
英语精读(四)16秋在线作业1一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。
)1. To look _______ os not mk you goo tor.. sxul sxy sxist正确答案:2. Thr is rl possiility tht ths nimls oul frightn,__ sun lou nois.. ing thr. shoul thr. thr ws. thr hving n正确答案:3. nlltion of th fight_____mny pssngrs to spn th night t th irport.. olig. mn. rsult. rommn正确答案:4. Thr _____ fiv shp on th frm, ut thr r only thr gots.. hv. is. r. hs正确答案:5. Visitors r sk to__with th rgultions.. ontrst. onsult. omply. onflit正确答案:6. In this poor ountry, survivl is still th ling inustry; ll ls is_____.. luxury. ommotion. ntrtinmnt. rfrshmnt正确答案:7. Th vision of tht ig lk r hitting th siwlk fw ft from us will nvr __from my mmory . jt. sp. rs. ommitt正确答案:8. If sustn is issolv in wtr or ht, it my__ gs.. giv into. giv ovr. giv off. giv wy正确答案:9. I'm not__with my roommt ut I hv to shr th room with hr, us I hv nowhr ls to liv. . onrn. omptil. onsirt. ompli正确答案:10. Frn's__of nulr tsting in th South Pifi lst month triggr politil ts n mss monstrtions.. ssumption. onsumption. prsumption. rsumption正确答案:11. vi tns to fl uslss n unwnt in soity tht givs so muh___to thos who ompt wll. . prstig. rgim. supriority. rgim. lgisltion正确答案:12. Mr.Smith h n unusul__h ws first n offi lrk, thn silor, n n up s shool thr. . profssion. ouption. position. rr正确答案:13. This hous is vry ig n utiful.I think th rnt must __s tht on.. thr tims mor. thr tims s muh. s mny thr tims. s thr tims mor正确答案:14. t tht tim work ws rstrit to slvs n to thos fw poor itizns who ouln't supportthmslvs.,. ttriut. limit. onnt. vot正确答案:15. Thr r mor n mor ustomrs who lik to__out pris whn uying goos.. t. onsult. isput. rgin正确答案:16. y th n of1994, 558 kins of prouts h n__grn foo.. nm. rstrit. lssifi. ll正确答案:17. Th prout must pri_____ it ompts fftivly with rivl prouts in th sm mrkt. .. s suh. in suh wy. so tht. so正确答案:18. Th mss nwsppr pn signifintly mor on vrtising__thn i thir prssors.. rvnus. inoms. vnus. outoms正确答案:19. This yr, th mumr of ints hs__tht of lst yr.. ovrtkn. ovrwigh. ovrom. ovrshow正确答案:20. Jk is so__to his pprn tht h nvr hs his loths prs.. vrs. nonymous. iniffrnt. sul正确答案:21. Th__stuk on th nvlop sys"y ir".. igrm. ll. signl. mrk正确答案:22. Mny provrs__in nint Gr n Rom n in mivl urop, spring from ountry to ountry in Ltin txts.. sign. sn. origint. rt正确答案:23. ll th stff mmrs of th prtmnt m zlous fforts to ln up th hl for th hristms prty. . nthusisti. onrt. gignti. it正确答案:24. H sms to ___nough to lim to th mountin top in n hour.. rint. onsintious. onspiuous. nrgti正确答案:25. In orr to prvnt strss from ing st up in th mtl, xpnsion joints r fitt whih__th strss y llowing th pip to xpn or ontrt frly.. rlim. ronil. rtify. rliv正确答案:26. Grt Slt Lk is f y frsh-wtr strms, ____ is out four to fiv tims s slty s th on. . yt. whih. thr. spit正确答案:27. H ws lwys tutht tht it ws__to intrrupt.. ru. ors. rough. ru正确答案:28. Topis for omposition shoul _____to th xprins n intrsts of th stunts.. onrn. pnnt. onnting. rlvnt正确答案:29. Som popl viw th finings with ution, nothing ht us-n-fft rltionship twn pssiv smoking n nr rmins__.. to shown. to hv shown. to hv n shown. ing shown正确答案:30. mri will nvr gin hv s ntion th spirit of vntur s it__for th wst ws sttl. . oul. i. woul. ws正确答案:31. ftr four yrs in th sm jo his nthusism finlly__.. triort. isprs. issipt. rin正确答案:32. hilrn n ol popl o not lik hving thir ily__.. hit. routin. prti. ustom正确答案:33. I ws ply imprss y th hostss'___n njoy th innr prty vry muh.. hostility. inigntion. hospitlity. humnity正确答案:34. W oftn vis him not to rink mor win__is goo for his hlth.. s. thn. tht. ut正确答案:35. It’s intrsting how fshions hng. Thr ws tim whn oun ft wr onsir vry _______ for womn in hin.. sxul. sxy. sxist正确答案:36. wll writtn omposition__goo hoi of wors n lr orgniztion mong othr things. . lls for. lls on. lls up. lls off正确答案:37. H is th only prson who n__in his s, us th othr witnsss wr kill mystriously. . tstify. hrg. us. rtify正确答案:38. Without fts, w nnot form worthwhil opinion for w n to hv ftul knowlg__our thinking.. whih to s on. whih to s upon. upon whih to s. to whih to s正确答案:39. Th long list of ourss n rquirmnts oftn________frshmn.. frightn. frightns正确答案:40. Whil oth plns wr prftly snsil, only on sm__in hin's prtiulr sitution.. vill. fsil. rsolvl. prsuml正确答案:英语精读(四)16秋在线作业1一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。

9. 18世纪朝鲜人民在长期口传中形成的一部著名小说是()

大学英语(一)高起专16春在线作业1一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。
)1. For ______ interested in nature, the club offers hikes and overnight camping each week during the summer.A. themB. whomC. themselvesD. thos e2. Hardly ______ he got out of the court ______ the reporters raised a lot of questions to him.A. had … whenB. had…thanC. did…whenD. has…than3. Beginning in the late 19th century, the _______ rise in the productivity of England was just ______ less than Germany and the U.S.A. year…slightlyB. yearly…slightC. yearly…slightlyD. year…slightly4. Of the two cars that the Smiths have, the Plymouth is, without any question, ______.A. the cheapest to runB. the cheaper to runC. cheaperD. more cheaper5. You must follow the directions exactly and if you become ______, you must take the time to go back again and reread them.B. confusingC. confuseD. confused6. The manager was greatly appreciate that _____ made by Linda lately.A. new reelB. news reelC. new-reelsD. news reels7. I’d get it for you ______ I could remember who last borrowed the book.A. on condition thatB. now thatC. except thatD. considering that8. The construction of the new building will cost ______ 1,000,000 dollars, and it’s no t easy to get so much money.A. at lastB. at mostC. at leastD. at large9. Each of you ______ responsible for the accident.A. amB. beC. isD. are10. _____ Nat Turner who led a revolt against slavery in Virginia in 1831.A. Where wasB. It wasC. He wasD. it was him11. He didn’t know French, ______ m ade it difficult for him to study at a university in France.A. thatB. asC. thisD. which12. The use of radar as well as the two-way radio ______ for the police to intercept most speeders.A. make it possibleB. makes it possibleC. makes possibleD. make it a possibility13. When he just got off the plane, he gave us a good description of ______ in Spain.A. what he had seenB. that he had seenC. which he had seenD. he had seen what14. The doctors have tried ______ to save the life of the wounded soldier.A. everything possible humanlyB. humanly everything possibleC. everything humanly possible15. We arrived ______ Professor Baker had already called the roll.A. so lately thatB. as late thatC. so later thatD. so late that16. The teacher suggested that each student ______ a plan for the vacation.A. madeB. makeC. makesD. will make17. Only when you have obtained sufficient data ______ come to a sound conclusion.A. can youB. you canC. would youD. you would18. Weekends last from Friday evening to Sunday night.