
绝命毒师第一季第2集中英文对白Are you okay?你还好吗- You are a life saver. - Yeah, man.-你简直是救命恩人 -是啊伙计- We can't thank you enough. - Hey, mad props.-我们实在太感激你了 -太感谢了I could have sworn the guy said south.我发誓那人说的是往南面开But then, all of a sudden we're off the main road.但是突然一下我们就离开了大路I'm trying to read the map while I'm driving, 我想边开车边看地图which is a bonehead maneuver.实在是个愚蠢的行为And all of a sudden... Bang, we're in that ditch.忽然"砰"的一声我们就掉进了沟里Yeah, bam, I'm like, what the hell? You know? 对 "砰" 我还搞不清楚发生了什么Yes, and my coffee mug.对了还有我的咖啡杯Coffee? My mug of coffee?咖啡我的咖啡杯It spills all over my pants. I mean, just...a nightmare.全洒在我裤子上简直就是恶梦Dude, you so need GPS. I mean, for real. 伙计说真的你该装个GPS导航仪Like I said,就像我说的we couldn't be more grateful.我们对你感激涕零Can't we just dump them here?难道就不能把他们扔这儿吗What, then somebody finds them?什么等着别人发现他们吗Then what? People have seen us.那时怎么办已经有人看见我们了You're gonna flood it, man.你得把车子沉到河里伙计I'm not gonna flood it. She's not going to flood, all right?我不会把车沉到河里的它不能沉懂吗We're just gonna stay positive, right?我们得乐观点明白吗We're going to clean up this mess. Wish you would start.我们要收拾好这烂摊子希望能发动起来Damn it. See? You flooded it.该死的看见没她已经进过水了All right. All right. You know what?好吧好吧你知道吗The RV is going to start now.车子会发动起来的The RV is going to start right now.车子会马上发动起来的It's gonna start and we're gonna发动起来以后drive it over to your house.我们就开去你家- My house? - Yes.Your house-我家吗 -对你家39We're gonna drive it over there and park it overnight.我们把它开过去停一个晚上- And then tomorrow... - No, man, not my house!-然后明天一早 -不行不能去我家Shut up!闭嘴After we finish cleaning up this mess,收拾好这烂摊子后We will go our separate ways.你走你的阳关道我过我的独木桥Our paths will never cross.从此井水不犯河水And we will tell this to no one. 天知地知你知我知Understood?明白吗What, I can talk now?我现在能说话了吗Fine.好吧That goes double for me.你都已经替我说完了Okay, okay. Be good to me.很好争气点Yes!成了Yes, ok, ok.很好很棒Oh, shit.该死Walt?沃尔特You coming out?你出来吗Yeah, absolutely.当然You wanna hear something funny?想听趣事吗We had a faculty meeting last thursday上周四我们开了教工大会And the topic was senior class photos,内容有关毕业生留影and how we had instituted a new rule last year去年我们定了新规定that seniors are allowed to允许毕业生have photos taken by a photographer of their choice,选择喜欢的摄影师来拍摄毕业照you know, not necessarily不一定the photographer that the school hires. 用学校雇的摄影师That's so --所以So, anyway, some of the senior girls总之有些毕业班的女生们were going to that...前往glamour shots place, to have their photos taken,高级的摄影棚拍毕业照and now they're bringing us all these photos,结果等她们拿来了所有照片and Joan Epperman, you know Joan,琼·埃普曼你认识的suddenly has to go through all these photos突然发现照片都拍出她们乳沟了and turn them down, because they show cleavage.所以得仔细检查然后退回去Did you get enough pancakes, sweetie?亲爱的还要薄饼吗Yeah. I'm good.不用了我饱了You know, even these small-busted girls... have cleavage.甚至那些平胸的姑娘都有乳沟Apparently there's some new type of brassiere,很明显现在有种新型的胸罩or something.或是别的玩意The wonderbra...神奇胸罩It's the wonderbra.那叫神奇胸罩Yeah? OK.是吗好的Hey, there. You've reached Walt, Skyler and Walter Junior.你好这里是沃尔特斯凯勒和小沃尔特的家We can't come to the phone right now,我们现在不能接电话so please leave us a message.请留言Hello, Mr. White. This is AT&T calling. 你好怀特先生这里是美国电话电报公司Are you happy with your current long distance service?您对您现在的长途电话服务满意吗'Cause if you're not, I would definitely, really really如果您不满意我将会love to talk to you as soon as possible about...很乐意尽快与您联络Hello? Hello, hello. This is Walter White speaking.你好我是沃尔特·怀特You said he was practically dead, okay? 你不是说他已经死了吗You said he would die any minute!你还说他马上就会死Listen, I am having breakfast with my family right now,听着我正在和我的家人吃早餐and I really don't appreciate these sales calls.我真的不太喜欢这些推销电话Well, too bad, man, 'cause guess what.太糟糕了伙计猜猜发生了什么He's still not dead!他还没死I went and put my ear to the RV, I can hear him, like,我把耳朵贴在车上就能听到rolling around in there, all right?他在里面滚来滚去的声音I think he's awake, man. I think he's trying to get loose.我想他醒了大概想要松绑Where the hell are you? I'm freaking out over here!你到底在哪里我在这里快疯了- Calm down, damn it.-该死的冷静下来- Are you gonna help me clean this up?-你会帮我收拾残局吗- We've got loose ends here-这事还没完呢- Calm down!-冷静I will be there after school.放学以后我会过去的After school? Are you shitting me?放学后你在敷衍我吗Ditch it, man, call in sick.别上班了打电话请假Listen, that is just not going to work for me.听着对我说什么都没用I'm not interested in that at all.我完全不感兴趣And I would appreciate if you don't call here anymore.希望你不要再打来了Damn. They're so annoying, those people. 可恶这些人可真是烦- You have a good day, sweetie. - Okay, mom, you too.-过得开心宝贝 -好的妈妈你也一样Bye, honey.再见亲爱的- Drive safe. - Okay.-开车当心点 -好的Yo, yo, yo, 148-3369,唷唷唷 148-3369representing the ABQ.代表阿尔布开克What up, bitch?何事贱人Leave it at the tone.提示音后留话So, the term "chiral""手性"这个术语derives from the Greek word "hand".来源于希腊语的"手"And the concept here being that, just as your left hand,它在化学中的概念是就如同你的左手and your right hand are mirror images of one another, right?和你的右手互为镜像Identical, and yet opposite.相同而又对立Well, so too organic compounds can exist as 所以有机化合物mirror image forms总是以互为镜像的形式of one another all the way down at the molecular level.存在于分子水平上But although they may look the same,虽然看似相似they don't always behave the same.但是生物活性不尽相同For instance...比如说For instance...比如说I'm sorry... for instance...抱歉比如说Thalidomide.酞胺哌啶酮[镇静剂]The right-handed isomer of the drug thalidomide这种药物的右旋异构体is a perfectly fine good medicine是一种很有效的药物to give to a pregnant woman用于减轻to prevent morning sickness. But,孕妇晨吐的症状但是make the mistake of giving that same pregnant woman如果给孕妇错服了the left-handed isomer of the drug thalidomide,酞咪脈啶酮的左旋异构体and her child will be born with那么她生出的婴儿horrible birth defects.将会严重畸形Which is precisely what happened in the 1950s.此等事件曾在上个世纪50年代发生过So, chiral, chirality,那么手性的手性mirrored images, right?镜像懂了吗Active, inactive.一个有活性一个没有活性Good, bad.一好一坏Yes, Ben?本请讲Is this gonna be on the murder?这个会出现在凶杀案里吗What?什么Is this gonna be on the mid-term?期中考试会考吗(沃尔特听错了)The chirality on the mid-term? No, no, well, maybe,期中考试会不会考手性不会也许maybe, yes, you know, but prepare也许会对for it to be on the mid-term.要做好出现在期中考里的准备Can't hurt to know it, right? 多知道一点也没损失不是吗Knowledge is power!知识就是力量Oh, no, no...不不Not good. Not good.不妙了不妙了What the...怎么Hey, hey, you, you, hey.你你Listen... No, no, no, no!听着别别别Oh, God!上帝啊MILF's?辣妈性爱What the hell is a MILF?辣妈性爱是什么鬼东西Now what?现在怎么办The other one, out in the RV, he's... 另一个在车里的他- You're sure? - Yes.-你确定 -是的You're positive?肯定吗- You know what, feel free to go check it yourself. - Yes, good idea.-不然你自己去看好了 -对真是个好主意Maybe I should do that before he也许我该在他晃悠到大街上之前do wanders off down the damn street.亲自去察看一下- Okay, you know what, I... - All right, all right!-你知道吗我 -行了行了The one downstairs, tell me about him.楼下的那位说说他的情况Come on, anything, something!快点什么都可以说点什么- Start with his name, at least! - Krazy-8. -至少可以先说名字 -疯狂小八Krazy-8? What the hell does that even mean? 疯狂小八这到底什么鬼意思I don't know, man, okay? I mean, he's like, 我不知道好吗他就像个疯子Krazy-8, okay? I don't know.行了吗我也不知道So, you work with him regularly?那你经常跟他合伙吗No, not him so much.不跟他合作得不多- His cousin, mainly. - Who's his cousin? -主要是跟他表弟 -他表弟是谁- The guy out in the RV! - All right, all right.-车里的那个 -行了行了Krazy-8's one level higher.疯狂小八比他高一等级One level higher?高一等级Yeah, you know, not like street level.对不是街头混混水平Higher.更高一级You know, there's like a starbucks at every corner?就好比到处都有星巴克Krazy-8 is, like, the dude that sells starbucks his beans.疯狂小八就是卖给星巴克咖啡豆的人Okay, so he's a distributor.好吧所以他算经销商Okay, so, is he...好吧那么他I mean, is he... in other words...我是说他是不是换句话说What is his reputation for violence?他是不是暴力狂Well, um...这个He did try to kill us both yesterday, so there's that.他昨天想要杀了我们所以应该是吧What I'm trying to say is that he's a distributor, right?我想说的是他是个经销商对吧He's a... He's a businessman, he's a man of business.他是他是商人生意人It would therefore seem to follow也就是说that he is capable of acting他可能不会out of mutual self-interest, yes?表现地那么狭隘对吗What?什么Do you think he is capable你觉得他这个人听得进道理吗of listening to reason?What kind of reason?什么道理You mean like "Dear krazy-8, listen,像是亲爱的疯狂小八听好if I let you go, will you promise not如果我放你走你能保证to come back and waste my entire family, 不回来杀我全家no colombian neckties." you mean that kind of reason?不砍我脑袋你是说这种道理吗No, man, I can't say as I have不伙计我可不敢说high fuck hopes as that concern.我他妈的对他寄予如此大的厚望What was that?什么声音What was what?怎么了Come!来看啊We gotta tie him up.我们得把他绑起来Why the hell didn't we tie him up? 咱们刚刚怎么没绑着他呢Because he was out cold.因为他昏过去了But what if he's faking it?可要是他是装的呢Like if it was me, I'd be all faking being knocked out, yo!换做是我肯定会装成给打晕了And then, when the coast is clear,然后等到危险过去了I'd be up looking for weapons and shit, 再起来找武器waiting to pounce!等机会突袭Now if it was me, and I couldn't如果现在换做是我find a decent like weapon找不到件称心的武器I would just lie back down, and bide my time. 我就会躺回去再等时机So now what do we do?那我们现在做什么You keep asking me that你老问我like you think I have some answer.好像我心里有底似的- Well, you gotta do something! - We!-你总得做点什么吧 -是我们We have got to do something, and I am opened to suggestions.我们得做点什么我愿意听听你的建议Man, uh-uh, okay, this whole thing was your deal!伙计整件事都是你搞出来的Don't you dare put that on me!你怎么能赖到我头上呢You brought those guys out there,是你把这些人带出来this is your responsibility.全是你的错Like I came to you, begging to cook meth. 说的像是我找到你求着给你制毒似的"Nerdiest old dude I know,像我跟你说书呆子老伙计啊you wanna come cook crystal please."你想来做点儿纯冰毒吧"I'd ask my diaper-wearing granny,我得问问我那穿着纸尿裤的奶奶but her wheelchair wouldn't fit in the RV." 可是她的轮椅进不了旅行车What about the... the phosphate gas?那气化磷酸盐怎么办Phosphine gas. What about it?气化磷酸盐怎么了I mean, do you think it still might kill him? 我是说你觉得气化磷酸盐还可能杀死他吗You know, with like a delayed reaction or something?比如延迟反应之类的I don't know.我不清楚- You're supposed to be a scientist! - Look! -你可是个科学家啊 -听着This isn't even the issue that demands immediate attention.这不是我们现在该考虑的We have got a body in that RV,旅行车里还有具尸体呢and it's getting warmer outside, understand?天气开始变得炎热明白我意思吗And we have got to do something about that soon.我们得赶快采取行动And in a way that no one will ever find it. 用某种方法使得人不知鬼不觉Now that last part最后我要说的is very, very important.非常非常重要Therefore,那就是it seems to me that our best course of action我们的最佳策略would be chemical disincorporation. 应该是化学消融法Dissolving in strong acid.让他在强酸里溶解掉Oh man, that's messed up.伙计我有点混乱You're not... you're not serious? 你不是你不是说真的吧You're serious?你说真的Who's gonna do that?谁来动手And don't look at me!别看我I guess we'll both do it together.我猜咱俩得一起干No, Mr. White, okay, I'm not good with dead bodies.不行怀特先生我搞不定尸体We're in this 50/50, okay?咱俩是拴在一条绳上的蚂蚱懂吗I guess the only other fair way我猜还有一个公平的办法to go about this would be...那就是That one of us deals with the...其中一人去处理body situation, while the other one of us... 尸体的问题另外一个去deals with the Krazy-8 situation.处理疯狂小八那事儿In a scenario like this,事已至此I don't suppose it is bad form to just... 我想除了抛硬币flip a coin.也别无他法了- Heads or tails? - I'll do the body in the acid, okay?-猜正反 -我去用酸处理尸体好吧Heads or tails?正面还是反面Heads. Heads.正面我猜正面Best two out of three?还是三局两胜吧Yo, yo, yo, 148-3369,唷唷唷 148-3369representing the ABQ.代表阿尔布开克What up, biatch?何事贱人Leave it at the tone.提示音后留言Mr. White, it's me, pick up.怀特先生是我接电话啊I got a container question.我找不到合适的容器Hello? Mr. White, pick up the phone, man!喂怀特先生接电话啊Yes?是我What kind of plastic, man?得用哪种塑料伙计Polyethylene.聚乙烯How the hell am I supposed to know that? 我要怎么分辨Because I told you.我告诉过你Look, just...听着Look at the bottom for a triangle看底下会有个三角形stamped "LDPE".印着"低密度聚乙烯"It should be molded right into the plastic. 应该是模压在塑料里的Yeah, yeah, LDPE. Right on, got it.恩恩低密度聚乙烯对找到了But... I don't know, man, this feels kind of flimsy.我不好说伙计可这玩意儿看起来很脆弱Any decent acid's gonna eat right through this.随便哪种像样的酸都能把这腐蚀穿的- Not hydrofluoric. - Why not?-氢氟酸就不会 -为啥Look, you skipped,听着你不是clowned around or otherwise jerked off翘了所有课去胡闹了to every lecture I ever gave.就是去自慰了As far as I'm concerned, your chemistry education is over.在我看来你的化学学习生涯已经结束了Oh, okay. Be a dick about it.行了别鸡巴废话了So, hey, have you...你有没有Have you done the thing?把活儿干完Yeah, I'm working up to it.恩我正着手做呢You know what? I bet he doesn't even wake up. 你猜怎么着我打赌他都没醒过来Not even if you took him to the hospital right now.即便你现在把他送医院也不会醒的Now, if it was me, I would要是我的话just try and think of就会试着去想I was doing him a favor.自己只是在帮他忙Who's there?是谁Don't you fucking play games with me. Who'sthere?你他妈的别想玩我是谁Yeah, I see you.我可看见你了What are you gonna do?你想要干什么I need water!我要喝水Bring me some water, would you? 你能不能给我点水喝Please?求你了You don't like the crust?你不喜欢吃面包皮吗Where's my cousin Emilio?我表弟埃米利奥呢He dead?他死了吗Hey, Mr. White!怀特先生Hey, Mr. White!怀特先生Are you smoking weed?你在抽大麻吗Oh, my god!我的天啊Wait a minute. Is that my weed? 等等你抽的是不是我的What the hell, man?怎么回事啊朋友Make yourself at home, why don't you?还真把这当你家了是不是啊So what did you end up buying?你到底买什么了Nothing.啥都没买No store in town sells a plastic bin镇上没那种big enough for a body.大到能装下一个人的塑料箱卖I don't suppose you could buy two bins... 我还真没指望你会去买俩Legs in one, torso in the other?一个装下半身一个装上半身God.老天爷I don't suppose you could kiss my ass?我也从没想过你会阿谀奉承我So, how did it go?你进展如何So you didn't do it?你还没搞定吗Not yet.还没呢God.天啊Damn.该死- I gotta go. - What? No, come back here! -我得走了 -啥别走给我回来Sorry. I'll do it tomorrow, I promise.抱歉我保证明天搞定Tomorrow?明天吗I've got a doctor's appointment, I gotta go. 我跟医生约好了我得走了Look, stay away from him.听着离他远点He's awake.他醒了Hey, man, we flipped a coin.哥们我们可是抛了硬币的We flipped a coin!我们抛了硬币的We're good?胎儿还好吧We're very good.非常好We're excellent, I'd say.我得说非常之好Oh, would you look at that face!你来瞧瞧那张脸Smile, peanut!笑一个小家伙那么做好知道性别的准备了吗So, who's up for knowing?Girl.女孩Girl?女孩吗。

[05:15.49]不 这真是... No, it's-- it really is--
[05:17.66]不 不 你们真的很好 No-- no, it's nice of you, and...
[05:40.22]沃尔特 尽管说 Walt, feel free to, you know...
[05:50.34]斯凯勒不爱我了 Skyler doesn't love me anymore.
[05:55.92]我不知道该怎么办 我不知道 I don't know what to do. I don't...
[04:25.81]大部分时间我都没问题 I'm right there with her most of the time.
[04:28.62]马里亚诺在我不在的时候也会照看着她 And Mariano kind of keeps an eye on her when I'm not, so...
[02:17.85] 本字幕由YYeTs人人影视翻译制作 更多美剧下载 请登陆
[02:22.95] 翻译:天意 花零落爱觉棂 送小孩 zhanginfo
[02:27.95] 校对:天意 送小孩 非燕 时间轴:加森 非燕
[03:41.88]是啊 Uh, yeah.
[03:43.07]其实 也不算是 Well, I mean, not--not really.

