
中国移动CM-IMS核心网关键参数配置手册华为SBC(SE2900)设备分册(2014年版)中国移动通信有限公司网络部2014年8月目录1概述 (2)1.1前言 (2)1.2参与单位 (2)2SBC设备通用关键参数配置 (2)2.1.1配置项序号:PSBC01缺省注册时长 (3)2.1.2配置项序号:PSBC02终端最短注册时长 (3)2.1.3配置项序号:PSBC03 会话刷新时长缺省值 (3)2.1.4配置项序号:PSBC04会话刷新最小允许时长(Min-SE) (4)2.1.5配置项序号:PSBC05无媒体面会话持续时长 (4)2.1.6配置项序号:PSBC06最大通话时长 (4)2.1.7配置项序号:PSBC07缺省传输协议 (5)2.1.8配置项序号:PSBC08无媒体会话检测功能开关 (5)2.1.9配置项序号:PSBC09使能IMS-AKA功能 (5)2.1.10配置项序号:PSBC10使能IPsec加密 (6)2.1.11配置项序号:PSBC11计费控制开关 (6)2.1.12配置项序号:PSBC12本地策略允许的SDP参数 (6)2.1.13配置项序号:PSBC13流控功能开关 (7)2.1.14配置项序号:PSBC14媒体承载订阅事件 (7)2.1.15配置项序号:PSBC15音频编解码对应的最高带宽 (8)2.1.16配置项序号:PSBC16视频编解码对应的最高带宽 (8)2.1.17配置项序号:PSBC17 RTCP最高带宽 (8)2.1.18配置项序号:PSBC18可信终端信令攻击判断阈值 (9)2.1.19配置项序号:PSBC19不可信终端信令攻击判断阈值 (9)2.1.20配置项序号:PSBC20黑名单老化时长 (9)2.1.21配置项序号:PSBC21注册失败攻击阈值 (10)2.1.22配置项序号:PSBC22媒体编解码转换 (10)2.1.23配置项序号:PSBC23媒体编解码转换编解码转换集 (10)2.1.24配置项序号:PSBC24媒体承载Rx工作模式 (11)2.1.25配置项序号:PSBC25媒体承载RAR等待超时时间 (11)2.1.26配置项序号:PSBC26检查SCC AS合法性 (11)2.1.27配置项序号:PSBC27 eSRVCC功能 (12)2.1.28配置项序号:PSBC28支持在振铃状态会话切换 (12)2.1.29配置项序号:PSBC29支持Mid-Call会话切换 (12)2.1.30配置项序号:PSBC30 ATCF心跳检测 (13)2.1.31配置项序号:PSBC31与I-CSCF的心跳周期和允许心跳丢失次数 (13)2.1.32配置项序号:PSBC32与S-CSCF的心跳周期和允许心跳丢失次数 (13)1概述1.1前言为了规范VOLTE SBC各项关键参数配置,实现华为VOLTE关键参数配置标准化,规避日常维护中出现同类设备因参数不一致、数据配置方法差异较大等原因导致的故障等情况,特制定本规范,用于指导全网华为VOLTE设备维护人员。

BC模块配置流程及注意点优选稿B C模块配置流程及注意点集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)NB-IOT配置流程及注意事项总结测试模块:BC95-B5串口配置:9600,N,8,1NB运行模式:自动联网、UDP报文模式一、配置流程1、AT+NBAND查看设置的频段信息返回:+NBAND:5AT+NBAND=5设置频段为5返回:OK注:电信频段850M(5) 移动频段900M(8) 联通频段800M(20) 2、AT+CGMR查询固件版本(电信)返回:V100R100C10B656SP2OK注:656SP2版本对应的基站的版本需要打开扰码功能3、查询是否开启扰码功能(也可以不用查询,直接AT命令设置打开)○1AT+CFUN=0设置SIM卡最小功能返回:OK○2AT+NCONFIG 查询扰码功能返回:+NCONFIG:AUTOCONNECT,FALSE+NCONFIG:CR_0354_0338_SCRAMBLING,FALSE+NCONFIG:CR_0859_SI_AVOID,FALSE注:以上CR命名开头的如果均为TRUE可直接跳过到第4大步○3AT+NCONFIG=CR_0354_0338_SCRAMBLING,TRUEAT+NCONFIG=CR_0859_SI_AVOID,TRUE返回:OK○4AT+NCONFIG=AUTOCONNECT,TRUE 开启自动联网功能手动配网流程参考:BC95_AT_Commend 手册说明○5AT+NRB重启模块生效更改注:每次打开或者关闭扰码功能都需要设置 AT+CFUN=04、AT+CGSN=1查询设备IMEI号(设备唯一识别号)返回:+OK注:如果IMEI号丢失设备无法上网,请手动写入。
5、AT+CFUN=1开启SIM卡全部功能(如果开启自动联网功能,重启后默认 CFUN = 1)返回:OK6、AT+CIMI查询USIM卡IMSI号返回:OK注:查不到IMSI号,确认卡是否插好7、AT+CSQ 信号查询返回:+CSQ:7,99OK7:信号强度-100dBm左右 99:信道误码率注:○1保证正常通信状态下,信号强度值不能低于15即-80dBm 左右○2信号强度值为99时说明没有信号,请确保设备在NB基站覆盖区域,确保NB卡在核心网注册过6、AT+CGATT=1使能模块附着网络返回:OK7、AT+CGATT查看模块是否附着网络成功返回:+CGATT:1OK注:如果返回+CGATT:0,说明未附着成功(有30s的延时),可以在接下来的30s一直查询。

SPECIFICA TIONSUSRP-2900Software Defined Radio DeviceContents Definitions (1)Conditions (1)Transmitter (2)Receiver (2)Power (3)Physical Characteristics (3)Environment (4)Operating Environment (4)Compliance and Certifications (4)Safety (4)Electromagnetic Compatibility (4)CE Compliance (5)Online Product Certification (5)Environmental Management (5)DefinitionsWarranted specifications describe the performance of a model under stated operating conditions and are covered by the model warranty.Characteristics describe values that are relevant to the use of the model under stated operating conditions but are not covered by the model warranty.•Typical specifications describe the expected performance met by a majority of the models.•Nominal specifications describe parameters and attributes that may be useful in operation. Specifications are Characteristics unless otherwise noted.ConditionsSpecifications are valid at 25 °C unless otherwise noted.T ransmitterFrequency range70 MHz to 6 GHzFrequency step<1 kHzMaximum output power (P out)20 dBmGain range189.75 dBGain step0.25 dBFrequency accuracy2 2.5 ppm56 MHzMaximum instantaneous real-timebandwidthMaximum I/Q rate3Streaming415 MS/sBurst61.44 MS/sDigital-to-analog converter (DAC)512 bitsReceiverFrequency range70 MHz to 6 GHzFrequency step<1 kHzGain range676 dBGain step 1.0 dBMaximum input power (P in)-15 dBmNoise figure 5 dB to 7 dB1The output power resulting from the gain setting varies over the frequency band and amongdevices.2Frequency accuracy is based on temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) vendorspecifications and is not measured. Alternatively, you can incorporate an external reference source to provide a more precise frequency Reference Clock and to achieve better frequency accuracy.3I/Q sample rate depends on many factors including, but not limited to, USB3 chipset, number of active channels, and host computer performance. Data throughput may vary.4Benchmark setup: LabVIEW Communications 2.0 Tx Continuous Async example running inWindows 7 configured for a single RF channel and a graph refresh rate set to once per 128 cycles.Benchmark hardware: Asus Z97 motherboard, 16 GB memory, 4GHz i7 4790k CPU, and aASMedia XHCI 1.0 USB controller.5The DAC rate changes with the sample rate.6The received signal amplitude resulting from the gain setting varies over the frequency band and among devices.2| | USRP-2900 SpecificationsFrequency accuracy7 2.5 ppm56 MHzMaximum instantaneous real-timebandwidthMaximum I/Q rate8Streaming915 MS/sBurst61.44 MS/sAnalog-to-digital converter (ADC)1012 bitsPowerTotal power, typical operationTypical 3 W to 3.5 WMaximum 4.5 WPower requirement Accepts a 6 V, 3 A external DC powerconnectorCaution You must use either the power supply provided in the shipping kit, oranother UL listed ITE power supply marked LPS, with the USRP-2900.Caution The protection provided by this product may be impaired if it is used in amanner not described in this document.Physical CharacteristicsIf you need to clean the module, wipe it with a dry towel.Physical dimensions(L × W × H)12.5 cm × 9.4 cm × 3.8 cm (7.0 in. × 4.9 in.× 1.5 in.)Weight676 g (1.5 lb)7Frequency accuracy is based on temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) vendorspecifications and is not measured. Alternatively, you can incorporate an external reference source to provide a more precise frequency Reference Clock and to achieve better frequency accuracy.8I/Q sample rate depends on many factors including, but not limited to, USB3 chipset, number of active channels, and host computer performance. Data throughput may vary.9Benchmark setup: LabVIEW Communications 2.0 Rx Continuous Async example running inWindows 7 configured for a single RF channel and a graph refresh rate set to once per 128 cycles.Benchmark hardware: Asus Z97 motherboard, 16 GB memory, 4GHz i7 4790k CPU, and aASMedia XHCI 1.0 USB controller.10The ADC rate changes with the sample rate.USRP-2900 Specifications| © National Instruments| 3EnvironmentMaximum altitude2,000 m (800 mbar) (at 25 °C ambienttemperature)Pollution Degree2Indoor use only.Operating EnvironmentAmbient temperature range23 °C ± 5 °CRelative humidity range10% to 90%, noncondensing (testedin accordance with IEC 60068-2-56.) Compliance and CertificationsSafetyThis product is designed to meet the requirements of the following electrical equipment safety standards for measurement, control, and laboratory use:•IEC 61010-1, EN 61010-1•UL 61010-1, CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1Note For UL and other safety certifications, refer to the product label or the OnlineProduct Certification section.Electromagnetic CompatibilityThis product meets the requirements of the following EMC standards for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use:•EN 61326-1 (IEC 61326-1): Class A emissions; Basic immunity•EN 55011 (CISPR 11): Group 1, Class A emissions•EN 55022 (CISPR 22): Class A emissions•EN 55024 (CISPR 24): Immunity•AS/NZS CISPR 11: Group 1, Class A emissions•AS/NZS CISPR 22: Class A emissions•FCC 47 CFR Part 15B: Class A emissions•ICES-001: Class A emissionsNote In the United States (per FCC 47 CFR), Class A equipment is intended foruse in commercial, light-industrial, and heavy-industrial locations. In Europe,Canada, Australia, and New Zealand (per CISPR 11), Class A equipment is intendedfor use only in heavy-industrial locations.4| | USRP-2900 SpecificationsNote Group 1 equipment (per CISPR 11) is any industrial, scientific, or medicalequipment that does not intentionally generate radio frequency energy for thetreatment of material or inspection/analysis purposes.Note For EMC declarations, certifications, and additional information, refer to theOnline Product Certification section.CE ComplianceThis product meets the essential requirements of applicable European Directives, as follows:•2014/35/EU; Low-V oltage Directive (safety)•2014/30/EU; Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC)Online Product CertificationRefer to the product Declaration of Conformity (DoC) for additional regulatory compliance information. To obtain product certifications and the DoC for this product, visit / certification, search by model number or product line, and click the appropriate link in the Certification column.Environmental ManagementNI is committed to designing and manufacturing products in an environmentally responsible manner. NI recognizes that eliminating certain hazardous substances from our products is beneficial to the environment and to NI customers.For additional environmental information, refer to the Minimize Our Environmental Impact web page at /environment. This page contains the environmental regulations and directives with which NI complies, as well as other environmental information not included in this document.Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)EU Customers At the end of the product life cycle, all NI products must bedisposed of according to local laws and regulations. For more information abouthow to recycle NI products in your region, visit /environment/weee.电子信息产品污染控制管理办法(中国RoHS)中国客户National Instruments符合中国电子信息产品中限制使用某些有害物质指令(RoHS)。

