
计算机英语考试题目及答案一、选择题1. What does HTML stand for?a) Hyper Text Markup Languageb) High Technology Multimedia Languagec) Home Tool Management Languaged) Human Token Marker Language答案:a) Hyper Text Markup Language2. Which of the following is not a programming language?a) Javab) Pythonc) HTMLd) C++答案:c) HTML3. What is the purpose of CSS?a) To add interactivity to web pagesb) To structure the content of web pagesc) To define the layout and style of web pagesd) To create dynamic web pages答案:c) To define the layout and style of web pages4. What is the function of a router in a computer network?a) To connect computers to the internetb) To store and manage data on a networkc) To protect the network from security threatsd) To direct network traffic between devices答案:d) To direct network traffic between devices5. Which of the following is a commonly used database management system?a) Microsoft Wordb) Adobe Photoshopc) MySQLd) Windows Media Player答案:c) MySQL二、填空题1. The process of converting source code into machine code is called ________.答案:compilation2. The most widely used programming language for web development is ________.答案:JavaScript3. TCP/IP stands for ________.答案:Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol4. The physical components of a computer are referred to as ________.答案:hardware5. SQL stands for ________.答案:Structured Query Language三、简答题1. What are the advantages of using cloud computing?答案:Cloud computing offers several advantages, including:- Cost savings: Companies can reduce their infrastructure costs by using cloud services instead of maintaining their own hardware.- Scalability: Cloud services can easily scale up or down based on demand, allowing businesses to only pay for what they need.- Flexibility: Users can access cloud services from anywhere with an internet connection, enabling remote work and collaboration.- Disaster recovery: Cloud providers often have backup systems in place, ensuring data can be recovered in case of a disaster.- Automatic updates: Cloud services are typically updated regularly by the provider, ensuring users have access to the latest features and security patches.2. Explain the difference between HTTP and HTTPS.答案:HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a protocol used for transmitting data over the internet. It is not secure, meaning that the data being transmitted can be intercepted and read by anyone. HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), on the other hand, is a secure version of HTTP. It uses encryption to ensure that data is encrypted before transmission, making it much more difficult for hackers to intercept and read. HTTPS is commonly used for secure online transactions, such as submitting credit card information or personal details.四、编程题请编写一个Python程序,实现计算圆的面积和周长的功能。

一单选题 (共10题,总分值30分 )1. hacker (3 分)A. 音频B. 应用软件C. 机器语言D. 软件测试E. 结构化程序设计F. 内存G. 功能测试H. 关系数据库I. 黑客J. 防火墙2. functional testing (3 分)A. 音频B. 应用软件C. 机器语言D. 软件测试E. 结构化程序设计F. 内存G. 功能测试H. 关系数据库I. 黑客J. 防火墙3. relational database (3 分)A. 音频B. 应用软件C. 机器语言D. 软件测试E. 结构化程序设计F. 内存G. 功能测试H. 关系数据库I. 黑客J. 防火墙4. firewall (3 分)A. 音频B. 应用软件C. 机器语言D. 软件测试E. 结构化程序设计F. 内存G. 功能测试H. 关系数据库I. 黑客J. 防火墙5. software testing (3 分)A. 音频B. 应用软件C. 机器语言D. 软件测试E. 结构化程序设计F. 内存G. 功能测试H. 关系数据库I. 黑客J. 防火墙6. audi (3 分)B. 应用软件C. 机器语言D. 软件测试E. 结构化程序设计F. 内存G. 功能测试H. 关系数据库I. 黑客J. 防火墙7. application software (3 分)A. 音频B. 应用软件C. 机器语言D. 软件测试E. 结构化程序设计F. 内存G. 功能测试H. 关系数据库I. 黑客J. 防火墙8. machine language (3 分)A. 音频B. 应用软件C. 机器语言D. 软件测试E. 结构化程序设计F. 内存G. 功能测试H. 关系数据库J. 防火墙9. memory (3 分)A. 音频B. 应用软件C. 机器语言D. 软件测试E. 结构化程序设计F. 内存G. 功能测试H. 关系数据库I. 黑客J. 防火墙10. structured programming (3 分)A. 音频B. 应用软件C. 机器语言D. 软件测试E. 结构化程序设计F. 内存G. 功能测试H. 关系数据库I. 黑客J. 防火墙二填空题 (共1题,总分值5分 )11. Microsoft Word XP is the current Window versionof Word, and documents created in Word XP can beeasily _________________________________Excel, Power Point and Access files. In the interface of Word, the_________________________________displays the name of the current application and name of the current document;the_________________________________lists the names of the menus available;the_________________________________gives the user quick access to frequently used editingfunctions; the_________________________________enables theuser to change left and right margin.toolbarrulertitle barmenu barincorporate into (5 分)三翻译题 (共10题,总分值50分 )12. hard disk (5 分)13. 集成开发环境(5 分)14. 通用串行总线(5 分)15. network security (5 分)16. software maintenance (5 分)17. electronic commerce (5 分)18. 广域网(5 分)19. 结构化查询语言(5 分)20. management information system (5 分)21. 面向对象编程(5 分)四阅读理解 (共1题,总分值15分 )22. The Internet, then known as ARPANET, wasbrought online in 1969, which initiallyconnected four major computers at universitiesin the southwestern US . The early Internet wasused by computer experts , engineers, scientists, and librarians. There was nothing friendly about it. There were no home or office personalcomputers in those days, and anyone who used it, whether a computer professional or an engineeror scientist or librarian, had to learn to use a very complex system.The Internet matured in the 1970's as a result of the TCP/IP architecture. As the commands for E-mail, FTP , and telnet were standardized, it became a lot easier for non-technical people to learn to use the nets. It was not easy by today' s standards by any means, but it did open up use of the Internet to many more people in universities in particular. Other departments besides the libraries, computer, physics, and engineering departments found ways to make good use of the nets -- to communicate with colleagues around the world and to share files and resources.In 1991, the first really friendly interface to the Internet was developed at the University of Minnesota. The University wanted to develop a simple menu system to access files and information on campus through their local network.Since the Internet was initially funded by the government, it was originally limited to research, education, and government uses. Commercial uses were prohibited unless they directly served the goals of research and education. This policy continued until the early 1990's, when independent commercial networks began to grow.(四) Choose the best answer according to Passage C.(根据上文的内容选择正确的答案。

1 6.计算机专业英语试题 2I . Vocabulary (词汇)(30 分)(一) .Tran slate the follow ing words and expressio ns into Chi nese (写出下列词组的 汉语。
)(共 10 分,每题 1 分)1. operati ng system _______________________________2. white box testi ng _______________________________3. hard disk ________________________________4. man ageme nt in formatio n system ______________________________5. electr onic commerce _______________________________6. relati onal database ________________________________7. software engin eeri ng ______________________________8. .software maintenance _________________________________9. menu bar10. network security(二) .Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations. (根据汉语写出相应的 英语缩写。
)(共 10分,每题1分)2. _ 广域网4 .文件传送[输]协6 .面向对象编程8 .结构化查询语言10 .开放系统互(三) Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right 1. applicati on software a. 音频2. mach ine Ian guage b. 应用软件3. structured program ming c. 机器语言4. functional test ing d. 软件测试5. memory e. 结构化程序设计6. relati onal database f. 内存7. firewall g. 功能测试8. software test ing h. 关系数据库9. hacker i. 黑客10. audio j. 防火墙column.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。

