



西医妇产科术语英文翻译以下是常见的西医妇产科术语英文翻译:1. 妇产科:Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN)2. 围产期:Perinatal Period3. 孕期:Pregnancy4. 分娩:Delivery5. 产褥期:Postpartum Period6. 早产:Premature Birth7. 足月产:Full-term Birth8. 引产:Induction of Labor9. 剖腹产:Cesarean Section10. 自然分娩:Spontaneous Delivery11. 产程:Stages of Labor12. 产道:Birth Canal13. 胎盘:Placenta14. 羊水:Amniotic Fluid15. 脐带:Umbilical Cord16. 宫颈:Cervix17. 子宫:Uterus18. 卵巢:Ovaries19. 输卵管:Fallopian Tubes20. 外阴:External Genitalia21. 阴道:Vagina22. 乳房:Breasts23. 妊娠高血压综合征:Pregnancy-induced Hypertension (PIH)24. 妊娠糖尿病:Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)25. 前置胎盘:Placenta Previa26. 胎盘早剥:Placental Abruption27. 胎儿宫内生长受限:Fetal Growth Restriction (FGR)28. 多胎妊娠:Multiple Pregnancy29. 早产儿视网膜病变:Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP)30. 产褥感染:Postpartum Infection31. 会阴撕裂伤:Perineal Tearing32. 产后抑郁症:Postpartum Depression (PPD)33. 性传播感染:Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)34. 不孕症:Infertility35. 子宫肌瘤:Uterine Fibroids36. 多囊卵巢综合症:Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)37. 子宫内膜异位症:Endometriosis38. 更年期:Menopause39. 经前期综合征:Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)40. 不孕不育治疗:Infertility Treatments41. 妇科手术:Gynecological Surgeries42. 产前诊断:Prenatal Diagnosis43. 产前筛查:Prenatal Screening44. 妇科检查:Gynecological Exams45. 乳腺检查:Breast Exams46. 生殖健康咨询:Reproductive Health Counseling47. 性教育:Sexuality Education48. 妇科肿瘤筛查:Gynecological Cancer Screening49. 女性生殖系统解剖学与生理学:Anatomy and Physiology of the Female Reproductive System50. 性激素替代疗法:Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)。






基本概念1. Obstetrics and Gynecology妇产科是指妇科与产科的合并。


2. Reproductive system生殖系统,包括女性的生殖器官,如卵巢、子宫、输卵管、阴道等。


3. Menstrual cycle月经周期,指的是女性每个月经历的生理周期,通常为28天,包括月经期、排卵期和黄体期。

4. Contraception避孕,是指采取各种方法控制怀孕的行为,如避孕药、避孕套等。

常见疾病1. Endometriosis子宫内膜异位症,是一种常见的妇科疾病,子宫内膜异位到非子宫腔部位,引起疼痛和月经不规则。

2. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)多囊卵巢综合征,是一种影响女性生育能力的内分泌失调疾病,通常伴随着多囊卵巢及月经不调。

3. Cervical cancer宫颈癌,是一种由人乳头瘤病毒感染引起的恶性肿瘤,常见于50岁以下的女性。

4. Infertility不孕不育,是指无法在一年内自然怀孕的状况,常见于女性卵子质量不高或输卵管通畅度不佳造成的问题。

治疗方法1. Hysterectomy子宫切除术,是一种常见的妇科手术,常用于治疗子宫肌瘤、子宫内膜异位等疾病。

2. In vitro fertilization (IVF)体外受精,是一种辅助生殖技术,通过将精子和卵子在体外结合,然后将受精卵植入女性子宫内实现妊娠。

3. Laparoscopy腹腔镜手术,是一种微创手术技术,通过腹腔镜在腹部进行手术,减少了切口大小、术后恢复快等优点。



1.月经( mensturuation ):伴随卵巢周期性变化而出现的子宫内膜周期性脱落及出血。


2.胎产式(fetal lie):胎体纵轴与母体纵轴的关系3.胎先露(fetal presentation):最先进入骨盆入口的胎儿部分。

4.胎方位(fetal position):胎儿先露部的指示点与母体骨盆的关系5.胚胎:受精后8周的人胚。



7.早产(premature delivery):妊娠满28周至不满37足周(196-258日)期间分娩,称为早产。

8.过期妊娠(postterm pregnancy):平时月经周期规则,妊娠达到或超过42周尚未分娩者。



11.流产(abortion):妊娠不足28周,胎儿体重不足1000g 而终止者。

妊娠12周前终止者,称为早期流产(先流血后腹痛);妊娠12周至不足28周终止者,称为晚期流产(先腹痛后流产)12. 先兆流产:指妊娠28周前先出现少量阴道流血,常为暗红色或血性白带,无妊娠物排出,随后出现阵发性下腹痛或腰腹痛,宫颈口未开,胎膜未破,子宫大小与停经周数相符。




16. 稽留流产:又称过期流产,胚胎或胎儿在宫内已死亡尚未及时自然排出。





3、蒙氏结节(Montgomery tubercles):妊娠早期乳房开始增大,充血明显,孕妇自觉乳房发胀。


7、早孕反应(morning sickness):妊娠早期(约停经6周左右),约有半数妇女出现不同程度的恶心,或伴呕吐,尤其于清晨起床时更为明显,称为早孕反应。


8、席汉综合征(Sheehans syndrome):当产后发生大出血,休克时间过长,就可造成脑垂体前叶功能减退的后遗症,表现为消溲,乏力,脱发,畏寒,闭经,乳房萎缩等,严重者可致死。


9、黑加征(hegar’s sign):妊娠6~8周时,阴道检查子宫随停经月份而逐渐增大,子宫峡部极软,子宫体与子宫颈似不相连,称黑加征。

10、胎动(fetal movement, FM):胎儿在子宫内冲击子宫壁的活动成为胎动。


12、胎产式(fetal line):胎儿身体纵轴与母体身体纵轴之间的关系成为胎产式。

13、胎先露(fetal presentation):最先进入骨盆人口的胎儿部分称为胎先露。

14、胎方位(fetal position):胎儿先露部指示点与母体骨盆的关系成为胎方位,简称胎位。







妇产科名词解释汇总☺子宫峡部isthmus uteri:宫体与宫颈相连部较狭小,称子宫峡部,在非孕期长约1cm。


☺卵泡闭锁follicular atresia:生育期每月发育一批(3~11个)卵泡,经过募集、选择,其中一般只有一个优势卵泡可达完全成熟,并排出卵子。


☺Chadwick’s sign:妊娠期阴道黏膜充血,水肿,血管扩张充盈,外观呈蓝紫色(Chadwick’s sign),皱襞增多,伸展性增强,分泌物增多,呈白色糊状。

