剪纸英文 ppt
beautiful, delicate and exquisite(玲珑的) artistic style
Yin and Yang carving
Spiny hole
This is the most basic kind of paper cutting technique. It can fold the paper to produce a duplicate pattern. The different effects it produces depends on the number and angle of the fold. Folding paper cuts are more symmetrical because of their symmetrical patterns.
Paper cutting
History and Development Genres Methods Meanings Uses
1、History and Development
History and Development
The first paper cutting can be tracked back to the Northern and Southern Dynasties (386-581) period. The earliest paper cutting works in China is five pieces of Tuanhua paper cutting in the Northern Dynasty, and they were founhe paper and put a new window,
Yin and Yang carving
Spiny hole
This is the most basic kind of paper cutting technique. It can fold the paper to produce a duplicate pattern. The different effects it produces depends on the number and angle of the fold. Folding paper cuts are more symmetrical because of their symmetrical patterns.
Paper cutting
History and Development Genres Methods Meanings Uses
1、History and Development
History and Development
The first paper cutting can be tracked back to the Northern and Southern Dynasties (386-581) period. The earliest paper cutting works in China is five pieces of Tuanhua paper cutting in the Northern Dynasty, and they were founhe paper and put a new window,
Wedding and festivals
In traditional Chinese culture, paper cuttings are often used to decorate houses during weddings and festivals for their auspicious meanings.
Modern paper cuttings are more experimental and use advanced techniques like laser cutting or digital printing to create intricate and detailed designs. These designs often feature abstract patterns, patterns inspired by nature, or pop culture references.
Abstract styles of paper cuttings are more free-flowing and don't represent any specific object or scene. These designs feature patterns, shapes, and colors that are more free-form and subjective.
Cultural value
Paper cuttings are an important part of traditional Chinese culture, carrying rich cultural connotations.
Historical value
In traditional Chinese culture, paper cuttings are often used to decorate houses during weddings and festivals for their auspicious meanings.
Modern paper cuttings are more experimental and use advanced techniques like laser cutting or digital printing to create intricate and detailed designs. These designs often feature abstract patterns, patterns inspired by nature, or pop culture references.
Abstract styles of paper cuttings are more free-flowing and don't represent any specific object or scene. These designs feature patterns, shapes, and colors that are more free-form and subjective.
Cultural value
Paper cuttings are an important part of traditional Chinese culture, carrying rich cultural connotations.
Historical value
It is important to note that English may not have a direct equivalent for some paper cutting specific vocabularies In such cases, it may be necessary to use context or interpretation to accommodate the meaning accuracy
Paper Cutting English courseware content
Summary words
Help learners understand the meaning and usage of English words more intuitively through pictures, animations, and other forms.
Physical teaching
By showing real Paper Cuttings works, students can intuitively understand the form and characteristics of Paper Cuttings and enhance their perception and understanding of Paper Cuttings art.
The Relationship between Paper Cutting Art and English
Paper cuttings are a traditional Chinese art form that uses scissors and paper to create integrated designs The art form can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty and has since been passed down through generations
Paper Cutting English courseware content
Summary words
Help learners understand the meaning and usage of English words more intuitively through pictures, animations, and other forms.
Physical teaching
By showing real Paper Cuttings works, students can intuitively understand the form and characteristics of Paper Cuttings and enhance their perception and understanding of Paper Cuttings art.
The Relationship between Paper Cutting Art and English
Paper cuttings are a traditional Chinese art form that uses scissors and paper to create integrated designs The art form can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty and has since been passed down through generations
The Cultural Annotation of Chinese Paper Cutting
Chinese Paper Cutting and folk culture
Chinese paper cuttings are closely related to folk culture, often using traditional motifs and symbols to
Embroiled base Paper Cutting
Embroidery base Paper Cuttings
Paper Cuttings used on embroidery as the base of
embroidery patterns.
The embroidery base Paper Cuttings requires high
The Artistic Features of Chinese Paper Cutting
Chinese paper cuttings are commonly made of red paper, which symbolizes good luck and happiness
The patterns on paper cutting are usually simple and clear, with strong visual impact
and happiness, expressing people's longing and pursuit for a
better life.
Paper Cutting for Festivals
中国剪纸 Chinese Paper-Cu-cut art is the Chinese Han nationality's most ancient one of folk art. Its history can be traced back to the sixth Century a.d.. Tracery or cut art, some with scissors, some use a knife, although the tools are different, but the creation of works of art is basic and same, collectively known as the paper-cut. The carrier can be paper, gold foil, bark, leaves, cloth, leather and other sheet materials.