迈普常用命令手册V1.3目录1概述 (1)2配置命令 (2)2.1系统模式及切换 (2)2.2基础配置 (3)2.2.1配置主机名 (3)2.2.2配置账户 (3)2.2.3配置登陆 (3)2.2.4配置Vlan (3)2.3配置端口 (4)2.3.1双工速率........................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
2.4配置T RACK (4)2.5配置MSTP (5)2.6配置VRRP (5)2.7配置T RUNK (6)2.8多接口LINK-AGGREGATION (6)2.9配置ACL (6)2.10配置路由 (7)2.10.1静态路由 (7)2.10.2配置RIP (7)2.10.3配置OSPF (8)2.11管理配置 (9)2.11.1配置AAA (9)2.11.2配置端口镜像 (9)2.11.3文件管理 (10)2.11.4Logging (10)2.11.5配置SNMP (11)2.11.6配置NTP (11)3迈普常用命令 (12)3.1查找MP命令 (12)3.2常用命令 (12)3.2.1查看信息........................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
3.2.2删除配置........................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
3.2.3查看配置文件 (12)3.2.4查看路由配置 (12)3.2.5查看路由表 (12)3.2.6查看VRRP状态 (13)3.2.7查看二层接口信息 (13)3.2.8查看bfd信息 (13)3.2.9查看设备信息 (13)3.2.10查看用户信息 (13)1概述本手册编写的目的是为了使分行管理员快速掌握迈普MP2900路由交换一体机的常用命令,为设备运维工作提供帮助和指导。
经济型B2900A 系列精密型源表配置指南

Keysight B2900A 系列精密型源表配置指南经济高效的电源和测量一体化解决方案,提供卓越的性能和一流的图形用户界面配置您的 Keysight B2900A 系列精密型源表Keysight B2900A 系列精密型源表(SMU)包含下列四个型号。
–B2901A 精密型源表,1 通道,100fA 分辨率,210V,3A 直流/10.5A 脉冲–B2902A 精密型源表,2 通道,100fA 分辨率,210V,3A 直流/10.5A 脉冲–B2911A 精密型源表,1 通道,10 fA 分辨率,210V,3A 直流/10.5A 脉冲–B2912A 精密型源表,2 通道,10 fA 分辨率,210V,3A 直流/10.5A 脉冲本配置指南提供逐步的指导,旨在帮助您配置 SMU 及其相关附件,满足您的特殊测试要求。
详细技术指标请参见 B2900A SMU 系列技术资料(5990-7009EN)。
第1步:选择 B2900A 系列型号您选择的时候首先需要考虑两个重要因素:测量通道数(一个或两个)和源表的性能。
B2900A 系列分为标配型(B2901A/B2902A)和高性能型(B2911A/B2912A)两个档次。
B2901A1210 V3.03 A 200 V10.5 A1 pA1 V100 fA100 nV20 ųs单一视图、图形视图B2902A2210 V3.03 A 200 V10.5 A1 pA1 V100 fA100 nV20 ųs单一视图、双视图、图形视图B2911A1210 V3.03 A 200 V10.5 A10 fA100 nV10 fA100 nV10 ųs单一视图、图形视图、滚动视图B2912A2210 V3.03 A 200 V10.5 A10 fA100 nV10 fA100 nV10 ųs单一视图、双视图、图形视图、滚动视图描述数量更多信息1.产品资料光盘 1 个包括用户手册电子文件、驱动程序和软件2.Keysight I/O 程序库光盘 1 个包括 Keysight I/O 程序库的驱动程序和安装软件3.快速参考 1 个印刷版快速入门指南(英文版)4.校准证书(无测试数据) 1 个校准证书(无实际测试数据)。

NAT(Network Address Translator)是网络地址转换,它实现内网的IP地址与公网的地址之间的相互转换,将大量的内网IP地址转换为一个或少量的公网IP地址,减少对公网IP地址的占用。

“ 掉 电关 机” 是 指在 电池 电量 不足 的 时候 , 4
附录二 HT-2900 选件 .................................................32
附录三 HT 系列用户开发资料索引..........................33
HT-2900 组成
第 1 章 HT-2900 简介
HT-2900 掌上电脑是一个功能强大、开发灵 活便捷、 使用方便 的新一 代掌上 电脑, 且新增了 USB 通讯和射频通讯等功能。它适合于在各种流 动性强的 工作领域 中进行 数据采 集和运 算处理。 例如可以 应用在电 、水、 气行业 的抄表 收费,地 质部门的 野外数据 采集与 分析, 大型仓 库盘点等 等,应用 领域涉及 能源、 地质、 石油、 商业、气 象、军事和仪器等。
防尘、防水:IEC 标准 IPX3 跌落冲击强度:1.2m 下落到混凝土 地
HT-2900 用户手册
第 2 章 HT-2900 基本操作
3. 开关机
2.1.1 开机 按 HT-2900 机器右下角的【开关】键约 1 秒
钟,在听 到机器短 促的“ 嘟”一 声响后 ,进入上 次关机前的状态。
第 2 章 HT-2900 基本操作.............................................4
2.1 开关机 ....................................................................4 2.1.1 开机.................................................................4 2.1.2 关机.................................................................4