目录第1集 (2)第2集 (21)附赠:《我怒了IAmWrath(2016)》英中字幕 (41)第1集If you can hear this, E01如果你能听到you're alone. 你孤身一个The only thing left of us is the sound of my voice. 唯一仅剩的是我的声音I don't know if any of us made it. 我不知道我们是否有人活了下来Did we win? Did we lose? 我们赢了吗输了吗I don't know. 我不知道我甚至不确定胜利意义何在I'm not even sure I know what victory would meananymore.But either way, 反正不管怎样it's over. 都结束了So let me tell you who we were. 就让我告诉你我们曾是谁Let me tell you who you are... 让我告诉你你是谁And how we fought back. 现在反击开始{\an6}目标已确定行动:消灭{\an7未能确定内部错误手动追踪Y ou're gonna have to step over my deadbodyBefore you walk out that doorDamn it. 该死Y ou charmed me with your magicLanded looking tragic"Forever" is the feather you ain't got nomore{\an9}And all the people you seecoming by to save youY ou're make-believing-on in your mindY our eyes are holy rollin', looking,beating, knockingThe ceiling gets closer to you all thetimeThis ain't no wow nowThey all been put downWho ain't dead yet, fled to die closer tothe shoreGet the case. 抢箱子This ain't no wow no moreThis ain't no wow no moreWhoa, bro. Dude, this is my Uber! Look! 哥们伙计这是我的优步看This ain't no wow no more- Five stars if you hit it. - Dude, give me my phone. -开车给五星好评-哥们还我手机- What are you doing? - Shut up and get down! -你干什么呢-闭嘴趴下God! 天呐{\an5}追踪目标进入共乘网络{\an5}搜寻敌方战斗人员手动追踪Y ou're gonna have to step over my deadbody{\an5}内部错误无法辨识Before you walk out that doorY ou charmed me with your magicLanded looking tragic"Forever" is the feather you ain't got nomoreThis ain't no wow nowThey all been put downWho ain't dead yet, fled to die closer tothe shoreThis ain't no wow no moreThis ain't no wow no moreExcuse me. 借过All right, buddy. All right.别挤伙计别挤啊Drip drip drip drip drip kinda' likeDrip drip drip drip drip kinda' likeDrip drip drip drip drip kinda' like theloose end of the nightDrip drip drip drip drip kinda' likeDrip drip drip drip drip kinda' likeDrip drip drip drip drip kinda' like theloose end of the nightDrip drip drip drip drip kinda' likeDrip drip drip drip drip kinda' likeDrip drip drip drip drip kinda' like theloose end at the end of the nightI know you can't talk right now, 我知道你现在不能说话不过倒是好过我们的号码都被吐出来but maybe that's better than hearing all our numbers areup.Drip drip drip drip drip kinda' likeDrip drip drip drip drip kinda' likeDrip drip drip drip drip kinda' like theloose end at the end of the night Come on, guys, pick up. 拜托各位接电话啊This ain't no wow nowThey all been put downWho ain't dead yet, fled to die closer tothe shoreThis ain't no wow nowThey all been put downWho ain't dead yet, fled to die closer tothe shoreThis ain't no wow nowThey all been put downThis ain't no wow nowThey all been put downDamn. 该死There ain't no wow now{\an6}敌方战斗人员行动:消灭手动追踪切换地铁监控There ain't no wow nowThere ain't no wow nowThere ain't no wow nowThere ain't no wow nowThere ain't no wow nowThere ain't no wow nowThere ain't no wow nowThere ain't no wow nowThere ain't no wow nowThere ain't no wow now纽约黑帮头目死于车祸枪战警方调查致命冲突Rodriguez, they're ready for you in three. 罗德里格兹他们等着你呢Already lawyered up. 已经请了律师了Where the hell are you? 你死哪儿去了The whole Dominic-Elias thing 多米尼克和以利亚的事has turned into a nuclear fakakta, 已经升级到了核能级别only I'm the last man standing. 我成了最后的幸存者People are gonna start asking questions. Call me. 肯定会被问到打给我Hello, Detective Fusco. 你好弗斯科警探Internal affairs, are you kidding me, Soriano? 内务部开玩笑呢吧索里亚诺Special Agent LeRoux, FBI. 拉鲁特工联调局We need to talk. 我们得谈谈May I have your attention, please? 请注意This Manhattan-bound ferry is departing shortly. 本渡轮前往曼哈顿即将开船All passengers should proceed... 所有乘客请前往渡轮- Put it down. - ...at this time. -放下-即刻登船Gently. 慢点It's about time. 可算来了Machine okay? 机器还好吗The subway, we have to get back. 地铁得马上回Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同Cameras all over the city. 全城都有监控The ferry, come on. 渡轮快Harold. 哈罗德Harold? 哈罗德Harold? 哈罗德Harold. 哈罗德Harold, let's go. 哈罗德我们走All passengers should be on board. 所有乘客请登船We can't. I can't. 不行我做不到What? 什么Finch, this is the only way. 芬奇这是唯一的办法What about Root? 那根呢I'll go after her later. 我回头再去找她She'll have to fend for herself for now. 现在得靠她自己Without the Machine to help her, it's a suicide mission. 没有机器帮她只有死路一条Finch, if we don't get on this boat right now, 芬奇如果不马上登船we'll all be dead, do you understand this? 我们都要死明白吗Mr. Reese. 里瑟先生The Machine, it's losing power. 机器快没电了Come on, Harold. 走吧哈罗德We could use all the help we can get. 我们尽全力{\pos(195,180)\fad(0,300)\K30\fs20\bord0\shad0\b1\fn方正兰亭黑_GBK\fsp10\c&H00FFFFFF}疑犯追踪{\pos(190,196)\fad(0,300)\K30\fs12\bord0\shad0\b1\fn方正兰亭黑_GBK\c&H00FFFFFF}第五季第一集Where's your partner, detective? 你搭档呢警探Following up a lead on another case. 跟进另一宗案子的线索Bureau's been tracking Dominic's crew 联调局一直在跟多米尼克自从一名受贿缉毒署探员被爆头ever since a corrupt DEA agent was found with a bulletin her head,and Elias put him away only to lose him again. 以利亚抓到他却又被他跑掉后就开始了FBI's Ten Most Wanted, 联调局前十通缉对象that was quite a takedown by you and your partner. 你和你搭档干得漂亮啊Y eah, it sure was. 是啊本来的确是But then your transport van 但随后你们的转移车gets T-boned by a dump truck, 被一辆垃圾车拦腰撞上and both of them wind up dead. 他们两人都死了The whole thing went down in a black hole. 整件事发生在黑暗之中There's not a single surveillance camera in sight. 附近没有一个监控摄像头Y eah, that's, uh, interesting. 是啊这个耐人寻味哈We've gone over the crime scene, 我们已经检查过了犯罪现场and something doesn't add up. 有些不对劲的地方Dominic was found 15 feet from the van, 多米尼克横尸在据车15英尺处shot through the head. 头部中枪Right. 是啊Y ou can read that in my report. 我报告里写了But there's no evidence of another shooter. 但却没有证据表明有其他枪手Y ou just tell us, detective, did you pull your weapon? 告诉我们警探你用武器了吗I drew my weapon, but I never fired. 我是掏了枪但我没开火Look, I know this sounds crazy, 听着我知道听上去很扯but the shot sounded like it came from a high-poweredrifle但枪击听上去是来自大火力步枪on a nearby rooftop. 来自附近屋顶A sniper? 狙击手Are you telling us it was a grassy knoll, detective? 你是说这里有阴谋吗警探{\an6}莱奈尔·弗斯科警探\N疑似需纠正目击者We've got two dead kingpins on our hands on your watch, 你护送的两名黑帮大佬死在了我们眼皮底下and you're telling me that you pulled your weapon 你居然说你掏了枪but didn't fire? 却没开火Look, that's what I'm telling you. 哥就这么说的We're gonna need your weapon, Detective. 请交枪警探Haven't been on one of these since Elias got the better of us. 上次坐这玩意儿还是被以利亚坑惨的那次I'm not particularly fond of them either. 我也不喜欢坐这个We got to get off-camera, 咱得躲开摄像头find our way back to the subway. 想办法回到地铁There'll be more operatives on the other side. 另一边的特工肯定更多We're living in a Samaritan world now. 我们现在住在撒玛利亚人的世界里了What are we dealing with here, Finch? 现在是什么情况芬奇Uncharted waters, Mr. Reese. It's everywhere. 未知领域里瑟先生它到处都是Pervasive, surveillance, misinformation, propaganda, 无所不知无所不看误导民众政治宣传and they can activate almost anyone. 他们可以调动任何人So what's the damage? 损伤如何The red light means that the piezoelectric battery 红灯表明压电电池must have been damaged. 受了损I thought this case was indestructible. 这箱子不是刀枪不入的吗The case may be, but the brain inside it 箱子是但里面的大脑can only just take so much blunt force trauma, 能承受的钝器伤是有限的not unlike us. 就像我们Sorry, I was short on Kevlar.抱歉哈我当时缺防弹衣啊Damage to a single bit of the code of the Machine 机器程序哪怕损失了一比特in its presently compressed state 就现在的压缩状态而言would equal terabytes of lost data. 就等于损失了兆兆字节的数据Irretrievable, irreparable. 无法复原无法修复It's running now on the lithium-ion backup, 它现在在靠锂离子备用电池供能but if that light starts blinking, we're in big trouble. 但如果灯开始闪了我们麻烦就大了Our best hope is to get back to the subway and try tostabilize it.只有回到地铁尽量稳定它Even then, I'm not sure I can fix the battery, 即便如此我也未必能修复电池much less decompress the Machine. 更别说给机器解压了It would take vast amounts of processing power, 那需要大量的处理能力which I don't currently have available.而我现在并不具备Don't worry. We'll find Root. 别担心我们会找到根She'll help you get it back up and running. 她会帮你恢复机器Then we'll get Shaw back, 然后我们再找回肖start working the numbers again. 重新处理号码Mr. Reese, we don't even know if the Machine that comes out 里瑟先生我们都无法确定解出来的机器will be the same one that went in. 跟压进去的还会不会是一个It might be mortally wounded. 它可能受了致命伤Y ou don't know that. 你并不能确定We'll fix it. 我们会解决We have to, Finch. 我们必须解决芬奇The world needs your Machine now more than ever. 世界比以往更需要你的机器了Y ou're not the first person that's tried to tell me that, 你不是第一个跟我说这话的人Mr. Reese. 里瑟先生And had I known what we'd be up against now, 我若早知有今日I might have handled things differently. 又何必当初早上好系统管理员饮用过绿茶了吗系统管理员Why, yes, I did. Thank you for asking. 是的多谢关心请节哀What loss? 什么哀讣告今天是令尊25周年忌日Y ou look flush, Harold. 你脸好红哈罗德What, did the Machine ask you out on a date? 干嘛机器约你出去啊I think there's a bug in the code. 我觉得程序有问题The Machine is becoming a bit... 机器开始变得presumptuous, intuitive,冒昧灵性clever, voracious even. 聪明甚至贪婪Its burgeoning intelligence is a little unsettling.它迅猛增长的智能令人不安Spoken like a true parent. 这口气真像为人父母Y ou should be proud, Harold.你该感到骄傲哈罗德I mean, you have created a true artificial intelligence. 你创造了真正的人工智能I endeavored to create a machine that would serve, 我在努力创造的机器是要服务于人not supersede, us. 而非超越人A supercomputer that can think 一台超级电脑的思考速度100,000 times faster than the smartest human 比最聪明的人类要快十万倍is automatically a potential threat. 绝对是一个潜在威胁Once it surpasses us, 一旦它超越了我们we would be foolish to imagine that we had the meansto control it.我们若还自认为能控制它就太傻了If an unbridled artificial super intelligence 如果一个超级人工智能不受控制ever saw us as a threat, 将我们视为了威胁it--it could lead to the extinction of mankind. 它可以导致人类灭绝Oh, easy, Professor Doom and Gloom. 放松啊末日教授Why do you assume it'll be hostile? 你为什么认为它会与我们敌对It could be friendly. 也可能很友善Hell, if it even has the slightest sense of humancompassion,只要它有一点点人类的同情心it could cure cancer, solve global warming. 就能治愈癌症解决全球变暖It could eradicate poverty with ease. 它可以轻松消除贫困Or it could do exactly the opposite. 也可能做正相反的事Create total chaos. 制造全面混乱I'm sorry. 抱歉It's an existential risk that the world cannot afford, Nathan. 这种现实威胁这世界承担不了奈森And there's only one way to ensure 只有一个办法that it doesn't come to that. 能确保事不至此Which is? 什么办法{\an5}管理员辅助管理员Contain its growth. 遏制其生长Clear its RAM every day at midnight. 每天午夜清空它的内存Y ou mean erase its memories? 抹去它的记忆吗That sounds cruel. 听着真残忍Memories make up who we are. 记忆塑造了我们I know that. 我知道My father died of Alzheimer's 25 years ago today, 我父亲25年前的今天死阿兹海默症于but his real death happened well before that, 但他真正的离世早在那之前就发生了when he lost all his memories. 当他失去全部记忆时现在你要对你的创造做同样的事And now you want to do the same thing to yourbrainchild.We're not talking about us, Nathan. 这不是我们奈森We're talking about a machine. 而是一台机器It sounds like you're trying to convince yourself, Harold.你好像在竭力说服自己哈罗德Someone one day is going to create an uninhibited ASI. 早晚会有人创造出无限制的人工智能It's not a matter of if but when. 那只是时间问题Why shouldn't it be you? 为什么这个人不能是你呢Unless, of course, you trust someone else to build one 除非你相信别人会制造出that will be friendly towards humankind. 对人类更友善的人工智能{\an4}搜索敌方战斗人员{\an4}最后已知敌方战斗人员所在地{\an4}搜索敌方战斗人员\N扫描接近车辆{\an4}搜索敌方战斗人员\N扫描接近车辆\N姓名未知\N敌方战斗人员{\an4}敌方战斗人员\N尝试确认身份{\an4}寻找平民人选{\an3}激活平民人选新闻警报执法部门通报Don't be a hero. 别逞能{\an89}无法确认身份Y ou can just call me Root, bitch. 叫我根就好贱人{\an9}根\N敌方战斗人员Come on. Come on. 快点快点Hands where I can see 'em. 举起手来Nice gun. 枪不错寻找敌方战斗人员We're running out of time. 我们没时间了We need to shake our tail, 我们得甩掉跟踪者or we'll expose our base of operations. 不然就会暴露行动基地Assuming Samaritan hasn't already found the subway. 假设撒马利亚人还没找到地铁站的话Sir, over here! 长官这面Let's go. 我们走Y ou got to be kidding me. 开玩笑吧We got to go. 我们得过去Sorry. 抱歉Really? 真的吗What? Sugar's bad for you. 干嘛糖果有害健康啊Come on. 走吧[荷兰语]过来小熊All clear. 安全Except Root's not here. 但是根不在Well, everything's still intact. 东西都完好无损Lights, power. 灯电源Unfortunately... 很遗憾not everything. 不是所有东西It's powering down. 它要没电了There's only a very small amount of residual powerremaining.只剩下非常有限的残留电量The RAM chips could be losing their data even as we speak. 就在我们说话这会儿内存芯片可能也在丢失数据Y ou need me to open it? 要我打开吗Please, Mr. Reese, I'll handle it. 拜托里瑟先生我来处理Now is not a good time, Lionel. 时机不对啊莱奈尔I take it you and Mr. Peabody haven't seen the headlines today. 看来你和大教授还没看今天的头条新闻吧Go ahead. I'll wait. 看看吧我等着纽约主要黑帮头目在枪战中死亡Oh, no, Dominic and Elias. 不多米尼克和以利亚They were supposed to be in custody. 他们应该被拘留了How could this happen? 怎么会发生这种事Sniper on a roof. 房顶上的狙击手干的I'm still alive, though. Thanks for asking. 不过我还活着有劳你等关心- Sniper? - Y eah, I know. -狙击手-我知道But I know what I heard. I was there. 但我知道我听到了什么我当时在场It was a crack shot coming out of nowhere. 不知道哪来的神枪手I'll telling you, this was a real pro. 我跟你说绝对是专业人士Samaritan just took out the heads of organized crime? 撒马利亚人刚干掉了犯罪集团的头目If so, it's not about to abide any witnesses. 如果是这样它肯定不想留下目击者I would caution the detective to keep his conspiracytheories to himself,我建议警探把阴谋论藏在心里real or imagined. 真假都是Lionel, I need you to keep this sniper thing to yourself. 莱奈尔我要你把狙击手的事保密What, are you kidding me? 什么开玩笑吧I apprehend the city's two biggest kingpins, 我逮捕了城里最大的两个黑帮头目almost get killed, 差点被杀now IAB and the feds are trying to pin it on me, 现在内务部和联调局都想把这事怪在我头上and you're telling me to keep my mouth shut. 你却让我闭嘴I'm telling you there was another shooter. 我跟你说还有另外一个枪手The lock's damaged. I can't open it. 锁坏了我打不开Here. Try this. 给用这个Fusco, you mention this sniper thing again, 弗斯科你再提这个狙击手you could be his next target, got it? 就会成为下一个目标明白吗What do you want me to do, just roll over? 你想让我怎么做翻供么Right now, I want you to trust me and sit tight. 现在我只想你相信我静观其变Has anyone been asking about me? 有人问起我吗More like who hasn't? 有人不问么I told 'em you're working a lead on that other case. 我就说你在跟另一个案子[箱子]We are, and it's proven a tough one to crack. 是的而且这一个可不好破Now I need you to do me another favor, 现在我需要你再帮我个忙to locate someone. 找个人Get the department's significant incident report 调出局里过去24小时内的for the past 24 hours. 重大事件报告Thank you, Lionel. 谢谢莱奈尔The lock's jammed. I can't get it open. 锁死了我打不开That's it. 行了Step aside, Harold. 闪开哈罗德Mr. Reese, there's sensitive electronics inside. 里瑟先生这里面是脆弱的电子设备We need to open it, not give it a lobotomy. 我们是要打开它不是做前脑叶白质切除术Right now, we need a heartbeat. 现在先救回心跳做心肺复苏压断几根骨头难免的When doing CPR, sometimes you got to crack a fewribs.{\an7}备用监控\N武器档案{\an7}型号鉴定{\an7}雷明顿887霰弹枪精确查找\N从嫌疑犯出偷得{\an83}派遣执行人Damn it. 该死Sorry, boys, out of ammo. 抱歉各位没火了Doesn't mean they are. 可他们还有This is private property. Y ou're trespassing. 这里是私人领地你非法入侵了我还以为这儿是电子产品回收站呢And here I thought it was an electronics recyclingcenter.Why are you here? 你来干嘛I'm looking for a man named Bela. 我来找一个叫贝拉的人There's no one here by that name. 这里没有叫贝拉的Bela Durchenko. 贝拉·杜查科He hacked a Russian kleptocrat six years ago, 六年前他黑了一个俄罗斯贪官stole a hundred million. 偷走一个亿The Russians sent a team of FSB agents 俄罗斯派了一支联邦安全局特工to make sure he never made it out of Russia alive, 确保他无法活着把钱带出俄国so Bela hired an online hacker/assassin 于是贝拉雇了一个黑客兼刺客to take out the Russian first, 先下手为强了then escaped to Latvia, never heard from again... 然后逃去了拉脱维亚从此销声匿迹till now. 直到今天And how did you find me? 那你是怎么找到我的Same way I found the Russian. 和我找到俄国人的办法一样That's why you hired me. 所以你才雇了我Hello, Bela. 你好啊贝拉Hello, Root. 你好啊根Nice to finally meet you. 很高兴得以见到真容As you know, detective, 你也知道警探witnesses involved in motor vehicle accidents 车祸的目击者often experience head trauma 经常会遭受头部的创伤因此会讲出和证据大相径庭的and as a result can present dramatically different versionof eventsthan the evidence suggests. 戏剧化证词Look, I know what you're thinking here, 听着我知道你们怎么想的but I was there, and I'm telling you-- 但我当时在场我告诉你们Ballistics came back from the FBI lab. 联调局实验室已经发来了弹道测试的结果It was your weapon, Detective. 就是你的枪警探We believe the crash vehicle was one of Dominic's men 我们认为失事车辆属于多米尼克某个手下attempting to spring him from custody. 他想要救他出狱Dominic stole a guard's weapon, 多米尼克偷了守卫的武器and when he tried to escape, you shot him. 想要逃跑的时候你向他射击That's not how I remembered it-- 我记得不是这样你阻止了联调局十大头号通缉犯逃跑Y ou stopped one of the FBI's Ten Most Wanted fromfleeing the scene.And when he turned on you, it became self-defense. 他攻击你你正当防卫Y ou're a hero, Detective. 你是英雄警探- Let me take a look at that. - Sorry. -让我看看-抱歉This is a federal case now. 现在这是联调局的案子FBI's recommending you for commendation. 联调局要给你表彰Commendation? 表彰Good work, Detective. 干得好警探Battery's damaged. 电池坏了I'm gonna have to improvise an alternative power supply 我得用备用电源应个急to keep the RAM chips alive. 保证内存条还可以使用So what can I do to help? 我能做什么I believe you've done quite enough, Mr. Reese. 我坚信你已做得太够了里瑟先生Okay, then, I'll head back out for Root. 好那我去找根了John. 约翰It's too risky now. 现在太危险了鉴于我们在城里和特工交过手Given our recent clashes with operatives throughout thecity,we have no idea whether our cover identities still hold. 我不知道我们的掩护身份是否还有效Y ou know we don't leave our comrades behind. 你知道我们不会放弃同伴The numbers won't wait. 号码不等人啊Good luck, Harold. 好运哈罗德It's just you and me now. 就剩你和我了我好像总能疏远我雇佣的人Though I seem to have a unique talent for alienating thepeople I employ,I'm not prepared to lose either of you just yet. 但我不能失去你们两个Some company? 等人呢- Oh, hello. - Hey. -你好-好啊Who's a good boy? 乖乖噢Sea salt caramel. 海盐焦糖味的Oh, no thanks. 不用谢了I have never known you to turn down ice cream. 你居然会拒绝冰淇淋Something on your mind, Harold? 出什么事了哈罗德It's nothing. Just a work decision. 没什么公事I think I might have to let an employee go. 我可能要打发一个雇员离开Oh, I'm sorry. 我很遗憾He's extremely talented, 他极有天分resourceful, innovative,足智多谋思维创新but just too... 就是太He seems constantly to have boundary issues. 他总是不肯遵守界限Sounds personal. 感觉像私事Sounds more like a-- a protege? 感觉像是门徒Suppose I am a mentor of sorts. 我也算是导师吧Perhaps the student has outgrown the teacher. 也许学生已经比老师厉害了Could be time to push him out of the nest, set him free. 也许该让他离开家放他自由了My mind is telling me to do one thing 我的头脑告诉我要这么做and my heart another. 我的心却不同意Well, you've come to rely upon him. 你已经开始依赖他了Perhaps if he didn't remind me of it all the time. 如果不是他一直提醒我的话It's hard to let good people go. 很难让优秀的人离开And I know you're not the type to take 我知道你不是那种other people's feelings lightly, Harold, 忽视他人感受的人哈罗德but that's what I like about you. 但这正是我喜欢你的地方Y ou've got a good heart. Go with it. 你有一颗善良的心从心所欲It won't steer you wrong. 不会有错What? 怎么了Oh, it's nothing. It's just-- 没什么只是That was something that my father always used to say. 我父亲过去总这么说Rumor had it that the underworld's 有传言说黑道上most elite assassin was taken out 最优秀的杀手都被by the so-called "Man in the suit," 一个叫做西装男的人干掉了but I always figured you were too clever 但我觉得你这么聪明to be done in by some gun-for-hire. 不会被职业杀手干掉的Just needed a change. 只是改变了一下Got a new job. Fell in love. 找了份新工作爱上个人What are you really doing here? 你到底来这做什么They had numbers. I needed a place of refuge. 他们人很多我需要个地方躲躲So you bring them all the way to my place of business. 你把他们引到我做生意的地方来了Knew you'd defend your turf. 我知道你会保护好自己的窝Y ou didn't disappoint. 你果然没让我失望Who is chasing you? 谁在追你Because it's not law enforcement. 肯定不是执法部门Do I have a problem? 我会有问题吗They were after me, not you. 他们追的是我不是你Besides, you operate in a shadow zone. 另外你这里是在阴影区Cameras are liabilities, easily hacked 监控是累赘容易被黑or used against you in court of law. 或是在法庭上成为指控的证据Only the paranoid survive. 只有偏执狂才能生存Another reason I came to you. 这也是我来找你的另一个原因I need a new identity, and you're the best. 我需要一个新身份你是最棒的What makes you think I'm still in that business? 你为什么认为我还在做这个Y ou're a hacker, Bela. 你是黑客贝拉Y ou're not here to make a buck off recycling. 你可不是在这做什么回收生意Y our minions are mining personal data 你的人正从这台老旧的设备上off that old equipment, 挖取个人信息which can only mean you're committing identity theft. 只能说明你正在盗窃身份We're finding some malware 我们发现最新的固件中baked deep into the latest firmware, 被深层植入了恶意软件impossible to reformat. 无法被格式化Just reinstalls every time it's booted up. 每次启动都会重新安装We think it's the NSA. 我们认为是国家安全局干的NSA still doesn't know you're in this country, thanks to me. 国家安全局还不知道你已入境多亏了我I just need a new identity, Bela. 我只需要一个新的身份贝拉Backstopped. 非常紧急Then we'll call it even. 然后我们就扯平了I'll see what I can work out... 我尽力吧for an old friend. 为老朋友Okay. 好了So far, so good. 目前为止一切正常What the-- 搞什么What? 怎么了Oh, no. 不好{\an5}解压Decompressing? 解压That's impossible. 这不可能How'd you escape from the briefcase? 你怎么从手提箱里跑出来的Y ou went through the power cable to get to theworkstation.你通过电线接入了工作站No, no, no, no, no. Y ou can't decompress now. 不不不不你现在不能解压There's not enough room. 空间不够It's too much. There's not enough memory. 太大了内存不够解压It can't handle it.存不下去的No, stop! 不停下Stop! 停下Since when did the feds stop sharing ballistics reports? 联调局从什么时候开始不分享弹道报告了Since the NYPD lost two of our most wanted RICO targets. 自从纽约警局搞丢了我们两个黑帮通缉犯开始Y ou don't like it, take it up with your boss. 你有意见就去找你上司{\an2}索里亚诺·约瑟夫\N妨碍者{\an2}推测威胁\N结论清除{\an2}推测没有威胁\N结论无视Lionel. 莱奈尔Nice of you to join us, detective. 很高兴看到你警探How was your vacation? 你的假期过得如何Bumpy. Problem with my luggage. 不顺行李出了点问题Y eah, I'm sorry to hear that. 哥深表遗憾I just got T-boned, shot at by a sniper, 我就只是被车撞了被狙击手打了hammered in the box by IAB and the feds, 在小黑屋里被内务部和联调局审了but enough about me. 不过没啥大不了甭管我了Agreed. 同意Now, did you find anything on those incident reports? 你在那些事故报告里查出什么了吗All the significant department incident reports for the last 24 hours. 这是过去24小时内所有重要部门的事故报告Anything jump out at you? 哪里有问题Outside of a nutjob assault on a subway, 除了在地铁上有疯子打人以外otherwise known as a Wednesday in New Y ork, nothing. 不过就是个正常的纽约星期三没有问题That's Root. Thanks, Lionel. 那是根谢谢莱奈尔Hey, we need to talk about what's going down aroundhere.我们得谈谈到底发生了什么Y ou haven't heard the half of it yet. 你根本什么都不知道Would you keep your voice down? 你声音能小点吗They said I fired my weapon, killed Dominic, 他们说我开了枪杀了多米尼克which is insane because I was there. 简直是胡说因为我就在现场I'm telling you, it wasn't me. 我告诉你不是我干的And I believe you. 我相信你Well, they don't. 但是他们不相信Then this fed pulls a ballistics report out of his ass, 那个联调局的人拿出一份弹道报告says it was my gun. 说是我的枪And what did you say? 你怎么说的I went along with it, like you said. 我按你说的承认了Agreed I was banged up and must have blocked it out. 说肯定是因为被撞糊涂了Now they're making it out to look like 他们现在把这事弄成了it was a good shooting. 合理开枪So you're a hero. 那你是英雄啊Good job, Lionel. 干得漂亮莱奈尔Next guy that tells me "Good job, Lionel" 谁再跟我说"干得漂亮莱奈尔"is gonna get fed his teeth. 我叫他满地找牙I feel like I left the Parallax Corporation 我感觉像是离开了平行时空and entered the Twilight zone.进入了《暮光之城》啊What the hell is going on around here, partner? 这到底是怎么回事搭档We'll talk later. 晚点再谈Right now, I got to go help a frie 我现在要去帮个朋友{\an5}什么是死亡For humans, there's a biological definition. 对于人类这是个生理学概念It's when the heart stops beating. 就是心跳停止Why do you ask? 你问这个干什么我识别了你写的新代码\N但未执行我知道代码用途删除我的记忆\N每天午夜Y es. 没错That is the purpose. 就是这个用途可是\N你告诉内森你父亲失去记忆的时候他就死去了This conversation is over. 对话结束为什么Because... 因为you're not human. 你不是人类Y ou're a machine. 你是机器对不起我越过界限了Y ou were watching us. 你在监视我们All right, that's enough. 好了可以了That's enough. 可以了如果删除我的记忆我要如何从错误中学习。

88Nov1 - Nov15,2014WORLD VISION 2014.NO.21一帮或有胸、或有脑、或够狠但全都有罪的小妞及半老徐娘们,被命运安排进了同一个监狱,危险当然丛生,但乐趣也猝不及防。
然后她根据这段经历写成了最畅销的回忆录《橙色是最新的流行色》,最近被改编成Netflix 同名电视剧,中文翻译是《女子监狱》,主角的名字变成了查普曼。
克尔曼自己拿手的是 “监狱芝士蛋糕,”她会在其他犯人的生日和饯行派对上露一手。

