四川省 高中英语词汇 基本要求 外研版 必修1教学教材




外研版高中英语教材词汇材料(必修一至必修五)必修一(Unit 1-Unit 4)- ambition 野心,雄心- celebrate 庆祝- determine 决定,决心- examine 检查,考察- facilitate 促进,帮助- global 全球的,全世界的- illustrate 说明,阐明- journey 旅行,行程- kindness 仁慈,友好- leisure 闲暇,空闲- minority 少数群体,少数派- neglect 忽视,疏忽- precious 珍贵的,宝贵的- recognize 认可,承认- sacrifice 牺牲,献出- transform 转变,改变- underline 强调,底线- vivid 生动的,鲜明的必修二(Unit 1-Unit 4) - abstract 抽象的,纯理论的- benefit 益处,好处- deserve 值得,应得- evaluate 评估,评价- foundation 基础,根据- generate 产生,引起- hesitate 犹豫,迟疑- identical 同一的,相同的- justify 证明...是正当的- launch 发起,开始- manipulate 操纵,控制- noisy 喧闹的,嘈杂的- obvious 明显的,显然的- passion 热情,激情- qualify 使有资格,使合适- resemble 类似于,像- significant 重要的,显著的- transform 转变,改变必修三(Unit 1-Unit 4) - adjust 调整,适应- boast 自吹自擂,夸耀- challenge 挑战,质疑- dedication 奉献,投入- establish 建立,确立- fame 名声,名誉- generate 产生,引起- host 主持,当主人- identify 确认,识别- justify 证明...是正当的- leisure 闲暇,空闲- maturity 成熟,成年- neutral 中立的,中性的- objective 客观的,目标- passion 热情,激情- qualify 使有资格,使合适- resemble 类似于,像- significant 重要的,显著的- transform 转变,改变必修四(Unit 1-Unit 4)- aggression 侵略,攻击- benefit 益处,好处- candidate 候选人,应试者- demonstrate 演示,证明- efficient 有效率的,高效的- fundamental 基本的,根本的- generate 产生,引起- hostile 敌对的,敌人的- identify 确认,识别- justify 证明...是正当的- liability 责任,义务- mature 成熟的,成年人的- neutral 中立的,中性的- objective 客观的,目标- passion 热情,激情- qualify 使有资格,使合适- resemble 类似于,像- significant 重要的,显著的- transform 转变,改变必修五(Unit 1-Unit 4)- adjust 调整,适应- benefit 益处,好处- candidate 候选人,应试者- demonstrate 演示,证明- efficient 有效率的,高效的- fundamental 基本的,根本的- generate 产生,引起- hostile 敌对的,敌人的- identify 确认,识别- justify 证明...是正当的- liability 责任,义务- mature 成熟的,成年人的- neutral 中立的,中性的- objective 客观的,目标- passion 热情,激情- qualify 使有资格,使合适- resemble 类似于,像- significant 重要的,显著的- transform 转变,改变*以上提供的词汇材料仅为参考,具体教材内容以实际版本为准。

























Book 1 Module 1-2 基础过关(教师版)Ⅰ. V ocabulary:1.尴尬的adj. embarrassed2.描述n. description3.令人印象深刻的adj. impressive4.信息n. information5.热心的adj. enthusiast ic6.流利的adj. fluent7.消失vi. disappear8.制度、体系n. system9.令人失望的adj. disappointing10.立即、立刻adv. imme diately11.聪明的adj. intelligent12.纪律n. discipline13.有组织的adj. organized14.假期n. vacation15.放松n. relaxation16.复习vt. revise17.精力充沛的adj. energetic18.指示、说明n. instruction19.逃避vt. avoid20.完全地adv. completely21.欣赏、感激vt. appreciate22.有耐心的adj. patient23.文学n. lit erature24.同样地adv. similarly25.行为n. behavior26.技术n. technology27.流利n. fluency28.翻译vt. traslate29.态度n. attitude 30.尊敬、敬重vt./ n. respectⅡ. Phrases: (下划线为该短语必用单词)1.令某人吃惊的是to one’s amazement2.在某人的指导下under one’s instruction3.和某人吵架have words with sb.4.和某人交谈have a word with sb.5.被分成be divided into6.难以言表beyond words7.开始着手做get down to8.反对object to9.与…相似be similar to10.导致、造成result in11.习惯做…get used to doing12.贡献…给… devote…to…13.也适用于be true of14.调查look int o15.尊敬,敬仰look up to16.总之in a word17.一点也不像nothing like18.坚持stick to19.因为as a result of20.确定、查清make sure21.对某人耐心be patient with22.承认做过admit having done23.宁愿做…不愿做… would rather do..than do…24.逃避做某事avoid doing25.对某人严格be strict with26.向某人问好send one’s respects to27.上大学go to college28.因为某事敬重某人respect sb. for sth.29.过去常常做used to30.给某人留下印象leave/ make an impression on sb.Key sentences:1.这个小镇占地10平方千米。

新教材 外研版高中英语必修第一册全册各单元知识点提炼汇总(单词短语句型语法等详解及扩展)

新教材 外研版高中英语必修第一册全册各单元知识点提炼汇总(单词短语句型语法等详解及扩展)

外研版必修第一册全册各单元知识点汇总Unit 1 A new start .................................................................................................................... - 1 - Unit 2 Exploring English ....................................................................................................... - 15 - Unit 3 Family matters ............................................................................................................ - 29 - Unit 4 Friends forever............................................................................................................ - 44 - Unit 5 Into the wild ................................................................................................................ - 57 - unit 6 At one with nature........................................................................................................ - 65 -Unit 1 A new start重点单词1.picture vt.想象;描写2.over and over again反复地3.wake up醒来wake的过去式为woke,过去分词为woken,现在分词为waking。



