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In front of in the front of in font

1. The teacher is speaking to us ____________ the classroom.

2. The teacher is speaking to us ____________ us.

3. a lot of cars are parking _____________ the school when there is a parents meeting.

4. Six students are standing ______________ the classmates.

5. The driver was driving ______________ the bus when he saw a cow ___________ the bus.

6. There is a tall tree _____________ the house.

7. On the first lap, class three is_________.

答案:1.in the front of; 2.in front of; 3.in the front of; 4.in front of; 5.in the front of; 6.in front of; 7.in front 注释:in front of“在-----的前面”,指的是在某物以外的前面或在某人的前面,如句6——因为树是长在屋外的,所以用in front of;in the front of“在----的前面”,指的是在某物内部的前面,如句3——汽车是停在学校里面的,所以用in the front of;in front“在前面”后不能接某人或某物,用在be动词后表方位。

Careful carefully care

1. You must be more______. That car nearly hit you.

2. We must listen to the teacher ______ in class.

3. She is a_____ girl and does everything _______

4. You must take good_____ of your things. Put them away.

5. Take______, and wish you a gook journey home.

答案:1.careful; 2.carefully; 3.careful/ carefully; 4.care; 5.care

注释:careful“仔细的,小心的”,是形容词,可用在名词前做定语也可用在be动词后做表语;carefully “仔细地,小心地”,是副词,用在动词后修饰该动词;care“照顾,照料;小心”,此处用作名词,care 做动词时是“关心,在意”的意思,句4中“take care of”是固定搭配,“照顾,照料(某人/某物)”;“take care”是动词短语,“小心,当心”。

Five minutes five minutes’five-minute

1. It usually takes me ____________ to go to school by bike.

2. It’s about ____________ ride to go to school.

3. After _____________ walk, they tot to the foot of the hill.

4. It’s about a _____________ walk.

5. The headmaster gave us a ____________ talk. It was very interesting.

答案:1.five minutes; 2.five minutes’; 3.five minutes’; 4.five-minute; 5.five-minute


Maybe perhaps may be may might

1. ______ you are wrong. = you _________ wrong.

2. ______ he is at home. = he _________ at home.

3. Where is Mary? She _______ running for exercise.

4. What are you going to do this Sunday? I’m not sure. _______ I’ll hang out at the mall.

5. He _____ know the answer. = ______ he knows the answer.

6. What happened to Tom? We haven’t seen him for a week. He ______ have an accident, but I’m not sure. 答案:1.perhaps/ maybe = may be; 2.perhaps/ maybe = may be; 3.may be; 4.maybe/ perhaps; 5.may = maybe/ perhaps; 6.might

注释:maybe = perhaps“也许”,这两个词意思相同,用法也相同,都用在句首,表推测;may be“也许(是)”,意思和maybe, perhaps差不多,可以相互转换,但may be 只能用在句中;may和might

在表示猜测时都是“也许”的意思,但may的语气要肯定些,可能性要大些,如句6,从“but I’m not sure”可以看出语气相当不肯定,所以用“might”。

Take catch by in on

1. Can I _____ the bus there?

2. Can I get there ______ bus?

3. He usually travels _____ train. But this time he went on trip _____ a car.

4. I usually go to work _____ my bike. But this morning I _____ the taxi to work because my bike was broken.

5. He will fly to Japan _____ the next plane.

6. If you run, you can ______ the early bus to the factory.

7. You can ______ the No.3 bus to the train station.

答案:1.take; 2.by; 3.by/ in; 4.on/ take; 5.in; 6.catch; 7.take

注释:这五个词都是表示乘坐交通工具的词汇,take + 冠词(a,an/ the)+交通工具;by+交通工具;In+冠词+交通工具(封闭式的,如car,bus等);on+冠词+交通工具(敞开式的,如bike),这几组搭配都是表示“乘坐------”,此外记住短语“on the board在船上;on the bus在公交车上”;catch + 冠词+交通工具,意思是“赶上-----”。

Day date

1. What’s the ______ today? - It’s January 17th.

2. What ______ is it today? - It’s Friday.

3. ______ of birth, 20th April 1989.

4. I stayed at home all ______ last Sunday.

答案:1.date; 2.day; 3.date; 4.day

注释:day“天”,有复数形式,如three days三天;date“日期”,没有复数形式。记住两个句型——what’s the date ?几月几号?;what day is it ?星期几?

Too also either so neither(nor)

1. He likes sports and he ______ likes music. He likes music, ______.

2. I _____ want to go there.

3. You can swim, I can swim, ______

4. You can skate, _____ can I.

5. Do you know the secret,______? No, I don’t know it, ______.

6. If you go there tomorrow, _____ shall I.

7. If you don’t go there tomorrow, ______ shall I.

8. If you don’t go there tomorrow, I won’t go,______

答案:1.also/ too; 2.also; 3.too; 4.so; 5.too/ either; 6.so; 7.neither; 8.either

注释:too, also, either三个词都是“也“的意思,但用法不同——too,用于肯定句,且位于句末,可以与as well相互替换;either,用于否定句中,也位于句末;also既可用于肯定句也可用于否定句,但它位于句中,具体位置——用在行为动词和情态动词前(如句1和句2),be动词后,如:I am also an English lover,与also相关的常见搭配“not only-----but also----- 不仅-----而且-----”,如:Not only I but also she is good at playing.(注意就近原则,即:动词的单复数形式与离它最近的主语一致);so“如此,这样”,nether“不是如此,不是这样”,这两个词意思相反,都可用于倒装句,so代替的是肯定的内容,neither代替的是否定的内容,如句6和句7,注意与neither相关的常见搭配——neither------nor-----,“既不------也不-----”,如:neither she nor I am good at painting(该句型也适用于就近原则)。

Get arrive reach

1. Mr. Smith is on his way to England. He _____ to Moscow on Tuesday morning he _____ Paris in the afternoon and he will stay there for a few days. He will _____ in London on Saturday.