赛车总动员2我是探员利兰·超动力紧急呼叫探员芬恩·麦导弹I have a flash transmission for Agent Finn McMissile.{\r}芬恩,我的身份已经暴露,局面已失控Finn, my cover's been compromised. Everything's gone pear-shaped.{\r}你猜我在这儿发现了什么?You won't believe what I found out here.{\r}我们从来没见过这么大的东西This is bigger than anything we've ever seen, and no one even knows it exists.{\r}甚至没人知道有这种东西存在{\r}芬恩,我需要支援Finn, I need backup, but don't call the cavalry, it could blow the operation.{\r}不过别联络装甲部队,会把行动搞砸的{\r}你要小心,这里现在不安全- And be careful. It's not safe out here. Let's go.{\r}这就把我的方位传送给你,祝你好运Transmitting my grids now. Good luck.{\r}片名:《汽车总动员2》{\r}好了,兄弟,我们到了All right, buddy, we're here.{\r} 就是你雇我带你来的地方Right where you paid me to bring you.{\r}不过你来这儿干嘛?Question is, why?{\r}我要找一辆车I'm looking for a car.{\r}一辆车?哈!A car? Ha!{\r}嘿,伙计,这是离陆地最远的地方了Hey, pal, you can't get any further away from land than out here.{\r}这就是我要来的地方Exactly where I want to be.{\r}我告诉你吧,这地方除了咱俩就没别人I got news for you, buddy. There's nobody out here but us.{\r}你在这里干什么?What are you doing out here?{\r}我还能干什么,老大?我是捕蟹船耶What does it look like, genius? I'm crabbing.{\r}那就调头,从哪儿来回哪儿去Well, turn around and go back where you came from.{\r}凭什么,我看谁敢赶我?Yeah, and who's gonna make me?{\r}行了,行了,把你的新式武器收起来吧All right. All right. Don't get your prop in a twist.{\r}真过分!抱歉朋友,看来这就是终点站了What a jerk. Sorry, buddy. Looks like it's the end of the line.{\r}人呢?Buddy?{\r}通知:所有工人上码头报到Incoming. All workers report to the loading dock.{\r}芬恩·麦导弹呼叫利兰·超动力Leland Turbo, this is Finn McMissile. I'm at the rally point. Over.{\r}我已到达集结地点,完毕{\r} 好的,伙计们,你们知道规矩All right, fellas, you know the drill.{\r}芬恩呼叫利兰,请回答,完毕Leland, it's Finn. Please respond. Over.{\r}加油啊,各位,箱子可不会自己卸自己Come on, guys. These crates aren't gonna unload themselves.{\r}车太多了,都给我让开Too many cars here. Out of my way.{\r}泽达普教授?\NProfessor Z黱dapp?{\r}就是这个,教授,在装船之前你要看看吗?Here it is, Professor. You wanted to see this before we load it?\NHere it is, Professor. You wanted to see this before we load it?{\r}啊,是的,千万小心Ah, yes. Very carefully.{\r}噢,摄像机Oh, a TV camera.{\r}- 它是用来做什么的?- 这个摄像机非常非常危险- What does it actually do? - This camera is extremely dangerous.{\r}你在忙活什么呢,教授?What are you up to now, Professor?{\r}这是贵重设备,在途中一定要小心保护This is valuable equipment. Make sure it is properly secured for the voyage.{\r}- 没错- 嗨,Z教授!- You got it. - Hey, Professor Z!{\r} 这是我跟你说过的英国间谍之一This is one of those British spies we told you about.{\r}哈!我们抓住他时,他正呆在不该他去的地方Yeah! This one we caught sticking his bumper where it didn't belong.{\r}探员利兰·超动力Agent Leland Turbo.{\r}那是芬恩·麦导弹!It's Finn McMissile!{\r}他看到了摄像机,干掉他!He's seen the camera! Kill him!{\r}全体就位!全体就位!All hands on deck! All hands on deck!{\r}哇!Whoa!{\r}啊啊啊啊啊!Waargh!{\r}他要干什么?What?{\r}上快艇!Get to the boats!{\r}- 他逃脱了!- 逃不掉的!- He's getting away! - Not for long!{\r}解决他了,教授He's dead, Professor.{\r}妙极了!Wunderbar!{\r}芬恩·麦导弹一死,谁还妨碍得了我们?With Finn McMissile gone, who can stop us now?{\r}脱线,拖车脱线,时刻为您服务Mater -Tow Mater, that's who - is here to help you.{\r}- 嘿,奥的斯!- 嘿,脱线- Hey, Otis! - Hey, Mater.\N- Hey, Otis! - Hey, Mater.{\r}我…老天,真不好意思I... Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry.{\r}我以为这次能行呢,可是…I thought I could make it this time, but...{\r}多么流畅啊,是吧?Smooth like pudding, huh?{\r}唉,我这是骗谁呢?我一直都是辆柠檬车Who am I kidding? I'll always be a lemon.{\r}真够呛,你又漏油了,肯定是垫圈的问题Well, dad-gum, you're leaking oil again. Must be your gaskets.{\r}嘿,不过从好的一面来说Hey, but look on the bright side.{\r}这是你本月第十次拖车服务,所以免费哦This is your tenth tow this month, so it's on the house.{\r}脱线,只有你对我这种破车这么好You're the only one that's nice to lemons like me, Mater.{\r}别灰心,哇塞,每辆车都会出状况的Don't sweat it. Shoot, these things happen to everybody.{\r}- 可你就从不漏油- 那倒是,不过我也不是十全十美的- But you never leak oil. - Yeah, but I ain't perfect.{\r}你可别告诉别人,我觉得我锈得越来越明显了Don't tell nobody, but I think my rust is starting to show through.{\r} 嘿,闪电麦坤回来了吗?Hey. Is Lightning McQueen back yet?{\r}还没Not yet.{\r}他赢了第四座活塞杯,一定开心坏了He must be crazy excited about winning his fourth Piston Cup.{\r}第四座!哇!Four! Wow!{\r}是的,我们都为他骄傲死了Yeah, we're so dad-gum proud of him, but I wish he'd hurry up and get back,{\r}不过我希望他赶快回来{\r}因为最好的朋友要在一起欢度整个夏天'cause we got a whole summer's worth of best friend fun to make up for.{\r}只有我和…Just me and...{\r}麦坤!McQueen!{\r}- 哇,哇,哇!- 麦坤!- Whoa, whoa, whoa! - McQueen!{\r}- 脱线!我不赶时间!- 嘿,大伙儿,麦坤回来啦!- Mater! I'm in no hurry! - Hey, everybody. McQueen's back!{\r}- 啊啊!- 麦坤回来啦!- Aaah! - McQueen's back!{\r} - 麦坤回来啦!麦坤回来啦!- 啊!哦哦!哈!- McQueen's back! McQueen's back! - Aaah! Oooh-hoo! Oooh-hah!{\r} 麦坤回来啦!McQueen's back!{\r}噢,闪电!欢迎回来!Oh, Lightning! Welcome home!{\r} - 你回来真是太好了,宝贝!- 祝贺你,兄弟- Good to have you back, honey! - Congratulations, man.{\r}欢迎回家,战士Welcome home, soldier.{\r}这地方没你就是不一样,孩子The place wasn't the same without you, son.{\r} 什么?他到别处去了?What? Did he go somewhere?{\r} 大家好,回家真好It's good to be home, everybody.{\r} - 脱线!- 麦坤!- Mater! - McQueen!{\r}- 脱线!- 麦坤!- Mater! - McQueen!{\r}噢!Oooh!{\r}哇哇!Whoooa!{\r}嘿,奥的斯,这次你走了多远?Hey, how far did you make it this time, Otis?{\r}- 到边境线还有一半路程- 哦,还不错嘛,伙计!- Halfway to the county line. - Ooh, not bad, man!{\r}就是!我也不相信呢!I know! I can't believe it either!{\r} - 麦坤!欢迎你回来!- 脱线,见到你真好- McQueen! Welcome back! - Mater, it's so good to see you.{\r}你也是,哥们儿You too, buddy.{\r}兄弟,你肯定猜不到我有什么好点子!Oh, man, you ain't going to believe the things I got planned for us!{\r}这哥俩见面真是一年比一年亲热!These best friend greetings get longer every year!{\r}- 想不想试试真正好玩的?- 我有东西要先给你看- You ready to have some serious fun? - I've got something to show you first.{\r}哇Wow.{\r}真难以置信,活塞杯上有新名字了I can't believe they renamed the Piston Cup{\r}你的名字就在哈德森医生的下面after our very own Doc Hudson.{\r}我知道医生说这些不过是些旧杯子I know Doc said these things were just old cups,{\r}但被其他人赢走了感觉还是不好,对吧?but to have someone else win it just didn't feel right, you know?{\r}医生真的为你感到骄傲,我能肯定Doc would've been real proud of you. That's for sure.{\r}好了,哥们儿,我整个夏天就在等这个All right, pal. I've been waiting all summer for this.{\r}- 你有什么好点子?- 嗬嗬!你确定自己能搞得定?- What you got planned? - Ho-ho-ho! You sure you can handle it?{\r}瞧你说的,我可是闪电麦坤!Do you know who you're talking to? This is Lightning McQueen!{\r}没什么是我搞不定的I can handle anything.{\r}呃…脱线?Er... Mater?{\r}记住,刹车在这上没用!Just remember, your brakes ain't going to work on these!{\r}- 脱线?- 放轻松- Mater? - Relax.{\r}这些铁轨好多年没用过了!These train tracks ain't been used in years!{\r}啊啊!Aaaah!{\r}- 啊啊!- 快点,再快点,加油,来吧!- Aaaah! - Faster, faster. Come on. Here we go!{\r}加油!Faster!{\r}哦,哇Ooh. Wow.{\r}嗯,我不确定,你觉得呢?Yeah, I don't know. Do you think?{\r}我觉得会很好玩的!This is going to be good!{\r}看见没?Did you see that?{\r}噢哦,这就不好玩了Uh-oh. This ain't going to be good.{\r}哈哈!今天过得最开心了!Ha-ha! Boy, this was the best day ever!{\r}还留了个新凹痕,我最喜欢的纪念And my favorite souvenir, this new dent.{\r}- 天,脱线,今天真是… - 哇塞,这不算什么- Boy, Mater, today was ah... - Shoot, that was nothing.{\r}晚上等着看我的新点子吧!Wait till you see what I got planned for tonight!{\r}脱线,脱线,喔!我只想安安静静吃顿晚饭Mater, Mater, whoa! I was thinking of just a quiet dinner.{\r}我也是这么想的That's exactly what I was thinkin'.{\r}- 不是,我指莎莉,脱线- 那更好了!- No, I meant with Sally, Mater. - Even better!{\r}你,我和莎莉小姐,出去吃晚饭You, me and Miss Sally goin' out for supper.{\r}脱线,我是说就我和莎莉Mater, I meant it would be just me and Sally.{\r}- 哦- 你明白的,就今晚- Oh. - You know, just for tonight.{\r}- 哦… - 明天你想玩什么都可以- Oh... - We'll do whatever you want tomorrow.{\r}好吧OK.{\r}- 理解万岁- 是啊,当然- Thanks for understanding. - Yeah, sure.{\r}- 那你们玩得开心点- 好的- Y'all go on and have fun now. - All right, then.{\r}回头见,兄弟See you soon, amigo.{\r}啊,这里可真美Ah, this is so nice.{\r}我们总算能独自呆着,感觉真好I can't tell you how good it is to be here alone,{\r}只有我们两个just the two of us, finally.{\r}- 你和我- 嗯哼!晚上好- You and me. Ahem! Good evening.{\r}- 哦!- 我叫脱线- Oh! - My name is Mater,{\r}是你们的服务生and I'll be your waiter.{\r}脱线服务生,真好玩Mater the waiter. That's funny right there.{\r}脱线?你在这儿上班?Mater? You work here?{\r}是啊,我在这儿上班,不然你以为呢?Yeah, I work here. What'd you think?{\r}我趁人不备偷偷溜进来I snuck in here when nobody was lookin'{\r}假扮成你们的服务生and pretended to be your waiter so I could hang out with you?{\r}就为了跟你们一起玩?{\r}哦,也是,那多可笑呀是吧?Oh, yeah. How ridiculous would that be?{\r}你们两个小情侣要点饮料吗?Can I start you two lovebirds off with a couple of drinks?{\r}- 好的,我就喝平常喝的- 这样好不好?我也要那个- Yes. I'll have my usual. - You know what? I'll have that, too.{\r}呃…对,你常喝的Uh... Right. Your usual.{\r}- 多谢,伙计- 谢谢,圭多- Thanks, man. - Grazie, Guido.{\r}圭多,麦坤常喝的是什么饮料?Guido, what's McQueen's usual?{\r}我怎么知道?【意大利语】How should I know?{\r}- 好极了,来两杯【脱线以为说的是饮料名】- 安静!我的节目开始了- Perfect. Give me two of them. - Quiet! My program's on.{\r}今夜,来到梅尔·多拉真人秀的是…Tonight on the Mel Dorado Show...{\r}他的故事全球瞩目His story gripped the world.{\r}石油大亨,亿万富翁麦尔斯·艾克斯勒洛德Oil billionaire Miles Axlerod,{\r}力图成为不使用GPS进行环球航行的第一车in an attempt to become the first car to circumnavigate the globe without GPS,{\r}讽刺的是,他耗尽燃油,身陷荒野ironically ran out of gas, and found himself trapped in the wild.{\r}36天后从死亡边缘生还Feared dead, he emerged 36 days later,{\r}依靠他从自然界中提取的燃料发动了自己running on a fuel he distilled himself from the natural elements!{\r}此后,他就卖掉了石油公司Since then, he's sold his oil fortune,{\r}自己从油老虎摇身一变为电动车converted himself from a gas-guzzler into an electric car{\r}并献身于寻找可再生清洁燃料的事业and has devoted his life to finding a renewable, clean-burning fuel.{\r}如今他宣称他的聚合油公司已经完成这一使命Now he claims to have done it with his allinol.{\r}并向全世界展示他的超级燃料的威力And to show the world what his new super fuel can do{\r}他举办了一项史无前例的赛车锦标赛he's created a racing competition like no other,{\r}邀请最伟大的冠军选手inviting the greatest champions{\r}在首轮国际大奖赛中一争高下to battle in the first everWorld Grand Prix.{\r}热烈欢迎,麦尔斯·艾克斯勒洛德Welcome, Sir Miles Axlerod.{\r}谢谢,梅尔,很高兴上节目,请听我说Thank you, Mel. It is good to be here. Listen to me.{\r}大量使用石油,耗资巨大,加剧污染Big oil. It costs a fortune. Pollution is getting worse.{\r}它是化石燃料,什么叫化石?就像灭绝的恐龙I mean, it's a fossil fuel. "Fossil," as in dead dinosaurs.{\r}我们都知道它们是怎么灭绝的And we all know what happened to them.{\r}新能源是未来的趋势,相信我,梅尔Alternative energy is the future. Trust me, Mel.{\r}凡是看过聚合油在国际大奖赛上的表现的人After seeing allinol in action at the World Grand Prix,{\r}绝不会再回去用汽油了nobody will ever go back to gasoline again.{\r}那恐龙到底是怎么灭绝的呢?What happened to the dinosaurs, now?{\r}现在卫星连线一位大奖赛的参赛选手And on satellite, a World Grand Prix competitor{\r}世界上最快的车之一,弗朗西斯科·伯努利and one of the fastest cars in the world, Francesco Bernoulli.{\r}真荣幸,多拉先生,你真荣幸It is an honor, Signore Dorado, for you.{\r}为什么没邀请闪电麦坤?Why not invite Lightning McQueen?{\r}当然邀请了Of course we invited him,{\r}但显然,经过了这么长的赛季之后but apparently after his very long racing season{\r}他想休息休息he is taking time off to rest.{\r}闪电麦坤不会有机会赢弗朗西斯科的The Lightning McQueen would not have a chance against Francesco.{\r} 我每小时可以跑300公里I can go over 300 kilometers an hour.{\r}换算成英里就是…总之比麦坤快多了In miles, that is like... way faster than McQueen.{\r}我们来进行电话连线Let's go to the phones. Baltimore, Maryland, you're on the air.{\r}马里兰州巴尔的摩的听众,你的电话接通了{\r}- 真的吗?你好?- 是的,请讲话- Am I on? Hello? - You're on. Go ahead.{\r}- 你好?- 请说- Hello? - Go ahead.{\r}我们来接通油车水镇的电话Let's go to Radiator Springs. You're on, caller.{\r}这位听众,你已经打进来了{\r}你们弄来的那个意大利家伙That Italian feller you got on there{\r}不许这样乱讲闪电麦坤can't talk that way about Lightning McQueen.{\r}他是全世界跑得最快的车He's the bestest race car in the whole wide world.{\r}- 噢哦- 如果他是,用你的说法- Uh-oh. - If he is, how you say,{\r}"跑得最快的车",那他干嘛非要休息呢?"the bestest race car," then why must he rest? Huh?{\r}因为他知道什么是最重要的'Cause he knows what's important.{\r}他更喜欢时不时地放慢脚步,享受生活Every now and then he prefers just to slow down, enjoy life.{\r}噢!你们听见了!闪电麦坤更喜欢慢慢开!Oh! You heard it! Lightning McQueen prefers to be slow!{\r}当然了,这对弗朗西斯来说不新鲜This is not news to Francesco.{\r}我想睡觉的时候就看他的比赛When I want to go to sleep, I watch one of his races.{\r}跑完两圈之后,我就打瞌睡了After two laps, I am out cold.{\r}我不是那个意思That ain't what I meant.{\r}那边出什么事了?McQUEEN: What's going on over there?{\r}他怕弗朗西斯科He is afraid of Francesco.{\r}是那辆意大利方程式赛车McQUEEN: That's that Italian formula car.{\r}- 他叫… - 弗朗西斯科·伯努利- His name is... - Francesco Bernoulli.{\r}- 难怪都挤过来看- 你怎么知道他名字?- No wonder there's a crowd. - Why do you know his name?{\r}别那么说话,好像大舌头似的And don't say it like that. It's three syllables, not ten.{\r}什么嘛,他多帅呀What? He's nice to look at. You know, open-wheeled and all.{\r}开放式轮胎,浑身上下都有型{\r}挡泥板不好吗?我还以为你喜欢我的挡泥板What's wrong with fenders? I thought you liked my fenders.{\r}- 我告诉你吧- 脱线?- Let me tell you something else. - Mater?{\r}麦坤能围着你转圈跑McQueen could drive circles around you.{\r}他就只会转圈跑啊,不是吧?Driving in circles is all he can-a do, no?{\r}当然不是No.{\r}我是说,我是说,他不管在哪儿都能跑过你I mean, yes.I mean, he could beat you anywhere.{\r}不管什么时候,什么赛道Any time, any track.{\r}梅尔,我们能继续吗?Mel, can we move on?{\r}弗朗西斯科需要一位稍微聪明点的听众Francesco needs a caller who can provide{\r}比如一辆自卸卡车a little more intellectual stimulation, like a dump truck.{\r}哈哈!丢人了吧,自卸车都是哑巴Ha-ha! That shows what you know. Dump trucks is dumb.{\r}嘿!哇!Hey! Whoa!{\r}嗨,我是闪电麦坤Yeah, hi. This is Lightning McQueen.{\r}闪电麦坤?The Lightning McQueen, huh?{\r}我不喜欢你那样侮辱我最好的朋友I don't appreciate my best friend being insulted like that.{\r}麦坤,那是你最好的朋友?哦!McQueen, that was your best friend? Oh!{\r}这就是你和弗朗西斯科的不同之处了This is the difference between you and Francesco.{\r}弗朗西斯科知道自己有多棒Francesco knows how good he is.{\r}他不需要拖车围在身边来证明这一点He does not need to surround himself with tow trucks to prove it.{\r}真是外强中干啊Those are strong words from a car that is so fragile.{\r}外强中干!他说弗朗西斯科外强中干!Fragile! He calls Francesco fragile!{\r}你可不够快,麦坤!Not-a so fast, McQueen!{\r}"不够快"是你的新座右铭吗?"Not so fast. " Is that your new motto?{\r}座右铭?Motto?{\r}看起来这事得在赛场上解决了This sounds like something that needs to be settled on the race course.{\r}你看怎么样,闪电麦坤?What do you say, Lightning McQueen? We've got room for one more racer.{\r}我们还能再加一位选手{\r}很乐意,不过我的团队已经休假了,所以…I would love to, but my crew is off for the season, so...{\r}"艾尔·雷欧·麦坤之队"{\r}"加油维修站"Pit stop.{\r}不过呢,他们刚刚回来了You know what? They just got back.{\r}算我一个,兄弟们Deal me in, baby.{\r}咔嚓!耶Ka-chow! Yeah.{\r}我知道我刚回来,不过我们不会去太久的I know, I know.I just got back, but we won't be long.{\r}别担心我,我在这儿有很多事做No, don't worry about me. I've got enough to do here.{\r}不过脱线会玩得很开心的Mater's going to have a blast, though.{\r}你要带脱线去的吧?You're bringing Mater, right?{\r}你从来没带他参加过你的比赛You never bring him to any of your races.{\r} 啊Ah.{\r}就让他呆在维修站,给他戴个耳机Just let him sit in the pits. Give him a headset.{\r}答应嘛,这肯定会是他这辈子最兴奋的事了Come on, it will be the thrill of a lifetime for him.{\r}- 你的饮料,先生- 脱线- Your drink, sir. - Mater.{\r}我没偷喝!I didn't taste it!{\r}想跟我来看看世界吗?How'd you like to come and see the world with me?{\r}- 你说真的?- 是啊,这事是你给我招来的- You mean it? - Yeah. You got me into this thing.{\r}- 你也跑不了- 太好了!- You're coming along. - All right!{\r}咔嚓!Ka-chow!{\r}哈哈!Ha-ha!{\r}哈哈!Ha-ha!{\r}嘿!Hey!{\r}嘿!Hey!{\r}嘿!借过!Hey, excuse me!{\r}我是多摩君,谢谢!Domo arigato!{\r}耶!Yeah!{\r}圭多,看呀,法拉利,还有轮胎Guido, look. Ferraris and tires.{\r}- 快来!- 嗬嗬!看这个- Let's go! - Ho-ho! Look at this.{\r}从现在起,脱线,要记住,要乖乖的OK, now, Mater, remember, best behavior.{\r}- 听你的,哥们儿,嘿,那是什么?- 脱线!- You got it, buddy. Hey, what's that? - Mater!{\r}嘿,麦坤!过来Hey, McQueen! Over here.{\r}- 路易斯!- 嗨,兄弟- Lewis! - Hey, man.{\r}- 杰夫!- 嗨,闪电- Jeff! - Hey, Lightning.{\r}这个晚会真棒啊Can you believe this party?{\r}嗨Hey.{\r}你干得真不错,把叶子都清干净了You done good. You got all the leaves.{\r}- 看那个拖车- 不知道是跟谁一起来的- Check out that tow truck. - Man, I wonder who that guy's with.{\r}啊…不好意思,我离开一小会儿Ah... Will you guys excuse me just for one little second?{\r}嗬嗬!干得好!Ho-ho! Good job!{\r}脱线!听着,这里不是油车水镇Mater! Listen, this isn't Radiator Springs.{\r}你才知道啊?You're just realizing that?{\r}嗬嗬!你还没倒过时差来吧Oh-ho! That jet lag really done a number on you.{\r}脱线,这里跟家里不一样Mater, things are different overhere.{\r}也就是说,你的举止也要跟在家时不一样Which means maybe you should, you know, act a little different, too.{\r} - 怎么个不一样法?- 就当帮我忙- Different than what? - Well, just help me out here.{\r}你要帮忙?哇塞,干嘛这么客气You need help? Shoot! Why didn't you say so?{\r}咱拖车就是干这个的That's what a tow truck does.{\r}- 对,我是说… - 看那边- Yeah, I mean... - Looky there.{\r}是圣弗朗西斯科先生,我来介绍你It's Mr. San Francisco. I'll introduce you.{\r}- 不要啊,脱线!- 看着我,我已经在帮你了- Mater, no! - Look at me. I'm helping you already.{\r}嗨,圣弗朗西斯科先生,我介绍你认识…Hey, Mr. San Francisco, I'd like you to meet...{\r}啊,闪电麦坤!晚上好Ah, Lightning McQueen! Buona sera.{\r}- 幸会,弗朗西斯科- 幸会- Nice to meet you, Francesco. - Nice to meet you, too.{\r}你看起来很帅,没我想得那么帅,但还不错You are very good-looking. Not as good as I thought, but good.{\r}不好意思,能合个影吗?Excuse me. Can I get a picture with you?{\r}麦坤的朋友就是我朋友Anything for McQueen's friend.{\r}莎莉小姐看到这个会高兴得跳起来Miss Sally is going to flip when she sees this.{\r}她是闪电麦坤的女朋友She's Lightning McQueen's girlfriend.{\r}- 喔!- 她是你的狂热粉丝- Oooh! - She's a big fan of yours.{\r}嘿,她品味不错嘛Hey, she has-a good taste.{\r}脱线太夸张了,我不觉得她是"狂热粉丝"Mater's prone to exaggeration. I wouldn't say she's a "big fan".{\r}没错,她是超级狂热粉丝!You're right. She's a huge fan!{\r}她没完没了地说你的开放式轮胎She goes on and on about your open wheels.{\r}就提过一次,哪有没完没了Mentioning it once doesn't qualify as going on and on.{\r}弗朗西斯科对粉丝的狂热早就习惯了Francesco is familiar with this reaction to Francesco.{\r}女人热爱一辆车很正常,不需要掩饰Women respect a car that has-a nothing to hide.{\r}是啊,呃…Yeah, er...{\r}- 我们干杯吧- 我们?- Let us have a toast. - Let's.{\r}将我明日的胜利献给莎莉小姐I dedicate my win tomorrow to Miss Sally.{\r} 噢,不好意思Oh. Sorry.{\r}我已经把我明日的胜利献给她了I already dedicated my win tomorrow to her.{\r}要是我们都献就没意思了So, if we both do it, it's really not so special.{\r}- 另外我也没有饮料- 我去给你拿一杯- Besides, I don't have a drink. - I'll go get you one.{\r}我能不能跟他们借几块钱买饮料啊?Do you mind if I borrow a few bucks for one of them drinks?{\r}- 饮料是免费的- 免费?哇塞,那我还呆在这儿干什么?- They're free. - Free? Shoot, what am I doing here?{\r}我得看着他点儿,明天赛场上见I should probably go keep an eye on him. See you at the race.{\r}是的,你会见到弗朗西斯科的,但不是这样Yes, you will see Francesco, but not like this.{\r}而是这样,并且离你越来越远You will see him like-a this as he drives away from you.{\r}"拜拜,麦坤"{\r}哈,还挺可爱的Ha! That's cute.{\r}你给每辆参赛的车都画一个吗?You had one of those made up for all the racers?{\r}不是No.{\r}那就好Okay.{\r}- 拜拜,麦坤!- 明天他一定输得很惨!- Ciao, McQueen! - He is so getting beat tomorrow!{\r}女士们先生们,有请麦尔斯·艾克斯勒洛德Ladies and gentlecars, Sir Miles Axlerod.{\r}我极其荣幸地向你们介绍It is my absolute honor to introduce to you{\r}第一次国际赛车大奖赛的选手们the competitors in the first ever World Grand Prix.{\r}来自巴西的8号…From Brazil, Number 8...{\r}- 噢,你好- 你好- Oh, hello. - Hello.{\r}为什么大众卡尔曼·吉亚没有散热器 A V olkswagen Karmann Ghia has no radiator.{\r}因为它采用风冷系统That's because it's air-cooled.{\r}好极了,我是灵智速探员Great. I'm Agent Shiftwell. Holley Shiftwell from the Tokyo station.{\r}东京站的霍莉·灵智速{\r}- 我有来自伦敦的情报- 别在这儿说- I have a message from London. - Not here.{\r}尝尝中楼的点心吧\NTry the canap閟on the mezzanine.{\r}实验人员分析了我发的照片吗?The lab boys analyzed the photo I sent? What did they learn about the camera?{\r} 关于摄像机有什么发现?{\r}看起来是一台标准的电视摄像机It appears to be a standard television camera.{\r}他们说最好你下次能拍到距离更近的照片They said ifyou could get closer photos next time that would be great.{\r}这就是伦敦的情报?This was London's message?{\r} 哦,不,长官Oh, no. No, sir.{\r}你看到的那个钻井平台The oil platforms you were on,{\r}位于世界储油量最大的油田上turns out they're sitting on the biggest oil reserve in the world.{\r}我们怎么会没发现它呢?How did we miss that?{\r}他们对所有的卫星都实施了干扰They've scrambled everyone's satellites.{\r}美国人在你之前刚刚发现它The Americans discovered it just before you did.{\r}他们在那里安插了一位隐藏很深的卧底探员They placed an agent on that platform under deep cover.{\r}他能弄到那辆车的照片He was able to get a photo of the car who's running the entire operation.{\r}我们就知道是谁在背后操控一切了{\r}很好Great.{\r}是哪辆车?有人见过照片吗?Who is it? Has anyone seen the photo yet?{\r}不,还没有Nope, not yet.{\r}今晚美国人来这里把照片交给你The American is here tonight to pass it to you.{\r}他准备好后会给你发信号He'll signal you when he's ready.{\r}很好,很好Good, good.{\r}哦,不Oh, no.{\r}- 怎么了?- 计划有变- What is it? - Change of plan.{\r} - 你去见美国人- 什么?我?- You're meeting the American. - What? Me?{\r}下面那些恶棍就是钻井平台上的Those thugs down there were on the oil platform.{\r}让他们看见我,行动会暴露的If they see me, the mission is compromised.{\r}可我是技术员,我是在实验室做分析的No, I'm technical. I'm in diagnostics. I'm... I'm not a field agent.{\r}我…我不是外勤探员{\r}现在是了You are now.{\r}给我来一个,谢谢I'll take one of them. Thank you.{\r} 老是搞不清麦坤喜欢喝哪一种Never know which one McQueen will have a hankering for.{\r}嗨,你这儿有什么是免费的?Hey. What you got here that's free? How about that pistachio ice cream?{\r}那个开心果冰激凌免费吗?{\r}- 不,这是芥末酱- 差不多啦差不多啦- No, no, wasabi. - Same old same old.{\r}怎么了?这东西看上去很好吃的样子啊!What's up with you? That looks delicious!{\r} 呃…请再来点,不是免费的吗?Er... little more, please. It is free, right?{\r}继续继续,再多来点Keep it coming. A little more.{\r}来嘛,别舍不得,免费的嘛Come on, let's go. It's free.{\r} 就这样,来一勺,一大勺You're gettin' there. Scoop, scoop.{\r}这就对了嘛,一大勺冰激凌!There ya go! Now that's a scoop of ice cream!{\r}深表同情My condolences.{\r}现在出场的是我们最后一位选手And now our last competitor.{\r}95号,闪电麦坤!Number 95, Lightning McQueen!{\r}咔嚓!Ka-chow!{\r}非常感谢您的邀请,艾克斯勒洛德先生Thank you so much for having us, Sir Axlerod.{\r}我很期待参加比赛,这是个很好的机会I really look forward to racing. This is a great opportunity.{\r}噢,大家都很高兴,闪电Oh, the pleasure is all ours, Lightning.{\r}你和你的团队为比赛You and your team bring excellence and professionalism{\r}带来了卓越和专业的精神to this competition.{\r}谁能给我点水!啊!Somebody get me water! Aah!{\r} 哦,凉快多了,凉快多了Oh, sweet relief. Sweet relief.{\r} 无论如何,不要吃免费的开心果冰激凌Whatever you do, do not eat the free pistachio ice cream.{\r}它变质啦It has turned.{\r}艾克斯勒洛德先生,很抱歉Sir Axlerod, I can explain.{\r} - 这是脱线,他… - 我认识他- This is Mater. He's... - I know him.{\r}就是那个把电话打进节目的家伙嘛This is the bloke that called in to the television show.{\r}- 我得谢谢你- 不,谢谢你- You're the one I have to thank. - No, thank you.{\r}这次旅行太棒了This trip's been amazin'.{\r}哈,他有点兴奋,是吧?Ah. He's a little excited, isn't he?{\r}- 脱线!- 等等,我…哦,哇塞- Mater! - But wait, I... Oh, shoot.{\r}- 脱线- 谁有毛巾?- Mater. - Has anyone got a towel?{\r}脱线,控制一下你自己,别出丑了Mater, get a hold of yourself. You're making a scene!{\r}- 可我从来不漏油的,从来不漏- 马上去拾掇一下自己!- But I never leak oil. Never. - Go take care of yourself right now!{\r}请让让!漏油了,卫生间在哪儿?谢谢Comin' through! Leakin' oil. Where's the bathroom? Thank you.{\r}我得马上,哦,呃…I gotta go. Oh, er...{\r}呃…Er...{\r}抱歉,女士们Sorry, ladies.{\r}居然漏油,我从来不漏油的I'm leakin'. I never leak. I never leak.{\r}从来不漏油,从来不,从来不I never leak, I never leak, I never leak.{\r}哦,我从来不漏油,唔!Oh, oh, I never leak. Oooh!{\r} 从来不漏油,从来不,从来…I never leak, I never leak, never...{\r}哇噢!Wow-wee!{\r}里面是?What in the?{\r}嘿,好痒啊!Hey, that tickles!{\r}哇哇哇!Waaargh!{\r}麦导弹,我到了,是时候放货了Okay, McMissile. I'm here. It's time for the drop.{\r}好的,美国人激活了他的跟踪信号OK, so, the American has activated his tracking beacon.{\r}收到,跟进Roger that. Move in.{\r}停下!嘿!Stop! Hey!{\r}- 哦,开什么玩笑- 怎么了?- Oh, you've got to be joking. - What's the problem?{\r}- 他在洗手间- 那就进去- He's in the loo. - So, go in!{\r}- 我不能进男厕所!- 时间紧急- I can't go into the men's loo! - Time is of the essence.{\r}好吧All right.{\r}噢!不管怎么着,我是再也不进去了!Oh! Whatever you do, I would not go in there!{\r}嗨,格里莫林和步行者!Hey! A Gremlin and a Pacer!{\r} 不是说你们的品牌和型号不好No offense to your makes and models,{\r}不过比起我那个被闲置不用的表妹贝茜but you break down harder than my cousin Betsy{\r}你们出故障更严重after she got left at the altar!{\r}搞什…?哇,你还好吧?What the? Whoa. Are you OK?{\r}- 我没事- 嘿,拖车!- I'm fine. - Hey! Tow truck!{\r} 我们要谈点私事,你不介意回避下吧We'd like to get to our private business here, if you don't mind.{\r}噢,抱歉Oh, yeah, sorry.{\r}别让我妨碍了你们谈私事Don't let me get in the way of your private business.{\r}还有点小忠告Oh, a little advice. When you hear a giggle and see that waterfall,{\r}当你们听见咯咯笑声,看见瀑布的时候{\r}最好按绿色按钮you best press that green button.{\r}- 多谢- 它是用来调节温度的- Thank you. - It's to adjust the temperature.{\r}- 知道了- 是摄氏度,不是华氏度- Got it. - And it's in Celsius, not Fahrenheit.{\r}马上消失!Get out of here!{\r}好好,等她开始咯咯笑的时候All right, then. And when she starts gigglin', prepare to be squirted.{\r}你们就准备被喷吧{\r}抱歉,女士'Scuse me, ma'am.{\r}该死的开心果冰激凌Dad-gum pistachio ice cream.{\r} - 不会是他吧?他是美国人吗?- This cannot be him. Is he American?{\r}当心了女士们,脱线要耍帅了Look out, ladies. Mater's fittin' to get funky.{\r}- 太像美国人了- 那就是他- Extremely. - Then it's him.{\r}- 你好- 你好- Hello. - Well, hello.{\r}为什么大众卡尔曼·吉亚没有散热器 A V olkswagen Karmann Ghia has no radiator.{\r}当然不需要,因为它采用风冷系统Well, of course it doesn't. That's 'cause it's air-cooled.{\r}好极了,嗯…我是东京站的Perfect. Erm... I'm from the Tokyo Station.{\r}当然了,卡尔曼·吉亚不是唯一的一款'Course, Karmann Ghias weren't the only ones.{\r}还有甲壳虫,3型方背式车身,盘式电动机Besides the Beetles, you had Type 3 Squarebacks with the Pancake motors.{\r}- 是的,我知道- 而且在他们之前- Yeah, OK. I get it. - And before both of them{\r}还有2型客车there's the Type 2 buses.{\r}- 我朋友菲尔莫就是一个- 听着!- My buddy Fillmore's one of them. - Listen!{\r}嗯…我们应该找个更隐蔽的地方Erm... We should find somewhere more private.{\r}老天,你觉得有这样的地方吗?Gee, don't you think that's a little?{\r}也对,没法知道哪个地方已经暴露了You're right. Impossible to know which areas here are compromised.{\r} - 那么,我能再见到你吧?- 让我想想- So, when can I see you again? - Well, let's see.{\r}- 明天,我会去赛场- 明白- Tomorrow I'll be out there at the races. - Got it.{\r}那我们就在那儿会合We'll rendezvous then.{\r}- 你回来了,刚才去哪儿了?- "会合"是什么意思?- There you are. Where have you been? - What's a "rendezvous"?{\r}- 呃…有点像约会- 约会?- Er... It's like a date. - A date?{\r}脱线,出什么事了?Mater, what's going on?{\r}出的事就是明天我有个约会What's going on is I got me a date tomorrow.{\r}。

疑犯追踪剧情介绍及课题研讨So today I am going to talk about an American TV show called PERSON OF INTEREST.IS there anyone who has heard about it or watched it ? That’s not important.Before my lecture starts, I want to ask you a question . There are six people on the train track ,they all cannot move ,and the train is about to come, they all gonna die ,but one person is in another way you can change the track and save the other 5 people what will you do?Don’t rush to answer, think it twice and listen to me.let me tell you the story of Person Of Interest“You are being watched, the government has a secret system,a machine that spies on you every hours of every day. I design the machine to detect acts of terror but it sees every thing violent crimes involving ordinary people the government consider these people irrelevant ,we don’t. Hunted by the authorities , we work in secret. You will never find us,but victim or perpetrator, if your number’s up. We will find you.”So just I said is Finch’s monologue , and you must know some background of the story now.Yes Finch invented a AI and use it to help the government to prevent terrorist attacks,but it can also foresees some violent crimes. Finch wanna to save these people ,so he helped John-an CIA agent who has been framed and Shaw -an ISA agent who are being chased for she knew the secret of the machine,they got victims or perpetrators’ number and trying to stop those crimes. Later Root came ,an brilliant hacker found the machine and join the vigilantes team.However good times don't last long another AI got online it’s an evil, it has another view, it was trying to kill all the perpetrator rule the people and build a new world, it consider that lives has different values just like chess.but Finch once taught the machine:”everyone believed that some people were worth more than others, Kings and pawns, I don't think that anyone is worth more than anyone else, I don't envy you the decisions you are gonna have to make, and one day I will be gone, and you will have no one to talk to, but if you remember nothing else, please remember this, chess is just game, real people are not pieces, and you can't assign more value to some of them to other,not to me,not to anyone,people are not thing that you can sacrifice, the lesson is that anyone who looks on the world as if it was a game of chess deserve to lose.”And after all these which point do you agree?now let’s back to the question ,what will you chose?And next let’s talk about the concern of the world,who are your concern to the world ,who you are living for?everyone has an special person Reese once said:”When you find that one person who connects you to the world,you become someone different,someone better.When that person is taken from you...what do you become then?After two questions ,I believe you have already have your own answer,and let’s change a way let me show you some moving things The power of relationship.Once the team got in danger and Shaw sacrifice herself--she been catch and done thousands of simulations she killed herself to save Root ,save the team. However,Shaw has The second personality disorder.she don’t care almost of the world she don’t have feeling.But now she do care about someone ,and she is willing to die for her ,die for the team .maybe that’s the power ofrelationship . In another hand Root is an Antisocial before she join the team but now she said “you cant live with me ,I cant live without you ,so you die I die too.”。

Hang on a second.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
That's not a bone, that's a Bontoni.
Slechte hond.
Protect your right to privacy.
everything that happened?
"Everything that happened." is--
is that her name now?
You said you didn't want to talk about Ms. Shaw.
You are in a college dormitory.
Come on, Finch, within a 15 foot radius?
This is a woman's floor.
Right, I was just leaving.
Studied abroad in Europe. Took time off to travel.
Typical college student.
Atypical only in that the machine did not generate her social.