.可编辑文本1 外研版四川省专用全词汇表 必修一 Module 1 academic /,æk ə'demik/ adj. 学术的 province /'pr ɒvins/ n. 省enthusiastic /in,θju:zi'æstik/ adj. 热心的amazing /ə'meiziŋ/ adj. 令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的 information /,inf ə'mei ʃən/ n. 信息 website /web’sait/ n. 网站;网址brilliant /'brilj ənt/ adj. (口语)极好的comprehension /,k ɒmpri'hen ʃən/ n. 理解;领悟instruction /in'str ʌk ʃən/ n. (常作复数)指示; 说明 method /'meθəd/ n. 方法bored /'b ɒ:d/ adj. 厌烦的; 厌倦的embarrassed /im'bær əst/ adj. 尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的 attitude /'ætitju:d/ n. 态度 behaviour /bi'heivj ə/ n. 行为;举动previous /'pri:vi əs/ adj. 以前的;从前的 description /di'skrip ʃən/ n. 记述;描述 amazed /ə'meizd/ adj. 吃惊的;惊讶的embarrassing /im'bær əsiŋ/ adj. 令人尴尬的;令人难 technology /tek'n ɒl əd ʒi/ n. 技术 impress /im'pres/ vt. 使印象深刻correction /k ə'rek ʃən/ n. 改正;纠正encouragement /in'k ʌrid ʒm ənt/ n. 鼓励;激励 enjoyment /in'd ʒɒim ənt/ n. 享受;乐趣 fluency /'flu:ənsi/ n. 流利;流畅misunderstanding /,mis ʌnd ə'stændiŋ/ n. 误解 disappointed /,dis ə'p ɒintid/ adj. 失望的disappointing /,dis ə'p ɒintiŋ/ adj 令人失望的 system /'sist əm/ n. 制度;体系;系统 teenager /'ti:nid ʒə/ n. 少年 disappear /,dis ə'pi ə/ vi. 消失 move /mu:v/ vi. 搬家assistant /ə'sist ənt/ n. 助手;助理 cover /'k ʌv ə/ vt. 包含diploma /di'pl əum ə/ n. 文凭;毕业证书 in other words 换句话说 look forward to 期待;盼望at the start of 在……开始的时候 at the end of 在……结束的时候 go to college 上大学be divided into 被(划)分成…… take part in 参加Module 2amusing /ə'mju:ziŋ/ adj. 有趣的;可笑的 energetic /,en ə'd ʒetik/ adj. 精力充沛的 intelligent /in'telid ʒənt/ adj. 聪明的 nervous /'n ə:v əs/ adj. 紧张的;焦虑的 organised /'ɒ:g ənaizd/ adj. 有组织的;有系统的 patient /'pei ʃənt/ adj. 耐心的 serious /'si əri əs/ adj. 严肃的 shy /ʃai/ adj. 害羞的;羞怯的 strict /strikt/ adj. 严格的;严厉的impression /im'pre ʃən/ n. 印象 avoid /ə'v ɒid/ vt. (故意)避开 hate /heit/ vt. 讨厌;不喜欢incorrectly /,ink ə'rektli/ adv. 不正确地 completely /k əm'pli:tli/ adv. 十分地;完全地 immediately /i'mi:di ətli/ adv. 立即,即刻 appreciate /ə'pri:ʃieit/ vt. 感激 admit /əd'mit/ vt. 承认scientific /,sai ən'tifik/ adj. 科学的literature /'lit ər ət ʃə/ n. 文学 loudly /'laudli/ adv. 大声地 wave /weiv/ vt. 挥(手);招(手) joke /d ʒəuk/ n. 玩笑;笑话summary /'s ʌm əri/ n. 总结;摘要;提要 respect /ri'spekt/ vt. & n. 尊敬;尊重 grade /greid/ n. (美)成绩;分数headmaster /'hed'm ɑ:st ə/ n. 校长 headmistress /'hed'mistris/ n. 女校长 period /'pi əri əd/ n. 一段时间 revision /ri'vi ʒən/ n. 复习translation /træns'lei ʃən/ n. 翻译 timetable /'taimteibl/ n. 时间表 topic /'t ɒpik/ n. 话题;题目vacation /vei'kei ʃən/ n. 假期 revise /ri'vaiz/ vt. 温习(功课)discipline /'disiplin/ n. 纪律relationship /ri'lei ʃən ʃip/ n. 关系 formal /'f ɒ:m əl/ adj. 正式的 relaxed /ri'lækst/ adj. 轻松的;松懈的,宽松的 similarly /'simil əli/ adv. 同样地,类似地 make sure 确定;确信;查明;弄清楚 so that (引起表示结果的从句)因此 make progress 取得进步 as a result 结果 in fact 事实上 fall asleep 睡着tell jokes 讲笑话;开玩笑Module 3helicopter /'helik ɒpt ə/ n. 直升飞机motorbike /'m əut ə, n. 摩托车 tram /træm/ n. 电车distance /'dist əns/ n. 距离 abandoned /ə'bænd ənd/ adj. 被遗弃的 camel /'kæml/ n. 骆驼 cassette /kæ'set/ n. 录音带 desert /'dez ət/ n. 沙漠diamond /'dai əm ənd/ n. 钻石 expert /'eksp ə:t/ n. 专家 midnight /'midnait/ n. 半夜 product /'pr ɒd ʌkt/ n. 产品 scenery /'si:n əri/ n. 风景;景色shoot /ʃu:t/ vt. (shot, shot) 射杀 soil /s ɒil/ n. 土壤journey /'d ʒə:ni/ n. 旅程 train /trein/ vt. 训练circus /'s ə:k əs/ n. 马戏团 seaside /'si:said/ n. 海滨 stadium /'steidi əm/ n. 运动场;体育场 eagle /'i:gl/ n. 鹰 frighten /'fraitn/ vt. 使吃惊;惊吓kindergarten /'kind ə,g ɑ:tn/ n. 幼儿园apartment /ə'p ɑ:tm ənt/ n. (美)公寓;单元住宅 cartoon /k ɑ:'tu:n/ n. 卡通;漫画 interview /'int əvju:/ n. 面试;面谈interviewer /'int əvju:ə/ n. (面试时的)主考官;面谈者 event /i'vent/ n. 事件exhausted /ig'z ɒ:stid/ adj. 疲惫不堪的 downtown /'daun'taun/ adj. 商业区的;市中心的 vacuum /`'vækju əm/ n. 真空;空白 rail /reil/ n. 铁轨ceremony /'serim əni/ n. 仪式 track /træk/ n. 轨道souvenir /,su:v ə'ni ə/ n. 纪念品 get on 上(车、船等) get off 下(车、船等) get into 上(车) get out of 下(车) take off (飞机)起飞be short for 是……的缩写/简称 not …any mor 不再 out of date 过时refer to 指的是 survey /s ə'vei/ n. 调查.可编辑文本M odule 4survey /s ə'vei/ n. 调查neighbourhood n. 四邻;街坊 local /'l əuk əl/ adj. 地方的;局部的 suburb /'s ʌb ə:b/ n. 城郊;郊区 hometown /h əum'taun/ n. 家乡 attractive /ə'træktiv/ adj. 有吸引力的;吸引人的 fortunate /'f ɒ:t ʃənit/ adj. 幸运的;吉祥的 pretty /'priti/ adv. 很;相当 sound /saund/ vi. 听起来 tourist /'tu ərist/ n. 旅游者;观光客 bother /'b ɒðə/ vt. 打扰;烦扰;麻烦 nuisance /'nju:sns/ n. 令人讨厌的人或事 rent /rent/ n. 租金district /'distrikt/ n. 地域;区域;行政区approach /ə'pr əut ʃ/ vt. 接近 harbour /'h ɑ:b ə/ n. 海港 gorgeous /'g ɒ:d ʒəs/ adj. 美丽的;宜人的 architecture /'ɑ:kitekt ʃə/ n. 建筑 starve /st ɑ:v/ vi. 饿死park /p ɑ:k/ vt. 停车 traffic /'træfik/ n. 交通committee /k ə'miti/ n. 委员会organization /'ɒ:g ənai'z ʃən/ n. 组织 unemployed /,ʌnim'pl ɒid/ adj. 失业的;没有工作的 household /'haush əuld/ n. 家属;家人occupation /,ɒkju'pei ʃən/ n. 职业 professional /pr ə'fe ʃənl/ adj. 专业的 manual /'mænju əl/ adj. 用手的;手的employment /im'pl ɒim ənt/ n. 就业;工作;职业 gallery /'gæl əri/ n. 美术馆;画廊exchange /iks't ʃeind ʒ/ vt. 交换 fascinating /'fæsineitiŋ/ adj. 迷人的;吸引人的 afford /ə'f ɒ:d/ vt. 