
本科毕业论文外文翻译外文译文题目:不确定条件下生产线平衡:鲁棒优化模型和最优解解法学院:机械自动化专业:工业工程学号: 201003166045学生姓名: 宋倩指导教师:潘莉日期: 二○一四年五月Assembly line balancing under uncertainty: Robust optimization modelsand exact solution methodÖncü Hazır , Alexandre DolguiComputers &Industrial Engineering,2013,65:261–267不确定条件下生产线平衡:鲁棒优化模型和最优解解法安库·汉泽,亚历山大·多桂计算机与工业工程,2013,65:261–267摘要这项研究涉及在不确定条件下的生产线平衡,并提出两个鲁棒优化模型。
关键字:装配线平衡;不确定性; 鲁棒优化;组合优化;精确算法1.简介装配线就是包括一系列在车间中进行连续操作的生产系统。

因为学校对毕业论文中的外文翻译并无规定,为统一起见,特做以下要求:1、每篇字数为1500字左右,共两篇;2、每篇由两部分组成:译文+原文.3 附件中是一篇范本,具体字号、字体已标注。
外文翻译(包含原文)(宋体四号加粗)外文翻译一(宋体四号加粗)作者:(宋体小四号加粗)Kim Mee Hyun Director, Policy Research & Development Team,Korean Film Council(小四号)出处:(宋体小四号加粗)Korean Cinema from Origins to Renaissance(P358~P340) 韩国电影的发展及前景(标题:宋体四号加粗)1996~现在数量上的增长(正文:宋体小四)在过去的十年间,韩国电影经历了难以置信的增长。

本研究针对齿叶夜睡莲对水稻的化感作用提出了深刻的见解(Oryza sativa cavr. Giza-177)。
但是明显的全年的栽培大米和苜蓿并相互更替并不是导致大米产量严重降低的主要原因,其中还包括很多其它因素,但是它们的重要性*原文:Ahmad K. Hegazy, W. M.Amer, A. A. Khedr. Allelopathic effect of Nymphaea lotus L. on growth and yield of cultivated rice around Lake Manzala (Nile Delta). Hydrobiologia, 2001,464: 133–142.还没有完全理解;比如,差的排水系统和部分稻子的不可收割。

英文合同翻译证书模板I, [Name of Translator], certify that I have translated the following contract from [source language] to English.Title of Contract: [Title of Contract]Date of Translation: [Date of Translation]I affirm that I am proficient in both the source language and English, and that the translation provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge and abilities. I have translated the contract faithfully, preserving the original meaning and intent, while also ensuring that the language used is clear and professional.This translation has been completed in accordance with the standards of the translation industry and reflects the content and terms of the original contract to the best of my ability. Any discrepancies or errors in the translation are unintentional.I certify that I have not made any changes or alterations to the original text, and that the translation is an accurate representation of the source document. I have also taken care to ensure that the language used is appropriate for the context and subject matter of the contract.I declare that I am fully responsible for the accuracy and quality of this translation, and that I have not used any machine translation tools or software in the translation process. I have personally reviewed and proofread the translation to ensure that it meets the highest standards of quality and accuracy.I confirm that I am qualified and competent to provide this translation certificate, and that I have the necessary skills and expertise to accurately translate legal documents such as contracts. I have also undertaken the necessary research and background checks to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the translation.I am confident that this translation will be of use and benefit to all parties involved, and that it will facilitate clear communication and understanding of the terms and conditions outlined in the contract.Signed: [Name of Translator]Date: [Date of Signing]Place: [Location of Signing]。

《Application of an expert system to monitoring and control in aquaculture》外文翻译专家系统在水产养殖监测和控制方面中的应用David D。
Harris,Feng Zhang,Peter H。
该系统一个重要的特佂是,仅仅使用简单的计算机技能,直接通过访问专家系统的创建者, 就能改变系统的应用程序和操作规程。
最近,这个研究中心正与澳大利亚南部的渔业部门开展一个项目,这个项目将把这方面的专业知识与特定应用程序应用到水产养殖的监测和控制当中.关键词专家系统、监测和控制、知识库、用户交互1 背景为了体现该地区一套以知识为基础的方法论,有必要开发一个基本的应用程序。
2 当前的水产养殖实践从海洋网箱到陆地上的池塘,世界各地普遍存在水产养殖.无论淡水或海洋鱼类都是养殖的对象,包括鳍鱼、甲壳类和软体动物等.然而一些常见的问题出现在这一课题中:•通常水产养殖设施的成本很高。