______ days are week-days.A. The otherB. AnotherC. OtherD. Every other19. In order to save time, I ______ my shopping to once a week.A. cut offB. cut outC. cut up20. They will place China in the front ranks of countries of the world ______ the output of major industrial products.A. in support ofB. in connection withC. in terms ofD. by means of21. In one firm alone over three hundred people were laid _____ during the last month.A. inB. outC. onD. off22. ______ think he will ______ dare the risk.A. not/ ..B. do/notC. ../notD. don’t/..23. Susan’d have worked abroad if she’d had the chance, ______?A. has sheB. hadn’t sheC. would sheD. wouldn’t she24. In Brazil, spending on science and technology ______ just 0.6 percent of gross national product.A. makes forB. makes up forD. stands for25. The United States is a major consumer of coffee, yet it does not have the climate to grow any ______ its own.A. onB. forC. ofD. to26. When Jack was eighteen he ______ going around with a strange set of people and staying out very late.A. took upB. took forC. took toD. took on27. Let’s do the exercises by ourselves, ______?A. shall weB. shan’t weC. will youD. will we28. “I would have come sooner, but I ______ that you were waiting.”A. didn’t knowB. hasn’t knownC. hadn’t knowD. haven’t known29. Whatever you can do,______.A. I can do so as wellC. I can do it as wellD. I can do as well30. I don’t allow ______ in my office and I don’t allow my family ______ at all.A. to smoke…smokingB. smoking…to smokeC. to smoke…to smokeD. smoking…smoking31. It is just three o’clock p.m. The plane just _____ five minutes ago.A. took offB. took upC. took outD. took in32. After the way she treated you, if I ______ in your place.A. beB. amC. wasD. were33. Barry can hardly drive a car, ______.A. so can’t Moll yB. can’t Molly eitherC. Molly can’t tooD. neither can Molly34. Man is superior to the animals ______ he sues language to convey his thoughts.A. and thatC. so thatD. in order that35. The boys in this town like to bully ______.A. one anotherB. one and otherC. each otherD. one and the other36. One of the statements ______ to be untrue.A. is turned outB. has turned outC. have been turned outD. have turned out37. Was it ______ she agreed to help?A. very reluctantly so thatB. very reluctantly thatC. so reluctantly thatD. very reluctantly when38. The insects would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and heads, if ______ for the protection we get from insect-eating animals.A. it is notB. it were notC. were it notD. they were not39. No sooner had the man departed than the tree began dropping coffee beans ______.A. by the thousandB. by a thousandC. by thousandsD. by thousand40. He enjoys life ______ the “Queen Anne”.A. on a boardB. on boardC. in the boardD. board。

4. Britain and(), separated by English Channel, have been communicating very often since long ago in history.
A. Santa
B. his Mom
C. his Dad
D. theConductor
5. "Belle, it's about time you got your head out of those books and paid attention to more important things...like me! "is said by()
A. Gaston
B. Maurice
A. Moses
B. Rameses
C. the old pharaoh
9. Why do the gods torment me with such (), destructive, blasphemous sons?
A. reckless
B. daring
C. humiliating
9. The Prince of Egypt is a story between two sisters.
10. In The Monster House, Chowder buys a new football.
11. In Charlotte’s Web Charlotte is the name of the girl.

东师英美报刊选读16春在线作业1⼀、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 60 分。
)V 1. muralA. a type of musicB. an artistC. painting done on a wall满分:2 分2. What did not the workers do in the run up to the last October’s celebration ?A. They finished a network of expressways and ramps crisscrossing the city.B. They built a huge airport in nearby Pudong.C. They built a large-sized shopping mall in the center of city.D. They built a cross-river tunnels linking Shanghai to Pudong.满分:2 分3. panacea.A. sth. that will put right all troublesB. hard workingC. lazy person满分:2 分4. discreetA. prudenceB. secretC. disagree满分:2 分5. Why must local government keep his or her doors to every visitor ?A. Economic development depends on it.B. The central government forces them to do that.C. In order to let more people enjoy the beauty of the sites.D. They are friendly and hospitable.满分:2 分6. The author believes that the proper way to decline gang membership is _____.A. to show contemptB. to show politenessC. to report to the policeD. to show hatred满分:2 分7. Mr. Arafat’s compound is situated in ___.A. QalqilyaB. HaifaC. EfratD. Ramallah满分:2 分8. From this article we know that many ______are leaving Medicare.A. HMOsB. medical associationC. health groupsD. patients满分:2 分9. Which organization announced an emergency meeting to be held in Geneva this week?A. WTOB. WHOC. USOD. EU满分:2 分10. According to the article, the U.S. Customs Service took a seizure in _____ two weeks ago to generate e’s first big press coverage in years.A. New YorkB. ArizonaC. Los AngelesD. Phoenix满分:2 分11. deteriorate .A. become worse in quality or condition.B. make others become happyC. throw the rubbish满分:2 分12. What do you think the people’s attitude to the rule ”Don’t mention sex, politics and religion”?A. People today still think it is right.B. Nobody cares about it.C. People today strictly obey this rule during their social conversations.D. We don’t know满分:2 分13. The phrase---_____now means a situation in which there is only one thing to do .A. Hobson’s horseB. Hobson’s ideaC. Hobson’s situationD. Hobson’s choice满分:2 分14. The NRA’s power depends on the relatively few close elections that often determine who controls ____.A. PresidentB. Supreme CourtC. CongressD. jury满分:2 分15. Who was hacked and shot to death in 1985 by unnamed members of apartheid-erasecurity forces ?A. Nombwyselo MhlawuliB. Sicelo MhlawuliC. Monica Godolozi.满分:2 分16. About ____ Aboriginal and European parentage——were taken from their parents from 1910 until the 1970’s.A. 10,000B. 100,000C. 1,000,000D. 1,000满分:2 分17. In the content of this lesson, among the drugs, _____ can easily cause coma and deathA. MDMAB. LSDC. GHBD. heroin满分:2 分18. accelerate .A. desert sb without any excuseB. lose face before the publicC. move or happen more quickly满分:2 分19. According to the text, ___ people who do marry reported being “very happy”in their relationships .C. fewD. a lot of满分:2 分20. What does the CIA advocate to topple Saddam?A. a coupB. a warC. the same strategy as in AfghanistanD. None of the above满分:2 分21. apparatusA. organizationB. work hardC. lazy满分:2 分22. Although the populations of majority in the U.S. approve gun controls, the NRA still gained _____ members last year.A. 200,000B. 300,000C. 400,000D. 500,000满分:2 分23. According to the author , the starters should ___.A. Work hard and don’t fancy a vacation.B. Check to see if they have enough paid leave time, if not, prepare to negotiate for it.C. Try every means to get a paid leave.D. Have a trip without pay.满分:2 分24. mistyA. not clear or bright.B. misteryC. work hard满分:2 分25. intriguingA. interesting满分:2 分26. According to most educators, __________ is not the virtues of homework.A. building good study habitsB. building time-management skillsC. reinforcing the day’s lessonsD. crying jags满分:2 分27. According to the text, Jordan wanted his teammates to ______.A. understand the fundamentals of the gamesB. play basketball like him.C. win the championship of NBA in the near future.D. help him to achieve more success满分:2 分28. pluck.A. get rid ofB. make moneyC. resourceful courage and daring满分:2 分29. In Hamilton Country, where Westfield sits, the Hispanic population hasincreased----- percent in10 years.A. 70B. 31C. 143D. 58满分:2 分30. The 1996 law created the Temporary Assistant For Needy Families, which slappeda ___lifetime on an individual’s right to collect benefits.A. ten-yearB. twelve-yearC. five-yearD. twenty-year满分:2 分⼆、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。

