



Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】





例如:I went to school at 7:00 yesterday morning.



例如:She was not at home last night.


③表示在过去经常或反复发生的动作,常和often(经常)、always(总是)、sometimes (有时)等表示频率的时间状语连用。例如:He often had lunch at school last month.



例如:Ba Jin wrote a lot of novels for us.



① yesterday及相关短语。

yesterday morning/afternoon/evening 昨天上午/下午/晚上。

② “last+ 时间状语”构成的短语。

last night/month/spring/year 昨晚/上个月/去年春天/去年。

③ “一段时间+ago”组成的短语。

three days ago 三天以前 four years ago四年以前。

④ “介词+ 时间名词”组成的短语。

in 1999 在1999年;on the morning of December 25th 在12月25号早上。


① be动词的过去式was、were.

例如:She was a teacher five years ago. 她五年前是一名教师。


1)直接在动词后加ed,例如:help-helped; want-wanted等;2)以不发音的字母e结尾时,去掉e加ed (即直接加d) , 例如:like-liked; use-used等;

3)以辅音字母y结尾时,把y变成i再加ed, 例如:carry-carried; study-studied等;

4)以重读闭音节结尾,双写最后一个辅音字母再加ed, 例如:stop-stopped; shop-shopped等。而不规则动词的过去式则需要我们认真下工夫去记了,例如:go-went; come-came; buy-bought 等。


例如:become-became She became angry. 她生气了。


例如:I could swim at the age of five. 我五岁时就会游泳了。




例如:Jenny bought a skirt yesterday.




例如:Jenny didn’t buy a skirt yesterday.




例如:Did Jenny buy a skirt yesterday



“疑问词+did +主语+动词原形+其它”

例如:What did Jenny buy yesterday



( ) 1. Lee ________ his mobile phone at home.

A. was left

B. has left

C. had left

D. left

( ) 2. ______ you _______ me I thought I ________ you calling me.

A. Did, call, heard

B. Have, called, heard

C. Have, called, have heard

D. Were, call, heard

( ) 3. _____ he ________ a good rest No, he didn’t.

A. Have, had

B. Did, have

C. Did, had

D. Had, had

( ) 4. As soon as he ________, he ______ to his family.

A. arrived, writes

B. arrived, written

C. arrived, wrote

D. had arrived, write

( ) 5. Mr. Black was late because he _______ his way.

A. lose

B. had lost

C. has lost

D. lost

( ) 6. How long _________ you _______ here

A. did, study in

B. have, study

C. have studied

D. has, studied

( ) 7. When _________ Lee ________ school this morning

A. had, got to

B. did, get to

C. did, get

D. did, got to

( ) 8. Will you please say it again I ________ quite

_______ you.

A. didn’t, hear

B. haven’t, heard

C. didn’t, heard

D. hadn’t, heard

( ) 9. ______ you ________ at six o’clock yesterday

A. Do ,get up

B. Did, get up

C. Do, got up

D. Did, got up

( ) did you see _________

A. now

B. every day

C. since 1990

D. just now ( ) went into the room and _______ the door.

A. lock

B. locking

C. locks

D. locked

( ) 12. —What _____ you _______ last week

—I bought a bag.

A. did ,buy

B. did , bought

C. do, buy

D. do, bought

( ) 13. —_____ he ____ his lunch

— Yes, he did.

A. Have ,had

B. Had, has

C. Did, have

D. Did, had

( )14.—Did the thieves _____ into the car

—No, they______.

A. fell, didn’t

B. fall, did

C. jump, didn’t

D. jump, did

( ) 15. —When did May come back from Hong Kong

—She _____ from Hong Kong last Friday.

A. come back

B. comes back

C. returned back

D. came back

( ) 16. ____ she _____ this dictionary in the bookshop nearby last week

A. Did, buy

B. Does, buy

C. Did, bought

D. Does, buys

( ) 17. He ____ to the station this morning and

was______ for the train.

A. hurry, in time

B. hurries, on time

C. hurried, in time

D. hurried, at time

( ) 18. Where _____ Uncle Sun yesterday

A. was

B. were

C. did

D. does

( ) 19. —Have you seen him today

—Yes, I ____ him this morning.