习题+答案2.1Write T or F to each statementT6. An asynchronous device is a clocked device.T7. A latch is an asynchronous device, because it functions at arbitrary times.T8. The repetition of clock pulse can vary from very low rate to very high rate.T9. A synchronous device changes its state only on the arrival of a clock pulse.F10. A clock input may occur at any time.T11. The clock pulses are used to synchronize all operations of the shift register.T13. A unidirectional shift register is capable of shifting in one direction only.F14. In a shift-left register the serial input determines what goes into the leftmost position during the shift register.F15. To provide parallel transfer capability some additional input and output lines should be provided to the shift register.Choose the best answer for each of the following1. How can the output of a logic gate be energized?CA By changing its inputs.B By remaining its inputs unchanged.C By meeting the specific input condition.D By giving a pulse.3. A NAND gate consists of D .A an OR gate followed by an inverterB an AND gate followed by an inverterC an AND gate followed by an OR gateD an inverter followed by an AND gate4. Under what condition is the output of a two-input XOR gate logic-high?BA Its inputs are simultaneously at the same logic level.B Its inputs are simultaneously at opposite logic levels.C Its inputs are logic-low.D its inputs are simultaneously logic-high.2.2Write T or F for each statementT 1. The CPU uses the input and output units to communicate with the outside world.F2. Main memory is sometimes called external memory.F3. After execution the program and the related files of data and files of information will be retained in the main memory for later use.F4. Personal computers have not the features of the larger system..T5. Large systems offer higher processing speeds for user and return more data than PCs. F6. CPUs all size have primary storage, arithmetic logic, and the control section.F7. The output device is the heart of any computer system.T8. The input/output devices and auxiliary storage units of a computer system are called peripherals.F9. The instrument of interpretation and communication between humans and computers system of all sizes is CPU.F10 Special purpose computers can adapted to many situation by giving them an appropriate program.F11 .A minicomputer is the smallest and least expensive type of computer.T12. A special purpose computer performs only one specific task and thus lacks versatility. T13. The larger the system the greater is its processing speed, storage capacity.T14. Mainframe computers are designed to process complex scientific application.T 9. The main memory in a general-purpose computer is made up of RAM integratedcircuit chip.\F 10. When the power is turned on, the program counter is set the first address of thebootstrap loader by the software of the computer.T 11. The read-write heads contact the surface of the floppy disks.T 12. The data on a particular track will be switched automatically onto a spare track by the computer before a catastrophic failure would occur.F 14. The read write heads stay on the same track continuously when the disk drive isWorkingF 16. The possible symbols in the binary numbering system are q to 9.F 17. The decimal value of 16 is represented in 4 bits BCD as 00010101.F 18. Alphanumeric versions of BCD commonly use 6,7or 8 bits to represent characters.F 19. A 6 bit alphanumeric code can represent 128 different characters.F 22. Eight bit codes are limited to representing 128 different characters.T23. An extra check (or parity ) bit is often added to each 6, 7, or 8 bit character represented in storage so that it will be possible to detect coding errors that may occur.T24. If a computer uses an odd parity format to detect errors in character codes, thenevery valid character code will always have an odd number of 1 bits.T25. Processor comes with a unique set of operations called an instruction set.F 26. In an instruction, operands specify the function to be performed.T 27. A processor's job is to retrieve instruction from memory and perform step bystep operations,3.3 True or FalseF1 All operating systems on various computers take the same size.F 2 All operating systems were written in a low level language.T3 The user can't use the computers at all if there is no operating system on the computers.F4 The operating system exists in the lowest layer of a computer.T5 The system calls are provided by the operating system.T 6 A computer's operational software defines the schedule of jobs awaiting execution.F7 Though an operating system can schedule the execution of jobs, it does not manage the availability of I/O devices.T 8 The IOCS component of an operating system controls I/O operations.T9 It is a major problem for the operating system to map the logical file concept onto physical storage devices such as magnetic tape or disk.F10 Files can only be direct access on a disk system.T 11 The logic structure and nomenclature of the different operating systems vary considerable.F12 The form of the system prompt is the same for every kind of operating system 13 You must boot the system, before you use a microcomputer.T14 Spooling is an approach to improving system performance by over aping the input of one job with the output of other jobs.T15 Multiprogramming allows time sharing.T1 6 When they first appeared, the microcomputers were provided with the operating system developed for computers.T17 By using the graphical user interface, what the users need to do is to "point and click" in order to accomplish their tasks.T18 The interface introduced by Windows is the object-oriented user interface.T 19.TMicrosoft failed in betting their future on Windows.Multiple Choice1 A computer's operating system is:Da resource managementb error recoveryc memory managementd all the above2 Which is the generalization of a two-level directory?Da cycle graph directory structureb a tree-structuredc batch systemd all the above3 Which system may have no time constrains?Ca real-time systemb time-share systemc batch systemd all the above4 The more popular micro operating system is:Da MS-DOSb CP/Mc UNIXd all the above5 What languages can be used to develop the operating systems ?Ca A machine language,b An assembly language.c A high level language,d all of the above.6 How does the operating system manage the resources of the computer?a It turns on or off the resources of the computer.b It makes them work together towards some common goals, or objectives.c It controls the way in which these resources are put to work.d It acts directly on the raw hardware.7 The function of an operating system is Da to drive the the raw hardware of the computerb to drive the resources of the computer in accordance with certain objectivesc to provide the higher layers of software with a simplified computerd all of the above11 The graphical user interface provides the users withA a simpler way to interact with their computersB a series of typed commandsC an intuitive sit of graphical icons that allowed the completion of common tasksD an intuitive set of graphical incons for users to "point and click" in order toaccomplish their tasks, so that they didn't have to remember arcane words andcommands anymore12 Windows resemble the Macintosh inA providing a GUI which is introduced by MacintoshB providing a limited means of multitaskingC providing a Windows interface just like the GUID allowing users to load multiple programs and have them run in thebackground while doing other work in a window in the foreground3.4 True or FalseF1 Flowcharting is used primarily for program design and rarely for systems design.T2 When programming in a procedure-oriented language, you should tell the computer'‘what to do' and 'how to do it'.T3 Assembler-level languages use mnemonics to represent instructions.T4 Machine language instructions are composed of a label, an opcode, and an operand.F5 Machine languages must be converted by a compiler to be used by the computer.F6 High-level languages require that programmers work with individual main storage locations.. 5T7 A compiler is translating program that converts high-level languages into machine language.T9 A flowchart loop indicates the repetitive performance of steeps to process data.T10 None of the computers consists of hardware only.F11 Programs written in high-level language can be executed by the computers without the help of a translator program~T13 Each symbolic instruction has one-to-one correspondence with the machine instruction.T14 Writing a program in a high-level language need not take account of the hardwareof the computer.T 15 The opode of an assembly language instruction specifies the operation that is to beperformed by the microprocessor.T 17 The mnemonic for the instruction is the symbolic representation of the actual binary code that the computer directly executes.T 18 A label is on the left of the assembly language statement.T 21 To enable the computer to solve an application problem programmers have to write programs in order to translate the application concepts into computerconcepts.T 22 A class is defined by grouping a user-defined type with all procedures and function that can be applied to it.T 23 The artificial intelligence research community did not agree with the concepts of object-oriented programming when in its early days.F24 Object-oriented programming languages are absolutely different from the LISP programming language.T 25 A program may produce incorrect output even if it runs OK.T 26 An error will occur if a program wants to use a deleted file.F 27 All the errors can be avoided.T 28 A warning will not terminate the program.T 29 Although we could not avoid all the runtime errors, we must take appropriate action when it happens.Match the following terms to the appropriate definition1 program2 programmer3 machine language4 assembler5 source6 object7 interpreter8 compilerA A computer program that translates an instruction into machine language, execute it, and then repeats the process for each instruction in a program until the program is finished.7B The set of statements that make up a computer program.5C A computer program that reads a high-level language instruction.8D A computer-specific set of primitive or elementary instructions that allows people to communicate with a particular computer.3E A set of instruction that tells a computer what to do.1F A program that translates an assembly-level language into machine language4.G Output from a compiler or assembler that is linked with other code to produce executable machine language code.6H A person who creates computer program.23.5True or falseT1 The program specifications are written by the software engineers.F2 Coding a program will consume most of programmer's time and effort.T 3 Programmers should use flowchart and other visual aids when they are designing routines.F4 The goal of the test phase of program development is to "prove" that a particular program has been completely debugged.T 5 More programmers maintain programs rather than code programs.T 6 A structured program is made up of several modules.T 7 "Branching" capability is one the most intriguing properties of a digital computer.。

计算机英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What does the term "CPU" stand for?A. Central Processing UnitB. Central Power UnitC. Customer Personal UnitD. Control Power Unit答案:A2. The term "RAM" refers to:A. Random Access MethodB. Random Access MemoryC. Remote Access ModuleD. Real-time Application Module答案:B3. Which of the following is a type of computer virus?A. TrojanB. TractorC. TrackerD. Tracker答案:A4. The acronym "GUI" stands for:A. Graphical User InterfaceB. General User InterfaceC. Graphical Unified InterfaceD. Global User Interface答案:A5. What is the purpose of an "API" in computer programming?A. Application Programming InterfaceB. Advanced Programming InterfaceC. Automated Programming InterfaceD. Advanced Programming Indicator答案:A6. The term "LAN" is short for:A. Local Area NetworkB. Long Area NetworkC. Limited Area NetworkD. Large Area Network答案:A7. Which of the following is a common file extension for a text document?A. .txtB. .jpgC. .exeD. .mp3答案:A8. The process of finding and removing errors in a computer program is called:A. DebuggingB. BuggingC. LoggingD. Tagging答案:A9. What does "FTP" stand for?A. File Transfer ProtocolB. Fast Transfer ProtocolC. Full-Time ProtocolD. Future Technology Protocol答案:A10. The term "URL" stands for:A. Uniform Resource LocatorB. Unique Resource LocatorC. Universal Resource LocatorD. User Resource Locator答案:A二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. The basic unit of data in a computer is the _______.答案:bit12. A computer's _______ is the primary component that controls and processes data.答案:CPU13. The _______ is a type of software that protects a computer from malicious software.答案:antivirus14. A _______ is a location on a network where files can be stored and accessed.答案:server15. The process of converting data into a code to protect its confidentiality is known as _______.答案:encryption16. A _______ is a set of data that describes the characteristics of a file or set of files.答案:metadata17. The _______ is the process of recovering data after a system failure.答案:backup18. The term _______ refers to the use of a computer to create visual content, such as images and videos.答案:graphics19. A _______ is a program that controls the way a computer system operates.答案:operating system20. The _______ is the process of connecting two or morenetworks to enable communication between them.答案:networking三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)21. Explain the difference between a "bit" and a "byte".答案:A bit is the smallest unit of data in computing, representing a single binary digit (0 or 1). A byte is a group of eight bits, which is used to represent a character or a string of data.22. What is the role of a "firewall" in a computer system?答案:A firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. It acts as a barrier between a trusted internal network and untrusted external networks, such as the Internet.23. Describe the purpose of a "router" in a computer network.答案:A router is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks. It uses routing tables to determine the best path for data to travel, allowing multiple devices to communicate with each other across different networks.24. What is "cloud computing" and how does it benefit users?答案:Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services, including storage, processing power, and software, over the internet. It benefits users by providing scalable resources, reducing the need for on-premises infrastructure, and allowing for remote access to applications and data.四、翻译题(每题5分,共20分)25. Translate the following sentence into English: "操作系统是管理计算机硬件和软件资源的程序。

