污水处理厂 外文文献

ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGYOne-stage partial nitritation/anammox at15°Con pretreated sewage:feasibility demonstration at lab-scale Haydée De Clippeleir&Siegfried E.Vlaeminck&Fabian De Wilde&Katrien Daeninck&Mariela Mosquera&Pascal Boeckx&Willy Verstraete&Nico BoonReceived:26November2012/Revised:28January2013/Accepted:30January2013#Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2013Abstract Energy-positive sewage treatment can beachieved by implementation of oxygen-limited autotrophicnitrification/denitrification(OLAND)in the main water line,as the latter does not require organic carbon and thereforeallows maximum energy recovery through anaerobic diges-tion of organics.To test the feasibility of mainstreamOLAND,the effect of a gradual temperature decrease from29to15°C and a chemical oxygen demand(COD)/Nincrease from0to2was tested in an OLAND rotatingbiological contactor operating at55–60mg NH4+–NL−1 and a hydraulic retention time of1h.Moreover,the effectof the operational conditions and feeding strategies on thereactor cycle balances,including NO and N2O emissionswere studied in detail.This study showed for the first timethat total nitrogen removal rates of0.5g NL−1day−1can bemaintained when decreasing the temperature from29to15°Cand when low nitrogen concentration and moderate CODlevels are treated.Nitrite accumulation together with elevatedNO and N2O emissions(5%of N load)were needed to favoranammox compared with nitratation at low free ammonia(<0.25mg NL−1),low free nitrous acid(<0.9μg NL−1),and higher DO levels(3–4mg O2L−1).Although the total nitrogen removal rates showed potential,the accumulation of nitrite and nitrate resulted in lower nitrogen removal efficiencies (around40%),which should be improved in the future. Moreover,a balance should be found in the future between the increased NO and N2O emissions and a decreased energy consumption to justify OLAND mainstream treatment. Keywords Energyself-sufficient.Nitrospira.Nitricoxide. Nitrous oxide.DeammonificationIntroductionCurrently,around40full-scale one-stage partial nitrita-tion/anammox plants are implemented to treat highly loaded nitrogen streams devoid in carbon(Vlaeminck et al.2012). This process,known under the acronyms oxygen-limited autotrophic nitrification/denitrification(OLAND)(Kuai and Verstraete1998),deammonification(Wett2006),com-pletely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite(Third et al. 2001),etc.,showed highly efficient and stable performance when treating digestates from sewage sludge treatment plants and industrial wastewaters(Wett2006;Abma et al. 2010;Jeanningros et al.2010).For clarity,one-stage partial nitritiation/anammox processes will be referred to as OLAND in this work.From an energy point of view,the implementation of the OLAND process for the treatment of sewage sludge digestate decreased the net energy consump-tion of a municipal wastewater treatment plant(WWTP)by 50%,with a combination of a lower aeration cost in the side stream and the opportunity to recover more organics from the mainstream(Siegrist et al.2008).Moreover,when co-digestion of kitchen waste was applied,an energyneutral Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article(doi:10.1007/s00253-013-4744-x)contains supplementary material,which is available to authorized users.H.De Clippeleir:S.E.Vlaeminck:F.De Wilde:K.Daeninck:M.Mosquera:W.Verstraete:N.Boon(*)Laboratory for Microbial Ecology and Technology(LabMET),Ghent University,Coupure Links653,9000Gent,Belgiume-mail:Nico.Boon@UGent.beP.BoeckxLaboratory of Applied Physical Chemistry(ISOFYS),Ghent University,Coupure Links653,9000Gent,BelgiumAppl Microbiol BiotechnolDOI10.1007/s00253-013-4744-xWWTP was achieved(Wett et al.2007).To fully recover the potential energy present in wastewater,a first idea of a new sustainable wastewater treatment concept was reported (Jetten et al.1997).Recently,a“ZeroWasteWater”concept was proposed which replaces the conventional activated sludge system by a highly loaded activated sludge step (A-step),bringing as much