PEAVEY VYPYR 15音箱中文使用说明书刚刚收到vypyr15音箱,简单测试了一下,感觉这款音箱尤其比较适合金属,可惜带的全是外文说明书,为了让买到这款音箱的朋友尽快学会使用,本人根据实际操作做了一个简单的中文操作说明,其实这款音箱的操作很容易入手,并不复杂,这个简单的说明书送给不知如何使用的朋友,错误之处请大家修改补充。
1-stompboxes单块选择,vypyr 15不适用。
3-effects各种效果选择,按下按钮进入编辑模式,同时编辑指标灯亮(edit mode灯)。
8-post gain后级放大增益,控制模拟音箱amp(按钮2)的音量大小,在编辑模式下控制混响数值。
TUBE PREAMP 530 现代汽车音频系统用户手册说明书
professional quality tube sounds in a modern, exceptionally compact 19" rack-mountable package (1 rack space). The two main channels Clean and Lead feature dedicated voicing sections, gain pots and volume controls for precision sound shaping and fine-tuning. The Gain Lo/Hi switch converts the Clean channel to a Crunch channel and, in the Lead channel, the sound spectrum encompasses everything from Heavy Crunch to Ultra Gain. With a 4-band voicing section featuring two midrange bandwidths and ahandy feature is the Defeat function, which bypasses the preamp and routes the guitar signal directly to the output. This feature enables you to connect two preamps in series and this option enlarges the tonal spectrum. The variable Stereo Line Out and a frequency compensated Line O ut give you a wide range of application options, for instance you can patch the preamp signal directly to a mixing console or recording devicewhich is equipped with an impressive array of high-tech features that deliver a wide range of devastating sounds, come highly recommended. The integrated 2 x 1, 5 Watt stereo poweramp is suitable for three different applications:1, practicing with stereo headphones,2. practising with hi-fi stereo speakers, and3, practicing with a conventional guitar speaker cabinet.This preamp is defined by the effort and materials that went into it: intelligent design features, superior craftsmanship, impeccable finishing and quality components. However keep in mind, that a few precautions will radically extend tube life (see handling and care guidness).The entire-Team would like to thank you for your faith in ourproduct; we hope you derive a great deal of joy and satisfaction fromPLEASE NOTE: Read the O perator's Manual carefully and thoroughly, especially the Handling and Care section as well as the guidelines in bold-face type. Avoid operating errors and potential damage to the preamp by heeding the guidelines and cautionary remarks in this manual. The footnotes also cover a few convenient pointers and interesting tips on several functions. These are listed on side 3 of the manual.Gain settings depend on what type of pickups are installed in your guitar. The recommended setting for humbuckers or active pickups lies between the 10 and 1 o ’clock positions and 12 to 3 o ’clock for single coils for a pure clean response.For a crisp glassy tone, set the Bright switch to the On position. This setting boosts the treble response of muddy pickups.To get an idea of this preamp's capabilities in the Clean-Mode, we suggest you set thetone control pots Bass (5), Middle (6) and Treble (7) to the 12 o'clock position.To get Crunch or heavy Rhythm sounds, set this control between the 10 and 1 o ´clock ´s position (depending on the type of pick-up) and leave the Gain Boost (15) pusbuttonin the Off-position. All functions that can be accessed via footswitch can also be switched via the ENGL MIDI Switcher Z- 11. Simply connect the two 1/4" stereo jacks (22) and (23) to the stereo inputs of the Switcher via two cables equipped with 1/4" stereo plugs. You can control switching functions via the buttons on the Switcher. The respective functions (e, g. Lead, Hi -Gain,Contour active, Defeat off) are saved to the desired MIDI program locations. The ENGL MIDI Footswitch Z-12 is ideal for activating MIDI programs. When used in conjunction with the ENGL MIDI Switcher Z-11, this durable footswitch does not require a separateAC power pack. The requisite power is routed via the MIDI cable.To get an idea of this preamp's Lead sounds, we suggest you set the tone control pots Bass (9), Lo Mid (10), Hi Mid (11) and Treble (12) to the 12 o'clock position. The Treble control is important when operating the preamp in combination with a poweramp that does not feature a Presence control: Set the Treble pot between the 7 and 12 o ´clocksposition it suppresses the gritty upper frequencies. The integrated miniature stereo poweramp delivers maximum output of 2 x 1. 5 Watts at 4 ohms. However, you can connect diverse systems with impedances of 4, 8 and 16 ohms as well as headphones with 200 ohms. To the achieve the desired audio result, it is essential that the Selector switch (24) located on the rear panel is set to the proper position. The volume level of the poweramp is determined by the volume level settings for the two channels and the setting of the LINE LEVEL control (29). If the LINE LEVEL pot is turned up fairly high, then the setting for the two volume controls (7) and (14) must be reduced substantially so that the poweramp is not saturated!PLEASE ENSURE YOU HEED THE FOLLOWING: If you are using the amp to drive just one speaker cabinet, connect only one stereo channel via a 1/4" stereo plug. A mono 1/4" plug will short-circuit the poweramp's second channel. If you operate the amp under these conditions at high volumes for a longer period of time, this may destroythe amp or other components!The LINE outputs (25) and (26) provide signals that emulate the response of a 412 guitar cabinet, The signal level is nominally identical to the level at the LINE outputs (27) and (28).However in practice, the level deviates slightly due to frequency compensation. When the preamp is active, the output level of the LINE outputs depends on the following factors:the input level (Gain), the Volume control settings for the respective channels, and in some measure, the voicing section control settings. This is why we recommend that you dial in the desired sound via the front panel control features, set a desired FX level (if you have connected a processor) and then use the LINE LEVEL pot (29) to dial in a suitable level.The following is another conceivable practical application: Patch the outputs (27) and (28) to a stereo poweramp (e.g. ENGL 830/50) to drive two cabinets (e.g. ENGL 412G or S)and the two frequency compensated LINE outputs to the PA mixing console. The emulated 412 signal can be used for the FOH sytem so you do not have to mic your guitar cabinets.The filter stages, integrated LINE amp and the headphones amp can also be used for external application, depending on how you route the signals. Use the two FX LOOP RETURN jacks (30) and (31) as signal inputs. The preamp signal is interrupted when a1/4" jack is inserted. (refer to the Signal Routing Plan).BASSBottom end voicing control for theLead Channel.LO MIDLo Mid-range voicing control (at 500 Hz)for the Lead Channel.LEAD GAINGain control for the Lead channel, controls theamount of distortion in the Lead mode.CAUTION: Extremely high gain and volumelevels in the Lead mode can produce strongfeedback. Avoid feedback squeals, they leadto hearing loss and damaged speakers!TREBLEUpper range voicing control for theClean Channel.7CLEAN VOLUMEVolume control for the Clean channel.BASSBottom end voicing control for theClean Channel.MIDDLEMid-range voicing control for theClean Channel.BRIGHTAlters the EQ by boosting the upper treblerange; (above 2 kHz).Front1INPUTUnbalanced 1/4" (main) input jack.CLEAN GAINHI MIDHi Mid-range voicing control (above 1 kHz)for the Lead Channel.TREBLEUpper range voicing control for theLead Channel.CONTOURPress this button to alter the mid-EQ. When thebutton is pressed, mids between 300 & 500 Hzand mids between 1 & 2 kHz are boostedslightly; the red LED indicates Contour active.This function can also be activated via afootswitch connected to jack (23). Once afootpedal is connected, the channel selectorpushbutton is deactivated.LEAD VOLUMEVolume control for the Lead channel.14GAIN LO / HIThis button increases the gain levels for bothchannels. When you activate it, the Cleanchannel responds more like a Crunch channel,and the Lead channel delivers a hi-gain leadsound. You can also activate this function viafootswitch (Jack 22), the Gain Boost pushbuttonis then no longer functional. The LEDilluminates to indicate Hi-Gain mode is active.CLEAN / LEADChannel selector pushbutton for Clean andLead modes, red LED indicate Lead mode;This function can also be activated via afootswitch connected to jack 22. Once a foot-pedal is connected, the channel selector push-button is deactivated.PREAMP DEFEATThis feature bypasses the preamp when thebutton is depressed. In this case the guitarsignal is routed to the Instrument Outputjack (32) .You can also activate this function viafootswitch (at Jack 23), the Preamp Defeatpushbutton is then no longer functional.The LED above the button illuminates toindicate the preamp is bypassed.POWERAC power on/off.19STEREO HEAD PHONES1/4" stereo output designed for stereoheadphones. you can also connecthi-fi speakers or guitar cabinets. When youconnect a conventional guitar cabinet set theselector switch (24) to ,,Routed to GuitarCabinet."CAUTION! Ensure You Heed The Following:Always use a 1/4 stereo plug. If you use amono plug, it may short-circuit and destroythe poweramp!Rear Planel20AC SocketConnect AC cord here.CAUTION: Ensure you use an intact ACcord with an insulated plug only! Beforeyou power the amp up, ensure the voltagevalue printed beside the AC socketcorresponds to the available current.21AC Fuse BoxContains mains fuse (rear chamber) andspare fuse (front chamber).NOTE: Ensure replacement fuses bearidentical ratings (refer to the table)!22FOOTSWITCH:CLEAN/LEAD; GAIN LO/HI1/4" stereo jack for connecting a dualfootswitch (e.g. ENGL Z-11) or a MIDI-switching system (e.g. ENGL Z-11).The following functions can be executed:1.Channel switching Clean - Lead(mono terminal)2.Gain Lo - Hi (stereo terminal).23FOOTSWITCH:PREAMP DEFEAT; CONTOUR1/4" stereo jack for connecting a dualfootswitch (e.g. ENGL Z-11) or a MIDI-switching system (e.g. ENGL Z-11).The following functions can be executed:1.Preamp Defeat / Bypass(mono terminal).2.Contour switching (stereo terminal).24HEADPHONES OUTPUT:A) Routed To Headphones Or HiFi Cab.B) Routed To Guitar Cab.Rear panel selector switch for front panelheadphones jack. Set the switch to the leftposition A) when you connect stereoheadphones or hi-fi speakers and to theright position B) when you connect aguitar cabinet to ensure proper frequencycompensation for the respective systems.FREQUENCY COMPENSATED LINEOUTPUT: RIGHTLine Out for the preamp's right frequencycompensated signal (1/4" unbalanced jack).This signal can be patched directly to amixing console or a recording device.FREQUENCY COMPENSATED LINEOUTPUT: LEFTLine Out for the preamp's left frequencycompensated signal (1/4" unbalanced jack).This signal can be patched directly to amixing console or a recording device.LINE OUTPUT: RIGHTLine Out for the preamp's right channel(1/4" unbalanced jack).This signal can be routed to a powerampor a FX device via a shielded cable.LINE OUTPUT: LEFTLine Out for the preamp's left channel(1/4" unbalanced jack).This signal can be routed to a powerampor a FX device via a shielded cable.LINE LEVELThis control feature determines the level ofthe LINE outputs 25, 26, 27 and 28. Theinstrument output (32) signal can also beamplified to 15 dB if required.29FX LOOP RETURN: RIGHTSignal input right stereo channel for theFX Loop. Connect this input to a signalprocessor’s right output/send jack via ashielded cable with 1/4" plugs.30FX LOOP RETURN: LEFTSignal input left stereo channel for theFX Loop. Connect this input to a signalprocessor’s left output/send jack via ashielded cable with 1/4" plugs.31INSTRUMENT OUTPUTFX LOOP SENDOutput for patching the preamp signal to apoweramp input or the input of a anotherpreamp or signal processor/FX device.Ensure you use a short shielded cable forthis signal circuit.AUXILIARY INPUTSupplentary preamp input. This circuit is routedin series with the input located on the frontpanel and is used for patching the setup to a19" rack. The front panel input has priority. Inother words, when you insert a plug into thefront panel jack (1), the signal routed in via theAux. Input (33) is interrupted.33The INSTRUMENT OUTPUT (32) delivers a signal similar to the one generated by a guitar'spickups when the preamp is active (PREAMP DEFEAT switch Off), i.e. a high-ohm signal at about the same level as a guitar signal. This feature is relevant when you want to establish the same conditions via a bypass circuit (guitar signal to the INSTRUMENT OUTPUT) for further signal processing, for instance by an FX device, another Preamp connected in series or a poweramp.You can connect a signal processor between the INSTRUMENT OUTPUT (32) and the FX LOOP RETURN jacks (30) and (31) or directly between the LINE OUTPUTS (27) and (28) and a stereo poweramp's inputs. There is a substantial difference between these two applications:When you connect the Processor to the FX LOOP, the send signal is identical to the guitar signal when the preamp is in defeat mode and the preamp signal when the defeat mode is off. The send level only is influenced by the settings of the volume controls in this case.The level of the master output signal routed to the LINE outputs can be increased via the LINE LEVEL (29) pot.However, when you connect the Processor between the LINE outputs and the poweramp,the input (Send) signal to the FX device can be increased via the LINE LEVEL (29) pot and you have two Send signals (left, right) available. This option is recommended for low impedance (0 dB)FX devices that are not equipped with a variable input.Technical DataCaution: Replace fuses only with others of the same rating!INSTRUMENT: -10 dB max. 0 dB LINE OUT: -10 dB max.15 dB Output level (0 dB => 1Veff)Tubes:approx.4 kgV1 => ECC83/12AX7 FirstQuality V2 => ECC83/12AX7 selected Dimensions:Weight:19", 1 rack spaces, depth: 260 mm INPUT: -20 dB max. -3 dB Input level(0 dB => 1Veff) 2 x 1,5 Watts at 4 OhmsHeadphones poweramp:Power Consumption: approx. 16 Watts max.Fuses100 & 120 Volts 400 mAM 500 mATAC Mains: external:internal:230 Volts 200 mAM 250 mATM => medium, T => slowchanged!Internal Signal-path:INSTRUMENTHandling and CareProtect the preamp from mechanical knocks (tubes!).Let the preamp cool down before you transport it (approx. 10 minutes).Tubes need about 20 seconds to warm up after you switch the power on.Avoid storing the preamp in damp or dusty rooms, they are hard on jacks, switches and potentiometers.criteria) to avoid microfonic properties, undesireable noise and feedback.W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o m a k e u n a n n o u n c e d t e c h n i c a l u p g r a d e s !ENGL Ger ätebau GmbH, Germany; Internet: Text, design, grafics and layout by Horst Langer。