8. LAN h.代码窗口计算机专业英语试题I . Vocabulary (词汇)(30 分)(一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese (写出下歹U 词组的 汉 语。
)(共10分,每题1分)1 . operati ng system ____________________________________ 2.requirements analysis ____________________ 3. n etwork security ________________________________ 4. data structure ___________________________ 5.decision support system ______________________ 6. relational database _________________________________ 7.software crisis ______________________________8. .computer virus _______________________________9.email attachment _____________________________10. central processing unit ( CPU )(二).Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations.(根据汉语写出相应的 英语缩写。
)(共10分,每题1分) 1. _______________________________ 数据库管理系统 _________________________ 3. _______________________________ 多文档界面 _____________________________ 5 .只读存储器 ______________________ 7. _______________________________ 计算机辅助设 ___________________________9. _______________________________ 通用串行总线 (三)Match the followingwords and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。

《计算机专业英语》习题参考答案Lesson 1I.1. Operating System2. Fetch-evaluate-execute3. Front-side bus4. Dual-core processor5. Basic Input/Output System(BIOS)II.1. 指令是特定各式的二进制数列,它们对于每台机器都是唯一的。
2. CPU是中央处理单元的简称,每个字母分开发音。
3. 大多数计算在中央处理器中进行。
4. 双核是指一个处理器上有两个完整运算内核的CPU。
5. 处理器:是微处理器或CPU的缩写。
6. 集成电路:即芯片,是由半导体材料制成的一种电子设备。
III.1. F2. T3. TIV.1.ALU, CU, Register2.memory3.processor4.the CPULesson 2I.1.Static Random Access Memory(SRAM)2.Dynamic Random Access Memory(DRAM)3.Virtual Memory4.Physical Memory5.Level 1 Cache6.Level 2 Cache7.HDD access speedII.1.动态随机存储器之所以称为“动态”是因为它每秒钟被刷新数千次。
III.1. F2. F3. F4. TIV.1. non-volatile2. compiler3. volatile4. DRAMLesson 3I.1. Motherboard2. PC Case3. Hard Disk Drive(HDD)4. Optical mouse5. RAM6. Mobile DiskII.1.PC是有很多组件构成的一个系统。

计算机专业英语试题Ⅰ. Vocabulary(词汇)(30分)(一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese(写出下列词组的汉语。
)(共10分,每题1分)1. operating system2.requirements analysis3. network security4. data structure5.decision support system6.relational database7.software crisis8. computer virus9.email attachment10.central processing unit ( CPU )(二).Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations.(根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写。
) (共10分,每题1分)1.数据库管理系统 2.传输控制协议3.多文档界面 4.面向对象编程5.只读存储器 6.数字视频光盘7.计算机辅助设计 8.结构化查询语言9.通用串行总线 10.企业之间的电子商务交易方式(三)Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。
)(10分,每空1分)1. multimedia a. 字处理器2. software life cycle b. 交换机3. structured programming c. 多媒体4. functional testing d. 局域网5. word processor e. 结构化程序设计6. code windows f. 软件生命周期7. firewall g. 功能测试8. LAN h. 代码窗口9. hacker i. 黑客 10. switch j.防火墙1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10.Ⅱ. Comprehension(阅读理解)(一)Fill in the blanks with suitable words or expressions from the list given below, andchange the form where necessary. (从下面方框中选择合适的词或表达,以其适当的形式填空。

er System Bus
er Storage Bus
D.Universal Storage Bus
3.What is the primary function of a router in a computer network?
A.To store data
A.To prevent unauthorized access
B.To speed up internet connections
C.To store data
D.To print documents
9.What does"GUI"stand for in the context of computer systems?
5.What does"RAM"stand for in computer terminology?
A.Random Access Method
B.Random Access Memory
C.Remote Access Memory
D.Rapid Access Memory
6.What is the term for a collection of data stored on a computer?
1.The basic unit of data in a computer is called a____________.

计算机专业英语考试试题及答案一、选择题1. Which of the following is NOT a programming language?A. JavaB. PythonC. HTMLD. CSS2. What does the acronym "SQL" stand for?A. Structured Query LanguageB. Simple Query LanguageC. Script Query LanguageD. Secure Query Language3. Which protocol is commonly used for sending and receiving emails?A. FTPB. HTTPC. SMTPD. TCP4. What does the term "CPU" refer to?A. Central Processing UnitB. Computer Processing UnitC. Central Program UnitD. Computer Program Unit5. Which of the following is NOT a type of network topology?A. StarB. RingC. MeshD. Scroll二、填空题1. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, which is used for ____________.2. The process of converting source code into machine code is called ____________.3. IP address stands for ____________.4. The act of copying files from a remote server to a local computer is known as ____________.5. The programming language developed by Apple Inc. for iOS and macOS is ____________.三、简答题1. What is the difference between a compiler and an interpreter? Provide examples of programming languages that use each of these methods.2. Explain the concept of object-oriented programming (OOP) and provide an example of a programming language that utilizes this paradigm.3. Describe the client-server model and provide an example of a commonly used protocol within this model.四、论述题Discuss the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on various industries. Provide examples of how AI is being used in fields such as healthcare, finance, and transportation. Analyze the potential benefits and challenges of implementing AI in these industries.答案:一、选择题1. C. HTML2. A. Structured Query Language3. C. SMTP4. A. Central Processing Unit5. D. Scroll二、填空题1. creating and structuring the content of a webpage2. compilation3. Internet Protocol4. downloading5. Swift三、简答题1. A compiler translates the entire source code into machine code before the program is executed. Examples of languages that use compilers are C, C++, and Java. On the other hand, an interpreter translates and executes the source code line by line. Python and Ruby are examples of languages that use interpreters.2. Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that organizes data and functions into reusable objects. It focuses on the concept of classes and objects, allowing for code reuse and encapsulation. An example of a programming language that uses OOP is Java, where objects are instances of classes and can interact with each other through methods and attributes.3. The client-server model is a distributed computing architecture wherea server provides services or resources to multiple clients. The clients request and receive these resources through the network. An example of a commonly used protocol within this model is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which is used for communication between web browsers (clients) and web servers.四、论述题Artificial intelligence (AI) has had a significant impact on various industries. In healthcare, AI is being used for diagnoses and treatments, analyzing medical images, and personalized medicine. For example, AI-powered algorithms can help detect diseases like cancer at an early stage, leading to better treatment outcomes. In finance, AI is utilized for fraud detection, algorithmic trading, and customer service. AI algorithms can analyze large amounts of financial data to identify patterns and make accurate predictions. In transportation, AI is being employed for autonomous vehicles, traffic management, and logistics optimization. Self-driving cars, for instance, use AI algorithms to navigate and make decisions on the road.The implementation of AI in these industries brings about many benefits, such as increased efficiency, improved accuracy, and cost savings. AI systems can process and analyze vast amounts of data much faster than humans, leading to faster and more accurate results. However, there are also challenges to consider. Privacy and security concerns arise as AI systems handle sensitive information. There is also the worry of job displacement, as AI automation may replace certain human tasks. Additionally, ethical considerations need to be addressed, such as bias in algorithms and the potential for AI to be used for malicious purposes.Overall, the impact of AI on various industries is undeniable. It has the potential to revolutionize healthcare, finance, transportation, and many other sectors. However, careful implementation and regulation are necessary to ensure its responsible and beneficial use.。