as organic carbon(chemical oxygen demand(COD))as possible to the solid fraction, and a second biological step(B-step)removing the residual nitrogen and COD with a minimal energy demand (Verstraete and Vlaeminck2011).Subsequently,energy is recovered via anaerobic digestion of the primary and sec-ondary sludge.For the B-step in the main line,OLAND would potentially be the best choice as this process can work at a low COD/N ratio,allowing maximum recovery of COD in the A-step.Moreover,it was calculated that if OLAND is implemented in the main water treatment line and a maximum COD recovery takes place in the A-step,a net energy gain of the WWTP of10Wh inhabitant equivalent (IE)−1day−1is feasible(De Clippeleir et al.2013).To allow this energy-positive sewage treatment,OLAND has to face some challenges compared with the treatment of highly loaded nitrogen streams(>250mg NL−1).A first difference is the lower nitrogen concentration to be removed by OLAND.Domestic wastewater after advanced concen-tration will still contain around30–100mg NL−1and113–300mg CODL−1(Metcalf and Eddy2003;Tchobanoglous et al.2003;Henze et al.2008).High nitrogen conversion rates(around400mg NL−1day−1)by the OLAND process can be obtained at nitrogen concentrations of30–60mg N L−1and at low hydraulic retention times(HRT)of1–2h(De Clippeleir et al.2011).A second challenge is the low tem-perature at which OLAND should be operated(10–15°C compared with34°C).Several studies already described the effect of temperature on the activity of the separate micro-bial groups(Dosta et al.2008;Guo et al.2010;Hendrickx et al.2012).Only a few studies showed the long-term effect of a temperature decrease below20°C on the microbial bal-ances of anoxic and aerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (AnAOB and AerAOB)and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB)at nitrogen concentrations above100mg NL−1 (Vazquez-Padin et al.2011;Winkler et al.2011).However, the combination of low temperature and low nitrogen con-centration was never tested on a co-culture of AerAOB, AnAOB,and NOB before.At temperatures around15°C, maintaining the balance between NOB and AnAOB and the balance between NOB and AerAOB will get more challeng-ing since the growth rate of NOB will become higher than the growth rate of AerAOB(Hellinga et al.1998). Therefore,it will not be possible to wash out NOB based on overall or even selective sludge retention.The third and main challenge in this application will therefore be the suppression of NOB at temperature ranges of10–20°C and at nitrogen concentration ranges of30–60mg NL−1 (low free ammonia and low nitrous acid),which was not shown before.A final fourth challenge will include the higher input of organics at moderate levels of90–240mg biodegradable CODL−1in the wastewater.Depending on the raw sewage strength,COD/N ratios between2and3are expected after the concentration step,which is on the edge of the described limit for successful OLAND(Lackner et al. 2008).The presence of organics could result in an extra competition of heterotrophic denitrifiers with AerAOB for oxygen or with AnAOB for nitrite or organics,since certain AnAOB can denitrify consuming organic acids (Kartal et al.2007).In this study,the challenges2to4,were evaluated in an OLAND rotating biological contactor(RBC).This reactor at 29°C was gradually adapted over24,22,and17to15°C under synthetic wastewater conditions(60mg N L−1, COD/N of0).Additionally,the COD/N ratio of the influent was increased to2by supplementing NH4+to diluted sewage to simulate pretreated sewage.The effect of the operational conditions and feeding strategies on the reactor cycle balan-ces,including gas emissions and microbial activities were studied in detail.An alternative strategy to inhibit NOB activity and as a consequence increase AnAOB activity at low temperatures based on NO production was proposed. Materials and methodsOLAND RBCThe lab-scale RBC described by De Clippeleir et al.