



福师课程考试《高级英语三》作业考核试卷福师 15 年 8 月课程考试《高级英语三》作业查核答案(不可以附件提交,只要要提交答案,选择题要标明题目序号,不然0 分办理。

)高级英语三I. Vocabulary1. The more he finds about himself in other newspapers, the more indignant he will be with those whose reports are meagre.A. richB. brilliantC. annoyingD. scarce2. They had plenty to eat. But they spent all their leisure visiting neighbouring farmsand stealing potatoes, which they hoarded.A. swallowedB. ate upC. stored secretlyD. gave back3.Some acts which would be bad, simply in themselves, may be excusablea nd even laudable when they are necessary means to a greater good.A. laughableB. forgivenC. praiseworthyD. admissible4. Satiety is a dream which will always elude you.A. attractB. lureC. escapeD. tempt5. The search for sunken treasure has become more popular as a legitimate endeavor.A. justifiedB. innocentC. prudentD. fundamental福师课程考试《高级英语三》作业考核试卷6. Awareness of this is a kind of redemptive grace, but it doesn’ t appreciably lead repentance and a revolution in consumer habits.A. consciouspensativeC. imaginativeD.appreciative7.America is anachronistic in so many ways, and not least in its clinging to a belief.A. modern-fashioned C. behind the timesB. full of crimes D. highly-developed8. He felt ________ to live a simple and lonely life in that remote village.A. sufficientB. adequateC. contented competentD.9. Crop rotation has prevented the soilfrom _______.A. povertyB. impoverishmentC. weakness infirmity10. He remembered reading somewhere that baldness shows virility.A. character of manB. great varieties quickness D. fragility D.C.11. His voice, though familiar, irked him; it sounded thin and scratchy.A. pleasedB.interestedexcited D. irritatedC.12.There are certain disfiguring and mortal diseases about which there has probably never been any snobbery.A.perpetualB.fatalC. moralD. flexible13. In 1940 the Democrats nominated Roosevelt for an unprecedented third term.A. unimportantB. unheard ofC. unjustifiedD. unhampered14. The value of snobbery in general consists in its power to stimulate activity.A. suffocateB. forbidC. permitD. incite15. He laughed and shouted, trying to ________ his sorrow in excitement.A. drownB. utterC. concealD. sink16.The traffic policeman waited patiently while the drunken driver _____ in his pocket for his driver ’ s license.A.pluckB.fumbleC. flipD. bloat17. There is no need to ________ over a broken vase. ItA. museB. view ’ s so cheap.C.pinch D. fuss18. The summer was so hota nd dry that leaves on the trees all ________.A. droopedB. fadedflicked D. drained19. It is not ________ to take reference books out of the library.C.A. admissibleB. skepticalC. permissibleD. admirable20. Her easy success in the job made her ________, which is very dangerous.A. complacentB. docileC. accomplishedD. importantII. Text Comprehension1.In "Jerusalem the Golden", Clara''s mother chose Battersby Grammar School for her because ( “ Jerusalem the Golden ”)A. she could not afford the bus fare to a better school.B. she didn''t have to spend money on the school uniform.C. she had no trust in education and wanted to spend as little as she could as long as she kept her social position in the neighborhood.D. she didn''t care what opinions other people might have of her so long as her child could get a good education.2. Clara liked her school for all the reasons that most people would specify as particular causes for dislike. What aspects of the school attract her so much? ( “ Jerusalem the Golden”)A. She could do whatever she liked at school.B. The school was full of good teachersand so many intelligent pupils whom she admired so much.C. The school looked so large and even bleak to her, and there were so manypupils she did not know, which was quite different f rom her home.D. She was proud at school because she camefrom an area used to inhabited by themiddle class.3. “ Vegetableswith crisp and crackling texture emerge as mush, slippery andstringy as hair nets simmered in Vaseline.” (“ Science Has Spoiled My Supper” ) figure of speech is used in the sentence?A. personificationB. metaphorC. metonymyD.hyperbole4. By "acquisitiveness" is meant (“ On HumanandNaturePolitics”)A. the wish to possess as much as possible of goods,or the title to goods.B. one aspect of human nature that is acquired in political struggle.C. the wish to survive the conquest of hunger.D. the wish that is o riginated from acquiring food.5.Which of the following is NOT true about power according to Russell? ( “ OnHuman Nature and Politics ”)A. Knowledge is power.B. The love of power is not always a bad motive.C. The love of power is the most important of all the four motives.D. Those who have never experienced power have a stronger wish for it.6. How does Anthony Burgess organize his idea in "Is America Falling Apart?" (“ IsAmerican Falling Apart?”)A. He first puts forward his idea that America is falling apart. Then he follows it upwith examples to show the gravity of the problems.B. He points out what problems with America are, analyses how they lead to neurosis,and suggests what Americans should do.C. He compares the problems with America in the 60''s to those in the 30''s, points outhow serious they are and suggests what Americans should do.D. He points out problems with America, analyses the o rigins of the problems andconcludes that America is hopeless.7. When commenting on American way of consumption, the writer says "Plannedobsolescence is not conducive to pride in workmanship." ( “ IsAmerican FallingApart? ” )What does he mean?A. Workmen do not feel proud because they have to obeyorders.B. Planning in workmanship is out of date, so there''s no pride to talk about.C. Articles designed to break o r wear out quickly do not help people to take a pridein their work.D. Products are so unattractive that people do not feel proud of them.8. One of the problems with American education is that (“ Is American Falling Apart?A. the teachers work very conscientiously and lack creativeness.B. the teachers do not follow the school textbooks strictly.C. the teachers experiment with new methods of education.D. teachers can not be fired except for raping girl students and getting boy studentsdrunk.9. In "America, filling in the vacuum left by the liquefied British Empire,...", ( “ IsAmerican Falling Apart?he”liquefied)"t British Empire" meansA. the British Empire which is surrounded by water.B. a strong and enforced empire.C. the British Empire which used to be great.D. the British Empire that has thoroughly collapsed.10. The title "Ace in the Hole" indic ates that (“ Ace in the Hole”)A. Ace anderson was in an embarrassing situation.B. Ace dropped into a ditch while driving home.C. Ace was so angry with her wife.D. Ace was trapped in a trick a nd could not get out of it.11.What is Ace''s mother''s attitude towards his marriage with Evey? ( “ Acein the Hole ”)A. She had all along thought his marriage was not satisfactory but had hesitated to say so until now.B. She was strongly opposed to their marriage a nd didn''t accept Evey from the beginning.C. She was quite satisfied with Evey.D. She thought Evey was acceptable as a Catholic although she sometimes behaved oddly.12. At the end of the story, (“ Ace in the Hole”)A. the dinner music f rom the radio eased off the tension between Acea nd Evey.B. Ace a nd Evey broke up and separated.C. Ace was totally disappointed with their marriage but could do nothing about it.D. Evey admitted her mistake and everything went on well.13. According to Aldous Huxley, (“ Selected Snobberies”)A. Men are snobbish almost about everything.B.There is no snobbery about any disfiguring or mortal disease.C.All snobberies will cause harm and danger to society.D.Some snobberies should be admired while others despised.14. "The snobbery of family" refers to (“ Selected Snobberies”)A. having excessive pride of one''s family.B. snobbery existing among family members.C. jealousy about other families.D. jealousy about each other in one family.15. "... consumption-snobs, who thought that it would be romantic to fade away in the flower of youth ..." can be interpreted as: (“ Selected Snobberies”)A. shopping-snobs, who thought that it would be romantic to be immersed in so many wonderful commodities.B. tuberculosis-snobs, who thought it would be romantic to recover with the help of young flowers.C. tuberculosis-snobs, who thought it would be romantic to die when young.D. shopping-snobs, who thought that it would be romantic to go home with flowers which were not in full blossom.Translation1. The shabbiness of the district and the dingy gloom of the school itself meantnothing to Clara. To her, the building was endlessly exciting,and she liked it forall the reasons that most people would specify as particular causesofr dislike.2.If we apply to other attributes the criteria we apply these days to appetite, wewould want bright children anymore; we’ dmerely want them to look bright and get through school fast. We wouldn ’ t be interested in beautiful women, but just good pain job.3.If we regard activity as being in itself a good, then we must count all snobberies as good; for all provoke activity. If, with the Buddhists, we regard all activity in this world of illusion as bad, then we shall condemn all snobberies out of ahnd.。


A lodging
B accommodations
C places
D houses
12. This river forms a natural ( ) between China and Korea.
A boundary
B string
C spot
D zone
C drastic
D strict
【答案】:C drastic |
18. She is fainted. Having been thrown cold water on her face ,she ( ).
A came out
B came through
A should not break
B should not have broken
C hadn't broken
D would not break
【答案】:C hadn't broken |
16. Peter, John and Tom each ( ).
A say they came first
D exact
【答案】:C certain |
7. With the ( ) of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party.
A exhibition
B exception
C except
D reception
【答案】:B exception |
8. She is fond of ( ), so do not approach her and tell her what trouble you. She will make it known to all.



