

单键触摸感应芯片 SJT5101

单键触摸感应芯片 SJT5101









3、引脚说明:管脚序号名称类型功能描述1OUT O输出端口2VSS P接地端3SNS I/O感应检测脚4OPNA I-PL有效电平选项输入脚5VDD P电源接入脚6OPNB I-PL功能选项输入脚4、极限参数:电源供应电压:VSS-0.3V~VSS+6.0V储存温度:-50ºC~+125ºC端口输入电压:VSS-0.3V to VDD+0.3V工作温度:-40ºC~+85ºCCS感应电容范围:0pF~20pF抗静电强度HBM:4KV(min)5、直流电气特性(Ta=25ºC):符号参数测试条件最小值典型值最大值单位VDD条件VDD工作电压—— 2.0 3.3 5.5VIDD工作电流3V无负载— 1.5 3.0uA5V— 2.0 4.0VIL输入口高电压—0—0.2V VIH输入口低电压—0.8— 1.0VIOL输出口灌电流3VVOL=0.6V 48—mA5V1020—mA IOH输出口源电流3V VOL=2.4V-2-4—mA5V-5-10—mA6、参考设计图:输出模式设置:OPNB OPNA OUT输出状态悬空悬空直接模式,平时为低,触摸生效时输出高电平悬空VDD直接模式,平时为高,触摸生效时输出低电平VDD悬空触发模式,上电状态为0,触摸一次电平翻转一次VDD VDD触发模式,上电状态为1,触摸一次电平翻转一次7、设计注意事项7.1、在PCB 上,感应焊盘距离IC 管脚的连线(感应线)越短越好,感应线应距离覆铜或其他走线要有1mm 以上,线径选0.15mm~0.2mm。



The Motorola SURFboard Cable Modem Powerful, flexible, and easy to install and use,of DOCSIS/Euro-DOCSIS 1.0 or 1.1, the SB5101 Series allows your customers to surf the Internet at speeds as high as 30 Mbps. For a smooth transition, the SB5101 Series is backwards-compatible with DOCSIS/Euro-DOCSIS 1.0 and 1.1.The Motorola SB5101 Series cable modem is e-mailing.Installation couldn’t be simpler—just connect the via either Ethernet or optional USB (SB5101U/UE)page.Motorola cable modems provide a historically reliable platform. The SB5101 Series has an annualized field speed of Motorola’s SB5101 Series cable modem, easy and reliable high-speed Internet access is always at your customers’ fingertips..Prepare to experience the Internet without limits and put the powerof broadband to work for you with a Motorola cable modemHighlightsCompatible with Windows ®, Macintosh ®, and Unix ® computersDOCSIS ® 2.0 compliant, Euro-DOCSIS 2.0 compliant 10/100Base-T Ethernet (RJ-45) data port (Ethernet cable included)Optional Installation Assistant program on CD-ROM (SB5101U/UE) guides you through installation on the PC Front-panel LEDs indicate status and simplify troubleshootingMODELSB5101SURFBOARD CABLE MODEM® Data SheetSB5101Series SURFboard Cable ModemSB5101N SeriesSB5101U Series..customer base.impact on the environmentcompliance.*Packaging. As an even shipped with each unit.* The packaging is 100% opportunities.Data SheetSB5101Series SURFboard Cable ModemGENERAL Cable Interface F-Connector, female, 75 ΩCPE Network Interface 10/100Base-T Ethernet, USB (optional)Data Protocol TCP/IP Dimensions 6.2 in H x 2.3 in W x 6.0 in D (15.75 cm x 5.84 cm x 15.24 cm)Power 9 W (nominal)INPUT POWER North America 105 to 125 VAC, 60 HzOutside North America100 to 240 VAC, 50 to 60 HzENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temperature 32 °F to 104 °F (0 °C to 40 °C)Storage Temperature –22 °F to 158 °F (–30 °C to 70 °C)Operating Humidity 5 to 95% R.H. (non-condensing)Operating Altitude –200 feet to 10,000 feet AMSL Operating Humidity 5% to 95%Power supply meets H.R.6, ENERGY STAR, and CoC (European Code of Conduct) requirements 100% recyclable packagingUnit meets CoC requirements for Energy Consumption of Broadband EquipmentUnit is RoHS compliant (lead free)DOWNSTREAM Modulation 64 or 256 QAM Maximum Data Rate** DOCSIS ≤ 38 Mbps Euro-DOCSIS ≤ 51 Mbps Bandwidth DOCSIS 6 MHz Euro-DOCSIS 8 MHz Symbol Rate DOCSIS 64 QAM 5.057 Msym/s, 256 QAM 5.361 Msym/s Euro-DOCSIS 64 QAM 6.952 Msym/s, 256 QAM 6.952 Msym/s Operating Level Range –15 to +15 dBmV Input Impedance 75 Ω (nominal)SpecificationsMOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered and Broadscape is trademarked in the US Patent & Trademark Office. SURFboard is a registered trademark of General Instrument Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Motorola, Inc. Windows is a registered trademark and Vista is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. Linux® is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries. UNIX is a registered trademark of the Open Group in the United States and other countries. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. DOCSIS is a registered trademark of Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2009. All rights reserved.567898-001-c 0309 5976 - 0KHighlights, continued User-friendly online diagnostics pageSupports standard Internet softwareSupports up to 63 computers on a single Internet connection (additional networking hardware required)Remote configuration and monitoring from the headend using SNMP and TFTP Stylish and space-saving enclosureMulti-language User Guide via World Wide Web, CD-ROM (optional)Optional 1.1 USB data port available (includes CD-ROM [SB5101U/UE])UPSTREAM Modulation 8****, 16, 32****, 64****, 128***** QAM or QPSK Maximum Channel Rate*** 30 Mbps Bandwidth 200 kHz, 400 kHz, 800 kHz, 1.6 MHz, 3.2 MHz, 6.4**** MHz Symbol Rates 160, 320, 640, 1280 and 2560 and 5120**** ksym/s Operating Level Range A-TDMA +8 to +54 dBmV (32 QAM, 64 QAM) +8 to +55 dBmV (8 QAM, 16 QAM) +8 to +58 dBmV (QPSK) S-CDMA +8 to +53 dBmV (all modulations)Output Impedance 75 Ω (nominal)Frequency Range DOCSIS 5 to 42 MHz (edge to edge); Euro-DOCSIS 5 to 65 MHz (edge to edge)COMPATIBILITYPC 90496, Pentium, or later; Windows Vista™, 2000,or XP; Linux ®with Ethernet connection (older versions of Windows, although not specifically supported, will work with this cable modem)Macintosh ® Power PC or later; OS 9 or higher; Ethernet connection UNIX ® Ethernet connection* Green product features are applicable to new SB5101 models, not the legacy platform.** Actual speeds will vary, and are often less than the maximum possible.Data transmission speed is approximate and depends on the configuration and capacity of your network, as well as the amount of traffic on the network.*** Actual data throughput will be less due to physical layer overhead (error correction coding, burst preamble, and guard interval).**** With A-TDMA- or S-CDMA-enabled CMTS.***** With S-CDMA-enabled CMTS.Certain features may not be activated by your service provider, and/or their network settings may limit the feature’s functionality. Additionally, certain features may require a subscription. Contact your service provider for details.All features, functionality, and other product specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.COMPLIANTAdvanced Media Technologies, Inc.。






1. MAX77650:这是一款高性能、集成度很高的电源管理芯片。



2. TPS54160:这是一款高效率、同步降压型电源管理芯片。



3. LT3652:这是一款微型化、高效率的电源管理芯片。



4. LTC6804:这是一款用于电池管理的芯片。



5. BQ25895:这是一款专用于充电管理的芯片。





最新-MSK5101系列大电流低压差稳压器及其应用 精品

最新-MSK5101系列大电流低压差稳压器及其应用 精品






















液晶电源的电源管理芯片集液晶, 电源, 芯片, 管理液晶品牌与型号电源管理芯片型号与封装可代换型号BENQ 71G+ 1200AP40 直插 1200AP10 1200AP60AOC 712SI EA1532A贴片三星940BW DM0565R优派型号忘记 TOP245YNLG W1934S TOP246YN飞利浦170s6 dap02alsz 贴片LG型号忘记 LAF0001 可以用FAN7601代飞利浦170s6 dap02alsz=sg6841HP17驱动高压电源全一体 SG5841SZ贴片,可用SG6841DZ 代用。

联想后来出的像IBM的 17的,SG6841DZ 可用SG6841D代用三星型号忘记 DM0465R(我记得还有这么一款的)飞利浦170c7 EA1532A贴片200D6、203D6、DAP8A 三种可以代用优派VA1703WB ld7552bps 贴片其他我知道的常用型号有SG6841DZ 贴片很多机器上用到SG5841SZ 贴片用SG6841DZ可以代用,美格WB9 LD7575PS清华同方 XP911W LD7575PS联想LXM -WL19AH LXM-WL19BH LD7575PS(早期有的用:NCP1203D6)联想LXM-17CH:1203D6方正17寸:1203D6与LD7575PS方正19寸:LD7575PSBenQ: FP94VW FP73G FP71G+S FP71G+G FP71GX等都是用:1200AP40LG 22(南京同创):LAF001与STR W6252 。

