The Shawshank Redemption(肖申克的救赎)A:Andy(影片主角,被误判为杀死妻子的凶手,为追求公正和自由从不言弃)R:Red(Andy的狱中好友,40年的监狱生活让Red大彻大悟)W:Warden(肖申克监狱典狱长)C:Cellmate(Andy和Red在肖申克监狱的狱友)H:Hadley(肖申克监狱狱警长)Scene 1Warden和Hadley对监狱进行突击检查,在Andy狱中的一幕.注:Andy手中拿着<<圣经>>H: (严厉地对Andy喝到)Turn around and face the warden.W: (佯装和蔼地)Pleased to see you reading this. (从Andy手中接过<圣经>)Any favorite passages?A: (镇定地)”Watch ye, therefore, for ye know not when the master of the house cometh.”W: Mark 13:35.I’ve always liked that one. But I prefer…”I am the light of the world.Ye that followeth me shall have the light of life.”A: John,chapter 8,verse 12.W:I hear you’re good with numbers. How nice. Man should have a skill.H: (拿着Andy用于刻石的磨砂纸问道)Explain this.A: (镇定地)It’s called a rock blanket.It’s for shaping and polishing rocks.A little hobby of mine.H: (环视监狱一周)It’s pretty clean.Some contraband here,but nothing to get ina twist over.W: (指着墙上的美女海报,说道)I can’t say I approve of this.But I suppose…exceptions can be made.Warden和Hadley向外面走去H: (高喝道)Lock them up!W: (从监狱外向Andy)I almost forgot. I’d hate to deprive you of this.” (将<圣经>还给Andy) Salvation lies within.”A: Yes,sir.此幕结束Scene 2监狱食堂,R\C在吃饭聊天时,Andy刚刚从禁闭室释放,坐下和R\C聊天R: (兴奋地)Hey,look who’s here.C: (同样高兴地)Maestro!R: Was it worth two weeks?A: Easiest time I ever did.C: (不可思议状)Oh,no such thing as easy time in the hole.A week in the hole is like a year.Damn straight.A: (微笑道)I had Mr.Mozart to keep me company.C:So they let you tote that record player down there.huh?A:It was in here.(指着脑袋)In here.(指着心)That’s the beauty ofmusic.They…can’t get that from you.(对着Red)Haven’t you ever felt that way about music?R:Well,I played a mean harmonica as a younger man.Lost interest init,though.Didn’t make much sense in here.(指监狱)A:Here’s where it makes the most sense.You need it so you don’t forget.R:Forget?A: (觉得不解解释道)Forget that there are…places…in the world that aren’t made out of stone.There’s something…inside…that they can’t get to…that they can’t touch.That’s yours.R:What are you talking about?A:Hope.R:Hope…….(意味深长地说道). Let me tell you something,my friend.Hope is a dangerous thing.Hope can drive a man insane.It got no use on theinside.You’d better get used to that idea.A: Like Brooks did?(若有所指地反问道)Andy说罢Red摇着头离开并深深叹了一口气.Scene 3Andy和Red在监狱中的空地上,Andy低落地坐在地上,Red在旁边站着A: (自言自语道)My wife used to say I’m a hard man to know.Like a closed book.She was beautiful.God,I loved her.I killed her,Red.I didn’t pull the trigger…but I drove her away.That’s why she died,because of me…the way I am.R: (安慰A道)That don’t make you a murderer.Bad husband,maybe.Feel bad about it if you want,but you didn’t pull the trigger.A:No,I didn’t.Somebody else did.And I wound up in here.Bad luck,I guess. R:Yeah…(叹了一口气,靠近A坐了下来)A:It floats around.It’s got to land on somebody.It was my turn,that’s all.I just didn’t expect the storm would last as long as it has. (顿了顿对R说道)Think you’ll ever get out of here?R: (迟疑)Me?Yeah.(自我调侃地道)One day,when I got a long,white beard…and two or three marbles rolling around upstairs.A: (充满向往地)I tell you where I’d go.Zihuatanejo(芝华塔尼奥)R:Say what?(疑惑)A: (无限向往地)Zihuatanejo.It’s in Mexico.A little place on the Pacific Ocean.You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific?R:No.(想象着)A: (微笑着,心中描绘美好图景)They say it has no memory.That’s where I want to live the rest of my life.A warm place with no memory.Open up a littlehotel…right on the beach.Buy some worthless old boat…and fix it upnew.Take my guests out…charter fishing.R: Zihuatanejo.A:In a place like that,I could use a man that knows how to get things.(鼓动Red) R: (叹了一口气)I don’t think I could make it on the outside.I been in here most of my life.I’m an institutional man now.Just like Brooks was.A:You underestimate yourself.(鼓励R)R: (强烈地)I don’t think so.In here I’m the guy who can get things foryou,but,outside all you need is the Yellow Pages.I wouldn’t know where to begin.Pacific Ocean?Shit.Scare me to death,something tha big.Not me.A: (坚决地)I didn’t shoot my wife,and I didn’t shoot her lover.Whatever mistakes I made,I’ve paid for them and then some.That hotel,that boat…I don’t think that’s too much to ask.R: (劝服A不要沉溺于无端的想象)You shouldn’t be doing this to yourself.This is just shitty pipe dreams.Mexico is way down there and you’re in here…and that’s the way it is.A: (感叹道,并坚毅地说)Yeah,right.That’s the way it is.It’s down there and I’m in here.I guess it comes down to a simple choice.Get busy living…or get busy dying.Scene 4Warden和Hardley发现Andy越狱成功.生气地来到A的房间.在途中W:I want every man on this cellblock questioned.Start with that friend of this. H:Who?W:Him.(指着C)H:Open 237.W\H\C来到A的房间W: (愤怒地对H喝到)What do you mean,”He just was n’t here”?Don’t say that to me. Don’t tell me that again.H: (无奈并无辜地说道)But sir,he wasn’t.W: (愤怒)I can see that,Haig!Think I’m blind?Is that what you’re saying?Am I blind?H:No,sir!W:What about you?You blind?Tell me what this is.H: Last night’s count.W:You see Dufresne’s name there?H:I sure do.Right there. “Dufresne”(无奈)W:He was in his cell...at lights out.Reasonable he’d be here in the moring.I want him found.Not tomorrow,not after breakfast.Now!(极度愤怒)H:Yes,sir!Let’s go.Move it!H急匆匆离开A的房间W:Well.(阴笑着对C)C:Well,what?(不解)W: (咄咄逼人地)I see you two all the time. You’re thick as thieves, you are. He must have said something.C: No, sir, Warden. Not a word.W: Lord, it’s a miracle! (怒吼)Man vanished like a fart in the wind. Nothing left….but some damn rocks on a windowsill.(看着墙上的美女海报) And that cupcake on the wall. Let’s ask her. Maybe she knows. What say there,fuzzy-britches?Feel like talking?Guess not.This is a conspiracy.(极端地愤怒)And everyone’s in on it! Including her! (拿着Andy雕饰好的石头砸向海报女孩,但发现海报破了一个洞)原来Andy是凭借在海报后面凿出一个洞穴直达监狱外,越狱成功的.Scene 5H坐在办公室中,等待着审批C提前释放的申请.C缓步走来H:Please sit down.H:Ellis Boyd Redding…your files say you’ve served 40 years of a life sentence.You feel you’ve been rehabilitated?C:Rehabilitated?Well,now,let me see.I don’t have any idea what that means. H:It means you’re ready to rejoin society…C:(打断)I know what you think it means,sonny.To me it’s just a made-up word.A politician’s word so that…young fellas like yourself can wear a suit and a tie…and have a job.What do you really want to know?Am I sorry for what I did?H:Well,are you?C:There’s not a day goes by I don’t feel regret.Not because I’m in here or because you think I should.I look back on the way I was then…a young stupid kid who committed that terrible crime.I want to talk to him.I want to try and talk some sense to him.Tell him the way things are.But I can’t.That kid’s long gone…and this old man is all that’s left.I got to live with that.H: (在档案上书写记录,并为Red(由Cellmate饰演)盖章,通过提前释放的请求)。
,然后镜头随着安迪慢慢 向 下 的 声 音、水滴
移。直到安迪到达底层的管 道。 声诡异的背景
8 近景 7 长镜头 镜头中安迪 拿着一块石头,眼睛 打雷声、石头
盯着窗户,听到打雷声时就使劲 打钢管的声
用石头砸管道 。
景 音乐
9 近景 5 长镜头 镜头中出现安迪的背部,镜头中 打雷声。诡异
镜头中安迪用石块砸向管道,突然 有一股 污水冒出。
镜头中安迪因管道中喷出的水而被 迫用手挡自己的脸,紧接着镜头慢 慢移向有亮光的窗户 。
镜头中出现一很黑的隧道,随即镜 头慢慢上移,安迪的头从管道的一 个洞漏了出来,然后拿着手电筒照 了照管道的纵深处,然后又瞅了瞅 镜头的方 向。 镜头中先是出现了一个有建筑物的 远景,电闪雷鸣,随即下移到管道 的出口安迪从里面爬出来,趴到了 水里,站起来开始 往前走。
长镜头 长镜头
长镜头 长镜头 长镜头
移镜 头、长 镜头 移镜 头、跟 镜头
镜头中安迪眼睛盯着前方,手中拿 着石块,石块高举做 砸的 姿 势,面 部表情很 紧张。 镜头中手拿 着石块砸向 管道。
镜头中是一扇窗户,窗户中有闪电 的光印出 来。 镜头中安迪眼睛盯着前方,手中拿 着石块,石块高举做砸的姿势,面 部表情很 紧张。 镜头中手拿着石块砸向 管道。
外面打雷的 声音、诡异 的背景 音乐 外面打雷的 声音、石块 砸管道的声 音、诡异的 背景 音乐 打雷声、背 景音乐 外面打雷的 声音、诡异 的背景 音乐 外面打雷的 声音、石块 砸管道的声 音、诡异的 背景 音乐 外面打雷的 声音、石块 砸管道的声 音、水喷出 的声音、诡 异的背景 音 乐 外面打雷的 声音、水喷 出的声音、 诡异的背景 音乐 水滴声、诡 异的背景 音 乐
电影名称:《肖申克的救赎》导演:弗兰克·达拉伯恩特时长:2:22:32分析时段:9分64秒镜号画面景别画面内容摄影(镜头运动/角度)时长声音(对白/音乐/音响)备注1 特写近景安迪看圣经斜拍和摇晃移动6 噪杂的皮鞋叫喊声2 近景狱警进入245房间斜拍和摇晃移动2 噪杂的皮鞋叫喊声3 近景安迪准备站起斜拍和摇晃移动2 噪杂的皮鞋叫喊声4 中景狱警进入,安迪面向墙,又进一狱警搜查房间,暗地面无表情。
仰拍 5 噪杂的皮鞋叫喊声5 近景狱警搜查橱柜斜拍和摇晃移动5 噪杂的皮鞋叫喊声6 近景狱警搜查床铺,典狱长站在门口准备进入斜拍和摇晃移动4 噪杂的皮鞋叫喊声7 近景典狱长抱胸斜视斜拍摇晃移动2 翻东西的声音,噪杂8 近景典狱长检查椅子斜摇,(左移拍)10 翻东西的声音,噪杂声9 近景典狱长进入房间向右摇动拍摄6 翻东西的声音,噪杂声10 近景安迪面对典狱长正面拍摄 2 东西落地的声音11 近景典狱长看着安迪正拍 3 狱警指挥罪犯以及东西落地声12 近景特写典狱长拿起圣经俯拍 3 噪杂声13 近景安迪,和典狱长交谈正拍7 噪杂声14 近景典狱长,和安迪交谈正拍10 嘈杂声15 近景安迪,和典狱长交谈正拍 6 噪杂声16 近景典狱长,和安迪交谈正拍 2 嘈杂声17 近景狱警发现磨石毯向上摇动拍摄6 磨砂声18 近景安迪向典狱长解释正拍 3 无19 近景狱警看向窗台上的石刻正拍 3 无20 近景安迪看着典狱长正拍 1 无21 近景狱警拿起小石刻,仔细的检查正拍7 石头的碰撞声22 近景典狱长看向墙上的画摇镜头10 嘈杂声23 近景安迪用疑问的眼神看着典狱长正拍 4 无24 近景狱警看着典狱长和安迪正拍 3 无25 近景画面为安迪,狱警,典狱长出去正拍7 脚步声对话26 中近景狱警和典狱长出去了,关铁门摇镜头7 关门声27 近景典狱长将圣经还给安迪,画面为安迪正拍 2 关门声28 近景狱警和典狱长离开正拍 5 脚步声29 近景安迪看着狱警和典狱长离开推镜头 4 脚步声30 中近景安迪和狱警进入典狱长办公室正拍 5 开门声对话声31 中近景典狱长正在批改文件安迪走到典狱长桌前摇动拍摄正拍4 关门声脚步声32 近景安迪看向墙上的字画正拍 5 无33 近景典狱长向安迪解释字画正拍 4 说话声34 近景安迪和狱警看向典狱长正拍 6 说话声35 近景典狱长看向安迪正拍 3 说话声36 中近景安迪看着那只鸟定点拍摄9 脚步声鸟叫声37 近景老布从书房里跑出来看着安迪正拍 4 脚步声鸟叫声说话声38 近景安迪朝老布走去正拍 6 脚步声鸟叫声对白39 近景老布看着安迪正拍10 鸟叫声脚步声对白40 中近景老布带安迪走向书房里面,向安迪介绍各种书籍拉拍18 脚步声对白41 近景安迪问老布管理图书馆多久了正拍 3 脚步声对白42 近景老布回答安迪的问题正拍 3 对白声43 全景狱警叫安迪安迪转身看向狱警固定拍摄正拍5 脚步声对白44 全景一个狱警向另一个狱警介绍安迪,安迪看着两位狱警并走过去正拍 6 脚步声说话声45 近景安迪和老布看着狄金斯正拍 3 说话声46 近景安迪问老布有纸和笔吗老布看着他们正拍 3 说话声嘈杂声脚步声47 全景安迪搬凳子,狱警坐下来,老布拿着纸和笔走了过来摇拍正面拍摄6 脚步声嘈杂声说话声48 近景安迪跟老布坐在食堂吃饭,老布向大家夸奖安迪。
