保时捷制造的所有车辆中,至今仍有超过 70% 还在道路上行驶。
这就是“Porsche Intelligent Performance”理念二.保时捷的车型介绍1.保时捷911保时捷911是由德国斯图加特市的保时捷公司所生产的跑车。
卡宴家族先后推出了Cayenne,Cayenne S,Cayenne Diesel,Cayenne Shybrid,Cayenne turbo五种车型。
PORSCHE Cayenne, Cayenne S驾驶手册说明书
目录Leabharlann 概览图示........................................... 4
驾驶员侧驾驶舱............................................ 5 方向盘和仪表组............................................ 6 前部中控台................................................... 7
目录 1
显示剩余燃油可达里程 ............................. 115 显示轮胎气压 ........................................... 115 显示罗盘 .................................................. 115 显示导航信息 ........................................... 115 通过多功能显示器使用电话 ...................... 116 在多功能显示器上设置限速 ...................... 117 显示警告信息 ........................................... 118 显示车身水平高度控制系统的状态 ............ 119 显示锁止机构 / 越野档的状态 ................... 119 显示平均油耗 ........................................... 120 设置轮胎气压监控 .................................... 120 在多功能显示器上关闭车内监控和 倾斜传感器............................................... 129 车门镜同步调节........................................ 129 改变车辆解锁和锁止设置.......................... 130 开启 / 关闭日间行车灯 ............................. 132 设置照明延迟关闭 .................................... 133 设置时钟 .................................................. 133 设置罗盘 .................................................. 134 更改显示语言 ........................................... 135 更改显示单位 ........................................... 135 将显示复位到出厂设置 ............................. 135 警告信息综述 ........................................... 136
车顶行李轨是车顶运输系统的基本部件,所有Cayenne 车型均可选装此配件。
Cayenne 精装配件系列中的所有运输附件(例如,车顶箱、雪橇袋和滑雪板支架)均可安装到车顶运输系统中。
新款Cayenne 的最大车顶载荷为100 kg。
Cayenne 的灵活度和旅游性能由此得到进一步增强。
所有新款Cayenne 车型的安全性在前代车型
例如,所有Cayenne 车型均可通过6 个安全气囊及集成在车门中的
Cayenne、Cayenne S、Cayenne GTS、Cayenne S Transsyberia驾驶手册Porsche、保时捷盾徽、Cayenne、PCCB、PCM、PSM、Transsyberia、Tiptronic和精装配件均为Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG 的注册商标。
未经 Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG 书面授权,不得再版、摘录或复印本手册。
© Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AGPorscheplatz 1D-70435 Stuttgart行车参考文件请将此文件随车携带,并在转售车辆时移交给新的车主。
建议如果您对您的车辆或本行车参考文件有任何疑问、建议或想法,请与我们联系:Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AGVertrieb Customer RelationsPorschestraße 15–1971634 Ludwigsburg 设备由于我们对车辆的创新与开发从未停止,因此您车辆的实际设备与规格可能与本驾驶手册中图示或描述的内容有所不同。
在中国市场仅供应 Cayenne 汽油版车型。
WKD 948 093 1002/09354目录概览图示 (4)驾驶员侧驾驶室 (5)方向盘和仪表组 (6)前部中控台 (7)开启和锁止 (8)概述 – 从车外开启和锁止 (9)从车外开启和锁止 (10)从车内开启和锁止 (18)开启和关闭发动机盖 (20)开启和关闭时的故障 (21)关于车匙和中控锁系统的注意事项 (23)座椅、后视镜和方向盘 (25)前排座椅 (26)带位置记忆功能的前排座椅 (27)便捷出入功能 (29)座椅头枕 (30)灭火器 (31)前排和后排座椅加热 (31)安全带 (33)安全气囊系统 (36)儿童约束系统 (38)车门镜 (44)内后视镜 (46)自动防眩目内后视镜 (46)方向盘 (47)加热式方向盘 (47)方向盘调节 (48)多功能方向盘..............................................49遮阳板 (51)化妆镜 (51)后侧车窗遮阳卷帘 (51)空调、辅助加热器和后窗加热系统 (52)开启盖罩 (53)空调系统综述 (53)适用于每一款空调系统 (54)概述 – 手动控制空调系统 (55)手动控制空调系统 (56)概述 – 自动控制2 区域空调系统 (58)自动控制 2 区域空调系统 (59)概述 – 自动控制 4 区域空调系统,前控制面板 (62)概述 – 自动控制 4 区域空调系统,后控制面板 (63)自动控制 4 区域空调系统 (64)出风口 (68)加热式后窗 (69)辅助加热器/附加加热器 (70)车窗和滑动式天窗 (75)电动车窗 (76)概述 – 滑动/举升式天窗 (79)滑动/举升式天窗 (80)概述 – 全景式天窗系统 (84)全景式天窗系统 (85)全景式天窗系统的紧急操作 (89)车灯、转向指示灯和挡风玻璃雨刷器 (91)灯光开关 (92)仪表板照明 (93)手动大灯光束调节 (94)自动大灯光束调节 (94)转向指示灯/远光灯/大灯远近光操纵杆 (95)危险警示灯 (95)车内照明灯 (96)舒适照明 (97)回家照明功能(延迟关闭) (98)门控灯 (98)概述 – 挡风玻璃雨刷器 (99)挡风玻璃雨刷器/清洗器操纵杆 (100)目录1多功能显示器和仪表 (103)汽油发动机车型的仪表板 (104)柴油发动机车型的仪表板 (106)机油温度表 (108)转速表 (108)时钟 (108)燃油表 (108)车速表 (108)里程显示 (108)电位计 (109)冷却系统 (109)Cayenne(V6)和Cayenne Diesel的智能保养电脑 (110)排放控制 (111)柴油发动机故障 (111)操作仪表板上的多功能显示器 (112)打开主菜单 (113)操作示例:显示平均油耗 (113)显示/复位平均车速 (115)显示剩余燃油可达里程 (115)显示轮胎气压 (115)显示罗盘 (115)通过多功能显示器使用电话 (116)在多功能显示器上设置限速 (117)显示警告信息 (118)显示车身水平高度控制系统的状态 (119)显示锁止系统/越野档的状态 (119)显示平均油耗 (120)设置轮胎气压监控 (120)在多功能显示器上关闭车内监控和倾斜传感器 (129)车门镜同步调节 (129)改变车辆解锁和锁止设置 (130)开启/关闭日间行车灯..............................132设置照明延迟关闭. (133)设置时钟 (133)设置罗盘 (134)更改显示语言 (135)更改显示单位 (135)将显示复位到出厂设置 (135)警告信息综述 (136)驾驶和行驶安全 (144)开车之前 (145)磨合技巧 (145)回收利用 (145)技术改造 (146)尾管 (146)Porsche 陶瓷复合制动系统(PCCB) (146)点火锁/转向锁 (147)起动和关闭发动机 (149)手机和双向无线电通讯 (150)Porsche 通讯管理系统(PCM) (150)收音机 (150)iPod、USB 和 AUX 接口 (151)停车制动器 (152)脚制动器 (152)巡航定速控制 (154)手动变速箱、离合器 (156)Tiptronic S (157)选档杆位置 (158)用于公路和越野驾驶的驾驶程序 (165)变速箱和底盘控制系统 (169)带有车身水平高度控制和高度调节功能的气动悬挂系统 (179)Porsche 主动悬挂管理系统(PASM) (182)Porsche 动态底盘控制(PDCC) (183)越野驾驶 (184)用于越野驾驶的行驶系统 (185)上坡道驾驶 (186)下坡道驾驶 (187)涉水驾驶 (188)跨越障碍物 (189)行李厢、装载区和储物空间 (191)向前折叠后排座椅及恢复到竖直位置 (192)装载区 (195)装载区管理系统 (196)装载 (199)行李厢盖 (200)行李安全网兜 (201)滑雪包 (203)车顶运输系统 (205)Cayenne S Transsyberia的车顶越野大灯 (206)储物空间 (207)杯座 (210)烟灰缸,前排 (212)烟灰缸,后排 (212)点烟器 (213)拖车钩 (214)拖车钩 (215)带有可拆卸式球形接头的拖车钩 (217)电动可伸出拖车钩 (222)驻车 (224)停车辅助系统 (225)作为停车辅助功能向下转动后视镜玻璃 (229)车库开门装置 (229)2目录防盗警报系统和防盗保护 (232)防盗警报系统 (233)防盗装置 (235)转向柱锁 (235)防盗保护 (235)保养和车辆养护 (236)保养注意事项 (237)检查机油油位 (238)添加机油 (239)检查冷却液液位并添加冷却液 (241)检查制动液液位并更换制动液 (243)洗涤液的添加 (244)更换空气滤清器 (245)更换微粒滤清器 (245)动力转向 (245)雨刷器刮片 (247)排放控制系统,汽油发动机 (249)燃油罐 (249)柴油微粒滤清器 (250)燃油和加油 (251)车辆养护说明 (253)小修 (261)小修注意事项 (262)轮胎和车轮 (263)千斤顶 (269)工具包 (269)充气泵 (270)厚垫片 (270)车轮螺栓 (271)维修漏气轮胎 (272)轮胎充气(不带车身水平高度控制系统的车辆)........282轮胎充气(带车身水平高度控制系统的车辆) (283)备用轮胎 (285)电气系统 (288)蓄电池 (297)更换遥控器电池 (300)外部电源,跨接起动 (301)更换灯泡 (303)大灯 (304)尾灯 (313)牌照灯 (315)大灯调整 (316)将左侧通行改为右侧通行时的大灯 (316)灯泡规格表 (317)牵引和牵引起动 (318)轮胎气压和技术数据 (322)车辆识别数据 (323)发动机技术数据 (324)耗油量和排放 (325)轮胎、车轮、轮距 (326)冷态(20°C)下的轮胎气压 (330)重量 (332)离地间隙 (333)容量 (335)尺寸 (336)行驶性能 (337)索引 (338)目录3概览图示驾驶员侧驾驶室 (5)方向盘和仪表组 (6)前部中控台 (7)4概览图示概览图示5驾驶员侧驾驶室1.电动车窗请参见第76页。
