
一.中美关系词汇:霸权主义hegemony友好/国事访问 a goodwill(a state, an official)visit联合国安理会the UN Security Council恐怖主义terrorism大使ambassador大使馆embassy外交关系diplomatic relations代表团delegation平等互利equality and mutual benefits达成一致reach consensus on恢复行使主权resume the exercise of sovereignty over……享有高度自治enjoy a high degree of autonomy中美联合公报Sino-US joint communiqué伸张正义,主持公道adhere to principles and uphold justice大局意识:overall situation务实精神:pragmatic spirit利益相关者: stakeholder国际关系的准则norms governing international relations国际阵营international camp国际社会international community国际地位international position国际惯例international practice国际公约international convention国际条约international treaty第一世界国家first-world country第二世界国家second-world country第三世界国家third-world country发达国家developed country发展中国家developing country欠发达国家less-developed country超级大国superpower; VIP(Very Important Power)公报bulletin联合公报communiqué备忘录memorandum上海公报Shanghai Communiqué和平共处五项原则the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence互相尊重主权和领土完整mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity互不侵犯mutual non-aggression互不干涉内政non-interference i n each other’s internal affairs平等互利equality and mutual benefit和平共处peaceful coexistence和平友好条约peace and friendship treaty防止核扩散条约nuclear nonproliferation treaty求同存异seek common ground while preserving(reserving)differences 捍卫国家主权,领土完整和民族尊严safeguard national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national dignity◆自改革开放以来,中国找到了一条适合自己国情的促进和发展人权的道路。

求同存异seek common ground whilepreserving(reserving)differences
友好/国事访问a goodwill(a state,an official)visit
联合国安理会the UN Security Council
和平统一peaceful reunification of the motherland
一国两制One Country,Two Systems
台湾同胞our compatriots in Taiwan
海外侨胞overseas compatriots
附属国dependent country
最惠国most favored nation
东道国host country
缔约国signatory/contracting state
对抗国confrontation state
交战国belligerent country
国际公法International Law
Peace and development remain the themes of our ear.To preserve peace and promote development represents the common aspirations of all peoples.It is also an irresistible trend of history.

1. Diplomacy 外交2. Ambassador 大使3. Consulate 领事馆4. Embassy 大使馆5. Diplomat 外交官6. Negotiation 谈判7. Summit 峰会8. Treaty 条约9. Protocol 外交礼节10. Alliance 联盟11. Delegation 代表团12. Diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权13. Bilateral 双边的14. Multilateral 多边的15. International 国际的16. Mediation 调解17. Conflict 冲突18. Crisis 危机19. Summit meeting 峰会20. Peace 和平21. War 战争22. Neutrality 中立23. Security 安全24. Sovereignty 主权25. Sanction 制裁26. Embargo 禁运27. Human rights 人权28. Refugee 难民29. Terrorism 恐怖主义30. Nonproliferation 非扩散31. Aid 援助32. Development 发展33. Globalization 全球化34. Economic cooperation 经济合作35. Foreign policy 外交政策36. International relations 国际关系37. Summit conference 峰会38. Diplomatic corps 外交团39. Diplomatic mission 外交使团40. Peacekeeping 维和41. Disarmament 裁军42. Negotiator 谈判代表43. Host country 接待国44. Official visit 正式访问45. Bilateral talks 双边会谈46. Multilateral talks 多边会谈47. Foreign aid 外援48. Peace treaty 和平条约49. Economic sanctions 经济制裁50. Ceasefire 停火51. Diplomatic relations 外交关系52. Foreign minister 外交部长53. Diplomatic pouch 外交邮袋54. National interest 国家利益55. International law 国际法56. Diplomatic mission 外交任务57. Diplomatic corps 外交团体58. Diplomatic protocol 外交礼仪59. Diplomatic bag 外交邮袋60. Diplomatic service 外交事务61. Diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权62. Diplomatic channels 外交渠道63. Diplomatic reception 外交接待64. Diplomatic incident 外交事件65. Diplomatic relations 外交关系66. Diplomatic negotiations 外交谈判67. Diplomatic passport 外交护照68. Diplomatic recognition 外交承认69. Diplomatic status 外交地位70. Diplomatic mission 外交任务71. Diplomatic note 外交函件72. Diplomatic protest 外交抗议73. Diplomatic quarter 外交区74. Diplomatic representative 外交代表75. Diplomatic service 外交事务76. Diplomatic staff 外交人员77. Diplomatic corps 外交团体78. Diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权79. Diplomatic pouch 外交邮袋80. Diplomatic protocol 外交礼仪81. Diplomatic bag 外交邮袋82. Diplomatic service 外交事务83. Diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权84. Diplomatic channels 外交渠道85. Diplomatic reception 外交接待86. Diplomatic incident 外交事件87. Diplomatic relations 外交关系88. Diplomatic negotiations 外交谈判89. Diplomatic passport 外交护照90. Diplomatic recognition 外交承认91. Diplomatic status 外交地位92. Diplomatic mission 外交任务93. Diplomatic note 外交函件94. Diplomatic protest 外交抗议95. Diplomatic quarter 外交区96. Diplomatic representative 外交代表97. Diplomatic service 外交事务98. Diplomatic101. Diplomatic corps 外交团体102. Diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权103. Diplomatic pouch 外交邮袋104. Diplomatic protocol 外交礼仪105. Diplomatic bag 外交邮袋106. Diplomatic service 外交事务107. Diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权108. Diplomatic channels 外交渠道109. Diplomatic reception 外交接待110. Diplomatic incident 外交事件111. Diplomatic relations 外交关系113. Diplomatic passport 外交护照114. Diplomatic recognition 外交承认115. Diplomatic status 外交地位116. Diplomatic mission 外交任务117. Diplomatic note 外交函件118. Diplomatic protest 外交抗议119. Diplomatic quarter 外交区120. Diplomatic representative 外交代表121. Diplomatic service 外交事务122. Diplomatic staff 外交人员123. Diplomatic corps 外交团体124. Diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权125. Diplomatic pouch 外交邮袋126. Diplomatic protocol 外交礼仪127. Diplomatic bag 外交邮袋128. Diplomatic service 外交事务129. Diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权130. Diplomatic channels 外交渠道131. Diplomatic reception 外交接待132. Diplomatic incident 外交事件133. Diplomatic relations 外交关系135. Diplomatic passport 外交护照136. Diplomatic recognition 外交承认137. Diplomatic status 外交地位138. Diplomatic mission 外交任务139. Diplomatic note 外交函件140. Diplomatic protest 外交抗议。

