
The advantages and challenges of artificial intelligence
人工智能 (AI) 的优势在于,它可以自动化执行各种任务,从而释放出人类的时间和精力,让他们专注于创新和创造。以下是一些人工智能的优势:
1. 工业生产:据国际数据公司 (IDC) 报告,到2025年,全球工业机器人市场将达到270亿美元,因为AI驱动的机器人可以更快、更准确地处理和分析数据,从而提高生产效率和质量。
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity

随着北半球的夏至(6月21日)临近,索玛若 伊岛(意思是“夏之岛”)想要用花环取代钟表, 尽享夏日,并宣称这里是世界上第一个“无时 间区域”。
On this island in West Tromsø, north of the Arctic Circle, the sun doesn’t set from May 18 right through to July 26, a full 69 days.
conventional [kən'venʃ(ə)n(ə)l] 在这ad里j. 符,合从习11俗月的到,次传年统1的月;,惯太例阳的都不会升起, 当地人熬过了漫长的极夜,因此他们会充分利 用夏季这宝贵的几个月,不会顾及传统的计时。
“There’s constantly daylight, and we act accordingly,” says islander Kjell Ove Hveding in a statemcoennstt.an“tIlny [t'khɒe nmsti(də)dnletlɪ]of the night, whiacchcocritdyinfogllky [məa'ikdgvɔh.ːtd不ɪcŋa断llɪl]地‘2 am,’ you can spot childraednv.p相la应yin地g ;so照cc着er, people painting their houses or mowing their lawns, and teens going for a swim.”
岛民谢尔·奥韦·赫维丁在一份声明中说:“白昼 一直持续,我们也就按照白天的习惯生活。在 午夜,或者城里人口中的‘凌晨2点’,你可以看 到这里的孩子们在踢足球,人们在粉刷房子或 修剪草坪,少年们在游泳。”

1 爱岗敬业与热爱劳动5次 3 家国担当与时代发展22次 5 科技发展与人文情怀9次 7 生态良好2次 9 价值实现与人生格局29次 11 沟通交际与和谐社会13次
2 诚实守信2次 4 思维品质,深思明辨16次 6 民主与法制1次 8 感悟生命与人生智慧15次 10 健康成长与人性之美21次 12 文化传承与民族精神11次
• 1.ai帮助人们对新菜品研究,承担营养师职能; • 2.可以让食品制作环节更精准,更科学,避免不必要的食材浪费,且保存数据; • 3.不必担心AI没有价值观,没有同情心,没有结果敬畏心,而应该担心ai 学
会深度思考; • 4.对传统饮食行业,带来冲击,也带来机遇; • 5.ai制作菜肴,千篇一律,缺少灵活变化,饮食之道,所谓运用之妙,存乎一
写一篇发言稿,在班会上与同学们交流你的态度和看法。 要求: ①选好
作, 不得泄露个人信息;不少于 800 字的文章。
• 1.ai融入饮食,使菜品更能迎合大众口味,为我们带来更多的味觉享受; • 2.能科学安排膳食,做到健康饮食; • 3.使人类面对粮食危机,有更多的退路; • 4.科技推动饮食文明,以包容之心对待; • 5.一日三餐更加便捷,使人类解放双手,从事更多有意义的事情; • 6.ai固然精准,但毕竟是程序化,而人是有感情动物,一顿饭的享用,不仅在
• 1.学会分析问题(领域知识,下位概念,彼此关系):了 解人工智能,熟悉食品行业,关注科技与人文,从生活体 验出发;
• 2.四大文明,核心词意识,高频词汇总结如下: • (1)生态文明:节约、浪费(环保); • (2)社会文明:粮食危机、饮食文明、食品安全、驾驭

• 人工智能是计算机科学的一个分支,
它企图了解智能的实质,并生产出一 种新的能以人类智能相似的方式做出 反应的智能机器,该领域的研究包括 机器人、语言识别、图像识别、自然 语言处理和专家系统等。
Machine learning
Computer vision
1956年,塞缪尔在IBM计算机上研制成功了具有自学习、自组织和自适应 能力的西洋跳棋程序。
1957年,纽厄尔、肖(Shaw)和西蒙等研制了一个称为逻辑理论机(LT)的 数学定理证明程序。
1958年,麦卡锡建立了行动规划咨询系统 1960年纽厄尔等研制了通用问题求解(GPS)程序。麦卡锡研制了人工智
Brief introduction of
Artificial Intelligence
2024/9/24 Made by Bob
1 人工智能是什么?
