二、智慧消防的主要特点和优势1. 数据共享和分析:智慧消防通过建立数据中心和云平台,实现各个消防设备和系统之间的数据共享和分析。
2. 智能化的监测和控制:通过智能感知技术和联网设备,实现对火灾风险区域的实时监测和控制。
3. 应急响应和联动机制:智慧消防将消防系统与其他城市基础设施进行联网,实现应急响应的智能化和协同化。
4. 管理智能化和可视化:智慧消防通过建立消防安全管理平台,将消防设备、消防人员和消防车辆等信息进行整合和管理。
三、智慧消防的实施方案1. 建设数据中心和云平台:智慧消防的实施首先需要建设一个统一的数据中心和云平台,集中管理和存储消防设备的数据。
通过智慧消防系统建设,实现对火灾的实时监测和预警,缩短应 急响应时间,提高应急处置能力,减少火灾损失。
通过智慧消防系统建设,实现对消防资源的优化配置,提高资源 利用效率,提升消防安全保障能力。
建设火灾监测系统,实现对火灾的实 时监测和预警,及时发现火情,缩短
通过物联网技术,实时监测消防设 施、环境和人员的状态,及时发现 异常情况。
利用通信网络、互联网和物联网技 术,将感知层收集的数据进行传输 和处理。
智慧消防系统平台对传输的数据进 行存储、处理和分析,为消防部门 提供决策支持。
针对消防部门的需求,提供多样化 的应用功能,如火警预警、灭火调 度等。
采用多种传感器技术,实现消防设施、环 境和人员的实时监测。
通过对感知层收集的数据进行分析,为消 防部门提供决策支持。
利用物联网技术,实现消防设施的远程监 控和管理。
通过移动设备,实现远程监控和管理,提 高管理效率。
智慧消防系统应用场景及 案例
智慧消防大数据解决方案 架构
通过物联网技术,实时采集消防设施(如消防栓、消防报警器 等)的状态、位置、运行数据等。
通过视频监控系统,实时采集现场视频数据,包括消防设施运 行状态、火源位置、人员活动等信息。
对数据访问和使用进行审计,防止数据被非法访 问和使用。
智慧消防大数据解决方案 的技术实现
适合处理大规模非结构化数据,具有高可用、高可扩展、高性能 等特性。
大数据技术可以实现各相关 部门之间的信息共享,提高
通过对大量数据的分析,可 以发现火灾发生的规律和趋 势,为制定更加科学合理的 消防政策和措施提供依据。
大数据还可以为社会化服务 提供支持,如向公众提供更 加精准的消防安全提示和应
通过算法从大量数据中提取有价值的信息 。
利用统计学和计算机科学的方法来分析数 据并做出预测。
将数据以图形或图表的形式呈现,以便更 直观的理解和分析。
功能强大的数据可视化工具,支持多种数据源 和格式。
Power BI
微软推出的商业智能工具,提供丰富的数据可 视化功能。
消防法规定每个建筑都需设有消防中控室,每个中控室必须24小时持证上岗联网单位自身必须要有专业的值班人员,其职责是要对自己所涉及的楼宇的日常报警、故障进行处理,同时对整个楼宇消防设施进行安全检查【监督管理部门】包括公安部和消防局、消防总队、消防支队、消防大队和消防中队、街道、社区等消防部门是权力机构,对各单位具有监督、检查的权利和义务,其职责是对每个单位进行监督、管理、检查,包括责令、整改等传统消防行业痛点“技防”手段缺失ü社会化消防管理系统缺少有效的整合和数据汇集ü尚未建立较为鲜活、可用的建筑、消防设施、消防管理等消防数据库ü单位消防安全主体责任不落实,消防隐患动态实情管控难度大,消防安全责任人没有及时掌握建筑安全现状ü消防监管精准化管控缺少有效的数据支撑和研判依据ü消防实战化指挥缺乏可视化应用消防“信息化”不足ü“一高一低一大一化”对消防部门提出了更为严峻的挑战ü消防业务领域跨度大、数据存放于多个业务系统中、累积的数据量巨大、数据种类多、数据之间的关系复杂,数据无法互联互通消防监督管理效率不高ü消防管理在信息化应用上缺少标准化ü消防部门拉网式监管急需向精准式监管的转变ü对社会单位的防火安全状态预警手段缺失ü传统的“人到点”消防工作模式严重制约了消防监管效率ü消防应急救援中缺乏信息的整合应用PART 2智慧消防解决方案介绍痛点及需求分析u 指挥调度中,无法保证消防物资的可用性,导致指挥调度低效。
Table of Contents1.Emerging Market for Low Power Services and Applications 41.1IoT development & Growing Demand for LPWA 41.2NB-IoT Use Cases & Market Potential 5 2Emerging Low Power Technologies 62.1Introduction to NB-IOT (Best Solution For LPWA ) 62.2The NB-IOT deployment scenarios 72.3Low band, an excellent choice for fast deployment 83.Shaping the Business model 93.1Value Chain and Partnerships 93.2Business Potential & Revenue model 103.3Summary 10 4IOT Use case 114.1IOT Public 114.2IOT Industry 134.3IOT Appliance 154.4IOT Personal 16 5Operator Reference Cases 185.1Smart Parking 185.2Smart Metering 195.3Pet Tracking 20 6Glossary 22Executive SummaryThe LPWA market has existed for about 10 years; it’s not a new thing. The current technologies (solutions) supporting this market are fragmented and non-standardized, therefore there are shortcomings like poor reliability, poor security, high operational and maintenance costs. Furthermore, the new overlay network deployment is complex.NB-IOT overcomes the above defects, with all the advantages like wide area ubiquitous coverage, fast upgrade of existing network, low-power consumption guaranteeing 10 year battery life, high coupling, low cost terminal, plug and play, high reliability and high carrier-class network security, unified business platform management. Initial network investment may be quite substantial and superimposed costs are very little. NB-IOT perfectly matches LPWA market requirements, enabling operators to enter this new field.NB-IOT enables operators to operate traditional businesses such as Smart Metering, Tracking, by virtue of ultra-low-cost ($ 5 ) modules and super connectivity (50K / Cell), also opens up more industry opportunities, for example, Smart City, eHealth.NB-IOT makes it possible for more things to be connected, but also managing the commercial value of the resulting Big Data is a big task, operators can carry out cooperation with related industries, in addition to selling connections, they can also sell data.1.Emerging Market for Low Power Services and Applications1.1IoT development & Growing Demand for LPWAThe Internet of Things – IoT – has moved from fiction to reality. By 2020, there will be over 14 billion network-enabled devices, according to the International Energy Agency. This compares to approximately 3.2 billion people using the internet. IoT dramatically widens the internet’s scope from people-operated computers