血液循环Blood circulation

主要是Ek,K+经IK1通道外流 但Ek 为-94 mV,而RP为-90mV,表明 还有其它因素参与(如Na+的内流)
2. 动作电位(action potential)
形态复杂 持续时间长 动作电位的升支 与降支不对称
AP in skeletal muscle :1-5 msec AP in cardiac muscle :200 msec 22
– 心脏受自主(植物) 神经系统的双重 支配
心迷走神经(副 交感神经) 心交感神经
• 心脏是由心肌细胞构成的肌性空腔器; 分有两 心房和两心室四个心腔
• 心房与静脉血管联通,将血液引入心脏;心室与 动脉血管联通,将血液导出心脏
• 心内特殊传导系统是心脏自动节律性活动的基 础
– 房室瓣 atrioventricular valves 位于心房和心室之 间(二尖瓣、三尖瓣) ,动脉瓣 arterial valves 位于 心室与大动脉之间(主动脉瓣、肺动脉瓣)
– 心瓣膜分隔心腔及动脉,是“心泵”的单向阀门, 阻止血液倒流,保证血液定向循环流动
140mM 2mM
4 mM
细胞内外浓度比 1:4.6 1:20000
平 衡 电 位 +41mv +132mv
细胞膜在不同状态下,对不同离子通透 性 permeability 不同,构成离子跨膜扩 散的条件

4期:静息期 —Na+-K+交换(Na+-K+泵); Na-Ca2+ 交换
第一节 心脏生理
1.自律性(excitability)组织细胞在没有外来因 素作用下,自动地发生节律性兴奋的特性。
自律细胞: 窦房结细胞 100次/分 房室交界区 50次/分 蒲肯野细胞 30次/分
兴奋频率最快的窦房结细胞成 为全心活动的起搏点
窦房结控制的心搏节律,称为窦性心律 节律为100次/min 。
第一节 心脏生理
正常起搏点:窦房结 潜在起搏点:窦房结以 外的自律细胞受窦房结 控制,自律性表现不出 来。 异位心律:病理情况下, 潜在起搏点发出兴奋控 制全心所表现出的节律 性活动。
第一节 心脏生理
血液循环 blood circulation
血液循环(blood circulation) : 心脏与相通的血管构成了密闭的 循环系统,心脏推动血液在心血 管系统内周周而复始的定向流动 称为血液循环
血液循环 系统
80岁的一生中: 心脏跳动30亿次之多! 输送的血液达3亿多升,可装满1600架四引擎 波音747客机的全部油箱! 所作的功,相当于将3万公斤物体举到喜马拉 雅山顶峰所作的功!
神经因素 体液因素
第一节 心脏生理
心力储备(cardiac reserve):心输出量随机 体代谢的需要而增加的能力。
心力贮备大: 剧烈运动时心排出量可达 30L/分,是安静时的5-6倍 体育锻炼可提高心力贮备
鱼类生理学第三章 血液循环

3、动脉(arteria):将血液由心引出,流向机体各部器官的血 管,动脉逐渐分支,愈分愈细,最后终止于毛细血管。
4、静脉(vena):将机体各部器官的血液运回心脏的血管,起 源于毛细血管网,陆续汇集,最后终止于心。
缩血管中枢(-)交感神经(-) 血管舒张
血 压
压 力
心抑制中枢(-) 心加速中枢(+)心交感神经(+)
心跳 加快 加强
血 压
受 器
主动脉弓 主动脉神经(-) 髓
缩血管中枢(+) 小动脉血管收缩
(一)肾素-血管紧张素系统(图) (二)肾上腺素(E)和去甲肾上腺素(NE) (三)血管升压素(vasopressin)
血管紧张素I(十肽) Angiotensin I
血管紧张素II(八肽) Angiotensin II
血管紧张素III(七肽) Angiotensin III
血管紧张素酶A Angiotensinzyme A
1.静息电位(resting potential) 2.动作电位(action potential)(图)
A.去极过程 B.复极过程
a.1期复极(快速复极初期) b.2期复极(缓慢复极) c.3期复极(快速复极末期) d.4期复极(静息期)

血液循环(Blood circulation)心动周期Cardiac cycle :The cardiac events that occur from the beginning of one heart beat to the beginning of the next are called a cardiac cycle . Cardiac cycle is composed of two periods: systole and diastole..心指数Cardiac index:Cardiac index is the cardiac output per square meter of body surface area.心输出量Cardiac output:The product of the frequency of pumping (heart rate) and the stroke volume is the cardiac output; it is also called minute volume.中心静脉压Central venous pressure :The venous pressure is measured at the right atrium.舒张压Diastolic pressure:Diastolic pressure is the lowest blood pressure in an artery during the diastole of the heart.水肿Edema:Edema refers to the presence of excess fluid in body tissues.有效不应期Effective refractory period(ERP):The duration from the beginning of phase 0 to -60mV of repolarization fails to produce action potential to any stimulus, no matter how strong. This duration is called ERP. In the ERP, the excitability is almost zero. 6射血分数Ejection fraction:The proportion of the end-diastolic volume that is ejected (i.e. stroke volume/end diastolic volume).平均动脉压Mean arterial blood pressure :The mean arterial blood pressure is the pressure in the arteries, average over time.脉搏压Pulse pressure:The pulse pressure is the difference between the systolic pressure and diastolic pressure.心脏Starling’s定律:The law defining the relationship between ventricular end-diastolic fiber length (preload) and stroke volume.每搏输出量Stroke volume:Stroke volume is referred to the volume ejected at each contraction by one side of the heart.搏功Stroke work:The amount of energy that the heart converts to work during each heart beat while pumping blood into arteries.收缩压Systole pressure :The pressure rises during cardiac systole and falls during diastole. The peak pressure value reached during systole is termed the systole pressure. Usually, at rest systolic pressure of the healthy young adulte is 100~120mmHg.呼吸(Respiration)肺泡无效腔Alveolar dead space:Occasionally, some of the alveoli themselves are nonfunctional or only partially functional because of absent or poor blood flow through adjacent pulmonary capillaries.解剖无效腔Anatomic dead space:The space in the conducing zone of the airways occupied by gas that does not exchange with blood in the pulmonary vessels, such as in the nose, pharynx, and trachea since these area is not useful for gas exchange process but instead goes to fill respiratory passages.顺应性Compliance:Distensibility, the ability of the lungs to tolerate changes in volume, aproperty that reflects the presence of elastic fibers. It is defined as the change in volume per unit change in pressure (V/P), the reciprocal of the compliance.