

情态动词用法: can, may, must, could, should, would , 后加动词原形。1. He can play chess. 否定句:一般疑问句:


选择疑问句:(the guitar )

2. I can (can`t ~.)能力

I can`t work it out/ I can`t come on time./

I can`t carry the heavy box.

--- Can you spell Wendy,please

---Yes,I ,Wendy.

3. Can you ~(Could you ~) 能力,许可

Can you help me / swim / come at ten / dance / spell it / sing a song for us/ play with me /do me a big favor

4. may (may not) 可以,表许可

You may drive my car,but be careful.

Students may not stay out after midnight.

Don`t play with the knife, you may hurt yourself.

5. May I ~可以,表请求

May I help you / borrow your bike / use your eraser / speak to Sophie,please/have a look

---May I smoke here

---Yes, you may.

No, you mustn`t / can`t.

6. must 必须,应当

You must open the door at once, or else I`ll break it.

Work must come first.

---Must I go with them tomorrow

---No,you needn`t.( No,you don`t have to.)

7. You mustn`t ~.(You can`t ~.)不准,禁止

You mustn`t cross the road when the light is red /smoke here/ do it again.

8. should (ought to) 应该

Maybe,we should tell him the fact.

I think today`s children should learn to respect their elders.

9. Could you~请求

Could you do me a favor

---Could you lend me your dictionary

---Yes,of course.


Will you please tell me the secret

Will you have some coffee