:92c40e8f-88f4-4430-bc0f-b86a7e559b99:1a621616-0a1f-4ca1-9521-ece3大学英语(一)高起专16秋在线作业11:The elephants ought ______ hours ago by the keepers.A:to be fedB:to feedC:to being fedD:to have been fed正确答案:D2:______ they reached the small village before dusk.A:Towards the endB:By the endC:In the endD:At the end正确答案:C3:The librarian insists that Dana take ______ books from library before she returns the dictionary she borrowed last month.A:noB:manyC:not manyD:no more正确答案:D4:______ comparison to my boyhood, my undergraduate years in Oklahoma were paradise. A:InB:WithC:ByD:For正确答案:A5:______ receives only a small portion of the total amount of the sun’s energy. A:The earth’s surfaceB:The surface earthC:The surface of earthD:The earth surface正确答案:A6:True hibernation takes place only among ______ animals.A:whose blood is warmB:blood wormC:warm-bloodedD:they have warm blood正确答案:C7:Computers can do ______ work in a short time, but a man can not do ______ by himself. A:great many…manyB:a great deal of…muchC:much…a great dealD:many…a great many正确答案:C8:If you hadn’t gone with Tom to the party last night,______.A:you would meet John alreadyB:you won’t have missed JohnC:you will have met JohnD:you would have met John正确答案:D9:Nobody will believe how difficult his work has been ______?A:will heB:won’t nobodyC:will theyD:won’t they正确答案:C10:“When is Tom going to leave?”“He is going to leave ______ this week.”A:sometimesB:some timeC:sometimeD:somewhat正确答案:C11:They have to study a lot, ______?A:don’t theyB:haven’t theyC:did theyD:hadn’t they正确答案:A12:Whatever you can do,______.A:I can do so as wellB:I can do this as wellC:I can do it as wellD:I can do as well正确答案:D13:There isn’t anything wrong with the radio, ______?A:is thereB:is itC:does itD:does there正确答案:A14:The doctor’s advice is that the patient ______ about his real physical condition. A:be not toldB:not be toldC:will not be toldD:must not be told正确答案:A15:Would you like to have a cup of tea and ______ with me?A:two toastsB:two pieces of toastC:two piece of toastsD:tow pieces of toasts正确答案:B16:The boys in this town like to bully ______.A:one anotherB:one and otherC:each otherD:one and the other正确答案:A17:They saw ______ girls the day before yesterday.A:both the other twoB:the two other bothC:the both other twoD:the both two other正确答案:A18:What ______ are you planning to buy?A:make of carB:make of the carC:make of a carD:make of cars正确答案:A19:Will you please see ______ our luggage when I am away?A:toB:inC:withD:for正确答案:A20:My brother is going on the picnic with ______ friends.A:his two little otherB:other his two littleC:his other little twoD:his two other little正确答案:D21:“______ your best? It’s not satisfactory. I’m afraid you will have to do it again.”A:Do you tryB:Have you triedC:Are you tryingD:Have you been trying正确答案:B22:She was operated a month ago but now she was ______.A:very goodB:very wellC:healthyD:good conditioned正确答案:B23:the number of articles published on smoking ______ amazing.A:isB:areC:wereD:have been正确答案:A24:Your friend needs to come earlier, ______?A:does heB:doesn’t heC:need heD:needn’t he正确答案:B25:I’d just as soon ______ rudely to her.A:that you won’t speakB:your not speakingC:you not speakD:you didn’t speak正确答案:D26:For ______ interested in nature, the club offers hikes and overnight camping each week during the summer.A:themB:whomC:themselvesD:those正确答案:D27:Most of the houses in the village were burnt to ______ during the war.A:an ashB:the ashC:ashD:ashes正确答案:D28:Every time he ______ me, he is rude to me.A:will seeB:seesC:is seeingD:is seen正确答案:B29:A pretty face may win friends but it takes character and personality to hold ______. A:itB:themC:thatD:one正确答案:B30:“I know she was in because I heard her radio, but she didn’t open the door.”“She ______ the bell.”A:may not be hearingB:may not have heardC:must not have heardD:must not be hearing正确答案:B31:A man who could ______ such treatment was a man of remarkable physical courage and moral strength.A:bear uponB:insist onC:stand up toD:persist in正确答案:C32:When he just got off the plane, he gave us a good description of ______ in Spain. A:what he had seenB:that he had seenC:which he had seenD:he had seen what正确答案:A33:Fox was advised to give the assignment to _______ he believed had a strong sense of responsibility.A:whomB:whomeverC:whoeverD:that正确答案:C34:Though we have no interests ______ common, we are good friends.A:onB:inC:forD:at正确答案:B35:Painting in _____ is one of their spare-time activities.A:oilB:an oilC:oilsD:the oil正确答案:C36:“I wonder why they’re late.”“They ______ the train.”A:can have missedB:could missC:may have missedD:might miss正确答案:C37:Since she is angry, we ______.A:had better leaving her aloneB:should leave her aloneC:might as well leave her aloneD:had rather leave her alone正确答案:D38:Typical of the new type of young people ______, who set a shining example to the whole nation.A:was Lei FengB:Were Lei FengC:Lei Feng wasD:Lei Feng were正确答案:A39:The gas works ______ near the city.A:isB:areC:wereD:be正确答案:A40:If they ______, our plan will fall flat. A:are co-operatingB:had not co-operatedC:won’t co-operateD:didn’t co-operate正确答案:C。
东师 中外教育史 16春在线作业1

一、单选题(共15 道试题,共37.5 分。
)V1. _________是俄国历史上颁布的最早的有关国民教育的正式法令,对俄国近代教育、特别是国民教育制度的建立起到了一定作用。
A. 《国民教育暂行章程》B. 《大学附属学校章程》C. 《国民学校章程》D. 《俄罗斯帝国大学章程》满分:2.5 分2. 北宋著名的学者多在官学任教,而南宋著名的学者却多在书院讲学。
A. 茅山B. 白鹿洞C. 嵩阳书院D. 石鼓书院满分:2.5 分3. 韩愈继承和发展了孟子、荀子和扬雄等儒家人性观,提出了______说。
A. 性三品B. 性善论C. 性恶论D. .化性起伪满分:2.5 分4. 退款兴学是由________对我国施实的侵略阴谋。
A. 日本B. 英国C. 德国D. 美国满分:2.5 分5. _____的产生是天皇制国家确立君主立宪制的必然产物,又和日本当时的政治思想战线上的矛盾斗争密切相关;也是儒学派和国学派战胜洋学派、儒学的德育论战胜洋学欧化思想的结果。
A. 《学校令》B. 《学制令》C. 《教育令》D. 《教育敕语》满分:2.5 分6. 赫尔巴特的教学过程理论是建立在联想主义心理学的______理论基础上的。
A. 注意B. .同情C. 统觉D. 兴趣满分:2.5 分7. ______是中世纪哲学中占统治地位的基督教哲学,是中世纪大学的重要的教学内容,对中世纪西欧的教育产生了深远的影响。
A. 教父学B. 经院哲学C. 神学D. 思辨哲学满分:2.5 分8. 学记》来源与__________书。
A. 《礼记》B. 《中庸》C. 《大学》D. 《孟子》满分:2.5 分9. 清末《奏定学堂章程》立学宗旨充分体现了________的指导思想。
A. 政本艺末B. 中体西用C. 师夷长技以制夷D. 思想自由、兼容并包满分:2.5 分10. ______是新文化运动时期倡导平民教育的教育团体之一。

东北师范大学东师报刊选读16秋在线作业1一、单选题(共30 道试题,共60 分。