一、国际关系词汇1. Diplomacy(外交)Diplomacy是指国家或政府通过谈判、协商或其他合法手段解决国际问题所采取的外交行为。
例如,The government relied on diplomacy to negotiate the peace treaty.(政府依靠外交手段来谈判和达成和平条约。
)2. International cooperation(国际合作)International cooperation是不同国家间为了共同利益而进行的合作行为。
例如,The two countries are committed to promoting international cooperation in combating climate change.(这两个国家致力于推动国际合作,共同应对气候变化。
)3. Globalization(全球化)Globalization是指国际社会在经济、文化、政治等方面互相联系和依赖的过程。
例如,Globalization has significantly impacted the world economy.(全球化对世界经济产生了重大影响。
)4. Bilateral(双边的)Bilateral指的是两个国家之间的关系或行为。
例如,The two leaders held a bilateral meeting to discuss trade issues.(两位领导人进行了双边会议,讨论贸易问题。
)5. Multilateral(多边的)Multilateral指的是三个或以上国家参与的关系或行为。
例如,The United Nations is a multilateral organization aiming to promote global peace and security.(联合国是一个旨在促进全球和平与安全的多边组织。

中美两国外交关系的相关词汇Sino-US ties/China-US relations 中美关系bilateral tie 双边关系state visit 国事访问bilateral cooperation 双边合作direct contact 直接接触joint statement 联合声明in the spirit of the joint statement 本着联合声明的精神China-US joint communique 中美联合公报top leaders 最高领导人national interests 国家利益core interests 核心利益frequent meetings 频繁会晤rapprochement 恢复邦交Ping Pong diplomacy 乒乓外交high-level cooperation 高层协作highly confidential visit 秘密访问zero-sum game 零和博弈mutual trust 相互信任common prosperity 共同繁荣peaceful coexistence 和平共处establish diplomatic ties 建立邦交high-level visit 高层访问strategic suspicions 战略猜疑maintain a low profile 保持低姿态common interests of the two countries 两国共同利益personality of the individual leaders 领导人的个人魅力"conflict-dominant" relationship “冲突主导”的关系start a new era in US-China relations 开创中美关系的新时代the normalization of US-China relations 中美关系正常化permanent consultative institutions 永久磋商机制constructive strategic partnership 建设性战略伙伴关系overall strategic partnership 全面战略伙伴关系Strategic and Economic Dialogue 战略经济对话the situation on the Korean Peninsula 朝鲜半岛局势resumption of Six-Party Talks 重启六方会谈China will never seek hegemony. 中国永远不会称霸。