towards autonomous smart devices. Often, these devices are connected to the internet for remote diagnostics & control, leading to cost savings. In addition, innovative IoT hardware & services can generate new revenues – for example, connected glasses used for industrial applications, more efficient logistics serving new market segments, or industrial appliances sold in a per-usage business model. In many cases, business users & private users can control their IoT application through existing smartphones and tablets, through mobile applications that interact with web servers which the connected objects connect to.Many mobile operators have set up dedicated IoT/M2M business units in order to serve the growing number of companies looking to embrace the business benefits that mobile IoT brings. Larger operators have even made acquisitions so that they can serve a wider part of the value chain and capture revenues beyond pure connectivity. As the market grows, it is becoming obvious that there are many mobile IoT use cases for which existing cellular networks are not suitable.The reasons are simple: Coverage, battery life and device cost. First, coverage: Existing cellular networks already offer very good area coverage in mature markets. However, many potential “connected objects” are located in vast remote areas, far away from the next cellular base station. If there is coverage, it is often weak which requires the device transmitter to operate at high power, draining the battery. In addition, cellular networks are not optimized for applications that occasionally transmit small amounts of data. A battery life of several years combined with an inexpensive device cannot be realized on existing cellular standards, as they do not support the required power saving mechanisms.The third aspect is device cost: Mobile devices working on GSM, 3G and LTE are designed for a variety of services, including mobile voice, messaging and high-speed data transmission. However, NB-IoT applications do not utilize any of this; they just require low-speed but reliable data transfer, and an appropriate level of reliability. Therefore, using cellular devices for NB-IoT applications means using devices that are too expensive for the application. Many of the NB-IoT use cases require a low device price, not just in order to have a positive business case for the service operation, but also due to practical aspects such as ease of installation or risk of theft.In summary, there are strong market trends pointing at growing demand for NB-IoT applications, while the networks that can efficiently serve such applications are not in place yet. This whitepaper examines trends in the market for NB-IoT applications and discusses technology options that operators can choose from in order to enter this new business.1.2 NB-IoT Use Cases & Market PotentialThe strong growth in the NB-IoT market has motivated many analyst firms to create forecasts showing the expected numbers of connections as well as the revenue potential. Generally, the global IoT market is expected to be worth trillions of dollars by 2020. The NB-IoT market is a subset of this, and it is important for operators to understand the revenue potential in the countries they operate in. Before looking into specific countries, we need to identify the industries or verticals where NB-IoT can add value. Figure 1 below shows nine industries where we see major market potential for NB-IoT services:Figure 1: Target Industries for NB-IoT Services Huawei’s business case analytics is designed to evaluate the NB -IoT business for specificindustries, countries or regions. Based on our deep country-specific research which includes social and demographic data evaluation, we have modeled how the adoption rates for different NB-IoT applications will develop during the next five years.Our forecasts are based on use cases; distinct NB-IoT applications that will often be deployed in more than one industry. The model currently includes over fifty use cases, covering many service categories such as:∙Smart metering (electricity, gas and water) ∙Facility management services ∙Intruder alarms & fire alarms for homes & commercial properties ∙Connected personal appliances measuring health parameters ∙ Tracking of persons, animals or objectsAgriculture Health Care /E-Health Retail Safety and SecurityAutomotive &LogisticsEnergy &Utilities Manufacturing Smart City Smart Home∙ Smart city infrastructure such as street lamps or dustbins∙ Connected industrial appliances such as welding machines or air compressors.Figure 2 below shows as one output example of five-year revenue forecast (connectivity only) by Huawei for Germany divided by nine industries: Figure 2: Five-year NB-IoT revenue forecast for GermanyThe overall sum of 1.67 billion USD for five years equals a per-year NB-IoT revenue of 334 million USD. This would equal to a revenue uplift of 2.2% for the existing German operators thanks to the launch of NB-IoT services. This show, just as starting point, that already with conservativeassumptions, NB-IoT is a promising new business area which operators should invest into now, if they do not want other players to capture this attractive market. 2 Emerging Low Power Technologies2.1 Introduction to NB-IOT (Best Solution For LPWA )As mentioned earlier services that leverage low power wide area networks mainly require deep / wide coverage, low power consumption and massive connections. There are several inherent characteristics of the NB-IOT technology that makes it the best for LPWA deployment.15922518011778175227276233Overall Revenues:1.67 bn USDFigure 3: Inherent capabilities of NB-IOTMoreover low power consumption is a prerequisite for almost 80% of all LPWA use cases, ranging from applications like smart meter, smart parking, and wearables to smart grid. Additionally, with the availability of massive connections it is possible to make everything around us smart.To realize this, it’s ideal to have about 50K devices per cell; this is possible assuming there are the household density per every sq m is 1500 with 40 devices in every household.When we compare inherent capabilities of NB-IOT with other LPWA technologies like e-MTC, SigFox and Lora, NB-IOT offers better performance. Furthermore, when we look at all the technologies in terms of network investment, coverage scenario, uplink and downlink traffic and network reliability we realize that NB-IOT is the most suitable technology.Additionally from a performance point of view, NB-IOT guarantees 20+dB coverage, ~1000x connections, ~10 years using only 200 KHz bandwidth whereas the other technologies like eMTC, SigFox offers far less in terms of performance.NB-IOT has quite an extensive ecosystem mainly because of its support from many global top operators. Most importantly unlicensed solutions can’t guarant ee reliability and security.2.2The NB-IOT deployment scenariosThe recently 3GPP agreed technology for LPWA deployment NB-IOT will offer three deployment scenarios; these are, Guard Band, In Band and Stand Alone.Standalone deployment is mainly utilizes new bandwidth where as guard band deployment is done using the bandwidth reserved in the guard band of the existing LTE network, In Band on the other hand makes use of the same resource block in the LTE carrier of the existing LTE network.Figure 4: Three deployment scenarios of NB-IOTIn summary, it becomes clear that the Standalone and Guard band deployment options tend to offer the best performance in terms of improved indoor coverage, FDMA (GMSK) also offers about 20% power consumption saving and lower cost.2.3Low band, an excellent choice for fast deploymentLow band is quite known for its excellent performance in terms of coverage; furthermore leveraging the inherent characteristics of this frequency band in deploying NBIOT offers several benefits. It is widely known that several operators around the globe use the 900MHz frequency band for GSM voice deployments because of its extensive coverage capability. This is possible because such low frequency bands have excellent propagation characteristics and this generally improves the indoor penetration.Deploying NB-IOT in frequency bands like 700MHz, 800MHz, and 900MHz is a great choice because they provide an already large and established ecosystem since quite a number of operators