半鞅最大不等式和强大数定律(4号黑体加粗.居中)(5号 空一行)Tasos C.Christofides (Times New Roman5号,居中)(5号 空一行)摘要:Newman 和Wright(Z.Wahrsch.V erw.Geb.59(1982)361-371)首次将Chow 最大不等式从(局部)鞅的情况推广到半(局部)鞅的情况。
这个结论可以作为证明其他不等式如Hajek-Renyi 不等式和Doob 最大不等式的“资源”的不等式,并且由此得出了强大数定律。
关键词:半鞅;联合随机变量1.前言定义1.1 设1S ,2S , 是1L 上的随机变量数列。
假设当1,2,j = 时,有11{()(,,)}0j j j E S S f S S +-≥ (1.1)对于所有并列方式且单调不减的函数f 它们的数学期望是可以定义的。
于是,称数列1{}j j S ≥为半鞅。
在此基础上,如果函数f 是非负的,那么数列1{}j j S ≥称为半局部鞅。
备注:如果函数f 不要求是单调不减的那么满足(1.1)的条件与是满足1{}j j S ≥是σ数域上的鞅的条件是等价的。
类似地,如果假定f 是非负的且不一定是单调不减的,那么满足(1.1)的条件与满足1{}j j S ≥是局部鞅的条件是等价的。
定义1.1应归功于Newman 和Wright(1982)。
Newman 和Wright (1982)已经推广了变量的结论,结论中包括将Doob 最大不等式和Doob 递增不等式推广到半鞅的情况。
定义1.2 有限个随机变量是联合变量如果11{(,,),(,,)}0m m C ov f X X g X X ≥对于在m R 上任意两个并列方式且单调不减函数f ,g 而言,协方差被定义。

南京理工大学毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院(系):机械工程学院专业:机械工程及其自动化姓名:陆建学号:0701500122外文出处:IEEE/IEE Electronic(用外文写)library(IEL)附件:1。
附件1:外文资料翻译译文导电胶粘剂机器人—一种新型,健壮,电力可控制附着技术的爬墙机器人Harsha Prahlad, Ron Pelrine,Scott Stanford,John Marlow, and Roy Kornbluh摘要本文介绍了一种新型夹紧称为兼容电胶合技术,同时也是第一次将这种技术应用于爬墙机器人.正如其名称所示电胶合是一种电气控制粘连技术,它涉及到采用电源连接到适合机器人移动的顺滑板来诱导墙体表面的静电荷。
I 引言最近的事件,诸如自然灾害,军事行动,或公众安全的威胁,强大的侦察机器人已经得到越来越多的重视,而能在三维空间里穿越地形复杂的城市的机器人更加受到重视。

(Shear wall st ructural design ofh igh-lev el fr ameworkWu Jiche ngAbstract : In t his pape r the basic c oncepts of man pow er from th e fra me sh ear w all str uc ture, analy sis of the struct ur al des ign of th e c ont ent of t he fr ame she ar wall, in cludi ng the seism ic wa ll she ar spa本科毕业设计外文文献翻译学校代码: 10128学 号:题 目:Shear wall structural design of high-level framework 学生姓名: 学 院:土木工程学院 系 别:建筑工程系 专 业:土木工程专业(建筑工程方向) 班 级:土木08-(5)班 指导教师: (副教授)nratiodesign, and a concretestructure in themost co mmonly usedframe shear wallstructurethedesign of p oints to note.Keywords: concrete; frameshearwall structure;high-risebuildingsThe wall is amodern high-rise buildings is an impo rtant buildingcontent, the size of theframe shear wall must comply with building regulations. The principle is that the largersizebut the thicknessmust besmaller geometric featuresshouldbe presented to the plate,the force is close to cylindrical.The wall shear wa ll structure is a flatcomponent. Itsexposure to the force along the plane level of therole ofshear and moment, must also take intoaccountthe vertical pressure.Operate under thecombined action ofbending moments and axial force andshear forcebythe cantilever deep beam under the action of the force levelto loo kinto the bottom mounted on the basis of. Shearwall isdividedinto a whole walland theassociated shear wall in theactual project,a wholewallfor exampl e, such as generalhousingconstruction in the gableor fish bone structure filmwalls and small openingswall.Coupled Shear walls are connected bythecoupling beam shear wall.Butbecause thegeneralcoupling beamstiffness is less thanthe wall stiffnessof the limbs,so. Walllimb aloneis obvious.The central beam of theinflection pointtopay attentionto thewall pressure than the limits of the limb axis. Will forma shortwide beams,widecolumn wall limbshear wall openings toolarge component atbothen ds with just the domain of variable cross-section ro din the internalforcesunder theactionof many Walllimb inflection point Therefore, the calcula tions and construction shouldAccordingtoapproximate the framestructure to consider.The designof shear walls shouldbe based on the characteristics of avariety ofwall itself,and differentmechanical ch aracteristicsand requirements,wall oftheinternalforcedistribution and failuremodes of specific and comprehensive consideration of the design reinforcement and structural measures. Frame shear wall structure design