外交词汇解读大全一、基本外交词汇1. 建交(set up diplomatic relations):指两个国家正式建立外交关系。
2. 断交(break off diplomatic relations):指两个国家中断外交关系。
3. 复交(resume diplomatic relations):指两个国家重新建立外交关系。
4. 派往国(host country):指接待他国家的外交代表的国家。
5. 驻在国(country of residence):指外国外交代表驻留的国家。
6. 外交代表(diplomatic representative):指被派遣或接受国派遣到另一国从事外交活动的人员。
7. 等级对等原则(principle of reciprocity):指在国际外交事务中,各国给予对方的外交待遇不应低于己方给予己方的外交待遇。
8. 尊重主权和平等互利原则(principle of respect for sovereignty and equality in international relations):指在国际外交事务中,各国应相互尊重主权,平等相待,不干涉内政,通过和平方式解决国际争端。
二、国际组织相关词汇9. 联合国(United Nations,简称UN):全球性的国际组织,旨在维护国际和平与安全,促进各国之间的经济、社会和文化进步。
10. 世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization,简称WTO):全球性的经济贸易组织,负责制定国际贸易规则和进行贸易谈判。
11. 国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund,简称IMF):国际金融组织,负责监督会员国的汇率稳定和国际储备的平衡。
12. 世界银行(World Bank):国际金融组织,旨在通过向发展中国家提供贷款和技术援助,帮助其经济发展和减少贫困。
三、国际关系相关词汇13. 外交政策(foreign policy):国家为实现其对外目标而制定的总体战略和政策。

1. 贸易战(Trade War):中美贸易战是近年来中美关系的一大热点。
2. 技术冲突(Tech Conflict):中美之间的技术冲突主要体现在对于高科技产业的竞争和争夺上。
3. 区域争端(Regional Disputes):中美在亚太地区的一些地缘政治争端也是中美关系的热点问题。
4. 全球治理(Global Governance):中美作为全球两个最大的经济体和大国之间的关系,对全球治理体系的协调和重塑具有重要意义。
5. 人文交流(People-to-People Exchange):中美之间的人文交流是增进两国相互了解和友谊的重要途径。

中美关系新名词Chimerica1.政治方面:state visit国事访问Sino-US ties/China-US relations 中美关系bilateral tie 双边关系bilateral cooperation 双边合作direct contact 直接接触joint statement 联合声明in the spirit of the joint statement 本着联合声明的精神China-US joint communiqué中美联合公报top leaders 最高领导人national interests 国家利益core interests 核心利益common interests of the two countries 两国共同利益personality of the individual leaders 领导人的个人魅力frequent meetings 频繁会晤"conflict-dominant" relationship “冲突主导”的关系start a new era in US-China relations 开创中美关系的新时代the normalization of US-China relations 中美关系正常化permanent consultative institutions 永久磋商机制constructive strategic partnership 建设性战略伙伴关系overall strategic partnership 全面战略伙伴关系rapprochement 恢复邦交Ping Pong diplomacy 乒乓外交high-level cooperation 高层协作Strategic and Economic Dialogue 战略经济对话establish diplomatic ties 建立邦交highly confidential visit 秘密访问zero-sum game零和博弈mutual trust 相互信任common prosperity 共同繁荣peaceful coexistence 和平共处the situation on the Korean Peninsula 朝鲜半岛局势resumption of Six-Party Talks 重启六方会谈high-level visit 高层访问maintain a low profile 保持低姿态China will never seek hegemony. 中国永远不会称霸。

opening ceremony 开幕式closing remarks 闭幕辞high-level dialogue 高层对话government procurement 政府采购hi-tech goods 高科技产品hi-tech export 高科技出口high-end manufacturing 高端制造业anti-protectionism in international trade 反对国际贸易保护主义global economic recovery 全球经济复苏full market economy status 完全市场经济地位open trade and investment regimes 开放的贸易和投资体制energy-saving products 节能产品intellectual property rights/IPR protection 知识产权保护market aess barriers 市场准入障碍supply chain 供给链European debt crisis 欧洲债务危机alternative energy 可替代能源clean energy 清洁能源lower carbon economy 低碳经济currency rate/exchange rate reform 汇率改革currency appreciation 货币升值currency flotation 浮动汇率currency manipulator 货币操纵国foreign exchange rate mechanism 汇率机制external pressure 外部压力rebalance global growth 重新平衡全球开展MOU/memorandum of understanding 谅解备忘录Framework for EcoPartnerships 生态合作框架produce concrete results 取得实效long-term reforms 长期改革bilateral forum 双边论坛bilateral ties 双边关系mutually-beneficial and win-win cooperation 互惠和共赢的合作credit agreements 贷款协定reach consensus 达成共识bear fruit 取得成果revised agreement 修订协议oute statement 成果声明。