保时捷Cayenne S
保时捷卡宴Cayenne S一家超级跑车厂想要生产SUV之初,不仅行业人士普遍反对,甚至连其忠实“粉丝”都大为怀疑,但不可思议的是这款SUV却大获成功,虽然褒贬不一,至少销量已经让厂家赚的盆满钵满。
保时捷卡宴最早亮相于2002年初的日内瓦车展,分为Cayenne,Cayenne S, Cayenne Turbo,Cayenne Turbo S和Cayenne GTS五个类别。
目前的新Cayenne卡宴共有入门级Cayenne(3.0L机械增压)、Cayenne S(4.8L V8)、Cayenne S Hybrid(3.0L机械增压加电动机)和Cayenne Turbo(4.8L V8双涡轮增压)四个版本。
2020款卡宴操作手册摘要:一、引言二、卡宴车型简介三、驾驶前的准备工作1.检查油量和冷却液2.检查车轮和轮胎3.调整驾驶座椅和后视镜4.熟悉车辆控制装置四、驾驶操作1.启动车辆2.换挡操作3.行驶中的注意事项4.停车和熄火五、安全驾驶技巧1.遵守交通规则2.保持安全距离3.注意盲区4.应对突发状况六、车辆维护与保养1.定期保养2.故障排查3.常见问题解决方法七、结语正文:【引言】作为一款高性能豪华SUV,2020 款卡宴吸引了众多消费者的关注。
【卡宴车型简介】2020 款卡宴在外观、内饰和配置方面进行了全面升级,搭载了更先进的动力系统,提供了卓越的驾驶性能和舒适体验。
【驾驶操作】1.启动车辆:将钥匙旋转至ON 位置,等待车辆自检完成后,再旋转至START 位置启动发动机。
4.停车和熄火:将车辆停放在合适的位置,拉起手刹,将钥匙旋转至OFF 位置,熄火。
保时捷卡宴最早亮相于2002年初的日内瓦车展,分为Cayenne,Cayenne S,Cayenne Turbo,Cayenne Turbo S和Cayenne GTS五个类别。
cayenne家族先后推出了cayenne s,cayenne turbo和cayenne v6 三个车型。
由于出身于以生产超级跑车著称的保时捷公司,cayenne虽然身为suv,却也不可避免地带有许多跑车的特质,因此也成为除宝马X6(X6 M)后世界上速度最快的越野车,成为了越野世界中的一个飞驰的“辣椒”。
cayenne 是高价的suv,是否物有所值呢?这就在于阁下的价值观了,你也许会嫌它的后座不够保时捷卡宴宽敞,装备功夫不及range rover到家,不过,cayenne 的最强卖点就是有…保时捷‟这家超级跑车品牌的历史,它对高性能、安全、纯种跑车的操控性追求均做的非常彻底。
如果你要一部真正与众不同的汽车,像cayenne turbo般个性如此鲜明的suv,是绝对不会经常出现的,这也正适应了当今世界的潮流——追求个性。
编辑本段外形特点在外形上,cayenne 的前灯和散热片保持了保时捷传统的风格,车宽1940mm,但高度只有1690mm。
第一章:车辆介绍1.1 卡宴简介卡宴是保时捷品牌旗下的豪华SUV,凭借卓越的性能和豪华的驾乘体验,成为了该领域的标志性车型。
1.2 车辆外观卡宴以其独特的设计风格和雕塑感十足的线条而闻名。
1.3 内部配置卡宴的内部配置豪华且舒适,提供各类先进功能和便利设施。
第二章:驾驶及操作指导2.1 准备工作在驾驶卡宴之前,确保您已经阅读并理解了车辆的操作手册,并遵循以下准备工作:- 调整座椅和方向盘,以确保舒适的驾驶姿势;- 系好安全带,并确保车内乘客也同样遵守安全规范;- 调整后视镜,以获得良好的视野;- 检查车辆各项指示灯是否正常并注意仪表盘上的显示。
2.2 启动与行驶卡宴的启动与行驶操作相对简单。
2.3 操作技巧- 油门和刹车:熟悉油门和刹车踏板的力度,以便灵活操控速度。
- 方向盘:通过方向盘控制车辆的转向,确保稳定而安全的行驶。
- 档位切换:根据需要,使用变速杆或换挡拨片进行档位的调整。
- 车身姿态:了解车辆的身姿状态,以便更好地应对不同的驾驶情况。
3.1 如何保持卡宴的最佳性能?- 定期保养车辆,包括更换机油、过滤器和其他润滑材料;- 遵循车辆使用手册上的保养建议和常规检查事项;- 注意清洁内外部车身,确保卡宴始终保持良好的状态。
保时捷 卡宴 说明书
1) 与前代车型比较。 2) 此处所列数据按照
未单独记录每部车辆的 EU5 测量方法 (715/2007/EC和692/2008/EC) 在 NEDC ( 新欧洲行驶循环) 中针对标准配置车辆确定。 相应数字, 各组数字并不构成交货范围的组成部分。 这些数据仅用于对各个车型进行比较。 仅为暂定数据。 付印时尚未获得官方数据。 有关具体车型的详细信息和最终数据, 请联系您的保时捷中心。
前车轮拱罩轮廓分明, “强劲 而 拱顶” 式发动机舱盖则进一步突 显了纯粹动力和内在气质, 这一点 在 Cayenne Turbo 上尤为突出。 其它显著特征包括清晰可见的侧 面轮廓。
10 新款 Cayenne | 设计
风格明确的外形散发着激情和斗 志, 在动感的后车顶立柱以及媲美 硬顶跑车的流线型侧面轮廓的衬托 下显得更为突出。
请参见第 36 页) 对动力进行掌控。 在新款 Cayenne S 上, 这款主动四 轮驱动系统带有电控可变图谱控制 多片离合器、 自动制动差速系统 请参见第 36 页) 和加速防 (ABD, 滑系统 (ASR, 请参见第 36 页)。 搭配先进的保时捷稳定管理系统 请参见第 58 页) 后, (PSM, PTM 都 能确保各种行驶状况下所需的扭矩 分配。 无论是在公路上驰骋或越野 行驶, 还是高速行驶或悠闲驾驶, 都是如此。 进气口上的黑色板条使车辆显得 更宽、 更大。 英寸 Cayenne S III 18 车轮也是独特装备之一。 保时捷 S” 新款 Cayenne S 保 “ , 持特色的标志。
新款 Cayenne | Cayenne 13
面目一新, 却是货真价实的 Porsche
新款 Cayenne S
14 新款 Cayenne | Cayenne S
S V汁划 .这成了有 史以呆汽 车界争 论最 U
激烈的话 题之一 自到 2 0 0 2年卡宴推 出, 然而 .成
保 时挂对完美 的追求也 是偏执 的.他们相 信所
喃借 甫斯圈加 特城标 的 车在 出厂时就虚 谖拥
有最 完美的状 巷 迈进 7一步 现在 .他们
质疑和 档评z声 也从来平息 过
左右 晃动,这种 瞎觉真是 奇妙
作为—辆 s ' uv ,新卡皇正桶甫{ 时捷 1
撬控 变按车 鲥捷动
近乎 完美的 P M 全时目驱 驱动系统—— 兜 ] 美并不 只是说 它能在 常状 恋下选到 理记 完 美的前 6 后 3 的动 力甘直 比.更重 2 8 己 要 的是,诵过 由电动马达 和电控管理 系统控
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
性更是 可以比前代 车型降慨 1 %之 多 5 新 宴并不 只是 能有所提 升,更
簿和倒 窗的污 染
发动 机 . 新卡 宴没有 太多 的不同 当然,进
显然 .拽7 “ ”的新 卡宴不 冉 那个虽 然 心
挂着斯 圈肌特城 标 怛 仍然令我 们对其公 路
谋的 夫
的几 何形状 与结构Ⅱ 空 比 以前更好 ,确保气流 南所 加 . B 目 而 缸机型 还首发 采用7保 时捷 V C m 级版 变气 门控制技术 ai a r o 特别
设 冷 连 是 宴r3 瓦 功 0 热 中 就 新 T.千 大 7 圜 计 器 器 后 u 6 最 率 0 鹱 和 8 b o
据 说 5 前.第一 代卡皇在西 班牙试 年
车 也逼到 了坏天气 .这或许 就像老 外啦
新卡宴 虽然外 珊和内饰 都改动甚 微.但绝 不仅 位 于最前 方自新型 扰流板 从前幸妊 分 己
第三部分:车辆操作1. 启动与熄火- 在车内将钥匙插入点火孔,然后转动钥匙启动发动机。
- 停车后,将车挂入P档,然后按下发动机启停按钮可将发动机熄灭。
2. 换挡操作- 加速时向前推档杆即可升档,减速时向后拉档杆即可降档。
- 在平路上将档杆拨到D挡可进行普通驾驶,如果需要更大功率输出,可挂入S挡或手动模式。
3. 驾驶模式选择- 卡宴提供多种驾驶模式可选,包括普通、运动、越野等,可根据路况和个人喜好进行选择。
第四部分:常见问题解答1. 如何使用自动驻车功能?- 在停车时,将车挂入P档,然后按下驻车开关即可将车辆固定在当前位置。
2. 如何操作多媒体导航系统?- 在中控面板上操作触摸屏或按键,即可进入多媒体导航系统,通过触摸屏或旋钮进行目的地输入、路线选择等操作。
3. 怎样进行定期保养?- 按照保时捷官方规定的保养周期和项目进行定期保养,包括发动机机油更换、滤芯更换、刹车油检查等项目。
第五部分:注意事项1. 安全驾驶- 请遵守道路交通规则,保持车距,不超速行驶。
- 在雨雪天气或曲线道路上行驶时,请注意车速和操控。
2. 车辆保养- 定期进行车辆保养,确保发动机和车身部件的良好状态。
- 注意发动机温度、油液水液位的变化,及时更换磨损部件。
3. 车内清洁与保养- 定期清洁车内座椅、地毯和内饰,确保车内环境清洁整洁。
如今就在8月26日,保时捷也正式推出了代号971 II的小改款车型。
改款覆盖了全车系,包括了标准轴距版、行政加长版以及Sport Turismo旅行版。
这一次,保时捷取消了老款Panamera的Turbo车型,Turbo S车型回归了。
你没听错,Turbo S的名号不再局限于插电混动车型,纯燃油版也有,而且依然会引进中国!作为燃油车的旗舰,外观设计上也要突出其与众不同。
Turbo S上的这个棕色是新增的两种颜色的其中一种:松露棕金属漆(取代了现款的醇萃咖啡棕金属漆)。
Turbo S车型的保险杠抛弃了之前Turbo车型两边区域独成一体的设计风格,用一个上升贯穿保险杠的同色横幅将两边的区域连接了起来,让车头的观感看上去更为浑然一体。
无论是标准轴距版,行政加长版还是Sport Turismo车型,车身侧面保时捷都没有做什么更改,依然保持了现款的设计。
911系列 19款
Panamera(帕纳美拉)系列 85万~308.8万
• 全新 Panamera 的特别之处 在于前裙板中侧进气口上的黑 色双板条以及涂黑色纹理漆的 后裙板扩散板。全新Panamera 4 则可以通过钛色双板条和带 翅片的后裙板扩散板识别。车 内非常舒适而且空间很大。后 舱中的namera 和 Panamera 4 车型在动力性 和实用性两方面都有极佳表现 。它们不仅舒适、豪华、适合 长途驾驶,同时还提供典型的 保时捷驾驶乐趣。
• 1保时捷 车型 • 2 卡宴 特性 • 3 卡宴 外部特点 • 4 卡宴 内部设计 • 5 卡宴 驱动装置 • 6 卡宴 底盘 • 7 卡宴 安全性 • 8 卡宴 舒适性 • 9 卡宴 环保 • 10卡宴 内饰颜色/车身颜色 • 11卡宴 技术数据 • 12卡宴 配件价格之轮胎 • 13卡宴 配件价格之座椅 • 14卡宴 配件价格之外观 • 15卡宴 配件价格之内饰 • 16卡宴 配件价格之变速箱和底盘 • 17卡宴 配件价格之音响与通讯
Cayenne 特性
Cayenne超级增压 3.0 升 V6 发动机配有直接燃油喷射系统 (DFI)、进气门可变正
保时捷Cayenne GTS