△△用力呼气量Forced expiration volume:The fraction of the forced vital capacity (FVC) expired during the first second of a forced expiration.功能余气量Functional residual capacity:It equals to the expiratory reserve volume plus the residual volume. This is the amount of air that remains in the lungs at the end of normal expiration (about 2300ml).黑-伯反射Hering-Breuer reflex:The Hering-Breuer inflation reflex is an increase in the duration of expiration produced by steady lung inflation, and the Hering-Breuer deflation reflex is a decrease in the duration of expiration produced by marked deflation of a lung. 补吸气量Inspiratory reserve volume:The air inspired with a maximal inspiratory effort in excess of the volume. i.e., the maximum extra volume of air that be inspired over and above the normal tidal volume, it is usually equal to about 3000ml.胸内压Intrapleural pressure :The pressure within the pleural cavity is called intrapleural pressure.It is always lower than the atmoaphere pressure in physiological condition.肺内压Intrapulmonary pressure:The pressure within the alveoli of the lungs, also called intraalveolar pressure.每分通气量Minute ventilation volume:The total amount of new air moved into the respiratory passages each minute; equal to the tidal volume times the respiratory rate. The minute respiratory volume generally amounts to 6L/min.氧容量Oxygen capacity:The oxygen capacity is used to indicate how much O2 per liter of blood is attached to the hemoglobin when fully saturated with O2, it therefore depends on the individual's hemoglobin concentration.氧含量Oxygen content :The oxygen content is used to indicate how much O2 per liter of blood is attached to the hemoglobin in normal arterial blood, described as percent saturated.分压Partial pressure :The pressure of the individual gases in a mixed gas is called partial pressure.外周化学感受器Peripheral chemoreceptor:Peripheral chemoreceptor is located in carotid body, aortic body, and some other areas outside the brain, which are important for detecting changes in O2, CO2 and H+concentration in blood.呼吸调整中枢Pneumotaxic center:A center in the reticular formation of the pons that regulates the activities of the apneustic and respiratory rhythmicity centers to adjust the pace of respiration, which involves in controlling the rate and pattern of breathing.肺扩散容量Pulmonary diffusing capacity:The volume of a gas that diffuses through the membrane each minute for a pressure difference of 1 mmHg, which is generally used as a quantitative terms in describing the ability of the respiratory membrane to exchange a gas between the alveoli and the pulmonary blood.呼吸中枢Respiratory centers :Specific areas of the medulla oblongata, the dorsal respiratory group, ventral respiratory group of neurons, pre-Botzinger complex and pons. They are believed to be concerned with respiration and are classically been called the respiratory centers.then a short pause in the expiratory position.表面活性物质Surfactant :A detergent-like mixture of phospholipids and lipoproteins that lowers the surface tension of water, produced by surfactant-secreting (Type-II) cells. It is amixture of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), other lipids, and proteins.能量代谢(Energy metabolism)基础代谢率Basal metabolic rate :The basal metabolic rate is the metabolic rate determinedunder basal conditions which includes complete mental and physical relaxation in a room, a comfortable temperature (200C~250C) and 12~14 hours after the last meal as well.传导Conduction:Conduction is the transfer of heat between objects that are in direct contact with one another.对流Convection:Convection is the loss of heat occurs from the body surface to the air.能量代谢Energy metabolism :The energy metabolism means the liberation, transformation and utilization of energy produced by the material metabolism in the body. 蒸发Evaporation :Evaporation is the water molecules absorb heat from their environment and become energetic enough to escape as gas.不感蒸发Insensible perspiration :Even when a person is not sweating, water still evaporates insensibly from the skin and lung, this is called insensible perspiration which causes continual heat loss at a lower rate.辐射Radiation:A process by which heat is transferred from a warmer surface to a cooler surface by electromagnetic (typically, infrared) waves.