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安排 arrangement

安全标准 safety standard

按每月使用小时支付租金的租赁 power by the hour leases

按照出资比例:in proportion to one’s respective contributions to the investment 按照法律规定according to law

按照确定的份额分担义务:assume obligations in proportion to his proper share of the debt

按照确定的份额分享权力:be entitled to rights in proportion to his proper share of the credit

按租金曲线折旧 rent curve depreciation

案件 case

案件受理费 litigation fee

案例法 case law

案例汇编case book; case report; law report

案例教学法case system

案由 nature of case

暗示的担保 implied warranty or guarantee

柏拉图 Plato

颁布 issue

颁布 promulgate

办案 handle a case

办理 deal with

办理注销登记:cancel the registration

半导体芯片 semiconductor chips

帮助当事人毁灭、伪造证据罪 crime of aiding a client to destroy or forge evidence 绑架妇女儿童罪 crime of kidnapping women and children

包庇、纵容黑社会性质组织罪 crime of harboring a mafia-style syndicate

包庇毒品犯罪分子罪 crime of harboring drug criminals

包庇罪 crime of concealing the murder

包装 packaging

保费 premium

保护 indemnify

保健服务health care services

保健商融资公司 health care merchant fund incorporation

保健提供者 healthcare provider

保健应收款 health care receivables

保留 retaining

保密性 confidentiality

保全 perfection

保税区 bonded area

保险 underwriting

保险标准 underwriting standard

保险单 insurance policy

保险法 insurance law

保险功能 insurance function

保险类别 insurance coverage

保险凭证 insurance certificate

保险索赔insurance claims

保养方针及程序 maintenance policies and procedures

保证 guarantee

保证 warranty

保证金 bail

保证金 margins

保证金 security deposit

保证金帐户 margin account

保证人,担保人 guarantor

保证书 covenant of warranty

保证书 indemnity

保证条款 warranty

保值利率 inflation-proof interest rate

报废(或挑其中有价值的贵金属出卖)scrap or salvage sale 报复陷害罪case of retaliation and frame-ups

报告 report

报价 quoting


备件 repairs

备忘功能 memory function

被裁定为 be adjudged to be

被陈述人 representee

被代理人:the principal

被担保方 secured party

被动投资信托 passive investment trust

被告人辨解 statement of the defendant

被侵权人 the infringed

被少报的 understated

被视为be deemed as

被宣布为非法be outlawed; be declared illegal

本金 principal

本人名义:in one’s name

本质上的公司 per se corporations

比较法comparative law

比较法学comparative jurisprudence

比较法学派school of comparative jurisprudence

比较法制史 comparative legal history

比较分析法method of comparative analysis

比较刑法comparative penal law

比较刑法学comparative penal jurisprudence

必然因果关系positive causal relationship
