1. 商业银行的定位及主要职能是什么?商业银行是一种为广大公众提供金融服务的银行机构。
2. 商业银行的经营模式有哪些?商业银行的经营模式主要有以下几种:•存款贷款模式:商业银行通过吸收存款,再将存款用于放贷,获取利差收入;•投资理财模式:商业银行通过投资理财,获取利息、股息、租金等投资收益;•手续费收入模式:商业银行通过提供各类金融服务,如代理收付款项、金融咨询等,获得手续费收入;•连锁经营模式:商业银行通过开设分支机构、合作网点等形式,建立全国范围的服务网络,提供便利的金融服务。
3. 商业银行如何管理信贷风险?商业银行在放贷业务中面临信贷风险,为了管理这些风险,可以采取以下措施:•严格的信贷审查:商业银行应对借款人进行详细的资信评估,了解其还款能力和还款意愿;•多元化的贷款组合:商业银行应将贷款资金分散投放到不同行业、不同地区的借款人身上,以降低集中风险;•建立风险管理体系:商业银行应建立完善的风险管理体系,包括制定风险管理政策、建立风险评估和监测系统等;•做好风险防范:商业银行应随时关注经济形势的变化,及时调整贷款政策,降低风险暴露。
4. 商业银行的资产负债管理有哪些原则?商业银行的资产负债管理是指通过合理配置资产和负债,保持资金安全和流动性,实现风险和收益的平衡。
利率敏感性负债(RSL):是指那些在市场利率变化时,其利息支出会发生相应变化的负债核心资本又叫一级资本(Tier1capital)和产权资本,是指权益资本和公开储备,它是银行资本的构成部分附属资本、持续期缺口: 是银行资产持续期与负债持续期和负债资产现值比乘积的差额。
三、计算题(x*x 课件上所有的计算题都是范围)该银行的加权平均资金成本是多少?该银行的加权平均资金成本=1/4×10%/(1-15%)+2/4 ×11%/(1-5%)+0.5/4 ×11%/(1-2%)+0.5/4 ×22%=0.1288=12.88%该方法可以使银行管理层估算不同筹资方案对资金成本的影响,从而进行有把握的定价。
2、某银行通过7%的存款利率吸收了25万美元的新存款,银行估计,如果提供7.5%的利率,可筹集存款50 万美元;如果提供8%的利率,可筹集存款75 万美元;如果提供8.5%的利率,可筹集存款100 万美元;如果提供9%的利率,可筹集存款125 万美元。
Problems7-1. What kind of futures or options hedges would be called for in the following situations?a. Interest rates are expected to decline and First National Bank of Canton expects a sharp seasonal rise in loan demand in the upcoming spring quarter.First National can expect lower loan revenue unless it uses long futures hedges in which contracts for government securities are first purchased and then sold at a profit as security prices rise provided interest rate really do fall. A similar gain could be made using call options on government securities or on financial futures contracts.b. Silsbee State Bank has interest-sensitive assets of $79 million and interest-sensitive liabilities of $68 million over the next 30 days and market interest rates are expected to fall.Sislbee State Bank’s interest-sensitive assets exceed its interest-sensitive liabilities by $11 million which means the bank will be open to loss if interest rates fall. The bank could purchase financial futures contracts for subsequent sale or use a call option on government securities or financial futures contracts approximately equal in dollar volume to the $11 million interest-sensitive gap.c. A survey of Tuskee Bank’s corporate loan customers this month (October) indicates that, on balance, this group of firms will need to draw $155 million from their credit lines in November and D ecember, which is $80 million more than the bank’s management has forecasted and prepared for. The bank’s economist has predicted a significant increase in money market rates over the next 60 days.The forecast of higher interest rates means the bank must borrow at a higher interest cost which, other things held equal, will lower its net interest margin. To offset the expected higher borrowing costs the bank's management should consider a short sale of financial futures contracts or a put option approximately equal in volume to the additional loan demand. Either government securities or EuroCDs would be good instruments to consider using in the futures market or in the option market.d. Settlement Hills National Bank reports that its interest-sensitive liabilities for the next week will be approximately $42 million, while interest-sensitive assets will approach $31 million. Data provided by the Federal Reserve Board suggests a near-term rise in money market interest rates.Settlement Hills National Bank has interest-sensitive liabilities greater than interest-sensitive assets by $11 million. If interest rates rise, the bank's net interest margin will likely be squeezed due to the faster rise in liability costs. Sales of financial futures contracts followed by a subsequent purchase or put options would probably help here.e. Caufield Bank and Trust Company finds that its portfolio of earning assets as an average duration of 1.35 years and its liabilities have an average duration of .95 years. Interest rates are expected to rise by 50 basis points between now and year-endCaufield Bank and Trust Company has an asset duration of 1.35 years and a liabilities duration of 0.95. A 50-basis point rise in money-market rates would reduce asset values relative to liabilities which means its net worth would decline. The bank should consider short sales of government futures contracts or put options on these securities or on their related futures contracts.7-3. A bank plans to borrow $55 million in the money market for one month at a current interest rate of 8.5 percent with an interest-rate cap on this borrowing of 10 percent. Suppose money market interest rates climb to 11.5 percent as soon as the borrowing occurs. How much total interest will the bank owe?Total Amount Interest Number of MonthsInterest Owed = Borrowed * Rate Charged * 12= $55 million x 0.115 x 112= $0.527 million or $527,000.7-9. Silver Beach National Bank wants to purchase a portfolio of million-dollar-denomination commercial loans with an expected average rate of return of 11 percent. However, when funds become available to purchase the loans in 6 months, market interest rates are expected to be in the 10 percent range. If the total size of the portfolio is $100 million and Treasury Bill options are available today at a market price of $890,000 (per million-dollar contract) upon payment of a $12,000 premium and we forecast a rise in market value of $900,000, what before-tax profit could the bank earn from this transaction?The relevant before-tax profit formula is:Before-Tax Profit = $900,000 - $890,000 - $12,000 = -$2,000.In this case there is no option profit, only a loss due to the failure of T-bill prices to rise enough to fully cover the option premium. Because interest rates are expected to fall, a call option would be appropriate.7-10. Treasury bill futures contracts carry denominations of $1 million but have a current market value of $960,000. Suppose the duration of these bills is 0.33 years and market interest rates fall from 4 percent to 3 percent. What change in the index value of these futures contracts will occur?Change in Value of T-Bill Futures 0.04) (1.01- x $960,000 x years .33- +== +$3046.157-11. Suppose a bank wants to hedge its overall asset-liability position using T-bond futures contracts. Given the information below:Total assets $853 million Duration of bank assets 3.5 years Total liabilities $790 million Duration of bank liabilities 1.7 years Price of futures $95,000 Duration of T-bonds 9.5 yearsPlease calculate the approximate number of futures contracts the bank will need to fully cover the interest-rate risk it faces? Number of Futures Contracts Needed = mill. $.095 x years 5.9mill. $835 x years) 1.7 x mill.$835mill.$790 - years (3.5= 1750.14 contracts7-12. By what amount will the market value of Treasury bond futures contracts change if they have a duration of 8.80 years, a current market price of $98,500, and if interest rates rise from 8.50 to 9.50 percent?Changes in Value of T-Bond Futures Contract 0.0850) (10.01 x$98,500 x years 8.80- ++== -$7988.947-13. Cleberg National Bank reports that its assets have a duration of 1.90 years while liabilities average 1.12 years in duration. To hedge its duration gap management wants to employ T-bond futures contracts that have a current price of $99,250 and a duration of 9 years. The ba nk's assets total $144 million and liabilities total $132 million. Approximately how many futures contracts for T-bonds will the bank need to cover its interest-rate risk exposure?Number of T-Bond Futures Contracts Neededmillion 09925 . * years 9million 144$*)12.1*million144$million$132 - years (1.90=140.79 contracts。
第10章 商业银行中间业务与管理1.什么是商业银行的中间业务?答:在以英美为主的西方商业银行业务中,与我国中间业务概念相对应的是表外业务,指商业银行所从事的,按通行会计准则不列入资产负债表,不影响资产负债总额,但会改变银行当期损益的经营活动。
戴国强《商业银行经营学》(第4版)课后习题(第七章 租赁和信托——第九章 其他业务)【圣才出品】
CHAPTER 5MEASURING AND EVALUATING BANK PERFORMANCEGoal of This Chapter: To help the reader learn how to analyze and evaluate a bank's performance, especially its rate of return, efficiency, and risk exposure, from the data provided in bank financial statements.Key Terms Presented in This ChapterBank Profitability Equity MultiplierROA Credit RiskROE Liquidity RiskEfficiency Market RiskNet Interest Margin Interest-Rate RiskNoninterest Margin Earnings RiskNet Profit Margin Solvency RiskAsset Utilization UBPRChapter OutlineI. Introduction: Performance Pressures Faced by Banks TodayII. Evaluating a Bank's PerformanceA. Determining the Bank's Long-Range ObjectivesB. Maximizing The Value of the Firm: A Key Objective for Any BankC. Profitability Ratios: A Surrogate for Stock Values1. Key Profitability Ratios in Banking2. Interpreting Profitability Ratios3. Useful Profitability Formulas4. Breaking Down Equity Returns for Closer Analysis5. Break-Down Analysis of a Bank's Return on Assets6. What a Breakdown of Bank Profitability Measures Can Tell UsD. Measuring Risk in Banking1. Credit Risk2. Liquidity Risk3. Market Risk4. Interest-Rate Risk5. Earnings Risk6. Solvency (or Default) Risk7. Other Forms of Risk in Banking (Inflation Risk, Currency orExchange-Rate Risk, Political Risk, and Crime Risk)E. Other Goals in BankingIII. The Impact of Bank Size on PerformanceIV. Watching out for Size, Location and Regulatory Bias in Analyzing Bank Performance V. Using Financial Ratios and Other Analytical Tools to Track Bank Performance--The UBPR.VI. Summary of the ChapterAppendix to the Chapter - Improving Bank Performance Through Knowledge: Sources of Information for Bankers, Their Customers, and Bank RegulatorsConcept Checks5-1. Why should banks be concerned about their level of profitability and exposure to risk? Banks in the U.S. and most other countries are private businesses that must attract capital from the public to fund their operations. If profits are inadequate or if risk is excessive, they will have greater difficulty in obtaining capital and their funding costs will grow, eroding profitability. Bank stockholders, depositors, and bank examiners representing the regulatory community are all interested in the quality of bank performance. The stockholders are primarily concerned with profitability as a key factor in determining their total return from holding bank stock, while depositors (especially large corporate depositors) and examiners typically focus on bank risk exposure.5-2. What individuals or groups are likely to be interested in these aspects or dimensions of bank performance?The individuals or groups likely to be interested in bank profitability and risk include other banks lending to a particular bank, borrowers, large depositors, holders of long-term debt capital issued by banks, bank stockholders, and the regulatory community.5-3. What factors influence a bank's stock price?A bank's stock price is affected by all those factors affecting its profitability and risk exposure, particularly its rate of return on equity capital and risk to shareholder earnings. A bank can raise its stock price by creating an expectation in the minds of investors of greater earnings in the future, by lowering the bank's perceived risk exposure, or by a combination of increases in expected earnings and reduced risk.5-4. Suppose that a bank is expected to pay an annual dividend of $4 per share on its stock in the current period and dividends are expected to grow 5 percent a year every year, and the minimum required return to equity capital based on the bank's perceived level of risk is 10 percent. Can you estimate the current value of the bank's stock?In this constant dividend growth rate problem the current value of the bank's stock would be: P o = D1 / (k – g) = $4 / (0.10 – 0.05) = $80.5-5. What is return on equity capital and what aspect of bank performance is it supposed to measure?Return on equity capital is the ratio of Net Income After Taxes/Total Equity Capital. It represents the rate of return earned on the funds invested in the bank by its stockholders.5-6. Suppose a bank reports that its net after-tax income for the current year is $51 million, its assets total $1,444 million, and its liabilities amount to 926 million. What is its return on equity capital?The bank's return on equity capital should be:ROE = Net After Tax Income = $51 million = .098 or 9.8 percentEquity Capital $1,444 mill.