习题+答案2.1Write T or F to each statementT6. An asynchronous device is a clocked device.T7. A latch is an asynchronous device, because it functions at arbitrary times.T8. The repetition of clock pulse can vary from very low rate to very high rate.T9. A synchronous device changes its state only on the arrival of a clock pulse.F10. A clock input may occur at any time.T11. The clock pulses are used to synchronize all operations of the shift register.T13. A unidirectional shift register is capable of shifting in one direction only.F14. In a shift-left register the serial input determines what goes into the leftmost position during the shift register.F15. To provide parallel transfer capability some additional input and output lines should be provided to the shift register.Choose the best answer for each of the following1. How can the output of a logic gate be energized?CA By changing its inputs.B By remaining its inputs unchanged.C By meeting the specific input condition.D By giving a pulse.3. A NAND gate consists of D .A an OR gate followed by an inverterB an AND gate followed by an inverterC an AND gate followed by an OR gateD an inverter followed by an AND gate4. Under what condition is the output of a two-input XOR gate logic-high?BA Its inputs are simultaneously at the same logic level.B Its inputs are simultaneously at opposite logic levels.C Its inputs are logic-low.D its inputs are simultaneously logic-high.2.2Write T or F for each statementT 1. The CPU uses the input and output units to communicate with the outside world.F2. Main memory is sometimes called external memory.F3. After execution the program and the related files of data and files of information will be retained in the main memory for later use.F4. Personal computers have not the features of the larger system..T5. Large systems offer higher processing speeds for user and return more data than PCs. F6. CPUs all size have primary storage, arithmetic logic, and the control section.F7. The output device is the heart of any computer system.T8. The input/output devices and auxiliary storage units of a computer system are called peripherals.F9. The instrument of interpretation and communication between humans and computers system of all sizes is CPU.F10 Special purpose computers can adapted to many situation by giving them an appropriate program.F11 .A minicomputer is the smallest and least expensive type of computer.T12. A special purpose computer performs only one specific task and thus lacks versatility.T13. The larger the system the greater is its processing speed, storage capacity.T14. Mainframe computers are designed to process complex scientific application.T 9. The main memory in a general-purpose computer is made up of RAM integratedcircuit chip.\F 10. When the power is turned on, the program counter is set the first address of thebootstrap loader by the software of the computer.T 11. The read-write heads contact the surface of the floppy disks.T 12. The data on a particular track will be switched automatically onto a spare trackby the computer before a catastrophic failure would occur.F 14. The read write heads stay on the same track continuously when the disk drive isWorkingF 16. The possible symbols in the binary numbering system are q to 9.F 17. The decimal value of 16 is represented in 4 bits BCD as 00010101.F 18. Alphanumeric versions of BCD commonly use 6,7or 8 bits to represent characters.F 19. A 6 bit alphanumeric code can represent 128 different characters.F 22. Eight bit codes are limited to representing 128 different characters.T23. An extra check (or parity ) bit is often added to each 6, 7, or 8 bit character represented in storage so that it will be possible to detect coding errors that may occur.T24. If a computer uses an odd parity format to detect errors in character codes, thenevery valid character code will always have an odd number of 1 bits.T25. Processor comes with a unique set of operations called an instruction set.F 26. In an instruction, operands specify the function to be performed.T 27. A processor's job is to retrieve instruction from memory and perform step bystep operations,3.3 True or FalseF1 All operating systems on various computers take the same size.F 2 All operating systems were written in a low level language.T3 The user can't use the computers at all if there is no operating system on the computers.F4 The operating system exists in the lowest layer of a computer.T5 The system calls are provided by the operating system.T 6 A computer's operational software defines the schedule of jobs awaiting execution.F7 Though an operating system can schedule the execution of jobs, it does not manage the availability of I/O devices.T 8 The IOCS component of an operating system controls I/O operations.T9 It is a major problem for the operating system to map the logical file concept onto physical storage devices such as magnetic tape or disk.F10 Files can only be direct access on a disk system.T 11 The logic structure and nomenclature of the different operating systems vary considerable.F12 The form of the system prompt is the same for every kind of operating system13 You must boot the system, before you use a microcomputer.T14 Spooling is an approach to improving system performance by over aping the input of one job with the output of other jobs.T15 Multiprogramming allows time sharing.T1 6 When they first appeared, the microcomputers were provided with the operating system developed for computers.T17 By using the graphical user interface, what the users need to do is to "point and click" in order to accomplish their tasks.T18 The interface introduced by Windows is the object-oriented user interface.T 19.TMicrosoft failed in betting their future on Windows.Multiple Choice1 A computer's operating system is:Da resource managementb error recoveryc memory managementd all the above2 Which is the generalization of a two-level directory?Da cycle graph directory structureb a tree-structuredc batch systemd all the above3 Which system may have no time constrains?Ca real-time systemb time-share systemc batch systemd all the above4 The more popular micro operating system is:Da MS-DOSb CP/Mc UNIXd all the above5 What languages can be used to develop the operating systems ?Ca A machine language,b An assembly language.c A high level language,d all of the above.6 How does the operating system manage the resources of the computer?a It turns on or off the resources of the computer.b It makes them work together towards some common goals, or objectives.c It controls the way in which these resources are put to work.d It acts directly on the raw hardware.7 The function of an operating system is Da to drive the the raw hardware of the computerb to drive the resources of the computer in accordance with certainobjectivesc to provide the higher layers of software with a simplified computerd all of the above11 The graphical user interface provides the users withA a simpler way to interact with their computersB a series of typed commandsC an intuitive sit of graphical icons that allowed the completion of common tasksD an intuitive set of graphical incons for users to "point and click" in order to accomplish theirtasks, so that they didn't have to remember arcane words andcommands anymore12 Windows resemble the Macintosh inA providing a GUI which is introduced by MacintoshB providing a limited means of multitaskingC providing a Windows interface just like the GUID allowing users to load multiple programs and have them run in thebackground while doing other work in a window in the foreground3.4 True or FalseF1 Flowcharting is used primarily for program design and rarely for systems design.T2 When programming in a procedure-oriented language, you should tell the computer'‘what to do' and 'how to do it'.T3 Assembler-level languages use mnemonics to represent instructions.T4 Machine language instructions are composed of a label, an opcode, and anoperand.F5 Machine languages must be converted by a compiler to be used by the computer.F6 High-level languages require that programmers work with individual main storage locations.. 5T7 A compiler is translating program that converts high-level languages intomachine language.T9 A flowchart loop indicates the repetitive performance of steeps to process data.T10 None of the computers consists of hardware only.F11 Programs written in high-level language can be executed by the computerswithout the help of a translator program~T13 Each symbolic instruction has one-to-one correspondence with the machineinstruction.T 14 Writing a program in a high-level language need not take account of the hardware of the computer.T 15 The opode of an assembly language instruction specifies the operation that is to be performed by the microprocessor.T 17 The mnemonic for the instruction is the symbolic representation of the actual binary code that the computer directly executes.T 18 A label is on the left of the assembly language statement.T 21 To enable the computer to solve an application problem programmers have to write programs in order to translate the application concepts into computerconcepts.T 22 A class is defined by grouping a user-defined type with all procedures and function that can be applied to it.T 23 The artificial intelligence research community did not agree with the concepts of object-oriented programming when in its early days.F24 Object-oriented programming languages are absolutely different from the LISP programming language.T 25 A program may produce incorrect output even if it runs OK.T 26 An error will occur if a program wants to use a deleted file.F 27 All the errors can be avoided.T 28 A warning will not terminate the program.T 29 Although we could not avoid all the runtime errors, we must take appropriate action when it happens.Match the following terms to the appropriate definition1 program2 programmer3 machine language4 assembler5 source6 object7 interpreter8 compilerA A computer program that translates an instruction into machine language, execute it, and then repeats the process for each instruction in a program until the program is finished.7B The set of statements that make up a computer program.5C A computer program that reads a high-level language instruction.8D A computer-specific set of primitive or elementary instructions that allows peopleto communicate with a particular computer.3E A set of instruction that tells a computer what to do.1F A program that translates an assembly-level language into machine language4.G Output from a compiler or assembler that is linked with other code to produce executable machine language code.6H A person who creates computer program.23.5True or falseT1 The program specifications are written by the software engineers.F2 Coding a program will consume most of programmer's time and effort.T 3 Programmers should use flowchart and other visual aids when they are designing routines.F4 The goal of the test phase of program development is to "prove" that a particular program has been completely debugged.T 5 More programmers maintain programs rather than code programs.T 6 A structured program is made up of several modules.T 7 "Branching" capability is one the most intriguing properties of a digital computer.。