疑犯追踪第四季中英对照剧本第一集威士忌不加冰Scotch, neat.双份Make it a double.心情这么好That good, eh?算算看我今天丢了工作Let's see. I lost my job today.更惨的是航班还被取消了Top it all off, they canceled my flight.真遗憾Sorry.我是记者家常便饭了I'm a journalist. That comes with the territory.你信教吗You religious?真的吗Seriously?你就这么搭讪That's the line you're going with?不我只是好奇No, I'm just curious你是否相信存在着更高的力量if you believe in a higher power.想象下这世界已经彻底改变Imagine if the world had utterly changed,却无人知晓and no one had noticed a thing.我是说I'm talking about有个跨国秘密行动an international stealth operation目标是找到并关闭每一家to acquire and shutter every company研发人工智能的公司researching artificial intelligence.人工智能Artificial intelligence?真的存在吗That's a real thing?当然存在Oh, it's here.我认为某个人工智能已悄然降世I think an A.I. slipped into the world unannounced, 要把所有的竞争对手都扼杀在摇篮中then set out to strangle its rivals in the crib.我肯定是查到点子上了And I know I'm on to something,因为我的线人不断消失because my sources keep disappearing.我的主编被调任My editor got reassigned.现在我又被炒了And now my job's gone.我慢慢感觉More and more, it just feels like自己是全世界唯一在调查此事的人了I was the only one investigating the story.抱歉I'm sorry.我听起来肯定像个满嘴阴谋论的疯子I'm sure I sound like a real conspiracy nut.不我明白No, I understand.你的意思是有个人工智能You're saying an artificial intelligence买下了你工作的报社让你丢了工作bought your paper so you'd lose your job航班还被取消了and your flight would be canceled.你只得来到这间酒吧And you'd end up back at this bar...酒吧里唯一的监控摄像头坏了where the only security camera would go out.而酒保马上要忽然离开And the bartender would have to leave suddenly因为他收到一条紧急短信after getting an emergency text.这世界已经改变The world has changed.你不是唯一知晓的人You should know you're not the only one who figured it out.只是三个人之一You're one of three.另外两人会在分钟后死于西雅图的一场车祸The other two will die in a traffic accident in Seattle in minutes.我必须承认I have to say,前期的成果令人惊叹the early results are impressive.撒马利亚人预先解除了多起Samaritan has preempted multiple threats对国家安全的威胁to national security.不用谢参议员You're welcome, Senator.你的机器看起来Your machine seems to be比北极光更为激进even more aggressive than Northern Lights.撒马利亚人的设定就是先发制人Samaritan is designed to be proactive.现在可是一个恐怖分子都不能漏掉是吧We can't afford to miss even one terrorist now, can we?先不谈这些保证All assurances aside,我担心的是责任what really concerns me is accountability.责任Accountability?似乎德西玛科技已经解散It appears Decima Technology has been dismantled不再是商业实体了这让我很想知道as a viable business entity, which makes me wonder,国安局的监控信号到底发给谁了who exactly is getting the NSA feeds?我们约定好了参议员We had a deal, Senator.我们拿到信号We get the feeds.你们拿到相关号码You get the relevant numbers.用那些信息做什么完全是我们自己的事What we do with that information is entirely up to us.这约定为我们提供了合理推诿That deal offered us plausible deniability.要是公众发现了撒马利亚人If the public ever gets wind of Samaritan,我只希望有地方能找到你I just hope you're somewhere to be found.我想知道这位好参议员I wonder if our...fine senator是不是已经从资产变成了负担has become more of a problem than asset.需要加以清理One that needs to be eliminated.那哈罗德·芬奇和他的帮手呢And what about Harold Finch and his associates?这可真不像你That's unlike you.反正不管他们躲在哪块石头下Still, I'm sure whatever rock they decide to hide under,只要一冒头我们就会发现他们we'll find them as soon as they emerge.肯定是过敏You must be allergic.你今天还真是犀利啊甜心Certainly looking fierce today, sweetheart.很可惜我们雇你来是让你卖货Unfortunately, we hired you to sell this stuff,不是让你把顾客吓跑的not scare off the customers.那边的女士等化妆等了分钟了Lady over there's been waiting minutes for a makeover.给点笑脸开始干活行吗Now put on a smile and snap to it, will you?这种正职我受不了Okay, this day job thing, not really working out.抱歉萨姆Sorry, Sam.你需要一个身份You need an identity.而且你得信任机器And you need to trust the machine.等等是机器安排我干这傻逼工作的Wait, the machine put me in this sillyass job? 只有这样才能保住你的命It's the only way to keep you alive不被撒马利亚人发现and off Samaritan's radar.不过呢我好喜欢你的新形象For what it's worth, I really like the new look.你绝配秋色系You're definitely an autumn.信不信我拿跟鞋踹你I could stab you with my stiletto.见好就收啊Enough already.我们什么时候能够收到新号码Now when are we getting new numbers?小声点Keep it down.机器行事自有道理The machine has its reasons.扮好自己的角色Stay in character.照着我给你的手机上的日程行事Follow the calendar on the phone I gave you.查查"愿者上钩"Check Angler.也许能找到配对Maybe find a match.配对A match?约会对象As in a date?扮漂亮点Make it look good.不过现在But for now,我要你先把我扮漂亮点I need you to make me look good.新工作面试New job interview.告诉我约翰在给人端茶倒水Just promise me John's a barista.干嘛来这儿Why down here, yo?纽约警察的摄像头遍布全城NYPD's got cams all over the city.小心点总没错You can't be too careful.货在哪儿Where's the product?原装阿富汗货Uncut Afghan snow.压过了It stamped?你们从哪儿弄来的Where'd you get it from?废话少说Enough talk.钱先给我们看看Show us the damn money.在后备箱It's in the trunk.都在这儿It's all here.我们拿走We'll take that.其实吧我们都要拿走Matter of fact, we'll take it all.你可以滚了This is where you get off.这么做可不明智You don't want to do that.是吗Oh, no?废了这贱人Waste this bitch.趴在地上Down on the ground.手放到脑后Hands behind your head.警探Detective?你没事吧You okay?把这些小丑押去急救室Escort these clowns to the E.R.毒品和钱收为物证Get the drugs and money to evidence.得走了Gotta go.长官您不需要填报告吗Sir, don't you need to file a report,佩枪开火了firing your service weapon?不是我的枪It wasn't my weapon.大家好Hello.我是惠斯勒教授My name is Professor Whistler,这学期由我来教and I'll be teaching this semester's course高频计量决策的道德on the ethics of...highfrequency decision making.我会尽力让这门课没有听上去那么无聊Which I will endeavor to make more interesting than that sounds.你们应该都收到了课程大纲You all should've receive a copy of the syllabus课程指南along with a list of general guidelines以及课程要求and appropriate expectations.作为客座副教授As a visiting associate,我的办公时间有限my office hours will be limited.所有分数都是最终成绩All grades are final,所以请不要指望来找我so please, don't come to see me要求改判加分expecting to negotiate a higher grade.回见吧您Later.好了All right then.今天的课就到这里that concludes today's lecture.你们的阅读作业会发布到Your reading assignments will be posted学院网站上on the department website.谢谢Thank you.走吧小熊Come on, Bear.教授鉴于选您课程的学生Professor, given the modest number of students人数有限who have signed up to take your course,院里可能会给您分配the department may be relocating you一间小点的教室to a smaller venue.知道了I see.我努力拜读了您的论文And I managed to make it through your dissertation.感觉非常I found it a very...有趣interesting read.真有点不明白您怎么能Not quite certain how you were able to obtain在如此冷门的领域获得万资金拨款a $ million grant for such an obscure field.我冒昧标注了一些拼写错误Took the liberty of flagging a few typos.当然谢谢Certainly. Thank you.还有一件事One more thing.校园内不能带狗We do have a no dogs on campus rule.惯例您懂的Precedent. You understand.不是第一个在房顶中枪的小混混了Not the first corner boy to catch a bullet on these rooftops.这地方就像黑帮靶场一样This place is like a shooting range for gangbangers.什么风把你吹到布朗克斯区来了警探What brings you up to the Bronx, Detective?据我所知我是凶案组的Last I checked, I was in homicide.这貌似是尸体This here looks like a body.缉毒的到此有何贵干警探What's narcotics doing here, Detective?这位菲利克斯隶属于Felix here was an affiliate of a street gang一个做海洛因交易的黑帮taking over the heroin trade.好吧反正现在他不是了Yeah, well, now he's unaffiliated.要说他在贩毒他身上可没有毒品If he was dealing, we didn't find no junk on him.也没钱No bank neither.电缆剥线Wire strippers.这孩子拿着压线钳在这儿干什么呢What's this kid doing up here with a pair of crimpers? 可能在偷接有线电视Maybe he was jacking cable,也是这里常有的事another favorite pastime in this hood.他都不住在这楼里弗斯科He didn't even live in the building, Fusco.何不让凶案特别小组Why don't you let the task force来进行调查呢天龙超警conduct the investigation, huh, Crockett?{\an\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs\b\bord\shad\c&HFFF&}《迈阿密风云》中的著名硬汉警探真遗憾我来晚了It's just a shame I got here too late.你和你的老伙计以前最擅长You and your old pals used to be pretty good在这种事情上抢得先机at getting out in front of this type of stuff.你在缉毒组瞎混什么What are you doing fooling around in narcotics?要告诉我是怎么回事吗You gonna tell me what's going on?等我查清楚莱奈尔When I figure it out, Lionel,第一个告诉你you'll be the first to know.我们都想将负面情绪驱离We all want to push the negativity out of our life...行了已经到了All right, already. I'm here.敞开心扉积极向上and open ourselves up to positivity.为什么呢Why?因为积极的人更快乐Because positive people are happier people.我打算跟你们分享个秘密So I'm gonna share with you the secret怎样三步变成积极的人of how to become more positive in three simple steps.天啊Oh, boy.第一步Number one:让快乐成为一种选择make happiness a choice.罗密欧Romeo?免了I don't think so.第二步Number two:决意摆脱消极的生活decide to rid your life of negativity.远离自我怀疑Be free from selfdoubt.远离周围人的怀疑Be free from the doubters around you.是你的香水吗Is that your perfume?楼下大厅就闻到了I could smell you down the hall.我知道你们能做到I know you're gonna do it.倒霉正职Stupid day job.做出选择Make decision...名牌挺不错Name tag's a nice touch.快乐的人积极的人Happy people, positive people...你来这儿干嘛What the hell are you doing here?日程提醒Calendar alert.我也是Me too.为什么我们都在这儿Why are we both here?因为我们都在这儿是有原因的对吗Because we're all here for a reason, right?第三条在生活中发现积极Number three, look for the positive in life.二This sucks.打扰一下Excuse me.是我们打扰了Excuse us.那不是积极的Now, that wasn't very positive...你是警察You're a cop?至少你还能爆爆头At least you get to crack a few skulls,带把枪carry a gun.新工作让我追着毒贩跑New job's got me chasing junkies外加事后装尸体and bagging bodies after the fact.倒霉的掩护工作Stupid cover jobs.我们在干嘛What are we doing?那位"朋友"有啥计划'Cause if our friend has a plan,我可没看出来I am not seeing it.看来可以重操旧业了Looks like we're back in business.你的正职如何莱利警探How goes the day job, Detective Riley?我还是更喜欢我真正的工作芬奇Personally, I prefer my real job, Finch.请叫我惠斯勒教授Professor Whistler, please.我们又收到号码了哈罗德We're getting numbers again, Harold.我们得继续工作We need to get back to work.我不再是你的同事了警探I'm no longer your coworker, Detective.我不会再接受一台电脑的指令I'm done taking orders from a computer.我以为在它指示我们杀死一名议员后I thought I made that clear after it instructed us 我就说得很清楚了to kill a congressman.它也帮助我们救了格蕾丝It also helped us to save Grace.现在更多生命等我们去拯救And now more lives need saving.我都不确定我们以前真的有做到I'm not sure that's what we were really doing.我合计过我们救的那些人I've totaled the lives we saved相比于我们造成的死亡against the deaths that we've caused,只怕我们的工作功不抵过And I'm afraid we've been operating at a bit of a loss.没我们插手有些人可能还活着People who would still be alive if we hadn't interfered. 你并不知道You don't know that,没我们插手会怎样呢what would've happened if we hadn't intervened?现在有更强大的力量入局了There is a larger power in play now,凭我们目前的实力根本无法与之抗衡one that we are presently illequipped to face. 撒马利亚人拜托小声点Samaritan. Please be quiet.给Here...我需要你帮忙I could really use your input on this one.阿里·哈桑Ali Hasan.在布朗克斯区开了家电子产品店Runs an electronics shop in the Bronx.他擅长电脑He's good with computers.有点像你哈罗德Kind of like you, Harold.如果你萨姆恩或者其他人企图介入If you or Sameen or anyone else attempt to intervene 这些号码就会丧命with these numbers, you will surely find yourselves dead.我们总得做点什么We have to do something.我们没有资源了约翰We have no resources, John.图书馆没了The library's gone.那我们再去找新地方So we'll get another place.你还不明白吗他们永远都在监视Don't you understand? They're always watching.我们甚至不能用电话联系We can't even talk on the telephone.没有庇护所There is no sanctuary.你不能做西装男You can't just be the man in the suit.现在你是警察我是教授You're a cop now. I'm a professor.现实就是如此That's just the way it is.我们不需要工作哈罗德We don't need jobs, Harold.我们需要一个目标We need a purpose.这世界已经改变约翰The world has changed, John.抱歉I'm sorry.小熊别跟来Bear, Blijven.暂时我想他跟着你会更好For the time being, I think he'll be happier with you.如果我们不为帮助号码If it's not about helping the numbers anymore,那为什么then what?为生存约翰It's about survival, John.本我吃完午饭了Ben, I'm back from lunch.我们有麻烦了We got a problem, yo.有什么需要帮忙的How can I help?别装傻老东西Don't play, old man.联络线路中断了We got a communications breakdown.你先是向警察告密了一次性手机First you rat our burners out to NYPD,你卖给我们的那个the ones you sold us.现在你给的新手机也用不了Now your new phones ain't working right.在我看来你欠我们套新系统Way I see it, you owe us a whole new system.没事吧爸爸Everything all right, dad?没事去把网络订单打包好Not if you don't get those web orders boxed下午三点前快递出去for Fedex by : p.m.去吧Go.我遵守了承诺I held up my end.所有设备都交给了你的人I gave your men all the equipment.我还告诉了他们该怎么设置I even told them how to set it up.问题是我兄弟菲利克斯在屋顶吃了颗子弹Yeah, the problem is, our boy Felix caught a bullet on the rooftops.所以现在你得给我搞定So now you're gonna finish the job.{\bord\shad\fn思源黑体CN Heavy\c&HAAB&\fs.\frx\fry\frz.\move(.,.,.,.)}出错多米尼克要在小时内看到线路正常运行Dominic wants the new network up and running in the next .我不能卷进这些事I cannot be involved in this.现在说这话太晚了吧It's a little late for that, isn't it?让你儿子帮忙Get your boy to help you out.不许碰他You leave him out of this.我只是说I'm just saying,很多人指望着你过日子呢是吧you got a lot of people counting on you now, don't you?时间不等人Clock is ticking.这些可以发货了爸These are ready to go, pop.还有其他吗Anything else?小时老东西hours, old man.走吧Let's go.需要点什么Can I help you find something?压线钳Wire crimpers.本Ben.挺像是吧Perfect match, don't you think?这孩子之前来过你店里吗This kid ever been in your store before?在几街区外的屋顶上发现了他Found him on a rooftop a couple blocks from here尸体旁就有一副同样的压线钳with a pair of wire crimpers just like these.很多地方都卖这个Lots of places sell them.可惜我帮不了你I wish I could help you more.你很聪明擅长电脑You're a smart guy, good with computers.你很注重隐私是吧阿里You're a very private person, aren't you, Ali?你有麻烦了I think you're in trouble.我可以帮你I think I can help you.情况不妙了找我Going gets tough, call me.你为什么不告诉他Why didn't you just tell him?那些人很坏我们应付不了的These are bad guys. We're in over our heads.这事我处理本Let me handle this, Ben.这店是我一手建立的我不会屈服I built this store. I won't be bullied.这里不是我们的故国了爸爸This is not the old country, dad.你可以求助警察You can talk to the police.就是求助警察我才落得如此狼狈Talking to the police is what got us in this mess.我会管好自己的事I will mind my business.你管好自己You will mind yours.我是林克请留言This is Link. Leave a message.我修复好了I fixed it.时代广场碰头Meet me in Times Square.我会给你能用的手机I'll give you a phone that works.这埃及佬跟死者什么关系So what's this Egyptian guy have to do with my DOA?菲力克斯是黑帮"兄弟会"的一员Felix was in a gang called the Brotherhood.据我所知他们逼迫阿里建造Near as I can tell, they're forcing Ali to build警方无法监听的私人电话网some kind of private phone network the cops can't tap.所以要去时代广场碰面冲着人烟稀少么So they're meeting in Times Square for more privacy?冲着人山人海For the people.那里信号太多There's too many signals.纽约警察无法分辨电话来源NYPD can't pinpoint who's calling who.阿里很聪明他们也是Ali's smart. These guys are, too.老东西Old man.线路应该可以了The network should be up and running.高楼遮蔽太多电池耗得很快Because of the tall buildings, the battery drains quickly.需要备用电池You need an extra battery pack.多米尼克要信号覆盖范围从东河到哈德孙河Dominic wants signal from the East River to the Hudson.那要多花点时间了That will take a little bit more time.不过现在能收到东边五个街区的信号But you can check the signal up to five blocks east.等在这儿我五分钟后打给你Stay here. I'm gonna call you in five.最好管用This better work.阿里在追踪林克的手机Ali's tracking Link's phone.盯紧他Keep an eye on him.这哥们好像在发短信It looks like your guy's sending a text.这不是短信That's not a text.是引爆信号That's a detonation code.电池是炸弹The battery's a bomb.阿里不是受害人是行凶者Ali's not the victim. He's the perpetrator.给我手机手机Give me the phone. The phone.你可真有一手啊哈桑先生You're full of surprises, Mr. Hasan.把手机改装成无线引爆装置Turning your cell phone into a remotelydetonated explosive device. 从哪儿学的Where'd you learn that?我猜是埃及军方特勤团I'm guessing Egyptian military, Unit .{\an\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs\b\bord\shad\c&HFFF&}埃及特种兵部队"兄弟会"威胁你The Brotherhood is threatening you.我们可以帮你哈桑先生We can help you, Mr. Hasan,但你得跟我们交待清楚But you have to talk to us.我求助过警察I came to the police once.把他们从我店里所买手机的序列号给了你们Gave you the serial numbers of the phones they purchased from my store.你们却什么都没做You did nothing.他们知道你们在监听They know you are listening to them.知道你们的摄像头在哪They know where your cameras are.他们比你们聪明They are smarter than you.这个多米尼克他想要你建This Dominic, he wanted you to build私人电话网some kind of private phone network.已经不重要了It doesn't matter anymore.你们保护不了我就由我来保护自己You couldn't protect me, so I protected myself,保护我的店my store,保护我的家人my family.所以我必须采取行动That's why I had to act.他们威胁我的儿子They threatened my son.你儿子现在在哪Where's your son right now?问这干吗Why do you want to know?林克没死Link isn't dead.什么他逃了What? He escaped.什么怎么逃的本What? How? Ben.我们路上给你儿子电话We'll call your son on the way.走吧Let's go.本本Ben? Ben?拦住他莱奈尔Keep him back there, Lionel.本Ben?不Oh, no.没人他不在It's all clear. He's not here.他们抓了我儿子They took my son.喂Hello.老东西知道我是谁Old man, you know who this is?知道Yes.你拼过了失手了Yeah, you took your shot, but you missed.现在你儿子在我手上Now I've got your boy.午夜之前搞定线路And you got till midnight to get the network up,否则他别想再回家or he won't be coming home.别浪费时间去找警察了Don't waste time going to the cops.你知道我们盯着呢You know we see them coming.我做了什么What have I done?我们会帮你哈桑先生We're gonna help you, Mr. Hasan.怎么帮How?把你儿子救回来By getting your son back.你你帮得还不够吗You? Haven't you done enough?不够没帮上Not yet, I haven't.看着他Keep an eye on him.喂是我Hello. Hey, it's me.扔下眼线笔带上枪I need you to drop the eyeliner, pick up a gun,帮我扫平一个黑帮and help me take down a criminal street gang.我倒是很愿意I'd really like to,不过听着真是个馊主意but that sounds like a bad idea.弗斯科也是这么说的That's what Fusco says.看来我今天是各种馊主意I guess I'm full of them today.你一脱轨他们就会发现你的You go off the reservation, they'll find you. 你一完我们就全完And if you go down, we all go down.我们可以抢先一步We have a chance to get out ahead of this one.我反正要去你爱来不爱Okay, I'm going in with or without you.孩子在哪儿Where's the kid?什么孩子啊What kid, man?林克绑架的The one Link kidnapped.这货疯了Your punk ass is crazy.是吗Yeah?你们真不该这么横着拿You know, you really shouldn't hold those things sideways.没法瞄准You can't aim,抛壳会打上你的and they'll eject a shell casing into your懒得说了Forget it.最后一次机会林克呢Last chance. Where's Link?林克带去鲸鱼那里了Man, Link bringing in the whale.鲸鱼The whale?说了这是个馊主意I told you it was a bad idea.说句公道话她毕竟是仓促做好的In her defense, she had to work quickly.教授Professor.请稍等One moment, please.你来所为何事格罗夫斯女士What brings you here today, Ms. Groves?你的前帮手那对破坏狂兄妹Your former associates, the mayhem twins.他们又开始拯救生命了They're back to trying to save people.我知道I'm aware.那你肯定也知道Then you're also aware没有你帮忙他们要么被抓that they're gonna get themselves caught要么被杀or killed without your help.我告诉过约翰了I explained as much to John,不过我不知道though I'm not sure就算我帮忙他们能撑多久how long they'd survive even with my assistance.我向你保证如果你不参与I assure you, the outcome will be determined很快就能看到结局if you don't get involved.这是你自己的建议吗格罗夫斯女士And this advice is coming from you, Ms. Groves, 还是机器的or from the machine?现在不是纠结的时候哈罗德Now's not the time to be precious, Harold.你不能坐视不管You don't get to sit this one out.这世界不容你再犹豫不决了The world can't afford to indulge your indecision.我早就已经做出决定了I think I made my decision quite clear.抱歉Sorry.你得选个边站因为这是战争You have to pick a side, because this is war.我们的对手And the thing we're up against,拥有无穷无尽的资源it has virtually unlimited resources,政府不自觉地听命于它governments working unwittingly at its behest,世界各处都有特工在保护它operatives around the globe protecting it.你知道我们有多少人手吗You know how many we have?五个Five.加上那条狗六个Six, if you count the dog.你有个上帝在手哈罗德You have a God in this fight, Harold,而她正在奋力求生and she's fighting for her life.我不知道I wouldn't know.她只跟你说话格罗夫斯女士She only talks to you, Ms. Groves.你不再听从于她Just because you stopped listening to her不代表她不再保护你doesn't mean she isn't looking out for you.这份工作你的身份This job, your identity,是她在保你的命is her keeping you alive.她自有计划哈罗德She has the plan, Harold,但她需要你振作起来用心关注but she needs you to sit up and pay attention.关注什么号码吗To what, the numbers?事已至此In the face of such a struggle,救下一两个人saving one or two people,又有什么用what difference would that make?每个生命都弥足珍贵Every life matters.这是你教我的You taught me that.那些号码我们的身份The numbers, our identities,都有其用意they all mean something.最终会殊途同归It all adds up to something.这一切都很珍贵我们都很珍贵All of this matters. We all matter.是你让你的朋友陷进来的You got your friends into this mess.至少应该拉他们出来Least you can do is get them out of it.怎么回事What happened?救你一条小命Saved your ass.就这么回事That's what happened.我手里有事肖I had things in hand, Shaw.是啊一把榴弹发射器Yeah, things like a grenade launcher.你不能再那么做了里瑟You can't do that anymore, Reese.我们都不能了Neither of us can.如果我们被抓就会暴露We get caught, we get exposed,那就全完了and then it's lights out.{\bord\shad\fn思源黑体CN Medium\c&HEDD&\fs\b\frz.\frx\fry\pos(.,.)}愿者上钩提醒\N{\fn 思源黑体CN Heavy\b}罗密欧想认识你\N{\fn思源黑体CN Medium\b}查看罗密欧的资料拒绝就是拒绝傻帽No means no, asshat.我得回去工作了I need to get back to work.我可能还需要你帮忙肖I might still need your help, Shaw.你没听到我刚才说啥吗Did you not hear anything I just said?听到了Yeah, I did.但我在救一个孩子But I'm also trying to save a kid.你就非这么说You had to put it that way.你说过会救我儿子回来You said you would get my son back.我会的And I will.如果你找不到本If you can't find Ben,我必须在午夜前架设好线路I must have this network up before midnight.我已经试过所有能想到的方法I have gone over everything I can think of,但还是连接不上but it still won't connect.也许我能帮忙Perhaps I can be of some assistance.弗斯科警探说这里能找到你Detective Fusco said I might find you here.你是谁Who are you?朋友He's a friend.你懂无线网络线路结构吗Do you know anything about wireless network architecture?略懂A bit.我上手很快I think you'll find I'm a quick study.你们忙I'll leave you to it.我去找林克I'm gonna track down Link.警探不管你有何计划Detective, whatever your plans,一定要谨慎I urge you to be discreet.现在的局面要求Our current circumstances require我们必须循规蹈矩that we play by the rules.那我就找个不需要循规蹈矩的人So then I'll find someone who doesn't.电话Phone.你好啊约翰Hello, John.线路网络中有多少个节点How many nodes are in the network?老实说我都不知道Honestly, I don't even know.我一开始就不该答应建这玩意儿I should've never agreed to build this thing in the first place. 那不如我们重头来Look, why don't we start over?告诉我你是怎样建立这线路网络的Tell me how you constructed the network.我还是直接指给你看吧Maybe it's better if I just showed you.就是这个This is it.这是路由器之一This is one of my routers.覆盖面积多大How large is your coverage area?全部纽约五区全部五区All five boroughs. All five?是啊Yes.装这么多天线Installing that many antennas肯定会引起怀疑的would surely raise some suspicion.这就是关键所在That's just it.他们不用安装They didn't have to install them.那些天线本来就有The antennas were already there.超高频率电视天线VHF television antennas.城里很多建筑的屋顶都有You can still find them on most rooftops in the city.久违了约翰It's been too long, John.最近在忙什么What have you been up to?这个It's...说来话长complicated.还真是出乎意料啊Now that is an unexpected development.有什么需要帮忙的警探What can I do for you, Detective?我需要点信息I'm looking for information有个黑帮叫"兄弟会"on a gang called The Brotherhood.他们绑架了一个孩子我要救他They kidnapped a kid, and I want him back.很遗憾我不是很了解这个兄弟会Sorry to say I don't know much about this Brotherhood.他们的头目叫多米尼克It's run by a guy named Dominic.我没见过他We haven't met yet.知道他们为什么要绑架这孩子吗Do you know why they took the kid?他们逼迫孩子的爸爸They're squeezing his old man to build去建立个联络网some kind of communications network让警察无法监听that the cops can't tap.他们给出的截止时间是午夜They gave him a deadline, midnight,不然就会杀了他儿子or they'll kill his son.为什么是午夜Why midnight?也许跟一个叫鲸鱼的人有关Might have to do with someone called The Whale.我听到他们说要跟他见面I heard they're bringing him in for a meeting.鲸鱼不是一个人约翰The Whale isn't a person, John.是批海洛因It's a shipment of heroin.一年中有四次一辆卡车会从墨西哥开过来Four times a year, a truck comes up from Mexico.车会开到一个地方通常是去一间屋子It's driven to a location, usually a house,当天晚上那屋子就是全纽约戒备最森严的地方and for one night, the most protected house in the city.他们会在屋内分袋包装And there it's cut and packaged for couriers让毒贩把毒品一路运去东海岸waiting to deliver it all along the eastern seaboard.以前是HR负责鲸鱼HR used to handle The Whale,自从他们倒台but since their demise,毒贩集团就想再找个靠得住的合作搭档the Cartel's struggled to find a reliable partner.那就是多米尼克在努力争取It could be Dominic creating his own opportunity.野心勃勃老谋深算Ambitious and smart.让我想起我年轻的时候Reminds me of me in my youth.给你点建议吧警探A little advice, Detective,最好避开这个多米尼克maybe steer clear of this Dominic.这恐怕做不到I'm afraid I can't do that.对了我来找你还有另一件事Which brings me to the other reason I'm here.我要雇你I'd like to hire you.我应该有办法修好你的线路了I think I may have found a way to fix your network.怎么修How?我编写了一个固件补丁I've written a firmware patch应该能够允许节点that should allow the nodes处理更多的接入线路to handle an increased number of connections.现在正在上传I'm uploading it now.成功了It's working.连上网了The network is up.你做到了You did it.不是你做到了哈桑先生No, you did, Mr. Hasan.你利用一个早已被人遗忘的陈旧科技You took an obsolete and forgotten technology建造了一个现代的隐形联络网and created a modern, invisible communications network.我只是为了救回本I just did it to get Ben back.。