-$926 mill.5-7. What is return on assets and why is it important in banking?Return on assets is the ratio of Net Income After Taxes/Total Assets. The rate of return secured on a bank's total assets indicates the efficiency of its management in generating net income from all of the resources (assets) committed to the institution.5-8. A bank estimates that its total revenues from all sources will amount to $155 million and its total expenses (including taxes) will equal $107 million this year. Its liabilities total $4,960 million while its equity capital amounts to $52 million. What is the bank's return on assets? Is this ROA high or low? How could you find out?The bank's return on assets would be:ROA = Net After Tax Income = $155 mill. - $107 mill. = 0.0096 or 0.96 percent Total Assets $4,960 mill. + $52 mill.The size of this bank's ROA should be compared with the ROA's of other banks similar in size and location to determine if this bank's ROA is high or low relative to the average forcomparable banks.5-9. Why do bankers pay close attention today to the net interest margin and noninterest margin? To the earnings base and spread?The net interest margin (NIM) indicates how successful the bank has been in borrowing funds from the cheapest sources and in maintaining an adequate spread between its returns on loans and security investments and the cost of its borrowed funds. If the NIM rises, loan and security income must be rising or the average cost of funds must be falling or both. A declining NIM is undesirable because the bank's interest spread is being squeezed, usually because of rising interest costs on deposits and other borrowings.In contrast, the noninterest margin reflects the bank's spread between its noninterest income (such as service fees on deposits) and its noninterest expenses (especially salaries and wages and overhead expenses). For most banks the noninterest margin is negative. Management will usually attempt to expand fee income, while controlling closely the growth of noninterest expenses in order to make a negative noninterest margin as least negative as possible.The earnings base indicates the proportion of the bank's earning assets (loans, leases, and investments) relative to its total assets. As competition increases, greater pressure is placed on the bank's management to maintain the quality and quantity of these earning assets. Additionally, the bank's managers typically will shift some of their emphasis to increasing noninterest income generated by fees.The earnings spread measures the effectiveness of the bank's intermediation function of borrowing and lending money, which, of course, is the bank's primary way of generating earnings. As competition increases, the spread between the average yields on assets and the average cost of liabilities will be squeezed, forcing the bank's management to search for alternative sources of income, such as fees from various services the bank offers.5-10. Suppose a banker tells you that his bank in the year just completed had total interest expenses on all borrowings of $12 million and noninterest expense of $5 million, while interest income from earning assets totaled $16 million and noninterest revenues added to a total of $2 million. Suppose further that assets amounted to $480 million of which earning assets represented 65 percent of total assets, while total interest-bearing liabilities amounted to 55 percent of the bank's total assets. See if you can determine this bank's net interest and noninterest margins and its earnings base and earnings spread for the most recent year.The bank's net interest and noninterest margins must be:Net Interest = $16 mill. - $12 mill. Noninterest = $2 mill. - $5 mill.Margin $480 mill. Margin $480 mill.=.00833 = -.00625 The bank's earnings spread and earnings base are:Earnings = $16 mill. - $12 mill.Spread $480 mill * 0.85 $480 mill. * 0.75= .0392 -.0333Earnings Base = $480 mill. - $480 mill. * 0.15 = 0.85 or 85 percent$480 mill.5-11. What are the principal components of ROE and what do each of these components measure?The principal components of ROE are:a. The net profit margin or net after-tax income to operating revenues which reflects theeffectiveness of a bank's expense control program;b. The degree of asset utilization or ratio of operating revenues to total assets which measures the effectiveness of managing the bank's assets, especially the loan portfolio; and,c. The equity multiplier or ratio of total assets to total equity capital which measures a bank's use of leverage in funding its operations.5-12. If a bank has an ROA of 0.80 percent and an equity multiplier of 12x what is its ROE? Suppose this bank's ROA falls to 0.60 percent. What size equity multiplier must it have to hold its ROE unchanged?The bank's ROE is:ROE = 0.80 percent *12 = 9.60 percent.If ROA falls to 0.60 percent, the bank's ROE and equity multiplier can be determined from:ROE = 9.60% = 0.60 percent * Equity MultiplierEquity Multiplier = 9.60 percent = 16x.0.60 percent5-13. Suppose a bank reports net income after taxes of $12, before-tax net income of $15,operating revenues of $100, assets of $600, and $50 in equity capital. What is the bank's ROE? Tax-management efficiency indicator? Expense control efficiency indicator? Asset management efficiency indicator? Funds management efficiency indicator?The bank's ROE must be:ROE = 50$12$ = 0.24 or 24 percentIts tax-management, expense control, asset management, and funds management efficiencyindicators are:Tax Management = $12 Expense Control = $15Efficiency indicator $15 Efficiency Indicator $100= .8 or 80 percent =.15 or 15 percentAsset Management = $100 Funds Management = $600Efficiency Indicator $600 Efficiency Indicator $50= 0.1666 or 16.67 percent = 12 x5-14. What are the most important components of ROA and what aspects of bank performance do they reflect?The principal components of ROA are:a. Total Interest Income Less Total Interest Expense divided by Total Assets, measuring a bank's success at intermediating funds between borrowers and lenders;b. Provision for Loan Losses divided by Total Assets which measures management's ability to control loan losses and manage a bank's tax exposure;c. Noninterest Income less Noninterest Expenses divided by Total Assets, which indicates the ability of management to control salaries and wages and other noninterest costs and generate tee income;d. Net Income Before Taxes divided by Total Assets, which measures operating efficiency and expense control; ande. Applicable Taxes divided by Total Assets, which is an index of tax management effectiveness.5-15. If a bank has a net interest margin of 2.50%, a noninterest margin of -1.85%, and a ratio of provision for loan losses, taxes, security gains, and extraordinary items of -0.47%, what is its ROA?The bank's ROA must be:ROA = 2.50 percent - 1.85 percent - 0.47 percent = 0.18 percent5-16. To what different kinds of risk are banks subjected today?a. Earnings Risk -- the probability that a bank's earnings (net income) will fall, subjecting its stockholders to actual losses or to lower rates of return.b. Credit Risk -- the probability that loans and securities the bank holds will not pay out as promised.c. Solvency Risk -- the possibility or probability the bank will fail.d. Liquidity Risk -- the probability the bank will not have sufficient cash on hand in the volume needed precisely when cash demands arise.e. Market Risk -- the probability that the value of assets held by the bank will decline due to falling market prices.f. Interest-Rate Risk - the possibility or probability interest rates will change, subjecting the bankto losses.5-17. What items on a bank's balance sheet and income statement can be used to measure it's risk exposure?There are several alternative measures of risk in banking. Solvency risk is often measured by bank capital ratios, such as the ratio of total capital to total assets or total capital to risk assets. Creditrisk can be tracked by such ratios as net loan losses to total loans or relative to total capital. Liquidity risk can be followed by using such ratios as cash assets to total assets or by total loans to total assets. Interest-rate risk may be indicated by such ratios as interest-sensitive liabilities to interest-sensitive assets or the ratio of money-market borrowings to money-market assets.5-18. A bank reports that the total amount of its net loans and leases outstanding is $936 million,its assets total $1,342 million, its equity capital amounts to $110 million, and it holds $1,150 million in deposits, all expressed in book value. The estimated market values of the bank's total assets and equity capital are $1,443 million and $130 million, respectively. The bank's stock is currently valued at $60 per share with annual per-share earnings of $2.50. Uninsured deposits amount to $243 million and money market borrowings total $ 1 32 million, while nonperforming loans currently amount to $43 million, and the bank just charged off $21 million in loans. Calculate as many of the bank's risk measures as you can from the foregoing data.Net Loans and Leases = $936 mill. Uninsured Deposits $243 mill.mill.0.7069 or 70.69 percent 0.2113 or 21.13 percentEquity Capital = $130 mill. Stock Price $60Total Assets $1,443 mill. Earnings Per Share $2.50 = 0.0901 or 9.01 percent = 24 XNonperforming Assets = $43 mill. =0.0459 or 4.59 percentNet Loans and Leases $1,443 mill.Charge-offs of loans = $21 Purchased Funds = $243 mill. + $132 mill. Total Loans and Leases $936 Total Liabilities $1,324 mill. - $110 mill.