习题+答案2.1Write T or F to each statementT6. An asynchronous device is a clocked device.T7. A latch is an asynchronous device, because it functions at arbitrary times.T8. The repetition of clock pulse can vary from very low rate to very high rate.T9. A synchronous device changes its state only on the arrival of a clock pulse.F10. A clock input may occur at any time.T11. The clock pulses are used to synchronize all operations of the shift register.T13. A unidirectional shift register is capable of shifting in one direction only.F14. In a shift-left register the serial input determines what goes into the leftmost position during the shift register.F15. To provide parallel transfer capability some additional input and output lines should be provided to the shift register.Choose the best answer for each of the following1. How can the output of a logic gate be energized?CA By changing its inputs.B By remaining its inputs unchanged.C By meeting the specific input condition.D By giving a pulse.3. A NAND gate consists of D .A an OR gate followed by an inverterB an AND gate followed by an inverterC an AND gate followed by an OR gateD an inverter followed by an AND gate4. Under what condition is the output of a two-input XOR gate logic-high?BA Its inputs are simultaneously at the same logic level.B Its inputs are simultaneously at opposite logic levels.C Its inputs are logic-low.D its inputs are simultaneously logic-high.2.2Write T or F for each statementT 1. The CPU uses the input and output units to communicate with the outside world.F2. Main memory is sometimes called external memory.F3. After execution the program and the related files of data and files of information will be retained in the main memory for later use.F4. Personal computers have not the features of the larger system..T5. Large systems offer higher processing speeds for user and return more data than PCs. F6. CPUs all size have primary storage, arithmetic logic, and the control section.F7. The output device is the heart of any computer system.T8. The input/output devices and auxiliary storage units of a computer system are called peripherals.F9. The instrument of interpretation and communication between humans and computers system of all sizes is CPU.F10 Special purpose computers can adapted to many situation by giving them an appropriate program.F11 .A minicomputer is the smallest and least expensive type of computer.T12. A special purpose computer performs only one specific task and thus lacks versatility. T13. The larger the system the greater is its processing speed, storage capacity.T14. Mainframe computers are designed to process complex scientific application.T 9. The main memory in a general-purpose computer is made up of RAM integratedcircuit chip.\F 10. When the power is turned on, the program counter is set the first address of thebootstrap loader by the software of the computer.T 11. The read-write heads contact the surface of the floppy disks.T 12. The data on a particular track will be switched automatically onto a spare track by the computer before a catastrophic failure would occur.F 14. The read write heads stay on the same track continuously when the disk drive isWorkingF 16. The possible symbols in the binary numbering system are q to 9.F 17. The decimal value of 16 is represented in 4 bits BCD as 00010101.F 18. Alphanumeric versions of BCD commonly use 6,7or 8 bits to represent characters.F 19. A 6 bit alphanumeric code can represent 128 different characters.F 22. Eight bit codes are limited to representing 128 different characters.T23. An extra check (or parity ) bit is often added to each 6, 7, or 8 bit character represented in storage so that it will be possible to detect coding errors that may occur.T24. If a computer uses an odd parity format to detect errors in character codes, thenevery valid character code will always have an odd number of 1 bits.T25. Processor comes with a unique set of operations called an instruction set.F 26. In an instruction, operands specify the function to be performed.T 27. A processor's job is to retrieve instruction from memory and perform step bystep operations,3.3 True or FalseF1 All operating systems on various computers take the same size.F 2 All operating systems were written in a low level language.T3 The user can't use the computers at all if there is no operating system on the computers.F4 The operating system exists in the lowest layer of a computer.T5 The system calls are provided by the operating system.T 6 A computer's operational software defines the schedule of jobs awaiting execution.F7 Though an operating system can schedule the execution of jobs, it does not manage the availability of I/O devices.T 8 The IOCS component of an operating system controls I/O operations.T9 It is a major problem for the operating system to map the logical file concept onto physical storage devices such as magnetic tape or disk.F10 Files can only be direct access on a disk system.T 11 The logic structure and nomenclature of the different operating systems vary considerable.F12 The form of the system prompt is the same for every kind of operating system 13 You must boot the system, before you use a microcomputer.T14 Spooling is an approach to improving system performance by over aping the input of one job with the output of other jobs.T15 Multiprogramming allows time sharing.T1 6 When they first appeared, the microcomputers were provided with the operating system developed for computers.T17 By using the graphical user interface, what the users need to do is to "point and click" in order to accomplish their tasks.T18 The interface introduced by Windows is the object-oriented user interface.T 19.TMicrosoft failed in betting their future on Windows.Multiple Choice1 A computer's operating system is:Da resource managementb error recoveryc memory managementd all the above2 Which is the generalization of a two-level directory?Da cycle graph directory structureb a tree-structuredc batch systemd all the above3 Which system may have no time constrains?Ca real-time systemb time-share systemc batch systemd all the above4 The more popular micro operating system is:Da MS-DOSb CP/Mc UNIXd all the above5 What languages can be used to develop the operating systems ?Ca A machine language,b An assembly language.c A high level language,d all of the above.6 How does the operating system manage the resources of the computer?a It turns on or off the resources of the computer.b It makes them work together towards some common goals, or objectives.c It controls the way in which these resources are put to work.d It acts directly on the raw hardware.7 The function of an operating system is Da to drive the the raw hardware of the computerb to drive the resources of the computer in accordance with certain objectivesc to provide the higher layers of software with a simplified computerd all of the above11 The graphical user interface provides the users withA a simpler way to interact with their computersB a series of typed commandsC an intuitive sit of graphical icons that allowed the completion of common tasksD an intuitive set of graphical incons for users to "point and click" in order toaccomplish their tasks, so that they didn't have to remember arcane words andcommands anymore12 Windows resemble the Macintosh inA providing a GUI which is introduced by MacintoshB providing a limited means of multitaskingC providing a Windows interface just like the GUID allowing users to load multiple programs and have them run in thebackground while doing other work in a window in the foreground3.4 True or FalseF1 Flowcharting is used primarily for program design and rarely for systems design.T2 When programming in a procedure-oriented language, you should tell the computer'‘what to do' and 'how to do it'.T3 Assembler-level languages use mnemonics to represent instructions.T4 Machine language instructions are composed of a label, an opcode, and an operand.F5 Machine languages must be converted by a compiler to be used by the computer.F6 High-level languages require that programmers work with individual main storage locations.. 5T7 A compiler is translating program that converts high-level languages into machine language.T9 A flowchart loop indicates the repetitive performance of steeps to process data.T10 None of the computers consists of hardware only.F11 Programs written in high-level language can be executed by the computers without the help of a translator program~T13 Each symbolic instruction has one-to-one correspondence with the machine instruction.T14 Writing a program in a high-level language need not take account of the hardwareof the computer.T 15 The opode of an assembly language instruction specifies the operation that is to beperformed by the microprocessor.T 17 The mnemonic for the instruction is the symbolic representation of the actual binary code that the computer directly executes.T 18 A label is on the left of the assembly language statement.T 21 To enable the computer to solve an application problem programmers have to write programs in order to translate the application concepts into computerconcepts.T 22 A class is defined by grouping a user-defined type with all procedures and function that can be applied to it.T 23 The artificial intelligence research community did not agree with the concepts of object-oriented programming when in its early days.F24 Object-oriented programming languages are absolutely different from the LISP programming language.T 25 A program may produce incorrect output even if it runs OK.T 26 An error will occur if a program wants to use a deleted file.F 27 All the errors can be avoided.T 28 A warning will not terminate the program.T 29 Although we could not avoid all the runtime errors, we must take appropriate action when it happens.Match the following terms to the appropriate definition1 program2 programmer3 machine language4 assembler5 source6 object7 interpreter8 compilerA A computer program that translates an instruction into machine language, execute it, and then repeats the process for each instruction in a program until the program is finished.7B The set of statements that make up a computer program.5C A computer program that reads a high-level language instruction.8D A computer-specific set of primitive or elementary instructions that allows people to communicate with a particular computer.3E A set of instruction that tells a computer what to do.1F A program that translates an assembly-level language into machine language4.G Output from a compiler or assembler that is linked with other code to produce executable machine language code.6H A person who creates computer program.23.5True or falseT1 The program specifications are written by the software engineers.F2 Coding a program will consume most of programmer's time and effort.T 3 Programmers should use flowchart and other visual aids when they are designing routines.F4 The goal of the test phase of program development is to "prove" that a particular program has been completely debugged.T 5 More programmers maintain programs rather than code programs.T 6 A structured program is made up of several modules.T 7 "Branching" capability is one the most intriguing properties of a digital computer.。

