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机械工程专业英语 --交流与沟通
The following topics maybe used as a guide. 以下主题可以作为指南。
Topic 4: Introduce an example of the advanced technology used in mechanical engineering. … …All topics related to mechanical engineering are welcome.
Part 4: How to Write a Scientific Paper?
Part 5: Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology
机械工程专业英语 --交流与沟通
How do you study? 如何学习
机械工程专业英语 --交流与沟通
Presentation Assignment (Group Project) : 演讲任务(小组项目)

Each group has to conceive of a topic related to mechanical engineering , and present your research in the form of PPT in English by the end of each Part, demonstrate your presentations to the class. 每个小组必须构思出与机械工程相关的主题,并以PPT 的形式在本书每部分结束后在课堂展示您的研究报告。
众所周知,语言与我们息息相关。尽管全世界的语言有几千种,但是无论哪种语言,其主 要的功能都是:交流与沟通。英语作为世界范围内通用的语言,为全球范围内的交流与沟 通架起了一座桥梁。 知识点: ① as is known to all: 固定用法,只能用在句首及句尾,用“,”隔开; ② thousands of : 固定短语,成千上万的 ③ in the world: 固定短语, 世界上 ④ build up: 固定短语, 逐步建立; 增进; (在某个地方)盖满了建筑物; 宣扬;
机械工程专业英语 --交流与沟通
The Importance of Learning Specified English 学习专业英语的重要性
Currently, the globalization of manufacturing industries leads to a thirst of mechanical engineers with ability to make an effective communication when enterprises cooperate and negotiate with foreign counterparts. The urgent need of our society presents a great challenge for Specified English teaching and learning related to mechanical engineering.

(1) Refer to different books related to Mechanical Engineering,enlarge your vocabulary, and develop skills in English expression.
机械工程专业英语 --交流与沟通
The Purpose of Learning Specified English 学习专业英语的目的

Improve your cross-cultural communication skills in mechanical engineering;
机械工程专业英语 --交流与沟通
English Communication for Mechanical Engineers
亚新科(天津)汽车零部件有限公司 李静
机械工程专业英语 --交流与沟通
Preface 序言

preface 英 [ˈprefəs] 美 [ˈprefəs] n. 序言,引语; 开端,前奏; [宗](弥撒的)序诵,序祷; vi.&vt. 作为…的序言,作为…的开端; 作序; 给…作序; 开始,导致; 变形 复数: prefaces 过去式: prefaced 现在分词: prefacing 第三人称单数: prefaces
Notice: The following topics maybe used as a guide.
机械工程专业英语 --交流与沟通
The following topics maybe used as a guide. 以下主题可以作为指南。
Topic 1: Introduce a 3D design software and its application in mechanical engineering. Topic 2: Conceive of some devices to finish specific tasks. For instance, to assist your mother with daily housework, to help people with disabilities function better etc. Whatever you want or whatever you find interesting. Introduce your design ideas about the device. Topic 3: Introduce the structure or function of a mechanical product. The product could be your nice cell phone , a lathe, a camera, a new tool or a machine etc.
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
Better prepare yourself to work in an increasingly diverse and international workplace;
为能在一个越来越多样化及国际化的工作环境中工作而更好地做好准备; Prepare的用法: (1)v.准备,配制 1.prepare sth 准备某事 2. prepare for sth 为某事而准备 3. prepare sb for sth 使某人为某事做好准备 例:we have prepared for the text。 4. prepare sb to do sth 让某人准备做某事 (2). preparation 准备,预备,准备工作 短语:make preparations for sth 为某事做准备 Under preparations 在准备中 (3). prepared adj. 准备好,有所准备 Be prepared to do sth 愿意做某事

(2) Study and work in groups.

(3) Express your ideas in English whenever possible.
机械工程专业英语 --交流与沟通
Writing Assignments 写作作业
Each student has to hand in a paper in English after each class. Prepare approximately a 100-word report on topics related to mechanical engineering. The report can be typed by PC or written by hand. 每堂课后,每个学生都要交一篇英文作文。准备一份关于 机械工程相关主题的约100字的报告.报告可以用PC打印, 也可以手工书写。
Tips: to be creative, don’t just copy or download your information from the Internet . 要有创意,不要只是从互联网上复制或下载信息。
People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing .
Keep practicing everyday, this is the only way to improve your English communication skills. 每天坚持练习,这是提高你的英语沟通能力的 唯一方法。
机械工程专业英语 --交流与沟通
English International Phonetic Alphabet and Pronunciation 英语国际音标表和发音图解
目前制造业的全球化是的企业在与国外同行进行合作与谈判的时候,迫切的需要具有良好 交流与沟通的机械工程师。这一急切现实的社会需要对机械专业英语的教学与学习提出了 挑战。 知识点: ① globalization: [ˌgloʊbələˈzeɪʃn] 全球化,全球性;由 动词globalize 去 e +ation 变化而 来,动词转名词。 ② manufacturing industries : 固定短语,制造业 ③ lead to : 固定短语,把…带到; 领到; (道路)通向; 导致;其中to为介词, 后接名词或 动词ing ④ when enterprises cooperate and negotiate with foreign counterparts.:时间状语从句,表示 “当…..的时候”
机械工程专业英语 --交流与沟通
The Importance of Learning Specified English 学习专业英语的重要性
As is known to all, we’re closely related to languages. There are thousands of different languages in the world; their main function is: communication. English as a common international language has built up a bridge for global communication.
“专业英语”----- English for Special Purpose Specified English for ……. “机械工程专业英语” Specified English for Mechanical Engineering

The Importance of Learning Specified English 学习专业英语的重要性 The Purpose of Learning Specified English 学习专业英语的目的
国际音标(英语语音) 前元音 中元音 后元音 开合双元音 集中双元音 清辅音 浊辅音 清辅音 浊辅音 清辅音 浊辅音 (浊辅音) (浊辅音) (浊辅音) [i:] [ʌ] [u:] [ei] [iə] [p] [b] [f] [v] [tʃ] [dʒ] [m] [l] [w] [i] [ə:] [u] [ai] [εə] [t] [d] [s] [z] [tr] [dr] [n] [r] [j] [e] [ə] [ɔ:] [ɔi] [uə] [k] [g] [ʃ] [ʒ] [ts] [dz] [ ŋ] [æ] [ɔ] [a:] [əu] [au]
机械工程专业英语 --交流与沟通
What do we learn? 我们学习什么?
Part 1: Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
Part 2: Machine Elements and Mechanisms
Part 3: Communication Skills in Mechanical Engineering