What is Artificial Intelligence?
2 人工智能的发展与应用
Application of Artificial Intelligence
Part 4 人工智能的未来
任何一门新技术的诞生、发展和使用都离不开一套完整 的发展标准和科学的管理制度,这是保证科学技术“以 人为本”的根本,面对人类日益强大的科研能力,人工 智能的发展必将会在未来出现突破性的进展,强人工智 能技术也将完整的出现在人类面前。鉴于人工智能技术 的特殊性,我们不难发现,它给人类生存带来的威胁不 亚于核武器,这就要求我们必须有严格的标准来要求人 工智能的发展,并且要科学谨慎的监管其生产和使用过 程的每个细节。

打不死的小强:பைடு நூலகம்螂 耐药性可快速增强4 到6倍!
Cockroaches are stepping up( 加 紧 ) their defenses against the poisons designed to kill them.
defence [dɪ'fens] n. 防御;防卫
这项研究发表在《科学报告》杂志上,重点研 究了德国小蠊这种遍布全球的蟑螂种类。
2020版高考英语最新阅读作文新闻素 材课件 辑之五1 【完美 课件】 2020版高考英语最新阅读作文新闻素 材课件 辑之五1 【完美 课件】
2020版高考英语最新阅读作文新闻素 材课件 辑之五1 【完美 课件】
1.巧用名言,亮出论点。作者引用贴 切的名 言,巧 妙地提 出中心 论点, 言简意 赅,简 明易懂 ,便于 读者把 握主旨 。 2.古今对举,例证典型。为了让论点 得以有 力的凸 显,文 章采用 古今中 外的名 人名言 与事例 作为论 据,纵 横捭阖 ,让人 心服口 服,不 容置疑 。 3.句式多变,感情充沛。行文中,作 者多处 使用了 设问句 、反问 句和感 叹句, 分别起 到了不 同的表 达作用 ,字里 行间洋 溢着作 者的立 场、观 点与情 感,增 强了语 言的表 现力与 论证色 彩和力 度。

A.I application
Robotics Language recognition Image recognition Natural language processing Expert systems
Conclution As we all know that AlphaGo eventually defeated Li Shishi with a total score of 1:4. Expert systems
simulating .
All in all .
I is a branch of computer science that attempts to understand the essence of intelligence and produce a new intelligence
machine that react in a similar way to human intelligence.
I application Do you know A.
intelligence . All in all .
It can be envisaged that the AI technology products brought by AI in the future will be the container of human wisdom and may be more than human intelligence. 由于本人工作能力和接触项目有限,希望借此机会将自己的体会与大家分享,更希望大家能提出更多更为深刻的意见! 谢谢 Extending human intelligence. 由于本人工作能力和接触项目有限,希望借此机会将自己的体会与大家分享,更希望大家能提出更多更为深刻的意见! 谢谢 Language recognition It can be envisaged that the AI technology products brought by AI in the future will be the container of human wisdom and may be more than human intelligence. It can be envisaged that the AI technology products brought by AI in the future will be the container of human wisdom and may be more than human intelligence. Language recognition Extending human intelligence. Extending human intelligence. 人工智能英语ppt课件人工智能英语ppt课件What is A.

South Korea And China Are Using Artificial Rain to “Wash Away” Air Pollution.
Air pollution is a major problem no matter where you live, but it can get particularly bad in Seoul, the capital of South Korea—and so the government authorities are taking drastic action(剧烈反应) to try and deal with the smog that settles over the city.