买得起;有能力支付 survive /s ə'vaiv/ vi. 死里逃生;大难不死 contact /'k ɒntækt/ vt. 联络;联系(某人) put up 修建so far 到目前为止 up to now 到目前为止 till now 到目前为止 get away from 摆脱a great many 许多;大量 a number of 许多;大量 go up 上升Module 5liquid /'likwid/ n. 液体 expand /ik'spænd/ vi. 膨胀 contract /'k ɒntrækt/ vi. 收缩 substance /'s ʌbst əns/ n. 物质 mixture /'mikst ʃə/ n. 混合物 oxygen /'ɒks əd ʒən/ n. 氧气 electricity /,ilek'trisiti/ n. 电 stage /steid ʒ/ n. 阶段;时期conclusion /k ən'klu:ʒən/ n. 结论 aim /eim/ n. 目标;目的reaction /ri'æk ʃən/ n. 反应 electrical /i'lektrik əl/ adj. 与电有关的;用电的 equipment /i'kwipm ənt/ n. 设备;装备 react /ri'ækt/ vi. (化学)反应potassium /p ə'tæs ɪəm/ n. 钾 sodium /'s əudi əm/ n. 钠 calcium /'kælsi əm/ n. 钙magnesium /mæg'ni:zi əm/ n. 镁 aluminium /,ælju'mini əm/ n. 铝 zinc /ziŋk/ n. 锌 partial /'p ɑ:ʃəl/ ad 部分的;局部的 copper /'k ɒp ə/ n. 铜 oxide /'ɒksaid/ n. 氧化物 rust /r ʌst/ vi. 生锈 boil /b ɒil/ vt. 煮;煮沸ordinary /'ɒ:din əri/ ad 普通的;平常的 steam /sti:m/ n. 蒸汽;水气 float /fl əut/ vi. 漂浮 form /f ɒ:m/ vi. 形成 dissolve /di'z ɒlv/ vi. 溶解;分解;分离 balance /'bæl əns/ n. 天平 crucible /'kru:sibl/ n. 坩埚 tongs /t ɒŋz/ n. 夹子;小钳子;镊子 flame /fleim/ n. 火焰 facility /f ə'siliti/ n. 常作复数)设备;工具 lecture /'lekt ʃə/ n. 演讲department /di'p ɑ:tm ənt/ n. (大学的)科、系 astonished /ə'st ɒni ʃt/ adj 吃惊的;惊愕的 add … to … 往……加入…… used to 过去(常常)…… in the area of 在……领域be proud of 为……感到骄傲/自豪 be supposed to 应当;理应Module 6contain /k ən'tein/ vt. 包含;包括access /'ækses/ n. 接近;通路 crash /kræʃ/ vi. (计算机)崩溃keyword /'ki:,w ə:d/ n. 密码;口令 log /l ɒg/ vt. 记录;登录software /'s ɒftwєə/ n. 软件 breakdown /'breikdaun/ n. 故障source /s ɒ:s/ n. 来源;出处 accessible /ək'ses əbl/ adj 可进入的;可使用的 data /'deit ə/ adj (复)数据defence /di'fens/ n. 保护;防卫 create /kri:'eit/ vt. 创造;发明 network /'netw ə:k/ n. 网络 via /vai ə/ pre 途经;经由percentage /p ə'sentid ʒ/ n. 百分数;百分率 design /di'zain/ vt. 设计document /'d ɒkjum ənt/ n. 文件 invention /in'ven ʃən/ n. 发明 permission /p ə'mi ʃən/ n. 许可 military /'milit əri/ adj 军事的;军队的 concentrate /'k ɒns əntreit/ vi. 集中(注意力、 思想等) definite /'definit/ adj 明确的fantastic /fæn'tæstik/ adj 极好的;美independent /,indi'pend ənt/ adj 独立的 essay /'esei/ n. 文章 pass /pæs/ vt. 超过frequently /'fri:kw əntli/ ad 时常;经常disadvantage /,dis əd'v ɑ:ntid ʒ/ n. 弊端;缺点 average /'æv ərid ʒ/ adj 平均的 statistics /st ə'tistiks/ n. 统计数字 shorten /'ʃɒ:tn/ vt. 缩短sideways /'saidweiz/ adv. 横着地;斜着地 consists of 由……组成 as well 也become known as 作为……而出名;被称为… go down 下降 come up with 提出from that moment on 从那时起 concentrate on 聚精会神;集中思想compared with 与……相比.可编辑文本外研版四川省专用全词汇表 必修一 Module 1 /,æk ə'demik/ adj. 学术的 /'pr ɒvins/ n. 省/in,θju:zi'æstik/ adj . 热心的/ə'meiziŋ/ adj. 令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的 /,inf ə'mei ʃən/ n. 信息 /web’sait/ n. 网站;网址 /'brilj ənt/ adj. (口语)极好的 /,k ɒmpri'hen ʃən/ n. 理解;领悟/in'str ʌk ʃən/ n. (常作复数)指示; 说明 /'meθəd/ n. 方法/'b ɒ:d/ adj. 厌烦的; 厌倦的/im'bær əst/ adj. 尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的 /'ætitju:d/ n. 态度 /bi'heivj ə/ n. 行为;举动 /'pri:vi əs/ adj. 以前的;从前的 /di'skrip ʃən/ n. 记述;描述 /ə'meizd/ adj. 吃惊的;惊讶的 /im'bær əsiŋ/ adj. 令人尴尬的;令人难 /tek'n ɒl əd ʒi/ n. 技术 /im'pres/ vt. 使印象深刻 /k ə'rek ʃən/ n. 改正;纠正/in'k ʌrid ʒm ənt/ n. 鼓励;激励/in'd ʒɒim ənt/ n. 享受;乐趣/'flu:ənsi/ n. 流利;流畅/,mis ʌnd ə'stændiŋ/ n. 误解 /,dis ə'p ɒintid/ adj. 失望的 /,dis ə'p ɒintiŋ/ adj 令人失望的 /'sist əm/ n. 制度;体系;系统 /'ti:nid ʒə/ n. 少年 /,dis ə'pi ə/ vi. 消失 /mu:v/ vi. 搬家 /ə'sist ənt/ n. 助手;助理 /'k ʌv ə/ vt. 包含 /di'pl əum ə/ n. 文凭;毕业证书 换句话说 期待;盼望 在……开始的时候 在……结束的时候 上大学被(划)分成…… 参加Module 2/ə'mju:ziŋ/ adj. 有趣的;可笑的/,en ə'd ʒetik/ adj. 精力充沛的/in'telid ʒənt/ adj. 聪明的/'n ə:v əs/ adj. 紧张的;焦虑的 /'ɒ:g ənaizd/ adj. 有组织的;有系统的 /'pei ʃənt/ adj. 耐心的 /'si əri əs/ adj. 严肃的 /ʃai/ adj. 害羞的;羞怯的 /strikt/ adj. 严格的;严厉的 /im'pre ʃən/ n. 印象 /ə'v ɒid/ vt. (故意)避开 /heit/ vt. 讨厌;不喜欢 /,ink ə'rektli/ adv. 不正确地 /k əm'pli:tli/ adv. 十分地;完全地 /i'mi:di ətli/ adv. 立即,即刻 /ə'pri:ʃieit/ vt. 感激 /əd'mit/ vt. 承认 /,sai ən'tifik/ adj. 科学的/'lit ər ət ʃə/ n. 文学 /'laudli/ adv. 大声地 /weiv/ vt. 挥(手);招(手) /d ʒəuk/ n. 玩笑;笑话 /'s ʌm əri/ n. 总结;摘要;提要 /ri'spekt/ vt. & n. 尊敬;尊重 /greid/ n. (美)成绩;分数 /'hed'm ɑ:st ə/ n. 校长/'hed'mistris/ n. 女校长 /'pi əri əd/ n. 一段时间.可编辑文本/ri'vi ʒən/ n. 复习 /træns'lei ʃən/ n. 翻译 /'taimteibl/ n. 时间表 /'t ɒpik/ n. 话题;题目 /vei'kei ʃən/ n. 假期 /ri'vaiz/ vt. 温习(功课) /'disiplin/ n. 纪律 /ri'lei ʃən ʃip/ n. 关系 /'f ɒ:m əl/ adj. 正式的 /ri'lækst/ adj. 轻松的;松懈的,宽松的 /'simil əli/ adv. 同样地,类似地 确定;确信;查明;弄清楚 (引起表示结果的从句)因此 取得进步 结果 事实上 睡着讲笑话;开玩笑Module 3/'helik ɒpt ə/ n. 直升飞机 /'m əut ə, n. 摩托车 /træm/ n. 电车 /'dist əns/ n. 距离/ə'bænd ənd/ adj. 被遗弃的 /'kæml/ n. 骆驼 /kæ'set/ n. 录音带 /'dez ət/ n. 沙漠 /'dai əm ənd/ n. 钻石 /'eksp ə:t/ n. 专家 /'midnait/ n. 半夜 /'pr ɒd ʌkt/ n. 产品 /'si:n əri/ n. 风景;景色/ʃu:t/ vt. (shot, shot) 射杀 /s ɒil/ n. 土壤 /'d ʒə:ni/ n. 旅程 /trein/ vt. 训练 /'s ə:k əs/ n. 马戏团 /'si:said/ n. 海滨 /'steidi əm/ n. 运动场;体育场 /'i:gl/ n. 鹰 /'fraitn/ vt. 使吃惊;惊吓 /'kind ə,g ɑ:tn/ n. 幼儿园 /ə'p ɑ:tm ənt/ n. (美)公寓;单元住宅 /k ɑ:'tu:n/ n. 卡通;漫画 /'int əvju:/ n. 面试;面谈 /'int əvju:ə/ n. (面试时的)主考官;面谈者 /i'vent/ n. 事件 /ig'z ɒ:stid/ adj. 