statevisit国事访问Sino-US ties/China-US relati ons 中美关系bilate ral tie 双边关系bilate ral cooper ation双边合作direct contac t 直接接触jointstatem ent 联合声明in the spirit of the jointstatem ent 本着联合声明的精神China-US jointcommun ique中美联合公报top leader s 最高领导人nation al intere sts 国家利益core intere sts 核心利益common intere sts of the two countr ies 两国共同利益person ality of the indivi dualleader s 领导人的个人魅力freque nt meetin gs 频繁会晤"confli ct-domina nt" relati onshi p“冲突主导”的关系starta new era in US-Chinarelati ons 开创中美关系的新时代the normal izati on of US-Chinarelati ons 中美关系正常化perman ent consul tativ e instit ution s 永久磋商机制constr uctiv e strate gic partne rship建设性战略伙伴关系overal l strate gic partne rship全面战略伙伴关系rappro cheme nt 恢复邦交Ping Pong diplom acy 乒乓外交high-levelcooper ation高层协作Strate gic and Econom ic Dialog ue 战略经济对话establ ish diplom aticties 建立邦交highly confid entia l visit秘密访问zero-sum game零和博弈mutual trust相互信任common prospe rity共同繁荣peacef ul coexis tence和平共处the situat ion on the Korean Penins ula 朝鲜半岛局势resump tionof Six-PartyTalks重启六方会谈high-levelvisit高层访问mainta in a low profil e 保持低姿态Chinawill neverseek hegemo ny. 中国永远不会称霸。

中欧关系一.词汇:安全考虑:security consideration傲慢行为:arrogant behavior多极化:multiplicity霸权主义:hegemonism强权政治:power politics国家主权:national sovereignty民族资源:national resource边界谈判:boundary negotiation不结盟国家:non-aligned countries采取惩罚行动:take punitive actions采取高姿态:show magnanimity采取协调行动:take concerted steps常驻代表:permanent representative弹性外交:elastic diplomacy邓小平外交思想:Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic thoughts低调:low keyed电话协商:telephone negotiations独联体国家:Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)度假外交:holiday-making diplomacy附庸国:dependency高层次、全方位的对话:high-level and all-directional dialogue公认的国际关系原则:generally-accepted principles of international relations公使馆:legation公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序:a fair and rational new international political and economic order国际商会:International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)国际雇佣者组织:International Organization of Employers (IOE)国际关系的准则:norms governing international relations国际惯例:international common practice国际货币基金会:International Monetary Fund (IMF)国际金融组织:International Finance Corporation (IFC)国际聚焦:international spotlight国家不分大小,应该一律平等:All countries, big or small, should be equal.捍卫国家主权、领土完整和民族尊严:safeguard national sovereignty, territorial integrity and national dignity 毫无根据的媒体报导:groundless media reports和平共处五项原则: the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence环太平洋地区:Pacific Rim缓和:détente联络处:liaison office领土管辖权:territorial jurisdiction领土毗连:territorial contiguity流血冲突:bloody conflict民间外交:people-to-people diplomacy贫穷国家:impoverished nation全方位外交:multi-faceted diplomacy伸张正义、主持公道:adhere to principles and uphold justice 神圣不可侵犯:sacred and inviolable审时度势:size up the situation推翻一个政权:topple a regime外交承认:diplomatic recognition外交纷争:diplomatic dispute外交攻势:diplomatic offensive外交使团:diplomatic mission外交政策的基石:cornerstone of a country's foreign policy万国公法:law of nations维持外交关系:maintain diplomatic relations维护世界和平:safeguard world peace武装冲突:armed conflict西方国家利益:Western interests总领事馆:consulate general发展中国家:developing country发达国家:developed country国际交往一.词汇中国共产党the Communist Party of China(CPC)中共中央总书记the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee国务院the State Council综合国力overall national strength和平统一peaceful reunification of the motherland一国两制One Country, Two Systems台湾同胞our compatriots in Taiwan海外侨胞overseas compatriots领土territory主权sovereignty紧张态势tension使用武力the use of force核武器nuclear weapons分裂活动separatist/splittist activities西藏the Tibet多极化multipolarity战略伙伴关系strategic partnership第三世界国家the Third World countries睦邻友好政策good-neighbor policy求同存异seek common ground while preserving(reserving)differences 霸权主义hegemony友好/国事访问 a goodwill(a state, an official)visit联合国安理会the UN Security Council恐怖主义terrorism大使ambassador大使馆embassy外交关系diplomatic relations代表团delegation平等互利equality and mutual benefits达成一致reach consensus on恢复行使主权resume the exercise of sovereignty over……伸张正义,主持公道adhere to principles and uphold justice南北对话South-North dialogue常驻代表permanent representative国际关系的准则norms governing international relations不结盟国家non-aligned countries不结盟政策non-aligned policy独联体国家Commonwealth of Independent States大国沙文主义superpower chauvinism暂时中断外交关系suspend diplomatic relations断绝外交关系sever diplomatic relations国书credentials召见summon外交辞令diplomatic parlance公告proclamation贺电message of greeting唁电message of condolences国际关系International Relations国际阵营international camp国际社会international community国际地位international position国际惯例international practice国际公约international convention国际条约international treaty超级大国superpower; VIP(Very Important Power) 不结盟国家non-aligned state傀儡国家puppet state外围势力国家peripheral power独立国independent state主权国sovereign state中立国neutral state君主国monarchy保护国(保护别国的)protective state附属国dependent country同盟国ally最惠国most favored nation东道国host country缔约国signatory/contracting state对抗国confrontation state交战国belligerent country国际公法International Law独立自主be independent and maintain oneself统一reunification领土;版图territory领空territorial air领海territorial sea租界concession联盟coalition议定书protocol毁约breach of promise宣言declaration; manifesto会谈纪要minutes of talks正式声明official statement非正式声明officious statement备忘录memorandum附件supplement; accessory抗议书protest memorandum联合国宪章the Charter of the United Nations波茨坦公告Potsdam Proclamation日内瓦公约Geneva Convention白/蓝/红/绿/褐皮书white/blue/red/green/brown book委任书letter of appointment捍卫国家主权,领土完整和民族尊严safeguard national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national dignity二.句型1.和平与发展是时代的主题,世界的和平与发展离开不开各个成员国的共同努力,以及通力合作。

