The Pragmatics of Translation一书介绍
You are a lucky dog.
6. conversational implicature
当说话人违反了这些准则或次准则 第三十九回,平儿吩咐周瑞家的道:“······就说奶奶的话,问着 的时候,听话人就被迫使自己超越 Cooperative principle 尤氏和惜春对话时说:“你是状元,第一个才子。” (1)西部大开发 他那剩着的利钱。明日要还不交来,奶奶也不要了,就索性送他 话语的表面意义去设法领悟说话人 western development (overall,grand) 使吧。” 所说话语的隐含意义。这种话语的 即在参与交谈时,要使你说的话符合你所参与的交谈的公认目的或方向。 在高雅的茶会上: 杨译: 杨译:“Tell him from the mistress that if he doesn’t bring in the 隐含意义,即会话含义 “You are the great scholar,shecourse,” said Youshi can (2)他们你一句,我一句,说个没完。 rest of that interest bag. tomorrow, of doesn’t want it –he A: Mrs. X is an old 合作原则的四条准则: implicature)。 (conversational List sarcastically, talked They “the Top and keep it for himself.” onof theon. candidate!” 霍译: B: The weather has been quite delightful this autumn, hasn’t it? “You are Number One Scholar, the greatest talent a.The maxim of quantity 霍译:“Tell him that the Mistress says that if he hasn’t handed of all of that quipped Madam You. the rest times,” interest by tomorrow, she won’t ask him for it b.The maxim of quality again, because she’ll know that he’s keeping it for himself.” c.The maxim of Relevance d.The maxim of Manner 1)避免晦涩 ) 2)避免歧义 ) 3)简炼 ) 4)有条理 )
Pragmatic Translation1语用学翻译
![Pragmatic Translation1语用学翻译](
尊敬的史密斯先生: 我从3月28日的《华盛顿邮报》获悉贵公司在华 盛顿特区的分部需要一名土木工程师或城市建筑专 业的大学毕业生。我将于今年六月初大学毕业回到 华盛顿特区。我相信自己符合你们 various levels in the construction industry every summer since I entered the university. As is shown in my resume, I worked as a general laborer, gradually moved up to a carpenter, and last summer I worked as assistant construction manager on a 100-million-dollar project. 自上大学以来,我每年夏天都在建筑行 业打工,各个层次的工作我都做过。正如 我的简历所述,一开始做杂工,之后升为 木工;去年夏天我被提升为建筑经理助理, 参与了价值高达一亿美元的建筑工程。
• 体育委员
• 宣传委员 • 党支部书记 • 团支部书记
Test Yourself:毕业生常用简历术语翻译 • • • • • • • • 博士后 博士 硕士 学士 旁听生 公费生 自费生 实习生 • • • • • • • post doctorate doctor (Ph.D) master bachelor guest student(英)/auditor(美) government-supported student commoner/self-supported student • intern
Sincerely, Henry Mason Enclosure
Dear Mr. Smith,
该书是她在伯明翰大学(university ofbirmingham)任教期间完成并出版的,当时的编写目的是为译员培训提供有步骤、系统的教学模式,该书一经问世便受到了读者的广泛欢迎。
英语知识4. 语用翻译本文所谓的语用翻译是指从语用学的角度探讨翻译实践问题,即运用语用学理论去解决翻译操作中涉及到的理解问题和重构问题、语用和文化因素在译文中的处理方法以及原作的语用意义(pragmatic force)的传达及其在译作中的得失等问题。
Grice (1957)的意义理论以及Leech (1983)关于语用语言学的观点都认为,要理解说话人的意图,听话人首先必须正确识别和理解语言的基本意思和规约意义。
请看下面这个例句:(2) Can you lift the box?听话人要理解这句话,首先必须知道句中各个词语的意思,此外还应当知道这种询问能力的句子的规约意义,即“请您帮我抬这个箱子”。
如果听话人仅仅照字面意义做出回答擸es, I can.敚缓笠廊徽驹谝槐呖醋潘祷叭艘桓鋈朔丫⒌靥ё畔渥佣蝗グ锸郑敲纯梢运邓挥姓嬲斫馑祷叭嘶坝锏囊馑肌A饺酥涞慕患适О堋* 在翻译过程中,任何对原文词句层次上的不解或误解都会导致对原作者意图的不解或曲解,导致在译作中出现误译。
正确识别指称词语所指的对象(例如交际的参与者、交际事件以及交际过程中所论及的对象等)的能力是找到关联(Sperber & Wilson,1986)、进行推理、实现语篇的语义连贯(coherence)的必要条件之一。
正因为交际者不仅具有识别指称对象的能力,而且还具有解释特定指称对象的意义的能力,有解释它与其他语境及互文特征之间关系的能力,因此才能够找到和识别语篇的语义连续性(或称关联、连贯),才能推导出该指称词语的含义(Baker, 1992)。
Chapter 6 pragmatics and Translation
![Chapter 6 pragmatics and Translation](
linguistics dealing with language in use.