• 谐音Homonym • 年年有余(yu鱼fish
) • surplus • May you • always get more • than you wish for
• 谐音Homonym • 福(fu 蝙蝠bat) • Blessing
• 4、汉字 • Chinese Character
• 5、Folk Story • 老鼠嫁女The Mouse Bride
• 谐音Homonym • 年年有余(yu鱼fish
) • surplus • May you • always get more • than you wish for
• 谐音Homonym • 福(fu 蝙蝠bat) • Blessing
• 4、汉字 • Chinese Character
• 5、Folk Story • 老鼠嫁女The Mouse Bride
Paper-cutting in modern use
paper-cutting is a kind of unique and a special design. It’s a cultural heritage, its unique shape and color bring boundless space to the modern design, and modern design is inseparable from popular culture.
Prosperity Brought by Dragon and Phoenix
Paper-cutting as Chinese traditional culture fully reflects people's wisdom and hard work. It has a huge impact and a driving force on the modern society.
Paper-cutting is the most popular traditional decorative folk art, because the materials are easy to get, low cost, and convenient to make.
Types of paper-cutting and using before
The historyting can date from 1600BC. During western Han Dynasty, the emperor’s wife dead; and he was very missed his wife. So, he let a warlock drew his wife’s picture on the paper, cut it down and hung in his bedroom. This is probably the earliest paper-cutting.
Northern factions
Shaanxi folk paper-cut
Shaanxi papercut simple shape, rough style, interesting implication, there are a variety of forms, superb artistry makes Shaanxi paper-cut folk art occupies a very important position
Northern factions
Jin faction paper cutting
The magnetic paper cutting , (磁性剪纸) is unique(独一无二的) in the country. The magnetic paper-cut can rely on their own magnetic adsorbed onto magnetic photo frame(相框), magnetic spring scrolls , (春联) magnetic writing board, can also be adsorbed to the iron objects like the refrigerator, security doors, cars and so on.
Jiashadeng ( Ming Dynasty )
The factions of paper-cut
Southern factions Representatives: Hubei Mianyang
paper cutting, Guangdong Foshan paper cutting and Fujian folk paper cutting.
• 6、植物 Plant
Plum blossom Cymbidium Bamboo Chrysanthemum
3、Practice Double Happiness
• 1、Fold
• 2、Fold again
• 3、Write
• 4、Shade • 5、Cut off • the shad 1、谐音Homonym • 年年有余(yu鱼fish ) • surplus • May you • always get more • than you wish for
• 1、谐音Homonym • 福(fu 蝙蝠bat) • Blessing
中国剪纸 Chinese Paper-Cut
• The paper-cut art is the Chinese Han nationality's most ancient one of folk art. Its history can be traced back to the sixth Century a.d.. Tracery or cut art, some with scissors, some use a knife, although the tools are different, but the creation of works of art is basic and same, collectively known as the paper-cut. The carrier can be paper, gold foil, bark, leaves, cloth, leather and other sheet materials.
Plum blossom Cymbidium Bamboo Chrysanthemum
3、Practice Double Happiness
• 1、Fold
• 2、Fold again
• 3、Write
• 4、Shade • 5、Cut off • the shad 1、谐音Homonym • 年年有余(yu鱼fish ) • surplus • May you • always get more • than you wish for
• 1、谐音Homonym • 福(fu 蝙蝠bat) • Blessing
中国剪纸 Chinese Paper-Cut
• The paper-cut art is the Chinese Han nationality's most ancient one of folk art. Its history can be traced back to the sixth Century a.d.. Tracery or cut art, some with scissors, some use a knife, although the tools are different, but the creation of works of art is basic and same, collectively known as the paper-cut. The carrier can be paper, gold foil, bark, leaves, cloth, leather and other sheet materials.