☺蒙氏结节Montgomery’s tubercles:妊娠期乳头增大变黑、易勃起,乳晕变黑,乳晕上的皮脂腺肥大形成散在的结节状小隆起,称为蒙氏结节☺黑加征Hegar sign:早孕期,由于子宫颈变软及子宫峡部极软,双合诊检查时,感觉宫颈与宫体似不相连,称黑加征。

☺胎心率基线baseline of fetal heart rate,BFHR:无胎动及宫缩的情况下记录10min的胎心率FHR,正常120~160bpm。


☺异位妊娠ectopic pregnancy:受精卵在子宫体腔以外着床称为异位妊娠;根据种植部位分为:输卵管妊娠(90%~95%)、宫颈妊娠、卵巢妊娠、腹腔妊娠、阔韧带妊娠等。


☺HELLP综合征:hemolysis,elevated serum level of liver enzymes, and low platelets syndrome,是一种重度子痫前期的严重并发症,以溶血,肝酶升高,血小板减少为主要临床表现。





一、妇科疾病1. 妇科肿瘤Cervical cancer 子宫颈癌Ovarian cancer 卵巢癌Endometrial cancer 子宫内膜癌Uterine fibroids 子宫肌瘤Ovarian cyst 卵巢囊肿2. 妇科炎症Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) 盆腔炎Vulvovaginitis 外阴阴道炎Cervicitis 子宫颈炎Endometritis 子宫内膜炎3. 妇科功能性疾病Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) 多囊卵巢综合征Endometriosis 子宫内膜异位症Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) 经前综合征Menopause 绝经期4. 妇科其他疾病Ectopic pregnancy 异位妊娠Pelvic organ prolapse 盆腔器官脱垂Uterine prolapse 子宫脱垂二、妇科检查1. 妇科常规检查Pelvic exam 盆腔检查Pap smear 巴氏涂片检查Colposcopy 阴道镜检查Ultrasound 超声检查2. 妇科特殊检查Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) 子宫输卵管造影Endometrial biopsy 子宫内膜活组织检查Laparoscopy 腹腔镜检查Cervical biopsy 子宫颈活组织检查三、妇科治疗1. 妇科手术Hysterectomy 子宫切除术Oophorectomy 卵巢切除术Tubal ligation 输卵管结扎术Endometrial ablation 子宫内膜消融术2. 妇科药物Contraceptives 避孕药Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) 激素替代疗法Antibiotics 抗生素Anti-inflammatory drugs 抗炎药3. 妇科其他治疗Intrauterine device (IUD) 宫内节育器Pelvic floor exercises 盆底肌锻炼Acupuncture 针灸Herbal medicine 中草药四、妇科常见诊断1. 妇科症状诊断Abnormal vaginal bleeding 阴道异常流血Pelvic pain 盆腔疼痛Vaginal discharge 阴道分泌物Menstrual irregularities 月经不调2. 妇科体征诊断Cervical erosion 子宫颈糜烂Uterine enlargement 子宫增大Ovarian cyst 卵巢囊肿Endometrial thickening 子宫内膜增厚3. 妇科实验室检查Hormone levels 激素水平Tumor markers 肿瘤标志物Cervical cytology 子宫颈细胞学检查Culture and sensitivity 细菌培养及药敏试验五、妇科护理1. 妇科术后护理Pain management 疼痛管理Wound care 伤口护理Emotional support 情绪支持Physical therapy 生理疗法2. 妇科产前护理Prenatal care 产前护理Labor support 分娩支持Breastfeeding education 哺乳教育Postpartum care 产后护理3. 妇科更年期护理Menopausal symptom management 更年期症状管理Hormone therapy counseling 激素治疗咨询Bone health assessment 骨健康评估Heart disease prevention 心脏病预防六、妇科预防1. 妇科癌症预防Regular screenings 定期筛查HPV vaccination HPV疫苗接种Healthy lifestyle 健康生活方式Avoiding risky behaviors 避免危险行为2. 妇科炎症预防Hygiene practices 卫生习惯Safe sex 安全性行为Avoiding irritants and allergens 避免刺激物和过敏原Vaccination 接种疫苗3. 妇科功能性疾病预防Weight management 体重管理Regular exercise 定期运动Healthy diet 健康饮食Stress management 应激管理以上是妇科英语知识点的总结,希望对你有所帮助。



妇产科名词解释汇总☺子宫峡部isthmus uteri:宫体与宫颈相连部较狭小,称子宫峡部,在非孕期长约1cm。


☺卵泡闭锁follicular atresia:生育期每月发育一批(3~11个)卵泡,经过募集、选择,其中一般只有一个优势卵泡可达完全成熟,并排出卵子。


☺Chadwick’s sign:妊娠期阴道黏膜充血,水肿,血管扩张充盈,外观呈蓝紫色(Chadwick’s sign),皱襞增多,伸展性增强,分泌物增多,呈白色糊状。

☺蒙氏结节Montgomery’s tubercles:妊娠期乳头增大变黑、易勃起,乳晕变黑,乳晕上的皮脂腺肥大形成散在的结节状小隆起,称为蒙氏结节☺黑加征Hegar sign:早孕期,由于子宫颈变软及子宫峡部极软,双合诊检查时,感觉宫颈与宫体似不相连,称黑加征。

☺胎心率基线baseline of fetal heart rate,BFHR:无胎动及宫缩的情况下记录10min的胎心率FHR,正常120~160bpm。


☺异位妊娠ectopic pregnancy:受精卵在子宫体腔以外着床称为异位妊娠;根据种植部位分为:输卵管妊娠(90%~95%)、宫颈妊娠、卵巢妊娠、腹腔妊娠、阔韧带妊娠等。