惠威有源演艺音箱 ET1000 说明书
(ET1000)HiVi 惠威.美国11630 Goldring Road,Arcadia,CA 91006,USA Tel:+1 626 930 0606 Fax:+1 626 930 0609HiVi 惠威.中国珠海惠威科技有限公司广东省珠海市联港工业区大林山片区东成路南1号电话:0756-******* 传真:0756-*******、6268052客户服务热线:400-090-9199HiVi Acoustics, Inc.因设计变更等原因,所示资料可能与实物不符,恕不另行通知。
in conformity with product itself. We reserve the right of no prior notice before change.惠威有源演艺音箱产品说明书重要安全注意事项和符号说明小心触电,非拥有相关资质的人员请勿擅自开盖维修。
T4.64寸6单元全频专业扬声器T系列全频专业扬声器系统产品说明书CN UM-T4.6-20090507 v e r A感谢您购买 产品!请仔细阅读本手册,它将帮助你妥善设置并运行您的系统,使其发挥卓越的性能。
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. 仅与厂商指定或与电器一同售出的推车、架子、三脚架、支架或桌子一起使用。
朗文音响子woofer MO说明书
Subwoofer MODELXTRPRO102XTRPRO104XTRPRO122XTRPRO124XTRPRO152XTRPRO154OWNER'S MANUALFEATURES1 2 315414135 1211 67 Figure 1Figura 1Abbildung 110 9 81Polypropylene dust cap - moisture and UV resistant.2Oversized NBR (Nitrile-butadiene Rubber) surround for linear controlled long excursion.3Paper cone - moisture and UV resistant.4Custom cast aluminum frame.5Vented Aluminum voice coil former (2.5" voice coil former).68mm steel front plate.7Large 2 stack ceramic magnets.88mm steel back plate/pole piece T yoke assembly.9 1.125" vent. Part of the enhanced voice coil cooling system (forcedconvection).10PVC magnet protector.11High temperature Copper dual 2 ohm or dual 4 ohm voice coil.12Venting in voice coil former. Part of the enhanced voice coil cooling system (forced convection).13Dual Interlaced Conex spider with stitched and looped tinsel leads attached.14Custom terminal blocks.15ABS Trim Ring.2 o h m2 o h m2 o h m2 o h mWIRING CONFIGURATIONSSeries - One Speaker (dual 2 ohm voice coils)One dual 2 ohm voice coil woofer with voice coils in connected in series results in a 4 ohm load to the amplifier.___+Figure 2 Figura 2Abbildung 2++1.Connect the woofer in series by connecting the negative (-) of one terminal to the positive (+) terminal of the other coil.2.Wire the positive (+) terminal of the first coil to the positive (+) terminal on the amplifier. Wire the negative (-) terminal of the second coil to the negative (-)terminal on the amplifier.Parallel—One Speaker (dual 2 ohm voice coils)One dual 2 ohm voice coil woofer with voice coils in parallel results in a 1 ohm load to the amplifier._ __Figure 3+Figura 3 ++Abbildung 31.Connect the speaker in parallel by connecting the two positive (+) terminalstogether and the two negative (-) terminals together.2.Wire the positive (+) terminals of the woofer to the positive (+) terminal on the amplifier. Wire the negative (-) terminals of the woofer to the negative (-)terminal on the amp.4 o h m4 o h mParallel — One Speaker (dual 4 ohm voice coils)One dual 4 ohm voice coil woofer with voice coils in parallel results in a 2 ohm load to the amplifier._ __Figure 4+Figura 4 ++Abbildung 41.Connect the speaker in parallel by connecting the two positive (+) terminalstogether and the two negative (-) terminals together.2.Wire both positive (+) terminals of the woofer to the positive (+) terminal onthe amplifier. Wire both negative (-) terminals of the woofer to the negative (-)terminal on the amplifier.4 o h m4 o h m4 o h m4 o h mParallel - Two Speaker (dual 4 ohm voice coils)Two dual 4 ohm voice coil woofers with voice coils in parallel and the two woofers in parallel results in a 1 ohm load to the amplifier.- -- -++++Figure 5 Figura 5 Abbildung 51.Connect the speaker in parallel by connecting the four positive (+) terminals together and the four negative (-) terminals together.2.Wire the positive (+) terminals of the woofers to the positive (+) terminal onthe amplifier. Wire the negative (-) terminals of the woofers to the negative (-)terminal on the amplifier.2 o h m2 o h mSeries/Parallel - Two Speakers (dual 2 ohm voice coils)Note: Verify and ensure that the woofer wiring is connected as shown with the negative connection from the first woofer coil connected to the positive connection of the second woofer coil.Two dual 2 ohm voice coil woofers with voice coils in series and then parallel the two series woofers results in a 2 ohm load to the amplifier.- -- -+ + ++1.Connect each woofer in series by connecting the negative (-) of the first coil to the positive (+) terminal of the second coil.2.Wire the positive (+) terminal of the first coil on each woofer to the positive (+)terminal on the amplifier. Wire the negative (-) terminal of the second coil on each woofer to the negative (-) terminal on the amplifier.Three dual 4 ohm voice coil woofer with voice coils of each woofer wired in series and then parallel the three woofers for a resulting 2.67 ohm load to the amplifier.-+1. Connect each woofer in series by connecting the negative (-) of the first coil to the positive (+) terminal of the second coil.2. Wire the positive (+) terminal of each woofer’s first coil to the positive (+) terminal on the amplifier. Wire the negative (-) terminal of each woofer’s second coil to the negative (-) terminal on the amplifier.Three dual 2 ohm voice coil woofer with voice coils of each woofer wired in series and then parallel the three woofers for a resulting 1.33 ohm load to the amplifier.-+1. Connect each woofer in series by connecting the negative (-) of the first coil to the positive (+) terminal of the second coil.2. Wire the positive (+) terminal of each woofer’s first coil to the positive (+) terminal on the amplifier. Wire the negative (-) terminal of each woofer’s second coil to the negative (-) terminal on the amplifier.4 o h m4 o h m4 o h m4 o h m4 o h m4 o h mFour dual 4 ohm voice coil woofers should be wired with the voice coils on each woofer in series and then parallel the four woofers for a resulting 2 ohm load to the amplifier.--------+ +++1. Connect each woofer in series by connecting the negative (-) of the first coil to the positive (+) terminal of the second coil.2. Wire the positive (+) terminals of the first coil of each woofer to the positive (+) terminal on the amplifier. Wire the negative (-) terminal of the second coil of each woofer to the negative (-) terminal on the amplifier.2 o h m2 o h m2 o h m2 o h m2 o h m2 o h m2 o h m2 o h mFour dual 2 ohm voice coil woofers should be wired with the voice coils on each woofer in series and then parallel the four woofers for a resulting 1 ohm load to the amplifier-------+ + ++ ++ ++1. Connect each woofer in series by connecting the negative (-) of the first coil to the positive (+) terminal of the second coil.2. Wire the positive (+) terminals of the first coil of each woofer to the positive (+) terminal on the amplifier. Wire the negative (-) terminal of the second coil of each woofer to the negative (-) terminal on the amplifier.2 o h m--++-Figure 11 Figura 11 Abbildung 111. Connect one of the speaker’s voice coils to the first amplifier by connectingthe positive (+) terminal and the negative (-) terminal from the speaker to the respective positive (+) terminal and the negative (-) terminal from the first amplifier.2. Connect the other of the speaker’s voice coils to the second amplifier by connecting the positive (+) terminal and negative (-) terminal from the speaker to the respective positive (+) terminal and the negative (-) terminal from second amplifier.4 o h m--++-Figure 12 Figura 12 Abbildung 121. Connect one of the speaker’s voice coils to the first amplifier by connectingthe positive (+) terminal and the negative (-) terminal from the speaker to the respective positive (+) terminal and the negative (-) terminal from the first amplifier.2. Connect the other of the speaker’s voice coils to the second amplifier by connecting the positive (+) terminal and negative (-) terminal from the speaker to the respective positive (+) terminal and the negative (-) terminal from second amplifier.SPECIFICATIONSModel/Part Number XTRPRO102XTRPRO104XTRPRO122 Thiele/Small ParametersFs (free-air resonance, Hz) Vas (equivalent compliance, cu. ft.)0.5070.586 1.198 Vas (equivalent compliance, liters)14.3716.6133.950 Qms (Q, mechanical) 5.42 5.17 6.02 Qes (Q, electrical)0.480.520.62 Qts (total driver Q)0.460.470.56Re (DC resistance, ohms)47.2 4.1Z (nominal impedance, ohms)484Le (inductance, mh) 1.94 2.88 2.06 Efficiency (1W @ 1M, dB)81.382.183.7 Efficiency (2.86 V @ 1M, dB)85.282.887.2 Xmax (one way linear excursion, in.)0.7020.7020.702 Xmax (one way linear excursion, mm)17.82517.82517.825 Pe (continuous power handling, watts rms)500500500 Peak power handling (music, watts) *100010001000 Mms (total moving mass, grams)181.17166.82244.17 Cms (mechanical compliance, mm/N)0.1270.1460.112Bl (motor strength, Tesla-M)17.5821.5817.05Sd (effective radiating area, sq. cm.)283.529283.529463.770 Sd (effective radiating area, sq. m.)0.0280.0280.046 Sd (effective radiating area, sq. in.)43.96443.96471.912 Frequency range (Hz)28 - 50032.1 - 50030.5-500 Energy Bandwidth Product (EBP) **696249 Driver Physical DimensionSpeaker Displacement (cu ft)0.0680.0680.091 Mounting hole diameter (inches/mm)9.61/2449.61/24410.91/277 Mounting depth (inches/mm) 5.86/149 5.86/149 6.45/164 Magnet Weight (Oz)96.0096.0096.00 Basket diameter (inches/mm)10.23/26010.23/26012.28/312 Recommended EnclosuresTypical sealed enclosure (cu. ft.)0.750.75 1.50 Vented enclosure (cu. ft.) ***0.750.75 1.50 Port tuning frequency (Hz)44.0044.0040.00 Port diameter (inside, inches) 3.00 3.00 4.00 Port square equivalent (inches) 2.659 x 2.659 2.659 x 2.659 3.545 x 3.545SPECIFICATIONSModel/Part Number XTRPRO124XTRPRO152XTRPRO154 Thiele/Small ParametersFs (free-air resonance, Hz)32.323.428.7 Vas (equivalent compliance, cu. ft.) 1.256 3.464 3.207 Vas (equivalent compliance, liters)35.59098.13090.860 Qms (Q, mechanical) 5.89 5.49 5.93 Qes (Q, electrical)0.660.670.84 Qts (total driver Q)0.590.610.73Re (DC resistance, ohms)7.1 4.27.2Z (nominal impedance, ohms)848Le (inductance, mh) 2.82 1.96 3.05 Efficiency (1W @ 1M, dB)84.486.385.9 Efficiency (2.86 V @ 1M, dB) Xmax (one way linear excursion, in.)0.6800.6800.680 Xmax (one way linear excursion, mm)17.2517.2517.25Pe (continuous power handling, watts rms)500500500 Peak power handling (music, watts) *100010001000 Mms (total moving mass, grams)214.58296.76290.58 Cms (mechanical compliance, mm/N)0.1130.1140.106Bl (motor strength, Tesla-M)21.6216.5721.18Sd (effective radiating area, sq. cm.)471.435779.311779.311 Sd (effective radiating area, sq. m.)0.0470.0780.078 Sd (effective radiating area, sq. in.)73.100120.839120.839 Frequency range (Hz)32.3-50023.4-50028.7-500 Energy Bandwidth Product (EBP) **493534 Driver Physical DimensionSpeaker Displacement (cu ft)0.0910.1430.143 Mounting hole diameter (inches/mm)10.91/27713.85/35213.85/352 Mounting depth (inches/mm) 6.46/1647.48/1907.48/190 Magnet Weight (Oz)96.0096.0096.00 Basket diameter (inches/mm)12.28/31215.27/38815.27/388 Recommended EnclosuresTypical sealed enclosure (cu. ft.) 1.50 2.00 2.00 Vented enclosure (cu. ft.) *** 1.50 3.00 3.00 Port tuning frequency (Hz)40.0036.0036.00 Port diameter (inside, inches) 4.00 4.00 4.00 Port square equivalent (inches) 3.545 x 3.545 3.545 x 3.545 3.545 x 3.545Enclosure Details1. Parameters listed are for conventional applications only, for further help pleasecall Audio Tech Support.2. At least 0.75" MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) is recommend for any XTRPROenclosure.3. Recommended enclosures are NET box volumes, speaker and port displacementare calculated into the volume of the enclosure, you will not need to add these volumes to calculate GROSS volume for the enclosure.Notes* Due to the high power capabilities and long excursion of the XTRPRO woofers, the Thiele/Small Parameters were calculated and measured using a Klippel analyzer system.** Energy Bandwidth Product (EBP) is determined by the following formula Fs/ Qes=EBP. EBP values of 50 and lower suggest a sealed enclosure is best, 50 to90 means the subwoofers versatile and 90 and above mean vented Enclosure is recommended.