A. has seen

B. see

C. will see

D. saw

( ) 20. He ______ worried when he heard the news.

A. is

B. was

C. does

D. did


1.How is Jane yesterday

2.He go to school by bus last week.

3.He often goes home at 6:00 last month.

4.I can fly kites seven years ago.

5.Did you saw him just now.

6.Tom wasn’t watch TV last night.

7.I didn’t my homework yesterday.

8.He wait for you three hours ago.

9. Who find it just now

10. What did he last week


and Mary ___________ (come) to China last month.

_________________(not go) to bed until 12 o’clock last night. So I _______ (get ) up late.

__________ (read) English yesterday morning.

_________ (be) no one here a moment ago.

___________ (call) Mike this morning.

listened but ___________ (hear) nothing.

___________ (begin) to learn Chinese last year.

week we _________ (pick) many apples on the farm.

mother ________________ (not do) housework yesterday. watches TV every evening. But she _______________ (not watch) TV last night.

your father ________ ( go ) to work every day last year 12. —What time _______ you _______ (get) to Beijing yesterday

—We __________ (get) to Beijing at 9:00 in the evening.

__________ (make) him cry (哭) just now

year the teacher ___________ (tell) us that the earth moves around the sun.

____________ a telephone call for you just now. (be)

__________ not enough people to pick apples that day. ( be) _____________ any hospitals (医院) in my hometown (家乡) in 1940. ( be not)

____________ enough milk at home last week, wasn’t there

____________ to Japan last week. ( move)

20. –When _______ you _________ (come) to China - Last year.

she ________ (have) supper at home

____________ (not clean) the room just now.

(be) it cold in your city yesterday

many people ________ (be) there in your class last term

________ (be) hot yesterday and most children _______ (be) outside.

26. There ________ (be) a football match on TV yesterday evening, but I _________ (have) no time to watch it.

27. He ate some bread and _________ (drink) some milk.

28. ________ he __________ (finish) his homework last night

29. I__________(be) tired yesterday.

30. I ___________(gain ) Arts degree last year.

31. What _________ you ___________ (do) last night

32. My grandfather _________ (leave) Hong Kong for New York in 1998.

33. What _______ he ________ (do) yesterday

34. Last week I _______ (buy) a new bike.

35. He ________ (be) here just now.

36. He __________ (not find ) his key last night.

37. My father __________ (drink) a lot of wine yesterday.

38. ________ you ________ (finish) your homework yesterday

39. I ________ (eat) some eggs and bread this morning.40. Her mother __________ (not give) the girl any present.



Last year Mr. Smith _____ (go ) to China and Japan. He _____ (have) a wonderful time. He _____ (do) a lot of different things and _____ (talk) to a great number of different people. He _____ (eat) Chinese and Japanese food and _____ (visit) a lot of interesting places. When he _____ (go) back to England, he _____ (be) very tired.


A week ago, Kitty and Ben _________ (be) in the countryside. At first, the wind _________ (blow) lightly. The leaves ___________ (blow) slightly in the wind. They ________ (fly) their kite happily in the gentle breeze. Suddenly, the wind ________ (become) stronger. The clouds in the sky _______ (move) quickly. Leaves ________ (fall) from trees. The string

on Ben’s kite _________ (break). The sky became dark. Kitty and Ben ________ (go ) home immediately. Kitty and Ben ________ (stay) at home. They __________ (watch) TV. The wind became much stronger. It _________ (blow) fiercely. It became a typhoon. Trees_____ (fall) down. Ships and boats __________ (sink) in the big waves. The typhoon _______ (pass) quickly. The wind became gentler. The big clean-up ________ (begin) immediately. Kitty and Ben went outside again.