Pragmatics is a branch of
• A speech act contains three parts: 1) locution 发话动作 2) illocution 话内动作 3) perlocution 话外动作
• (4) Henry is a student of German. 亨利是个学德语的学生。 • (5) Lincoln was a good speaker and student of political philosophy. 林肯擅长演说,又刻苦学习政治哲学。
• (6) Few students of the Far East doubted that Japan intended to use the opportunity offered by the plight of Russia and Britain to grab the oil she desperately needed. 研究远东问题的人几乎都认为日本打算 利用俄国和英国的困境来攫取它迫切需要 的石油。
• John searle also divides speech acts into five types: 1) representatives 阐述类 2) directives 祈使类 3) commissives 承诺类 4) expressives 表态类 5) declaratives 宣告类
英译汉时,dear 不必译成“亲爱的”,有 时可借用汉语中的旧时称谓“台鉴”、“钧鉴” 等,但一定要区别对象。Yours sincerely 和 Yours faithfully可译为“此致”或“谨此”。 书信方面的套语在此就不多谈了。 汉语中诸如“您”、“惠函”、“赐复”、 “贵公司”、“本公司”之类的敬辞和谦辞,在 译成英语时只需用“you”、“your letter”、 “please reply”、“ your company”、 “our company”就行了,大可不必为此而伤脑 筋。在英译汉时则可以借用一些套语,如“承 蒙”、“不胜”、“贵方”、“奉告”之类。
Constructing Cultures: Essays on Literary Translation
Basil Hatim
CommunicationacrossCultures: Translation TheoryandContrastive Text Linguistics
Jeremy Munday
Introducing Translation Studies
Basil Hatim
&Jeremy Munday
Translation: An Advanced Resource Book
David Katan
Translating Cultures: An Introduction for Translators, InterpretersandMediators
Theo Hermans
Translation in Systems: Descriptive and System-oriented Approaches Explained
George Steiner
AfterBabel: Aspects of LanguageandTranslation
理论与实践方向参考书目1. 中文部分《口译技巧》<法>达尼卡.塞莱斯科伟奇著,孙慧双译.北京:北京出版社,1979年12月第一版.《英汉翻译手册》钟述孔。
翻译理论与实践研究参考文献一、外语教学与研究出版社:1. Baker, M. In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation 换言之:翻译教程2. Bell, R. T. Translation and Translating : Theory and Practice译文与翻译:理论与实践3.申雨平、戴宁、范仲英实用翻译教程4. 王克非从翻译史看文化差异5. 王佐良、丁往道英语文体学引论二、上海外语教育出版社:1. 王克非翻译文化史论2. 谢天振翻译的理论建构与文化透视3. Newmark, Peter: Approaches to Translation翻译问题探讨4. Steiner, George: After Babel—Aspects of Language and Translation(3rd ed. )通天塔之后――语言与翻译面面观5. Toury, Gideon: Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyon 描述翻译学及其它6. Hatin, Basil and Ian Mason: Discourse and the Translator语篇与译者7. Newmark, Peter: textbook of Translation 翻译教程8. Nord, Christiane: Translating as a Purposeful Activity—Functionalist Approaches Explained目的性行为――析功能翻译理论9. Bassnett, Susan and Andre Lefevere: Constructing Cultures—Essays on Literary Translation文化构建――文学翻译论集10. Hickey, Leo (ed.): The Pragmatics of Translation语用学与翻译11. Hatim, Basil: Communication Across Cultures: Translation Theory and Contrastive Text Linguistics跨文化交际:翻译理论与对比篇章语言学12. Wilss, Wolfram: The Science of Translation: Problems and Methods 翻译学:问题与方法13. Nida, Eugene A.:Language and Culture: Contexts in Translating语言与文化:翻译中的语境14. SnelI-Hornby, Mary: Translation Studies: An Integrated Approach翻译研究:综合法15. Davis, Kathleen: Deconstruction and Translation 解构主义与翻译16. Hermans, Thee: Translation in Systems: Descriptive and System Oriented Approaches Explained 系统中的翻译:描写和系统理论解说17. Gull, Ernst-August: Translation and Relevance Cognition and