LG 19寸:LAF001联想L193(福建-捷联代工):NCP1203D6PHILIPS 170S5 (FAN7601)还有LD7575可用203D6代用,只是1脚的对地电阻不同,LD7575是100K,203D6是24.1K,LP7552可用SG6841代用希望大家都列下来,这样子备PWM IC的时候就有个数了,知道买什么样子的电源管理芯片备用着,有时候手上没有,知道是电源管理坏了在那里干着急,。



英飞凌推出搭载PFC功能的高压谐振控制器,适用于LED驱动器英飞凌科技股份有限公司(FSE:IFX / OTCQX:IFNNY) 通过引入ICL5101,拓展了其在40W 到 300W 照明系统的控制IC产品组合。

该款新型高压谐振控制IC ICL5101高度集成化,有助于降低系统成本。

其典型应用包括:室内及室外LED 照明、高/低棚照明、街道照明、停车场及天棚照明、办公室照明、零售以及商店照明。

照明系统的总体拥有成本是工业照明的重要考量因素,而新型ICL5101 所支持的谐振拓扑效率高达95%,因此备受客户青睐。

高度集成的ICL5101可实现LED 驱动器的高端设计,相比于同时需要独立PFC IC和谐振IC 的类似解决方案,其所需元件减少约25%。


ICL5101 集成了半桥及PFC 门极驱动器。


芯片结温范围为-40°C 至+125°C,适于户外使用。

LED控制器ICL5101 专用于控制谐振拓扑例如LLC。

集成式数字化PFC单元在临界导通模式(CrCM) 和断续导通模式(DCM) 中均可运行,因此在装置变暗等情况导致的低负载状态下仍可进行极为稳定的调节。



此外,ICL5101还可在任何条件下以极短时间(小于200 ms)点灯。

ICL5101可调式PFC单元可输出优质电能,在宽输入电压范围内实THD低于10%功率因素超过0.99 ,从而助力照明设备生产商达到能效标准。

此外,ICL5101 在输入电压变化时保证输出极为稳定。





Optoway TRM-5101G**********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No .38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303Tel: 886-3-5979798 Fax: 886-3-59797371TRM-5101G / TRM-5101TG / TRM-5101AG / TRM-5101ATG3.3V / 1310 nm / 622 Mbps RoHS Compliant Optical Multi-Mode Transceiver***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************FEATURESl Duplex SC Multimode Transceiver : TRM-5101G l Duplex ST Multimode Transceiver :TRM-5101TG l 1310 nm Transmitter l 0 to 1000 m Transmissionl Industry Standard 1 x 9 Footprint l Single +3.3 V Power Supply l PECL Signal Detection Output l RoHS Compliantl 0 to 70o C Operating : TRM-5101G l -40 to 85o C Operating : TRM-5101AG l Wave Solderable and Aqueous Washablel Class 1 Laser International Safety Standard IEC 60825 CompliantAPPLICATIONSl ATM 622 Mbps Linksl SONET/SDH Equipment Interconnect l Fast Ethernet 100 Mb/s LinksDESCRIPTIONThe TRM-5101G series multi-mode transceivers are low power, high performance module for bi-directional serial optical data communications such as ATM 622 Mb/s, Fast Ethernet and Fibre Channel. This module is designed for multi-mode fiber and operates at a nominal wavelength of 1310 nm. The transmitter section uses a multiple quantum well laser and is a class 1 laser compliant according to International Safety Standard IEC 60825. The receiver section uses an integrated InGaAs detector preamplifier (IDP) mounted in an optical header and a limiting post-amplifier IC. A PECL logic interface simplifies interface to external circuitry.LASER SAFETYThis multi-mode transceiver is a Class 1 laser product. It complies with IEC 60825 and FDA 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11. The transceiver must be operated within the specified temperature and voltage limits. The optical ports of the module shall be terminated with an optical connector or with a dust plug.ORDER INFORMATIONP/No.Bit Rate (Mb/s) Distance (m) Wavelength (nm) Voltage (V) ConnectorTemp. (o C)TX Power (dBm)RX Sens. (dBm) RoHS Compliant TRM-5101G 622 0 to 1000 1310 3.3 1X9 SC/ST 0 to 70 -12 to -19 -26 Y TRM-5101AG6220 to 100013103.31X9 SC/ST -40 to 85 -12 to -19 -26YAbsolute Maximum RatingsParameterSymbol Min Max Units NotesStorage Temperature Tstg -40 85 o COperating Temperature Topr 0 -40 70 85 o CTRM-5101G TRM-5101AGSoldering Temperature --- 250 oC 10 seconds on leads only Power Supply Voltage Vcc 0 4.5 V Input Voltage --- GND Vcc VOutput CurrentIout30mARecommended Operating ConditionsParameterSymbol Min Typ Max Units Power Supply Voltage Vcc 3.13 3.3 3.47 VOperating Temperature Topr0 -40 70 85 oC / TRM-5101G oC / TRM-5101AGData Rate100622Mb/sTransmitter Specifications (0o C < Topr < 70o C, 3.13V < Vcc < 3.47V)Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units NotesOpticalOptical Transmit Power Po -19 --- -12 dBm 1Output Center Wavelength λ1260 1310 1360 nmOutput Spectrum Width ∆λ--- --- 10 nm RMS (σ)Extinction Ratio E R8.2 --- --- dBOutput Eye Compliant with Bellcore TR-NWT-000253 and ITU recommendation G.957Optical Rise Time t r 1.2 ns 10% to 90% Values Optical Fall Time t f 1.2 ns 10% to 90% Values Relative Intensity Noise RIN -116 dB/HzTotal Jitter TJ 0.55 ns 2ElectricalPower Supply Current Icc 140 mA 3Data Input Current – Low I IL-350 µAData Input Current – High I IH350 µADifferential Input Voltage V IH - V IL300 mVData Input Voltage – Low V IL - V CC-2.0 -1.58 V 4Data Input Voltage -- High V IH - V CC-1.1 -0.74 V 4Notes: 1. Output power is power coupled into a 62.5/125 µm multi-mode fiber.2. Measured with a 223-1 PRBS with 72 ones and 72 zeros.3. Maximum current is specified at Vcc = Maximum @ maximum temperature.4. These inputs are compatible with 10K, 10KH and 100K ECL and PECL inputs.Receiver Specifications(0o C < Topr < 70o C, 3.13 V < Vcc < 3.47V)Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units NotesOpticalSensitivity--- --- -28 -26 dBm 1Maximum Input Power Pin -8 --- --- dBmSignal Detect -- Asserted Pa --- --- -26 dBm Transition: low to high Signal Detect -- Deasserted Pd -40 --- --- dBm Transition: high to low Signal detect -- Hysteresis 1.0 --- 4.0 dBWavelength of Operation 1100 --- 1600 nmElectricalPower Supply Current Icc 100 mA 2Data Output Voltage – Low V OL - V CC-2.0 -1.58 V 3Data Output Voltage – High V OH - V CC-1.1 -0.74 V 3Signal Detect Output Voltage -- Low V OL - V CC-2.0 -1.58 VSignal Detect Output Voltage -- High V OH - V CC-1.1 -0.74 VNotes: 1. Minimum sensitivity and saturation levels at BER=1E-10 for a 223-1 PRBS.2. The current excludes the output load current.3. These outputs are compatible with 10K, 10KH and 100K ECL and LVPECL outputs.*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No.38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303Tel: 886-3-5979798 Fax: 886-3-5979737CONNECTION DIAGRAMReceiver Signal Ground 1 (Rx GND)Receiver Data Out 2 (RD+) N/CReceiver Data Out Bar 3 (RD−)Signal Detect 4 (SD)Receiver Power Supply 5 (Rx Vcc) TOP VIEWTransmitter Power Supply 6 (Tx Vcc)Transmitter Data In Bar 7 (TD−)Transmitter Data In 8 (TD+) N/CTransmitter Signal Ground 9 (Tx GND)*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No.38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303Tel: 886-3-5979798 Fax: 886-3-5979737*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No.38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303Tel: 886-3-5979798 Fax: 886-3-5979737TRM-5101TG / TRM-5101ATGNote: Specifications subject to change without notice.*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No.38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303Tel: 886-3-5979798 Fax: 886-3-5979737。