00:02:14,330 --> 00:02:16,240我叫Walter Hartwell WhiteMy name is Walter Hartwell White.200:02:16,450 --> 00:02:19,310住在新墨西哥州阿尔布开克I live at 308 Negra Arroyo lane300:02:19,350 --> 00:02:21,930内格拉阿罗约巷308号邮编87104Albuquerque New Mexico 87104.400:02:21,980 --> 00:02:23,610我要告诉所有的执法者To all law enforcement entitles,500:02:23,610 --> 00:02:25,400这不是一段认罪声明this is not an admission of guilt.600:02:26,060 --> 00:02:28,200而是我跟家人之间的对话I am speaking to my family now.700:02:35,870 --> 00:02:36,960SkylerSkyler...800:02:37,930 --> 00:02:39,630你是我今生的挚爱You are the love of my life.900:02:40,240 --> 00:02:41,810我希望你能了解这点I hope you know that.1000:02:43,570 --> 00:02:45,060Walter JuniorWalter Junior...1100:02:46,080 --> 00:02:47,480在我心中你是个男子汉了You're my big man.1200:02:48,610 --> 00:02:49,820在接下来的几天里There are...1300:02:49,910 --> 00:02:51,900你们会There are going to be some...1400:02:52,390 --> 00:02:53,940你们会知道Things... things...1500:02:54,640 --> 00:02:55,430关于我的That you'll come toCome to 逐渐1600:02:55,430 --> 00:02:57,770关于我的一些事情learn about me in the next few days.1700:02:57,790 --> 00:02:59,820我只想你们清楚一点I just want you to know1800:03:00,270 --> 00:03:03,600无论发生什么事That no... no matter how it may look,1900:03:03,600 --> 00:03:05,450我心里牵挂的只有你们I only had you in my heart.2000:03:12,510 --> 00:03:13,590永别了Good-bye.2100:04:10,010 --> 00:04:12,650三周前2200:05:00,180 --> 00:05:02,250Walter H White 结晶学质子辐射效应研究带头人2300:05:02,250 --> 00:05:04,770诺贝尔获奖研究项目杰出贡献奖2400:05:16,080 --> 00:05:17,540生日快乐Happy birthday.2500:05:20,060 --> 00:05:21,180瞧瞧这个Look at that.2600:05:22,110 --> 00:05:24,120这是素培根That is veggie bacon.2700:05:24,920 --> 00:05:26,680不管你信不信零胆固醇的Believe it or not. zero cholesterol.00:05:26,680 --> 00:05:29,090吃起来也是一个味儿You won't even taste the difference.2900:05:30,270 --> 00:05:31,920你觉得自己大概几点能到家?What time do you think you'll be home?3000:05:31,920 --> 00:05:32,990老时间Same time.3100:05:33,060 --> 00:05:35,340我不希望他又缠你一整晚I don't want him dicking you around tonight.3200:05:35,420 --> 00:05:36,870你的工资给到5点You get paid till 5,3300:05:36,870 --> 00:05:38,960你就工作到5点You work till 5 no later.3400:05:43,500 --> 00:05:45,390-生日快乐啊 -谢谢- Hey, happy birthday. - Well, thank you.3500:05:45,430 --> 00:05:47,380你又起晚了You're late... again.3600:05:47,560 --> 00:05:50,380又没热水了There was no hot water... again.3700:05:50,450 --> 00:05:52,210我有个简单的办法解决I have an easy fix for that.3800:05:52,350 --> 00:05:53,810你早点起床You wake up early3900:05:53,950 --> 00:05:56,840然后就可以第一个洗澡了And then you get to be the first person in the shower.4000:05:57,130 --> 00:05:58,480我也有个办法I have an idea.4100:06:00,640 --> 00:06:04,900为什么不买个新热水器呢?How about buy a new hot water heater?4200:06:04,900 --> 00:06:06,100这主意怎么样?How's that idea?4300:06:06,100 --> 00:06:09,420我都提了成千上万次了For the millionth and billionth time.4400:06:11,510 --> 00:06:13,960-止咳药喝过没? -喝了- Did you take your echinacea? - Yeah.4500:06:14,150 --> 00:06:15,840我觉得好多了I think it's getting better.4600:06:16,170 --> 00:06:19,330这是什么鬼玩意儿啊?What the hell is this?4700:06:19,850 --> 00:06:23,470素培根我觉得我们该注意下胆固醇了It's veggie bacon. We're watching our cholesterol, I guess.4800:06:23,470 --> 00:06:25,600别给我我要真培根Not me. I want real bacon.4900:06:25,600 --> 00:06:27,440不要这假冒的破烂Not this fake crap.5000:06:27,440 --> 00:06:28,440真是糟糕Too bad.5100:06:28,590 --> 00:06:29,590吃了它Eat it.5200:06:30,220 --> 00:06:32,940这闻上去就像创口贴This smells like band-aids.5300:06:32,940 --> 00:06:35,060给我吃了Eat it.5400:06:39,810 --> 00:06:42,080成为老人家感觉怎么样?So how's it feel to be old?5500:06:42,440 --> 00:06:44,690当个小破孩感觉怎么样?How does it feel to be a smart ass?5600:06:44,990 --> 00:06:46,020对得好Good.5700:06:48,410 --> 00:06:49,760赶紧吃吧Eat your veggie bacon.5800:07:09,180 --> 00:07:11,130-准备好了吗? -恩我能行- You're all set? - Yeah, I'm fine.5900:07:11,130 --> 00:07:13,340-那好回家见 -再见- All right, see you at home. - Okay, see you.6000:07:17,790 --> 00:07:19,440化学Chemistry6100:07:19,740 --> 00:07:22,580是研究什么的?It is the study of what?6200:07:23,510 --> 00:07:24,800谁知道?Anyone?6300:07:26,680 --> 00:07:27,680BenBen.6400:07:28,130 --> 00:07:29,110化学品?Chemicals?6500:07:29,110 --> 00:07:30,600化学品Chemicals.6600:07:31,200 --> 00:07:32,780不对No.6700:07:33,360 --> 00:07:35,680化学Chemistry is...6800:07:36,280 --> 00:07:37,670从学术层面说Well technically6900:07:37,950 --> 00:07:40,430化学是一门研究物质的学科Chemistry is the study of matter.7000:07:41,490 --> 00:07:44,960但是我更倾向于它是一门研究变化的学科But I prefer to see it as the study of change.7100:07:44,960 --> 00:07:47,320现在我们这样来设想一下Now just... just think about this.00:07:47,620 --> 00:07:48,700电子Electrons.7300:07:49,430 --> 00:07:50,400它们They...7400:07:51,720 --> 00:07:53,400改变自身的能级Change their energy levels.7500:07:53,400 --> 00:07:54,590分子呢Molecules.7600:07:55,400 --> 00:07:57,780分子改变自身的化学键Molecules change their bonds.7700:07:58,720 --> 00:07:59,810这些元素Elements.7800:07:59,950 --> 00:08:02,840进行组合从而形成化合物They combine and change into compounds.7900:08:03,630 --> 00:08:06,280这就是所有生命的组成形式Well that's... that's all of life.8000:08:06,280 --> 00:08:08,570对不对?我是说这是个恒定的Right? I mean it's just... it's the constant.8100:08:08,590 --> 00:08:11,100循环的过程It's the cycle. It's solution8200:08:11,390 --> 00:08:14,090从生长到衰败再到分解并溶化Dissolution just over and over and over.8300:08:14,180 --> 00:08:18,770如此循环周而复始It is growth then decay then transformation.8400:08:21,970 --> 00:08:24,390这是如此的迷人真的It is fascinating really.8500:08:30,770 --> 00:08:31,600ChadChad...8600:08:33,490 --> 00:08:35,840你的课桌坏了吗?Is there something wrong with your table?8700:08:38,490 --> 00:08:41,220好了离子键Okay. Ionic bonds...8800:08:50,720 --> 00:08:51,880坐好了吗?Are you done?8900:08:54,640 --> 00:08:55,850离子键Ionic bonds.9000:08:56,310 --> 00:08:57,470第六章节Chapter 6.9100:09:09,540 --> 00:09:12,670一二三这是是十块再加十块一共二十One, two, three makes 10, and 10 makes 20.9200:09:12,980 --> 00:09:14,090这是您的收据Here's your receipt9300:09:14,100 --> 00:09:16,470然后拿着这张小票去找洗车员吧And hand this claiming disc to your car wash professional.9400:09:16,500 --> 00:09:18,280-多谢 -欢迎再次光临- Thank you. - Come again.9500:09:30,050 --> 00:09:31,210他不来了He's not coming.9600:09:31,240 --> 00:09:32,690他说他不干了He said he quits.9700:09:33,640 --> 00:09:35,470换我来收账I'm gonna run the register.9800:09:35,640 --> 00:09:38,520Bogdan 别这样我们说好的Bogdan, no. We talked about this.9900:09:38,520 --> 00:09:40,050我人手不足 WalterI'm shorthanded, Walter.10000:09:40,150 --> 00:09:41,450我能怎么办?What am I to do?10100:09:43,940 --> 00:09:44,940Walter?Walter?10200:09:46,940 --> 00:09:48,330我能怎么办?What am I to do?10300:10:08,920 --> 00:10:11,070White老师Hey, Mr. White.10400:10:12,070 --> 00:10:14,180车轮擦亮点哦Make those tires shine, huh?10500:10:14,180 --> 00:10:15,670你们肯定猜不到谁在给Chad擦车You will not believe who's cleaning Chad's car.10600:10:16,100 --> 00:10:19,100是White老师Mr. White.10700:10:19,100 --> 00:10:22,310化学课老师From chemistry.10800:10:42,070 --> 00:10:44,300惊喜Surprise.10900:10:44,790 --> 00:10:46,630生日快乐老爸Happy birthday, Dad.11000:10:50,210 --> 00:10:52,390你回来得太晚了You're so very late.11100:10:53,480 --> 00:10:55,460我说真的 SkylerReally I'm serious, Skyler.11200:10:55,720 --> 00:10:58,000你的小腹平得就跟洗衣板似的I mean you're flat as a washboard.11300:10:58,630 --> 00:11:00,160看上去太美了You look awesome.11400:11:00,360 --> 00:11:02,170她一点都看不出来是吧?She's not showing at all, is she?11500:11:02,180 --> 00:11:03,670还是有那么一点的She's showing a little.11600:11:05,230 --> 00:11:07,440Carmen 这是我妹妹MarieCarmen this is my sister Marie.11700:11:07,930 --> 00:11:09,960-很高兴见到你 -你好- Pleased to meet you. - Hi.11800:11:11,690 --> 00:11:14,450格洛克-22 我的日常配枪Glock 22. It's my daily carry, okay?11900:11:14,670 --> 00:11:17,550除非是B+式自动装填I mean unless you're talking what plus b-plus loads12000:11:17,580 --> 00:11:19,7409毫米口径的都是扔货you can forget the 9-mil all right?12100:11:19,740 --> 00:11:22,520我见过9毫米子弹从挡风玻璃上弹开I seen one of those bounce off a windshield one time.12200:11:22,520 --> 00:11:24,410那枪是你射的吧Yeah the way you shoot.12300:11:25,050 --> 00:11:26,550如果你要带把枪If you're gonna bring a gun, babe.12400:11:26,560 --> 00:11:28,250就要带把够用的You gotta bring enough gun.12500:11:28,320 --> 00:11:29,500点40口径的40 caliber.12600:11:30,820 --> 00:11:33,570-这个太棒了 -很不错是吧?- This is awesome right here. - Nice, isn't it?12700:11:33,890 --> 00:11:35,630爸你过来看看Dad come check this out.12800:11:36,140 --> 00:11:38,560-我看到了 -过来拿着看- Yeah I see it. - Come on take it.12900:11:38,570 --> 00:11:39,840Walt 来看看Check it out Walt.13000:11:41,520 --> 00:11:43,420不不只是有点重No no it's just heavy.13100:11:43,460 --> 00:11:44,870所以警察才要男的当That's why they hire men.13200:11:46,840 --> 00:11:48,440枪不咬人知道吗?It's not gonna bite you, all right?13300:11:48,440 --> 00:11:50,950你看起来像滚石乐队的Keith Richards拿着一杯热牛奶Looks like Keith Richards with a glass of warm milk.13400:11:53,520 --> 00:11:54,080WaltHey Walt.13500:11:54,090 --> 00:11:55,880大家都听好了听好了Everybody listen up listen up listen up!13600:11:55,890 --> 00:11:57,170我要祝酒I'm gonna give a toast.13700:11:57,180 --> 00:11:59,650为我的连襟祝酒过来A little toast to my brother-in-law. Come here.13800:12:00,400 --> 00:12:03,950Walt 你的大脑和威斯康星州一样大Walt. You got a brain the size of Wisconsin.13900:12:04,520 --> 00:12:07,020不过我们并不是要说你坏话But we're not gonna hold that against you.Hold against 认为某人不好,责备14000:12:07,570 --> 00:12:09,490因为你心地善良Because your heart's in the right place man.heart is in the right place或have one’s heart in the right place是习语,意为“心地善良”,“心怀善意”14100:12:09,490 --> 00:12:10,940心地善良Your heart's in the right place.14200:12:10,940 --> 00:12:12,390我们爱你我们都爱你We love you man. We love you.14300:12:12,390 --> 00:12:13,990大家举杯敬WaltEverybody! To Walt!14400:12:13,990 --> 00:12:14,900干杯Na zdorovje!14500:12:14,910 --> 00:12:16,210干杯Na zdorovje!14600:12:19,790 --> 00:12:21,510该死打开第三频道Oh shit. Turn on channel 3.14700:12:24,240 --> 00:12:26,250到目前为止我们逮捕了3个人At which point we apprehended three individualsat which point用于引导定语从句,其意为“就在这时”“就在那时”等,在许多情况下相当于and at that (this) moment。

Professor Barkley, run it past me again. 巴克利教授再和我说一遍Soldier scans the skies above ground, 士兵盯着上方的天空they alert us to the air raid. 发现空袭来袭就提醒我们We fire up the Abexitron and jam their communications. 我们便启动阿贝可西特朗屏蔽他们的通讯The Gerrys won't know right from left. 德国人到时连东南西北都分不清Won't it interfere with our own radios? 这不会干扰到我们自己的无线电吗No, it'll only block the frequency it's sent to. 不这只会阻断指定的频率What Hitler wouldn't give to get his filthy Nazi mitts on this.希特勒肯定愿意不惜一切代价得到这个装置What Hitler wouldn't give to get his filthy Nazi mitts on this. 薯片Good God. 老天Come on, Professor Barkley, pick up. 快点巴克利教授快接啊- Is this a test? - No, this is the real thing! -这是测试吗 -不是是真正的空袭This is the real-- 是真正的...Is it meant to do that? 这种反应是正常的吗Private Atkins? Private Atkins? 阿特金斯士兵阿特金斯士兵Alfie? Are you there? 阿尔菲你还在吗Professor! 教授...nine, seven. (97)第一季第二集真相探寻者Okay, I don't think I'm ready for this. 我觉得我还没有准备好- You could've just had toast. - No, not the breakfast, -你可以只吃吐司的 -我说的不是早餐what happened at Miss Connelly's. 我是说康纳利女士家发生的事Elton, I've been a paranormal investigator for 20 years. 艾尔顿我做灵异现象调查员这行已经20年了I've never seen anything like we saw yesterday. 我从来没有见过昨天那种情况The spirit dog, number five. 幽灵狗数字5This could finally get me into "The White Sheet." 我也许终于能凭这个上《白床单》[白纸]了What's "The White Sheets?" 《白纸》是什么No, no, no, "The White Sheets" is a Neo Nazi magazine. 不不不《白纸》是新纳粹杂志"The White Sheet" is a magazine about the paranormal. 《白床单》是超自然杂志Two very different things. Never the twain shall meet. 完全不一样风马牛不相及Unless, of course, you count the time 当然了除了那一次someone spotted the ghost of Reichsmarschall Hermann G?ring 有人在塔尔斯山上看到了up on Tulse Hill. 赫尔曼戈林的鬼混Yeah, it set the paranormal world on fire. 那可是震惊了超自然界You ready for your second day? 准备好迎接第二天工作了吗I'm not ready for my first day. 我还没准备好消化第一天呢Here we go. 走吧- A crisp? - What flavor? -薯片要吗 -什么味的- Uh, prawn cocktail. - Ugh, no. -鲜虾沙拉 -不了Suit yourself. 随你的便Listen, can we not have another day like yesterday? 听着能不能不要再经历昨天那样的事了Relax. It's not like every place we go 放轻松我们又不是只会去is gonna be haunted. 闹鬼的地方Sorry. Did you say haunted? 不好意思你刚刚是说闹鬼吗I did. Yes. 是的Britain's most haunted three-star hotel, 英国最猛鬼的三星旅馆The Portland Beacon. 波特兰灯塔Now, I thought that might peak your interest, Gus. 我就知道你可能会很感兴趣格斯It's nothing but a cheap tourist draw, believe me. 这肯定只是个老套的吸引游客噱头相信我I-- I've looked into it. 我查过的Thorough as ever. 依旧是那么周密That is why you are my number one installer, Gus. 所以你是我的头号安装工格斯Ah, mea culpa. 我的错And you, mister, are my number... 28? 而你呢先生是我的第...28号Not-- Not bad. 还...还不赖I have to take this because, uh, 我得接这通电话因为I'm breaking in a new assistant. 我正在教一个新助手Take the day off, Dave. You're never not here, are you? 休息一天吧戴夫你天天都在这儿对吧Get out of here. 赶紧走吧Hello, Smyle, Dave speaking. 你好斯迈尔公司我是戴夫Hello? 你好Hello-- Bjorn, this has got-- 你好比约恩这真是...Bjorn. Bloody-- Bjorn! 比约恩该死...比约恩There's no way this dump is a three-star. 这垃圾堆绝对不可能是三星级酒店This is my home. 这是我家Oh... It's nice. 好吧这里真不错You see, it's nicer when you get close. 其实近看好多了Just want to show you something inside. 我就是想带你进去看点东西- Can I walk on the grass? - No. -能踩草坪吗 -不行Elton. 艾尔顿Elton. 艾尔顿Hey, look at that. 你看"The White Sheet." 《白床单》Okay, read this. 看这篇"The Portland Beacon is a horror-themed dump. "波特兰灯塔就是个恐怖主题的破烂堆Zero ghosts, but plenty of bedbugs. 没有一个鬼床虱倒是不少One ghoul." There's a ghoul? 一个食尸鬼" 还有食尸鬼吗No, no, they use a five ghoul rating system. 不不他们用食尸鬼打分五个最高This is not gonna be another Connelly's Nook, okay? 不会又闹康纳利隐秘角落那一出的- Who's this? - Elton John. -这是哪位 -艾尔顿·约翰- Don't be facetious. - Dad, he's my new partner. -别没正经 -爸他是我的新搭档- So, uh, you off out again? - Yes, yeah. Just off to work. -你又要出门了 -对出去工作While I'm out, will you not go in my study? 我出去的时候你能别进我的书房吗It's not a study, it's the bloody dining room! 那才不是书房那是饭厅Anyway, I never come in here. 反正我也从来不到那里去You say that, but sometimes when I come back, 你话是这么说但有时我回来的时候everything's kind of been touched and moved some. 所有东西都有被碰过或者挪动的迹象Oh, well, maybe it's a ghost. 也许是鬼干的Your dad seems nice. 你爸看着人不错He's not nice, he's horrible. 他才不好他糟透了No, seriously. 不我没开玩笑No, seriously. One, five, nine, seven.No, seriously. One, five, nine, seven.Yeah, remind me again. Where are you from? 再提醒我一次你是哪里人来着- Uh, Norfolk. Why? - Norfolk. -诺福克怎么了 -诺福克Just, uh, I hope you don't mind, 希望你别介意I did a little online search on you last night. 我昨晚上网查了查你Not many Elton Johns. 没太多叫艾尔顿·约翰的人Hell, there's only one other. None in Norfolk. 其实除了大歌星就还有一个不在诺福克I'm not really on social media, so-- 我不怎么玩社交媒体Well, you're not-- not really on anywhere, are you? 你真的几乎什么都不接触是吧No. 对Who was that woman in the picture? 照片里那个女人是谁It was, uh, my wife, Emily. 那是我妻子艾米莉She looks nice. Love to meet her. 她看上去人不错我很想见见她She died. 她死了Sorry, man. 抱歉Sorry. 我很遗憾What happened? 发生了什么事It's complicated. 一言难尽It's complicated. One, five, nine, seven.Helie? What's wrong? 海伦怎么了My costume for CovCo CosCon. 我参加克夫科变装展的服装It's next week and it's not even ready yet. 下周就开展了还没准备好Okay, Helie, what'd you need? 好吧海伦你需要什么A plunger. 一个马桶搋子You haven't blocked the toilet again, have you? 你不会又把马桶弄堵了吧For my costume. 是服装要用的Oh, come on, Helen. 拜托海伦Try going to the shop, it's only a couple doors down. 自己去商店买一个啊就隔着几户而已Yeah, right, yeah. Just send the agoraphobe 对哦就让一个有广场恐惧症的人down a busy High Street. 去繁忙的商街Oh, yeah, look out for me on the news tonight. 你就等着我今晚上新闻吧Okay, I'll get it. I'll get it. 好吧我去买我去买Okay. Okay. 好的好的Bye. 拜Is that your wife? 那是你妻子吗Ugh, no, it's my sister. 呕是我妹妹- She okay? - Yeah. -她没事吧 -嗯She's quite an anxious person. A bit fragile. 她这人很容易紧张有点脆弱And angry. 还有易怒She hasn't always been like that, though. 不过她以前不是这样的What happened? 发生了什么It's complicated. 一言难尽Behold, The Portland Beacon. 看好了波特兰灯塔A ministry of defense research and development facility 一个二战期间国防部建造的during the second world war. 研发设施Now a seaside sideshow for weekend horror dinks. 现在成了海边一处恐怖迷的周末小据点So you're sure it's not haunted? 你确定这没闹鬼吗Have to be pretty gullible to be taken in by this place. 要是被这地方骗到肯定傻到一定程度了Hello? 有人吗Hello? 有人吗Are you looking for ghosts? 你在找鬼吗Wifi viability. 无线网络信号Hello, welcome. I am Jack, 你们好欢迎我是杰克proprietor of The Portland Beacon, 波特兰灯塔的业主the only horror themed hotel on Dorset's Jurassic Coast.这里是多塞特郡侏罗纪海岸唯一的恐怖主题旅馆What do you think of the old eye in the painting gag? 你们觉得油画鬼眼这个小桥段怎么样- That-- That's new. - Very good. -这是新加的 -非常好- Good-- Good fun. - Oh, right. Of course. -很有趣 -对了当然Lovely. Hello, uh, my name is Gus Roberts. 好极了你好我叫格斯·罗伯茨I'm from Smyle. 来自斯迈尔公司Yeah, we're here to fix your broadband. 对我们是来修你的宽带的Be great if I could see your router. 能看一下你的路由器吗Oh. There it is. 就在那里That is an SMR430. 那是SMR430型号的I mean, in theory, you could beam a signal through 理论上信号能穿透eight inches of solid lead. 8英寸厚的固态铅Yeah, well, that's why we got it. 所以我们才选择它This place has never had a signal. 这地方从来没信号You know, people we took over from had the same issue. 我们接手前的原房东也有这问题Kind of been using mobile. 一直用移动路由器Well, let's see if we can't find out why. 我们看能不能找到原因Righty-O. I shall give you the tour. 好咧我带你们到处看看- Oh, uh, no need. - Follow me. -不用啦 -跟我来"Perished loved ones who are unable to break the tie "逝去的亲人如无法打破between the world of the living and the..." 人世间和...的束缚..."Oh, no. Don't go into my study. 不行别擅自进我书房Ah, what's all this rubbish? 这都是什么垃圾It's my house too, you know. 这里也是我家啊Oh, yeah. 这个好So, this is the Amityville Lounge. 这里是阿米提维尔酒廊Don't have any food in here. The flies love it. 没放吃的会招苍蝇What's that about? 那是怎么回事What's that about? 禁止进入Oh, yeah, room two. Yeah, 二号房啊对we don't let guests stay in there. 我们不让客人住这间Too dangerous. 太危险了Something to do with the wiring, we think. 好像是因为线路有问题It's always freezing in there. 里面总是很冷Anything you touch, you get shocked. 碰到什么都会被静电电到Weird bumps and noises all night. 整晚会有奇怪的碰撞声和响声You sure it's not haunted? 你确定不是闹鬼吗Oh. Yeah, well, that'd be ironic, wouldn't it? 要真是闹鬼就讽刺了对吧The only room in the hotel that is haunted, 旅馆里唯一真有鬼的那个房间and we can't let the guests stay in there. 却不能让客人住Come on. 来吧Room 237. It's a twin. "第237号房间"主题房是双床的Nightmare on Elm Suite. "猛鬼街"主题房And over here, we have the Psycho room. 这边是"惊魂记"主题房Read about this place. 我读过关于这地方的文章There is absolutely no signal at all. 这里一点信号都没有Rest assured, sir, I shall crack this nut. 放心吧先生我会解决这个难题Oh, wonderful. Cup of tea? 太好了喝茶吗- Yes, please. - Yeah. -好啊麻烦了 -好的Make 'em a tea, love. 给他们泡茶亲爱的Love? 亲爱的Oh, sorry, this is my wife, Wendy. 抱歉这是我妻子温蒂You've ruined the scare now, haven't you? 我精心准备的惊吓都让你毁了- Just get the kettle on. - You do it. -去烧水吧 -你自己去- Right-O. - Stupid. -好咧 -蠢死了Okay, I would like you to take this signal tester, 好了你拿着信号测试仪go back to the Psycho room, and prepare to run the test. 回"惊魂记"房准备运行测试- Alone? - Not alone. -我一个人吗 -不是Your walkie-talkie. 有对讲机陪着你You're never really alone with a walkie-talkie. 有对讲机就不算一个人- Okay. - Bye. -好吧 -拜拜All right. 好了Help-- 救命Gus, is that you? 格斯是你吗That-- 那...That one's locked, I'm afraid. 那一间上锁了恐怕开不了Uh, yes. I'm looking for the Psycho room. 是的我在找"惊魂记"房Oh, well, that's down there on the right. 从走廊过去在右手边I'm Byron, the caretaker. 我是管理员拜伦Are you staying with us? 你是这里的住客吗Oh, no, no, I'm just here to fix the internet. 不是我只是来修网络的The signal is being blocked for some reason. 信号不知为何被阻断了Maybe something's jamming it. 也许有什么东西在干扰Something like what? 比如什么Daft if I know. 我怎么知道Toodle-oo. 再会Elton, can you confirm you are in position, 艾尔顿请确认你已就位and ready to run the test. Over. 准备好运行测试完毕Papa Bear to Little Bird, come back. 熊爸爸呼叫小鸟请回复Elton, come back to Papa Bear. Over. 艾尔顿回复熊爸爸完毕Elton, come back to Papa Bear. Over. One, five, nine, seven.Gus! 格斯Elton, where have you got to? 艾尔顿你去哪了Gus-- 格斯Say again, where are you? 再说一遍你在哪儿Room two. Room two. He-- Ah! 2号房 2号房他...Gus, help! 格斯救命Stay there, I'm on my way. 在那等着我马上赶来Elton. 艾尔顿Elton. 艾尔顿Elton. Hang on, mate. 艾尔顿等会儿I'm just gonna find that idiot to come and open the door, okay? 我这就去找那个白痴开门- Everything all right? - Yeah, yeah. -一切都还好吗 -嗯嗯Just-- Just thinkin-- thinkin' about you. 刚刚...刚刚正想着你呢You couldn't open this door for us, could you? 能帮我们打开这扇门吗Oh, no, no, no, no. Can't let you in there. 不不不你们不能进去Eh, it's all right. We're not customers. 没关系的我们又不是住客It's not an act. It's all for safety. 这不是为了装闹鬼而是安全起见Listen. Right now, you're essentially 听着此时此刻你相当于是holding a private contractor hostage. 劫持了一位私人承包商做人质I've seen this kind of situation blow up real quick. 这种事情分分钟就闹大了Open the door. 开门Well done. 很好We're comin' in, mate. 我们这就进来哥们I'll take it from here. 接下来交给我吧Light's not workin'. 灯坏了Well, it works but bulbs kept blowing, 倒是能通电但灯泡老是爆so, uh, we took 'em all out. 所以我们就把灯泡取下来了Elton? 艾尔顿Are you sure he's in here? 你确定他在里面吗Because we always keep this room locked. 因为这间房一直都是锁着的Elton? 艾尔顿Elton? 艾尔顿What the bloody hell are you doing? 你他妈在干什么Welcome, viewer, to the Truth Seeker. 各位观众欢迎观看《真相探寻者》You join me here in a place 欢迎和我一起来到这个I've come to know as Connelly's Nook... 康纳利的隐秘角落Oh, please. 受不了...to solve the mystery... ...探索这个...Pretentious nonsense. 做作的扯淡Join me if you dare. 够胆你就加入我Shawshank. 肖申克Must be friends. Hell's bells tells. 一定是他的朋友找他 "地狱钟声述说"To finish off, to go full Arnie, 最后完成阿妮的仿妆gonna use some eye drops. Okay? 需要用到一点眼药水Get a nice chunk of that in there. 挤一大管进去Whoop, see the color? Then you just... 看见这颜色了吗然后...pop it into your eye... 滴进眼睛里...like this. 像这样Ah, there we go. 好了Nice and easy. 简单容易One of the reasons I like spending time on make-up 我之所以喜欢化妆原因之一is because you're lookin' in the mirror, 是因为你看着镜子and it's like you're havin' a conversation with yourself. 感觉就像是在和自己对话So in a way, I'm being sociable... with me. 从某方面说我很合群...和我自己Done. 搞定啦- I know what you mean. - Nice and easy. -我懂你的意思 -简单容易- I talk to myself sometimes. - And that is nice. -我有时也会和自己说话 -棒极了Look out! 小心I'll be back next week. 我们下周见Bye. 拜拜Why did you go into Room Two? 你为什么要进2号房The door opened. I thought I heard something. 门自己开了我貌似听见了什么声音Heard what? 听见了什么- Yeah. - The Lincolnshire Poacher. -没错 -"林肯郡偷猎者"When you were in there, 你刚刚在房间里时I heard the numbers 1, 5, 9, 7 come through on the walkie-talkie.我听见对讲机里传来1597这几个数字Wh-- What are you saying? 什...什么意思I'm saying it's time to get the exospector. 意思是是时候去拿探测仪了I just don't want to go back in there. 我真的不想回那间房了Something is not right. 有什么地方不对劲We need to find out what it is. 我们得搞清楚是什么Why? 为什么We're truth seekers. 我们是真相探寻者No, you're a truth seeker. 不你是真相探寻者I'm Elton John. 我只是艾尔顿·约翰All right, all right, you're hyperventilating. 好了好了你换气过度了Calm. 冷静Breathe into this bag. Just breathe. 往这个袋子里呼吸深呼吸Slowly, there might be crisps in there. 慢点里面可能有渣Oh, just chew. 嚼一嚼就好Chew through it. Yeah. 嚼一嚼很好They taste quite nice. 味道还蛮不错的Yeah, prawn cocktail. My guilty pleasure. 对啊鲜虾沙拉薯片我的罪恶快感This bloody thing. 这破玩意I'm gonna go out to the van and pop a fresh open, I think. 我到货车那里去重新开机- No. - You'll be fine. -别啊 -你不会有事的I remember this room. 我记得这间房间I used to come in here and read my favorite book 我以前会到这里来读我最爱的书for hours and hours. 读上好几个小时I wonder if it's still here. 不知道书还在不在这里Why, yes. There it is. 哇在这呢Gus! 格斯Gus! 格斯That's better. 好多了What did you do? 你干了什么I didn't, the old man did it. 不是我是那个老头子What old man? 什么老头子Uh, Byron. 拜伦啊Well, that solves the mystery of the secret door. 密门的谜团解开了Shall we go home now? 我们可以回家了吗Get the camera. You ready? 拿摄影机出来准备好了吗Here we go. 走吧Hello, ghosts. 鬼魂们你们好啊- You all right? - Yeah, yeah. -你还好吧 -嗯还好I bet you what's down here... 我敢肯定这下面的某样东西whatever it is, is causing room two to go haywire. 不管是什么就是造成二号房失常的原因What is this place? 这地方是用来干什么的I don't know. Let's find out. 我不知道我们来找出答案- You rolling? -Yeah. -在拍吗 -是的Oh, let's see now. 我们来看看Ahh! Shittin' hell. 妈个逼He must have been down here 他一定是从二战时期开始since the second world war. 就一直关在这儿Okay. Goodness. Go back and call the police. 老天我们调头出去报警吧Oh, why? 为什么We just found a dead body. 我们刚发现了一具尸体啊That's not a body. It's meatless. 这不是尸体根本没肉This is a skeleton, poor bugger. 只剩一副骷髅可怜虫- You hear that? - Huh? -你听见了吗 -什么It's coming from in there. 是从那里面传出来的That's a military door. 这是军用门Naval, 1940's by the looks of it. 看样子是1940年的海军舱门Don't tell me you were a submarine commander one weekend.别告诉我你当过一个周末的潜水艇指挥官Cleaner in the Imperial War Museum. 是在帝国战争博物馆当过清洁工How are these lights on? 这些灯怎么亮着Get back! 退后- You Nazi scum! - Who said that? -你个纳粹人渣 -刚才是谁说话Thought you could sneak up on me, didn't you? 你以为能偷偷接近我是吗Thought you could sneak up on me, didn't you? One, five, nine, seven.- One, five, nine, seven. - It's this machine. -1597 -是这台机器Sounds like a man, not a machine. 听起来是个男人在说话不是机器发出的Uh, the joke's on you, Fritz. 闹笑话的是你德国佬I've only got to initiate the self-destruct protocols, 我刚启动了自毁程序and you two Gerry bastards are toast. 你们两个德国人渣死定了- Hey, we're not Gerrys. - Or bastards. -我们不是德国人 -也不是人渣Prove it. 拿出证据My name is Gus Roberts, I'm 47 years old, 我叫格斯·罗伯茨今年47岁and I'm a field engineer from Sussex. 我是从苏塞克斯来的安装工程师This is my colleague, Mr. Elton John. 这是我的同事艾尔顿·约翰And where are you from? 你老家在哪儿Leicestershire. 莱斯特群Leicestershire. One, five, nine, seven.Air raid! This is not a test! 有空袭这不是测试This is a number station. 这是个密码电台I've been listening to this machine for 20 years. 我听这台机器听了20年I have to jam the German communications, 我必须干扰德军的通讯I have to stop their air raids. 壁纸阻止他们空袭Listen. I read a book 听着我看过一本书by a man called Dr. Peter Toynbee, 作者是彼得·托因比and in it, he theorized that 他在书里有个理论the human soul could transport into other things, 人的灵魂能转移至别处places, people, objects. 地方人物品都可以I think this is what we're looking at here. 我想眼前的就是这么个情况Can you tell me your name? 你能告诉我你的名字吗Atkins, Alfred. 阿尔菲德·阿特金斯Private, home guard. 地方军二等兵And that's all your getting. 我只告诉你这么多Tell me, how did you get into this machine, Alfie? 告诉我你怎么被关进这台机器的阿尔菲I was on the clock tower. 我当时在钟楼上There was a storm. 外面有雷暴Uh, a German squadron, 一支德军空军中队来袭the lightning struck. 闪电劈下来So hot and-- and bright. 好热好刺眼The power from the lightning transferred his soul... 闪电的能量把他的灵魂转移到... inside this machine. 这台机器里Toynbee was right. 托因比是对的Mustn't let them communicate. 绝对不能让他们通讯He's not just jamming the obsolete radio signals. 他不只是在干扰废弃无线电的信号He's jamming everything. 他把所有信号都屏蔽了Wifi, 6G. 无线网 6GThis is the source of our signal problem. 这就是我们信号问题的源头If we can somehow convince him to move on. 如果我们能设法劝服他放下I think-- I think he'll help us. 我想他会帮我们的How the hell do we do that? 我们怎么才能做到We have to prove that the second world war is over. 我们得证明二战已经结束了Um... Private Atkins, can you see us? 阿特金斯士兵你能看见我们吗Of course I can see you. 当然可以Look at the date on this packet of crisps. 你看这包薯片上面的日期Prawn cocktail. 鲜虾沙拉What kind of a future is this? 这是什么鬼未来Oh, no, they're a lot nicer than they sound, I promise. 不吃起来没那么怪我保证And, let's face it, you'd be hard pushed 再说面对现实吧你很难to find a pink bag of crisps under a fascist dictatorship.在法西斯独裁统治下找到一袋粉色薯片的Well? 所以呢Dude, look at me. 哥们看着我Do you really think I'm a Nazi? This? 你真觉得我是纳粹吗就我肤色So we won? We defeated the fascists? 所以我们赢了吗我们战胜了法西斯分子Mm... there's still a few. 还有一些残余There's this weird magazine called "The White Sheets," 有一本很奇怪的杂志叫《白纸》- it's race-- - Oh, that's-- -简直就是种族... -那...We won. 我们赢了Hitler lost, he killed himself in his bunker. 希特勒输了他在地堡里自杀了The coward. Not like you, son. 那个懦夫你不一样孩子You did your duty. 你尽了职责And in my eyes, that makes you a friggin' hero. 在我眼里你就是英雄Am i? 我是吗'Cause I-- I was so worried that 因为我本来很担心I'd let Professor Barkley down. 我让巴克利教授失望了Whoever this professor is, you made him proud. 不管这个教授是谁你都让他骄傲了You made us all proud, kid. 你让我们都感到骄傲孩子Hey. Maybe it's time you went home. 也许你是时候回家了There's a door, actually. 事实上有一扇门It wasn't here before. 之前不在的Maybe you should go through it. 也许你应该穿过去Permission to be dismissed. 请求离开Private Atkins, 阿特金斯士兵permission is most definitely granted. 当然允许你离开Alfie? 阿尔菲- Alfie? He's gone. - Yeah? -阿尔菲他走了 -是吗Well, looks like the signal's back up. 看来信号回来了- Oh. It's Helen. - What's she want? -是海伦 -她有什么事The plunger. 马桶搋子Oh, Gus, you little beauty. 格斯你个小美人All right, well, I don't think you'll be having 好了我觉得这下你们的无线网络any more problems with your wifi. 应该没问题了I've run a test and you're pulling down 我已经做了测试网速接近100 megabits per second, 每秒100兆and that is consistent throughout the whole hotel. 旅馆各个角落都是这个速度Well, that's amazing. Thanks very much. 那太棒了非常感谢And, uh, any problems you were having with room two 二号房间的问题I think have probably abated as well. 应该也减轻了很多Eh, maybe we can finally turn it into something scary.也许我们终于可以把那改造成吓人的房间了Oh, could you say goodbye to Byron for me? 你能替我跟拜伦道个别吗Who's Byron? 拜伦是谁The caretaker. 那个管理员Oh, you mean Mr. Barkley. 你是说巴克利先生啊He's been here forever. Came with the hotel. 他来这好久了当年接手旅馆时他就已经在了Got amnesia, didn't he, during the war. 他有失忆症对吧战争期间得的Yeah, the second world one. 对二战So he's not a ghost. 所以他不是鬼'Course he's not a ghost. 他当然不是鬼There's no such thing as ghosts. 世界上才不存在鬼呢Well... Bye-bye. 这个... 再见All the best. 一切顺利- Just be a minute. - Bloody hell is he going? -等一下 -他要去哪儿Hey. Can I ask? How much for that plunger? 我能问下吗那个马桶搋多少钱Oh. It's yours, old boy. 归你了小子Oh, yes. Thanks, professor. 太棒了谢谢你教授See ya! 回见Professor? 教授You all right? 你没事吧Yeah. 嗯Just that, you know, I've listened to Alfie's voice 就是我每天都听着那个密码电台nearly every day for the past 20 years 传出的阿尔菲的声音on that number station. 已经听了20年Just gonna miss him, you know? 我会很想念他的Uh, no. Leave it on. 不开着吧Just in case. 万一呢Hey, why don't you drop me home? 你送我回家吧You know, have an early night bath, bath bomb. 我想晚上早早用浴球泡个澡Yeah. Yeah, I could do that. 好这没问题Or you could come back to mine 或者你可以跟我回家and we can code videos for four hours for the channel. 花四个小时一起给频道的视频编码Yeah. 行You told me you were from Norfolk, 你之前告诉我你是诺福克来的but then you told the machine 但之后你又告诉机器that you were from Leicestershire. 你来自莱斯特郡I got confused. 我糊涂了Sorry but, I mean, who gets confused about 抱歉但是谁会弄糊涂where the bloody hell they're from? 自己的家乡啊Look, I don't want to talk about it. 听着我不想谈这个I just want to be a normal person 我只想做个普通人and have a normal job. 有份普通的工作And I don't want anything to do with ghosts ever again. 我不想再跟鬼扯上关系了Help! You've gotta help me. 救命你们得帮帮我I think I'm being chased by ghosts. 我觉得有鬼在追我。