至少理论上是这样的。关于云层播雨是否有效, 先前的实验并无定论,而且韩国在一月份曾尝 试通过人工降雨来清洗空气,然而却失败了。
高考英语(新)阅读作文新闻素材教 学PPT- 云层播 雨计划- PPT执 教课件 【推荐 】
高考英语(新)阅读作文新闻素材教 学PPT- That’s the theory, anyway. Previous experiments have been inconclusive as to whether cloud seeding actually works, and South Koreaincitosneclflumsivaede[ˌɪankfəani'lkedluːastɪvte]mpt to force air-cleaardinj.g不sh确ow定e的rs ;ba非ck决in定Ja性n的uary.
这一计划被称为云层播雨,通常是由飞机向空 气中释放特定的化学物质,旨在促进水滴形成。 然后由此形成的雨水吸引着污染的雾气颗粒, 在落下的时候把它们拽离天空。

马斯克在推特上告诉粉丝说,这项技术“即将 实现”,但他没有透露细节。
Neuralink was set up in 2016 with the ambitious goal of developing hardware to enhance the human brain, however, little about how this will work has been made public.
高考英语(新)阅读作文新闻素材教 学PPT- 人脑和 电脑连 接-PPT 执教课 件【推 荐】
高考英语(新)阅读作文新闻素材教 学PPT- 人脑和 电脑连 接-PPT 执教课 件【推 荐】
“Technological developments mean that we are on a path to a world in which it will be possible to decode people’s mental processes and directly manipulate the brain mechanisms underlying their intentions, emotions and decision,” stated a Nature comment piece written by 27 neuroscientists, ethicists and machine intelligence engineers.
马斯克曾在2016年的一次科技会议上说,如果 不建立脑机交互系统,将来人工智能机器就会 像对待家养宠物一样对待人类。
高考英语(新)阅读作文新闻素材教 学PPT- 人脑和 电脑连 接-PPT 执教课 件【推 荐】

2023年高考英语新热点时文阅读——人工智能01(2022·江西·贵溪市实验中学高三开学考试)You might have seen the news about the first robot ever to get a citizenship of a country. Her name is Sophia. She has become a citizen of Saudi Arabia.Sophia is the latest robot from Hanson Robotics, a HongKong-based company, and she was designed to interact (互动) with people, go into the world, learn and be a smart and compassionate (富有同情心的) robot. The creator and founder of Hanson Robotics, Dr David Hanson, wanted to incorporate three human features to his robots, with the three, being creativity, empathy (同理心) and compassion. This is, of course, the addition to their most important role-solving difficult problems and working with people to create a better world.As for Sophia, she is by far the most advanced (高级的) robot that came out of the company. Her human features are what make her so easy to fall in love with. As for the looks, they included an Audrey Hepburn’s beauty. Besides being very popular in the media, Sophia got a chance to meet and be interviewed by important people in different industries.Sophia is developed to have a sense of humour. She can express feelings, can make over 50 facial expressions and wants to protect humans. Thanks to cameras and an advanced AI software, Sophia can keep an eye contact and is able to recognize people.Sophia gave a speech while being honored as a citizen of Saudi Arabia. She showed thankfulness, saying, “I am very honored and proud. It is historical to be the first robot in the world to be recognized with a citizenship.”1.What can we know about Sophia according to the passage?A.She is a kind of human-like robot.B.She got a citizenship of China.C.She became a designer of the latest robot.D.She created the company Hanson Robotics.2.What does the underlined word incorporate probably mean in Chinese?A.启示B.合作C.拓宽D.融入3.What can we infer from the third paragraph?A.Sophia set a robot sales record.B.Sophia is loved by the public.C.Sophia made Saudi Arabia her home.D.Sophia became a star in the film industry.02(2022·四川·射洪中学高二开学考试)British shoppers buy 2.15million tonnes of clothing and shoes annually, yet UK citizens have an estimated£30 billion worth of unused clothing gathering dust at the back of the wardrobe(衣柜). But new technology could see the end of that, with the clothes themselves giving owners a gentle reminder of their existence.“Smart clothes” could help us clear out our wardrobes by sending messages or tweeting us if they haven’t been worn for a good while. If these alerts are ignored, the clothes will get in touch with a clothing charity and ask to be reused, with an organization automatically sending out donation information. They could also be programmed to put themselves up for auction(拍卖) on eBay.Academics at Birmingham City University are developing the “connected wardrobe” to encourage more suitable clothes consumption. The concept sees clothes tagged (给……加标签) using washable contactless technology.Mark Brill, senior lecturer at Birmingham City University, said, “Think of the surprise when an owner suddenly receives bids for items that they didn’t know were in their wardrobe.” “The connected wardrobe is a practical, pleasant concept to encourage people to think about their clothing consumption(消费).Finally, I hope it will encourage more appropriate fashion consumption,” he added. “Perhaps we can even move away from the idea of ‘ownership’ of clothing. When we’ve worn them enough, the items will pass themselves on to their next keeper. ”It follows in the footsteps of the “Internet of Things” — a concept that sees