☺HELLP综合征:hemolysis,elevated serum level of liver enzymes, and low platelets syndrome,是一种重度子痫前期的严重并发症,以溶血,肝酶升高,血小板减少为主要临床表现。



妇产科学英文名词解释Obstetrics and gynecology, often abbreviated as OB/GYN, is a medical specialty that focuses on the female reproductive system and the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.One fundamental term in this field is "fetus," which refers to the developing baby in the womb from the end of the eighth week of pregnancy until birth. Prior to this, the developing life is called an "embryo."Another important term is "placenta," a vital organ that provides oxygen and nutrients to the fetus and removes waste products. It also plays a role in hormone production during pregnancy."Cervix" is the lower, narrow part of the uterus that opens into the vagina. During childbirth, the cervix dilates to allow the baby to pass through the birth canal."Menstrual cycle" is the monthly process in which a woman's body prepares for potential pregnancy. It involves hormonal changes and the shedding of the uterine lining, known as menstruation."Pelvic inflammatory disease" (PID) is an infection of the female reproductive organs, often caused by sexually transmitted bacteria. It can lead to serious complications,including infertility."Mammogram" is an imaging test that uses low-dose X-rays to detect breast cancer in its early stages, even before a lump can be felt."Hormone replacement therapy" (HRT) is a treatment for women who have entered menopause, aiming to relieve symptoms and reduce the risk of osteoporosis by replacing the hormones estrogen and progesterone."Cesarean section," commonly known as a C-section, is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby through an incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus when vaginal birth is not possible or safe."Pap smear" is a screening test that detects abnormal cells on the cervix, which can be a sign of cervical cancer or its precursors. Regular Pap smears are crucial for early detection and treatment.。