保时捷Cayenne GTS是Cayenne里最强的V6车型,但它和V8车型的动力差距以及价格差距都不小,这台V6配得上GTS的名号吗?测试地点:中国·北京市文/辛迪嘉@EVO 辛迪嘉 摄影/肖远保时捷Cayenne GTSGTS是目前最强的V6 Cayenne试驾这款车之前,我的心情一直有点忐忑。
一方面Cayenne GTS是一台保时捷,每一次试驾保时捷都是一次独特的体验,保时捷的车子就是那么特别。
但另一方面这台Cayenne又是号称最强的V6 Cayenne,这么特别的型号我们又怎么能错过呢?前几年我还无法想象一台涡轮增压V6的Cayenne是什么样子呢,如果你十几年前跟我说保时捷未来要造SUV,我可能会笑你痴人做梦呢。
这款Cayenne GTS的3.6L V6是至今保时捷调校的最强V6,它的最大功率和扭矩达到324kW和600Nm,GTS的0-100km/h的加速时间仅为5.2s。
你可能会想:保时捷不是很善于搞轻量化车型吗,为什么这款Cayenne还那么重呢?这是因为保时捷的SUV系列并没有跑车系列里类似RS或GT4的车型,在SUV系列里,Porsche Cayenne GTS1 内饰使用了不少a l c a n t a r a 面料,除此以外它和其他版本的Cayenne 没有太大不同2 虽然注重道路性能,但GTS 并没有阉割越野性能GTS 还是无法和V 8车型相比,毕竟马力相差太大,但如果只是比进弯,GTS 不输V 8车型。
GTS 虽然是V 6最强,但却不是Cayenne 里的最强,而保时捷的工程师也知道这一点,所以GTS 更专注的是动力和悬架调校的平衡,应对实际路面的能力。
保时捷 Cayenne Coupe
这次,我们将要试驾的则是一款“年轻10岁”的全新Cayenne Coupe测试地点:山东·青岛文、摄影/马爽@我是马小陆保时捷 Cayenne CoupePorsche Cayenne Coupe线随着它优雅的车身线条向后望去,Coupe曼妙的身姿显露无遗。
是的,保时捷将传奇图腾911的经典溜背设计移植到了这台Cayenne Coupe,无论是曲线还是角度都是如此吻合。
配上熔岩橙的“炸街”配色,这台Cayenne Coupe显得格外耀眼。
更加丰满的宽体式设计、相比低趴的车身高度和优雅的线条让Cayenne今年上半年中国市场更是完成新车交付42608台,中国早已成为保时捷全球市场的头把交椅作为保时捷Cayenne的衍生车型,全新Cayenne Coupe和现款Cayenne采用相同平台打造,并且采用同步研发的方式。
保时捷的坚毅信心来自于何方?当你第一眼看见Cayenne Coupe时变能够理会。
只不过,如果仅从正车头方向望去很难分辨出,但当你将视1家族四点式LED日间行车灯2熔岩橙的配色需要花费3万+211C ayenne Coupe 的内饰与Cayenne 采用了完全相同的设计2 5环仪表盘是保时捷的象征3 触摸式控制面板带有物理回馈4 三辐式多功能方向盘尺寸和握感极佳5 动力和传动系统和Cayenne一样321Coupe 更具战斗气息。
PORSCHE Cayenne 保时捷卡宴快速入门指南目录1 驾驶舱Cockpit2 开关Opening and closing3 仪表盘和多功能显示屏Instrument panel and multi-purpose display4 自动空调系统,座椅温度控制,后窗除雾器Automatically controlled air conditioning system, seat climate control, heated rear window5 记忆功能Memory functions6 停车辅助系统ParkAssist7 座椅/车窗/方向盘调整Adjusting seats, windows, steering wheel8 加油Pit stop9 发动机舱盖Engine compartment lid10 后备箱Tailgate11 滑动/翻起车顶/全景式车顶系统Sliding/Lifting roof/Panorama roof system12 导航控制和驾驶程序Cruise control and driving programs13 启动和换挡Starting and shifting gears14 维修和技巧Service and tips说明1 译文按照以上目录顺序编排,请读者在阅读时注意;2译文中的版块和小节标题后注明了其英文原词,以便对照;3 原文中有大量图示,译文未予引用,阅读时请对照英文版图文指示;4 少量专业术语缩写在译文中直接予以使用,但是已注明其含义;5 原文中部分条目未标出数字序号,而使用与该条目内容相应的图标或其他标志作为序列标志的,译文中按前后顺序使用数字序号表示;6 原文中所有“注意(Note)”部分,在译文中使用不同于正文的字体。
1 驾驶舱(Cockpit)1 自动变速按钮2 发动机油压力和温度指示计/电能指示计(混合动力)3 转向灯4 车速表5 转速表6 多功能显示器7 雨刮键8 冷却剂表和油位表9 通风口 10 紧急指示灯,中央门锁,后窗玻璃除雾器,后视镜除霜器 11 保时捷通讯系统 12 指南针或时钟 13 烟灰缸或储物箱14 储物箱 15 自动导航系统或导航系统 16 电话接听键,多功能显示器控制键 17 喇叭18 方向盘加热 19 车内气候控制,座椅加热,座椅通风 20 驾驶指令键盘,锁,自动减震控制系统(PASM),悬挂调节,高度调节,空气调节 21 扶手,储物箱 22 打火机 23 前杯座24 运动模式,稳定管理系统(PSM),自动刹车功能(A键),除霜器,坡道控制系统(PHC),电能系统(混合动力)车灯选择旋钮(Light switch)1车灯关闭 2自动模式 3侧灯 4近光灯,驾驶灯5雾灯拉起旋钮一级。
1. 开始驾驶在开始驾驶前,您需要确保车辆处于安全状况,包括检查轮胎气压、燃油量、车身状况等。
2. 操作控制台卡宴的控制台布局合理,使用起来非常方便。
3. 驾驶模式卡宴提供了不同的驾驶模式,以满足不同行驶条件下的需求。
4. 安全驾驶卡宴在安全性能方面表现优异,但驾驶者的安全意识和驾驶习惯同样重要。
5. 养护维修对于一辆车辆来说,养护维修是非常重要的。
6. 驾驶技巧卡宴具备出色的操控性能,但驾驶技巧同样非常重要。
7. 注意事项在使用卡宴过程中,还需要特别注意以下几点:- 车辆停放时,请拧紧手刹,并将档杆放置在停车挡。
- 刹车时,请用足够的力量踩下刹车踏板,确保车辆平稳停车。
- 加油时,请确保选择正确的燃油类型,并按照加油口的提示进行操作。
- 行驶中,请注意观察路况和导航显示,及时做出驾驶决策。
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The new CayenneAt this point, it would be very tempting for us to wax lyrical about our new models. However, we prefer to devote our time to the essentials – our c ustomers’ requirements. The brief was clear: a lighter, more efficient and more dynamic v ehicle offering greater safety and enhanced comfort. In short: more Porsche than ever before. The new Cayenne. To the point.The new Cayenne6Model range12Design14Cayenne16Cayenne Diesel18Cayenne S 20Cayenne S Hybrid22Cayenne Turbo24Drive systems and chassis26Engines28Engine technology36Transmission42Offroad capability48Chassis50Safety and environment58Safety60Environment70Comfort and transport76Comfort78Driver assistance systems102Transport106Personalisation110Factory collection125Service126Summary128Technical data130Index 136(PDLS, p. 61). For greater comfort and performance, the car is equipped as standard with eightspeed T iptronic S (p. 42), while Porsche Torque Vectoring Plus (PTV Plus, p. 50) enhances driving dynamics and stability. As always, we’ve focused on what’s really important. To the point: the new Cayenne models.Tiptronic S (p. 42) and VarioCam Plus (p. 37). The interaction b etween all components has also been optimised. Another of our principles: high performance should never come at the expense of comfort or s afety, and this is something we have kept to. Even with a car o ffering the phenomenal output of the new Cayenne Turbo. Its 4.8litre V8 powerplant develops 500 hp, which is guaranteed to set pulse rates climbing and send a shiver down the spine – both natural reactions in a turbocharged Porsche. Standard active safety features include BiXenon headlights with the P orsche Dynamic Light SystemSometimes that means usv enturing off in unusual directions – as with the first Cayenne to befitted with a diesel engine, forexample. However, it has become clear that even with a new drive system, the Cayenne can continue to remain true to the trusted P orsche principle. The new Cayenne and new C ayenne S are now more powerful and efficient, while also delivering exceptional capability off road. The result: greater driving pleasure with reduced fuel consumption and CO 2 emissions. On and off road. This has also been achieved through the use of advanced t echnologies such as direct fuel injection (DFI, p. 