select them; it also offers benefits in terms of site number. There is quite a substantial number of commercial networks both UMTS and LTE that are currently running on the 900MHz frequency band. Analyst firms recently confirmed that there are about 14 LTE 900MHz commercial networks as at July 2015.A few examples of such operators can be found in the Czech Republic and Sweden. There are other operators in South Korea with commercial LTE networks on the 800MHz frequency band. For mobile operators who are already running GSM 900MHz, it is possible to just upgrade, some operators might also be running on LTE 800MHz, there is a clear upgrade pathway to NB-IOT for such operators too.3.Shaping the Business model3.1Value Chain and PartnershipsAs shown in the NB-IoT business study for Germany, already connectivity is a valuable contributor to the operator’s bottom line. Partnerships with IoT technology providers and alliances with chipset manufacturers are helping the operators to secure this part of the value chain as we see it today for some of the NB-IoT solutions, e.g. smart metering, smart parking and pet tracking. At the moment we see connectivity platforms already in the cloud in many markets where operators have deployed IoT services.But there is more in than just connectivity. Operators have a chance to go further up the value chain by taken over more responsibilities than pure connectivity.Figure 5 : Telco business models for NB-IoT along the value chain Consequently the next step towards an integrated offer would be the incorporation of more functionality which points towards a setup, where the operators can offer the full NB –IoT Network as a service in the cloud to end to end service providers which are either private or governmental entities, according to the addressed industries or verticals .This will create for the operator the opportunity to lever its asset as security, billing and big data into that domain. Quality of service assurance and service level agreements are common in the telco space and could be leveraged into the NB-IoT Network as a service business model Following this idea even more, operators themselves can enter the IoT business as an end to end service provider by adding customer management and system integration functionalities on top. The operator as e2e business owner can also outsource certain parts of the e2e domain to its partners, sharing effort and revenues, and to expand the operators own experience in the OTT domain. However competing in the OTT domain is not comm on to most of the today’s opera tors and could be quite challenging.3.2 Business Potential & Revenue modelThe business is scalable and can be grown by demands by orienting the service introduction and go to market strategy on use cases which are profitable at a given point of time and contributing to the operator’s bottom line allowing further business expansion. As the operator can reuse his exi sting sites, no specific investment in towers or acquisition of sites are needed.Figure 6 : NB-IoT “time to market” and number of primary use casesThe selection of use cases can be different per operator, country and region or per addressed market. Huawei’s business modeling framework is able to address those challenges and advise on the right mix of investment, use case deployment and business model selection.3.3 SummaryThe opportunities for operators to enter business in NB-IoT domain are reflecting the huge potential of NB-IoT. Operators can choose from three basic setups according to their strategy per country or region:Connectivity: For the Internet of Things a reliable connectivity is required, but there are more business opportunities as just to engage in connectivityNB-IoT networks can be deployed by usingthe existing sites 1 Year 3 Year5 YearSmart ElectricitySmart WaterMeteringAlarms in Single-Family Houses Motor VehicleTrackingConnected StreetLamp………..Connected BloodPressure Meter Smart GasNB- IoT NW as a Service: Carrier grade solutions with security, billing, big data integration and QoS assurance allow the creation of new businesses and improvements to existing ones on a solid technological basis. NB-IoT Network