**1. 子宫(Uterus):**子宫是女性生殖系统中的一个重要器官,位于盆腔内,是胚胎发育的地方。


**2. 卵巢(Ovary):**卵巢是女性生殖系统中负责产生卵子的器官。


**3. 输卵管(Fallopian Tube):**输卵管是连接卵巢和子宫的管道,卵子在卵巢释放后,经输卵管进入子宫。


**4. 阴道(Vagina):**阴道是连接外生殖器和子宫的通道,也是生殖道的一部分。


**5. 子宫颈(Cervix):**子宫颈是子宫与阴道相连接的部分,通常被称为宫颈。


**6. 月经周期(Menstrual Cycle):**月经周期是女性生殖系统的周期性变化,通常为28天。


**7. 月经(Menstruation):**月经是子宫内膜脱落的过程,经阴道排出体外。


**8. 妊娠(Pregnancy):**妊娠是指受精卵在子宫内着床并发育成胚胎的过程。


**9. 绝经(Menopause):**绝经是女性生殖系统逐渐停止功能的过程,通常发生在45-55岁。


**10. 乳腺(Breast):**乳腺是女性胸部的组织,负责产生和储存乳汁。


**11. 妇科检查(Gynecological Examination):**妇科检查是由医生进行的一系列检查,包括触诊、超声波、阴道镜等,用于评估女性生殖器官的健康状况。



SIL(Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion)是指宫颈上皮内鳞















妇产科全英文名词解释和简答(含中文注释)鸣谢美丽的美丽的和美丽的:O7和阿默名词解释妊娠生理Braxton hicks 收缩the pregnant uterus produces painless palpable contractions at irregular intervals from an early stage in gestation, these braxton hicks contractions, however, are not positive sighs of pregnancy, since similar contractions are sometimes noted in cases of hematometra(宫腔积血)and occasionally with soft myomas, especially the pedunculated submucous variety妊娠诊断Fetal lie胎产式the term lie refers to the relationship between the long axis(长轴) of the mother and the long axis of the fetus(胎儿)Fetal presentation胎先露the presenting part is the portion of the fetus that descend first through the birth canal(产道)Fetal position胎方位the exact fetal position is determined by the relationship of some definite part of the fetus (the guiding point)to a fixed area of the maternal pelvis(母体骨盆)Fetal attitude 胎势attitude refers to the relationship of the parts of the fetus to each otherHegar’s sign 黑格氏征on bimanual examination(双合诊)the isthmus uteri(子宫峡部)feels exceedingly doughy(柔软的)at about 6-8 week after the last period异常妊娠Abortion 流产abortion is the termination of a pregnancy before the end of the 28week when the fetus weight lesser than 1000gThreatened labor 先兆流产Before 28 weeks of gestation showed a small amount of vaginal bleeding, followed by paroxysmal(阵发性)abdominal pain, without rupture of fetal membranes (胎膜)and dilation of cervix, the size of the uterus is consistent with pregnant weeksMissed abortion 稽留流产when the embryon(胚胎)dies and it is retained in uterusHabitual abortion 习惯性流产/recurrent abortion(复发性流产)this is defined as 3 or more consecutive abortion with the same sexual partnerEctopic pregnancy 异位妊娠implantation of the fertilized ovum(受精卵)in a site outside the uterine cavity妊娠合并内科疾病HELLP syndrome HELLP 综合征hemolysis(溶血), elevated liver enzymes(肝酶), and low platelets(血小板)syndrome胎盘与胎膜异常Placenta previa 前置胎盘the entire placenta or part of it is implanted in the lower portion of the uterus rather than in the upper active segment, and located lower than the presenting part of the fetus after 28 weekPlacenta abruption 胎盘早剥partial or complete detachment of the placenta from a site of normal implantation in the uterine wall before delivery of the fetus and may occur at any time after 20 week’s gestationUteroplacental apoplexy(couvelaire uterus) 子宫胎盘卒中hemorrhage infiltrates(浸润)the uterine wall. Making it appears purlish ecchymosis,(青紫瘀斑)muscle bundles disrupted and degenerated, then uterus loss its contractile power,(收缩力)resulting in postpartum hemorrhege产前检查与孕期保健OCT or CST (orytocin chellenge test, or contraction stress test) 缩宫素激惹试验measuring the FHR response to the stress of spontaneous or oxytocin(催产素)induced contraction (UC) forms to basis of this test of fetal placental reserve OCTpositive: recurrent (at least two) late deceleration of the FHR, i.e, slowing in the heart rate develops at about the middle of the contraction and returning to the baseline after the contraction subsides, in addition, the amplitude(振幅)and the duration of the deceleration must parallel the amplitude and duration of the underlying Negative: at least 3 contractions in 10 minutes, and each lasting at least 40 seconds, the FHR are observed without late deceleration, a negative test within a weak of delivery provided reliable assurance that the fetus will survive and probably tolerate labor and delivery wellNST (nor-stress test)无应激试验NST is a test for observing and recording reserve of fetus without any external stimulation and uterine contraction(子宫收缩)Divided into reactive NST,dubious NST,non-reactive NSTReactive:the Fad must have a smooth, regular configuration and there must be 3 or more FADs per 20 minutes with a duration of greater than 15 seconds and more than15bpm amplitudeNon-reactive: this classification includes no fetal activity either spontaneously oneously or with stimulation, and no demonsthable FHR change in response to stimulation正常分娩Mechanism of normal labor 分娩机制the mechanism of labor is a term applied to the series of changes in the attitude and position of the fetus that permits it to progress through the irregular shaped pelvic cavityEngagement 衔接the mechanism by which the biparietal diameter(双顶径), the greatest transverse diamete of the head in vertex presentation(顶先露),passes through the pelvic inlet is designated engagement, a phenomenon that usually occurs in primigravidas with normal pelves (骨盆)during the last few weeks of pregnancy but does not ordinarily take place in multiparas until after the commencement of laborInternal rotation 内旋转this movement is a turning of the head in such a manner that the occiput(枕骨)moves anteriorly around the The longitudinal axis of the pelvis(骨盆纵轴)making the interparietal suture(矢状缝)consistent with the anteroposterior diameter of the pelvis and pelvis outlet(骨盆以及骨盆出口的前后径)Onset and diagnosis of labor 临产诊断the contractions of labor occur regularly and usually increase until they recur every 5 to 6 minutes and last from 30 to 40 seconds, which cause progressive effacement (消失)and dilatation of the cervix, and descent of the presenting part(胎先露部)Physiologic retraction ring 生理性缩复环as a result of the thining of the loweruterine segment and the thicking of the upper. The boundary between them is marked by a ridge(隆起)on the inner uterine surface, the ridge is called the physiologic retraction ringSigns of separation of placenta 胎盘剥离征象1.the rising up of the uterus as a small firmly contracted mass,to a level above the umbilicus(脐)2. Lengthening of the cord(脐带)3. A small amount of vaginal bleeding 4.traction upwards of the fundus(宫底)fails to draw the cord up with itRetained placenta 胎盘滞留the placenta which retained in the uterine cavity for more than 30 minutes is called retained placenta异常分娩Prolonged latent phase 潜伏期延长the time started from regular uterine effacement(子宫收缩)to enter the active phase is longer than 16 hours. Prolonged active phase 活跃期延长after the cervix(宫颈)dilated(扩张)to 3cm,labor progresses over slow, the time of active phase lastes over 8 hours. The cervical dilatation progresses at a rate less than 1.2cm/hr in primigravida(初产妇)and less than 1.5cm/hr in multipara(经产妇)Arrested active phase 活跃期停滞the cervical dilatation does not change over 4 hours during the active phaseProtracted second stage 第二产程延长when the cervix fully dilates the contractions become weak and the intervals prolong, the span of time is over 2 hours in nullipara(初产妇)and over 1 hour in multipara(经产妇), it is called that the second stage is prolongedNeglected transverse lie 忽略性横位in labor, the shoulder is forced into the pelvic but cannot descend, the hand and arm fall into the vagina, while, the head and buttocks(臀部)is obstructed above the inlet. (骨盆入口)the upper uterine segment becomes progressively thicker while the lower segment be thinner, a pathological retraction ring (病理性缩复环)can appear, the uterus may ruptureProlonged labor 滞产when the course of labor lasts for more than 24 hours it is called prolonged laborPathologic retraction ring 病理性缩复环a pathologic retraction ring (bundle ring) develops during obstructed but otherwise normal labor. The ring forms at the junction of the active upper and the relatively passive lower uterine segments and actually is the lower border of the unusually thick upper segment, because descent and expulsion(排出)of the fetus are impelled. The lower segment becomes excessively lengthened and thinned and the upper segment shortened and thickened. Unless the obstruction is overcome, the uterus may rupture(子宫破裂). The ring can be felt and sometimes even seen as a ridge just below the umbilicus(脐), it becomes more obvious as labor presses Constriction ring 痉挛性缩复环a constriction ring is tetanic(强直)annular(环)contraction of smooth muscle that may occur at