中美关系词汇:一:文化交流方面Confucius Institute 孔子学院sister cities友好城市culture shock 文化冲击,文化休克culture pollution 文化污染cross-cultural communication 跨文化交流high culture 高雅文化counter-culture (上世纪六十至七十年代在西方出现的)嬉皮文化,反传统文化online courses在线课程knowledge-sharing 知识共享The second Sino-US cultural forum 第二届中美文化论坛ever-developing era 日益发展的时代Chinese Overseas Exchange Association 中国海外交流协会picture shows 图片展Sino-US Film Festival 中美电影节education internationalization 教育国际化Sino-US Higher Education Cooperation & Exchange Forum 中美高等教育合作交流论坛China Education Expo 中国教育展Institute of International Education国际教育协会flexible visa policies 宽松的签证政策overseas study consulting company 海外留学咨询公司brain drain 人才外流intellectual circulation 人才流动Chinese Culture Week 中国文化周culture diplomacy文化外交national publicity film 国家宣传片Chief Cultural Officer 首席文化官,文化总监(CCO)cultural trap 文化陷阱local culture 本土文化mass culture 大众文化oriental culture 东方文化multicultural society多元文化社会counterculture反文化cultural diversity 文化差异二:外交关系state visit 国事访问core interests 核心利益bilateral tie 双边关系bilateral cooperation双边合作direct contact 直接接触joint statement 联合声明in the spirit of the joint statement 本着联合声明的精神China-US joint communique 中美联合公报top leaders 最高领导人national interests国家利益common interests of the two countries 两国共同利益personality of the individual leaders 领导人的个人魅力frequent meetings 频繁会晤"conflict-dominant" relationship “冲突主导”的关系start a new era in US-China relations 开创中美关系的新时the normalization of US-China relations 中美关系正常化permanent consultative institutions 永久磋商机制constructive constructive strategic partnership 建设性战略伙伴关系overall strategic partnership 全面战略伙伴关系rapprochement 恢复邦交Ping Pong diplomacy 乒乓外交high-level cooperation 高层协作Strategic and Economic Dialogue 战略经济对话establish diplomatic ties 建立邦交highly confidential visit 秘密访问zero-sum game 零和博弈mutual trust 相互信任common prosperity 共同繁荣peaceful coexistence 和平共处resumption of Six-Party Talks 重启六方会谈high-level visit 高层访问maintain a low profile 保持低姿态China will never seek hegemony. 中国永远不会称霸。