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• 据史书记载,蔚县剪纸始于清 朝道光年间,迄今已有一百五 十多年的历史。蔚县人一般把 剪纸称为“窗花”。以窗花见 长,“天皮亮”可说是最早的 窗花形式,即在云母薄片上绘 图着色进行装饰。 • 蔚县剪纸以“阴刻”和“色彩 点染”为主,故有“三分工七 分染”之说。 • 蔚县剪纸是全国唯一的一种以 阴刻为主的点彩剪纸,素以刀 工精细,色彩浓艳而驰名,所 谓“阳刻见刀,阴刻见色,应 物造型,随类施彩”而成。 • 蔚县剪纸的题材,多取自戏曲 人物,也有花草鱼虫、飞禽走 兽等吉祥形象。
Chinese Papercutting
• 剪纸早期是由手工做成的,常用的方法有:剪刀剪和刀刻。
刀刻则是先把纸张折成数叠,放 在由灰和动物脂肪组成的松软的 混和体上,然后用小刀慢慢刻划。
剪刀剪是借助于剪刀,剪完后再 把几张(一般不超过8 张)剪纸 粘贴起来,最后再用锋利的剪刀 对图案进行加工。
Chinese Papercutting
广东佛山剪纸历史悠久,源于宋代, 盛于明清时期。从明代起佛山剪纸已有 专门行业大量生产,产品销往省内及中 南、西南各省,并远销南洋各国。
佛山剪纸利用当地特产的铜 箔银箔,用剪、刻、凿等技 法,套衬各种色纸和绘印上 各种图案,形成色彩强烈、 金碧辉煌,富有南方特色的 剪纸。
Chinese Zodiac animals
Chinese Papercutting
The papercut is a special folk art in China, with a history of nearly 1000 years. The materials used are simple: ordinary paper and a pair of scissors.A skilled paper-cutting craftsperson cuts paper into designs like doing magic tricks. A piece of red paper is folded amd then cut several times, before being unfolded into an attractive pictures. Papercutting is a type of improvised art with powerful expression: a papercut artist does ot nees a model picture to copy drom, but relies on a pair of scissors to produce a work of art, each time with slight differences.Papercuts are very popular in rural areas.
江浙派剪纸——扬州 剪纸《四季花》
• 山西剪纸 • 蔚县剪纸 • 陕西民间剪纸
• 山东民间剪纸
民间剪纸在山西是一种很普遍的群众艺 术。 山西民间剪纸的风格,总体来说,具有 北方地区粗扩、雄壮、简练、纯朴的特 点。但是,因地域环境的不同,各地剪 纸又有差异。如晋南、晋中、晋东南、 晋西北、吕梁山区的剪纸,多为单色剪 纸,风格质朴、粗犷。而流行于雁北地 区的染色剪纸,则婉约典雅、富丽堂皇, 尤以“广灵窗花”为代表。晋城磁性剪 纸在我国已有一千五百年历史的剪纸文 化中加进了科技元素,使其更为时尚, 应用更广泛,体现了科技进步的价值理 念。 磁性剪纸可以靠自身的磁性吸附到磁性 相框、磁性画轴、磁性书写板上,也可 吸附到冰箱、防盗门、汽车、文件柜、 文具盒等铁制物体上。喷少许水或洗洁 净也可贴附在玻璃或其它光滑表面上去。 磁性剪纸能够更充分地体现剪纸的透雕 特点和剪纸的透空效果。
• 扬州是我国剪纸流行最早的地区之一,扬州剪纸历史悠久、源远流长。 • 唐代,扬州已有剪纸迎春的风俗。立春之日,民间剪纸为花,又剪为 春蝶、春钱、春胜,或悬于佳人之首,或缀于花下,相观以为乐。剪 纸还有一些特别用途,民间剪纸人、纸马及纸钱等,用来祭奠鬼神。 大诗人杜甫写有“暖汤濯我足,剪纸招吾魂”诗句,即谓此用途。 • 如今扬州剪纸的品种已有1000多种,销售至几十个国家和地区,为国 内外的文化艺术交流做出了贡献。
陕西抓髻娃娃 民间剪纸中经常出现的一种 式样,包含多种祈禳含义, 如祈福、送病等
• 山东民间剪纸从造型风格 上大致可分两类。一类是 渤海湾区域粗犷豪放的风 格,与黄河流域其他省份 的剪纸一脉相承。一类则 是更有特点的山东胶东沿 海地区以线为主,线面结 合的精巧型剪纸,它似乎 与山东汉代画像石细微繁 缛的风格一脉相承,以其 花样密集的装饰手段,使 单纯爽快的外型更饱满丰 富。
• • 福建各地的剪纸都有不同的特点。 山区的南平、华安等地以刻画以山禽家畜的作品较多,表现较为粗壮有力、 淳厚朴实;沿海的闽南、漳浦一些带则屡见水产动物入画,风格细致造型 生动;莆田、仙游一带以礼品花为主,倾向于华丽纤巧的意味。 礼品花。贺生贺喜贺寿,祭神祭鬼祭祖,不管是馈赠还是摆供,也不管是 礼轻还是礼厚,都要赋上一枚鲜红的剪纸花。