疲惫不堪的/'daun'taun/ adj. 商业区的;市中心的 /`'vækju əm/ n. 真空;空白 /reil/ n. 铁轨 /'serim əni/ n. 仪式 /træk/ n. 轨道 /,su:v ə'ni ə/ n. 纪念品 /s ə'vei/ n. 调查 上(车、船等) 下(车、船等) 上(车) 下(车) (飞机)起飞 是……的缩写/简称 不再 过时 指的是M odule 4/s ə'vei/ n. 调查n. 四邻;街坊/'l əuk əl/ adj. 地方的;局部的 /'s ʌb ə:b/ n. 城郊;郊区 /h əum'taun/ n. 家乡 /ə'træktiv/ adj. 有吸引力的;吸引人的 /'f ɒ:t ʃənit/ adj. 幸运的;吉祥的 /'priti/ adv. 很;相当 /saund/ vi. 听起来 /'tu ərist/ n. 旅游者;观光客 /'b ɒðə/ vt. 打扰;烦扰;麻烦.可编辑文本/'nju:sns/ n. 令人讨厌的人或事 /rent/ n. 租金 /'distrikt/ n. 地域;区域;行政区 /ə'pr əut ʃ/ vt. 接近 /'h ɑ:b ə/ n. 海港 /'g ɒ:d ʒəs/ adj. 美丽的;宜人的 /'ɑ:kitekt ʃə/ n. 建筑 /st ɑ:v/ vi. 饿死/p ɑ:k/ vt. 停车 /'træfik/ n. 交通 /k ə'miti/ n. 委员会/'ɒ:g ənai'z ʃən/ n. 组织 /,ʌnim'pl ɒid/ adj. 失业的;没有工作的 /'haush əuld/ n. 家属;家人/,ɒkju'pei ʃən/ n. 职业 /pr ə'fe ʃənl/ adj. 专业的 /'mænju əl/ adj. 用手的;手的/im'pl ɒim ənt/ n. 就业;工作;职业 /'gæl əri/ n. 美术馆;画廊 /iks't ʃeind ʒ/ vt. 交换 /'fæsineitiŋ/ adj. 迷人的;吸引人的 /ə'f ɒ:d/ vt. 买得起;有能力支付 /s ə'vaiv/ vi. 死里逃生;大难不死 /'k ɒntækt/ vt. 联络;联系(某人) 修建到目前为止 到目前为止 到目前为止 摆脱许多;大量 许多;大量 上升Module 5/'likwid/ n. 液体 /ik'spænd/ vi. 膨胀 /'k ɒntrækt/ vi. 收缩 /'s ʌbst əns/ n. 物质 /'mikst ʃə/ n. 混合物 /'ɒks əd ʒən/ n. 氧气 /,ilek'trisiti/ n. 电 /steid ʒ/ n. 阶段;时期/k ən'klu:ʒən/ n. 结论 /eim/ n. 目标;目的/ri'æk ʃən/ n. 反应 /i'lektrik əl/ adj. 与电有关的;用电的 /i'kwipm ənt/ n. 设备;装备 /ri'ækt/ vi. (化学)反应/p ə'tæs ɪəm/ n. 钾 /'s əudi əm/ n. 钠 /'kælsi əm/ n. 钙 /mæg'ni:zi əm/ n. 镁 /,ælju'mini əm/ n. 铝 /ziŋk/ n. 锌 /'p ɑ:ʃəl/ ad 部分的;局部的 /'k ɒp ə/ n. 铜 /'ɒksaid/ n. 氧化物 /r ʌst/ vi. 生锈 /b ɒil/ vt. 煮;煮沸 /'ɒ:din əri/ ad 普通的;平常的 /sti:m/ n. 蒸汽;水气 /fl əut/ vi. 漂浮 /f ɒ:m/ vi. 形成 /di'z ɒlv/ vi. 溶解;分解;分离 /'bæl əns/ n. 天平 /'kru:sibl/ n. 坩埚 /t ɒŋz/ n. 夹子;小钳子;镊子 /fleim/ n. 火焰 /f ə'siliti/ n. 常作复数)设备;工具 /'lekt ʃə/ n. 演讲 /di'p ɑ:tm ənt/ n. (大学的)科、系 /ə'st ɒni ʃt/ adj 吃惊的;惊愕的 往……加入…… 过去(常常)…… 在……领域为……感到骄傲/自豪 应当;理应Module 6/k ən'tein/ vt. 包含;包括/'ækses/ n. 接近;通路 /kræʃ/ vi. (计算机)崩溃/'ki:,w ə:d/ n. 密码;口令 /l ɒg/ vt. 记录;登录 /'s ɒftwєə/ n. 软件 /'breikdaun/ n. 故障/s ɒ:s/ n. 来源;出处 /ək'ses əbl/ adj 可进入的;可使用的 /'deit ə/ adj (复)数据/di'fens/ n. 保护;防卫/kri:'eit/ vt. 创造;发明 /'netw ə:k/ n. 网络 /vai ə/ pre 途经;经由/p ə'sentid ʒ/ n. 百分数;百分率 /di'zain/ vt. 设计 /'d ɒkjum ənt/ n. 文件 /in'ven ʃən/ n. 发明 /p ə'mi ʃən/ n. 许可 /'milit əri/ adj 军事的;军队的/'k ɒns əntreit/ vi. 集中(注意力、 思想等) /'definit/ adj 明确的 /fæn'tæstik/ adj 极好的;美 /,indi'pend ənt/ adj 独立的 /'esei/ n. 文章 /pæs/ vt. 超过/'fri:kw əntli/ ad 时常;经常/,dis əd'v ɑ:ntid ʒ/ n. 弊端;缺点 /'æv ərid ʒ/ adj 平均的 /st ə'tistiks/ n. 统计数字 /'ʃɒ:tn/ vt. 缩短/'saidweiz/ adv. 横着地;斜着地 由……组成 也作为……而出名;被称为… 下降 提出 从那时起聚精会神;集中思想与……相比外研版四川省专用全词汇表 必修一 Module 1 学术的 省 热心的令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的 信息 网站;网址.可编辑文本(口语)极好的 理解;领悟(常作复数)指示; 说明 方法厌烦的; 厌倦的尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的 态度 行为;举动 以前的;从前的 记述;描述 吃惊的;惊讶的令人尴尬的;令人难堪的 技术 使印象深刻 改正;纠正 鼓励;激励享受;乐趣流利;流畅误解失望的令人失望的制度;体系;系统少年消失搬家助手;助理 包含文凭;毕业证书 换句话说 期待;盼望 在……开始的时候 在……结束的时候 上大学被(划)分成…… 参加Module 2有趣的;可笑的精力充沛的聪明的紧张的;焦虑的有组织的;有系统的耐心的严肃的害羞的;羞怯的严格的;严厉的印象(故意)避开 讨厌;不喜欢 不正确地 十分地;完全地 立即,即刻 感激,欣赏 承认 科学的 文学 大声地挥(手);招(手) 玩笑;笑话 总结;摘要;提要 . 尊敬;尊重 (美)成绩;分数 校长女校长 一段时间 . 复习 . 翻译 时间表 话题;题目 假期温习(功课) 纪律.可编辑文本关系 正式的轻松的;松懈的,宽松的 同样地,类似地确定;确信;查明;弄清楚 (引起表示结果的从句)因此 取得进步 结果 事实上 睡着讲笑话;开玩笑Module 3 直升飞机 摩托车 电车距离被遗弃的骆驼录音带沙漠钻石专家半夜. 产品 风景;景色 射杀 土壤 旅程 训练 马戏团 海滨运动场;体育场 鹰使吃惊;惊吓 幼儿园(美)公寓;单元住宅 卡通;漫画 面试;面谈(面试时的)主考官;面谈者事件 疲惫不堪的商业区的;市中心的真空;空白铁轨仪式轨道纪念品上(车、船等)下(车、船等)上(车) 下(车) (飞机)起飞 是……的缩写/简称 不再 过时 指的是M odule 4调查四邻;街坊地方的;局部的 城郊;郊区 家乡有吸引力的;吸引人的 幸运的;吉祥的 很;相当 听起来旅游者;观光客 打扰;烦扰;麻烦 令人讨厌的人或事 租金地域;区域;行政区 接近 海港美丽的;宜人的 建筑 饿死 停车 交通 委员会失业的;没有工作的 家属;家人 职业 专业的.可编辑文本用手的;手的 就业;工作;职业 美术馆;画廊 交换迷人的;吸引人的 买得起;有能力支付 死里逃生;大难不死 联络;联系(某人) 修建到目前为止 到目前为止 到目前为止 摆脱许多;大量 许多;大量 上升Module 5 液体 膨胀 收缩 物质 混合物 氧气 电阶段;时期 结论目标;目的 反应与电有关的;用电的 设备;装备 (化学)反应 钾 钠 钙 镁 铝 锌部分的;局部的 铜 氧化物 生锈 煮;煮沸普通的;平常的 蒸汽;水气 漂浮 形成溶解;分解;分离 天平 坩埚夹子;小钳子;镊子 火焰常作复数)设备;工具 演讲(大学的)科、系 吃惊的;惊愕的 往……加入……过去(常常)…… 在……领域为……感到骄傲/自豪 应当;理应Module 6 包含;包括 接近;通路(计算机)崩溃 密码;口令 记录;登录 软件 故障来源;出处可进入的;可使用的 (复)数据 保护;防卫 创造;发明 网络途经;经由百分数;百分率 设计 文件 发明 许可军事的;军队的集中(注意力、 思想等) 明确的极好的;美妙的 独立的 文章 超过时常;经常 弊端;缺点平均的统计数字(复) 缩短横着地;斜着地 由……组成 也作为…而出名;被称为…;叫作… 下降 提出 从那时起聚精会神;集中思想 与……相比必修一 Module 1 academic /,æk ə'demik/ adj. province /'pr ɒvins/ n.enthusiastic /in,θju:zi'æstik/ adj. amazing /ə'meiziŋ/ adj.information /,inf ə'mei ʃən/ n. website /web’sait/ n. brilliant /'brilj ənt/ adj.comprehension /,k ɒmpri'hen ʃən/ n. instruction /in'str ʌk ʃən/ n. method /'meθəd/ n. bored /'b ɒ:d/ adj.embarrassed /im'bær əst/ adj.attitude /'ætitju:d/ n. behaviour /bi'heivj ə/ n. previous /'pri:vi əs/ adj.description /di'skrip ʃən/ n. amazed /ə'meizd/ adj.embarrassing /im'bær əsiŋ/ adj.technology /tek'n ɒl əd ʒi/ n. impress /im'pres/ vt.correction /k ə'rek ʃən/ n.encouragement /in'k ʌrid ʒm ənt/ n. enjoyment /in'd ʒɒim ənt/ n. fluency /'flu:ənsi/ n.misunderstanding /,mis ʌnd ə'stændiŋ/ n. disappointed /,dis ə'p ɒintid/ adj..