
北京外国语大学2014年硕士研究生入学考试试题招生专业:英语同声传译科目名称:英汉互译(考试时间3小时,满分150分,全部写在答题纸上,答在试题页上无效)一、将下列段落译为汉语(25分)In the pre-modern era, political, economic, and social life was governed by a dense web of interlocking relationships inherited from the past and sanctified by religion. Limited personal freedom and material benefits existed alongside a mostly unquestioned social solidarity. Traditional local orders began to erode with the rise of capitalism in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, as the increasing prevalence and dominance of market relationships broke down existing hierarchies. The shift produced economic and social dynamism, an increase in material benefits and personal freedoms, and a decrease in communal feeling. As this process continued, the first modern political ideology, classical liberalism, emerged to celebrate and justify it.Liberalism stressed the importance of the rule of law, limited government, and free commercial transactions. It highlighted the manifold rewards of moving to a world dominated by markets rather than traditional communities, a shift the economic historian Karl Polanyi would call “the great transformation.” But along with the gains came losses as well—of a sense of place, of social and psychological stability, of traditional bulwarks against life’s vicissitudes.Left to itself, capitalism produced long-term aggregate benefits along with great volatility and inequality. This combination resulted inwhat Polanyi called a “double movement,” a progressive expansion of both market society and reactions against it. (211)二、将下列短文译为汉语(50分)The European Union was established with a legal treaty and is founded on the principle of the rule of law. This concept centers on a set of rules governing all society's processes and interactions and being above all society's institutions and organizations. The rules or laws set the moral and ethical standards by which the behaviour of members of society and organizations are judged. For the rule of law and thereby civil society to flourish, it requires the citizens of a country to respect and trust legal processes, and the law to be applied in a consistent way to all. This gives people a feeling of inclusiveness and optimism about their future. The European Union's Governance for Equitable Development (GED) project, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) from 2007 to 2012, has assisted China to benefit from knowledge of Europe’s developed legal system and civil society through technical exchange, research and knowledge sharing.As people’s incomes grow and materi al living standards rise, their expectations about the quality of life, participation in civil society, protection of property and individual rights increase. Meeting these expectations for a better life in a rapidly urbanizing society with a still significant rural population is one of the key challenges facing China today. This is where the GED project has supported China in moving to a more equitable, inclusive and vibrant civil society, based on the rule of law.The project has worked with three key Chinese agencies, the National Peoples’ Congress, the Supreme People’s Court and the Ministry of Civil Affairs on topics ranging from law drafting and court efficiency to registration of civil society organizations. The project has produced remarkable results over five years, leading to an improved environment for civil society to flourish in China, increased citizen participation in law making, reduced barriers to seeking justice, increased transparency and efficiency of selected courts and progress in the consistency of court decisions. (321)三、将下列段落译为英语(25分)当今世界,和平、发展、合作是时代潮流更加强劲,但同时人类社会也面临着前所未有的挑战。
[考研类试卷]2014年对外经济贸易大学英语翻译基础真题试卷英译汉1 Anti-Dumping Duty Order2 counter trade3 holding company4 working capital5 contingency fund6 par value7 law of diminishing marginal utility8 treasury bills9 zero sum game10 niche market11 MOOC12 TPP13 CAFTA14 CFR15 GSP16 ICC17 ITC18 SBA19 UNCTAD20 USAID汉译英21 即期汇票22 资本流动性23 抵押贷款24 指令经济25 机会成本26 远期汇率27 最低限价28 金融租赁公司29 微信30 雾霾英译汉31 Global financial stability has improved over the past six months, bolstered by better macroeconomic performance and continued accommodative macroeconomic policies, but fragilities remain. The two-speed recovery ?modest in advanced economies and robust in emerging market economies has posed different policy challenges for countries. In advanced economies hit hardest by the crisis, governments and households remain heavily indebted, to varying degrees, and the health of financial institutions has not recovered in tandem with the overall economy. Emerging market economies are facing new challenges associated with strong domestic demand, rapid credit growth, relatively accommodative macroeconomic policies, and large capital inflows. Geopolitical riskscould also threaten the economic and financial outlook, with oil prices increasing sharply amid fears of supply disruptions in the Middle East and North Africa.The main task facing policymakers in advanced economies is to shift the balance of policies away from reliance on macroeconomic and liquidity support to more structural policies ?less "leaning" and more " cleaning" of the financial system. This will entail reducing leverage and restoring market discipline , while avoiding financial or economic disruption during the transition. Thus, ongoing policy efforts to withdraw(implicit)public guarantees and ensure bondholder liability for future losses must build on more rapid progress toward stronger bank balance sheets, ensuring medium-term fiscal sustainability and addressing excessive debt burdens in the private sector.For policymakers in emerging market economies, the task is to limit overheating and a buildup of vulnerabilities ?to avoid " cleaning" later. Emerging market economies have continued to benefit from strong growth relative to that in advanced economies, accompanied by increasing portfolio capital inflows. This is putting pressure on some financial markets, contributing to higher leverage, potential asset price bubbles, and inflationary pressures. Policymakers will have to pay increasing attention to containing the buildup of macro-financial risks to avoid future problems that could inhibit their growth and damage financial stability.汉译英32 中意两国都是拥有悠久历史和灿烂文化的文明古国。