Context翻译与关联:认知与语境18. Gentzler, Edwin: Contemporary Translation Theories (revised 2nd editio)当代翻译理论(第二版)19. Baker, Mona (ed.): Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies翻译研究百科全书20. Nida, Eugene A.: Toward a Science of Translating 翻译科学探索21. Nida, Eugene A. & Charles R.:The Theory and Practice of Translation翻译理论与实践22. Lefevere, Andre (ed.): Translation/History/Culture: A Sourcebook 翻译、历史与文化论集23. Reiss, Katharina: Translation Criticism: The Potentials and Limitations翻译批评:潜力与制约24. Venuti, Lawrence:The Translator's Invisibility: A History of Translation译者的隐身:一部翻译史25. Bassnett, Susan: Translation Studies (3rd edition) 翻译研究(第三版)26. Williams, Jenny & Andrew Chesterman:The Map: A Beginner's Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies 路线图:翻译研究方法入门27. Shullleworth, Mark & Moira: Dictionary of Translation Studies翻译学词典三、中国对外翻译出版公司:翻译理论与实务丛书(罗进德主编)1. 马祖毅著中国翻译简史——五四以前部分(增订版)2. 金 著等效翻译探索 (增订版)3. 刘宓庆著文体与翻译 (增订版)4. 金圣华、黄国彬主编困难见巧——名家翻译经验谈5.周兆祥著翻译与人生6.陈生保编著英汉科技翻译指要7. 冯志杰著汉英科技翻译指要8. 陈忠诚著法窗译话9. 刘重德编著文学翻译十讲10. 陈定安编著英汉比较与翻译11. 谭载喜编著新编奈达论翻译12. 刘宓庆著当代翻译理论13. 郭建中编文化与翻译14. 陈忠诚著词语翻译丛谈15. 陈忠诚、吴幼娟著词语翻译丛谈续编16. 贾文波著汉英时文翻译17. 黄忠廉著翻译变体研究18. 马红军著翻译批评散论19.思果著翻译新究20. 李运兴著语篇翻译引论21. 包惠南著文化语境与语言翻译22. 刘宓庆著翻译与语言哲学23. 萧立明著新译学论稿四、其它:1. 《翻译论集》罗新璋编,商务印书馆,1984年版2. 《中国翻译史》(上卷) 马祖毅著,湖北教育出版社,1999年版3. 《西方翻译简史》谭载喜著,商务印书馆,1991年版4. 《外国翻译理论评介文集》中国对外翻译出版公司编印,1984年版5. 《奈达论翻译》谭载喜编译,中国对外翻译出版公司,1984年版6. 《语言与翻译》[苏]巴尔胡达罗夫著,蔡毅、虞杰、段京华编译,中国对外翻译出版公司,1985年版7. 《文体与翻译》刘宓庆著,中国对外翻译出版公司,1986年版8. 《习语汉译英研究》张培基编,商务印书馆,1979年版9. 《英汉翻译教程》张培基等编著,上海外语教育出版社,1980年版10. 《英汉翻译手册》钟述孔著,商务印书馆,1980年版11. 《翻译的技巧》钱歌川著,台湾开明书店印行,1972年版12. 《翻译漫谈》钱歌川著,中国对外翻译出版公司,1980年版13. 《科技翻译工作手册》李维颐等编,天津科学技术出版社,1986年版14. 《长安译论》王宏印主编,陕西旅游出版社,2000年版15. 《跨语交际》谭载喜编译,漓江出版社,1993年版16. 《语言论——言语研究导论》[美]爱德华·萨丕尔著,陆卓元译,商务印书馆,1997年版17. 《句法理论的若干问题》[美]诺姆·乔姆斯基著,黄长著、林书武、沈家煊译,中国社会科学出版社,1986年版18. 《意义的探究——当代西方释义学》张汝伦著,辽宁人民出版社,1986年版英汉翻译常用工具书(一)英汉类1.《新英汉词典》(增补本) 《新英汉词典》编写组编,上海译文出版社,1986年版2.《英华大辞典》(修订第二版) 郑易里等编并修订,商务印书馆,1984年版3.《英汉大辞典》(缩印本) 陆谷孙主编,上海译文出版社,1993年版4.《远东英汉大辞典》梁实秋主编,远东图书公司印行,1977年版5.《最新高级英汉词典》蔡文萦主编,李赋宁审校,商务印书馆国际有限公司,1994年版(二)汉英类1.《汉英词典》(修订版)、北京外国语大学英语系词典组编,外语教学与研究出版社,l 995年版2.《汉英大辞典》(上、下卷) 吴光华主编,上海交通大学出版社,1993年版3.《远东汉英大辞典》梁实秋原主编,张芳杰主编,新华出版社,远东图书公司,1995年版(三)英语类1.Longman Dicitonary of Contemporary Englis h,Longman Group Limited.19782.Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary,new ed.,Edinburgh & London,1972.3.The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language,New York.19754.Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language,Springfield,Mass.,1961(Addenda 1966),19715.6,000 words:A Supplement to Webster’s Third New International Dictionary,Springfield,Mass.,19766.ORIGINS An Etymological Dictionary of Modern Englis h,by Eric Partridge,London,1990(四)汉语类1.《现代汉语词典》商务印书馆,1970年版2.《现代汉语词林》(正反序编排) 福建人民出版社,1986年版3.《汉语大字典》(缩印本)《汉语大字典》编委会,四川辞书出版社、湖北辞书出版社,1993年版4.《古代汉语词典》《古代汉语词典》编写组,商务印书馆,1998年版(五)专名类1.《英语姓名译名手册》(第二次修订本) 新华通讯社译名资料组编,商务印书馆,1985年版2.《世界姓名译名手册》《世界姓名译名手册》编译组编,化学工业出版社,1987年版3.