食物的特殊动力效应Specific dynamic effect of food :After a meal is ingested, the metabolic rate increases as a result of the different chemical reactions associated with digestion, absorption, and storage of food in the body. This effect of food on the metabolic rate is called the specific dynamic effect of food.醛固酮Aldosteron:Aldosteron is a sodium-retaining hormone of the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex. Aldosterone increases sodium reabsouption and potassium excretion at the same time by the kidneys, this increasing sodium and decreasing potassium in the body.抗利尿激素Antidiuretic hormone:A product of neurohypohysis which, through its action on kidneys, promotes the conservation of body water.皮质肾单位Cortical nephron:The nephrons have their glomeruli located in the outer and middle portion of the renal cortex are called cortical nephrons.有效滤过压Effective filtration pressure :The effective filtration pressure of glomerulus represents the sum of the hydrostatic and colloid osmotic forces that either favor or oppose filtration across the glomerular capillaries.球管平衡Glomerulo-tubular balance:One of the most basic mechanisms for controlling tubular reabsorption is the intrinsic ability of the tubules to increase their reabsorption rate in response to increased tubular inflow. This phenomenon is referred to as glomerulo-tubular balance.肾小球滤过分数Glomerular filtration fraction :The glomerular filtration fraction is the filtration rate as percentage of the total renal plasma flow that passes through both kidneys.肾小球滤过膜Glomerular filtration membrane :The barrier between the capillary blood and the fluid inside the Bowmen's capsule is called glomerular filtration membrane.肾小球滤过率Glomerular filtration rate:The minute volume of plasma filtered through the glomeruli of the kidneys is called the glomerular filtration rate.近球小体Juxtaglomerular apparatus:The juxtaglomerular apparatus consists of the juxtaglomerular cells, the macula densa and the extraglomerular mesangiual cell.近球细胞Juxtaglomerular cells:The juxtaglomerular cells are specialized myoepithelial cells in the media of afferent arteriole close to the glomerulus.近髓肾单位Juxtamedullary nephron :The nephrons have glomeruli that lie deep in the renal cortex near the medulla and have long loops of Henle that are deep into the medulla are called juxtamedullary nephron.致密斑Macula densa:At the end of the thick ascending limb is a short segment which is actually a plaque in its wall, known as the macula densa. The macula densa plays an important role in controlling nephron function.肾单位Nephron:Nephron is the functional unit of the kidney. Each nephron has two major components: renal corpuscle and renal tube.渗透性利尿Osmotic diuresis: An increase in urine flow due to increase of an osmotically active solute in tubular fluid.肾糖阈Renal glucose threshold :When the plasma glucose concentration increases up to a value about 180 to 200 mg per deciliter, glucose can first be detected in the urine, this value is called the renal glucose threshold.肾小管重吸收Tubular reabsorption:Tubular reabsorption denotes the transport of substances from the tubular fluid through the tubular epithelium into peritubular capillary blood.直小血管Vasa recto:In the juxtamedullary nephrons the efferent arterioles also supply the long venous loops-the vasa recta-that pass deep into the medulla.水利尿Water diuresis:The volume of urine increases when water intake exceeds body needs, it is resulted from suppression of ADH secretion.神经系统(Nervous system)自主神经系统Autonomic nervous system:The autonomic nervous system comprises all the efferent pathways from controlling centers in the brain and spinal cord to effector (visceral)organs other than skeletal muscle.化学性突触Chemical synapse:At the major junction of chemical synapses the arrival of activity in the presynaptic region is followed by the release of chemical transmitters which diffuse across the synaptic cleft. Transmitters interact transiently with receptors on the postsynaptic membrane and produce a change in membrane conductance and consequently membrane potential.胆碱能神经元Cholinergic neuron:A kind of neuron that liberates acetylcholine at its synaptic knobs with activity.去大脑僵直Decerebrate rigidity :When the brain stem is sectioned below the midlevel of the mesencephalon, the rigidity occurs in the antigravity muscles. This phenomenon is called decerebrate rigidity.传出神经Efferent nerve:A nerve which carries impulses out of the central nervous system is called efferent nerve.