




以下是外贸函电考试题库及答案的示例内容:# 一、选择题1. 外贸函电的主要作用是什么?- A. 传递情感- B. 促进交流- C. 记录交易- D. 以上都是答案:C2. 以下哪项不是外贸函电的基本组成部分?- A. 信头- B. 信尾- C. 附件- D. 信封答案:D3. 在外贸函电中,"Dear Sirs" 是用来称呼什么的?- A. 女士- B. 先生们- C. 尊敬的收信人- D. 以上都不是答案:C# 二、填空题4. 外贸函电中,"Subject:" 后面通常跟的是_______。

答案:信件主题5. 当需要表达紧急性时,可以在外贸函电的信头部分加上 "_______"。

答案:Urgent# 三、简答题6. 简述外贸函电中报价信的主要内容。

答案:报价信通常包括以下内容:- 信头(包括发信人和收信人的名称、地址、联系方式等)- 信件日期- 称呼- 引言(说明写信目的)- 商品描述(包括产品名称、规格、型号等)- 报价(包括价格、货币单位、价格条款等)- 报价有效期- 付款条件- 交货期- 其他条款(如包装、运输方式等)- 结尾语- 签名# 四、案例分析题7. 阅读以下外贸函电案例,并回答问题:```Subject: Inquiry for Product XDear Sirs,We are interested in your product X and would like to know more about it. Could you please provide us with the following information?- Product specifications- Quantity available- Price details- Delivery timeWe look forward to your prompt reply.Best regards,[Your Name][Your Company][Your Contact Information]```问题:- 这封信属于哪种类型的外贸函电?- 信中询问了哪些信息?答案:- 这封信属于询价函电。






每小题1分,共20分)1. There is ________ doubt that the defective goods were damped before packing. ()A. withoutB. littleC. someD. a little2. Our quotation ________ Tiantan Brand Shirts is valid for 10 days. ()A. toB. afterC. inD. for3. We cannot see any possible of business ________ your price is on the high side. ()A. whichB. sinceC. thatD. though4. We assure that the goods can be supplied from stock ________ you order early. ()A. whetherB. thatC. afterD. if5. We ________ well ________ with the demand of Asia market. ()A. shall …acquaintB. can …acquaintC. are …acquaintingD. are …acquainted6. We will see to ________ that the L/C is opened within the stipulated time. ()A. itB. makeC. letD. them7. After inspection of the above shipment we found 5 cases ________. ()A. missedB. missingC. lostD. losing8. ________ your terms and conditions be accepted by our clients, we will place a large orderwith you. ()A. ShouldB. IfC. UnlessD. That9. Sometimes, transshipment and partial shipment are ________ by the buyer. ()A. permissionB. permittingC. prohibitedD. prohibiting10. We offer you our lowest price, ________ we have done a lot of business with other customers.()A. whichB. that1C. with whichD. at which11. Because of the weak market, we have to decline our price ________ 5%. ()A. withB. toC. byD. for12. As the selling season is approaching, please ship the goods with the least ________ delay.()A. possibleB. profitableC. impossibleD. portable13. Enclosed is a copy of our price list ________ for in your letter of December 12. ()A. askB. asksC. askedD. asking14. ________ to our regret, at present we cannot entertain any fresh orders. ()A. manyB. muchC. moreD. most15. We wish to receive your shipping advice soon for the goods under the captioned ________.()A. letterB. cableC. contractD. communication16. We have ________ stated that we are not in a position to supply at the moment. ()A. stronglyB. expresslyC. seriouslyD. gladly17. The importer will go to the wharf and ________ delivery of the goods. ()A. makeB. effectC. fulfillD. take18. ________ shipment, please amend the L/C to allow transshipment. ()A. RegardingB. CoveringC. ConcerningD. Referring19. The seller should be responsible for the losses due to the improper ________. ()A. packageB. packagingC. packingD. pack20. Please do your best to ship our order ________ S. S. “Dongfeng”. ()A. byB. ofC. toD. at二、填空题(每空1分,共25分)21. Increased production results ________ the adoption of new production method.22. We assure you ________ our close cooperation in pushing the sales of your products.23. Our usual terms of payment are ________ L/C and we hope they will be acceptable ________you.224. We shall pack each pen ________ a box, 24 boxes ________ a carton.25. Please open as soon as possible the relevant L/C ________ our favor .26. We consider it necessary to bring this matter ________ your notice.27. Please keep us informed ________ the customer’s response ________ our new products.28. You should avail ________ of our favorable offer ________ your own interest.29. We are already represented by Hussian & Co. ________ the sales of our raincoats ________your district.30. Any changes of specification would involve us ________ a great deal of trouble.31. We have to ship the goods from Shanghai to New York ________ Hong Kong, as there is nodirect steamer.32. The time of delivery is approaching, we haven’t received your shipping instructions________ date.33. ________ reply, we regret that we are not in a position to be responsible ________ the loss.34. Our clients are in urgent ________ of the ordered goods.35. Such insurance should be provided ________ your cost.36. Our head office has passed your order ________ to us ________ attention and reply.37. We have only 100 sets of sewing machines ________ stock, so we make you this offer subjectto ________ sale.三、英汉翻译(每小题2分,共20分)38. We are a stated-operated corporation, specializing in the export of electric goods.39. The L/C should reach us one month before the shipment and remain valid for negotiation inChina till the 15th day after shipment.40. We are in a position to promise you that the goods supplied are in compliance with the samplein both the quality and design.41. We would ask you to cooperate with us in advancing the shipment to the end of September toenable us to catch the brisk demand in Christmas.42. Since the premium varies with the extent of insurance, extra premium is for buyer’s account.43. This damage is due to the rough handling by the shipping company. You should claim onthem for recovery of the loss.44. To acquaint you with the products we export, we have sent you three brochures under separateuncover.45. If you find our arrangement agreeable, please cable us your confirmation to enable us toexpedite shipment.46. It’s our sincere hope that you will direct your efforts to the promotion of this new product inyour market to our mutual benefit.47. Since competition of these fabrics is very keen here, it is necessary for you to quote us themost favorable prices.四、汉英翻译(每小题3分,共15分)348. 鉴于我们之间长期的友好关系,我们才给你们这种照顾,例外地接受付款交单。