《外国地名译名手册》中国地名委员会编,商务印书馆,1983年版4.《世界地名译名手册》辛华编,商务印书馆,1978年版5.《世界报刊、通讯社、电台译名手册》(修订本) 辛华编,商务印书馆;1978年版(六)略语类1.《英汉缩略语词典》西安外国语学院英语系《英汉缩略语词典》编写组,陕西人民出版社,1980年版2.《英语缩略词词典》史群编,商务印书馆,1979年版(七)科技类1.《英汉技术词典》清华大学《英汉技术词典》编写组编,国防工业出版社,1978年版2.《英汉科技缩写词汇》阎庆甲编,冶金工业出版社,1981年版3.《科技翻译工作手册》李维颐等编,天津科学技术出版社,1986年版(八)史地类1.《世界历史词典》勒文翰、郭圣铭、孙道天主编,上海辞书出版社,1985年版2.《外国历史大事年表》(公元前4500年一公元1945年) 王治邦、曲培洛、唐承运、于庆和、王永本编,辽宁人民出版社,1985年版3.《世界现代史大事记》吴成平编著,知识出版社,1984年版4.《美国两百年大事记》[美]加尔文·D·林顿编著,谢延光、储复耘、容再光、李祥荣译,上海译文出版社,1984年版5.《各国概况》(1979年版) 《各国概况》编辑组编,世界知识出版社,1979年版(九)百科类1.《辞海》(缩印本) 《辞海》编辑委员会编,上海辞书出版社,1989年版2.《辞源》(修订本) (1—4合订本)商务印书馆,1989年版3.《简明不列颠百科全书》(十卷本) 《简明不列颠百科全书》编辑部译编,中国大百科全书出版社,1986年版4.《中国大百科全书》(多卷本) 中国大百科全书出版社,1982年版。
1.语用学研究 H030/32/1馆藏复本:6可借复本:4 中国语用学研究会高等教育出版社 2008-中文图书2.语用学视角下的广告语言研究 F713.80/193馆藏复本:3可借复本:2 杨永和, 周冬华, 鲁娅辉著西北工业大学出版社 2010西文图书3.Pragmatics = 语用学 / H030/H874馆藏复本:3可借复本:1 Huang, Yan,Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press : 2009.中文图书4.顾曰国语言学海外自选集:语用学与话语分析研究 H319.3/145馆藏复本:3可借复本:2 顾曰国著外语教学与研究出版社 2010中文图书5.新编语用学概论 H030/33馆藏复本:3可借复本:1 何自然, 冉永平编著北京大学出版社 2009中文图书6.语用学大是非和语用翻译学之路 H059/165馆藏复本:3可借复本:2 侯国金著四川大学出版社 2008中文图书7.语用学的多维研究 H03/43馆藏复本:3可借复本:2 曾文雄编著浙江大学出版社 2009西文图书8.Pragmatics : a multidisciplinary perspective / H030/C971(C)馆藏复本:3可借复本:2 Cummings, Louise.Peking University Press, 2007.中文图书9.英语习语研究:语用学视角 H313.3/138馆藏复本:3可借复本:2 彭庆华著社会科学文献出版社 2007中文图书10.语用学翻译研究 H059/124馆藏复本:3可借复本:2 曾文雄著武汉大学出版社 2007中文图书11.语用学纵横 H030/20馆藏复本:3可借复本:2 冉永平, 张新红编著高等教育出版社 2007中文图书12.语用学:现象与分析 H030/18馆藏复本:3可借复本:2 冉永平编著北京大学出版社 2006中文图书13.语用学 H03/38馆藏复本:3可借复本:1 严辰松, 高航编上海外语教育出版社 2005西文图书14.Pragmatics : theories and applications = 语用学 : 理论及应用 / H030/J61馆藏复本:1可借复本:0 Jiang, Wangqi北京大学出版社, 2000.西文图书15.Pragmatics = 语用学 / H030/Y95馆藏复本:11可借复本:10 Yule, George,上海外语教育出版社, 2000.中文图书16.当代语用学 H030/14馆藏复本:5可借复本:3 编著何自然,陈新仁北京大学出版社 2004中文图书17.语用学引论--当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库馆藏复本:0可借复本:0 1外语教学与研究出版社 2004年8月出版西文图书18.Selected readings for pragmatics = 语用学文献选读 / H03/S464馆藏复本:10可借复本:9 何兆熊主编.上海外语教育出版社, 2003.西文图书19.Pragmatics = 语用学 / H030/P365馆藏复本:6可借复本:5 Peccei, Jean Stilwell.外语教学与研究出版社 , 2001.西文图书20.The pragmatics of translation = 语用学与翻译 / H059/P898馆藏复本:3可借复本:2 edited by Leo Hickey.Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.21.Pragmatics = 语用学 / H030/P365P馆藏复本:6可借复本:5 Peccei, Jean Stilwell.外语教学与研究出版社, 2000.西文图书22.Understanding pragmatics = 语用学新解 / H030/V562馆藏复本:8可借复本:7 Verschueren, Jef.外语教学与研究出版社 , 2000.西文图书23.Pragmatics : an introduction = 语用学引论 / 2nd ed. H030/M612=2馆藏复本:8可借复本:7 Mey, Jacob.外语教学与研究出版社, 2001.中文图书24.语用学诠释 H030/9馆藏复本:3可借复本:2 耶夫·维索尔伦著清华大学出版社 2003中文图书25.语用学在语文教学中的运用G633.3/346馆藏复本:1可借复本:0 王建华著杭州大学出版社 1993中文图书26.语用学:理论及应用 H0/174馆藏复本:7可借复本:5 姜望琪编著北京大学出版社 2000.01中文图书27.语用学概论 H0/150馆藏复本:5可借复本:2 何自然编著湖南教育出版社 1988中文图书28.语用学教程 H0/180馆藏复本:6可借复本:5 索振羽编著北京大学出版社 2000中文图书29.话语规则与知识基础:语用学维度 H030/2馆藏复本:4可借复本:3 盛晓明著上海学林出版社 2000中文图书30.语用学概要 H31/144馆藏复本:6可借复本:5 何兆熊编著上海外语教育出版社 1989.5中文图书31.语用学与英语学习 H0/143馆藏复本:7可借复本:7 何自然编著上海外语教育出版社 1997。