BCU操作说明书,中文翻译版烧嘴控制单元—BCU 4##操作说明书●请阅读并保留在一个安全的地方符号的解释:●,①, ②, ③... =功能→ =说明这些操作说明里的所有工作的开始只能由被授权的专门人员来完成!注意:不正确的安装、调节、修改、操作或维护可能会造成材料的损坏。
内容符合标准声明、测试、安装、电缆的选择与安装、技术数据、接线、调节、鉴定、调试、高温下的操作、检查功能、手动操作、出现故障时的处理、读取火焰的信号和参数设置、附件符合标准声明我们生产商在此声明,标有产品ID号CE-0063BO1064的产品:BCU400,460,465,480,遵守以下指令的基本要求:—90/396/EEC与 EN 298相一致—98/37/EC与EN 746的相关截面相一致—73/23/EEC与相关的标准相一致—89/336/EEC与涉及到辐射的相关标准相一致现场总线的接口应按照EN 50170-2的要求,,相关产品应符合由被通告人0063所做的定型试验,综合质量的保证是由一个依据DIN EN ISO 9001的质量体系认证来担保的,DIN EN ISO 9001是按照附件2第3页的指令90/396/EEC.Elster GmbHOsnabrückCAS和FM认证加拿大标准协会类别:3335-01 和 3335-81,“系统(气体)—自动点火和部件”,FMRC:7611“燃烧保护设施和火焰感应系统”,应用程序的设计依据NFPA 85 和NFPA 86。
BCU带有完整的点火变压器,在连续的操作中用来点燃和检测燃气烧嘴,BCU 440–480的监测是由电离电极来执行的,BCU 460–480由紫外线传感器来执行。
带有UVD 1式的UV传感器的BCU只适应于BCU 460..U 和BCU 480..U,这种BCU也适用于连续的操作,连接的细节请看UVD操作说明书。
佳能 LASER SHOT LBP2900 激光打印机 说明书

•安装•连接至打印机•打印方法•基本操作•故障排除•要查看PDF格式的手册,需要安装Adobe Reader/Adobe Acrobat Reader。
如果您的系统上未安装Adobe Reader/Adobe Acrobat Reader,请从AdobeSystems Incorporated网站下载。
目录简介 (vii)如何使用本手册 (vii)约定 (vii)按键和按钮标志 (vii)屏幕抓图 (viii)缩略语 (viii)法律声明 (ix)EMC规程(220-240V机型) (ix)激光安全性(220-240V机型) (ix)国际能源之星计划 (x)商标 (x)Copyright (x)免责声明 (x)使用您的产品和使用图像的法律限制 (xi)重要安全说明 (xii)安装 (xii)电源 (xiii)操作注意事项 (xiv)维护和检修 (xv)耗材 (xvi)其它 (xvi)第1章在开始使用本打印机之前打印机特点.............................1-2部件名称及功能...........................1-4正面...............................1-5背面...............................1-6打印机内部............................1-7指示器和Paper键.........................1-8连接电源线.............................1-9连接电源线............................1-9连接至计算机............................1-11打开/关闭打印机..........................1-13打开打印机............................1-13关闭打印机............................1-14 ii第2章装入和传输纸张纸张要求...............................2-2适用的纸张............................2-2纸张尺寸...........................2-2纸张类型...........................2-3纸张尺寸缩写.........................2-5可打印区域............................2-6您不能使用的纸张.........................2-7存放空白纸张...........................2-8存放打印的纸张..........................2-8纸张来源...............................2-9纸张来源类型...........................2-9纸张来源容量...........................2-10纸张输出..............................2-11输出托盘类型...........................2-11输出托盘容量...........................2-12打印普通纸、重磅纸、标签纸和透明胶片................2-13装入纸张.............................2-13在多功能托盘中装入纸张....................2-14在手动送纸托盘中装入纸张...................2-19选择打印机驱动程序设置并打印...................2-22打印索引卡片............................2-26装入索引卡片...........................2-26在手动送纸托盘中装入索引卡片.................2-26选择打印机驱动程序设置并打印...................2-29打印信封..............................2-33装入信封.............................2-33在多功能托盘中装入信封....................2-34在手动送纸托盘中装入信封...................2-37选择打印机驱动程序设置并打印...................2-40打印自定义尺寸纸张(非标准尺寸纸张)................2-43装入自定义尺寸纸张........................2-43在多功能托盘中装入自定义纸张.................2-43在手动送纸托盘中装入自定义纸张................2-49选择打印机驱动程序设置并打印...................2-52第3章设置打印环境简介.................................3-2安装打印机之后..........................3-2每次打印时............................3-2系统要求.............................3-3安装CAPT软件............................3-4对于Windows98/Me.......................3-5iii使用CD-ROM安装程序安装...................3-5即插即用安装.........................3-11对于Windows2000........................3-19使用CD-ROM安装程序安装...................3-19即插即用安装.........................3-25对于Windows XP/Server2003...................3-30使用CD-ROM安装程序安装...................3-30即插即用安装.........................3-36完成安装之后............................3-41打印测试页.............................3-43在网络计算机上通过共享打印机进行打印................3-46配置打印服务器..........................3-47对于Windows98/Me......................3-47对于Windows2000/XP/Server2003...............3-51安装客户机............................3-57使用CD-ROM安装程序安装...................3-58使用[添加打印机向导]安装..................3-63使用[Windows资源管理器]安装................3-67卸载CAPT软件...........................3-68第4章打印文档从应用程序中打印..........................4-2指定打印首选项...........................4-6对于Windows98/Me.......................4-6从应用程序中打开[文档属性]对话框..............4-6从[打印机]文件夹中打开[打印机属性]对话框.........4-8对于Windows2000/XP/Server2003.................4-10从应用程序中打开[文档属性]对话框..............4-10从[打印机和传真]或[打印机]文件夹中打开[文档属性]对话框............................4-12从[打印机和传真]或[打印机]文件夹中打开[打印机属性]对话框............................4-14取消、暂停和恢复打印........................4-16使用打印功能............................4-18打印机驱动程序中的选项卡.....................4-18 [页面设置]选项卡.......................4-19[完成方式]选项卡.......................4-21[纸张来源]选项卡.......................4-22[质量]选项卡.........................4-23[常规]选项卡.........................4-25[详细信息]选项卡(仅限于Windows98/Me)..........4-25[共享]选项卡.........................4-26[端口]选项卡(仅限于Windows2000/XP/Server2003)......4-26[高级]选项卡(仅限于Windows2000/XP/Server2003)......4-27 iv[颜色管理]选项卡(仅限于Windows2000/XP/Server2003)...4-27[安全]选项卡(仅限于Windows2000/XP/Server2003).....4-28[配置]/[设备设置]选项卡..................4-28[配置文件]选项卡(仅限于Windows2000/XP/Server2003)...4-29预览...............................4-31在一张纸上打印多页........................4-32缩放打印机输出..........................4-34自动缩放文档.........................4-34手动缩放文档.........................4-35打印海报.............................4-36指定自定义纸张尺寸(非标准纸张).................4-38指定完成方法...........................4-39指定打印质量...........................4-41灰度设置.............................4-43使用配置文件...........................4-44添加配置文件.........................4-45编辑/删除配置文件......................4-47编辑打印作业...........................4-48查看打印机设置/恢复默认设置..................4-50查看打印机设置........................4-50恢复默认设置.........................4-51打印机状态窗口...........................4-52使用打印机状态窗口........................4-52显示打印机状态窗口........................4-54选项菜单.............................4-55设置首选项..........................4-55[清洁]............................4-56[更新]............................4-57 [解决错误]............................4-57使用打印服务器时显示打印机状态..................4-57第5章日常维护更换硒鼓...............................5-2更换硒鼓前............................5-2更换硒鼓.............................5-7清洁...............................5-13操作硒鼓的注意事项........................5-15存放硒鼓.............................5-17清洁打印机外部...........................5-18搬运打印机.............................5-20搬运打印机............................5-21操作打印机.............................5-25操作打印机的注意事项.......................5-25存放打印机的注意事项.......................5-26v第6章故障排除故障排除流程图...........................6-2卡纸................................6-3维修要求..............................6-17出现定影单元错误时........................6-18出现扫描仪错误或服务错误时....................6-19打印质量问题............................6-21纸张问题..............................6-24在打印出一片空白时.........................6-25安装问题..............................6-26卸载失败时............................6-27卸载USB类驱动程序.......................6-29本地安装时的问题.........................6-32安装共享打印机时的问题......................6-33其它问题..............................6-34第7章附录规格................................7-2硬件规格.............................7-2软件规格.............................7-3打印机尺寸.............................7-4可选附件..............................7-5网络适配器............................7-5 Windows防火墙...........................7-7将Windows防火墙配置为允许与客户机之间的通信..........7-7将Windows防火墙配置为禁止与客户机之间的通信..........7-9索引................................7-11查找序列号.............................7-15 vivii衷心感谢您购买Canon LASER SHOT LBP2900产品。