)1. According to the article, aspiring members are generally first arrested when they are about _____.A. 11B. 12C. 13D. 14正确答案:2. prod.A. someone avoiding dutyB. person who applies for jobC. strongly encourage someone to do sth正确答案:3. declineA. increaseB. to politely refuse to accept or do somethingC. accept正确答案:4. boost .A. to encourage or improveB. to help othersC. bellicose正确答案:5. rekindleA. to relight (a fire)B. to put out fireC. to set fire on正确答案:6. surfeitA. surfing the internetB. stop workingC. an excessive amount.正确答案:7. Which organization announced an emergency meeting to be held in Geneva this week?A. WTOB. WHOC. USOD. EU正确答案:8. credibilityA. assumeB. being worthy of beliefC. same; equal正确答案:9. What is the attitude of Ian Lang toward the secessionist fever ?A. He supports the secessionist action.B. He is against it because he thinks it will harm the unity of the U.K.C. He is neutral towards the action of the secessionists.D. It is not clear in the text.正确答案:10. The attitude of Australian government for past wrongs against Aborigines is -----.A. agree to make official apologyB. refuse official apology正确答案:11. What‟s the CIA‟s opinion on d ealing with Iraq?A. remodel the successful war strategy in AfghanistanB. advocate a coup or destabilization to topple SaddamC. run a war in IraqD. others正确答案:12. alumnusA. former pupil or studentB. sham, spuriousC. person who applies for job正确答案:13. What did Engelhardt advise China to do in a conference last month?A. People should clean up the foul air.B. People should take some measures to preserve their heritage.C. People should built more expressway in the sites.D. People should allow more foreigners to visit China.正确答案:14. assumed.A. speak on behalf ofB. work hardC. taken for granted; supposed正确答案:15. What idea threaten the monarchy?A. socialismB. republicanismC. communismD. internationalism.正确答案:16. Which is NOT true in the following statements?A. The posters are up at Beijing International Airport.B. Commemorative coins have been issued.C. Taxi drivers are learning English to prepare for the influx of foreign guests.D. The loge has appeared on key chains and bumper stickers.正确答案:17. What do radio talk shows advice people to do?A. Drivers can only overcharge a little.B. Industry managers must make sure company vans do not run on the road.C. People should not spit on the ground.D. All the people in Beijing should go to school to learn English very well.正确答案:18. reinforceA. to politely refuseB. experimental testC. give more force or effectiveness正确答案:19. According to the passage , who is excited Wynton Marsalis‟s visit ?A. The audience thereB. The resident bluemenC. HarlemD. Both A and B正确答案:20. spurA. carry out a particular taskB. intriguingC. incite, stimulate正确答案:21. assailA. future generationB. a sudden, violent disruption or upsetC. attack with ridicule or censure正确答案:22. According to the tex t , ___ people who do marry reported being “very happy” in their relationships.A. manyB. fewerC. fewD. a lot of正确答案:23. onslaughtA. a violent attackB. attack with ridicule or censureC. intensively正确答案:24. The vice presidential running mate of Gorge W. Bush Jr. in the 2000 Election was ______A. GoreB. PowerC. CheneyD. Nixon正确答案:25. The NRA‟s power depends on the relatively few close elections that often determine who controls ____.A. PresidentB. Supreme CourtC. CongressD. jury正确答案:26. According to the survey conducted for the Independent Women‟s Forum, ___percent of the women said they had hooked up with men.A. 14B. 40C. 10D. 60正确答案:27. Psychologists believe that how a woman meets midlife ---------------the way she meets any change.A. has nothing to do withB. is consistent withC. is different fromD. is similar to正确答案:28. brunt .A. the main impact or forceB. help sbC. never refuse others正确答案:29. What does the CIA advocate to topple Saddam?A. a coupB. a warC. the same strategy as in AfghanistanD. None of the above正确答案:30. According to most educators, __________ is not the virtues of homework.A. building good study habitsB. building time-management skillsC. reinforcing the day‟s lessonsD. crying jags正确答案:报刊选读16秋在线作业1二、判断题(共10 道试题,共40 分。

英语精读(三)16秋在线作业1一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。
)1. ll still spiliz in irt mrkting of IM Ps to whih h () fturs.. ustom. frilr. thil. fulfillmnt正确答案:2. Jill ws () y hr mploys us sh oftn sol thm for not working hr nough. loth. pprit. hrish. pris正确答案:3. Thn otors ignos hoplss () or hrning of th rtris. I thought it ws mor omplit thn tht. nttl. snility. xpition. linging正确答案:4. in th lst th U.S. n th moris of urop hv pi () rgr to th suontinnt.. snt. vol. ortiv. sutl正确答案:5. igging th fountion is th first () of our uiling projt. solution. prossion. phs. hivmnt正确答案:6. uring th ours I h om to rliz tht whil my worl ws xpning n nw options wr opning for m, my fthr, who ws in his sixtis, ws sing his worl _ n his options nrrow. . infurit. winl. pr. shrink正确答案:7. You'v r of how h h hh n how, whn h got wor tht L ws ry to ll it quits, h ws sunly n () ur.. motivtion. lngui. xssiv. mirulously正确答案:8. Th uthor monotonously tlogus th() points of fshion history, whil omitting th tils tht might nhn th rr’s intrst. vitl. trivil. ssntil. unisput正确答案:9. H hving lik mni out th wsps () wving thm wy, flpping t thm with his strw ht, srious n out of ll proportion to th osion.. pith. plung. infurit. winl正确答案:10. Wht h suggst will () to your pln. infinit. intimt. inflxil. nfiil正确答案:11. Th young prin slpt with th Ili unr his pillow n long to mult hills, who rought th () powr of si to ruin.. prh. glr. srp. mighty正确答案:12. Suh systm st th stg for () inrss in spifi inst popultions.. xpouning. forgo. xplosiv. prsi正确答案:13. Thr us to n ol ity hr, whih ws ()unr th rivr out 2000 yrs go.. insult. insult. uri. intrrupt正确答案:14. Whthr th thing ws prtil jok or not, Mr. rowthr onsir it n nnoying () of his privy.. infringmnt. slip. imptuous. xult正确答案:15. Th () of jt trvl hs m th worl sm smllr.. rmrk. rltionship. rmovl. innovtion正确答案:16. His poor hlth ()him to rsign from his jo.. ompll. trsur. trnsplnt. trimm正确答案:17. Th ity is ()of thr stions, whih r sprt y rivrs.. upst. vlu. ompos. vntur正确答案:18. Our ns push us to striv for (); whthr in our ttmpt to stisfy thm w o right or wrong is up to h of us to i.. fulfillmnt. intgrity. nttl. snility正确答案:19. Th rr is urg to lr, rthr thn followr; to rly on his own powr, rthr thn to (). inform. onform. form. rform正确答案:20. In utumn, ok n mpl n irh st up lz of olor tht flm n () ross kgroun of pins . shrink. stroll. vrg. flikr正确答案:英语精读(三)16秋在线作业1二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。

东北师范大学16秋大学英语(一)高起专16秋在线作业1满分答案1:For young people, Carpenter is ______ singer.A:most their popularB:most popular of theirsC:their most popularD:most popular of their正确答案:C2:The insects would devour all ourcrops and kill our flocksand heads,if ______ for theprotection we get from insect-eating animals.A:it is notB:it were notC:were it notD:they were not正确答案:B3:John told Mary that he ______ whathe was doing during the vacation.A:was just askedB:was just askingC:had just been askedD:had just asked正确答案:C4:Let’s listento the radio program that the teacher mentioned,______?A:do weB:don’t weC:shall weD:shan’t we正确答案:C5:I was s upposed to be a mathematicsmajor, but I actually took ______ courses in physics, if not more.A:so manyB:as manyC:good manyD:such many正确答案:B6:The reason he was late is ______ hisclock didn’t give the alarm.A:becauseB:due toC:sinceD:that正确答案:D7:_____ usually go to church everySunday.A:The BrownB:A BrownC:BrownsD:The Browns正确答案:D8:It was ______ that he did not go toMount Lao with us.A:because he was illB:as he was illC:since he was illD:though he was ill正确答案:A9:By no means ______ their ownlanguage well.A:it is true that all English peopleknowB:is it true that do all Englishpeople knowC:it is true that do all Englishpeople knowD:is it true that all English peopleknow正确答案:D10:______ that they may eventuallyreduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent.A:Such construction robots are cleverB:So clever the construction robotsareC:So clever are the constructionrobotsD:Such clever construction robots are正确答案:C11:You should spend ______ in the studyof the various sensesand uses of