XC5101_______________________________________________________XC5101- 1A Linear Li-Ion Battery Charger GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe XC5101 is a complete constant current &constant voltage linear charger for single cell lithium-ion batteries. Its SOP package and low external component count make the XC5101 ideally suited for portable applications.Furthermore, the XC5101 is specifically designed to work within USB power specifications.No external sense resistor is needed, and no blocking diode is required due to the internal MOSFET architecture. Thermal feedback regulates the charge current to limit the dietemperature during high power operation or high ambient temperature. The charge voltage is fixed at 4.21V, and the charge current can beprogrammed externally with a single resistor. The XC5101 automatically terminates the charge cycle when the charge current drops to 1/10th the programmed value after the final float voltage is reached.When the input supply (wall adapter or USB supply) is removed, the XC5101 automatically enters a low current state, dropping the battery drain current to less than 2uA. The XC5101 can be put into shutdown mode, reducing the supply current to 50uA.Other features include Battery temperature monitor, under-voltage lockout, automaticrecharge and two status pins to indicate charge and charge termination.FEATURESProgrammable Charge Current Up to 1000mANo MOSFET, Sense Resistor or Blocking DiodeComplete Linear Charger in SOP Package for single Cell Lithium-Constant-Current/Constant-Voltage Operation with Thermal Regulation to Maximize ChargeRate Without Risk of OverheatingCharges Single Cell Li-Ion Batteries Directly fromPreset 4.21V Charge Voltage with ±1% AccuracyCharge Current Monitor Output for Gas GaugingCharge state pairs of output, no battery and faultC/10Soft-Available in SOP8-PP PackageAPPLICATIONSCellular Telephones, PDAs, MP3 /MP4 PlayersCharging Docks and Cradles Bluetooth 、GPS ApplicationsFigure1Typical Application Circuit深圳市思微半导体有限公司XC5101 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ORDERING INFORMATIONPART NUMBER TEMP RANGE VIN VBATCHARGECURRENTPACKAGE PINSXC5101 -40°C to 85°C 4.5~6V 4.21V 1A SOP-PP 8 PIN CONFIGURATIONFigure 2. PIN ConfigurationPIN DESCRIPTIONPIN NUMBERPINNAMEPIN DESCRIPTION1, TEMP Battery temperature detection input2 PROG Charge Current Program, Charge Current Monitor and Shutdown Pin.3 GND Ground4 VCC Positive Input Supply Voltage.5 BAT Charge Current Output.6 /STBY The completion of battery charging instructions side.7 /CHRG Open-Drain Charge Status Output.8 CE Chip enable input.9 EPAD Ground and EPADABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Note: Do not exceed these limits to prevent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for long periods may affect device reliability.)PARAMETER VALUE UNIT Input Supply Voltage VCC VSS-0.3~VSS+7 V PROG pin Voltage Vprog VSS-0.3~Vcc+0.3 V BAT pin Voltage Vbat Vss-0.3~7 VCHAG pin Voltage Vchrg VSS-0.3~VSS+7 V BAT pin Current Ibat 1.4 A PROG pin Current Iprog 1.4 mA Operating Ambient Temperature -40 to 85 °C Maximum Junction Temperature 150 °C Storage Temperature -55 to 150 °C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) 260 °CELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V IN = 3.6V, T A= 25 C unless otherwise specified)PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT Input Voltage Range VCC 4.25 6.5 VInput supply current Icc Charge mode, RPROG =10K 350 2000 uA Standby mode 150 500 uA Shutdown mode(RPROG notconnected,Vcc<Vbat or Vcc<Vuv)50 100 uABAT pin Current Ibat R PROG =2k,Current mode 450 500 550 mA R PROG =1k,Current mode 900 1000 1100 mA Standby mode,Vbat=4.2V 0 -2.5 -6 uA Shutdown mode 1 2.5 uA Sleep mode,Vcc=0V 0.3 2.5 uARegulated Charge Voltage Vfloat 0°C≤TA≤85°C, Icharge = 40mA 4.178 4.21 4.242 V PROG pin Voltage Vprog R PROG =1k, Current mode 0.93 1.0 1.07 VTrickle charge current Itrikl Vbat<Vtrikl,Rprog=1k 90 100 110 mA Trickle charge ThresholdVoltageVtrikl R PROG =10K,Vbat Rising 2.8 2.9 3.0 V Trickle voltage hysteresisvoltageVtrhys R PROG =10K 60 80 110 mV Recharge Battery thresholdVoltageΔVrecg V FLOAT - V RECHRG150 300 mV CHRG pin Output lowvoltageVchrg Ichrg=5mA 0.35 0.6 V STDBY pin Output lowvoltageVstdby Istdby=5mA 0.35 0.6 V Enable Threshold VCC=4.25V~6.5V 0.3 1 1.5 V Enable Leakage Current -0.1 +0.1 uATEMP pin voltage of the high-end flip Vtemp-h 80 82 %VccPIN FUNCTIONTEMP (PIN 1): Battery temperature detection input.TEMP pin to receive the battery NTC sensor output.If the TEMP pin voltage is less than the input voltage is greater than 45% or 80% of the input voltage means the battery temperature is too low or too high, then the charge has been suspended.If the TEMPdirect access GND, battery temperature detection canceled, the other charged and functioning properly.PROG (PIN 2): Charge Current Program, Charge Current Monitor and Shutdown Pin.The charge current is programmed by connecting a 1% resistor, RPROG, to ground. When charging in constant-current mode, this pin servos to 1V. In all modes, the voltage on this pin can be used to measure the charge current using the following formula: IBAT = (VPROG/RPROG) x1000.The PROG pin can also be used to shut down the charger. Disconnecting the program resistor from ground allows a 3uA current to pull the PROG pin high. When it reaches the 1.21V shutdown threshold voltage, the charger enters shutdown mode, charging stops and the input supply current drops to 50uA. This pin is also clamped to approximately 2.4V. Driving this pin to voltages beyond the clamp voltage will draw currents as high as 1.5mA. Reconnecting RPROG to ground will return the charger to normal operation.GND (PIN 3): Ground.VCC (PIN 4): Positive Input Supply Voltage.Provides power to the charger, VCC can range from 4.25V to 6.5V and should be bypassed with at least a 10uF capacitor. When VCC drops to within 30mV of the BAT pin voltage, the XC5101 enters shutdown mode, dropping IBAT to less than 2uA.BAT (PIN 5): Charge Current Output.Provides charge current to the battery and regulates the final float voltage to 4.2V. An internal precision resistor divider from this pin sets the float voltage which is disconnected in shutdown mode.STDBY (PIN 6): The completion of battery charging instructions side.When the battery charge is complete, STDBY pulled low by internal switches, indicating the completion of charging. In addition, STDBY pin will be in a high-impedance state.CHRG (PIN 7): Open-Drain Charge Status Output.When the battery is charging, the CHRG pin is pulled low by an internal N-channel MOSFET. When the charge cycle is completed, CHRG pin will be in a high-impedance state.CE (PIN 8): Chip enable input.High input level will make XC5101 in normal working condition; low input level so that XC5101 is prohibited charging status. CE pin can be TTL or CMOS level-level driver.TEMP pin voltage of the low-end flipVtemp-l4345%Vc cTYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSBATTERY CHARGER CURVEPACKAGE OUTLINESOP8-PP PACKAGE OUTLINE AND DIMENSIONSIn order to increase the driver current capability of XC5101 and improve thetemperature of package, Please ensure Epad and enough ground PCB to release energy.SYMBOLDimension inMillimeters Dimension inInches MIN MAXMIN MAX A 1.300 1.700 0.051 0.067 A1 0.000 0.100 0.0 0.004 A2 1.350 1.550 0.053 0.061 B 0.330 0.510 0.013 0.020 C 0.170 0.250 0.007 0.010 D 4.700 5.100 0.185 0.201 E 3.800 4.000 0.150 0.157 E1 5.800 6.200 0.228 0.244 e 1.27 TYP 0.050 TYP L 0.400 1.270 0.016 0.050 0o 8o 0o 8o F 2.313 2.513 0.091 0.099 G 3.202 3.4020.126 0.134XC5101 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PROUCT CHANGE NOTICE LISTNO Updated date Version update Update content1 2013-10-24 Rev 0.1 Create datasheet2 2013-12-16 Rev 0.2 Update Vbat Parameter value。



UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTDL5101 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITWHITE LED STEP-UP CONVERTERDESCRIPTIONThe UTC L5101 is a fixed frequency step-up PWM DC/DC converter and designed for white LEDS driving with a constant current to provide backlight in handheld devices. The device switches at a high frequency 1.2MHz by an internal N-channel MOSFET switch to be capable of minimum external components using.The UTC L5101 can drive up to 5 LEDs in series by a Li-Ion cell. Series connection of LEDS provides identical LED currents resulting in uniform brightness without ballast resistors. The low 95mV feedback voltage minimizes power loss in the current setting resistor can have better efficiency.FEATURES* Built-In Open Circuit Protection * Built-In Over Voltage Protection* High Efficiency(Up to 84% at V IN =4.2V, 3 LEDs, I LED =20mA) * 1.2MHz fixed switching frequency * Low supply current: 70µA * Matches LED current* Requires tiny inductor and capacitors*Pb-free plating product number: L5101LORDERING INFORMATIONOrder NumberNormal Lead Free PlatingPackage PackingL5101-AG6-R L5101L-AG6-R SOT-26 Tape ReelPIN CONFIGURATIONOVP SHDNGNDFBVPIN DESCRIPTIONSBLOCK DIAGRAMV INFBOVPTEST CIRCUITL1V INC20.22 FD1APPLICATION INFORMATIONRecommended Component SelectionInductor Selection: A 10µH inductor is recommended for most applications.Capacitor Selection: The small size of ceramic capacitors (1µF input with 1µF output ) are sufficient, X5Rand X7R types are recommended Diode Selection: An Schottky diode rated at 100mA ~ 200mA is sufficient for most applications. LED Current ControlA feedback resistor (precision 1% recommended) as feedback resistor control the LED current.(R FB in Figure 1) - Feedback reference voltage : 95mV. - LED current is 95mV/R FB .- The formula for R FB selection : R FB =95mV/I LEDLV INC2 1 FFig.1 Dimming Control with a PWM SignalOpen-Circuit ProtectionWhen a high output voltage exceeds maximum 33V, the built-in OVP (Over Voltage Protection) will be triggered to prevent the damage resulting from an open circuit condition. Dimming ControlThere are three different ways of dimming control circuits as follows: 1. Using a PWM signalV INL Fig.2 Dimming Control Using a PWM SignalAPPLICATION INFORMATION(Cont.)2. Using a DC VoltageV INC2 1 FLFig.3 Dimming Control Using a DC Voltage3. Using a Filtered PWM SignalV INC2 1 FLFig.4 Dimming Control Using a Filter PWM SignalTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS3060Supply Voltage (V)507040S u p p l y C u r r e n t (μA )Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage (V)0.61.4Supply Voltage (V) up p l y C u r r e n t (m A )Supply Current vs . Supply Voltage (V) Voltage (V)1.11.4 6.00.9R D S O N (O )R DS-ONvs. Supply Voltage (V) Current (mA)75902065E f f c i e n c y (%)3 LEDs Efficiency vs. LED Current1070806085LED Current (mA)759065E f f c i e n c y (%)3 LEDs Efficiency vs. LED Current70806085LED Current (mA)759065E f f c i e n c y (%)4 LEDs Efficiency vs. LED Current7080TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS(cont.)6015585LED Current (mA)75902065E f f c i e n c y (%)5 LEDs Efficiency vs. LED Current107080。