1/11【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 12015年考研指导育明教育,创始于2006年,由北京大学、中国人民大学、中央财经大学、北京外国语大学的教授投资创办,并有北京大学、武汉大学、中国人民大学、北京师范大学复旦大学、中央财经大学、等知名高校的博士和硕士加盟,是一个最具权威的全国范围内的考研考博辅导机构。
第二外国语大学(原题)翻译硕士英语一、完形填空(全文录入,题目省略):During the first many decades of this nation’s existence,the United States was a wide-open,dynamic country with a rapidly expanding economy.It was also a country that tolerated a large amount of cruelty and pain —poor people living in misery,workers suffering from exploitation.Over the years,Americans decided they wanted a little more safety and security.This is what happens as nations grow wealthier;they use money to buy civilization.Occasionally,our ancestors found themselves in a sweet spot.They could pass legislation that brought security but without a cost to vitality.But adults know that this situation is rare.In the real world,there’s usually a trade-off.The unregulated market wants to direct capital to the productive and the young.Welfare policies usually direct resources to the vulnerable and the elderly.Most social welfare legislation,even successful legislation,siphons money from the former to the latter.Early in this health care reform process,many of us thought we were in that magical sweet spot.We could extend coverage to the uninsured but also improve the system overall to lower costs.2/11【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 2That is,we thought it would be possible to reduce the suffering of the vulnerable while simultaneously squeezing money out of the wasteful system and freeing it up for more productive uses.That’s what the management gurus call a win-win.It hasn’t worked out that way.The bills before Congress would almost certainly ease the anxiety of the uninsured,those who watch with terror as their child or spouse grows ill,who face bankruptcy and ruin.And the bills would probably do it without damaging the care the rest of us receive.In every place where reforms have been tried —from Massachusetts to Switzerland —people come to cherish their new benefits.The new plans become politically untouchable.But,alas,there would be trade-offs.Instead of reducing costs,the bills in Congress would probably raise them.They would mean that more of the nation’s wealth would be siphoned off from productive uses and shifted into a still wasteful health care system.The authors of these bills have tried to foster efficiencies.The Senate bill would initiate several interesting experiments designed to make the system more effective —giving doctors incentives to collaborate,rewarding hospitals that provide quality care at lower cost.It’s possible that some of these experiments will bloom into potent systemic reforms.But the general view among independent health care economists is that these changes will not fundamentally bend the cost curve.The system after reform will look as it does today,only bigger and more expensive.Rather than pushing all of the new costs onto future generations,as past governments have done,the Democrats have admirably agreed to raise taxes.Over the next generation,the tax increases in the various bills could funnel trillions of dollars from the general economy into the medical system.Moreover,the current estimates almost certainly understate the share of the nation’s wealth that will have to be shifted.In these bills,the present Congress pledges that future Congresses will impose painful measures to cut Medicare payments and impose efficiencies.Future Congresses3/11【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 3rarely live up to these pledges.Somebody screams “Rationing!”and there is a bipartisan rush to kill even the most tepid cost-saving measure.After all,if the current Congress,with pride of authorship,couldn’t reduce costs,why should we expect that future Congresses will?The bottom line is that we face a brutal choice.Reform would make us a more decent society,but also a less vibrant one.It would ease the anxiety of millions at the cost of future growth.It would heal a wound in the social fabric while piling another expensive and untouchable promise on top of the many such promises we’ve already made.America would be a less youthful,ragged and unforgiving nation,and a more middle-aged,civilized and sedate one.We all have to decide what we want at this moment in history,vitality or security.We can debate this or that provision,but where we come down will depend on that moral preference.Don’t get stupefied by technical details.This debate is about values.