The use of pragmatics in translation 文档
![The use of pragmatics in translation 文档](
The use of pragmatics in translationPragmatics is the study of language. It deals with particular utterance in particular situations and sis especially concerned with the various ways in which the many social contexts of language performance influence interpretation. In other words, pragmatics concerns the relation between the speaker(writer) and the listener(reader),the situation (context),and especially the purpose of the speaker(writer)When a diplomat says “yes”,He means “perhaps” ;When a diplomat says “perhaps”,He means “no”;And when a diplomat says “no”,He is no diplomat.When a lady says “no”,She means “perhaps”;When a lady says “perhaps”,She means “yes”;When a lady says “yes”,She is no lady.-----by V oltaireFrom this we can see that pragmatics is the study of how speakers of alanguage use linguistics expressions to effect successful communication so as to achieve their communitive goals. Simply put it ,it is the study of speakers’intention or meaning ,or utterance meaning in speech communication.There is a case in hongkongA a hongkong police officer sir?B an Englishman the head of the police office :yes,what is it?A my mother is not very well,sir?Bso?A she has to go into hospital,sir.B well get on with it.what do you mean?A on thurstay ,sir.B.bloody hell,man,what do you mean?A nothing sir.From this example ,we all can know that the A just wants to ask a leave for Thursday this week to go to hospital to company with his mother for an examine to make sure that everything is in order. However B doesnot understand what the A’s communitive goal.So if communicators want to get genuine understanding ,they must make clear their partners’ communitive intentions which are coated with culture and context because of cultural differences between speakers . we use pragmatics knowledge to help us understand each other.Translation is a cross-lingustic socialcultural practice,in which a text in one language is replaced by a functionally equivalent text in another. Adopting pragmatics to translation, the main aim of translation is to achieve the pragmatic meaning including original author’s intention and the understanding of the target readers. Here is an example.Original:高高兴兴出门去,平平安安回家来。
而另一个英译本《The Carnation Notebook》则对词汇和句式方面进行了很大的删减和改变,使得整个翻译更符合另一种英语语言文化背景下的读者需求。
彼得·纽马克谈翻译 翻译2班第一组
![彼得·纽马克谈翻译 翻译2班第一组](
英国彼得· 纽马克谈翻译理论与技巧
• 审美功能常用的手段一个是声音,另一个就是比喻。此外, 句子、词语的节奏、平衡和对比也具有这种作用。审美功 能存在于大部分文学性文本中,特别是在诗词、童谣以及 一些广告宣传中是必不可少的。
• 人际功能在口语中常见的有“How are you?”;“You know”;“Have a good time!”等,在书面语中,则表 现为“of course”、“naturally”、“undoubtedly”等, 它体现了作者欲与读者建立一定的交流关系的意图。
英国彼得· 纽马克谈翻译理论与技巧
第一组:罗 维 1204021102 里克莫 1204021109 王 琼 1204021115
英国彼得· 纽马克谈翻译理论与技巧
• • • • • • •
一、彼得· 纽马克与翻译 二、翻译与其他学科的关系 三、翻译理论文献 四、同语言功能相关的翻译理论 五、翻译与意义上的走失 六、翻译方法与技巧 七、结论
英国彼得· 纽马克谈翻译理论与技巧