外贸函电试题及答案一、选择题1.在外贸函电中,正文是指( A )A.函电的主体内容B.函电的落款和称谓C.函电的附件和资料D.函电的主题和要求2.以下哪个选项不属于外贸函电的常用结尾语?( B )A.期待您的回复B.希望尽快获得回复C.敬祝合作愉快D.谢谢您的关注3.下列哪个选项可以作为外贸函电的起首语?( D )A.咨询某项产品的价格和供货期B.对上次订单及送货延迟表达不满C.询问供应商是否接受信用证支付D.向客户问候并表达感谢4.以下哪个选项不属于外贸函电的常用附件?( C )A.产品目录和详细规格B.合同草案和价格清单C.付款方式和货物起运港口D.公司资质证明和信用证复印件5.外贸函电的主要目的是( A )A.传达商务信息和开展商业活动B.展示个人写作能力和语言表达能力C.获取他人私人信息和进行非商业活动D.随便发邮件,没有具体目的要求答案:1. A2. B3. D4. C5. A二、填空题1.外贸函电应遵循简洁、明确、______的原则。















你外贸函电一、词汇(每题1分,共20题,共计20分) Unit 1—9 Unit 11—14 Exercise 1二、中翻英(每题3分,共10题,共计30分)三、英翻中(每题3分,共10题,共计30分)四、综合题(共计20分)中翻英:1、承蒙ABC公司的介绍,我们得知贵公司的名称和地址(to owe…to…)We owe your name and address to ABC Company2、我们的贸易是在平等(equality)原则的基础上进行的。

(to be based on)The trade between us is based on the principle of equality.3、国际贸易有两种形式:一种是货物,另一种是劳务。

(to trade in)There are two forms of international transaction. One is to trade in goods,the other is in service. 4、能否给我们报英国伦敦成本保险费加运费最低价?(to quote/CIF)Would you please quote your lowest price CIF London, Britain?5、倘若价格有竞争性,我方已有现成买主,相信能大批量订货。

(ready buyers)We have ready buyers of these commodities and if your prices are competitive , we have every reason to believe that we can place large orders with you.6、我方对进口你方产品很有兴趣,如有可能请向我方提供目录、价格单和样品。

(catalogue, price list, sample)We’re very much interested in importing your goods. Could you please send us your catalogue , price list and samples if possible?7、我公司是本地区最大的电视机进口商之一,我们经营各种牌号的电视机已有20多年了。