计算机专业英语试题2 Ⅰ. Vocabulary(词汇)(30分) (写出下列词组的汉语。
)(共10分,每题1分) (一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese1.operating system 2.white box testing 3.hard disk 4.management information system 5.electronic commerce 6.relational database 7.software engineering 8. software maintenance 9. menu bar 10.network security (根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写。
) (共10分,每(二).Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations.题1分) 1.只读存储器 2.广域网 3.传输控制协议 4.文件传送[输]协议 5.通用串行总线 6.面向对象编程 7.集成开发环境 8.结构化查询语言 9.数据库管理系统 10.开放系统互连.开放系统互连(三)Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。
)(10分,每空1分)1. application software a. 音频音频2. machine language b. 应用软件应用软件3. structured programming c. 机器语言机器语言4. functional testing d. 软件测试软件测试5. memory e. 结构化程序设计结构化程序设计6. relational database f. f. 内存内存7. firewall g. 功能测试功能测试8. software testing h. 关系数据库9. hacker i. 黑客黑客10. audio j. 防火墙防火墙1. 6. 2. 7. toolbar ruler title bar menu bar incorporate intoIf you want to solve the computational problem with a computer, you should learn how to 2. Computer programming is the process of planning and creating a sequence of for a computer to 2. Computer programming is the process of planning and creating a sequence of for a computer to3. The term coder is used to describe . 4. In order to solve a computational problem, you can let a person or a to do it. Passage C The Internet, then known as ARPANET, was brought online in 1969, which initially connected four major computers at universities in the southwestern US . The early Internet was used by computer experts , engineers, scientists, and librarians. There was nothing friendly about it. There were no home or office personal computers in those days, and anyone who used whether a computer professional or an engineer or scientist or librarian, had to learn to use a very complex system. The Internet matured in the 1970's as a result of the TCP/IP architecture. As the commands for E-mail, FTP , and te were standardized, it became a lot easier for non-technical people to learn to use the nets. It was not easy by today' s standa by any means, but it did open up use of the Internet to many more people in universities in particular. Other departments besides the libraries, computer, physics, and engineering departments found ways to make good use of the nets -- to communicate with colleagues around the world and to share files and resources. In 1991, the first really friendly interface to the Internet was developed at the University of Minnesota. The University wanted to develop a simple menu system to access files and information on campus through their local network. Since the Internet was initially funded by the government, it was originally limited to research, education, and governme uses. Commercial uses were prohibited unless they directly served the goals of research and education. This policy continued until the early 1990's, when independent commercial networks began to grow. (四) Choose the best answer according to Passage C.(根据上文的内容选择正确的答案。

计算机英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a programming language?A. JavaB. C++C. PythonD. Photoshop2. What does CPU stand for?A. Central Processing UnitB. Central Power UnitC. Central Printing UnitD. Central Programming Unit3. What is the full form of HTML?A. Hyper Text Markup LanguageB. Hyper Text Markup LanguageC. Hyper Text Markup LanguageD. Hyper Text Markup Language4. In computer networking, what does IP stand for?A. Internet ProtocolB. Internet ProgrammingC. Internet ProviderD. Internet Processor5. What is the primary function of a router?A. To print documentsB. To store dataC. To connect multiple networksD. To provide internet access6. Which of the following is a type of database management system?A. MS WordB. MS ExcelC. MS AccessD. MS PowerPoint7. What does the acronym RAM stand for?A. Random Access MemoryB. Rapid Access MemoryC. Remote Access MemoryD. Real Access Memory8. What is the term for a collection of data stored in a computer in a structured format?A. FileB. DocumentC. DatabaseD. Folder9. Which of the following is not a type of computer virus?A. TrojanB. WormC. AntivirusD. Ransomware10. What does the term "bandwidth" refer to in the context ofinternet usage?A. The width of the cableB. The speed of data transferC. The number of usersD. The quality of the connection二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The basic unit of data in computing is called a ________.2. A ________ is a type of software that is designed to prevent, detect, and remove malware.3. The process of converting data into a form that can be easily transmitted or stored is known as ________.4. A ________ is a hardware device that allows a computer to connect to a network.5. The term "cybersecurity" refers to the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from ________ and other types of cyber attacks.6. A ________ is a collection of related data and the way it is organized.7. The ________ is a type of computer memory that retains data even when the power is off.8. The process of finding and fixing errors in a program is known as ________.9. A ________ is a type of software that allows users to create and edit documents.10. The ________ is a set of rules that define how data is formatted, transmitted, and received.三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. Explain the difference between a server and a client in a network.2. Describe the role of an operating system in a computer system.3. What are the key components of a computer system?四、论述题(每题30分,共30分)1. Discuss the importance of data backup and recovery in a computer system.答案:一、选择题1. D2. A3. A4. A5. C6. C7. A8. C9. C10. B二、填空题1. bit2. Antivirus3. Encoding4. Network Interface Card (NIC)5. unauthorized access6. Database7. Hard disk8. Debugging9. Word processor10. Protocol三、简答题1. In a network, a server is a computer system or device that provides resources or services to other computers, known as clients. The server manages network traffic, centralizes data storage, and provides access to shared resources, while the client is a computer that requests and uses these resourcesor services.2. An operating system is the software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides services for computer programs. It acts as an intermediary between theuser and the computer hardware, allowing users to interactwith the computer without needing detailed knowledge of the hardware.3. The key components of a computer system include thecentral processing unit (CPU), memory (RAM), storage devices (hard disk, SSD), input devices (keyboard, mouse), output devices (monitor, printer), and peripheral devices (scanner, webcam).四、论述题1. Data backup and recovery are critical in a computer system because they ensure that data is preserved in case ofhardware failure, data loss, or cyber attacks. Regularbackups allow for the restoration of data to a previous state, minimizing downtime and potential loss of information. This process is essential for maintaining business continuity and protecting against data loss.。

计算机专业英语测试题一、词汇测试题(每小题1分,共20分)(一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese (共10分,每题1分)1.Cyber cafe2.microcomputer3.ROM4.Object-oriented programming5.utility program6.system specification7.database administrator8.modulator-demodulator9.client/server model10.spreadsheet program(二).Translate the following terms or phrases from Chinese into English (共10分,每题1分)1.中央处理器2.广域网3.超级计算机4.电子商务5.计算机安全6.计算机文化7.网站8.域名9.数据库管理系统10.软件工程二、完型填空题(每空1分,共20分)Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the list following each paragraph, making changes if necessary:1. Computer hardware is the involved in the of a computer and consists of the that can be physically handled. The function of these components is typically divided into three main categories: , , and . Components in these categories connect to , specifically, the computer’s central unit (CPU), the electronic that provides the computational ability and control of the computer, via wires or circuitry called bus.microprocessors component processing functionoutput equipment input circuitry storage2.In the relational model, data is organized in two-dimensionalcalled . There is no or structure imposed on the data. The tables or relations are, however, related to each other. The database management system (RDBMS) the data so that its external is a of relation or tables. This does not mean that data is stored as tables: the physical of the data is independent of the way in which the is logically organized.hierarchical set organize relational relationdata storage view network table三、英译汉题(每题10分,共20分)Translate the following passage from English into Chinese:1.The field of computer science has grown rapidly since the1950s due to the increase in their use. Computer programs have undergone many changes during this time in response to user need and advances in technology. Newer ideas in computing such as parallel computing, distributed computing, and artificial intelligence, have radically altered the traditional concepts that once determined program form and function. In parallelcomputing parts of a problem are worked on simultaneously by different processors, and this speed up the solution of the problem. Another type of parallel computing called distributed computing use CPUs from many interconnected computers to solve problems. Research into artificial intelligence (AI) has led to several other new styles of programming.2.High-level languages are commonly classified asprocedure-oriented, functional, objected-oriented, logic languages. The most common high-level languages today are procedure-oriented languages. In these languages, one or more related blocks of statements that perform some complete function are grouped together into a program module, or procedure, and given a name such as “procedure A”. If the same sequence of operations is needed elsewhere in the program, a simple statement can be used to refer back to the procedure. In essence, a procedure is just a mini-program. A large program can be constructed by grouping together procedures that perform different tasks.四、汉译英题(20分)最著名的互联网例子是因特网。

四、 以下各段叙述是对计算机专业术语的英文解释
(Network computer) A computer having the hardware and software necessary for it to be connected to a network
2(E-Mail) let you send messages to Russia,Japan and so on。 3(multimedia) Combination of media
5.(√)Currently,the performance of tasks by robot is based on preprinted algorithms
1.(×)A web browser is a special device that is installed in your computer that allows it to communicate with devices on a network