清点人数 Give me a count!南边三楼,人齐了 Tier 3 south, clear! 二楼 245 囚室的人不见了 Man missing on tier 2, cell 245! 杜福雷! Dufresne! 快出来!不要耍花样 Come out. You're holding up the show!别要我下来打爆你的头 Don't make me come down or I'll thump your skull for you!他妈的,你不要耽误我,我还有很多事要做 Damn it, you're putting me behind! I got a schedule to keep.你最好是病了或者死了 You'd better be sick or dead in there. I shit you not! 你听到了吗? You hear me? 哦,我的天啊 Oh, my Holy God. 查问这里的每一个犯人 I want every man on this cellblock questioned. -从他的好朋友开始 -谁? - Start with that friend of his. - Who? 他! He! 打开 237 号的门 Open 237. 你什么意思,“他不在这了”?别跟我说这种话 What do you mean, "He just wasn't here"? Don't say that to me. 别再这样说 Don't tell me that again. 但是长官,他真的不在那里 But sir, he wasn't. 我看得见!你认为我瞎了吗? I can see that, Haig! Think I'm blind? 这就是你想说的吗? Is that what you're saying? -我瞎了吗? -没有!长官 - Am I blind, Haig? - No, sir!那你呢?你瞎了吗? What about you. You blind? -告诉我这是什么? -昨晚的查房记录 - Tell me what this is. - Last night's count. 你看到杜福雷的名字吗?我确定,就在那里 You see Dufresne's name there? I sure do. Right ther e. “杜福雷” "Dufresne." 他熄灯的时候 He was in his cell... 还在囚室里的 ...at lights out. 因此今早他也应该在的 Reasonable he'd be here in the morning. 我要找到他 I want him found. 不是明天,不是早饭后,是现在 Not tomorrow, not after breakfast. Now! 是的,长官 Yes, sir. 快走Let's go. Move your butts. 站好 Stand. 好? Well? 好什么? Well, what? 你俩出双入对,亲密像做贼似的 I see you two all the time. You're thick as thieves, you are. 他肯定对你说过些什么 He must have said something. 没有,先生 No, sir, Warden. 什么都没说 Not a word. 主啊,这是个奇迹 Lord, it's a miracle! 人就像屁一样在风中消失得无影无踪 Man vanished like a fart in the wind. 什么都没留下Nothing left...只剩下窗台上的石头 ...but some damn rocks on a windowsill. 和那墙上的一对巨波,问问她吧 And that cupcake on the wall. Let's ask her. 也许她知道些什么 Maybe she knows. 你想说些什么? What say there, fuzzy-britches? Feel like talking? 我想不是的 Guess not. 她有何特别吗? Why should she be any different? 这是一个阴谋 This is a conspiracy. 肯定是的 That's what this is. 一个该死的大阴谋 One big, damn conspiracy! 人人有份参与的 And everyone's in on it! 包括她 Including her! 在 1966 年 In 1966... 安迪杜福雷从肖申克监狱…… ...Andy Dufresne escaped... 逃了出去 ...from Shawshank Prison. 他们只能找到泥塘中的囚衣…… All they found was a muddy set of prison clothes... 一块肥皂…… ...a bar of soap... 和一个很旧的手槌 ...and an old rock hammer... 几乎快被削成一小块 ...damn near worn down to the nub. 我曾认为用手槌要六百年才能掘通的隧道 I had thought it'd take a man 600 years to tunnel through the wall with it. 安迪用不到二十年就办到了 Old Andy did it in less than 20. 安迪很喜欢地质学 Oh, Andy loved geology. 我能想像这归功于他一丝不苟的本性 I imagine it appealed to his meticulous nature.有一段冰河时期在这 An ice age here... 百万年的山脉就会在那里形成 lion years of mountain building there.地质学是计算压力和时间的 Geology is the study of pressure and time. 需要的只是这些,真的 That's all it takes, really. 压力…… Pressure... ……和时间 ...and time. 还有一张大海报 That and a big goddamn poster. 就像我说的那样 Like I said... 监狱里的人都会找事情来消磨时间 ...in prison, a man will do anything to keep his mind occupied. 看起来安迪的爱好是把他的墙搬运到广场上 Seems Andy's favorite hobby was toting his wall out into the exercise yard... 每次一把 ...a handful at a time. 我猜在汤姆被杀后 I guess after Tommy was killed... 安迪觉得他在此呆得已够久了 ...Andy decided he'd been here long enough. 尽快,我要回家了Lickety-split. I want to get home. 我马上就好了 I'm just about finished, sir. 今晚有三笔存款 Three deposits tonight.安迪照他的吩咐 Andy did like he was told. 把鞋擦得闪闪发亮Buffed those shoes to a high mirror-shine. 警卫完全没有注意到 The guards simply didn't notice. 我也没有 Neither did I. 我是说真的 I mean, seriously... 谁会留意别人穿的鞋子呢? ...how often do you really look at a man's shoes?。
故事发生在1947年,银行家安迪·杜佛兰(Andy Dufresne)被错误指控谋杀妻子和她的情人,被判无期徒刑,送进了肖申克监狱。
在这里,安迪展现出了他的智慧和胆识,他帮助监狱长温登(Warden Norton)洗黑钱,并利用自己的银行知识帮助狱警们处理财务问题。
肖申克的救赎(剧本)1 INT -- CABIN -- NIGHT (1946) 内景--小屋--夜晚2 EXT -- CABIN -- NIGHT (1946) 2 外景--小屋--夜晚3 INT -- PLYMOUTH -- NIGHT (1946) 3 内景--普利茅斯--夜晚5 INT -- COURTROOM -- DAY (1946) 5 内景--法庭--白天D.A. (O.S.) 律师Mr. Dufresne, describe the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered.“杜弗兰先生,描述一下你妻子被谋杀的那天晚上,你与她的争执。
”ANDY 安迪It was very bitter. She said she was glad I knew, that she hated all the sneaking around. She said she wanted a divorce in Reno.“很激烈。
”(译者注:雷诺,美国有名的“离婚城市”, 在内华达州西部, 凡欲离婚者, 只须在该市住满三个月, 即可离婚)D.A. 律师What was your response? “你怎么回应?”ANDY 安迪I told her I would not grant one. “我告诉她我不会同意。
”D.A. 律师(refers to his notes) "I'll see you in Hell before I see you in Reno." Those were the words you used, Mr. Dufresne, according to the testimony of your neighbors.(看了一下他的文件记录。
肖申克的救赎 英文原版剧本PART3~4
![肖申克的救赎 英文原版剧本PART3~4](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7058c65abe23482fb4da4c85.png)
PART 317 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- NIGHT (1947) 17Three tiers to a side, concrete and steel, gray and imposing.Andy and the others are marched in, still naked, carrying their clothes and Bibles. The CONS in their cells greet them with TAUNTS, JEERS, and LAUGHTER. One by one, the new men are shown to their cells and locked in with a CLANG OF STEEL.RED (V.O.)The first night's the toughest, no doubt about it. They march you innaked as the day you're born, fresh from a Bible reading, skin burningand half-blind from that delousing shit they throw on you...Red watches from his cell, arms slung over the crossbars, cigarette dangling from his fingers.RED (V.O.)...and when they put you in that cell, when those bars slam home,that's when you know it's for real. Old life blown away in the blink ofan eye...a long cold season in hell stretching out ahead...nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it.Red listens to the CLANGING below. He watches Andy and a fewothers being brought up to the 2nd tier.RED (V.O.)Most new fish come close to madness the first night. Somebody always breaks down crying. Happens every time. The only question is, who's it gonna be?Andy is led past and given a cell at the end of the tier.RED (V.O.)It's as good a thing to bet on as any, I guess. I had my money onAndy Dufresne...18 INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 18The bars slam home. Andy is alone in his cell, clutching his clothes. He gazes around at his new surroundings, taking it in. He slowly begins to dress himself...19 EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON -- NIGHT (1947) 19A malignant stone growth on the Maine landscape. The moonhangs low and baleful in a dead sky. The headlight of a PASSING TRAIN cuts through the night.20 INT -- RED'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 20Red lies on his bunk below us, tossing his baseball toward theceiling and catching it again. He pauses, listening. FOOTSTEPSapproach below, unhurried, echoing hollowly on stone.21 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- NIGHT (1947) 21LOW ANGLE. A CELLBLOCK GUARD strolls into frame.GUARDThat's lights out! Good night, ladies.The lights bump off in sequence. The guard exits, footstepsechoing away. Darkness now. Silence. CAMERA CRANES UP thetiers toward Red's cell.RED (V.O.)I remember my first night. Seems a long time ago now.Red looms from the darkness, leans on the bars. Listens. Waits. From somewhere below comes faint, ghastly tittering. VOICES drift through the cellblock, taunting: VARIOUS VOICES (O.S.)Fishee fishee fisheeee...You're gonna like it here, new fish. Awhooole lot...Make you wish your daddies never dicked your mommies...You takin' this down, new fish? Gonna be a quiz later.(somebody LAUGHS)Sshhh. Keep it down. The screws'll hear...Fishee fishee fisheeee...RED (V.O.)The boys always go fishin' with first-timers...and they don't quit till they reel someone in.The VOICES keep on, sly and creepy in the dark...22 INT -- VARIOUS CELLS -- NIGHT (1947) 22thru thru 252g ...while the new cons go quietly crazy in their cells. One man paces like acaged animal...another sits gnawing his cuticles bloody...a third is weeping silently...a fourth is dry-heaving into the toilet...26 INT -- RED'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 26Red waits at the bars. Smoking. Listening. He cranes his head, peers down toward Andy's cell. Nothing. Not a peep.HEYWOOD (O.S.)Fat-Ass...oh, Faaaat-Ass. Talk to me, boy. I know you're in there. Ican hear you breathin'. Now don't you listen to these nitwits, hear?27 INT -- FAT-ASS' CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 27Fat-Ass is crying, trying not to hyperventilate.HEYWOOD (O.S.)This ain't such a bad place. I'll introduce you around, make you feelright at home. I know some big ol' bull queers who'd love to make your acquaintance...especially that big white mushy butt of yours...And that's it. Fat-Ass lets out a LOUD WAIL of despair:FAT-ASSOH GOD! I DON'T BELONG HERE! IWANNA GO HOME!28 INT -- HEYWOOD'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 28HEYWOODAND IT'S FAT-ASS BY A NOSE.'29 INT -- CELLBLOCK -- NIGHT (1947) 29The place goes nuts. Fat-Ass throws himself screaming againstthe bars. The entire block starts CHANTING:VOICESFresh fish...fresh fish...fresh fish...fresh fish...FAT-ASSI WANNA GO HOME! I WANT MY MOTHER.'VOICE (O.S.)I had your mother! She wasn't that great!The lights bump on. GUARDS pour in, led by Hadley himself.HADLEYWhat the Christ is this happy shit?VOICE (O.S.)He took the Lord's name in vain! I'm tellin' the warden!HADLEY(to the unseen wit)You'll be tellin' him with my baton up your ass!Hadley arrives at Fat-Ass' cell, bellowing through the bars:HADLEYWhat's your malfunction you fat fuckin' barrel of monkey-spunk?FAT-ASSPLEASE! THIS AIN'T RIGHT! I AIN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HERE! NOT ME!HADLEYI ain't gonna count to three! Not even to one! Now shut the fuck up'fore I sing you a lullabye!Fat-Ass keeps blubbering and wailing. Total freak-out. Hadley draws his baton, gestures to his men. Open it.A GUARD unlocks the cell. Hadley pulls Fat-Ass out and starts beating him with the baton, brutally raining blows. Fat-Ass falls, tries to crawl.The place goes dead silent. All we hear now is the dullTHWACK-THWACK-THWACK of the baton. Fat-ass passes out. Hadley gets in a few more licks and finally stops.HADLEYGet this tub of shit down to the infirmary.