is to consider the structure of the overall analysis for both directionsofthehorizontal and verticaleffects. Obtain theinternal force is required in accordancewiththe bias or partial pull normal section forcecalculation.The wall structure oftheframe shear wall structural design of the content frame high-rise buildings, in the actual projectintheuse of themost seismic walls have sufficient quantitiesto meet thelimitsof the layer displacement, the location isrelatively flexible. Seismic wall for continuous layout,full-length through.Should bedesigned to avoid the wall mutations in limb length and alignment is notupand down the hole. The sametime.The inside of the hole marginscolumnshould not belessthan300mm inordertoguaranteethelengthof the column as the edgeof the component and constraint edgecomponents.Thebi-direc tional lateral force resisting structural form of vertical andhorizontalwallconnected.Each other as the affinityof the shear wall. For one, two seismic frame she ar walls,even beam highratio should notgreaterthan 5 and a height of not less than400mm.Midline columnand beams,wall midline shouldnotbe greater tha nthe columnwidthof1/4,in order toreduce thetorsional effect of the seismicaction onthecolumn.Otherwisecan be taken tostrengthen thestirrupratio inthe column tomake up.If theshear wall shearspan thanthe big two. Eventhe beamcro ss-height ratiogreaterthan 2.5, then the design pressure of thecut shouldnotmakeabig 0.2. However, if the shearwallshear spanratioof less than two couplingbeams span of less than 2.5, then the shear compres sion ratiois notgreater than 0.15. Theother hand,the bottom ofthe frame shear wallstructure to enhance thedesign should notbe less than200mmand notlessthanstorey 1/16,otherpartsshouldnot be less than 160mm and not less thanstorey 1/20. Aroundthe wall of the frame shear wall structure shouldbe set to the beam or dark beamand the side columntoform a border. Horizontal distributionofshear walls can from the shear effect,this design when building higher longeror framestructure reinforcement should be appropriatelyincreased, especially in the sensitiveparts of the beam position or temperature, stiffnesschange is bestappropriately increased, thenconsideration shouldbe givento the wallverticalreinforcement,because it is mainly from the bending effect, andtake in some multi-storeyshearwall structurereinforcedreinforcement rate -likelessconstrained edgeofthecomponent or components reinforcement of theedge component.References: [1 sad Hayashi,He Yaming. On the shortshear wall high-rise buildingdesign [J].Keyuan, 2008, (O2).高层框架剪力墙结构设计吴继成摘要: 本文从框架剪力墙结构设计的基本概念人手, 分析了框架剪力墙的构造设计内容, 包括抗震墙、剪跨比等的设计, 并出混凝土结构中最常用的框架剪力墙结构设计的注意要点。

卡尔曼(Rudolph E. Kalman)命名,但是根据文献可知实际上Peter Swerling在更早之前就提出了一种类似的算法。
施密特(Stanley Schmidt)首次实现了卡尔曼滤波器。
关于这种滤波器的论文由Swerling(1958)、Kalman (1960)与Kalman and Bucy(1961)发表。
除此以外,还有施密特扩展滤波器、信息滤波器以及很多Bierman, Thornton开发的平方根滤波器的变种.也许最常见的卡尔曼滤波器是锁相环,它在收音机、计算机和几乎任何视频或通讯设备中广泛存在。
卡尔曼滤波建立在线性代数和隐马尔可夫模型(hidden Markov model)上.其基本动态系统可以用一个马尔可夫链表示,该马尔可夫链建立在一个被高斯噪声(即正态分布的噪声)干扰的线性算子上的。

外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文.附件1:外文资料翻译译文CATIA V5 的自动化CATIA V5的自动化和脚本:在NT 和Unix上:脚本允许你用宏指令以非常简单的方式计划CATIA。
CATIA 使用在MS –VBScript中(V5.x中在NT和UNIX3。
0 )的共用部分来使得在两个平台上运行相同的宏。
在NT 平台上:自动化允许CATIA像Word/Excel或者Visual Basic程序那样与其他外用分享目标。
ATIA 能使用Word/Excel对象就像Word/Excel能使用CATIA 对象。
在Unix 平台上:CATIA将来的版本将允许从Java分享它的对象。
这将提供在Unix 和NT 之间的一个完美兼容。
CATIA V5 自动化:介绍(仅限NT)自动化允许在几个进程之间的联系:CATIA V5 在NT 上:接口COM:Visual Basic 脚本(对宏来说),Visual Basic 为应用(适合前:Word/Excel ),Visual Basic。
Automation 是一种“微软“技术,它使用一种解释环境中的COM对象。