*** Subsonic filter should always be used and adjusted specifically for vented box designs.Figure 13Figura 13Abbildung 13XTRPRO102XTRPRO104XTRPRO122XTRPRO124XTRPRO152XTRPRO154 Dimensions inches/mm, Dimensions po/mm, Dimensiones plg./mm, Abmessungen Zoll/mm, Dimensioni pollici/millimetri, Dimensões polegadas/mmA 5.87/149 5.87/149 6.46/164 6.46/1647.49/1907.49/190B 2.84/72 2.84/72 2.84/72 2.84/72 2.84/72 2.84/72C 6.15/156 6.15/156 6.15/156 6.15/156 6.15/156 6.15/156D8.87/2258.87/22510.91/27710.91/27713.87/35213.87/352ENCLOSURE RECOMMENDATIONSEnclosure Details1. External dimensions calculated for 3/4” building material2. Includes speaker displacement3. Volumes given are net tuning volume4. Enclosures include a minimal amount of damping material. Just enough material to line the inside of the enclosure is required.XTRPRO102 & 104 Sealed Enclosure RecommendationsBox Properties— Description —T ype: Closed BoxShape: Prism, Square— Box Parameters —Vb = 0.75 cu.ftV(total) = 0.791 cu.ftQtc = 0.598QL = 7F3 = 50.61 HzFill = noneExternal DimensionsA = 12 in. (305 mm)B = 15.5 in. (394 mm)C = 10.8 in. (274 mm)Internal DimensionsA = 10.5 in. (267 mm)B = 14 in. (356 mm)C = 9.3 in. (236 mm)Wall ThicknessFront = 0.75 in. (19 mm)Side = 0.75 in. (19 mm)T op &BottombFront &BackSides—Box Parts—Box Shape: Square Prism1 T op, 1 Bottom:depth (c) = 10.8 in. (274 mm)width (b) = 15.5 in. (394 mm)thickness = 0.75 in. (19 mm)1 Front, 1 Back:height (a) = 10.5 in. (267 mm)width (d) = 14 in. (356 mm)thickness = 0.75 in. (19 mm)2 Sides: height (a) = 10.5 in. (267 mm)depth (c) = 10.8 in. (274 mm)thickness = 0.75 in. (19 mm)F i gure 14F i gura 14—Driver Mounting—Mounting: Front— Description — Type: Vented BoxShape: Prism, Square— Box Parameters — Vb = 0.75 cu.ft V(total) = 0.841 cu.ft Fb = 44 Hz QL = 7 F3 = 35.24 HzFill =none — Vents —No. of Vents = 1Vent shape = round Vent ends = one flush Dv = 3 in. (76 mm)Lv= 11.19 in. (284 mm)F i gure 15 F i gura 15Abb i ldung 15External DimensionsA = 12 in. (305 mm)B = 15.5 in. (394 mm)C = 11.39 in. (289 mm)Internal DimensionsA = 10.5 in. (267 mm)B = 14 in. (356 mm)C = 9.89 in. (251 mm)Wall ThicknessFront = 0.75 in. (19 mm) Side = 0.75 in. (19 mm)T op &BottombFront & BackhSides—Box Parts—Box Shape: Square Prism 1 T op, 1 Bottom:depth (c) = 11.39 in. (289 mm) width (b) = 15.5 in. (394 mm) thickness = 0.75 in. (19 mm) 1 Front, 1 Back:height (a) = 10.5 in. (267 mm) width (d) = 14 in. (356 mm) thickness = 0.75 in. (19 mm)height (a) = 10.5 in. (267 mm) depth (c) = 11.39 in. (289 mm) thickness = 0.75 in. (19 mm)—Driver Mounting— Mounting: FrontVent Parts 1 Duct:outside diameter (e) = 3.25 in. (83 mm) inside diameter (g) = 3 in. (76 mm) length (h) = 11.19 in. (284 mm)— Description —T ype: Closed BoxShape: Prism, Square— Box Parameters —Vb = 1.5 cu.ftV(total) = 1.55 cu.ftQtc = 0.717QL = 6.886F3 = 43.09 HzFill = noneExternal DimensionsA = 16 in. (406 mm)B = 16 in. (406 mm)C = 14.24 in. (362 mm)Internal DimensionsA = 14.5 in. (368 mm)B = 14.5 in. (368 mm)C = 12.74 in. (324 mm)Wall ThicknessFront = 0.75 in. (19 mm)Side = 0.75 in. (19 mm)T op &BottombFront &BackSides—Box Parts—Box Shape: Square Prism1 T op, 1 Bottom:depth (c) = 14.24 in. (362 mm)width (b) = 16 in. (406 mm)thickness = 0.75 in. (19 mm)1 Front, 1 Back:height (a) = 14.5 in. (368 mm)width (d) = 14.5. (368 mm)thickness = 0.75 in. (19 mm)2 Sides:height (a) = 14.5 in. (368 mm)depth (c) = 14.24 in. (362 mm)thickness = 0.75 in. (19 mm)F i gure 16F i gura 16Abb i ldung 16—Driver Mounting—Mounting: Front— Description —Type: Vented BoxShape: Prism, Square— Box Parameters — Vb= 1.5 cu.ftV(total) = 1.637 cu.ftFb = 40 HzQL = 6.886F3 = 32.19 HzFill = none— Vents —No. of Vents = 1Vent shape = roundVent ends = one flushDv = 4 in. (102 mm)Lv = 11.26 in. (286 mm)F i gure 17F i gura 17Abb i ldung 17External DimensionsA = 13.5 in. (343 mm)B = 18.5 in. (470 mm)C = 15.36 in. (390 mm)Internal DimensionsA = 12 in. (305 mm)B = 17 in. (432 mm)C = 13.86 in. (352 mm)Wall ThicknessFront = 0.75 in. (19 mm)Side = 0.75 in. (19 mm)T op &BottombFront &BackhSides—Box Parts—Box Shape: Square Prism1 T op, 1 Bottom:depth (c) = 15.36 in. (390 mm)width (b) = 18.5 in. (470 mm)thickness = 0.75 in. (19 mm)1 Front, 1 Back:height (a) = 12 in. (305 mm)width (d) = 17 in. (432 mm)thickness = 0.75 in. (19 mm)height (a) = 12 in. (305 mm)depth (c) = 15.36 in. (390 mm)thickness = 0.75 in. (19 mm)—Driver Mounting—Mounting: FrontVent Parts1 Duct:outside diameter (e) = 4.25 in. (108 mm)inside diameter (g) = 4 in. (102 mm)length (h) = 11.26 in. (286 mm)— Description —Type: Closed BoxShape: Prism, Square— Box Parameters — Vb= 2 cu.ftV(total) = 2.078 cu.ftQtc = 0.963QL = 5.281F3 = 37.55 HzFill = noneExternal DimensionsA = 17.5 in. (445 mm)B = 17.5 in. (445 mm)C = 15.52 in. (394 mm)Internal DimensionsA = 16 in. (406 mm)B = 16 in. (406 mm)C = 14.02 in. (356 mm)Wall ThicknessFront = 0.75 in. (19 mm)Side = 0.75 in. . (19 mm)Top &BottombFront &BackSides—Box Parts—Box Shape: Square Prism1 Top, 1 Bottom:depth (c) = 15.52 in. (394 mm)width (b) = 17.5 in. (445 mm)thickness = 0.75 in. (19 mm)1 Front, 1 Back:height (a) = 16 in. (406 mm)width (d) = 16 in. (406 mm)thickness = 0.75 in. (19 mm)2 Sides:height (a) = 16 in. (406 mm)depth (c) = 15.52 in. (394 mm)thickness = 0.75 in. (19 mm)F i gure 18F i gura 18Abb i ldung 18—Driver Mounting—Mounting: Front1 Duct:outside diameter (e) = 4.25 in. (108 mm)inside diameter (g) = 4 in. (102 mm)length (h) = 5.422 in. (138 mm)XTRPRO152 & 154 Vented Enclosure RecommendationsBox Properties— Description —Type: Vented BoxShape: Prism, Square— Box Parameters — Vb= 3 cu.ftV(total) = 3.116 cu.ftFb = 36 HzQL = 5F3 = 29.7 HzFill = none— Vents —No. of Vents = 1Vent shape = roundVent ends = one flushDv = 4 in. (102 mm)Lv = 5.422 in. (138 mm)F i gure 19F i gura 19Abb i ldung 19External DimensionsA = 18.5 in. (470 mm)B = 23.5 in. (597 mm)C = 15.9 in. (404 mm)Internal DimensionsA = 17 in. (432 mm)B = 22 in. (559 mm)C = 14.4 in. (366 mm)Wall ThicknessFront = 0.75 in. (19 mm)Side = 0.75 in. (19 mm)T op &BottombFront &BackSides—Box Parts—Box Shape: Square Prism1 T op, 1 Bottom:depth (c) = 15.9 in. (404 mm)width (b) = 23.5 in. (597 mm)thickness = 0.75 in. (19 mm)1 Front, 1 Back:height (a) = 17 in. (432 mm)width (d) = 22 in. (559 mm)thickness = 0.75 in. (19 mm)height (a) = 17 in. (432 mm)depth (c) = 15.9 in. (404 mm)thickness = 0.75 in. (19 mm)—Driver Mounting—Mounting: FrontVent Parts --- Square。
XY Cinematic 18 英寸扬声器用户手册 Wangongdan说明书
UM-X18Bi-20120217 ver AX18Bi18"SubwooferUser Manual11. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Read the instruction first before using this product.Pay attention to all warnings.Obey all operating instructions.Do not expose this product to rain or moisture.Do not block any ventilation openings. Install according to instructions .Do not install this product near any heat source, such as , heater, burner, or any other equipment with heat radiation .Only use spare parts by manufacturer.Pay attention to the safety symbol on the of the cover.manual Please keep this manual for future reference Clean this equipment with a dry cloth.manufacturer's a supplied theoutside PLEASE READ THIS MANUAL FIRSTThank you for a buying product. Read this manual first as it will help you operate the system properly. Please keep this manual for future reference.WARNING:This product must be installed by professionals. When using hanging brackets or rigging other than those supplied withthe product, please ensure they comply with the local safety codes.The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert you to the presence of important operating and servicing instructions.ATTENTION: Don't refit the system or spare parts without being authorized as this will .void the warranty WARNING: Don't (such as candles) the equipment.place naked flames close to2X18BiCONTENTProduct information subjects to be updated without notification, please visit for latest update.4533334446667CONTENTFeatures Description Applications Frequency Response And Impedance Curve CONNECTIONNL4 ConnectionINSTALLATIONINTRODUCTIONSystem Connection Reference Technical Sheet2D DimensionTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSpeakon 18"Subwoofer3X18BiX18Bi18"SubwooferFeaturesDescriptionINTRODUCTIONSingle 18phase inverted subwoofer."Computer aided design to optimize frequency and phase response.Frequency response range: 36Hz - 2kHz (-3dB).Sensitivity 97dB, MAX.SPL 121dB/127dB (PEAK).Rated power 500W, 2000W (PEAK).ApplicationsBars and Dancing halls Night Clubs Touring Clubs18"SubwooferX18Bi is a compact low frequency speaker system applied to small and medium-sized spaces that require high reliability. Arrayed with X8i and X12i full range speakers to form a high-performance full-range system. X18Bi adopts a 18-inch woofer, which achieves a fast transient response. The low-frequency driver uses 100mm high power voice coil rounded with copper wire inside and outside. The voice coil skeleton is made of high-strength TIL materials to make voice coil more strengthful and power handling. The RMS is 500W, short-term maximum power can be 2000W(GB/T9396-1996standard). Symmetrical magnetic circuit design makes odd harmonic distortion much lower, which fully satisfied the requirement of low-frequency sound. Equipped with XC2.6professional speaker controller can be realized modular quick adjustments.X18Bi adopts multifunctional structure design that is suitable for touring or fixed installation. The cabinet is made of wood laminate with Polyurethane spray processing to have superior weather resistance. X18Bi can be fast and reliably installed under different environments.4X18BiNL4LFNL4CONNECTIONTwo NL4 connectors are available for amplifier connections. Paralelled connector is very convenient for another speaker connection.Attention: The impedance of connected speaker must match the impedance of amplifier output.Attention: Make sure the polarity of speaker and amplifier correctly.System Connection ReferenceNL4 Connection1. Connect2. DisconnectTerminal Plate18"SubwooferX18Bi18"Subwoofer Warning:Make sure the mounting accessoriessafety factor not less than 5:1 or meet the localstandard during installation .INSTALLATIONInstallation Reference56S e n s i t i v i t y (d B )2070809010011012020050126Frequency (Hz )I m p e d a n c e (O h m s )501002005002k5k10k20k1k10025X18Bi18"SubwooferFrequency Response And Impedance CurveTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSpeaker Testing Method1. Frequency responseUse Pink noise to test the speaker in the anechoic room, adjust the level to make the speaker work at its rated impedance and the power output is 1W, then test the frequency response 1m away from the speaker.2. SensitivityUse full range Pink noise which was modified by EQ curve to test the speaker in the anechoic room, enlarge the signal to make the speaker work at its rated impedance and the power output is 1W, then test the sensitivity 1m away from the speaker.3. MAX.SPLUse full range Pink noise which was modified by EQ curve to test the speaker in the anechoic room, enlarge the signal to make the speaker work at its instant power output level, then test the SPL 1m away from the speaker.4. Rated PowerUse the pink noise according to IEC#268-5 to test the speaker, enlarge the signal for continuous 100hours, the rated Power is the power when the speaker will not incur hot damage or mechanics damage.1 x 18LF "Technical SheetPassive full range wooden speaker System:System components :36Hz-2kHz 1Frequency response(-3dB):97dB8 Ohms121dB/127dB(PEAK)4500W (RMS)1000W (MUSIC)2000W (PEAK )23Sensitivity(1W@1m):Max.SPL(1m):Power:Rated impedance:Handle: 4 x Wooden handlesCabinet coated by Polyurethane paint;grille is powder coated Painting: Cabinet dimension:(W x D x H)Package dimension:N.W.(pc):G.W.(pc):Connector:Nl4 x 250.5kg(111.1 lbs)54.5kg(119.9 lbs)750 x 690 x 630mm (29.5 x 27.2 x 24.8in)880 x 800 x 775mm (34.6 x 31.5 x 30.5in)(W x D x H)7X18Bi630m m (24.8i n )750mm(29.5in)18"SubwooferTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONToy viewFront viewSide viewBack view2D DimensionNotes:。
MACKIE HR824示范级有源监听音箱说明书
HR824 电路系统框图
基准电压 Vref
ON 电源模式开关 AUTO
高 = 静音OFF 低 = 静音 ON
输入信 号检测
ON/OFF开关 (前面板 )
低频监听补偿调整开关:用于调整音 箱的低
频响应曲线,47Hz位置可用于绝大 多数情
(10 k B RIDGING )
1 20 VAC 60 Hz 10 0W
信号输入:采用AES/IEC标准的XLR及TRS接口,可以接受外 部输入的平衡/非平衡音频信号,接线方式如下:
1C-BK 2-way 监控扬声器说明书
O ur 1C-BK 2-way monitor speaker merges stunningly-accurate sound reproduction with neo-classic design, making it perfect for even the most sophisticated environment. Sold in pairs, the 1C-BK is an exceptional choice for a wide range of fi xed installations, such as stereo and surround applications, home recording studios, restaurants – as well as audio and video production suites. Incredible Sound Quality The 100-Watt 1C-BK derives its incredible great sound from a powerful 5.5" cellulose cone woofer and high-resolution 0.5" tweeter. The internal crossover provides auto-overload tweeter protection, and the high-precision components and design ensure absolute phase linearity. The result: full-power, ultra-linear frequency response ranging from 60 Hz all theway up to 23 kHz.Ultra-Compact, 100-Watt, 5" Monitor Speakers#Multi-purpose 2-way studiomonitors ideally suited forfi xed installation, multimedia,home recording studio, audio/video production and surround-sound systems#High power handling capabilityproduces full-range output withextremely low distortion#Powerful 5 ½" woofer with extremelylight-weight cellulose cone andhigh-resolution ½" tweeter#Ultra-linear frequency range from60 Hz to 23 kHz#Phase-optimized andhigh-precision crossover forabsolute phase linearity#Auto-overload protectionprevents tweeter damage andresets automatically#Bracket for wall/ceilingmounting included#3-Year Warranty Program*#Conceived and designed byBEHRINGER GermanyDesigned to Blend with any DécorThese little beauties are available in your choice of black (1C-BK) or white (1C-WH), and come in pairswith color-matched mounting brackets for convenient, easy installation. Place them in bookshelves,on desktops or hang them from the rafters. You’ll fi nd dozens of applications for these great-sounding little speakers.Sound ValueStop by your local authorized BEHRINGER dealer and listen to a pair of 1C-BKs today. Compare themto the competition. When you see and hear what they can do, you’ll own BEHRINGER – with moneyto spare!Ultra-Compact, 100-Watt,5" Monitor SpeakersYou Are CoveredWe always strive to provide the best possible Customer Experience. Our products are made in ourown MUSIC Group factory using state-of-the-art automation, enhanced production workfl ows andquality assurance labs with the most sophisticated test equipment available in the world.As a result, we have one of the lowest product failure rates in the industry, and we confi dently backit up with a generous 3-Year Warranty program.Ultra-Compact, 100-Watt, 5" Monitor SpeakersUltra-Compact, 100-Watt, 5" Monitor SpeakersUltra-Compact, 100-Watt,5" Monitor SpeakersFor service, support or more information contact the BEHRINGER location nearest you:EuropeM USIC Group Services UKUSA/CanadaM USIC Group Services NV Inc.JapanM USIC Group Services JP K.K.。
LED多功能藍芽音箱燈使用說明開 / 關鍵(長按開 / 關機)金屬提把.Material ABS + Metal Lamp Power 1.6W Lumen160LM Color Temperature Warm white LED Size 2835Battery Li-ion 3.7V, 1,800 mAh Speaker output power 3WDriver Unit¢52mm, 4Ohm,3w Frequency Response 50HZ---20KHZ Transmission Range 10 meterProduct dimension ¢95mm * 122mm Audio input 3.5mm jack cable Power switch:ng Mode when the speaker is on, light will be on by so click the Mode bu will sound before bluetooth pairing and TF card music playingon icon:1,Mode icon:achieve bluetooth mode and TF card music playing 2,Bluetooth music mode:Short press “Short press ““ to play the previous song and long press to volume down.3,Hands free calling:Answer and hang up the phone:There will be an alert sound from the speaker when there is a phone call. Click to answer the call, and click 4,TF card music playing:Enter TF card music playing mode automa Short press “”Short press ““ to play the previous song and long press to volume down. Music playing or pause by click Bluetooth mode will switch by click the MODE bu 5,AUX IN audio input mode:ng the 3.5 mm aux in cable, the speaker can be a external audio when connected with mobile phone,tablet,mp3.In Aux in audio input mode, ”“ to volume up,“In any mode, when inserted 3.5 mm audio in cable, the speaker self iden in input mode. Indicator light:。