(peers around)If I hear so much as a mouse fart in here the rest of the night, by God and Sonny Jesus, you'll all visit the infirmary. Every last motherfucker here.The guards wrestle Fat-Ass onto a stretcher and carry him off. FOOTSTEPS echo away. Lights off. Darkness again. Silence.30 INT -- RED'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 30Red stares through the bars at the main floor below, eyes riveted to the small puddle of blood where Fat-Ass went down.RED (V.O.)His first night in the joint, Andy Dufresne cost me two packs ofcigarettes. He never made a sound...31 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- MORNING (1947) 31LOUD BUZZER. The master locks are thrown -- KA-THUMP! The cons step from their cells, lining the tiers. The GUARDS holler their head-counts to the HEAD BULL, who jots on a clipboard. Red peers at Andy, checking him out. Andy stands in line, collar buttoned, hair combed.32 INT -- MESS HALL -- MORNING (1947) 32Andy goes through the breakfast line, gets a scoop of glop on his tray. WE PAN ANDY through the noise and confusion...and discover BOGS DIAMOND and ROOSTER MacBRIDE watching Andy go by. Bogs sizes Andy up with a salacious gleam in his eye,mutters something to Rooster. Rooster laughs.Andy finds a table occupied by Red and his regulars, chooses a spot at the end where nobody is sitting. Ignoring their stares, he picks up his spoon -- and pauses, seeing something in his food. He carefully fishes it out with his fingers.It's a squirming maggot. Andy grimaces, unsure what to do with it. BROOKS HATLEN is sitting closest to Andy. At age 65, he's a senior citizen, a long-standing resident.BROOKSYou gonna eat that?ANDYHadn't planned on it.BROOKSYou mind?Andy passes the maggot to Brooks. Brooks examines it, rolling it between his fingertips like a man checking out a fine cigar. Andy is riveted with apprehension.BROOKSMmm. Nice and ripe.Andy can't bear to watch. Brooks opens up his sweater and feeds the maggot to a baby crow nestled in an inside pocket. Andy breathes a sigh of relief. BROOKSJake says thanks. Fell out of his nest over by the plate shop. I'mlookin' after him till he's old enough to fly.Andy nods, proceeds to eat. Carefully. Heywood approaches.JIGGEROh, Christ, here he comes.HEYWOODMornin', boys. It's a fine mornin'. You know why it's fine?Heywood plops his tray down, sits. The men start pulling out cigarettes and handing them down.HEYWOODThat's right, send 'em all down. I wanna see 'em lined up in a row,pretty as a chorus line.An impressive pile forms. Heywood bends down and inhales deeply, smelling the aroma. Rapture.FLOYDSmell my ass...HEYWOODGee, Red. Terrible shame, your horse comin' in last and all. Hell, I sure do love that horse of mine. I believe I owe that boy a big sloppy kiss when I see him.REDGive him some'a your cigarettes instead, cheap bastard.HEYWOODSay Tyrell, you pull infirmary duty this week? How's that winnin' horse of mine, anyway?TYRELLDead.(the men fall silent)Hadley busted his head pretty good. Doc already went home for thenight. Poor bastard lay there till this morning. By then...He shakes his head, turns back to his food. The silence mounts. Heywood glances around. Men resume eating. Softly:ANDYWhat was his name?HEYWOODWhat? What'd you say?ANDYI was wondering if anyone knew his name.HEYWOODWhat the fuck you care, new fish?(resumes eating)Doesn't matter what his fuckin' name was. He's dead.PART 433 INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY -- DAY (1947) 33A DEAFENING NOISE of industrial washers and presses. Andy works the laundry line.A nightmarish job. He's new at it. BOB, thecon foreman, elbows him aside and shows him how it's done.34 INT -- SHOWERS -- DAY (1947) 34Shower heads mounted in bare concrete. Andy showers with adozen or more men. No modesty here. At least the water is goodand hot, soothing his tortured muscles.Bogs looms from the billowing steam, smiling, checking Andy upand down. Rooster and PETE appear from the sides. The Sisters.BOGSYou're some sweet punk. You been broke in yet?Andy tries to step past them. He gets shoved around, nothing serious, just some slap and tickle. Jackals sizing up prey.BOGSHard to get. I like that.Andy breaks free, flushed and shaking. He hurries off, leaving the three Sisters laughing.35 INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 35Andy lies staring at the darkness, unable to sleep.36 EXT -- EXERCISE YARD -- DAY (1947) 36Exercise period. Red plays catch with Heywood and Jigger, lazily tossing a baseball around. Red notices Andy off to the side. Nods hello. Andy takes this as a cue to amble over. Heywood and Jigger pause, watching.ANDY(offers his hand)Hello. I'm Andy Dufresne.Red glances at the hand, ignores it. The game continues.REDThe wife-killin' banker.ANDYHow do you know that?REDI keep my ear to the ground. Why'd you do it?ANDYI didn't, since you ask.REDHell, you'll fit right in, then.(off Andy's look)Everyone's innocent in here, don't you know that? Heywood! What are you in for, boy?HEYWOODDidn't do it! Lawyer fucked me!Red gives Andy a look. See?ANDYWhat else have you heard?REDPeople say you're a cold fish. They say you think your shit smells sweeter than ordinary. That true?ANDYWhat do you think?REDAin't made up my mind yet.Heywood nudges Jigger. Watch this. He winds up and throws theball hard -- right at Andy's head. Andy sees it coming out of the corner of his eye, whirls and catches it. Beat. He sends the ball right back, zinging it into Heywood's hands. Heywood drops the ball and grimaces, wringing his stung hands.ANDYI understand you're a man who knows how to get things.REDI'm known to locate certain things from time to time. They seem tofall into my hands. Maybe it's 'cause I'm Irish.ANDYI wonder if you could get me a rock-hammer?REDWhat is it and why?ANDYYou make your customers' motives a part of your business?REDIf you wanted a toothbrush, I wouldn't ask questions. I'd just quote a price. A toothbrush, see, is a non-lethal sort of object.ANDYFair enough. A rock-hammer is about eight or nine inches long. Looks like a miniature pickaxe, with a small sharp pick on one end, and a blunt hammerhead on the other. It's for rocks.REDRocks.Andy squats, motions Red to join him. Andy grabs a handful of dirt and sifts it through his hands. He finds a pebble and rubs it clean. It has a nice milky glow. He tosses it to Red.REDQuartz?ANDYQuartz, sure. And look. Mica. Shale. Silted granite. There's some graded limestone, from when they cut this place out of the hill.REDSo?ANDYI'm a rockhound. At least I was, in my old life. I'd like to be again,on a limited scale.REDYeah, that or maybe plant your toy in somebody's skull?ANDYI have no enemies here.REDNo? Just wait.Red flicks his gaze past Andy. Bogs is watching them.REDWord gets around. The Sisters have taken a real shine to you, yes they have. Especially Bogs.ANDYTell me something. Would it help if I explained to them I'm nothomosexual?REDNeither are they. You have to be human first. They don't qualify.(off Andy's look)Bull queers take by force, that's all they want or understand. I'dgrow eyes in the back of my head if I were you.ANDYThanks for the advice.REDThat comes free. But you understand my concern.ANDYIf there's trouble, I doubt a rock- hammer will do me any good.REDThen I guess you wanna escape. Tunnel under the wall maybe?(Andy laughs politely)I miss the joke. What's so funny?ANDYYou'll know when you see the rock- hammer.REDWhat's this item usually go for?ANDYSeven dollars in any rock and gem shop.REDMy standard mark-up's twenty percent, but we're talkin' about aspecial object. Risk goes up, price goes up. Call it ten bucks even.ANDYTen it is.REDI'll see what I can do.