兴奋性突触后电位Excitatory postsynaptic potential,EPSP:The excitatory postsynaptic potential is the local postsynaptic depolarization due to release of excitatory transmitter from presynaptic terminals. EPSP brings the membrane closer to threshold and makes it more likely that an action potential will be triggered.抑制性突触后电位Inhibitory postsynaptic potential,IPSP:A hyperpolarizing potential at a synapse that reduced the excitability of the postsynaptic cell.梭内肌Intraspindle muscle :The muscle spindle is built around 3 to 12 very small intraspindle muscle fibers that are pointed at their ends and attached to the glycocalyx of the surrounding large extrafusal skeletal muscle (梭外肌) fibers. The intraspindle muscles function as a sensory receptor.记忆Memory:Memory is the ability to recall past events at the conscious or unconscious level.运动神经元Motor neuron:There are two classes of motor neurons-large diameter (up to70 mm) α cells with axons of 12~20mm in diameter that innervate skeletal extrafusalf ibers in skeletal muscle and small γ cells with axons of 1~8mm in diameter that innervate the intrafusal fibers of the muscle spindles.运动单位Motor unit:A motor axon, together with all of the skeletal muscle fibers it innervates.神经胶质细胞Neuroglial cell:Neuroglial cells support and segregate groups of neurons and may have additional nutritive functions.神经元Neuron:Neuron is the fundamental unit of the nervous system. Each neuron consists of soma (cell body), dendrite, axon and synaptic terminal.神经递质Neurotransmitter:Substances released from nerve cells at synapses and presumed to mediate normal chemical transmission.伤害感受器Nociceptor:A receptor specialized to fire in response to injurious or noxious stimuli朗飞结Node of Ranvier:The regularly spaced constrictions along a myelin sheath to which the action potentials are restricted during nervous conduction.非特异性投射系统Nonspecific projection system:Diffuse projections from the nonspecific thalamic nuclei connecting the ascending reticular activating system to widespread areas of cortex have a role in modifying the states of consciousness which is called nonspecific projection system.疼痛Pain:Pain can be described as the sensation resulting from stimuli which are intense enough to threaten or to cause tissue injury.外周神经系统Peripheral nervous system:The peripheral nervous system is that portion of the nervous system that lies outside the spinal cord and brain, it comprises both the somatic and the autonomic divisions.突触后抑制Postsynaptic inhibition:The presynaptic neuron liberates an inhibitory transmitter increasing the permeability of the postsynaptic membrane to potassium ions and /or chloride ions thereby increasing the negativity of the postsynaptic membrane potential. In this hyperpolarized state it is difficult to be excited.突触后电位Postsynaptic potential:The special form of subthreshold potential change occurring across the synaptic membrane of the postsynaptic neuron when an impulsearrives in the presynaptic fiber, see EPSP, IPSP.突触前抑制Presynaptic inhibition:A process which reduces the amount of synaptic transmitter liberated by action potentials arriving at excitatory synaptic knobs. The neuron producing presynaptic inhibition ends on an excitatory synaptic knob by the structure of gap junction.牵涉痛Referred pain :Damage to an internal organ is commonly associated with pain or tenderness in some skin region sharing the same segmental innervation. This phenomenon is called referred pain.反射Reflex:An action carried out without voluntary control, in which a relatively fixed output pattern is produced in response to a simple input.反射弧Reflex arc:Reflex arc is the pathway in a reflex, it is the basic unit of intergrated neural activity, consisting of sense organ, afferent and efferent nerves, reflex center and effector.网状结构上行激动系统Reticular ascending activating system,RAAS :Most of the various sensory pathways relay via collaterals to the reticular activating system in the brain stem reticular formation. Activity in this system produces the conscious alert state that makes perception possible.特异性投射系统Specific projection system :The specific sensory projection system uses relatively direct pathways through specific thalamic nuclei to restricted cortical regions.脊休克Spinal shock:Complete transection of the spinal cord results in the immediate paralysis and loss of sensation in all body regions innervated by spind cord segments below the lesion, this phenomenum is called spinal shock.