IRD2900简单操作手册王富兵目录1设置IP (2)2登录 (2)3选项 (2)1)status (2)2)Receiver选项 (2)3)Stream选项 (3)4)Service选项 (4)5)Video和audio (5)6)Data选项 (5)7)Ca选项 (6)8)Unit 选项 (6)9)Preset 选项 (7)1设置IP从前面板查看卫星接收机的网管IP地址:enter 1-2-8-3屏幕的右上角会显示这是第几级目录2登录用IE打开从上面的方法查看到的IP地址输入用户名和密码:ird和ird会出现如下图3选项1)status显示的是一般的状态2)Receiver选项为卫星接收选项,不能通过IE来修改,必须从卫星接收机的前面板上来修改方法:enter 1-2-1之后一项一项修改就可以了3)Stream选项为输出流选项,它的第一二项不用修改,第三项只选择想要输出的节目其余的都不选择。
PID SELECT选项卡里的内容只能查看不能修改如果要修改要从前面板改方法:enter 1-2-3-4 注意:pcr video的PID要想同且为01FF其它不用变5)Video和audio两个选项默认就可以不做改动6)Data选项如下图是修改IP数据端口(注意这个地方不是网管的IP地址,这个没大用)和输出组播地址的,不能从IE里改只能从前面板里改;修改输出组播IP :Enter 1-2-6-1-77)Ca选项是不用改动的。
要想知道卡是否支持请从前面板里查看方法:enter 1-2-7-1-1或28)Unit 选项不用做改动,这里面有个选项卡ETHERNET这个是查看网管IP的地方。

保修........................................................... 2 重要安全说明 ............................................ 3 一般安全预防措施..................................... 4 对说明的简介 ............................................ 5 面板布局 ................................................... 6 介绍 GL2900 ......................................... 8 安装调音台.............................................. 10 连接电源 ................................................. 11 音频连接 ................................................. 13 调音台接口.............................................. 14 单声输入通道 .......................................... 16 立体声输入通道 ...................................... 18 立体声返回通道…………………………… 分组/辅助主控制 ..................................... 19 静音,辅助 9-10, 左右主控制 ................. 20 12x4 矩阵 ................................................ 21 2 轨重放与调音台监听............................. 对讲与信号发生器................................... 22 应用与操作提示 ...................................... 23 参数......................................................... 32 系统模块图.............................................. 34 用户选项 ................................................. 35 标记页 ..................................................... 38
Dell PowerEdge 2900 系统 硬件用户手册说明书

Dell™ PowerEdge™ 2900系统硬件用户手册w w w.d e l l.c o m|s u p p o r t.d e l l.c o m注、注意和警告注:注表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。
©2005Dell Inc.版权所有,翻印必究。
未经 Dell Inc.书面许可,严禁以任何形式进行复制。
本文中使用的商标:Dell、DELL 徽标、Inspiron、Dell Precision、Dimension、OptiPlex、Latitude、PowerEdge、PowerVault、PowerApp、PowerConnect、XPS和Dell OpenManage是 Dell Inc. 的商标;Intel、Pentium、Xeon和Celeron是 Intel Corporation 的注册商标;Microsoft 和Windows是 Microsoft Corporation 的注册商标;EMC是 EMC Corporation 的注册商标。
Dell Inc. 对其它公司的商标和产品名称不拥有任何所有权。
2005 年 12 月P/N YC468 修订版A00目录1关于系统系统方位 (10)您可能需要的其它信息 (10)在系统启动过程中访问系统配置 (11)前面板部件和指示灯 (12)硬盘驱动器指示灯代码 (14)背面板部件和指示灯 (15)连接外部设备 (16)电源指示灯代码 (16)NIC 指示灯代码 (17)LCD 状态信息 (18)解决 LCD 状态信息描述的问题 (24)删除 LCD 状态信息 (24)系统信息 (24)警告信息 (32)诊断程序信息 (32)警报信息 (32)2使用系统设置程序进入系统设置程序 (33)响应错误信息 (33)使用系统设置程序 (33)系统设置程序选项 (34)主屏幕 (34)CPU 信息屏幕 (36)“Integrated Devices”(集成设备)屏幕 (37)串行通信屏幕 (38)系统安全保护屏幕 (39)目录3“Exit”(退出)屏幕 (40)系统密码和设置密码功能 (40)使用系统密码 (41)使用设置密码 (42)禁用已忘记的密码 (43)底板管理控制器配置 (43)进入 BMC 设置模块 (44)“BMC Setup Module”(BMC 设置模块)选项 (44)3安装系统组件建议使用的工具 (45)打开及合上主机盖 (46)卸下挡板 (46)卸下外围设备托架面板(仅适用于塔式) (48)安装外围设备托架面板(仅适用于塔式) (49)安装挡板 (49)打开主机盖 (49)合上主机盖 (50)热插拔硬盘驱动器 (51)开始之前 (51)卸下驱动器挡片 (52)安装驱动器挡片 (52)卸下热插拔硬盘驱动器 (52)安装热插拔硬盘驱动器 (52)更换硬盘驱动器托盘 (54)从驱动器托盘中卸下硬盘驱动器 (54)将 SAS 硬盘驱动器安装到 SATAu 驱动器托盘中 (54)将 SATA 硬盘驱动器安装到 SATA 驱动器托盘中 (56)将 SATA 硬盘驱动器和插入器卡安装到 SATAu 硬盘驱动器托盘中..57电源设备 (59)卸下电源设备 (59)安装电源设备 (61)卸下电源设备挡片 (61)安装电源设备挡片 (61)4目录风扇 (61)卸下和安装风扇 (63)卸下或安装冷却导流罩风扇 (64)扩充卡 (66)安装扩充卡 (67)卸下扩充卡 (68)内部 SCSI 磁带备份装置 (68)卸下内部 SCSI 磁带备份装置 (68)安装内部 SCSI 磁带备份装置 (70)光盘驱动器 (71)卸下光盘驱动器 (71)安装光盘驱动器 (71)“Diskette Drive”(软盘驱动器) (72)卸下软盘驱动器 (72)将软盘驱动器安装到驱动器托盘中 (74)安装软盘驱动器 (75)系统电池 (76)更换系统电池 (76)冷却导流罩 (77)卸下冷却导流罩 (77)安装冷却导流罩 (78)风扇支架 (79)卸下中央风扇支架 (79)装回中央风扇支架 (79)卸下后部风扇支架 (79)装回后部风扇支架 (80)内存 (80)一般内存模块安装原则 (81)非优化的内存配置 (82)内存备用支持 (82)内存镜像支持 (82)安装内存模块 (83)卸下内存模块 (84)安装 RAC 卡 (85)启用集成 NIC TOE (86)目录5微处理器 (86)更换处理器 (86)1x8 SAS 背板 (89)卸下 1x8 SAS 背板 (89)安装 1x8 SAS 背板 (90)可选 1x2 可更换托架驱动器支架 (90)卸下 1x2 可更换托架驱动器支架 (90)安装 1x2 可更换托架驱动器支架 (91)SAS 控制器子卡 (92)更换 SAS RAID 控制器子卡电池 (92)卸下 SAS 控制器子卡 (94)安装 SAS 控制器子卡 (95)SAS 背板的布线 (95)电缆要求 (95)(非 RAID)SAS 控制器的布线 (95)SAS RAID 控制器的布线 (97)配置引导驱动器 (101)控制面板部件(仅提供服务的过程) (101)卸下控制面板部件 (101)安装控制面板部件 (103)系统板(仅提供服务的过程) (103)卸下系统板 (103)安装系统板 (106)配电板(仅提供服务的过程) (107)卸下配电板 (107)安装配电板 (109)4排除系统故障安全第一 — 为您和您的系统着想 (111)启动例行程序 (111)检查设备 (112)排除 IRQ 分配冲突故障 (112)排除外部连接故障 (112)6目录排除视频子系统故障 (113)排除键盘故障 (113)排除鼠标故障 (114)排除基本 I/O 功能故障 (114)排除串行 I/O 设备故障 (115)排除 USB 设备故障 (115)排除 NIC 故障 (116)排除受潮系统的故障 (116)排除受损系统的故障 (117)排除系统电池故障 (118)排除电源设备故障 (118)排除系统冷却故障 (119)排除风扇故障 (119)排除系统内存故障 (120)排除软盘驱动器故障 (121)排除光盘驱动器故障 (123)排除外部 SCSI 磁带驱动器的故障 (124)排除硬盘驱动器故障 (125)排除 SAS 或 SAS RAID 控制器子卡故障 (126)排除扩充卡故障 (127)排除微处理器故障 (128)5运行系统诊断程序使用服务器管理员诊断程序 (131)系统诊断程序功能 (131)何时使用系统诊断程序 (131)运行系统诊断程序 (132)系统诊断程序检测选项 (132)使用自定义检测选项 (132)目录7选择要检测的设备 (132)选择诊断程序选项 (133)查看信息和结果 (133)6跳线和连接器系统板跳线 (135)系统板连接器 (137)SAS 背板连接器 (139)禁用已忘记的密码 (141)7获得帮助技术帮助 (143)在线服务 (143)自动技术支持服务 (144)订单状态自动查询服务 (144)技术支持服务 (144)Dell 企业培训与认证 (145)订购时遇到的问题 (145)产品信息 (145)退回项目以要求保修或信用退回 (145)致电之前 (145)与 Dell 联络 (147)词汇表 (165)索引 (171)8目录关于系统本节介绍物理、固件和软件接口部件,它们提供了系统的必备功能,确保系统能够正常运行。