• 与哲学: • 哲学是翻译理论的一个基本问题。翻译所关心的只是 词在上下文中的效用,而不过问词的语言系统。 • 与逻辑学: • 逻辑学的研究将有助于译者对所译段落真正意义的确 定。 查里斯·皮尔司 • 与语言学: • 翻译理论来源于语言学。它主要是语义学的一个方面, 但由于语义学常被描述为一种理论性的课目,所以符号学 便成为翻译理论的重要因素。
英国彼得· 纽马克谈翻译理论与技巧
• 语义翻译:
作者 • 指在译入语语义和句法结构允许的前提下,尽可 能准确地再现原文上下文意义。
比如,原文中有一句歌词:“I dreamed a dream in time gone by,When hope was highand life worth living”。
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Leo, Hickey (ed.) The Pragmatics of Translation. Clevedon/ P h i l a d e l p h i a:M u l t i l i n g u a l Matters, 1998, 242 pp.The Pragmatics of Translation is a collection of thirteen articles compiled by author and editor Leo Hickey. Each individual author represents in his or her article a different approach to translation through the use of various translation theories and practices. The intention of these articles, according to Hickey, is to present the ways in which pragmatics rela-tes to translation and how one may achieve what he calls “pragmatic equivalence”. The authors attempt to answer various questions concerning the relationship between original texts and their translations, and what exactly these translations intend to achieve. Hickey claims in238Resenhashis introduction that translators are not merely translators, but mediators as well. The job of the translator-mediator is far more complex than the simple task of substituting words for those of an original text.In the first article in this compilation, the late Sándor Hervey introduces the term illocutionary function. According to Hervey, an illocutionary function is defined as what people “do” when making utterances, the actions that aid in the reader’s comprehension of the intent of the utterance. In addition, Hervey also addresses the “cross-cultural puzzle” of cross-linguistic translation, or translation proper. He explains the difficulty of translating illocutionary functions across certain cultural boundaries due to cultural relativity.In another chapter, Kirsten Malmkjær explains the notion of cooperation and literary translation by means of Grice’s Theory of Meaning. Using examples from the Danish language, Malmkjær demonstrates how Grice’s Cooperative Principle is limited because it is difficult for a reader to understand a translation that is attempting to convey a certain meaning between languages. The author attempts to find a solution to the problems that readers encounter when they try to distinguish between the literal and non-literal meaning of a text.Like Malmkjær, Basil Hatim uses Grice’s Cooperative Principle to discuss and explain the meanings of different translations. One of Hatim’s main points is derived from Grice’s principle, which says that meaning is determined at the exact point that an utterance is made; meanings are not predetermined. The author discusses the importance of contextual effects in creating a translation. He points out the three ways in which a contextual effect may either strengthen or weaken a translation: new information may lead to a new assumption; it can strengthen