as a service is supporting the global trends of network virtualization and cloud based service provision.End to End service provision: Operators may choose to extend into the e2e service provider domain for specific IoT solutions, but this needs careful planning, technology and business partnerships with players in the industry, including outsourcing and revenue sharing models.4IOT Use CaseIn this section, the various services and applications supported by LPWA has been classified under four categories; IOT Appliance, Personal, Public and Industry.Figure 7: Four use case categories for NB-IOT4.1IOT PublicAs the name suggests, IOT public focuses on LPWA applications that serves the general public; below are a few examples.i.Smart meteringSmart metering helps saves manpower by remotely collecting electricity, water and gas meter data over the cellular network. This is gaining quite an amount of momentum with most of the top European MNOs taking an interest in this topic mainly due to the market opportunity it presents. Smart metering will consequently help cut down cost generated from manual meter reading andchanging of meter batteries, which seems to be the two major cost drivers for conventional metering. Smart metering includes smart meters for water, gas and electricity.Figure 8: Smart metering use caseii.Alarms & Event DetectorsSecurity has always been a very important aspect of human living , people at all times want to be guaranteed of home safety. Alarms and event detection will help to rapidly inform that user about a detected home intrusion. This system will not only offer inteligent protection from intrusion but will also offer intelligence for detected events that can lead to a fire outbreak like a sudden increase in home temperature or smoke. Alarms and events detectors will make use of sensors placed devices in ideal locations in the home that constantly communicates with the LPWA network, this use case will make use of a very low data throughput and battery life of the devices will be ultra critical.Figure 9: Alarm & Event Detectorsiii. Smart garbage binsGarbage bins in city are not built by demand, and most of time the collecting trucks routes and schedule are fixed which is not optimal for a smooth collection. Smart garbage cans can signal to the waste management agent when the garbage can is full and in need of service, the best collection route will be calculated and delivered to the drivers. Historical collection data can provide optimized routes and guide on the right-size garbage can for each location. Charging for this service can be done on sensor amount or on monthly fee basis.Figure 10: Smart garbage bin4.2IOT INDUSTRYIOT Industry mainly delivers low power wide area applications that help to improve general enterprise and industrial efficiency; here are a few examples;iv.Logistics trackingLarge volumes of sensor data sent from tracking devices on shipping containers are aggregated and taken into an analysis to ensure that real time tracking of the location of shipments can be made possible. Alerts and optimized service recommendations are sent to technicians on their iPads, so that they can take preemptive actions in -real time. Charging model for this application can be done on a monthly payment or postpaid basis.Figure 11: Logistics tracking use casev. Asset trackingAsset tracking mainly deals with monitoring methods of physical assets made possible by a module on the asset broadcasting its location. Assets are usually tracked using GPS technology. This service is best leveraged in the logistics and transportation management industry, where through the use of sensors in modules sending information over the cellular network it is possible to gather and manage data relating to the current geographical location of assets. Asset tracking helps the owners of the assets to detect and preemtively react to unexpected events.Figure 12: Asset tracking use casevi. Smart agriculture NB-IOTTracking ApplicationSatelliteFarming industry is a sector with slim margins, and the way to survive in this industry is to optimize the general agriculture production including crops and livestock.Developing a sensor