Chinese Papercutting
• 剪纸是中国最古老的民间艺术之一,它的历史至少可追朔 到公元6世纪。南北朝墓葬中的动物花卉团花是现已发现 的最早的剪纸,另外也有学者认为剪纸的前身可追溯到汉 唐妇女使用金银箔剪成方胜贴在鬓角为饰的风俗。 • 早期的剪纸多见于丧葬、祭祀等仪式中,大约跟道家的灵 媒神务有关,例如杜甫的《彭衙行》中就有“暖汤濯我足, 剪纸招我魂”的明确记载。时致今日,苗人后裔仍有年节 剪鬼神之形贴于牛栏、门楣之上的巫术习俗,西南山区的 集市上多有由专门的剪纸作坊批量生产的神符备售,各家 各户的灶台楼阁细处也是每年一换。 • 民间剪纸至今依然保存了丰富的支脉,许多地方逢年过节, 婚丧嫁娶,乡民都会自备剪纸点缀墙壁、门窗、房柱、镜 子等处,以表祈祷福寿,吉祥如意之意。
• Papercutting is the art of cutting paper designs. The art has evolved uniquely all over the world to adopt to different cultural styles. • The oldest surviving paper cut out is a symmetrical circle from the 6th century found in Xinjiang China. By the eighth or ninth century papercutting appeared in West Asia and in Turkey in the 16th century. Within a century, papercutting was being done in most of middle Europe.
• 作为民间艺术的剪纸,具有很强的地域特点:陕 西窗花风格粗朴豪放;河北和山西剪纸秀美艳丽; 宜兴剪纸华丽工整;南通剪纸秀丽玲珑。剪纸虽 然制作简便,造型单纯,由于其能够充分反映百 姓的生活内涵,具有浓郁的民俗特色,是中国农 村众多民间美术形式的浓缩与夸张。 • 南方派 • 北方派
Chinese Papercut
In the city of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, people once used paper instead of glass as window-covering.As white paper was monotonous and considered inauspicious, clever and deft young women started to cut pieces of red paper into joyous baby images or beautiful butterflies,which they put on the windows to add liveliness to ordinary windows.
Cultural Heritage
山西省吕梁市中阳县民 俗剪纸,2006年被列入首 批国家非物质文化遗产保 护名录,成为500多个非 物质文化遗产保护专案中 全国八项民间工艺美术类 保护专案之一,剪纸艺人 王计汝被评为全国首批非 物质文化遗产传承人,她 的50余件国家精华之作被 德国、美国、日本等国家 的专家收藏。
• 陕西剪纸,专家们称之为“活化石”,因为它较完整地传承了中华民 族古老的造型纹样,如与周文化相似的“抓髻娃娃”,传承了中华民 族阴阳哲学思想与生殖繁衍崇拜的观念。 • 陕西剪纸主要形式有窗窑顶花、炕围花、门画、挂帘、枕花、桌裙花、 鞋花、结婚双喜花、衣物佩饰花、神龛贴花等。 • 窗花最为普遍。陕西的窗花在表现内容上,一种是继承传统,一种是 贴近生活,近距离反映现实。 • 在陕西剪纸艺术中,首推陕北民间剪纸。陕北以单色剪纸为主,造型 简洁质朴、注重夸张变形,传承着古老的审美情趣和造型观念。在内 容上多以动物花草为主。 • 在陕北的靖边、安边、定边,人们称三边剪纸,剪纸变成了另一种风 格,纤细入微,小巧玲珑,小中见大,刻画精到。
Papercutting in Europe
波 兰 剪 纸
Chinese Papercutting
• Jianzhi (剪紙), is a traditional style of papercutting in China. Jianzhi has been practiced in China since at least the 6th century A.D. Jianzhi has a number of distinct uses in Chinese culture, almost all of which are for health, prosperity or decorative purposes. Red is the most commonly used color. Jianzhi cuttings often have a heavy emphasis on Chinese characters symbolizing the Chinese Zodiac animals(十二生肖).