二、阅读理解,回答问题:Obama Loses a RoundWhile the jury is still out on what President Obama’s China visit has achieved for the long term,the president has most decidedly lost the war of symbolism in his first close encounter with China.In status-conscious China,symbolism and protocol play a role that is larger than life.U.S.diplomatic blunders could reinforce Beijing’s mindset that blatant information control works,and that a rising China can trump universal values of open,accountable government.During Mr.Obama’s visit,the Chinese outmaneuvered the Americans in all public events,from the disastrous town hall meeting in Shanghai to the stunted press conference in Beijing.In characteristic manner,the Chinese tried to shut out the public,while the U.S.unwittingly cooperated.The final image of President Obama in China that circulated around the world is telling:A lone man walking up the steep slope of the Great Wall.The picture is in stark contrast to those of other U.S.presidents who had their photographs taken at the Great Wall surrounded by flag-waving4/11【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 4children or admiring citizens.Maybe Mr.Obama wanted a quiet moment for himself before returning home.But a president’s first visit to the wall is a ritual that needs to be properly framed.Mr.Obama could have waited until the next visit,when he could bring the first lady and the children.Instead,he went ahead by himself to pay tribute to China’s ancient culture.In return,the Chinese offered nothing,no popular receptions,not even the companionship of a senior Chinese leader.The trouble for the U.S.started at the town hall meeting two days earlier —a more scripted event than those organized with students for earlier U.S.presidents.There was no real dialogue,as a programmed audience,most of them Communist League Youth members,asked coached questions.The Chinese also rejected the U.S.request for live national coverage and defaulted on a promise to live-stream the meeting at ,the online version of China’s state-owned news agency.Mr.Obama scored a point when he managed to address the issue of Internet freedom after the U.S.ambassador,Jon Huntsman,fielded him the question from a Chinese netizen submitted online.Meanwhile,Chinese officials garnered from the meeting generous quotes from Mr.Obama affirming China’s achievements and America’s expressions of good will,which were turned into glowing headlines for the Chinese media.In this round of the propaganda skirmish,the U.S.scored one point while China reaped a handful.Mr.Obama was similarly shut out from addressing the public in Beijing.At the Beijing press conference,President Hu Jintao and President Obama read prepared statements and would not take questions from reporters.“This was an historic meeting between the two leaders,and journalists should have had the opportunity to ask questions,to probe beyond the statements,”protested Scott McDonald,the president of China’s Foreign Correspondents Club,but to no avail.In a final dash to break through the information blockade,the Obama team offered an exclusive interview to Southern Weekend,China’s most feisty newspaper,based in Guangzhou.Once again,journalists’questions were programmed and the paper censored.In protest,the paper prominently displayed vast white spaces on the first and second page of the edition that carried the interview.Propaganda officials are investigating this act of defiance.5/11【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 5Only the Obama team knows for sure how they allowed themselves to be outmaneuvered.Unwittingly,the U.S.helped to produce a package of faux public events.Pundits argued that the visitors were not supposed to impose the “American way”on China and that America needs to respect Chinese practices.The argument is both patronizing and condescending.Increasingly,the Chinese public has been clamoring for greater official transparency and accountability,while the Chinese government has been making progress on these fronts.No one in his right mind would ask Mr.Obama to lecture Beijing on human rights.But the Chinese public deserves better accounting,no less than Americans citizens.To their credit,U.S.officials did try to get their message out online.But it was the Chinese bloggers who were most active in challenging official information control.They at least fought the good fight with growing confidence,a fight the Americans seem unable to wage effectively.三、写作。


IV.Переведите данные микротексты на русский язык 1. 中国的现代化建设既重视物的发展即社会生产力的发展,又重视 人的发展即全民族文明素质的提高。 2. 我们坚持预防为主、综合治理,全面推进、重点突破,着力解决 损害群众健康的突出环境问题。 3. 我们在应对国际金融危机冲击中实施了钢铁、汽车、造船、石化 等十大产业调整振兴规划,起到了优化经济结构、拉动经济增长 的作用。
2014 年北京外国语大学俄语翻译硕士考研真题及答案解析
Переведите данные слова и словосочетания на китайский язык
церемония инаугурация политика реформ и открытости II.
У европейских школьников — новая головная боль. Им добавили еще один предмет — финансовую грамоту. Перепуганные экономическим кризисом взрослые придумали этот предмет ровно два года назад. При Еврокомиссии был даже создан экспертный совет, который помогал с написанием школьного курса и
консультировал те страны, где пока новый предмет только внедряется. За два года в детском ликбезе особенно преуспели в Германии и Чехии. Нидерланды, Швеция, Франция и некоторые другие страны ЕС спешно вводят новый предмет. Со следующего года уроки «деньговедения» станут обязательными и в школах Великобритании, где разработали национальную программу, охватывающую даже детские сады. Зачем Европе все это нужно? Приступая к проекту, Еврокомиссия так определила его конечную цель — «развить способность потребителя и собственника маленькой фирмы понимать суть финансового продукта и принимать квалифицированные, продуманные решения». Кто таковой не обладает, не сможет приспособиться к жизни через ближайшие пять—десять лет.