function to ensure the feeding of cattle has an optimized mix of nutritions to improve the yields from farming, and to reduce the waste of cattle feed. Installing sensors in the farming equipment that mix the cattle’s feed, through sensors measurements the variation in the cattle diet can quickly be identified, assessed and corrected. Charging model for this application can be done on a monthly payment or postpaid basis.Figure 13: Smart agriculture4.3IOT ApplianceConventionally, smart home application are deployed on short range technologies like Z-Wave, Zigbee but a home gateway is needed. In the case, where the appliance is embedded with an NB-IOT chipset the benefits are surprising. For example, management becomes more efficient through improvements in big data analysis. IOT appliance mainly comprises of LPWA applications that aims to provide intelligence for the user through sensors and devices that are found in the local area. Below are a few examples;Figure 14: IOT Appliance use cases4.4IOT PersonalIOT personal largely features LPWA applications that create a personal area network for the purposes of information exchange for the user. Below are a few examples;vii.WearablesConnected wearables in the past few years have taken center stage and increasingly becoming a lucrative industry as it is an application that mainly revolves around health, fitness and wellness. According to Cisco, there will be 177M connected wearables by 2018. Its market value is estimated at $250M in 2015 and is set to rise to $1.6B in 2022. A report released by Research&Markets and Berg Insight also estimated that global shipments of connected wearables in 2014 was 19 million and this figure is set to hit 168.2million by 2019 growing at a CAGR of 74.8%. Some of the few products that are making inroads in this industry are JawBone, GoPro & Nike just to name a few. While smartphone giants like Apple, Sony and Samsung are more linked to smartwatches.Figure 15: Wearables use caseviii. Smart bicycleFor bike rental companies it is vital to keep track of where the bike is at the moment, especially if it gets stolen. A bike rental company in Holland has embedded an M2M SIM card into the bike’s frame, and in this way the bike rental company can always find the bike. The M2M SIM is embedded into the bike in a non visible placeIf the bike is not returned to the rental company then the bike is positioned via the SIM. The rental cost for bikes can be reduced since the number of stolen bikes dramatically decrease. Stolen bikes can easily and quickly be located by the police via the SIM. Charging model can be done on a monthly payment or postpaid basis.Figure 16: Smart bicyclei.Kids monitoring use caseThe world’s population is aging, and senior people living alone at home need care in an easy and affordable way. Also parents have a great interest in being assured about their wellbeing andactivities. This use case provides realtime tracking of kids and the elderly. The information about their activities to the cloud. Real-time insights about the their status can be received on the users smartphone or other device.Figure 17: Kids monitoring use case5Operator Reference Cases5.1Smart ParkingParking can be a challenging issue, especially in urban areas where 30 % of all traffic congestion is caused by drivers circling around to find a parking space. Smart parking provides parking information to citizens in real time to enable better parking management. Huawei and a top operator are working on a smart parking project. Operator expects tens of millions of devices to be connected with this smart parking service. Another collaborator in this project is Neul, who provides the platform.Figure 18: Smart Parking reference caseIn this service, sensors that are placed under cars will communicate with the parking server through the cellular network to gain parking information. The operator and Huawei completed field trials for the smart parking project in July 2015 with Proof of Concepts already done. The commercialization of this project is expected in the second quarter of 2016.5.2Smart MeteringSmart metering as mentioned earlier enable the automated collection