any level in the uterine wall. The ring does not change position, and it may be applied so tightly around the fetus body that it prevents descent分娩期并发症Postpartum hemorrhage 产后出血the total blood loss with delivery and during the first 24 hours after birth is estimated to exceed 500ml正常产褥The puerperium 产褥期is the period generally 6 weeks that starts immediately after delivery and is completed when the reproductive tract has returned to the normal nonpregnant condition产褥期并发症Late puerperal hemorrhage 晚期产后出血hemorrhage may occur at any time during the first 24 hours after delivery (early delayed hemorrhage) or several days later (late delayed hemorrhage)Puerperal infection 产褥感染puerperal infection is any postpartum infection of the genital tract(生殖道)arousing partial or general infection morbidity 产褥病率puerperal morbidity is an oral temperature over 38℃2 times on any of the first 10 postpartum(产后的)days, excluding the first 24 hours子宫内膜异位症与子宫腺肌病Endometriosis 子宫内膜异位症it is the presence of functional endometrial(子宫内膜) tissue outside the uterine cavityAdenomyosis 子宫腺肌病adenomyosis means islands of endometrial tissue located deep in the myometriumAdenomyoma 子宫腺肌瘤if the endometrial(子宫内膜)implants in the myometrium(子宫肌层)and is localized as a circumscribled (局部的)mass, it is called adenomyoma on section you can see a whorled (漩涡的)grayish white mass very similar to that of a fibroid (子宫肌瘤), but no capsule is present子宫颈肿瘤intraepithelial carcinoma or carcinoma in situ CIS 宫颈原位癌CIS of the cervix is terms used to describe the completely haphazard(杂乱无章)replacement of the stratified(分层的)epithelium上皮by abnormal cells showing the characteristic loss of polarity and nuclear atypism(非典型)and changes in nuclear cytoplasmic(细胞浆的)ratio of neoplastic(新生的)cells. The abnormal cells do not penetrate the basement membrance. The process limited to the epitheliumCarcinoma in situ with glandular involvement 原位癌累及腺体in intraepithelial carcinoma(上皮内癌症), these tumor frequently extend up into the cervical canal and replace the columnar cells(柱状上皮细胞)lining the cervical glands, put the basement membrane of the glands remains intact(完整的)and uninvadedEarly invasive carcinoma or microinvasive carcinoma 宫颈早期浸润癌或镜下浸润癌microinvasive(微创)carcinoma of the cervix is established only by histologic(组织学)study, since there is no grossly(肉眼的)visible or obvious malignant tumor in the cervix. In some cases the lesion(损伤)is largely carcinoma in situ(原位), butpenetration(浸润)of the basement membrane by a small cluster of cells or spray of cells for a depth of less than 5mm below the basement membrane may occur. There is no evidence of lymphatic or blood vessel invasion and confluence(融合)of the spray-like arrangement(排列)of cancer cellsInvasive carcinoma of cervix 宫颈浸润癌it is defined as penetration of the basement membrane by carcinoma cells with or without blood vessels or lymphatic invasion. The depth of penetration is usually greater than 5mm below the basement membraneCervical intraepithelial neoplasia CIN 子宫颈上皮内瘤变a general term for thegrowth of abnormal cells on the surface of cervix. And was classified from 1~3 to described how much of the cervix contains abnormal cells子宫肿瘤Intramural myoma or interstitial myoma 肌壁间肌瘤the myoma lies within the uterine wall and surrounded by myometrium(子宫肌层). It comprises(包括)approximately 70% of all uterine myomaSubserous myoma or subperitoneal myoma 浆膜下肌瘤the myoma just covered by the serosal(浆膜的)surface of the uterus and bulges (隆起)outward from the myometrium(子宫肌层)Intraligamentous myoma 阔韧带肌瘤the tumor that grow laterally between the leaves of the broad ligament are called intraligamentous myomaSubmucous myoma 粘膜下肌瘤the myoma lies beneath the endometrium(子宫内膜)and sticking out into the uterine cavityRed degeneration 肌瘤红色变性this type of degeneration occurs during pregnancy. Thrombosis(血栓形成)venous(静脉的)congestion(淤血)and the interstitial(间质的)hemorrhage(出血)are responsible for the color of a myoma undergoing red degeneration. The process is usually accompanied by extreme pain卵巢肿瘤Myxoma peritonei 腹膜粘液瘤in mucinous cystadenoma(粘液性囊腺瘤)a rare complication which sometimes develops if rupture of the cyst, the epithelium cells may seed onto the peritoneum(腹膜)and produce a pseudomyxoma peritonei(腹膜假粘液瘤). The shape resembles the metastasis of ovarian carcinomaDermoid cyst 皮样囊肿the mature teratoma(畸胎瘤)which belongs to benign (良性)ovarian tumor,is also called dermoid cystMeig’s syndrome 美格斯综合征ovarian fibromas(卵巢纤维瘤)accompanied by ascites(腹水)or hydrothorax (胸水)Krukenberg’s tumor 库肯勃氏瘤an special metastatic(转移的)ovarian carcinomacomes from gastrointestinal tract, which usually bilateral(双侧的)of moderate size, and retained the normal shape of the ovary妊娠滋养细胞疾病Hydatidiform mole 葡萄胎trophoblastic cells(滋养细胞)have different degree of proliferation (增生). There is significant cystic degeneration(囊性变)of villous(绒毛的)stroma. Various size of vesicle(水泡)are formed. Connected with small pedicle(蒂的)and looks like a cluster of grapes,so it is called hydatidiform moleInvasive mole 侵袭性葡萄胎trophoblastic cells(滋养层细胞)proliferate(增殖)more market than the cell of hydatidiform mole(葡萄胎), the villous stroma(绒毛间质)also form grape-like vesicle(水泡状) due to cystic degeneration of stroma. It’s invasive ability is strong and can invade into the myometrium(肌层)and metastasize(转移)to romote places生殖内分泌疾病Secondary amenorrhea 继发闭经secondary amenorrhea(闭经)in the absence of menses(月经)far 6 months in a woman whose, normal menstrucation(月经)has been established or for 3 normal intervals in a womanDysfunctional uterine bleeding, DUB 功血occurence of irregular and excessive uterine bleeding, patients have no organic disorders. Uterine bleeding is caused by dysfunction of hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis(下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴)Premature ovarian failure 卵巢早衰amenorrhea(闭经)failure of ovary happened before 40Sheehan’s syndrome席汉综合征this syndrome is due to atrophy (萎缩)of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, caused by ischemic(缺血的)necrosis(坏死) followed severe postpartum hemorrhage or shock. Amenorrhea(闭经)occurs with atrophy of genitalia(生殖器). Sterility(不育),loss of libido(性欲)and often the feature of hypothyroidism(甲减)such as loss of hair, dry wrinkled skin, apathy(冷漠)and constantly feeling coldAsherman’s syndromeamenorrhea that follows distruction or climination(消除)of the endometriu(子宫肌层). It is usually the result of overzealous curettage(清宫术), postpartum or artificial abortion. The result is intrauterine scarification(宫内瘢痕), which may beseen as a pattern of multiple synechiae(粘连)on hysterography(宫腔造影)不孕症与辅助生殖技术Infertility 不孕症a couple is said to be infertile if pregnancy does not resulted after 2 years of normal sexal activity without contraceptives(避孕)rd from the myometrium(子宫肌层)计划生育Artificial abortion syndrome 人流综合征the major symptoms are brachycardia(心动过缓),arrhymia(心律失常),hypotension(低血压),pale-faced, profuse sweating (多汗)and syncope(晕厥)even convulsion(惊厥抽搐)during the artificial abortion operation简答1.test ovarian function in amenorrhea patients卵巢功能检查(1)basal body temperature(2)cytological examination of smears from the vagina(阴道脱略细胞学)(3)diagnostic curettage(诊断性刮宫)(4)examination of cervical mucus(宫颈粘液)(5)investigation of E2 and P levels in plasma(6)B-scan ultrasonography(B超)2.Test placental function胎盘功能检查(1)test E3 in urine(2)test PRL and hPL in blood serum(3)fetal movement(4)OCT(5)test vaginal exfoliated cells(宫颈脱落细胞)(6)Manning score3.Mechanism of labor in LOA 左枕前位的分娩机制(1)engagement(衔接)(2)descent(下降)(3)flexion(俯屈)(4)internal rotation(内旋转)(5)extension(仰伸)(6)restitution(复位)(7)external rotation(外旋转)(8)expulsion of fetus(胎儿娩出)mon causes of Postpartum hemorrhage产后出血的原因(1)uterine atony(子宫收缩乏力)(2)placenta factors(胎盘因素)(3)genital tract lacerations(软产道撕裂)(4)clotting defects(凝血功能障碍)5.Operation indication of urterine myoma 子宫肌瘤的手术指征(1)menorrhagia(月经过多)leading secongdary anemia(继发贫血)(2)compression symptoms(压迫症状)of bladder or rectum(膀胱或直肠)(3)infertility(不孕)or abortion(流产)excluding other cause(4)suspicion of sarcomatous(肉瘤)change(5)severe abdominal pain, sexual pain, chronic painplication of induced abortion人流的并发症(1)uterine perforation子宫穿孔(2)artificial abortion syndrome(3)incomplete removal of the fetus and placenta吸宫不全(4)hemorrhage(5)the implanted zygote being missed by the cure漏吸或空吸(6)intrauterine adhesions宫内粘连(书上没有这一条)(7)amniotic fluid embolism(AFC,羊水栓塞)(8)infection(9)distant complication请注意:妇产科的趋势是比较少出英文简答,而是出英文选择和名解。