• 据史书记载,蔚县剪纸始于清 朝道光年间,迄今已有一百五 十多年的历史。蔚县人一般把 剪纸称为“窗花”。以窗花见 长,“天皮亮”可说是最早的 窗花形式,即在云母薄片上绘 图着色进行装饰。 • 蔚县剪纸以“阴刻”和“色彩 点染”为主,故有“三分工七 分染”之说。 • 蔚县剪纸是全国唯一的一种以 阴刻为主的点彩剪纸,素以刀 工精细,色彩浓艳而驰名,所 谓“阳刻见刀,阴刻见色,应 物造型,随类施彩”而成。 • 蔚县剪纸的题材,多取自戏曲 人物,也有花草鱼虫、飞禽走 兽等吉祥形象。
Chinese Papercutting
• 剪纸早期是由手工做成的,常用的方法有:剪刀剪和刀刻。
刀刻则是先把纸张折成数叠,放 在由灰和动物脂肪组成的松软的 混和体上,然后用小刀慢慢刻划。
剪刀剪是借助于剪刀,剪完后再 把几张(一般不超过8 张)剪纸 粘贴起来,最后再用锋利的剪刀 对图案进行加工。
Chinese Papercutting
广东佛山剪纸历史悠久,源于宋代, 盛于明清时期。从明代起佛山剪纸已有 专门行业大量生产,产品销往省内及中 南、西南各省,并远销南洋各国。
佛山剪纸利用当地特产的铜 箔银箔,用剪、刻、凿等技 法,套衬各种色纸和绘印上 各种图案,形成色彩强烈、 金碧辉煌,富有南方特色的 剪纸。
Chinese Zodiac animals
Chinese Papercutting
The papercut is a special folk art in China, with a history of nearly 1000 years. The materials used are simple: ordinary paper and a pair of scissors.A skilled paper-cutting craftsperson cuts paper into designs like doing magic tricks. A piece of red paper is folded amd then cut several times, before being unfolded into an attractive pictures. Papercutting is a type of improvised art with powerful expression: a papercut artist does ot nees a model picture to copy drom, but relies on a pair of scissors to produce a work of art, each time with slight differences.Papercuts are very popular in rural areas.
江浙派剪纸——扬州 剪纸《四季花》
• 山西剪纸 • 蔚县剪纸 • 陕西民间剪纸
• 山东民间剪纸
民间剪纸在山西是一种很普遍的群众艺 术。 山西民间剪纸的风格,总体来说,具有 北方地区粗扩、雄壮、简练、纯朴的特 点。但是,因地域环境的不同,各地剪 纸又有差异。如晋南、晋中、晋东南、 晋西北、吕梁山区的剪纸,多为单色剪 纸,风格质朴、粗犷。而流行于雁北地 区的染色剪纸,则婉约典雅、富丽堂皇, 尤以“广灵窗花”为代表。晋城磁性剪 纸在我国已有一千五百年历史的剪纸文 化中加进了科技元素,使其更为时尚, 应用更广泛,体现了科技进步的价值理 念。 磁性剪纸可以靠自身的磁性吸附到磁性 相框、磁性画轴、磁性书写板上,也可 吸附到冰箱、防盗门、汽车、文件柜、 文具盒等铁制物体上。喷少许水或洗洁 净也可贴附在玻璃或其它光滑表面上去。 磁性剪纸能够更充分地体现剪纸的透雕 特点和剪纸的透空效果。
• 扬州是我国剪纸流行最早的地区之一,扬州剪纸历史悠久、源远流长。 • 唐代,扬州已有剪纸迎春的风俗。立春之日,民间剪纸为花,又剪为 春蝶、春钱、春胜,或悬于佳人之首,或缀于花下,相观以为乐。剪 纸还有一些特别用途,民间剪纸人、纸马及纸钱等,用来祭奠鬼神。 大诗人杜甫写有“暖汤濯我足,剪纸招吾魂”诗句,即谓此用途。 • 如今扬州剪纸的品种已有1000多种,销售至几十个国家和地区,为国 内外的文化艺术交流做出了贡献。
陕西抓髻娃娃 民间剪纸中经常出现的一种 式样,包含多种祈禳含义, 如祈福、送病等
• 山东民间剪纸从造型风格 上大致可分两类。一类是 渤海湾区域粗犷豪放的风 格,与黄河流域其他省份 的剪纸一脉相承。一类则 是更有特点的山东胶东沿 海地区以线为主,线面结 合的精巧型剪纸,它似乎 与山东汉代画像石细微繁 缛的风格一脉相承,以其 花样密集的装饰手段,使 单纯爽快的外型更饱满丰 富。
• • 福建各地的剪纸都有不同的特点。 山区的南平、华安等地以刻画以山禽家畜的作品较多,表现较为粗壮有力、 淳厚朴实;沿海的闽南、漳浦一些带则屡见水产动物入画,风格细致造型 生动;莆田、仙游一带以礼品花为主,倾向于华丽纤巧的意味。 礼品花。贺生贺喜贺寿,祭神祭鬼祭祖,不管是馈赠还是摆供,也不管是 礼轻还是礼厚,都要赋上一枚鲜红的剪纸花。
Chinese Papercutting