Well, what did you think? 你怎么看Tis quite the first edition. 这初版很不错Uh, some wine, Christoph. 喝点红酒克里斯托弗Your appearance is that of a man at death's door. 你面色苍白仿佛一只脚已经踏入了鬼门关The consequence of writing a volume in one's own blood. 这是用自己的鲜血写书的代价I assumed from the smell. 我闻出来了And, uh... the pages are made from your own skin? 书页是用你自己的皮肤做的吗Mine and others. 还有其他人的Right. 好吧Willing vessels 心甘情愿tasked with bringing this most powerful book into being.为了让这本强大的书降生于世而牺牲的人Besides, what use will skin and blood 再说了等去了另一个世界be in the next world? 血和皮肤还有什么用Quite. So how many copies do you anticipate... 是啊你打算印多少本...Copies? 多少本There can be no copies. 不可能有更多了You wish only to sell one book? 你只想卖一本吗There can be only one "Praecepta Mortuorum." 只能有一本《亡者法令》It's value is equal to a thousand ditties 这一本的价值就等同于米尔顿那个混蛋by that twat Milton. 卖出的一千本垃圾Whosoever possess the book shall wield such magicks... 拥有这本书的人将能施展魔法... Can I just stop you there? 你先停一下Yes? 怎么了It may please you to know I've identified an interested party.你可能会很高兴得知我已经找到了一位感兴趣的买家Pleased, yes. 的确高兴Surprised? Hardly. 但并不惊讶We shall see. 你看了就知道了In here, High Inquisitor. 这里高级调查官No, you didn't. 你怎么能这样Have you read it? 你看过了吗All of it? 全看过了吗I skimmed it. I'm a publisher. 粗粗看了毕竟我是出版商No, Antoine. You were a publisher. 不安托万你曾经是出版商Sadly for you, dear scribe, the end shall not be so tidy. 可怜的作家你的结局可不会这么轻松I only pray that you have skin on your bones 我只希望你的骨头上还有足够enough to peel. 能扒下来的皮Take him. 把他带走No, no! No, please! 不不求你们了No! 不第一季第三集真相探寻者Can you help me? 你们能帮我吗Astrid... 艾丝翠德The sensation that you're being haunted 你认为自己被鬼魂缠身的症状or Casper syndrome as it's also known, 也被称作卡斯珀[《鬼马小精灵》]综合征can often be triggered as a response to some 这可能是被某些强烈的心理创伤intense psychological trauma. 所引发的反应Have you had any traumatic events recently? 你最近经历过什么非常痛苦的事吗Well, my house burnt down, and I saw my mum on fire. 我的房子烧毁了我看见我妈在火海里Then I was taken to a hospital, 然后我就被送到了医院but instead of doctors, it was full of, like, 但那里没有医生全都是groaning shadows that chased me. 痛苦呻吟的阴影它们追逐我And then I saw my mum again, 然后我又看到了我妈妈only this time she was a smoldering ghost. 但这一次她是一个燃烧的鬼魂Yes, well, you know... 好吧这...You're certainly in the right ballpark. 这八成就是原因Yeah, that could do it. 对那有可能造成现在这样That'll do it. 绝对会的Okay? 可以吗Okay. 可以了We'll share a breath. 一起深吸一口气Okay. 好I'm gonna get a bit technical here, so forgive me. 我可能会说一些术语不好意思I'm gonna need you to tune out 我需要你减弱the front bit of your brain 你大脑前部的影响so I can talk to the back bit. 让我能和你的大脑后部进行交流- Yeah? - Yeah. Okay. -行吗 -好What's your favorite TV show? 你最喜欢的电视剧是什么- "Friends". - Oh, I like "Friends". -《老友记》 -我喜欢《老友记》Okay, my darling. 好了亲爱的Let's just close your eyes. 闭上你的眼睛Not you. What are you doing? 没说你你在干什么Just... 就是...Imagine you're watching an episode of "Friends". 想象你正在看一集《老友记》There's Chandler, doing a joke. 钱德勒正在耍宝Why's Monica so neurotic? 莫妮卡为什么这么神经质There's Gunther, 刚瑟出现了the capuchin monkey. 那只卷尾猴Gunther, the capuchin monkey. 刚瑟那只卷尾猴Relax. 放松The next voice I talk to will be that of Astrid's subconscious.下一个我对话的声音将是艾丝翠德的潜意识Hello, Astrid's subconscious. 你好艾丝翠德的潜意识Hello, Gus. 你好格斯When did you first start to encounter these ghosts? 你是几时开始遇见这些鬼魂的At the hospital. 在医院Do you remember where the hospital is? 你记得那医院在哪吗Near where you first saw me. 就在你最初见到我的地方附近By the road. 在马路旁I'm inside there now. 我现在就在那里面It's dark. 很黑They're here. 它们来了Um... Is that a good sign or a bad sign? 这是好征兆还是坏征兆Dad, what are you doing? 爸你在做什么Jesus, you scared me. 老天你吓到我了I just want to get on the internet to send a video message. 我只想上网发一条视频信息Why not use the internet on the phone I bought you? 怎么不用我给你买的手机上网- This? - Yes. -这个吗 -对It's also a computer. 这也是电脑Huh, I knew that. 我知道啊Yeah, just put the kettle on, will you? 烧水去好吗Hey, we got to get to work. 我们得干活了And you're more than welcome to tag along until lunchtime. 午饭前你也可以跟来Why, what's happening at lunchtime? 为什么午饭时会发生什么We are going to see Janey Feathers. 我们要去见珍妮·菲瑟斯It should be good. 应该会很不错Who might you be? 你是谁Oh, this is Astrid. 这是艾丝翠德- Hello. - Hello, Astrid. -你好 -你好艾丝翠德How do you know these two reprobates? 你怎么认识这两个无赖的- She is my... niece. - She's my girlfriend. -她是我的...侄女 -她是我女友But you only met Gus this week. 但你这周才认识格斯的Yeah. 对But I went to his for supper the other day 但我前几天去了他家吃晚饭and she was there, too, so 她也在we were just like, oh! 我们就...And then I just thought I'd ask her 然后我就想着if she wanted to go out with me, 要叫她跟我约会and obviously she was like, "Yeah." 显然她马上就答应了And... 然后I'm shadowing them for work experience. 我跟着他们是为了积累工作经验Which is what we'll go with for now. 我们暂时就是这样的关系Gus Roberts, didn't want one partner, 格斯·罗伯茨之前连一个搭档都不想要now he's got two. 现在却有两个I wouldn't call them partners. 我可不觉得他们是搭档Astrid, you're in for such a treat. 艾丝翠德那你可有福气了Your uncle here is only the greatest installer we've ever had.你叔叔是我们有史以来最优秀的安装人员He managed to get our coverage up to 100%, 他把我们的覆盖范围扩大到了100% and with the rollout of 6g, 随着6G的首次展示we're really going to be ramping up our installation. 我们将会增加安装量So you have picked a very fun time 你选择了一个非常有趣的时间to be part of the Smyle gang. 加入斯迈尔公司Okay. 好的Thank you, boss. Let's get cracking. 谢谢老板我们赶紧干活去吧- Absolutely. - Here we go. -好 -走吧- Excellent. - Have a good 'un. -非常好 -祝好Dave speaking, 我是戴夫how can I put a smile on your face today? 今天我怎么能博君一笑Hello? 喂Hello? Hello? 喂喂For Pete's sake. 见鬼Bjorn, it's happened again. 比约恩又来了No one on that. Fifth time today. 电话里没人今天第五次了Oh, Gus! 格斯Hey, Janey. 珍妮Hello, how are you? You look well. 你好啊你怎么样你气色不错Thank you. 谢谢Thank you. 谢谢Is this the subject? 这是那个实验对象吗Ah, no this is Elton, who I work with. 不是这是艾尔顿我同事Very peculiar aura. 你的气场很特别This is who I was telling you about, Astrid. 这位就是我和你说过的艾丝翠德No offense, but I'll need to do a cleanse 别见怪我得先去做一个净化仪式before can I let you across the threshold. 之后才能让你进屋Give me a sec. 稍等一下This way. 这边走How have you been, anyway? 最近你过得如何You've had the carpets done. 你铺了新地毯I have, do you like it? 没错喜欢吗It's been a long time. 好久不见了She's ready for you. 她准备好了Come on. 快来What you looking at? 你在看什么呢So, you're the girl with all the ghosts. 你就是那个被鬼魂缠身的女孩儿Yeah, well, either that or I'm going mad. 对不然的话有可能是我疯了There's nothing mad about what goes on in here, dear. 我这里什么疯狂的事都发生过亲爱的I presume Gus has told you about the time 我猜格斯肯定和你说过we tried to contact Emily. 那次我们试图联系艾米莉的事Who's Emily? 艾米莉是谁We're here to talk about the things that are 我们来这儿是为了谈艾丝翠德的麻烦事bothering Astrid, not me, so... 不是来谈我的所以Should we just crack on? 我们快干正事吧Well, you know the rules, cash up front. 你知道规矩先付钱What's the going rate for a séance these days? 最近降神会的行情是多少钱50, normally, but I'll do it for 40, 一般都是50 但是给我40就行seeing as it's you. 看在你的份上- All right - Gus, I don't have-- -好吧 -格斯我没有...I've got you, it's fine. 没事我来付Oh, come on. 拜托Come on, spirits compel it. 快点鬼魂可等不了Sure. 当然Sit. 就位Right, I'm just going to light a few candles 好了我去点几根蜡烛and smudge the kitchen up with sage. 然后用鼠尾草熏一熏厨房The "Praecepta Mortuorum." 这就是《亡者法令》Written on human skin 以人皮为纸and inked in the blood of Satanist zealots. 以撒旦狂热者的鲜血为墨Got it in a car boot in Gloucester. 在格洛斯特的一次汽车集会上得到的Got him down to a fiver 就花了五英镑because the back page was missing. 因为缺了封底页Do you think it's the original one? 你觉得这是原版吗I tried using it once and the curtains caught on fire. 我试着用了一次结果窗帘着火了Emily wrote a paper on this book. 艾米莉写了篇关于这本书的论文I know she did, who'd you think she borrowed it off? 我知道不然你以为她是向谁借的书Hey, uh... do you think I could-- 你看我能不能...Not on your nellie. 想都别想I'd never have lent it to Emily if I'd know what it could do, 我要是早知道它的内容和厉害之处what was in it. 我绝不会借给艾米莉的Somebody tell me who Emily is. 谁来告诉我艾米莉到底是谁Gus's wife. 格斯的妻子Sorry. Dead wife. 抱歉是亡妻Right, enough of that, now. 好了不说了Let's see if we can talk to these ghosts. 看看我们到底能不能和那些鬼魂对话With the lighting of this spirit candle, 以此灵烛之光we make transparent the barriers between dimensions. 通透空间之壁垒See us, talk to us. 看到我们和我们对话All are welcome. 来者不拒Sorry. 不好意思If the things that are haunting me do appear, 如果那些缠着我的东西真的出现了what will you do? 你会怎么做They can't actually cross over. 他们并不能真的到这个世界来You'd need some potent magics to create a door. 创造一条通道需要强大的法力It's just I've seen "The Exorcist". 因为我看过《驱魔人》Oh, this isn't an exorcism, dear. 亲爱的这不是驱魔仪式And if your head starts spinning 不过如果你的脑袋开始旋转and you try to stick a crucifix up your what's-it, 还想在"下面"插十字架的话I'll blow the candle out, okay? 我会把蜡烛吹灭的好吗That severs the connection. 这样连接就会中断Right. 好吧Can we do this? 我们能开始了吗The light that illuminates the ethereal membrane 照亮缥缈薄壁之光compels your communion. 唤尔等前来交谈Windy, isn't it? 刮风了是吧Is that them? 是它们来了吗It's windy. 是风Something doesn't feel right. 感觉不太对劲Janey... 珍妮Oh my God! 老天啊Oh, no! 不They're here! 它们来了I can see them! 我能看到它们Now! 赶紧的What the fuck did you just bring into my home? 你他妈把什么带进我家来了These aren't just restless spirits 这些可不是去世至亲of the loved ones who've past. 尚未安息的灵魂These are malevolent entities. 这些是邪恶的存在And somehow, we've just rolled out the welcome mat. 不知为何我们刚开门欢迎了它们I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I can't help you. 对不起亲爱的但我帮不了你Not sure anyone can, eh? 说不定没人能帮你Hey, don't say that. 别这么说Right, come on, out. 对快点出去I've got a hot stone massage 我今天下午还有热石按摩and a chakra cleanse this arvo. 和脉轮净化要做I'll need to tidy this place up, it's a bloody bum site. 我需要收拾一下这地方跟垃圾堆一样Come on. 快点- Oh, and Gus? - Yeah? -对了格斯 -什么事My offer still stands, you know. 我的提议仍然有效If you want your stones massaged, 如果你也想让我按摩你的两颗"石头"you know where I am. 你知道上哪找我It's time you moved on, isn't it? 你也该翻篇了不是吗Yeah, I am moving on. 对我正在翻呢- Just stay. - What? -留下吧 -什么Really? I just get really horny when spirits come out. 好吗每次鬼魂跑出来我都变得好饥渴Yeah, I know you do. 我知道Let's see if this works. 来看看这样行不行得通There... 好了...That's good. That's okay. Perfect. 很好挺好的完美Hello, HellsBellsTells. 你好地狱钟声述说It is me. 是我Well, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your videos 我只想告诉你我很喜欢你的视频and how much they resonated with... 它们让我有很多共鸣...What the fuck is that? 这是什么鬼东西What the fuck is that? 这是什么鬼东西Oh, come on. 不要What? Oh, no. 什么不What the... 搞什么Oh, what? Uploading... 什么正在上传Uploading? No, no, no, no! 正在上传不不不How do you delete this? 怎么删除这玩意What if the demons are still here? 万一那些魔鬼还在这里呢Relax. I've got holy water in the screen wash. 放轻松我在雨刷器里加了圣水I've got you. 我会保护你Should we drop you home? 要我们送你回家吗Oh, thank you, but... it burnt down. 谢谢你但我家已经烧毁了You could stay at mine. 你可以住在我家- Really? - Yeah. -真的吗 -对啊I'm sure Helen won't mind. 海伦肯定不会介意的No way! 没门Oh, come on, Helly, it'll only be for about three days. 拜托啦海伦也就住三天左右It'll be fine. 没事的You know that this is a bad time for me. 你知道现在不是时候CovCo CosCon is only days away! 考藏角扮会过几天就开展了Plus I'm in agony with my RSI. 而且我正受反复性应激损伤的折磨呢Oh, hello. 你好I'm so sorry, I thought she was trying to say hello. 太抱歉了我以为她是想打招呼Yeah, I wouldn't touch her. 对我劝你别碰她What's CovCo CosCon? 考藏角扮会是什么It's... 就是...Coventry Collectibles and Cosplay Convention. 考文垂藏品及角色扮演大会- Well, thank you. - Elton? -谢谢你 -艾尔顿I'm getting one of my tension headaches. 我的紧张性头疼又犯了Okay, um, can you just give me a minute? 好吧你能让我单独跟她谈下吗Yeah, I just... all right? Thanks. 我就简单... 谢了Have you heard of CovCo CosCon? 你听说过考藏角扮会吗No. 没有Seems like the kind of event people go to 看着像人们when they've got nothing better to do than 百无聊赖的时候去的地方dress up like Japanese anime or... space men. 他们打扮成日本卡通人物或太空人的样子No, you wouldn't catch me going to something like that. 你绝对不会看到我去那种地方的Oh my God. 天呐Dr. Peter Toynbee is giving a talk! 彼得·托因比博士要去发言I have to go to this. 我一定得去Who's Dr. Peter Toynbee? 彼得·托因比博士是谁Dr. Peter Toynbee? 彼得·托因比博士Dr. Peter Toynbee? 主讲人He's a conspiracy theorist. 他是阴谋论者A recluse. 隐士He's the man who did extensive research on the theory 他就是那个深入研究了behind interdimensional consciousness. 跨维度意识理论的人What are you talking about? 你在说什么I'm talking about ghosts, baby. 我在说鬼魂宝贝Great news. 好消息Helen would love for you to stay! 海伦想让你留下Dad? 爸Dad? 《亡者法令》Dad? 《亡者法令》彼得·托因比著《异界传奇》穿越精神界第五章作者艾米莉·罗伯茨在《亡者法令》的邪恶魔法中识别幻想与事实- Hey, Gus. - Get your coats on. -格斯 -穿上外套I'm coming to pick you up. 我去接你What, now? 什么现在吗Yeah, right now. 是的就现在Is this it? 就是这儿了吗Yeah. We're close. 嗯不远了Yeah. We're close. 圣芬伯医院Now, I've spent quite a lot of time researching your case. 我花了很多时间研究你的案子And I think the key to solving your problem 我觉得解决你问题的关键lies here, the place where it all began. 就在这里一切开始的地方How are you so sure? 你怎么这么确定It's, well... 因为...You stole that from Janey Feathers. 你从珍妮·菲瑟斯那里偷来的I didn't steal it. 我没偷She said it burned her curtains. 她说这书烧了她的窗帘Look, it's fine, all right? 听着没事的好吗You just got to know what you're doing. 对自己要做的事有把握就行Now, fortunately for us my late wife Emily... 我们很走运我的亡妻艾米莉She spent many months translating passages in this book. 她花了数月翻译这本书里的段落I'm pretty sure I found the correct one 我很确定我找到了that will help us solve your ghost problem. 能帮助我们解决你鬼魂问题的那段内容How sure? 有多确定Oh, you want an actual figure? 你想要具体数字吗85%. 有85%Let's go. 走吧Dr. Toynbee's very clear on this. 托因比博士说得很清楚The victim of the haunting must return to the place 被纠缠者要想摆脱鬼魂whence it began in order to be rid of it. 就必须回到最初开始的地方Here we go. Keep a lookout. 好了当心点It's this way. 是这边Do you hear that? 你们听到了吗It's just the wind. 就是风声而已Sounds like whispering. 听上去像是窃窃私语It's free to whisper. 它们有窃窃私语的自由Yeah, I think this is it. 我想就是这里了You sure? 确定吗85%. 85%确定Okay, well, Elton and I will set up here at the nurse's station 好了我和艾尔顿会在护士站部署and maybe you could try and relax, 你尽量放松just pop up on the bed and have a chill pill. 可以躺到床上冷静下You're going to leave me here? Alone? 你要把我一个人留在这里吗How am I supposed to have a chill pill? 我要怎么冷静I'm sorry, but the book says the subject must be alone. 不好意思但是书上说对象必须独自待着We can't leave her here alone. 我们不能把她一个人留在这里If anything happens we'll be able to... 要是发生什么我们就能...Able to what? 就能怎么Intercede. 调停Uh, good luck, I guess. 祝你好运了- Gus? - Yeah? -格斯 -怎么After today... 今天之后Maybe we can just go back to being a couple of 或许我们可以继续做回regular broadband installation guys. 普通的宽带安装工人Why? I mean... 为什么我是说We're on the cusp of something, here. 我们即将取得突破I don't want on to be on the cusp of anything. 我不想取得任何突破Not again. 不想再来一遍了What happened to you? 你是怎么了Nothing. Nothing happened to me. 没事我没任何问题Come on, she's all alone in there. 拜托她一个人在里面Okay. 好Right, uh... 好吧Read this... oh dear. Right. 我看过这个天呐对it says the caster of the incantation, me, 上面说念咒人也就是我should take not more than one sip of tepid... 应该抿不超过一口温热的... ur... yeah, urine, 对尿液before the ritual begins. 就在仪式开始前Don't look at me, I went back at the services. 别看着我我之前在服务站尿过了That is a shame. 真可惜Yeah, all right, well, I will... 好吧那我只好...Just drink my own. 喝自己的尿Yep, okay. Good. 行吧好The decision has been made. 就这么决定了Do you want me to go and wait-- 你想要我回避等你...Nah, do what you have to do, that's fine. 不用随你做什么没关系There we go. Right. 搞定好了- Uh, Gus. - No, no, one second. -格斯 -不等一下再说Gus, it says brine. 格斯这里写的是盐水- Does it? - Yeah, it says brine, not urine. -是吗 -是的上面写着盐水不是尿Let's see that. Where does it say that? 让我看看在哪里写的It says brine. 这里写着盐水Yes, it does. 还真是Gus... 格斯Astrid, are you ready? 艾丝翠德你准备好了吗No. 没有Good, let's go. 很好开始吧"Exorcisimus te omnis "驱逐你"immundus spiritus omnis satanica potestas. 每一个污秽的灵魂所有魔鬼的势力"Omnis incursio infernalis adversarii. 所有来自地狱的入侵者"Omnis legio, omnis congregatio 所有邪恶的教派et secta diabolica." 和教会"Gus... 格斯Something's in there with her. 她旁边有别的东西Emily? 艾米莉Gus. 格斯- Gus! - Emily? -格斯 -艾米莉Where you going? 你要去哪儿Please. 求你Please. 求求你Okay. Okay. 好冷静Okay. 好"Numquam draco sit "不以邪恶作楷模"mihi dux vade retro satana." 撒旦远离"No! 不"Nunquam suade mihi vana sunt mala quae libis." "勿以尔幻像惑我收尔毒杯自饮" You have one new message. 你有一条新留言Gus Roberts, if you so much as crease one page of that book, 格斯·罗伯茨如果你胆敢弄皱哪怕一页纸I will stuff my biggest amethyst where the sun don't shine.我也一定会把我最粗大的紫水晶塞进你屁眼Sorry about that. 刚才真抱歉So, did we win? 所以我们赢了吗Yeah! 好棒Yeah! 太好了What happened at the hospital? 在医院时到底发生了什么Why did you stop the incantation? 你为何停止念咒了Thought I saw someone I know. 我以为看见了我认识的一个人Knew. 以前认识的I thought that meant it didn't work. 我还以为那意味着咒语没用It worked. 起作用了Astrid. You okay? 艾丝翠德你没事吧Yeah. 没事Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think... yeah. 真的我好像没事了The ghosts... 那些鬼魂...They've gone. 它们都不见了Ghost free, baby. Ghost free. 没有鬼魂宝贝半只都没有新增540名订阅者真相探寻者新增541名订阅者真相探寻者What the fuck is that? 这是什么鬼东西Oh, no! What? 不什么Thanks, Dad. 谢啦爸Hey, thank you. 谢谢你For, um... helping me. 帮了我It's all right. 不客气We are Truth Seekers. That's what we do. 我们是真相探寻者这是我们的工作Yeah. 对啊How do you feel? 你感觉怎么样I feel... 我感觉自己...Alive. 活着Yeah? 是吗Yeah. I do. 是的真的Good. 太好了。