(rises, slapping dust)But it's a waste of money.ANDYOh?REDFolks who run this place love surprise inspections. They turn a blind eye to some things, but not a gadget like that. They'll find it, and you'll lose it. Mention my name, we'll never do business again. Not for a pair of shoelaces or a stick of gum. ANDYI understand. Thank you, Mr...?REDRed. The name's Red.ANDYRed. I'm Andy. Pleasure doing business with you.They shake. Andy strolls off. Red watches him go.RED (V.O.)I could see why some of the boys took him for snobby. He had a quiet way about him, a walk and a talk that just wasn't normal aroundhere. He strolled. like a man in a park without a care or worry. Likehe had on an invisible coat that would shield him from this place.(resumes playing catch)Yes, I think it would be fair to say I liked Andy from the start.37 INT -- MESS HALL -- DAY (1947) 37Red gets his breakfast and heads for a table. Andy falls in step, slips him a tightly-folded square of paper.38 INT -- RED'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 38Lying on his bunk, Red unfolds the square. A ten dollar bill.RED (V.O.)He was a man who adapted fast.39 EXT -- LOADING DOCK -- DAY (1947) 39Under watchful supervision, CONS are off-loading bags of dirtylaundry from an "Eliot Nursing Home" truck.RED (V.O.)Years later, I found out he'd brought in quite a bit more than just ten dollars...A certain bag hits the ground. The TRUCK DRIVER shoots a lookat a black con, LEONARD, then ambles over to a GUARD to shootthe shit. Leonard loads the bag onto a cart...40 INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY -- DAY (1947) 40Bags are being unloaded. We find Leonard working the line.RED (V.O.)When they check you into this hotel, one of the bellhops bends you over and looks up your works, just to make sure you're not carrying anything. But a truly determined man can get an object quite a ways up there.Leonard slips a small paper-wrapped package out of the laundry bag, hides it under his apron, and keeps sorting...4l INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY EXCHANGE -- DAY (1947) 41Red deposits his dirty bundle and moves down the line to where the clean sheets are being handed out.RED (V.O.)That's how Andy joined our happy little Shawshank family with morethan five hundred dollars on his person. Determination.Leonard catches Red's eye, turns and grabs a specific stack of clean sheets. He hands it across to Red --TIGHT ANGLE-- and more than clean laundry changes hands. Two packs of cigarettes slide out of Red's hand into Leonard's.42 INT -- RED'S CELL -- DAY (1947) 42Red slips the package out of his sheets, carefully checks to make sure nobody's coming, then rips it open. He pulls out the rock-hammer. It's just as Andy described. Red laughs softly.RED (V.O.)Andy was right. I finally got the joke. It would take a man about sixhundred years to tunnel under the wall with one of these.。
ANDY安迪My wife used to say I'm a hard man to know. Like a closed book. Complained about it all the time. (pause) She was beautiful. I loved her. But I guess I couldn't show it enough. (softly) I killed her, Red.“我妻子曾说我是个难于理解的人,像一本合着的书,她总在抱怨。
”ANDY安迪I didn't pull the trigger. But I drove her away. That's why she died. Because of me, the way I am. “不是我开的枪,但是我把她赶走的,那是她死去的原因。
”RED瑞德That don't make you a murderer. Bad husband, maybe.“那你并不是凶手,顶多是个不好的丈夫。
”Feel bad about it if you want. But you didn't pull the trigger.“你可以为此难过,但不是你开的枪。
”ANDY安迪No. I didn't. Someone else did, and I wound up here. Bad luck, I guess.“是的,不是我开的。
”RED瑞德Bad luck? Jesus. “运气不好?天!”ANDY安迪It floats around. Has to land on somebody. Say a storm comes through. Some folks sit in their living rooms and enjoy the rain. The house next door gets torn out of the ground and smashed flat. It was my turn, that's all. I was in the path of the tornado. (softly) I just had no idea the storm would go on as long as it has. (glances to him) Think you'll ever get out of here?“它一旦来临,就一定会降临到某个人的身上。
电影《肖申克的救赎》一分钟片段模仿 分镜头脚本
![电影《肖申克的救赎》一分钟片段模仿 分镜头脚本](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e179b0c3b84ae45c3a358c1f.png)
景别画面内容时间摄法音乐音响画面备注1. 中景安迪背靠墙壁坐着发呆。
2. 中景安迪靠墙壁坐着,瑞德从他
3. 近景瑞德向安迪走去,边走边踢
4. 近景瑞德走到安迪身边
5. 特写瑞德脸部5秒固定镜头环境声
7. 近景安迪坐开始对瑞德说话
8. 特写瑞德听安迪说话,安迪提起
9. 特写安迪继续说起他的妻子。
10. 特写瑞德听安迪说话,上半身动
11. 特写安迪说话6秒安迪特写安迪说话声。
第二天我去吃饭的时候,在餐盘里发现了一只恶心的虫子。 在我不知所措的时候,离我最近的一个老头开口管我要虫子。
我又疑惑又担心,只见老头掀开毛衣,把虫子喂给了依偎在 他内兜里的一只幼小的乌鸦,我这才松了一口气。
接着我听到他们说昨晚那个胖 子已经死了,我想知道他的名 字,海沃德叫我不要多管闲事, 他说,“死人不需要名字”。
1965年,汤米.威廉 姆斯于由于“破门入 室”被判两年刑期而 来到肖申克监狱。
有一天,汤米向我和瑞德讲述了一件事:大约四 年前,他在托马斯顿服刑,出狱前的几个月,来 了一个新狱友叫“厄摩”,此人作恶多端,一次 他兴奋地说起在一个乡间豪宅里作案时,惊动了 男主人,一个高尔夫球手,他当时正在和情人云 雨,于是他将他们双双毙于床上。后来,这女人 的丈夫,一个银行家,做了替罪羔羊。
我不停的给州议院写信,一星期两封。1959 年,拨款委员会投决出每年500美元的拨款, 我用这笔钱将散发着松节油味的杂物室变成了新英格兰最好的监狱图书馆。
在每笔幕后的交易下, 赚来的每一美元,都由 我来帮他登记入帐。
我去找典狱长,和他叙述我被冤枉的详细经过。可是诺顿只是假惺惺的对我表示了同情, 接着他找出百般理由,就是不肯让我抓住这个机会翻案。
汤米的死彻底让我觉醒。我告诉瑞德, 我要去墨西哥的芝华塔尼欧,太平洋 中的一个小地方。那是一个没有回忆 的地方。我想在那儿度过我的下半辈 子,温暖,但没有回忆。我要开间小 旅馆,买艘破船把它翻新载客。
Dufresne, describe -—-—杜弗伦先生请你描述the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered. ——-—命案当晚和妻子争吵的情形It was very bitter. --——我们吵的很凶She said she was glad I knew,that she hated all the sneaking around。
—-—-她说不怕我知道她讨厌偷偷摸摸And she said that she wanted a divorce in Reno。
----她还说想去雷诺市办离婚—What was your response? —I told her I would not grant one. --——你怎样回答?—我拒绝离婚"I’ll see you in hell before I see you in Reno。
”———-”你别想活着去雷诺市"Those were your words, according to your neighbors. -—--邻居作证你说过这句话If they say so。
—--—也许吧I really don’t remember. I was upset. --——我气炸了记不清楚What happened after you argued with your wife? -——-你们吵完以后呢?She packed a bag. --—-她收拾行李She packed a bag to go and stay with Mr。
Quentin. -—-—去跟昆丁先生住一起Glenn Quentin, golf pro at the Snowden Hills Country Club ————葛兰·昆丁乡村俱乐部的高球教练whom you had discovered was your wife's lover。
肖申克的救赎剧本SHAWSHANK REDEMPTIOND.A.:Mr. Dufresne, describe the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered.ANDY:It was very bitter. She said she was glad I knew, that she hated all the sneaking around. She said she wanted a divorce in Reno.D.A.:What was your response?ANDY:I told her I would not grant one.D.A.:"I'll see you in Hell before I see you in Reno." Those were the words you used, Mr. Dufresne, according to the testimony of your neighbors.ANDY:If they say so. I really don't remember. I was upset.D.A.:What happened after you and your wife argued?ANDY:She packed a bag and went to stay with Mr. Quentin.D.A.:Glenn Quentin. The golf pro at the Falmouth Hills Country Club. The man you had recently discovered was her lover.(Andy nods) Did you follow her?ANDY:I went to a few bars first. Later,I decided to drive to Mr. Quentin's home and confront them. They weren't there...so I parked my car in the turnout...and waited.D.A.:With what intention?ANDY:I'm not sure. I was confused. Drunk.I think mostly I wanted to scare them.D.A.:You had a gun with you?ANDY:Yes. I did.D.A.:When they arrived, you went up to the house and murdered them?ANDY:No. I was sobering up. I realized she wasn't worth it. I decided tolet her have her quickie divorce.D.A.:Quickie divorce indeed. A .38 caliber divorce, wrapped in a handtowel to muffle the shots,isn't that what you mean? And then you shot her lover!ANDY:I did not. I got back in the car and drove home to sleep it off. Along the way, I stopped and threw my gun into the Royal River. I feel I've been very clear on this point.D.A.:Yes, you have. Where I get hazy,though, is the part where the cleaning woman shows up the next morning and finds your wife and her lover in bed, riddled with .38 caliber bullets. Does that strike you as a fantastic coincidence, Mr.Dufresne, or is it just me?ANDY:(softly)Yes. It does.D.A.:I'm sorry, Mr. Dufresne, I don't think the jury heard that.ANDY:Yes. It does.D.A.:Does what?ANDY:Strike me as a fantastic coincidence.D.A.:On that, sir, we are in accord...D.A.:You claim you threw your gun into the Royal River before the murders took place. That's rather convenient.ANDY:It's the truth.D.A.:You recall Lt. Mincher's testimony?He and his men dragged that river for three days and nary a gun was found. So no comparison can be made between your gun and the bullets taken from the bloodstained corpses of the victims. That's also rather convenient, isn't it, Mr. Dufresne?ANDY:(faint, bitter smile)Since I am innocent of this crime,sir, I find it decidedly inconvenient the gun was never found.D.A.:Ladies and gentlemen, you've heard all the evidence, you know all the facts. We have the accused at the scene of the crime. We have foot prints. Tire tracks. Bullets scattered on the ground which bear his fingerprints. A broken bourbon bottle, likewise with fingerprints.Most of all, we have a beautiful young woman and her lover lying dead in each other's arms. They had sinned. But was their crime so great as to merita death sentence?D.A.:I suspect Mr. Dufresne's answer to that would be yes. I further suspect he carried out that sentence on the night of September 21st, this year of our Lord, 1946, by pumping four bullets into his wife and another four into Glenn Quentin. And while you think about that, think about this...A revolver holds six bullets, not eight. I submit to you this was not a hot-blooded crime of passion! That could at least be understood, if not condoned. No, this was revenge of a much more brutal andcold-blooded nature. Consider! Four bullets per victim! Not six shots fired, but eight! That means he fired the gun empty...and then stopped to reload so he could shoot each of them again! An extra bullet per lover...right in the head.I'm done talking. You people are all decent, God-fearing Christian folk. You know what to do.JUDGE:You strike me as a particularly icy and remorseless man, Mr. Dufresne.It chills my blood just to look at you. By the power vested in me by the State of Maine, I hereby order you to serve two life sentences,back to back, one for each of your victims. So be it.