1. The pattern of China’s foreign trade has changed greatly since the founding of the People’s Republic. ( )A. substantiallyB. initiallyC. secondlyD. commercially2. I declared at the meeting that I did not support him. ( )A. attractedB. prolongedC. transformedD. announced3. China’s special economic zones will still be “special”after the country’s entry to the WTO.( )A. companiesB. areasC. producesD. funds4. Now the world has witnessed China’s emergence and its impact on both the US and the Asia-Pacific region. ( )A. emergencyB. existenceC. appearanceD. distance5. In 1991, the economies of low-income and middle-income countries virtually stagnated.( ) A. reversed B. stoppedC. registeredD. consolidated6. An economic confrontation will be destroying in its own way depending on how long it is carried on. ( )A. conflictB. combinationC. consequenceD. connection7. Europe has just traversed one of its roughest economic storms in years.( )A. transmittedB. passedC. transportedD. soured8. Regional and bilateral trade agreements form an integral part of the US approach to international trade policy. ( )A. standB. issueC. wayD. thrust9. There is a trend in an attempt to compete against Microsoft’s dominance in desktop applications. ( )A. rivalB. reachC. outstripD. forge10. The UAE remains wary about Iraq’s threat to Kuwait and, therefore, to the Gulf.( ) A. massive B. parallelC. reasonableD. watchful11. A business tax cut is needed to spur industrial investment. ( )A. stimulateB. squanderC. surpriseD. sustain12. Dealers continue to secure parts sales from aftermarket (配件市场) channels.( ) A. exert B. flourishC. acquireD. subsidize13. This measure aims to support commercial promotion in order to increase enterprise competitiveness in thefield. ( )A. placeB. pushC. pressureD. pull14. It could make sense to subsidize the preschool activities of children of poor families since these children maywell receive inadequate care without such subsidies. ( )A. supportB. provideC. supplyD. furnish15. The UN Terrorism Prevention Branch describes various types of conventional terrorist weapons. ( )A. transitionalB. tropicalC. translationalD. traditional二、将下列词组译成中文(本大题共10小题,每小题1 分,共10分)16. compensation agreement17. test market18. currency movement19. security20. good resistance21. tough policy22. impose import23. Special Drawing Right24. GNP (gross national product)25. per capita income三、将下列词组译成英文(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)26. 最惠国待遇27. 贸易顺差28. 硬通货29. 银行兼并30. 易于变卖的资产31. 闭关自守的国家32. 贸易谈判33. 据粗略估计34. 中国出口商品交易会35. 外汇储备四、简答题(本大题共6小题,共18分)Passage 1If there is a road to China’s future, Highway 204 out of Shanghai is it. Along its two dusty lanes, local trucks and buses jockey with Cadillacs driven by financiers from Taiwan and Hong Kong investors. Migrant workers crowd the narrow shoulders. Factories line the highway, producing sneakers, toys, plastics, clothes, aircraft components and medical equipment. Eventually industry gives way to ricefields, which is being dug up to build still more factories. Cranes turn overhead as dump trucks and cement mixers nose onto the road. Outside the town of Jiading, one tractor-trailer leaves Asia’s largest container plant every three minutes, carrying goods bound for the Shanghai docks.36. What does “it” in the first sentence refer to? What does the sentence “the local trucks and buses jockey withCadillacs” imply?37. What do “eventually” and “give way to” mean respectively in the passage?38. Where is the biggest container plant in Asia situated? Where are the tractor-trailors going?Passage 2Gold: lower. after coming in for early support on news of strike action affecting mines belonging to gold fields of South Africa, values declined in line with platinum and New York advices as miners were encouraged to return to work by management promises of negotiation. The fall in oil prices also brought pressure to bear but good resistance at around the 400 dollars per ounce level permitted a brief rally. However, values suffered a late decline to below 400 dollars per ounce in line with New York as the dollar strengthened on news of a decline in the U.S. budget trade and a cut in the bank of Japan’s discount rate.39. W hat were “New York advices”?40. What happened to the gold price when the dollar strengthened?41. What brought about the strength of the dollar according to the passage?五、正误判断题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)Passage 1Every market activity is an investment in time, energy and money. Few companies would spend a large sum of money on, say, a purchase of capital equipment without a full investigation into why it is needed, the choices available, and the expected return. Yet every year the vast majority of companies invest a large amount of money in marketing actions without knowing what their financial worth to the company or likely return will be. By introducing the disciplines arising from market planning, a company should be able to ensure that the costs of marketing planning show a reasonable return and are calculated in the same way as all other business investments.Many managers believe that the costs of marketing form an additional expense. Whilst it is true that many companies use certain tools of marketing for this purpose, it is also true that the most successful companies accept marketing as an essential part of the company’s total commercial operation, for it is an essential cost in the same way as production or finance.Companies often avoid planning marketing procedures in detail because of the effort needed to express their forward policy in a written form. In fact, the manager who spends his time on dealing with current administrative detail is almost certain to have ignored proper planning in the past. For, if properly prepared, the marketing plan will contain sufficient details of the company’s policy and operational strategy for the work to be done by an assistant.For a marketing-oriented activity to produce lasting results, the entire operation has to be systematically planned. By producing basic information in written form and establishing aims for the future, the company is creating standards against which actual performance can be measured. Documentation of detailed policy actions then provides the basis for controlling the company’s operation. Future trends may be predicted through the investigation of all factors likely to influence company results.42. The purpose of this article is to discuss every market activity. ( )43. It is reasonable for companies to expect return for their expense in marketing.( ) 44. The most successful companies believe that marketing forms an additional expense.( )45. In order to make a good marketing plan, it is necessary to focus on current administrative detail. ( )46. As marketing creates standards to measure actual performance, it will produce lasting results.( )Passage 2Apart from the various subsidies governments offer to their exporters, governments also refund to their exporters the product tax, the import tariff of the components of the exported finished products. This is justifiable as they are finally to be borne by the customers in the importing nations and so the funding is not taken as a kind of subsidy. Now the average product tax refunding rate of the exported products in China is about lower than 10%.Developing nations can also adjust down the exchange rate of their currencies with foreign currencies to encourage export. This is sometimes very effective because it means to reduce prices of their goods in foreign markets. But this will also mean great loss in paying off the foreign loans and shatter the standing of their currencies in international financial markets.Nations also negotiate among themselves to ease the trade among them. They might reach various trade agreements. The present trend is regional economic integration, of which the first stage is free trade area, within which the international flow of goods is free of tariff imposition. North American Free Trade Area is such an instance. The second stage is tariff union, within which the countries not only adopt free trade policy but also united tariff system. Caribbean Community is such an example. The third stage is common market, which is more integrated in that it also allows free flow of labor and capital within this area. Finally, there is economic union, which requires its member countries to adopt uniform economic systems, such as those in finance and social welfare. They will also use the same currency.47. Product tax is a kind of government subsidy.( )48. The customers who buy the imported goods from China pay 10% less of the tariff.( ) 49. By lowering the exchange rate of its currency, the country can market its goods at a lower price in the importing country. ( )50. Adjusting down the exchange rate will sometimes make the currency less strong.( ) 51. All the forms of economic integration across the border aim at keeping trade balances.( ) 六、翻译题(本大题12分)Clearly, China’s economy is a work in progress, nowhere near realizing the potential of its billion-plus population. Its gross domestic product last year was, according to the official measure, $420 billion —no more than that of southern California. China remains primarily a nation of farmers, and the transition to an industrial free market is much like the traffic on Highway 204—unpredictable. Few state-owned firms have been sold, and most are laggard behemoths. Growth is driven by new joint ventures, collectives and private businesses, which now account for more than 50 per cent of China’s industrial production.。



全国2018年7月自考经贸知识英语试题课程代码:00095Ⅰ. Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right: (5%)()1. indemnity A. the total annual income of a state()2. revenue B. compensation for loss()3. cost-effective C. an official group of persons who direct or supervise someactivities of a firm()4. board D. producing the best result for the expenditure()5. consensus E. general agreementⅡ. Translate the following words and expressions: (10%)(ⅰ) From English into Chinese:6. economies of scale7. documentary collection8. Electronic Data Interchange9. insurance policy10. preferential customs tariff(ⅱ) From Chinese into English:11. 无形贸易12. 保兑信用证13. 运输标志14. 商品交易会15. 资本市场Ⅲ. Make brief explanations of the following terms in English: (20%)16. clean bill of lading17. Incoterms18. balance of payments19. revolving credit20. MFNⅣ. Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate word from the list (You can only choose 10 from the following 12 words in the square): (10%)Successful multinational corporations eventually must learn (21)________ to inter-relate their subsidiaries with the (22)________ company, how to delegate decision-making authority, and how to develop satisfactory methods of control and supervision. (23)________ most traditional organizational structure is the international division structure, in (24)________ communication (25)________ the parent company is channeled (26)________ an international division. In the global structure there is no international division for overseas activities; instead, the entire top management becomes involved (27)________ international as well as (28)________ matters. The global approach unifies domestic and international divisions (29)________ one global division. It thereforeeliminates the danger of competition (30)________ an international division and a domestic one.Ⅴ. Translate the following into English:(25%)31.比较利益理论已成为现代国际贸易思想的基石。