of utility meter data (Electricity, Water & Gas). Huawei and another operator are collaborating on an end to end smart metering solution. During Mobile World Congress 2015, Huawei and the operator unveiled this partnership on end to end smart metering project. Other players like Neul, Veolia, Kamstrup and Ublox are all collaborating efforts on this project that is planned to be launched in the first half of 2016.Figure 19: Smart metering reference caseProof of Concept for the smart metering project have already been completed, Huawei and the operator are looking forward to conducting field trials in November mercialization of the smart metering project is expected in the third quarter of 2016.5.3Pet TrackingHumans and their pets share a good bond, unfortunately many users often face issues regarding lost or stolen pets. Pet tracking use case is one application that helps the user to keep track of its pets activities and most importantly location at all times. A small lightweight device placed around the neck of the pet embedded with an NB-IOT chipset helps to send tracking information to its user’s device. This NB-IOT devices collects and sends location information leveraging GPS and Location Based Services and this can be done either periodically or in real time based on the users’ preferences.Figure 20: Pet tracking reference caseThe user can then receive the information with a tracking route that is already integrated with the map. Furthermore, this device is embedded with several forms of alarms that can alert the user when the device battery is running low .Huawei is collaborating with other industry players and another operator on the pet tracking application.6GlossaryNBIOT- Narrow Band Internet of ThingsPSD – Power Spectral DensityLPWA-Low Power Wide AreaGMSK – Gaussian Minimum Shift KeyingCAGR – Compound Annual Growth RateSC FDMA – Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access DL – DownlinkUL – UplinkeHealth – Electronic Health3GPP – Third Generation Partnership ProjectTTM – Time to MarketdB – DecibelGPRS – General Packet Radio ServiceMNO – Mobile Network OperatorPoC – Proof of ConceptKHz – Kilohertz2017。
NB-IoT智能烟感解决方案白皮书中国移动通信集团有限公司中国移动物联网联盟2018年12月目录N B-I o T智能烟感解决方案 (1)白皮书 (1)1行业背景 (3)1.1消防现状 (3)1.2政策法规推动 (4)2市场前景 (5)2.1消防行业规模 (5)2.2NB-IoT烟感市场前景 (5)2.3运营商推动作用 (6)3NB-IoT烟感解决方案 (6)3.1方案介绍 (6)3.2基本业务功能 (7)4业务功能及流程 (8)4.1烟感上线 (8)4.2注册和周期性状态上报 (9)4.3火警报警 (11)4.4火警告警消音 (12)4.5烟感故障上报 (13)4.6参数远程配置 (13)4.7烟感终端复位 (14)5方案设计 (15)5.1低功耗设计 (15)5.2覆盖标准 (16)5.3性能保障 (17)5.4容量 (17)5.5业务模型参考 (18)5.6安全 (18)5.7IoT应用使能平台 (19)5.8连接管理平台 (19)6安装和运维 (20)6.1安装位置 (20)6.2施工流程 (21)6.3故障定界 (21)6.4FOTA升级 (21)7业务场景和商业模式 (21)7.1业务场景 (21)7.2商业模式 (22)8典型项目案例 (22)本方案白皮书介绍NB-IoT烟感行业背景、市场前景、业务范围、商业模式和典型案例等。
1 行业背景1.1消防现状我国城市发展过程中人口数量、建筑规模不断扩大,传统与非传统的消防安全因素相互交织,相互渗透,维护火灾风险的成本和压力不断增加,人民群众对包括消防工作在内的社会管理创新和服务优化提出了更高的期盼和要求。
IOT云消防智慧消防安全感知平台IOT06平台应用功能介绍04平台达到的应用目标05平台主要应用说明03平台安装与 工作原理01国家积极推进 智慧消防建设02智慧消防物联网 设备—独立通讯01 国家积极推进智慧消防建设2017年公安部“关于全面推进‘智慧消防’建设的指导意见”中指出“全面提高消防工作科技化、信息化、智能化水平”公安部等六部委在《关于积极推动发挥独立式感烟火灾探测报警器火灾防控作用的指导意见》(公消[2015]28 9号)指出“要求充分认识独立感烟报警器对火灾防控的重要作用,鼓励和引导扩大独立感烟报警器应用范围,有效减少火灾伤亡”。
02 智慧消防物联网设备—独立通讯智能消防设备特点:智能传感独立通讯移动电源自动预警烟雾传感器电梯运行传感器水压传感器水位传感器温度传感器可燃气传感器远程报警器辅助传感器03 平台安装与工作原理(1)轻松安装,一键部署智能消防设备独立安装,不需要外接电源与设置网络,即安即用;(2)NB-IOT通讯,稳定高效智能消防设备定时发送传感数据与自检数据,确保消防安全与自身正常运行;(3)智能预警,人工智能语音提醒发生烟雾量超过限值、温度过高、可燃气浓度高、水压水位低于阀值、消防资源低于设定值等情况,触发后推送预警消息给消防责任人及运营中心;(4)智能预警,人工智能语音提醒消防责任人及运营中心进行现场核实或远程监控查看,确定警情,一键报警或一键报障;(5)在线消防指挥中心平台根据实时风向与风速数据,向相关人员推送污染物可能的飘散方向,建议疏散的人群。
提供单位上方及周边的3D全景,标识消防栓与重要路口,辅助现场指挥;04平台达到的应用目标基于NB-IOT,快速部署网络有保障去中心化,警报发送更及时物联网联动,全方位保障消防安全在线巡检演习,时刻保持警戒状态05 平台主要应用说明基于NB-IOT的智能消防传感器管理基于人工智能的预警语音提醒管理基于RFID的单位消防资源管理基于NFC的消防安全巡检管理基于GPRS的电梯安全运行管理基于监控的消防安全视频联动管理基于3D全景的周边消防栓与消防站管理基于气象的污染物环境影响管理基于Web 的消防教育资源在线学习管理06 平台应用功能介绍6.1.智能消防设备感知6.4.电梯安全运行感知系统6.7.虚拟消防演习6.10.单位周边3D全景路况6.2.消防预警处理中心6.5.在线&线下消防巡检6.8.单位内消防资源监管6.11.单位周边重点消防保护对象6.3.智能消防设备运维系统6.6.监控视频联动6.9.单位周边消防设施6.12.消防在线学习系统6.1 智能消防设备感知网络保障:基于运营商的NB-IOT网络,通讯质量有保障。
智慧消防物联网是消防远程监控系统的 升级版本,总体上,由以下五个部分构成:
消防信息传输设备和有关传感器。设在 社会单位的消防控制室、消防泵房等处,主 要采集传输火灾自动报警系统主机的信号、 消防给水管网压力、消防水池水位等信息。
城市监控中心。监控中心有人值班,实 时监控处理联网单消位防发安生保的火灾、故障等, 湖州监控中心已经建成。
可视:结构化资料 15%
信息系统均采用多级部署, 技术机构复杂,数据存储 较为分散,使用效率低。
