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If I were you, I would have taken his advice then. 要是我是你,我那时就会听他的建议了。
(2) 连词if的省略
在书面语中,当虚拟条件从句中有were, had, should 时,可省略if,而将它们置于从句主语之前(这时从句 结构出现倒装)。例如: Were I still at school, I would work harder for my exams. Had we invited her, she would have come. 但如虚拟条件句为含有not的否定形式,省略if时,not 不能与助动词had, should或were同时提前。例如: Were I not late, I would be sitting in the front row now.
he would be too pleased to see him develop into such a handsome young man.
如果他的祖父还活着,他会非常高兴地看到他长成这么帅 的小伙了。
_______If_I__k_n_ew__F_r_e_n_c_h_, ___________,I would read the book in the original. 如果我会法语,我就 看这本书的原著了。
A more responsible person would not have done the work like that. (比较级)
To have been more careful, he couldn’t have made so many mistakes. (不定式)
Reading without thorough comprehension wouldn’t do you much good. (动名词)
Seen at a distance, the glass necklace might have passed for genuine diamond. (分词短语)
1.虚拟语气的概念 2. 虚拟语气用于非真实条件句 3. 虚拟语气在某些从句中的运用 4. 在某些句型中使用虚拟语气 5. 虚拟语气的一些其他用法
1. 虚拟语气的概念
如果句子表示的是与事实相反的主观设想或实现的可能 性极小的事态,或表示愿望、请求及建议等,那么句子 的谓语动词便用虚拟语气,其特点是谓语动词的形式 (时态)与实际意义不一致。例如: If you went on a diet now you would lose weight. 假如你现在节食,你就会减轻体重。(言下之意是你现 在并没有节食)
(3) 与将来事实相反
If it snowed heavily tomorrow, we would be able to make a snowman. 如果明天下大雪,我们就能做个雪人了。 If I should do the experiment, I would do it some other way. 要是我要做这个实验的话,我会用其他什么方法做。 If he should have enough money, he would buy it. 假如有足够的钱,他就会买下它。 If you were to take the job, you would become richer. 如果你接受这份工作的话,你会富起来的。
(2) 与过去事实相反
If he had arrived on time, he would have had the chance to see the famous scientist. 要是他准时到的话,他就有机会看到那个著名的科 学家了。
If you had studied hard, you would have passed the examination. 如果你当时刻苦学习的话,你就会通过考试了。 If he had acted on his father’s instructions, he wouldn’t have been in that position. 假如他听了父亲的教诲,他就不会落到那样的境地了。
2. 虚拟语气用于非真实条件句
2. 1 形式和用法
用于非真实条件句中,虚拟语气表示和客观 事实相或可能相反的假设、愿望等。虚拟语 气用于非真实条件句时谓语动词的主要形式 如下:
(1) 与现在事实相反
If I were you, I would never tell him about it. 假如我是你的话,我永远不会告诉他这件事。 If his grandfather were alive,
(3) 含蓄条件句
句子表层没有通常使用的if来表示条件,但条件隐含在上下 文中。这种句子称为含蓄条件句。 可用介词with, without, but for 或连词but,副词otherwise, 动词不定式、动名词、 分词或比较级等来表示含蓄条件。例如: With more time, my mother could have made more delicious food for you. 时间多一些的话,我妈妈就有可能为你们做更好吃的食物了。 (介词短语) Without/But for your kindly help, we would have failed. 没有你们的好心帮助,我们就不会成功.(介词短语)
2. 2 值得注意的问题
(1) 错综时间条件句 当条件从句与主句所表示的行为在时间上不一致时, 动词的虚拟形式要根据它们各自表示的时间做出调整。 这样的条件句被称为错综时间条件句。例如:
If you had not said harsh words to your wife last night, she would not leave home now. 如 果昨天晚上你没对你妻子说刻薄话,她现在就不会要 离家了。