牛津译林版高中英语模块五 U1 Project 课件(共62张PPT)

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What did Amanda reply when asked what she and her friend talked about?
They talked about everything: film stars, pop songs, horoscopes, everything.
Girls Hale Waihona Puke Baidulways seem to have a lot to talk about with their best friends. They seem to have more friendships than boys. Boys can’t name a single best friend.
比较: agree with 同意某人、同意某人所说的话或所做得 事;适宜某人;与......一致 agree on 双方或多方就某事达成一致意见;商定 agree to 同意或接受(想法、计划、建议、条件等) agree about 对…有相同的看法
The climate here doesn't agree __w__it_h___ me.
about something good or bad that has happened in her life.
Read the article carefully and try to answer
the following questions.
1. What puzzles Robert? 2. What’s the difference between boys

2) calculate the results.
Add up total number for each
response and then calculate the
differences between answers
given by boys and girls
Whether we realize it or not, we all need
and girls in their attitudes towards friendship? 3. What are boys’ and girls’ friendships each based on?
Some things about Amanda and her friends. For example, he can’t understand what girls can talk about for so long.
Why can’t boys name a single best friend?
Because they are busy with homework and have so many friends that it is hard for them to choose.
Girls’ friendships are based on shared feelings and support while boys’ friendships are based on shared activities and interests.
4. Do you share your secrets with your
best friends?
Always Sometimes Never
5. Do you think boys and girls have the
same attitudes towards friendship?
A questionnaire:
Are you a boy or a girl? Boy Girl Tick the answer which most applies to you. 1. How many best friends do you have?
A lot A few None
2. How often do you have a long conversation with your friends? More than three times a week Once a week Seldom Never
Now it’s time to read another passage on P19 and find out what the author thinks of friendship? This will help in your final oral report.
What does the author think of friendship?
Tips on how to write a report
• 1) Use an example or a story to introduce the topic.
• 2) Present some differences by analyzing data or quoting interviewee’s words.
Sometimes we need to give an oral report about a certain topic. To make the report convincing, we should base it on facts. So it is necessary for us to design a survey. And a questionnaire is a good form of a survey.
1.Both boys and girls have a lot to talk about with
their best friends. F
2.Girls have more friends than boys, according to
3.Boys can easily name a best friend when asked.
• How does the author prove his opinion in para.3 and para.4?
By quoting(引用) the interviewees’ words.
Review the structure of the report
Giving an oral report to present to your class about attitudes towards friendship.
What do you and your classmates think about friendship?
• Discuss the tasks and decide everyone’s duty.
• You need to design a questionnaire.
• Tips: 1. write multiple-choice questions

2. ask one question at a time

3. use simple language

4. give specific time references

• Conduct the survey
• Tips: 1) don’t forget to take down some simple notes for later use
Whether you are a boy student or a girl student, you must obey the school rules.
Whether he will stay in Hai'an or settle in Shanghai doesn't matter.
Having said that, not everyone can agree on the meaning of friendship and what makes a good friend.
3. What topics do you mostly talk about with your friends? Hobbies and interests Families and friends School and study Emotions and feelings Future plans and dreams
Write a report.
Present your report to the whole class.
• Work in a group of six. You want to survey people to get to know what makes a good friend and what friendship means to boys and girls.
4.If a boy is said to have a best friend, it seems
that they share little about their feelings. T
5.A girl’s best friend might be the first to tell her
In what ways do you think boys and girls are different?
What’re the differences in friendship between boys and girls?
Listen to the school magazine article carefully and try to answer some true or false questions.
The most important thing in life is friendship. Friendship means not being alone. Friendship means having someone I can rely on. Friendship means being committed to others.
• What’s the function of the first para.?
Use a story to introduce the topic of this report.
Analyze para.2-para.4
• a) Adolescent boys cannnot name a
• Para.2 single best friend.
• 3) Draw a conclusion. • 4) Mention some similarities.
Choose your topic
Design survey questions and make a questionnaire.
Conduct a survey and analyze the results.


b) Friendships between girls and boys are based on different things.
• Para.4 • c) Adolescent girls can name a best
Analyze para.2-para.4
现在分词的完成式作状语,强调作状语的动词动作 在句子谓语动词之前发生
Walking along the street, I caught sight of her. 同时发生
Turning around ,I caught sight of her. 先后紧接着发生
Having finished my homework, I went to the cinema.先后发生,强调结果和影响