Founder 120HFounder 100FFounder 80FFounder 90CFounder 70LCRFounder 40BDESIGN5-driver, 3 way hybrid floorstand-ing with active bass acoustic suspension, Includes ARC Genesis 5-driver, 3 way floorstanding bass reflex4-driver, 2.5 way floorstanding bass reflex4-driver, 2 passive radiator, 3 way center channel bass reflex 4-driver, 3 way LCR, sealed enclosure2-driver, 2 way standmount bass reflexFREQUENCY RESPONSE ON-AXIS ±2dB from 22 Hz - 23 kHz ±2dB from 42 Hz - 23 kHz ±2dB from 50 Hz - 23 kHz ±2dB from 55 Hz - 23 kHz ±2dB from 79 Hz - 23 kHz ±2dB from 69 Hz - 23 kHz HIGH-FREQUENCY DRIVER1" (25mm) AL-MAC™ Ceramic Dome with Oblate Spheroid Waveguide (OSW™) and Per-forated Phase-Aligning (PPA™) Tweeter Lens, ferro-fluid damped / cooled1" (25mm) AL-MAC™ Ceramic Dome with Oblate Spheroid Waveguide (OSW™) and Per-forated Phase-Aligning (PPA™) Tweeter Lens, ferro-fluid damped / cooled1" (25mm) AL-MAC™ Ceramic Dome with Oblate Spheroid Waveguide (OSW™) and Per-forated Phase-Aligning (PPA™) Tweeter Lens, ferro-fluid damped / cooled Coaxial 1" (25mm) AL-MAC™ Ceramic Dome with Oblate Spheroid Waveguide (OSW™) and Perforated Phase-Aligning (PPA™) Tweeter Lens, ferro-fluid damped / cooled, Patent Pending Dual Gap Motor Structure Coaxial 1" (25mm) AL-MAC™ Ceramic Dome with Oblate Spheroid Waveguide (OSW™) and Perforated Phase-Aligning (PPA™) Tweeter Lens, ferro-fluid damped / cooled, Patent Pending Dual Gap Motor Structure 1" (25mm) AL-MAC™ Ceramic Dome with Oblate Spheroid Waveguide (OSW™) and Perforated Phase-Aligning (PPA™) Tweeter Lens, ferro-fluid damped / cooled MID FREQUENCY DRIVER6” (152mm) AL-MAG™ Cone with Perforated Phase-Aligning (PPA™) Lens, SHOCK-MOUNT™ Isolation Mounting System, and a 2” high-temp multi-layered voice coil with ventilated Apical™ former 6” (152mm) AL-MAG™ Cone with Perforated Phase-Aligning (PPA™) Lens, SHOCK-MOUNT™ Isolation Mounting System, and a 2” high-temp multi-layered voice coil with ventilated Apical™ former --Coaxial 6” (152mm) AL-MAG™ Cone with SHOCK-MOUNT™ Isolation Mounting System, a 2” high-temp multi-layered voice coil with ventilated Apical™ former, Patent Pending Dual-Sync™ Continuous Flux Motor Coaxial 6” (152mm) AL-MAG™ Cone with SHOCK-MOUNT™ Isolation Mounting System, a 2” high-temp multi-layered voice coil with ventilated Apical™ former, Patent Pending Dual-Sync™ Continuous Flux Motor --MID/BASS FREQUENCY DRIVER----6” (152mm) Ultra-High-Excursion AL-MAG™ Cone with Perforated Phase-Aligning (PPA™) Lens, Gen3 Active Ridge Technology (ART™) with Vertical Mounting System, Advanced SHOCK-MOUNT™ Isolation, and a 1.5” high-temp multi-layered voice coil with ventilated Apical™ former ----6” (152mm) Ultra-High-Excursion AL-MAG™ Cone with Perforated Phase-Aligning (PPA™) Lens, Gen3 Active Ridge Technology (ART™) with Vertical Mounting System, Advanced SHOCK-MOUNT™ Isolation, and a 1.5” high-temp multi-layered voice coil with ventilated Apical™ former BASS FREQUENCY DRIVERThree 8" (215mm) Ultra-High- Excursion CARBON-X™ Unibody Cone, Gen3 Active RidgeTechnology (ART™ with Vertical Mounting System, Advanced SHOCK-MOUNT™ Isolation, and a 1.5” high-temp multi-layered voice coil with ventilated Apical™ former Three 7" (177mm) Ultra-High-Excursion CARBON-X™ Unibody Cone, Gen3 Active RidgeTechnology (ART™) with Vertical Mounting System, Advanced SHOCK-MOUNT™ Isolation, and a 1.5” high-temp multi-layered voice coil with ventilated Apical™ former Two 6" (152mm) Ultra-High- Excursion CARBON-X™ Unibody Cone, Gen3 Active RidgeTechnology (ART™) with Vertical Mounting System, Advanced SHOCK-MOUNT™ Isolation, and a 1.5” high-temp multi-layered voice coil with ventilated Apical™ former Two 7" (177mm) Ultra-High- Excursion CARBON-X™ Unibody Cone, Gen3 Active RidgeTechnology (ART™) with Vertical Mounting System, Advanced SHOCK-MOUNT™ Isolation, and a 1.5” high-temp multi-layered voice coil with ventilated Apical™ formerTwo 5.5" (127mm Ultra-High- Excursion CARBON-X™ Uni-body Cone, Gen3 Active Ridge Technology (ART™) with Vertical Mounting System, Advanced SHOCK-MOUNT™ Isolation, and a 1.5” high-temp multi-layered voice coil with ventilated Apical™ former --PASSIVE RADIATOR ------Two 7" (177mm) Ultra-High-Excur-sion CARBON-X™ Unibody Cone, Gen3 Active Ridge Technology (ART™) with Vertical Mounting System, Advanced SHOCK-MOUNT™ Isolation, Passive ----SENSITIVITY ROOM / ANECHOIC 95 dB / 92 dB 93 dB / 90 dB 93 dB / 90 dB 94 dB / 91 dB 92 dB / 89 dB 92 dB / 89 dB IMPEDANCE Compatible with 8 ohms Compatible with 8 ohms Compatible with 8 ohms Compatible with 8 ohms Compatible with 8 ohms Compatible with 8 ohms FINISHES Piano Black, Black Walnut, Midnight Cherry, Walnut Piano Black, Black Walnut, Midnight Cherry, Walnut Piano Black, Black Walnut, Midnight Cherry, Walnut Piano Black, Black Walnut, Midnight Cherry, Walnut Piano Black, Black Walnut, Midnight Cherry, Walnut Piano Black, Black Walnut, Midnight Cherry, Walnut WEIGHT92 lbs (41.7 kg) each 72 lbs (32.7 kg) each 52 lbs (23.6 kg) each 48 lbs (21.8 kg) each 30 lbs (13.6 kg) each 25lbs (11.3kg) each DIMENSIONS (h x w x d) *45.4” x 13.9” x 17.4”(115.3cm x 35.4cm x 44.1cm)41.9” x 12.9” x 16.1”(106.5cm x 32.8cm x 40.9cm)38.2” x 11.7” x 14”(97.1cm x 29.8cm x 35.6cm)8.9” x 35.7” x 12.9”(22.6cm x 90.8cm x 32.7cm)8” x 18.9” x 12.3”(20.4cm x 48cm x 31.2cm)14.5” x 7.8” x 12.8”(36.8cm x 19.7cm x 32cm)LOW FREQUENCY EXTENSION ** 18 Hz (DIN)26 Hz (DIN)28 Hz (DIN)37 Hz (DIN)47 Hz (DIN)41 Hz (DIN)CROSSOVER2nd order at 2.4 kHz (tweeter), 2nd order digital/analog @ 500 Hz (bass)2nd order electro-acoustic at 2.1 kHz (tweeter), 2nd order @ 500 Hz (bass)2nd order electro-acoustic at 1.8 kHz (tweeter), 2nd order @ 500 Hz (bass)2nd order electro-acoustic at 2.5 kHz (tweeter), 2nd order @ 500 Hz (bass)2nd order electro-acoustic at 2.2 kHz (tweeter), 2nd order @ 700 Hz (bass)2nd order electro-acoustic at 1.6kHz (tweeter/midbass)FREQUENCY RESPONSE 30° OFF-AXIS ±2dB from 22 Hz - 20 kHz ±2dB from 42 Hz - 20 kHz ±2dB from 50 Hz - 20 kHz ±2dB from 55 Hz - 17 kHz ±2dB from 79 Hz - 17 kHz ±2dB from 69 Hz - 20 kHz SUITABLE AMPLIFIER POWER RANGE 15 - 400 watts 15 - 350 watts 15 - 220 watts 15 - 260 watts 15 - 220 watts 15 - 150 watts MAXIMUM INPUT POWER †300 watts250 watts180 watts200 watts150 watts120 wattsAll specifications are subject to change without notice. * Includes grille and terminal posts for all models. Includes feet with rubber pads on Founder 120H, 100F and 80F. Includes isolation pads for all other models. ** DIN 45 500. Indicates -3 dB in a typical listening room. † With typical program source provided the amplifier clips no more than 10% of the time.02.17.21。
第一部分音响系统一、简介专业音响系统分为四个部分:1、主音箱扩声部分2、辅助音箱扩声部分3、低音音箱扩声部分4、返送音箱扩声部分其简要连接图为:1、调音台主辅出——DS260处理器——AFS224反馈抑制器——CMQ-D5主功放——ATS15主音箱2、调音台主辅出——DS260处理器——2231均衡器——3台CMQ-D1辅助功放——6只ATS10辅助音箱3、调音台主辅出——DS260处理器——CMQ-D6低音功放——X-18W低音音箱4、调音台编组1和编组2输出——CQM-D2返送功放——ATS-12返送音箱开机关机注意事项:1、调音台、功放及周边设备供电由2台电源时序器控制:首先打开电源时序器上的I/0 开关,在面板右侧的钥匙上用手旋转,将钥匙顺时针旋转90°即打开电源时序器2、开机时最后开功放电源,即等待电源时序器上10个红灯全亮时开功放3、关机时先关功放电源,前提条件是无信号输入到功放二、调音台的使用本调音台共有16路通道输入,4路编组输出,1组主声道输出,6个辅助通道1、本系统中所占用的输入路数如下:输入1:有线话筒输入2:地插话筒输入3与输入4:无线领夹话筒1、2输入5与输入6:无线手持话筒1、2输入7与输入8与输入9:地插音频1、2、3输入11与输入12:刻录机音频输入13与输入14:点歌机音频输入15与输入16:DVD音频2、输出部分:MIX推子为主输出,输出给主音箱、辅助音箱、低音音箱编组1与编组2输出给返送音箱3、输入部分每个独立通道旋钮及按键意义:GAIN:增益√12HZ:低切按键HF:高频增益HI MID:有2个旋钮,上面的是中高频段选择,下面的是中高频段增益LO MID:有2个旋钮,上面的是中低频段选择,下面的是中低频段增益LF:低频增益EQ:均衡开/关按键PAN:声像平衡(左右平衡)MUTE:静音键 MIX:主音箱通道开关1-2:编组1和编组2通道开关3-4:编组3和编组4通道开关PFL:监听开关三、操作流程本系统所有设备都已调校完毕,在使用时不需要旋转旋钮,触碰按键,特别是周边设备(DS260处理器,均衡器,反馈抑制器)在所有设备正常运行,电源供电稳定情况下,可以依照如下进行操作:1、刻录机、点歌机、DVD播放:打开电源时序器打开功放打开DVD机,放入碟片把MIX推至OdB,G1 G2 推至OdB,不需返送扩声时可关闭G1 G2把相应的输入推子推至-20dB与-30dB之间确定各路输入推子推起前按下MIX G1-G22、无线话筒扩声打开电源时序器打开功放打开无线话筒电源确定输入1与2路的MIX G1-G2,输出的MIX G1-G2 都为0dB 将输入3、4与5、6路的推子推至-20dB与-15dB之间3、会议话筒扩声只需将输入2路的推子推至-20dB与-15dB之间,其他步骤与无线话筒扩声同理4、地插音频扩声将MIX G1-G2推至OdB将7、8、9路输入的MIX G1-G2按下将7、8、9路输入的推子推至-30dB与-15dB之间,可视现场情况适当调节第二部分视频系统一、系统组成本会议由三台投影幕、三台投影机组成二、操作流程用投影幕遥控器分别放下三个投影幕用投影机吊架遥控器放下两侧投影机中间投影机摆放到位用投影机遥控分别开启三台投影机如播放电脑信号,将电脑视频、音频输出给相应的地面插座,声音大小通过调音台上的地插音频输入来调节,视频输出通过VGA 矩阵选择。
Philips 2.1 CH 无线子woofer 声音栏说明说明书
PhilipsSoundbar speaker2.1 CH wireless subwooferHDMI ARC Dolby Audio 140WTAB6305Ultra slim. Big on sound.Got a TV that sits on a low stand? This ultra-slim soundbar is low enough to sit under almost any TV and comes with a wireless subwoofer. You get sound that’s big enough to bring your favorite shows, movies, and music to life.Ultra-low profile. Richer, deeper, clearer sound.•2.1 channels. Wireless subwoofer for deeper bass•Dolby Audio. Be in the heart of the action•Ultra-slim design. Fits under almost any TV•Robust metal grille for clear soundMusic and movies•Connect your favorite sources for bigger sound•Audio-in. Optical in. Bluetooth•HDMI ARC. Control the soundbar with your TV remote•IR repeater included, with pass-through cableSee it. Hear it. Love it.•Place on your TV table, the wall, or any flat surface•Integrated wall brackets•Soundbar dimensions: 650x35x81 mm•Subwoofer dimensions: 120x402x300 mmIssue date 2021-09-02Version: 1.2.212 NC: 8670 001 75359EAN: 48 95229 11962 8© 2021 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice.Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V.or their respective owners. SpecificationsSoundbar speaker 2.1 CH wireless subwoofer HDMI ARC, Dolby Audio, 140WHighlights 2.1 channels The thunder of explosions. The roar of a crowd. 2.1 channels bring richer, deeper, clearer sound to your favorite movies and shows. The compact wireless subwoofer delivers rich bass.Ultra-slim design This soundbar has a profile of just 35 mm, making it perfect for TVs with lower stands. When it comes to placement, the integrated wall brackets keep your options open. The compact design of the powerful subwoofer makes it easy to conceal.Dolby Audio Be immersed in your favorite shows and movies. This soundbar with wireless subwoofer supports the Dolby Digital format for a more expansive and involving experience. Voices will be clearer. Effects will be more impressive.HDMI ARC This soundbar connects to your TV via HDMI ARC, allowing you to control soundbar volume with the same remote you use for your TV. The included IR repeater lets you use your TV remote even if you place the soundbar in front of the TV's IR sensor.Connect your favorite source Stream playlists from your mobile device via Bluetooth. Connect audio sources via audio-in, optical input, or USB. Whatever you love, it will sound great through this soundbar.Sound •Speaker output power: 80W •Subwoofer output power: 60W •Speaker system output power: 140W Loudspeakers •Main unit speaker drivers: L: mid-range driver + tweeter; R: mid-range driver + tweeter •Subwoofer type: Wireless subwoofer, Active •Subwoofer drivers: 1 x low frequency Connectivity •Integrated Connections: Bluetooth •Rear Connections: Digital optical in, HDMI 1.4 output (ARC), USB, Audio in 3.5 mm jack, IR OUT 2.5 mm jack •HDMI features: Easylink (HDMI-CEC)•Wireless connections: Bluetooth 4.2Convenience •EasyLink (HDMI-CEC): Audio Return Channel, Automatic audio input mapping, One touch standby, Remote Control-Passthrough Design •Wall mountable Power •Standby power consumption: Main unit: <0.5 W; Subwoofer: <0.5 W •Main unit power consumption: 18 W •Main unit power supply: 100-240V AC, 50/60 Hz •Subwoofer power consumption: 20 W •Subwoofer power supply: 100-240V AC, 50/60 HzAccessories •Included accessories: 1 x CR2025 Battery, Power cord, Power adapter, Remote Control, Wall mount bracket, Quick start guide, Warranty Card •IR repeater: Yes, with pass-through cable and bracket Supported Audio Formats •HDMI ARC: Dolby Digital, LPCM 2ch •Optical: Dolby Digital, LPCM 2ch•Bluetooth:SBC •USB:MP3,WAV,FLAC Dimensions •Main Unit (W x H x D): 650 x 35 x 81 mm •Subwoofer (W x H x D): 120 x 402 x 300 mm Packaging dimensions•EAN: 48 95229 11962 8•Packaging dimensions (W x H x D): 73.5 x 42.5 x 14.5 cm •Gross weight:8 kg •Nett weight: 5.9 kg•Number of products included: 1•Packaging type: Carton •Tare weight: 2.1 kg•Type of shelf placement: LayingOuter Carton •EAN: 48 95229 11962 8•Number of consumer packagings: 1。
浩瀚音响 PA105 PA205 专业音频放大器说明书