38), eightspeed As usual, the critics were ready to have their say, as with every new product we create. Can it still be considered a Porsche? Why have they done that? The questions are always the same. As is our answer: we do what we feel is in the best interest of our c ustomers. (p. 36). For increased comfort and safety, Lane Change Assist (LCA, p. 105) and adaptive cruise control (p. 104) are available as an option. Ensuring a phenomenal sound experience in every seat position is the optional Burmester ® HighEnd Surround Sound System (p. 94). One thing is for sure: the new Cayenne models are guaranteed to surprise. The most innovative – and therefore in keeping with the rest of the Porsche family – is the new Cayenne S Hybrid. Its parallel full hybrid system (p. 28) harnesses the power of an electric machine (motor/generator) and an internal combustion engine. This provides several clear benefits for the d river: outstanding sportscar performance combined with e xcellent fuel economy. Once again, t ypically Porsche. Versatility combined withsuperlative performance andexceptional handling. These arecharacter traits shared by theentire Cayenne model range. Wehave simply honed and refinedthem. For each individual model.And we have also extended therange of drives. The Cayennenow comes in a wider choice ofvariants, each one more dynamic,practical and comfortable thanever before. And also moreefficient. Fuel consumption hasbeen reduced by up to 23 %and CO 2 emissions by up to26 % (depending on the model).This was achieved thanks tothe Cayenne models beingconsiderably lighter, with eachone weighing up to 185 kg lessthan the respective previousmodel. They also feature a hostof advanced technologies suchas the auto start/stop functionThose who develop talent reap the reward. Sometimes in more ways than one.The Cayenne models.The front wheel arches are e xtremely well defined, while the ‘powerdomed’ engine lid further underlines the sheer power and resolution within – this is particularly dominant on the Cayenne Turbo. Otherdistinguishing f eatures includethe visibly drawnin flanks.The sharper profile exudes eagerness and determination, which is further emphasised by the dynamic rear roof pillars and flowing coupélike silhouette.The rear wheel arches are typical of a sportscar, streamlined and muscular, while the contoured roof spoiler pays homage to the Carrera GT. Further proof of how harmoniously our performance concept has been integrated into our design philosophy – across the entire model range. The tapered rear screen and streamlined rear section underline the flared wheel arches – for a typically distinctive rear view.The exterior is unmistakably P orsche. The inside too. But not in the way you are used to perhaps. The desire to achieve greater a gility, flexibility and everyday practicality has led to a complete revision of the interior (p. 78 o nwards): clearly inspired by the Carrera GT, the centre console now rises to meet the dashboard – for an even more involving drive. The rear cabin area is larger and more variable than before. It f eatures splitfolding seats with fore/aft adjustment and adjustable backrest angle – for extra legroom and greater comfort. In addition, a wide range of new materials has been used. Practically everything has been changed. But one thing remains the same: the focus on you and your passengers.The contours of the front section draw the eye, reflecting the car’s excellent dynamics at first glance. The elongated engine lid is clearly reminiscent of Porsche racecars from the 1960s.When you look at someone’s face, you see much more than their external features. We are proud to say, it’s the same with the new Cayenne models. In fact, what you see is more sports performance than ever before. Children can give you a great deal of joy.Even more so when they’ve inherited your finest characteristics.Design.When we launched the firstC ayenne in 2002, it was met with great scepticism. Can it still be considered a Porsche at all? Our reply: never before in the history of the company, has a model gone from 0 to 100,000 sold units so quickly. And even more importantly, the Cayenne hasc onquered the SUV market by demonstrating that exceptional sportscar performance is not just restricted to the road.The basic concept is therefore the same. We’ve just continued to improve it: the new Cayenne is now lighter – up to 165 kg1) depending on the specification – and also more dynamic, more comfortable, and closer to the road than ever before. Without detracting from the qualities required for offroad d riving or towing heavy loads.Its naturally aspirated 3.6litre V6 engine features direct fuel injection (DFI, p. 38), variable valve timing on both inlet ande xhaust, and a variable resonance intake manifold – for a generous output and excellent fuele conomy. In other words: we have enhanced the performance,while significantly lowering theweight, fuel consumption and CO2emissions. The figures speak forthemselves: maximum torque of400 Nm, 220 kW (300 hp), a topspeed of 230 km/h (143 mph)and the ability to accelerate