• 剪纸是中国最古老的民间艺术之一,它的历史至少可追朔 到公元6世纪。南北朝墓葬中的动物花卉团花是现已发现 的最早的剪纸,另外也有学者认为剪纸的前身可追溯到汉 唐妇女使用金银箔剪成方胜贴在鬓角为饰的风俗。 • 早期的剪纸多见于丧葬、祭祀等仪式中,大约跟道家的灵 媒神务有关,例如杜甫的《彭衙行》中就有“暖汤濯我足, 剪纸招我魂”的明确记载。时致今日,苗人后裔仍有年节 剪鬼神之形贴于牛栏、门楣之上的巫术习俗,西南山区的 集市上多有由专门的剪纸作坊批量生产的神符备售,各家 各户的灶台楼阁细处也是每年一换。 • 民间剪纸至今依然保存了丰富的支脉,许多地方逢年过节, 婚丧嫁娶,乡民都会自备剪纸点缀墙壁、门窗、房柱、镜 子等处,以表祈祷福寿,吉祥如意之意。
• Papercutting is the art of cutting paper designs. The art has evolved uniquely all over the world to adopt to different cultural styles. • The oldest surviving paper cut out is a symmetrical circle from the 6th century found in Xinjiang China. By the eighth or ninth century papercutting appeared in West Asia and in Turkey in the 16th century. Within a century, papercutting was being done in most of middle Europe.
• 作为民间艺术的剪纸,具有很强的地域特点:陕 西窗花风格粗朴豪放;河北和山西剪纸秀美艳丽; 宜兴剪纸华丽工整;南通剪纸秀丽玲珑。剪纸虽 然制作简便,造型单纯,由于其能够充分反映百 姓的生活内涵,具有浓郁的民俗特色,是中国农 村众多民间美术形式的浓缩与夸张。 • 南方派 • 北方派
Chinese Papercut
In the city of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, people once used paper instead of glass as window-covering.As white paper was monotonous and considered inauspicious, clever and deft young women started to cut pieces of red paper into joyous baby images or beautiful butterflies,which they put on the windows to add liveliness to ordinary windows.
Cultural Heritage
山西省吕梁市中阳县民 俗剪纸,2006年被列入首 批国家非物质文化遗产保 护名录,成为500多个非 物质文化遗产保护专案中 全国八项民间工艺美术类 保护专案之一,剪纸艺人 王计汝被评为全国首批非 物质文化遗产传承人,她 的50余件国家精华之作被 德国、美国、日本等国家 的专家收藏。
• 陕西剪纸,专家们称之为“活化石”,因为它较完整地传承了中华民 族古老的造型纹样,如与周文化相似的“抓髻娃娃”,传承了中华民 族阴阳哲学思想与生殖繁衍崇拜的观念。 • 陕西剪纸主要形式有窗窑顶花、炕围花、门画、挂帘、枕花、桌裙花、 鞋花、结婚双喜花、衣物佩饰花、神龛贴花等。 • 窗花最为普遍。陕西的窗花在表现内容上,一种是继承传统,一种是 贴近生活,近距离反映现实。 • 在陕西剪纸艺术中,首推陕北民间剪纸。陕北以单色剪纸为主,造型 简洁质朴、注重夸张变形,传承着古老的审美情趣和造型观念。在内 容上多以动物花草为主。 • 在陕北的靖边、安边、定边,人们称三边剪纸,剪纸变成了另一种风 格,纤细入微,小巧玲珑,小中见大,刻画精到。
Papercutting in Europe
波 兰 剪 纸
Chinese Papercutting
• Jianzhi (剪紙), is a traditional style of papercutting in China. Jianzhi has been practiced in China since at least the 6th century A.D. Jianzhi has a number of distinct uses in Chinese culture, almost all of which are for health, prosperity or decorative purposes. Red is the most commonly used color. Jianzhi cuttings often have a heavy emphasis on Chinese characters symbolizing the Chinese Zodiac animals(十二生肖).