妇科名词解释1.宫颈原位癌(intraepithelial carcinoma或carcinoma in situ)Carcinoma in situ (CIS) of the cervix is terms used to describe the completely haphazard (杂乱无章的) replacement of the stratified(分层的)epithelium(上皮)by abnormal cells showing the characteristic loss of polarit nuclear atypism(非典型) and changes in nuclear cytoplasmic(细胞浆的) ratio of neoplastic(新生的) cells. The abnormal cells do not penetrate the basement membrance(膜). The process limited to the epithelium.2.宫颈原位癌累及腺体(carcinoma in situ with glandular involvement). In intraepithelial carcinoma. these tumors frequently extend up into the cervical canal and replace the columnar cells lining the cervical glands, put the basement membrane of the glands remains intact(完整的)and uninvaded, The terms“carcinoma in situ with glandular in volvement”is used to describe this condition.3.宫颈早期浸润癌(early invasive carcinoma)或镜下浸润癌(microinvasive carcinoma)Microinvasive carcinoma of the cervix is established only by histologic(组织学)study, since there is no grossly(肉眼地)visible or obvious malignant tumor in the cervix. In some cases the lesion (损伤)is largely carcinoma in situ, but penetration of the basement membrane by a small cluster of cells or spray of cells for a depth of less than 5mm below the basement membrane may occur. There is no evidence of lymphatic(淋巴管)or blood vessel invasion and confluence(融合)of the spray-like arrangement of cancer cells.4.宫颈浸润癌(invasive carcinoma of cervix)Invasive carcinoma of the cervix is defined as penetration of the basement membrane by camcer cells with or without blood vessel or lymphatic invasion. The depth of penetration is usually greater than 5mm below the basement membrane.5.肌壁间肌瘤(intramural myoma)或(interstitial myoma)The myoma lies within the uterine wall and surrounded by myometrium(子宫肌层). It comprises approximately 70% of all uterine myoma.6.浆膜下肌瘤(subserous myoma或subperitoneal myoma) The myoma lies just at the serosal(浆膜的)surface of the uterus and bulges(隆起)outward from the myometrium.7.子宫颈上皮内瘤变(Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia,CIN) A general term for the growth of abnormal cells on the surface of the cervix. Numbers from 1 to 3 may be used to describe how much of the cervix contains abnormal cells.8.继发闭经(secondary amenorrhea)Secondary amenorrhea in the absence of menses far 6 months in a woman in whom.. normal menstrucation has been established or for 3 normal intervals in a woman will oligomenorrhea.9.不孕症(infertility)A couple is said to be infertile if pregnancy does not result after 2 years of normal sexal activity without coutraceptives.10.阔韧带肌瘤(intraligamentous myoma)The tumor that grow laterally between the leaves of the broad ligament(阔韧带) are called intraligamentous myoma.11..粘膜下肌瘤(submucous myoma)The myoma lies beneath the endometrium(子宫内膜)and protrudes(伸出)into the uterine cavity.12.肌瘤红色变性(red degeneration)This type of degeneration occurs during pregnancy. Thrombosis(血栓形成)renous(静脉的)congestion (淤血)and interstitial(间质的)hemorrhage(出血)are responsible for the color of a myoma undergoing red degeneration. The process is usually accomparied by extreme pain.13.腹膜粘液瘤(myxoma peritonei)In mucinous cystadenoma(粘液性囊腺瘤)a rare complication which sometimes develops if rupture of the cyst, the epithelium(上皮)cells may seed onto the peritoneum(腹膜)and produce a pseudomyxoma peritonei(腹膜假粘液瘤).The shape resembles the metastasis(转移) of ovarian carcinoma.14.皮样囊肿(dermoid cyst)The mature teratoma(畸胎瘤), which belongs to benign(良性的)ovarian tumor, is also called dermoid cyst.15.梅格斯综合征(Meig’s Syndrome)Ovarian fibromas(卵巢纤维瘤)in conjunction with ascites(腹水) and light hydrothorax(胸腔积水)constitute the Meig’s Syndrome. The right pleural effusion(胸r 膜渗漏)results from the permeation(渗透)of serous fruid(浆液的)through the diaphragmation(隔膜的)lymphatics(淋巴管).16.库肯勃氏瘤(krukenberg’s tumor)The term krukenberg’s tu mor should be reserved for those metastatic(转移的)ovarian tumors withthe characteristic histologic picture of mucin-laden, singnet-ring cells infiltrating(渗入)a hyperplastic(增生的)ovarian stroma(基质)of spindle-shapped(梭形的)cells. It is ususlly from carcinoma of the stomach. They are usually bilateral(双侧的)of moderate size, and curiously the normal shape of the ovary is retained.17.葡萄胎(hydatidiform mole) Trophoblastic cells(滋养细胞)have different degree of proliferation(增生)。