from0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in7.5 se c onds. With both fuel consumption and CO2emissionsr educed by 20 %.1), 2) Deliveringthis power to the road efficiently,P orsche Traction Management(PTM, p. 44) combines active allwheel drive with an electron i callyvariable m ultiplate clutch, automatic brake differential (ABD) andantislip r egulation (ASR). PTMensures the perfect distribution ofdrive torque to all four wheels,whether on long straights, throughtight corners or on surfaces withdifferent friction coefficients: fordynamic handling and increasedtraction. Drive is transmittedthrough a highperformancesixspeed manual gearbox (p. 42),which ensures optimum progression through the gears. The gearlever throw is short and precise,with only minimal driver effortrequired.In addition to the standard18inch Cayenne wheels andnew larger brakes, the Cayennecan be fitted with the optionalPorsche Ceramic CompositeBrake (PCCB, p. 64) – for outstanding brake performance.A nother key advantage: a totalweight saving of approximately50 % compared with equivalentcastiron discs.The generous standard equipmentincludes partialleather seats,climate control, the CDR31 audiosystem with touchscreen, cruisecontrol and automatic headlightactivation. For added comfort,there’s also a ‘Welcome Home’lighting function. When you arriveat a destination after dark, theheadlights remain illuminated fora userdefined period, lightingyour path from the car.In terms of enhancing theagility and practicality of thenew C ayenne, the goal we seto urselves was very clear: evenmore Porsche. Let’s be honest,would you have expected anything else?Everything has changed. Apart from the concept.The new Cayenne.1) Compared to previous model.2) The data presented here was recorded using the Euro 5 test procedure (715/2007/EC and 692/2008/EC) and the NEDC (New European DrivingCycle). The respective figures were not recorded on individual vehicles and do not constitute part of the offer. This data is provided solelyBoasting outstanding performance and efficiency, the newC ayenne Diesel is ideal for longer journeys – offering high levelsof torque, while fuel consumption remains low.Its 3.0litre V6 turbodiesel engine is powerful and refined. The unit generates 176 kW (240 hp) and maximum torque of 550 Nm. The sprint to 100 km/h (62 mph) requires just 7.8 seconds. Top speed is 218 km/h (135 mph). In addition, both fuel consumption and CO2emissions have been reduced by up to 20 %.1), 2) Direct fuel injection comesc ourtesy of a commonraili njection system. The injection pressure of up to 1,800 bar ensures optimum distribution of theair/fuel mixture – for enhanceddynamics. The piezoelectrici njection valves enable multipleinjections for each power stroketo deliver efficient combustion.The turbocharger on the newC ayenne Diesel features VariableTurbine Geometry (VTG, p. 40),generating a higher output andimpressive torque, even at lowengine speeds.Now standard equipment, thenew eightspeed Tiptronic Si ncludes gearshift controls onthe steering wheel. Transmittingthe high torque of the CayenneDiesel smoothly and effectively,the eight gears are designed tofacilitate both economical drivingwith low fuel consumption andperformance driving with emphatic acceleration.Porsche Traction Management(PTM) permanent allwheeldrive with selflocking centred ifferential transmits the car’spower to all four wheels witho ptimum precision and control.Available as a nocost option,the 100litre fuel tank enhancesthe range to well over 1,000 km(approx. 620 miles) while keepingthe engine rpm and noise levelslow.The new Cayenne Diesel: proofthat a 100metre sprinter canalso run a marathon.The only thing running low on long journeys:fuel consumption.The new Cayenne Diesel.1) Compared to previous model.2) The data presented here was recorded using the Euro 5 test procedure (715/2007/EC and 692/2008/EC) and the NEDC (New European DrivingCycle). The respective figures were not recorded on individual vehicles and do not constitute part of the offer. This data is provided solelyThe Porsche ‘S’ has long beena mark of heightened sports performance and abundant reserves of power. On the Cayenne S, it also stands for strength, agility and efficiency.At the heart of the car is a naturally aspirated 4.8litre V8 engine featuring direct fuel injection (DFI, p. 38), VarioCam Plus (p. 37) and a twostage intake manifold. This helps to keep fuel consumption and emissions low, whilee nsuring maximum output. In short: 294 kW (400 hp), maximum torque of 500 Nm and a top speed of 258 km/h (160 mph). The Cayenne S accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in as little as 5.9 seconds. Fuel consumption has been reduced by up to 23 % and CO2emissions by as much as 26 %.1), 2) The weight of the car has also been lowered by 180 kg1).Drive is transmitted to the roadwith smoothness and precisionby the eightspeed Tiptronic S,which is now standard equipmentand includes gearshift controlson the steering wheel. The result:optimum use of the availablepower reserves.Of course, to apply exceptionalpower like this effectively, itneeds to be harnessed