=.0224 or 2.24 percent .3089 or 30.89 percentBook Value of Assets = $1324 =0.9175 or 91.75 percentMarket Value of Assets $1443Problems5-1. First National Bank of Inesco is expected to pay a dividend of $12 per share at the end of the year and its stock dividends are expected to grow 8 percent a year indefinitely into the future. If the appropriate discount rate applied to the bank's expected dividend stream is 15 percent,Inesco's current stock price should be:P o = D (k g)1- = $12(.15.08)- = $171.43 per share.5-2.Price State Bank's expected stream of dividends over the next three years is as follows: Expected Dividends Per SharePeriod 1 $3.00Period 2 $4.50Period 3 $6.00Applying a discount rate of 12 percent to this dividend stream yields an estimated stockprice ofP o = $3(1.12)+ + $4.50(1.12)2+ + $6(1.12)3+ + $60(1.12)3+P 0 = $53.24 per share.5.3 Depositors and Merchants Bank has an equity-to-asset ratio of 7.5 percent which means its equity multiplier must be:1/(Equity Capital / Assets) = Assets EquityCapital = 1 / 0.075 = 13.33xIn contrast, Newton National Bank has an equity multiplier of:1/(Equity Capital / Assets) = 10.06= 16.67xWith an ROA of 0.85 percent Newton National would have an ROE of:ROE = 0.85 x 16.67x = 14.17 percent.In this case Newton National Bank is making greater use of financial leverage and is generating a higher return on equity capital.Depositors and Merchants has an ROE of:ROE = 0.85 x 13.33 x = 11.33 percent.5-4. The income and expense statement for Gilcrest Merchants National Bank, when arranged in proper order, would appear as follows:Gilcrest Merchants National Bank Income and Expense StatementInterest Fees on Loans $61Interest Dividends on Securities 12Total Interest Income 73Interest Paid on Deposits 49Interest on Nondeposit Borrowings 6Total Interest Expense 55Net Interest Income 18Provision for Loan Losses 2Noninterest Income and Fees 7Noninterest Expenses:Salaries and Employee Benefits 10Overhead Expenses 5Other Noninterest Expenses3Total Noninterest Expenses 18Net Income Before Taxes and SecurityGains or Losses 5Taxes 1Securities Gains (or Losses), Net ofTaxes1Net Income After Taxes $5Among the key ratios that can be calculated are the following:ROE = Net Income After Taxes = $5 =0.0180 or 1.80 percentEquity Capital $80ROA = Net Income After Taxes = $5 =0.005 or .5 percentTotal Assets $1000Net Interest Margin = Total Interest Income–Total Interest Expenses[($61 + $12) –($49 + $6)]=0.0180 or 1.8percent Total Assets $1000Net Noninterest = $7 - $18 =-0.011 or –1.1 percentMargin $1000Net operating margin = [Total Operating Revenues – Total Operating Expenses] /Total Assets = 1000$73$80$ = 0.0070 or 0.70 percent.Earnings = Total Interest Income - Total Interest Expenses = $61 + $12 - $49 + $6 Spread Total Earning Assets Total Interest Bearing $830 $710 Liabilities0.0880 – 0.0775 or 8.8 percent – 7.75 percent or 1.05 percentEarnings base = Total Assets – Nonearning Assets = $830 =0.83 or 83 percent in assets Total Assets $1000Profit Margin =Net income after taxes Total operating revenue = $5$80 = 0.0625 or 6.25 percent. Asset Utilization =Total operating revenue Total Assets = $80$1000 = $80$1000 = 0.08 or 8.0 percent Equity Multiplier =Total Assets Total Equity Capital = 12.5x Net Loans / Total Assets = 1000$670$ = 0.67 or 67 percentCash and Due from Bank = $120 = 0.12 or 12 percent Total Assets $1000Operating Efficiency Ratio = Total Operating Expenes Total Operating Revenues = $73$80 = 0.9125 or 91.25 percentEmployee Productivity = Net Operating Income = $80 - $73 = $175,000Ratio # of Full Time Employees $40 per employee5-5. The rates of return requested for Shadowwood National Bank are as follows:ROE = $105 ROA = $105$15,765 - $15,440 $15,7650.3231 or 32.31 percent 0.0067 or .67 percentNet Interest = $1875 - $1210 = $665 = 0.0527 or 5.27 percentMargin $12,612 $12,612(If total assets are used as the denominator, NIM = 4.22%.)Net Noninterest Margin =$501$685$12,612= 0.0146 or –1.46 percent.(If total assets are used as the denominator, the noninterest margin is –1.17%).Net Operating = ($1,875+- $501) – ($1,210 + $685 + $381) = $100 =0.0063 or.63 percent Margin $15,765 $15,765Net Return Before = ($1,875 + $501) – ($1,210 + $685 + $381 + $16) = $84 = 0.0053 or .53 Special Transaction Costs $15,765 $15,765 .percentEarnings per Share = 000,145000,000,105$ = $724.14 per share.Alternative Scenario 1:Suppose interest income, interest expenses, noninterest income, and noninterest expenses each increase by 5 percent, with all other items remaining unchanged.If we assume that the 5% increase flows through to net income, resulting in a 5% increase in net income, then the ROE, ROA, and EPS will increase by (at least) 5% also. Actually, the scenario which does not have provision for loan losses, securities gains, and taxes increasing would result in a greater than 5% increase in net income. This would, of course, result in the ROE, ROA, and EPS increases being greater than 5%.Alternative Scenario 2:Suppose Shadowood's interest income, interest expenses, noninterest income, and noninterest expenses decline by 5 percent, all other factors held equal. As with scenario 1, if we assume the decrease flows through to net income, then net income will decrease by 5%. This decrease will result in ROE, ROA, and EPS actually being greater than 5% as a result of the other items, such as provision for loan losses, taxes, and securities gains, not changing. Base Problem Alternative Scenario 1 AlternativeScenario 2Interest Income $1875 $1968.75 $1781.25 Interest Expense 1210 1270.50 1149.50 Net Interest Income $ 665 $ 698.25 $ 631.75Provision for Loan Losses $ 381 $ 381 $ 381Noninterest Income $ 501 $ 526.05 $ 475.95 Noninterest Expense 685 719.25 650.75 Net Noninterest Income ($184) ($193.20) ($174.8)Net Income Before Taxes $ 100 $ 124.05 $ 75.95 Income Taxes $ 16 $ 16 $ 16 Securities Gaines (orLosses)21 21 21 Net Income After Taxes $ 105 $ 129.05 $ 80.95Common SharesOutstanding145,000 145,000 145,000Base Problem AlternativeScenario 1AlternativeScenario 2a. ROE 32.31% 39.71% 24.91%b. ROA 0.67 0.82% 0.51%c. NIM (1) 5.27% 5.54% 5.01%NIM (2) 4.22% 4.43% 4.01%d. EPS $724.14 $890.00 $558.28e. NNIM (1) -1.46% -1.53% -1.39%NNIM (2) -1.17% -1.23% -1.11%f. NOM 0.63% 0.79% 0.48%g. Net Returns BeforeSpecial Transactions0.53% 0.69% 0.38%Notes: All figures except Common Shares in millions.Equity Capital = Total Assets - Total Liabilities = $ 15,765 - $15,440= $ 325 (millions) Total Assets =$15,765 millionsEarning Assets = $12,612 millionsNIM(1) uses Earning Assets in the denominator; NIM(2) uses Total AssetsNNIM(1) uses Earning Assets in the denominator; NNIM(2) uses Total Assets5-6. Selected balance sheet and income statement data for Farmers and Merchants National Bank are given as follows:Given: ROA = 0.0076 (i.e., 0.76%)Total Assets = $1.69 billion ($1,690 million)Equity Capital = $139 millionSolution:ROE = ROA * Total AssetsEquity Capital = 0.0076 * $1,690$139= 0.0924 or 9.24%Alternative Scenario 1:R0A increases by 50%, with no change in assets or equity capital.Therefore, the new ROA = 0.0076 * 1.5 = 0.0114 or 1.14%.New ROE = 1.14% * 12.16 = 13.86%This represents a 50% increase in ROE. With no changes in assets or equity, the investors' funds are more effectively utilized, generating additional income and making the bank more profitable. Alternative Scenario 2:ROA decreases by 50%, with no change in equity or assets.Therefore, the new ROA = 0.0076 * 0.5 = 0.0038 or 0.38%.New ROE = 0.38% * 12.16 = 4.62%This represents a 50% decrease in ROE. The bank's management has been less efficient, in this case, in managing their lending and/or investing functions or their operating costs.Alternative Scenario 3:ROA = 0.0076 or 0.76% (as in the original problem)Total assets double in size to $3.38 billion and equity capital doubles in size to $278 million. Therefore, the equity multiplier (i.e. total assets/equity capital) remains the same (E.M. =$3,380/$278 = 12.16). As a result, there is no change in ROE from the original situation (i.e., 0.76% * 12.16 = 9.24%).Alternative Scenario 4:This, of course, is just the reverse of scenario 3. Since the changes in both assets and equity capital are the same, the ratio of the two (i.e., the equity multiplier) remains constant. As a result, there is again no change in ROE.E.M. = Total Assets/Equity Capital = $845/$69.5 = 12.16.Therefore, ROE = 0.76% * 12.16 = 9.24%.5-7. Granite Dells State Bank reports the following information:Given:Total Operating Revenues = $135 millionTotal Operating Expenses = $121 millionTax Liability = $2 millionTotal Assets = $1.17 billionTotal Liabilities = $989 millionSolution:Net Income after Taxes = $135 million -$121 million -$2 million = $12 millionEquity Capital = $1.17 billion - $989 million = $181 million= $12 million / $181 million = 0.0663 or 6.63%.ROE = Net Income after TaxesEquity CapitalAlternative Scenario 1:Given: Total operating revenues, total operating expenses, and taxes each grow by 10%, but assets and liabilities remain fixed.Solution:Total revenues = $135 million * 1.10 = $148.5 millionTotal expenses = $121 million * 1.10 = $133.1 millionTax liability = $2 million * 1.10 = $2.2 millionNet Income after Taxes = $148.5 - $133.1 - $2.2 = $13.2 millionROE = $13.2 million/$181 million = 0.0729 or 7.29%= 10% (ROE increases by 10%)Change in ROE = 7.29% 6.63%6.63%Alternative Scenario 2:Given: Total assets increase by 10% (Total assets = $ 1.17 * 1.10 = $1.287 billion)Total liabilities increase by 10% (Total liabilities = $989 million * 1.10 =1.0879Revenues and expenses (including taxes) remain unchanged.Solution: Equity Capital = $1.287 billion - $1.0879 billion = $199.1 million= 0.063 or 6.03%ROE = $12 million$199.1 millionTherefore change in ROE = 6.03% - 6.63% = -0.6% = -9%6.63% 6.63% (ROE decreases by 9%)Alternative Scenario 3:Given: Total revenues decline by 10% (Total revenues = $135 million * 0.90 = $121.5 million) Total expenses decline by 10% (Total expenses = $121 million * 0.9 = $108.9 million)Tax liability declines by 10% (Tax liability = $2 * 0.9 = $1.8 million)Assets and liabilities remain unchanged (Therefore, equity remains unchanged)Solution: Net Income after Tax = $121.5 million - 108.9 million - $1.8 million = $10.8 ROE = $10.8 million = 0.0597 = 5.97%$181 millionTherefore, change in ROE = 5.97% - 6.63% = -0.66% = -10% (ROE decreases by 10%)6.63% 6.63%Alternative Scenario 4:Given: Assets and liabilities decrease by 10%; therefore,Equity capital decreases by 10%,Operating revenues, operating expenses, and taxes remain unchanged.Solution: Total assets = $1.17 billion * 0.9 = $1.053 billionTotal liabilities = $989 million * 0.9 =$890.1 millionEquity capital = $1.053 billion - $890.1 million = $162.9 million= 0.0737 or 7.37%ROE = $12 million$162.9 million5-8. Suppose a bank is projected to achieve a 1.25 percent ROA during the coming year. What must its ratio of total assets to total equity capital be if it is to achieve a 12-percent ROE goal? Given: ROA = 1.25% and target ROE = 12%Solution: ROE = ROA * (Total Assets/Equity Capital)Total Assets = ROE = 12% = 9.6 xEquity Capital ROA 1.25%If ROA unexpectedly falls to 0.75% and target ROE remains 12%:Solution:12% = .75% * Total AssetsEquity CapitalTotal Assets = 12% =16 xEquity Capital .75%Alternative Scenario 1:Given: ROA = 1.5% and target ROE = 12%Solution: Total Assets = 12% = 8xEquity Capital 1.5%Alternative Scenario 2:Given: Bank's ROA unexpectedly declines to 0.75%Solution: Total Assets = 12% = 16 x (The same as part 2 of original problem) Total Equity .75%5-9. The following information is given for Blythe County National Bank:Net Income after Taxes = $16 millionTotal Operating Revenues = $215 millionTotal Assets = $1,250 millionTotal Equity Capital Accounts = $111 millionSolve for the bank's net profit margin, asset utilization ration, equity multiplier, and ROE. Solutions:a. Net Profit Margin = Income After Taxes = $16 mill. = 0.0744 or 7.44%Total Operating Revenue $215 mill.b. Asset Utilization = Total Operating Revenues = $215 mill. = 0.172 or 17.2%Total Assets $1250 mill.c. Equity Multiplier = Total Assets = $1250 mill. = 11.26 timesTotal Equity Capital $111 mill.d. ROE = Net Income After Taxes = $16 mill. = 0.1441 or 14.41%Total Equity Capital $111 mill.Alternative Scenario:Given: Total Liabilities = $1,475 million。
《商业银行管理学》课后习题及题解第一章商业银行管理学导论习题一、判断题1. 《金融服务现代化法案》的核心内容之一就是废除《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法》。
2. 政府放松金融管制与加强金融监管是相互矛盾的。
3. 商业银行管理的最终目标是追求利润最大化。
4. 在金融市场上,商业银行等金融中介起着类似于中介经纪人的角色。
5. 商业银行具有明显的企业性质,所以常用于企业管理的最优化原理如边际分享原理、投入要素最优组合原理、规模经济原理也适用于商业银行。
6. 金融市场的交易成本和信息不对称决定了商业银行在金融市场中的主体地位。
7. 企业价值最大化是商业银行管理的基本目标。
8. 商业银行管理学研究的主要对象是围绕稀缺资源信用资金的优化配置所展开的各种业务及相关的组织管理问题。
9. 商业银行资金的安全性指的是银行投入的信用资金在不受损失的情况下能如期收回。
二、简答题1. 试述商业银行的性质与功能。
2. 如何理解商业银行管理的目标?3. 现代商业银行经营的特点有哪些?4. 商业银行管理学的研究对象和内容是什么?5. 如何看待“三性”平衡之间的关系?三、论述题1. 论述商业银行的三性目标是什么,如何处理三者之间的关系。
2. 试结合我国实际论述商业银行在金融体系中的作用。
第二章商业银行资本金管理习题一、判断题1. 新巴塞尔资本协议规定,商业银行的核心资本充足率仍为4%。
2. 巴塞尔协议规定,银行附属资本的合计金额不得超过其核心资本的50%。
3. 新巴塞尔资本协议对银行信用风险提供了两种方法:标准法和内部模型法。
4. 资本充足率反映了商业银行抵御风险的能力。
5. 我国国有商业银行目前只能通过财政增资的方式增加资本金。
6. 商业银行计算信用风险加权资产的标准法中的风险权重由监管机关规定。
二、单选题1. 我国《商业银行资本充足率管理办法》规定,计入附属资本的长期次级债务不得超过核心资本的。
CHAPTER 4THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF A BANKGoal of This Chapter: To help readers become more comfortable and knowledgeable about the financial statements prepared by banks, including bank balance sheets (Reports of Condition), income statements (Reports of Income), sources and uses statements, and the statement of stockholders' equity capital.Key Terms Presented in This ChapterReport of Condition Sources and Uses of Funds StatementReport of Income Statement of Stockholders’ EquityFunds-Flow StatementChapter OutlineI. Introduction: The Statements We Will Review in This ChapterII. An Overview of Bank Balance Sheets and Income StatementsA. Financial Inputs and Outputs on Bank Balance Sheets and Income StatementsB. The Bank's Balance Sheet (Report of Condition)1. The Principal Types of Accounts on a Bank's Report of Condition2. Bank Assetsa. The Cash Accountb. Investment Securities: The Liquid Portionc. Investment Securities: The Income-Generating Portiond. Loanse. Federal Funds Sold and Securities Purchased under ResaleAgreementsf. Customer's Liability on Acceptancesg. Miscellaneous Assets3. Bank Liabilitiesa. Depositsb. Borrowings from Nondeposit Sourcesc. Capital Accounts1. Subordinated Notes and Debentures2. Preferred Stock3. Common Equity4. Comparative Balance-Sheet Ratios for Different Size Banks5. The Expansion of Off-Balance-Sheet Items in Banking6. The Problem of Book-Value Accounting in BankingC. Components of the Income Statement (Report of Income)1. The Determinants of a Bank's Net Income2. Financial Flows and Stocksa. Interest Incomeb. Interest Expensesc. Net Interest Incomed. Loan-Loss Expensee. Noninterest Incomef. Noninterest Expensesg. Net Income3. Comparative Income-Statement Ratios for Different-Size BanksD. Other Useful Bank Financial Statements1. The Funds-Flow or Sources-and-Uses-of-Funds Statement2. The Capital-Account Statement or Statement of Stockholders' EquityCapitalIll. Summary of the ChapterConcept Checks4-1. What are the principal accounts that appear on a bank's balance sheet (or Report of Condition)?The principal asset items on a bank's Report of Condition are loans, investments in marketable securities, cash, and miscellaneous assets. The principal liability items are deposits and nondeposit borrowings in the money market. Equity capital supplied by the stockholders rounds out the total sources of funds for a bank.4-2. Which accounts are most important and least important on the asset side of a bank's balance sheet?The rank order of assets by dollar volume appearing on U.S. bank balance sheets are as follows: Rank Order Assets1 Loans2 Investment Securities3 Cash4 Miscellaneous Assets4-3. What accounts are most important on the liability side of a bank's balance sheet?The principal bank liability items from most important to least important are:Rank Order Liabilities and Equity Capital1 Deposits2 Nondeposit Borrowings3 Equity Capital4 Miscellaneous Liabilities4-4. What are the essential differences between demand deposits, savings deposits, and time deposits?Demand deposits are regular checking accounts against which a customer can write checks or make any number of personal withdrawals. Regular checking accounts do not bear interest under current U.S. law and regulation. Savings deposits bear interest (normally, they carry the lowest rate paid on bank deposits) but may be withdrawn at will (though a bank usually will reserve the right to require advance notice of a planned withdrawal). Time deposits carry a fixed maturity and the bank may impose a penalty if the customer withdraws funds before the maturity date is reached. The interest rate posted on time deposits is negotiated between the bank and its deposit customer and may be either fixed or floating. A NOW account combines features of a savings account and a checking account, while a money market deposit account encompasses transactional powers similar to a regular checking account (though usually with limitations on the number of checks or drafts that may be written against the account) but also resembles a time deposit with an interest rate fixed for a brief period (such as weekly) but then becomes changeable over longer periods to reflect current market conditions.4-5. What are primary and secondary reserves and what are they supposed to do?Primary reserves consist of cash, including a bank's vault cash and checkable deposits held with other banks or any other funds that are accessible immediately to meet demands for liquidity made against the bank. Secondary reserves consist of assets that pay some interest (though usually pay returns that are much lower than earned on other assets, such as loans) but their principal feature is ready marketability. Both primary and secondary reserves are held to keep the bank in readiness to meet demands for cash (liquidity) from whatever source those demands may arise.4-6. Suppose that a bank holds cash in its vault of $1.4 million, short-term government securities of $12.4 million, privately issued money market instruments of $5.2 million, deposits at the Federal Reserve banks of $20.1 million, cash items in the process of collection of $0.6 million, and deposits placed with other banks of $16.4 million. How much in primary reserves does this bank hold? in secondary reserves?The bank holds primary reserves of:Vault Cash + Deposits at the Fed + Cash Items in Collection + Deposits With OtherBanks= $1.4 mill. + $20.1 mill. + $0.6 mill. + $16.4 mill.= $38.5 millionThe bank has secondary reserves of:Short-term Government Securities + Private Money-Market Instruments= $12.4 mill. + $5.2 mill.= $17.6 million4-7. What are off-balance-sheet items and why are they important to some banks?Off-balance-sheet items are usually transactions that generate fee income for a bank (such as standby credit guarantees) or help hedge against risk (such as financial futures contracts). They are important as a supplement to income from loans and to help a bank reduce its exposure to interest-rate risk.4-8. Why are bank accounting practices under attack right now? In what ways could banks improve their accounting methods?The traditional practice of banks has been to record the value of assets and liabilities at their value on the day the accounts were originally created and not changing those values over the life of the acc ount. The SEC and FASB started questioning this practice in the 1980’s because they were concerned that investors on bank securities would be misled about the true value of the bank. Using this historical value accounting method may in fact conceal a bank that insolvent in a current market value sense. The biggest controversy centered on the banks’ investment portfolio which would appear to be easy to value at its current market price. At a minimum, banks could help themselves by marking their investment portfolio to market. This would give investors an indication of the true value of the bank’s investment portfolio. Banks could also consider using the lower of historical or market value for other accounts on the balance sheet.4-9. What accounts make up the Report of Income (income statement) of a bank?The Report of Income includes all sources of bank revenue (loan income, investment security income, revenue from deposit service fees, trust fees, and miscellaneous service income) and all bank expenses (including interest on all borrowed funds, salaries, wages, and employee benefits, overhead costs, loan-loss expense, taxes, and miscellaneous operating costs.) The difference between operating revenues and expenses (including tax obligations) is referred to as net income. 