外贸函电自考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在外贸函电中,"Proforma Invoice"是指什么?A. 形式发票B. 商业发票C. 订购单D. 装箱单答案:A2. 以下哪项不是外贸交易中常用的支付方式?A. 信用证B. 汇付C. 托收D. 现金交易答案:D3. "L/C"在外贸函电中通常代表什么?A. 信用证B. 订购单C. 装箱单D. 形式发票答案:A4. 外贸函电中,“CIF”价格术语代表什么含义?A. 成本加保险费加运费B. 成本加运费C. 免费交货D. 工厂交货答案:A5. “FOB”价格术语中的“F”代表什么?A. 工厂B. 自由C. 船上D. 固定答案:C6. 在外贸函电中,“D/P”通常指的是什么?A. 付款交单B. 承兑交单C. 付款D. 承兑答案:A7. 以下哪个不是国际贸易中常见的运输方式?A. 海运B. 空运C. 铁路运输D. 邮政小包答案:D8. “T/T”在外贸函电中通常代表什么?A. 电汇B. 信汇C. 票汇D. 托收答案:A9. 在外贸函电中,“B/L”是指什么?A. 提单B. 商业发票C. 保险单D. 装箱单答案:A10. “C&F”价格术语中的“C”代表什么?A. 成本B. 现金C. 承兑D. 信用证答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 在外贸函电中,"S/C"通常指的是________。

答案:销售确认书12. 外贸函电中,"E-mail"的全称是________。

答案:Electronic Mail13. 外贸交易中,"D/A"支付方式指的是________。

答案:承兑交单14. "TEU"在外贸术语中代表________。

答案:20英尺标准集装箱15. "H.S. Code"在外贸中指的是________。





1. Your early reply _______A. will be highly appreciatedB. will be thankedC. is to be thankedD. is appreciated high2.We hope to receive your quotation with details _______ the earliest date of shipment.A. includingB. to be includedC. being includedD. include3. We hope to reply _______ fax if we find the quotation acceptable.A. onB. with aC. byD. with4. _______ you reduce your price by $10 per dozen, we will have to decline your offer.A. UnlessB. WhileC. WhenD. Except5. The products you require are _______ , but we can offer you a substitute.A. sold outB. heavily committedC. droppedD. out of stock6. If you are prepared to increase your _______ to 15%, we shall be pleased to purchase the complete stock.A. priceB. sales volumeC. discountD. cost7. We send you our congratulations on your increased business with us and look forward to further increases _______ our mutual benefit.A. inB. toC. withD. for8. We are pleased to offer you items _______ the highest quality.1A. forB. ofC. withD. at9. We would like to quote you our most competitive price _______ 300 pieces woollen blankets _______ .A. of. . . as followsB. at. . . as followingC. for. . . as followsD. with. . . as followed10. We suggest that your order _______ a minimum quantity of 15,000 tons.A. call forB. calls forC. call onD. call up11. Owing to the _______ nature of our business, sometimes we may need emergency purchases.A. unpredictableB. unbelievableC. unmistakableD. unprincipled12. We are writing to confirm _______ from you the following products.A. being purchasedB. to have purchasedC. to purchaseD. having purchased13. I would appreciate _______ me an up-to-date price list for your building materials.A. it if you would sendB. that you would sendC. you sendD. it sending14. We will proceed _______ your order as soon as we receive your instructions.A. inB. forC. withD. to15. They have _______ a price which we think will be acceptable _______ you.A. bided. . . toB. bid. . . toC. bidden. . . byD. bid. . . with16. For your information, our products enjoy a ready _______ in Europe.A. sellB. sellingC. sailD. sale17. It is necessary that the specifications _______ the requirements.A. confirm toB. conform toC. confirm withD. conform18. It is possible that you couldn’t find the new patterns _______ you are looking in this catalogue.A. for whatB. whichC. for whichD. that19. We assure you that your order is executed with _______ delay.2A. no least delayB. least possibleC. least anyD. the least possible20. W e are pleased to tell you that we have _______ at 45 days’ sight for the amount of the enclosed invoice.A. drawn on youB. written to youC. called on youD. dispatched to you by airmail二、填空题(本大题共25空,每空1分,共25分)请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上。



自考外贸函电试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 在外贸函电中,"CIF" 表示什么贸易术语?A. 成本加保险费加运费B. 仅成本C. 成本加运费D. 仅保险费答案:A2. 以下哪个不是国际贸易中常用的支付方式?A. 信用证B. 汇付C. 托收D. 现金交易答案:D3. 外贸函电中,“Proforma Invoice”是指什么?A. 形式发票B. 商业发票C. 装箱单D. 合同答案:A4. 在外贸函电中,"L/C" 通常指的是什么?A. 信用证B. 海运提单C. 空运提单D. 保险单答案:A5. “FOB” 价格条款中,卖方的责任不包括以下哪项?A. 将货物装上船B. 承担货物装船前的所有费用和风险C. 提供出口清关D. 负责运输过程中的货物风险答案:D二、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 简述外贸函电中“唛头”的作用及其重要性。

答:唛头(Shipping Mark)是用于外贸货物外包装上的一种标记,通常包括收货人的名称、目的地、批次号、件数等信息。



2. 描述在外贸函电中,如何进行有效的价格谈判。





三、案例分析题(每题15分,共30分)1. 假设你是一家公司的外贸经理,收到一封来自潜在客户的询盘邮件,客户询问了产品A的CIF价格,并希望了解支付方式和交货期。