1. LM236系列:
LM236D-2.5, LM236DR-2.5, LM236LP-2.5:这些是Texas Instruments(TI)生产的2.5V基准电压源芯片,具有较宽的工作电流范围(400uA~10mA)。

2. LM285系列:
LM285D-1.2, LM285D-2.5, LM285LP-2.5:这些是微功耗电压基准芯片,适用于电流需求较低的应用,工作电流范围为10uA至20mA。

3. LM336系列:

4. 其他典型基准电压芯片:





LM5100/LM5101High Voltage High Side and Low Side Gate DriverGeneral DescriptionThe LM5100/LM5101High Voltage Gate Drivers are de-signed to drive both the high side and the low side N-Channel MOSFETs in a synchronous buck or a half bridge configuration.The floating high-side driver is capable of operating with supply voltages up to 100V.The outputs are independently controlled with CMOS input thresholds (LM5100)or TTL input thresholds (LM5101).An integrated high voltage diode is provided to charge the high side gate drive bootstrap capacitor.A robust level shifter operates at high speed while consuming low power and providing clean level transitions from the control logic to the high side gate driver.Under-voltage lockout is provided on both the low side and the high side power rails.This device is available in the standard SOIC-8pin and the LLP-10pin packages.Featuresn Drives both a high side and low side N-Channel MOSFETn Independent high and low driver logic inputs (TTL for LM5101or CMOS for LM5100)n Bootstrap supply voltage range up to 118V DC n Fast propagation times (25ns typical)n Drives 1000pF load with 15ns rise and fall times n Excellent propagation delay matching (3ns typical)n Supply rail under-voltage lockouts n Low power consumptionnPin compatible with HIP2100/HIP2101Typical Applicationsn Current Fed push-pull convertersn Half and Full Bridge power converters n Synchronous buck convertersn Two switch forward power converters nForward with Active Clamp convertersPackagen SOIC-8n LLP-10(4mm x 4mm)Simplified Block Diagram20088803FIGURE 1.January 2004LM5100/LM5101High Voltage High Side and Low Side Gate Driver©2004National Semiconductor Corporation Connection DiagramsOrdering InformationOrdering Number Package Type NSC Package Drawing Supplied AsLM5100/01M SOIC-8M08A Shipped in anti static rails LM5100/01MX SOIC-8M08A 2500shipped as Tape &Reel LM5100/01SD LLP-10SDC10A 1000shipped as Tape &Reel LM5100/01SDXLLP-10SDC10A4500shipped as Tape &ReelPin DescriptionPin #Name DescriptionApplication InformationSO-8LLP-1011V DD Positive gate drive supply Locally decouple to V SS using low ESR/ESL capacitor located as close to IC as possible.22HBHigh side gate driver bootstrap railConnect the positive terminal of the bootstrap capacitor to HB and the negative terminal to HS.The Bootstrap capacitor should be place as close to IC as possible.33HO High side gate driver output Connect to gate of high side MOSFET with a short low inductance path.44HS High side MOSFET source connectionConnect to bootstrap capacitor negative terminal and the source of the high side MOSFET.57HIHigh side driver control inputThe LM5100inputs have CMOS type thresholds.The LM5101inputs have TTL type thresholds.Unused inputs should be tied to ground and not left open.68LI Low side driver control inputThe LM5100inputs have CMOS type thresholds.The LM5101inputs have TTL type thresholds.Unused inputs should be tied to ground and not left open.79V SS Ground returnAll signals are referenced to this ground.810LOLow side gate driver outputConnect to the gate of the low side MOSFET with a short low inductance path.Note:For LLP-10package,it is recommended that the exposed pad on the bottom of the LM5100/LM5101be soldered to ground plane on the PC board,and the ground plane should extend out from beneath the IC to help dissipate the heat.Pins 5and 6have no connection.2008880120088802FIGURE 2.L M 5100/L M 5101 2Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note1)If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications.V DD to V SS−0.3V to+18V V HB to V HS−0.3V to+18V LI or HI Inputs−0.3V to V DD+0.3V LO Output−0.3V to V DD+0.3V HO Output V HS−0.3V to V HB+0.3V V HS to V SS−1V to+100V V HB to V SS118V Junction Temperature+150˚CStorage Temperature Range−55˚C to+150˚C ESD Rating HBM(Note2)2kVRecommended Operating ConditionsV DD+9V to+14V HS−1V to100V HB V HS+8V to V HS+14V HS Slew Rate<50V/ns Junction Temperature−40˚C to+125˚CElectrical CharacteristicsSpecifications in standard typeface are for T J=+25˚C,and those in boldface type apply over the full operating junction tem-perature range.Unless otherwise specified,V DD=V HB=12V,V SS=V HS=0V,No Load on LO or HO.Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units SUPPLY CURRENTSI DD V DD Quiescent Current LI=HI=0V(LM5100)0.10.2mALI=HI=0V(LM5101)0.250.4I DDO V DD Operating Current f=500kHz 1.53mAI HB Total HB Quiescent Current LI=HI=0V0.060.2mAI HBO Total HB Operating Current f=500kHz 1.33mAI HBS HB to V SS Current,Quiescent V HS=V HB=100V0.0510µAI HBSO HB to V SS Current,Operating f=500kHz0.08mAINPUT PINSV IL Low Level Input Voltage Threshold(LM5100)3 5.0VV IL Low Level Input Voltage Threshold(LM5101)0.8 1.8VV IH High Level Input Voltage Threshold(LM5100)5.58VV IH High Level Input Voltage Threshold(LM5101)1.82.2VV IHYS Input Voltage Hysteresis(LM5100)0.5VR I Input Pulldown Resistance100200500kΩUNDER VOLTAGE PROTECTIONV DDR V DD Rising Threshold 6.0 6.97.4VV DDH V DD Threshold Hysteresis0.5VV HBR HB Rising Threshold 5.7 6.67.1VV HBH HB Threshold Hysteresis0.4VBOOT STRAP DIODEV DL Low-Current Forward Voltage I VDD-HB=100µA0.60.9VV DH High-Current Forward Voltage I VDD-HB=100mA0.85 1.1VR D Dynamic Resistance I VDD-HB=100mA0.8 1.5ΩLO GATE DRIVERV OLL Low-Level Output Voltage I LO=100mA0.230.4VV OHL High-Level Output Voltage I LO=−100mA,V OHL=V DD–V LO0.350.55VI OHL Peak Pullup Current V LO=0V 1.6AI OLL Peak Pulldown Current V LO=12V 1.8AHO GATE DRIVERV OLH Low-Level Output Voltage I HO=100mA0.230.4VLM5100/LM51013Electrical Characteristics(Continued)Specifications in standard typeface are for T J =+25˚C,and those in boldface type apply over the full operating junction tem-perature range .Unless otherwise specified,V DD =V HB =12V,V SS =V HS =0V,No Load on LO or HO .SymbolParameterConditionsMinTypMaxUnitsHO GATE DRIVER V OHH High-Level Output Voltage I HO =−100mA V OHH =V HB –V HO 0.350.55V I OHH Peak Pullup Current V HO =0V 1.6A I OLH Peak Pulldown Current V HO =12V 1.8ATHERMAL RESISTANCEθJAJunction to AmbientSOIC-8170˚C/WLLP-10(Note 3)40Switching CharacteristicsSpecifications in standard typeface are for T J =+25˚C,and those in boldface type apply over the full operating junction tem-perature range .Unless otherwise specified,V DD =V HB =12V,V SS =V HS =0V,No Load on LO or HO.Symbol ParameterConditionsMinTypMaxUnitsLM5100t LPHL Lower Turn-Off Propagation Delay (LI Falling to LO Falling)2445ns t HPHL Upper Turn-Off Propagation Delay (HI Falling to HO Falling)2445ns t LPLH Lower Turn-On Propagation Delay (LI Rising to LO Rising)2445ns t HPLH Upper Turn-On Propagation Delay (HI Rising to HO Rising)2445ns t MON Delay Matching:Lower Turn-On and Upper Turn-Off210ns t MOFF Delay Matching:Lower Turn-Off and Upper Turn-On210ns t RC ,t FC Either Output Rise/Fall Time C L =1000pF 15ns t R ,t F Either Output Rise/Fall Time (3V to 9V)C L =0.1µF0.6µs t PW Minimum Input Pulse Width that Changes the Output50ns t BS Bootstrap Diode Turn-Off TimeI F =20mA,I R =200mA 50nsLM5101t LPHL Lower Turn-Off Propagation Delay (LI Falling to LO Falling)2556ns t HPHL Upper Turn-Off Propagation Delay (HI Falling to HO Falling)2556ns t LPLH Lower Turn-On Propagation Delay (LI Rising to LO Rising)2556ns t HPLH Upper Turn-On Propagation Delay (HI Rising to HO Rising)2556ns t MON Delay Matching:Lower Turn-On and Upper Turn-Off210ns t MOFF Delay Matching:Lower Turn-Off and Upper Turn-On210ns t RC ,t FC Either Output Rise/Fall Time C L =1000pF 15ns t R ,t FEither Output Rise/Fall Time (3V to 9V)C L =0.1µF0.6µsL M 5100/L M 5101 4LM5100/LM5101 Switching Characteristics(Continued)Specifications in standard typeface are for T J=+25˚C,and those in boldface type apply over the full operating junction tem-perature range.Unless otherwise specified,V DD=V HB=12V,V SS=V HS=0V,No Load on LO or HO.Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsLM5101t PW Minimum Input Pulse Width that50ns Changes the Outputt BS Bootstrap Diode Turn-Off Time I F=20mA,50nsI R=200mANote1:Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the component may occur.Operating Ratings are conditions under which operation ofthe device is guaranteed.Operating Ratings do not imply guaranteed performance limits.For guaranteed performance limits and associated test conditions,see the Electrical Characteristics tables.Note2:The human body model is a100pF capacitor discharged through a1.5kΩresistor into each pin.2kV for all pins except Pin2,Pin3and Pin4which arerated at500V.Note3:4layer board with Cu finished thickness1.5/1/1/1.5oz.Maximum die size used.5x body length of Cu trace on PCB top.50x50mm ground and powerplanes embedded in PCB.See Application Note AN-1187.Note4:Min and Max limits are100%production tested at25˚C.Limits over the operating temperature range are guaranteed through correlation using StatisticalQuality Control(SQC)methods.Limits are used to calculate National’s Average Outgoing Quality Level(AOQL).Note5:TheθJA is not a given constant for the package and depends on the printed circuit board design and the operating environment.5Typical performance CharacteristicsLM5100I DD vs FrequencyLM5101I DD vs Frequency2008880920088810LM5100/LM5101Operating Current vs Temperature IHB vs Frequency2008881120088814Quiescent Current vs Supply Voltage LM5100/LM5101Quiescent Current vs Temperature2008881820088819L M 5100/L M 5101 6Typical performance Characteristics(Continued)Undervoltage Rising Thresholds vs TemperatureLM5100Undervoltage Threshold Hysteresis vsTemperature2008882220088817Bootstrap Diode Forward Voltage HO and LO Peak Output Current vs Output Voltage2008881520088816LO and HO Gate Drive —High Level Output Voltage vsTemperature LO and HO Gate Drive —Low Level Output Voltage vsTemperature2008882020088821LM5100/LM51017Typical performance Characteristics(Continued)LM5100Propagation Delay vs TemperatureLM5101Propagation Delay vs Temperature2008881220088813L M 5100/L M 5101 8Timing DiagramLayout ConsiderationsThe optimum performance of high and low side gate drivers cannot be achieved without taking due considerations during circuit board layout.Following points are emphasized.1.A low ESR /ESL capacitor must be connected close tothe IC,and between V DD and V SS pins and between HB and HS pins to support high peak currents being drawn from VDD during turn-on of the external MOSFET.2.To prevent large voltage transients at the drain of the topMOSFET,a low ESR electrolytic capacitor must be con-nected between MOSFET drain and ground (V SS ).3.In order to avoid large negative transients on the switchnode (HS)pin,the parasitic inductances in the source of top MOSFET and in the drain of the bottom MOSFET (synchronous rectifier)must be minimized.4.Grounging Considerations:a)The first priority in designing grounding connections is to confine the high peak currents from charging and discharging the MOSFET gate in a minimal physical area.This will decrease the loop inductance and mini-mize noise issues on the gate terminal of the MOSFET.The MOSFETs should be placed as close as possible to the gate driver.b)The second high current path includes the boot-strap capacitor,the bootstrap diode,the local ground referenced bypass capacitor and low side MOSFET body diode.The bootstrap capacitor is recharged on the cycle-by-cycle basis through the bootstrap diode from the ground referenced V DD bypass capacitor.The re-charging occurs in a short time interval and involves high peak current.Minimizing this loop length and area on the circuit board is important to ensure reliable operation.Power Dissipation ConsiderationsThe total IC power dissipation is the sum of the gate driver losses and the bootstrap diode losses.The gate driverlosses are related to the switching frequency (f),output load capacitance on LO and HO (C L ),and supply voltage (V DD )and can be roughly calculated as:P DGATES =2•f •C L •V DD 2There are some additional losses in the gate drivers due to the internal CMOS stages used to buffer the LO and HO outputs.The following plot shows the measured gate driver power dissipation versus frequency and load capacitance.At higher frequencies and load capacitance values,the power dissipation is dominated by the power losses driving the output loads and agrees well with the above equation.This plot can be used to approximate the power losses due to the gate drivers.Gate Driver Power Dissipation (LO +HO)V CC =12V,Neglecting Diode Losses2008880520088804FIGURE 3.LM5100/LM51019Power Dissipation Considerations(Continued)The bootstrap diode power loss is the sum of the forward bias power loss that occurs while charging the bootstrap capacitor and the reverse bias power loss that occurs during reverse recovery.Since each of these events happens once per cycle,the diode power loss is proportional to rger capacitive loads require more current to recharge the bootstrap capacitor resulting in more losses.Higher input voltages (V IN )to the half bridge result in higher reverse recovery losses.The following plot was generated based on calculations and lab measurements of the diode recovery time and current under several operating conditions.This can be useful for approximating the diode power dissipation.Diode Power Dissipation V IN =80V20088806Diode Power Dissipation V IN =40V20088807The total IC power dissipation can be estimated from the previous plots by summing the gate drive losses with the bootstrap diode losses for the intended application.Because the diode losses can be significant,an external diode placed in parallel (refer to Figure 4)with the internal bootstrap diode can be helpful in removing power from the IC.For this to be effective,the external diode must be placed close to the IC to minimize series inductance and have a significantly lower forward voltage drop than the internal diode.20088808FIGURE 4.LM5101Driving MOSFETs Connected in Half-Bridge ConfigurationL M 5100/L M 5101 10LM5100/LM5101 Physical Dimensions inches(millimeters)unless otherwise notedControlling dimension is inch.Values in[]are millimeters.Notes:Unless otherwise specified.1.Standard lead finish to be200microinches/5.08micrometers minimum lead/tin(solder)on copper.2.Dimension does not include mold flash.3.Reference JEDEC registration MS-012,Variation AA,dated May1990.SOIC-8Outline DrawingNS Package Number M08A11Physical Dimensionsinches (millimeters)unless otherwise noted (Continued)Notes:Unless otherwise specified.1.For solder thickness and composition,see “Solder Information”in the packaging section of the National Semiconductor web page ().2.Maximum allowable metal burr on lead tips at the package edges is 76microns.3.No JEDEC registration as of May 2003.LLP-10Outline Drawing NS Package Number SDC10ALIFE SUPPORT POLICYNATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION.As used herein:1.Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which,(a)are intended for surgical implant into the body,or (b)support or sustain life,and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling,can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. 2.A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system,or to affect its safety or effectiveness.BANNED SUBSTANCE COMPLIANCENational Semiconductor certifies that the products and packing materials meet the provisions of the Customer Products Stewardship Specification (CSP-9-111C2)and the Banned Substances and Materials of Interest Specification (CSP-9-111S2)and contain no ‘‘Banned Substances’’as defined in CSP-9-111S2.National Semiconductor Americas Customer Support CenterEmail:new.feedback@ Tel:1-800-272-9959National SemiconductorEurope Customer Support CenterFax:+49(0)180-5308586Email:europe.support@Deutsch Tel:+49(0)6995086208English Tel:+44(0)8702402171Français Tel:+33(0)141918790National Semiconductor Asia Pacific Customer Support CenterEmail:ap.support@National SemiconductorJapan Customer Support Center Fax:81-3-5639-7507Email:jpn.feedback@ Tel:81-3-5639-7560L M 5100/L M 5101H i g h V o l t a g e H i g h S i d e a n d L o w S i d e G a t e D r i v e rNational does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described,no circuit patent licenses are implied and National reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.。



