consisting of a select group of U.S. Army volunteers under the command of Captain Meriwether Lewis and his close friend Second Lieutenant William Clark. • The primary objective was to explore and map the newly acquired territory, find a practical route across the Western half of the continent, and establish an American presence in this territory before Britain and other European powers tried to claim it. • The campaign's secondary objectives were scientific and economic: to study the area's plants, animal life, and geography, and establish trade with local Indian tribes.
What is the enormous significance of the movement?
Great influence on the Native Americans of North America
☺ By expanding the nation’s borders included 3 million square miles ☺ The US became one of the most powerful nations of the 20th century.
Lewis and Clark Expedition
• Significance:
• a huge contribution to the mapping of the continent of North America
• getting a better understanding of the natural
In 1803 the US bought more than 2 million square km from France. The U.S. paid 50 million francs plus cancellation of debts worth 18 million francs , a total sum of 15 million dollars.(around 4 cents per acre) The transfer of land usually occurred with the use of force. However this one was obtained without any bloodshed. The land in the Louisiana Purchase constitutes 23% of today’s USA. It nearly doubled the size of the young nation, changing its borders from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains.
resources of the Northwest.
• This expedition laid a part of the groundwork for the westward expansion of the United States of America.
Texas annexed
• • ncompassed all or part of 15 present U.S. states and two Canadian provinces.
The Louisiana Purchase
• The purchase of the territory of Louisiana took place during the presidency of Thomas Jefferson. At the time, the purchase faced domestic opposition as some argued that it was unconstitutional, though opposition ultimately was not widespread. Jefferson agreed that the U.S. Constitution did not contain provisions for acquiring territory, but decided to go ahead with the purchase anyway—to remove France's presence in the region and protect both U.S. trade access to the port of New Orleans and free passage on the Mississippi River.
• The desire for good and cheap farmland would be the most powerful attractions for people moving west. • The second common motivation was the hope of practicing their religion without government intervention.
General knowledge about Westward Movement