4-10. In rank order what are the most important revenue and expense items on a bank's Report of Income?By dollar volume in most recent years the rank order of the revenue and expense items on a bank's Report of Income is:Rank Order Revenue Items Expense Items1 Loan Income Deposit Interest2 Security Income Interest on Nondeposit Borrowings3 Service Charges on Deposits Salaries, Wages, andand Other Deposit Fees Employee Benefits4 Other Operating Revenues Miscellaneous Expenses4-11. Can you explain the relationship between the Provision for Loan Losses on a bank's Report of Income and the Allowance for Loan Losses on its Report of Condition?Gross loans equal the total of all loans currently outstanding that are recorded on the bank's books. Net loans are equal to gross loans less any interest income on loans already collected by the bank but not yet earned and also less the allowance for loan-loss account (or bad-debt reserve). The allowance for loan losses is built up gradually over time by an annual noncash expense item that is charged against the bank's current income, known as the Provision for Loan Losses. The dollar amount of the annual loan-loss provision plus the amount of recovered funds from any loans previously declared worthless (charged off) less any loans charged off as worthless in the current period is added to the allowance-for-loan-losses account. If current charge-offs of worthless loans exceed the annual loan-loss provision plus any recoveries on previously charged-off loans the annual net figure becomes negative and is subtracted from the allowance-for-loan-losses account. 4-12. Suppose a bank has an allowance for loan losses of $1.25 million at the beginning of the year, charges current income for a $250,000 provision for loan losses, charges off worthless loans of $150,000, and recovers $50,000 on loans previously charged off. What will be the balance in the bank's allowance for loan losses at year-end?The balance in the allowance for loan loss (ALL) account at year end will be:Beginning ALL = $1.25 millionPlus: Annual Provisionfor Loan Losses = +0.25Recoveries onLoans Previously = +0.05Charged OffMinus: ChargeOffs of Worthless = -0.15LoansEnding ALL = $1.40 million4-13. What types of information are provided in a Funds-Flow or Sources-and-Uses-of-Funds Statement?A bank's sources-and-uses-of-funds statement captures changes in its assets and liability items as well as income from bank operations. It shows where the bank has raised its operating funds over a given period of time and how those funds were allocated over that same time period. Generally, increases in any liability item (such as deposits) represent a source of funds, while increases in any asset item are uses of funds.4-14. What does the Statement of Stockholders' Equity reveal about how well a bank is being managed and what stresses it is under?The Statement of Stockholders' Equity Capital reflects any changes that have occurred in a bank's equity capital account. The most common items causing changes in a bank's equity capital account include the proportion of current profits (net after-tax income) retained in the bank (which, if positive, increases equity capital or, if negative, decreases equity) and changes in the number of shares of stock outstanding. If more stock is sold, the equity capital account increases.4-15. Suppose a bank has an initial balance in its capital account of $26 million, receives net income during the year of $3 million, pays out stockholder dividends of $2 million, and issues $1 million in new stock during the year. What balance remained in the bank's capital account at the end of the year?The balance in the bank's capital account at year end will be:Beginning Capital Account Balance = $26 millionPlus: Net Income During Year = +3New Shares of Stock Issues = +1Less: Stockholders Dividends = -2Ending Capital Account Balance = $28 million.Problems4-1. The missing items from the Report of Condition and Report of Income of Evergreen National Bank are given below:Report of Condition Itemsfrom Banks $ 27 (550-43-18-10-348-11-6-87 = 27)Gross Loans 373 (348+6+19 = 373)36 (440-21-227-49-107 = 36)Savings Depositsand NOW AccountsStockholders'50 (550-440-41-19 = 50)Equity CapitalReport of Income ItemsInterest and Fees$168 (180-5-7 = 168)on LoansService Charges on11 (39-20-8 = 11)Customer DepositsWages, Salaries, and42 (54-5-7 = 42)Employee BenefitsNet Interest Income 21 (180-159 = 21)-15 (39-54 = -15)Net NoninterestIncome0 (180+39-159-54-4-2=-120)Net Income AfterTaxesAlternative Scenario 1:Given: Total revenues increase to $225, total interest expense increases to $185, total noninterest income increases to $51, and total noninterest expenses increase to $72.Solution: Net Income after taxes = $225-185-72-4-2 = -$38Alternative Scenario 2:Given: All revenue items increase by 100% and all expense items increase by 92%.Solution: Net Income after taxes = [($180+39) X 2]-[($159+54+4+2) X 1.921= [$219 X 2] -[$339 X 1.92] = $438- $421 = $174-2. The items requiring calculation and their dollar amounts are:Net Interest Income = Total Interest Income - Total Interest Expense= $271 -$205 = $66Net Noninterest Income = Total Noninterest Income - Total Noninterest Expense= $23- $40 = -$17Total Operating Revenues = Total Interest Income + Total Noninterest Income= $271 + $23 = $294Total Operating Expense = Total Interest Expenses + Total Noninterest Expenses +Provision for Loan Loss= $205 + $40 + $13 = $258Net Income Before Taxes = Total Operating Revenues - Total Operating Expenses= $294 - $258 = $36Net Income After Taxes = Net Income Before Taxes - Income Taxes= $36 - $5 = $31Increase in Bank's Undivided Profits = Net Income After Taxes - Common Dividends= $31 -$11 = $20Alternative Scenario 1:Given: Gap between Total Interest Income and Total Interest Expenses decreases by 10 percent. Solution: Net Income After Taxes = [($271 - $205) X 0.9] + $23 - $40 - $13 - $5= $59.4 + $23- $40- $13- $5 = $24.4This is a decrease of $6.6 ($31 - $24.4) or a 21.3% decrease as a result of a percent decrease in the interest revenue-expense gap.Alternative Scenario 2:Given: Provision for Loan Loss triples (from $13 to $39).Solution: Net Income After Taxes = $271 - $205 + $23 - $40 - $39 - $5 = $5This is a decrease of $26 ($31 - $5) or an 83.9% decrease.4-3. The items requiring calculation and the dollar figures required are:Total Assets = Total Liabilities + Stockholders' Equity = $380 + $49 = $429.Net Loans = Gross Loans - Allowance for Loan Losses - Unearned Discount on Loans = $294 -$13- $5 = $276Undivided Profits = Total Equity Capital - Capital Reserves - Surplus - Common Stock –Preferred Stock= $49 -$8- $11 -$12- $3 = $15Investment Securities = Total Assets - Miscellaneous Assets - Net Bank Premises-Customers' Liability on Acceptances - Net Loans - Trading Account Securities - Federal Funds Sold -Cash and Due from Banks= $429 - $38 - $29 - $7 - $276 - $2 - $26 - $9 = $42Depreciation = Gross Bank Premises - Net Bank Premises = $34 - $29 = $5Total Deposits = Total Liabilities - Nondeposit Borrowings - Acceptances Outstanding = $380 - $10.- 7 = $363.The reader should note that the asset item, Customer Liability on Acceptances, should have an equal liability item, Acceptances Outstanding.Alternative Scenario 1:Given: All Assets and all Liabilities double.Solution: Total Equity Capital = Total Assets - Total Liabilities= ($429 X 2) ($380 X 2) = $858 - $760 = $98Therefore, Total Equity, as expected, would also double.Undivided Profits = Total Equity Capital - Capital Reserves - Surplus - Common Stock –Preferred Stock= $98- $8- $11 - $12 -$3 = $64This represents an increase of $49 ($64 - $15), or over a 300% increase, and results from the doubling of total equity without concurrent increases in Common or Preferred Stock Issues, which would also cause changes in Capital Reserves and Surplus.Alternative Scenario 2:Given: Total deposits increase by 10 percent and gross loans increase by only 5 percent.Solution: There are two asset items that could increase to fill in the difference. Federal Fund: Sold is the most likely candidate for temporary use of these extra deposits. Cash and due from banks could also increase some, depending on the need for reserve requirement coverage.4-4. The reconstructed bank balance sheet is as follows:Balance Sheet (Report of Condition)Assets LiabilitiesCash and Due from Depository $ 3,992 Noninterest-bearing deposits $ 6,569 Institutions Interest-bearing deposits 27,486 Federal Funds Sold and 1,359 Total Deposits $34,055 Repurchase AgreementsSecurities 9,837 Federal Funds Purchased and 2,757 Loans to Financial Institutions 406 Reverse Repurchase Agreements Agricultural Production Loans 246 Demand Notes Issued to the 439 Credit Cards and Related Plans 790 Treasury and Other BorrowingsOther Loans to Individuals 5,032 Mortgage Indebtedness 45 Real Estate Loans, Total 9,544 Subordinated Notes andCommercial and Industrial Loans 6,372 Debentures 116 All Other Loans 2,258Lease Financing Receivables 147 All Other Liabilities 756 Loans and Leases, Gross 24,795 Total Liabilities 38,168 Less: Allowance for Loan 361 Common Stock 414 Losses Perpetual Preferred Stock 12 Less: Unearned Income 368 Surplus 758 Loans and Leases, Net 24,066 Undivided Profits 1,812 Premises and Fixed Assets 648 Total Equity Capital 2,996 Other Real Estate Owned 89 Total Liabilities andIntangible Assets 86 Equity CapitalAll Other Assets 1,087Total Assets $41,164 $41,164 The reconstructed bank income statement appears as follows:Interest Income:Domestic Office Loan Revenues $ 2,368,736Foreign Office Loan Revenues 5,290Income from Interest Earned on 70,073Balances Due from Depository InstitutionsIncome from Lease Financing Receivables 15,269Interest and Dividend Income on Securities 755,7158,696Interest Income from Trading AccountSecuritiesInterest Income from Federal Funds Sold and 91,362Repurchase AgreementsTotal Interest Income $ 3,315,141Interest Expense:Interest on Domestic Office Deposits $ 1,585,024Interest on Foreign Office Deposits 15,710175,624Expense of Federal Funds Purchased andReverse Repurchase AgreementsInterest on Demand Notes issued to the U.S. 23,163Treasury and Other BorrowingsInterest on Mortgage Indebtedness 3,811Interest on Subordinated Notes and Debentures 6,694Total Interest Expense $1,810,476Net Interest Income $ 1,504,665Provision for Loan and Lease Losses and221,967Allocated Transfer RiskNet Interest Income After Provision for1,282,698Possible Loan LossesNoninterest Income:Service Charges on Deposit Accounts 