the common words.A:much time as you canB:as time much as you canC:time as many as you canD:as much time as you can正确答案:D12:When I am i n trouble, my friends will give me t heir hands without ______ hesitation.A:someB:aC:anyD:the正确答案:C13:What caused the accident ______ onthe road.A:were stoneB:were stonesC:was stoneD:was stones正确答案:D14:I’d get itfor you ______ I could remember w ho l ast borrowed the book.A:on condition thatB:now thatC:except thatD:considering that正确答案:A15:______, Irealize that I owe a debt to my e arly country life. A:Lover of towns I amB:As lover of townsC:Lover of towns as am ID:Though am I the lover of towns正确答案:A16:I want an assistant with ______knowledge of French and______ experience of office routine.A:the…theB:a…theC:a…anD:the…an正确答案:C17:Each man and woman ______ the samerights.A:hasB:haveC:hadD:is having正确答案:A18:I don’t______ the expense; I want the party to be a real success.A:care forB:care aboutC:be in care ofD:take care of正确答案:B19:The boy is ______ of a musician.A:anyoneB:anythingC:someoneD:something正确答案:D20:Tom h as been writing letters allafternoon, but he should have finished them by now, ______?A:hasn’t heB:has heC:shouldn’t heD:didn’t you正确答案:C21:“May we take the books out?”A:No, you maynotB:No, you cannotC:No, you can’tD:Please don’t正确答案:D22:Let the porter take all the baggageout and put ______ in the lobby.A:itB:theyC:themD:its正确答案:C23:Mr Wu ______ to work by bus everyday.A:has been travelingB:has traveledC:travelsD:is traveling正确答案:C24:It is fitted with a smalltransformer, by means of ______ the voltage of thecurrency can be adjusted.A:whomB:whichC:whatD:that正确答案:B25:I wish to recollect where I met her, ______?A:would IB:may IC:may not ID:can I正确答案:B26:I ______ go to bed until I ______finished my work.A:don’t/hadB:didn’t/haveC:didn’t/hadD:don’t/have正确答案:C27:Many a girl wants to become ______.A:some secretaryB:a secretaryC:secretaryD:secretaries正确答案:D28:These misfortunes almost deprivedhim ______ his future career.A:withB:ofC:fromD:beyond正确答案:B29:______ comparison to my boyhood, my undergraduate years in Oklahoma were paradise.A:InB:WithC:ByD:For正确答案:A30:You should remember ______ from thepoint when you are writing a composition.A:don’t wanderB:not to wanderC:no wanderingD:not wander正确答案:B31:Having been told bad weather was onthe way, the climbers decided to ______ their attempton Mount Tai until the following week.A:give upB:deny toC:put offD:refuse to正确答案:C32:She can’tseem to help herself. And ______ can help her,either.A:none elseB:no one elseC:not anyD:somebody else正确答案:B33:Was it ______ she agreed to help?A:very reluctantly so thatB:very reluctantly thatC:so reluctantly thatD:very reluctantly when正确答案:B34:One of the properties of light is______ traveling in waveform as it goes from one place to another.A:itB:it’sC:itsD:their正确答案:C35:The doctor’sadvice is that the patient ______ about hisreal physical condition.A:be not toldB:not be toldC:will not be toldD:must not be told正确答案:A36:Those of us who w ear glasses shouldhave ______ eyes examined at regular intervals.A:theirB:ourC:hisD:her正确答案:B37:_____ is worth doing at all is worthdoing well.A:ThatB:WhateverC:WhicheverD:However正确答案:B38:The doctor was always ______ thepoor and the sick, often giving them free medicalservices.A:reminded ofB:absorbed inC:tended byD:concerned about正确答案:D39:He is by far the best player ______the team.A:forB:onC:inD:to正确答案:B40:The car pulled ______ beside me andthe driver asked me toway to the Great Wall.A:downB:offC:upD:out正确答案:C。

东师范高级英语16秋在线作业1免费答案:2eeddb3f-dcf1-4c5b-8848-0cae1f045273:d52e9fd5-6caa-43d3-85cc-a4402491ab93高级英语16秋在线作业11:Which of the sentences below apply the rhetorical device of parallelism? A:The more the music reminds them of a train,a storm, a funeral, or any other familiar conception the more expressive it appears to be to them.B:Perhaps an analogy with what happens to us when we visit the theater will make this instinctive correlation clearer.C:Music expresses,at different moments,serenity or exuberance, regret or triumph,fury or delight.D:Is it pessimistically sad or resignedly sad; is it fatefully sad or smilingly sad? 正确答案:ACD2:Synecdoche is NOT used in ________.A:But there is a man in my office, a Mr. H., who proses it away from morning to night,…B:Surely, humor is the saving grace of us, for without it we should die of vexation. C:It would be worse than beating an anvil with a sledge-hammer.D:It is not so with me, to whom sleep is a coy mistress,much given to a teasing inconsistency and for ever demanding to be wooed –“lest too light winning make the prize light.”正确答案:BCD3:Which of the following sentences apply the rhetorical device of personification? A:I had overlooked the necessity of having an “iron will,”… this peculiar metallic quality.B:It is not so with me, to whom sleep is a coy mistress,…C:I have herded imaginary sheep until they insisted onturning themselves into white bears or blue pigs,…D:Discussing the question,… sleep drew the curtain.正确答案:BCD4:Which of the sentences below apply the rhetorical device of oxymoron?A:Simple-minded souls will never be satisfied with the answer to the second of these questions.B:Is it pessimistically sad or resignedly sad; is it fatefully sad or smilingly sad? C:That is why they always find Tschaikovsky easier to “understand” than Beethoven. D:Death is a dramatic,…a bittersweet coming to terms with one’s own personality and one’s life.正确答案:BD5:The Watts riots were a massive action led by a few civil rights leaders.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A6:(A Lesson in Living) Marguerite wanted to behave like a nice little lady in front of Mrs. Flowers.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B7:(Science Has Spoiled My Supper) Hatred is the very feeling the author has about what science has done to food.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A8:Old people who are poor have been poor all their lives.A:错误正确答案:A9:(Vivisection) The author doesn’t think the victory of vivisectionists is final. A:错误B:正确正确答案:B10:Anyone can perform miracles so long as he concentrates something; but television discourages concentration.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A11:(Eveline) Elveline’s father was a brute man and often beat his children including his daughter.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A12:(I’ll Never Escape the Ghetto) The Watts riots were a massive action led by a few civil rights leaders.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A13:She thinks, however, that most white Americans are now truly aware of prejudice against the black Americans.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A14:(I’ll Never Escape the Ghetto) Racial clima te in England,especially at Oxford,remained relaxed until the author wrote this article.A:错误正确答案:A15:Ernest,Harry and Little Keogh were all Eveline‘s brothers.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A16:Musical listening is actually done on the three planes simultaneously.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B17:(Vivisection) Protest against vivisection used to be strong, but today no one dare show any opposition.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A18:Eveline didn‘t go with Frank because she was afraid the boat would sink and she would be drowned.