4.2 兼容CB920 通讯协议:4.2.1连续方式(CONT)在本通讯格式中,当称重终端处于正常称重状态及配料工作状态时,PL Y600X将自动的连续串行输出实时的重量数据(格式见“实时重量输出格式”),每个配料循环完成后,PL Y600X将自动输出配料资料(格式见“配料资料输出格式”)。
4.2.2指令方式(PROG)当PL Y600X完成一次配料后,PL Y600X通过串行接口送出一条信息“<END> <CR> <LF>”(ASCII码为05,0D,0A),若PL Y600X接收到“<ACK> <CR> <LF>”(ASCII码为06,0D,0A),则PL Y600X输出配料资料(格式见“配料资料输出格式”),次数不限,在下一次生产启动后,该次配料数据被取消;在正常称重及配料过程中,实时的重量数据可通过使用指令“<READ><CR><LF>”输出(数据格式见“实时重量输出格式”)。
4.2.3自动方式(AUTO)在正常称重及配料过程中,实时的重量数据通过输入指令“<READ><CR><LF>”读出(PL Y600X输出的数据格式见“实时重量输出格式”);每个配料周期完成后,PL Y600X自动输出配料资料(格式见“配料资料输出格式”)。
Cisco 2900 Series Router Datasheet说明书

Overview (2)Appearance (2)Key Features and Benefits (3)Modularity Features and Benefits (4)Product Specifications (6)Basic Ordering Information (11)Additional Information (14)Where to Buy (14)Sources (14)Email:***********************(SalesInquiries)******************************(CCIETechnicalSupport) 1OVERVIEWCisco 2900 Series builds on the best-in-class offering of the existing Cisco 2800 Series Integrated Services Routers by offering four platforms (Figure 1): the Cisco 2901, 2911, 2921, and 2951 Integrated Services Routers.All Cisco 2900 Series Integrated Services Routers offer embedded hardware encryption acceleration, voice- and video-capable digital signal processor (DSP) slots, optional firewall, intrusion prevention, call processing, voicemail, and application services. In addition, the platforms support the industries widest range of wired and wireless connectivity options such as T1/E1, T3/E3, xDSL, copper and fiber GE.APPEARANCEFigure 1. Cisco 2900 Integrated Services Router 2Service integration• The Cisco 2900 Series ISRs offer increased levels of services integration with voice, video, security, wireless, mobility, and data services, enabling greater efficiencies and cost savings.Services on demand• A single Cisco IOS® Software Universal image is installed on each ISR G2. The Universal image containsall of the Cisco IOS technology sets which can be activated with a software license. This allows your business to quickly deploy advanced features without downloading a new IOS image. Additionally, larger default memory is included to support the new capabilities.• The Cisco Services Ready Engine (SRE) enables a new operational model which allows you to reduce capital expenditures (CapEx) and deploy a variety of application services as needed on a single integrated compute services module.High performance with integrated services• The Cisco 2900 Series enables deployment in high speed WAN environments with concurrent services enabled up to 75 Mbps.• A multigigabit fabric (MGF) enables high-bandwidth module-to-module communication without compromising routing performance.Network agility• Designed to address customer business requirements, the Cisco 2900 Series modular architecture offers increased capacity and performance as your network needs grow.• Modular interfaces offer increased bandwidth, a diversity of connection options, and network resiliency.Energy efficiency• The Cisco 2900 Series architecture provides energy-saving features that include the following:◦ The Cisco 2900 Series offers intelligent power management and allows the customer to control power to the modules based on the time of day. Cisco EnergyWise technology will be supported in the future.◦ Services integration and modularity on a single platform performing multiple functions, optimizes raw materials consumption and energy usage.◦ Platform flexibility and ongoing development of both hardware and software capabilities lead to a longer product lifecycle, lowering all aspects of the total cost of ownership, including materials and energy use. 3◦ High efficiency power supplies are provided with each platform.Investment protection• The Cisco 2900 Series maximizes investment protection:◦Reuse of a broad array of existing modules supported on the original Integrated Services Routers provides a lower cost of ownership.◦ A rich set of Cisco IOS Software features carried forward from the original Integrated Services Routers and delivered in a single universal image.◦Flexibility to adapt as your business needs evolve. 4 5 678910111213Cisco ISR 4451-X vs. ISR 3900 vs. ISR 2900 vs. ISR 1900Guide to Upgrade Your ISR G1 and ISR G2 Routers to ISR 4000Want to buy this series of products? please contact:● Tel: +1-626-239-8066 (USA)/ +852-3050-1066 / +852-3174-6166● Fax: +852-3050-1066 (Hong Kong)● Email:***********************(SalesInquiries)Or visit: Cisco ISR 2900 Series RoutersAbout us, founded in 2002, is one of the biggest Global Network Hardware Supplier. We are a leading provider of network products with 14,500+ customers in over 200 countries. We provide original new and used network equipments (Cisco, Huawei, HPE, Dell, Hikvision, Juniper, EMC, etc.), including Routers, Switches, Servers, Storage, Telepresence and Videoconferencing, IP Phones, Firewalls, Wireless APs & Controllers, EHWIC/HWIC/VWIC Cards, SFPs, Memory & Flash, Hard Disk, Cables, and all kinds of network solutions related products.https:///c/en/us/products/collateral/routers/2900-series-integrated-services-routers-isr/data_sheet_c78_553896.html14。
Laversab 2900 用户手册说明书