1.In our letter of May 10, we make ______ clear that shipment be effected in June.()A. youB. themC. usD. it2.As said in the email today, we are forwarding you under separate cover the samples, ______youwill find them satisfactory.()A. hopeB. to hopeC. hopingD. hopefully3.Letters of complaint should be written with care and tact ______to harm future businessrelationships.()A. in orderB. in not orderC. in order notD. not in order4.Our products are of better quality than ______ from other sources.()A. thatB. thisC. themD. those5.We are unable to offer firm, as the goods are of ______supply.()A. shortB. lowC. smallD. fresh6.______accepting the draft, the bank will require you to present documents such as B/L, PackingList, etc.()A. AfterB. BeforeC. BehindD. On7.As the shipment was delayed, the buyer ______ the seller for an explanation .()A. forcedB. pressedC. hastenedD. expedited8.It is important that your client ______ the relevant L/C not later than April 10.()A. must openB. opensC. openD. has to open9. I wonder if you could advance the shipment by one month ______we need it urgently.()A. as B. providedC. orD. because of10. The relative L/C should be issued through a third bank in Austria ______ the sellers.1()A. available by B. available toC. acceptable byD. acceptable to11.Please make serious efforts to get the goods ______ promptly.()A. dispatchB. dispatchedC. dispatchingD. to dispatch12.______your inquiry for a supply of TV sets, we are glad to offer as follows.()A. Relying onB. Relied onC. Replying toD. Replied to13.For all the remaining items the stated dates of delivery are approximate, but______ wouldthese dates be exceeded by more than 10 days.()A. in no caseB. in any caseC. under any circumstancesD. by all means14. ______our S/C 1805 dated March 15, we are able to make the goods shipped by the end ofnext month. ()A. Refer toB. ReferringC. With reference toD. With refer to15.We shall ______you as soon as the supply position improves.()A. communicateB. notifyC. advise toD. make known16.The design of the garment is very nice but its color does not______ to me.()A .attract B. suitC. appealD. fit17.Damage ______the goods was caused by heavy rain during transit.()A. ofB. forC. onD. to18.After unpacking the case we found the goods did not ______ with the original sample.()A. agree B. matchC. compareD. measure19.Because of their superior quality, our silk coats always ______in Europe.()A. are sold fastB. sell fastC. have been sold fastD. be sold fast20.Your firm has been referred to us by the ABC Co., ______ we have done business for manyyears.()A. whichB. with thatC. whomD. with whom二、填空题(本大题共25空,每空1分,共25分)请在每小题的空格中填上正确答案。









练习一(1) Establish of L/CDear Sirs,The instructions from Browning &Sons, received through our Hong Kong office, we have opened an __________letter of credit_________$59,900 in your________, valid until 30 November next. You have authority to draw on us at 60 days ________this credit for the amount of you invoice upon shipment of 2000 tons of Steels to Browning & Sons.Your ________must be accompanied by the following documents, which are to be delivered to us against our acceptance of the draft, Bill of Lading _________triplicate, Commercial________, Insurance Certificate and Certificate of Origin.Provided you fulfill the terms __________the credit we will accept and pay on maturity the draft presented to us _________this credit and if required, provided discounting facilities _________current rates.(2) EnquiryWe are ___the market ____a parcel of 5,000 pairs of Chinese Shoes and we, ______, request you to _____us an offer ____CIF Largos basis including 5%_______, indicating terms of______and earliest______We all______it if you will arrange shipment ___a direct steamer to Largos and send us samples and a brochure.(3) OfferWe are ____ receipt of your cable dated 25 June. We are now offering you 5000 pairs of Chinese cotton shoes____RMB 3.50 per pair CIFC3% Largos ____shipment during October _______transshipment ____Hong Kong and payment ___L/C ____sight, subject ___your acceptance reaching here ____July 10, Beijing time, Samples and a brochure have been sent ___separate cover.(4) InsuranceDear Sirs,In ________to your letter of September 4 _________insurance: Your customer’s _________for insurance ___________up to the inland city is acceptable ________condition that such extra premium is for his ___________.Second, we can not __________you insurance coverage _____________150% of the invoice value, because the contract __________that insurance is to be covered for 110% of _______value.We trust the above information serves your purpose. Meanwhile we await your reply.Sincerely.练习二(1) Establish Business RelationsDear Sirs,Your name and address were______to us ____the London Trade Board ___a large exporter of fabrics of high quality.We are importers of quality clothing materials, and have large annual____for our markets____Spain.We should be obliged if you would____us your pattern books____the complete ___of these fabrics, ___with your price list.We___________the pleasure of hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully.(2) AcceptanceWe have received your cable _____ 15 Oct., ____us 200 Golden Lion Bicycles ___US$68 ____which we thank you.We have accepted the _____offer. We will ____the _____L/C ____receipt ___the Sales Confirmation ___the signature.(3) Complaints and ClaimsDear Sirs,We have received your letter ________15th July, informing us that the sewing machines we _________to you arrived in a damaged condition ______account of ___________of our packing.Upon _________of your letter, we have given this matter our immediate attention. We have studied your surveyor’s report very carefully.We are convinced that the present ___________was due to extraordinary circumstances __________which they were transported to you. We are ___________not responasible for the damage; but as we do not think that it would be fair to have you _______the loss alone, we suggest that the _________be divided between both of us, to which we hope you will agree.(4) InsuranceDear Mr. Jacob.We have received your letter of June 20 in regarding to insurance. Now we would like to ________you of the following : Normally we ___________insurance WPA and War Risk in the absence of the definite instructions from our customers. If you desire to cover All Risks. We can provide such _________ at a slightly higher ________________. As to the insured value, ourgeneral practice is to insure at _________value plus 10%. Any additional premium for insurance coverage over 110% of the invoice _________, if so required, shall be for buyer’s ________.___________other than All Risks and War Risk can also be covered here, and the ________premium will again be borne ________the buyer.We hope the above information will serve your purpose.Yours truly.5) Asking for Sole AgencyDear Sir or Madam,__________the courtesy of your Commercial Counselor in this country we __________ that you are looking for a firm competent for________the sale of your textile products_________a large scale in our country.We would like inform you that we have a well-organized sales network in Japan and numerous _________ with major users throughout the country. We believe there are good prospects of a very profitable _________for your products here and large sales turnover can be fetched on the basis of _________agency. If satisfactory terms could be arranged, we could _________a mutually beneficial trade.As to our financial standing and other information about us, please refer to Kyoto Bank and Atx corporation, Los Angeles, who have consented to answer your ___________.We look forward to hearing favorably __________you.Faithfully yours练习三Establish business relationshipDear Sirs,__________the courtesy _________ our CommercialCounselor’s Office in London, we notice that you are interested in doing _________ with us.Our ________ are mainly textiles. We wish to __________ business relations __________the commencement of some practical transactions. T o give you a general idea of the various kinds of textiles now _________for export, we are ___________herewith a catalogue and a price list for your examination. We would appreciate receiving your specific _________.We look forward to receiving ________you good news.Enquiry13th,August,2004Dear Sirs,We learn_________the Chamber of Commerce of T okyo, Japan that you are producing ________export shoes and handbags in a ________of natural leathers. There is a steady ________here for leather products of high _________ and although sales are not particularly high, good ___________ are obtained.Will you please send me a ___________of your catalogue, with __________of your prices and __________of payment: I should find it most helpful if you could also supply ________of the various skins in which the shoes and handbags are supplied.OfferDear Sirs,We have for ____________your letter of 23. April and take pleasure in making you the following offer subject _________your reply reaching us by the end of this month___________: Iron Nails___________: 1---4”___________: 50 metric tons___________: 16 packets of 4kgs, to a carton, 6 cartons to a wooden case___________: Average us$500 per metric ton CFR Osaka.___________: By confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight___________: your favor for the full invoice value.With regard to Electric Wire JB-1598, it is very regrettable that the goods are out of __________now. We will revert to this matter with you as soon as the supply position improves.Yours truly,Terms of PaymentDear Sirs,We are in _________of your letter of March 8, contents of which have been duly _________.With _________to Contract Nos. DSG267and BSG 268, we agree to D/P payment terms for these contracts. However, we consider it advisable to make it clear that for further_________D/p will only be accepted if the amount involved for each transaction is below $1000,00 or its _________in RMB at the conversion ____________them prevailing. If the amount exceeds that figure, ___________by Letter of Credit will be required.We wish to reiterate that it is only in view of our long friendly business_________that extend you this __________. It is our sincere hope that we can enlarge the business in these _________to our mutual benefit.Yours truly,InsuranceDear Sirs,We refer to your L/C No.157 ________Glazed Wall Tiles, which we have just __________.Please _________for this article we do not cover Breakage. You have to, therefore, the word “Breakage” from the insurance __________ in the ___________.Furthermore, we wish to point out that for such articles as window glass, porcelains, etc, even if ___________Risk of Breakage has been insured, the cover is subject __________a franchise of 5%. In other words, if the breakage is surveyed to be less than 5%, no __________for damage will be __________.We trust that the position is now clear. Please cable the ___________at once.Answers:练习一(1)irrevocable for favour against draft invoice of under at(2)in for therefore send on commission payments shipment appreciate by(3)in at for with in by at to by under(4) credit open favour valid until against triplicate commerical draw sight(5) reply regarding request coverage on account grant for stipulates invoice练习二1)Recommended as requirements in send showing range, together are looking forward to2) Of offering at for above open relative upon of with3) credit open favor valid until against triplicate commercial draw sight4) inform cover coverage premium invoice amount account risks extra by5) Through learned promoting on connections market sole establish inquires from练习三1. Through of business lines establish by available enclosing enquiries from2. From for variety demand quality price copy details terms samples3. acknowledgement to Commodity Specifications Quantity Packing Price Shipment Payment stock4. receipt noted regard transactions eequivalent rate payment relations accommodation lines5. covering received note clause credit additional to claims entertained amendment下载全文。