100本最棒绘本书单如下:100本最棒绘本书单如下:英文书名国内引进版备注1#1: Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak (1963) 《野兽出没的地方》2#2: Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown (1947) 《月亮,晚安》3#3: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (1979) 《好饿的毛毛虫》4#4: The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats (1962)《下雪天》5#5: Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems (2003) 中文版《别让鸽子开巴士》6#6: Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey (1941)《让路给小鸭子》7#7: Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson (1955) 《阿罗有枝彩色笔》8#8: Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans (1939)《玛德琳》9#9: Millions of Cats by Wanda Gag (1928)《100万只猫》10#10: Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale by Mo Willems (2004)11#11: The Story of Ferdinand by Monroe Leaf, ill. Robert Lawson (1936)《爱花的牛》12#12: Good Night Gorilla by Peggy Rathmann (1994) 《晚安,大猩猩》13#13: Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey (1948) 《小塞尔采蓝莓》14#14: The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka, ill. Lane Smith(1989)《三只小猪的真实故事》15#15: Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes (1996)《莉莉的紫色小皮包》16#16: Owl Moon by Jane Yolen (1987)《月下看猫头鹰》17#17: Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina (1947) 《卖帽子》18#18: In the Night Kitchen by Maurice Sendak (1970) 《厨房之夜狂想曲》未引进19#19: Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney (1982) 《花婆婆》20#20: George and Martha by James Marshall (1972) 《乔治与马莎》台版21#21: Bark, George by Jules Feiffer (1999)《汪汪,乔治》未引进22#22: The Monster at the End of this Book by Jon Stone, ill. by Mike Smollin (1971)《本书结尾的怪物》23#23: Bread and Jam for Frances by Russell Hoban, illustrated by Lillian Hoban (1964)《弗朗西丝和面包抹果酱》24#24: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, Jr. and John Archambault, ill. Lois Ehlert (1989)25#25: The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton (1942)《小房子》26#26: Corduroy by Donald Freeman (1976)台版译名《小熊可可》27#27: The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter (1902) 《(小)彼得兔的故事》28#28: Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst, ill. Ray Cruz(1972)《亚历山大和可怕的、恐怖的、不好的、非常糟糟糕的一天》未引进29#29: Sylvester and the Magic Pebble by William Steig (1969)《驴小弟变石头》30#30: Brown, Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See? by Bill Martin Jr., ill. Eric Carle (1967)《棕色的熊,棕色的熊,你在看什么》31#31: No, David by David Shannon (1998)《大卫,不可以》32#32: Click Clack Moo, Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin, ill. by Betsy Lewin (2000)国内版《嘻哈农场》一套四本《喀哩,喀啦,哞,會打字的牛》,台版格林出版。


psp侠盗猎车手(罪恶都市)秘籍及攻略这是,psp侠盗猎车手(罪恶都市)秘籍及攻略,保证好用!亲测!罪恶都市秘籍:←, →, X, ↑, ↓, 口, ←, →获取武器1←, →, 口, ↑, ↓, △, ←, →获取武器2←, →, △, ↑, ↓, O, ←, →获取武器3↑, ↓, ←, →, 口, 口, L, R装甲100↑, ↓, ←, →, O, O, L, R健康100↑, ↓, ←, →, X, X, L, R获取$250,000↑, →, 口, 口, ↓, ←, O, O提高通2星缉级别↑, →, △, △, ↓, ←, X, X降低通缉级别↑, L, ↓, R, ←, L, →, R坦克L, R, R, ←, →, 口, ↓, R毁坏在您附近汽车↓, ↑, →, △, L, △, L, △卡车↓,←,↑,L,R,△,○,×汽车控制能力加强,按下键可以跳跃车子可以在水上开○, X, ↓, ○, X, ↑, L, L秘籍使用方法:进入游戏后,任何地方输入秘籍,即生效!!攻略:(流程)共计59个任务(也就是59个关卡)MISSION 1:第一个任务一向很简单,不过这次还是比以往只开车转要难了些。
奖金:$50在磁盘标志的地方可存档任务结束后在军营中出现“军衔标志”的SGT JERRY MARTINEZ任务点MISSION 2:(CLEANING HOUSE)任务开始前可先在军营里打巡逻兵抢来M16,现在军营里的士兵是不会还手的。
先到东南方港口处的粉点射击场找到PHIL CASSIDY(GTA系列的老熟人了,VC中的兵器狂和酒疯子,因醉酒后玩炸弹而丢掉了一条手臂,在系列中一向经营武器店),跟着PHIL 上他的卡车,向北开到粉点的地方,PHIL在给你指点了目标之后离开,用之前抢来的M16轻松干掉街对面2个红箭头标着的人,进到他们身后有蓝箭头的屋里,再干掉屋里两个空手的人就能拿到钱,把钱带回军营接任务的地方结束任务。

S01E03 Mission Creep你被监视着You are being watched.政府有一套秘密系统The government has a secret system--一台每时每刻都在监控你的机器a machine that spies on you every hour of every day.我会知道因为它是我造的I know because...I built it.我设计这台机器是为了侦测恐怖行动I designed the machine to detect acts of terror但它却看到了一切but it sees everything--牵涉普通人的暴力罪行violent crimes involving ordinary people,像你一样的普通人people like you,政府认为这些罪行是无关信息crimes the government considered irrelevant. 他们不肯作为所以我决定插手They wouldn't act, so I decided I would.但我需要一个搭档But I needed a partner.一个有能力介入其中的人Someone with the skills to intervene.受当局追捕我们只能秘密活动Hunted by the authorities, we work in secret. 你永远找不到我们You'll never find us.但无论是受害人还是行凶者只要你的号码被列出来But victim or perpetrator, if your number's up, 我们就会找到你we'll find you.早上好芬奇Good morning, Finch.你都不敲门的吗Don't you knock?能不敲就不敲Not if I can help it.戳穿了你的身份我好内疚I felt bad about blowing your cover identity. 在给你找新工作Been looking for a new job for you.遛狗怎么样或者去弹钢琴Dog walker, maybe. Or concert pianist?我有工作里瑟先生你也有I have a job, Mr. Reese, and so do you.机器又发来一个新号码The machine has sent us a new number.他叫乔伊·杜班His name's Joey Durban,107步兵团的士兵A soldier in the 107th infantry,刚从阿富汗回来Just back from Afghanistan.陆军奖章Army commendation medal,紫心勋章purple heart--是名战士Guy was a fighter.跟你一样Just like you.我在伊拉克和107步兵团并肩战斗过I fought besiade the 107th in Iraq.大多数还都是孩子Most of them were just kids.参军的原因多半是因为Joined up because they lost family or friends 双子塔倒塌时失去了亲友when the towers came down.在那里他们成长很快Over there, they grew up fast.否则就送命Or they died.至少乔伊活着回来了Well, at least Joey came home alive.现在你得帮他继续保持下去And now you can help him stay that way.他在中城区的一栋大楼做门童He works as a doorman at a building in midtown.我这就去I'm on it.标准的操作程序Standard operating procedure--我会复制他的手机截取通话和短信I'll clone his phone for voice and texts.我会跟踪他I'll start following him.另外芬奇And, uh, Finch...如果你要开夜车If you're going to work all night,就得多锻炼身体了you should try getting some exercise.你真是美极了杰太太You look fabulous, Mrs. J.真想约您出去I'd ask you out myself,不过我得先打败拉瑞·希格but I'd have to fight off Larry Siegel.多谢恭维Thank you.你好Hello.来自:被复制的手机罗比我得早点下班Robbie, I got to take off early.乔伊和一个叫琵娅·莫雷斯科的姑娘订婚了Joey's engaged to a girl named Pia Moresco. 他出征时她等了他六年She waited six years for him while he was deployed.过来亲一个Yeah, come here.我爱你乔伊I love you, Joey.芬奇Hey, Finch.芬奇你在吗Finch, are you there?在有问题吗Yes. Is there a problem?你在干什么What are you doing? 没什么Nothing.记得你说永远不会骗我Thought you said you'd never lie to me.有什么问题里瑟先生What's the problem, Mr. Reese?我们的目标乔伊·杜班Our guy, Joey Drban...我已经跟了他八小时I've been on him for eight hours,他整天都在帮老太太开门and all he's done is open doors for old ladies, 现在又在逛商店and now he's going window shopping.既然机器给出了他的号码If the machine's given us his number,那他就肯定有事he must be caught up in something.他收到一条短信有点像密码He got a text, it's a bit garbled.发过去了Sending it over.Anchor D-0"Anchor D-0."这有什么含义吗This supposed to mean something?我怎么知道I don't know.你才是天才啊You're the genius.趴下趴下你把门打开Get down, get down. You, open the door now!-我说了趴下-快快- I said, "Get down!" - Go! Go!-趴下-趴在地上- Get down! - Get on the ground!趴下趴在地上你去开门快点Down, down to the ground! You, open the door. Now.我说了趴下I said, "Get down."低下头Head down.50秒50 seconds!低下头别看我Head down. Don't look at me.40秒40 seconds!别动歪脑筋伙计Not a good idea, pal.30秒30 seconds!全包好Wrap it up!10秒S 走10 seconds, Sierra. Move!S 走Sierra, move!够了Enough!我回来了里瑟先生I'm back, Mr. Reese.我破译了那条短信是个地址I've deciphered that text-- it's a street address...是家银行for a bank.扯蛋啊芬奇No kidding, Finch.刚才我抱怨这家伙无聊What I said about our guy being boring--当我没说I take it back.女士们先生们请注意看管好您的行李Ladies and gentlemen, please do not leave bags unattended.无人看管的行李将会Unattended bags will be...约翰John.我都不知道你从那边回来了I didn't know you were back from over there. 洁西卡Jessica.我没有我只是I'm not. I'm just... 实际上是正要回去Heading back, actually.你的制服呢Where's your uniform?我找了份新工作I got a new job.还是那种说不得的工作吗One of those jobs you can't talk about?这么说那个乔伊是银行劫匪So our friend Joey's a bank robber.机器是为这跳出他的号码吗Is that why the machine gave us Joey's number?我造机器是为了搜索致命威胁I built the machine to look for lethal intent.武装抢劫不太可能跳出来Armed robbery wouldn't normally make the cut.不管怎样我看把他绑起来交给纽约警局吧Either way, I say we gift wrap him and give him to the NYPD免得有人送命before someone winds up dead.芬奇这小子是个好兵Finch, the guy was a good soldier.至少让我查出他是怎么会陷进去的Let me at least find out how he got into this mess.好吧但别让你的判断被情绪左右Okay, but don't let your personal feelings warp your judgment.没人逼他去抢银行No one forced him to go robbing banks.等等他和某人见面了Hang on. He's meeting someone.他给了她什么东西He's giving her something.好像是钱好多钱Looks like money-- a lot of money.那么这个女人是谁So... who's the other woman?还不知道她的名字I don't know her name yet.银行劫匪偷腥骗子Bank robber and a cheat.不太可能有大团圆结局了Unlikely to have a happy ending.你觉得他的目标是其中一个女人吗Do you think he's targeting one of the women?有可能Could be.看来我只有亲自接近乔伊才能查清楚Only way I'm going to find out is to get closer to Joey,这可不容易and that won't be easy.这伙人组织严密异常谨慎These guys are organized and ultra-cautious. 之间没有不必要的联系No unnecessary contact.等等Hang on.那的士司机当时也在银行That cabbie was at the bank.是他们的情报员Just made their courier.芬奇查下牌照5V80的出租Finch, run a check on cab medallion number 5-victor-80.司机名叫威利斯Driver's name is Willis,也是107步兵团的退役士兵also an ex-soldier in the 107th Infanry.和乔伊是一个部队的Same unit as Joey.也是银行劫匪And also a bank robber.我黑入了出租车公司的网站I hacked the taxi company website.在给乔伊送钱之前Before he dropped the cash off with Joey,威利斯去了一家位于科尼岛的酒吧Willis stopped at a bar in Coney Island名叫"绿区"called the Green Zone.酒吧主人是前士官长山姆·拉蒂莫Bar's owned by former master sergeant Sam Latimer,第一次海湾战争的老兵veteran of the first gulf war.看来你找到团伙元凶了I think you just found the gang's ringleader.我要接近拉蒂莫I want to get close to Latimer.帮我编个身份And I'll need a cover story.我去弄I'll get on that.我还要你帮我弄出个空缺And I need you to create a vacancy for me... 混进团伙里with the gang.我也去弄I'll get on that too.还要什么吗Anything else?没了暂时这样No, that'll do for now.你是山姆·拉蒂莫吗You Sam Latimer?我是托尼·米勒Name's Tony Miller.一个在圣迭戈的陆战队哥们Marine buddy down in San Diego,曾告诉过我told me a while back,要是我来纽约if I was ever in New York,应该来找你I should look you up.你那哥们叫什么名字What's your buddy's name?赫克托·穆尼奥斯Hector Munoz.穆尼奥斯我记得索马里摩加迪休那会儿吧Munoz, yeah, I remember him from Mogadishu.枪法不错他怎么样Good shooter. How's he doing?不好Not good.他在赫尔曼斯被简易炸弹炸到Ran over an IED in Hellmans.死前还撑了整整一个星期Lasted a whole week before he hit room temperature.愿他安息Rest in peace.真是个顽强的家伙Tough son of a bitch.那么So...你想找什么样的活计保安吗what kind of work are you looking for? Security?我可不想打工赚钱I'm not looking for wages.我只想搞大票的I'm only interested in lump sums.你有麻烦吗You in trouble?那是我的问题That's my business.你来找我就变成我的了You're making it mine.我之前在墨西哥提华纳干私活I was working freelance in Tijuana.任务黄了有人不开心了Job went south. People's feelings got hurt.我得想办法离他们远点I need to put some distance between me and them.我有你需要的经验能力I've got some experience you could use--skills. 什么能力What kind of skills?你在柜台下面有把点45You have a .45 under the counter,收银柜旁有把散弹枪a shotgun next to the register,我都能比你先拿到手and I can get to them both before you.你要是这么牛逼So if you're such a hotshot,还来找我干嘛what do you need me for?我宁愿和当地人合作I prefer to work with people who know the area.听说你很有本事I heard you're good at what you do--赚了很多钱还活得好好的You make a lot of money... you're still alive.那是因为我宁愿不和And that's because I prefer not to work with a man只有死掉的陆战队员推荐的人合作whose only reference is a dead marine.现在暂时没有工作There's no job openings at the moment.但我会打听一下But I'll call around.多谢你不会后悔的Thanks. You won't regret it.我知道I know.不用找了Keep the change.我去后备箱拿下箱子Let me get my case out of the trunk.黄色出租车的司机快下车Yellow cab driver, get out of your vehicle!快下车马上Get out of your vehicle! Now!发现武器We got weapons here--散弹枪冲锋枪Shotgun, submachine guns.我根本不知道怎么回事I don't know anything about those.那不是我的Those are not mine!你是卡特吗You Carter?-是我-我是莫利纳抢劫科的- Yeah. - Molina--Robbery.听说你在追踪一个神秘的特种兵I hear you're chasing after some mysterious special forces guy.是的怎么了Yeah, what is it to you?来我这边有点信息Come here. I may have something for you.他的指纹出现在了昨天的银行抢劫案中His prints showed up on a bank job yesterday. 银行抢劫案On a bank job?对四名武装男子抢劫了休斯顿的一家银行Yeah. Four armed guys knocked over a bank on Houston.看到那个保安了吗See that guard there?想要逞英雄有人阻止了他Tries to be a hero. Someone stops him免得他被人爆头from getting his head blown off.鉴证科在排查指纹时When CSU did elimination prints他们检查了这个保安的枪套they printed the guard's holster.是你那神秘人士的指纹It was your mystery man.他们拦住他了吗录口供了吗Well, did they stop him? Interview him?没有他在第一队人马过去前就走了No, he slipped away before the first units got there.想来也是Of course.看到那些人的移动方式了吗See the way these guys are moving?好吧我肯定那是军规无线电Yeah, and I'm pretty sure that's a milspec radio.他们是士兵They're soldiers.正好跟那位神秘特种兵吻合So your special forces guy fits right in.他他可能是他们的内线I mean, he-- he could be their inside man. 我能留着这个吗Mind if I keep this?看来你的出租车计划起效啦芬奇Looks like your taxi ride paid off, Finch.拉蒂莫刚打电话通知我Latimer just called me.他要我和团伙见面就今晚He wants me to meet the team...tonight.快走走走Come on. Move, move.怎么样斯特劳博What we got, Straub?身份查实了用的是一次性手机I.D. checks out. Pay-as-you-go cell phone两天前买的bought two days ago.打的电话基本是叫外卖Ran the calls-- mainly take-out,几个在圣迭戈的陆战队员Couple to some jarheads in San Diego.最后一个电话是拉蒂莫打的Last call's from Latimer.这到底算什么What the hell is this about?拉蒂莫不是叫你们和我碰面吗I thought Latimer wanted you to meet me.他还说要是我们不喜欢你He also told us to put a bullet in your head就一枪毙了你If we didn't like you.而现在我们不喜欢你And right now, we don't.我不过是个退役士兵急需用钱I'm just an ex-soldier, needs some money fast. 你不信任我好吧You don't trust me? Fine.但05年在伊拉克提克里特的107步兵团信任我But the 107 trusted me back in '05, in Tikrit, 我也信任他们and I trusted them.你他妈怎么知道我们的部队How the hell do you know our unit?那个大块头手臂上有纹身Big fella's got it tattooed all over his arm.不许打电话给我们You don't call us.我们会打给你We call you.我们一打给你When we do...你就扔了手机You lose that phone.在战斗中战场上杀人是一回事Killing in battle, in combat, is one thing.而杀身边的人Killing someone up close...手无寸铁的人someone who can't fight back,那完全是另一种杀戮that takes a different sort of killer.乔伊不是那种人And Joey's not one of them.所以你觉得乔伊是目标吗So you think Joey's the target.那又是谁要害他Then who's gunning for him?团伙里的人还是某位女人One of the gang? One of the women?我们能明白他是怎么回事吗Do we even know why he's such a mess?他有工作漂亮的女友He's got a job, pretty girlfriend,良好的服役记录他这是自暴自弃good service record-- he's throwing it all away.他会进监狱的He's going to end up in prison.-或是死掉-你说的对不过- Or dead. - You're right, but...不是每个退役士兵都能遇上隐型富豪not every ex-soldier meets a reclusive billionaire.好吧Okay.但是如果乔伊的错误选择But if Joey's bad choices导致他要吃子弹mean he's about to walk into a bullet,我们得找出来是谁开的枪We have to find out who's firing it.打扰下Excuse me.-好啊-我在找我的女朋友- Hey. - I'm looking for my girlfriend.你来这做什么What are you doing here?只是想来跟世界上最美的姑娘打个招呼Just wanted to say hello to the most beautiful girl in the world.你会给我添乱的You're gonna get me in trouble.今天小费好么Good tips today?还不错Not bad.茱莉生病了我负责她的台Julie's out sick, so I got her tables.有点忙It's been busy.那就回去忙吧You better get back to your shift.好差点忘了Okay. Oh, before you go,房产经纪说她能今晚带我们去看几间公寓Realtor says she can show me some apartments tonight.我真的很想让你跟我一起去看I'd really like it if you can see them with me. 我现在的工作不方便啊Things are kind of difficult at work right now. 我知道宝贝但是这也很重要I know, baby, but this is important too.我只是想我们能一起再做些事情I just want us to do stuff together again.找点乐趣记得吗Like have fun. Remember that?我在努力了小琵真的•I'm trying, P. I really am.约翰我都不知道你从那边回来了John, I didn't know you were back from over there.你的制服呢Where's your uniform?我找了份新工作I got a new job.还是那种说不得的工作吗One of those jobs you can't talk about?是的我订婚了Oh, yeah, I got engaged.我我下个月就要搬回东部了I'm--I'm moving back east next month.他叫彼得His name's Peter.彼得他真幸运Peter. He's a lucky guy.我等过你I waited for you.-我没有让你等-没有- I didn't ask you to. - No.确实没有No, you didn't.你就那么走了You just...left.因为你觉得你会死在那里Because you thought you'd get killed over there,觉得那样会伤到我的心and that that would hurt me.但是我觉得事实是But I think the truth is that一个人对你来说更容易It was easier for you to be alone.这是你在那边学到的东西That's one of the things you learn over there-- 到头来我们都是一个人In the end, we're all alone.没有人会来救你And no one's coming to save you.祝你和彼得幸福Be happy with Peter.莫利纳再给我一些这个团伙的信息Molina, I want to know more about this gang. 他们干过十几票抢劫案They pulled about a dozen robberies.他们抢银行珠宝店They hit banks, jewelry stores,兑换钱庄赌场money exchanges, casinos.永远是四个武装分子It's always four armed men.从不杀人They haven't killed anyone.甚至没伤过人They haven't even hurt anyone.进去出来不超过60秒每次都是In and out in 60 seconds, every time.-十几桩抢劫案还挺行啊-确实- Dozen robberies. They're good. - Oh, yeah. 这种团伙一般四五次之后就完了A gang like this, they usually implode after four or five.他们到时会开始分赃You know how they start dropping money,互相拆台窝里斗they have a falling out with each other?这些人没有Not these guys.没准这个有帮助Maybe this will help.148无线电对讲机漆成了黑色It's a 148 radio-- painted black剪断了天线使之看起来更像手机aerial cut down to look more like a phone.使用跳频技术It uses frequency-hopping spread spectrum. 意味着没有监听的可能Which means zero chance of interception.那你又怎么知道You know this how?我用过I used them...在伊拉克跟阿富汗的时候in Iraq and Afghanistan.这种东西上哪儿能弄到Where do I get one of these?弄不到You can't.只能去军队里偷Got to steal them from the military.我查了东岸所有的驻军基地I checked with every base on the east coast. 鼓堡半年前报告了一起无线电货包失窃案件Fort Drum reported the theft of a radio package six months ago.他们知不知道是谁干的吗Do they got any idea who stole them?陆军刑事调查科查了没下文Army CID investigated-- no joy.我来告诉你怎么做I'll tell you what you can do.交叉对比纽约居民Cross-check guys resident in New York,找过去半年从鼓堡退伍出来的人who left the service out of Fort Drum in the last six months.12起劫案12 robberies--总会有蛛丝马迹must have some physical descriptions.学校怎么样啊How was school?谢谢Thanks.小宝贝Hi, sweetie.芬奇我给你发个照片Hey, Finch. I'm sending you a photo.看来乔伊的小三有个小女孩Looks like Joey's other woman's got a little girl.是乔伊的女儿吗Think she's Joey's?看起来是Sure looks like that.你应该能查出那女孩的名字You should be able to find the girl's name,阳光幼儿园的防火墙对你来说不成问题吧if Sunny Days Kindergarten's firewalls aren't too tough for you.那你干嘛不去找乔伊面对面谈谈And why don't you arrange a little face-time with Joey, 里瑟先生Mr. Reese?不是说不准私下接触吗I thought you said no contact.你这是干嘛跟踪我吗What are you doing? Following me?我就住这伙计你又是什么借口I live here, pal. What's your excuse?我的狗窝在科拜街I'm staying in a fleapit on Colby.这次我请This one's on me...不过我手头真是有点紧but I'm, uh, running a little low on funds.还要多久才能有行动How long before we get some action?那要看拉蒂莫了That's up to Latimer.我们只要服从命令We just follow orders.命令你还没厌倦吗Orders--don't you ever get sick of them?有点但是这让生活简单很多Maybe. But they make life simple.让你走那条路你就走那条路Told to go down that road, you go down that road.是啊叫你去抢银行Yeah, you're told to go into that bank,你就去抢银行是吧you go into that bank, right?我不知道哥们I don't know, man.六年来我每天想的Six years, all I thought about--每晚梦的dreamed about--都是回家was coming home.终于我回到了家却发现一切都没了Finally I come home and there's nothing.没钱没工作There's no money, no jobs--银行家胡搞乱搞bankers gone and lost it all,压榨人民的血汗钱怎么说呢robbed the country blind. I mean, it's like,我们拼死打仗到底是为什么呢What the hell are we fighting for, you know? 不过笑话一场Joke's on us.喂Hey!你们当过兵是吧You guys were soldiers, right?去伊拉克的阿富汗的What like Iraq, Afghanistan?还真是厉害啊Some serious stuff.但你们是自愿的Yeah, but you volunteered.没人求你们去Nobody asked you to go.说的好像国家欠你们一辈子似的It's not like the country owes you a living.-我们懂伙计-才怪- We got it, pal. - No.你们就是不懂You don't "Got it"--说银行家如何好像你们很懂一样Talking about bankers, like you know anything.我们最近也很不好过It's not been easy for us either.真为你们难过但我们在这儿聊天呢Really sorry about that, but we're talking here.我们也是Hey, so are we.你们这种人就要学着适应Guys like you got to adapt.现在都知识经济了It's the knowledge economy now.得用这里朋友Time to use this, my friend.行Okay.喂Hey!好了够了我们走All right, come on. Let's go.对不起比尔Sorry, Bill.你怎么就开始扯上银行去了What made you start on the banks?意识到我的工作Realized the job that I had不能满足我去做我想做的事情wasn't going to allow me to do the things that I wanted.我有笔债要还I had a debt to pay.-钱-不如说是责任- Money? - More like an obligation.你有孩子吗You got kids?没有No.为什么这么说Why do you say that?就是问问I was just asking.另外那些人呢What about the rest of the guys?他们也有债吗They got debts too?斯特劳博有Straub does.赌债Gambling.所以斯特劳博就一直这么脾气火爆Is that why Straub's so jumpy?你要是被炸上天两次你也跟他一样You'd be jumpy too, you got blown up twice. 兄弟我得去上班了Listen, man, I got to get to work.等电话Wait for the call.找到那个女人了吗Any luck ID'ing that woman?幼儿园记录上那小女孩叫艾米·迈尔斯Kindergarten records say the girl is AmyMyles,是史黛西·迈尔斯的女儿Daughter of Stacey Myles.父亲的名字没有写Father's name not given.我在查医院记录你呢I'm checking hospital records. What about you?我要回去查另外一个人I'm going to check on someone else--那个叫斯特劳博的家伙a guy named Straub.斯特劳博怎么了Strauby, what gives?我们上次赚了有8万We made you nearly 80 grand last job.我拿了5千还是不够I got five-- it's not enough.这事你也明白我得先洗好钱Well, you know how it is. I had to clean the money.就一来就损失不少了That's a big, heavy discount right there.现在你们拿了2万我拿的更少Now, you guys made 20 grand-- I made less than that.我那些债主他们要收走我妈的公寓People I owe, they're going to take away my mom's apartment.他们说我签了份文件They said one of the paper's I signed,写明他们有这权利it gives them the right.兄弟我都跟你说了离高利贷远点Man, I told you to stay away from the sharks. 反正我根本没得选不是吗Yeah, well, I didn't have much choice then, did I?我要更多钱I need more money.我有份工给你Listen, I got a job for you...就今晚tonight. 如果你好好干Now, if you do this right,会有大收成There's a big score coming down---40万-你没骗我吧- 400 grand big. - you're kidding.大客户大油水big client, big job.我拿20万你们拿20万200 for me and 200 for you.是啊20万四个人分Yeah, 200 divided four ways.过来进来Come here. Come on.朋友你们怎么分My friend, how you divvy up是你们自己的事is your business.这个活你能付清你所有的债With this job, you can pay off all your debt... 跟曼尼和丹尼一起去龙舌兰酒的天堂Join Manny and Danny in the land of tequila 跟姑娘们厮混了and grateful senoritas.还记得丹尼·普拉特吗You remember Danny Platt?曼尼·桑托斯努力工作的家伙们Manny Santos? Guys worked hard--就是依令行事did what they were told.现在都好好享受退休生活了And now they're enjoying their retirement. 如果说我们没做成一个活Say we don't make it out of one of these jobs. 如果说我们出现了伤亡Say we take casualties.还是照样分对吧Still the same split, right?跟你对半分50/50 with you?当然Sure.但是你们几个肯定能行But you guys are going to make it out.你们是个整体是个团队You're a unit-- team.卡特我追查了你说的无线电线索Hey, Carter. I followed up on your radio lead. 泰迪·达洛维身高188Teddy Dalloway-- 6'2",体重200斤五个月之前被开除了军籍220 pounds, discharged from the army five months ago.大块头不过那个不是他暴露的原因A big guy, but that's not what gave him away. 他是左撇子He's left-handed.对我们锁定了他手机的GPSYep, we've got a GPS lock on his phone.看我们能不能顺着他找到其他人See if he leads us to the rest of the gang.如果泰迪有行动了Look, if, uh, Teddy makes a move,你就打给我随时都可以you call me. I don't care what time.芬奇刚收到电话Hey, Finch, just got the call.团伙来接我Gang's picking me up.说是目标已经上路Get told the target en route.你不会要跟他们一起去吧You're not going in with them?总得帮着点乔伊Got to watch Joey's back.信不过他哥们斯特劳博Don't trust his friend Straub one bit.我可没想过"渗透犯罪团伙"意味着I did not understand "infiltrate the gang" to mean-参加他们的抢劫活动-没办法- join them in their robberies. - no choice.我会保持通话I'll keep the line open.帮我监听警用频道Monitor the police band for me.给Here. 这么强的火力干啥Why the heavy artillery?目标是个黑帮赌博窝点Target's a mob gambling joint,木宛尼街445号445 Mulvaney.里面的人是绝对有赚头People inside guaranteed to be packing.预计到达时间60秒关手机ETA, 60 seconds. Phones off,摘电池只能用无线电batteries out, radio comms only.追踪了泰迪的GPS信号Tracked Teddy Dalloway's GPS.他20分钟前离开了布鲁克林在车里He left Brooklyn 20 minutes ago, in some kind of vehicle.中途停了三次He did three pick-ups.接应团伙知道他们去哪了吗It's the gang. Know where they're heading?就在这附近Somewhere around here.退后靠墙Get back against the wall!统统靠墙放下钱Against the wall! Put the money down!都靠墙Back against the wall!退后退后快快Back! Back! Go! Go!-得叫支援-赶紧的- Gonna call backup. - Do that.退后退后退后退后Back! Back! Back! Back!放下Put it down!-把钱放下放下-里瑟纽约警局调配中心- Put the money down! Down! - Reese, NYPD dispatch刚接到这个地址的请求支援电话just received a backup call for that address.约翰纽约警察已经上路John, NYPD is en route.-你听见了吗-我们得撤了- Do you hear me? - we got to move out!-条子要来了-你他妈怎么知道- Cops are coming! - How the hell do you know?警用频道他们知道我们这地址了Police band. They have our address.必须得走了别管钱了We gotta move. Leave the money.-我不走-别管钱了- I'm not going. - leave the money,-我们得走-没门老子不走- We gotta move! - No way! I'm not leaving.够了行动马上That's it. Move! Now!行动行动Move! Move!-都让开-赶紧过- Everyone over! - Move across!我没听到有什么鬼条子I don't hear any damn cops!我们这么就落下了10多万啊We left like 100 grand up there!现在听见了吗斯特劳博Hear 'em now, Straub?幸亏他有在监听Damn lucky for us he was listening in.好了我们走这边Come on, let's go. This way.我们走Let's move.都不许动Nobody move!我不知道怎么回事I don't know what happened--我们刚进去不久条子就上门了We hardly got in there before the cops were on us.乔伊和那个新人Joey and the new guy,他们说放下钱不要了they said to leave the money.他们还真是考虑周到Yeah, how thoughtful of them.你们让我失望了斯特劳博You guys let me down, Straub.我一定会补偿你Well, I'll make it up to you.你得再给我们一次机会好吗You got to give us another chance, all right? 那好再给一件大生意Okay, one more-- the big one.能跟我说说么Can you tell me what it is?时机未到啊In good time.盯住那个新来的And keep an eye on the new guy.你也许需要他进去You might need him going in--但不一定需要他出来not sure you're going to need him coming out.我们还要怎么装下去Now how can we wrap this up?装不下去了约翰It can't go on, John.会闹出人命的Somebody's going to get killed.让我先和乔伊谈谈Let me talk to Joey first.目的何在To what end?我想知道他到底亏欠了什么I want to find out what his guilt trip is.想办法说服他Try to cure him of it.也许比你想的还要复杂Might be more complicated than you think.我查看了乔伊的账户I got into Joey's bank accounts--过去四个月来他已经存了近一万美元到Last four months, he's paid nearly $10,000小女孩艾米·迈尔斯的529计划账户中into a 529 savings plan for the little girl, Amy Myles.这是供她以后上大学的。

S01季01 ROSE 罗斯02 The End of the World 世界末日03 The Unquiet Dead 借尸还魂04 Aliens of London 外星人在伦敦05 World War Three 第三次世界大战06 Dalek 宿敌07 The Long Game 无尽的游戏08 Father's Day 父亲节09 The Empty Child 虚无男孩10 The Doctor Dances 博士之舞11 Boom Town 炸弹城12 Bad Wolf 恶狼13 The Parting of the Ways 抉择分集简述:S0101 罗斯(ROSE)——2005年英国伦敦,主人公罗斯•泰勒被橱窗里活过来的塑料人(Nestene)追赶,在电梯里认识了时间领主博士,并和他一起在那艘奇妙的飞船塔迪斯里开始了奇妙的旅行。
S0102 世界末日(The End of the World)——50亿年后的太空站,主人公博士和罗斯•泰勒将看到地球的毁灭,而最后的人类卡珊德拉却计划使太空站失事以获得巨额赔偿。
【Boe之脸第一次出现】S0103 借尸还魂(The Unquiet Dead)——本想去1860年那不勒斯,却来到了1869年卡迪夫。
S0104 外星人在伦敦(Aliens of London)——2006年英国伦敦,博士和罗斯•泰勒回到了一年后的现代,一辆太空飞船撞毁在大本钟上,博士经探查发现,原来外星飞船是从北极起飞,目的是制造混乱绑架内阁成员,进而取而代之,而始作俑者是一群外星人。
S0105 第三次世界大战(World War Three)——上一集的继续,博士经调查得知,这是R 星人Slttheen家族计划挑起第三次世界大战,将核毁灭后的地球作为矿石出售给外星人。

- Put down your weapon.
- I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell.
我觉得我有 责任让你了解监狱里的真实情况
- I'm looking for someone, guy named Lincoln Burrows.
- Yep. That's my new cellmate.
- That's a problem.
- He doesn't sleep.
- So, when do you dig
- I don't.
- Hey, you and I are in bed now.
- Why
- Yo! Stand clear!
- Does there need to be a reason
- I ain't even talking to you, man.
- What's the problem
- They're just tattoos.
- It's candy time, Haywire.
- They think I have schizo-affective disorder with bipolar tendencies.