®StudioPRO High Performance Professional AudioMODEL:PA105/PA205PA AMPLIFIERINTRODUCTIONYour New PYRAMID PA105/PA205PA AMPLIFIER gives you the power and versatility you need in a professional sound system.The amplifier's wide frequency response makes it suitable for amplifying music or vocal program material.It can be used for live bands,office paging systems, public announcements,or a variety of other installations.Please read this manual throughly before you attempt to set up and use the amplifier.It contains a range of installation suggestions as well as instructions to ensure safe usage.Installed properly,you can expect years of trouble-free service from this product.FEATURES AND CONTROLSFRONT PANEL-PA105/PA2051.Power On/Off2.Phone JackLets you connect a pair of stereo headphones for private listening or cueing(monitoring)sound prior to"airing"it.3.MIC1&MIC2JackAllows you to connect up to two6.35mm type microphone.4.LED Level Display Meter5.Three Input Sources Mixing ControlsControls the sound level for each of the audio input sources.PHONO/AUXAllows you to select and connect an alternative high level(AUX/CD)or low level(PHONO)audio sound source.6.Tone Control(PA105)Lets you adjust the sound frequency to the acoustics of a particular performance environment.7.100Hz,1kHz,&8kHz Equalizer Controls(PA205)To enhance the sound or tailor the high,midrange,and low frequencies for each audio source input to the acoustics of a particular performance environment,you can adjust these equalizer tone controls.8.Master VolumeLets you adjust the overall sound level.REAR PANEL-PA105/PA2059.Voltage SwitchThe amplifier has selectable input voltage from110V/60Hz which is the standard in USA and CANADA.You can also switch the input voltage to220V/50Hz for EUROPEAN operation.Please make sure the switch is in the proper position before operating,otherwise severe damage will result not cover by the warranty.Please also replace the fuse with proper rating in this situation (see the SPECIFICATIONS for the fuse rating).10.Unswitched AC Accessory Outlet-300W MAX.11.DC4A/12V Input Jack(PA105)Allows you to power the amplifier from12-volt battery source.12.AUX/CD Input JackAllows you to connect any high level sound source,such as a CD player,tape deck,or tuner,to the CD/AUX jack.13.PHONO Input JackYou can connect a low level audio input source,such as a magnetic cartridge turntable to theL PHONO and R PHONO jacks.14.PHONO and AUX/CD Input SelectorLets you select the input source you want to connect to the amplifier.15.MIX BUS JackAllows you to connect another PA105/PA205to this jack to double the size of your PA system.16.Push-Terminal ConnectorsLet you easily connect speaker wires directly to the amplifiers.INSTALLATION GUIDELINESConnecting the GND(GROUND)screw terminalI f you connect a low level audio input source(turntable)to the PHONO,please connectyour turntable's ground wire(usually black or green)to the amplifier's GND terminal,to avoid a low frequency hum.You can also use this screw to ground any other system connection.Input connectionsThe PA105/PA205accept a board range of input sources,including:Microphones(up to two simultaneously)Compact Disc(CD)playerCassette,Reel-to-Reel or other tape playerRadio TunerMagnetic Cartridge TurntableConnecting microphonesThe MIC1and MIC2jacks permit you to connect two microphones with6.35mm plug.Connecting a CD or tape player,or tunerIn this Situation,set the PHONO and AUX/CD SELECTOR switch to the AUX/CDConnecting a turntableIn this Situation,set the PHONO and AUX/CD SELECTOR switch to the PHONO.Speaker connectionsOne or more speakers(4,8,or16-Ohm)speakers can be connected to the amplifier with or without transformers.However,before you connect any speaker to the amplifier,the total speaker impedance must be calculated in order to avoid damage to the amplifier.A total speaker impedance greater than16Ohms or less than4Ohms can be cause this damage to occur.System2:Two(or more)speakers in series 1.Connect the LEFT SPEAKER(-)to the amplifierCOMMON terminal.2.Connect the LEFT SPEAKER(+)to the RIGHTSPEAKER(-).3.Connect the RIGHT SPEAKER(+)to the amplifier's4-Ohm,8-Ohm,or16-Ohm terminal,depending on the TOTAL IMPEDANCE of the two speakers.If each speaker has an impedance of8Ohms,the total speaker impedance in this series configuration is16Ohms.To begin with,in order to ensure equal volume from each speaker,all connected speakers should have the same impedance.A proper total impedance with the4to16Ohms range can be achieved by combining series and paralled speaker connections.Please see the diagrams which follow the same impedance.Finally,always use the shortest length of speaker wire possible of proper ually,18-gauge wire is adequate for lengths under25feet,while16-gauge is used for greater lengths.System1:Single speaker system1.Connect the speaker(-)terminal to the amplifierCOMMON terminal2.Depending on the speaker being used,connect thespeaker(+)terminal to the amplifier's4-Ohm,8-Ohm or16-Ohm amplifier terminal.or Tape Playerthe Phono PositionNOTE:ADDITIONAL SPEAKERS MAY BE INCLUDED IN SERIES,BUT IT IS NECESSARY TO CALCULATE TOTAL IMPEDANCE,AND CONNECT THE SPEAKER CIRCUIT TO A TERMINAL OF APPROPRIATE IMPEDANCE.FOR EXAMPLE,IF THREE SPEAKERS OF 4-OHM ARE USED,TOAL IMPEDANCE IS 12OHMS,YOU SHOULD CONNECT TO THE 16-OHM TERMINAL.System 3:Two (or more)speakers in parallel1.Connect the LEFT SPEAKER (-)to the RIGHT SPEAKER (-).2.Connect BOTH the LEFT SPEAKER (-)and the RIGHT SPEAKER (-)to the amplifier COMMON terminal.3.Connect the LEFT SPEAKER (+)to the RIGHT SPEAKER (+).4.Connect BOTH the LEFT SPEAKER (+)and RIGHT SPEAKER (+)to the amplifier 4-Ohm,8-Ohm or 16-Ohm terminal,depending on the TOTAL IMPEDANCE of the two speakers.If each speaker has an impedance of 8-Ohm,the total speaker impedance in this parellel configuration is 4Ohms.4.Connect the speakers'(-)terminals to the amplifier's COMMON terminal.5.Connect the speakers'(+)terminals to the amplifier's 4-Ohm,8-Ohm,or 16-Ohm terminal,depending on the TOTAL IMPEDANCE of the FOUR SPEAKERS.See the chart below for some samples system suggestions:COMBINATION OF TWO SERIES PAIRS IN PARALLELSERIESPARALLELTOTALUse this TO EACH PAIR TO TWO PAIRS IMPEDANCE amp (net impedance)(net impedance)IN THIS TYPE terminal 4-OHM +4-OHM 8-OHM +8-OHM 4-OHM4-OHM(8OHMS)(4OHMS)8-OHM +8-OHM 16-OHM +16-OHM8-OHM 8-OHM(16OHMS)(8OHMS)16-OHM +16-OHM 32-OHM +32-OHM 16-OHM 16-OHM(32OHMS)(16OHMS)SERIES/PARALLEL VARIATIONSAlthough the description above is for combining TWO SERIES PAIRS in a PARALLEL hook up,you may also select to combine a SERIES PAIR and a PARALLEL PAIR in a PARALLEL hook up.Simply be sure you have properly calculated the total impedance,and connect the (+)speaker circuit wire to the proper amp terminal.For example,if you use a SERIES PAIR of 8-Ohms speakers (the total impedance is 16ohms)and a PARALLEL PAIR of 8-Ohms speakers (the total impedance is 4ohms)in a PARALLEL hook up,the TOTAL IMPEDANCE of this system is 3.2OHMS,so you should connect the (+)speaker circuit wire to the 4-OHM terminal.System 4:Four speakers in series/parallel combination1.Group the four speakers into two pairs.2.Connect each pair of speakers in SERIES (see system 2above).If you connect 8-ohm speakers,the total impedance of each pair is 16ohms.3.Connect the two pairs of speakers in PARALLEL,If you connect 8-ohm speakers,the total impedance of both pairs is 8ohms.Note:If each of the four speakers is 8ohms,the total speaker impedance of the combined series/parallel connection described above is also 8ohms.Likewise,the total speaker impedance is 4or 16ohms,if the speakers are 4or 16ohms respectively.See the chart below for some samples system suggestions:COMBINATION OF ONE SERIES PAIR AND ONE PARALLEL PAIR IN PARALLELSERIES TO ONE PARALLEL TO ONE TOTAL IMPEDANCE Use this SPEAKER PAIR SPEAKER PAIR COMBINING TWO amp(net impedance)(net impedance)PAIRS IN PARALLEL terminal8-OHM+8-OHM8-OHM+8-OHM 3.2OHMS4-OHM(16OHMS)(4OHMS)16-OHM+16-OHM8-OHM+8-OHM 3.6OHMS4-OHM (32OHMS)(4OHMS)4-OHM+4-OHM16-OHM+16-OHM 4.0OHMS4-OHM (8OHMS)(8OHMS)8-OHM+8-OHM16-OHM+16-OHM 5.3OHMS8-OHM(16OHMS)(8OHMS)This example shows for the first three systems in chart. In this case,4-Ohm terminal is used your system impedance may be varied depending on the impedances of the individual speakers,and may reguire hook up to the8or16Ohms terminal.System5:Connecting speakers with transformers 1.Locate the input taps on your transformer.These taps are on side of the transformer,and are rated in watts, 10,5,2.5,ually,each speaker in a system uses the same wattage tap.Connect the selected tap to the amplifier70V RMS terminal.If you wish a particular speaker to have a higher volume level,connect the wire from70V RMS to a higher wattage tap on the transformer.2.Connect the transformer's COMMON tap on the primary side to the amplifier COMMON terminal.3.Connect the speaker's(+)terminals to the transformer's secondary tap that matches the speaker's TOTAL IMPEDANCE.Locate on the opposite side of the transformer,these secondary taps are outputs,and are rated in Ohms4,8or16.4.Connect the speaker's(-)terminals to thetransformer's COMMON tap on the secondary side. NOTE:Before connecting the speakers,please be sure the total wattage of the primary tap you use doesnot exceed the amplifier's maximum power rating,PA10520W and PA20540W.ALSO:Avoid,where possible,multiple connections to the70V RMS and COMMON terminals.Using headphonesTo listen privately,or to monitor sound sources, connect a pair of low impedance stereo headphones (not supplied)with6.35mm plug into the PHONES jack on the amplifier front panel.Please listen safely.Follow these recommendations: Do not listen at extremely high volume levels.Extended, high-volume listening can lead to permanent hearing loss.Always start with the volume control set to a LOW level BEFORE you put the headphones on.Then gradually increase the volume as necessary.Connecting to standard AC powerAfter making all other connections,set the POWER switch to OFF position.Then connect the power cord to a standard AC outlet. Connecting to4A/12V DC power(PA105)You can power the amplifier from your vehicle's12-volt battery.Connect the supplied DC power cable's barrel plug to DC12V IN jack on the amplifier,and then connect the cable's other end to the12-volt accessory socket on the vehicle,such as the cigarette-lighter socket. CAUTIONS:PLEASE UNPLUG THE AC POWER CORD BEFORE CONNECTING THE DC POWER CABLE FOR THIS12V POWER USAGE,AND DISCONNECT THE DC POWER CABLE BEFORE PLUGING IN THE AC POWER CORD FOR AC POWER USAGE.THE VEHICLE USING FOR THIS POWER SOURCE MUST HAVE A NEGATIVE GROUND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM.IF YOU ARE NOT SURE OF IT,PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR VEHICLE'S DEALER.Turning the amplifier on1.Turn on the audio input source equipment which is connected to the amplifier INPUT jack.2.Set all volume levels(MASTER,MIC1,MIC2,and PHONO/AUX)to their minimum level settings.3.Press the power switch to turn the amplifier on.4.Adjust the controls of MIC1,MIC2,and PHONO/AUX to the achieve desired volume and balance.Using the LED power meterThe meter LED position indicate the amplifier output power.Using the MASTER volume controlThe MASTER volume control increases or decreases output level gain.To obtain best performance with the least distortion, be sure to adjust the output level so that the LED meter does not continuallyexceed the right extreme of the meter's range. CAUTION:Setting output level too high can overdrive the amplifier,causing permanent damage.Using the MIX BUS jackYou can connect another PA105/PA205to this jack to double the size of your PA system.This lets you use up to four microphones and two turntables(or two auxiliaryies)sound souces. Use a shield cable with phono plugs at each end,and connect the cable between the MIX BUS jacks on the back of two amplifiers.For the best results,do not use a cable longer that6 feet.SpecificationsOutput Power at THD10%,1kHz......................................20W(PA105)/40W(PA205) Maximum Power....................................80W(PA105)/120W(PA205) THD at1W,1kHz Low-Pass FilterMIC1...................................................................1% MIC2...................................................................1% AUX/CD..............................................................1% PHONO...............................................................1% Frequency Response(at1W,+/-3dB)MIC1.................................................80Hz-20kHz MIC2.................................................80Hz-20kHz AUX/CD............................................80Hz-20kHz PHONO(RIAA100Hz/10kHz)......+13dB/-13.5dB Input Sensitivity(at10%THD,1kHz)MIC1.............................................................2.5mV MIC2.............................................................2.5mV AUX/CD.........................................................150mV PHONO...........................................................3.5mV Signal-Noise Ratio(Input Shorted)with WTD MIC1................................................................60dB MIC2................................................................60dB AUX/CD...........................................................70dB PHONO............................................................60dB Noise Level(Input Shorted)..............................0.75mV Tone Control(PA105)-15dB(High Cut at10kHz)Equalizer Control Range(PA205)100Hz.......................................................+/-10dB 1kHz.........................................................+/-10dB 8kHz.........................................................+/-10dB Power Requirement120V AC,60Hz/240V AC,50Hz4A12V DC(OPTION OF PA105)Power Fuse120V AC........................1.2A(PA105)/1.5A(PA205) 240V AC......................0.6A(PA105)/0.75A(PA205) Dimensions H x W x D,31/3x123/4x89/10(inches)85x324x226(mm)Weight,(kg)(PA105)3.56kgs/(PA205)3.92kgs。
KB-702 KB-702GM 远程扬声器站说明书