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A19:The eighth volcano, located on the Congo side, has just recently erupted out of an expense of flat land.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A20:(What’s Wrong with Our Press?) Documentaries on TV help the audience to digest the news and come to its own conclusions.B:正确正确答案:B21:When she ran for Congress, some members of her own party even held secret meetings to discuss how to stop her.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B22:(What’s Wrong with Our Press?) The author thinks that one of TV’s advantage over papers is its wide rang e of entertainment for the public.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A23:(The Tragedy of Old Age in America) The quality of late life is determined by a combination of many elements.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B24:One of the African guides could tell that these nests had been abandoned by the gorillas long before.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B25:(The Tragedy of Old Age in America) Old women fare worse than old men simply because they have a longer life expectancy.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A26:(Science Has Spoiled My Supper) What the author calls “cheese foods” used to be hand-made in small factories.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A27:(Four Choices for Young People) Few unspoiled places remain in our world where the escapists can practice plain-living and high thinking.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B28:Madrid is now the only city where you can see a bullfight.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A29:The quality of late life is determined by a combination of many elements. A:错误B:正确正确答案:B30:(The Tragedy of Old Age in America) The author agrees with neither of the two discrepant views on old age.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B31:Some idealists can choose the fourth alternative because they are more practical,though no less determined,in changing society.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B32:(I’d Rather Be Black Than Female) The author thinks,however,that most white Americans are truly aware of prejudice against the white Americans.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A33:According to Mr. Roper’s survey,radio ranks third among the major forms of mass media in terms of popularity.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B34:If alarmed,all gorillas show their fear or anger by beating on their chests. A:错误B:正确正确答案:A35:An American is exposed to about 10,000 hours of television each year on average. A:错误B:正确正确答案:A36:(On Human Nature and Politics) The more experience you have of exercising power,the more power you desire.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B37:Eveline was not respected at the shop she worked, nor was she at home, though she was a hard-working girl.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B38:(A Most Forgiving Ape) When the author and his partyse out that morning, he was quite certain that he would meet the gorillas.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A39:Hatred is the very feeling the author has about what science has done to food. A:错误B:正确正确答案:A40:Marguerite was a sensitive girl and was upset by Momma’s behavior towards Mrs. Flowers.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B。

:19b84983-6f9d-4e94-a062-f825abf4269b:46ae362f-c946-44eb-9147-057ce7ef3546英语课程与教学论16秋在线作业11:How many steps are there to teach free writing?A:3B:4C:5D:6正确答案:C2:Which of the following options is not used to show a lexical item visually? ________ A:showing by an objectB:showing a pictureC:showing by mimingD:showing by listing opposite meaningsf正确答案:D3:If a writing task is more general (for example, developing informal letter writing skills), then what is the best approch of correction?A:teacher-guided correctionB:group correctionC:focus correcting正确答案:B4:In your opinion, which one is the most typical macro planning ().A:unit planningB:half a semester planningC:one semester planningD:whole course planning正确答案:D5:For most people the term ”curriculum” includes those act activities that education have devised for _ ,which are represented in the form of a written document . A:teachersB:designersC:learnersD:students正确答案:C6:Which expression about eliciting is incorrect?()A:Eliciting involves the class by focusing students’ attention and making them think. B:Eliciting encourages students to draw on what they already know or partly know.C:Eliciting takes less time than straightforward presentation of new language. D:Eliciting g正确答案:C7:One of the principles of the Direct Method is that classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the ()language.A:nativeB:another newC:targetD:first正确答案:C8:The biggest problem for group work is the selection of group members. Below are some possible ways to group students. Each of them is appropriate except ().A:group the students according to seating arrangementB:students select their own group members (risky)C:group the students by drawing lotsD:divide the strong students and the weak students into different groups正确答案:D9:Cognitive and interactional patterns cannot affect the way in which students? A:perceiveB:rememberC:thinkD:practice正确答案:D10:Which one do you think is not the correct statement().A:as an assessor, the teacher does two things, that is, correcting mistakes and organizing feedbackB:the most important and difficult role that the teacher has to play is to be an controllerC:task-based teaching methods encourage the teacher to participate正确答案:B11:How many crucial areas are included in the profession ().A:6B:5C:4D:3正确答案:A12:Which one of the charaters is not belongs to a good language learner?A:Be creative and experiment with languageB:learns to live with errors and learn from errorsC:recites words without understandingD:seeks out all opportunities to use the target language正确答案:C13:() relates to the truthfulness of the data.A:validityB:reliabilitC:subjectD:object正确答案:A14:The first of the “natural methods”is ().A:Direct MethodB:Grammar-translation MethodC:the Audio-lingual MethodD:Situational Language Teaching正确答案:A15:Which of the following are not the main types of error correction().A:self correctionB:peer correctionC:teacher correctionD:classmate corrction正确答案:D16:Students work in pairs, each having similar pictures, but with differences. Through talking to each other, they have to find out the differences without looking at each other’s pictures. What is the name of this speaking activityA:Reaching a consensusB:Describe and arrangeC:Find out the differenceD:Work out the story正确答案:C17:()research must be analyticA:experimentalB:descriptiveC:Action researchD:A case study正确答案:A18:Learners may be unwilling or even refuse to learn the language of a nation which is () to their country in economy, culture or social progress.A:inferiorB:superiorC:more developedD:higher正确答案:A19:What arenot the causes of an error().A:overgeneralizationB:undergeneralizationC:simplificationD:deduced errors正确答案:D20:Which of the following errors are caused by interference errors().A:although…but…B:performentC:goedD:toothes正确答案:A21:Why teachers should not correct every error().A:affective concernsB:attitude concernsC:classroom management concernsD:teaching concerns正确答案:ACD22:For much of the class time, students are put into groups of different sizes. The most common student groupings are().A:whole class workB:pair workC:group workD:individual work正确答案:ABCD23:What are the challenges in teaching large classes?