179,680Other Noninterest Income 326,847Total Noninterest Income $ 506,527Noninterest Expense:Salaries and Employee Benefits $ 619,207Expense of Premises and Fixed Assets, 187,676Net of Rental IncomeOther Noninterest Expenses 538,125Total Noninterest Expenses $1,345,008(838,481)Net Noninterest Income (or NoninterestMargin)Income (or Loss) Before Income Taxes 444,217Applicable Income Taxes 399,806Income Before Extraordinary Items 44,411Securities Gains (or Losses), Net of Taxes 4,845Net Income (Loss) After Taxes and Securities $ 49,256Gains or Losses4-5. First National Bank of Irwin reported loan losses for the current year of $ 1.34 million, $1.19 million one year ago, $1.08 million two years ago, $0.85 million three years ago, $ 0.71 million four years ago, and $ 0.59 million five years ago. With total assets of $465 million and eligible loans of $ 279 million First National in Irwin can use either the experience method (an average of actual losses for the current year plus the past five years) or the specific charge-off method (in which only loans declared uncollectible can be written off). After the 1986 Tax Reform Act, however, banks or bank holding companies with assets of $500 million or more must use the specific charge-off method. Therefore, when First National reached $507 million in total assets the following year it then had to use the specific-charge-off method in accounting for loan losses.4-6. The correct accounts into which the transactions described would be entered are:A. Office expenses F. Interest on loansB. Employee benefits G. Service charges onnoninterest income H. Interest earned on securitiesC. Interest on deposits I. Overhead expenseD. Provision for loan losses J. Securities gains, net of taxesE. Noninterest income4-7. The balance-sheet transactions described in this problem would affect the followingaccounts:A. Time Deposits $6,000; Automobile Loans $6,000B. Demand Deposits $1 ,000; Investment Securities $1,000C. Common Stock $100,000; Plant and Equipment $100,000D. Home Equity Loans - $2,500; Demand Deposits - $2,500E. Lease Receivables or Gross Loans $750,000; Cash Assets - $750,000F. Federal Funds Sold + $5 million; Reserves (cash assets) - $5 million; the next daywe have Federal Funds Sold - $5 million; and Reserves + $5 millionG. Allowance for Loan Losses, -$1 million4-8. The balance sheet for River's Edge National Bank should appear as follows:Balance Sheet (Report of Condition)Assets LiabilitiesCash $ 13 Demand deposits 55 Deposits due from Time deposits 40other banks 25 Money market deposits 31U.S. Treasury bills 10 Deposits due to other banks 5 Municipal bonds 12 Federal funds purchased 34 Federal funds sold and Securities sold under repurchasesecurity RPs 5 agreements 4Loans to commercial Mortgages against the bank'sand industrial firms 64 building 26 Automobile loans 21 Subordinated notes and 20Credit card loans 22 debenturesReal estate loans 42 EquityLeases of assets to Equity capital 9business customers 3 Total liabilities and equity capital $224Bank building andequipment 7Total assets $224Clearly, equity capital of $9 million must be added to bring the bank's balance sheet fully into balance.4-9. The income statement for Rosebush State Bank should be arranged as follows: Interest and Fees on Loans $62Interest and Dividends Earned on$9Government Bonds and NotesTotal Interest Income 71Interest paid to customers holding time andsavings deposits 32Interest paid on federal funds purchased 6Total Interest Expense 38Net interest income 33Service charges paid by depositors 4Trust department fees 1Total noninterest income 5Employee wages, salaries, and benefits 13Overhead expenses 3Provision for loan losses 28Depreciation on the bank's plant andequipmentTotal noninterest expenses 26Net income before taxes 12Taxes paid 3Dividends paid to common stockholders 2Retained earnings 74-10. The items which would normally appear on a bank's balance sheet are:Federal funds sold Savings depositsCredit card loans Common stockVault cash Mortgage owed on the bank'sbuildingAllowance for loan losses Undivided profitsDeposits due to banks Customer liability on acceptancesLeases of business Retained earningsequipment tocustomersThe items normally showing up on a bank's income statementare:Depreciation of bank Securities gains or lossesplant and equipment Employee benefitsInterest received on credit Service charges on depositscard loans Utility expensesInterest paid on moneymarket deposits4-11. The following items are calculated given the information in the problem.Net Interest Income = Total Interest Income –Total Interest Expenses750 = X - .5XTotal Interest Income = $1500Total Interest Expenses = $750Net Noninterest Income = Total Noninterest Income – Total Noninterest Expenses-$300 = .75X –XTotal Noninterest Expenses = $1200Total Noninterest Income -= $900PLL = .01 * Total Interest Income = .01*1500 = $15Taxes = .25 * Net Income Before Taxes = .25*45 = $11.25Dividends = .5*Net Income = .5*$20 = $10Web Site Problems1. Suppose you want to compare in size Wells Fargo Bank and J. P. Morgan. What web site could you use to do a size comparison of these two banks? What did you find when you got there? Have these two Banks changed in size relative to each other over the past decade? Why do you think this has happened?The best web site to find this information is the FDIC web site. It appears as if J.P. Morgan has continuously been larger. However, this information is deceiving. J.P. Morgan is no longer an independent bank. It has merged with Chase Manhattan. Wells Fargo before the merger was larger than J.P. Morgan because they were actively acquiring new banks. A decade ago, J.P. Morgan was larger.2. Which bank is larger as of the latest quarterly balance sheet (Report of Condition), Bank of America or Chase Manhattan Bank? Which web site could you use to answer this question? What did you find when you checked? Which bank holds the most loans? Deposits? Off Balance Sheet Derivatives?This information can be found from the FDIC web site very easily. Chase Manhattan is now J.P. Morgan Chase. These two banks are now very similar is size. Bank of America is slightly larger with TA of $609 billion while Chase has $602 billion in TA. However, they look very different in other respects. Bank of America has $398 billion in loans while Chase has $210 billion in loans. Bank of America has $386 billion in deposits and Chase has $294 billion in deposits. They also have very different amounts of off-balance sheet derivatives. Bank of America has $7,405 billion in off-balance sheet items while Chase has $24,140 billion in off-balance sheet items.。
CHAPTER 15MANAGING NONDEPOSIT LIABILITIES AND OTHER SOURCES OF BANK FUNDS Goal of This Chapter: To discover the major nondeposit sources of borrowed funds banks use today and to learn the factors a banker must consider in choosing among various deposit and nondeposit funds sources.Key Terms Presented in This ChapterCustomer Relationship Doctrine Commercial Paper MarketLiability Management Repurchase Agreement (RP)Federal Funds Market Funds GapDiscount Window Interest-Rate RiskNegotiable CD Credit Availability RiskEurocurrency DepositChapter OutlineI. Introduction: The Consequences of Deposit Shortfalls and the Need to Use NondepositSources of FundsII. Liability ManagementA. Customer Relationship DoctrineB. Purpose of Liability ManagementIll. Alternative Nondeposit Sources of Bank FundsA. Federal Funds MarketB. Borrowing from the Federal Reserve Bank in the DistrictC. The Development and Sale of Large Negotiable CDsD. Eurocurrency Deposit MarketE. The Commercial Paper MarketF. Repurchase Agreements as a Source of Bank FundsG. Long-Term Nondeposit Funds SourcesIV. Choosing Among Alternative Nondeposit SourcesA. Measuring a Bank's Total Need for Nondeposit Funds - The Funds GapB. Nondeposit Funding Sources: Factors to Consider1. Relative Costs2. The Risk Factor3. Length of Time for Which Funds Are Needed4. The Size of the Borrowing Bank and Its Funding Need5. RegulationsV. Summary of the ChapterConcept Checks15-1. What is liability management?181182Liability management involves the conscious control of the funding sources of a bank,using the interest rates (yields) offered on deposits and other borrowings to regulate the inflow of funds to match the bank's immediate funding needs.15-2. What advantages and risks does the pursuit of liability management bring to a bank?Improved control over funding sources enables a bank to plan its growth more completely, but liability management opens up certain risks, particularly of the interest-rate risk and solvency (default or failure) risk variety, because it tends to be more sensitive to changes in market interest rates.15-3. What is the customer relationship doctrine and what are its implications for bank fund-raising?The customer relationship doctrine places lending to customers at the top of a bank's priority list. It argues that a bank should make all good loans - that is, all loans that meet the bank's quality and profitability standards - and then find the funds needed to fund those loans the bank decides to make. Funds uses thus become a higher immediate priority item than funds sources.15-4. For what kinds of bank funding situations are federal funds best suited?Federal funds are best suited for banks short of reserves to meet their legal reserve requirements or to satisfy customer loan demand. It satisfies this demand by tapping immediately usable funds.15-5. Chequers State Bank loans $50 million from its reserve account at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia to First National Bank of Smithville, located in the New York Federal Reserve Bank's district, for 24 hours with the funds scheduled to be returned the next day. The proper accounting entries in this case would be:Step 1 - Lending the $50 millionChequers State BankStep 2 - Using the borrowed First National Bank of Smithvillefunds can also be shown, though it is not mentioned in the problem. You could show First National Bank of Smithville making a loan for $50 million under Assets, giving up $50 million from its reserve account.Step 3 - Repaying the Loan of Federal FundsChequers State BankFirst National Bank of Smithville15-6. Hillside Security Bank has an excess balance of $35 million in a deposit at its principal correspondent, Sterling City Bank, and instructs the latter institution to loan the funds today to another bank, returning them to its correspondent deposit the next business day. Sterling loans the $35 million to Imperial Security National Bank for 24 hours. The proper accounting entries would