………………………………MAN #1:Sit.MAN #2:we see by your file you've served twenty years of a life sentence.MAN #3:you feel you've been rehabilitated?RED:yes, sir. Absolutely. I've learned my lesson. I can honestly say I'm a changed man. I'm no longer a danger to society. That's the God's honest truth. No doubt about it.………………………………RED (V.O.):There's a con like me in every prison in America, I guess. I'm the guy who can get it for you. Cigarettes, a bag of reefer if you're partial, a bottle of brandy to celebrate your kid's high school graduation. Damn near anything, within reason.RED (V.O.) :yes sir, I'm a regular Sears &Roebuck.RED (V.O.): So when Andy Dufresne came to me in 1949 and asked me to smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison for him, I told him no problem. And it wasn't.………………………………RED (V.O.):Andy came to Shawshank Prison in early 1947 for murdering his wife and the fella she was bangin'.On the outside, he'd beenvice-president of a large Portland bank.Good work for a man as young as he was, when you consider how conservative banks were back then.CON:Fresh fish! Fresh fish today!TOWER GUARD:All clear!HADLEYOn your feet before I fuck you upso bad you never walk again.13 ON THE BLEACHERS 13REDThere they are, boys. The HumanCharm Bracelet.HEYWOOD:Never seen such a sorry-lookin' heap of maggot shit in my life.JIGGER:Comin' from you, Heywood, you beingso pretty and all...FLOYD:Takin' bets today, Red?RED:(pulls notepad and pencil)Bear Catholic? Pope shit in the woods?Smokes or coin, bettor's choice.FLOYD:Smokes. Put me down for two.RED:High roller. Who's your horse?FLOYD:That gangly sack of shit, third from the front. He'll be the first.HEYWOOD:Bullshit. I'll take that action.ERNIE:Me too.HEYWOOD:You're out some smokes, son. Take my word.FLOYD:You're so smart, you call it.HEYWOOD:I say that chubby fat-ass...let's see...fifth from the front. Put me down for a quarter deck.RED:That's five cigarettes on Fat-Ass.Any takers?RED (V.O.):I must admit I didn't think much of Andy first time I laid eyes on him.He might'a been important on the outside, but in here he was just a little turd in prison grays. Looked like a stiff breeze could blow him over. That was my first impressionof the man.SKEET:What say, Red?RED:Little fella on the end. Definitely.I stake half a pack. Any takers?SNOOZE:Rich bet.RED:C'mon, boys, who's gonna prove me wrong?(hands go up)Floyd, Skeet, Joe, Heywood. Four brave souls, ten smokes apiece. That's it,gentlemen, this window's closed.VOICE (amplified):Return to your cellblocks for evening count.………………………………HADLEY:Eyes front.NORTON:This is Mr. Hadley, captain of the guard. I am Mr. Norton, the warden.You are sinners and scum, that's why they sent you to me. Rule number one: no blaspheming. I'll not have the Lord's name taken in vain in my prison. The other rules you'll figure out as you go along.Any questions?CON:When do we eat?HADLEY:YOU EAT WHEN WE SAY YOU EAT! YOU PISS WHEN WE SAY YOU PISS! YOU SHIT WHEN WE SAY YOU SHIT! YOU SLEEP WHEN WE SAY YOU SLEEP! YOU MAGGOT-DICK MOTHERFUCKER!NORTON:Any other questions?(there are none)I believe in two things. Disciplineand the Bible. Here, you'll receive both.(holds up a Bible)Put your faith in the Lord. Your ass belongs to me. Welcome to Shawshank.HADLEY:Off with them clothes! And I didn't say take all day doing it, did I?HADLEYFirst man into the shower!Hadley shoves the FIRST CON into a steel cage open at thefront. TWO GUARDS open up with a fire hose. The con is slammedagainst the back of the cage, sputtering and hollering.Seconds later, the water is cut and the con yanked out.HADLEYDelouse that piece of shit! Nextman in!The con gets a huge scoop of white delousing powder thrown allover him. Gasping and coughing, blinking powder from his eyes,he gets shoved to a trustee's cage. The TRUSTEE slides a shortstack of items through the slot -- prison clothes and a Bible.All the men are processed quickly -- a blast of water, powder,clothes and a Bible...15 INT -- INFIRMARY -- NIGHT (1947) 15A naked CON steps before a DOCTOR and gets a cursory exam.A penlight is shined in his eyes, ears, nose, and throat.DOCTORBend over.The con does. A GUARD with a penlight in his teeth spreads his cheeks, peers up his ass, and nods. Andy is next up. He getsthe same treatment.16 INT -- PRISON CHAPEL -- NIGHT (1947) 16CAMERA TRACKS the naked newcomers shivering on hard woodenchairs, clothes on their laps, Bibles open.CHAPLAIN (O.S.)...maketh me to lie down in greenpastures. He leadeth me beside thestill waters. He restoreth my soul...17 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- NIGHT (1947) 17Three tiers to a side, concrete and steel, gray and imposing.Andy and the others are marched in, still naked, carryingtheir clothes and Bibles. The CONS in their cells greet themwith TAUNTS, JEERS, and LAUGHTER. One by one, the new men areshown to their cells and locked in with a CLANG OF STEEL.RED (V.O.):The first night's the toughest, no doubt about it. They march you in naked as the day you're born, fresh from a Bible reading, skin burning and half-blind from that delousing shit they throw on you......andwhen they put you in that cell, when those bars slam home,that's when you know it's for real.Old life blown away in the blink of an eye...a long cold season in hell stretching out ahead...nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it.RED (V.O.):Most new fish come close to madness the first night. Somebody alwaysbreaks down crying. Happens every time. The only question is, who's it gonna be?RED (V.O.):It's as good a thing to bet on as any, I guess. I had my money on Andy Dufresne...GUARD:That's lights out! Good night, ladies.RED (V.O.):I remember my first night. Seems a long time ago now.VARIOUS VOICES (O.S.):Fishee fishee fisheeee...You're gonna like it here, new fish. A whooole lot...Make you wish your daddies never dicked your mommies...You takin' this down, new fish? Gonna be a quiz later. (somebody LAUGHS) Sshhh. Keep it down. The screws'll hear...Fishee fishee fisheeee...RED (V.O.):The boys always go fishin' with first-timers...and they don't quit till they reel someone in.HEYWOOD (O.S.):Fat-Ass...oh, Faaaat-Ass. Talk to me, boy. I know you're in there. I can hear you breathin'. Now don't you listen to these nitwits, hear?HEYWOOD (O.S.):This ain't such a bad place. I'll introduce you around, make you feel right at home. I know some big ol' bull queers who'd love to make your acquaintance...especially that big white mushy butt of yours...FAT-ASS:OH GOD! I DON'T BELONG HERE! I WANNA GO HOME!HEYWOOD:AND IT'S FAT-ASS BY A NOSE.'VOICES:Fresh fish...fresh fish...fresh fish...fresh fish...FAT-ASS:I WANNA GO HOME! I WANT MY MOTHER.'VOICE (O.S.):I had your mother! She wasn't that great!HADLEY:What the Christ is this happy shit?VOICE (O.S.):He took the Lord's name in vain!I'm tellin' the warden! HADLEY:(to the unseen wit)You'll be tellin' him with my baton up your ass! HADLEY:What's your malfunction you fat fuckin' barrel of monkey-spunk? FAT-ASS:PLEASE! THIS AIN'T RIGHT! I AIN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HERE! NOT ME!HADLEY:I ain't gonna count to three! Not even to one! Now shut the fuck up 'fore I sing you a lullabye!HADLEY:Get this tub of shit down to the infirmary.(peers around)If I hear so much as a mouse fart in here the rest of the night, by God and Sonny Jesus, you'll all visit the infirmary. Every last motherfucker here.RED (V.O.):His first night in the joint, Andy Dufresne cost me two packs of cigarettes. He never made a sound...………………………………BROOKS:You gonna eat that?ANDY:Hadn't planned on it.BROOKS:You mind?BROOKS:Mmm. Nice and ripe.BROOKS:Jake says thanks. Fell out of his nest over by the plate shop. I'm lookin' after him till he's old enough to fly.JIGGER:Oh, Christ, here he comes.HEYWOOD:Mornin', boys. It's a fine mornin'.You know why it's fine?HEYWOOD:That's right, send 'em all down. I wanna see 'em lined up in a row, pretty as a chorus line.FLOYD:Smell my ass...HEYWOOD:Gee, Red. Terrible shame, your horse comin' in last and all.Hell, I sure do love that horse of mine. I believe I owe that boy a big sloppy kiss when I see him.RED:Give him some'a your cigarettes instead, cheap bastard.HEYWOOD:Say Tyrell, you pull infirmary duty this week? How's that winnin' horseof mine, anyway?TYRELL:Dead.