人教版英语初一年级英语英语一般过去时知识点及答案 一、初中英语一般过去时 1.—The bread is really delicious. —Thank you, I ________ it myself. A. make B. made C. will make D. am making 【答案】B 【解析】【分析】句意:—面包真的很好吃。—谢谢,我自己做的。根据句意“面包美味可口”得知面包已做好,则说自己做的应为过去的动作,因此应使用一般过去时态。故答案选B。 【点评】考查动词时态的辨析。注意根据语境判断出动作是什么时候发生的从而确定时态。 2.-Have you finished your homework? -Yes, I have. I it this morning. A. finish B. finishes C. finished D. have finished 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:你完成你的作业了吗?——是的,我完成了。我今天早晨完成的。结合语境可知下文描述的是过去某时发生的动作,故用一般过去时态。选C。 【点评】英语中的时态主要是借助于时间状语与上下文语境来进行判断。解答此类题型,首先要注意句子中的时间状语,如果没有则要通过分析上下文,结合语境来判断句子的时态。英语疑问句中一般具有时态上的对应关系,注意结合这一特点进行区分。 3.—I am sorry I _______ my exercise book at home. — Don't forget _______ it to school tomorrow. A. forget; to take B. left; to bring C. forgot; to bring D. left; to take 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】forget忘记;leave留下;bring带来;take带走。句意:抱歉,我把我的练习本忘在家里了。——明天不要忘了把它带到学校来。Forget后接动名词表示忘记做过的某事,接不定式是忘记去做某事,结合语境可知上文描述的是刚才发生的动作,故从句谓语动词用过去时态,下文表示不要忘记做某事,选A。 【点评】该题型是属于基础题型,是必考内容。英语动词同汉语一样具有一词多义,一词多性的特点。解答此类问题首先要理解每个单词的基本含义,并注意交叉含义间的区别,了解其特殊用法及习惯搭配等特点,然后结合语境选择正确答案。英语宾语从句的时态和主句没有必然的联系,需结合语境进行具体分析。 4.A bridge ________over the river last year.


教案 教学设计 一般过去时 1.一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。常用的时间状语:yesterday, just now , a moment ago , last week,last year,last Friday,last National Day holiday,the day before yesterday... 2.Be动词在一般过去时中的变化: ⑴am 和is在一般过去时中变为was。(was not=wasn’t) ⑵are在一般过去时中变为were。(were not=weren’t) ⑶带有was或were的句子,其否定、疑问的变化和is, am, are一样,即否定句在was或were 后加not,一般疑问句把was或were调到句首。 3.句中没有be动词的一般过去时的句子 否定句:didn’t +动词原形,如:Jim didn’t go home yesterday. 一般疑问句:在句首加did,句子中的动词过去式变回原形。如:Did Jim go home yesterday? 特殊疑问句:⑴疑问词+did+主语+动词原形?如:What did Jim do yesterday? ⑵疑问词当主语时:疑问词+动词过去式?如:Who went home yesterday? 动词过去式变化规则:

1.一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:pull-pulled, cook-cooked ,shout-shouted ,point-pointed, 2.结尾是e加d,如:taste-tasted , like-liked 3.末尾只有一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ed,如:stop-stopped 4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i,再加-ed,如:study-studied 5.不规则动词过去式:am,is-was, are-were, do-did, see-saw, say-said, give-gave, get-got, go-went, come-came, have-had, eat-ate, take-took, run-ran, sing-sang, put-put, make-made, read-read, write-wrote, draw-drew, drink-drank, fly-flew, ride-rode, speak-spoke, sweep-swept, swim-swam, sit-sat ,become-became, take-took,can-could,swim-swam, bring-brought,drive-drove 过去时练习:写出下列动词的过去式 is\am_________ fly_______ plant________ are ________ drink_________ play_______ go________ make ________ does_________ dance________ worry________ ask _____ taste_________ eat__________ draw________ put ______ throw________ kick_________ pass_______ do ________ Be动词的过去时练习 一、用be动词的适当形式填空。 1. I ______ an English teacher now. 2. She _______ happy yesterday. 3. They _______ glad to see each other last month. 4. Helen and Nancy ________ good friends. 5. The little dog _____ two years old this year. 6. Look, there ________ lots of grapes here. 7. There ________ a sign on the chair on Monday. 8. Today _____ the second of June. Yesterday ______ the first of June. It _____ Children’s Day. All the students ______ very excited. 二、句型转换。 1. There was a car in front of the house just now. 否定句:________________________________________________ 一般疑问句:____________________________________________ 肯、否定回答:__________________________________________ 2.I went to the park last weekend. (改为一般疑问句) ________________________________________________________ (改为否定句)_________________________________________________________ 三、中译英。 1.我的故事书刚才还在手表旁边。___________________________________________________________ 2.他们的外套上个礼拜放在卧室里了。___________________________________________________________ 3.一会以前花园里有两只小鸟。___________________________________________________________