The KB-702remote speaker station permits the user to select between two channels of party-line communications, with the ability to talk and/or listen on the selected channel. The user can listen via the integral speaker, or may use a headset or telephone-style handset - and can talk via a headset mic, a telephone handset, or a push-to-talk microphone.The KB-702GM adds a gooseneck-mic connector and VOX circuitry, for hands-free full-duplex communications without a headset.A switch allows the user to choose between the optional GM-9 or GM-18 microphone and the headset connector. The adjustable-sensitivity, close-in VOX feature automatically detects the user’s voice at the mic and dips the level of the integral speaker while increasing the gain of the microphone, performing in the opposite manner when listening. The potential for acoustic feedback is minimized while permitting natural conversation levels and dynamics. Microprocessor-controlled logic and switching yields a feature-rich intercom station in a compact format. Electronic switching for the talk button, blue-color LED (on), amber color LED (off), permits momentary or latching operation. For call signaling, a bright LED lights when a call is activated on a connected intercom channel.A defeatable audible call signal, with level control, is also provided. Separate level controls are provided for intercom level and for balanced program input. A local program source may be fed to the station, allowing the user to monitor that source while remaining in contact on the intercom system. The balanced program input can also be used in conjunction with the stage-announce output of a main station to provide a paging interrupt, allowing paging at the KB station even if the intercom volume control is turned down.A set of option dip switches is located at the top of the circuit board. Switches are provided for mic-latch disable (momentary-only talk), long-line operation, channel selection, call signal tracking, and audiblecall signaling. These versatile stations may be wall or console mounted in a standard U.S. 4-gang electrical box, or may be mounted in the optional V-Box for desktop, surface-mount, or portable applications.Either of the stations may be used with the optional 4-wire or TW (two channels on a single mic cable) daughter boards. On the TW board, the stations become plug in compatible with a Clear Com TW system. The 4-wire board creates separate send and receive circuits, so that the station may be attached to fiber-optic lines or other audio routing systems with 4-wire connections. The stations are powered by the intercom line or by a local power supply when used with the optional 4-wire daughter board. Features:• Selectable two-channel, full-duplexoperation• Microprocessor-controlled logic andswitching• Momentary/latching talk button• Visual and audible call signaling,with bright LED indicator• Balanced local program input withseparate level control• Internal controls for call signal tracking,mic latch disable, and other functions • Use with headset or handset, withintegral speaker for monitoring• KB-702GM adds mic jack for goose-neck mic plus VOX circuitry• Optional TW and 4-Wire daughterboards provided additional flexibility • Wall or console mount, or optionalV-Box for portable or desktop use • LED buttons for talk, listen, call,announce, link, all talk, or mic on.KB-702, KB-702GM, KB-701 Remote Speaker Stations KB-702The KB-701remote speaker station connects to a single channel of party-line intercom, and operates in half-duplex mode, similar to a walkie-talkie. It features both an integral speaker and a flush-mount electret microphone with mic limiter and a push-to-talk button. The station may be programmed via two internal dip switches to operate in four different modes, activated by other stations within the intercom system. The different operating modes are activated using the call signaling function of another station, which allows for individual control of the speaker and microphone.Microprocessor-controlled logic and switching yields a feature-rich intercom station in a compact format. An electronic momentary-only talk button activates the talk function. Usethe talk button or the reomote control from another station to activate the mic. A blue-colour LED indicates that the mic is on, while an amber-color LED indicates the mic is off. Mic sensitivity is selectable for either close or distant voice pickup. The KB-701 offers both visual and audible call signaling, gaining the attention of the user when not at the station. A red-color LED lights when a call is activated on a connected intercom channel. A defeatable audible call signal, with level control, is also provided. Separate level controls are provided for intercom level and for balanced program input. A local program source may be fed to the station, allowing the user to monitor that source while remaining in contact on the intercom system.The balanced program input can also be used in conjunction with the stage-announce output of a main station to provide a paging interrupt. This would allow paging at the station even if the intercom volume control is turned down. In addition, the intercom volume control of the KB-701 can be internally set so that an incoming message would still be audible, even if thecontrol was turned all the way down. The KB-701 may be wall or console mounted in a standard 4-gang electrical box, or may be mounted in the optional V-Box for desktop, surface-mount, or portable applications. It may be used with the optional 4-wire or TW (two channels on a single mic cable) daughter boards. The station is powered by the intercom line or by a local power supply when used with the optional 4-Wire daughter board. Features:• Single-channel, push-to-talk speakerstation• Four different modes of operation,internally programmable• Microprocessor- controlled logicand switching• Flush-mounted internal microphone • Visual and audible call signaling, withbright LED indicator• Balanced local program input withseparate level control• Optional TW and 4-Wire daughterboards provide additional flexibility • Wall or console mount, or optionalV-Box for portable or desktop use• LED buttons for talk, listen, call,announce, link, all talk, or mic on.KB-701 Single-Channel Speaker Station KB-701Accessories4-wire Option ModuleThe 4-wire option module plugs into pins on the KB- 702, KB- 702GM, and KB-701speaker stations. It consists of the necessary circuitry and connectors to convert any of these stations to 4-wire operation, and can accept two 4-wire connections. This option allows the speaker station to be used at much longer distances than are possible with a standard two-wire intercom line, and also permits the station to operate via fiber optic cable and other devices with 4-wire connections. The module provides a transformer- isolated audio connection, and does not transfer the call signal. A station using this option module must be locally powered.TW Option ModuleThe option module plugs into pins on the KB-702, KB-702GM, and KB-701 speaker stations. This option allows the station to send and receive two channels of audio on a single 3-pin micro-phone cable. With the TW module in place, the station can become a part of a Clear-Com TW system, and is compatible with TW beltpacks and other components.V-Box Desktop/Wall-Mount EnclosureThe V-Box converts any of the KB speaker stations into a desktop, portable, or wall-mount unit. The station panel may be secured with four screws in one of the two mounting spaces, for either an angled or a vertical panel orientation. A blank plate with mounting keyholes is provided to cover the second mounting space. 3-pin XLR male and female connectors are mounted on the side panel, wired to a connector block for easy connection to the speaker station. The rugged metal and stained-wood enclosure is both durable and attractive for long-term professional use.4.50 (114) 3.25 (83)5.4 (137) 8.25 (210)1.25 * (32).5 (13)8.25 (210)8.27 (211) 2.85 (72) .5(13)5.56 (141)6.04 (153)* 1.75" for KB-702GM or with option modulesKB-702 SideviewKB-211 Rear ViewV-Box Front View V-Box Side ViewDimensional DrawingsKB-702 in a V-BoxAmericas & Asia 850 Marina Village Parkway, Alameda, CA 94501 USA Tel: +1.510.337.6600Europe, Middle East & Africa 7400 Beach Drive, Cambridge Research Park, Cambridge, UK Tel: +44 1223 815000© 2007, Vitec Group Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. ® Clear-Com is a registered trade mark of The Vitec Group plc.dBu is an absolute measurement. 0 dBu is referenced to 0.775 volts RMSPanel Microphone Input (KB-702GM)Input Type:Electret Input Impedance:>=2KΩMic Limiter Threshold:-2dBu ±3dB Mic Limiter Range:>= 15dB Headset Microphone Input Input Type:Dynamic Input Impedance:>= 1KΩMic Limiter Threshold:-2dBu ± 3dB Mic Limiter Range:>= 15dBProgram Line Input Maximum Level before Clipping:>= 20dBu Input Impedance:>= 5KΩHeadset Output Load Impedance:>= 8ΩOutput Impedance:<= 25ΩOutput Limiter Threshold:+5dBu ± 3dB Maximum Output Level before Distortion:>= 17dBu Speaker Output Load Impedance:>= 4ΩMax Output Level before 1% Distortion:20dBu ± 2dBu Party Line Output Off Noise:< -74dBu Output Impedance:>10KΩParty Line Input Crosstalk:< -60dB Max level before Clipping :>= 12dBu Sidetone Null Capability (KB-702GM only):> 25dBFrequency Response Panel Mic - Party Line (KB-702GM only):300 - 16KHz ± 3dB Headset Mic - Party Line:300 - 15KHz ± 3dB Program Input - Headset Out:200 - 18KHz ± 3dB Program Input - Speaker Out:200 - 18KHz ± 3dB Party Line - Headset Out:200 - 18KHz ± 3dB Party Line - Speaker Out:200 - 18KHz ± 3dBMax DistortionPanel Mic - Party Line (KB-702GM only):<= 0.5%Headset Mic - Party Line:<= 0.5%Program Input - Headset Out:<= 0.2%Program Input - Speaker Out:<= 0.5%Party Line - Headset Out:<= 0.2%Party Line - Speaker Out:<= 0.5%NoisePanel Mic - Party Line (KB-702GM only):< -65dBu Headset Mic - Party Line:< -70dBu Program Input - Headset Out:< -60dBu Program Input - Speaker Out:< -60dBu Party Line - Headset Out:< -50dBu Party Line - Speaker Out:< -50dBuMax GainPanel Mic - Party Line (KB-702GM only):>= 37dB Headset Mic - Party Line:41dB ± 2dB Program Input - Headset Out:>= 18dB Program Input - Speaker Out:>= 24dB Party Line - Headset Out:>= 34dB Party Line - Speaker Out:>= 40dB PowerInput Voltage Range:20-30 VDC Input Current (Idle):<= 90mA Input Current (Max):<=110mAInternal Adjustments and Connections Intercom:Line Five terminalconnectorProgram Input Three terminalconnectorOption Switches:Three DIP switches Call Signal Jumper3:Three sets ofoptions jumpersCall Alert Tone Level Control:Level adjustmentcontrolFront Panel ConnectorsPanel Mic (KB-702GM only): (1) 1/4 in. (0.64 cm)panel mounting jackHeadset:(1) XLR-4M Front Panel Controls & Indicators (KB-702GM)(1) Panel /headset mic switch (1) Program monitor level control (1) Sidetone null control (1) Talk button (1) Call button(1) Speaker ON-OFF switch (1) Channel select switch (1) Speaker volume control (1) VOX control (1) VOX indicatorFront Panel Controls & Indicators (KB-702)(1) Program monitor level control (1) Sidetone null control (1) Talk button (1) Call button(1) Speaker ON-OFF switch (1) Channel select switch (1) Speaker volume control Environmental 32 - 122˚F (0 - 50˚C)Dimensions8.25 in. W x 4.5 in. H x 1.75 in. D (210 mm x 114 mm x 44 mm)WeightKB-702 0.99 lbs. (0.45 Kg)KB-702GM 1.1 lbs. (0.50 Kg)Program Line InputMaximum Level before Clipping:>= 20dBu Input Impedance:>= 5KΩSpeaker Output Load Impedance:>= 4ΩMax Output Level before 1% Distortion:20dBu ± 2dBu Party Line Output Off Noise:< -74dBu Output Impedance:>10KΩParty Line Input Crosstalk:< -60dB Max level before Clipping:>= 12dBuFrequency ResponseProgram Input - Speaker Out:200 - 18KHz ± 3dB Party Line - Speaker Out:200 - 18KHz ± 3dB Max DistortionProgram Input - Speaker Out:<= 0.5%Party Line - Speaker Out:<= 0.5%NoiseProgram Input - Speaker Out:< -60dBu Party Line - Speaker Out:< -50dBu Max GainProgram Input - Speaker Out:>= 24dB Party Line - Speaker Out:>= 40dB PowerInput Voltage Range:20-30 VDC Input Current (Idle):<= 90mA Input Current (Max):<=110mAInternal Connectors and JumpersIntercom:Line Five terminalconnectorProgram Input:Three terminalconnectorOption Switches:Three DIP switches Front Panel Controls & Indicators (1) Program level control (1) Intercom level control (1) Talk button(1) Call button(1) Integral microphone Environmental32 - 122o F (0 - 50o C)Dimensions8.5 in. W x 4.5 in. H x 1.75 in. D (210 mm x 114 mm x 44 mm)Weight1.04 lbs. (0.47 Kg)Notice About SpecificationsWhile Clear-Com makes every attempt to maintain the accuracy of the information contained in its product manuals, that information is subject to change without notice. Performance specifications included in this manual are design-center specifications and are included for customer guidance and to facilitate system installation. Actual operating performance may vary.Technical Specifications, KB-701 Speaker StationTechnical Specifications, KB-702/KB-702GM Two-channel Speaker Stations:。
EUROPOWER PMP518M 有源调音台 说明书
15. 本设备连接电源时一定要有接地保护。
16. 若电源插头或器具耦 合器用作断电装置, 应当 保证它们处于随时可方便 操作状态。
产品的规格及外观若有改变, 恕不另行通知。 截至印刷时 止, 本手册内容均为正确。 所有的商标均归各自所有人所 有。 MUSIC Group 对任何人因使用本手册包含的全部或部分 描述、图片或陈述而遭受的任何损失不承担责任。 颜色及规 格可能与产品略有差异。 BEHRINGER 产品只通过授权销售商 进行销售。 销售商不是 MUSIC Group 的代表, 无权以明确或隐 含的理解或表示约束 MUSIC Group。 本手册具有版权。 未经 RED CHIP COMPANY LTD 的书面同意, 本手册的任何部分均不得 为了任何目的, 以任何形式或任何方式进行重新制作或转载, 其中包括复制或录制。
ED-B3-MA-110518001 迈克罗尼克 X15i 音箱说明书
X15iUSER M ANAUL124514CONTENTSFEATURES ACOUSTIC CHARTS INSTALLATION DIMENSIONS SPECIFICATIONLIMITED WARRANTYSPECIFICATION◇ 15" high efficient professional speaker with unique LF extension technology, the LF can be lower to 35Hz(SPL-10dB).◇ Computer optimized simulation design make sure the good frequency response and excellent phase feature.◇ Two transducers two way full range speaker with Hi-Fi level performance ◇ One 15 professional woofer."◇ One compression driver with 3" magnalium diaphragm. ◇ 90°×60° wide dispersion horn.◇ Independent crossover circuit for woofer and tweeter, low distortion and interferer.◇ Single Amplifier driving mode.◇ Suitable for the application in rock bar, night club, living performance and portable sound system.FEATUREβ3 X series speaker is mainly designed for all kinds of rock bar, entertainment bar, club, all kinds of living performance, and portable sound reinforcement applications.12 inch full range and 15 inch full range speakers are trapeziform design; it will be very convenient tomake an array. Selected highintensity plywood has enough strength and can absorb the noise of resonance. Standard mounting&flying system and SPK socket are very easy for the installation and connection. X Series products are developed and produced by combination of the latest computer stimulation design technology, the latest loudspeaker material and manufacturing technology. All transducers adopt the optimized magnetic circuit having high magnetic energy, low distortion and excellent ventilation/cooling system. LF uses nonlinear thickness long fabric paper cone with waterproof feature and special damping Glue treated, and high power sandwich type voice coil. HF adopts high temperature treated magnalium diaphragm, voice coil with copper cladding aluminum wire and compression cavity designed with linear phase technology. Wide dispersion horn makes sure the excellent sound coverage. The patented HF protection circuit grantee the high reliability and low distortion.INTRODUCTIONFREQUENCY RESPONSEPHASE RESPONSE 2 501002005001k2k5k10k20k20Hz110dBS 252.0Deg100180.090 108.080 36.070 -36.060-108.0FREQUENCY/RESPONSEPHASE IMPEDANCE RESPONSE-LF1 20501002005001k2k 5k10k20k10Hz120dBS 180.0Deg110108.010036.090 -36.080 -108.070-180.0CLIO0- 0-20-30-40-50dB 2k 5k 10k20k 200HzCLIOWATERFALLTHDFrequency Response2nd Distortion 3rd DistortionINSTALLATIONDIMENSIONSBack viewSide view Front viewTop viewLIMITED WARRANTYIf malfunction occurs during the specified warranty period from the date of original purchase,the product will be repaired or replaced without charge by Elder Audio.The Limited Warranty does not apply to:(a)exterior finish or appearance;(b)certain specific items described in the individual product data sheet or owner's manual;(c)malfunction resulting from use or operation of the product other than as specified in theindividual product data sheet or owner's manual;(d)malfunction resulting from misuse or abuse of the product;(e)malfunction occurring at any time after repairs have been made to the product by anyoneother than Elder Audio Service or any of its authorized service representatives.To obtain warranty service, customer must deliver proof of purchase of the product in the form of a bill of sale or receipt invoice.X15i Speakers and Speaker Systems are guaranteed against malfunction due to defects inmaterials or workmanship for a period of three (3) years from the date of original purchase. The Limited Warranty does not apply to burned voice coils or malfunctions such as cone and/or coil damage resulting from improperly designed enclosures. Additional details are included in theLimited Warranty statement.X15i Accessories are guaranteed against malfunction due to defects in materials or workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of original purchase. Additional details are included in the Limited Warranty statement.X15i Flying Hardware (including enclosure-mounted hardware and rigging accessories) isguaranteed against malfunction due to defects in materials or workmanship for a period of one(1) year from the date of original purchase. Additional details are included in the Limited Warrantystatement.Specifications are subject to change without notice.X15i 。
