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1、 There is a peach on the table .( 句) _______ .

2、 t here are some oranges in the bag.( 句) _________ . _______

3、 T here is a pen and two rulers in the box..(

复数 单数 同义 变否定句) They 2、

T hey filed kites yesterday .( kites yesterday . 3、 They cooked vegetables.( 变为现在进行时)

vegetables. 4、 T here were many buses .( 变为否定句)

buses M2句型转换 1、 H ewas a driver .(变为否定句) They There He driver.

2、 They ' re my grandparents .( 对划线部分提问)

they? 3、 S he danced in lots of Chinese cities .( she _______ ? 4、 She learn English .( 对划线部分提问

she _______ ? 5、 W e did n ' t have eno ugh food .( food.

M3句型转换 1、 I ' v got an email from Lingling .( email from Lin gli ng? 2、 Dose Lingling like English food ?(

对划线部分提问) 变为肯定形

式) 变一般疑问句 做否定回


I you ____ an No,

3、 S he had fish and chips .(变否定句) She fish ____ ____


4、 Yesterday she had an English breakfast.( 戈U 线部分提问)

_____ s h _____ yesterday?

5、 She says it ' s delicious .( 对戈卩线部分提问)

______ _____

she ?

句型转换(划线部分提问) 1、 s he had eggs and sausages for breakfast yesterday. ______________________________ ? 2、 s he drank milk last n ight . ______________________________ ? 3、 H is little brother is

ten. ___________

4、 S he' s going to drink juice on

Mon day. ____________________ 5、 S he bought five apples four days ago.



1、 Xiaoping watched TV every day .( 变为否定 句)

2、 She was a teacher .( 变为一般疑问 句) ____

3、 T hey are my grandparents .( 问)


4、 He learn English .( 改为现在进行 时)

5、 She ate a hot dog yesterday morning .( 对戈U 线部分提 问) Y ou can find out about Chinese books in this library . 上) ? 5、 You can have my English book . (变为一般疑问 句)

at (




4、 It ' s big and light .( light.

5、 It ' ll be easy for you .( easy for you. 变为否定句)


It big

It 6、 I do some shopping on the weekend.( 变为否定句) I shopp ing on the weeke nd. 7、 Is there a kite on the desk ?( 做肯定回答

8、 Z hang Peng does his homework every night .( 句)

______________ ? _____________ M6句型转换 1、 They are photos of China .( 对划线部分提问 2、 I have got lots of photos .(改为一般疑问句 of photos? 3、 W e went there in July.( 问)


对划线部分提 4、 He has got somekites.( 改为否定句)


S he rode a horse.( 变为否定句)

horse. 6、 S he visited the Tian chi Lake.( 句)

__________ ? 7、 Xinjiang is in the west of China.( Xinjia ng?

8、 I have got some chopsticks from Guilin.( chopsticks from Guili n? M7 9、 It ' s a computer message.( 变为否定句) computer message. 10、 I ‘ ve got an email from little Tom.( an email from? 11、 Draw your friend.( friend.

12、 Write your message.( message.

13、 I will be at home.( 14、 I will be at home.( 变为否定句) Yes, 变为一般疑问 He She 变为一般疑问 变为否定句) 15、 I will be at home at seven o

at home? 16、 R un to the blackboard.( blackboard. 对划线部分提问 变为否定句) 变为一般疑问句)

'clock.( 变为否定句) they?. you ts sany kites. 变为一般疑问句 it 对划线部分提问)

your )_you you


at home _______ you at home? _

对划线部分提问) ______ you

to the

17、We learn English from our teacher.( 对划线部分提问)

____we ___

from our teacher? M8 1、I want to buy a present for my brother.( 变为一般疑问句) you want to a

prese nt for my brother?