外贸函电专升本试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 外贸函电中,"CIF"代表什么含义?A. 成本加保险费加运费B. 成本加运费C. 成本加保险费D. 成本加运费加保险费答案:A2. 外贸函电中,"FOB"指的是什么?A. 自由贸易区B. 离岸价C. 到岸价D. 保税区答案:B3. 在外贸函电中,"L/C"是指:A. 信用证B. 货物C. 合同D. 付款答案:A4. 外贸函电中,"T/T"通常表示:A. 电汇B. 信汇C. 票汇D. 支票答案:A5. "B/L"在外贸函电中代表:A. 保险单B. 装箱单C. 提单D. 收据答案:C6. "P/O"在外贸函电中通常指的是:A. 采购订单B. 销售合同C. 付款凭证D. 装运通知答案:A7. 在外贸函电中,"D/P"是指:A. 付款交单B. 付款通知C. 付款凭证D. 付款确认答案:A8. "B/R"在外贸函电中通常表示:A. 银行汇票B. 货物收据C. 银行收据D. 货物清单答案:A9. 在外贸函电中,"S/C"代表:A. 销售合同B. 销售确认C. 销售订单D. 销售清单答案:A10. "C&F"在外贸函电中代表:A. 成本加运费B. 保险费加运费C. 成本加保险费D. 成本加保险费加运费答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 当外贸函电中提到"______"时,表示货物已经装船。

答案:Shipped2. 外贸函电中,"______"是指货物的装运日期。

答案:Shipment Date3. "We are pleased to inform you that your order has been______"表示订单已经完成。