[2020年度]福师《高级英语(三)》在线作业一注:本科有多套试卷,请核实是否为您所需要资料,本资料只做参考学习使用!!!一、单选题(共50题,100分)1、Th[E] story you tol[D] m[E] th[E] oth[E]r [D][A]y h[A]s y[E]t to [B][E]____.[A][C]onfus[E][D][B][C]onfirm[E][D][C][C]onqu[E]r[E][D][D][C]onform[E][D][提示]运用所学知识,并对上述题目作出选择本题参考选择是:[B]2、It is ( ) in th[E] r[E]gul[A]tions th[A]t you [C][A]n t[A]k[E] 20 kilos of lugg[A]g[E] with you.[A]l[A]i[D] upon[B]l[A]i[D] out[C]l[A]i[D] up[D]l[A]i[D] [D]own[提示]运用所学知识,并对上述题目作出选择本题参考选择是:[D]3、Sh[E] [C][A]st h[E]r [E]y[E]s roun[D] th[E] room in ( ) of [A] [C]h[A]ir to sit in.[A]qu[E]stion[B]qu[E]st[C][D][E]m[A]n[D][D]r[E]quir[E]m[E]nt[提示]运用所学知识,并对上述题目作出选择本题参考选择是:[B]4、Th[E] room is in [A] t[E]rri[B]l[E] m[E]ss; it ( )[C]l[E][A]n[E][D].[A][C][A]n't h[A]v[E] [B][E][E]n[B]shoul[D]n't h[A]v[E] [B][E][E]n[C]mustn't h[A]v[E] [B][E][E]n[D]woul[D]n't h[A]v[E] [B][E][E]n[提示]运用所学知识,并对上述题目作出选择本题参考选择是:[A][A]n you fin[D] ( ) [A]t th[E] hot[E]l for th[E] night?[A]lo[D]ging[B][A][C][C]ommo[D][A]tions[C]pl[A][C][E]s[D]hous[E]s。



福建师范⼤学2021年2⽉课程考试《⾼级英语(三)》作业考核试题《⾼级英语(三)》期末考试A卷姓名:专业:学号:学习中⼼:成绩:I. Choose the word in closest meaning to the word given 30%1.We must quieten the restive animals:A.buoyantB. restlessC. remorsefulD. resistant2.He was famous for his repartee and his sarcasm.A.Witty retortB. will full departureC. monologueD. overriding3.After years of delay eh problem has now become urgent.A.procrastination B. dilationC.. dilutionD. sacrifice4.You may be athletic, but a monkey is more agile.A.cleverB. nimbleC. stupidD. quick5.If a manufacturer has to charge exorbitantly for his product, he willlose business.A. excessivelyB. reasonablyC. relentlesslyD. inexpensively6.a grunt of acquiescence:A.consent B. refusal C. compliance D. acquisition7.dilation of the pupils:A.restriction B. constrictionC. amplificationD. punishment8.sterile leadershipA.infecund B. aging C. effective D. doubtful9.moronic behavior:A.talkativeB. intelligentC. stupidD. irresponsible10.tenacious salesmenA.lax B. unyielding C. imperfect D. impatient11. Many of President Roosevelt’s critics felt that he was too autocratic.A. democraticB. self-powerfulC. concealing the truthD.upper-class12. Rather than vote for either side, the congressman decided to abstain.A. not voteB. vote for bothC. stay homeD. vote later13. John was forced to make an extemporaneous speech.A. sharpB. foolishC. offhandD. critical14. The police give slight credence to the report.A. attentionB. studyC. beliefD. evaluation15. The fourth year sociology class was a homogeneous group of university students.A. uniformB. averageC. unrelatedD. distinguishable16. The doctor asked the patient to disrobe before the examination.A. take medicineB. breathe deeplyC. relaxD. undress17. The policeman used a megaphone.A. a portable radioB. in instrument to make his voice louder.C. a long stickD. a telephone in his car18. Jack is defrauding the commercial law.A. discardingB. maimingC. cheatingD. repeating19. The thieves ransacked the room trying to find he jewels.A. lootedB. probed intoC. raidedD. thoroughly searched20. The check was marked void.A. payableB. in effectC. canceledD. invalidII. Reading comprehension 10%The relationship between the home and market economics has gone through two distinct stages. Early industrialization began the process of transferring some production processes (e.g. clothmaking, sewing, and canning foods) from the home to the marketplace. Although the home economy could still produce these goods, the processes were laborious and the market economy was usually more efficient. Soon, the more important second stage was evident- the marketplace began producing goods and services that had never been produced by the home economy, and the home economy was unable to produce them (e.g. electricity and electrical appliances, the automobile, advanced education, sophisticated medical care). In the second stage, the question of whether the home economy was less efficient in producing these new goods and services was irrelevant;if the family were to enjoy these fruits of industrialization, they would have to be obtained in the marketplace. The traditional ways of taking care of these needs in the home, such as nursing the sick, became socially unacceptable( and, in most serious cases, probably less successful). Just as the appearance of the automobile made the use of the horse-drawn carriage illegal and then impractical, and the appearance of television changed the radio from a source of entertainment to a source of backgroundmusic, so most of the fruits of economic growth did not increase the options available to the home economy toe either produce the goods or services or purchase them in the market. Growth brought with it increased variety in customer goods, but not increased flexibility for the home economy in obtaining these goods and services. Instead, economic growth brought with it increased consumer reliance on the marketplace. In order to consume these new goods and services, the family had to enter the marketplace as wage earners and consumers. The neoclassical model that views the family as deciding whether to produce goods and services directly or to purchase them in the marketplace is basically a model of the first stage. It cannot accurately be applied to the second ( and current ) stage.1. The reason why many production processes were taken overby the marketplace was that ____.A. it was a necessary step in the process of industrializationB. they depended on electricity available only to the market economyC. it was troublesome to produce such goods in the homeD. the marketplace was more efficient with respect to these processes2. It can be seem from the passage that in the second stage _______.A. some traditional goods and services were not successful whenprovided by the home economyB. the market economy provided new goods and services never producedby the home economyC. producing traditional goods at home became sociallyunacceptableD. whether new goods and services were produced by the home economybecame irrelevant3. During the second stage, if the family wanted to consume new goods and services, they had to enter the marketplace_____.A. as wage earnersB. both as manufacturers and consumersC. both as workers and purchasersD. as consumers4. Economic growth did not make it more flexible for the home economy to obtain the new goods and services because_____.A. the family was not efficient in productionB. it was illegal for the home economy to produce themC. it could not supply them by itselfD. the market for these goods and services was limited5. The neoclassical model is basically a model of the first stage, because at this stage ____.A.the family could rely either on the home economy or on the marketplace for the needed goods and servicesB. many production processes were being transferred tothe marketplaceC. consumers relied more and more on the market economyD. the family could decide how to transfer production processes to themarketplaceIII. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word 20%In an earlier study of the family, I took as ___1___that in ___2____ anation’s family structure determines the kind of ___3__ it will have,and that any ____4__ to change or improve the society must begin ___5___changing he family. Six years later now, I have come to feel that,____6___,although some kind of family structure may be ___7___tosocietal__8__, it is the society that __9__what the family will be, andnot the other way __10___.IV. Translate the following paragraph into English 20%跌倒的是⼀个⼥⼈,花⽩头发,⾐服都很破烂。