笔记本常用芯片(IC)千兆网卡芯片:88E8001、RTL8101L\笔记本电脑温度传感器芯片:ADM1032、DS1620、LM26笔记本电脑指纹传感器: AES2501笔记本电脑液晶显示器高压驱动芯片:BA9741F、BD9766FV、BD9882F、BD9883FV、MAX1522/MAX1523/MAX1524 、OZ960、L1451、TL5001、笔记本电脑开机控制芯片:BD4175KV、BD4176KVT、IPC47N253、PC87551、TB62506、笔记本电脑I/O芯片:FDC37N97、IT8716FCX、IT8705F 、IT8712F 、IT8712G 、IT8702 、W83627HF 、W8671F笔记本电脑CPU散热风扇转速控制芯片:G781、笔记本电脑主板时钟芯片:ICS950810、ICS954302、ICS954310、ICS954309、SLG84420、3 J" L& |6 l( O/ O2 Z7 l笔记本电脑系统供电控制芯片:LTC1628 、LTC3728L 、MAx1632、MAx1901、MAX1977、MAx8734、SC1403、SC1404、SC2450、SI786LG、笔记本电脑内存供电控制芯片:ISL6224 、ISL6225 、ISL6227、ISL6537、G2996、MAx1540、MAxl541、MAx1623、MAX1644、MAx1809、MAx1844、MAX1992/MAX1993、MAX1858、MAX8505、MAX8632、MAx8743、MAx8794、SC470、SC1485、SC1486/SC1486A 、TPS51117、TPS51124、TPS54610、TPS54672笔记本电脑CPU供电控制芯片:ADP3181 、ADP3203 、ADP3421 、APW7057、IPM6220A 、ISL6217、ISL6223、ISL6262、LTC3716、LTC3735、LTC1709 、MAX1830/MAX1831 、MAx1907、MAx1987、MAx8760、MAx8770、SC1474、SC1476、SC451、SC452、笔记本电脑充电控制芯片:AAT3680 、BQ24700 、BQ24701 、BQ24702/BQ24703 、DS2770 、LT1505、LTC4008 、MAX1645B 、MAX1736 、MAX745、MAX1873 、MAx8724、MAx8725、MAx8765、MB3887、MB39A126PFV、TL594低压差稳压器:AAT3200、AME8824、AMS1505、AP15912、G9338、LPL1084、MAX8863、MIC5205 、SCl565、SC4215、SI9183、低压差稳压器:LP2951、笔记本主板声卡芯片: ALC200 、ALC201A 、ALC262、ALC655 、ALC658、ALC660、ALC86l、ALC880、ALC883、ALC202、AD1986、CS4205、CS20468、CS20549、Esl92l、PT2353、笔记本主板音频功率放大芯片: AN12943、APA2020/TPA0202、G1420、LM4835、LM4838、LM4882、LM4861 、LM4863、LM4880/LM4881 、LM4911 、MAX9710、MAx9750、MAx9751、MAX9755、MAx9789、MAx9790、TPA0142、TPA0142、TPA0312、TPA6017、主板内存供电芯片:AP1250、APW7060 、CM8501/CM8501A 、CM8562 、ISL6520 、NCP5201 、RT9202、RT9214、APW7120、RT9203 、RT9173、RT9218、SC2595、SC2614、SC411、SC2616、AP1250主板内存供电芯片AP15912大电流低压差稳压器APW7057笔记本电脑芯片组供电控制芯片NBA9741F笔记本电脑液晶显示器高压驱动芯片KBD4175KV笔记本电脑开机控制芯片BD9766FV笔记本电脑液晶显示器高压驱动芯片BD9882F笔记本电脑液晶显示器高压驱动芯片HBD9883FV笔记本电脑液晶显示器高压驱动芯片CS4205笔记本电脑声卡芯片QCS20468笔记本电脑声卡芯片CS20549笔记本电脑声卡芯片ICS952606主板时钟芯片Esl92l笔记本电脑声卡芯片FAN5019主板CPU供电控制芯片FAN5090主板CPU供电控制芯片FDC37N972笔记本电脑I/O芯片1 _)G1420笔记本电脑音频功放芯片G2996笔记本电脑内存供电控制芯片G781笔记本电脑CPU散热风扇转速控制芯片G9338低压差线性稳压控制器ICS950810笔记本电脑主板时钟芯片ICS954302笔记本电脑主板时钟芯片ICS954309笔记本电脑主板时钟芯片ICS954310笔记本电脑主板时钟芯片ISL6227笔记本电脑内存供电控制芯片)ISL6262笔记本电脑CPU供电控制芯片ISL6559主板CPU供电控制芯片ISL6566主板CPU供电控制芯片IT8716FCX主板I/O芯片ZLPL1084低压差稳压器L6711主板CPU供电控制芯片L6917主板CPU供电控制芯片LM13700M双运算放大器LM26笔记本电脑温度传感器LM324四电压比较器LM4835/LM4838笔记本电脑音频功放芯片LM4882笔记本电脑音频功放芯片LP2951 100mA低压差稳压器IPC47N253笔记本电脑开机芯片LTC3716笔记本电脑CPU供电控制芯片LTC3735笔记本电脑cPu供电控制电路MAMAxl541笔记本电脑内存/芯片组供电控制芯片MAx1558双路可编程电流LJSB开关MAx1623笔记本电脑内存供电电路MAx1626/MAxl627主板供电控制芯片MAx1632笔记本电脑系统供电控制芯片MAx1809笔记本电脑内存供电电路MAx1844笔记本电脑芯片组/显卡供电控制芯片MAx1901笔记本电脑系统供电控制芯片MAx1907笔记本电脑cPu供电控制芯片MAx1987笔记本电脑cPu供电控制芯片MAX3243 3~5V多通道RS-232线性驱动/接收器MAX4490满摆幅输入/输出运算放大器MAX8505笔记本电脑芯片组控制芯片MAX8632笔记本电脑内存供电控制芯片MAx8724笔记本电脑充电控制芯片MAx8725笔记本电脑充电控制芯片MAx8734笔记本电脑系统供电控制芯片MAx8743笔记本电脑显卡/芯片组供电控制芯片MAx8760笔记本电脑cPu供电控制芯片MAx8765笔记本电脑电池充电控制芯片MAx8770笔记本电脑CPU供电控制芯片MAx8794笔记本电脑DDR内存供电控制芯片MAX8863低压差稳压芯片MAX9710笔记本电脑音频功放芯片MAx9750/MAx9751/MAX9755笔记本电脑音频功放芯片MAx9790笔记本电脑音频功放芯片MB3887笔记本电脑充电控制电路。