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AMP1-SDA1U Digital Audio Speaker Monitorwith SDI Input and Loop-Through on BNCs,AES Digital Input on BNC, AES Output FromSDI on BNC, Two Analog Inputs on XLRs,Selected Stereo Analog Outputs on XLRs, Two26-Segment Level Meters, and Phase IndicationDocument P/N821531 Rev-BUser Manual© 2002 Wohler Technologies Inc. ALL rights reserved1© 2007Wohler Technologies, Inc. ALL rights reservedAMP1-SDA User Manual P/N 821531 Rev-BGeneral Featuresand SpecificationsDescriptionFeaturesApplicationsSpecificationsOther Options3© 2002 Wohler Technologies Inc. ALL rights reserved4© 2002 Wohler Technologies Inc. ALL rights reservedThe AMP-1 Digital series of audio monitors provides self-powered, full-fidelity stereo monitoring in the smallest rack space possible. All models in the AMP1 Digital series contain four high performance transducers driven by three power amplifiers: two amplifier/driver combinations handle midrange and high frequency information in stereo, while the third center channel reproduces information below the 500 Hz crossover point.All AMP1 Digital models come equipped with a ganged stereo volume control and balance pot, power indication LED, and headphone output. Output limiter circuits are incorporated to protect the speakers, and extensive magnetic shielding allows placement immediately adjacent to video monitors with no color impurities.The AMP1-SDA model features an SDI input and loop-through on BNC connectors, an AES input on an unbalanced BNC connector,an AES output (converted from the SDI input) on a BNC connector, analog inputs on two balanced XLR connectors, and a stereo analog output of the selected source on two XLR connectors. Toggle switches on the front panel allow selection of subgroup 1or 2(Channel 1/2 or 3/4) of the SDI input, SDI or AES input sources, and a choice of the selected digital source or the analog source inputs. Two red LEDs indicate the presence and error status of the selected AES and/or SDI signals entering the unit.Two high-resolution 26-segment tri-color LED bargraph level meters display the audio levels for the left and right selected sources.Wohlers proprietary three-LED stereo phase indication feature allows monitoring of phase relationships of the selected stereo inputs.AMP1-SD A1U Digital/Analog Audio Stereo Speaker Monitor• 98 dB SPL at two feet• Only one rack space high• Excellent high frequency response for positive detection ofbackground whine and noise• Audible and visual indication of phase/polarity problems• Thorough magnetic shielding for placement next to videomonitors• Two high-resolution 26-segment tri-color LED bargraphlevel meters• SDI input and loop-through on unbalanced BNC connectors• AES/EBU input on unbalanced BNC connector• Analog stereo inputs on two balanced XLR connectors• AES output (converted from SDI input) on BNC connector • Analog output of selected input on two balanced XLR connectors • SDI signal status indication LED • AES signal status indication LED • SDI subgroup 1 or 2 (of Group I.D. #1) source selection via front panel toggle switch • SDI/AES source selection via front panel toggle switch • Digital/analog source selection via front panel toggle switch • Headphone output • Power indication LED • Numerous control and input options • Quick and easy installation: simply slide in the rack and connect audio and AC powerThe AMP1 Digital series is ideally suited for use in VTR bays, mobile production vehicles, teleconferencing installations, multimedia systems, satellite links and cable TV facilities, and on-air radio studios. Designed and manufactured in the U.S., the AMP1-SDA is backed by a strong warranty and a satisfaction guaranteed return policy.AMP1-SDA Front PanelCE. 0 dbV ref. 0.775V RMS. Features and specifications subject to improvement without notice.5© 2002 Wohler Technologies Inc. ALL rights reserved6© 2002 Wohler Technologies Inc. ALL rights reservedAMP1-SDA User Manual P/N 821531 Rev-BInstallationFront Panel FeaturesRear Panel Features7© 2002 Wohler Technologies Inc. ALL rights reserved8© 2002 Wohler Technologies Inc. ALL rights reservedMountingNOTE: If you wish to set the AES Input Termination, AES Status Error Type, AES Input Level Gain, Line Level Calibration, Meter Gain Calibration, and/or Bargraph Display Mode via the DIP switches (accessed on the rear panel) be sure to do so BEFORE installing the unit into an enclosed rack or console. See pages 12 and 14 for setting information.The unit should be mounted where convenient for operating persons, ideally at approximately ear level for best high frequency response. Its superior magnetic shielding eliminates concerns about locating it adjacent to most types of CRT monitors, including even high-resolution color monitors.Heat DissipationHeat dissipated by the speaker amps is conducted directly to the left side of the chassis; no special considerations for cooling are necessary as long as the ambient temperature inside the rack area does not exceed approximately 40°C (104°F).Sympathetic VibrationSympathetic vibration from other equipment (cables, etc.,) in the rack may be serious enough to interfere with the unit’s sound quality out in the listening area. The use of thin card stock and/or felt or foam weather-stripping type materials between adjacent vibrating surfaces, or tying up loose cables, etc., may be required to stop vibrations external to the unit.Mechanical BracingEven though the unit is fairly heavy, the chassis is securely attached to the front panel at eight points along its surface, not just at the four corners of the chassis ears. This feature will reduce or eliminate rear bracing requirements in many mobile/portable applications. The weight of internal components is distributed fairly evenly around the unit.Audio ConnectionsConnection of the audio feeds is straightforward. Please refer to the system interconnect block diagram on page 22 for clarification of the general signal paths into and out of the AMP1-SDA unit.For digital inputs, Impedances are 75 Ω for the unbalanced BNC connectors and 110 Ω for the balanced XLR connectors. Analog inputs have an impedance of 40k Ω for the balanced XLR connectors.Care should be exercised to avoid mismatched cable types and other similar causes of undesired reflections in RF signal systems.Electrical InterferenceAs with any audio equipment, maximum immunity from electrical interference requires the use of shielded cable; however, satisfactory results can sometimes be obtained without it. The internal circuitry common is connected to the chassis.AC PowerThe unit's AC mains connection is via a standard IEC inlet, with safety ground connected directly to the unit's chassis. The universal AC input (100-240VAC, 50/60H z) switching power supply is a self-resetting sealed type, with automatic over-voltage and over-current shutdown. There is no user-replaceable fuse in either the primary or secondary circuit.9© 2002 Wohler Technologies Inc. ALL rights reservedPlease refer to Figure-2a on the following page to familiarize yourself with the front panel features of the AMP1-SDA unit. The following sections describe these functions and are referenced, by number, to Figure-2a.1 SpeakersThe AMP1-SDA internal speaker system is comprised of two mid-range speakers (left and right) and two woofer speakers (left and right). The two mid-range speakers reproduce, in stereo, only the mid and high frequencies, while the two woofer speakers monorally reproduce the low frequencies.2Volume Control - Rotary PotThis controls the loudness of the audio reproduced by the internal speakers or connected headphone.3 Headphone Output - 1/4" JackWhen you plug in headphones, the internal speakers will mute. This jack accepts a standard 1/4” phone type stereo plug. 4Power Indication - Green LEDThis LED glows green to indicate the AMP1-SDA is connected to operational mains power.5Phase Indication - Bi-Color LEDs (red/green)These three LEDs offer instant visual verification of phase (polarity) conditions in the pair of channels selected for monitoring in the Left/Right channel speakers. The two smaller LEDs, labeled Φ+andΦ-(above and below), show instantaneous phase relationships in the signal, while the larger LED, labeled "A VG" (center), indicates the average phase condition.The small Φ+ LED (top) glows (or blinks) green when signals are in-phase. The small Φ- LED (bottom) glows (or blinks) amber for out-of-phase signals. The larger A VG LED (middle) indicates the average phase condition by glowing green for in-phase conditions, or red for out-of-phase conditions.In general, it is sufficient to regard the A VG LED (average phase condition) as adequate for proper phase monitoring. While it is normal for stereo signals to contain some intermittant instantaneous out-of-phase and in-phase conditions (small LEDs),a steady red glow of the larger LED almost always indicates an out-of-phase alarm condition.6 Audio Level Meters - 26-Segment LED Bargraph DisplaysAudio levels for the selected input sources are displayed via these two 26-segment tri-color (green, amber, red) LED bargraph display level meters. These two bargraph displays are user adjustable for Line Level Calibration,Meter Gain Calibration, and Bargraph Display Mode via a DIP switch on the rear panel. See Item H on page 14 for more information regarding the level meter DIP switch location and settings.7 Bargraph Brightness Adjust - Recessed Trim PotThis control is recessed into the front panel and can be accessed using a small flathead screwdriver. Turning the trim pot clockwise will simultaneously increase the relative brightness of the LED segments in both bargraphs.8 SDI Signal Status Indication - Bi-Color LED (Green/Red)This LED indicates the status of any SDI signal entering the unit regardless of any monitor selection settings. This LED is OFF when no valid SDI signal is present, GREEN when a valid signal is present, or RED when the signal is not properly received or audio is not de-embedded.9 AES/EBU Signal Status Indication - Bi-Color (Green/Red) LEDThis LED indicates the status of any AES signal entering the unit regardless of any monitor selection settings. This LED is GREEN when a valid signal is present, or RED to indicate errors. There are two DIP switch selectable modes of fault detection that will create a RED LED error indication. See Item C, page 12 for more information about this setting.10SDI/AES Source Select - 2-Position Toggle SwitchThis switch selects between the AES and SDI input sources (Item E, page 12 and Item G, page 14). However, to monitor either of these selected digital sources, the Analog/Digital Source Select switch (Item 12) must be set set to DIGITAL. 