一般过去时 概念:表示过去经常发生、反复发生的动作、行为,以及过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态。 时间状语:ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week(year, night, month…), in 1989,基本结构:①be动词;②行为动词 I saw him in the park yesterday. There were 2 birds on the tree yesterday. She was short last year, but now she is tall. 否定形式:①was/were+not; ②在行为动词前加didn't,同时还原行为动词。 She was not short last year. They were not busy last week. He did not ( go ) to work yesterday. Tom did not ( watch ) TV last night. 一般疑问句:①was或were放于句首;②用did 提问,同时还原行为动词。 ☆动词过去式规则变化 1、直接加“ed”:work→worked 2、以不发音的e结尾的加“d”:live→lived 3、以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i加“ed”:study→stuied 4、以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的,双写最后的辅音字母加“ed”:stop→stopped sit-sitting ☆动词过去式不规则变化 do→did does-did read→read sit→sat run→ran have→had has→had is→was am-was are→were see→saw make→made go→went eat→ate drink-drank break-broke sweep-swept write-wrote ride-rode swim-swam sing-sang blow-blew draw-drew 一般过去时的练习 I.用所给的动词的适当形式填空。 ⒈He ___________(visit) the Great Wall last year. 2.We____________(have) a good time yesterday. 3.We often __________(go) to school by bus last year. 4.I __________(live)in the village when I was a child. 5.Mike__________(see) a big tiger in the nature park last year. 6.Sam___________ (do) the housework yesterday. 7._______(do) you_________watch TV yesterday? 8.________(do)you __________(play) the violin in the afternoon yesterday? 9.. I __________ (eat) a big pizza yesterday. 10.There_________ (be) many goats on the farm yesterday. 11. I _________ (watch) a cartoon on Saturday. 12. Her father __________ (read) a newspaper last night. 13. We _________ to zoo yesterday, we ___________ to the park. (go) 14. _________ you __________ (visit) your relatives last Spring Festival? 15. _________ he __________ (fly) a kite on Sunday? Yes, he __________. II.选择填空 ( ) 1. She watered the flowers ________. A tomorrow B sometimes C yesterday morning ( ) 2.What ____ Mike do last weekend ? A do B does C did ( ) 3. I ___ my room last Sunday. A cleaned B clean C am cleaning ( ) 5. _____ you _____ TV last night . A Do, watch B Did, watch C Did, watched ( ) 6.---Did your father write an e-mail yesterday ? A Yes, he did. B Yes, he do es C No, he don’t ( ) 7.They _____ on a trip in February ,2007. A are going B going C went ( ) 9. ____ he ____ football two days ago? A Does , play B Did , played C Did , play - 1 -