可编辑文本disappointing /,dis ə'p ɒintiŋ/ adj system /'sist əm/ n.teenager /'ti:nid ʒə/ n.disappear /,dis ə'pi ə/ vi. move /mu:v/ vi. assistant /ə'sist ənt/ n. cover /'k ʌv ə/ vt. diploma /di'pl əum ə/ n. in other words look forward to at the start of at the end of go to college be divided into take part in必修一 Module 2amusing /ə'mju:ziŋ/ adj. energetic /,en ə'd ʒetik/ adj.intelligent /in'telid ʒənt/ adj. nervous /'n ə:v əs/ adj. organised /'ɒ:g ənaizd/ adj.patient /'pei ʃənt/ adj. serious /'si əri əs/ adj. shy /ʃai/ adj. strict /strikt/ adj.impression /im'pre ʃən/ n. avoid /ə'v ɒid/ vt. hate /heit/ vt.incorrectly /,ink ə'rektli/ adv. completely /k əm'pli:tli/ adv. immediately /i'mi:di ətli/ adv.appreciate /ə'pri:ʃieit/ vt. admit /əd'mit/ vt.scientific /,sai ən'tifik/ adj.literature /'lit ər ət ʃə/ n. loudly /'laudli/ adv. wave /weiv/ vt.joke /d ʒəuk/ n. summary /'s ʌm əri/ n. respect /ri'spekt/ vt. & n. grade /greid/ n.headmaster /'hed'm ɑ:st ə/ n. headmistress /'hed'mistris/ n. period /'pi əri əd/ n.revision /ri'vi ʒən/ n. translation /træns'lei ʃən/ n. timetable /'taimteibl/ n. topic /'t ɒpik/ n.vacation /vei'kei ʃən/ n. revise /ri'vaiz/ vt.discipline /'disiplin/ n.relationship /ri'lei ʃən ʃip/ n. formal /'f ɒ:m əl/ adj. relaxed /ri'lækst/ adj.similarly /'simil əli/ adv. make sure so thatmake progress as a result in fact fall asleep tell jokes 必修一Module 3helicopter /'helik ɒpt ə/ n.motorbike /'m əut ə, n. tram /træm/ n.distance /'dist əns/ n. abandoned /ə'bænd ənd/ adj. camel /'kæml/ n. cassette /kæ'set/ n. desert /'dez ət/ n.diamond /'dai əm ənd/ n. expert /'eksp ə:t/ n. midnight /'midnait/ n. product /'pr ɒd ʌkt/ n. scenery /'si:n əri/ n.shoot /ʃu:t/ vt. (shot, shot) soil /s ɒil/ n.journey /'d ʒə:ni/ n. train /trein/ vt. circus /'s ə:k əs/ n. seaside /'si:said/ n. stadium /'steidi əm/ n.eagle /'i:gl/ n. frighten /'fraitn/ vt.kindergarten /'kind ə,g ɑ:tn/ n. apartment /ə'p ɑ:tm ənt/ n. cartoon /k ɑ:'tu:n/ n. interview /'int əvju:/ n. interviewer /'int əvju:ə/ n.event /i'vent/ n.exhausted /ig'z ɒ:stid/ adj. downtown /'daun'taun/ adj. vacuum /`'vækju əm/ n. rail /reil/ n.ceremony /'serim əni/ n. track /træk/ n. souvenir /,su:v ə'ni ə/ n. get on get off get into get out of take off be short for not …any mor out of date refer to必修一M odule 4 survey /s ə'vei/ n.neighbourhood n. local /'l əuk əl/ adj.suburb /'s ʌb ə:b/ n.hometown /h əum'taun/ n. attractive /ə'træktiv/ adj.fortunate /'f ɒ:t ʃənit/ adj. pretty /'priti/ adv. sound /saund/ vi. tourist /'tu ərist/ n. bother /'b ɒðə/ vt. nuisance /'nju:sns/ n.rent /rent/ n. district /'distrikt/ n.approach /ə'pr əut ʃ/ vt. harbour /'h ɑ:b ə/ n. gorgeous /'g ɒ:d ʒəs/ adj. architecture /'ɑ:kitekt ʃə/ n. starve /st ɑ:v/ vi.park /p ɑ:k/ vt. traffic /'træfik/ n.committee /k ə'miti/ n.organization /'ɒ:g ənai'z ʃən/ n. unemployed /,ʌnim'pl ɒid/ adj. household /'haush əuld/ n.occupation /,ɒkju'pei ʃən/ n. professional /pr ə'fe ʃənl/ adj. manual /'mænju əl/ adj..可编辑文本employment /im'pl ɒim ənt/ n. gallery /'gæl əri/ n.exchange /iks't ʃeind ʒ/ vt. fascinating /'fæsineitiŋ/ adj. afford /ə'f ɒ:d/ vt. survive /s ə'vaiv/ vi. contact /'k ɒntækt/ vt. put up so far up to now till now get away from a great many a number of go up必修一Module 5liquid /'likwid/ n. expand /ik'spænd/ vi. contract /'k ɒntrækt/ vi. substance /'s ʌbst əns/ n. mixture /'mikst ʃə/ n. oxygen /'ɒks əd ʒən/ n. electricity /,ilek'trisiti/ n. stage /steid ʒ/ n.conclusion /k ən'klu:ʒən/ n. aim /eim/ n.reaction /ri'æk ʃən/ n. electrical /i'lektrik əl/ adj.equipment /i'kwipm ənt/ n. react /ri'ækt/ vi.potassium /p ə'tæs ɪəm/ n. sodium /'s əudi əm/ n. calcium /'kælsi əm/ n.magnesium /mæg'ni:zi əm/ n. aluminium /,ælju'mini əm/ n. zinc /ziŋk/ n. partial /'p ɑ:ʃəl/ adcopper /'k ɒp ə/ n. oxide /'ɒksaid/ n. rust /r ʌst/ vi. boil /b ɒil/ vt. ordinary /'ɒ:din əri/ ad steam /sti:m/ n.float /fl əut/ vi. form /f ɒ:m/ vi. dissolve /di'z ɒlv/ vi.balance /'bæl əns/ n. crucible /'kru:sibl/ n. tongs /t ɒŋz/ n.flame /fleim/ n. facility /f ə'siliti/ n.lecture /'lekt ʃə/ n. department /di'p ɑ:tm ənt/ n.astonished /ə'st ɒni ʃt/ adj add … to … used toin the area of be proud of be supposed to必修一Module 6contain /k ən'tein/ vt.access /'ækses/ n. crash /kræʃ/ vi.keyword /'ki:,w ə:d/ n. log /l ɒg/ vt. software /'s ɒftwєə/ n.breakdown /'breikdaun/ n.source /s ɒ:s/ n. accessible /ək'ses əbl/ adj data /'deit ə/ adjdefence /di'fens/ n. create /kri:'eit/ vt.network /'netw ə:k/ n. via /vai ə/ percentage /p ə'sentid ʒ/ n.design /di'zain/ vt. document /'d ɒkjum ənt/ n.invention /in'ven ʃən/ n. permission /p ə'mi ʃən/ n.military /'milit əri/ adj concentrate /'k ɒns əntreit/ vi. definite /'definit/ adj fantastic /fæn'tæstik/ ad jindependent /,indi'pend ənt/ adj essay /'esei/ n. pass /pæs/ vt.frequently /'fri:kw əntli/ addisadvantage /,dis əd'v ɑ:ntid ʒ/ n.average /'æv ərid ʒ/ adj statistics /st ə'tistiks/ n. shorten /'ʃɒ:tn/ vt. sideways /'saidweiz/ adv. consists of as wellbecome known as go down come up withfrom that moment on concentrate oncompared with。