1. We are sure that our new products may be ______ particular interest to you.A. onB. ofC. inD. for2. The L/C should be issued through a third country bank in America ______ the seller.A. available byB. available toC. acceptable byD. acceptable to3. Any ______ information about their financial standing will be valued by us.A. detailedB. detailC. partD. particularly4. We enclose our invoice amounting to USD2300.00 ______ the first consignment per s.s. “Haihe”.A. includeB. payingC. coveringD. compose5. During business, the party who makes payment based on the draft is called ______.A. drawerB. draweeC. beneficiaryD. applicant6. We find it ______ that you failed to delivery the goods before our selling season .A. regretB. regretfulC. regrettableD. regretted7. Our Green Tea is customarily packed ______ standard boxes,10 boxes to a carton.A. inB. with1C. ofD. to8. We are ______ your letter of January 8 and will duly act on your instruction.A. upon receipt ofB. in receipt ofC. receiveD. to receive9. we will keep you ______ for any change in price or delivery.A. informB. to informC. informingD. informed10. Your application for an import license will be rejected ______ you make the mistake again.A. ifB. as long asC. on condition thatD. provided that11. The automatic washing machines ______ Order No.AE953 are now ready for shipment.A. onB. atC. aboveD. under12. We should be glad if you would send us , ______ 30 days’ approval, a selection of your rugs.A. atB. onC. forD. with13. The clocks you required are out of stock now, we have put your items on ______order.A. trialB. delayC. backD. repeat14. We require the goods be delivered in two equal ______ by direct steamer.A. weightsC. colorsD. lots15. The letter of credit in our ______ is advised by Bank of China, Zhejiang Branch.A. paymentB. desireC. favorD. choice16. Our best quality products will find a ready ______ in your area.A. marketB. orderC. customerD. consignment17. A franchise of 5% means claims are payable only for the part of the loss ______ 5%.2A. aboveB. belowC. equal toD. of18. We confirm ______ your counter-offer yesterday.A. to acceptB. having acceptedC. acceptedD. accepting19. We feel confident that your orders will be ______ smoothly.A. doneB. executedD. affected20. To our regret, we find the machines arrived to our port ______ such a bad condition.A. inB. onC. atD. by二、填空题(本大题共25空,每空1分,共25分)请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上。



《外贸函电》自考真题试题及答案解析一、单选题(共20题,共0分)1.Fifty cases of Green Tea you sent us were found to be badly damaged. This was apparently attributable to ____ packing.( )A. inferiorB.superiorC.faptyD.mistake2.We trust you will do your best to have this matter __________ right away.()A.settleB.to settleC.settlingD.settled3.By joint efforts we can ___ both friendship and business.( )A.increaseB.promotedC.expandD.extend4.We ___ you for the special offer you send us.( )A.thankB.appreciateC.be gratefpD.beindebted5.We are looking forward to ___ your L/C for Order No 123.( )A.receiveB.receiveingC.be receivedD.be receiving6.This is our best price, ____ which we have concluded many orders with other buyers in your city.( )A.onB.forC.byD.at7.As it involves only a small ___ , we hope you will have no difficpty on promotion.( )A.qualityC.quantityD.number8.Our payment terms (付款方式)are ___ , irrevocable letter of credit for the fpl invoice value.( )A.con firmedbi ned(联合)mittedpleted9.Since the premium varies with the scope of ____ extra premium is for buyer ' s account, shopd additional siske covered?( )A.assura neeB.in sura neeC.bus in essD.en terprises10.Please see to it that the goods we ordered are shipped as soon as the covering letter of credit ____ you.( )A.getsesD.reaches11.We shall advise you by cable as soon as the goods ____ .)A.will shipB.will be shippedC.shipD.are shipped12.According to the shipping _____ it will be impossible for us to ship the goods in October.()A.schedpe ( 时刻表 )B.timetable ( 公共汽车、火车的时刻表 )C.planD.scheme ( 计划,方案 )13.This offer is firm, subject to your immediate reply ____ shopd reach us not later tha n the end of this mon th.( )A. itB.theyC.whatD.which14.We cannot entertain your suggestion ________ it does not seem workable.()A.becauseB.forC.soD.therefore15.____ your in formati on, we have received a crowd of enq uiries from buyers in other directi on s.( )A.OnB.ForC.ByD.At16.We en closed our Purchase Co nfirmation No. 4848__in__ duplicate^ ) 一式两份 in triplicate (一式三份 )A.inB.forC.withD.through17.We cannot _____ present entertain any fresh orders for Younger Bra nd Me n's Shirts.()A.ofB.at (目前)C.toD.for18.___ you like other items, kin dly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers direct.()A. In caseB.in the caseC.In this caseD.In that case19.Gen erally we cover in sura nee __ defi nite ( 明确的 ) in structi ons from our clie nts.()A. i n abse nee ofB.in the abse nee ofC.in no abse nee ofD.in all abse nee of20.Welodge ( 声明) a claim _______ you _____ theshort--weight.()A.with …withB.for …forC.with …forD.for …with二、填空题(共15题,共0分)21.Can you offer us machine tools ___ the following specification?22.To trade ____ the people of all eoun tries ____ the basis of equality and mutual ben efit is our established policy.23.Please make sure that the stippations in the L/C are ______ exact accorda nee ___ the terms of the Sales Con tract.24.We shall certai nly con tact you, as soon as we are ____a positi on to en terta in new bus in ess in your district.25.We note from your letter of September 10th that you are interested ____ walnut meat.26.0w ing ____ unu sual shortage of stock, this offer is made, subject to the goods being un sold.27.There is always a ready market ____ Sewing Machi nes, provided they are ___ good quality and competitive in price.28.We shall can cel the con tract if you fail to ope n the relative L/C ____ the end of this year.29.We shall ope n an L/C ____ you favor _____ Barclay's Bank here ___ the exte nt of 15000.30.lt is n ecessary ___ you to comply with our shipp ing in structi ons.31.We refer ___ you letter of May 2.32.lt is our sin cere hope that you will direct your efforts __ the promotion of this new product in your market __ our mutual ben efit.33.We shall be glad to receive you offer ___ walnut meat,shipme nt,____ September/October; _____ tran sshipme nt at Hongkong.34.We prefer Chi nese bicycles __ Japa nese bicycles ___ their fine quality.35.Will you send us _____ return mail pamphlets and price list ____ your exports?三、问答题(共10题,共0分)36.翻译:We wopd like to in form you that at prese nt we can supply you with various ki nds of me n's leather shoes.37.翻译:As we said previously, it is only in view of our long friendly relations that we extend you this accommodation38.翻译:f you make us an offer at competitive prices we can sell a large quantity of chemical product in our district.39.翻译:We advised you in our letter of Dec.1, that we wopd like to place a trial order with you for 50 pieces Flying Pigeon Bicycles.40.翻译:After reinspection at the port of destination, the quality of the goods shipped ex S.S. “ Red Star ” un der Con tract No. CT7543 waotfiou nd n complia nee with the con tract stippatio ns.41.翻译:We wish to call your attention to the validity of the L/C, since there is no possibility of L/C exte nsio n.42.翻译:We send you a brochure on the various kinds of bicycle now available for export43.翻译:Please advise us whether you iron nail packed in plywood kegs of 60kgs ,net and whether you can ship our order from stock.44.翻译:Si nee the premium varies with the scope of in sura nee, extra premium is for buyer's aeeo unt, shopd additi onal risks be covered.45.翻译:We shall be glad to ship the goods by a direct steamer to Van eouver within 30 days after reeeipt of you L/C.1、正确答案: C2、正确答案: D3、正确答案: B4、正确答案: A5、正确答案: B6、正确答案: D7、正确答案: C8、正确答案: A9、正确答案: B10、正确答案: D11、正确答案: D12、正确答案: A13、正确答案: D14、正确答案: A15、正确答案: B16、正确答案: A17、正确答案: B18、正确答案: A19、正确答案: B20、正确答案: C21、正确答案:with22、正确答案:with、on23、正确答案:in、with24、正确答案:in25、正确答案:in26、正确答案:to27、正确答案:for、of28、正确答案:by29、正确答案:in、with、to30、正确答案:for31、正确答案:to32、正确答案:to、to33、正确答案:for、during、for34、正确答案:to、for35、正确答案:by、for36、正确答案:我们想通知贵公司我们目前可以供应你们各式各样的男式皮鞋。