妇产科名词解释外生殖器external genitalia指生殖器官的外露部分,位于两股内侧间,前为耻骨联合,后为会阴,包括阴阜、大阴唇、小阴唇、阴蒂和阴道前庭,统称为外阴(ulva)女性内生殖器internal genitalia位于真骨盆内,包括阴道、子宫、输卵管、卵巢青春期adolescence or puberty是儿童到承认的转变期,是生殖器官、内分泌、体格逐渐发育成熟的阶段,世界卫生组织(WHO)规定青春期为10~19岁。

绝经过渡期menopausal transition period指从开始出现绝经的趋势直至最后一次月经的时期,可始于40岁,历史短至1~2年,长至10~20年,此期卵巢功能逐渐衰退,卵泡数明显减少且易发生卵泡发育不全,因而月经不规律,常为无排卵性月经。


围绝经期perimenopausal period指从卵巢功能开始衰退直至绝经后一年内的时期,期间由于雌激素水平降低,可出现血管舒缩障碍和神经精神症状,表现为潮热、出汗、情绪不稳定、不安、抑郁或者烦躁、失眠等,称为绝经综合征。

卵巢周期ovarian cycle从青春期开始到绝经前,卵巢在形态和功能上发生周期性变化。






子宫峡部(isthmus uteri):宫体与宫颈之间形成最狭窄的部分。

青春期(puberty or adolescence):从乳房发育等第二性征出现至生殖器官逐渐发育成熟,获得性生殖能力的一段生长发育期。

绝经后期(0postmenopausal period):绝经后的生命时期。


月经周期(menstrual cycle):相邻两次月经第1日的间隔时间。

卵巢周期(ovarian cycle):从青春期开始至绝经前,卵巢在形态和功能上发生周期性变化。



下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴(hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary axis,H-P-O axis):下丘脑、垂体与卵巢之间相互调节、相互影响,形成完整而又协调的神经内分泌系统。





横产式(transverse lie):胎体纵轴与母体纵轴垂直者。

胎先露(fetal presentation):最先进入骨盆入口的胎儿部分。

胎方位(fetal position):胎儿先露部的指示点与母体骨盆的关系。

变异减速(variable deceleration,VD):特点是胎心率减速与宫缩无固定关系,下降迅速且下降幅度大(>70bpm),持续时间长短不一,但恢复迅速。





2.basal decidua:与囊胚极滋养层接触的⼦宫肌层之间的蜕膜,以后发育成为胎盘的母体部分。






(1) ⽓体交换(2) 营养物质供应(3) 排除胎⼉代谢产物:(4) 防御功能(5) 合成功能:胎盘具有活跃的合成物质的能⼒,主要合成激素和酶。

1.fetal lie:胎体纵轴与母体纵轴的关系。

2.fetal presentation:最先进⼊⾻盆⼊⼝的胎⼉部分。

3.fetal position:胎⼉先露部指⽰点与母体⾻盆的关系,简称胎位。


(⼀)超声检查1.B型超声显像法:在增⼤的⼦宫轮廓中见到来⾃⽺膜囊的圆形光环(妊娠环, gestational ring),妊娠环内为液性暗区(⽺⽔)。





















妇产科学英语术语五:Cervical cancerCervical cancer是子宫颈癌的英文表达,是女性生殖系统常见的恶性肿瘤之一。







嘿,你知道 EMS 吗?不是那个快递哦,我说的是妇科里的一个重要医学名词 EMS!它呀,就像是女人身体里的一个小秘密。


EMS 呢,就像是这个宫殿里出现的一些不太和谐的状况。



想象一下,本来子宫好好的,结果因为 EMS,肚子会疼得要命,每个月那几天简直就是折磨啊!这多难受呀,对吧?“哎呀,这 EMS 可真烦人啊!”很多有这个问题的姐妹都会这么抱怨。


他们会用各种方法来诊断和治疗 EMS。


我有个朋友就有 EMS,她每次来月经都疼得死去活来,脸色苍白,看着都让人心疼。

她就经常跟我诉苦:“这 EMS 怎么就找上我了呀!”后来她去看了医生,经过一段时间的治疗,情况慢慢好了起来。

总之啊,EMS 可不是个小问题,女人们可得重视起来呀!别小看身体给你的那些信号,一旦觉得不舒服,赶紧去找医生这个智者帮忙呀!我的观点就是,EMS 是妇科中需要我们认真对待和了解的重要名词,

