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机车种类types of locomotive

蒸汽机车steam locomotive

内燃机车;曾用名柴油机车” diese l ocomotive 电力机车electric locomotive

燃气轮机车gasturbine locomotive

动车组motor train unit; motor train set 动车motot car


铁路干线机车railway trunk line locomotive

工矿机车in dustrial an d mi ning locomotive


货运机车freight locomotive ;goods locomotive

调车机车shunting locomotive ;switcher

小运转机车locomotive for district transfer;transfer locomotive train

路用机车locomotive of service train ;service locomotives 酉己属机车allocated locomotive

非配属机车un-allocated locomotive

支配机车disposal locomotive

非支配机车un-disposal locomotive

运用机车locomotive in operation 检修机车locomotive under repairing 备用机车locomotive in reserve

圭寸存机车locomotive stored up

待修机车locomotive waiting for repair 机车出租leased locomotive

机车报废locomotive retirement

机车储备locomotive reservation;locomotive storage

机车整备locomotive servicing ;locomotive running preparation

机车整备能力locomotive service capacity

机车技术规范locomotive technical specification

转向架中心bogie pivot center

转向架中心距离distanee between bogie pivot centers; bogie pivot pitch

机车全轴距locomotive total wheel base

机车转向架轴距locomotive wheel baseof bogie

机车固定轴距locomotive rigid wheel base 机车长度locomotive overall length

机车宽度locomotive width

机车高度locomotive height

机车计算重量calcuated weight of locomotive

机车整备重量locomotive service weight

机车重量locomotive weight

机车粘着重量locomotive adhesive weight 轴重转移;轴荷载转移axle load transfer 粘着重量利用系数adhesive weight utility factor

机车重量分酉己w eight distribution of locomotive

轮对横动量lateral play of wheel set

机车噪声locomotive noise

热值;发热量heat value

机车万吨公里能耗energy consumption per 10; 000 t-km of locomotive

机车用煤coal for locomotive

机车用柴油diesel oil for locomotive

机车用电electricity for locomotive

机车用换算煤con verted coal for locomotive

标准煤standard coal

机车用润滑剂lubricant for locomotive

给水water supply

水鹤water crane

给水处理water [supply] treatment

炉内软水water softened in boiler

炉外软水water softened out of boiler

软水water softened

净水water purified

机务段locomotive depot

机车运用段locomotive running depot

机车检修段locomotive repair depot

机车折返段locomotive turnaround depot

歹U车无线电调度系统train radio dispatching system

机车监控记录装置locomotive supervise and record apparatus

机车故障locomotive failure

机车牵弓丨特性l ocomotive tractive characteristic

机车效率total locomotive efficiency

机车轮周效率efficiency of locomotive at wheel rim

机车传动功率transmission efficiency of locomotive

机车牵弓丨特性曲线locomotive tractive characteristic curve

机车轮周功率曲线locomotive power curve at wheel rim

机车牵引力曲线locomotive tractive effort curve

机车预期牵引特性曲线predetermined tractive characteristic curve of locomotive

机车功率locomotive power 轮周功率output power at wheel rim

比功率power/weight ratio

比重量weight/power ratio

单位体积功率specific volume power

机车牵引力locomotive teractive effort 轮周牵引力tractive effort at wheel rim 车钩牵弓丨力tractive effort at coupler ;drawbar pull 起动牵引力stsrting tractive effort 粘着牵弓丨力adhesive tractive effort

持续牵弓丨力c ontinuous tractive effort

基本阻力basic resista nee 运行阻力running resista nee 惰行阻力idle runing resista nee; coast ing resista nee 起动阻力start ing resista nee 附加阻力additi onal resista nee 坡道阻力gradie nt resista nee 曲线阻力curve resista nee 空气阻力air resista nee 单位阻力un it resista nee; specific resista nee 换算阻力;加算阻力con verted resista nee

速度控制系统speedeontrol system 力口速acceleration 减速deceleration 恒速constant speed 力口速力acceleration force 减速力deceleration force 歹U车制动train braking