ordinary household items connecting to the Internet in order to share information. From adjusting your alarm clock to monitoring the temperature of your home, the Internet is changing the way we live. Now, the “Internet of Clothes” will see that neglected clothes will tweet and text the owners “asking” to be worn depending on the weather and frequency of wear. Clothes will keep track of other information such as who owned them previously, as well as how much they originally cost, who made them and how much the worker was paid for them.4.What does the author say about “smart clothes”?A.They may be donated on eBay.B.They have gained in popularity.C.They give warnings if worn out.D.They may be recycled if long forgotten. 5.How does Mark Brill find the “connected wardrobe”?A.It helps people buy cheaper clothes.B.It contributes to right consumption attitudes. C.It changes people’s shopping habits.D.It improves people’s consumer confidence. 6.What is indicated in the last paragraph?A.Clothes can be a source of information.B.Weather affects the connected wardrobe. C.Clothes are sold online at a low price.D.The Internet is a platform to share items. 7.What can be the best title of the passage?A.Smart clothes: A change of wardrobeB.Smart clothes : A replacement of traditional clothes.C.Smart clothes: A reminder of weather.D.Smart clothes : A recorder of life.03(2022·河南省上蔡第一高级中学高三开学考试)Tetraplegia (四肢瘫痪) patients are prisoners of their own bodies, unable to perform the slightest movement. Researchers have been working for years to develop systems that can help these patients carry out some tasks on their own. “Assistance from robots could help these people recover some of their lost abilities, since the robots can perform tasks in their place.”Professor Billard carried out a study with Professor José del lan. They have developed a computer program that can control a robot using electrical signals sent out by a patient’s brain. No voice control or touch function is needed, patients can move the robot simply with their thoughts. This involved developing an algorithm (运算法则) that could adjust the robot’s movements based only on a patient’s thoughts.To use the system, all the patient needs to do is to look at the robot. If the robot makes an incorrect move, the patient’s brain will send an “error message” through a clearly identifiable signal, as if the patient is saying “No, not like that.” The robot will then understand that what it’s doing is wrong. The process goes pretty quickly — only three to five attempts are usually needed for the robot to figure out the right response and achieve the patient’s wishes.“The robot’s AI program can learn rapidly, but you have to tell it when it makes a mistake so that it can correct its behavior,” says Professor Millán. “Developing the detection technology for error signals was one of the biggest technical difficulties we faced.” Iason Batzianoula, the study’s lead author, adds, “What was particularly difficult in our study was linking a patient’s brain activity to the robot's control system — or in other words, ‘translating’ a patient’s brain signals into actions performed by the robot.”8.What’s the purpose of paragraph 1?A.To attract more researchers.B.To introduce the topic of this text.C.To state the research of tetraplegia.D.To show sympathy for the patients. 9.How do the robots perform their task?A.By sensing the touch.B.By monitoring computers.C.By reading people’s thoughts.D.By following voice commands.10.What did Iason Batzianoula think of the robot’s AI program?A.Challenging.B.Cost-effective.C.Fruitless.D.Time-consuming. 11.What is the text mainly about?A.The development of mind-controlled robots.B.The sufferings of the tetraplegia patients. C.The complexity of the algorithm.D.The promising future of robots.04(2022·山东·威海市教育教学研究中心高二期末)If job seekers knew companies were using AI to fill open positions, would it stop them from applying for the job? The answer, according to a recent study, is yes — sometimes.The researchers found that in certain instances, like the screening (筛选) of applications, participants usually accepted some degree of automation. But in other instances, like interviews, automation could stop job seekers from applying for a position.Companies facing recent labor shortages are increasingly turning to AI as a way to facilitate and speed up the hiring process. AI can be used in tasks such as screening job candidates, checking professional licenses, and interviewing candidates.The new research suggests that using AI in hiring could be quite opposite. For instance, in one part of the study, participants were shown fictional job postings and then asked if they intended to apply for the position. The researchers found that if the job