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城市是人们经济活动和社会活动的根基,是自然资本、人力资本、社会资本和物质资本的高度集聚区和核心区域。伴随着城市化率以及城镇化进程的不断推进,社会经济得以飞速发展,但与此同时,生态失衡、资源耗竭、人口剧增、政府治理滞后和社会矛盾等一系列问题相伴而生。万匡商业机器公司提出的“ 智慧城市”的发展模式,就是为了实现城市经济、社会、生态可持续发展,随后,对智慧城市的推广应用遍及世界各地。目前对智慧城市的关注多侧重于大数据、云计算、物联网、宽带网等新一代信息技术方面和公共管理方面,而忽视了其他有关城市评价的重要维度,对智慧城市生态维度的研究不多。在“十三五”规划和十八大报告中提出的加强生态文明建设使其与全面建成小康社会相适应,表明了我国越来越重视城市生态建设。智慧城市的深层内涵可以实现城市化和生态文明的良好互动。本文以生态的角度为突破口,探究生态发展和智慧城市关系的理解,并以河南省为例进行分析。

本文具体研究城市生态建设这一问题,首先介绍了可持续发展理论、新型城镇化理论、循环经济理论、区域协调理论等相关理论基础和生态城市、智能城市、智慧城市、生态发展型智慧城市的相关概念解析。其次城市生态评价指标体系的选取方法为频率分析法和理论分析法,进而利用统计学软件 SPSS 分析法对河南省首批智慧城市试点的郑州、鹤壁、淉河和济源进行了 2011 到 2014 年的生态发展视角下的智慧城市建设水平的横向对比和纵向对比。





As a symbol of human civilization and the carrier of the social and economic development, the city is the area where population, industry, capital and productivity are highly contralized, and the core of regional economic activities. With the continuous progress of urbanization, the social economy is burgeoning rapidly, but at the same time, this is accompanied by a series of problems, such as ecological imbalance, resource depletion, population explosion, delayed governance and social contradictions, etc. In order to achieve the sustainable development in terms of the urban economy, society and ecology, IBM has put forward the development model of "Smart City", and gradually all parts of the world also witnessed the exploration on it. Currently, the research in this aspect mainly focuses on a new generation of information technology, such as large data, cloud computing and broadband networks, and on public management, ignoring the other important aspects of urban evaluation. As a result, there exists few studies on the ecological dimension of "Smart City". An increasing emphasis is placed on urban ecological construction. In particular, it is proposed in the "13th Five-Year Plan" and the report of 18th National People's Congress that the construction of ecological civilization be strengthened and fully integrated with a well-off society. Besides, rigorously developing "Smart City" is, after all, a way to actualize the long-term on-going urbanization process in the future and the connotation of ecological civilization. From the perspective of ecological development, the relationship between the ecological development and the "Smart City" will be explored in this thesis, with Henan Province being a case stufy.

The problem of the construction of ecological civilization will be elaborated in this thesis, which begins with some relevant theoretical basis, such as the theory of sustainable development, of new urbanization, of circular economy and of regional coordination, etc. and