【奥鹏】[福建师范大学]福师《高级英语(三)》在线作业一试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,My mother came here only for a____stay. She should fly to Los Angeles the next day.A、shortenedB、prolongedC、prematureD、transient第2题,She did it( ) our effects to stop her.A、in regard toB、with regard toC、regardingD、in spite of第3题,A burning cigarette he threw into the wastepaper basket ( ) fire to the hotel.A、madeB、setC、causedD、caught第4题,A ( ) change in policy is needed if relations are ever to improve.A、severeB、violentC、drasticD、strict第5题,We may be able to _______ you in some way if you can not finish your work on time.A、resistB、insistC、assistD、disease第6题,The chances of seeing a helicopter in my hometown are one ( ) a million.A、forB、toC、inD、against第7题,Tom is interested in and clever at many different things,so he is ( ).A、verticalB、versatileC、variableD、vigorous第8题,When you choose a piece of clothes , the most important thing that you should pay attention is its ( )A、styleB、textureC、testableD、content第9题,Much to the students' relief, the mid term exam was ( ).A、let offB、taken offC、let offD、cancelled第10题,I remember that I ( ) the Party before my graduation from the university.A、attendedB、partcicipatedC、joinedD、joined in第11题,Considering his contribution to our company , Mr. White ( ) better treament than this.A、observesB、preservesC、pretendsD、deserves第12题,The table is similar in design to the other , but the top is ( ).A、roundB、rounderC、more roundD、roundest第13题,He always has a lot of ( ) ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinking about.A、novelB、spoilC、acceptableD、additional第14题,When talking about Chinese culture, people often _______ its origin with the Yellow River.A、worshipB、vainC、revealD、associate第15题,Can you find____at the hotel for the night?A、lodgingB、accommodationsC、placesD、houses第16题,Please be serious. I am not _______. You should consider it carefullyA、sortingB、jokingC、countingD、comparing第17题,He is ( ) to speak the truth.A、too much of a cowardB、too much a cowardC、so much a cowardD、so much of a coward第18题,It was a close boxing game, but the boxer in blue was ( ) to be the winner by three of the four referees.A、destinedB、deemedC、doomedD、adapted第19题,He soon made a____for himself on the stage .A、popularityB、fameC、reputationD、respect第20题,John ____to be a polite man. But in fact he is very rude.A、pretendsB、assuresC、affordsD、melts第21题,Jimmy is only a second rate tennis player ,but he is always____how well he plays .A、blowingB、fresheningC、boastingD、dictating第22题,"Why are you driving like a mad?""Well, I have to ( )the hour we lost in Chicago."A、make forB、make upC、make ofD、make out第23题,To some ____, Mary still does not understand this unit. But she herself does not believe so.A、extendB、partC、extentD、content第24题,The Olympic Committee has drawn up strict rules for the athlete to____.A、go onB、go withC、go withoutD、go by第25题,Modern man faces dangers completely unknown ________ his predecessors. A、forB、toC、ofD、by第26题,I asked the tailor to make a small ________ to my trousers because they were too long.A、changeB、variationC、revisionD、alteration第27题,He soon made a ( ) for himself on the stage .A、popularityB、fameC、reputationD、respect第28题,You can take ( ) seat you like.A、no matter whatB、no matter whichC、whatD、whichever第29题,He tried to ( ) with the manager for his salary.A、evaluateB、objectC、bargainD、pause第30题,The chancellor ( ) the fact that he was the centre of criticism and stuck to his reforms.A、dischargedB、disregardedC、disguisedD、disposed第31题,I am acting as____while the manager is away on business.A、agencyB、policyC、deputyD、colleague第32题,We've made some achievements, but there is still a long way ( ).A、goingB、to goC、goneD、to be gone第33题,I have heard about Mr. Smith but I am not acquainted____.A、ofB、byC、withD、over第34题,I am acting as ( ) while the manager is away on business.A、agencyB、policyC、deputyD、colleague第35题,They left the door open ( ) to hear the baby.A、so as for meB、so that meC、in order for meD、and for me第36题,She admired the director to such an extent that she took his words as ( ) oracles.A、divineB、rebelliousC、faithfulD、unbearable第37题,( ) the children to bed, she began to correct the students' exercises.A、SendingB、Being sentC、sentD、Having sent第38题,The service in this restaurant is very poor; there are not enough waiters to wait ( ) customers.A、onB、forC、withD、to第39题,He always gives ( ) to his wife's demands and does whatever she tells him to.A、upB、awayC、inD、out第40题,With the help of the government , a large number of people ( )after the flood in 1991.A、survivedB、suspendedC、sufferedD、subfected第41题,He insisted that his brother____the window. It was clear that someone else brokethe window.A、should not breakB、should not have brokenC、hadn't brokenD、would not break第42题,After traveling in the desert for five days, we found a tiny oasis, where there was a well and ( ) green grass.A、a patch ofB、a bunch ofC、a pinch ofD、a packet of第43题,You can take____seat you like.A、no matter whatB、no matter whichC、whatD、whichever第44题,It is more than twenty years since premier Zhou ( ) ,but he still lives on our hearts.A、passed awayB、passed offC、passed overD、passed for第45题,The airplane took off soon. It was like being on an old train ______ from side to side and going faster and faster.A、surroundingB、foregoingC、swayingD、frowning第46题,Without the _______ materials imported from abroad, Japan can hardly produce anything.A、storeyB、valuableC、spareD、raw第47题,John ( ) to be a polite man. But in fact he is very rude.A、pretendsB、assuresC、affordsD、melts第48题,I would like to take advantage of this opportunity to express my sincere ( ) for you help.A、regulationB、recreationC、appreciationD、guarantee第49题,The end____the means . This saying implies even a wrong or unfair method may be allowed if the result or purpose of the action is good.A、modifiesB、justifiesC、purifies谋学网D、testifies第50题,Violence in the local prison has ( ) two lives.A、removedB、takenC、costD、slaughtered。



福师《高级英语(三)》在线作业二1. ( ) from the apple tree.A. It down fellB. there it is neededC. Down fell itD. Fell it down正确答案: C 满分:2 分得分:22. The cure rate of many disease increased dramatically after penicillin was ( ) by more doctors.A. put into practiseB. put into effectC. put to useD. put into operation正确答案: C 满分:2 分得分:23. Without the ( ) materials imported from abroad, Japan can hardly produce anything.A. storeyB. valuableC. spareD. raw正确答案: D 满分:2 分得分:24. It is more than twenty years since premier Zhou ( ) ,but he still lives on our hearts.A. passed awayB. passed offC. passed overD. passed for正确答案: A 满分:2 分得分:25. We may be able to ( ) you in some way if you can not finish your work on time.A. resistB. insistC. assistD. disease正确答案: C 满分:2 分得分:26. The airplane took off soon. It was like being on an old train ( ) from side to side and going faster and faster.A. surroundingB. foregoingC. swayingD. frowning正确答案: C 满分:2 分得分:27. The Olympic Committee has drawn up strict rules for the athlete to ( ).A. go onB. go with。


a. democraticb. self-powerfulc. concealing the truthd. upper-class
. fill in the blank with a proper word from the words given(20%):
included, excluded, like, dislike, companion, accommodation, traffic, hope for, thankful to, whatever, wherever, liners, berths
Today, even in western developed countries, society is still made up of families, and the basic cell of society is the familyrather than the individual. In our country, the value of the family is beyond doubt. People first live, grow, develop and improve in their families. Family is the micro-environment that shapes people and is the first class of socialization. Without family civilization as the foundation, the spiritual civilization of the whole society is simply impossible to talk about, or just like a building on the beach, it will collapse sooner or later.