牵张反射Stretch reflex :When a skeletal muscle with an intact nerve supply is stretched, the muscle being stretched contracts. This is a monosynaptie reflex called the stretch reflex.总和Summation :The addition of separate responses that are adjacent in time or space. The former is called temporal summation; the latter, spatial summation.突触Synapse:The site of cell-to-cell comunication between neurons.突触延搁Synaptic delay:Elapsed time between arrival of a presynaptic impulse at a junction and the first sign of postsynaptic response.传递transmission:The passage of excitation or inhibition crosses synapses; distinguished from conduction and propagation, which occur within a neuron and do not involve synapses.非条件反射Unconditioned reflex:A fixed reflex whose mechanism may be supposed to be inherited as its functioning does not depend on previous experience.内分泌(Endocrinology)肢端肥大症Acromegaly:A condition caused by the overproduction of growth hormone in the adult, characterized by thickening of bones and enlargement of cartilages and other soft tissues.醛固酮Aldosterone:A mineralocorticoid produced by the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex; stimulates sodium and water conservation and the secretion of potassium at the kidneys, secreted in response to the presence of angiotensin II.抗利尿激素Antidiuretic hormone,ADH:A hormone is produced by hypothalamas cell and secreted by neurohypohysis. It promotes the conservation of body water at the kidney.皮质醇Cortisol:One of the major corticosteroids secreted by the zona fasciculate of the adrenal cortex; a glucocorticoid, which has multiple metabolic function for control of the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.克汀病(呆小症)Cretinism:Cretinism is caused by extreme hypothyroidism during fetal life, infancy, and childhood. This condition is characterized especially by failure of growth and by mental retardation.侏儒症Dwarfism :A deficiency of growth hormone in children leads to dwarfism.内分泌系统Endocrine system:The endocrine system can be defined as the endocrine glands and cells of the body. It is one of the two coordinating and integrating systems of the body, which acts through chemical messengers (hormones) carried in the circulation and is involved in many functions, such as maintenance of the internal environment, control of the storage and utilization of energy enviroment, regulation of growth, development and reproduction, and the body's responses to environmental stimuli.胰高血糖素Glucagon:A large polypeptide hormone secreted by the A(alpha)cells of the islets of Langerhans, especially when the blood glucose concentration falls. Glucagon increases blood glucose level which opposes to effects of insulin.. It acts on the liver to stimulate glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis.糖皮质激素Glucocorticoids:A group of hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex that affect the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and are important in mediating the response of the body to fasting and stress. At least 95% of the glucocorticoid activity of the adrenocortical secretions results from the secretion of cortisol.生长素Growth hormone:An anterior pituitary hormone that causes growth of almost all cells and tissues of the body and enhances the body protein, uses up the fat stores and conserves carbohydrate.激素Hormone:A hormone can be defined as a chemical substance (a compound), which is synthesized and secreted by a specific endocrine cell . It is generally transported in the circulation and at very low concentrations and elicits a specific response in target tissues affecting the activities of cells in another portion of the body.垂体门脉系统Hypophyseal portal system:The network of vessels that carry blood from capillaries in the hypothalamus to capillaries in the adenohypophysis.胰岛素Insulin:A hormone secreted by the B(beta)cells of the pancreatic islets; causes a reduction in plasma glucose concentrations. Insulin lowers blood glucose mainly by facilitating glucose uptake in muscle and adipose tissue and by inhibiting hepatic glucose output.神经垂体Neurohypophysis:The posterior pituitary, or pars nervosa, mainly secretes two peptide hormones, antidiuretic hormone(or called vasopressin)and oxytocin.