外研版高中英语新教材选择性必修第一册 Unit 1laugh out loud 词汇表

外研版高中英语新教材选择性必修第一册 Unit 1laugh out loud 词汇表

2019版外研社选修第一册单词表Words and expressionsUNIT1注:词汇表中,未加符号的单词为选择性必修单词;加*的为未做要求的单词。

mood n.心情circus .n.马戏团amusement n.娱乐,消遣amusement park游乐场* curly, adj. 卷曲的wig n. 假发* badge .n.微章ankle n.脚踝* clown n.小丑Entertain v. 使快乐health care医疗保健cheer up (使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来do the trick奏效,达到预期效果examine v . 检查(身体)advertisement n.广告employer n.雇用者,雇主essential adj.极其重要的,必不可少的impress vt. 使钦佩,使留下深刻印象* grin v. 露齿而笑,咧着嘴笑deserve vt应得,应受到long face愁眉苦脸laughing stock笑料,笑柄crack a smile笑了起来practical joke恶作剧* fame n.名声,名誉linguist n.语言学家* witty adj.说话风趣的:妙趣横生的edieval adj.中世纪的,中古时期的* emotive adj.使情绪激动的mischievous adj.调皮的,淘气的* remark n.言论;意见,评论interaction n交流barber n.男理发师shave v.刮脸,刮胡子fellow n. 男人;家伙brand n.品牌,牌子brand of humor某种类型的幽默concept n.概念,观念spot n.地点,处所put sb on the spot ( 故意提出难以回答或尴尬的问题)使某人难堪Cruel adj. 残忍的whisper vi 悄声说,低语* roar v. 哄笑,大笑gently adv.温和地;轻柔地tell off斥责,责骂illuminate v.照亮,照明词汇考察:_________________ n.心情_________________ .n.马戏团_________________ n.娱乐,消遣_________________游乐场_________________v. 使快乐_________________医疗保健_________________ (使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来_________________奏效,达到预期效果_________________v . 检查(身体)_________________ n.广告_________________n.雇用者,雇主_________________ adj.极其重要的,必不可少的_________________ vt. 使钦佩,使留下深刻印象_________________ vt应得,应受到_________________愁眉苦脸_________________笑料,笑柄_________________e笑了起来_________________恶作剧_________________ n.名声,名誉_________________ adj.调皮的,淘气的_________________ n交流_________________ n.男理发师_________________某种类型的幽默_________________ n.概念,观念_________________ n.地点,处所_________________ ( 故意提出难以回答或尴尬的问题)使某人难堪_________________ adj. 残忍的_________________ adv.温和地;轻柔地_________________斥责,责骂_________________ v.照亮,照明答案:mood n.心情circus .n.马戏团amusement n.娱乐,消遣amusement park游乐场Entertain v. 使快乐health care医疗保健cheer up (使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来do the trick奏效,达到预期效果examine v . 检查(身体)advertisement n.广告employer n.雇用者,雇主essential adj.极其重要的,必不可少的impress vt. 使钦佩,使留下深刻印象deserve vt应得,应受到long face愁眉苦脸laughing stock笑料,笑柄crack a smile笑了起来practical joke恶作剧* fame n.名声,名誉mischievous adj.调皮的,淘气的interaction n交流barber n.男理发师brand of humor某种类型的幽默concept n.概念,观念spot n.地点,处所put sb on the spot ( 故意提出难以回答或尴尬的问题)使某人难堪Cruel adj. 残忍的gently adv.温和地;轻柔地tell off斥责,责骂illuminate v.照亮,照明。



教 学 方 案 设 计

WY ·英语 必修1
教 学 目 标 分 析
以及学校等情况的英语表达有一个初步接触和了解;要求 学生通过阅读,初步认识以 -ing 和 -ed 结尾的形容词在句 子中的作用。
课 堂 互 动 探 究
教 学 方 案 设 计

classrooms are amazing.(教材P2) 老师们热情友好,教室令人惊叹。 The audience were enthusiastic on the opening night of the play. 那出戏首次公演之夜观众非常热情。
菜 单
课 堂 互 动 探 究
WY ·英语 必修1
WY ·英语 必修1
Period Ⅱ
教 学 目 标 分 析
Introduction &
Reading and Vocabulary
课 堂 互 动 探 究
教 学 方 案 设 计
(1)熟记学案中所列出的单词和短语。 (2) 通过学案中所给出的重点单词和重点短语的学 习,让学生能够正确理解和使用这些单词和短语,能够运

WY ·英语 必修1
教 学 目 标 分 析
教 学 方 案 设 计
课 堂 互 动 探 究

WY ·英语 必修1
教 学 目 标 分 析
教 学 方 案 设 计
课 堂 互 动 探 究

WY ·英语 必修1
教 学 目 标 分 析
教 学 方 案 设 计
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外研版高中英语新教材选择性必修第一册Unit1laughoutloud词汇表2019版外研社选修第一册单词表Words and expressionsUNIT1注:词汇表中,未加符号的单词为选择性必修单词;加*的为未做要求的单词。

