2020届高考英语词汇复习课件:已考的和可能要考的易混词辨析 (共31张PPT)

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much of our precious time for study.
(2)I have some classical novels but not _m__a_n_y__.
(3)There was so _m_u__c_h__ traffic that we got to
school an hour late.
(1)If you __e_v_e_r__ need any help, just let me know. (2)“Have you _e_v_e_r__ thought of changing your
job?” “No, never.”
(3)This is the most interesting novel that I have
(1) She could __n_o_t__ account for her mistake. (2) We do _n__o_t_ think such an abnormal phenomenon
will last long.
(3) I’m _n_o__t_ accustomed to getting up so early to do
remember where.
3. very与
much(作副词) much修饰动词,以及形容词或
(1) I know he hasn’t finished, but, after all, he is _v_e_r_y___ busy. (2) He adjusted himself _v_e__ry___ quickly to the
在高考英语全国卷的短文改错中, 常会考查一些常用的易混词辨析,现将 其归纳如下:
1. many与
much (不定代 much修饰或代替不可数名词(单数)。
(1)Too _m__a_n_y__ after-class activities take up too
(1) We toured France about three years __a_g_o___.
(2) He said he had seen the film two days
(3) I have seen you__b_e_f_o_r_e_ , but I can’t
(1) I’m sure that everybody will miss him
very__m_u__c_h_ .
(2) I don’t know these people very _w__e_ll__.
such是形容词,用来修饰名词(名词前面 可以加形容词,也可以不加),如果修饰 单数可数名词,其后加不定冠词a或an; 5. such与so so是副词,用来修饰形容词或副词;此 外,so还可用于think, believe, suppose, hope, say, do等词的后面,代替前句内容, 以避免重复。
heat of the country. (3) She looks _m__u_c_h_ prettier with long hair than
with short hair.
4. very much与very very much意为“非常”;
very well意为“十分, 完全,
morning exercise.
7. no与not
no (=not any, not a) 是形容词,修饰名 词(不可数名词、可数名词单复数)。 not是副词,与情态动词、助动词、be构
(6) I’m not sure if I’ll succeed, but I certainly hope
ever表示“在任何时候;曾,曾 经”(用于疑问句、否定句,或表 6. ever与never 示怀疑或条件的句中;与比较级 than或最高级连用); never表示“从未,永不”。
(4)The children never eat very _m__u_c_h__, but they
seem quite healthy.
2. ago与 before (作副 词)
ago放在时间段后,表示离现在多 久之前,常与一般过去时连用;
before是相对过去某个时间或动作 来说多久以前,常与过去完成时连 用。before还可单独使用,常与完 成时连用。
_e_v_e_r__ read.
(4)He haFra Baidu bibliotek __n_e_v_e__r_ been abroad.
7. no与not
no (=not any, not a) 是形容词,修饰名词 (不可数名词、可数名词单复数); not是副词,与情态动词、助动词、be构
成否定式;与非谓语动词构成否定式; 用于believe, hope, except, trust等词后替 代that引导的否定从句。
5. such 与so
so是副词,用来修饰形容词或副词;此外, so还可用于think, believe, suppose, hope, say,
(3) She is _s_u_c_h__ a nice girl that everyone likes her
very much.
(4) The girl is _s_o__ nice that everyone likes her very
(5) I’m sorry to disturb you _s_o__ early.
(1) He told them about the job he had left. __S_u_c__h_
information was just what they needed.
(2) This isn’t the only story of starving children. Many
_s_u__c_h__ cases are reported.