含氮激素Nitrogenous hormones:Nitrogenous hormones may be classified into two families: One of the derivatives of the amino acid tyrosine, e.g. thyroxine and adrenaline, the other is the proteins or peptides, e.g. growth hormone, insulin and antidiuretic hormone.去甲肾上腺素Norepinephrine:A catecholamine neurotransmitter released at mostsympathetic neuroterminal and at certain synapses inside the central nervous system, also called norepinephrine.旁分泌Paracrine:Some cells release hormones which diffuse into surrounding regions, and act locally.允许作用Permissive action:A hormone which has no effect per se but is in necessary for the full expression of the effects of other hormone.垂体Pituitary gland:An endocrine organ situated in the sella trucica of the sphenoid bone and connected to the hypothalamus by the infundibulum includes the posterior pituitary (pars nervosa) and the anterior pituitary (pars intermedia and pars distalis).第二信使学说Second messenger hypothesis :Peptide hormones act by binding to specific receptors in the plasma membrane and activate a membrane-bound enzyme, via a G-protein, that stimulates the production of an intracellular messenger. This theory is called second messenger hypothesis.甲状腺激素Thyroid hormone,TH:The thyroid hormone is referred to thyroxine and triiodothyronine which increase the rate of chemical reactions in almost all cells of the body, thus increasing the general level of body metabolism.促激素Trophic hormone:Hormones stimulate secretion of hormonally active substances by other endocrine glands or the liver and other tissues.肺弹性回缩力Elastic recoil of lungs:The ability of lungs to tolerate expands in volu me and tends to collapse at each instant of respiration.弹性阻力Elastic resistance:A term used to describe the elastic properties of the l ung and chest wall; the resistance or elastance (V/P),the reciprocal △△of the com pliance.补呼气量Expiratory reserve volume:The volume expelled by an active expiratory ef fort after passive expiration. The maximum extra volume of air that can be expired by forceful expiration after the end of a normal tidal expiration; it normally amount s to about 1100ml.外呼吸External respiration:The exchange of gases between blood and the external environment, which involves not only diffusion across the lung capillaries but also t he bulk movement of gases in and out of the lungs.功能性短路Functional shutting:Whenever the ventilation perfusion ratio is below nor mal, there is not ventilation enough to provide the oxygen needed to oxygenate full y the blood flowing through the alveolar capillaries. Therefore, a certain fraction of t he venous blood passing through the pulmonary capillaries does not become oxyge nated. This phenomenon is called functional shutting.何尔登效应Haldane effect:The increase in carbon dioxide unloading from hemoglob in in response to the combination of oxygen with hemoglobin, i.e., when oxygen bi nds with hemoglobin, carbon dioxide is released easily.吸气中枢Inspiratory center:A group of neurons, located in the medulla oblongata, which sets the basic rhythm of breathing by automatically initiating inspiration; also known as the dorsal respira tory group.内呼吸Internal respiration:The exchange of gases between the tissue cells and thesystemic capillaries. The diffusion of gases between the interstitial fluid and the cy toplasm.牵涉痛Referred pain :Damage to an internal organ is commonly associated with p ain or tenderness in some skin region sharing the same segmental innervation. Thi s phenomenon is called referred pain.脊休克Spinal shock:Complete transection of the spinal cord results in the immediate paralysis and loss of sensation in all body regions innervated by spind cord segments below the lesion, this phenomenum is called spinal shock.牵张反射Stretch reflex :When a skeletal muscle with an intact nerve supply is stre tched, the muscle being stretched contracts. This is a monosynaptie reflex called th e stretch reflex.总和Summation :The addition of separate responses that are adjacent in time or space. The former is called temporal summation; the latter, spatial summation.传递transmission:The passage of excitation or inhibition crosses synapses; distingu ished from conduction and propagation, which occur within a neuron and do not in volve synapses.。
动物生理学第七章 血液循环

六、心电图(ECG) : 心电图( ) 用置于体表一定部位的引导电极测记到的心电变化的波形。 用置于体表一定部位的引导电极测记到的心电变化的波形。 ECG是一次心动周期中整个心脏的心肌细胞电活动的综合效应 是一次心动周期中整个心脏的心肌细胞电活动的综合效应 在体表的反映。 •P波:心房兴奋过程, 波 心房兴奋过程, 0.08--0.11s •QRS波:左右心室去极化, 波 左右心室去极化, 0.06---0.1s (图) •T波:心室复极化过程 波 •P—R间期:P起点到 间期: 起点到 起点到QRS 间期 波开始,心房开始兴奋到 波开始, 心室开始兴奋。 心室开始兴奋。代表房室 之间的传导时间。 之间的传导时间。所需时 间,0.12---0.2s •S—T段:QRS终了到 波开始 终了到T波开始 段 终了到
