北师大版必修三Unit8 lesson1 Adventure Holidays课件2

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Unit8 lesson1 Adventure Holidays
Warm up
How do you usually spend your holiday?
Go traveling
Go climbing
Go to amusement parks
Go surfing
Stay at home and watch TV
Go hiking
If you climb the Himalayas, will it be exciting?
Read the words
• • • • • • • • • •
adventure desert canoe safari hike presenter major wild tiring take off
奇遇, 奇遇,冒险的经历 沙漠, 沙漠,荒原 乘独木舟, 乘独木舟,独木舟 东非、中非游猎, 东非、中非游猎,探险 跋涉旅行 节目主持人 较严重的 野生的 令人疲劳的 起飞
• • • • • • • • • •
raft white-water rafting horizon organization uncomfortable route porter luggage accommodation hostel
木排, 木排,木筏 激流漂流 地平线 团体,组织, 团体,组织,机构 不舒服的, 不舒服的,不自在的 路线, 路线,路程 行李搬运工 行李 住所, 住所,住处 旅社, 旅社,招待所
• • • • • • • •
maximum altitude extra optional differ footprint anxious right now
最大的, 最大的,最多的 高度, 高度,海拔 特别的, 特别的,额外的 可选择的, 可选择的,非强制的 不同于, 不同于,有区别 脚印, 脚印,足迹 忧虑的, 忧虑的,担心的 就在此刻
First Reading Match the paragraphs with the topics
• 1. • 2. • 3. • 4. • 5. • 6. • 7.
experience of a hike organization of hikes flight arrangements accommodation extra offers difficulty of hikes prices and dates
Second reading
Read the text again and answer the questions.
Para. 1
• Why do you think people would like to go on this trip? • They are looking for new, exciting holiday experiences.
Para. 2
• What is the reality of hiking holidays? • Why does the organization use guides with a lot of experience?
Hiking trips can be…
Guides with a lot of experience know …
…all the best routes and best places to camp.
Para. 3-4
• Which of the following are not the flights the organization offers? • A. from Beijing to Lhasa • B. from London to Tibet • C. from Lhasa to London • D. from London to Beijing
5Para. 5-7
• Why does the company offer optional tours?
Because some people may not want to go straight home afterwards.
Why do people going on this trip need to be fit?
Because it is a Class A hike with walks of up to 8 hours a day and a maximum altitude of 5,545 meters.
What are the advantages of Adventure 2000? There are … experienced guides,
What are the advantages of Adventure 2000?
There are … experienced guides, cooks and porters
What are the advantages of Adventure 2000? There are … experienced guides, cooks and porters good travel arrangements
What are the advantages of Adventure 2000?
There are … experienced guides, cooks and porters good travel arrangements comfortable accommodation special offers
Comfortable hotel
The third reading
Read the text again and find out the following words and expressions.
Para 1 walk along a mountain path • 沿着山路跋涉 Mount Qomolangma • 珠穆朗玛峰 on the horizon • 在地平线上 arrive at the camp • 到达营地 watch the sun go down • 欣赏日落 • ……好吃极了 …taste fantastic 好吃极了 talk with • 和……讨论 讨论 • 想有这样的经历 look for experiences like this
Para 2 • 长途跋涉旅行 hiking holidays • 跋涉旅行者的需要 the needs of hikers • 多年带领跋涉旅行者旅行的经验 have several years of experience in leading hiking trips • • • • • 最佳路线 最佳宿营地 除了…还 除了 还 搬运行李 尽情享受 best routes best places to camp as well as carry luggage simply enjoy the experience
Para 3 travel arrangements • 旅游安排 • 安排所有航班 organise all the flights Lhasa • 拉萨 • 西藏 Tibet Para 4 • 食宿 • 青年旅店 • 单双人帐篷
accommodation hostel one-or two-person tents
Para 5 • 直接回家 • 中国西部之旅 • 宁愿 宁愿…… • 特殊服务 Para 6 • A类跋涉旅行 • 步行6-8小时 步行6 • 最高海拔 Para 7 • 每组最多15人 每组最多15 15人
go straight home a trip to Western China prefer to do… special offers Class A hike walks of 6-8 hours maximum altitude Maximum group size is 15 people.
Language points
1. watch the sun go down V+ object + V look at ,see ,notice ,watch ,observe
e.g. I saw them play football yesterday. e.g. The police observed the man entering\enter the bank.
2. straight (adj.)
径直的不间断的直线进行;不偏斜的: 径直的不间断的直线进行;不偏斜的: a straight route. 直达路线 直接的,直截了当的;直率的: 直接的 直截了当的;直率的: 直截了当的 a straight person \ answer
straight (adv.) : 直地;径直地 直地; Eg. The train goes there straight. He went straight from school to university.
3. Prefer (比较 喜欢;宁愿 选择 比较)喜欢 选择) 比较 喜欢;宁愿(选择
1) prefer (sb.) to do sth. 更喜欢(某人) 更喜欢(某人)做… prefer (sb.) not to do sth. 宁愿(某人)不…… 宁愿(某人) e.g. At this moment, they prefer not to talk about this question. I prefer you to be in charge of this experiment.
2) prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. ; prefer doing sth. to doing sth. 更喜欢做……,不喜欢做…… e.g. I prefer to walk rather than (to) go by bike. Jim prefers playing football to playing basketball. 3) prefer + that从句:用于表达某人的愿望,从句用过 去时或 (should) do 结构 e.g. She preferred that we had (should have) the discussion after class.
Ex. 4: In the text , the following are only simple tenses: understand, know, realise, believe, mean, want, like, prefer, need. In the text , the following are simple and continuous tenses: arrive, watch, talk, feel, prefer, carry
Compare the verbs. Does the verb mean the same in both sentences.
1. a) All our guides have several years’ experience in leading treks in the Himalayas. (have = own, a state ) b) You are having a hot cup of tea. (have = drink, an activity)
2. a) You are feeling tired. (feel = experience, an activity ) b) At Adventure 2000 we feel that we understand the needs of hikers. (feel = think or believe, a state)