一般过去时 六年级英语知识点

一般过去时(小学) 一、定义 1.表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。如: She ate three apples yesterday. 昨天她吃了三个苹果。 I got up at 6:30 yesterday. 我昨天6:30起床。 My father was very busy last week.我父亲上周很忙。 2.表示过去经常或过去反复发生的动作(也可与often,always等频率副词连用)。如: He always got up very early when he was young.年轻的时候,他每天总是起得很早。 二、谓语形式:动词的过去式 (1)She was a student two years ago. 两年前她是一个学生。 (这件事情已经过去了,所以be动词is要用过去式was) (2)they were students two years ago. 两年前他们/她们是学生。 (这件事情已经过去了,所以be动词are要用过去式were) (3) Ann washed her clothes last night. 安昨晚洗了她的衣服。 (这件事情已经过去了,所以动词wash要用过去式washed) (4) I did my homework promptly. 我及时地完成了作业。 (这件事情已经过去了,所以动词do要用过去式did) 三、句子结构:(a) be 动词的过去式句型: (b)动词过去式句型: (a) be 动词的过去式句型: 1.肯定句:主语+be 动词(was , were)+其他,如: She was a student two years ago. 两年前她是一个学生。 2.否定句:主语+be not(was not, were not)+其他,如: She was not a student two years ago. 两年前她不是一个学生。 3.一般疑问句:Be动词(Was/Were)+主语+其他? 肯定回答为“Yes,主语+was/were”,否定回答为“No,主语+wasn’t/weren’t”。如: Was she a student two years ago? 两年前她是一个学生吗? 肯定回答:Yes, she was. 否定回答:No, she wasn’t 4. 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句(顺序)? —Where were you yesterday? 你昨天在哪儿?—I was at home. 我在家里。 (b)动词过去式句型: 1.肯定句:主语+ 动词的过去式+其他,如: She ate three apples yesterday. 昨天她吃了三个苹果。 2.否定句:主语+did not+动词原形+其他,如: She did not eat three apples yesterday. 昨天她没吃三个苹果。 3.一般疑问句:Did+主语+动词原形+其他? 肯定回答为“Yes,主语+did”,否定回答为“No,主语+didn’t”如: Did she eat three apples yesterday? 昨天她吃了三个苹果吗? 肯定回答:Yes, she did. 否定回答:No, she didn’t. 4. 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句(顺序)? —What did Li Lei do last weekend?李雷上周末干什么了? —He visited his grandparents. 他去看了他的祖父母。 (注意:wasn’t是was not 的缩写,weren’t是were not 的缩写,didn’t是 did not 的缩写。) 记忆:动词一般过去时,表示过去发生事。 谓语动词过去式,过去时间作标志。 否定形式很简单,主语之后didn’t添,谓语动词要还原。 疑问构成有规则,主语前面加did。 四、常用的时间状语 yesterday 昨天two days ago 两天前 long ago 很久以前 in 1989 在1989年a moment ago 刚才just now 刚才 last+ week(year,night,month)上一周(去年,昨晚,上个月)


七年级英语一般过去时练习题 一、单项选择(每题2分,共20分) ( )1. My father______ill yesterday. A. isn't B. aren't C. wasn't D. weren't ( )2. ______your parents at home last week﹖ A. Is B. Was C. Are D. Were ( )3. The twins______in Dalian last year. They______here now. A. are; were B. were; are C. was; are D. were; was ( )4. ______your father at work the day_____yesterday(前天)﹖ A. Was; before B. Is; before C. Was; after D. Is; after ( )5. —Who was on duty last Friday﹖—______. A. I am B. I was C. Yes, I was D. No, I wasn't ( ) 6. She watered the flowers ________. A tomorrow B sometimes C yesterday morning ( ) 7.What ____ Mike do last weekend ? A do B does C did ( ) 8. I ___ my room last Sunday. A cleaned B clean C am cleaning ( ) 9. I often help my mother _____ housework. A does B did C do ( ) 10. _____ you _____ TV last night ? A Do, watch B Did, watch C Did, watched 二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(每空2分,共50分) 11. I ___________ (have ) an exciting party last weekend. 12. --_______she ____(play) her guitar (吉他)yesterday?--No, she ____. 13.-What ___________Tom __________ (do) on Saturday evening? --He _________(watch) TV and __________(read) an interesting book. 14. They all ____________(go) to the mountains yesterday morning. 15. She _____________(not visit) her aunt last weekend. She ____________(stay) at home and ___________(do) some cleaning. 16. -When __________ you ____________(write) this song? --I ____________(write) it last year. 17.My friend, Carol, _______(study) for the maths test and ____________(practise) English last night. 18. --____ Mr Li _____ (do) the project on Monday morning.--Yes, he ___. 19. -How _______________(be) Jim's weekend? --It ____________(be not ) bad. 20. --__________(be) your mother a sales assistant(售货员)last year? --No, she ______________. 21. The boss(老板__________(drive) his car to London for a holiday. 三、翻译下列句子(每空2分,共20分) 22. 我过了一个忙碌但却刺激的周末。 I _________ _________ __________ __________ exciting weekend. 23. Jenny喜欢看书。昨晚她看了一本英语书。 Jenny likes _________ __________. She _________ an English book last night. 24. 上周六他们做什么了? What ________ they _________ _________ Saturday? 四、改写句子(每空1分,共10分) 25. She did some washing yesterday.(改为一般疑问句) __________ _________ _________ __________ washing yesterday? 26. Father bought me a new bike.(改为否定句) Father _________ __________ _________ __________ __________ _________ me.