and controlled. For example, by PorscheTraction Management (PTM,p. 44). On the new Cayenne S,this active allwheel drive systemf eatures an electronically variable,mapcontrolled multiplate clutch,an automatic brake differential(ABD, p. 44) and antislip regulation (ASR, p. 44). Workingin conjunction with advancedP orsche Stability Management(PSM, p. 66), PTM ensures therequired torque split in everyd riving scenario. On or off road.During performance driving,as well as on leisurely journeysor when towing heavy loads.The black slats on the air intakesmake them appear larger, andthe car wider. Other distinctivefeatures include the 18inchC ayenne S III wheels.The Porsche ‘S’. A mark to whichthe new Cayenne S holds true.Distinctly new, yet holding true – to Porsche.The new Cayenne S.1) Compared to previous model.2) The data presented here was recorded using the Euro 5 test procedure (715/2007/EC and 692/2008/EC) and the NEDC (New European DrivingCycle). The respective figures were not recorded on individual vehicles and do not constitute part of the offer. This data is provided solelySince the company was founded in 1948, we have always gone our own way. This is the hallmark of our independent spirit. Only thus can we continue to meet our high performance standards. And yours. For the new Cayenne S Hybrid we chose a highly sophisticated technical concept, as we felt that this would perfectlye mbody the key principle of an alternative drive: efficiency.The new parallel full hybrid drive (p. 28) on the new Cayenne SH ybrid features a 3.0litre V6s upercharged engine and an electric machine (motor/generator) that provides add i tional power on demand. It offers levels of acceleration that are comparable with a V8 unit, but with a reduction of up to 22 % in both fuel consumption and CO2emissions.1), 2) The engine delivers 245 kW (333 hp), while the electric machine generates 34 kW (47 hp). Workingin tandem, they produce a totalo utput of 279 kW (380 hp). With a top speed of 242 km/h (150 mph), acceler a tion from0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) takes 6.5 seconds. Maximum torque is 580 Nm.On the parallel full hybrid system,the electric machine and ad ecoupler are integrated directlyinto the drivetrain between thecombustion engine and the eightspeed Tiptronic S. The decouplerensures positive engagement withthe combustion engine, therebyoffering several benefits –both for the driver and thee nvironment.Under moderate acceleration, theelectric machine can power thev ehicle independently. In order todrive quietly through residentialareas, for example. The generatorcan also be used to recuperateenergy during braking, i.e. forcharging the battery.In addition, the electric machinecan be used to boost performance – for faster acceleration,particularly when pulling away.Other energysaving featuresi nclude the car’s ability to glidealong, even when the engine isturned off. The hybrid systemtherefore also brings significantadvantages when not driving inurban traffic, as the vehicle cansimply ‘coast’ along many stretchesof road without any power at all.Together with the auto start/stopfunction, the parallel full hybridsystem offers exceptional levelsof performance and efficiency.The ‘hybrid’ designation on eachfront wing is a discreet referenceto the innovative drive conceptwithin.Inside the car, the TFT colourd isplay in the instrument clusterprovides information on thec urrent energy flow. Furtherd riving data is displayed via theoptional Porsche CommunicationManagement (PCM).But the greatest benefit of all:the new Cayenne S Hybridis a Porsche. And it drives likeone too.We continually swim against the tide.So you can ‘coast’ home.The new Cayenne S Hybrid.1) Compared to the Cayenne S.2) The data presented here was recorded using the Euro 5 test procedure (715/2007/EC and 692/2008/EC) and the NEDC (New European DrivingCycle). The respective figures were not recorded on individual vehicles and do not constitute part of the offer. This data is provided solelyUnderstatement coupled with clear statements: lower fuelc onsumption, faster acceleration. Supreme engineering that speaks for itself. In short, everything you’d expect from a Turbo.Another clear statement is the distinctive sound from the twin dualtube tailpipes. Produced by the 4.8litre twinturbo V8 engine that delivers 368 kW (500 hp) and features direct fuel injection (DFI, p. 38). The car has a top speed of 278 km/h (173 mph) and the benchmark sprint from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) is completed in 4.7 seconds. Maximum torque is 700 Nm. Here too, fuel consumption has been reduced by 23 % and CO2emissions by 25 %.1), 2) Not least thanks to a weight saving of 185 kg1). Optimum traction and safety are provided by Porsche T ractionM anagement (PTM, p. 44) active allwheel drive. Also connecting the car to the road are the new 19inch Cayenne Turbo wheels. The chassis on the new CayenneTurbo is equipped as standardwith air suspension f eaturing selflevelling and rideheight control,as well as Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM, p. 51).This electronic