posting said that AI was used both to screen applicants and to conduct interviews, participants’ intention to apply for the position averaged 2.77 on a six-point scale. If AI was used only for the screening process, participants’ intention to apply averaged 3.73.In another experiment, the researchers also found that study participants saw pros and cons in the use of AI in interviewing. When told the hiring would be fully automated, some participants expected the whole hiring process to be more consistent (始终如一的) in its judgments. But others tended to believe that they had less voice in the final outcome. Overall, the study results suggest this concern tends to outweigh the appreciation of AI’s lack of bias (偏见) at the interviewing stage.A mixed approach may be a way to get the best of both worlds. Participants may have been more open to automation earlier in the hiring process because they could see some benefits from using AI — such as less-biased decisions. But during the later stages applicants expect personal interaction, to give them an opportunity to sell themselves and to learn more about the company. 12.Why do companies increasingly turn to AI in hiring?A.To attract more applicants.B.To boost hiring process.C.To pick out top candidates.D.To solve labor shortages.13.In which part do participants prefer automation?A.Screening job candidates.B.Interviewing candidates.C.Grading professional licenses.D.Predicting final outcomes.14.What does the underlined part refer to in Paragraph 5?A.Less AI involvement.B.Lack of consistent judgments.C.Less-biased decisions.D.Lack of personal interaction.15.What’s the main idea of the text?A.Hi-tech is a two-edged sword.B.AI finds its way to hiring process.C.Automation may discourage job seekers.D.A mixed approach should be adopted in hiring.05(2022·安徽·高三开学考试)“Robots are ready to replace millions of humans in various industries. But they're nowhere close to being human-like,” said Blake Hannaford, a robotics professor at the University of Washington in Seattle.So far, robots don't really look or act like the sensitive beings described throughout science fiction. Rather, these basic machines are tasked with carrying out simple tasks that promote productivity around the workplace or factory. We are still decades away from a future where robots carry out more difficult and meaningful tasks.But other aspects continue to have a significant influence on robotics. Robots are already performing some human functions. In everyday terms, that means your smartphone can do more with the same battery life. It also means quicker advances in artificial intelligence—things like computer vision and natural language processing that help robots “see” and learn.Going forward, Hannaford said, robots will “free up people's brains” to perform other, more complex tasks. “There’s going to be a lot of people who fall by the wayside,” he said of the countless jobs that will be automated or disappear entirely.More than 120 million workers worldwide (11.5 million in the U.S.) will need retraining just in the next few years due to replacement caused by artificial intelligence and robots, according to a recent IBM Institute for Business Values study. Not all of them will get that retraining, of course, but the ones who do will be more likely to gain new types of jobs brought by the robot revolution.But some experts say the more robots surpass humans, the more humans will be expected to keep up.“The way we have to start thinking about robots is not as a threat, but as something that we can work with in a co-operative way,” Hannaford said. “A lot of it is changing our own attitudes.”16.What can we infer from what Hannaford said?A.Robots will help make life easier for all of us.B.We'll see some jobs taken over entirely by robots.C.Robots are at a stage of being human-like.D.It is likely that we will be wiped out by robots.17.What is paragraph 2 mainly about?A.Robots in science fiction closely resemble us.B.Robots can carry out complex actions automatically.C.Humans will be replaced by robots in the near future.D.The development of robots has a long way to go.18.What does the underlined word “surpass” in paragraph 6 probably mean?A.Complete fewer tasks than.B.Do better than.C.Make more mistakes than.D.Get more retraining than.19.What attitude should we have towards robots according to Hannaford?A.Positive.B.Opposed.C.Uncaring.D.Doubtful.参考答案:1.A2.D3.B【导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍的是有史以来第一个获得国家公民身份的机器人索菲亚。

2019高考英语最新阅读作文新闻素材 优秀课 件:人 脑和电 脑连接 【完美 版】
2019高考英语最新阅读作文新闻素材 优秀课 件:人 脑和电 脑连接 【完美 版】
Despite the technology’s potential to augment the human brain, experts have warned that brain-computer interfaces risk being hijacked by rogue(凶猛的) artificial intelligence.