ActiveX 组成部分是“微软“标准于几个应用程序之间的共享对象,即使在解释环境里。
OLE(对象的链接与嵌入)意思是资料可以在一个其他应用OLE的资料里连结并且可以被编辑的方法(在适当的位置编辑).在VBScript,VBA和Visual Basic之间的差别:Visual Basic(VB)是全部的版本。
它能产生独立的计划,它也能建立ActiveX 和服务器。

工程力学外文翻译范文工程力学英文什么说工程力学,英文是:engineering mechanics。
An analysis study was conducted on the strength and safety of the backfill materialbased on the engineering mechanics.详细解释:engineering英[?end???n??r??] 美[?end???n?r??]n. 工程(学),工程师行业; 操纵,管理; 土木工程,工事; 开车技术;[例句]He has not studied mechanics or engineering.他没有学习过力学和工程学。
mechanics 英[m?'k?n?ks] 美[m??k?n?ks]n. 力学; 机械学; 构成法; 技术;[例句]He has not studied mechanics or engineering.他没有学习过力学和工程学。
机械学院工程力学专业的英文是Engineering Mechanics major in Mechanical Engineering。

毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系别:专业:班级:姓名:学号:外文出处:附件: 1. 原文; 2。
译文2013年03月附件一:A Rapidly Deployable Manipulator SystemChristiaan J。
Paredis, H. Benjamin Brown,Pradeep K. KhoslaAbstract:A rapidly deployable manipulator system combines the flexibility of reconfigurable modular hardware with modular programming tools,allowing the user to rapidly create a manipulator which is custom-tailored for a given task. This article describes two main aspects of such a system,namely,the Reconfigurable Modular Manipulator System (RMMS)hardware and the corresponding control software。
1 IntroductionRobot manipulators can be easily reprogrammed to perform different tasks, yet the range of tasks that can be performed by a manipulator is limited by mechanicalstructure。
Forexample,a manipulator well-suited for precise movement across the top of a table would probably no be capable of lifting heavy objects in the vertical direction. Therefore,to perform a given task,one needs to choose a manipulator with an appropriate mechanical structure.We propose the concept of a rapidly deployable manipulator system to address the above mentioned shortcomings of fixed configuration manipulators。


关键词:烘缸,设计,冷凝水,虹吸管1 造纸机的烘缸1。
1 烘缸的设计背景本发明涉及造纸机的烘干装置或其它类似的过道,更特别地,是指为了在宽度方向达到均匀烘干.烘缸包括一个套管在他的内表面有沟槽和在里面提供一个虹吸功能的,烘缸是从凹槽内吸取冷凝水的。
相反,导致弯管轴向延伸主要是凝结水的排水线.尽管造纸机有许多的改进,特别是在造纸机的干燥部分, 认为在它的宽度,已经有一系列的连续的问题,纸网是不均匀的潮湿(或不均匀的干燥)。
尤其在大的烘缸对于生产定量很轻的绉纸, 在整个烘缸的长度上,干燥的均匀度是决定性的纸的数量和质量。

毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系部:计算机科学与技术系专业:计算机科学与技术姓名:洪维坤学号: 0807012215外文出处:Proceeding of Workshop on the (用外文写)of Artificial,Hualien,TaiWan,2005 指导老师评语:签名:年月日不确定性数据挖掘:一种新的研究方向Michael Chau1, Reynold Cheng2, and Ben Kao31:商学院,香港大学,薄扶林,香港2:计算机系,香港理工大学九龙湖校区,香港3:计算机科学系,香港大学,薄扶林,香港摘要由于不精确测量、过时的来源或抽样误差等原因,数据不确定性常常出现在真实世界应用中。

英文原文如果为打印的话用新罗马(Times New Roman)小四号字。
参考文献也要翻译成中文!An Energy-Efficient Cooperative Algorithm for Data Estimation inWireless Sensor NetworksAbstract – In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), nodes operate on batteries and network’s lifetime depends on energy consumption of the nodes. Consider the class of sensor networks where all nodes sense a single phenomenon at different locations and send messages to a Fusion Center (FC) in order to estimate the actual information. In classical systems all data processing tasks are done in the FC and there is no processing or compression before transmission. In the proposed algorithm, network is divided into clusters and data processing is done in two parts. The first part is performed in each cluster at the sensor nodes after local data sharing and the second part will be done at the Fusion Center after receiving all messages from clusters. Local data sharing results in more efficient data transmission in terms of number of bits. We also take advantage of having the same copy of data at all nodes of each cluster