11SDI Group Select - 2-Position Toggle SwitchThis switch selects between GROUP 1 (subgroup 1, channels 1/2) and GROUP 2 (subgroup 2, channels 3/4) to be monitored within the SDI input stream. All available subgroups/channels are derived from SDI Group I.D. #1.12Analog/Digital Source Select - 2-Position Toggle SwitchWhen this toggle switch is set to ANALOG, the unit will monitor the analog input signals from the ANALOG IN XLR connectors on the rear panel (Item B, page 12). When this toggle switch is set to DIGITAL, the unit will monitor the digital source (SDI or AES) as selected by the SDI/AES Source Select switch (Item 10).13Balance Control - Rotary PotThis pans the volume balance between the left and right speakers. If the balance is adjusted hard left or hard right, a slight left/right channel mix is retained (only in low bass frequencies) so that phase discrepancies can be audibly discerned.10© 2002 Wohler Technologies Inc. ALL rights reservedPlease refer to Figure-2b on the following page to familiarize yourself with the rear panel features of the AMP1-SDA unit. Thefollowing sections describe these features and are referenced, by letter, to Figure-2b.A Power - IEC-320 ConnectorAttach a standard IEC-320 power cord between this connector and mains power (100 - 250VAC, 50/60 Hz). The front panel power LED (Item 4, page 10) will glow green to indicate operating voltages are present.B Analog Inputs (Channel A (L) and Channel B (R) - 3-Pin Female XLR ConnectorsThese two balanced (40k Ω) XLR connectors accept standard analog audio signals. The unit will monitor signals input on these two connectors when the Analog/Digital Source Select switch on the front panel (Item 12, page 10) is set to ANALOG .For XLR pinout information see the diagram at the bottom of page 14.C AES/EBU Termination and AES Error Fault Type - 4-Section DIP SwitchAES Input Termination: In the event that the AES input channel is fed to downstream equipment (via a "Y" or "T"connector), then DIP switch Section S2 must be placed in the Unterminated (UP ) position. If there is no downstream equipment connected, then Section S2 must be placed in the Terminated (DOWN ) position. See below left for diagram of termination settings.Note: Sections S3 (x) and S4 (Term 2) are not used.AES Error Indication Fault Type: There are two DIP switch selectable modes of fault detection that will create a red error indication in the AES/EBU Signal Status Indication LED;1) Reception errors: errors in reception of data or no data stream at all (S1=DOWN )or 2) Reception and data errors: errors in reception and data errors identified by the sending device (possibly invalid) (S1=UP ). See below right for diagram of AES error settings.Note: Sections S3 (x) and S4 (Term2) are not used.D AES Out (From SDI) - Female BNC ConnectorsThe AES/EBU OUT connector outputs an AES/EBU signal as converted from the SDI input and as selected by the SDI Group Select switch (Item 11, page 10). This connector is configured for an unbalanced, 75 Ω connection.E AES/EBU In - Female BNC ConnectorsThe AES/EBU IN input connector is meant to receive standard AES/EBU signals. This BNC connector is configured for an unbalanced, 75 Ω connection. Note that the unit will monitor the AES/EBU input only when the Analog/Digital Source Select switch (Item 12, page 10) is set to DIGITAL and the SDI/AES Select switch (Item 10, page 10) is set to AES .F AES/EBU Input Level Gain Calibration - 2-Section DIP SwitchInput Level Gain Calibration, the analog level which corresponds to a given digital input value, is settable via this DIP switch.The factory setting is +4 dB (analog) = -20 dBFS (digital). See the silk-screened chart on the rear panel or the diagram below for Gain Calibration settings.G SDI In and Out - Female BNC ConnectorsThe SDI IN input connector is meant to receive standard SDI signals. The SDI OUT loop-through connector outputs a reclocked (regenerated) copy of the signal entering the SDI IN input connector. Both connectors are configured for unbalanced, 75Ω connections. Note that the unit will monitor the SDI input only when the Analog/Digital Source Select switch (Item 12, page 10) is set to DIGITAL and the SDI/AES Select switch (Item 10, page 10) is set to SDI.H Level/Gain Calibration and Display Mode - 6-Position DIP SwitchThis DIP switch sets the Line Level Calibration, Meter Gain Calibration, and Bargraph Display Mode.Line Level Calibration: The unit is calibrated at the factory. To recalibrate:1)Turn on the power.2) Apply a reference level (nominal 0) signal to all four channels.3)Make sure the Gain Calibration DIP sections (S2,S3) are set to the nearest level (i.e., 0, +4, +6 or +8).4) Place section S1 of the DIP switch in the DOWN position.5) Wait 10 seconds. The unit will remove the previous calibration. The unit will make sure that all four channels are within+/- 4 dB of nominal zero. If all four channels are within this range then the new calibration will be applied. If any channel is outside this range then no new calibration will be applied.6) Place section S1 of the DIP switch in the UP position and return unit to service.If one wishes to calibrate again, turn off the power to the unit and repeat steps 1 through 6. See diagram below for settings.Meter Gain Calibration: DIP switch sections S2 and S3 determine the Gain Calibration, which adjusts the level of the input signal and the resultant "0" level displayed on the LED bargraphs. Factory setting is +4 dB. See diagram below for all settings.Bargraph Display Mode: DIP switch sections S4 and S5 determine how peak levels are displayed for the four associated meters on the front panel. S4 selects either the PPM level or a new auto-reset Peak Hold of the VU level (NOT the PPM value). When S3 is set for "VU Peak", S5 sets the Hold time to either 3 or 10 seconds. If S4 is set for "PPM Peak", S5 determines whether it is displayed in the original "floating PPM dot" mode (no hold, continuous decay of 20 dB in 1.5 seconds) or as a 3 second auto-reset Hold. The factory default setting is "PPM Peak - No Hold" (continuous decay of 20 dB in 1.5 seconds). See diagram below for all settings.Note: Section S6 on the DIP switch is not used.I Selected Analog Outputs (from Digital Source) - 3-Pin Male XLR ConnectorsThe SEL. OUT [CH A(L) and CH B(R)] output connectors are analog outputs of the selected digital source as selected for the left and right speakers and level meters. Both connectors are configured for low impedance connections. The output is not affected by the volume/balance controls or headphone mute. For all XLR pinout information see the diagram below.Gnd Pin-2Pin-1Gnd Pin-2Low (-)Female XLR PinoutTechnical Information• General Technical Observations• SDI to AES Converter Module (919096)• AES/EBU to Analog Converter Module Circuit Description (919117)• General Level Meter PCB Descriptions• LED Bargraph Level Meter Specifications• AMP1-SDA Interconnect Block DiagramGeneral Mechanical ObservationsElimination of cabinet and component sympathetic vibrations (resonances) requires considerable attention to mechanical details. Because of this, and the physical constraints of the speaker’s acoustic enclosures, even minor changes to any of the mechanical details of the unit can seriously impair its acoustic performance. This especially applies to the speaker baffles. If mechanical work on the unit is necessary, be sure to make adequate notes to permit accurate reassembly.Unfortunately, the unusual and wholly proprietary method of magnetic shielding is usually degraded slightly by any disassembly of the unit, except removal of the rear panel. Almost any maintenance or repair will require removal of the cover. If an immediately adjacent video monitor shows magnetic interference after reassembly of the unit, it must be returned to the factory to restore the shielding completely.General Audio Circuitry ObservationsSince a single-sided power supply is used, all amplifier sections are “biased” with a 1/2 supply reference, so all opamp signal terminals on the main board should have a DC level of +12V, +/-0.7V. Signal inputs to the main audio board from any of the input select circuits are via the balanced input stage, in lieu of the XLR analog inputs on the basic unit. Signal feed points for level meters and the phase indicator are immediately after the input stage, and before the volume control section.The signal pick-off for the headphones is after the volume and balance controls. Speaker muting is controlled by circuitry that senses connection of headphones to the jack.The power amps are attached to an aluminum heatsink plate (which is also connected to the circuit common for these devices). The heatsink plate forms an operational module separate from the chassis, which allows access to the solder side of the circuit board while power is applied to the circuitry. To avoid thermal shutdown of the power amp(s), they should NOT be operated without their tabs being fastened to the heatsink plate.Variations in the frequency response of different production runs of drivers has sometimes required minor adjustments in the equalization/crossover components in individual runs of units. Some of these components may have values slightly different than those indicated in the schematic, which are the nominal ones. If any of the drivers (speakers) are replaced, it may be helpful to change some of these components to achieve maximum flatness of response.The operating threshold of the woofer limiter is critical to both satisfactory reproduction of musical transients and preventing damage to, or destruction of, the speaker itself. The side speaker output limiter circuits are similarly important, though not as critically adjusted.The woofer power amps are arranged in a bridge configuration; care must be taken to avoid letting EITH ER speaker terminal contact the chassis (common) OR THE GROUNDED LEAD OF ANY TEST EQUIPMENT so as not to short out the power amps. The side speaker outputs are single-ended, so these precautions are not necessary for them.The 919096 (Serial Digital to AES/EBU Converter PCB) allows selected Wohler Technologies audio monitoring systems to be connected directly to a serial digital video signal containing embedded audio. Two levels of component signals (eg., D1, D5, and Digi Betacam type) are currently supported; synchronous audio at 48 KHz with either 20-bit data packets or audio and extended data packets. The 919096 demultiplexes (extracts) the audio data from the video data, reformatting it to the AES/EBU standard. A companion digital to analog converter module (AES/EBU Input) is required to convert the AES/EBU signal to analog audio.A front panel toggle switch selects channels one and two (first subgroup) or channels three and four (second subgroup) from group i.d. #1 for demuxing. Access to group two through four is optional.There are four primary and three ancillary sections comprising the 719117 AES/EBU digital to analog converter:1) Input source selection.2) audio data extraction.3) Digital to analog conversion.4) Analog buffer/output amplifiers.5) Power suppy, Reset, and Error indication.Input Source Selection (IC13)Each of the two selectable signal inputs are transformer-coupled to the inputs of a one-of-two active buffer/switch (IC13). The output of this switch is applied to the receiver stage of the AES receiver/unframer.Audio Data Extraction (IC11)"Header" and ancillary data are removed from the recovered input datastream, yielding a datastream having only alternating left/right channel audio data which is output on pin 26 of IC11.Digital to Analog Conversion (IC10)The "pure" audio datastream, along with a data clock and a channel ID (left/right) clock, are applied to a 20 bit two channel D to A converter (IC10), where the datastream is converted into left and right analog outputs.Analog buffer (IC4) / Output Amplifiers (IC8, IC9)Buffer/amps provide balanced left and right channel outputs as well as single ended outputs. Gain calibration, the analog level which corresponds to a given digital value, is settable via a DIP switch. The default factory setting is 20 dB below "full code" (digital zero) to equal +4 dbu (0.775V). The other three settings possible are for -18 dBfs = 0 dBu, -9 dBfs = +6 dBu, and -20 dBfs = +8 dBu. See page 12 for DIP switch location and settings.Power SupplyThe 24V rail internal to the rest of the unit is converted to +5V for digital portions of the 919117 PCB by switching regulator IC12. Error IndicationThe AES status LED is a bicolor LED (Red/Green). It is green as long as a valid digital data strean is being received. The 8412 receiver is capable of distinguishing two types of error conditions: 1) Faulty data; data identified by the sending device (possibly invalid), or 2) Faulty reception; errors in reception of data or no data stream at all. The red LED indication may be set to occur for only faulty reception (section 1 closed) or with either faulty data OR faulty reception (section 1 open). See Item B, page 12 for more information regarding this setting.Power CharacteristicsA +5 voltage (DC) is fed directly to a 4-channel Input Level Meter Engine PCB (919174). Bargraph brightness is regulated from the Bargraph Driver PCB(s) (919173).4-Channel Input Level Meter Engine Boards (919174)The analog input signals or digital input signals (after conversion from digital to analog) are inputted to a discrete Input Level Meter Engine PCB. Each Input Level Meter Engine PC boards responsibility is to process tasks such as Digital Signal Processing (DSP),frequency response, integration time, VU or PPM “dot” display mode, and phase correlation (special order option). The ADSP-2184chip on each input board handles the entire processing function. During the assembly of an AMP1-SDA unit, software is programmed and loaded to a socket chip for a specific unit in-house.A standard factory calibration of "0" indication when input level is +4 dB is set for the calibration level unless specified differently by the end user. A bank of DIP switch sections is located at the rear of these boards, which can be accessed from the rear panel. A combination of DIP switch settings can be use to calibrate the line level input to "0", set the Gain Calibration, or select the Display Mode (VU, PPM). See page 14 for for information regarding these DIP switch settings.Bargraph Driver (919173) and Bargraph Display Boards (919172)All the signal information processed from the Input Level Meter Engine PC boards are transfered to the Bargraph Driver PC boards through a 10-pin color coded cable. The Bargraph Display PC board holds the actual LED bargraph modules at the front panel and is mounted in front of the Bargraph Driver PC board and connected to it directly by header/housing connections. The Bargraph Driver PC Boards accept fixed-length word serially, and latch the outputs for the bargraph segments corresponding to those bits in the received word, which are set high.Brightness of the bargraph displays can be adjusted to a desired setting by adjusting the trimpot located on the front panel. Both bargraph displays are simultaneously adjusted with this one trimpot.26-Segment Bargraphs with Analog ScaleLevel meter type:Segment quantity:Meter display modes (DIP switch selectable):PPM peak hold properties (DIP switch select):VU peak hold properties (DIP switch select):Level gain (DIP switch selectable):Level meter scale:Dynamic range:Midscale resolution:Bargraph Length:LED segment size:LED segment pitch:Segment display color:Peak emmision wavelength:Segment brighness, (If = 20 mA):Segment brightness, uniformity:Adjacent segment "Off" brightness:LED bargraph 26VU (bar)or PPM (dot)20 dB decay in 1.5 seconds or 3 second hold 3 second hold or 10 second hold 0, +4, +6, +8 dBu +12 to -50 dB 62 dB 2 dB1.078" (27.85 mm)0.14" x 0.028" (3.57 x 0.7 mm)0.041" (1.05 mm)Tri-color (red, amber, green)Green: 570 nm, Red: 630 nm 3.5 mcd<10% difference between segments <1% of brightness of active segmentSOURCEA M P 1-S D A I n t e r c o n n e c tB l o c k D i a g r a mS A n a l o g S A n a l o A n a l o g A n a l (F r o D i g i t D I (A A S L e f t W o o f e r S p e a k e re f t i d e p e a k e ri g h t i d e p e a k e rR i g h t W o o f e r S p e a k e r(R e v -A , 05/04/02)。