be:Step 1 - Lending Federal Funds to a CorrespondentHillside Security BankSterling City BankAssets LiabilitiesFederal fundspurchased +$35 mill.RespondentBank's deposit -$35 mill.183Step 2 - The Correspondent Bank Loans Funds to Another BankSterling City BankImperial Security National BankStep 3 - Repaying the Loan to the Respondent BankHillside Security BankSterling City Bank15-7. What are the advantages of borrowing from the Federal Reserve banks?Borrowing from the Federal Reserve banks is usually the lowest interest-cost source of funds. However, there are strict rules for borrowing by banks and borrowing for rate arbitrage is prohibited, although there is some evidence it does occur.15-8. How is a discount window loan from the Federal Reserve secured?A discount window loan must be secured by collateral acceptable to a Federal Reserve bank (usually U.S. government securities). Most banks keep government securities in the vaults of the Federal Reserve for this purpose. The Federal Reserve bank will also accept some government agency securities and high-grade commercial paper as collateral.18415-9. Posner State Bank borrows $10 million in adjustment credit from the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Can you show the correct entries for the granting and repayment of this loan? The proper entries are:Step 1 - Securing a Loan from the Fed.Posner State BankFederal Reserve Bank of ClevelandStep 2 - Repaying the Loan to the Fed.Posner State BankFederal Reserve Bank of Cleveland15-10. Why were negotiable CDs developed?Negotiable CDs were developed by banks to attract large corporate deposits and savings from wealthy individuals.15-11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of CDs as a bank funding source? Negotiable CDs offer a way to attract large amounts of funds quickly and for a known time period. However, these funds are highly interest sensitive and often are withdrawn as soon as the maturity date arrives unless a banker aggressively bids in terms of yield to keep the CD.18515-12. Suppose a bank customer purchases a $1 million, 90-day CD, carrying a promised 6 percent annual yield. How much in interest income will the customer earn when this 90-day instrument matures? What total volume of funds will be available to the depositor at the end of 90 days?Interest Income = Principal * Days to Maturity * Annual RateTo Customer 360 days Of Interestx 0.06= $1,000,000 x 1360= $15,000Total amount = Principal + Interestdue Customer = $1,000,000 + $15,000= $1,015,00015-13. Where do Eurodollars come from?Eurodollars arise from dollar deposits made in banks and at branch offices outside U.S. territory. Many Eurodollar deposits arise from U.S. balance-of-payments deficits that give foreigners claims on U.S. assets and from the need to pay in dollars for some international commodities (such as oil) that are denominated principally in U.S. dollars.15-14. How does a bank gain access to funds from the Eurocurrency markets?Access to these funds is obtained by contacting correspondent banks by telephone, wire, or cable.15-15. Suppose that JP Morgan-Chase elects to borrow $250 million from one of its London branches, then loans the borrowed funds for a week to a security dealer, and then returns the borrowed funds to its branch office in London. Can you trace through what accounting entries must be made? What if JP Morgan-Chase had decided instead to borrow the $250 million from a foreign bank not related to JP Morgan-Chase? How do the accounting entries differ in these two cases?If JP Morgan-Chase borrows from its own branch office the entries would appear as possible:Home Office of JP Morgan-Chase BankForeign Branch Office of JP Morgan-ChaseAssets Liabilities186When JP Morgan-Chase's home office makes a loan to a security dealer the entries are:Home Office of JP Morgan-Chase BankWhen the Loan is repaid and funds are returned to JP Morgan-Chase’s foreign branch we have:Home Office of JP Morgan-Chase BankForeign Branch Office of JP Morgan-ChaseIf, instead, JP Morgan-Chase borrows from another bank abroad not affiliated with JP Morgan-Chase, the entries would appear as follows:JP Morgan-ChaseU.S. Bank Serving as Correspondent to Foreign BankForeign Bank Lending to JP Morgan-Chase Bank187Deposit at U.S.CorrespondentBank +$250 mill.Eurodollar loan toJP-Morgan ChaseBank -$250 mill.When JP Morgan-Chase repays its loans we have:JP Morgan-Chase BankU.S. Bank Serving as Correspondent to Foreign BankForeign Bank Lending Eurodollars15-16. What is commercial paper?Commercial paper is a high-quality, short-term debt obligation issued by a large corporation with an excellent credit rating to provide for short-term cash needs.15-17. Suppose that the finance company affiliate of Citicorp issues $325 million in 9 day commercial paper to interested investors and uses the proceeds to purchase loans from Citibank. What accounting entries should be made on the balance sheets of Citibank and Citicorp's finance company affiliates?The appropriate entries for the above transaction are:Step 1 - Commercial Paper is Sold by the Affiliated Finance Company188CitibankFinance AffiliateStep 2 - The Affiliated Finance Company Purchases Loans from CitibankCitibankFinance Affiliate15-18. How do RPs arise?RPs are agreements to sell securities temporarily by a borrower of funds to a lender of funds with the borrower agreeing to buy back the securities at a guaranteed price at a set time in the future.15-19. What are the principal advantages to the borrower of funds under an RP agreement?RPs are a low-cost and low-risk way of borrowing loanable funds for short periods of time (usually 3 or 4 days). They are low risk because they are essentially a collateralized loan. The securities that are sold as part of the agreement act as collateral.15-20. What long-term nondeposit funds sources do banks draw upon today? How do these interest costs differ from most money market borrowings?Long-term nondeposit funds include mortgages, capital notes, and debentures. Generally, the interest costs on these funds sources are substantially higher than money market loans but are more stable usually.15-21. What is the funds gap for a bank?189The funds gap is the difference between current and projected credit and deposit flows that creates a need for raising additional bank reserves or for profitably investing any excess reserves that may arise.15-22. Suppose that Bankers Trust Company of New York estimates next week's new loan demand at $325 million and customer drawings on confirmed credit lines of $510 million, while new deposits next week are projected to equal $680 million. If the bank also plans to acquire $420 million in corporate and government bonds next week, what is the bank's projected funds gap?The expected funds gap (with all figures in millions of dollars) would be:Projected = $325 + $510 + $420 - $680 = $575.Funds Gap15-23. What factors must a bank manager weigh in choosing among the various nondeposit sources of bank funding available today?A bank manager must weigh factors such as relative costs, risk, length of time funds are needed, size of bank and its funding need, and regulations in choosing what nondeposit funds sources to use. Other factors held constant, bank management will seek out the lowest cost nondeposit funding sources available subject to the risk of availability problems and the danger of interest-rate volatility. When funds are needed for longer periods, negotiable CDs and Eurodollars are usually the preferred sources whereas very short-term cash needs usually will be met by Federal funds and RPs or by borrowing from the Federal Reserve banks. However, regulations impose reserve requirements on some funding sources (e.g., CDs) which increases their cost and these rules limit access to some sources (e.g., borrowings from the Fed's Discount Window).Problems15-1. Robertson State Bank of Clayton decides to loan $70 million of its reserves at the Fed to Tenison National Security Bank for 24 hours. In turn, Tenison National plans to loan the funds to a security dealer for 24 hours and then return the funds to Robertson State Bank. The correct accounting entries are:Step 1 - Lending the $70 millionRobertson State Bank190Tenison National BankStep 2 - Loaning the Borrowed FundsTenison National BankStep 3 - Repaying the Loan of Federal FundsRobertson State BankTenison National Bank15-2. Masoner National Bank holds most of its correspondent deposits with Flagg Metrocenter Bank which automatically reinvests any surpluses which Masoner may have. This morning Masoner has a correspondent deposit surplus of $11 million expected to last for 48 hours. Flagg will loan this surplus for two business days to Secoro Central City Bank and then the funds will be returned to Masoner's correspondent deposit at Flagg Metrocenter Bank.Step 1 - Lending Federal Funds to a CorrespondentMasoner National Bank191loaned +11 mill.Flagg Metrocenter BankStep 2 - The Correspondent Bank Loans Funds to Another BankFlagg Metrocenter BankSecoro Central City BankStep 3 - Repaying the Loan to the Respondent BankMasoner National BankFlagg Metrocenter Bank19215-3. Relgade National Bank secures adjustment credit from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco in the amount of $32 million for a term of 7 days. Please show the proper entries for granting this loan and then paying off the loan.The correct entries are:Step 1 - Receiving a Loan from the FedRelgade National BankFederal Reserve Bank of San FranciscoStep 2 - Repaying the Fed's loanRelgade National BankFederal Reserve Bank of San Francisco15-4. Itec Corporation purchases a 45-day negotiable CD with a $5 million denomination from Payson Guaranty Bank and Trust, bearing a 6.75 percent annual yield. How much in interest will the bank have to pay when this CD matures? What amount in total will the bank have to pay back to Itec at the end of 45 days?Interest Owed 45To Itec Corp. = $5,000,000 * 360 * 0.0675By Bank= $42,187.50193Total amountowed Itec = $5,000,000 + $42,187.50in 45 days in principle in interest= $5,042,187.5015-5. International Commerce Bank borrows $125 million overnight through a repurchase agreement (RP) collateralized by Treasury bills. The current RP rate is 4.5 percent. How much in interest cost will the bank have to pay?Interest cost= $15,624.50of RP = $125,000,000 x 0.045 x 136015-6. National Commerce Bank of New York expects new deposit inflows next month of $330 million and deposit withdrawals of $275 million. The bank's economics department has projected the new loan demand will reach $621 million and customers with approved credit lines will need $266 million in cash. The bank will sell $480 million in securities, but plans to add $155 million in new securities to its portfolio. What is the bank's projected funds gap?The estimated funds gap (with all figures in millions of dollars) is:Projectedfunds gap = $621 + $266 + [ $155 - $480 ] - [ $300 - $275 ]= $537 million15-7. First National borrowed $150 million in Federal funds from JP Morgan Chase Bank in New York City for 24 hours. After the loan was repaid JP Morgan-Chase loaned $100 million in federal funds to Texas Commerce Bank of Houston.