MGate 5101-PBM-MN 产品说明书

MGate 5101-PBM-MN 产品说明书

P/N: 1802051010013*1802051010013*MGate 5101-PBM-MN Quick Installation GuideVersion 3.1, November 2019Technical Support Contact Information /support Moxa Americas:Toll-free: 1-888-669-2872Tel: 1-714-528-6777Fax: 1-714-528-6778 Moxa China (Shanghai office): Toll-free: 800-820-5036 Tel: +86-21-5258-9955 Fax: +86-21-5258-5505 Moxa Europe:Tel: +49-89-3 70 03 99-0Fax: +49-89-3 70 03 99-99 Moxa Asia-Pacific: Tel: +886-2-8919-1230 Fax: +886-2-8919-1231 Moxa India:Tel: +91-80-4172-9088Fax: +91-80-4132-10452019 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.OverviewThe MGate 5101-PBM-MN is an industrial Ethernet gateway for PROFIBUS-to-Modbus-TCP network communication.Package ChecklistBefore installing the MGate 5101-PBM-MN, verify that the package contains the following items:• 1 MGate 5101-PBM-MN gateway•Quick installation guide (printed)•Warranty CardPlease notify your sales representative if any of the above items are missing or damaged.Optional Accessories (can be purchased separately): •CBL-F9M9-150: DB9-female-to-DB9-male serial cable, 150 cm •CBL-F9M9-20: DB9-female-to-DB9-male serial cable, 20 cm •Mini DB9F-to-TB: DB9-female-to-terminal-block connector •WK-36-01: Wall-mounting kitHardware IntroductionLED IndicatorsLED Color FunctionPWR1 Green Power is on Off Power is offPWR2 Green Power is on Off Power is offReady GreenSteady on: Power is on and the MGate isfunctioning normallyBlinking: The MGate has been located by theMGate Manager’s Location functionRedSteady on: Power is on and the MGate is bootingupBlinking: Indicates an IP conflict, or the DHCP orBOOTP server is not responding properlyOff Power is off or fault condition existsCOMMOff No data exchangeGreen Data exchange with all slavesGreen,flashingData exchange with at least one slave (not allconfigured slaves can communicate with gateway) Red Bus control errorCFGOff No PROFIBUS configuration Green PROFIBUS configuration OKPBMOff PROFIBUS master is offlineRed PROFIBUS master is in STOP mode Green,flashingPROFIBUS master is in CLEAR mode Green PROFIBUS master is in OPERATE modeTOK Green Gateway holds the PROFIBUS tokenOff Gateway is waiting for the PROFIBUS tokenLED Color FunctionEthernet AmberSteady: 10Mbps, no data is transmittingBlinking: 10Mbps, data is transmitting GreenSteady: 100Mbps, no data is transmittingBlinking: 100Mbps, data is transmitting Off Ethernet cable is disconnectedReset ButtonThe reset button is used to load factory defaults. Use a pointed object such as a straightened paper clip to hold the reset button down for five seconds. Release the reset button when the Ready LED stops blinking. Hardware Installation ProcedureSTEP 1:Connect the power adapter. Connect the 12-48 VDC power line or DIN-rail power supply with the MGate 5101-PBM-MNdevice’s terminal block. Make sure the adapter is connected toan earthed socket.STEP 2:Use a PROFIBUS cable to connect the unit to a PROFIBUS slave device.STEP 3:Connect the unit to the Modbus TCP device.STEP 4:The MGate 5101-PBM-MN series is designed to be attached toa DIN rail or mounted on a wall. For DIN-rail mounting, pushdown the spring and properly attach it to the DIN-rail until it“snaps” into place. For wall mounting, install the wall-mountkit (optional) first and then screw the device onto the wall.Wall or Cabinet MountingTwo metal plates are provided for mounting theunit on a wall or inside a cabinet. Attach the platesto the unit’s rear panel with screws. With the platesattached, use screws to mount the unit on a wall.The heads of the screws should be 5 to 7 mm indiameter, the shafts should be 3 to 4 mm indiameter, and the length of the screws should bemore than 10.5 mm.For each screw, the head should be 6 mm or less in diameter, and the shaft should be 3.5 mm or less in diameter.The following figure illustrates the two mounting options:Software Installation InformationTo install MGate Manager, please download it from Moxa’s website at . For more detailed information about MGateManager, click the Documents button and select the MGate 5101-PBM-MN User’s Manual.The MGate 5101 also supports login via a web browser.Default IP address: account: adminDefault password: moxaPin Assignments PROFIBUS Serial Port (Female DB9)PINSignal Name 1– 2– 3PROFIBUS D+ 4RTS 5Signal common 65V 7– 8PROFIBUS D- 9 –Power Input and Relay Output PinoutsV2+ V2-V1+ V1- Shielded Ground DC Power Input 2 DC Power Input 2 N.O. Common N.C. DC Power Input 1 DC Power Input 1SpecificationsPower Input12 to 48 VDC Power Consumption(Input Rating)12 to 48 VDC, 360 mA (max.) Operating Temperature Standard Models: 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F) Wide Temp. Models: -40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F)Storage Temperature-40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F) ATEX and IECEx Information1. ATE X Certificate number: DEMKO 14 ATEX 12882. IECEx number: IECEx UL 14.0023X3. Certificate string: Ex nA IIC T4 GcAmbient range: 0°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 60°C (for suffix without –T)Ambient range: -40°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 75°C (for suffix without –T)4. Standards covered:EN 60079-0: 2012+A11:2013/IEC 60079-0: Ed 6.0EN 60079-15:2010/IEC 60079-15: Ed 4.05. Field-wiring connection:The device uses a terminal block, solder on the power distribution board, suitable for 12-24 AWG wire size, torque value 4.5 lb-in (0.51 N-m).6. Battery information: Battery is not user replaceable.7. Installation instructions:• A 4 mm 2 conductor must be used when the connection to theexternal grounding screw is utilized.• Conductors suitable for use at an ambient temperature of 84°Cmust be used for the power supply terminal.8. Special conditions for safe use:• The device is to be installed in an IECEx/ATEX Certified IP54enclosure and accessible only through the use of a tool.• The device is for use in an area of not more than pollution degree2 in accordance with IEC 60664-1.NOTE The equipment must be suitable for use in Class 1, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D, or nonhazardous locations only.Moxa Inc.Fl. 4, No. 135, Lane 235, Baoqiao Rd.Xindian Dist., New Taipei City, 23145, Taiwan, R.O.C.。

IP5101规格书 IP5101资料

IP5101规格书 IP5101资料
输出过流、过压、短路保护 输入过压、过充、过放、过流放电保护 整机过温保护 ESD 4KV,瞬间耐压 11V
封装 eSOP8
2 应用
移动电源/充电宝 手机、平板电脑等便携式设备
3 简介
IP5101 是一款集成升压转换器、锂电池充电管 理、电池电量指示的多功能电源管理 SoC,为移动 电源提供完整的电源解决方 案。
1 颗 LED,充电红灯闪,充满红灯亮 2 颗 LED,充电红灯闪,放电绿灯亮
智能识别负载,自动开关机 待机功耗小于 50 µA
BOM 极简
功率 MOS 内置,单电感实现充放电 1.2M 开关频率,可支持 1uH 电感
2. I要特点
手机充电电 TYPE‐C 快充


QC2.0 快充 支持 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Y
eSOP8 eSOP8 SOP16 eSOP16 eSOP16 QFN24 QFN24 QFN24
1A 充电 1 A 放电高集成度移动电源 SoC
1 特性
1A 同步升压转换, 1A 同步开关充电 升压效率最高达 91% 充电效率最高达 93% 内置电源路径管理,支持边充边放
自适应充电电流调节,匹配所有适配器 充电电压精度:±0.5% 支持 4.2/4.3/4.35V 电池(出厂定制)



Q2 D6
1 D7
R20 Y1
C2 R4 10 D2
C3 D5
C11 +
Q3 R24
C10 U2 PC817
U1 TL431
+ C4
侧隔离 。R21、R25 是输出电压采样电阻,决定输出电压的
深 度, 而 在 100kHz 时, 电 流 的 趋 肤 深 度 ε=
图 1 芯片Leabharlann 位图检测脚,用于检测输入电流的大小 , 当 SENSE 脚的电压超 过 1V 时,芯片将关闭 PWM 信号,实现过流保护。5 脚是 PWM 信号输出脚,此脚提供 15V 20mA 的 PWM 信号来控 制 MOSFET 管。8 脚接电源地。
2 基于 TM5103 的双管正激开关电源
此 次 设 计 的 双 管 正 激 开 关 电 源 要 求 为: 输 入 电 压 AC176 ~ 264V 50Hz; 输 出 规 格 为 12V 10A, 纹 波 电 压 360mV,满载效率 85%,开关频率 100kHz,最大占空比 Dmax为45% 。如图 2 所示,电路主要有以下几个电路组成:

TP5100U 2A开关降压锂电池充电器芯片说明书

TP5100U 2A开关降压锂电池充电器芯片说明书

南京拓微集成电路有限公司NanJing Top Power ASIC Corp.数据手册DATASHEETTP51002A开关降压8.4V/4.2V锂电池充电器芯片概述TP5100是一款开关降压型双节8.4V/单节4.2V 锂电池充电管理芯片。



TP5100具有5V-12V 输入电压,对电池充电分为涓流预充、恒流、恒压三个阶段,涓流预充电电流、恒流充电电流都通过外部电阻调整,最大充电电流达2A 。

TP5100采用频率400kHz 的开关工作模式使它可以使用较小的外围器件,并在大电流充电中仍保持较小的发热量。

TP5100内置功率PMOSFET 、防倒灌电路,所以无需防倒灌肖特基二极管等外围保护。

特性■双/单节8.4V/4.2V 锂电池充电■内置功率MOSFET,开关型工作模式,器件发热少,外围简单■可编程充电电流,0.1A--2A ■可编程预充电电流,20%--100%■红绿LED 充电状态指示■芯片温度保护,过流保护,欠压保护■电池温度保护、电池短路保护■开关频率400KHz ,可用电感4.7uH-22uH ■PWR_ON-电源、电池供电切换控制■小于1%的充电电压控制精度■涓流、恒流、恒压三段充电,保护电池■采用QFN16 4mm*4mm 超小型封装绝对最大额定值■静态输入电源电压(VIN ):18V ■BA T :0V ~9V■BA T 短路持续时间:连续■最大结温:120℃■工作环境温度范围:-20℃~85℃■贮存温度范围:-30℃~125℃■引脚温度(焊接时间10秒):260℃应用■便携式设备、各种充电器■智能手机、PDA 、移动蜂窝电话■MP4、MP5播放器、平板电脑■航模、电动工具、对讲机典型应用VINBATTP5100CHRGSTDBY LXVSVIN=12V10uF1K1415 1. 4. 5. 162.3897GND TS1110u F10uHRs=0.06710u FVS 8.4V 2SLiG RCSR N T CR 1VREG RTRICK0.1uF1012130.1uF0.1u F0.1u FPWR_ON-6BAT+S S 34R 250K0.2Ω(建议两个0.4并联,1206封装)3Ω0.1nF 图1 TP5100为8.4V 双节锂离子电池1.5A 充电应用示意图(如需更高耐压,LX 端RC 电路需接入)VINBATTP5100CHRGSTDBYLXVSVIN=5-12V10uF1K1415 1. 4. 5. 162.3897GND TS1110u F10uHRs=0.06710u FVS4.2V LiG RCSR N T CR 1VREG RTRICK0.1uF1012130.1uF0.1u F0.1u FPWR_ON-6BAT+S S 34R 250K3Ω0.1nF 0.2Ω(建议两个0.4并联,1206封装)图2 TP5100为4.2V 单节锂离子电池1.5A 充电应用示意图封装/订购信息16引脚4mm*4mmQFN16封装顶视图(散热片接地)订单型号TP5100-QFN16器件标记 TP5100 实物图片TP5100功能方框图图3 TP5100功能框图电特性表1 TP5100电特性能参数凡注●表示该指标适合8.4V 、4.2V 模式,否则仅指8.4V ,T A =25℃,VIN=9V ,除特别注明。