计算机专业英语试题及答案1. 选择题1. Which of the following is not a programming language?a) Javab) HTMLc) Pythond) CSS答案: b) HTML2. Which protocol is used for sending and receiving email?a) HTTPSb) FTPc) SMTPd) DNS答案: c) SMTP3. What does the acronym CPU stand for?a) Central Processing Unitb) Computer Processing Unitc) Control Processing Unitd) Central Power Unit答案: a) Central Processing Unit4. Which programming language is commonly used for web development?a) C++b) Javac) JavaScriptd) Swift答案: c) JavaScript5. What does HTML stand for?a) Hyperlinks and Text Markup Languageb) Hyper Text Markup Languagec) Home Tool Markup Languaged) Hyper Text Modeling Language答案: b) Hyper Text Markup Language2. 填空题1. The process of converting high-level programming code into machine code is called ___________.答案: compilation2. HTTP stands for ___________ Transfer Protocol.答案: Hyper Text3. The process of testing software by executing it is called ___________.答案: debugging4. Java is an object-_____________ programming language.答案: oriented5. DNS stands for Domain Name ___________.答案: System3. 简答题1. What is the difference between TCP and UDP?答案: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a connection-oriented protocol, which means it establishes a connection between the sender and receiver before transferring data. It ensures that all packets are received in the correct order and provides error checking. UDP (User Datagram Protocol), on the other hand, is a connectionless protocol that does not establish a direct connection before transmitting data. It does not guarantee packet delivery or order but is faster and more efficient for time-sensitive applications.2. What is the purpose of an operating system?答案: An operating system (OS) is a software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services forcomputer programs. Its primary purpose is to enable the user to interact with the computer and provide a platform for running applications. It manages memory, file systems, input/output devices, and multitasking. The OS also handles system security and resource allocation to ensure optimal performance.4. 解答题请参考下文并给出自己的解答。

习题+答案Write T or F to each statementT6. An asynchronous device is a clocked device.T7. A latch is an asynchronous device, because it functions at arbitrary times.T8. The repetition of clock pulse can vary from very low rate to very high rate.T9. A synchronous device changes its state only on the arrival of a clock pulse.F10. A clock input may occur at any time.T11. The clock pulses are used to synchronize all operations of the shift register. T13. A unidirectional shift register is capable of shifting in one direction only.F14. In a shift-left register the serial input determines what goes into the leftmost position during the shift register.F15. To provide parallel transfer capability some additional input and output lines should be provided to the shift register.Choose the best answer for each of the following1. How can the output of a logic gate be energized?CA By changing its inputs.B By remaining its inputs unchanged.C By meeting the specific input condition.D By giving a pulse.3. A NAND gate consists of D .A an OR gate followed by an inverterB an AND gate followed by an inverterC an AND gate followed by an OR gateD an inverter followed by an AND gate4. Under what condition is the output of a two-input XOR gate logic-high?BA Its inputs are simultaneously at the same logic level.B Its inputs are simultaneously at opposite logic levels.C Its inputs are logic-low.D its inputs are simultaneously logic-high.Write T or F for each statementT 1. The CPU uses the input and output units to communicate with the outside world. F2. Main memory is sometimes called external memory.F3. After execution the program and the related files of data and files of information will be retained in the main memory for later use.F4. Personal computers have not the features of the larger system..T5. Large systems offer higher processing speeds for user and return more data than PCs. F6. CPUs all size have primary storage, arithmetic logic, and the control section.F7. The output device is the heart of any computer system.T8. The input/output devices and auxiliary storage units of a computer system are called peripherals.F9. The instrument of interpretation and communication between humans and computers system of all sizes is CPU.F10 Special purpose computers can adapted to many situation by giving them an appropriate program.F11 .A minicomputer is the smallest and least expensive type of computer.T12. A special purpose computer performs only one specific task and thus lacks versatility.T13. The larger the system the greater is its processing speed, storage capacity.T14. Mainframe computers are designed to process complex scientific application.T 9. The main memory in a general-purpose computer is made up of RAM integratedcircuit chip.\F 10. When the power is turned on, the program counter is set the first address of the bootstrap loader by the software of the computer.T 11. The read-write heads contact the surface of the floppy disks.T 12. The data on a particular track will be switched automatically onto a spare track by the computer before a catastrophic failure would occur.F 14. The read write heads stay on the same track continuously when the disk drive is WorkingF 16. The possible symbols in the binary numbering system are q to 9.F 17. The decimal value of 16 is represented in 4 bits BCD as 00010101.F 18. Alphanumeric versions of BCD commonly use 6,7or 8 bits to represent characters.F 19. A 6 bit alphanumeric code can represent 128 different characters.F 22. Eight bit codes are limited to representing 128 different characters.T23. An extra check (or parity ) bit is often added to each 6, 7, or 8 bit character represented in storage so that it will be possible to detect coding errors that may occur.T24. If a computer uses an odd parity format to detect errors in character codes, then every valid character code will always have an odd number of 1 bits.T25. Processor comes with a unique set of operations called an instruction set.F 26. In an instruction, operands specify the function to be performed.T 27. A processor's job is to retrieve instruction from memory and perform step bystep operations,True or FalseF1 All operating systems on various computers take the same size.F 2 All operating systems were written in a low level language.T3 The user can't use the computers at all if there is no operating system on the computers.F4 The operating system exists in the lowest layer of a computer.T5 The system calls are provided by the operating system.T 6 A computer's operational software defines the schedule of jobs awaitingexecution.F7 Though an operating system can schedule the execution of jobs, it does not manage the availability of I/O devices.T 8 The IOCS component of an operating system controls I/O operations.T9 It is a major problem for the operating system to map the logical file concept ontophysical storage devices such as magnetic tape or disk.F10 Files can only be direct access on a disk system.T11 The logic structure and nomenclature of the different operating systems vary considerable.F12 The form of the system prompt is the same for every kind of operating system13 You must boot the system, before you use a microcomputer.T14 Spooling is an approach to improving system performance by over aping the input of one job with the output of other jobs.T15 Multiprogramming allows time sharing.T1 6 When they first appeared, the microcomputers were provided with the operating system developed for computers.T17 By using the graphical user interface, what the users need to do is to "point andclick" in order to accomplish their tasks.T18 The interface introduced by Windows is the object-oriented user interface.T failed in betting their future on Windows.Multiple Choice1 A computer's operating system is:Da resource managementb error recoveryc memory managementd all the above2 Which is the generalization of a two-level directory?Da cycle graph directory structureb a tree-structuredc batch systemd all the above3 Which system may have no time constrains?Ca real-time systemb time-share systemc batch systemd all the above4 The more popular micro operating system is:Da MS-DOSb CP/Mc UNIXd all the above5 What languages can be used to develop the operating systems ?Ca A machine language,b An assembly language.c A high level language,d all of the above.6 How does the operating system manage the resources of the computer?a It turns on or off the resources of the computer.b It makes them work together towards some common goals, or objectives.c It controls the way in which these resources are put to work.d It acts directly on the raw hardware.7 The function of an operating system is Da to drive the the raw hardware of the computerb to drive the resources of the computer in accordance with certainobjectivesc to provide the higher layers of software with a simplified computerd all of the above11 The graphical user interface provides the users withA a simpler way to interact with their computersB a series of typed commandsC an intuitive sit of graphical icons that allowed the completion of common tasksD an intuitive set of graphical incons for users to "point and click" in orderto accomplish their tasks, so that they didn't have to remember arcane wordsandcommands anymore12 Windows resemble the Macintosh inA providing a GUI which is introduced by MacintoshB providing a limited means of multitaskingC providing a Windows interface just like the GUID allowing users to load multiple programs and have them run in thebackground while doing other work in a window in the foregroundTrue or FalseF1 Flowcharting is used primarily for program design and rarely for systems design.T2 When programming in a procedure-oriented language, you should tell the computer'‘ what to do' and 'how to do it'.T3 Assembler-level languages use mnemonics to represent instructions.T4 Machine language instructions are composed of a label, an opcode, and anoperand.F5 Machine languages must be converted by a compiler to be used by the computer.F6 High-level languages require that programmers work with individual main storage locations.. 5T7 A compiler is translating program that converts high-level languages into machine language.T9 A flowchart loop indicates the repetitive performance of steeps to process data.T10 None of the computers consists of hardware only.F11 Programs written in high-level language can be executed by the computers without the help of a translator program~T13 Each symbolic instruction has one-to-one correspondence with the machine instruction.T14 Writing a program in a high-level language need not take account of the hardware of the computer.T 15 The opode of an assembly language instruction specifies the operation that is to beperformed by the microprocessor.T 17 The mnemonic for the instruction is the symbolic representation of the actual binary code that the computer directly executes.T 18 A label is on the left of the assembly language statement.T 21 To enable the computer to solve an application problem programmers have to write programs in order to translate the application concepts into computer concepts.T 22 A class is defined by grouping a user-defined type with all procedures and function that can be applied to it.T23 The artificial intelligence research community did not agree with the concepts ofobject-oriented programming when in its early days.F24 Object-oriented programming languages are absolutely different from the LISP programming language.T 25 A program may produce incorrect output even if it runs OK.T 26 An error will occur if a program wants to use a deleted file.F 27 All the errors can be avoided.T 28 A warning will not terminate the program.T 29 Although we could not avoid all the runtime errors, we must take appropriate action when it happens.Match the following terms to the appropriate definition1 program2 programmer3 machine language4 assembler5 source6 object7 interpreter8 compilerA A computer program that translates an instruction into machine language, executeit, and then repeats the process for each instruction in a program until the program isB The set of statements that make up a computerC A computer program that reads a high-level languageD A computer-specific set of primitive or elementary instructions that allows peopleto communicate with a particularE A set of instruction that tells a computer what toF A program that translates an assembly-level language into machine language4.G Output from a compiler or assembler that is linked with other code to produceexecutable machine languageH A person who creates computerTrue or falseT1 The program specifications are written by the software engineers.F2 Coding a program will consume most of programmer's time and effort.T3 Programmers should use flowchart and other visual aids when they are designing routines.F4 The goal of the test phase of program development is to "prove" that a particular program has been completely debugged.T 5 More programmers maintain programs rather than code programs.T 6 A structured program is made up of several modules.T 7 "Branching" capability is one the most intriguing properties of a digital computer.。