MODEL 2900USER'S MANUALLAVERSAB INC.,10618 ROCKLEY RD.HOUSTON, TEXAS 77099.(281) 568 8394FAX: (281) 568 8399 Email:******************** Document Number : 9065Date: Dec. 15, 2006WARRANTYLaversab Inc., warrants its products to conform to or exceed the specifications as set forth in its catalogs in use at the time of sale and reserves the right, at its own discretion, without notice and without making similar changes in articles previously manufactured, to make changes in materials, designs, finish, or specifications. Laversab Inc. warrants products of its own factory against defects of material or workmanship for a period of one year from date of sale.Liability of Laversab Inc. under this warranty shall be limited to replacing, free of charge (FOB Houston, Texas), any such parts proving defective within the period of this warranty, but Laversab Inc. will not be responsible for transportation charges, consequential or incidental damages. No liability is assumed by Laversab for damages that are caused by misuse or abuse of the product.The warranty of Laversab Inc. is not made for products manufactured by others which are illustrated and described in Laversab catalogs or incorporated in Laversab products in essentially the same form as supplied by the original manufacturer. Warranties of the original manufacturers supplant the warranty of Laversab Inc., but, in applicable instances, the latter agrees to use its best efforts to have original suppliers make good their warranties.iCOPYRIGHT NOTICECopyright (c) 2006 by Laversab Inc. All rights reserved. The content of this manual may not be reproduced in any form by any means, in part or in whole, without the prior written permission of Laversab Inc.DISCLAIMERNo representations or warranties are made with respect to the contents of this user's manual. Further, Laversab Inc. reserves the right to revise this manual and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation to notify any person of such revision.REVISION HISTORYDocument No. Release Date Description 9065 12/15/2006 2900 User’s ManualWARNINGTHE 2900 USES LINE VOLTAGES FOR ITS OPERATION WHICH ARE POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS. IMPROPER OPERATION OF THIS EQUIPMENT MAY RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY OR LOSS OF LIFE. HENCE THE EQUIPMENT DESCRIBED IN THIS MANUAL SHOULD BE OPERATED ONLY BY PERSONNEL TRAINED IN PROCEDURES THAT WILL ASSURE SAFETY TO THEMSELVES, TO OTHERS AND TO THE EQUIPMENT.BEFORE PERFORMING ANY MAINTENANCE, TURN THE POWER OFF AND DISCONNECT THE POWER CORD FROM THE POWER SOURCE.TABLE OF CONTENTSWarranty (i)Copyright notice, disclaimer (ii)Revision History (iii)Warning (iv)Section 1: Introduction (1)Section 2: Safety (3)Section 3: Installation (5)3.1 Loading Software (5)3.2 Mounting the 2900 (5)3.3 Connections to the 2900 (7)3.3.1Non-hazardous locations (7)3.3.2Hazardous locations (7)Section 4: Typical Use (10)Section 5: Removal (12)Section 6: Maintenance & Servicing (13)Appendix A: External Connections in Hazardous Locations (14)Appendix B: Drawings : Cables for Non-Hazardous Locations (21)Appendix C: Repair and Return Policies (23)SECTION 1INTRODUCTIONThe model 2900 Industrial computer is a PC-compatible computer that is specifically designed for use in hazardous locations that are classified as Class I Division 1, groups C and D. Typical applications include rig-floor monitoring and use in chemical plants. The rugged yet compact design of the 2900 makes it easy to install and remove off rig-floors and makes it suitable for use under all weather conditions. The 2900 is shown if Figure 1.1Features:•Celeron-M @ 600 MHz CPU•15.0” TFT Color Ultra-Hibrite sunlight readable display with 1024 x 768 resolution •Auto-dimming of display brightness based on ambient light•Intrinsically safe fully sealed keyboard and mouse, CSA C22.2 No. 157-92 certified for use in Class I division 1 locations Groups C and D, temp code T4 •512 Mbyte System RAM• 2.5” 40 Gbyte Hard drive• 4 Gbyte solid state drive (optional)•110/220 VAC 50/60Hz nominal operating voltage•Two RS232 serial ports, barrier protected (optional)•One Ethernet port, barrier protected•One external USB 1.1 port, barrier protected•Internal heaters operating on 110/220 VAC allow operation between –20o C and +50o C•Total weight of 45 lbs makes it easily portable•Dimensions of 16.0” wide, 16.0” high and 5.0” deep provide a small form factor •Explosion-proof sealed enclosure CSA C22.2 No. 30-M1986 certified for use in Class I Division 1 locations Groups C and D, Temp code T6.Figure 1.1SECTION 2SAFETYThe following safety instructions must be followed to prevent possible hazards of fire, electrical shock and bodily harm.1. WARNING : The model 2900 must be connected to an appropriate power source,end user should provide a Class I division 1 Groups C and D rated connector witha 20mm thread mounting, it must be capable of withstand a minimum of 432 PSIburst pressure; power cable must be Class I division 1 approved, it is required to run two separate wires from the unit to the earth ground rod, one will beconnected to the intrinsically safe ground while the other will be attached to theearth ground of the unit.2. WARNING: The unit must never be opened or left open in a hazardous location.The rear panel must be completely fastened with a torque of 16 to 17 Ft-lb (21.7 to23 Nm) measured at every bolt before the unit is introduced into a hazardouslocation.3. WARNING: Do not install or operate this unit in an area where the temperatureis outside the limits indicated on the information label of the unit.4. WARNING: Only the provided KBM-IS keyboard/mouse assembly can beconnected to the main unit, the use of any other device is strictly prohibited.6. WARNING: All connections made to the unit must strictly adhere to the rules setforth in Section 3.3 of this manual.7. WARNING: There are no user-serviceable components inside this unit. The unitmust not be opened to repair or replace any components. If components arerepaired or replaced by the user, the unit may no longer be suitable for use inhazardous locations and may become an explosion hazard.8. WARNING: The Model 2900 is suitable for use in Class I Division 1 (Groups Cand D) hazardous locations and non-hazardous locations only.9. CAUTION: Do not cover or obstruct the slots and fins on the back heat sink in amanner that would restrict air flow between the slots or across the fins.10. CAUTION: Do not install the unit in an unstable manner that could cause it to tipover.11. CAUTION: Follow all instructions and warnings marked on the unit and alsothose included in this manual.Approvals:The Model 2900 conforms to the following standards:CSA C22.2 No 142-M1987CSA C22.2 No. 30-M1986The Model KBM-IS keyboard/mouse module conforms to the following standards CSA C22.2 No 142-M1987CSA C22.2 No. 157-92SECTION 3INSTALLATIONThe installation process consists ofa.Loading the application software onto the 2900b.Mounting the 2900 on-site using an appropriate mounting bracket.c.Making the connections to the 29003.1Loading softwareThe 2900 is provided with a Windows operating system that is pre-installed with the network enabled. All software must be loaded through the network port on the rear panel of the unit. It is not necessary to open the unit to load the software.If software modifications require that the unit be opened to have access to internal connectors, this must be done at the Laversab facility. If the unit is opened by the user then it may severely impair the hazardous location classification of the unit.3.2Mounting the 2900A suitable mounting bracket may be fabricated by the user based on the user’s mounting requirements. Figure 3.1 shows a suggested mounting bracket for mounting the 2900 on a pipe stand. The mounting bracket should be fastened to the four mounting studs provided on the rear panel of the unit. The studs are ¾ inch in length with a thread size of 5/16 – 18.WARNING: The mounting bracket should not cover any of the markings and warnings on the rear panel of the 2900.WARNING: The mounting bracket should not restrict air-flow between the fins of the back heat-sink.CAUTION: The mounting bracket should not cover the photo-resistor lens on the front of the 2900.3.3Connections to the 2900The 2900 requires the installation of a power connector prior to its use, this connector must be a Class I division 1 Groups C and D rated capable of withstand a minimum of 432 PSI of burst pressure, it should be mounted on the 20mm threaded opening and it must be tighten to a torque between 20 to 21 Ft-lb (27 to 28.5 Nm).There is a significant difference on how connections may be made to the 2900 based on whether the location of use is hazardous or non-hazardous.3.3.1Non-hazardous locationsThe unit is provided with two external cables.1.“USB” adapter cable2.“LAN” cableWARNING:All the above cables are for use in non-hazardous locations only. Using these cables in hazardous locations may impair the hazardous location classification of the unit.The LAN cable is terminated in a standard RJ-45 plug which must be connected to any10/100 M-bit Ethernet LAN device that adheres to the IEEE 802.3 standard.The USB cable is terminated in a standard USB-A socket which will accept any standard USB device; due to the safety barriers the USB can only support full speed standard (USB 1.1) and they are current limited, it is recommended to use externally powered devices when possible.The drawings and pin-outs of these cables is provided in Appendix B.There is a third connector to be used with the provided KBM-IS keyboard/mouse module.WARNING: Only the provided KBM-IS keyboard/mouse module can be connected to the main unit, the use of any other device is strictly prohibited.3.3.2Hazardous locationsThe user is required to provide all the external cables for use in hazardous locations. The cabling and connection methods and restrictions are detailed below. The Control Drawing for all connections to the 2900 is shown in Figure A-1.1. Power cable:WARNING: The power cord must be Class I Division 1 groups C and D rated, with a Class I Division 1 Groups C and D connector end, this connector will mate with the one installed in the unit, cable and connector must have minimum of four lines. WARNING: It is required to have two separate lines going to the earth ground rod, one will be connected to the intrinsically safe ground while the second one will be attached to the unit’s earth ground.2. LAN cableThe pin-out for the LAN connector on the rear panel of the 2900 is provided in Appendix A. The mating connector is also listed in Appendix A.WARNING: The LAN cable may only be terminated into a 10/100 M-bit Ethernet LAN device that adheres to the IEEE 802.3 standard and is barrier-protected by Laversab Model BP-1000 Barrier Module. The Control Drawing for this connection is shown in Figure A-1A shielded CAT-5 cable may be used to provide this connection to the 2900. Although no special cable protection is required in a hazardous location, it is recommended that the LAN cable be run in the same rigid conduit used for the DC Power cable.3. COM1, COM2The pin-out for the COM1, COM2 connector on the rear panel of the 2900 is provided in Appendix A. The mating connector is also listed in Appendix A.WARNING: The COM1, COM2 cable may only be terminated into a connection that adheres to the EIA RS-232C standard and is barrier protected by the Laversab Model BP-1000 Barrier Module. The Control Drawing for this connection is shown in Figure A-1.WARNING:Do not connect or disconnect the COM1, COM2 connector when the circuits are energized.SECTION 4TYPICAL USEAfter the 2900 has been installed per the instructions provided in Section 3 of this manual, the unit may be turned ON for operation, the 2900 does not provide an On/Off switch or any other way of removing power to the unit, the end user should make any provisions for a remote switch in the safe area.If the ambient temperature is below 5o C then the 2900 may not boot up immediately. The internal heaters and fans will start operating and attempt to bring the temperature inside the 2900 above 5o C. While this process is on-going, there will be a signal send to the front LED to indicate that the heaters are operating. The heaters may operate for up to 30 minutes before the internal temperature rises above 5o C, at which point the computer section of the 2900 will boot up, as the unit keeps warming the heaters may go off and after a period of time turn back on, this is completely normal and expected to happen in very cold environments.When the computer section of the 2900 is starting to boot up, the backlight on the display will turn on and the display will be completely white for a period of about 2 to 5 seconds. Thereafter, the boot-up screen will be displayed and normal operation will start, the display’s backlight are design to deliver a very high intensity, they are therefore controlled to provide only the necessary amount of light needed according to the environmental conditions, this is achieved through a photo-resistor installed at the front of the unit, this photo-resistor must be kept un-obstructed and clean during normal operation.The 2900 comes with preloaded O.S., during normal use the application software will communicate through the LAN and/or the Serial ports and show the necessary information on the display. The keyboard and the mouse on the provided KBM-IS module are the only input devices used.The mouse on the KBM-IS is configured such that the circular button in the center is the cursor movement button, and the two buttons on either side of it are the left and right click keys. The circular button is pressure sensitive. The harder it is pressed, the faster is the cursor movement.WARNING: Only the provided KBM-IS keyboard/mouse module can be connected to the main unit, the use of any other device is strictly prohibited.WARNING: During normal operation the user must not alter any of the connections to the 2900, including the KBM-IS connection. Before altering (connecting or disconnecting) any connection,the unit must be turned OFF so that all internal circuits are de-energized. Failure to do so may create an explosion hazard.REMOVALWhile removing (de-installing) the 2900 from normal operation, follow the sequence shown below:WARNING: Do not disconnect ANY connectors while circuits are energized.1.Turn OFF the AC POWER going to the 2900.2.Turn OFF the devices in the non-hazardous area that provide the LAN and RS232interfaces to the 2900.3.Disconnect the AC POWER INPUT connector from the 29004.Disconnect the LAN connector5.Disconnect the COM1, COM2.6.Remove the 2900 from its mounting stand and move it out of the hazardouslocation.WARNING: Not following the above sequence may induce an explosion hazardMAINTENANCE & SERVICING6.1MAINTENANCEThe only regular maintenance required on the 2900 is:a.Clean the display protective Lexan with water or any commercial window cleaner,using a clean, soft, lint-free cloth. Care must be taken not to scratch the screenprotective Lexan during the cleaning process. Do not use any abrasive substance, or any organic solvents.b.Clean the photo-resistor lens in the same manner as described in ‘a.’ above.c.Clean the back heat-sink to remove all dirt and foreign objects that may be stuckbetween the fins of the heat-sink.WARNING: Do NOT pressure-wash the 2900.6.2SERVICINGCAUTION: Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose off used batteries in the prescribed manner.WARNING: Substitution of components is strictly prohibitedWARNING: The Model 2900 does not contain any user-serviceable or user-replaceable components. The 2900 must not be opened by the user in an attempt to repair or service the unit. Doing so may severely impair the hazardous location classification of the unit. All repairs and servicing of the unit can only be performed at the Laversab facility.APPENDIX AEXTERNAL CONNECTIONS IN HAZARDOUS LOCATIONSThe external connectors, pin-outs and connection details shown below reference the Control Drawing shown in Figure A-1. Connectors picture shown in Figure A2.“A” : USB Connector on 2900Connector type : ITT Cannon KPT02A8-4SMating connector “J” : ITT Cannon KPT06J8-4PPin-out:Pin # SignalA D-B D+C GNDD +5V“B” : LAN Connector on 2900Connector type : ITT Cannon KPT02A12-8SMating connector “K” : ITT Cannon KPT08B12-8PPin-out:Pin # SignalA TD+B TD-C RD-D RD+E N.C.F N.C.G N.C.H N.C.“C” : COM1, COM2 Connector on 2900Connector type : ITT Cannon KPT02A14-19SMating connector “L” : ITT Cannon KPT06J14-19PPin-out:Pin # SignalA RX (COM2)B N.C.C N.C.D N.C.E N.C.F N.C.G RX (COM1)H TX (COM1)J GND (COM1)K N.C.L N.C.M N.C.N TX (COM2)P GND (COM2)R N.C.S N.C.T N.C.U N.C.V N.C.“D” : Keyboard/mouse Connector on 2900 (Reference only)Connector type : ITT Cannon KPT02A12-10SMating connector : ONLY THE PROVIDED KBM-IS CAN BE CONNECTED.Pin-out:Pin # SignalA CLK (KBD)B DATA (KBD)C GND (KBD)D +5 volts (KBD)E CLK (MOUSE)F DATA (MOUSE)G N.C.H I.S. GNDJ N.C.K N.C.“E” : USB connectors in non-hazardous location Connector type : Standard USB-A socketMating connector : Standard USB-A plug.Pin-out:Pin # Signal1 +5V2 D-3 D+4 GND“F,G” : RS232 connectors in non-hazardous location Connector type : Standard DB-9 maleMating connector : Standard DB-9 femalePin-out:Pin # Signal1 N.C.2 RX3 TX4 N.C.5 GND6 N.C.7 N.C.8 N.C.9 N.C.“H” : LAN connector in non-hazardous location Connector type : Standard RJ-45 plugMating connector : Standard RJ-45 socketPin-out:Pin # Signal1 TD +2 TD -3 RD +4 N.C.5 N.C.6 RD -7 N.C.8 N.C.Figure A-2APPENDIX BCABLES FOR NON-HAZARDOUS LOCATIONSThree cables are provided with the 2800 for use in non-hazardous locations only.1, COM2 cable. Please refer to Figure B-1N cable. Please refer to Figure B-1B cable. Please refer to figure B-1Figure B-1APPENDIX CREPAIR AND RETURN POLICIESIf it is determined that the product is defective, please call Laversab customer service department:(281)5688394ore-mail<********************>forfurtherassistance.Before shipping any equipment to Laversab for repair, please call the customer service department at (281) 568 8394 or e-mail to <********************>.Please include a description of the problem that has been identified when returning defective equipment.Ship equipment to :LAVERSAB, INC.10618 Rockley Rd.Houston, Texas 77099U.S.A.。
Catalyst 2900系列交换机

