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Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation单元检测试卷
1.A. B. C.
2.A. B. C.
3.A. B. C.
4.A. B. C.
5.A. B. C.
16. What does Mike want to do?
A. Go bike riding.B. Go shopping.C. Go swimming.
17. What is Molly going to do tomorrow?
A. Clean the room.B. Have a piano lesson.C. Do the dishes.
1A. greatB. gradeC. greet
2.A. oneB. winC. once
3.A. songB. singC. wrong
4.A. mouseB. monthC. mouth
5.A. resultB. saltC. out
I'm taking walks and going29..
I'm leaving on30.morning.
Unit2 How often do you exercise?单元检测试卷
C. I went last Sunday.
8.A. On weekends.B. With my mother.C. To Hong Kong.
9.A. I'm interested in sports.
B. I'm going camping.
C. I'm leaving tomorrow.
10.A. For a week.B. To Beijing.C. With my sister.
24. How far is it from Maria's Restaurant to the park?
A. 1 mile.B. 5 miles.C. 10 miles.
25. How will they go to the park?
A. By bike.B. By bus.C. On foot.
I'm going to Hong Kong by26..
I'm going shopping.
I'm leaving this weekend and staying for a27.
I'm going to the28..
22. When is Mike's birthday meal?
A. On Sunday.B. On Thursday.C. On Saturday.
23. What time will the birthday meal begin?
A. At 11:45 a.m.B. At 12:15 p.m.C. At 2:30 p.m.
20. How are they going to Zhanjiang?
A. By train.B. By car.C. By plane.
21. How old is Mike?
A. Eleven years old.B. Twelve years old.C. Twenty years old.
11. What is the woman going to do?
A. Go hiking.B. Visit her friends.C. Go shopping.
12. Who wants to spend time in the countryside?
A. Windy.B. Sunny.C. Rainy.
15. What is Mary going to do this Sunday?
A. Go shopping.B. Play volleyball.C. Go camping.
B)ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu将听到两段对话。对话读两遍。
6.A. Yes, please.B. For 2 hours.C. Three times a week.
7.A. Yes, she is.B. No, she doesn't.C. No, she isn't.
8.A. Yes, it can.B. No, it isn't.C. No, it didn't.
A. Alan.B. Alan's brother.C. Alan's sister.
13. What is the man going to do this weekend?
A. Read a book.B. See a film.C. Play computer games.
14. How was the weather then?
6.A. She often babysits her brother.
B. She babysat her little brother.
C. She's babysitting her brother.
7.A. I'm going on Sunday.
B. I usually go on Sunday.
18. What does Kate want to do in Zhanjiang?
A. Go swimming.B. Go boating.C. Eat seafood.
19. Who will Kate go to Zhanjiang with?
A. Her mother.B. Her father.C. Her friends.