新闻中的外交词汇释义1. 亲切友好的交谈——字面意思;2. 坦率交谈——分歧很大,无法沟通;3. 交换了意见——会谈各说各的,没有达成协议;4. 充分交换了意见——双方无法达成协议,吵得厉害;5. 增进了双方的了解——双方分歧很大;6. 会谈是有益的——双方目标暂时相距甚远,能坐下来谈就很好;7. 我们持保留态度——我们拒绝同意;8. 尊重——不完全同意;9. 赞赏——不尽同意;10. 遗憾——不满;11. 不愉快——激烈的冲突;12. 表示极大的愤慨——现在我拿你没办法;13. 严重关切——可能要干预;14. 不能置之不理——即将干涉;15. 保留做出进一步反应的权利——我们将报复;16. 我们将重新考虑这一问题的立场——我们已经改变了原来的(友好)政策;17. 拭目以待——最后警告;18. 请于*月*日前予以答复——*月*日后我们两国可能处于非和平状态;19. 由此引起的后果将由*负责——可能的话我国将诉诸武力(这也可能是虚张声势的俗语);20. 这是我们万万不能容忍的——战争在即;21. 这是不友好的行动——这是敌视我们的行动;可能引起战争的行动;22. 是可忍孰不可忍——不打算忍了,要动手了。
话说尽,礼尽到,既然你不仁,别怪我不义,你真是愚蠢与猖狂至极,要不揍你,我就不是人!咱们战场上见!23. 勿谓言之不预也——最后警告!你已经越轨了,我即将对你动手痛击,如果你知趣,赶紧撤退,否则别怪我不客气,别怪我没有给你台阶下,别给脸不要脸!24. 人不犯我我不犯人,人若犯我我必犯人——警告!你已经触及我的底线,我已经彻底掌握、觉察你的不良企图和动作,我已经做好准备了,你一旦敢于挑衅,我将坚决痛击!。

一、政治词汇(Political Vocabulary)1. International relations - 国际关系2. Diplomacy - 外交3. Sovereignty - 主权4. State - 国家5. Government - 政府6. Foreign policy - 外交政策7. Alliance - 联盟8. Diplomat - 外交官9. Negotiation - 谈判10. Treaty - 条约11. Summit - 峰会12. Security - 安全13. Democracy - 民主14. Dictatorship - 独裁15. Regime - 政权二、经济词汇(Economic Vocabulary)1. Globalization - 全球化2. Trade - 贸易3. Exchange rate - 汇率4. GDP (Gross Domestic Product) - 国内生产总值5. Tariff - 关税6. Subsidy - 补贴7. Free trade - 自由贸易8. Import - 进口9. Export - 出口10. Inflation - 通货膨胀11. Recession - 经济衰退12. IMF (International Monetary Fund) - 国际货币基金组织13. World Bank - 世界银行14. Development aid - 发展援助15. Market economy - 市场经济三、军事词汇(Military Vocabulary)1. Arms race - 军备竞赛2. Nuclear weapons - 核武器3. Military alliance - 军事联盟4. Air strike - 空袭5. Peacekeeping - 维和6. Weapons of mass destruction - 大规模杀伤性武器7. Defense - 防御8. Intelligence - 情报9. Combat - 战斗10. Troops - 部队11. Naval - 海军的12. Air force - 空军13. Military expenditure - 军事开支14. Disarmament - 裁军15. Cyber warfare - 网络战争四、文化词汇(Cultural Vocabulary)1. Cultural exchange - 文化交流2. Cultural diversity - 文化多样性3. Heritage - 遗产4. Tradition - 传统5. Language - 语言6. Customs - 风俗习惯7. Art - 艺术8. Music - 音乐9. Literature - 文学10. Festivals - 节日11. Cuisine - 美食12. Religion - 宗教13. Identity - 身份14. Globalization - 全球化15. Cultural assimilation - 文化同化五、环保词汇(Environmental Vocabulary)1. Climate change - 气候变化2. Global warming - 全球变暖3. Carbon footprint - 碳足迹4. Renewable energy - 可再生能源5. Pollution - 污染6. Deforestation - 森林砍伐7. Conservation - 保护8. Biodiversity - 生物多样性9. Emissions - 排放物10. Ozone layer - 臭氧层11. Sustainable development - 可持续发展12. Greenhouse gases - 温室气体13. Recycling - 回收利用14. Environmental degradation - 环境退化15. Wildlife conservation - 野生动物保护综上所述,掌握国际关系英语词汇对于深入理解和学习国际关系是至关重要的。