图 心室功能曲线
3. 心脏的神经体液调节 由交感神经的作用或血液中肾上腺素的作用而引起心室收 缩力加强,从而增加搏出量的调节称----等长调节 等长调节。 缩力加强,从而增加搏出量的调节称 等长调节。 控制心肌收缩力的主要因素是活化横桥数和肌球蛋白的ATP 控制心肌收缩力的主要因素是活化横桥数和肌球蛋白的 酶活性。 酶活性。 活化横桥数取决于心肌兴奋后胞浆Ca 活化横桥数取决于心肌兴奋后胞浆 2+浓度的升高程度和肌 钙蛋白对Ca 的亲和力。 钙离子在心肌收缩中的作用) 钙蛋白对 2+的亲和力。 (钙离子在心肌收缩中的作用) •肾上腺素激活 肾上腺素能受体 → 胞浆 肾上腺素激活β肾上腺素能受体 胞浆cAMP↑→ 型钙通道 ↑→L型钙通道 肾上腺素激活 ↑→ 开放↑ 内流↑→钙诱导钙释放机制→胞浆Ca 浓度↑ ↑→钙诱导钙释放机制 开放↑ → Ca2+内流↑→钙诱导钙释放机制→胞浆 2+浓度↑ 活化横桥数↑→心肌收缩力加强。 ↑→心肌收缩力加强 →活化横桥数↑→心肌收缩力加强。 •茶碱可以增加肌钙蛋白对 2+的亲和力→活化横桥数↑→心肌 茶碱可以增加肌钙蛋白对 ↑→心肌 茶碱可以增加肌钙蛋白对Ca 的亲和力→活化横桥数↑→ 收缩力↑ 收缩力↑ •甲状腺素提高肌球蛋白的 甲状腺素提高肌球蛋白的ATP酶活性→心肌收缩力加强。 酶活性→ 甲状腺素提高肌球蛋白的 酶活性 心肌收缩力加强。

期前收缩(premature systole):额外刺激引
代偿间(compensatory pause):期前收缩 (早搏)亦有其不应期,
4 3 2 1
2、每分输出量 (1)每分输出量(心输出量,CO ) 每分钟由一侧心室射出的血量。 每分输出量=每搏输出量(70ml)×心率(75次/分) 静息状态下,心输出量为5L/min。运动时,心输出量可达 30L/min。
四、影响心脏泵血功能的因素 心脏泵血功能具体体现在心输出量
心输出量 每搏输出量 心舒末期充盈量(前负荷) preload 心肌收缩力
3期:(复极加速期) 膜内电位迅速下降至 -90mV,持续100~150ms 机理: Ca2+通道关闭, K+通道大量开放,快速外流 4期(静息期) 虽然电位已恢复到-90mV ,但离子分布不均,形成AP过程中, K+外流, Na+ 、Ca2+内流。
动用Na+—K+泵, K+内流, Na+ 、Ca2+外流
〈 〈 〈
↑ 〈 ↑↑ 〉 ↑ 〉
不变 缩小 缩小 不变 扩大 扩大 扩大
关 关 关 关 开 开 开
关 开 开 关 关 关 关
V血→房 室→A 室→A V血→房 房→室 房→室 房→室
〈 ↓ 〈 〉↓ 〈 〉↓ 〈 〉↓ 〈
三、心脏泵血功能的评价 P275
(一)心脏的输出量(cardiac output) 1、每搏输出量和射血分数

血液从静脉返回心室的一个通道---全心舒张期(心室 舒张早、中期)
三、动脉血压和脉搏(Arterial blood pressure and arterial pulse) (一)动脉血压(arterial blood pressure)
3期:K+负载的外向电流( Ik + ) 4期: Na+ - K+ pump、 Na+ -Ca2+pump
第二节 心脏的泵血功能
心肌收缩的特点 1.对细胞外Ca2+的依赖性—— “钙触发钙释放” 2. “全或无”式的收缩
一、心动周期( cardiac cycle) 心脏从一次收缩的开始到下一次收缩开始前,称为一个心 动周期。 心缩期和心舒期 (Systolic period and diastolic period ) 心动周期的长短与心率有关。(如图) 二、心脏泵血过程
共同特点:AP复极完毕后不稳定,能自动地发生去极化 电变化,一旦达到TP水平,就产生新的AP。
1.sinoatrial node(窦房结)细胞的动作电位及形成机制
2.浦肯野细胞的动作电位 如图
1.一次兴奋过程中兴奋性的周期性变化 (1)绝对不应期和有效不应期(absolute and effective

第四章血液循环测试题(共15页) -本页仅作为预览文档封面,使用时请删除本页-第四章血液循环测试题一、一、名词解释1.血液循环(blood circulation)2.心动周期(cardiac cycle)3.等容收缩期(isovolumetric contraction period)4.每搏输出量(stroke volume)5.心输出量(cardiac output,CO)6.心指数(cardiac index)7.射血分数(ejection fraction)8.搏功(stroke work)9.心力贮备(cardiac reserve)10.异长自身调节(heterometric autoregulation)11.等长自身调节(homometric autoregulation)12.心音(heart sound)13.最大舒张期电位(maximal diastolic potential)14.有效不应期(effective refractory period)15.期前收缩(premature systole)16.代偿间歇(compensatory pause)17.窦性节律(sinus rhythm)18.异位节律(ectopic rhythm)19.收缩压(systolic pressure)20.舒张压(diastolic pressure)21.脉搏压(pulse pressure)22.平均动脉压(mean arterial pressure)23.动脉脉搏(arterial pulse)24.中心静脉压(central venous pressure)25.微循环(microcirculation)二、选择题(一)单项选择题1.Cardiac cycle中,占时间最长的是A.心房收缩期 B.等容收缩期 C.等容舒张期 D.射血期 E.充盈期2.Cardiac cycle中,心室血液的充盈主要取决于A.心房收缩的挤压作用 B.心室舒张时的“抽吸” C.胸内负压促进静脉血回心D.血液依赖地心引力而回流 E.骨骼肌的挤压作用促进静脉血回心3.在一次cardiac cycle中,左心室压力升高速度最快的是A.心房收缩期 B.等容收缩期 C.快速射血期 D.减慢射血期 E.等容舒张期4.Cardiac cycle中,左心室容积最大的时期是A. 等容舒张期末 B.快速充盈期末 C.射血期末 D.减慢充盈期末E.心房收缩期末5.房室瓣开放见于A.等容收缩期末 B.心室收缩期初 C.等容舒张期初 D.等容收缩期初E.等容舒张期末6.在一次cardiac cycle中,主动脉压力最高的是A.等容收缩期 B.快速射血期之初 C.快速射血期之末 D.减慢射血期E.等容舒张期7.主动脉瓣关闭见于A.快速射血期开始时 B.快速充盈期开始时 C.等容收缩期开始时D.等容舒张期开始时 E.减慢充盈期开始时8.房室瓣开放,血液由心房流入心室,心房内压力曲线中出现A.a波 B.c波 C.v波 D.x波 E.y波9.由心房收缩挤入心室的血液量占心室总充盈量的A.55% B.50% C.45% D.40% E.30%10.Cardiac output是指A.每分钟由一侧心房射出的血量 B.每分钟由一侧心室射出的血量C.每分钟由左、右心室射出的血量之和 D.一次心跳一侧心室射出的血量E.一次心跳两侧心室同时射出的血量11.静息状态下,健康成年男性cardiac output约为A.A.2~3 L/min B.4~6 L/min C.7~6 L/min D.9~10 L/minE.11~12 L/min12.Cardiac index等于A.A.stroke volume ×体表面积 B.stroke volume/体表面积C.cardiac output ×体表面积 D.heart rate × stroke volume X体表面积E.heart rate × stroke volume/体表面积13.ejection fraction等于Stroke volume占某个容积的百分数。

Cardiac Output = Heart Rate×Stroke Volume
CO=HR×SV =75 × 70 =5250(ml)
Cardiac reserve (心力贮备)
CO (Cardiac output) quiet (安静时):5L/min movement (运动时): 180-200 150-170 25-30L/min
Mechanism of AP :
0期: 去极,钠内流(快通道) 1期: 快速复极初期,钾通过瞬时性外向钾外流通
道外流, 膜内电位降至0mv左右
2期: 缓慢复极期又叫平台期,钙和少量钠通过慢 通道的
3期: 快速复极末期,膜对钾的通透性 升高,钾外流 膜电位由0mv 降至-90mv
2.Functional Synplasm(机能合胞体)
Structure basis : Intercalated disc (闰盘) 心肌的机能合体性
The phenomenon of ‘ all or none ’ in the myocardial
Sino-artrial node (S-A node, 窦房结) Artrio-ventricular node (A-V node ,房室结) atrioventricular bundle 0.05m/s and bilateral bundles (房室束及左右束支) 2-5m/s
Purkinje fiber(浦肯野氏纤维) 2-5m/s
1.Def. Cardiac cycle (心动周期) : The whole cycle of systole and
diastole (心脏由收缩到舒张的整个过程)
第十章 动物的循环、呼吸和排泄系统

心脏一侧对全部体细胞 提供血压相当高的氧合血, 而另一侧则对呼吸器官泵 送脱氧血,使之再氧合。
起博点(节律点):窦房结(sinoatrial, S—A node)。 心率(心搏):心脏每分钟跳动的次数, 60~100次/分。 节律性(自主性):脊椎动物肌源性,无脊椎动物多为
