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济南外国语学校2008 —2009 学年度第一学期期中考试


( 考试时间:90 分钟总分:100 分)

Part I 选择题部分choice. (25 points)

A) Choose the best answer to make a complete sentence.

you exercise —Hardly ever. I don ' t like sports. long often far D. How much is not good for his health, ____________________ he still eats junk food twice or three times a


; but ; / ; / ; so

students in our class watch TV every day. ___students watch TV three or four a week.

times milk and eating vegetables ________ your health.

good for good at good for good at

% students like the watch. What does “ 80%” mean ______ .

of the students the students of the students of the students has a sore throat. He drink some tea with honey. He __________ eat yang foods.

; should ' t ; shouldn ' t ; shouldn ' t ' t ; should should eat healthy food to .

healthy health unhealthy healthy homework really makes the students feel tired.

9. —Where are you going for vacation - I think about _____ to Brazil, but decide

____ J apan.

; on ; on ; to ; to

10. —What' s she doing for vacation --She ' s _____ her sister.

11. —Who' s that old man --I don ' t know, either. Look at his big nose and white skin.

He _____ American.

be be be

12. —What does Miss Green ask --She wants to know ____________ .

do we think of the trasportation many students are there in the room Nike lives takes us how long to get to school

13. —How many students usually walk to school in your class

-- _______ students do because most of the us live near our school.

number of number of little few friend is more than me. He enjoys talking with others.

am as ____ as my sister.

tall plan very interesting.

to is _ m eans of transportation in Hongshanhu.

popular most popular popular

mother is busy _______ the room.

clean practice _ English every day.

speak problem is different for the little boy.

much too

B) Choose the best answer to complete the conversation. Eric: Hello, Jane. Glad to meet you. Jane: Glad to meet you , too.

Eric: __21__What ' s the matter

Jane: I was a little ill last night.

Eric: I ' m sorry to hear that. How often are you ill

Jane: __22__.

Eric: I think you must __23__to keep healthy. Tell mewhat kind of sport do you usually do

Jane: I usually play table-tennis after school.

Eric: __24__ do you do every week

Jane: Six hours or more.

Eric: By the way, what time is it now

Jane: It ' s half past seven.

Eric: Oh, __25__. Class begins at eight.

Jane: We ' d better catch a bus. Don ' t you think so

Eric: That 's OK.

21. look very well. don ' t look well. are you you well

22. don ' t know about you some sports in bed eye exercises nothing much work many hours of work

long hours of sport many hours of sport

not late for school ' s early for school

's a little late for school 's a little early for school

(10 points)

A door was locked. A big stone came and hit the door. But he couldn ' t __26__it. Later a key

came. He __27__the lock and the door opened. The stone was very __28_ that the key could open it easily. He asked the key: “ __29__did you do that ”

The key__30__him and said: “ Because I understand its __31__. ”

Life is just like this. __32__we want to solve a problem, we must understand it __33__. If we want to make friends with people, we must understand __34__. If we want our parents to __35__ us, we must first know their hearts. We must know what they hope for.

out to in to about with comprehension (10%)


There is an old English saying. It tells us that we must go to bed early in

the evening and get up early in the morning. Then we will be healthy. We will be

rich and clever, too. This is true. The body must have enough sleep to be healthy.

Children of young age should have ten hours ' sleep every who don' t have enough sleep can not do their work well and they may not be healthy.

The body also needs exercise. Walking, jumping, swimming, running and playing

games are all exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong.

Exercise also helps the blood to movearound inside the body. It is very important.

Our blood moves to all parts of our body. The head also needs blood. Exercise helps us to think better.

of young age should have ___ hours ' sleep every day.

you want to be healthy, you must ___________ .

more up early to bed early and C

body also needs________ .

the childre n don ' t have eno ugh sleep. They will not ___________ .

well well clever and healthy and C

exercise help us to think better

,it doesn ' t. , it doesn ' t , it does. , it does.


We are always using body Ian guage in our daily com muni cati on (日常交流).When we talk with each other, we may use body Ianguage. For example, in the USA, people point to their heads whe n they think some one is clever. However, huma n beings are not the only ones who use body Ian guage.

Animals also use body Ianguage and facial expressions (面部表情)to tell each other how they feel and what they think.