(the men fall silent)Hadley busted his head pretty good.Doc already went home for the night. Poor bastard lay there till this morning. By then...ANDY:What was his name?HEYWOOD:What? What'd you say?ANDY:I was wondering if anyone knew his name.HEYWOOD:What the fuck you care, new fish?(resumes eating)Doesn't matter what his fuckin' name was. He's dead.………………………………BOGS: You're some sweet punk. You been broke in yet?BOGS:Hard to get. I like that.………………………………ANDY:(offers his hand)Hello. I'm Andy Dufresne.RED:The wife-killin' banker.ANDY:How do you know that?RED:I keep my ear to the ground. Why'd you do it?ANDY:I didn't, since you ask.RED:Hell, you'll fit right in, then.(off Andy's look)Everyone's innocent in here, don'tyou know that? Heywood! What are you in for, boy?HEYWOOD:Didn't do it! Lawyer fucked me!ANDY:What else have you heard?RED:People say you're a cold fish. They say you think your shit smells sweeter than ordinary. That true?ANDY:What do you think?RED:Ain't made up my mind yet.ANDY:I understand you're a man who knows how to get things.RED:I'm known to locate certain things from time to time. They seem to fall into my hands. Maybe it's 'cause I'm Irish.ANDY:I wonder if you could get me a rock-hammer?RED:What is it and why?ANDY:You make your customers' motives a part of your business?RED:If you wanted a toothbrush, I wouldn't ask questions. I'd just quote a price. A toothbrush, see,is a non-lethal sort of object.ANDY:Fair enough. A rock-hammer is about eight or nine inches long. Looks like a miniature pickaxe, with a small sharp pick on one end, and a blunt hammerhead on the other. It's for rocks.RED:Rocks.RED:Quartz?ANDY:Quartz, sure. And look. Mica. Shale.Silted granite. There's some graded limestone, from when they cut this place out of the hill.RED:So?ANDY:I'm a rockhound. At least I was, in my old life. I'd like to be again,on a limited scale.RED:Yeah, that or maybe plant your toy in somebody's skull?ANDY:I have no enemies here.RED:No? Just wait.RED:Word gets around. The Sisters have taken a real shine to you, yes they have. Especially Bogs.ANDY:Tell me something. Would it help if I explained to them I'm not homosexual?RED:Neither are they. You have to be human first. They don't qualify.(off Andy's look)Bull queers take by force, that's all they want or understand. I'd grow eyes in the back of my head if I were you.ANDY:Thanks for the advice.RED:That comes free. But you understand my concern.ANDY:If there's trouble, I doubt a rock-hammer will do me any good.RED:Then I guess you wanna escape.Tunnel under the wall maybe?(Andy laughs politely)I miss the joke. What's so funny?ANDY:You'll know when you see the rock-hammer.RED:What's this item usually go for?ANDY:Seven dollars in any rock and gem shop.RED:My standard mark-up's twenty percent, but we're talkin' about a special object. Risk goes up, price goes up. Call it ten bucks even.ANDY:Ten it is.RED:I'll see what I can do.(rises, slapping dust)But it's a waste of money.ANDY: Oh?RED:Folks who run this place love surprise inspections. They turn a blind eye to some things, but not a gadget like that. They'll find it, and you'll lose it. Mention myname, we'll never do business again. Not for a pair of shoelaces or a stick of gum.ANDY:I understand. Thank you, Mr...?RED:Red. The name's Red.ANDY:Red. I'm Andy. Pleasure doing business with you.RED (V.O.):I could see why some of the boys took him for snobby. He had a quiet way about him, a walk and a talk that just wasn't normal around here. He strolled. like a man in a park without a care or worry. Like he had on an invisible coat that would shield him from this place.(resumes playing catch)Yes, I think it would be fair to say I liked Andy from the start.………………………………RED (V.O.):He was a man who adapted fast.BOB:DUFRESNE! WE'RE LOW ON HEXLITE!HEAD ON BACK AND FETCH US UP SOME!ANDY:You get this in your eyes, it blinds you.BOGS:Honey, hush.BOGS:That's it, fight. Better that way.RED (V.O.):I wish I could tell you that Andy fought the good fight, and the Sisters let him be. I wish I could tell you that, but prison is no fairy-tale world.RED (V.O.):He never said who did it...but we all knew.………………………………RED (V.O.):Things went on like that for a while. Prison life consists of routine, and then more routine.RED (V.O.):Every so often, Andy would show up with fresh bruises.RED (V.O.):The Sisters kept at him. Sometimes he was able to fight them off...sometimes not.RED (V.O.):And that's how it went for Andy. That was his routine. I do believe those first two years were the worst for him. And I also believe if things had gone on that way, this place would have got the best of him.But then, in the spring of 1949,the powers-that-be decided that...………………………………NORTON:...the roof of the license-plate factory needs resurfacing. I need a dozen volunteers for a week's work.We're gonna be taking names in this steel bucket here...RED (V.O.):It was outdoor detail, and May is one damn fine month to be workin' outdoors.RED (V.O.):More than a hundred men volunteered for the job.RED (V.O.):Wouldn't you know it? Me and some fellas I know were among the names called.Only cost us a pack of smokes per man. I made my usual twenty percent, of course.………………………………HADLEY:...so this shithead lawyer calls long distance from Texas, and he says, Byron Hadley? I say, yeah. He says, sorry to inform you, but your brother just died.YOUNGBLOOD:Damn, Byron. Sorry to hear that.HADLEY:I ain't. He was an asshole. Run off years ago, family ain't heard of him since. Figured him for dead anyway.So this lawyer prick says, your brother died a rich man. Oil wells and shit, close to a million bucks. Jesus, it's frigging incredible how lucky some assholes can get.TROUT:A million bucks? Jeez-Louise! You get any of that?HADLEY:Thirty five thousand. That's what he left me.TROUT:Dollars? Holy shit, that's great!Like winnin' a lottery...(off Hadley's shitty look)...ain't it?HADLEY:Dumbshit. What do you figger the government's gonna do to me? Take abig wet bite out of my ass, is what.TROUT:Oh. Hadn't thought of that.HADLEY:Maybe leave me enough to buy a new car with. Then what happens? Youpay tax on the car. Repairs and maintenance. Goddamn kids pesterin' you to take 'em for a ride...MERT:And drive it, if they're old enough.HADLEY:That's right, wanting to drive it,wanting to learn on it,f'Chrissake!Then at the end of the year, if you figured the tax wrong, they make you pay out of your own pocket.Uncle Sam puts his hand in your shirt and squeezes your tit till it's purple. Always get the short end. That's a fact.(spits over the side)Some brother. Shit.HEYWOOD:Poor Byron. What terrible fuckin' luck. Imagine inheriting thirty five thousand dollars.RED:Crying shame. Some folks got it awful bad.RED:Hey, you nuts? Keep your eyes on your pail!RED:Andy! Come back! Shit!SNOOZE:What's he doing?FLOYD:Gettin' himself killed.RED:God damn it...HEYWOOD:Just keep spreadin' tar...ANDY:Mr. Hadley. Do you trust your wife?HADLEY:That's funny. You're gonna look funnier suckin' my dick with no fuckin' teeth.ANDY:What I mean is, do you think she'd go behind your back? Try to hamstring you?HADLZY:That's it! Step aside, Mert. This fucker's havin' hisself an accident.HEYWOOD:Oh God, he's gonna do it, he's gonna throw him off the roof...SNOOZE:Oh shit, oh fuck, oh Jesus...ANDY:Because if you do trust her, there's no reason in the world you can't keep every cent of that money.HADLEY:You better start making sense.ANDY:If you want to keep that money, all of it, just give it to your wife.See, the IRS allows you a one-time-only gift to your spouse. It's good up to sixty thousand dollars.HADLEY:Naw, that ain't right! Tax free?ANDY:Tax free. IRS can't touch one cent.HADLEY:You're the smart banker what shot his wife. Why should I believe a smart banker like you? So's I can wind up in here with you?ANDY:It's perfectly legal. Go ask the IRS, they'll say the samething.Actually, I feel silly telling you all this. I'm sure you would have investigated the matter yourself.HADLEY:Fuckin'-A. I don't need no smart wife-killin' banker to show me where the bear shit in the buckwheat.ANDY:Of course not. But you will need somebody to set up the tax-free gift, and that'll cost you. A lawyer, for example...HADLEY:Ambulance-chaaing, highway-robbing cocksuckers!ANDY:...or come to think of it, I suppose I could set it up for you.That would save you some money.I'll write down the forms you need,you can pick them up, and I'll prepare them for your signature...nearly free of charge.(off Hadley's look)I'd only ask three beers apiece for myco-workers, if that seems fair.TROUT:(guffawing)Co-workers! Get him! That's rich,ain't it? Co-workers...ANDY:I think a nan working outdoors feels more like a man if he can have a bottle of suds. That's only my opinion.HADLEY:What are you jimmies starin' at?Back to work, goddamn it!