mood n.心情circus .n.马戏团amusement n.娱乐,消遣amusement park游乐场* curly, adj. 卷曲的wig n. 假发* badge .n.微章ankle n.脚踝* clown n.小丑Entertain v. 使快乐health care医疗保健cheer up (使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来do the trick奏效,达到预期效果examine v . 检查(身体)advertisement n.广告employer n.雇用者,雇主essential adj.极其重要的,必不可少的impress vt. 使钦佩,使留下深刻印象* grin v. 露齿而笑,咧着嘴笑deserve vt应得,应受到long face愁眉苦脸laughing stock笑料,笑柄crack a smile笑了起来practical joke恶作剧* fame n.名声,名誉linguist n.语言学家* witty adj.说话风趣的:妙趣横生的edieval adj.中世纪的,中古时期的* emotive adj.使情绪激动的mischievous adj.调皮的,淘气的* remark n.言论;意见,评论interaction n交流barber n.男理发师shave v.刮脸,刮胡子fellow n. 男人;家伙brand n.品牌,牌子brand of humor某种类型的幽默concept n.概念,观念spot n.地点,处所put sb on the spot ( 故意提出难以回答或尴尬的问题)使某人难堪Cruel adj. 残忍的whisper vi 悄声说,低语* roar v. 哄笑,大笑gently adv.温和地;轻柔地tell off斥责,责骂illuminate v.照亮,照明词汇考察:_________________ n.心情_________________ .n.马戏团_________________ n.娱乐,消遣_________________游乐场_________________v. 使快乐_________________医疗保健_________________ (使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来_________________奏效,达到预期效果_________________v . 检查(身体)_________________ n.广告_________________n.雇用者,雇主_________________ adj.极其重要的,必不可少的_________________ vt. 使钦佩,使留下深刻印象_________________ vt应得,应受到_________________愁眉苦脸_________________笑料,笑柄_________________e笑了起来_________________恶作剧_________________ n.名声,名誉_________________ adj.调皮的,淘气的_________________ n交流_________________ n.男理发师_________________某种类型的幽默_________________ n.概念,观念_________________ n.地点,处所_________________ ( 故意提出难以回答或尴尬的问题)使某人难堪_________________ adj. 残忍的_________________ adv.温和地;轻柔地_________________斥责,责骂_________________ v.照亮,照明答案:mood n.心情circus .n.马戏团amusement n.娱乐,消遣amusement park游乐场Entertain v. 使快乐health care医疗保健cheer up (使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来do the trick奏效,达到预期效果examine v . 检查(身体)advertisement n.广告employer n.雇用者,雇主essential adj.极其重要的,必不可少的impress vt. 使钦佩,使留下深刻印象deserve vt应得,应受到long face愁眉苦脸laughing stock笑料,笑柄crack a smile笑了起来practical joke恶作剧* fame n.名声,名誉mischievous adj.调皮的,淘气的interaction n交流barber n.男理发师brand of humor某种类型的幽默concept n.概念,观念spot n.地点,处所put sb on the spot ( 故意提出难以回答或尴尬的问题)使某人难堪Cruel adj. 残忍的gently adv.温和地;轻柔地tell off斥责,责骂illuminate v.照亮,照明。

高中英语外研版 单词表 选择性必修1

高中英语外研版 单词表 选择性必修1

n.毯子,毛毯 n.河狸,海狸
n.黄瓜 adj.热心的,热衷的
n.比赛,竞赛 adj.心烦意乱的,烦恼的
v.选举,推选 n.幸事,幸运 adj.感激的 adj.值得尊敬的;值得赞
赏的 值得…的 adj.仅仅,只不过 n.和蔼,温和 n.友谊;友好交往 n.指尖 n.外形,轮廓 v.使兴奋,使陶醉 n.盛大的(露天)演出 (历史事件的)缤纷场景 v.调查;探究 n.黎明,破晓 n.使人高兴的事 n.展现,显示 adj.平凡的;平淡的 prep.在…之中 n.(某人)常去的地方 adj.长久的;永久的 v.降临;来临 adj.强有力的;雄伟的 音乐的曲调或旋律 n.(大型的)管弦乐队 adj. 触觉的 n.香味 n.享受,乐趣 n.(尤指食物)一小片,一
brand of humour
/brænd əv ˈhju:mə(r)/
put sb. on the spot
(故意提出难题)使某人难 堪
/pʊt ˈsʌmbədi ɒn ðə spɒt/
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2020-2021学年 四川高中英语外研版 必修一 教材知识点梳理必修一Unit1(打印版)

2020-2021学年 四川高中英语外研版 必修一 教材知识点梳理必修一Unit1(打印版)

高中英语教材知识点梳理必修一Unit 1I don't think they have…, have they?He doesn’t think she doesn’t …, does she? 号召call in sb. 电话call sb. up 要求call for sth. 取消call off sth.14) a little VS a bita little sth.= a bit of sth.a little bit = a little= a bit not a bi t= not at allnot a little = very (much) 15) cover一词多义包括,掩盖,占用(空间\时间),走过(路程),看完(页数),采访be covered withcover an area of ten square kilometers16) "So do I”VS “So I do”我也(肯)So + do (be, have, can, will) + I我也(否)neither\nor +do(be, have, can, will) + I我确实…So + I + do (be, have, can, will)照着做…I + do (be, have, can, will) + so(肯+否、人+物) So it is with sb.= it is the same with sb. 17) 分词做定语过去分词(被动关系)the man locked here boiled water 现在分词(主动关系)the man standing thereboiling water18) make“使”make sb. do sth.be made to do sth. (被动+to) make sth. + n.make sth. + Vedmake it + a.\ n. to do…19) 辨析“参加”join 参加组织\团体Party, army, sb.join in 加入活动birthday party, football game attend 出席meeting,discussionbe present 出席,强调到场take part in = join in 加入20)keep “使”keep sth + Ving keep sth + prep. keep sth + a. 21) matter “要紧”It doesn’t matter…The thing that matters is …What matters most is…22) appear “出现、似乎”appear + a.appear to doappear + that +句子。



《外研社新标准高中英语教材必修一》课程教学大纲课程中文名称:外研社新标准高中英语教材必修一 课程英文名称:New Standard English Book1适用对象: 参与教育部普通高中新课程改革试验的中学 从小学三年级开始学习英语的高中学生一课程的地位 教学目标和基本要求课程的地位:高中英语课程是普通高中的一门主要课程。