and suggest a virtual Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (V-MIMO) architecture for data transmission from clusters to the FC. A Virtual-MIMO network is a set of distributed nodes each having one antenna. By sharing their data among themselves, these nodes turn into a classical MIMO system. In the previously proposed cooperative/virtual MIMO architectures there has not been any data processing or compression in the conference phase. We modify the existing VMIMO algorithms to suit the specific class of sensor networks that is of our concern. We use orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes (STBC) for MIMO part and by simulation show that this algorithm saves considerable energy compared to classical systems.I. INTRODUCTIONA typical Wireless Sensor Network consists of a set of small, low-cost and energy-limited sensor nodes which are deployed in a field in order to observe a phenomenon and transmit it to a Fusion Center (FC). These sensors are deployed close to one another and their readings of the environment are highly correlated. Their objective is to report a descriptive behavior of the environment based on all measurements to the Fusion Center. This diversity in measurement lets the system become more reliable and robust against failure. In general, each node is equipped with a sensing device, a processor and a communication module (which can be either a transmitter or transmitter/receiver).Sensor nodes are equipped with batteries and are supposed to work for a long period of time without battery replacement. Thus, they are limited in energy and one of the most important issues in designing sensor networks will be the energy consumption of the sensor nodes. To deal with this problem, we might either reduce the number of bits to be transmitted by source compression or reduce the required power for transmission by applying advanced transmission techniques while satisfying certain performance requirement.A lot of research has been done in order to take advantage of the correlation among sensors’ data for reducing the number of bits to be transmitted. Some are based on distributed source coding[1]while others use decentralized estimation[2-5]. In [1], authors present an efficient algorithm that applies distributed compression based on Slepian – Wolf[14] encoding technique and use an adaptive signal processing algorithm to track correlation among sensors data. In [2-5] the problem of decentralized estimation in sensor networks has been studied under different constraints. In these algorithms, sensors perform a local quantization on their data considering that their observations are correlated with that of other sensors. They produce a binary message and send it to the FC. FC combines these messages based on the quantization rules used at the sensor nodes and estimates the unknown parameter. Optimal local quantization and final fusion rules are investigated in these works. The distribution of data assumed for sensor observation in these papers has Uniform probability distribution function. In our model we consider Gaussian distribution introduced in [17] for sensor measurements which ismore likely to reality.As an alternative approach, some works have been done using energy-efficient communication techniques such as cooperative/virtual Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) transmission in sensor networks [6-11]. In these works, as each sensor is equipped with one antenna, nodes are able to form a virtual MIMO system by performing cooperation with others. In [6] the application of MIMO