an existing assumption; or, finally, it might facilitate the abandoning of an existing assumption.Juliane House’s article is simi-lar to Hatim’s in that both authors address the concept of politeness in writing. They discuss how a good example of polite writing would not violate any of the maxims of the Gricean Cooperative Principle, which include: quantity, quality, manner, and relevance. Juliane House chooses to discuss politeness as both a pragmatic and sociocultural phenomena, saying that this sort of courtesy is one ofResenhas239the basic social guidelines for human interaction (in a pragmatic sense) and it deals with the way consideration is shown to others throughout a specific society. House also refers to translation as a “cross-linguistic sociocultural practice”.In his article, Ernst-August Gutt distinguishes between the Interpretive and Descriptive use of language in relation to relevance theory. Gutt explains that an interpretive use of language is an utterance that describes what someone says or thinks. Descriptive use of language, on the other hand, refers to a description made regarding some state of affairs somewhere in the world. In addition, Gutt discusses the relationship between what the audience expects from a work, and what the author intends it to be. Gutt believes that there are various distinguishing words that categorize different literary works that are intended to coordinate the intention of the author with the expectation of the reader. It is interesting to note that every time Gutt mentions the translator, he describes that person as a woman, consistently referring to the translator as she and her in his article. Gutt, a male author, is overtly recognizing females as having exceptional translating abilities, which is a positive factor in his writing.Authors Frank Knowles and Palma Zlateva are similar in their respective articles in that they use the Russian language as an example to illustrate their translation theories. Knowles discusses the manner in which language mechanisms such as inflection and word order are used to convey different meanings. He explains how the language in which the translation is being written needs to agree with the language of the original text to facilitate the replication of a work’s themes, structure, etc. Similarly, Zlateva uses the combination of examples from Russian, Bulgarian and English to argue that there is difficulty in substituting certain words in different languages that are meant to convey explicitness in a range of utterances.The translation of illocutionary force, which was previously mentioned in the article written by Sándor Hervey, is the focus of Ian Higgins’ piece in which he uses examples from Racine’s work Andromaque. He emphasizes the importance of ensuring that the illocutionary force of an original text is transferred to the translation. This is done, he claims, by making sure that the linguistic features, such as。