1200AP40 1200AP60、1203P60200D6、203D6 DAP8A 可互代203D6/1203P6 DAP8A2S0680 2S08803S0680 3S08805S0765 DP104、DP7048S0765C DP704加24V的稳压二极管ACT4060 ZA3020LV/MP1410/MP9141ACT4065 ZA3020/MP1580ACT4070 ZA3030/MP1583/MP1591MP1593/MP1430 ACT6311 LT1937ACT6906 LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104AMC2576 LM2576AMC2596 LM2596AMC3100 LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104AMC34063A AMC34063AMC7660 AJC1564AP8012 VIPer12AAP8022 VIPer22ADAP02 可用SG5841 /SG6841代换DAP02ALSZ SG6841DAP02ALSZ SG6841DAP7A、DP8A 203D6、1203P6DH321、DL321 Q100、DM0265RDM0465R DM/CM0565RDM0465R/DM0565R 用cm0565r代换(取掉4脚的稳压二极管)DP104 5S0765DP704 5S0765DP706 5S0765DP804 DP904FAN7601 LAF0001LD7552 可用SG6841代(改4脚电阻)LD7575PS 203D6改1脚100K电阻为24KOB2268CP OB2269CPOB2268CP SG6841改4脚100K电阻为20-47KOCP1451 TL1451/BA9741/SP9741/AP200OCP2150 LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104OCP2160 LTC3407OCP2576 LM2576OCP3601 MB3800OCP5001 TL5001OMC2596 LM2596/AP1501PT1301 RJ9266PT4101 AJC1648/MP3202PT4102 LT1937/AJC1896/AP1522/RJ9271/MP1540SG5841SZ SG6841DZ/SG6841DSM9621 RJ9621/AJC1642SP1937 LT1937/AJC1896/AP1522/RJ9271/MP1540STR-G5643D STR-G5653D、STR-G8653DTEA1507 TEA1533TEA1530 TEA1532对应引脚功能接入THX202H TFC719THX203H TFC718STOP246Y TOP247YVA7910 MAX1674/75 L6920 AJC1610VIPer12A VIPer22A[audio01]ICE2A165(1A/650V.31W);ICE2A265(2A/650V.52W);ICE2B0565(0.5A/650V.23W):ICE2B165(1A/650V.31W);ICE2B265(2A/650V.52W);ICE2A180(1A/800V.29W);ICE2A280(2A/800.50W).KA5H0365R, KA5M0365R, KA5L0365R, KA5M0365RN# u) t! u1 W1 B) R, PKA5L0365RN, KA5H0380R, KA5M0380R, KA5L0380R1、KA5Q1265RF/RT(大小两种体积)、KA5Q0765、FSCQ1265RT、KACQ1265RF、FSCQ0765RT、FSCQ1565Q这是一类的,这些型号的引脚功能全都一样,只是输出功率不一样。






1. TI BQ25890:这是一款具有高度集成度的电源管理芯片,主要用于与锂离子电池相关的应用。


2. MAX17041:这是一款用于锂离子电池监测和管理的集成电路。


3. ON Semiconductor NCP372:这是一款高度集成的电源管理芯片,主要用于移动设备、便携式医疗器械和智能家居等应用。


4. Maxim MAX17135:这是一款用于锂电池充电和保护的集成电路。


5. Dialog DA9052:这是一款低功耗的电源管理芯片,主要用于便携式设备和物联网应用。


6. TI BQ24070:这是一款用于LiFePO4锂电池充电管理的集成电路。


7. Richtek RT9455:这是一款具有高度集成度的电源管理芯片,可以用于一次性电池和可充电电池的管理。


8. Maxim MAX77650:这是一款高效节能的电源管理芯片,适用于可穿戴设备和便携式消费电子产品。


9. STMicroelectronics STBC08:这是一款专用于锂离子电池充电和保护的电源管理芯片。





其通信协议符合SMBus 1.1和SBdata 1.1智能电池指令集。

特点和引脚说明● 特点∙支持2~4节锂电池和6~12节镍电池。

∙基于PIC18F MCU内核,现场可编程的锂离子/锂聚合物/镍电池电量计量芯片。

∙遵循SMBus 1.1和SBdata 1.1。

∙精密的16位Δ-Σ A/D转换,电流测量精度为小于1mA。






∙16KB闪存和256Byte EEPROM。







● 引脚说明PS501采用TSSOP28无铅封装,符合欧盟的RoSH以及各国的环保要求,其引脚排列如图1所示。


图1 PS501引脚图图2 基于PS501的智能电池包PS501引脚功能简介PS501内部结构和工作原理● PS501内部结构PS501的内部结构见图3。

图3 PS501内部结构图● 处理器内核/存储器PS501采用了PIC18 8位RISC单片机内核,其存储器资源包括16KB 闪存,以及256Byte EEPROM,分别用于存储程序/数据和参数。

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一、功能概述 低启动电流和工作电流 内置前沿消隐(LEB)
内置峰值电流补偿和同步斜坡补偿 内置抖频功能可以降低EMI 逐周期限制电流
空载或轻载时降频和跳周期工作模式 异常过流保护
TM5101是一款高集成度、高性能的PWM 的电流型开关电源控制器。




1 FB 电压反馈引脚,通过连接光耦到地来调整占控比。


电源供电输入脚 4 GATE
驱动输出脚,外接MOSFET 5 CS 电流检测引脚(MOS 源极),外接电阻来检测MOS 电流 8 GND 接地引脚

V DD供电电压10~23 30 V
V FB FB引脚输入电压0~5.5 -0.3~ 7.0 V
V CS CS引脚输入电压-0.3 ~ 5.0 V
θJC热阻(结点到外壳) 82.5 °C/W
T J工作结点温度-40 ~ +150 °C
T STG 存储温度范围-40~ +150 °C
T A工作环境温度 -20~+80
T L焊接温度(10秒) 260 °C
人体模式, JESD22-A114 2.0
ESD 抗静电能力
机器模式, JESD22-A115 0.2
(如非特别指明均指V DD =15V ,T A =25℃)
符号 参数
最小值 典型值 最大值
供电部份 V DD-ON 启动电压 13.5 14.5 15.5 V
V DD-OFF 关闭电压 8 9 10 V I DD-ST 启动电流 V DD =V DD-ON – 0.5V
I DD-OP 正常工作电流 2.5 4 mA
V DD 过压保护
23 24 V
V DD-CLAMP V DD 钳位电压 I DD =5mA 25 27 V
V DD-BM V DD 跳周期模式电压
10 V 反馈部份 A V
PWM 比较器增益
1.7 V/V Z FB FB 引脚输入阻抗
k Ω
V FB-OPEN FB 开路电压 4.4 4.7 5.0 V V FB-PL FB 过载电压阀值 3.7 V T PD 过载延时时间
50 ms V FB-BM
进入跳周期模式FB 电压
Z CS CS 引脚输入阻抗
5.0 k Ω V CSTH-H 电流限流值(最大占空比)
V V CSTH-L 电流限制值(最小占空比) 0.7 0.8 V T LEB 前沿尖峰消隐时间
T PD 延时输出时间
60 ns
典型的启动电流为5uA ,可以使用阻值较大而功耗较小的启动电阻,以减小功率损耗。

V DD 电压上升到15.5V 时,电路开始启动工作,V DD 滤波电容持续对电路供电直到由变压器的辅助绕组提供电流。

在此期间V DD 电压不能低于9.5V 。

一个1.5~2M Ω,0.25W 的启动电阻和一个10uF/25V 的电解电容可满足电源的启动需要。

振荡部份 f OSC 振荡频率 62 67 72 kHz f OSC-BM 跳周期振荡频率 20 kHz f △shuffling 抖频范围
6 % f DV 频偏 vs V DD 电压
V DD =10V to 23V
输出部份 D MAX 最大占空比
75 80 85 %
V OL 输出低电压 V DD =15V ,I O =20mA 1.5 V V OH 输出高电压 V DD =15V ,I O =20mA 10
t R V DD =15V ,C L =1nF 240 uS t F
V DD =15V ,C L =1nF 75 uS V G-CLAMP 输出钳位电压
17 18 V

当V FB < 1.4V且V DD> 10 V时电路会进入间歇振荡状态,震荡输出将停止一段时间,减少开关次数,降低开关损耗。

当V FB>1.4V时,电路进入正常工作状态。







V DD过压、欠压保护
当V DD>23V时,电路会进入过压保护,输出脉冲会立即停止,直到V DD掉到欠压后电路重新启动,另外V DD还设置了钳位电路,防止过高的V DD冲击电压损坏电路。

如果V DD电压下落到8.5V以下时电路将会发生欠压保护,电路停止工作。



当发生开环(反馈环路发生故障,如光耦开路)、过功率、输出短路等异常时,FB引脚的电压会上升,当V FB>3.7V 时,将恒定输出功率,如果此异常维持50mS以上,电路关闭输出,直到V DD欠压后电路重新启动。

九、应用实例 输入电压:90~264VAC
输出:12V1.5A 空载损耗:<0.3W 效率:>80%(满载) 原理图
PC817 C
R11R12360R 1/8W
R100.9R 1% 1W
R720R 1/4W
R51k 1/8W
磁芯:EF20(PC40)漏感: PIN1-PIN3 80uH max (其它脚短路)
屏蔽 Φ0.15绕满一层电感量: PIN1-PIN3 L=800uH±10%
绿色低功耗开关电源控制器 TM5101
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