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1. What day is it today? (It’s Monday.)

What’s the weather like today?(It’s cloudy.)

What is your father going to do? (He’s going to play football.)

What do you usually do on Sundays / with your friends at school? (I usually do homework.) What does your father do everyday? (He reads some newspapers everyday.)

What classes do you have on Mondays? (We have English and Chinese.)

What do you like to eat for breakfast? (I like to eat hamburgers.)

What did you do last week? (I drew pictures and watched TV.)

What do you do? (I’m a student.)

What do you often do after class? (I often play football with my friends.)

What can you do? (I can swim.)

What would you like?(I’d like a hamburger.)

What does your friend like to do? (He likes to play football.)

What do you like doing best? (I like skating in winter.)

What does your friend like doing? (He likes playing computer games.)

What’s wrong with you? /What’s the matter with you? (I have a headache.)

What must you do before you go out? (I must lock the door.)

What does your father do after lunch? (He often goes visit an art museum.)

What does your mother do before she goes to bed? (She often paints a few pictures.)

What kind of books do you like to read? (I like to read comic books.)

What’s your favourite pet? (My favourite pet is a little cat.)

What colours are your rabbits? (They are white and grey.)

What does your father do? (He is a policeman.)

What lesson do you like best? (English.)

What sports do you like doing after school? (I like playing tennis.)

What do you like watching on television? (I like watching films.)

What clothes do you like wearing at school? (I like wearing sweater and jeans.)

2. Where are you going? (I’m going to the zoo.)

Where do you study? (I study in Tianhui primary School.)

Where are the animals? (They are in the zoo.)

Where does your father work? (He works in a company.)

Where can I catch the bus? (You can catch the bus at the bus stop in town.)

Where do you sleep? (I sleep in my bedroom.)

Where do you usually go in the school holiday? (I usually go to the park.)

3. who’s that old woman? (She’s my grandma.)

Who is the tallest in your class? (Jack is the tallest in my class.)

Who likes to watch TV in your family? (My brother.)

Who often washes clothes in your family? (My mother.)

Who is your best friend? (Lucy.)

Who do you often play with? (I often play with Sam.)

4. How do you go to school every day? (By bus/ on foot)

How are you? (I’m fine/good)

How old are you? (I’m twelve years old.)

How often do you go to school? (Every day/ five days a week)

How’s the weather? (It’s cloudy.)

How much is T-shirt? (It’s forty Yuan.)

How much are the shoes? (They are eighty Yuan.)

How long have you studied in Chenguang school? (Four years)

How many people are there in your family? (There are 3.)

How many days are there in a week?(There are seven days.)

5. When does the English class begin? (At 4:15p.m)

6. Why is she talking to him? (Because he is our new classmate.)

Why do you like rabbits? (Because they are very cute.)

7. Which one do you like, the apple or the banana? (The banana.)

Which floor do you live on? (I live on the 5th floor.)


一、现在进行时be(am/is/are) + v-ing.

Be与主语搭配的口诀:我(I)用am,你(You)用are, is用于他(He)她(She)它(It),其


动词-ing形式的构成:①一般情况下,直接在动词原形后面加-ing. 如:

w atch---watching read---reading

②以不发音的字母-e结尾的动词,先去掉e,在加-ing. 如:take---taking make---making