………………………………RED (V.O.):And that's how it came to pass,that on the second-to-last day of the job, the convict crew that tarred the plate factory roof in the spring of '49...RED (V.O.):...wound up sitting in a row at ten o'clock in the morning, drinking icy cold Black Label beer courtesy of the hardest screw that ever walked a turn at Shawshank State Prison.HADLEY:Drink up, boys. While it's cold.RED (V.O.):The colossal prick even managed to sound magnanimous.RED (V.O.):We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders, and felt like free men. We could'a been tarring the roof of one of our own houses. We were the Lords of all Creation.RED (V.O.):As for Andy, he spent that break hunkered in the shade, a strange little smile on his face, watching us drink his beer.HEYWOOD:(approaches with a beer)Here's a cold one, Andy.ANDY:No thanks. I gave up drinking.RED (V.O.):You could argue he'd done it to curry favor with the guards. Or maybe make a few friends among us cons. Me, I think he did it just to feel normal again...if only for a short while.………………………………RED:King me.ANDY:Chess. Now there's a game of kings.Civilized...strategic...RED:...and totally fuckin' inexplicable. Hate that game.ANDY:Maybe you'll let me teach you someday. I've been thinking of getting a board together.RED:You come to the right place. I'm the man who can get things.ANDY:We might do business on a board. But the pieces, I'd like to carve those myself. One side done in quartz...the opposing side in limestone.RED:That'd take you years.ANDY:Years I've got. What I don't have are the rocks. Pickings here in the exercise yard are pretty slim.RED:How's that rock-hammer workin' out anyway? Scratch your name on your wall yet?ANDY:(smiles)Not yet. I suppose I should.RED:Andy? I guess we're gettin' to be friends, ain't we?ANDY:I suppose we are.RED:I ask a question? Why'd you do it?ANDY:I'm innocent, remember? Just like everybody else here.ANDY:What are you in for, Red?RED:Murder. Same as you.ANDY:Innocent?RED:The only guilty man in Shawshank.………………………………RED:Here's the good part. Bugs come out of the walls to get his ass.ANDY:I know. I've seen it three times this month already.ANDY:Can we talk business?RED:Sure. What do you want?ANDY:Rita Hayworth. Can you get her?RED:No problem. Take a few weeks.ANDY:Weeks?RED:Don't have her stuffed down my pants this very moment, sorry to say. Relax.………………………………BOGS:Take a walk.PROJECTIONIST:I have to change reels.BOGS:I said fuck off.BOGS:Ain't you gonna scream?ROOSTER:Fuck! Shit! He broke my nose!BOGS:Now I'm gonna open my fly, and you're gonna swallow what I give you to swallow. And when you d mine, you gonna swallow Rooster's. You done broke his nose,so he ought to have somethin' to show for it.ANDY:Anything you put in my mouth,you're going to lose.BOGS:You don't understand. You do that,I'll put all eight inches of this steel ii your ear.ANDY:Okay. But you should know that sudden serious brain injury causes the victim to bite down. Hard.(faint smile)In fact, I understand the bite-reflex is so strong the victim's jaws have to be pried open with a crowbar.BOGS:You little fuck.RED (V.O.):Bogs didn't put anything in Andy's mouth, and neither did his friends.What they did do is beat him within an inch of his life...Andy spent a month in traction.Bogs spent a week in the hole.………………………………GUARD:Time's up, Bogs.VOICE (O.S.):Return to your cellblocks for evening count.RED (V.O.):Two things never happened again after that. The Sisters never laid a finger on Andy again...RED (V.O.):...and Bogs never walked again. They transferred him to a minimum security hospital upstate. To my knowledge,he lived out the rest of his days drinking his food through a straw.RED:I'm thinkin' Andy could use a nice welcome back when he gets out of the infirmary.HEYWOOD:Sounds good to us. Figure we owe him for the beer.RED:Man likes to play chess. Let's get him some rocks.………………………………FLOYD:That ain't quartz. Nor limestone.HEYWOOD:What are you, fuckin' geologist?SNOOZE:He's right, it ain't.HEYWOOD:What the hell is it then?RED:Horse apple.HEYWOOD:Bullshit.RED:No, horse shit. Petrified.RED (V.O.):Despite a few hitches, the boys came through in fine style...RED (V.O.):...and by the week Andy was due back, we had enough rocks saved up to keep him busy till Rapture.RED (V.O.):Also got a big shipment in that week. Cigarettes, chewing gum, shoelaces, playing cards with naked ladies on 'em, you name it...(pulls a cardboard tube)...and, of course, the most important item.………………………………ERNIE:Heads up. They're tossin' cells.ANDY:Good evening.。
肖申克的救赎The Shawshank Redemption(适合初中生的影视赏析)
![肖申克的救赎The Shawshank Redemption(适合初中生的影视赏析)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/81b0d97401f69e31433294b9.png)
Part 1(00:00:00-00:19:56)W ord Guessing:1. divorce: Peter and Mary were married years ago. But they are not happy together at all. So they wanna divorce.2. corpse: He was murdered, but nobody found his corpse, that is his dead body.3. evidence: There’s no evidence proving his killing the girl. Thus, he is set free again. He doesn’t need to stay in prison.4. innocent: He didn’t kill the girl. He is innocent. He is not guilty.5. sentence: He robbed the bank and was sentenced to stay in prison for 6 years. Or he was given a sentence of six years.6. revenge: Peter hit Mary. The other day, Mary asked her boyfriend to beat him as a revenge.7. hazy: weird, strangeQuestions:1. Do you think the hero, Andy, is guilty of the crime? Or do you think Andy did kill his wife and her lover?A: Answer may vary.2. What was Andy before he went to prison? Or what was his job?A: A banker. (A vice-president of a large Portland bank)3. What can Red do in prison?A: He can get everything you need in prison, such as cigarettes, beer.4. What do they bet on? A horse?A: They bet on who is gonna be the first to cry since it is his first night in prison.5. Who will be the horse at your first sight?A: A. That little sack of shit (8th). B. Chubby fat-ass (5th). C. Andy.6. Why did Red bet on Andy?A: Because he looked like a stiff breeze would blow him over.7. What are the two things the warden believes in?A: Discipline and the Bible.Part 2(00:19:58-00:38:50)W ord Guessing:1. rumor: Rumor has it that Tom has a girlfriend. Actually it is not true, just a rumor. But almost everybody believes that rumor.2. hound: I’m a stamp hound. I like collecting stamps pretty much. I’m a TV hound. I like watching TV pretty much.3. skull: A hit in one’s skull may cause his death. (Y ears after a person’s death, there is nothing left but his skeleton. If his body is gone, there’s only his skull left.)4. homosexual: Those who are homosexual like people with the same gender. A gay or a lesbian.5. invisible: Something is invisible means you cannot see it or touch it. Questions:1. What happened to the fat-ass?A: He was beaten to death.2. What does Andy need? What does he need it for?A: A rock hammer (looks like a miniature pickax). For rocks. He is a rock hound.3. How many years would it take a man to tunnel under the wall with a rock hammer?A: 600 years.4. What is Uncle Sam?A: The government of U.S.5. What did Andy get for helping the officer?A: 3 beers for each of his co-workers.6. Why did he do that? How did those prisoners feel drinking beer on the roof? Why did Andy smile?A: He wanted to create a free atmosphere for his co-workers. He did it to feel just normal again. They felt like free men, drinking beer on their own roof. They felt like the lords of all creation.7. Did Andy drink? Why did he give up that?A: No. Drinking caused his being in prison.Part 3(00:38:51-01:05:46)W ord Guessing:1. civilized:He was born in a city. He is a good citizen. He takes good care of the environment and is kind to others. He is a civilized man. Or he comes from the countryside. He never received any education. He is not civilized. Or a man is cruel. He never treats others kindly. He is not civilized.2. trust fund: Peter studies well and wants to go to Harvard. But his family cannot afford that. Still, he can apply fro some trust fund to support him.Questions:1. Why’d the officers beat Bogs?A: Because Bogs and his sisters hurt Andy hard, almost killing him. Andy could help the officers a lot.2. Two things never happened after Bogs was beaten. What are they?A: a. The sisters never laid a finger on Andy again, or they never touched Andy again.b. Bogs would never walk again. He had to spend the rest of his life on the wheels and drink his food through a straw.3. Why did they send Andy to the library as an assistant?A: Andy could serve the library as an office, where he could provide some financial help for the guards and the warden, such as tax returns(报税).4. Why’d Brooks stay in prison instead of leaving there? Why’d he kill himself? A: He’s just institutionalized. In prison, Brooks is an important man, an educated man. Outside, he is nothing. It’s even hard for him