未视:半/非结构化数据 85%
4. 数据质量差、难挖掘数据深层次价值
信息录入手段单一,数据采集 任务繁重,不全不准,且存在 二次录入等现象
缺乏数据规范,数据不一致问 题较严重,对于相同业务数据 存在多个不同版本
联网用户消防管理人员客户端。企业法人、 从业人员、管理人员可以通过手机APP、电脑 等终端查看有关情况
1、非法盗用消防栓免费水。 2、擅自拆除、迁移消防栓。 3、埋压、圈占市政消防栓。 4、人为破坏消防栓。 5、一些不法分子盗窃消防栓。 6、市政消防栓监管不到位。
1、免去日常到现场监督管理的任务。 行
3、通过消防栓水压远程监测,提高消 2、节约了大量的淡水资源,挽
手机/APP 报警通知/信息查询
无线智慧消防解决方案 — 优点
✓ 支持LoRa 和 NBIoT标准,可大规 模组网及混合组网
✓ 传输范围大,室内 覆盖好
✓ 无需网关(NBIoT)或仅需少量 网关(LoRa)
✓ 无线传输,无需布 线,可快速部署
✓ 终端功耗低,电池 寿命最长可达5年 以上
• 湖北武当山为5A景区,道教圣地,为确保2017年5 月的“第四届国际道教论坛”圆满召开,部署了该系统
• 项目合作方:湖北消防总队、十堰消防支队
• 国内首例5A景区无线消防成功案例; • 覆盖范围广,武当山景区所有古建筑; • 克服文物保护建筑难以施工的困难; • 系统运行稳定,信息推送及时,有力保障会议的召开。
2017年10月10日,公安部消防局发布 了《关于全面推进“智慧消防”建设的 指导意见》 (公消[2017]297号) 。 意见要求,2018年底,地级以上城市 建成消防器材物联网远程监控系统,目 前已经建成消防器材物联网系统的城市, 在2017年底,70% 以上的火灾高危单 …… 位和设有自动消防器材设备的高层建筑 接入系统,2018年底全部接入。
封装方式 芯片平台 通信制式 网络频段 电压特性 省电模式 空闲模式 工作温度 尺寸大小
LCC 海思Hi2110 NB-IoT Band 8 3.1~4.2V 3.5uA@PSM 2mA@DRX=1.28s -40~85℃ 19.0×18.4×2.7mm
NB-IoT智慧消防解决方案白皮书2018年09月.目录1序言 (1)2 消防行业面临的挑战 (2)2.1消防行业面临的挑战 (2)2.2主要应对手段及瓶颈 (4)3 当NB-IoT遇上智慧消防 (5)3.1 NB-IoT五大亮点 (5)3.2 NB-IoT在智慧消防领域的优势 (6)4 NB-IoT智慧消防解决方案 (6)4.1 NB-IoT智慧消防架构设计 (6)4.2 NB-IoT智慧消防产品 (9)4.3 智慧消防应用场所 (15)5 NB-IoT智慧消防解决方案价值 (16)5.1经济效益 (16)5.2社会效益 (17)6NB-IoT智慧消防商业模式 (17)6.1政府投资建设 (17)6.2 面向终端消费者市场 (18)7 智慧消防实践 (18)7.1无线感烟火灾探测报警器助力上海新型无线城市建设 (18)7.2无线感烟火灾探测报警器助力物流仓库消防安全 (19)8 智慧消防发展趋势及展望 (20)1序言《消防法》中明确:我国的消防工作由国务院领导,地方各级人民政府负责,采用预防为主、防消结合的方针,坚持专门机关与群众相结合的原则,实行防火安全责任制。
基于NB-IoT 的智慧消防系统设计摘要:相对于传统消防,智慧消防系统能利用物联网、大数据、人工智能等技术让消防变得自动化、智能化、系统化、精细化,充分体现出智慧防控、智慧管理、智慧作战、智慧指挥等四大特点,成为实现社会“安全发展”的有力武器。
针对上述情况,目前国内外也有相关消防工程公司或者高校开展基于物联网、NB-IoT 技术的消防系统开发工作,例如安徽师范大学秦立辰团队开发的“一种基于 NB-IoT 的智慧消防监测预警系统”,由南京信息工程大学自动化学院与无锡学院物联网学院联合组建的钱承山团队开发出“基于NB-IoT 的智慧消防栓监测系统”,都为借助NB-IoT和物联网技术提出了新的城市消防系统全面监测解决方案。
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NB-IoT 智慧消防解决方案白皮书目录1序言 (1)2消防行业面临的挑战 (2)2.1消防行业面临的挑战 (2)2.2主要应对手段及瓶颈 (4)3当 NB-IoT 遇上智慧消防 (5)3.1NB-IoT 五大亮点 (5)3.2NB-IoT 在智慧消防领域的优势 (6)4NB-IoT 智慧消防解决方案 (6)4.1NB-IoT 智慧消防架构设计 (6)4.2NB-IoT 智慧消防产品 (9)4.3智慧消防应用场所 (15)5NB-IoT 智慧消防解决方案价值 (16)5.1经济效益 (16)5.2社会效益 (17)6NB-IoT 智慧消防商业模式 (17)6.1政府投资建设 (17)6.2面向终端消费者市场 (18)7智慧消防实践 (18)7.1无线感烟火灾探测报警器助力上海新型无线城市建设 (18)7.2无线感烟火灾探测报警器助力物流仓库消防安全 (19)8智慧消防发展趋势及展望 (20)1序言《消防法》中明确:我国的消防工作由国务院领导,地方各级人民政府负责,采用预防为主、防消结合的方针,坚持专门机关与群众相结合的原则,实行防火安全责任制。
为此,深圳市泛海三江电子股份有限公司和华为技术有限公司强强联合,共同发布《NB-IoT 智慧消防解决方案白皮书(2018版)》,分析NB-IoT技术在消防领域的解决方案、方案价值和应用案例,并展望智慧消防发展趋势,以期促进未来深化合作,联手共赢。
2017 年 1-10 月全国共接报火灾 21.9 万起,亡 1065 人,伤 679 人,已核直接财产损失 26.2 亿元,通过对火灾进行分析,居民住宅火灾伤亡人数最多,造成 821 人死亡,占死亡总人数的 77.1%。
根据消防局的资料显示,全国 23.5 万幢高层住宅建筑(8 层以上、超过 24 米的即为高层建筑)中,未设置自动消防设施的占到 46.2%,设有自动消防设施的高层建筑,平均完好率不足 50%。
2.1.2电气引发火灾概率高2011 年至 2016 年,我国共发生电气火灾 52.4 万起,造成 3261 人死亡、2063 人受伤,直接经济损失 92 亿余元,均占全国火灾总量及伤亡损失的 30%以上;其中重特大电气火灾 17 起,占重特大火灾总数的 70%。
为有效遏制电气火灾高发势头,国务院安委会决定自2017 年起在全国范围内组织开展为期三年的电气火灾综合治理工作。
2.1.3居民用气事故发生率居高不下据不完全统计,2017 年我国共发生燃气爆炸事故 702 起,造成 1100 余人受伤 126 人死亡。
居民用气事故发生率居高不下,共发生 465 起,饭店、商户发生 164 起。
7 月份是燃气事故最高发的月份,因为夏季天气炎热,给燃气爆炸事故创造了“有利”条件。
图 2-1 九小场所定义与消防安全隐患2.1.5消防设施缺乏有效管理建筑消防设备缺乏有效管理,给消防设备的正常使用埋下安全隐患。
烟感探测器因为油烟、灰尘累积、昆虫进入等原因造成告警,超过 80 分贝的蜂鸣报警声引发大量扰民投诉,而探测器安装于天花,通过按键本地消音异常困难,导致大量设备被拆除或被塑料袋包裹,失去探测功能。
3当 NB-IoT 遇上智慧消防NB-IoT 技术应用到消防领域,可以与传统消防系统形成互补,NB-IoT 网络信号广覆盖、高安全、低功耗、易部署等特点,有助于消防前端设备(如智能烟感、电气火灾监测)快速低成本部署;通过统一接入数据格式,降低集成难度,实时监测设备工作状态,可对设备进行主动维护;通过应用平台引入社会单位运营,过滤误报警信息,快速响应告警,并通知消防监管部门,以信息化手段提升社会监督、消防防控水平。
3.1NB-IoT 五大亮点NB-IoT(Narrow Band Internet of Things),即基于蜂窝的窄带物联网,作为远距离无线通讯技术中的佼佼者,NB-IoT 具备高安全、广覆盖、低功耗、大连接和低成本这五大亮点。
图 3-1 NB-IoT 五大亮点3.2NB-IoT 在智慧消防领域的优势NB-IoT 在智慧消防领域的优势具体如下:网络信号广覆盖:NB-IoT 网络具有覆盖广、容量大、可靠性高等优势,借助运营商的技术力量,NB-IoT 设备在网络连接稳定性方面优于其他非授权频段技术。
低功耗:NB-IoT 工作在低功耗工作模式,采用事件触发模式,能显著降低能耗,以烟感为例测算,普通环境下,烟感每 8 秒采集一次,每 24H 上报一次数据,烟感电池可以连续使用超过 3 年。
统一平台接入:通过统一的IoT 接入平台,可以连接不同的物联网应用,使得不同产品品类、不同品牌间的产品采用统一的接入标准,解决互联互通的问题。
数据安全:NB-IoT 智慧消防端到端的安全管理方案,可靠保护数据。
降低施工部署成本:NB-IoT 智慧消防部署简单快捷,无需额外组网,也无需特殊布线,即装即用。
4NB-IoT 智慧消防解决方案4.1NB-IoT 智慧消防架构设计基于 NB-IoT 的智慧消防解决方案作为传统消防系统的补充,无需布管布线,可低成本的部署在未安装传统消防火灾探测系统的场所,提升这类场所的火灾报警能力,及时发现隐患,降低损失。
该方案将分散在城市各处的消防设施(光电感烟火灾探测器、感温火灾探测器、电气火灾监控探测器、可燃气体探测器)通过 NB-IoT 网络接入华为 OceanConnect 物联网平台,将前端海量设备实时收集的消防设施数据汇聚给三江智慧应用云平台,应用云平台进行智能化分析和多级别管理,发现隐患,预测火警,并将报警通过APP、短信、微信、电话等通知到相关人员,同时在城市消防设备巡检、监测、维护及综合管理等方面,提供全面、准确、及时的信息反馈,为减少火灾隐患,降低火灾风险,保障人民的生命及财产安全等方面起到了重要的作用。