思科交换产品LAN Sw itchesCatalyst E xpr ess 500 系列交换机Catalyst 6500系列交换机Catalyst 4900系列交换机Catalyst 4500 系列交换机Catalyst 3750 系列交换机Catalyst 3560 系列交换机Catalyst 2950 系列交换机Catalyst 2960 系列交换机Catalyst 2940 系列交换机Catalyst 2900 系列交换机Metro E thernet Sw itchesCisco ME 2400系列以太网接入交换机Cisco ME 3400系列以太网接入交换机W AN Sw itchesMGX Sw itchesMGX 8850 系列IP+ATM多服务交换机Other WA N Sw itching ProductsIGX 8400 系列交换机已停产的产品系列Catalyst 2900 系列XL交换机Catalyst 3500 系列XL交换机Catalyst 3550 系列交换机Catalyst 5000 系列交换机产品周期终止声明(E OS)Catalyst 2950G和Catalyst 2950T系列交换机Catalyst 2970系列交换机Catalyst 2900系列交换机Cisco的独立式Catalyst 2900系列交换机提供10/100自适应和自动协商接口,为配线间提供企业级高速配置灵活性。
Catalyst 2900系列对于那些希望保护10BaseT和100BaseTX连接投资的以太网工作组和个人用户非常理想,无需替换配线间网络设备。
适用场合适用场合当客户需要以下这些特性时Catalyst 2926 ∙高密度10/100自适应、自动配置交换∙高端企业特性(Catalyst 5000系列软件和接口)∙Fast EtherChannel端口集合(800 Mbps)以及负荷平衡、故障检测和智能故障恢复Catalyst 2948G ∙当配线间需要多媒体服务时,提供集线器和老式交换机的替代∙连接各个桌面的最低成本中档交换型10/100/1000以太网∙线速、无阻塞性能及大型MTBF可靠性∙在配线间和数据中心提供成熟/行之有效的Catalyst软件兼容性∙端到端VLAN、EtherChannel、多路传输和安全性关键特性∙增强的交换端口分析器(SPAN)功能性能使用户镜象任何端口或VLAN上的流量。

进口压力:0.2Mpa—0.6Mpa工作温度:2℃--50℃出水硬度:≤0.03 mmoI/L使用电源:220V/50Hz AC布置形式:单罐或多罐并联再生方式:顺流再生或逆流再生操作程序:自动程序控制使用树脂:001×7强酸性阳离子交换树脂我公司将为用户提供完善的技术服务。
硬水进入控制阀后经过:控制阀 中心升降管向下 通过底部的布水器 经过树脂层向上 最后通过控制阀排水口排出硬水进入控制阀后,向上进入注水器,然后通过射流过程将盐罐中的还原剂吸入,带还原剂的水流向下经过树脂层进入布水器和升降管,再通过控制阀排水口排出。