to get a library card. Cuz the world had changed a lot. He would not get used to it.5. What is “institutionalize”?A: A prison may hate the prison at first. Then he would get used to it. If he spent enough time in prison, he would depend on it and could leave it. That means he is institutionalized.Part 4(01:05:48-01:23:26)W ord Guessing:1. harmonica: a musical instrument you play with your mouth2. trail: He stole sth. but left his fingerprint there. That became the trail. The police caught him with that.3. phantom: At midnight, I saw a woman dressed in white under the tree. When I came close, it was gone. There was nobody there. It was a phantom. There must be something wrong with my eyes.4. conjure: There is no ghost in the world. Man conjures it.Questions:1. Why’d Andy play the music?A: Music made every man in Shawshank feel free.2. What did Andy feel easy in the hole?A: He had Mr. Mozart in his mind and his heart.3. What is the beauty of music?A: They can’t get music away from you. Music makes one not forget that there are places that aren’t made of stones. There is sth. inside that they can’t get to, that they can’t touch. It’s yours. Music gives you hope.4. Wha t’s Red opinion of hope?A: Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane.5. Where did Andy get that harmonica? Why did he do that?A: From Red’s rival to give him a surprise.6. Who is Randall Stevens?A: He was created by Andy. He was a phantom. Their “silent”silent partner. He doesn’t exist, except on paper.Part 5(01:23:27-01:40:38)W ord Guessing:1. cellmate: They are both in prison. So they are cellmates.2. confess: I admit I did that. I confess.3. solitary: He was lock in a dark room as a punishment. Nobody can visit him. He cannot see the light. He cannot keep in touch with the outside world. It is a solitary. Questions:1. What is “laundry” Andy did for warden?A: Laundry of money instead of sheets.2. How did Andy treat Tommy? Why did he treat him like that?A: He treated Tommy like his own son. First because he felt happy to help a young man to better himself and make progress. He wanted to shape and polish this guy. It gave him a great sense of achievement. Second, prison time is slow time. In prison, one must find something to do and make his life and mind occupied.3. Why would the warden believe in Andy and give him a chance?A: The warden needs Andy in prison to help him. He also believed that Andy would betray him after he came out. To make him stay in prison is the only way to earn the money and keep the secret.4. Why’d the warden kill Tommy?A: Tommy was the only one that knew the truth that Andy was innocent. And he would help Andy.肖恩克的救赎The Shawshank RedemptionPart 6(01:40:39-the end)W ord Guessing:1. miracle: Liu Qian’s magic is a miracle. I can hardly believe it. It is amazing.2. warrant: If the police don’t have the warrant of arrest, they cannot arrest somebody. If they don’t have the warrant of search, they cannot search your house.1. How many years has Andy been in prison?A: 19 years.2. How did Andy know he could succeed in digging through the wall?A: He loved geology, the study of pressure and time.3. Why’d the warden kill himself?A: Maybe he was afraid to become a prisoner, because he knew how the prisoners’life is.4. What stopped Red from going back to prison?A: A promise he had made to Andy, that is, to find what Andy left for him.5. Do you remember what Red thinks of hope? Here what does Andy think of hope?A: Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And it never dies.6. In the end of the film, there is “In memory of Allen Greene”? Can you guess who is he?A: Actually he is the broker of the film, also the best friend of the director. He died of AIDS after the film was made.7. What do you think of Andy? Red? The warden? The guard?A: Answers may vary.8. What can you learn from the film?A: Answers may vary.。
肖申克的救赎——影片节奏 刘旭昂
![肖申克的救赎——影片节奏 刘旭昂](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/22464fc70c22590102029d4e.png)
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肖申克的救赎——场景记录肖申克的救赎第⼀幕1. 内景——⼩屋——夜晚1页2. 外景——⼩屋——夜晚3. 内景——普利茅斯——夜晚4. 外景——普利茅斯——夜晚2页5. 内景——法庭——⽩天3-6页(判刑)判刑6. 内景——法庭——⽩天7. 内景——陪审团室——⽩天8. 内景——法庭——⽩天 10分第⼆幕9. 内景——听训室——⽩天8页10. 外景——操场——肖申克监狱——黄昏11. 内景——囚车——黄昏12. 外景——肖申克监狱——黄昏13. 看台上11-13页(迎新)14. 内景——通道——夜晚15. 内景——医务所——夜晚16. 内景——监狱教堂——夜晚17. 内景——五号囚楼——夜晚18. 内景——安迪的号房——夜晚19. 外景——肖申克监狱——夜晚20. 内景——瑞德的号房——夜晚21. 内景——五号囚楼——夜晚22. 内景——各个牢房——夜晚26.内景——瑞德的号房——夜晚27.内景——胖⼦的号房——夜晚28.内景——海沃德的号房——夜晚29.内景——囚楼——夜晚19-21页(胖⼦挨打)⼊狱30.内景——瑞德的号房——夜晚31.内景——五号囚楼——早晨32.内景——⾷堂——早晨21-23页(胖⼦死)死⼈33.内景——监狱洗⾐房——⽩天34 .内景——淋浴间——⽩天35. 内景——安迪的号房——夜晚36. 外景——操场——⽩天25-30页(相识)相识37. 内景——⾷堂——⽩天38. 内景——瑞德的号房——夜晚39. 外景——装卸处——⽩天40. 内景——监狱洗⾐房——⽩天41. 内景——洗⾐房换领处——⽩天42. 内景——瑞德的号房——⽩天43. 内景——五号囚楼2层——夜晚44. 内景——瑞德的号房——夜晚45. 内景——洗⾐房——⽩天46. 内景——后屋——储藏区33页(被打)被打47. 安迪艰难地过着⽇⼦……48. 外景——院⼦⾥——⽩天49. 内景——⾷堂——⽩天50. 三姐妹坚持纠缠他51. 内景——禁闭室——夜晚52. 内景——洗⾐房——⽩天53. 外景——监狱操场——⽩天(诺顿招⼯)36页54. 外景——监狱操场——⽩天55. 外景——监狱操场——⽩天56. 内景——监狱⾛廊——夜晚57. 外景——车牌⼚——⽩天58. 外景——房顶——⽩天(免税点⼦)37-42页啤酒59. 外景——车牌⼚——⽩天60. 外景——房顶——⼀会⼉(下棋、要⽯锤)44-46页61. 外景——操场看台——⽩天(下棋、要⽯锤)62. 内景——安迪的号房——夜晚63. 雷⽶兰(电影)64. 内景——礼堂——夜晚(要海报)65. 内景——礼堂⾛廊——夜晚66. 放映室48-49页再被打67. 内景——医务室——⽩天68. 内景——禁闭室——⽩天69. 内景——五号囚楼三层——黄昏51页70. 底层71. ⼆层72. 三层73. ⼆层74. 伯格斯跌落75. 瑞德慢镜头76. 底层77. ⼆层52页78. 外景——操场装卸处——⽩天79. 外景——⽥地——⽩天53-54页(找⽯头)80. 内景——洗⾐房——后屋81. 内景——五号囚楼——夜晚82. 内景——安迪的号房——夜晚(海报收到)83. 内景——五号囚楼——早晨84. 瑞德的视线——镜头扫过85. 内景——五号囚楼——夜晚(查房)56页86. ⼆层57-58页87. 内景——洗⾐房——⽩天88. 内景——诺顿办公室——⽩天89. 内景——主楼——贮藏室 50分第三幕90. 内景——监狱图书馆——⽩天61-62页(认识布鲁克斯、戴肯孩⼦基⾦)92.内景——⾷堂——⽩天93.外景——主楼⾛廊——⽩天94.内景——安迪的号房——夜晚97.内景——图书馆——⼀年后图书馆98.外景——棒球场——⽩天101.内景——安迪的号房——夜晚(打磨象棋⼦)102.外景——操场——⽩天68-69页(布鲁克斯出事)布鲁克斯死104外景——操场看台——傍晚105外景——肖申克监狱——黎明106内景——安迪的号房——黎明107内景——图书馆——黎明108外景——肖申克监狱⼤门——⽩天72页109内景——公车——⽩天111. 外景——布鲁斯特旅馆——⽩天112. 内景——布鲁斯特旅馆——⽩天113. 内景——布鲁克斯的房间——⽩天114. 内景——福德威超市——⽩天115. 外景——公园——⽩天116. 内景——布鲁克斯房间——夜晚117. 内景——福德威超市——⽩天118. 内景——布鲁克斯房间——⽩天119. 内景——布鲁克斯房间——不⼀会⼉120. 重压下的椅⼦76页121. 外景——操场——⽩天122. 内景——图书馆——⽩天123. 内景——⽊材⼚——⽩天124. 外景——⽥地——⽩天125. 卡车旁126. 斜坡上(葬鸟)127. 内景——肖申克监狱⾛廊——⽩天128. 外景——监狱⾼墙——⽩天129. 内景——诺顿办公桌——⽩天79-81页130. 内景——洗⼿间——⽩天131. 内景——播⾳室——⽩天播放莫扎特曲132. 内景——洗⼿间——⽩天134.外景——各个扬声器——⽩天135.内景——洗⼿间——⽩天136.内/外景——肖申克监狱——⽩天137.车牌⼚138洗⾐房139⽊材⼚140停车场、厨房、装卸处、操场……144内景——播⾳室——⽩天145. 外景——操场——⽩天146. 146内景——⾛廊——⽩天147. 内景——播⾳室——⽩天148. 内景——禁闭室⼤门——⽩天禁闭、驳回149. 内景——禁闭室——⽩天150. 内景——⾷堂——⽩天84-86页151. ⼀扇铁栅门152. 内景——听训室——⽩天(瑞德遭驳回)153. 外景——监狱操场——傍晚154. 内景——安迪的号房——⼀会⼉155. 内景——瑞德的号房——夜晚156. 屏幕渐⿊157. 内景——图书馆——⽩天(安迪收到钱,装修)159内景——⽊材⼚——⽩天(瑞德做馆门牌)图书馆、汤⽶攻读160内景——图书馆——⽩天(图书馆更名)161外景——肖申克监狱——⽩天(诺顿新闻发布会、狱外计划)91页162. 外景——筑路⼯地——⽩天(⼥记者)92-93页163. 内景——禁闭室——夜晚164. 外景——林区——⽩天(⿊幕)165. 内景——诺顿办公室——夜晚(⿊幕)166. 内景——监狱⾛廊——夜晚(谈论⿊幕)167. 内景——图书馆——⽩天96-99页(谈论⿊幕)168. 外景——操场——傍晚169. 内景——囚车——黄昏(汤⽶来了,汤⽶来了!)170. 外景——操场——黄昏171. 内景——⼋号囚室——夜晚172. 内景——汤⽶的号房——夜晚173. 内景——⾛廊——⽩天174. 内景——⽊材⼚——⽩天175. 内景——⾷堂——⽩天176. 内景——图书馆——⽩天177. 内景——探访室——⽩天178. 内景——图书馆——⽩天(求学)103179. 内景——图书馆——⽩天(看书)180. 内景——图书馆——⽩天(看书)181. 内景——图书馆——⽩天105(看书)182. 内景——⾷堂——⽩天183. 外景——操场看台——⽩天(看书)184. 内景——⽊材⼚——⽩天(看书)185. 内景——图书馆——⽩天186. 内景——安迪的号房——夜晚(棋⼦完成⼤多数)187. 内景——图书馆——⽩天(考试)107-109页188. 内景——⽊材⼚——⽩天(汤⽶和瑞德聊起安迪)189. 内景——图书馆——⽩天(汤⽶讲故事,触发安迪)191.内景——图书馆——⽩天(安迪⽆语)192.内景——诺顿办公室——⽩天111-112页安迪被关禁闭193.外景——操场——⽩天194邮件传唤195. 内景——禁闭室⼤门——夜晚196. 内景——禁闭室——夜晚197. 内景——监狱⾛廊——夜晚198. 外景——监狱——夜晚116-117页120狙击⼿121汤⽶汤⽶死、安迪绝望202内景——禁闭室⼤门——⽩天203. 内/外景——监狱——⽩天204. 内景——诺顿办公室——⽩天(争吵) 1时40分第四幕205. 外景——操场——⽩天(谈妻⼦、墨西哥、⼤橡树)119-122页206. 内景——⾷堂——⽩天(朋友议论安迪)207. 外景——操场——扬声器208. 内景——诺顿办公室——夜晚209. 内景——诺顿办公室——夜晚210. 内景——监狱⾛廊——夜晚211. 内景——五号囚楼——夜晚212. 内景——瑞德的号房——夜晚213. 内景——安迪的号房——夜晚214. 内景——瑞德的号房——夜晚215. 内景——五号囚楼——早晨127页(安迪不见了)安迪不见了216. 视⾓反转217. 内景——诺顿办公室——早晨218. 外景——监狱——⽩天(重搜)219. 内景——五号囚楼——瑞德的号房——⽩天220. 内景——安迪的号房——⽩天129-131页221. 视⾓来⾃海报后⾯222. 内景——安迪的号房——⼏分钟后223. 内景——隧道——⽩天224. 内景——竖井——⽩天225. 内景——安迪的号房——⽩天226. 内景——禁闭室门——夜晚(瑞德因笑被关)227. 内景——禁闭室——夜晚228. 外景——肖申克监狱——宽镜头——⽩天229. 内景——操场——⽩天230. ⼀张⿊⽩照⽚231. 内景——安迪的号房——夜晚(揭秘)揭秘232. 内景——安迪的号房——夜晚(地质学)233. 内景——安迪的号房——夜晚(海报)234. 外景——操场——⽩天(裤腿混凝⼟)235. 内景——⼆层——夜晚(挖洞)239.内景——竖井——夜晚(挖洞)140⼀系列淡⼊淡出的画⾯(洞变⼤)241外景——装卸处⼊⼝——夜晚(出逃当晚)243内景——⾛廊——夜晚244内景——诺顿办公室——⼏分钟后245内景——五号囚楼——夜晚246内景——安迪的牢房——夜晚247内景——安迪的牢房——夜晚248内景——隧道——夜晚249内景——竖井——夜晚250内景——下⽔道——夜晚251外景——旷野——夜晚252内景——隧道——⽩天253内景——波特兰凯斯科银⾏——早晨141页安迪新⽣活254内景——银⾏——⼀会⼉255内景——办公室——⽩天256内景——肖申克监狱——⽩天258内景——诺顿办公室——⽩天诺顿悲惨下场259外景——监狱——⽩天260内景——诺顿办公室——⽩天261内景——监狱⾛廊——⽩天262内景——诺顿办公室——⽩天263办公室外264内景——诺顿办公室——⽩天265内景——图书馆——⽩天(瑞德看地图找过境地点)266外景——墨西哥——⾼速公路——⽩天267内景——监狱餐厅——⽩天269外景——⽥野——傍晚270内景——牢房——夜晚271瑞德的视线(回忆安迪的出逃、想象⼤海)272⾼空镜头273内景——瑞德的号房——夜晚274⼀记扇铁栏门148页瑞德出狱275外景——肖申克监狱——⽩天276内景——公共汽车——⽩天277外景——布鲁斯特旅馆——黄昏278内景——布鲁斯特——夜晚279内景——瑞德的办公室280内景——福德威超市——⽩天281内景——洗⼿间——⽩天282外景——街道——⽩天283外景——公园——黄昏284内景——假释办公室285内景——福德威——⽩天死亡的阴影286内景——洗⼿间——⽩天287外景——⼤街——黄昏288内景——瑞德的房间——夜晚 2时10分结局290外景——缅因州边境——⽩天155页履⾏承诺291外景——乡间——⽩天292外景——⼲草场293内景——瑞德的房间——⽩天294内景——布鲁斯特旅馆——⽩天295内景——长途汽车站——⽩天296外景——移动拍摄——⽩天297长途汽车298外景——海滩——全景镜头——⽩天朋友重逢299——镜头推进游艇 2时20分。
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