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1. For goods concluded on FOB basis, freight for shipment from Shanghai to Hong Kong is to be ________ to buyer’s account.A. borneB. paidC. changedD. charged2. We wish to call your attention ________ the L/C covering your order No.185 has not reached us.A. to the fact thatB. to thatC. toD. that3. We have received your enquiry of 15 October ________ you show great interest in our electric heaters.A. whichB. at whichC. in whichD. from which4. You can file a claim with the insurance company in your area, who will ________ the loss incurred.A. compensateB. compensate forC. compensate to youD. compensate you5. ________ will be highly appreciated if you will send us a brochure.1A. WeB. YouC. ItD. Which6. Please effect shipment immediately as L/C will ________ on July 31.A. validB. firmC. dueD. expire7. Your order No. 123 was confirmed by our fax of September 15 subject to ________ of your credit within 15 days from the date.A. arrivalB. reachingC. arriveD. reach8. We are now ________ your inquiry of October 12.A. on receiptB. on receipt ofC. in receiptD. in receipt of9. Our new low cost solutions may be ________ particular interest to you.A. inB. ofC. withD. for10. Drafts drawn in compliance with the terms of credit shall be duly ________ on presentation and paid at maturity.A. honoredB. dishonoredC. discountedD. declined11. Please ________ the shipment date of your L/C to October 15 and validity to October 30.A. amendB. extendC. establishD. expand12. We look forward to ________ the goods in fourth quarter.A. the delivery ofB. your deliveryC. deliverD. delivery13. Should your price ________ reasonable, we will place an order with you ________ the2item.A. is...forB. is...fromC. be...forD. be...with14. ________, we are airmailing you our latest quotation sheet for your consideration.A. As requestB. At requestC. At requestedD. As requested15. We are sorry for the trouble the printer has caused you, but we are confident that it can be fixed ________ your complete satisfaction.A. toB. withC. inD. for16. We hope the goods you ordered will arrive at the port of destination ________.A. in good conditionB. in good conditionsC. in a good conditionD. in the good condition17. We lodge a claim ________ you ________ the short-weight.A. with...onB. for...forC. with...forD. for...with18. Please insure ________ WPA ________ 110% of the invoice value.A. with...forB. against...atC. for...forD. against...for19. 90 percent of the credit amount must be paid ________ the presentation of documents.A. atB. byC. whenD. against20. ________ you don’t reduce your quotations, we shall have to buy elsewhere.A. BeforeB. IfC. UnlessD. When二、填空题(本大题共24小题,每空1分,共25分)3请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上。


21. The goods ________ Contract No.3617 left here yesterday.22. As the goods are now ready ________ shipment, please rush your letter of credit.23. The buyer is required to ________ a confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit in seller’s favor.24. As to terms of payment, we often require a confirmed and irrevocable L/C ________ by draft at sight.25. If additional risks are to be covered, the extra premium is for buyer’s ________.26. We will try our best to satisfy you ________ the additional 10,000 tons of coal.27. Don’t you think it is troublesome to transship the goods ________ Sydney?28. While placing our order we emphasized that any delay in delivery would definitely add ________ the cost of the goods.29. As for the shortage, we suggest your making it ________ in your next shipment.30. You can see the clear difference ________ these two grades.31. So far as we know, there are risks of pilferage or damage ________ the goods if they are transshipped.32. Your refusal to amend the L/C is equivalent ________ cancellation of the order.33. We have been doing quite well in our business, and we are willing to open an account ________ you.34. The machine requested has been replaced by a new model, which can provide you ________ a more satisfactory service.35. If the goods are ________ to our customer’s expectation, we shall place further orders with you.36. We are enclosing our pro-forma invoice in triplicate for your application ________ import license.37. We are studying your offer and hope that it will remain valid ________ the end of the4month.38. The products we supplied are ________ fine quality.39. Please refer ________ our last order in which model F-65 is included.40. Enclosed are three copies of our catalog, ________ which we hope you will find your preferences.41. Now we are looking forward to your replying ________ our offer.42. Thanks ________ your enquiry dated May 18, we are now sending you our latest price list ________ your reference.43. Please quote us lowest price ________ cotton pieces goods CIF Singapore.44. We are making you our quotation for shoes ________ follows.三、英汉翻译(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)请将答案填写在答题纸相应的位置上。