(2011) was further optimized at29°C by an increase in the influent nitrogen concentration from30to60mg NL−1and a limitation of the oxygen input through the atmosphere by covering the reactor before this test was started.The reactor was based on an air washer LW14(Venta,Weingarten, Germany)with a rotor consisting of40discs interspaced at 3mm,resulting in a disc contact surface of1.32m2.The reactor had a liquid volume of2.5L,immersing the discs for 55%.The latter was varied over the time of the experiment. The reactor was placed in a temperature-controlled room. The DO concentration was not directly controlled.In this work,continuous rotation was applied at a constant rotation speed of3rpm,which allowed mixing of the water phase. RBC operationThe RBC was fed with synthetic wastewater during phases I to VII.From phase VIII onwards,the COD/N was gradually increased(phases VIII–X)to2(phases XI–XIII).The syn-thetic influent of an OLAND RBC,consisted of(NH4)2SO4 (55–60mg NL−1),NaHCO3(16mg NaHCO3mg−1N),andAppl Microbiol BiotechnolKH2PO4(10mg PL−1).Pretreated sewage was simulated by diluting raw sewage of the communal WWTP of Gent, Belgium(Aquafin).The raw wastewater after storage at 4°C and settlement contained23–46mg NH4+–NL−1, 0.2–0.4mg NO2−–NL−1,0.4–2.7mg NO3−–NL−1,23–46mgKjeldahl–NL−1,3.8–3.9mg PO43−–PL-1,26–27mg SO42−–S L−1,141–303mg COD tot L−1,and74–145mg COD sol L−1.The raw sewage was diluted by factors2–3to obtain COD values around110mg COD tot L−1and by addition of(NH4)2SO4to obtain final COD/N values around2.The reactor was fed in a semi-continuous mode:two periods of around10min/h for phases I–XI and one period of20min/h for phases XII and XIII.The influent flow range varied from47to65Lday−1and the reactor volume from3.7to2.5L(during78and55% submersion,respectively).Corresponding HRTare displayed in Tables1and2.Reactor pH,DO,and temperature were daily monitored and influent and effluent samples were taken at least thrice a week for ammonium,nitrite,nitrate,and COD analyses. Detection of AerAOB,NOB,and AnAOB with FISHand qPCRFor NOB and AnAOB,a first genus screening among the most commonly present organisms was performed by fluo-rescent in-situ hybridization(FISH)on biomass of days1 (high temperature)and435(low temperature and COD presence).A paraformaldehyde(4%)solution was used for biofilm fixation,and FISH was performed according to Amann et al.(1990).The Sca1309and Amx820probes were used for the detection of Cand.Scalindua and Cand. Kuenenia&Brocadia,respectively,and the NIT3and Ntspa662probes and their competitors for Nitrobacter and Nitrospira,respectively(Loy et al.2003).This showed the absence of Nitrobacter and Scalindua(Table S1in the Electronic supplementary material(ESM)).Biomass sam-ples(approximately5g)for nucleic acid analysis were taken from the OLAND RBC at days1,60,174,202,306,385, 399,and413of the operation.DNA was extracted using FastDNA®SPIN Kit for Soil(MP Biomedicals,LLC), according to the manufacturer’s instructions.The obtained DNA was purified with the Wizard®DNA Clean-up System (Promega,USA)and its final concentration was measured spectrophotometrically using a NanoDrop ND-1000spec-trophotometer(Nanodrop Technologies).The SYBR Green assay(Power SyBr Green,Applied Biosystems)was used to quantify the16S rRNA of AnAOB and Nitrospira sp.and the functional amoA gene for AerAOB.The primers for quantitative polymerase chain reactions(qPCR)for detection of AerAOB,NOB,and AnAOB were amoA-1F–amoA-2R (Rotthauwe et al.1997),NSR1113f–NSR1264r(Dionisi et al. 2002),and Amx818f–Amx1066r(Tsushima et al.2007),re-spectively.For bacterial amoA gene,PCR conditions were: 40cycles of94°C for1min,55°C for1min,and60°C for 2min.For the amplification of Nitrospira sp.16S rRNA gene, 40cycles of95°C for1min,50°C for1min,and60°C for 1min were used while for AnAOB16S rRNA the PCR temperature program was performed by40cycles of15s at 94°C and1min at60°C.Plasmid DNAs carrying NitrospiraTable1Effect of temperature decrease on the operational conditions and performance of OLAND RBC reactorPhase I II III IV V VI VIIPeriod(days)1–2122–3536–6162–210210–263263–274275–306 Immersion level(%)78787878557855 