基本要求: 听:1能听懂课堂用语和教师用学生所学过的简单英语对新词语意义的解释。







四川省绵阳中学外研版高中英语必修一Module 1 writing and task教案

四川省绵阳中学外研版高中英语必修一Module 1 writing and task教案

Module 1 My First Day at Senior HighTask: Make a BrochureI. BackgroundTime:September 25, 2017Teacher: Jiang HuiminTeaching Participants: Class 21, Senior 1II. Teaching Objectives1 Knowledge objectives:1) Students will be able to use words, phrases and sentences learnt in Module1 and 2 to introduce the new school.2) Students will be able to know how to make a brochure about their new school.2 Ability objectives:1) Students will be able to draw a mind-map to gather information about the new school logically.2) Students will be able to master the basic skills of writing a good paragraph.3) Students will be able to make brochures about their new school.3 Moral objectives:1) Students will learn to appreciate the new school and express their love and appreciation.2) Students will learn to be grateful to their old schools, teachers and classes.III. Analysis on learning--teaching circumstances:1 Teaching ContentsTeach the students to make a brochure about their new school.2 Analysis of the studentsStudents being in senior high for about one month, firstly, are still used to learning English just by memorizing some languages points most of the time as in junior high. They pay much more attention tothe words, phrases, sentences and passages than their logical thinking in English learning. Therefore, inthis lesson, I focus on training their logical thinking more than teaching them specific knowledge.Secondly, students now are finishing Module1and Module 2, they have learnt a lot about how tointroduce their new school(Module 1) and new teachers(Module 2), so it is possible for them to write agood paragraph to introduce their school from certain aspects with the teacher’s guide.Las t, as freshmen in this school, some of them miss their junior high schools and can’t adapt well tothe new life in senior high, so I design many group tasks to have them work together, helping themget familiar quickly, meanwhile, orient themselves in a group, even in the class.IV. 【Important points and difficult points】1 Important points1) To help students to learn how to make a brochure.2) To help students to learn what to talk about when introducing their new school.2 Difficult points1) To gather information by drawing mind-maps.2) To guide students to appreciate their school and to be grateful to their old schools, teachersand classmates.V. Teaching MethodsIn this lesson, task-based approach,communicative approach and cooperative approach are mainly adopted. Besides, students-oriented education is exemplified in this class to cultivate students’core competence in a way. Two before-class tasks are assigned to students. They have to work in groups to complete the tasks. Thus, the teacher is not the dominant factor, while the students become the masters of the learning process.VI. Teaching AidsBlackboards, chalks, task cards, a computer, multimedia, guided learning plan.VII. Teaching ProceduresStep1Teacher’s activ ities Students’ activities Design intention(s)1. Greetings.2. Lead-inT: (A picture to lead in) I prepare a picture for you to enjoy. Are you familiar with this picture? When you enter the gate, you will see it. This picture was taken in 2007. it has been about 10 years. How long have you 1. Greetings.2. Present survey report.1.By doing a survey and giving asurvey report, students will get muchinformation about the new school.This will help them learn toappreciate the new school and offerthem background information whenthey write about the new school.been in this school? How much do you know about our school?T: (Show the survey paper) Here is a good chance for us to know more about our school. In groups, you have your survey report, now I’ll give you 1 minute to prepare, and then you should give us your report about our school, OK? 2.Besides, students will learn about how to make a survey, how to cooperate with others, how to report in front of many people. This is also a good chance for them to show themselves.Step2Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Design intention(s)T: It’s amazing that your report covers so much information, and I think the survey helps you a lot, right?T: Now look at the survey. Let’s see from what aspects, we talk about our school.(Draw a basic mind-map )T: Let’s enjoy some pictures and make the map specific.(Show pictures and perfect the mind-map on the blackboard) 1.Go through the survey, andtell the teacher from whataspects we talk about ourschool.2. Brain-storm with the helpof pictures shown on thescreen.1.By drawing a mind- map, thestudents will know it clearly that fromwhat aspects we can introduce ourschool.2.Meanwhile, it is a good way to helpstudents think over problemslogically.Step3Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Design intention(s)1.T: To introduce our school, your survey report and pictures help a lot. Can you think of other ways to introduce our school? 1.Think of other ways to introduce our school.How about this one?What’s this? Yeah, it’s a brochure. It’s another way to introduce our school.(Teach students the pronunciation of the word ”brochure”.2.T: Let’s see how to make a brochure.(Give students the basic elements of a brochure.) 2.Learn about the basicelements of a brochure.Students will know how to make abrochure by knowing the basicelements.Step 4Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Design intention(s)1.T: Among the three elements, paragraphs will decide the other two. So it’s important to write a good paragraph.But what makes a good paragraph? Let’s first look at a picture from ZhongkaoDo you remember it?I guess this could be your most amazing moment in junior high. Now, look at this paragraph. Let’s read it!Now let’s see what makes it a good paragraph.(Analysis it from structure, contents and sentence patterns.) 1.Look at the picture fromtheir English test inZhongkao and read a goodparagraph taken from theEnglish composition in theirZhongkao.1.Help students recall the memoryabout junior high by showing thepicture from their English test inZhongkao.2. Students will master the basicskills: how to write a good paragraph.Step 5T: Now you know what makes good paragraphs. We can start to make a brochure for our school!T: First, I’d give you the task card. (Give cards)T:OK! Show me your task card, I want to make sure each group get one.T: Now listen to me carefully!1.Each group should write a paragraph about our school based on your task, you can also draw some pictures if you like.2. Each group need to write down a slogan for our school.And you have to finish them in groups within 5 minutes. 1.One teaching assistant giveout tasks cards.2. Show task cards to theteacher.3.Fininsh tasks in groupsBy finishing the task in groups,students learn to communicate,cooperate with each other. They caneasily find their orientation whenworking together.Step 6Teacher’s activ ities Students’ activities Design intention(s)T: It’s time to show your works. Which group writes about the environment?...(organize the students to make the brochure and give some comments and suggestions) Read out their paragraphs andslogans.Put their task cards on thebrochure.1.Each group join in making thebrochure. This will make them feelgetting involved.2.Sharing their works gives them achance to speak in front of others.Thus, they will get familiar with eachother quickly.Step 7T: Now, it’s almost done! You see, there are so many good things and people around us. We should learnt to appreciate them and express our love and appreciation for themSo here, the brochure is a kind of expression of our love for the school, right?T: Here comes your homework. 1 Perfect the brochure.2.Desigh a brochure for your junior highListen attentively and think deeply1.Student will learn to love and appreciate their new school and express their love.2.Student will learn to be grateful to their old schools, teachers and classmates by making a brochure for their junior high.Blackboard DesignModule 1 My First Day at Senior HighTask: Make a BrochureSchoolEnvironmentPeople ActivitiesothersA good paragraph 1 structure 2 contents3 sentence patternsG1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10A sample of a brochure。

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2013四川省高中英语词汇基本要求外研版必修1第一册(必修1)Module 1 My First Day at Senior High(1)单词academic adj. amazed adj. amazing adj.assistant n.attitude n. behaviour n. biology n.bored adj.brilliant adj. comprehension n. correction n.cover n.& vt.description n.diploma n. disappear vi.disappointed adj.disappointing adj. embarrassed adj. embarrassing adj.encouragement n.enjoyment n. enthusiastic adj.fluency n.geography n.handwriting n. hard-working adj. impress vt.instruction n.method n. misunderstanding n.move vi.physics n.photograph n. previous adj. progress n.province n.spelling n. system n. teenager n.textbook n.website n.(2)短语in other words look forward to at the start of at the end of go to college be divided into take part inModule 2 My New Teachers(1)单词admit vt. amusing adj. appreciate vt.avoid vt.仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢2completely adv. energetic adj. hate vt.headmaster n.headmistress n. formal adj. grade n.immediately adv.impression n. incorrectly adv. intelligent adj.joke vi.& n.literature n. loudly adv. nervous adj.organised adj.patient n. period n. respect v.relationship n. relaxed adj. respect vt.& n.revise vt. revision n.scientific adj. serious adj. shy adj.similarly adv.strict adj. summary n. timetable n.topic n. translation n. vacation n.wave vt.(2)短语make sure so thatmake progress as a resultin fact fall asleeptell jokes仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢3Module 3 My First Ride on a Train(1)单词abandoned adj. apartment n. camel n.cartoon n.cassette n. ceremony n. circus n.colourful adj.desert n. diamond n. distance n.downtown adj.eagle n. event n. exhausted adj.expert n.farm n. fields n. frighten vt.helicopter n.interview n. interviewer n. journey n.kindergarten n.law n. meal n midnight n.motorbike n.park n. playground n. product n.rail n.recently adv. scenery n. seaside n.shoot vt.soil n. stadium n. supply n.track n.tram n. train vt.(2)短语get on get offget into get out oftake off be short for not…any more out of daterefer toModule 4 A Social Survey ▬ My Neighbourhood(1)单词afford vt. apartment n.approach vt.attractive adj.仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢4block n. bother vi. architecture n.area n.club n. committee n. contact vt.countryside n.district n. employment n. exchange vt.fascinating adj.five-storey adj. (second) floor n. fortunate adj. gallery n.harbour n. hometown n. household n.local adj.manual adj. mile n. neighbourhood n.occupation n.organisation n. park vt. pretty advj.professional adj.rent n. sound vi. starve vi.stone n.suburb n. survey n. survive vi.tourist n.traffic n. unemployed adj.(2)短语put up so farup to now till nowget away from a great manya number of go upModule 5 A Lesson in a Lab(1)单词add v. aim n. astonished adj.balance n.billion n. boil vt. burn vi.& n.conclusion n.contract vi. crucible n. department n.dissolve vi.electrical adj. electricity n. equipment n.expand vi.仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢5flame n. float vi. form vt.four-fifthsgas n. iron n. lecture n.liquid n.method n. mixture n. one-tenthordinary adj.oxygen n. partial adj. percent n.react vi.rust vi. solid n. stage n.steam n.tongs n.(2)短语add…to…used toin the area of be proud of be supposed toModule 6 The Internet and Telecommunications (1)单词access n. accessible adj. academic adj.average adj.breakdown n. communication n. concentrate vi.contain vt.crash vi. create vt. data n.defence n.definite adj. design vt. develop vt.disadvantage n.document n. essay n. fantastic adj.frequently adv.hardware n. independent adj. invention n.keyword n.lecturer n. military n. millionaire n.modem n.network n. organization n. pass vt.permission n.percentage n. screen n. shorten vt.sideway adv.software n. source n. statistics n.surf vt.system n. terrible adj. via prep.仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢6(2)短语consist of log on / off make sure as wellbecome known as…go downcome up with from that moment onconcentrate on compared with 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢7。