对外经济贸易大学201 4年翻译硕士专业学位研究生入学考试初试试题考试科目:357英语翻译基础Part I Terminology and Phrase Translation (30 points)Section One: Translate the following terms rnto Chinese, Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (10 points,l point each).1. Anti-Dumping Duty Order 6.par value2. countertrade w of diminis hing marginal utility3. holdingcompany 8.treasury bills4. workingcapital 9.zero sum game5. contingencyfund 10.niche marketSection Two: Translate the following terms into English.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (10 points,1 point each).1.即期汇票6.远期汇率2.资本流动性7.最低限价3.抵押贷款8.金融租赁公司4.指令经济9.微信5.机会成本10.雾霾Section Three: Give the full forms of the following abbreviations and translate them into Chinese. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET(10 pornts, 1 point each). l. MOOC 6. ICC2. TPP 7. ITC3. CAFTA 8. SBA4. CFR 9. UNCTAD5. GSP 10. USAIDPartⅡ Passage Translatron (120 points)Section One: Translate the following English passage into Chinese. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (60 points).Global financial stability has improved over the past six months, bolstered by better macroeconomic performance and continued accommodative macroeconomic policies, but fragilities remain. The two-speed recovery-modest in advanced economies and robust in emerging market economies-has posed different policy challenges for countries. In advanced economies hit hardest by the crisis, governments and households remain heavily indebted, to varying degrees, and the health of financial institutions has not recovered in tandem with the overall economy. Emerging market economies are facing new challenges associated with strong domestic demand, rapid credit growth, relatively accommodative macroeconomic policies, and large capital infl.ows. Geopolitical riskscould also threaten the economic and financial outlook, with oil prices increasing sharply amid fears of supply disruptions in the Middle East and North Africa.The main task facing policymakers in advanced economies is to shift the balance of policies away from reliance on macroeconomic ar,d liquidity support to more structural policies-less "leaning" and more "cleaning of the financial system. This vnll entail reducing leverage and restoring market discipline, while avoiding financial or economic disruption during the transition. Thus, ongoing policy efforts to withdraw (implicit) public guarantees and ensure bondholder liability for future losses must build on more rapid progress toward stronger bank balance sheets, ensuring medium-term fiscal sustainability and addressing excessive debt burdens in the private sector.For policymakers in emerging market economies, the task is to limit overheating and a buildup of vulnerabilities- to avoid "cleaning" later. Emerging market economies have continued to benefit from strong growth relative to that in advanced economies, accompanied by increasing portfolio capital inflows. This is putting pressure on some financial markets, contributing to higher leverage, potential asset price bubbles, and inflationary pressures. Policymakers will have to pay increasing attention to containing the buildup of macro-financial risks to avoid future problems that could inhibit their growth and damage financial stability. In a number of cases, this will entail a tighter macroeconomic policy stance, and, when needed, the use of macro-prudential tools to ensure financial stability. Increasing the financial sector's capacity to absorb higher flows through efforts to broaden and deepen local capital markets will also help.Section Two: Translate the following Chinese passage into English. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (60 points).中意两国都是拥有悠久历史和灿烂文化的文明古国。