Temperature(°C)29±224±122±0.617±1.216±0.915±0.814±0.4 Operational conditionsDO(mg O2L−1) 1.1±0.2 1.3±0.2 1.4±0.1 1.7±0.3 2.8±0.4 2.4±0.2 3.1±0.2 pH(−)7.5±0.17.5±0.17.5±0.17.6±0.17.7±0.17.7±0.17.8±0.1 HRT(h) 1.85±0.04 1.84±0.09 1.73±0.04 1.86±0.11 1.09±0.02 1.57±0.02 1.09±0.02 FA(mg NL−1)0.35±0.180.36±0.180.34±0.140.36±0.130.25±0.160.33±0.170.13±0.04 FNA(μg NL−1)0.3±0.10.3±0.20.4±0.20.4±0.10.9±0.40.6±0.10.9±0.2 PerformanceTotal N removal efficiency(%)54±552±549±934±936±936±942±4 Relative NO3−prod(%of NH4+cons a)7±17±17±114±618±916±321±4 Relative NO2−accum(%of NH4+cons)2±43±45±515±530±826±631±5 AerAOB activity(mg NH4+–NL−1day−1)267±38267±49260±52260±53811±229460±44986±71 NOB activity(mg NO2–NL−1day−1)0±00±00±09±1260±9420±585±25 AnAOB activity(mg N tot L−1day−1)412±38403±37368±76248±67448±117305±74529±75DO dissolved oxygen,HRT hydraulic retention time,F A free ammonia,FNA free nitrous acid,cons consumption,prod production,accum accumulation,tot totala NH4+consumption is corrected for nitrite accumulationAppl Microbiol Biotechnoland AnAOB16S rRNA gene and AerAOB functional AmoA gene,respectively,were used as standards for qPCR.All the amplification reactions had a high correlation coefficient (R2>0.98)and slopes between−3.0and−3.3.Detailed reactor cycle balancesFor the measurements of the total nitrogen balance,including the NO and N2O emissions,the OLAND RBC was placed in a vessel(34L)which had a small opening at the top(5cm2).In this vessel,a constant upward air flow(around1ms−1or0.5L s-1)was generated to allow calculations of emission rates.On the top of the vessel(air outlet),the NO and N2O concentra-tion was measured,off-and online,respectively.NH3emis-sions were negligible in a RBC operated at about2mg NH3–NL−1(Pynaert et al.2003).Since FA levels in the currentstudy are about ten times lower,NH3emissions were not included.In the water phase,ammonium,nitrite,nitrate,hy-droxylamine(NH2OH),N2O,and COD concentrations were measured.Moreover,DO concentration and pH values were monitored.The air flow was measured with Testo425hand probe(Testo,Ternat,Belgium).Chemical analysesAmmonium(Nessler method)was determined according to standard methods(Greenberg et al.1992).Nitrite and nitrate were determined on a761compact ion chromatograph equipped with a conductivity detector(Metrohm,Zofingen, Switzerland).Hydroxylamine was measured spectrophoto-metrically(Frear and Burrell1955).The COD was determined with NANOCOLOR®COD1500en NANOCOLOR®COD 160kits(Macherey-Nagel,Düren,Germany).The volumetric nitrogen conversion rates by AerAOB,NOB,and AnAOB were calculated based on the measured influent and effluent compositions and the described stoichiometries,underestimat-ing the activity of AnAOB by assuming that all COD removed was anoxically converted with nitrate to nitrogen gas (Vlaeminck et al.2012).DO and pH were measured with respectively,a HQ30d DO meter(Hach Lange,Düsseldorf, Germany)and an electrode installed on a C833meter (Consort,Turnhout,Belgium).Gaseous N2O concentrations were measured online at a time interval of3min with a photo-acoustic infrared multi-gas monitor(Brüel&Kjær, Model1302,Nærem,Denmark).Gas grab samples were taken during the detailed cycle balance tests for NO detec-tion using Eco Physics CLD77AM(Eco Physics AG, Duernten,Switzerland),which is based on the principle of chemiluminescence.For dissolved N2O measurements,a1-mL filtered(0.45μm)sample was brought into a7-mL vacutainer(−900hPa)and measured afterwards by pressure adjustment with He and immediate injection at21°C in a gas chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector (Shimadzu GC-14B,Japan).Table2Effect of COD/N increase on the operational conditions and performance of OLAND RBC reactorPhase VIII IX X XI XII XIIIPeriod(days)355–361362–369370–374375–406407–421422–435 Immersion level(%)555555555555COD/N(-)0.51 1.5222 Feeding regime(pulsesh−1)222211 Operational conditionsDO(mg O2L−1) 2.9±0.3 2.5±0.6 2.4±0.3 3.0±0.7 3.6±0.3 3.2±0.3 pH(−)7.8±0.027.7±0.17.6±0.027.6±0.17.6±0.27.6±0.1 HRT(h) 1.06±0.11 1.03±0.020.92±0.020.94±0.05 1.10±0.05 1.06±0.2 FA(mg