damping controlsystem offers continuous adjustment of the damping forceson each wheel – depending onc urrent road c onditions andd riving style. This enables greatercar control, improving safety andcomfort.Comfort is also key in the newCayenne Turbo interior. Standardequipment comprises an interiorpackage in smoothfinish leather,a rooflining in Alcantara and anelectrically adjustable steeringcolumn.Also fitted as standard: theBOSE® Surround Sound System,Porsche CommunicationM anagement (PCM) with navigation module, adaptive sportsseats with comfort memoryp ackage (18way), Tyre PressureMonitoring (TPM, p. 57), automatic headlight activation andautomatically dimming exteriorand interior mirrors.Exterior features exclusive tothe new Cayenne Turbo includeBiXenon headlights with PorscheDynamic Light System (PDLS,p. 61), larger air intakes and adistinctive ‘power dome’ on theengine lid – a clear reference tothe enormous potential within.Based on the same solidf oun d ations as its predecessor,the new Cayenne Turbo blendsphenomenal performance withcomfort and efficiency. It doesso in style but without everc ompromising on any one inp articular. Because we believethat less can also mean more.Reduced weight, lower fuel consumption, fewer emissions.At Porsche, we believe less is more.The new Cayenne Turbo.1) Compared to previous model.2) The data presented here was recorded using the Euro 5 test procedure (715/2007/EC and 692/2008/EC) and the NEDC (New European DrivingCycle). The respective figures were not recorded on individual vehicles and do not constitute part of the offer. This data is provided solelyfor the purposes of comparison between the respective models. Provisional data only. Official data unavailable at the time of publication.For more information on individual models and final data, please contact your Porsche Centre.How could we make the new Cayenne more powerful and yet, at the same time, more efficient? Where should we start? It’s obvious, really. 1948 – where else? That’s when the values that we hold so dearly today – and will continue to do so inthe future – were established.After all, is there anything wrong with having progressive concepts, social responsibility and a clear direction?Working in tandem, both unitsp rovide a total output of 279 kW (380 hp) and maximum torque of 580 Nm. The new Cayenne S Hybrid is propelled from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in 6.5 seconds. These are the levels ofa cceleration you would usually expect from an eightcylinder unit, but with fuel consumption of under 8.2 l/100 km (34.4 mpg) in the EU cycle.1)On the parallel full hybrid system, the electric machine is integrated directly into the drivetrain. The hybrid module is situated between the transmission and the combustion engine. The engine ise ngaged and disengaged using a specially designed decoupler.The complex interplay between combustion engine, decoupler,electric machine and battery is controlled by the electronic engine management system. It receives all information on the driving and energy status and controls both drive systems to ensure optimum performance in any driving scenario. It shuts off the combustion engine and switches it back on. Thanks to the ultrafast decoupler and instantaneous engine startup, all of this goes unnoticed by the driver. Under moderate acceleration, the electric machinecan power the vehicle independently. For example, for driving quietly through residential areas using electricity alone. In addition, it can be used to boostAt 288 Volts, the electric machine has a maximum output of 34 kW (47 hp). The benefits of the synchronous motor with inner rotor design are extremely compact dimensions and high levels of efficiency. It also acts as a starter motor and alternator.The drive system of thenew Cayenne S Hybrid.The ability to balance the dynamic interplay of forces has a name: hybrid drive. The combination of internal combustion engine and electric machine has led to a significant reduction in fuelc onsumption. We have opted for a solution that satisfies ourr equirements perfectly: thep arallel full hybrid.The new Cayenne S Hybrid has a3.0litre V6 supercharged engine. The charging effect of thec ompressor ensures high levels of torque, even at low engine speeds. The unit generates an output of 245 kW (333 hp). 440 Nm of torque is available between 3,000 and 5,250 rpm, enabling a lowrev, economicd riving style while offeringe xceptional reserves of power.Hybrid, diesel, petrol. Many different options.One outcome: Porsche.Engines.1) The data presented here was recorded using the Euro 5 test procedure (715/2007/EC and 692/2008/EC) and the NEDC (New European DrivingCycle). The respective figures were not recorded on individual vehicles and do not constitute part of the offer. This data is provided solelyfor the purposes of comparison between the respective models. Provisional data only. Official data unavailable at the time of publication. For more information on individual models and final data, please contact your Porsche Centre.Parallel full hybridperformance – for fastera