2014年北京外国语大学357英语翻译基础真题及详解I. Translate the following terms into Chinese (15 points, 1 point each):1. UNDP【答案】联合国开发计划署(United Nations Development Programme)2. OECD countries【答案】经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)成员国3. bailout loans【答案】紧急援助贷款;救济融资;拯救性贷款4. EBITA【答案】息税摊销前利润(Earnings before Interest, T axes and Amortization)5. venture capital【答案】风险投资;风险资本6. telepresence【答案】思科网真;远程监控;远端临场;远程呈现7. carbon footprint【答案】碳足迹;碳排放量8. forensic medicine【答案】法医学9. key encryption technology 【答案】密钥加密技术10. United Arab Emirates 【答案】阿拉伯联合酋长国11. extradition treaty【答案】引渡条约12. seismic monitoring【答案】地震监测13. procrastination【答案】拖延(症)14. flip phone【答案】翻盖式移动电话15. Mack Daddy【答案】万人迷II. Translate the following terms into English (15 points; 1 point each): 1. 大部制【答案】Giant department; Super-Ministry System2. 石油输出国组织【答案】Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)3. 生物圈【答案】biosphere; ecosphere4. 涨停板【答案】raising limit5. 浮动汇率【答案】floating exchange rate6. 计划免疫【答案】planned immunity; planned immunization7. 学生减负【答案】to reduce study load; alleviate the burden on students8. 通识教育【答案】liberal education; general education9. B超【答案】B-mode ultrasonography; B-ultrasound10. 自媒体【答案】we-media; self-media11. 土地承载能力【答案】land carrying capacity; land bearing capacity12. 小产权房【答案】limited property house; houses with limited property rights13. 土豪【答案】Tu-hao; upstart; local tyrant14. 胶原蛋白【答案】collagen15. 经济适用男【答案】budget husband; economical and applicable manIII. Translate the following terms into English (15 points; 1 point each):1. Never before had the world such a tremendous scientific-technical potential, such a capacity to generate wealth and well-being. Authentic technological wonders that have made any place in the world to be always close with regard to distances and communications have not been capable of bringing well-being for everybody, but only for a meager 15% living in the countries of the North. The abysm between North and South is now so huge, that the unsustainability of the current economic order and the blindness of the people who try to justify continuing to enjoy opulence and waste, are evident.The great possibilities that a globalization of solidarity and true cooperation could bring to all people in the world through the scientific-technical wonders, have been reduced by the neo-liberal model to this grotesque caricature full of exploitation and social injustice. We were asked to be ultraliberal in trade and to lift any barrier, which may obstruct the imports coming from the North, but the oral champions of free trade actually are the champions in the praxis of protectionism.The North spends one billion dollars a day in practicing what has been banned from doing, that is, subsidizing inefficient products. Today, vis-a-vis the obvious failure of neoliberalism and the great threat that the International Economic Order represents for the South, it is necessary to retake the Spirit of the South by forming an alliance among ourselves.【参考译文】世界从未像现在这样具有如此惊人的科技潜力和创造财富与幸福的能力。
2014年北京外国语大学翻译硕士百科历年考研真题解析 考研参考书


2014年北京外国语大学英语学院812英汉互译(笔译)真题及详解I. Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your translation on the answer sheet. (50 points)If you’ve been attentive to the growing series of posts here under the banner of the American Futures project, you know that Deb and Jim Fallows have been examining small, resilient American cities that are home to intriguing innovations and entrepreneurship. A few days ago, as part of the project’s recent focus on Burlington, Vermont, I took a look at two of the three great colleges there. Now let’s look in on the third, Champlain College. You’ll see why this one fits the project’s ongoing “American ingenuity” theme.If you could design your ideal college from scratch, what would it look like? Mine would look something like the following. Students would acquire training that makes them immediately employable. They’d take courses in the liberal arts that would sharpen their skills in writing, analysis, and reasoning. And they’d graduate with some real-li fe knowledge, such as how to interview for a job. There’d be no tenure for faculty, but instructors would be made to feel they’re valued members of the enterprise. And administrators would constantly ask themselves “how can we prepare students for what the world needs of them?”While you’re busy designing your version of the ideal, I can take a nap or go fishing, because somebody has already built mine: Champlain College. It is doing everything I’ve described and, in the process, is gaining the attention of thehigher world. The words I’ve heard used to describe Champlain include innovative, nimble, adaptable. A professor from nearby St. Michael’s College told me, with unabashed admiration, “Champlain is always asking itself ‘What works’?”Founded in 1878 and long known as the Burlington Business College, Champlain assumed its current name in 1958, when it had only 60 students in various associate’s degree programs. Starting bachelor’s degree programs in 1991, the college now