NL−1)0.10±0.050.04±0.050.15±0.050.21±0.100.23±0.120.04±0.02 FNA(μg NL−1)0.4±0.10.2±0.20.2±0.010.3±0.10.2±0.10.6±0.2 PerformanceTotal N removal efficiency(%)36±545±1823±328±623±1342±3 Relative NO3−prod(%of NH4+cons a)42±543±1263±250±662±1846±6 Relative NO2−accum(%of NH4+cons)20±410±105±18±37±413±6 AerAOB activity(mg NH4+–NL−1day−1)592±15446±31238±28352±73289±138600±204 NOB activity(mg NO2−–NL−1day−1)257±19294±81465±60352±84427±115394±76 AnAOB activity(mg N tot L−1day−1)385±86452±205262±39355±73281±159481±73COD removal rates were negligible in all phasesDO dissolved oxygen,HRT hydraulic retention time,F A free ammonia,FNA free nitrous acid,cons consumption,prod production,accum accumulation,tot totala NH4+consumption is corrected for nitrite accumulationAppl Microbiol BiotechnolResultsEffect of temperature decreaseDuring the reference period (29°C),a well-balanced OLAND performance (Fig.1;Table 1)was reached with minimal nitrite accumulation (2%)and minimal nitrate production (7%).This was reflected in an AerAOB/AnAOB activity ratio of 0.6(Table 1,phase I).The total nitrogen removal rate was on average 470mg N L −1day −1or 1314mg Nm −2day −1,and the total nitrogen removal efficiency was 54%.Decreasing the temperature from 29to 24°C and further to 22°C over the following 40days,did not result in anysignificant changes of the operational conditions (Table 1;phases I –III),performance of the reactor (Fig.1)or abun-dance of the bacterial groups (qPCR;Fig.S1in the ESM ).However at 17°C,a decrease in total nitrogen removal efficiency was observed (Table 1;phase IV).An imbalance between the AerAOB and the AnAOB was apparent from a stable AerAOB activity yet a declining AnAOB activity.Moreover,NOB activity was for the first time detected in spite of free ammonia (FA)and free nitrous acid (FNA)con-centrations did not change (Table 1;phase IV).Moreover,no significant differences in abundance of NOB,AerAOB,and AnAOB could be detected with qPCR (Fig.S1in the ESM ).However,DO concentrations started to increase during that period from 1.4to 1.7mg O 2L −1.As the availabilityofFig.1Phases I –VII:effect of temperature decrease on the volumetric rates (top )and nitrogen concentrations (bottom )Appl Microbiol Biotechnoloxygen through the liquid phase did not seem to be satisfac-tory to counteract the decrease in ammonium removal effi-ciency,the immersion level was lowered to55%to increase the availability of oxygen through more air-biofilm contact surface.Consequently,the volumetric loading rate increased (factor1.7)due to the decrease in reactor volume(day210, Fig.1).This action allowed higher ammonium removal effi-ciencies due to higher AerAOB activities(factor3).AnAOB activity increased with a similar factor as the volumetric loading rate(1.8compared with1.7)consequently resulting in an increased imbalance between these two groups of bac-teria(Table1;phase V).Moreover,although the FNA in-creased with a factor2,the NOB activity increased with a factor7,resulting in a relative nitrate production of30% (Table1;phase V).As NOB activity prevented good total nitrogen removal efficiencies,the immersion level was in-creased again to78%(day263;Fig.1).This resulted indeed in a lower NOB activity(Table1;phase VI).However,also the AerAOB activity decreased with the same factor,due to the lower availability of atmospheric oxygen.Therefore,the reactor was subsequently operated again at the lower immer-sion level(55%)to allow sufficient aerobic ammonium conversion.The latter allowed a stable removal efficiency of 42%.The AnAOB activity gradually increased to a stable anoxic ammonium conversion rate of529mg NL−1day−1. During the synthetic phase,no changes in AerAOB, AnAOB,and NOB abundance were measured with qPCR (Fig.S1in the ESM).The effluent quality was however not optimal as still high nitrite(around15mg NL−1)and nitrate (around13mg NL−1)levels were detected.Effect of COD/N increaseThe synthetic feed was gradually changed into pretreated sewage by diluting raw sewage and adding additional nitro-gen to obtain a certain COD/N ratio.During the first3weeks of this