小学六年级英语一般过去时练习题 一般过去时(PEP Book 8 Unit 3 Last Week / Unit 4 My Holidays) Hello, boys and girls! 今天我们讲一般过去时,分三个方面讲述,大家可要认真听哟! I. 一般过去时的概念 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。常和表示过去的时间状语连用。如:last year, yesterday等;也可表示过去经常反复发生的动作,常和often, always等频率副词连用。 例如: ①I saw him in the street yesterday. 昨天我在街上看见他了。 ②Li Mei always went to school on foot last year. 去年李梅总是步行上学。 II. 一般过去时的构成 动词过去式的构成: (1)规则动词过去式的构成有四条规则: ①一般在动词原形末尾直接加上-ed。如:look-looked。 ②以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,去e再加-ed。如:live-lived。 ③末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed。如:stop-stopped。 ④末尾是辅音字母+y结尾的动词,先变y为i,然后再加-ed。如:study-studied。 (2)不规则动词的过去式需特殊记忆。如:am(is)-was, are-were, go-went, come-came, take-took, have (has)-had等。 III. 一般过去时的几种句型 肯定句结构为:主语+动词的过去式+其它。如:He went to the toy store yesterday. 他昨天去玩具店了。 否定句结构为:主语+did not (didn't)+动词原形+其它。如:He didn't go to the toy store yesterday. 他昨天没去玩具店。 一般过去时的一般疑问句的构成: Did+主语+动词原形+其它?如: 1) -Did you go to Beijing last week? -Yes, we did. (No, we didn't.) 2) -Did you meet the businessman before? -No, I didn't. (Yes, I did.) 一般过去时的特殊疑问句的构成: 疑问词+did+主语+动词原形+其它?如: 1) -What did you do last night? -I did my homework. 2) -Where did you go last week? -I went to Shanghai with my parents. 一般过去时口诀 一般过去时并不难,表示过去动作、状态记心间。 动词要用过去式,时间状语句末站。 否定句很简单,didn't 站在动词原形前,其它部分不要变。 一般疑问句也好变,did放在句子前,主语、动词原形、其它部分依次站。

人教版 七年级下册英语一般过去时练习

一般过去时语法练习 I、选择 ( ) 1、What did you ________ yesterday? A. buy B. bought C. buys D. buying ( ) 2、He had to help his parents __________ on the farm on weekends. A. work B. working C. works D. worked ( ) 3、There _______ lots of chicken in the kitchen last night. A. were B. had C. are D. was ( ) 4、Do you have ________ to say about this? A. something else B. anything else C. else something D. else anything ( )5、What about going _________ with us? A. fish B. fishes C. fished D. fishing ( ) 6、—Did your parents sleep late on weekends? —________. A. Yes, they did. B. No, they don’t. C. Yes, they were. D. No, they weren’t. ( ) 7、—What do you think of sleeping outdoor at night? —________. I like it. A. That sounds terrible. B. It’s awful. C. It sounds exciting. D. Good idea. ( ) 8、Let’s _____the classroom together. A. clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. to clean 胸怀大志当存高远 1


★一般过去时★ 一、概念 表示在过去某个时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。通常在句子里找到表示过去时间的词或词组。如:yesterday,yesterday morning/ evening,this morning,last night/week/ month/year,,two days ago,a week ago,等。 如:I went to bed at eleven last night. 昨晚我11:00睡觉。 二、动词一般过去时变化规则 1.一般在动词末尾加-ed, 如:cook-cooked, play- played, look-looked, start-started 2.结尾是e加d, 如:dance—danced, live-lived, use-used, hope-hoped 3.末尾只有一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ed,如:stop-stopped,drop—dropped, plan-planned 4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i,再加-ed, 如:study-studied, worry-worried 5.小学阶段不规则动词一般过去时, 1)过去式与原形一样 put→put (放下)let→let(让)cut → cut(砍,剪)read→read(读) 2.)把元音字母变成“a” come- came give –gave drink –drank begin –began 3.)中间去“e” 末尾加“t” sleep -- slept keep –kept feel –felt 4.)把“i”变成“o” ride— rode drive — drove


