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1.They ________ the coming of the year 2018 when an accident happened.

A.were celebrating B.celebrated

C.would celebrate D.have celebrated





2.She ________on the phone,so I just smiled at her and went away.

A.has talked B.was talking C.will talk D.is talking




句意:她正在打电话,所以我只是朝她笑笑就走了。考查动词时态辨析。so所以,表结果;根据so I just smiled at her and went away,可知她正在打电话,需用过去进行时,故选B。

3.James with the Greens the White Tower Park if it tomorrow.

A.are going to; isn’t rainy B.are going to; doesn’t rain

C.is going to ; won’t rain D.is going to; isn’t rainy



试题分析:句意:如果明天不下雨,James将和格林夫妇去白塔公园。If引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时从句用一般现在时。with the Greens在此是介词短语作后置定语真正的主语是James故谓语动词用单数。根据句意,故选D。


4.When it began to rain heavily, she ________ for a bus at the bus stop.

A.waited B.waits C.is waiting D.was waiting


【解析】句意:当雨下得很大时,她正在公共汽车站等公共汽车。A. waited一般过去时;

B. waits一般现在时;

C. is waiting现在进行时;

D. was waiting过去进行时。when引导的时间状语从句,从句用一般过去时,主句用过去进行时;故选D。

5.This medicine _______ millions of people’s lives since it was put into use.

A.is saving B.will save C.has saved D.had saved




6.Not only my classmates but also our English teacher Chinese poems, so we often share their favourite ones.

A.like B.liked C.likes D.liking


【解析】句意:不仅我的同学们而且我的老师都喜欢古诗,因此我们经常分享他们最喜欢的诗。本题考查动词的时态。A. like动词原形; B. liked 过去式;C. likes 单数第三人称; D. liking现在分词形式。Not only···but also···不仅···而且···用于连接两个对等的成分;若连接两个成分作主语,其后谓语动词与靠近的主语保持一致。our English teacher为单数第三人称,故选C

7.—Do you know _________ the meeting?

—Tomorrow morning.

A.when they had

B.when they are going to have

C.when did they have

D.when are they going to have





此题考查宾语从句,宾语从句要用陈述句语序,C和D是疑问句语序,故排除;根据回答Tomorrow morning可知此句时态是一般将来时,A是一般过去时,B是一般将来时;故选B。

8.―Eric, can you bring me the scissors? ―Just a moment. I the paper-cutting with it. A.make B.made

C.am making D.has made



a moment可知此处表示让对方等一会儿,应是正在使用这个剪刀,故用现在进行时be doing,


9.– Would you like to watch The Great Wall 《长城》with me?

-- Certainly. I don’t mind ________ it again although I ______ it twice.

A.to see, saw B.seeing, have seen C.to see, have seen D.seeing, saw


【解析】句意:——你愿意跟我去看《长城》吗?——当然了,尽管我已经看了两遍,但我不会介意再去看一遍。 mind doing sth.介意做某人,结合句意,首先排除A,C;根据"I don't mind ___ it again"和"although"可知尽管我已经看了两遍,但我不会介意再去看一遍.所以看过两遍用现在完成时,答案选B。

10.They their holidays in Paris last summer

A.spend B.spent

C.will spend D.are spending


【解析】句意:去年,他们在巴黎度假了。本题考查动词的时态A. spend 花费,度过,是动词原形 B. spent 度过,是动词的过去式 C. will spend 将要度过,是将来时态 D. are spending。正在度过,是现在进行时。根据题意,去年度过的。故选B。

11.—Mum, where is my dictionary?

—Oh, I didn’t see it, either. I’m afraid you ___________ it.

A.are losing B.will lose C.have lost D.were losing



句意:——妈妈,我的字典在哪里?——哦,我也没有看到它,恐怕你把它弄丢了。A. are losing现在进行时态; B. will lose一般将来时态;C. have lost现在完成时态; D. were losing 过去进行时态。lose这一动词发生在过去,造成的结果是现在看不见了,属于完成的动作,要用现在完成时态来表达,故答案为C。

12.I don’t know how long they _____. I remember he _____ his wife on a sunny day. A.married, got married to B.married, got married with

C.have been married , got married with D.have been married, married