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回答错误!正确答案: A
Assembly-language instructions are a series of _________.
收藏 A. machine codes B. 0s and 1s C. words D. abstract codes
回答错误!正确答案: D
Videodisc and laser technology provide the ability to_________
收藏 A. cost more B. enhance other forms of education C. create some education files D. store large amounts of data
2 / 223
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Which of the following type of wireless devices has the highest po wer consumption? __________
收藏 A. ZigBee B. Wi-Fi C. Bluetooth D. Not mentioned
收藏 A. file B. hard C. backup D. soft
回答错误!正确答案: C
1 / 223
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Which of the following is WRONG about Web 2.0? __________
收藏 A. The ideas of Web 2.0 was featured originally in late 2004. B. Web 2.0 enables business to embrace the Web as a platform and user its strengths more effectively. C. Web 2.0 enhances creativity, information sharing and collaboration among Web users. D. Web 2.0 changes the ways of software developers and end-users utilizing the web

计算机专业英语测试题一、词汇测试题(每小题1分,共20分)(一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese (共10分,每题1分)1.Cyber cafe2.microcomputer3.ROM4.Object-oriented programming5.utility program6.system specification7.database administrator8.modulator-demodulator9.client/server model10.spreadsheet program(二).Translate the following terms or phrases from Chinese into English (共10分,每题1分)1.中央处理器2.广域网3.超级计算机4.电子商务5.计算机安全6.计算机文化7.网站8.域名9.数据库管理系统10.软件工程二、完型填空题(每空1分,共20分)Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the list following each paragraph, making changes if necessary:1. Computer hardware is the involved in the ofa computer and consists of the that can be physically handled. The function of these components is typically divided into three main categories: , , and . Components in these categories connect to , specifically, the computer’s central unit (CPU), the electronic that provides the computational ability and control of the computer, via wires or circuitry called bus.microprocessors component processing functionoutput equipment input circuitry storage2.In the relational model, data is organized in two-dimensionalcalled . There is no or structure imposed on the data. The tables or relations are, however, related to each other. The database management system (RDBMS) the data so that its external is a of relation or tables. This does not mean that data is stored as tables: the physical of the data is independent of the way in which the is logically organized.hierarchical set organize relational relationdata storage view network table三、英译汉题(每题10分,共20分)Translate the following passage from English into Chinese:1.The field of computer science has grown rapidly since the1950s due to the increase in their use. Computer programs have undergone many changes during this time in response to user need and advances in technology. Newer ideas in computing such as parallel computing, distributedcomputing, and artificial intelligence, have radically altered the traditional concepts that once determined program form and function. In parallel computing parts of a problem are worked on simultaneously by different processors, and this speed up the solution of the problem. Another type of parallel computing called distributed computing use CPUs from many interconnected computers to solve problems.Research into artificial intelligence (AI) has led to several other new styles of programming.2.High-level languages are commonly classified asprocedure-oriented, functional, objected-oriented, logic languages. The most common high-level languages today are procedure-oriented languages. In these languages, one or more related blocks of statements that perform some complete function are grouped together into a program module, or procedure, and given a name such as “procedure A”. If the same sequence of operations is needed elsewhere in the program, a simple statement can be used to refer back to the procedure. In essence, a procedure is just a mini-program. A large program can be constructed by grouping together procedures that perform different tasks.四、汉译英题(20分)最著名的互联网例子是因特网。
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计算机专业英语试题 2 Ⅰ. Vocabulary(词汇)(30分)(一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese(写出下列词组的汉语。
)(共10分,每题1分)1.operating system2.white box testing3.hard disk4.management information system5.electronic commerce 6.relational database7.software engineering8. software maintenance9. menu bar10.network security(二).Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations.(根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写。
) (共10分,每题1分)1.只读存储器 2.广域网3.传输控制协议 4.文件传送[输]协议5.通用串行总线 6.面向对象编程7.集成开发环境 8.结构化查询语言9.数据库管理系统 10.开放系统互连(三)Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similarin meaning in the right column.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。
)(10分,每空1分)1. application software a.音频2. machine language b.应用软件3. structured programming c.机器语言4. functional testing d.软件测试5. memory e.结构化程序设计6. relational database f.内存7. firewall g.功能测试8. software testing h.关系数据库9. hacker i.黑客10. audio j. 防火墙1. 6.2. 7.3. 8.4. 9.5. 10.Ⅱ. Comprehension(阅读理解)(一)Fill in the blanks with suitable words or expressions from the list given below,and change the form where necessary. (从下面方框中选择合适的词或表达,以其适当的形式填空。
)(10分, 每空2分)interface of Word, the _________ displays the name of the current application and nameof the current document; the ________lists the names of the menus available; the_____________gives the user quick access to frequently used editing functions; the_______enables the user to change left and right margin.Passage ADuring initial days of computing, software was largely developed by small groups ofpeople. When this software was to be maintained by another set of people, it used to bea nightmarish experience. When large commercial projects were to be handled, it used tobe an almost impossible task to keep the time and budget under control, and projectsused to get delayed and many projects were abandoned halfway. There was no systematicprocedure for the software development; everything was done on ad hoc basis. This adhoc approach led to the ‘software crisis’.Over the last few decades there has been a tremendous growth in informationtechnology and its impact on everyday life. Complex software systems have becomecritical to the operation of many systems in areas such as banking, communications,manufacturing, power generation, and transportation. Progress in computer science andaccumulated experience with industrial production of software have led to the emergenceof software engineering as a separate discipline. The software engineering disciplinehas been defined as "the application of systematic, disciplined, quantifiableapproaches to the development, operation, and maintenance of software." that is, theapplication of engineering to software . ()The computer science discipline concerns with developing large applications.Software engineering covers not only the technical aspects of building software systems,but also management issues, such as directing programming teams, scheduling, andbudgeting.For developing a software product, the development process is divided into differentstages. A convenient way of splitting the whole process is to divide the developmentinto the following five stages:Requirements Analysis & Specification: define the system requirements in detailDesign: specify system architecture and modules in detailCoding: produce source codeTesting: deal with unit testing and system testingMaintenance: fix bugs, enhance features and adapt across platforms.(二)Tell whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F) according to thepassage A.(根据上文的内容判断下列句子的正误)(10分,每题2分)1.During initial days of the development of software, everything was done indiscipline. ( )2.The definition of software engineering is "the application of systematic,disciplined, quantifiable approaches to the development, operation, and maintenanceof software." ( )3. For developing a software product, you need design, coding and testing. ( )4. software engineering is the application of engineering to software .( )5. Software engineering only covers the technical aspects of building software systems.( )Passage BIn order to solve a computational problem, its solution must be specified in terms ofa sequence of computational steps, each of which may be performed by a human or adigital computer . If you want to solve the computational problem with a computer, youshould learn how to program. The task of developing programs for the solution ofcomputational problems is referred to as programming. Computer programming is theprocess of planning and creating a sequence of steps for a computer to follow. Ingeneral, this process will help us resolve a problem, which is either too tedious ordifficult to work out otherwise . So programming is breaking a task down into smallsteps.Programming is sometimes contrasted with coding. Coding generally refers to thewriting of programs for given program specification, while programming includes thetask of preparing the program specification as well as that of writing the program. Thetext of a program is sometimes referred to as code, and lines of program text arereferred to as lines of code, especially in the case of machine-language programs. Theterm coder is used to describe a person engaged exclusively in implementing programspecifications prepared by others.What's actually involved in programming - the actual process of writing programs?Here's a quick overview of the process:· Write a program.· Compile the program.· Run the program.· Debug the program.· Repeat the whole process until the program is finished.(三)、choose the best answer according to the passage B.(根据上文的内容选择正确的答案。