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recurring expenditure 经常性支出
put aside把…放在一边;(暂时)丢开;把…留作以后使用If you put something aside, you keep it to be dealt with or used at a later time.
She took up a slice of bread, broke it nervously, then put it aside...
Encourage children to put aside some of their pocket-money to buy Christmas presents. 应当鼓励孩子们省下一部分零花钱来买圣诞礼物。
忘记;不考虑;搁置If you put a feeling or disagreement aside, you forget about it or ignore it in order to solve a problem or argument.
We should put aside our differences and discuss the things we have in common...
We admitted that the attraction was there, but decided that we would put the feelings aside. 我们承认诱惑摆在那儿,但是决心不让感情左右我们。
set aside留作…之用;留出…用于If you set something aside for a special use or purpose, you keep it available for that use or purpose.
Some doctors advise setting aside a certain hour each day for worry...
£130 million would be set aside for repairs to schools.将划拨1.3 亿英镑用于学校的修缮。放弃(信仰、原则或情感);置…于不顾If you set aside a belief, principle, or feeling, you decide that you will not be influenced by it.
He urged them to set aside minor differences for the sake of peace.
tax deduction n. 课税减免(指在计算所得税时可从纳税者所得总额中扣除的款项,如子女抚养费等)课税扣除;税额扣减;应税金额的扣除;纳税扣除;赋税扣抵incentivize[ɪn'sentɪvaɪz] vt. 以物质刺激鼓励
incentive n. 刺激;激励;奖励If something is an incentive to do something, it encourages you to do it.
There is little or no incentive to adopt such measures...
Many companies in Britain are keen on the idea of tax incentives for R&D.
attain home ownership房屋所有权;住宅自有率
campaign platform竞选纲领;
Research of General Campaign Platform Software Based on Intelligent
Network Controller基于智能网络控制器的通用运动平台软件的研究
garner[ˈgɑ:nə(r)] 美[ˈgɑrnə(r)] vt. 获得;贮藏,积累n. 谷仓
获得;得到;收集If someone has garnered something useful or valuable, they have gained it or collected it.
正式Durham had garnered three times as many votes as Carey...
He has garnered extensive support for his proposals... 他的提议得到了广泛的支持。His priceless collection of Chinese art and artefacts was garnered over three decades. 他那批价值连城的中国艺术品和手工艺品(=artifacts)是花了30多年才收集起来的。
财政司司长(英语:Financial Secretary,简称FS,香港人经常沿用其旧称财政司,俗称财爷),是中华人民共和国香港特别行政区政府专责总览财金政策的官员,直接向香港特
政务司司长(英语:Chief Secretary for Administration,简称CS)是香港特别行政区政府仅次于行政长官的政府官员,其支援部门为政务司司长办公室。政务司司长现属行政会议官守成员,也是可以署理行政长官职务的三名司长中,最高级的一位。
incumbent [ɪnˈkʌmbənt] 美[ɪnˈkʌmbənt]
adj. 在职的;义不容辞的;靠在[压在]上面的;弯垂下来的
n. 在职者;教会中的任职者;〈英〉教区牧师
现任官员;在职官员An incumbent is someone who holds an official post at a particular time.
正式In general, incumbents have a 94 per cent chance of being reelected.
通常现任官员有94% 的几率会再次当选。
Incumbent is also an adjective.
...the only candidate who defeated an incumbent senator. 唯一击败现任议员的候选人
成为责任的;义不容辞的=duty-bound责无旁贷的;必须履行的If it is incumbent upon you to do something, it is your duty or responsibility to do it.
正式It is incumbent upon all of us to make an extra/redoubled effort.