第十七讲一般曩昔时 一. 概念 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。 一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。例句: 1.I watched TV last night. 我昨日晚上看电视。 2.What did you do yesterday? 你昨日做了什么 3.They went to Beijing last year. 他们上一年去了北京。 二.用法 1.表明曩昔产生的动作或状况,一般会有清晰的表明曩昔的时刻状语。 I went to the zoo yesterday. I stayed up last night. 2.叙说曩昔接连产生的动作或状况。 This morning , I got up early , went out for a walk , then came back and cooked for my family . 3.表明曩昔某一段不确定的时刻内产生的动作或状况。 He worked in the store for 5 years. 三.Be 动词在一般曩昔时中的改变 1. am 和 is 在一般曩昔时中变为 was。(was not=wasn't ) 2. are 在一般曩昔时中变为 were。(were not=weren't ) 3. 带有was 或were 的句子,其否定、疑问的变化和is, am, are 一样,即否定句在was 或were 后加not,一般疑问句把was 或were 调到句首。 四.句中没有 be 动词的一般曩昔时的语句 1.否定句: didn't + 动词原形,如: Jim didn't go home yesterday. 2.一般疑问句:在句首加 did,语句中的动词曩昔式变回原形。如: Did Jim go home yesterday? 3.特别疑问句:疑问词 +一般疑问句如: What did Jim do yesterday? 五.动词曩昔式改变规矩 1.一般在动词结束加 -ed,如: pull-pulled, cook-cooked


am ([?m] ,is [iz]是)→was:[w?z] make([meik]做;制造)→made:[meid] move([mu:v]移动)→moved[mu:vd] draw([dr?:]画)→drew:[dru:] play([plei]玩耍)→played work([w?:k]工作)→worked[t] say([sei]说)→[sed] are([ɑ:]是)→were[w?:] cut( [k?t]切;割;剪)→cut colour(['k?l?]染色)→cloured find([faind]发现)→found[faund] put([put]放)→put roll([r?ul]打滚)→rolled fall([f?:l]落下;跌倒)→fell[fel] burn([b?:n]燃烧)→burnt/burned buy([bai]买)→bought[b?:t] lay([lei]下蛋;产卵)→laid[leid] lead([li:d]引导;领(路))→led[led] learn([l?:n]学习)→learnt/learned leave([li:v]离开)→left[left] lend([lend]把...借给)→lent let([let]让)→let lie([lai]撒谎)→lay lose([lu:z]丢失)→lost[l?st] spell[spel]拼写→spelt[spelt]/spelled spend[spend]花(钱),花费→spent stand[st?nd]站立→stood[stud] sweep[swi:p]打扫→swept catch[k?t?]抓住→caught[k?:t] choose[t?u:z]选择→chose[t??uz] come[k?m]来→came[keim] cost[k?st]花费→cost dig[dig]掘(土);挖→dug[d?g] do[du:]做→did[did] draw[dr?:]画→drew[dru:] drink[dri?k]饮,喝→drank[dr??k] drive[draiv]驾驶(汽车等)→drove[dr?uv] eat[i:t] 吃→ate[eit] feel[fi:l]摸,触、感觉→felt fly[flai]飞→flew[flu:] meet[mi:t]遇见→met[met] read[ri:d]读→read ride骑(马等);乘(车等) [raid]→rode[r?ud] ring[ri?]摇铃→rang[r??] rise[raiz]上升→rose run[r?n]跑,奔→ran[r?n] swim[swim]游泳→swam[sw?m] take[teik]拿,取;→took[tuk]