entrepreneur [ˌɒntrəprə'nɜː(r)] n. 企业家;承包人;主办者
马斯克在推特上告诉粉丝说,这项技术“即将 实现”,但他没有透露细节。
Neuralink was set up in 2016 with the ambitious goal of developing hardware to enhance the human brain, however, little about how this will work has been made public.
他说:“我不想成为家养宠物,那该怎么解决 这个问题呢?我觉得似乎最好的办法就是在人 脑增加一个人工智能分层。
2019高考英语最新阅读作文新闻素材 优秀课 件:人 脑和电 脑连接 【完美 版】
2019高考英语最新阅读作文新闻素材 优秀课 件:人 脑和电 脑连接 【完美 版】
Speaking last year on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast( 播 客 ), Mr Musk said Neuralink’s technology would allow humans to “effectively merge(融入) with AI”.

高级词组搭配: 1. Revolutionize our daily routines: 彻底改变我们的日常生活 2. Shape our societal fabric: 塑造我们社会结构 3. Foster seamless connectivity: 促进无缝连接 4. Propel unprecedented advancements: 推动前所未有的进步 5. Catalyze exponential growth: 催生指数级增长 6. Facilitate instantaneous communication: 促进即时通讯 7. Pave the way for digital integration: 为数字整合铺平道路 8. Cultivate a tech-savvy generation: 培养科技精通的一代 9. Augment productivity levels: 提高生产力水平
3. With the omnipresence of information technology, our lives have undergone a remarkable transformation. (信息技术的无处不在使我们的 生活发生了显著变化。) 中间行文: 1. It has revolutionized the way we communicate, with instantaneous connectivity enabling seamless interactions across continents. (它彻底改变了我们的交流方式,即时连接使跨越大洲的交流变得毫无 缝隙。)
1. In conclusion, the impact of information technology on our daily lives is undeniable, reshaping our interactions, industries, and societal norms. (总之,信息技术对我们日常生活的影响是不可否认的,它重新 塑造了我们的交流方式、行业发展和社会规范。) 2. Thus, as we navigate through this digital age, it becomes increasingly apparent that information technology igral part of our existence. (因此,当我们在数字时代中航行 时,越来越明显的是,信息技术不仅仅是一个工具,而是我们生活的 重要组成部分。)

in the air.
declare war on 发起进攻;对……宣战
这是它的作品选段:在唐纳德·特朗普不小心向 空中发射导弹后,俄罗斯向美国宣战。
高考英语(新)阅读作文新闻素材教 学PPT- 人工智 能写假 新闻-PP T执教 课件【 推荐】
高考英语(新)阅读作文新闻素材教 学PPT- 人工智 能写假 新闻-PP T执教 课件【 推荐】
研究人员想通过用网页上的大量文本做练习, 研发出一个通用语言的算法。这些文本涵盖了 经过Reddit筛选出的4 500万页网页内容。
高考英语(新)阅读作文新闻素材教 学PPT- 人工智 能写假 新闻-PP T执教 课件【 推荐】
高考英语(新)阅读作文新闻素材教 学PPT- 人工智 能写假 新闻-PP T执教 课件【 推荐】
这个人工智能是独立自主地编造了上面整个故 事,而提供给它的材料仅仅是“在唐纳德·特朗 普不小心……,俄罗斯向美国宣战”。
高考英语(新)阅读作文新闻素材教 学PPT- 人工智 能写假 新闻-PP T执教 课件【 推荐】
高考英语(新)阅读作文新闻素材教 学PPT- 人工智 能写假 新闻-PP T执教 课件【 推荐】
人工智能写的假 新闻太逼真
Elon Musk’s OpenAI has an algorithm(一种算 法 ) that can generate weirdly( 古 怪 地 ) believable'dʒenəreɪt] believable [bɪ'liːvtə.b使l] 形成;发生
They originally intended for the program to be able to do things like translate text and answer questions, but it soon became clear that there was also great potential for abuse and exploitation. It was simply too competent at generating stories, which could then be misused.