(a) Illustrate these transactions using T-account entries.194(b) The interest income generated for JP Morgan-Chase from the above transactions was:1. Manufacturers' Loan: 0.0785 X $150 Million X 1/360 = $32,7082. Texas Commerce Loan: 0.0792 X $100 Million X 2/360 = $44,00015-8. BancOne of Ohio issues a 3-month (90-day) negotiable CD for $14 million to Travelers Insurance, bearing an annual 360-day yield of 8.47 percent. The value of the CD (including interest income) on its maturity date is:= Principal + (Principal * Days to Maturity / 360 * Annual Interest Rate)= $14 million + ($14 million * 90 / 360 * 0.0847) = $14.29645 millionThe amount of interest income Travelers will earn is:$14 million *90 / 360 * 0.0847 = $296,450.On the basis of a 365-day year Travelers' will earn365/360 * 0.0847 = 0.0859 or 8.59%.15-9. As a result of heavy loan demand experienced by banks within its holding company,195Interstate National Bank plans to raise $850 million in short-term funds this week, of which about $835 million will be used to meet these new loan requests. Current annual interest rates on alternative sources of funds are:Market Interest Rates Noninterest Cost RatesFederal Funds 8.73% 0.25%Negotiable CDs 8.69 0.25Eurodollars 9.11 0.35Commercial paper 8.65 0.50Fed. Discount Rate 7.25 0.25Calculate the effective cost rates on the above sources for Interstate and make a management decision on what sources to use.Effective Federal Funds Cost Rate =Million$835Million $850x0.0025Million$850x0.0873+=million835$million$2.125million $74.205+= 9.14%Effective CD Cost Rate =million$835million $850*0.0025million$850*0.0869+=million$835million$2.125million $73.865+= 9.10%Effective Eurodollar Cost Rate =million$835million $850*0.0035million$850*0.0911+=million$830million$2.975million77.435$+= 9.63%Effective Commercial Paper Cost Rate =million835$million $850*0.0050million$850*0.0865+196=million$835million$4.25million $73.525+= 9.31%Effective Cost of Borrowing from the Fed =million835$million $850*0.0025million$850*0.0725+=million835$million$2.125million$61.625+= 7.63%The cheapest source of all would be borrowing from the Federal Reserve bank. However, the bank has borrowed from the Fed in each of the past two weeks. Thus, it has probably come close to "wearing out its welcome" at the Reserve bank and, at least for the next week, should probably plan on borrowing from the next cheapest source - in this case, the Federal funds market.15-10. Hamilton Security Bank wants to raise $80 million in money market funds to cover a loan request from one of its largest corporate customers, who needs a 6-week loan. However, current forecasts call for a rise in money market interest rates over the next six weeks. Current money market rates are given below:Source Current RateFederal Funds 8.72%Discount Window at the Federal Reserve 7.00CDs (prime rated): One Month 8.45Three Months 8.49Six Months 8.58Eurodollar Deposits(Three Months) 8.58Commercial Paper: One Month 8.55Three Months 8.42What would you recommend to the bank's funds management department regarding how and where to raise the funds needed?Federal funds could be used to fund this loan, but not only do they happen to be the most expensive source in terms of interest cost right now, but also the Fed funds rate is very sensitive to market pressures and, therefore, will rise along with other market interest rates if the bank's forecast turns out to be correct. The Discount Window at the Federal Reserve looks very attractive, but the Fed prohibits borrowing to relend. Either 3-month CDs or 3-month commercial paper appear to represent good alternatives because the bank, presumably, can lock in the interest cost to fund this loan for the entire life of the loan. Assuming that the money market shares the expectations of the bank that interest rates will rise over the next six weeks, the bank will very likely have to pay a premium over the current rates on either the CDs or commercial paper. However, locking in these rates would still represent the better alternative.197Alternative Scenario:Given: Hamilton's economists are wrong and money market rates decline significantly over the next six weeks. How might your recommendations to the bank's funds management department change on how and where to raise the funds needed?Significantly declining interest rates would make shorter-term sources much more attractive to the bank. Federal funds, for example, although currently the most expensive source, may well be a good alternative, since the federal funds rate is very sensitive to interest rate changes. One-month CDs would also be a good alternative, as would one-month commercial paper. With the shorter maturities, the bank could readjust its costs downward as the interest rates continue to fall, maintaining the spread between the rate the bank is charging the borrower, which will be declining as rates fall, and the rate it is paying for its funds.Web Site Problems1. Which banks in the U.S. banking system seem to rely most heavily on deposits as a source of funding and which on nondeposit borrowings and liability management? To find out, select the name of a small local bank (or banks) in your area and look it up in the appropriate FDIC web site. Enter the bank’s name, city and state and determine its ratio of total deposits to total assets in the latest report available. Now compare this ratio to the same deposit to asset ratio for Bank of America and JP Morgan-Chase Bank. What did you find? Can you explain the reasons behind the different ratio values you observed?After examining the UBPR for the First National Bank of Edmond as well as Bank of America and JP Morgan-Chase (of New York) the following table can be formed.As can be seen, the First National Bank of Edmond has a much higher depositor base. Both of the other banks are very large banks and large banks tend to rely less on core deposits. However there are differences even between these large banks. JP Morgan-Chase is in New York City and has even less of a depositor bases that Bank of America. It must rely more heavily on liability management than Bank of America.198。
(略(**第二章探索性问题论坛:为什么对银行的监管如此严格?话题1:在美国,监管银行的法律法规有哪些?主要监管哪些方面?话题2:在中国,监管银行的法律法规有哪些?主要监管哪些方面?话题3:对银行严格监管真的有必要吗?有观点认为,监管只会阻碍银行的发展… 你同意否?第三章银行的组织与结构1、画出一家小银行、一家大银行的组织结构图。
商业银行习题及答案一、选择题1. 商业银行的主要经营范围是:A. 存款业务B. 贷款业务C. 资金清算D. 承销业务答案:A、B、C、D2. 商业银行的主要职能是:A. 吸收储蓄B. 发放贷款C. 支付结算D. 提供金融咨询答案:A、B、C、D3. 商业银行的资本金主要来源于:A. 股东出资B. 利润积累C. 吸收存款D. 贷款收回答案:A、B、C、D4. 商业银行在金融市场上的角色主要包括:A. 资金供给者B. 资金需求者C. 资金交易者D. 资金监管者答案:A、B、C、D5. 商业银行的监管机构是:A. 中国人民银行B. 银监会C. 证监会D. 财政部答案:B二、填空题1. 商业银行的存款业务包括__________两部分。
答案:活期存款和定期存款2. 商业银行的信用创造是指基于______________的贷款。
答案:存款准备金3. 商业银行的票据业务指商业银行发行和贴现____________的业务。
答案:银行承兑的汇票4. 商业银行的外汇业务主要包括____________和国际结算。
答案:外汇买卖5. 商业银行的贷款业务分为___________和非担保贷款。
答案:担保贷款三、简答题1. 商业银行的风险管理主要包括哪些方面?答案:商业银行的风险管理主要包括信用风险、市场风险、操作风险和流动性风险等方面。
2. 商业银行的中间业务是什么?答案:商业银行的中间业务是指除存款业务和贷款业务之外的其他业务,包括资金清算、承销业务、证券投资、信用卡业务等。
3. 商业银行的资金来源主要有哪些?答案:商业银行的资金来源主要包括吸收存款、发行债券、向央行借款、从其他金融机构融资等途径。
4. 商业银行的承销业务是指什么?答案:商业银行的承销业务是指代理企业、政府或其他机构发行证券,包括企业债、股票等,并负责在二级市场上进行交易和流通。
戴国强《商业银行经营学》(第4版)课后习题(第四章 现金资产业务——第六章 银行证券投资业务)【圣才
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利率敏感性负债(RSL):是指那些在市场利率变化时,其利息支出会发生相应变化的负债核心资本又叫一级资本(Tier1capital)和产权资本,是指权益资本和公开储备,它是银行资本的构成部分附属资本、持续期缺口: 是银行资产持续期与负债持续期和负债资产现值比乘积的差额。
三、计算题(x*x 课件上所有的计算题都是范围)该银行的加权平均资金成本是多少?该银行的加权平均资金成本=1/4×10%/(1-15%)+2/4 ×11%/(1-5%)+0.5/4 ×11%/(1-2%)+0.5/4 ×22%=0.1288=12.88%该方法可以使银行管理层估算不同筹资方案对资金成本的影响,从而进行有把握的定价。
2、某银行通过7%的存款利率吸收了25万美元的新存款,银行估计,如果提供7.5%的利率,可筹集存款50 万美元;如果提供8%的利率,可筹集存款75 万美元;如果提供8.5%的利率,可筹集存款100 万美元;如果提供9%的利率,可筹集存款125 万美元。
A古巴比伦 B希腊 C意大利 D英格兰2、()银行的成立,标志着资本主义现代商业制度开始形成。
A英国 B英格兰 C金匠 D意大利3、()的产生,标志着中国现代银行的产生。
A东方银行 B中国通商银行 C浙江兴业 D交通银行4、商业银行是一种特殊的企业,与一般工商企业的不同体现在()。
A经营对象特殊 B社会经济的影响特殊 C责任特殊 D经营目标特殊5、()是商业银行最基本也是最能反映其经营活动特征的职能。
A信用中介职能 B支付中介职能 C信用创造职能 D金融服务职能6、商业银行创造信用,受到()因素的制约。
A原始存款 B法定存款准备金 C现金漏出 D贷款需求7、商业银行能够把资金从盈余者手中转移到短缺者手中,使闲置资金得到充分利用,这种功能被称为()功能。
A信用中介 B支付中介 C信用创造 D金融服务8、下列银行组织形式中,()普遍存在于美国。
A分行制 B银行持股公司制 C连锁银行制 D单一银行制9、股份制商业银行的最高权利机构是()。
A董事会 B股东大会 C监事会 D行长或总经理第二章商业银行负债业务不定项选择1、西方商业银行交易账户包括()。
A活期存款 B 可转让支付命令账户 C自动转账制度 D货币市场存款账户2、西方商业银行非交易账户主要包括()。
A活期存款 B 定期存款 C储蓄存款 D货币市场存款3、银行对不同存款支付不同利率,与存款利率有关的是()。
A存款的期限 B 银行经营实力 C银行经营目标 D储户心理4、在证券回购业务中最大的风险是()。
A利率风险 B 违约奉献 C经营风险 D国家风险5、以下属于商业银行非存款类资金来源的是()。
A同业拆借 B 央行贴现 C证券回购 D发行中长期债券6、以支付命令书取代支票,并可以自由转让流通的活期存款账户是()A、ATSB、MMMDAC、CD SD、NOW S7、以下属于我国商业银行拆入资金用途的是()。
A、解决临时资金困难B、发放贷款C、固定资产投资D、长期占用第三章商业银行资产业务不定项选择1. 商业银行资产业务经营管理必须遵循的原则不包括以下哪项原则:()A.安全性 B. 流动性 C. 效益性 D.稳定性2. 我国现阶段商业银行最重要的资产是()A.贷款 B. 现金与存放同业资产 C. 证券投资 D.固定资产3. 企业贷款的定价方法中,以若干银行统一的优惠利率为基础,考虑违约风险补偿和期限风险补偿的方法是()A.成本加成定价法B.成本—收益定价法C.价格领导模型定价法 D.资产结构法4. 消费贷款定价主要有哪两种方式()A.固定利率定价 B. 住宅抵押贷款定价 C.浮动利率定价 D.非住宅消费贷款定价5. 流动性需求的预测主要有哪几种方法()A. 资金结构法B.因素法C.成本加成定价法D.流动性指标法6. 现金资产包括()A.库存现金B.在中央银行的存款C.托收中现金D.存放同业第四章商业银行中间业务一、单项选择题1. 汇款业务属于下列哪一类中间业务。
()A 支付结算类 B代理类C 担保类 D承诺类2.若银行汇票的实际结算金额低于出票金额,其多余金额由出票银行。
()A 退还持票人 B退交出票银行C 退交申请人 D退交承兑人3、对银行来说,贷款承诺在贷款被正式提出之前属于哪项业务()。
A表外业务 B表内业务C负债业务 D投资业务4.持卡人须先按发卡银行要求交存一定金额的备用金,当备用金账户余额不足支付时,可在发卡银行规定的信用额度内透支的信用卡是。
()A 贷记卡 B准贷记卡C 借记卡 D磁条卡5.银行保函的基本当事人包括申请人、担保人和。
()A 承兑人 B受益人C 保证人 D出票人二、多项选择题1、银行卡的基本功能有()。
A收取手续费 B转账结算C存取现金 D消费信用2.我国商业银行支票的种类有:()A现金支票 B转账支票C普通支票 D划线支票3. 含有期权的中间业务种类有()A贷款承诺 B备用信用证C互换 D贷款出售4.下列哪些属于商业银行的承诺类中间业务。
()A 备用信用额度 B回购协议C 银行承兑汇票 D票据发行便利5、竞争导向定价方法主要有:()。
A市场细分定价法 B 关系定价法C 随行就市定价法 D稳定价格定价法第七章商业银行风险管理与内部控制单项选择1.商业银行对整个机构内各个层次的业务单位以及各种形态风险实行全面风险管理,其风险管理职能体现在公司治理结构之中。
( )A.利率风险 B.市场风险 C.违约风险 D.外汇风险3.巴塞尔委员会2004年6月发布的《新资本协议》提出了两种信用风险的度量方法,它们是()A.标准法和内部评级法 B.内部评级初级法和高级法C.标准法和基本指标法 D.基本指标法和内部评级法4.Z评分模型和ZETA模型均为以_______为基础的多变量信用评分模型,它们可以作为借款人经营前景好坏的早期预警系统。
()A.违约参数 B.征信系统 C.加权风险资本 D.会计资料5.在信用风险的管理中,_______是防范和控制信用风险最彻底的方法,但是它的局限性是同时使银行失去了获利的机会。
( )A.风险分散 B.风险回避 C.风险转嫁 D.风险补偿6.信用风险的转嫁策略是指银行以某种特定的方式将信用风险转嫁给他人承担的一种策略。
风险转嫁策略在风险管理中运用得相当广泛,它包括保险转嫁与非保险转嫁,下列选项中哪个不属于非保险转嫁()A.保证 B.承兑 C.抵押 D.证券化7.我国监管部门规定,商业银行信用风险资产实际计提准备与应提准备之比不应低于_____,其中贷款实际计提准备与应提准备之比不应低于_______。
()A.100% ;80% B.80%;100% C.80%;80% D.100%;100%8.ABC银行以短期存款作为长期固定利率贷款的融资来源,当利率下降时,假定贷款的利率收入是固定的,则存款的利息支出会随着利率的下降而______-,从而使银行的未来收益_______。