一般过去时 教学重点、难点 一般过去时动词的变化形式和表示过去时的时间状语 教学目标理解一般过去时的定义,掌握动词对应的变化形式。 知识梳理 1.一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。常用的时间状语:yesterday, just now , a moment ago , last week,last year,last Friday,last National Day holiday,the day before yesterday... 2.Be动词在一般过去时中的变化: ⑴am 和is在一般过去时中变为was。(was not=wasn’t) ⑵are在一般过去时中变为were。(we re not=weren’t) ⑶带有was或were的句子,其否定、疑问的变化和is, am, are一样,即否定句在was 或were后加not,一般疑问句把was或were调到句首。 3.句中没有be动词的一般过去时的句子 否定句:didn’t +动词原形,如:Jim didn’t go home yesterday. 一般疑问句:在句首加did,句子中的动词过去式变回原形。如:Did Jim go home yesterday? 特殊疑问句:⑴疑问词+did+主语+动词原形?如:What did Jim do yesterday? ⑵疑问词当主语时:疑问词+动词过去式?如:Who went home yesterday? 动词过去式变化规则: 1.一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:pull-pulled, cook-cooked ,shout-shouted ,point-pointed, 2.结尾是e加d,如:taste-tasted , like-liked 3.末尾只有一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ed,如:stop-stopped 4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i,再加-ed,如:study-studied 5.不规则动词过去式:am,is-was, are-were, do-did, see-saw, say-said, give-gave, get-got, go-went, come-came, have-had, eat-ate, take-took, run-ran, sing-sang, put-put, make-made, read-read, write-wrote, draw-drew, drink-drank, fly-flew, ride-rode, speak-spoke,


七年级英语一般过去时,一般现在时和现在进行时专练 一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。(10’) 1、They h a party last night. 2、I s for the math test last weekend. 3、How did you s your weekend? 4、Last month, he w a letter to Tom. 5、Every day ,he p English. 6、It often r (rain) these days. 7、Lucy usually (have) lunch at home. 8、Listen! The bird (sing) a song. 9、Look! Some kids (swim) at the pool. 10、Who is he (wait) for? 二、单项选择。(30’) 1、How your weekend? It great. A .was; wasn't B. did; wasn't C. is; wasn't D was, isn't 2、Tony to the library and a book about history last week. A、goes; reads B、went; read C、went; reads D、went; readed 3、They at home and an interesting talk show last night. A、stay; seed B、staied; saw C、stayed; saw D、stay; see 4、you your homework yesterday? A、Do; do B、Do; did C、Were; do D、Did; do 5、Every day, he his homework at school . But now , he it at home. A、does; is doing B、does; does C、is doing; does D、doing; does


一般过去时讲解与练习 1.一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。 2.Be动词在一般过去时中的变化: ⑴am和is在一般过去时中变为was。(was not=wasn’t) ⑵are在一般过去时中变为were。(were not=weren’t) ⑶带有was或were的句子,其否定、疑问的变化和is,am,are一样,即否定句在was或were后加not,一般疑问句把was或were调到句首。 3.句中没有be动词的一般过去时的句子 否定句:didn’t+动词原形,如:Jim didn’t go home yesterday.一般疑问句:在句首加did,句子中的动词过去式变回原形。 如:Did Jim go home yesterday? 特殊疑问句:⑴疑问词+did+主语+动词原形? 如:What did Jim do yesterday?⑵疑问词当主语时:疑问词+动词过去式? 如:Who went to home yesterday?动词过去式变化规则: 1.一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:play-played,cook-cooked 2.结尾是e加d,如:taste-tasted 3.末尾只有一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末

尾的辅音字母,再加-ed,如:stop-stopped 4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i,再加-ed,如:study-studied5.小学常用不规则动词过去式: am,is-was,are-were,do-did,see-saw,say-said,give-gave,get-got, go-went,come-came,have-had,eat-ate,take-took,run-ran,sing-s ang,put-put,make-made,read-read,write-wrote,draw-drew,drink -drank,fly-flew,ride-rode,speak-spoke,sweep-swept,swim-swam, sit-sat 一.用be动词的适当形式填空 1.We__________students five years ago. 2.Patti and I__________good friends. 3.Today__________Tuesday,Yesterday__________Monday. 4.Sue__________on the slide a moment ago. 5.Where is my hat?It_______on the desk just now. 二.单项选择:从下列各题后所给的四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。 ()1.My father______ill yesterday.A.isn't B.aren't C.wasn't D.weren't ()2.______your parents at home last week?A.Is B.Was C.Are D.Were ()3.The twins______in Dalian last year.They__