BC2900通信协议操作说明附录 A 通信本分析仪提供四种通信协议,根据外部计算机上安装的数据管理软件可接收的样本编号位数进行匹配。
8ID和10ID通信协议差异在于,10ID 通信协议支持样本编号上限为10位,而8ID支持样本编号上限为8位,除此之外,协议其他部分还存在一些差异,具体差异内容将在后续章节进行介绍。
15ID和15ID+2通信协议差异在于,15ID+2通信协议支持传输P-LCR参数,而15ID 通信协议不支持,除此之外,协议其他部分完全兼容,用户可以根据自己的需求选择相应的通信协议进行通信操作。
BC-3000 Plus 通过RS-232 串行口,将样本数据和质控数据传送给外部计算机,通信可在样本分析结束后自动完成或由命令选项操作完成。
本章对通信参数的设置、RS-232 串行口连线方式、数据通信格式进行了介绍,为软件工程师编写通信程序提供详细资料,方便用户进行通信操作。
A.1分析仪和计算机的连接BC-3000 Plus 采用DB9连接器与外部计算机连接,DB9连接器针脚安排如图D-1所示。
各引脚说明:DCD:载波检测R XD:接收数据TXD:发送数据D TR:数据终端就绪G ND:信号地D SR:数据设备就绪R TS:请求发送C TS:清除发送R I:振铃指示BC-3000 Plus 通过串口2 和外部计算机通信(最大通信距离小于12米),需要接DB9连接器中的2、3、5 三根线来实现。
A.28ID通信协议和10ID通信协议A.2.1通信数据格式A.2.2通信说明编码[EN0x05Q]0x02[STX][EO0x04T]0x1A[EOF][ET0x03X][AC0x06K][NA0x15CK]"A" 0x41"B" 0x42"C" 0x43"#" 0x30-0x39"*" 0x2AA.2.3编程方法如果“握手”选项设置为“关”,BC-3000 Plus 将数据传送给外部计算机,不对外部计算机的回送信号进行响应。
FedEx Ship Manager Software 2900 安装指南说明书

• 2 GB RAM recommended (512 MB RAM minimum). • 2 GB disk space recommended (1 GB minimum). • LAN or DSL internet access recommended.* • 4X CD-ROM or higher. (CD-Writer recommended for Backup/
e is compatible with 64-bit operating systems.
• FedEx Ship Manager Software version 2900 or higher does not support Microsoft Windows® 2000.
Restore) • Microsoft® Internet Explorer® v. 6.0. • Available port if you are using a thermal printer. • Laser and/or inkjet printer for reports and labels. • Screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels recommended
(screen resolution of 800 x 600 pixels minimum). • Adobe® Reader 8.1 or higher.
Compatible Operating Systems
• Microsoft Windows® Server 2008, Microsoft® Windows 7® or Microsoft Windows Vista® (all editions), Microsoft® Windows® 8 and Windows® 8.1, Microsoft® Windows 8 Pro, Microsoft® Windows 8.1 Pro, Microsoft® Windows 8 Enterprise, Microsoft® Windows 8.1 Enterprise, Microsoft® Windows Server 2012 (Standard Edition), Microsoft® Windows Server 2012 R2 (Standard Edition).
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附录 A 通信本分析仪提供四种通信协议,根据外部计算机上安装的数据管理软件可接收的样本编号位数进行匹配。
BC-3000 Plus 通过RS-232 串行口,将样本数据和质控数据传送给外部计算机,通信可在样本分析结束后自动完成或由命令选项操作完成。
本章对通信参数的设置、RS-232 串行口连线方式、数据通信格式进行了介绍,为软件工程师编写通信程序提供详细资料,方便用户进行通信操作。
各引脚说明:DCD:载波检测RXD:接收数据TXD:发送数据DTR:数据终端就绪GND:信号地DSR:数据设备就绪RTS:请求发送CTS:清除发送RI:振铃指示BC-3000 Plus 通过串口2 和外部计算机通信(最大通信距离小于12米),需要接DB9连接器中的2、3、5 三根线来实现。
A.28ID通信协议和10ID通信协议A.2.1通信数据格式A.2.2通信说明编码[ENQ] 0x05[STX] 0x02[EOT] 0x04[EOF] 0x1A[ETX] 0x03[ACK] 0x06[NACK] 0x15"A" 0x41"B" 0x42"C" 0x43"#" 0x30-0x39"*" 0x2AA.2.3编程方法如果“握手”选项设置为“关”,BC-3000 Plus 将数据传送给外部计算机,不对外部计算机的回送信号进行响应。
如果“握手”选项设置为“开”,BC-3000 Plus 按以下步骤和外部计算机进行通信。
1.BC-3000 Plus 送数据ENQ(05 Hex),外部计算机响应后回送数据ACK(06 Hex),如4秒钟无回送数据ACK(06 Hex),BC-3000 Plus 再发送数据ENQ(05 Hex),如4秒钟再无回送数据ACK, BC-3000 Plus 放弃通信操作,给出通信故障报警。
2.外部计算机响应后回送数据必须为ACK(06 Hex), 如回送的为其它数据,BC-3000Plus 再次发送数据ENQ(最多发送两个ENQ)。
3.BC-3000 Plus 接着发送:4.数据块EOT(04 Hex)ETX (03 Hex)5.拆除连接BC-3000 Plus 送数据ETX (03 Hex)后,等外部计算机响应, 如4秒钟无回送数据,再次发送数据ETX(03 Hex),如4秒钟再无回送数据, 分析仪放弃通信操作,给出通信故障报警。
如外部计算机响应后回送数据为NACK(15 Hex),BC-3000 Plus 重新从步骤3发送数据,如BC-3000 Plus 收到的是ACK(06 Hex)、NACK(15 Hex)以外的数据,BC-3000 Plus 再次发送ETX(03 Hex)。
A.2.4样本数据格式如果选择握手[ENQ]如果不选择握手[STX]数据块开始数据块区分符“A”版本号##(此字段只在10ID协议中传输)###编号长度(此字段只在10ID协议中传输)###参数个数(此字段只在10ID协议中传输)参数格式描述个数##(此字段只在10ID协议中传输)编号########/########## (8ID协议传输8位/10ID协议传输10位)血样模式#Month ##Day ##Year ####Hour ##Minutes ##WBC[109/L] ###.#Lymph#[109/L] ###.#Mid#[109/L] ###.#Gran#[109/L] ###.#Lymph%[%] ##.#Mid%[%] ##.#Gran%[%] ##.#RBC[1012/L] #.##HGB[g/L] ###MCHC[g/L] ####MCV[fL] ###.#MCH[pg] ###.#RDW-CV[%] ##.#HCT[%] ##.#PLT[109/L] ####MPV[fL] ##.#PDW ##.#PCT[%] .###RDW-SD[fL] ###.#Reserved ############Rm #R1 #R2 #R3 #R4 #Pm #Pl #Ps #L1 Region ###L2 Region ###L3 Region ###L4 Region ###L5 Region ###L6 Region ###L7 Region ###L8 Region ###Reserved ################WBC Histo (256 channels) ###RBC Histo (256 channels) ###PLT Histo (256 channels) ###数据块结束如果选择握手[EOT]如果不选择握手[EOF]如果选择握手[ETX]在所有数据格式中,BC-3000 Plus 为“*”的数据,通信中对应传输“*”(2A Hex)。
A.2.5标准质控数据格式如果选择握手[ENQ]如果不选择握手[STX]数据块开始数据块区分符“B”文件编号#批号######有效期Month ##有效期Day ##有效期Year ####WBC[109/L] ###.#RBC[1012/L] #.##HGB[g/L] ###PLT[109/L] ####Lymph#[109/L] ###.#Lymph%[%] ##.#Gran#[109/L] ###.#Gran%[%] ##.#HCT[%] ##.#MCV[fL] ###.#MCH[pg] ###.#MCHC[g/L] ####WBC Limit[109/L] ###.#RBC Limit[1012/L] #.##HGB Limit[g/L] ###PLT Limit[109/L] ####Lymph# Limit[109/L] ###.#Lymph% Limit[%] ##.#Gran# Limit[109/L] ###.#Gran% Limit[%] ##.#HCT Limit[%] ##.#MCV Limit[fL] ###.#MCH Limit[pg] ###.#MCHC Limit[g/L] ####数据块结束如果选择握手[EOT]如果不选择握手[EOF]如果选择握手[ETX]在标准质控数据格式中,批号、Month、Day、Year在BC-3000 Plus 质控编辑中如无数据输入,通信中对应传输“*”(2A Hex)。
A.2.6运行质控数据格式如果选择握手[ENQ]如果不选择握手[STX]数据块开始数据块区分符“C”Month ##Day ##Year ####Hour ##Minutes ##WBC[109/L] ###.#RBC[1012/L] #.##HGB[g/L] ###PLT[109/L] ####Lymph#[109/L] ###.#Lymph%[%] ##.#Gran#[109/L] ###.#Gran%[%] ##.#HCT[%] ##.#MCV[fL] ###.#MCH[pg] ###.#MCHC[g/L] ####数据块结束如果选择握手[EOT]如果不选择握手[EOF]如果选择握手[ETX]A.315ID通信协议和15ID+2通信协议A.3.1协议结构协议数据包是协议传输的最小单元。
根据实际需要,按照5.5 打印与通信中的操作步骤设置通信参数。