福师 2018《高级英语(三)》离线试题和答案

福师 2018《高级英语(三)》离线试题和答案

《高级英语(三)》期末考试I. Vocabulary 20%1. The more he finds about himself in other newspapers, the more indignant he willbe with those whose reports are meagre.A. richB. brilliantC. annoyingD. scarce2. They had plenty to eat. But they spent all their leisure visiting neighbouringfarms and stealing potatoes, which they hoarded.A. swallowedB. ate upC. stored secretlyD. gave back3. Some acts which would be bad, simply in themselves, may be excusable andeven laudable when they are necessary means to a greater good.A. laughableB. forgivenC. praiseworthyD. admissible4. Satiety is a dream which will always elude you.A. attractB. lureC. escapeD. tempt5. The search for sunken treasure has become more popular as a legitimateendeavor.A. justifiedB. innocentC. prudentD. fundamental6. Awareness of this is a kind of redemptive grace, but it doesn’t appreciably lead torepentance and a revolution in consumer habits.A. consciousB. compensativeC. imaginativeD. appreciative7. America is anachronistic in so many ways, and not least in its clinging to abelief.A. modern-fashionedB. full of crimesC. behind the timesD. highly-developed8. He felt ________ to live a simple and lonely life in that remote village.A. sufficientB. adequateC. contentedD. competent9. Crop rotation has prevented the soil from _______.A. povertyB. impoverishmentC. weaknessD. infirmity10. He remembered reading somewhere that baldness shows virility.A. character of manB. great varietiesC. quicknessD. fragility11. His voice, though familiar, irked him; it sounded thin and scratchy.A. pleasedB. interestedC. excitedD. irritated12. There are certain disfiguring and mortal diseases about which there hasprobably never been any snobbery.A. perpetualB. fatalC. moralD. flexible13. In 1940 the Democrats nominated Roosevelt for an unprecedented third term.A. unimportantB. unheard ofC. unjustifiedD. unhampered14. The value of snobbery in general consists in its power to stimulate activity.A. suffocateB. forbidC. permitD. incite15. He laughed and shouted, trying to ________ his sorrow in excitement.A. drownB. utterC. concealD. sink16. The traffic policeman waited patiently while the drunken driver _____ in hispocket for his driver’s license.A. pluckB. fumbleC. flipD. bloat17. There is no need to ________ over a broken vase. It’s so cheap.A. museB. viewC. pinchD. fuss18. The summer was so hot and dry that leaves on the trees all ________.A. droopedB. fadedC. flickedD. drained19. It is not ________ to take reference books out of the library.A. admissibleB. skepticalC. permissibleD. admirable20. Her easy success in the job made her ________, which is very dangerous.A. complacentB. docileC. accomplishedD. importantII. Text Comprehension 15%1. In "Jerusalem the Golden", Clara's mother chose Battersby Grammar School forher because (“Jerusalem the Golden”)A. she could not afford the bus fare to a better school.B. she didn't have to spend money on the school uniform.C. she had no trust in education and wanted to spend as little as she could aslong as she kept her social position in the neighborhood.D. she didn't care what opinions other people might have of her so long as herchild could get a good education.2. Clara liked her school for all the reasons that most people would specify asparticular causes for dislike. What aspects of the school attract her so much?(“Jerusalem the Golden”)A. She could do whatever she liked at school.B. The school was full of good teachers and so many intelligent pupils whomshe admired so much.C. The school looked so large and even bleak to her, and there were so manypupils she did not know, which was quite different from her home.D. She was proud at school because she came from an area used to inhabited bythe middle class.3. “Vegetables with crisp and crackling texture emerge as mush, slippery andstringy as hair nets simmered in Vaseline.” (“Science Has Spoiled My Supper”) What figure of speech is used in the sentence?A. personificationB. metaphorC. metonymyD. hyperbole4. By "acquisitiveness" is meant (“On Human Nature and Politics”)A. the wish to possess as much as possible of goods, or the title to goods.B. one aspect of human nature that is acquired in political struggle.C. the wish to survive the conquest of hunger.D. the wish that is originated from acquiring food.5. Which of the following is NOT true about power according to Russell? (“On Human Nature and Politics”)A. Knowledge is power.B. The love of power is not always a bad motive.C. The love of power is the most important of all the four motives.D. Those who have never experienced power have a stronger wish for it.6. How does Antho ny Burgess organize his idea in "Is America Falling Apart?" (“IsAmerican Falling Apart?”)A. He first puts forward his idea that America is falling apart. Then he followsit up with examples to show the gravity of the problems.B. He points out what problems with America are, analyses how they lead toneurosis, and suggests what Americans should do.C. He compares the problems with America in the 60's to those in the 30's,points out how serious they are and suggests what Americans should do.D. He points out problems with America, analyses the origins of the problemsand concludes that America is hopeless.7. When commenting on American way of consumption, the writer says "Plannedobsolescence is not conducive to pride in workmanship." (“Is American Fall ingApart?”)What does he mean?A. Workmen do not feel proud because they have to obey orders.B. Planning in workmanship is out of date, so there's no pride to talk about.C. Articles designed to break or wear out quickly do not help people to take apride in their work.D. Products are so unattractive that people do not feel proud of them.8. One of the problems with American education is that (“Is American FallingApart?”)A. the teachers work very conscientiously and lack creativeness.B. the teachers do not follow the school textbooks strictly.C. the teachers experiment with new methods of education.D. teachers can not be fired except for raping girl students and getting boystudents drunk.9. In "America, filling in the vacuum left by the liquefied B ritish Empire,...", (“IsAmerican Falling Apart?”) "the liquefied British Empire" meansA. the British Empire which is surrounded by water.B. a strong and enforced empire.C. the British Empire which used to be great.D. the British Empire that has thoroughly collapsed.10. The title "Ace in the Hole" indicates that (“Ace in the Hole”)A. Ace Anderson was in an embarrassing situation.B. Ace dropped into a ditch while driving home.C. Ace was so angry with her wife.D. Ace was trapped in a trick and could not get out of it.11. What is Ace's mother's attitude towards his marriage with Evey? (“Ace in theHole”)A. She had all along thought his marriage was not satisfactory but hadhesitated to say so until now.B. She was strongly opposed to their marriage and didn't accept Evey from thebeginning.C. She was quite satisfied with Evey.D. She thought Evey was acceptable as a Catholic although she sometimesbehaved oddly.12. At the end of the story, (“Ace in the Hole”)A.the dinner music from the radio eased off the tension between Ace andEvey.B. Ace and Evey broke up and separated.C. Ace was totally disappointed with their marriage but could do nothing aboutit.D. Evey admitted her mistake and everything went on well.13. According to Aldous Huxley, (“Selected Snobberies”)A. Men are snobbish almost about everything.B. There is no snobbery about any disfiguring or mortal disease.C. All snobberies will cause harm and danger to society.D. Some snobberies should be admired while others despised.14. "T he snobbery of family" refers to (“Selected Snobberies”)A. having excessive pride of one's family.B. snobbery existing among family members.C. jealousy about other families.D. jealousy about each other in one family.15. "... consumption-snobs, who thought that it would be romantic to fade away inthe flower of youth ..." can be interpreted as: (“Selected Snobberies”)A. shopping-snobs, who thought that it would be romantic to be immersed inso many wonderful commodities.B. tuberculosis-snobs, who thought it would be romantic to recover with thehelp of young flowers.C. tuberculosis-snobs, who thought it would be romantic to die when young.D. shopping-snobs, who thought that it would be romantic to go home withflowers which were not in full blossom.III. Fill in each blank with a word selected from the list in its proper form1. Where private ownership ________, public amenities decay or are preventedfrom coming into being.2. Whether the talks are successful or not ________ a small number of men.3. In his sleepy state the sound of a car driving up to the door scarcely ________his consciousness.4. When man took to agriculture, and made his wife do all the heavy work in thefields, he had time ________ the vanity of human life, to invent mythologies and systems of philosophy ,etc.5.With the Vietnam War and especially the Mylai horror, Americans arebeginning to realize that they original sin as much as Europeans are.6. I've listened to your arguments, but in spite of all you said I ________ todisagree with you.7. I have my logical ties to Watts. My interest in the law ___ a concern for thefuture of Watts.8. America has always despised its teachers and, ________, it has been grantedthe teachers it deserves.9. Shopkeepers in Staveley have been asked to take down advertisement signsput up without permission ________ the signs caused an injury to visual amenities.10. These are means we have never ________ to obtain information.IV. Fill in each blank in the following passage with a proper word from the list.But great as is the influence of the motives we have been considering, there is one which _(1)_ them all, …Power, like vanity, is insatiable. Nothing _(2)_ of omnipotence could satisfy it _(3)_. And as it is especially the vice of energetic men, the _(4)_ efficacy of love of power is out of all proportion _(5)_ its frequency. It is, _(6)_, by far the strongest motive in the lives _(7)_ important men. Love of poweris _(8)_ increased by the experience of power, and this _(9)_ to petty power as well as to _(10)_ of potentates.V. Translation 20%A E-C1. The shabbiness of the district and the dingy gloom of the school itself meant nothing to Clara. To her, the building was endlessly exciting, and she liked it for all the reasons that most people would specify as particular causes for dislike.2. If we apply to other attributes the criteria we apply these days to appetite, we would want bright children anymore; we’d merely want them to look bright and get through school fast. We wouldn’t be interested in beautiful women, but just good pain job.3. If we regard activity as being in itself a good, then we must count all snobberies as good; for all provoke activity. If, with the Buddhists, we regard all activity in this world of illusion as bad, then we shall condemn all snobberies out of hand.B C-E并非一切东西—特别是我们最需要的那些东西—都能不赔钱的,正是在这些方面国家应该干预,把利润因素排除在外。



福师《高级英语(三)》在线作业一试卷总分:100 测试时间:--一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。

)1. I have heard about Mr. Smith but I am not acquainted ( ).A. ofB. byC. withD. over满分:2 分2. "How often have you seen cases like this?"one surgeon asked another. Oh, ( ) times, I guess." was the reply.A. hundred ofB. hundredsC. hundreds ofD. hundred满分:2 分3. This river forms a natural ( ) between China and Korea.A. boundaryB. stringC. spotD. zone满分:2 分4. ( ) the chance and the money , I would come and see you in New York in the foreseeable future.A. With regard toB. ConsideringC. GivenD. Assuming满分:2 分5. All the memories of his childhood had ( ) from his mind by the time he was 65.A. fadedB. illustratedC. confinedD. concerned满分:2 分6. The atmosphere ( ) certain gases mixed together in definite proportion.A. considering ofB. consists ofC. composes ofD. composed of满分:2 分7. The ()is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again.A. beanB. beamC. bakeD. battery满分:2 分8. The slight spark can ( ) the explosive stored there.A. set outB. set aboutC. set upD. set off满分:2 分9. In some markets there may be only one seller. ( ) is called a monopoly.A. Situation as thisB. Such kind of situationC. Such a situationD. A situation of this 满分:2 分10. Magnificent views over the countryside have often ( ) people to write poems.A. excitedB. inspiredC. inducedD. attracted 满分:2 分11. Peter, John and Tom each ( ).A. say they came firstB. says they came firstC. says he came firstD. say came first 满分:2 分12. We stopped for a coffeebreak and ( ) working fifteen minutes later.A. resumedB. consumedC. presumedD. assumed. 满分:2 分13. I just managed to ( ) a quick breath before I was sucked under the water by the passing boat.A. gainB. possessC. grabD. snatch满分:2 分14. She won't be afraid as ( ) as you are here.A. longB. wellC. soonD. far 满分:2 分15. The ( ) of Confucius built the temple in memory of their ancestor.A. descendentsB. predecessorsC. correspondentsD. opponents 满分:2 分16. It is more than twenty years since premier Zhou ( ) ,but he still lives on our hearts.A. passed awayB. passed offC. passed overD. passed for 满分:2 分17. The tragic ending of the novel can bring ( ).A. your eyes to tearsB. tears to your eyesC. your eye to tearD. tear to your eye 满分:2 分18. When he opened the door, he used too much force and ( ) the key.A. trailedB. variedC. twistedD. wicked 满分:2 分19. Why do you want a new job ( ) you've got such a good one already?A. thatB. whereC. whichD. when 满分:2 分20. Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to ( ).A. be put upB. give inC. be turned onD. go out 满分:2 分21. Go back to work , otherwise you will be ( ).A. firedB. hiredC. employedD. rented 满分:2 分22. Much to the s tudents” relief, the mid term exam was ( ).A. let offB. taken offC. let offD. cancelled 满分:2 分23. What she achieved in her research might ( ) what she had been expecting.A. exceedB. exclaimC. excessD. extend 满分:2 分24. Both O.J.Simpson and Jim Brown have been ( ) as the greatest players in the history of football.A. rankedB. recordedC. stockedD. stripped 满分:2 分25. The table is similar in design to the other , but the top is ( ).A. roundB. rounderC. more roundD. roundest 满分:2 分26. When you fill in the application form, please use your ( ) address so that we can contact you easily later.A. policyB. plainC. permanentD. principal 满分:2 分27. The airplane took off soon. It was like being on an old train ( ) from side to side and going faster and faster.A. surroundingB. foregoingC. swayingD. frowning满分:2 分28. The end ( ) the means . This saying implies even a wrong or unfair method may be allowed if the result or purpose of the action is good.A. modifiesB. justifiesC. purifiesD. testifies满分:2 分29. The chancellor ( ) the fact that he was the centre of criticism and stuck to his reforms.A. dischargedB. disregardedC. disguisedD. disposed满分:2 分30. A ( ) change in policy is needed if relations are ever to improve.A. severeB. violentC. drasticD. strict满分:2 分31. She did it( ) our effects to stop her.A. in regard toB. with regard toC. regardingD. in spite of 满分:2 分32. He always has a lot of ( ) ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinking about.A. novelB. spoilC. acceptableD. additional 满分:2 分33. He was ( ) about the spring outing , but he came back quite depressed and said he should not have joined in it.A. enthusiasticB. fantasticC. courageousD. discouraged 满分:2 分34. Have you seen my son latest ( ) to his stamp collection.A. accumulationB. acquisitionC. exhibitD. edition满分:2 分35. She cast her eyes round the room in ( ) of a chair to sit in.A. questionB. questC. demandD. requirement满分:2 分36. She know a lot of young man, but it is not easy to choose a/an ( ) one who is both rich and attractive.A. diligentB. qualifiedC. eligibleD. elegant 满分:2 分37. Great Britain and France will hold a ( ) regarding some European economic problems.A. conferenceB. referenceC. conversionD. cooperation满分:2 分38. After traveling in the desert for five days, we found a tiny oasis, where there was a well and ( ) green grass.A. a patch ofB. a bunch ofC. a pinch ofD. a packet of 满分:2 分39. Although the traffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a ( ) speed.A. spareB. fastC. moderateD. moral满分:2 分40. Give me your telephone number ( ) I need your help.A. whetherB. unlessC. so thatD. in case 满分:2 分41. This is a poem about ( ) life in the American West.A. bayB. chamberC. frankD. dozen 满分:2 分42. I would like to take advantage of this opportunity to express my sincere ( ) for you help.A. regulationB. recreationC. appreciationD. guarantee 满分:2 分43. It was courageous enough for Galileo to ( ) the falling object theory developed by Aristotle, the authoritative Greek scientist.A. advanceB. defyC. justifyD. translate 满分:2 分44. ( ) the children to bed, she began to correct the students' exercises.A. SendingB. Being sentC. sentD. Having sent满分:2 分45. Though he did not say so directly, the inspector ( ) the man was guilty.A. declaredB. impliedC. disclosedD. said满分:2 分46. Please be serious. I am not ( ). You should consider it carefullyA. sortingB. jokingC. countingD. comparing 满分:2 分47. We can not trust him any more because he often ( ) his duty.A. owesB. spoilsC. desertsD. neglects 满分:2 分48. When you choose a piece of clothes , the most important thing that you should pay attention is its ( )A. styleB. textureC. testableD. content 满分:2 分49. With tear gas , the policeman ( ) the demonstrators in the street.A. scatteredB. brokeC. assembledD. labelled满分:2 分50. The noisy was so( ) that only those with excellent hearing were aware of it.A. dimB. gentleC. faintD. definite。