enrolls 2000 undergraduates—an enrollment cap it committed to several years ago in an agreement with the student-rich city of Burlington. When it launched its bachelor’s programs, this college long known for training secretaries and accountants, began to reinvent itself, earning respect for its enterprising spirit.The dominant ethos of Champlain—that “what works?” mentality—intensified when David Finney arrived from NYU in 2005 to become president. Finney quickly instituted what he calls a “three-dimensional education” program, an undergraduate curriculum consi sting of interdisciplinary liberal-arts courses, a life-skills program, and training for a career.Believing that “American higher education has really lost its way with general-education courses,” Finney told me that when he arrived in his new job, he dec ided to spend all of his “honeymoon capital” as new president to replace the “hodge-podge of courses” that formed the liberal-arts core. He assembled a faculty task force to design a revised core aiming to build habits of mind students will need “not just as they’re leaving here,” Finney says, “but over theirlifetime.”A painstaking process of reinvention led to new core courses designed to help students develop global awareness and strengthen their analytical and reasoning abilities, critical reading skills, and writing proficiency. These courses have no tests. The work is heavily oriented toward writing. Classes consist mainly of discussion and project teamwork rather than lectures. Students and faculty are active learners together.A second component of Champlain’s undergraduate education comes through its required “Life Experience and Action Dimension” program, which has two parts: (1) some real-world education, emphasizing financial literacy and sophistication (developing a budget, making sense of credit cards, understanding how employee benefits work and why they’re important, etc.) and job skills (marketing oneself, negotiating business contracts, and developing skills in interviewing, networking, etc.); and (2) a community-service element that puts st udents to work helping Burlington’s needy and simultaneously broadening cultural awareness and a sense of engaged citizenship. (from “What Would an Ideal College Look Like? A Lot Like This”)【参考译文】如果你一直在关注以“美国未来”计划为旗号的一系列跟帖,你应该会知道,得布和吉姆·法洛斯正在美国寻找适应力强的小城市,它们要能够孕育有趣的创新发明。

作文,mark twain,the fear of death is fear of life翻译:属于部分和以前变化太大,完全不按常理出牌,刚看到时一惊,只能硬着头皮好好做。
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段落,英译汉是woodsworth的Translators of History,翻译出来容易翻译好了很难。
记得的有:墨子、林纾、新青年、韩里德、语言七作用、布拉格学派,文华翻译学派,同步与逐步、影子练习,ROI框架,smaul Berman,aligned analytical adapted,创新造市,战略性服务托付。
希望我也能为15年考生做点贡献!!祝福自己,也祝福你们!PS:14年的研友们你们考的怎么样呢?2014年北京大学MTI真题(回忆版)版本二北京大学英语笔译汉语百科知识与写作部分名词解释部分(今年的名词解释是给出了一大段话,然后选取其中名词进行解释)1.墨子2.林纾3.严复4.《新青年》5.会场翻译两种形式:同步和逐步6.影子练习7.索绪尔结构主义8.翻译文化学派9.布拉格学派10.韩礼德11.语言的七种功能12.Paul Berman13.R-O-I框架14-17:创新业务模式的3A能力,分别解释Adaptive,Analytic和Aligned18.成本和复杂性降低19.创新造市20.战略性服务交付应用文写作部分代表东川省纪委就本省两位高级干部李树立和张勾立收取包括日历、纪念品及现金等在内的贿赂一事写一份处理决定,篇幅控制在450字内写作以《家长的冬天》为题写一篇不少于800字的文章翻译只能回忆起这么多了名词翻译部分1.clone2.futurology3.virusbuster4.Intercom5.cheerleader6.chain smoker7.costume ball8.box-office9.办实事10.保持后劲11.北京通12.分包商13.非法集资14.电子出版业英译汉部分今年的英译汉部分篇幅十分短,大概100到150个词,原文我还没找到,开头大概是The American myth inItaly was the ideological deformation of perceived reality or a lay religionwhose sacred texts were American novels or contemporary short s tories intranslation…后面也只有大概两三句话了,大家自行百度补充吧~汉译英部分(应该是出自外语与翻译2002年第3期,作者王宏志,北大略有所删改)严复的直属上司李鸿章时任直隶总督,且得到慈禧的倚重,专门处理洋务,但他并不能借助李鸿章的支持而得以在官场上一展所长。

对外经济贸易大学2014年MTI考研真题I.Phrase Translation1.Anti-Dumping Duty Order反倾销税令2.counter trade对销贸易3.holding company控股公司4.working capital营运资本,流动资金5.contingency fund应急费用6.par value票面价值w of diminishing marginal utility边际效用递减/规律8.treasury bills(美国或英国的)短期国库券9.zero sum game零和博弈,又称零和游戏10.niche market利基市场11.即期汇票sight draft,demand draft12.资本流动性mobility of capital13.抵押贷款Mortgage Loan14.指令经济Command economy15.机会成本opportunity cost16.远期汇率forward rate17.最低限价floor price18.金融租赁公司Financial leasing company19.微信WeChat20.雾霾haze21.MOOC网络公开课(Massive Open Online Courses)22.TPP跨太平洋战略经济伙伴协议(Trans-Pacific Partnership)23.CAFTA东盟自由贸易区(China-ASEAN Free Trade Area)24.CFR成本加运费(Cost and Freight)25.GSP普及特惠税制度(Generalized System Of Preferences)26.ICC国际商会(International Chamber of Commerce)27.ITC国际贸易委员会(International Trade Commission)28.SBA小企业管理局(Small Business Administration)29.UNCTAD联合国贸易和发展会议(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)AID美国国际开发署(United States Agency for International Development)ⅡPassage Translatron(120points)Section One:Translate the following English passage into Chinese. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET(60points).Global financial stability has improved over the past six months,bolstered by better macroeconomic performance and continued accommodative macroeconomic policies,but fragilities remain.The two-speedrecovery-modest in advanced economies and robust in emerging market economies-has posed different policy challenges for countries.In advanced economies hit hardest by the crisis,governments and households remain heavily indebted,to varying degrees,and the health of financial institutions has not recovered in tandem with the overall economy.Emerging market economies are facing new challenges associated with strong domestic demand,rapid credit growth,relatively accommodative macroeconomic policies,and large capital infl.ows.Geopolitical risks could also threaten the economic and financial outlook,with oil prices increasing sharply amid fears of supply disruptions in the Middle East and North Africa.The main task facing policymakers in advanced economies is to shift the balance of policies away from reliance on macroeconomic ar,d liquidity support to more structural policies-less“leaning”and more“cleaning of the financial system.This vnll entail reducing leverage and restoring market discipline,while avoiding financial or economic disruption during the transition.Thus,ongoing policy efforts to withdraw(implicit)public guarantees and ensure bondholder liability for future losses must build on more rapid progress toward stronger bank balance sheets,ensuring medium -term fiscal sustainability and addressing excessive debt burdens in the private sector.For policymakers in emerging market economies,the task is to limit overheating and a buildup of vulnerabilities-to avoid“cleaning”later. Emerging market economies have continued to benefit from strong growth relative to that in advanced economies,accompanied by increasing portfolio capital inflows.This is putting pressure on some financial markets, contributing to higher leverage,potential asset price bubbles,and inflationary pressures.Policymakers will have to pay increasing attention to containing the buildup of macro-financial risks to avoid future problems that could inhibit their growth and damage financial stability.In a number ofcases,this will entail a tighter macroeconomic policy stance,and,whenneeded,the use of macro-prudential tools to ensure financial stability.Increasing the financial sector’s capacity to absorb higher flows throughefforts to broaden and deepen local capital markets will also help.Section Two:Translate the following Chinese passageinto English.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET(60points).中意两国都是拥有悠久历史和灿烂文化的文明古国。


I.Переведите данные слова и словосочетания на китайскийязыкГРУ ЕС КПСС ГЭС АТР НДС МВДцеремония инаугурация экономический спадполитика реформ и открытостиII.Переведите данные слова и словосочетания на русский язык新闻发言人一国两制综合国力股市北约组织国内生产总值红楼梦可再生资源议事日程中国特色社会主义育明教育中国梦III.Переведите данные микротексты на китайский языкУ европейских школьников —новая головная боль. Им добавили еще один предмет —финансовую грамоту. Перепуганные экономическим кризисом взрослые придумали этот предмет ровно два года назад. При Еврокомиссии был даже создан экспертный совет, который помогал с написанием школьного курса и консультировал те страны, где пока новый предмет только внедряется. За два года в детском ликбезе особенно преуспели в Германии и Чехии. Нидерланды, Швеция, Франция и некоторые другие страны ЕС спешно вводят новый предмет. Соследующего года уроки «деньговедения» станут обязательными и в школахВеликобритании, где разработали национальную программу, охватывающую даже детские сады. Зачем Европе все это нужно? Приступая к проекту, Еврокомиссия так определила его конечную цель —«развить способность потребителя и собственника маленькой фирмы понимать суть финансового продукта и принимать квалифицированные, продуманные решения». Кто таковой не обладает, не сможет приспособиться к жизни через ближайшие пять—десять лет.IV.Переведите данные микротексты на русский язык1.中国的现代化建设既重视物的发展即社会生产力的发展,又重视人的发展即全民族文明素质的提高。