techniques in sensor networks based on Alamouti[15] space-time block codes was introduced. In [8,9] energy-efficiency of MIMO techniques has been explored analytically and in [7] a combination of distributed signal processing algorithm presented and in [1] cooperative MIMO was studied.In this paper, we consider both techniques of compression and cooperative transmission at the same time. We reduce energy consumption in two ways; 1) processing data in part at the transmitting side, which results in removing redundant information thus having fewer bits to be transmitted and 2) reducing required transmission energy by applying diversity and Space-Time coding. Both of these goals will be achieved by our proposed two-phase algorithm. In our model, the objective is to estimate the unknown parameter which is basically the average of all nodes’ measurements. That is, exact measurements of individual nodes are not important and it is not necessary to spend a lot of energy and bandwidth to transmit all measured data with high precision to the FC. We can move some part of data processing to the sensors side. This can be done by local data sharing among sensors. We divide the network into clusters of ‘m’ members. The number of members in the cluster (m) is both the compression factor in data processing and also the diversity order in virtual-MIMO architecture. The remaining of this paper is organized as following: in section II we introduce our system model and basic assumptions. In section III we propose our collaborative algorithm. In section IV we present the mathematical analysis of the proposed algorithm and in section V we give some numerical simulations. Finally section VI concludes the paper.II. SYSTEM MODELA. Network ModelThe network model that we use is similar to the one presented in [2-5].Our network consists of N distributed Sensor Nodes (SN) and a Fusion Center (FC). Sensors are deployed uniformly in the field, close to one another and each taking observations on an unknown parameter (θ). Fusion Center is located far from the nodes. All nodes observe same phenomenon but with different measurements. These nodes together with the Fusion Center are supposed to find the value of the unknown parameter. Nodes send binary messages to Fusion Center. FC will process the received messages and estimate the unknown value.B. Data ModelIn our formulation we use the data model introduced in[17]. We assume that all sensors observe the same phenomenon (θ) which has Gaussian distribution with variance σx 2. They observe different versions of θ and we model this difference as an additive zero mean Gaussian noisewith variance σn 2. Therefore, sensor observations will be described byn i i θx += (1) Where θ ~ N (0, σx 2) and n i ~ N (0, σn 2) for i = 1, 2, … , N .Based on thisassumption the value of θ can be estimated by taking the numerical average of the nodes observations, i.e.∑==N i i x N 11θ(2)C. Reference System ModelOur reference system consists of N conventional Single Input Single Output (SISO) wireless links, each connecting one of the sensor nodes to the FC. For the reference system we do not consider any communication or cooperation among the sensors. Therefore each sensor quantizes its observation by an L-bit scalar quantizer designed for distribution of θ, generates a message of length L and transmits it directly to the FC. Fusion Center receives all messages and performs the processing, which is calculation of the numerical average of these messages.III. COOPERATIVE DATA PROCESSING ALGORITHMSensor readings are analog quantities. Therefore, each