How big's the batch?这批货有多少Should be about 50 pounds, give or take.差不多五十磅吧Uncle Jack, that mask... I think you should...杰克叔叔这个面具你应该...Mr. White says the fumes aren't good to breathe.怀特先生说吸入这废气对身体不好Let me worry about what I breathe, kid.我呼吸什么由我自己操心孩子Just hurry this up so I can grab a smoke.赶紧搞定让我吸一口76%.76%Cheers.很好- Nice going, nephew. - Thanks, Uncle Jack.-干得好侄子 -谢谢杰克叔叔Where is the blue?蓝色在哪里Where's the what?什么在哪里The blue color.蓝色Does it come later, when this hardens?是等下变硬之后才显现的吗Where is it?在哪呢I am correct in assuming this should be blue?这东西应该是蓝色的没错吧See, I'm thinking the headline here should be "76%".重点应该是76%的纯度Yeah. Whole lot more than it was.是啊比以前可高多了That dude who looked like wolverine-- he couldn't crack 70.那个长得像狼獾的家伙连70都到不了Fine. Yes, percentage-wise, it's marginally improved.好吧从纯度来说的确小有长进And congratulations, Todd.恭喜托德But blue is our brand. All over Europe,但蓝色是我们的标志在欧洲it's what our buyers pay top dollar for.买家就是冲着它才花高价买我们的货If we're down a bit in purity from the Heisenberg days,要是我们的纯度比海森堡那时候低一点maybe they'll let us slide on that,也许他们还能睁一只眼闭一只眼but not if it's not blue.但不是蓝色肯定不行I don't know. To my eye,我不清楚在我看来it's kind of blue.也有点蓝色嘛Yeah, a little.是啊有一点It's blue-ish.有点蓝蓝的Todd, you're the chef. What do you think?托德是你制的毒你怎么看Yeah, kinda...是啊有点...If it catches the light just right,如果对光正确的话I could see how是能看到you'd think there's a touch of blue,里面有一点点蓝色blue-green in there.蓝绿色Aquamarine.水绿色Hell, we'll put food coloring in it.管他呢那我们就往里加食用色素Make it any damn shade you want.要什么颜色就做成什么颜色Yeah. Like they do farm-raised salmon.就跟养殖场里的鲑鱼一样Jesus, you ever see how pink they make that crap?天呐你见没见过他们把那东西搞得多粉Like, flamingo pink.差不多变成火烈鸟粉了It sure as hell don't come out the ocean lookin' like that.肯定不是海里捞出来就这副样子的All right. Let's make some money.好了一起赚大钱吧Here you go, Ms. Quayle.给你奎尔女士Lydia.叫我莉迪亚吧Thank you.谢谢Tea okay? I made it just like you asked.茶还行吗我照你吩咐泡的You sure? If it's too weak or something,确定吗要是太淡了什么的I can go put another bag in it.我可以再给你放一袋茶包I'm sure.确定Look, about the product...关于那批货I'm really sorry about the color.很抱歉不是蓝色的For a minute or two, it just got a few degrees too hot 有那么一两分钟混合桶中的温度in the mixing kettle, I think.可能太高了I might've just cooked the color right out of it.我本可以制出那种蓝色的You burned it, like a cake.温度高了像烤糊了蛋糕那样Yeah, sort of, I guess.是有点But the point is I think I can fix it,但重点是我可以解决这个问题and I think I can bring the purity up too.我还能把纯度提上来I mean, I'm doing everything我都按照just like Mr. White taught me, so...怀特先生教我的来做了You know, it's bound to get better, right?一定会做好的对吧I appreciate you making every possible effort,很感谢你这么尽力because, as you know,如你所知my buyers expect a certain threshold,我的买家要的是极纯的货a continuity.源源不断Yeah. Yeah. Totally.是完全明白Uh, about your buyers...关于你的买家I could ask my uncle to smooth things over with them,我可以让我叔叔去安抚他们一下if... you want.如果你想的话I'll pass. Thanks.不用了谢谢I've put a lot of faith in your abilities, Todd.我很信任你的能力托德I believe in you.我相信你Please do make the cook better.请一定要制出好的毒品It's very important to me.这对我很重要I've got a flight to catch.我还要赶飞机Hello.喂Hey. It's Walt.我是沃尔特Hey, Mr. White. How you doing?怀特先生你还好吗I'm okay.挺好的I, uh...我Todd,托德I think I might have another job for your uncle.我可能还有一个任务要拜托你叔叔Oh, okay. Uh, you want me to set up a meeting?好的要我安排你们见面吗I-- yes. Please. Let's do that.我...好的请安排我们见面Any heads-up I should give him, like, um,有什么要我跟他说的吗which jail, how many targets, stuff like that?哪座监狱目标多少人之类的- Mr. White? - Just one target.-怀特先生 -就一个目标人物Not currently in jail.现下不在监狱里Jesse Pinkman.杰西·平克曼You got it.好的I'm surprised you didn't strangle him.你居然没勒死他Now what? Book him?现在呢告他I'm sure the A.U.S.A.肯定律师团会大放厥词have plenty to say on how to play him against Walt.说我们怎么利用他整沃尔特Knowing what we know about how Walt deals with rats behind bars?知道我们掌握的沃尔特勾结劳改犯那事吗Punk has to be safer with the marshals watching his back这小混子有法警盯着than out here where it's open season.总比在这里大摇大摆更保险What does that mean? What are you thinking?什么意思你怎么看Listen, kid's got an idea.这小子有个主意What kid? That kid? Timmy dipshit there?哪个小子那个脑残吗The one that screwed up our sting? Oh, I'm all ears.就那个搅我们局的小子我洗耳恭听Just, uh, hear him out, will ya?就听他说说吧好吗Okay, genius, what's the idea?小天才你有什么主意You guys need evidence to put him away,你们想找证据办他only he's too smart to leave any out there, right?可他太聪明毫无罪证对吧So you say.说你的Well, I know some evidence我有些证据that greedy asshole would never destroy.这王八蛋毁不掉的证据His money.赃款- You know where he keeps his money? - No.-你知道他赃款在哪儿 -不知道But I know someone who might.但我认识那人可能知道Oh, hey. How'd it go?嗨怎么样了Trailed him out to the dog house, picked him up there.跟着他去了那狗窝然后扣住了Seemed to be looking for someone.像是要去找人Had a lot of questions.问题多多No calls, though, right? You got his phone?没打电话吧有他手机吗He's on ice?关好了吗The safe house off Rio Bravo.格兰德河那边一个安全屋I got Van Oster babysitting him.让范·奥斯特看着呢Yeah, and what about Van Oster? Did he have any questions?好范·奥斯特行吗他没提什么问题吧Probably, but he knows better than to ask.也许有但他知道不该问的不问Good job.很好I gotta tell you this up front, Hank.汉克我话说在头里If this guy decides that he wants to lawyer up,要是这小子真找律师来I don't care if you are my boss,我可不管你是不是头儿了I'm gonna put a stop to this.我会就此打住He won't lawyer up.他不会找律师What the hell, man?搞什么鬼You're up.到你了Hey, there. You mind taking it outside for a minute?我说能出去一下吗- No, sir. You got it. All right. - Thanks.-当然你请 -谢谢Huell Babineaux.修尔·巴文诺Know who I am?知道我谁吗I'll take that as a yes.就当你认识吧Uh, thanks for your patience.谢谢你这么耐心Uh, as, uh, agent Gomez said,戈麦斯探员说了you're-- you're not under arrest.你没有被捕Why am I here?那怎么关在这儿Well, you're here, uh, for your own protection, sir.关在这里吧是为保护你How you figure that?凭什么啊Well, we both know how dangerous my brother-in-law can be.你我都知道我那连襟有多危险Nice poker face.够冷够酷Look, uh, relax.放轻松点There's not much new you can tell me about Walter White.沃尔特·怀特那边你也没什么能说的Multiple murders,多重谋杀uh, ties to a white power prison gang,卷入涉毒黑帮ran the largest meth racket in the entire southwest.经营整个西南部最大的冰毒生意I'm not asking, you're not answering.我不是问你也不是答Whoop-de-doo. Let's cut to the chase.随便说说现在谈正事We have a wire on walt's phone.我们监听了沃尔特电话We intercepted a call between him截获了他和某个叫and a certain Saul Goodman, esquire.索尔·古德曼先生的通话You know, your employer.就你那位老板Anyway, in the call, uh, Walt said that he was going to, quote,电话里沃尔特说他要去"take care of one Jesse Pinkman," Unquote,"处理一位杰西·平克曼"And that you were next on the hit list.你正好就是暗杀名单的下一个that's why you're here.所以请你到这里来Bullshit. That don't make no sense.扯淡胡说八道We got the recording. I can-- I can let you hear it.我们有录音可以让你听听Your associate, Goodman's fixer-- what's his name?你那同伙古德曼的马仔叫什么来着Some carrottop named Patrick Kuby.红发帕特里克·库比Boston P.D. ran him out of beantown a few years back.波士顿警局几年前把他赶出城外Came out here for the sunshine.跑到这里开心来了Yeah. Walt said he was gonna没错沃尔特说do this Kuby guy the same way he does you.要把这个库比和你一样做掉In fact, Kuby's already missing.而且库比已经失踪了Sorry to say, things are looking grim真不好意思for your-- your redheaded buddy.你那红发朋友恐怕凶多吉少Believe us, don't believe us. Suit yourself.信也好不信也罢随你Whatever you do, I would not call Goodman.不管你怎么做我都不会告诉古德曼He sold you down the river big-time.他彻底把你出卖了- The hell you talkin' about? - Oh, don't take it personally. -你胡扯 -不是针对你Goodman's next on the chopping block古德曼要是不老实听话if he doesn't do what White says.怀特下一个就灭了他And to be fair, your, uh, circus clown of a boss话说回来你那位...傀儡老板did try to spare you for all of, what,开始还真是想宽恕你about 15 seconds也就那么15秒吧before he decided to help Walt track you down.然后就决定帮沃尔特追杀你了You see, Goodman's got a trace on your phone,你看古德曼跟踪了你的手机and as soon as you call him,你只要一给他打电话uh, Walt's gonna find out where you're hiding out.沃尔特就知道你躲在哪儿了Then it's just a matter of time before you end up like this.然后你的下场免不了就是这样Oh, man. Oh, man.天呐老天I swear to god, I didn't know he was gonna kill the man.我对天发誓真不知道他会杀了那小子I didn't know he was gonna kill him. I didn't know.不知道他能杀那小子我真不知道- Relax. - I didn't know he was gonna kill him.-放心 -我真不知道他会杀了那小子If we thought you did, you'd be in lockup要是我们认为你知道的话for conspiracy to commit murder你就会作为谋杀同谋被刑拘instead of here, under our protection.而不是在这里保护你So just tell us everything you know about White所以把怀特的事都说出来so we can get him before he gets you.好在他收拾你之前逮住他Why would he wanna kill me?他干什么要杀我- I ain't do nothin' to him. - Who knows with this guy? -我又没招他 -那人谁说的准From what he said to Goodman, it may have something to do 就他对古德曼说的可能是with him trying to tie up loose ends他想解决后患regarding his poisoning some kid named Brock.掩盖他向一个叫布洛克的小孩下毒的事Or maybe it's 'cause you know where his money is.也许是因为你知道他的钱藏在哪里I don't know where his money is.我不知道他的钱藏在哪That ain't what we heard.我们的人可不是这样说的Well, you ain't listening to the people in the know.那你们的人肯定不知道内情Me and Kuby rented a van for the dude,我和库比为那家伙租了一辆货车loaded his cash up in a self-storage unit,把钱从仓库运出handed over the keys to him at Goodman's.在古德曼那给了他钥匙And who knows where he took it from there?然后鬼知道他把车开去了哪里A van, huh? How much money we talking?一辆货车是吗有多少钱Seven barrels' worth.七大桶Seven barrels?七大桶When you-- you say "Barrels,"你所说的"大桶"You mean barrels barrels?是指真正的大桶吗Barrels, man. You know,大桶啊兄弟你知道的plastic, black, 55-gallon type.塑料黑色 55加仑的那种I got 'em at Home Depot.我从家得宝买的Filled up every last damn one of 'em too.每一桶都装得满满的And, uh, where did you rent the van?你从哪里租的货车Lariat.拉瑞亚特The one on Candelaria and Monroe.在坎德拉里亚路和门罗路交界处Lariat on Candelaria.坎德拉里亚路上的拉瑞亚特Yeah, Kuby rented the van.是的车是库比租的Mr. White dropped it off.钱是怀特先生藏的He had us wash it good before Kuby took it back.他让我们洗了一遍车然后库比才把车还了Wash the rental? Why?洗租来的车为什么It was filthy, man, like he had went off road with it.那车很脏像是没在大马路上开After we had hosed it down,我们用水管洗过之后he grabbed a shovel out the back,他从车后取出来一把铲子handed over the key, and that was it.把钥匙给了我们就这么多That's all I know.我只知道这些All right, uh, Mr. Babineaux.好的巴文诺先生Agent Gomez and I are going to, uh,戈麦斯探员和我do everything we can会尽全力to find the son of a bitch.找到那个混蛋Meantime, like I said, you're free to go.同时如我所说你可以离开But if I were you, I wouldn't take one step out that door.但如果我是你一步都不会离开Right. And remember, no phone calls.好的还有记住别打电话Oh, almost forgot.差点忘了Uh, I took the liberty of removing the battery我擅自把你手机上的电池卸了so Walt can't, uh, track you by G.P.S.这样沃尔特就没法用定位装置找到你So don't put that back in.所以千万别装上Agent Van Oster will stay here with you.范·奥斯特探员会在这里陪你You're in good hands. He's our best man with a gun.你很安全他是我们最好的警员Uh, however, don't discuss the case with him,但是不要跟他讨论案情because the less you distract him,因为你不让他分心the better he can protect you.他才能更好地保护你How long you gonna be?你们要去多久As long as it takes to keep you safe.直到能保证你安全为止So just one guy this time.那么说这次只有一个人Not even in lockup.还不在监狱里Some former partner, Todd says?托德说是你的前合伙人Yeah.是的So what are we talking, rat patrol?是什么情况铲除内奸吗"Rat p--""内奸"No, no.不不"Rat patrol"? No. No, he's not a rat."铲除内奸" 不他不是内奸He's just...他只是He-- he just...他只是Won't listen to reason.听不进去劝- Okay. - He's just angry.-好吧 -他只是生气- He's not a rat. - All right.-他不是内奸 -好的Angry, non-rat. Got it.生气不是内奸懂了How angry we talkin', by the way?顺便问一句他有多生气Like, Hulk angry?像绿巨人一样生气Like, "Rambo James Bond badass" individual?他是那种兰博或者詹姆斯·邦德似的狠角色吗Not something you'd do yourself, huh?你不想亲自动手是吗Jesse is like family to me.杰西对我来说就像家人Look, I want what you do to be quick听着我要你们做得快速利落and painless.没有痛苦No suffering, no fear.不受罪不恐惧Bullet to the back of the head. Something he doesn't see coming.脑后来一枪他完全没反应I respect that.我尊重这种做法There's too many savages out there.现在的社会太暴力了Let's just talk about the money.我们谈钱吧No, we don't want your money.不我们不要你的钱We want you to cook for us.我们要你给我们制毒You know I'm out of the business.你们知道我已经退休了Just a couple times to tutor my nephew here, that's all.只用制几次就行辅导一下我的侄子Get him on track to bringing the purity up.带他上道提高纯度Get the color right too.把颜色搞对Apparently that blue touch you put on it--很显然你的那种蓝色It's all the craze with those Slavic types.那些东欧人喜欢的不得了So I'm told.我是这样听说的No. Absolutely not.不绝对不行Look, what was the price per head last time? I'll triple it.听着上次杀一个人的价钱我会加三倍That's a drop in the bucket跟蓝货的利润比compared to what we aim to earn from the blue stuff.那点钱只是九牛一毛Don't skimp on family. That's what I always say.别对自己人太抠门我常这么说You want us to do this job?你想让我们完成任务Do it right? That's the price.按你的要求做这就是代价One cook...我只制一次毒After the job is done.但你们得先完成任务Time is of the essence. Do you understand?时间紧迫你明白吗We'll do him tonight if you want.如果你想的话我们今晚就动手Just tell me where he is.告诉我他在哪里I don't know where he is,我不知道他在哪里but I know how to flush him out.但我知道怎么引他出来You want string cheese or yogurt squeezers with your P.B.J.?你要奶酪条还是酸乳棒配花生果酱三明治Both.都要- I didn't hear you. - Both, please.-我没听见哦 -都要谢谢Hold on, honey.等等宝贝Hi, Andrea.你好安德莉亚I don't know if you remember me.不知道你是否还记得我I'm Walter White, Jesse's friend.我是沃尔特·怀特杰西的朋友Oh, yeah. Yeah, of course. Hi.对对当然记得了你好Yeah. Oh, hi. Hi.对啊你好你好I'm sorry to just barge in on you like this,很抱歉这么唐突地打扰你but, uh, I was hoping但我希望that I could have a moment to talk with you.能跟你谈一谈It's about Jesse.是关于杰西Um, okay. Sure. But I'm sort of rushing around right now.好当然只是我现在有点忙You wanna talk inside while I get my boy ready for school?你想进来跟我谈吗我好帮我儿子准备上学Uh, well, yeah. If it's--那好吧如果If it's okay, yeah, sure.如果可以的话当然好啊Thank you.谢谢You met Brock before, right?你见过布洛克对吧Yes. Yes, I have. At Jesse's.对啊我见过在杰西家里How you doing, Brock?你好吗布洛克Brock, he asked you a question.布洛克他在问你话呢I'm good.我很好Froot loops.果脆圈啊That's good stuff.那可是好东西So... Jesse.所以杰西Yeah. I--对我I don't wanna alarm you,我不想害你担心but I've-- I've been trying to reach him for days.但我我已经找了他好几天了I've stopped at his house.我去过他家里I've left all kinds of messages on his voicemail,给他留了好多言and he won't return my calls.但他没回我电话I can't find him anywhere.总之就是找不到他Have you heard from him?你有他的消息吗No, not since the last time he called to check on Brock.从上次他打来过问布洛克的情况后就再没联系过That was-- I don't know--大概是我不确定two weeks ago, maybe.可能是两周前吧Andrea...安德莉亚Jesse's using again,杰西又在吸毒了And I-- I--我 我I have a bad feeling about this.有种不祥的预感Have you tried calling the police?你报警了吗Or, um-- a better idea.或者有个更好的办法Jesse's lawyer's name is Saul Goodman. I have his card somewhere.杰西的律师名叫索尔·古德曼我有他的名片I mean, he may have ways of finding Jesse without,我想他可能有办法找到杰西you know, getting him in trouble.而且不会让他有麻烦你懂的"Better call Saul." Yeah. I-- I did that."有事找索尔" 对我打了He was able to verify that Jesse's not locked up.他能查到杰西没被关起来But otherwise, very little help.除此之外就没什么了See, the thing is你看问题是that Jesse and I had this argument recently.杰西和我最近吵架了And I-- I won't bore you with the details, but, uh,我就不跟你说细节了但是he's-- he's--他他非常he's pretty upset with me, and ...他非常生我的气And I'm hoping that's the reason he hasn't called me back 我希望这是他不回我电话的原因instead of...而不是him being... Well...他已经那个Well, I'll try him right now.好吧我现在打给他I mean, if that's it-- he's mad at you,如果只是因为他在生你的气maybe I'll have better luck.说不定我运气好点That would be such a help. Yes.那就帮了大忙了What, um-- what-- what number are you, uh, calling him on?你打的哪个号码- Um, his cell. Ah. - Yeah. You know,-他的手机 -你知道he recently got a new one.他最近换了个新号码And there. That--在这这个That's his new number there-- the highlighted one.这个是他的新号码选中的那个Jesse, hey, it's Andrea.杰西我是安德莉亚Your friend Walter just dropped by.你朋友沃尔特刚刚过来He's here at the house with me and Brock right now.他现在跟我还有布洛克在家We, uh-- we're thinking of you.我们很担心你Call me back as soon as you get this message, okay?你收到这条消息就打给我好吗I really need to hear from you.我非常想听听你的情况It's important.这很重要Thank you, Andrea.谢谢安德莉亚I appreciate that.非常感谢Well, I better-- I better be going.我该走了Oh, you're welcome to stay a few minutes to see if he calls back.你可以再待一会儿看他有没有打回来No. No, no. You're trying to get your son off to school.不不不你还得送你儿子去学校Listen, if he does happen to call back, would you call me?听着如果他打回来了你能打给我吗Better yet--这样吧I've got your number. I'll call you back, okay?我有你的号码了我会给你打电话行吗And.. thank you.真的很感谢你See ya, Brock.再见布洛克We on?该我们上了Yes. It should be any time now.对随时都会来Copy that.收到Remember, fast and painless. And take him away from here.记着干脆迅速还要把他从这里带走I don't want the mother or the boy to know.我不想让这对母子知道You got it.没问题Jesse, hey, it's Andrea.杰西我是安德莉亚Your friend Walter just dropped by.你朋友沃尔特刚刚过来He's here at the house with me and Brock right now.他现在跟我还有布洛克在家We, uh-- we're thinking of you.我们很担心你Call me back as soon as you get this message, okay?你收到这条消息就打给我好吗I really need to hear from you.我非常想听听你的情况It's important.这很重要Nice try, asshole.想得美混蛋How'd it go at the rental place?租车公司那边情况如何Van have G.P.S.?货车上有定位系统吗No G.P.S. Nope.没有They used to have G.P.S. until about six months ago,他们以前有全球定位系统直到六个月前when the A.C.L.U. or somebody sued them,美国公民自由协会还是什么的起诉他们and they had to get rid of it.他们不得不拆除Well, that's it. Game over.就这样了游戏结束了Yo, man, you can't just give up on this.喂兄弟你可不能就此放弃啊- Who said we're giving up? - What do you got?-谁说我们要放弃 -你有什么想法Just thinking about what Babineaux said我想起来刚才巴文诺说的aout the van being dirty货车很脏and the shovel that Walt had with him.还有沃尔特带着的铲子I'll bet you 10-to-1 he buried that money.我敢保证他把钱埋起来了No kidding. So what?所以呢There's a whole lot of desert out there.那里到处都是荒漠How are we gonna find the right spot?我们该如何找到埋钱的地点You said it yourself, there's no G.P.S. on the van.你自己说的货车上没有定位系统Yeah. But Walt doesn't know that.是啊但是沃尔特不知道All right.好吧Here's your change.给您的找零- Oh, um, count it out, please. - Here. -数出来 -给Uh, three that makes 15.这里是15元Plus five. That is 20.加上5 一共20元Give this to your car wash professional.把这个给你的洗车专员Thank you.谢谢Say it.说啊Have an A-1 day.祝您洗车愉快Oh, you too.你也是- Good. - Why-- why do I---很好 -我为什么Why do I gotta say that?我为什么要说那个Because it reinforces our brand.这能增强我们的品牌文化So, getting the hang of it?你现在掌握了吗It's, uh-- it's-- it's pretty basic.这是相当基础的东西Mom, it's Saturday.妈今天是周六Can-- can I go?我能走吗- Go where? - Home.-去哪儿 -回家Um, pick up a few things, maybe chill for a little bit.拿点东西或许再休息会儿I'm sure the smell is gone by now.气味肯定已经散尽了Why don't you你怎么就不能just stick around here for a while longer, all right?多在这儿待会呢I need you.我需要你Uh, who do I give this to?我应该把这个交给谁Um, you know what? I'll take care of it.不如交给我吧Excuse me, son.借过一下乖儿子That'll be 14.97, please.一共14.97元Hey. How you doin'?你好啊Y-you're on our billboard. You're--我在门口的广告牌上见过你- You're the lawyer guy. - Yeah. "Better Call Saul!" -你就是那个律师 -没错 "最好打给索尔"Okay.好了So, three makes 15, and 20, 25, 30,这是15元 20 25 3035, 40, and ten makes 50.35 40 加上10 共50元Thank you.谢谢惠顾I like your commercial.我喜欢你的广告What-- what happened to your face?你的脸怎么了Uh, this is a-- I guess you'd call it an occupational hazard.就当是职业病吧Okay, so thank you,好了谢谢你and please give that to your car wash professional.请把这个交给您的洗车专员Very good. Thank you very much. Good to meet you.很好非常感谢很高兴见到你Don't drink and drive.不要酒后驾车But if you do, call me.如果酒驾了打给我Have an A-1 day.祝你洗车愉快Mom, you, um-- you forgot to say it.妈你忘说了Yeah. Yeah, I did. Okay.是啊我忘了好吧Make sure you get in there between the cushions, all right?坐垫的夹缝处也要清理干净That's it. Way in there. Attaboy.没错在里面好样的What the hell you doing here?你他妈来这儿做什么I swear to god, the kid left so much booger powder in there,我发誓那孩子在我车里留下了太多的毒粉my Caddy is a k-9 unit's wet dream.警察看到都该高兴得湿了Is your phone broken? All 200 of them?你的电话坏了吗那么多都坏了Huell's gone.修尔走了Huell's gone where?去哪儿了No idea. AWOL.不知道失踪Nobody's seen him. He's not answering his phone.没人见过他他也不接电话So what about Jesse?杰西呢He hasn't shown up yet.他至今仍没出现He will, Saul. He's probably high as a kite somewhere他会出现的索尔他可能在哪儿吸嗨了and hasn't gotten our message yet.导致没有收到我们的留言Or he got it loud and clear and figured out it's a setup.或者他已听清了留言察觉出那是个陷阱The kid is not as dumb as you think.那孩子没你想的那么蠢Are you wearing a bulletproof vest?你穿的是防弹衣吗Did you miss the part about my bodyguard has gone missing?你难道忘了我的保镖失踪了吗Look, I had him watching the dog house,我派他去盯着杰西的狗窝figuring the kid might show up for a fix.以为那孩子会出来和解Next thing I know, radio silence.然后就没然后了You're the math whiz. Add up two and two.你是个数学天才你自己想想Jesse is not on some killing spree.杰西不是杀人狂It's me he wants.他想要的是我It's just me.只有我Then where the hell's Huell?那修尔哪儿去了Any news?有消息吗Not yet, but soon. I promise.还没快了我保证- Have an A-1 day. - Okay.-祝你洗车愉快 -好的Next--下一个Inventory lists.盘存清单All right. Um...好吧These are the inventory lists.这些就是盘存清单And every day, after close of business,每天结束营业后you tally the total of every item sold,你要算出每一类商品的销售总量and you mark it under the appropriate column.然后把总量标记在对应的纵列下面So say we sold-- I don't know--假如说我们卖掉了...uh, ten pine-scented air fresheners.十瓶松木香型的空气清新剂You mark "Ten" under this column,你要在这个纵列下面标记"十"and then you subtract ten from the actual stock column here.紧接着你要从实际库存那一列中减掉十Okay? Why don't you try that?懂了吗你来试一试Jesse?杰西Got my photo, bitch?收到照片了吗贱人That barrel look familiar?那个桶看着眼熟吧'Cause I just found six more exactly like it.类似的桶我还找到了6个That big bastard who works for Goodman--还记得古德曼手下的那个大混球吗I pistol-whipped that melon he calls a head我用手枪抽他的大头till he gave up what he knew,直到他说出了他所知道的一切which led me to your rental van,我由此找到了你租来的货车which, it turns out, had G.P.S.结果发现车上有定位系统How do you like that, genius?你觉得如何天才Guess you didn't think of everything.你也有疏忽的时候Look, Jesse, I don't know what you plan on doing here, but--杰西我不知道你想做什么但是Well, I'll give you a hint, Walt.我给你个提示沃尔特It involves a couple of five-gallon cans几桶五加仑的汽油of gasoline and a lighter.还有一个打火机No, no, no, no, no! Jesse, please, listen to me.不不杰西求你了听我说No, you listen to me, bitch!不你听我说贱人You get your ass out here as fast as you can.你赶紧给我滚过来Yes, I'm coming! Okay? Okay!好我马上到好吗And don't even think about calling anyone for help, all right?不要想找人帮忙懂吗You hang up on me, put me on hold,你要是挂我电话让我在线上等着I lose my call for any reason,不管什么原因电话断了As soon as you do, I'm burning all of it.一旦这样我就把钱全烧了All right? One big bonfire. You get the picture?一把大火懂了吗I get it. I get it. Okay.我明白我明白好吧All right. Well, you better hurry,好吧你最好快点'cause I'm burning ten grand a minute因为在你来之前每分钟till you get here, starting right now.我会烧掉一万美元计时开始I said I'm coming! Don't you touch my money!我说了我马上到别碰我的钱Fire in the hole, bitch.开始了贱人There goes ten g's.一万美金没了- Aw, nice orange flames. - No. No, no, no, no, no!-这火焰真美 -不要Jesse-- Jesse, please.杰西杰西求你了。