中欧关系一.词汇:安全考虑:security consideration傲慢行为:arrogant behavior多极化:multiplicity霸权主义:hegemonism强权政治:power politics国家主权:national sovereignty民族资源:national resource边界谈判:boundary negotiation不结盟国家:non-aligned countries采取惩罚行动:take punitive actions采取高姿态:show magnanimity采取协调行动:take concerted steps常驻代表:permanent representative弹性外交:elastic diplomacy邓小平外交思想:Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic thoughts低调:low keyed电话协商:telephone negotiations独联体国家:Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)度假外交:holiday-making diplomacy附庸国:dependency高层次、全方位的对话:high-level and all-directional dialogue公认的国际关系原则:generally-accepted principles of international relations公使馆:legation公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序:a fair and rational new international political and economic order国际商会:International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)国际雇佣者组织:International Organization of Employers (IOE)国际关系的准则:norms governing international relations国际惯例:international common practice国际货币基金会:International Monetary Fund (IMF)国际金融组织:International Finance Corporation (IFC)国际聚焦:international spotlight国家不分大小,应该一律平等:All countries, big or small, should be equal.捍卫国家主权、领土完整和民族尊严:safeguard national sovereignty, territorial integrity and national dignity 毫无根据的媒体报导:groundless media reports和平共处五项原则: the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence环太平洋地区:Pacific Rim缓和:détente联络处:liaison office领土管辖权:territorial jurisdiction领土毗连:territorial contiguity流血冲突:bloody conflict民间外交:people-to-people diplomacy贫穷国家:impoverished nation全方位外交:multi-faceted diplomacy伸张正义、主持公道:adhere to principles and uphold justice 神圣不可侵犯:sacred and inviolable审时度势:size up the situation推翻一个政权:topple a regime外交承认:diplomatic recognition外交纷争:diplomatic dispute外交攻势:diplomatic offensive外交使团:diplomatic mission外交政策的基石:cornerstone of a country's foreign policy万国公法:law of nations维持外交关系:maintain diplomatic relations维护世界和平:safeguard world peace武装冲突:armed conflict西方国家利益:Western interests总领事馆:consulate general发展中国家:developing country发达国家:developed country国际交往一.词汇中国共产党the Communist Party of China(CPC)中共中央总书记the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee国务院the State Council综合国力overall national strength和平统一peaceful reunification of the motherland一国两制One Country, Two Systems台湾同胞our compatriots in Taiwan海外侨胞overseas compatriots领土territory主权sovereignty紧张态势tension使用武力the use of force核武器nuclear weapons分裂活动separatist/splittist activities西藏the Tibet多极化multipolarity战略伙伴关系strategic partnership第三世界国家the Third World countries睦邻友好政策good-neighbor policy求同存异seek common ground while preserving(reserving)differences 霸权主义hegemony友好/国事访问 a goodwill(a state, an official)visit联合国安理会the UN Security Council恐怖主义terrorism大使ambassador大使馆embassy外交关系diplomatic relations代表团delegation平等互利equality and mutual benefits达成一致reach consensus on恢复行使主权resume the exercise of sovereignty over……伸张正义,主持公道adhere to principles and uphold justice南北对话South-North dialogue常驻代表permanent representative国际关系的准则norms governing international relations不结盟国家non-aligned countries不结盟政策non-aligned policy独联体国家Commonwealth of Independent States大国沙文主义superpower chauvinism暂时中断外交关系suspend diplomatic relations断绝外交关系sever diplomatic relations国书credentials召见summon外交辞令diplomatic parlance公告proclamation贺电message of greeting唁电message of condolences国际关系International Relations国际阵营international camp国际社会international community国际地位international position国际惯例international practice国际公约international convention国际条约international treaty超级大国superpower; VIP(Very Important Power) 不结盟国家non-aligned state傀儡国家puppet state外围势力国家peripheral power独立国independent state主权国sovereign state中立国neutral state君主国monarchy保护国(保护别国的)protective state附属国dependent country同盟国ally最惠国most favored nation东道国host country缔约国signatory/contracting state对抗国confrontation state交战国belligerent country国际公法International Law独立自主be independent and maintain oneself统一reunification领土;版图territory领空territorial air领海territorial sea租界concession联盟coalition议定书protocol毁约breach of promise宣言declaration; manifesto会谈纪要minutes of talks正式声明official statement非正式声明officious statement备忘录memorandum附件supplement; accessory抗议书protest memorandum联合国宪章the Charter of the United Nations波茨坦公告Potsdam Proclamation日内瓦公约Geneva Convention白/蓝/红/绿/褐皮书white/blue/red/green/brown book委任书letter of appointment捍卫国家主权,领土完整和民族尊严safeguard national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national dignity二.句型1.和平与发展是时代的主题,世界的和平与发展离开不开各个成员国的共同努力,以及通力合作。