2014英语翻译基础真题和部分答案(回忆版)2014年广东外语外贸大学研究生入学考试英语翻译基础一、短语翻译(30分)1,十八届三中全会2,国家民族事务委员会3,中国地震局4,主管部门5,玩忽职守6,徇私舞弊7,以……为把手8,国际会议口译员协会9,绿化覆盖面积10,行政问责制11,暂行规定12,一站式服务13,国际惯例14,得寸进尺15,《西厢记》16,National Council for US-China Trade17,Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development 18,The Baltimore Sun19,court of first instance20,underwriting contract21,licensee of a patent22,China-EU maritime transport agreement23,venture capital24,The Great Depression25,strategic agility26,occupational health and safety27,low-end processing28,information asymmetry29,diamonds cut diamonds30, The Catcher in the Rye二、英译中关于秘鲁前副总统劳尔·迭斯·坎塞科Raul Diez Canseco Terry的一篇简介,难度不大但是篇幅较长,人名和学校名都给出了注释,地名要自己翻译。
RAUL DIEZ CANSECO TERRY: THE ENTREPRENEURMr. Diez-Canseco, a Peruvian citizen, founded the preparatory academy ”San Ignacio de Loyola”40 year ago and became its Executive Director in 1970. In 1995, he co-founded the“Universidad San Ignacio de Lo yola” and was elected Chairman of the Board of the holding organization; “Organizacion San Ignacio de Loyola.” In 1983, Mr. Diez- Canseco co-founded the “Instituto Superior Te cnologico”, and in 1990 founded “San Ignacio de Recalde” school.The organization expanded internationally, and in 1993 “San Ignacio de Loyola School” was established in Asuncion, Paraguay. Raul Diez-Canseco passion and commitment to education was a decisi ve factor in bringing the “Junior Achievement” organization to Peru in 1996. Mr. Diez-Canseco is currently a shareholder of the Junior Achievement organization and sits on its Board of Directors.The Escuela de Chefs has been preparing culinary arts andbaking and pastry professionals for over 10 years. Excellent reputation, outstanding professionals and facilities made possible to partner with internationally recognized culinary schools such us Institut Paul Bocuse in Lyon, France; Hofmann Hotel Management School in Barcelona, Spain, and Apicius International School of Hospitality in Florence, Italy. These international partnerships allow San Ignacio students to participate in more culturally diverse experiences and expose them to the highly competitive business world.The Escuela de Chefs in Lima opened “Restaurante Don Ignacio”, th e first student run restaurant in Peru. At Restaurante Don Ignacio, students prepare and present international cuisine plates under the guidance and tutelage of some of the most highly trained chefs in the business.Over the past 30 years, Raul Diez-Canseco has been a pioneer in bringing world-famous restaurants and entertainment franchises to Peru, including Chili’s,Se?or Frog’s, Carlos & Charlie’s, Cosmic Bowling, Pizza Hut, Ke ntucky Fried Chicken, and Burger King. He was also the first entrepreneur to bring the concept of “home-delivery” to Peru.Apart from his entrepreneurial endeavors, Raul Diez-Canseco has been involved in the political arena, serving as a political advisor for several years before being elected vice-president of the Republic of Peru in the year 2001. He has also written several books on politics and continues to contribute articles to major Peruvian newspapers.Above everything, Raul Diez-Canseco is a dedicated advocate for the economic and cultural advancement of Peru. He firmly believes that education is the only path to upward mobility, both individually and as a society. He can tell countlesstriumphant stories of students -from a variety of social and economic status- who have become successful professionals, politicians, business owners and educators, all working to raise the standard of living of Peruvians.三、中译英是翻译《天衢丹阙:老北京风物图卷》的序言,以下是原题内容:首都北京,是国家历史文化名城,世界著名古都。

1/12【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 12015年考研指导育明教育,创始于2006年,由北京大学、中国人民大学、中央财经大学、北京外国语大学的教授投资创办,并有北京大学、武汉大学、中国人民大学、北京师范大学复旦大学、中央财经大学、等知名高校的博士和硕士加盟,是一个最具权威的全国范围内的考研考博辅导机构。
北京语言大学(回忆)翻译硕士英语一、单选20个二、阅读4篇前两篇各有5个选择题后两篇是根据文章回答问题,共5个问题三、写作题目方向是“What qualities should a competent person possess?”英语翻译基础一、词语翻译:BP EU WHO WWF2/12【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 2DNAMalthusian theory DPRK FIFAGoldman Sachs 南水北调拳头产品经济适用房红色旅游区孟子穆斯林入乡随俗破釜沉舟水浒二、英译汉:是关于环境会议讨论的文章,呼吁发达国家应当对不发达国家与岛国承担起更多责任而不是推卸责任。
汉语写作与百科知识一、名词解释:科学发展观3/12【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 3十二五通货膨胀宏观经济阿姆斯特丹斯宾诺莎犹太教自然权利秦观七夕节轴心时代纵横家二、应用文:写一篇450字的邀请函,邀请各界专家学者来北京XX 大学参加美国诗人XX 的研讨会,安排住在大学招待所,交通住宿费用自负,联系张XX,欢迎各界专家学者光临。