福建师范大学智慧树知到“英语”《高级英语(三)》网课测试题答案(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.综合考核(共15题)1.A ____ change in policy is needed if relations are ever to improve.A.severeB.violentC.drasticD.strict2.The room is in a terrible mess; it () cleaned.A.can't have beenB.shouldn't have beenC.mustn't have beenD.wouldn't have been3.I remember that I () the Party before my graduation from the university.A.attendedB.partcicipatedC.joinedD.joined in4.The historical events of that period are arranged ________.A.in alphabetical orderB.in an alphabetical orderC.in the alphabetical ordersD.in alphabetical orders5.The ( )is nearly dead, so I can not start the car again.A.beanB.beamC.bakeD.battery 6.What she achieved in her research might _______ what she had been expecting.A.exceedB.exclaimC.excessD.extend7.I asked the tailor to make a small ________ to my trousers because they were too long.A.changeB.variationC.revisionD.alteration8.The Olympic Committee has drawn up strict rules for the athlete to____.A.go onB.go withC.go withoutD.go by9.Without the () materials imported from abroad, Japan can hardly produce anything.A.storeyB.valuableC.spareD.raw10.He was () about the spring outing, but he came back quite depressed and said he should not have joined in it.A.enthusiasticB.fantasticC.courageousD.discouraged11.The large company is() small ones by buying up their shares.A.taking offB.taking overC.taking inD.taking from12.The chancellor () the fact that he was the centre of criticism and stuck to his reforms.A.dischargedB.disregardedC.disguisedD.disposed13.Jimmy is only a second rate tennis player, but he is always ____ how well he plays.A.blowingB.fresheningC.boastingD.dictating14.When talking about Chinese culture, people often _______ its origin with the Yellow River.A.worshipB.vainC.revealD.associate15.This is a poem about _______ life in the American West.A.bayB.chamberC.frankD.dozen第2卷一.综合考核(共15题)1.It was courageous enough for Galileo to () the falling object theory developed by Aristotle, the authoritative Greek scientist.A.advanceB.defyC.justifyD.translate2.She is fond of____, so do not approach her and tell her what trouble you. She will make it known to all.mentB.gossipC.speechD.appraisal3.Modern man faces dangers completely unknown ________ his predecessors.A.forB.toC.ofD.by4.We may be able to _______ you in some way if you can not finish your work on time. A.resistB.insistC.assistD.disease5.____the children to bed, she began to correct the students' exercises.A.SendingB.Being sentC.sentD.Having sent6.His ____ book will deal with industrial relations.A.eventualB.actualC.forthcomingD.prompt7.Violence in the local prison has () two lives.A.removedB.takenC.costD.slaughtered8.It is more than twenty years since premier Zhou (), but he still lives on our hearts.A.passed awayB.passed offC.passed overD.passed for9.In some markets there may be only one seller. ________ is called a monopoly.A.Situation as thisB.Such kind of situationC.Such a situationD.A situation of this10.The () is nearly dead, so I can not start the car again.A.beanB.beamC.bakeD.battery11.The rising of pieces will ____ off demands for pay increase.A.trailB.switchC.triggerD.nudge12.______ by accident ______ by design, he arrived too late to help us.A.Not only...but alsoB.Neither...norC.Whether...orD.Both...and13.The noisy was so () that only those with excellent hearing were aware of it.A.dimB.gentleC.faintD.definite14.The airplane took off soon. It was like being on an old train ______ from side to side and going faster and faster.A.surroundingB.foregoingC.swayingD.frowning15.() the children to bed, she began to correct the students' exercises.A.SendingB.Being sentC.sentD.Having sent第1卷参考答案一.综合考核1.参考答案:C2.参考答案:A3.参考答案:B4.参考答案:A5.参考答案:D6.参考答案:A7.参考答案:D8.参考答案:D9.参考答案:D10.参考答案:A11.参考答案:B12.参考答案:B13.参考答案:C14.参考答案:D15.参考答案:A第2卷参考答案一.综合考核1.参考答案:B2.参考答案:B3.参考答案:B4.参考答案:C5.参考答案:D6.参考答案:C7.参考答案:C8.参考答案:A9.参考答案:C10.参考答案:D11.参考答案:C12.参考答案:C13.参考答案:C14.参考答案:C15.参考答案:D。


A.be put up
B.give in
C.be turned on
D.go out 答Fra bibliotek:D 5.He always has a lot of ( ) ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinking about.
6.Modern man faces dangers completely unknown ________ his predecessors.
7.____,when he lived in his country , he was a university professor,but now he is working toward a high degree at an American university.
10.The unpleasant taste____in his mouth for hours .
11.She always dreamed of an _______ job even when she was ten years old.



2023年2月课程考试《高级英语(三)》作业考核试题一、词汇与语法(共10题,每题1分,共10分)1. _______ he had done, we couldn't change our plan. (即使)A. WhenB. AlthoughC. SinceD. Even if2. In _______ life, everyone has to do something they don't enjoy. (实际)A. practicalB. preciousC. specialD. precious3. We must _______ this lesson in two days. (完成)A. completeB. endC. finishD. achieve4. She is _______ beautiful that everyone who sees her falls in love with her. (如此……以至于……)A. soB. veryC. tooD. extremely5. _______ the company is going through a tough time, we must not give up hope. (尽管)A. SinceB. AlthoughC. HoweverD. Despite6. The book _______ by the time you return from your holiday next year. (写完)A. will have been writtenB. will be writtenC. will have writtenD. will write7. The children _______ in the pool for hours on a hot summer day. (嬉戏)A. were playingB. have been playingC. are playingD. have played8. He _______ a new novel about the Civil War in the 1960s last year.(出版)A. publishedB. had publishedC. would publishD. will publish9. The project _______ by the end of this year.(完成)A. will be completedB. has been completedC. will completeD. is completed10. He _______ his way through the crowd to the stage in order to take part in the talent show.(挤出)A. madeB. pressedC. pushedD. squeezed。


C. appreciation
D. guarantee
2. Hetriedto____withthemanagerforhissalary.
A. evaluate
B. object
C. bargain
D. pause
D. summoned up
13. Those two families have been quarrelling ________ each other for many years.
A. to
B. between
C. against
D. with
A. going
B. to go
C. gone
D. to be gone
9. The old man was kind and ( ) enough to help the children cross the street.
A. gracious
B. graceful
A. comment
B. gossip
C. speech
D. appraisal
5. Look at all the corruption that’s going on. It’s time the city was ( ).
A. cleaned out
B. cleaned down
A. storey
B. valuable