()A:Let every student like you.B:Keep good discipline.C:Give individual student attention.D:Manage classroom disruption.正确答案:BCD24:Effective teachers have command of at least three, broad knowledge bases that deal with ().A:subject matterB:human development and learningC:pedagogyD:healthy habbit正确答案:ABC25:Language aptitude is thought to be a combination of what?A:phonetic coding abilityB:grammatical sensitivityC:inductive abilityD:deductive abilityE:rote-learning ability正确答案:ABCE26:what are the possible techniques to be used for practicing the structure that has just been presented?________A:repetionB:substitutionC:single word promptsD:picture prompts正确答案:ABCD27:Which of the following options are the ways to show the meaning of a structure visually?________A:using the things in the classroom that the students can seeB:using blackboard drawingC:think of a situation from outside the class, in which structure could naturally be usedD:explain the differences between strutures正确答案:ABC28:Techniques of noting an error including().A:facial expressionB:sentence completionC:clarification requestD:explicit correction正确答案:ABCD29:What are the three different views of language()?A:the structural viewB:the communicative viewC:interactional viewD:functional view正确答案:ABCD30:Research is considered to be a process built around three key features:() A:Research questions and hypotheses are clearly articulatedB:specification of appropriate research methods for addressing and answering C:therory of your resaerchD:specification of a research context for the questions正确答案:ACD31:Metacognitive strategies are skills used for planning,monitoring,and evaluating the learning activity.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B32:Students develop their writing skills gradually with the help from the teacher,moving from controlled writing to guided writing and finally to free writing. A:错误B:正确正确答案:B33:The simplest type of experiment involves two “equivalent” groups.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B34:The presentation stage,the practice stage and production stage are indispensable.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A35:You should introduce new structure performing the same function when showing function.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A36:Accuracy is most important when students are practicing what has just been presented to them.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B37:The meaning of a word can be showed by combining different techniques.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B38:It is necessary for the teacher to show the students what they have learned and what they have failed to learn.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B39:Field-sensitive learners enjoy working with others to achieve a common goal,and most often look to the teacher for guidance and demonstration.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B40:A lexical item may be more than a single word.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B41:When students are not sure how to start an activity, or what to do next, or what to say next, the teacher should give appropriate prompts.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B42:Learners can correct but not explain systematic error.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A43:It is important to show even to beginners that language can be used to perform different functions.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B44:The Audio-lingual Method has a goal very similar to that of the Grammar-Translation Method.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A45:Analytic learners initially require an overall picture when learning a task. A:错误B:正确正确答案:A46:English is described as a second language in countries such as Fiji, Singapore,Nigeria,America.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A47:Rote-learning ability is not included in aptitude.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A48:The aim at the controlled practice stage is simply to give students practice in forming or "manipulating" the structure.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B49:In L2 teaching, the use of a variety of different kinds of tasks is said to make teaching more communicative since it provides a purpose fo a classroom activity which goes beyond the practice of language for its own sake.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B50:An important tenet of structural linguistics was that the primary medium of language is oral: Speech is language.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B。

东北师范大学东师英语视听(一)16秋在线作业1一、单选题(共20 道试题,共60 分。
)1. The meaning of " come on" in the Polar Express is ().A. SantaB. his MomC. his DadD. the Conductor正确答案:2. The meaning of "sound" in the sentence "Sounds to me like this is your crucial year." is ().A. 健康的B. 听起来C. 声音D. 酣睡正确答案:3. To John Smith, Indians have()names to various things.A. unusualB. greatC. amazingD. scary正确答案:4. "Hang out with somebody"means().A. have funB. take outC. split upD. divide up正确答案:5. The meaning of North Pole is ().A. 北方B. 北极C. 北半球D. 北赤道正确答案:6. The short form of "see you" is ().A. see yB. see yaC. see yeD. See yep正确答案:7. In the line, "I had to drop off Bernie at rehearsal.", "drop off" measns().A. throw offB. take toC. see aroundD. drop by正确答案:8. John Smith is a member of ()colonists.A. EnglishB. SpanishC. FrenchD. Dutch正确答案:9. "The love is all around me." is a line from().A. Love ActuallyB. PocahontasC. Polar ExpressD. Tarzan正确答案:10. "So small at first, then look how they grow. But someone has to start them." is said by() to Pocahontas.A. Grandma WillowB. John SmithC. her friendD. her Mum正确答案:11. "Listen to me. My men are planning to attack your people. You’ve got to warn them." is said by().A. John SmithB. TarzanC. PocahontasD. Pocahontas' dad正确答案:12. ()has written a note to the boy on a Christmas card.A. Santa# #his MomB. his DadC. the Conductor正确答案:13. "Split up with somebody" means().A. end a relationshipB. turn off somebodyC. divide intoD. leave somebody正确答案:14. The meaning of "itsy-bitsy"is().A. a little, a bitB. veryC. a lotD. great正确答案:15. The express train is going to ().A. the North Pole# #the South PoleB. the United StatesC. Africa正确答案:16. "This is our first really impo rtant test. Let’s take a stand." "take a stand" means().A. 表明立场B. 站起来C. 休息一下D. 理解正确答案:17. In the phrase "keep somebody occupied", "occupy" means().A. crowdedB. busyC. takenD. shaken正确答案:18. I have to drop ()Bernie at rehearsal.A. onB. offC. ofD. by正确答案:19. () still shows coldness and doubt to Tarzan.A. KerchekB. a tigerC. KalaD. Terk正确答案:20. The first gift from Santa is the ().A. Sleighbell# #ticketsB. the trainC. the reindeer正确答案:英语视听(一)16秋在线作业1二、判断题(共20 道试题,共40 分。