cceleration, particularly when pulling away.The parallel full hybrid concept also comes into its own during performance driving. When the Cayenne S Hybrid is driven at high speeds and on overrun, the combustion engine is automatically disengaged from the drivetrain and shut off: the car continues to ‘coast’ along. Engine drag and the associated losses are eliminated ande fficiency is increased at speeds of up to 156 km/h (97 mph).The ‘epower’ function expands the range in which the vehicle can be run solely on electric power. The throttle map is adapted so that the combustion engine is engaged later than in ‘Normal’ mode depending on performance requirements. This is activated via a button on the centre console.Hybrid moduleDecoupler Protective housing Electric machinein partthrottle mode and through energy recovery during braking. A special battery management and cooling system maintains a constant temperature and pro tects the battery from overheating. It also monitors the charge/discharge processes. As a result, the life of the battery is optimised and its suitability for everyday use ensured, while offering a high capacity: 1.7 kWh.Systems that are usually dependent on the output provided by the combustion engine, such as climate control, power steering and brake assist, run solely on electricity on the new Cayenne S Hybrid. As they do not rely on output from the engine, these functions remain active when the car is running in electric mode or when it is ‘coasting’ or gliding along with the engine turned off. In summary: despite its six cylinder powerplant, the newC ayenne S Hybrid offers performance levels that are comparable with an eightcylinder unit – but with significantly lower fuel consumption.Also when it comes to hybrid drives, we’ve taken a completely new path. Hardly surprising really, with a technology this convincing.The compact battery is located under the loadspace floor in the luggage compartment. Weighing 80 kg, its dimensions are 426 mm x 925 mm x 286 mm. The battery is designed to last without the need for any maintenance. As the electric machine also functions as a generator, it can charge the battery under certain conditions when thec ombustion engine is The hybrid system features a highvoltage nickel metal hydride (NiMH) battery consisting of 240 cells. It provides the electric machine with the energy required for the vehicle to drive short d istances solely on electric power.Energy management display in PCM: electric mode306090120150180210240270300330P o w e r (k W )T o r q u e (N m )15007500200025003000350040004500500055006000650070001000Revolutions per minute (rpm)360390420Cayenne S Hybrid system (combined) Cayenne S Hybrid combustion engineCayenne S Hybrid electric machineCayenne Diesel engineCayenne engineCayenne Diesel: 550 Nm between 2,000 and 2,250 rpm, 176 kW (240 hp)between 4,000 and 4,400 rpmCayenne: 400 Nm at 3,000 rpm, 220 kW (300 hp) at 6,300 rpmThe new Cayenne Diesel is powered by a 3.0litre V6 turbodiesel engine with a commonrail injection system. Its turbocharger features Variable Turbine Geometry (VTG, p. 40). The incoming exhaust gases drive a set of electronically variable turbine blades whose angle is continuouslya djusted to ensure optimump erformance under all engine loads. This results in an output of 176 kW (240 hp) and maximum torque of 550 Nm. The cara ccelerates from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in 7.8 seconds. M ax i mum torque is available between 2,000 and 2,250 rpm. Top speed is 218 km/h (135 mph), while fuel consumption has been lowered by 20 %.On all Cayenne petrol engines, we have used direct fuel injection (DFI, p. 38) to achieve a signi f icant increase in specific power and torque as well as better fuel economy and lower emissions.1) The new Cayenne features an aturally aspirated 3.6litre V6 engine with direct fuel injection (DFI, p. 38) and variable valve timing on both inlet and exhaust. The unit delivers 220 kW (300 hp) at 6,300 rpm and maximumtorque of 400 Nm at 3,000 rpm. Maximum speed is 230 km/h (143 mph). The car requires 7.5 seconds to reach 100 km/h (62 mph) with a manual gearbox. At the same time, fuel economy has been improved by up to 20 %.The engine of the new Cayenne Diesel.The engine of the new Cayenne.1) T he data presented here was recorded using the Euro 5 test procedure (715/2007/EC and 692/2008/EC) and the NEDC (New European DrivingCycle). The respective figures were not recorded on individual vehicles and do not constitute part of the offer. This data is provided solely for the purposes of comparison between the respective models. Provisional data only. Official data unavailable at the time of publication. For more information on individual models and final data, please contact your Porsche Centre.100300350400450500550600650030609012015018021024027030033015007500200025003000350040004500500055006000650070001502002501000360700390 750 800420 P o w e r (k W )T o r q u e (N m )Revolutions per minute (rpm)30609012015018021024027030033015002000250030003500400045005000550060001001502002501000P o w e r (k W )T o r q u e (N m )Revolutions per minute (rpm)。