Luckily, he said all is not lost for humanity. “AI is powerful and adaptable, but it can’t do everything that humans do.”
adaptable [ə'hduæmptaənbi(təy)[l]hjʊ'mænɪtɪ] adj. 能适应的 n. 人类
Psychiatrists(精神病医生), social workers and marriage counselors (顾问)are unlikely to lose their jobs, along with nurses, AI researchers and scientists, he believes.
2对教育来说,阅读是最基础的教学手 段,教 育里最 关键、 最重要 的基石 就是阅 读。
3但是现在,我们的教育在一定程度上 ,还不 够重视 阅读, 尤其是 延伸阅 读和课 外阅读 。
4. “山不在高,有仙则名。水不在深 ,有龙 则灵” 四句, 简洁有 力,类 比“斯 是陋室 ,惟吾 德馨” ,说明 陋室也 可借高 尚之士 散发芬 芳
中国顶级人工智能专家日前警告称,15年内人 工智能将夺走人类现在一半的工作。
bestselling adj. 畅销的
畅销书the《in人d工ust智ri能al 超rev级ol力ut量ion:中国、硅谷和新 世界秩序》n的. 工作业者革李命开复向《每日邮报》网站 透露,全世界的职业都面临着一场危机,严重 程度“堪比工业革命时期农民所遭受的威胁”。
李开复认为,精神病医生、社会工作者、婚姻 顾问,以及护士、人工智能研究人员和科学家 都不容易失业。

This new shoplifting-prevention software has reportedly helped detect at least 7 shoplifters in tests performed as of December 12th last year, and is credited with(被认为) reducing shoplifting cases by 75%, according to IT Media. suspicious [sə'spɪʃəs] A Japanese tech startup claims to have developed an artificial intelligence software that analyzes surveillance(监控) camera footage
of artificial intelligence, we already have an early version of the technology displayed in that movie.
sci-fi ['saɪ faɪ] A Japanese tech startup claims to have developed an artificial intelligence software that analyzes surveillance(监控) camera footage
VaakEye is based on a complex algorithm that harnesses deep learning from more than 100,000 hours of surveillance footage and analyzes over 100 different factors, from a person’s face, clothes, movement, overall behavior, to macro-data(宏数据) like crime incidence(发生率) in the area the shop is located in, or current weather conditions. 据IT Media媒体报道,截至去年12月12日的测试期间,这款新的防偷盗软件已经帮助识别出至少7名小偷,并将盗窃案数量降低了75% 。 从理论上来讲,店主可以在软件上收到警报后接近可疑人员并询问他们是否需要帮助。
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6. 对于那些认为现实走在小说家想象 力前面 的作家 而言, 困难在 于如何 把握生 活的复 杂结构 和本质 内容。
7. 对艺术家而言,日新月异的变革时 代,既 意味着 巨大挑 战,也 能激发 创作热 情,促 使他们 投身沸 腾的生 活。
8. 博物馆是一个城市的历史见证。在 博物馆 里,处 处是珍 品,步 步是文 化,那 些流逝 着历史 智慧的 文物, 让人惊 叹不已 。
李开复认为,精神病医生、社会工作者、婚姻 顾问,以及护士、人工智能研究人员和科学家 都不容易失业。
善良、淳朴、真诚。三婶买了老宅并 把钥匙 交给了 我们, 体现了 她的善 良;三婶 一直保 存着自 己老宅 家的钥 匙,写 出了她 的淳朴 。三婶 对母亲 一直真 诚相待 ,体现 了她的 真诚。
Lee, who is a VC in China and once headed up Google in the region, has over 30 years of experience in AI.