福师《高级英语(三)》在线作业一一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。

)1. Thr r mny things whos misus is ngrous, ur it is hr to think of nything tht n ompr ________ too prouts.. in. with. mong. y正确答案:2. Whn mking morn mrs , popl gn to ( ) plstis for mtl. surroun. sustn. strth. sustitut正确答案:3. n you fin____t th hotl for th night?. loging. ommotions. pls. houss正确答案:4. To som ( ), Mry still os not unrstn this unit. ut sh hrslf os not liv so.. xtn. prt. xtnt. ontnt正确答案:5. urning igrtt h thrw into th wstppr skt____fir to th hotl.. m. st. us. ught正确答案:6. Wht thy prou hs no ny _______ vlu. ut it is vry usful to thir rsrh.. filtr. fol. prtil. ommril正确答案:7. W n not trust him ny mor us h oftn _____his uty.. ows. spoils. srts. nglts正确答案:8. Th prson ( ) I omplin is th mngr.. who. to whom. whom. to who正确答案:9. I rmmr ( ) th rtil th y for ystry.. to r. to hv r. ring. to ring正确答案:10. ______ y int ______ y sign, h rriv too lt to hlp us.. Not only...ut lso. Nithr...nor. Whthr...or. oth...n正确答案:11. I m ting s ( ) whil th mngr is wy on usinss.. gny. poliy. puty. ollgu正确答案:12. This rivr is so ig tht it is impossil to uil ____unr it without morn thnology. . nl. tunnl. hnnl. l正确答案:13. H’ll lwys _______ to you for wht you’v on.. pful. sur. grtful. ompnion正确答案:14. Without th ( ) mtrils import from ro, Jpn n hrly prou nything.. story. vlul. spr. rw正确答案:15. Th prson ______ I omplin is th mngr.. who. to whom. whom. to who正确答案:16. Sh know lot of young mn, ut it is not sy to hoos /n____on who is oth rih n ttrtiv. . ilignt. qulifi. ligil. lgnt正确答案:17. Wht sh hiv in hr rsrh might ( ) wht sh h n xpting.. x. xlim. xss. xtn正确答案:18. Whn mking morn mrs , popl gn to ____plstis for mtl. surroun. sustn. strth. sustitut正确答案:19. Th littl oy wor vry thin ot. sun gust of ol win m him ( ).. shk. swt. shivr. swing正确答案:20. I sk th tilor to mk smll ________ to my trousrs us thy wr too long.. hng. vrition. rvision. ltrtion正确答案:21. His ( ) prsonlity provis goo mtril for ritis.. mtur. onsir. litrt. ul正确答案:22. Wht sh hiv in hr rsrh might _______ wht sh h n xpting.. x. xlim. xss. xtn正确答案:23. Ptr, John n Tom h ( ).. sy thy m first. sys thy m first. sys h m first. sy m first正确答案:24. Th _______ twn hins n Jpns is not so ovious so tht it is not sy to istinguish twn popl from th two ountris.. istintion. quivlnt. inx. murr正确答案:25. Sh is fint. Hving n thrown ol wtr on hr f ,sh____.. m out. m through. m roun. m tru正确答案:26. Jimmy is only son rt tnnis plyr ,ut h is lwys ( ) how wll h plys .. lowing. frshning. osting. itting正确答案:27. Th Prim Ministr rfus to ( ) on th rumour tht h h plnn to rsign.. xplin. ommnt. rmrk. tlk正确答案:28. Whn sprft trvls, on of th mjor prolms is rntry into th rth’s ____. . surf. tmosphr. ttitu. nt正确答案:29. ____from th ppl tr.. It own fll. thr it is n. own fll it. Fll it own正确答案:30. Th wtr skir ( ) ovr th wtr .. skimm. flot. rift. swm正确答案:31. Th ol mn ws kin n ( ) nough to hlp th hilrn ross th strt.. grious. grful. timi. livly正确答案:32. W'v m som hivmnts, ut thr is still long wy ( ).. going. to go. gon. to gon正确答案:33. I hv hr out Mr. Smith ut I m not quint____.. of. y. with. ovr正确答案:34. Thy lft th oor opn ______ to hr th y.. so s for m. so tht m. in orr for m. n for m正确答案:35. It ws ourgous nough for Glilo to ( ) th flling ojt thory vlop y ristotl, th uthorittiv Grk sintist.. vn. fy. justify. trnslt正确答案:36. It ws los oxing gm, ut th oxr in lu ws ( ) to th winnr y thr of th four rfrs. . stin. m. oom. pt正确答案:37. Work pi oring to th mount on puts prmium____sp n not____qulity.. in,in. of , of. on , on. from , from正确答案:38. lthough th trffi is not usy, h liks to riv t ( ) sp.. spr. fst. mort. morl正确答案:39. Sh know lot of young mn, ut it is not sy to hoos /n ( ) on who is oth rih n ttrtiv.. ilignt. qulifi. ligil. lgnt正确答案:40. Th noisy ws so( ) tht only thos with xllnt hring wr wr of it.. im. gntl. fint. finit正确答案:41. Th Olympi ommitt hs rwn up strit ruls for th thlt to____.. go on. go with. go without. go y正确答案:42. Sh is fint. Hving n thrown ol wtr on hr f ,sh ( ).. m out. m through. m roun. m tru正确答案:43. It’s ________ in th rgultions tht you n tk 20 kilos of luggg with you.. li upon. li out. li up. li own正确答案:44. H tri to ( ) with th mngr for his slry.. vlut. ojt. rgin. pus正确答案:45. Why o you wnt nw jo____you'v got suh goo on lry?. tht. whr. whih. whn正确答案:46. Thos two fmilis hv n qurrlling ________ h othr for mny yrs.. to. twn. ginst. with正确答案:47. W o not hv ____shool in our institut. Th highst gr w provi for th stunts is . . n . S. .. ontinu. y. ssistn. grut正确答案:48. It is ( ) in th rgultions tht you n tk 20 kilos of luggg with you.. li upon. li out. li up. li own正确答案:49. ( ) w hv ll th mtrils ry, w shoul gin th nw tsk t on.. Sin tht. Sin now. y now. Now tht正确答案:50. ____,whn h liv in his ountry , h ws univrsity profssor,ut now h is working towr high gr t n mrin univrsity.. Formrly. Formr. Formlly. forml正确答案:。



福师《高级英语(三)》作业福师《高级英语(三)》在线作业二一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。

)1. The chancellor ( ) the fact that he was the centre of criticism and stuck to his reforms.A. dischargedB. disregardedC. disguisedD. disposed满分:2 分2. The table is similar in design to the other , but the top is ( ).A. roundB. rounderC. more roundD. roundest满分:2 分3. The ()between Chinese and Japanese is not so obvious so that it is not easy to distinguish between people from the two countries.A. distinctionB. equivalentC. indexD. murder满分:2 分4. It was a close boxing game, but the boxer in blue was ( ) to be the winner by three of the four referees.A. destinedB. deemedC. doomedD. adapted满分:2 分5. We can not trust him any more because he often ( ) his duty.A. owesB. spoilsC. desertsD. neglects满分:2 分6. ( ) by accident ( ) by design, he arrived too late to help us.A. Not only...but alsoB. Neither...norC. Whether...orD. Both...and满分:2 分7. In some markets there may be only one seller. ( ) is calleda monopoly.A. Situation as thisB. Such kind of situationC. Such a situationD. A situation of this满分:2 分8. I remember ( ) the article the day before yesterday.A. to readB. to have readC. readingD. to reading满分:2 分9. This is a poem about ( ) life in the American West.A. bayB. chamberC. frankD. dozen满分:2 分10. The noisy was so( ) that only those with excellent hearing were aware of it.A. dimB. gentleC. faintD. definite满分:2 分11. The person ( ) I complained is the manager.A. whoB. to whomC. whomD. to who满分:2 分12. Much to the s tudents” relief, the mid term exam w as ( ).A. let offB. taken offC. let offD. cancelled满分:2 分13. Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to ( ).A. be put upB. give inC. be turned onD. go out满分:2 分14. Though he did not say so directly, the inspector ( ) the man was guilty.A. declaredB. impliedC. disclosedD. said满分:2 分15. I ( ) to speak to you all these days.A. wantedB. have wantedC. shall wantD. shall be wanting满分:2 分16. Without the ( ) materials imported from abroad, Japan can hardly produce anything.A. storeyB. valuableC. spareD. raw满分:2 分17. It isn't quite ( ) whether she will take the advice.A. sureB. rightC. certainD. exact满分:2 分18. He’ll always be ( ) to you for what you’ve done.A. peacefulB. secureC. gratefulD. companion满分:2 分19. You can take ( ) seat you like.A. no matter whatB. no matter whichC. whatD. whichever满分:2 分20. His ( ) personality provides good material for critics.A. matureB. consideredC. literateD. dual满分:2 分21. She is fainted. Having been thrown cold water on her face ,she ( ).A. came outB. came throughC. came roundD. came true满分:2 分22. ( ) we have all the materials ready, we should begin the new task at once.A. Since thatB. Since nowC. By nowD. Now that满分:2 分23. As a chairman for nearly ten years, Professor Smith has never ( ) to anything dishonest. dishonest.A. beardB. attachedC. grantedD. kept满分:2 分24. Those two families have been quarrelling ________ each other for many years.A. toB. betweenC. againstD. with满分:2 分25. When a spacecraft travels, one of the major problems is reentry into the Earth’s ( ).A. surfaceB. atmosphereC. attitudeD. bent满分:2 分26. Tom's father, as well as his mother,( ) in New York for a few more days.A. suggest him to stayB. suggested him that he should stayC. suggest him stayingD. suggests he stay满分:2 分27. We stopped for a coffeebreak and ( ) working fifteen minutes later.A. resumedB. consumedC. presumedD. assumed.满分:2 分28. All the memories of his childhood had ( ) from his mind by the time he was 65.A. fadedB. illustratedC. confinedD. concerned满分:2 分29. ( ) from the apple tree.A. It down fellB. there it is neededC. Down fell itD. Fell it down满分:2 分30. The ()is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again.A. beanB. beamC. bakeD. battery满分:2 分31. The slight spark can ( ) the explosive stored there.A. set outB. set aboutC. set upD. set off满分:2 分32. Considering his contribution to our company , Mr. White ( ) better treament than this. this.A. observesB. preservesC. pretendsD. deserves满分:2 分33. Although the traffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a ( ) speed.A. spareB. fastC. moderateD. moral满分:2 分34. He soon made a ( ) for himself on the stage .A. popularityB. fameC. reputationD. respect满分:2 分35. Shirley ( ) a book about China last year but I don't know whether she has finished it. it.A. has writtenB. wroteC. had writtenD. was writing满分:2 分36. ( ) the chance and the money , I would come and see you in New York in the foreseeable foreseeable future.A. With regard toB. ConsideringC. GivenD. Assuming满分:2 分37. The water skier ( ) over the water .A. skimmedB. floatedC. driftedD. swam满分:2 分38. When you fill in the application form, please use your ( ) address so that we can contact contact you easily later.A. policyB. plainC. permanentD. principal满分:2 分39. Can you find ( ) at the hotel for the night?A. lodgingB. accommodationsC. placesD. houses满分:2 分40. Modern man faces dangers completely unknown ( ) his predecessors.A. forB. toC. ofD. by满分:2 分41. She did it( ) our effects to stop her.A. in regard toB. with regard toC. regardingD. in spite of满分:2 分42. It is ( ) in the regulations that you can take 20 kilos of luggage with you.A. laid uponB. laid outC. laid upD. laid down满分:2 分43. John ( ) to be a polite man. But in fact he is very rude.A. pretendsB. assuresC. affordsD. melts满分:2 分44. We've made some achievements, but there is still a long way ( ).A. goingB. to goC. goneD. to be gone满分:2 分45. Please be serious. I am not ( ). You should consider it carefullyA. sortingB. jokingC. countingD. comparing满分:2 分46. The service in this restaurant is very poor; there are not enough waiters to wait ( ) customers.A. onB. forC. withD. to满分:2 分47. The little boy wore a very thin coat.A sudden gust of cold wind made him ( ).A. AshakeB. sweatC. shiverD. swing满分:2 分48. My mother came here only for a ( ) stay. She should fly to Los Angeles the next day. day.A. shortenedB. prolongedC. prematureD. transient满分:2 分49. We do not have a ( ) school in our institute. The highest degree we provide for the students is a B. A. and a B. S. .A. continueB. bayC. assistanceD. graduate满分:2 分50. His ( ) book will deal with industrial relations.A. eventualB. actualC. forthcomingD. prompt满分:2 分。