period(Fig.2),the COD/N ratio was gradually increased from0.5to2.Due to the short adaptation periods (1week per COD/N regime),the performance was unstable (Fig.2;Table2,phases VIII–XI).Compared with the end of the synthetic period(phase VII),operation at a COD/N ratio of2(phase XI)resulted in a sharp decrease in nitrite accu-mulation(Fig.2)and an increase in the ammonium and nitrate levels.This indicated increased NOB activity(factor 4),decreased AerAOB(factor3)and decreased AnAOB (factor2)activity(Tables1and2).To allow higher nitrogen removal rates,the HRT was increased from0.94to1.1h,by decreasing the influent flow rate.Moreover,the feeding regime was changed from two pulses of10min in1h to one period of20min/h.These actions did not significantly decrease the effluent nitrogen concentration(Fig.2)and did not influence the microbial activities(Table2,phase XII). Therefore the loading rate was again increased to the levels before phase XII.However,the single-pulse feeding wasmaintained.This resulted in high ammonium removal effi-ciencies and therefore low ammonium effluent concentra-tion around dischargeable level(4±1mg NH4+–NL−1; Fig.2).Nitrate and nitrite accumulation were not counter-acted by denitrification as only0.02mg CODL−1day−1wasremoved.Therefore,nitrite and nitrate levels were still toohigh to allow effluent discharge.The total nitrogen removalefficiency(42%)and rate(549±83mg NL−1day−1or1,098±106mgNm−2day−1)at COD/N ratios of2wassimilar as during the synthetic period(phase VII).Comparedwith the reference period at29°C,the total nitrogen removalrate did not changed significantly(470±43versus549±83mgNL−1day−1at high and low temperatures,respectively).The22%lowered removal efficiency was merely due to anincreased nitrogen loading rate.Nitratation and NO/N2O emissionsAt the end of the synthetic phase(phase VII)and the end ofthe experiment(phase XIII),the total nitrogen balance of thereactor was measured.A total nitrogen balance was obtainedby measuring all nitrogen species(NH4+,NO2−,NO3−,NH2OH,and N2O)in the liquid phase and N2O and NO inthe gas phase.A constant air flow,diluting the emitted N2Oand NO concentrations was created over the reactor tomeasure gas fluxes over time.The effect of the loading rate,feeding pattern,and concentration of nitrite and ammoniumon the total nitrogen balance in the reactor were tested(Table3).NH2OH measurements showed low concentra-tions(<0.2mg NL−1)in all tests,making it difficult to linkthe profiles with the N2O emission.Lowering the loading rate by increasing the HRT(Table3,test B)increased the DO values and allowed higherDO fluctuations over time at synthetic conditions.Moreover,NOB activity increased significantly resultingin lower total nitrogen removal efficiencies and high levelsof nitrate in the effluent(Table3,test B).The relative N2Oemissions did not change and were relatively high(6%of Nload).However,the concentration of N2O in the liquid andin the gas phase decreased with a factor2(Table3).When pretreated sewage was fed to the reactor,theOLAND RBC was operated at lower nitrite concentration,while similar ammonium and nitrate concentrations wereobtained(Table3,test C).The lower nitrite concentrationshowever did not result in lower N2O emission rates.Whenthe feeding regime was changed to a more continuous-likeoperation(4pulses/h),the N2O emission increased signifi-cantly,while NO emission remained constant(Table3,testD).Due to the lower ammonium removal efficiency(65compared with81%),but similar relative nitrite and nitrateaccumulation rate,the total nitrogen removal efficiencydecreased.Appl Microbiol BiotechnolWhen a nitrite pulse was added just after feeding,about 20mg NO 2−–NL −1was obtained in the reactor.This did increase the NO and N 2O emissions significantly (p <0.05)compared with the same feeding pattern (Table 3,tests C –E).Although similar constant total nitrogen removal efficien-cies were obtained during this operation,a significant (p <0.05)decrease in the relative nitrate production was observed.The latter was mainly caused by a global increase in AnAOB