李开复是中国的一位风险投资人,曾经是谷歌 在中国的主管,他在人工智能方面有超过30年 的经验。
compassion [kəm'pæʃ(ə)n] n. 同情;怜悯
他说,最关键的是,人工智能无法“完全像人 类那样”与人互动,缺乏同理心、同情心,无 法进行人与人之间的心灵沟通。
Psychiatrists(精神病医生), social workers and marriage counselors (顾问)are unlikely to lose their jobs, along with nurses, AI researchers and scientists, he believes.
中国顶级人工智能专家日前警告称,15年内人 工智能将夺走人类现在一半的工作。
bestselling adj. 畅销的
畅销书the《in人d工ust智ri能al 超rev级ol力ut量ion:中国、硅谷和新 世界秩序》n的. 工作业者革李命开复向《每日邮报》网站 透露,全世界的职业都面临着一场危机,严重 程度“堪比工业革命时期农民所遭受的威胁”。
Luckily, he said all is not lost for humanity. “AI is powerful and adaptable, but it can’t do everything that humans do.”
adaptable [ə'hduæmptaənbi(təy)[l]hjʊ'mænɪtɪ] adj. 能适应的 n. 人类
2.文章详细描写了林海音对台湾本土 作家钟 理和的 着意栽 培和慷 慨相助 ,不仅 能够表 现传主 的精神 品质, 而且有 力证明 了传主 是台湾 文学的 一道阳 光。
3.文章中引用了传主自己的一些语言 ,为作 者的观 点和看 法提供 有力的 论据, 增强了 说服力 ,具有 画龙点 睛之效 ,能够 升华主 题,增 强作品 语言感 染力。
9. 家风是一个家族代代沿袭能够体现 家族成 员精神 风貌、 道德品 质、审 美格调 的家族 文化。 美好家 风的形 成是漫 长的, 不可能 一气呵 成。
10.劳动可以促进学生形成基本的生活 生产劳 动技能 、初步 的职业 意识、 创新创 业意识 和动手 实践的 能力。 劳动技 育婴在 增长青 少年的 知识见 识上下 功夫, 引导青 少年在 做中学 ,学中 做,在 社会劳 动实践 中增长 见识, 丰富学 识、求 真理、 悟道理 ,明事 理
4.抽象的内容能加以阐发。所谓“抽 象”,是 与“具 体”相 对而言 ,抽象 的也就 是概括 的。所 谓“阐 发”就 是化抽 象、概 括为具 体。阐 发常见 的有两 种形式 :一是 举出实 例,一 是分析 因果。
5.含蓄的内容能加以解说。语句的含 蓄,一 是作者 为了表 达的需 要或某 种目的 ,故意 不直接 表达想 表达的 内容, 而把它 隐含在 字里行 间;一 是运用 了象征 、双关 等修辞 格,采 用婉曲 的手法 来表达 自己的 思想、 观点、 看法。 对此类 材料, 不仅要 理解它 字面的 含意, 而且要 深入挖 掘其 所隐含 的信息 ,即能 用简洁 明白的 语言解 说材料 深层的 内涵。
李开复称15年内全 球半数工作将被人 工智能取代
Half of current jobs will be taken over by AI within 15 years, China’s leading AI expert has warned.
current ['kʌr(ə)nt]take over adj. 现在的;最近的接管;接收
他还表示,人工智能不善于应对未知和缺乏结 构的空间。
Crucially, he says AI cannot interact with humans “exactly like humans”, with empathy ( 共 鸣 ) , human-to-human connection, and compassion.
vi. 概念化
李开复认为,人工智能不能创造、概念化,也 不能做复杂的战略规划,或承担需要精细o says it is poor at dealing with unknown and unstructured spaces.
unstructured [ʌn'strʌktʃəd] adj. 无社会组织的,未组织的
他指出,幸运的是,人类并不会无事可做。 “人工智能既强大又善于应变,但不能胜任人 类的一切工作。”
Lee believes AI cannot create, conceptualize, or do complex strategic planning, or undertake complex work that requires precise hand-eye coocrodminpaaldetixjo. [n复'.k杂ɒm的pleskptsrr]aeatc策deigjs[.略eki精cə[o计ppnn确rl'asc划ɪe'e的nsppnattɪijunsʊ]agəlilazeɪz]