福师《高级英语(三)》在线作业一试卷总分:100 得分:0一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分)1. I would like to take advantage of this opportunity to express my sincere____for you help.A. regulationB. recreationC. appreciationD. guarantee满分:2 分2. I am acting as____while the manager is away on business.A. agencyB. policyC. deputyD. colleague满分:2 分3. What she achieved in her research might ( ) what she had been expecting.A. exceedB. exclaimC. excessD. extend满分:2 分4. The food was divided ( ) according to the age and size of the children.A. equallyB. proportionatelyC. sufficientlyD. adequately满分:2 分5. I asked the tailor to make a small ( ) to my trousers because they were too long.A. changeB. variationC. revisionD. alteration满分:2 分6. The end ( ) the means . This saying implies even a wrong or unfair method may be allowed if the result or purpose of the action is good.A. modifiesB. justifiesC. purifiesD. testifies满分:2 分7. The airplane took off soon. It was like being on an old train ( ) from side to side and going faster and faster.A. surroundingB. foregoingC. swayingD. frowning满分:2 分8. ( ),when he lived in his country , he was a university professor,but now he is working toward a high degree at an American university.A. FormerlyB. FormerC. FormallyD. formal满分:2 分9. He’ll always be ( ) to you for what you’ve done.A. peacefulB. secureC. gratefulD. companion满分:2 分10. A____change in policy is needed if relations are ever to improve.A. severeB. violentC. drasticD. strict满分:2 分11. The ()is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again.A. beanB. beamC. bakeD. battery满分:2 分12. ______ by accident ______ by design, he arrived too late to help us.A. Not only...but alsoB. Neither...norC. Whether...orD. Both...and满分:2 分13. The chancellor____the fact that he was the centre of criticism and stuck to his reforms.A. dischargedB. disregardedC. disguisedD. disposed满分:2 分14. With tear gas , the policeman ( ) the demonstrators in the street.A. scatteredB. brokeC. assembledD. labelled满分:2 分15. My mother came here only for a ( ) stay. She should fly to Los Angeles the next day.A. shortenedB. prolongedC. prematureD. transient满分:2 分16. The noisy was so( ) that only those with excellent hearing were aware of it.A. dimB. gentleC. faintD. definite满分:2 分17. Once you put the folk tale____,it will be very popular.A. in white and blackB. in black and whiteC. by white and blackD. with black and white满分:2 分18. Have you seen my son latest ( ) to his stamp collection.A. accumulationB. acquisitionC. exhibitD. edition满分:2 分19. Without the _______ materials imported from abroad, Japan can hardly produce anything.A. storeyB. valuableC. spareD. raw满分:2 分20. In some markets there may be only one seller. ( ) is called a monopoly.A. Situation as thisB. Such kind of situationC. Such a situationD. A situation of this满分:2 分21. When he caught a _______ of his girl-friend in the rain, Jack asked the taxi driver to stop to pick her up.A. harbourB. kettleC. glimpseD. scale满分:2 分22. Eggs were on sale, and the shoppers____the bargain.A. snatched upB. snapped upC. smashed upD. summoned up满分:2 分23. I have heard about Mr. Smith but I am not acquainted____.A. ofB. byC. withD. over满分:2 分24. In some markets there may be only one seller. ________ is called a monopoly.A. Situation as thisB. Such kind of situationC. Such a situationD. A situation of this满分:2 分25. ____the chance and the money , I would come and see you in New York in the foreseeable future.A. With regard toB. ConsideringC. GivenD. Assuming满分:2 分26. We may be able to ( ) you in some way if you can not finish your work on time.A. resistB. insistC. assistD. disease满分:2 分27. Please be serious. I am not ( ). You should consider it carefullyA. sortingB. jokingC. countingD. comparing满分:2 分28. We can not trust him any more because he often ( ) his duty.A. owesB. spoilsC. desertsD. neglects满分:2 分29. As a chairman for nearly ten years, Professor Smith has never ( ) to anything dishonest.A. beardB. attachedC. grantedD. kept满分:2 分30. Dr. Bethune began to work the ( ) he arrived at the front.A. momentB. placeC. wayD. reason满分:2 分31. The Olympic Committee has drawn up strict rules for the athlete to____.A. go onB. go withC. go withoutD. go by满分:2 分32. The slight spark can ( ) the explosive stored there.A. set outB. set aboutC. set upD. set off满分:2 分33. A ( ) change in policy is needed if relations are ever to improve.A. severeB. violentC. drasticD. strict满分:2 分34. Although the traffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a ____speed.A. spareB. fastC. moderateD. moral满分:2 分35. His ( ) book will deal with industrial relations.A. eventualB. actualC. forthcomingD. prompt满分:2 分36. I have heard about Mr. Smith but I am not acquainted ( ).A. ofB. byC. withD. over满分:2 分37. You can take____seat you like.A. no matter whatB. no matter whichC. whatD. whichever满分:2 分38. In Nearly any country, there always exists a ( ) gap between the old and the young.A. generationB. helicopterC. noticeableD. ounce满分:2 分39. ________ we have all the materials ready, we should begin the new task at once.A. Since thatB. Since nowC. By nowD. Now that满分:2 分40. ( ) the children to bed, she began to correct the students' exercises.A. SendingB. Being sentC. sentD. Having sent满分:2 分41. She is fond of____, so do not approach her and tell her what trouble you. She will make it known to all.A. commentB. gossipC. speechD. appraisal满分:2 分42. The atmosphere____certain gases mixed together in definite proportion.A. considering ofB. consists ofC. composes ofD. composed of满分:2 分43. He’ll always be _______ to you for what you’ve done.A. peacefulB. secureC. gratefulD. companion满分:2 分44. The Olympic Committee has drawn up strict rules for the athlete to ( ).A. go onB. go withC. go withoutD. go by满分:2 分45. We do not have a ____school in our institute. The highest degree we provide for the students is a B. A. and a B. S. .A. continueB. bayC. assistanceD. graduate满分:2 分46. She know a lot of young man, but it is not easy to choose a/an ( ) one who is both rich and attractive.A. diligentB. qualifiedC. eligibleD. elegant满分:2 分47. The story you told me the other day has yet to be____.A. confusedB. confirmedC. conqueredD. conformed满分:2 分48. She always dreamed of an _______ job even when she was ten years old.A. idealB. indirectC. absoluteD. aid满分:2 分49. I remember ( ) the article the day before yesterday.A. to readB. to have readC. readingD. to reading满分:2 分50. She won't be afraid as ( ) as you are here.A. longB. wellC. soonD. far满分:2 分。