和平共处五项原则: 和平共处五项原则: 互相尊重主权,领土完整, 互补侵犯, 互相尊重主权,领土完整, 互补侵犯,互不干 涉内政,平等互利, 涉内政,平等互利,和平共处 Five principles of peaceful coexistence: Mutual respect for each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non- aggression, no interference into each other’s internal affairs, equity and mutual benefit, peaceful coexistence.
世纪的第二个十年, 在21世纪的第二个十年, 国际形势发生深 世纪的第二个十年 刻的变化。中美两国关系在曲折中发展。 刻的变化。中美两国关系在曲折中发展。 The international situation has been undergoing profound changes in the second decade of the 21st century. ChinaUS relationship is developing amid twis局, 我们已经牢牢把握中美关系的大局,妥善解决 分歧,不断朝着增进了解,扩大共识, 分歧,不断朝着增进了解,扩大共识,发展 合作,共创未来的目标前进。 合作,共创未来的目标前进。 We should take a firm hold of the overall interest of China- US relations and settle our differences properly so as to reach the goal of promoting mutual understanding, enlarging common ground, developing cooperation and building a shared future.

economic restructuring 经济转型/经济结构调整complementary economic relations 互补的经济关系as the second largest trade partner of the other 双方互为第二大贸易伙伴economic development mode 经济发展模式dumping 倾销anti-dumping 反倾销dumping abroad 海外倾销a dumping field 海外倾销市场export tax rebate/tax refund 出口退税export quotas 出口配额dependence of the Sino-American economy 中美经济关系的依存度export dependence 出口依存度ratio of dependence on foreign trade 外贸依存度high-tech exports 高科技产品出口exchange rate 汇率exchange rate policy 汇率政策rate fine-tuning 汇率“微调”exchange rate system 汇率机制a floating exchange rate system 浮动汇率机制pegging the RMB to the US dollar 人民币盯住美元rate hike 利率上调rate cut 利率下调forex reserve pool 外汇储备库cross-border settlement 人民币跨境结算appreciation of the RMB 人民币升值depreciation/devaluation of the RMB 人民币贬值exchange rate formation mechanism 汇率形成机制foreign exchange spot market 外汇现货市场hot money 热钱trade war 贸易战unfair competition 不正当竞争trade deficit 贸易逆差trade surplus 贸易顺差trade imbalances 贸易失衡market economy status 市场经济地位dollar value 美元价值global financial system 全球金融体系subprime crisis 次贷危机China-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade 中美商贸联合委员会quantitative easing 定量宽松inflationary pressure 通胀压力credit squeeze 信贷紧缩。
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state visit国事访问Sino-US ties/China-US relations 中美关系
bilateral tie 双边关系bilateral cooperation 双边合作
direct contact 直接接触joint statement 联合声明
in the spirit of the joint statement 本着联合声明的精神
China-US joint communique中美联合公报top leaders 最高领导人
national interests 国家利益core interests 核心利益
common interests of the two countries 两国共同利益
personality of the individual leaders 领导人的个人魅力frequent meetings 频繁会晤"conflict-dominant" relationship “冲突主导”的关系
start a new era in US-China relations 开创中美关系的新时代
the normalization of US-China relations 中美关系正常化
permanent consultative institutions 永久磋商机制
constructive strategic partnership 建设性战略伙伴关系
overall strategic partnership 全面战略伙伴关系
rapprochement 恢复邦交Ping Pong diplomacy 乒乓外交high-level cooperation 高层协作
Strategic and Economic Dialogue 战略经济对话
establish diplomatic ties 建立邦交
highly confidential visit 秘密访问
zero-sum game零和博弈
mutual trust 相互信任
common prosperity 共同繁荣
peaceful coexistence 和平共处
the situation on the Korean Peninsula 朝鲜半岛局势
resumption of Six-Party Talks 重启六方会谈
high-level visit 高层访问
maintain a low profile 保持低姿态
China will never seek hegemony. 中国永远不会称霸。
strategic suspicions 战略猜疑
build a positive, cooperative and comprehensive relationship for the 21st century 建设21世纪积极合作全面的中美关系
help restore a positive momentum to the relationship 有助于恢复中美关系积极发展势头lay the groundwork for numerous areas of bilateral cooperation 为多领域的双边合作奠定基础
look at the issue from the higher strategic level 从更高的战略层面看待问题
share common interests in a fair and just international system 在公平公正的国际体系内共享共同利益
in an environment "characterized by cooperation rather than conflict" 在以合作,而非冲突为特征的国际环境中
a policy of friendship, security and prosperity 和平、稳定和繁荣的政策
practice robust regional engagement in the Asia-Pacific 加强参与亚太地区事务
build trust between China and the United States 建立中美互信。