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妇科名词解释1.宫颈原位癌(intraepithelial carcinoma或carcinoma in situ)Carcinoma in situ (CIS) of the cervix is terms used to describe the completely haphazard (杂乱无章的) replacement of the stratified(分层的)epithelium(上皮)by abnormal cells showing the characteristic loss of polarit nuclear atypism(非典型) and changes in nuclear cytoplasmic(细胞浆的) ratio of neoplastic(新生的) cells. The abnormal cells do not penetrate the basement membrance(膜). The process limited to the epithelium.2.宫颈原位癌累及腺体(carcinoma in situ with glandular involvement). In intraepithelial carcinoma. these tumors frequently extend up into the cervical canal and replace the columnar cells lining the cervical glands, put the basement membrane of the glands remains intact(完整的)and uninvaded, The terms “carcinoma in situ with glandular in volvement”is used to describe this condition.3.宫颈早期浸润癌(early invasive carcinoma)或镜下浸润癌(microinvasive carcinoma)Microinvasive carcinoma of the cervix is established only by histologic(组织学)study, since there is no grossly(肉眼地)visible or obvious malignant tumor in the cervix. In some cases the lesion(损伤)is largely carcinoma in situ, but penetration of the basement membrane by a small cluster of cells or spray of cells for a depth of less than 5mm below the basement membrane may occur. There is no evidence of lymphatic(淋巴管)or blood vessel invasion and confluence(融合)of the spray-like arrangement of cancer cells.4.宫颈浸润癌(invasive carcinoma of cervix)Invasive carcinoma of the cervix is defined as penetration of the basement membrane by camcer cells with or without blood vessel or lymphatic invasion. The depth of penetration is usually greater than 5mm below the basement membrane.5.肌壁间肌瘤(intramural myoma)或(interstitial myoma)The myoma lies within the uterine wall and surrounded by myometrium(子宫肌层). It comprises approximately 70% of all uterine myoma.6.浆膜下肌瘤(subserous myoma或subperitoneal myoma) The myoma lies just at the serosal(浆膜的)surface of the uterus and bulges(隆起)outward from the myometrium.7.子宫颈上皮内瘤变(Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia,CIN) A general term for the growth of abnormal cells on the surface of the cervix. Numbers from 1 to 3 may be used to describe how much of the cervix contains abnormal cells.8.继发闭经(secondary amenorrhea)Secondary amenorrhea in the absence ofmenses far 6 months in a woman in whom.. normal menstrucation has been established or for 3 normal intervals in a woman will oligomenorrhea.9.不孕症(infertility)A couple is said to be infertile if pregnancy does not result after 2 years of normal sexal activity without coutraceptives.10.阔韧带肌瘤(intraligamentous myoma)The tumor that grow laterally between the leaves of the broad ligament(阔韧带) are called intraligamentous myoma.11..粘膜下肌瘤(submucous myoma)The myoma lies beneath the endometrium (子宫内膜)and protrudes(伸出)into the uterine cavity.12.肌瘤红色变性(red degeneration)This type of degeneration occurs during pregnancy. Thrombosis(血栓形成)renous(静脉的)congestion(淤血)and interstitial(间质的)hemorrhage(出血)are responsible for the color of a myoma undergoing red degeneration. The process is usually accomparied by extreme pain.13.腹膜粘液瘤(myxoma peritonei)In mucinous cystadenoma(粘液性囊腺瘤)a rare complication which sometimes develops if rupture of the cyst, the epithelium(上皮)cells may seed onto the peritoneum(腹膜)and produce a pseudomyxoma peritonei(腹膜假粘液瘤).The shape resembles the metastasis(转移) of ovarian carcinoma.14.皮样囊肿(dermoid cyst)The mature teratoma(畸胎瘤), which belongs to benign(良性的)ovarian tumor, is also called dermoid cyst.15.梅格斯综合征(Meig’s Syndrome)Ovarian fibromas(卵巢纤维瘤)in conjunction with ascites(腹水) and light hydrothorax(胸腔积水)constitute the Meig’s Syndrome. The right pleural effusion(胸r膜渗漏)results from the permeation(渗透)of serous fruid(浆液的)through the diaphragmation(隔膜的)lymphatics(淋巴管).16.库肯勃氏瘤(krukenberg’s tumor)The term krukenberg’s tumor should be reserved for those metastatic(转移的)ovarian tumors with the characteristic histologic picture of mucin-laden, singnet-ring cells infiltrating(渗入)a hyperplastic(增生的)ovarian stroma(基质)of spindle-shapped(梭形的)cells. It is ususlly from carcinoma of the stomach. They are usually bilateral(双侧的)of moderate size, and curiously the normal shape of the ovary is retained.17.葡萄胎(hydatidiform mole) Trophoblastic cells(滋养细胞)have different degree of proliferation(增生)。

There is significant cystic degeneration(变性、退化)of villous(绒毛的)stroma. Various size of vesiculae(水泡)are formed. Connected with small pedicle(蒂的)and looks like a cluster of grapes, so it iscalled hydatidiform mole.18.侵蚀性葡萄胎(invasive mole)Trophoblastic cells proliferate more market than the cell of hydatidiform mole, the villous stroma also form grape-like vesiculae due to cystic degeneration of stroma. It’s invasive ability is strong and can invade into the myometrium(肌层)and metastasize(转移)to remote places.19.功血(dysfunctional uterine bleeding ,DUB) Dysfunctional uterine bleeding may be defined as occurence of irregular and excessive uterine bleeding, patients hare no organic disorders. Uterine bleeding is caused by dysfunction of hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis(下丘脑—主体—卵巢轴)..20.卵巢早衰(premature ovarian failure)Amenorrhea(闭经) occurs before the age of forty.21.Sheehan综合征(sheehan’s syndrome)This syndrome is due to atrophy(萎缩)of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland,caused by ischemic(缺血的)necrosis(坏死)followed severe postpartum hemorrhage(产后出血)or shock. Amenorrhea occurs with atrophy of genitalia (生殖器),Sterility(不育), loss of libido(性欲)and often the feature of hypothyroidism(甲状腺机能减退)such as loss of hair, dry wrinkled skin, apathy and constantly feeling cold.22.Asherman综合征(Asherman’s Syndrome)The syndrome refer to amenorrhea that follows distruction or elimination of the endometrium(子宫肌层). It is usually the result of overzealous curettage(刮除术)postpartum or for therapeutic(治疗性的)abortion. The result is intrauterine scarification, which may be seen as a pattern of multiple synechiae on hysterography.23.子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis) Endometriosis is the presence of functional endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity.24.子宫腺肌病(adenomyosis) Adenomyosis means islands of endometrial tissue located deep in the myometrium(子宫肌层).25.子宫腺肌瘤(adenomyoma) If the endometrial implants in the myometrium and is localized as a circumscribled(局部的)mass, it is called adenomyoma on section you can see a whorled(漩涡的)grayish white mass very similar to that ofa fibroid(子宫肌瘤), but no capsule(包膜)is present.26.人流综合征(artificial abortion syndrome)The major symptoms are brachycardia(心动过缓),arrhythmia(心律失常、心律不齐),hypotension (低血压),pale-faced, profuse sweating and syncope(晕厥)even convulsion(惊厥、抽搐).。