sensor has to compress its data into several bits. For data compression we use L -bit scalar quantizer [12,13].In our algorithm, network is divided into clusters, each cluster having a fixed and pre-defined number of members (m). Members of each cluster are supposed to cooperate with one another in two ways:1. Share, Process and Compress their data2. Cooperatively transmit their processed data using virtual MIMO.IV. ANALYSISThe performance metric considered in our analysis is the total distortion due to compression and errors occurred during transmission. The first distortion is due to finite length quantizer, used in each sensor to represent the analog number by L bits. This distortion depends on the design of quantizer.We consider a Gaussian scalar quantizer which is designed over 105 randomly generated samples. The second distortion is due to errors occurred during transmission through the channel. In our system, this distortion is proportional to the probability of bit error. Since the probability of bit error (Pe) is a function of transmission energy per bit (Eb), total distortion will be a function of Eb. In this section we characterize the transmission and total consumed energy of sensors and find the relationship between distortion and probability of bit error.V. SIMULATION AND NUMERICAL RESULTS To give a numerical example, we assume m = 4 members in each cluster. Therefore our Virtual-MIMO scheme will consist of 4 transmit antennas. We assume that network has N = 32 sensors. Sensor observations are Gaussian with σx2= 1 and are added to a Gaussian noise of σn2= 0.1 .Nodes are deployed uniformly in the field and are 2 meters apart from each other and the Fusion Center is located 100 meters away from the center of the field. The values for circuit parameters are quoted from [6] and are listed in Table I. These parameters depend on the hardware design and technological advances. Fig. 1 illustrates the performance (Distortion) of reference system and proposed two-phase V-MIMO scheme versus transmission energy consumption in logarithmic scale. As shown in the figures, depending on how much precision is needed in the system, we can save energy by applying the proposed algorithm.TABLE IFig. 2 illustrates the Distortion versus total energy consumption of sensor nodes. That is, in this figure we consider both the transmission and circuit energy consumption. The parameters that lead us to these results may be designed to give better performance than presented here. However, from these figures we can conclude that the proposed algorithm outperforms the reference system when we want to have distortion less than 10−3 and it can save energy as high as 10 dB.VI. CONCLUSIONIn this paper we proposed a novel algorithm which takes advantage of cooperation among sensor nodes in two ways: it not only compresses the set of sensor messages at the sensor nodes into one message, appropriate for final estimation but also encodes them into orthogonal space-time symbols which are easy to decode and energy-efficient. This algorithm is able to save energy as high as 10 dB.REFERENCES[1] J.Chou,D.Petrovic and K.Ramchandran “A distributed and adaptive signalprocessing approach to reducing energy consumption in sensornetworks,”Proc. IEEE INFOCOM,March 2003.[2] Z.Q.Luo, “Universal decentralized estimation in a bandwidth constrainedsensor network,” IEEE rmation The ory, vol.51,no.6,June 2005.[3] Z.Q.Luo,“An Isotropic Universal decentralized estimation scheme for abandwidth constrained Ad Hoc sensor network,”IEEEm. vol.23,no. 4,April 2005.