1.It’s ________ in the regulations that you can take 20 kilosof luggage with you.A. laid uponB. laid outC. laid upD. laid down【参考答案】: D2.The heavy lock on the door gave her ( ).A.a sense of inferiorityB.a sense of superiorityC.a sense of securityD.a sense of pride【参考答案】: C3.The wind____the clouds and the sun was again visible .A.dispersedB.distributedC.displacedD.displayed【参考答案】: A4.The chances of seeing a helicopter in my hometown are one ( )a million.A.forB.toC.inD.against【参考答案】: C5.Through long power lines electricity goes ( ).A.to the place neededB.there it is neededC.where it is neededD.which it is needed【参考答案】: C6.He always gives ( ) to his wife’s demands and does whatevershe tells him to.A.upB.awayC.inD.out【参考答案】: C7.The little boy wore a very thin coat.A sudden gust of cold wind made him ( ).A.AshakeB.sweatC.shiverD.swing【参考答案】: C8.Look at all the corruption that’s going on. It’s time the city was ( ).A.cleaned outB.cleaned downC.cleaned awayD.cleaned up【参考答案】: D9.The chancellor ( ) the fact that he was the centre of criticism and stuck to his reforms.A.dischargedB.disregardedC.disguisedD.disposed【参考答案】: B10.Shirley ( ) a book about China last year but I don't know whether she has finished it.A.has writtenB.wroteC.had writtenD.was writing【参考答案】: D11.He’ll always be ( ) to you for what you’ve done.A.peacefulB.secureC.gratefulpanion【参考答案】: C12.John ( ) to be a polite man. But in fact he is very rude.A.pretendsB.assuresC.affordsD.melts【参考答案】: A13.When you fill in the application form, please use your ( ) address so that we can contact you easily later.A.policyB.plainC.permanentD.principal【参考答案】: C14.We've made some achievements, but there is still a long way ( ).A.goingB.to goC.goneD.to be gone【参考答案】: B15.The food was divided ( ) according to the age and size of the children.A.equallyB.proportionatelyC.sufficientlyD.adequately【参考答案】: B16.In the United States, the foreign policy is decided by the ( ) government, not by each state.A.federalB.figureC.scientificD.service【参考答案】: A17.He was____about the spring outing , but he came back quitedepressed and said he should not have joined in it.A.enthusiasticB.fantasticC.courageousD.discouraged【参考答案】: A18.She is fond of ( ), so do not approach her and tell her whattrouble you. She will make it known to all.mentB.gossipC.speechD.appraisal【参考答案】: B19.The large company is( ) small ones by buying up their shares.A.taking offB.taking overC.taking inD.taking from【参考答案】: B20.A____change in policy is needed if relations are ever toimprove.A.severeB.violentC.drasticD.strict【参考答案】: C21.____from the apple tree.A.It down fellB.there it is neededC.Down fell itD.Fell it down【参考答案】: C22.He is ________ to speak the truth.A. too much of a cowardB. too much a cowardC. so much a cowardD. so much of a coward【参考答案】: A23.Excuse me, sir. Could you please tell me what number I shoulddial to get the ( ).A.throatB.verseC.conductorD.operator【参考答案】: D24.Considering his contribution to our company , Mr. White ( )better treament than this.A.observesB.preservesC.pretendsD.deserves【参考答案】: D25.It was courageous enough for Galileo to ( ) the falling objecttheory developed by Aristotle, the authoritative Greekscientist.A.advanceB.defyC.justifyD.translate【参考答案】: B26.The ()is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again.A.beanB.beamC.bakeD.battery【参考答案】: D27.I remember that I ( ) the Party before my graduation from the university.A.attendedB.partcicipatedC.joinedD.joined in【参考答案】: B28.Those two families have been quarrelling ________ each other for many years.A.toB.betweenC.againstD.with【参考答案】: D29.The old man was kind and ( ) enough to help the children cross the street.A.graciousB.gracefulC.timidD.lively【参考答案】: A30.The end____the means . This saying implies even a wrong or unfair method may be allowed if the result or purpose of the action is good.A.modifiesB.justifiesC.purifiesD.testifies【参考答案】: B31.I am acting as____while the manager is away on business.A.agencyB.policyC.deputyD.colleague【参考答案】: C32.The tragic ending of the novel can bring____.A.your eyes to tearsB.tears to your eyesC.your eye totear D.tear to your eye【参考答案】: B33.Why do you want a new job____you've got such a good one already?A.thatB.whereC.whichD.when【参考答案】: D34.I remember____the article the day before yesterday.A.to readB.to have readC.readingD.to reading【参考答案】: C35.They left the door open ( ) to hear the baby.A.so as for meB.so that meC.in order for meD.and for me 【参考答案】: A36.Tom is interested in and clever at many different things,so he is ( ).A.verticalB.versatileC.variableD.vigorous【参考答案】: B37.He soon made a ( ) for himself on the stage .A.popularityB.fameC.reputationD.respect【参考答案】: C38.My mother came here only for a____stay. She should fly to Los Angeles the next day.A.shortenedB.prolongedC.prematureD.transient【参考答案】: D39.Without the _______ materials imported from abroad, Japan can hardly produce anything.A.storeyB.valuableC.spareD.raw【参考答案】: D40.With the____of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party.A.exhibitionB.exceptionC.exceptD.reception【参考答案】: B41.____the chance and the money , I would come and see you in New York in the foreseeable future.A.With regard toB.ConsideringC.GivenD.Assuming【参考答案】: C42.What they produced has no any _______ value. But it is very useful to their research.A.filterB.foldC.partialmercial【参考答案】: D43.During the eight years war,many people____their blood for their country.A.shedB.temptedC.reservedD.devoted【参考答案】: A44.I am acting as ( ) while the manager is away on business.A.agencyB.policyC.deputyD.colleague【参考答案】: C45.The atmosphere ( ) certain gases mixed together in definite proportion.A.considering ofB.consists ofposes ofposed of 【参考答案】: B46.He works in our university as a visiting ( ), not as a formal faculty member.A.traditionalB.scholarC.nurseD.pilot【参考答案】: B47.When you choose a piece of clothes , the most important thing that you should pay attention is its ( )A.styleB.textureC.testableD.content【参考答案】: B48.Give me your telephone number ( ) I need your help.A.whetherB.unlessC.so thatD.in case【参考答案】: D49.Single-parent usually____ some of the functions that absent adult in the house would have served under the financial crisis.A.takes overB.takes afterC.takes outD.takes in【参考答案】: D50.It isn't quite ____whether she will take the advice.A.sureB.rightC.certainD.exact【参考答案】: C。

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17. The policeman used amegaphone.(B)
A. a portable radio B. in instrument to make his voice louder.
C. a long stick D. a telephone in his car
18. Jack isdefraudingthe commercial law.(C)
A. not vote B. vote for both C. stay home D. vote later
13. John was forced to make anextemporaneousspeech.(C)
A. sharp B. foolish C. offhand D. critical
1.We must quieten therestiveanimals:(B)
B. restlessC. remorsefulD. resistant
2.He was famous for hisreparteeand his sarcasm.(A)
retortB. will full departure
A. uniform B. average C. unrelated D. distinguishable
16. The doctor asked the patient todisrobebefore the examination.(D)
A. take medicine B. breathe deeply C. relax D. undress
A.cleverB. nimbleC. stupidD. quick
5.If a manufacturer has to chargeexorbitantlyfor his product, he will lose business.(A)
A.excessivelyB. reasonably
C. relentlesslyD. inexpensively
11. Many of President Roosevelt’s critics felt that he was tooautocratic.(C)
A. democratic B. self-powerful C. concealing the truth D. upper-class
12. Rather than vote for either side, the congressman decided toabstain.(A)
6.a grunt ofacquiescence:(A)
A.consentB. refusalC. complianceD. acquisition
7.dilationof the pupils:(C)
A.restrictionB. constriction
C. amplificationD. punishment
14. The police give slightcredenceto the report.(C)
A. attention B. study C. belief D. evaluation
15. The fourth year sociology class was ahomogeneousgroup of university students.(A)
20. The check was markedvoid.(D)
A. payable B. in effect C. canceled D. invalid
. Reading comprehension 10%
The relationship between the home and market economics has gone through two distinct stages. Early industrialization began the process of transferring some production processes . clothmaking, sewing, and canning foods) from the home to the marketplace. Although the home economy could still produce these goods, the processes were laborious and the market economy was usually more efficient. Soon, the more important second stage was evident- the marketplace began producing goods and services that had never been produced by the home economy, and the home economy was unable to produce them . electricity and electrical appliances, the automobile, advanced education, sophisticated medical care). In the second stage, the question of whether the home economy was less efficient in producing these new goods and services was irrelevant; if the family were to enjoy these fruits of industrialization, they would have to be obtained in the marketplace. The traditional ways of taking care of these needs in the home, such as nursing the sick, became socially unacceptable( and, in most serious cases, probably less successful). Just as the appearance of the automobile made the use of the horse-drawn carriage illegal and then impractical, and the appearance of television changed the radio from a source of entertainment to a source of background music, so most of the fruits of economic growth did not increase the options available to the home economy toe either produce the goods or services or purchase them in the market. Growth brought with it increased variety in customer goods, but not increased flexibility for the home economy in obtaining these goods and services. Instead, econom
8.sterileleadersh来自p(A)A.infecundB. agingC. effectiveD. doubtful
B. intelligent
C. stupidD. irresponsible
A.laxB. unyieldingC. imperfectD. impatient
A. discarding B. maiming C. cheating D. repeating
19. The thievesransackedthe room trying to find he jewels.(A)
A. looted B. probed into C. raided D. thoroughly searched
C. monologueD. overriding
3.After years ofdelayeh problem has now become urgent.(A)
A.procrastinationB. dilation
C.. dilutionD. sacrifice
4.You may be athletic, but a monkey is moreagile.(D)