(1)呼吸器官:由肺排出CO2和少量的水。 (2)消化器官:肝分泌胆色素经肠排出, 大肠粘膜排出无机盐。 (3)皮肤:通过汗腺排出水、盐和尿素等。 (4)肾:排出水和大量的代谢废物。
功能:在维持内环境的稳定中起着重要的 作用:电解质稳定、渗透压稳定、维持含水 量、清除代谢终末产物、清除异物及其代谢 物(如药物)。
白细胞(吞噬异物)、抗体、血小板和血浆中的纤维 蛋白原(止血)
细胞外液(血液、组织液和淋巴液)理化特性的稳定: 温度、酸碱度、渗透压、离子浓度等。
心血管系统是一个封闭的 管道系统,这个系统有足够 量的血液充盈——形成血压 的前提。 收缩压——心室收缩时, 大约在收缩期的中期动脉血 压达到最高值时的动脉血压。 舒张压——心室舒张时, 主动脉压下降,在心舒末期 动脉血压最低时的动脉血压。
数字表示兴奋从窦房结传递到该点 的时间(秒)
心电图( electrocardiogram,ECG)
执业兽医资格考试生理学第四单元 循环系统【Circulation】

(cardiovascular center) 延髓心血管中枢 心交感神经中枢、心迷走神经中枢与支配血 管平滑肌的交感缩血管中枢均位于延髓中。
微动脉——后微动脉—— 通血毛细血管——微静脉 特 点: 只有少量物质交换,使一 部分血流通过微循环快速返回 心脏,保持血流量的相对稳定。 骨骼肌中较多。
微动脉——后微动脉—— 真毛细血管网——微静脉 特 点: 真毛细血管交织成网,血 流缓慢,加之管壁较薄,通透 性好。这条通路是血液进行物 质交换的主要场所,故又称为 营养通路。
普通心肌细胞的动作电位可分为: 0、1、2、3、4五个时相
心肌细胞的兴奋性特点: 有效不应期特别长,一直延续到机械收缩的舒张期开 始之后。 生理意义:若有新的刺激在心脏收缩完成前作用于心脏 将成为无效刺激,从而保证心脏的泵血功能。
一般所谓的血压系指 体循环的动脉血压,它的 高低决定了其它部位血管 的血压。 英国生理学家Stephen Hales(1677—1761)是世 界上第一个通过动脉插管 直接测量动脉血压的人。
动脉血压在一个心动周期中是呈周期性变化的。 收缩压(systolic pressure) ——反映心缩力 舒张压(diastolic pressure) ——反映外周阻力 脉搏压(pulse pressure) ——反映动脉弹性 平均动脉压 =舒张压+1/3脉压

血液循环的英语【释义】1circulation发行量,销售量;血液循环;流传,流通;参加社交活动,交际;环流,循环;(图书的)借出;2blood circulation血液循环:指血液在体内循环的过程,包括心脏泵血、血管输送和组织器官的氧气和营养物质的交换。
3kreislauf(German)【短语】1血液循环多导仪circulatory polygraph2血液循环的emocircular;sanguimotor3胎儿血液循环Fetal circulation4蚕血液循环silkworm blood circulation5促进血液循环stimulates circulation;Improves blood circulation;propel blood circulation6局部血液循环障碍Local hemodynamic disorders;Disturbance of local blood circulation; Hemodynamic Disorders7血液循环问题Circulatory problems8血液循环障碍disturbance of blood circulation;内科blood circulation disorder【例句】1冷水浴使身体振奋,促进血液循环。
A cool shower wakes up the body and boosts circulation.2血液循环在脚部要比在手部慢得多。
Circulation is much more sluggish in the feet than in the hands.3经常锻炼会促进血液循环。
Regular exercise will improve blood circulation.4按摩可用于放松肌肉、减轻压力和促进血液循环。
Massage is used to relax muscles,relieve stress and improve the circulation.5柠檬汁通过改善血液循环来帮助预防经济舱综合症。
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a.IK:IK通道在膜的去极化时即开始激活开放, 以
后K+外流逐渐增强,成为窦房结细胞3期复极的主要原 因。
1.工作细胞的跨膜电位及其形成机制 1)静息电位
心室肌细胞的静息电位约为–90mV,其形成机制与 骨骼肌和神经细胞的类似,即静息电位的数值与静息时 细胞膜对不同离子的通透性和离子的跨膜浓度差有关。
2)动作电位 心室肌细胞动作电位的主要特征在于复极化过程复
杂,持续时间很长,动作电位的降支和升支不对称。通常 将心室肌细胞动作电位分为0期、1期、2期、3期、4期五 个成分。
3期复极是由于L型Ca2+通道失活关闭,内向离子流 终止, 而外向K+流(IK)进一步增加所致。到3期末, IK1也参与, 并使复极化的过程加快。
(3)静息期:静息期又称4期, 4期是膜复极化完毕, 膜电 位恢复至静息电位的时期。但此时离子的跨膜转运仍在活跃 进行。因为在动作电位期间有Na+和Ca2+进入细胞内和K+ 流出细胞, 造成细胞内外离子分布的改变。
1)0期去极化过程:当膜电位由最大极电位(- 70mV)自动去极化达到阈电位水平时, 激活膜上的 L型Ca2+通道,引起Ca2+内流, 导致0期去极化。LCa2+通道为慢反应细胞。
2)复极化过程: 0期去极化后直接进入3期。0期去极化 达到0mV左右时, L-Ca2+通道逐渐失活关闭, Ca2+ 内流减少; 另一方面,IK通道被激活开放, 出现K+外流。 由于Ca2+内流的逐渐减少和K+外流的逐渐增加,胞去极化达到顶峰后, 由于Na+通道的失活关闭, 立即开始复极。但复极化的 过程比较缓慢,历时200~300ms,包括动作电位的1期、 2期和3期三个阶段:
1)1期:在复极化初期,仅出现部分复极, 膜内电位 由+30mV迅速下降到0mV 左右, 历时约10ms, 故 1期又称为快速复 极初期。
动作电位1期, 快Na+通道已经失活在去极化过 程中又发生一过性外向电流(Ito)的激活, 从而使膜 电位迅速复极到2期的电位水平。Ito的主要离子成分 是K+, 由K+负载的Ito是心室肌细胞1期复极化的主 要原因。Ito,K+外流(四乙基铵, 4-氨基吡啶 可阻断)。
2) 2期:在1期复极膜内电位达到0mV左右后, 复极 化的过程就变得非常缓慢, 称为平台期, 历时100~ 150ms。这是心室肌细胞动作电位持续时间较长的主要 原因,也是它区别于骨骼肌和神经细胞动作电位的主要 特征。
(1)去极化过程:称动作电位的0期。 膜内电位由静息时的–90mV迅速上升到 +30mV左右,
形成动作电位的升支。 0期去极化时间短,仅1~2 ms、幅度大、约120mV、
在外来刺激作用下,首先引起部分电压门控式Na+通 道开放和少量Na+内流,造成细胞膜部,分去极化。当去极 化达到阈电水平时,膜上Na+通道的开放概率明显增加,出 现再生性Na+内流,膜进一步去极化,膜内电位由原来的负 电位向正电位转化,直至接近Na+平衡电位。
(1)浦肯野细胞跨膜电位及形成机制 1) RP = Ek - 90mV 2) 动作电为的产生机制与工作细胞 相同, 但表现4 期自动除极化 3) 4 期自动除极化慢
4 期自动除极化机制 1) If (内向电流) 亦称为起搏电流,
非特异性内向电流(Na+为主) 阻断剂为铯(Cs) 2) 外向K+电流逐渐衰减
1.1 心肌细细的分类
工作细胞(心房肌和心室肌细胞) 自律细胞 (除结区以外的传导细胞) 快反应细胞(心房肌,心室肌和浦肯野细胞) 慢反应细胞(窦房结P细胞,房结区,结希区细胞) 快反应自律细胞 (浦肯野细胞) 快反应非自律细胞 (心房肌, 心室肌)
1.2 心肌细胞的跨膜电位及其形成机制
心脏不同部位的心肌细胞的跨膜电位有明显的区别, 这与形成各类心肌细胞跨膜电位的离子机制不同有关。
细胞膜上Na+/K+泵每消耗1分子的ATP可将3个Na+ 排出细胞外, 同时摄入2个K+,因此该过程是生电性的, 产生外向电流。Ca2+主动转运主要是通过细胞膜上的 Na+-Ca2+交换体和Ca2+泵进行的。
2.自律细胞的跨膜电位及形成机制 (1)自律性的概念:
自律性的特点是达到最大复极电位之后,4期的膜 电位立即开始自动去极化,当去极化达到阈电位水平 后,就爆发一次新的动作电位。
血液循环 (Blood circulation)
循环系统包括心血管系统和淋巴系统。心血管 系统由心脏、动脉、毛细血管和静脉组成。心脏将 血液泵出,并由血管将血液分配到各器官、组织;血 液在心血管系统中按一定的方向流动,最后回入心 脏。这一整个过程称为血液循环。
1 心脏的生物电活动
心脏是血液流动的动力器官。心房和心室地进行有顺序 的、协调的收缩和舒张交替的活动,是心脏实现泵血功能、 推动血液循环的必要条件,而心肌细胞的动作电位则是触发 心肌收缩和泵血的动因。
平台期的形成是由于该期间外向电流(K+外流) 和内向电流(主要是Ca2+内流)同时存在。在平台期 的初期,外向电流和内向电流二者处于平衡状态.
3)3期:在2期复极末, 膜内电位逐渐下降, 延续为3 期复极。在动作电位3期, 复极化的速度加快, 膜内电 位由0mV左右较快地下降到-90mV, 完成整个复极化 过程。历时100~ 150 ms。
(2)窦房结细胞细胞跨膜电位及形成机制。 属于慢反应自律细胞。与心室肌快反应工
作细胞和浦肯野快反应自律细胞相比, 窦房 结细胞的跨膜电位具有以下特点:
①最大复极电位(–70mV)和阈电位(–40mV)的绝对值 均小于浦肯野细胞; ②0期去极化幅度较小(约70mV),时程较长(约7ms), 去极化的速率较慢(约10 V/s); ③没有明显的复极1期和2期; ④4期自动去极化速度(约0.1V/s)快于浦肯野细胞(约 0.02 V/s)。