[4] Z.Q.Luo and J.-J. Xiao, “Decentralized estimation i n an inhomogeneoussensing environment,” IEEE Trans. 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本科毕业论文外文翻译外文译文题目:对于E类型的简单生产线平衡问题的解决过程学院: 机械自动化专业: 工业工程学号: 201003166078学生姓名:谭柱森指导教师: 李颖日期: 二○一四年五月A solution procedure for type E simple assembly linebalancing problemNai—Chieh Wei , I-Ming ChaoIndustrial Engineering and Management,I—Shou University,No. 1,Section 1, Syuecheng Rd. Dashu District, KaohsiungCity 84001,Taiwan, ROC.对于E类型的简单生产线平衡问题的解决过程Nai-Chieh Wei , I-Ming Chao工业工程与管理,中华人民共和国,台湾省,高雄市,Syuecheng Rd。
后一年,Salverson建立了第一个生产线平衡的数学模型并提出了定性的解决步骤,这引来了很大的兴趣,在Gutjahr 和Nemhauser说明生产线平衡是一种NP组合优化难题,大多数研究者希望开发一种能高效解决多种装配线问题的方法。
在随后的几年,生产线平衡成为了一个流行的主题,Kim,Kim,and Kim (1996)把生产线平衡分为五类问题,其中的问题1(SALBP —1)和问题Ⅱ(SALBP—Ⅱ)是两种基本的优化问题。
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最佳分簇规模的水声传感器网络Liang Zhao,Qilian Liang德州大学阿灵顿分校电子工程系Arlington, TX 76010, USAEmail: , 摘要:在这篇论文中,我们主要关注的是的最优化分簇规模对水声传感器网络的影响。
由于广播的性质和有限的带宽,在浅水通信[6] [7],多跳可以引起传感器节点之间严重干扰。
一个新的路由称为“矢量为基础的转移” (VBF)缓解了这个问题 [8]。
在文献[11]中,Salva-Garau 和 Stojanovic建议聚类水声载体网络的方案,这组相邻载体进入分簇,和使用的TDMA(时分多址)内每个群集。
该平台也使得移动使用data muling,,这对于大批量的理想延迟容许的应用程序。
A.水下声纳基础基于数据和 [13]Jurdak, Lopes 和Baldi[14]推导了证明模型,85SL TL =+ (1)其中SL 是源代码级和TL 是传输 损耗失。
公式(1)中的所有量都是用分贝re Pa μ 。
其中1 μPa 的参考价值 0.67 x 10-22Watts/cmn2。
圆柱蔓延信号的传输损耗近似为 [13]310log 10TL d d α-=+⨯ (2)其中d 是发送和接收端之间的距离。
Fisher and Simmons [15],测量了吸收在浅的海水在温度在4°C 和20°C。
它的平均值从[14]中获得,在确保接收质量,α所需要的阈值,用α表示,可能会选择大于α,然而,我们通常希望α是频率f 的单调递减函数。
在下文,我们简单的用(3)去表示α和以便强调它们之间的关系,α可写成()f α。
发射功率t P 在参考距离1米需要达到的电流强度t I 的表达式为21t t P m H I π=⨯⨯⨯ (4)t I 和SL 有关的是1810100.6710SL t I -=⨯⨯ (5)把(1),(2),(4)和(5)加起来,我们可以得到()f d t P CHde α= (6)9.52(0.67)10C π-()0.001()ln10f f αα (7)H 是水的深度,用米表示。
我们在Fig.1画()f α和它的二次拟合,分别用虚线和点线表示因此,发送l 比特传送距离为d,发送天线消耗()(,)f d TX elec b E l d lE lT CHde α=+ (8) 接收天线的消耗(原文:the receiver's radio expends )(,)RX elec E l d lE = (9) 其中b T 是码元持续时间,elec E 是电子传送一比特信息的单位能量损耗{16}。
III. 最佳聚类在这个部分,我们分析UW-ASN 的能量损耗,研究分簇大小和节能。
A.问题提出聚类已经被广泛的应用在模式识别,并且我们用它获得UW-ASN 自构建的能量效率,考虑一个合成的UW-ASN,其中低容量传感器作为分簇成员并且是随机分布,高容量传感器作为簇头且为手动定位。
对于从低容量的节点发送的每一比特,数据的每一比特的第k 个分簇的第i 个成员的能量损耗是()()kif r CM ki elec b ki E E T CHr e α=+ (10)其中,ki r 是第k 个簇头到它的成员的第i 个距离。
因为MCUS (微程序的控制单位)用在水声传感器经常工作在低于水听器的功率上,数据处理中的能量损耗经常被忽略。
相同的,第k 个高容量节点的能量损耗是()()()k f d CH k k k elec b k E N N E T CHd e αη=++ (11)其中,k N 在第k 个簇头的低容量节点数,1C k k N N ==∑k d 是第k 个簇头到下沉表面的距离。
考虑所有的c 簇头,全部的开销是()()11()k N C total CH k CM ki k i E E E ===+∑∑ (12)以整体能源成本的期望值,我们得到的目标函数total E 。
total CH CM E kE NE =+ =()f r elec b elec NE NT CHE re NE α++ ()(f delec b N E T CHE de αη++ (13)很显然,决定因素是()f rE re α和()f dE de α,因此我们从新写(13)2()total elec b CM elec b CM E NE NT CHJ N E T CHJ η=+++ (14)()f rCM J E re α=,(),f d CH J E de α= (15)最佳分簇大小可以有不同的分布,在下文,我们将会讨论随机分布。
B.随机分布的解决方案假如低容量传感器是随机分布的,它的位置服从二维泊松分布,也就是在面积A 的节点数A N 是给定的()()/!A N A r A A P N A e N λλ-= (16) 其中λ是节点密度。
泊松分布的一个有用的性质是若出现在面积A的节点数是N ,那么N个节点的独特分布是独立且统一在面积A 里对于单跳分簇,所有分簇的成员都可以和簇头直接通信。
从一个分簇成员到簇头的距离r 是累计函数分布,22()r F r R ππ= (17) 其中C R 是分簇大小,r 的概率分布函数是22()C rf r R = (18)相同的,簇头也应均匀分布在感兴趣的领域,假设感兴趣的领域是圆半径为R ,那么簇头理想的位置是图二的阴影部分所描绘的。
如果频率的分配与r 无关,其中是在大多数应用中使用的情况下,()fα和r是独立的,因此,()fα可以看做是一个常数代入关于cR的(19)中求导这种方案可以得到数值,(19)的二阶导数由下式给出把(21)代入(22),可以得到 220,total c E R ∂>∂ (23) 其中total E 是(21)解的最小值。
N=100的节点是均匀分布在半径是1000m和水深是10m 的圆形区域,水面是数据采集心(SINK ),对于给定数字的分簇,我们运用Fuzzy-C-Means (FCM)去形成一个分簇和测量分簇网络的能量损耗。
给定的数据分簇聚集数比η为0.1,0.5和1.0,我们也算出(21)的数值,把分簇半径通过(24)转换成分簇数22c R k R ππ= (24)计算出来的k's 列在Table I.比较figures 3, 4 and 5,Table I显示我们的数值分析和仿真结果很匹配。
V .结论虽然分簇已经很好的研究了地面无线传感器网络,水声通信的独特性要求一种新的研究。
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