C. connected
D. devoted
15. There are more and more customers who like to__about prices when buying goods.
A. debate
B. consult
C. dispute
D. bargain
A. to be shown
B. to have shown
C. to have been shown
D. being shown
30. America will never again have as a nation the spirit of adventure as it__before the west was settled.
C. position
D. career
13. This house is very big and beautiful.I think the rent must be__as that one.
A. three times more
B. three times as much
C. as many three times
A. being there
B. should there be
C. there was
D. there having been
3. Cancellation of the fight_____many passengers to spend the night at the airport.
A. designed
B. descended

东师范英语语言学16秋在线作业1答案----------------------------------单选题----------------------------------1. _____ refers to the fact that a speaker changes from one language to the other in different situations or when talking about different topics.A. BilingualismB. Code-mixingC. Code-switchingD. Pidgin正确答案:C2. ____________is a process that creates new words by dropping a real or supposed suffix. Edit was originally backformed from editor, and peddle from peddler.A. InformationB. backformulaC. backformationD. backformative正确答案:C3. impossible (为下列单词选择相对应的构词法)A. DerivationB. ConversionC. BackformationD. Blending正确答案:A4. The language used to talk about language is called .A. special languageB. local languageC. metalanguageD. human language正确答案:C5. ______ is a term widely used to refer to varieties according to use in sociolinguistics.A. RegisterB. DialectC. TenorD. Variety正确答案:A6. (Watt )is the measurement unit of electricity. (为括号部分的单词选择相对应的构词法)A. CoinageB. Sound ReduplicationC. ClippingD. Eponym正确答案:D7. Traditionally, free morphemes were called _________.A. affixesB. prefixC. suffixD. root正确答案:D8. This (vet )is famous in the town. (为括号部分的单词选择相对应的构词法)A. Sound ReduplicationB. CoinageC. EponymD. Clipping正确答案:D9. The language, used to talk about language, is called__________.A. metalanguageB. artificial languageC. natural languageD. language正确答案:A10. are words that originate from proper names of individuals or places. Sandwich is a common noun originating from the fourth Earl of Sandwich, who put his food between two slices of bread so that he could eat while gambling.A. OriginatorsB. EponymsC. AbbreviationsD. Compoundings正确答案:B11. In Modern linguistics __________ language is regarded as premier.A. writtenB. spokenC. standardD. formal正确答案:B12. ____ is defined as the study of the internal structure and the formation of words.A. MorphologyB. SyntaxC. LexiconD. Morpheme正确答案:A13. ______ is a minimal pair.A. moon/noonB. foot/foodC. she/sheetD. sea/sea正确答案:A14. ____ holds that language is a product of evolutionary development of the human species.A. The Yo-he-ho theoryB. The Pooh-pooh theoryC. The evolution theoryD. The Bow-wow theory正确答案:C15. _____ is related to how we communicate, through speech or writing.A. FieldB. RegisterC. ModeD. Tenor正确答案:C16. It is the ____ function of language, in a sense, that brings the world into our mind.A. IdeationalB. InterpersonalC. LogicalD. Textual正确答案:A17. refers to a specific-general semantic relationship between lexical items. Dog and cat are subordinates of livestock.A. MeronymyB. HyponymyC. PolysemyD. Antonymy正确答案:B18. refers to the process through which people use language to classify the world around and inside them.A. ApproachB. CategorizationC. PrototypeD. Cognition正确答案:B19. ______ refers to the fact that a speaker changes from one language to the other when talking about different topics or in different situations.A. BilingualismB. Code-mixingC. Code-switchingD. Pidgin正确答案:C20. The smallest distinctive linguistic unit that can contrast words in meaningand in form is called a ________.A. phonemeB. phoneC. morphemeD. morph正确答案:A----------------------------------判断题----------------------------------1. The idea that people cooperate with each other in conversing is generalized by Grice (1975) as the politenessprinciple.A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:A2. Language contains two subsystems, one of sounds and the other of meanings.A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:B3. Sodium Chloride and salt, which denote the same substance, differ in Mode of communication.A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:A4. The voiceless bilabial stop in pin and the one in spin are in complementary distribution.A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:B5. 24. Tenor is a term widely used in sociolinguistics to refer to varieties according to use.A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:A6. Rhetorically, homonyms are often used as puns.A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:B7. Insertion sequences are a fundamental unit of conversational structure.B. 正确正确答案:A8. The ideational function is realized by the transitivity system of language.A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:B9. Intonation is the variation of pitch to distinguish utterance meaning.A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:B10. Tone belongs to suprasegmental features.A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:B11. he idea that the learners have a sense of achievement as long as they learn if of vital importance. This kind of motivation may be termed integrative motivation.A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:A12. The focus of traditional linguistics is on diachronic study of language, rather than on synchronic study of language.A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:B13. Semantics is the only discipline that studies meaning.A. 错误正确答案:A14. Krashen’s Monitor Theory belongs to nativist theories.A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:B15. Euphemism refers to a prohibition on the use of, mention of, or association with particular objects, action, or persons.A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:A16. Abbreviation is a process that puts an existing word of one class into another class.A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:A17. English is a typical tone language.A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:A18. In telegraphic stage, children use single words to represent various meanings.A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:A19. Eponyms are words that originate from proper names of individuals or places.A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:B20. Sandwich is a common noun originating from the fourth Earl of Sandwich, who put his food between two slices of bread so that he could eat while gambling.A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:B。
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一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 60 分。
)V 1. muralA. a type of musicB. an artistC. painting done on a wall满分:2 分2. What did not the workers do in the run up to the last October’s celebration ?A. They finished a network of expressways and ramps crisscrossing the city.B. They built a huge airport in nearby Pudong.C. They built a large-sized shopping mall in the center of city.D. They built a cross-river tunnels linking Shanghai to Pudong.满分:2 分3. panacea.A. sth. that will put right all troublesB. hard workingC. lazy person满分:2 分4. discreetA. prudenceB. secretC. disagree满分:2 分5. Why must local government keep his or her doors to every visitor ?A. Economic development depends on it.B. The central government forces them to do that.C. In order to let more people enjoy the beauty of the sites.D. They are friendly and hospitable.满分:2 分6. The author believes that the proper way to decline gang membership is _____.A. to show contemptB. to show politenessC. to report to the policeD. to show hatred满分:2 分7. Mr. Arafat’s compound is situated in ___.A. QalqilyaB. HaifaC. EfratD. Ramallah满分:2 分8. From this article we know that many ______are leaving Medicare.A. HMOsB. medical associationC. health groupsD. patients满分:2 分9. Which organization announced an emergency meeting to be held in Geneva this week?A. WTOB. WHOC. USOD. EU满分:2 分10. According to the article, the U.S. Customs Service took a seizure in _____ two weeks ago to generate e’s first big press coverage in years.A. New YorkB. ArizonaC. Los AngelesD. Phoenix满分:2 分11. deteriorate .A. become worse in quality or condition.B. make others become happyC. throw the rubbish满分:2 分12. What do you think the people’s attitude to the rule ”Don’t mention sex, politics and religion”?A. People today still think it is right.B. Nobody cares about it.C. People today strictly obey this rule during their social conversations.D. We don’t know满分:2 分13. The phrase---_____now means a situation in which there is only one thing to do .A. Hobson’s horseB. Hobson’s ideaC. Hobson’s situationD. Hobson’s choice满分:2 分14. The NRA’s power depends on the relatively few close elections that often determine who controls ____.A. PresidentB. Supreme CourtC. CongressD. jury满分:2 分15. Who was hacked and shot to death in 1985 by unnamed members of apartheid-erasecurity forces ?A. Nombwyselo MhlawuliB. Sicelo MhlawuliC. Monica Godolozi.满分:2 分16. About ____ Aboriginal and European parentage——were taken from their parents from 1910 until the 1970’s.A. 10,000B. 100,000C. 1,000,000D. 1,000满分:2 分17. In the content of this lesson, among the drugs, _____ can easily cause coma and deathA. MDMAB. LSDC. GHBD. heroin满分:2 分18. accelerate .A. desert sb without any excuseB. lose face before the publicC. move or happen more quickly满分:2 分19. According to the text, ___ people who do marry reported being “very happy”in their relationships .A. manyB. fewerC. fewD. a lot of满分:2 分20. What does the CIA advocate to topple Saddam?A. a coupB. a warC. the same strategy as in AfghanistanD. None of the above满分:2 分21. apparatusA. organizationB. work hardC. lazy满分:2 分22. Although the populations of majority in the U.S. approve gun controls, the NRA still gained _____ members last year.A. 200,000B. 300,000C. 400,000D. 500,000满分:2 分23. According to the author , the starters should ___.A. Work hard and don’t fancy a vacation.B. Check to see if they have enough paid leave time, if not, prepare to negotiate for it.C. Try every means to get a paid leave.D. Have a trip without pay.满分:2 分24. mistyA. not clear or bright.B. misteryC. work hard满分:2 分25. intriguingA. interestingB. commonC. probably满分:2 分26. According to most educators, __________ is not the virtues of homework.A. building good study habitsB. building time-management skillsC. reinforcing the day’s lessonsD. crying jags满分:2 分27. According to the text, Jordan wanted his teammates to ______.A. understand the fundamentals of the gamesB. play basketball like him.C. win the championship of NBA in the near future.D. help him to achieve more success满分:2 分28. pluck.A. get rid ofB. make moneyC. resourceful courage and daring满分:2 分29. In Hamilton Country, where Westfield sits, the Hispanic population hasincreased----- percent in10 years.A. 70B. 31C. 143D. 58满分:2 分30. The 1996 law created the Temporary Assistant For Needy Families, which slappeda ___lifetime on an individual’s right to collect benefits.A. ten-yearB. twelve-yearC. five-yearD. twenty-year满分:2 分二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。