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Abstract from Weekly News on Railways

做出重大贡献:have made great contribution to

巡回检查组:circuit inspection team

先进性教育活动:advancedness education campaign

举行各种活动:to launch various activities

为了纪念:In commemoration of

召开全路运输安全电视电话会议:to hold a sector-wide televised conference on transportation safety.

要求全路吸取教训:to urge the whole sector to draw lessons

一个重大举措:a significant initiative

明确职责:ascertain responsibility

构建长效机制:to forge long-acting mechanism

增强整体合力:to enhance the overall capacity of

三项治理活动:three overhauls campaign


发出紧急通知:to issue urgent circulars

从严从重处理:…will be severely punished

…严重危及人民群众生命财产安全:..have posed a great threat to the safety of the people’s life and property. 采取果断措施:take resolute measures

精心组织,严密监控:conduct meticulous organization and tight control

取得显著成效:Remarkable success has been gained (with…)

发现隐患和问题3件:3 problems or hidden dangers spotted

现场整改2件:2 corrected on site

责令限期整改2件:2 ordered to be overhauled within a specified time

先后4次刷新纪录:break historic record for 4 consecutive times

大幅度增长:the dramatic increase of


Dispelling last week’s wet weather, the bright sunshine has lit up our mind this week.

复线电气化工程:double-tracking & electrification Project

力争2008年完成:be scheduled for completion by 2008

届时:by then

提供可靠运力保证:provide reliable transportation capacity

经济社会发展:social-economic development

省委书记:the provincial CPC Party Chief

将共同努力,促进…:will make joint effort in promoting…

汛期已经到来:The flood season has arrived

密切关注:keep a close watch on

全面进入防洪状态:shift to full anti-flood mode

严格落实安全措施:earnestly nail down safety measures

确保雨季行车安全:ensure train operation safety during the rainy season

恢复通车:train operation was resumed

倒树:fallen trees 塌方:cave-ins 落石:sliding rocks

。。。主办:sponsored by …; 。。。承办:held by…

重点介绍了。。。基本思路和措施:sb highlighted …basic thought and approaches for


Now, Chinese Railways is enjoying remarkable growth potential and bright market prospect.

洋溢着节日气氛:festival atmosphere pervaded (some place )

先进集体:advanced units 先进工作者:excellent individuals

社会治安综合治理:comprehensive social order management

保卫处:Guard Division

荣获。。。称号:received the title of

为适应新体制的要求:in order to better adapt the new structure of

为基层服务:to serve the grassroots units

做出及时准确地答复:make a reply in a timely and accurate manner

新闻联播节目:News Broadcast’s coverage

各大新闻媒体:almost all major domestic media

第一轮建设高潮:the first wave of construction momentum

西部大开发:developing western China

古老的华夏大地:the ancient land of China

建设高潮:a high tide of construction

广袤的祖国西北:in a vast land of northwestern China

铁道部党组:MOR Party Group

国家机密:state secret

个人隐私:individual privacy

向社会如实、及时公开:should be publicized to the society in a timely and truthful manner

增加透明度:enhance transparency

知情权、参与权和监督权:right to know, participate and supervise

人民群众:the general public

调整生产力布局:rationalize distribution of productive forces

取得初步成效:has led to initial success

…主持召开:presided over by sb

动员大会:a mobilization meeting

征地拆迁:land requisition and house removal

按照特事特办、急事急办的原则:the principle of “give according priority to various urgent issues

规范报批手续:standardize the procedures of application

简化审批程序:streamline approval formalities

得到高度评价:has won high appraisal from …


为历史罕见:reach an unprecedented level

作为头等大事:give the first priority to

最大限度地保证了:This has secured the need of

迅速启动应给预案:initiate the emergency response plan


June witnessed persistent high temperature and sweeping heavy rainstorms especially in southern China, which constitute a severe threat to train


发出紧急调度命令:issue urgent dispatch

制定应急预案:work out emergency response plans

全力做好:fully prepare against..

确保线路畅通:secure the smoothness of railway operation

铁路第六次大提速:CR’s planned 6th round speed-enhancement programme

200公里动车组:200 km/h EMUs

奠基仪式:foundation-laying ceremony

物流配送网络:logistics distribution station

为适应规模大、标准高、技术新的铁路建设新形势:in order to meet the emerging situation of large-scale, high-standard and technically-advanced

railways construction

严厉打击票贩子:crack down on illicit ticket dealers

全线设计为双线、全封闭、全立交:It is designed for double tracks, complete enclosure and solid crossings.