activity.In the last test (F),the influent ammo-nium concentration was doubled,leading to higher ammo-nium and also FA concentrations (1±0.4mg N L −1compared with 0.1±0.4mg NL −1).Due to overloading of the system,the total nitrogen removal efficiency decreased.However,at these conditions a lower relative nitrate pro-duction was obtained;due to a decrease in NOB and in-crease in AnAOB activity (Table 3,test F).Together with this,increased NO and N 2O emissions were observed.As the influence of the nitrogen loading and DO concentration could be considered minor in this test range (Fig.S2in the ESM ),these tests show a relation between increased NO emissions and decreased relative nitrate productions (Table 3).When the activity during the feeding cycle was studied in more detail,it could be concluded that the highest nitrogen conversion rates took place during the feeding period,which was characterized by a high substrate availability and high turbulence (Fig.3).As the HRT is only 1h,the reactor volume is exchanged in 20min.During this phase,ammo-nium increased,while nitrite and nitrate concentrations de-creased due to dilution (Figs.S3,S4,and S5in the ESM ).The NOB/AnAOB ratio was around 1,which means that NOB were able to take twice as much nitrite thanAnAOBFig.2Phases VIII –XIII:effect of COD/N increase on the volumetric rates (top )and nitrogen concentrations (bottom ).Data during the N balance tests (days 424–431)were not incorporated in the figure but are shown in Table 3Appl Microbiol BiotechnolTable 3Operational parameters and nitrogen conversion rates during the six different RBC operations which differ from feeding composition and feeding regime (volume at 2.5L and 50%immersion of the discs,days 307–309for synthetic feed,and days 424–431)Reactor phaseVII (synthetic)XIII (pretreated sewage)Test A a B C a D E -F Additive––––NO 2−NH 4+Feeding regime (pulses/h)221411Total N loading rate (mg NL −1day −1)1,1695851,3401,5541,7372,718Temperature water (°C)15±0.316±0.2*14±0.415±0.1*16±0.1*15±0.4DO (mg O 2L −1) 2.9±0.1 3.7±0.6* 4.0±0.1 3.2±0.1* 3.3±0.1* 3.2±0.1*pH (-)7.6±0.067.6±0.057.6±0.047.6±0.017.6±0.027.8±0.02*Ammonium out (mg NL −1)9±1 1.4±1*11±319±3*12±158±4*Nitrite out (mg NL −1)14±213±16±16±0.418±2*9±0.3*Nitrate out (mg NL −1)17±337±6*18±216±1*18±0.420±0.4NH 4+oxidation rate (mg NL −1day −1)895±22509±2*1,051±73957±891,053±161,285±93*Relative nitrite accumulation (%)25±320±1*14±315±18±4*15±1Relative nitrate production (%)36±876±6*48±147±342±2*34±3*Total efficiency (%)38±417±4*35±328±4*32±227±4*AerAOB activity (mg NH 4+–NL −1day −1)658±88469±17*827±44781±57795±30938±46*NOB activity (mg NO 2−–NL −1day −1)174±59299±28*375±38342±24*362±13277±18*AnAOB activity (mg N tot L −1day −1)205±3849±13*234±20218±29263±15*354±49*N 2O in liquid (μg NL −1)64±4630±22*78±12104±29*61±1374±4NO emission (mg Nday −1)0.53±0.03n.d.0.66±0.060.74±0.08 1.65±0.18*0.82±0.1*N 2O emission (mg Nday −1)151±2893±23*170±19179±6*274±37*202±18*%N 2O emission on loading5.1±1.06.4±1.6*5.0±0.64.5±0.2*6.2±0.8*3.0±0.3*aReference period for synthetic and pretreated sewage*p <0.05,significant differences compared with referenceperiod Fig.3Detailed NO/N 2Omonitoring during the reference test (Table 3,test C)and when nitrite was pulsed (Table 3,test E)and effect on AerAOB,AnAOB,and NOB activity during the different phases of the feeding cycle.Significant differences in AerAOB,AnAOB,NOB,and NO/N 2O concentration compared with the reference period areindicated with asterisks ,circles ,double quotation mark ,and plus sign ,respectivelyAppl Microbiol Biotechnol。

Unit one Environmental Engineering环境工程What is this book about?这本书是关于什么的?The objective of this book is to introduce engineering and science students to the interdisciplinary study of environment problems;their cause,why they are of concern,and how we can control them. The book includes:这本书的目的是使理工科的学生了解跨学科间的研究环境问题;它们的起因,为什么它们受到关注,以及我们怎样控制它们。
这本书包括:●Description of what is meant by environment and environmental systems描述环境和环境系统意味着什么●Information on the basic causes of environmental disturbances关于引起环境干扰基础原因的基本信息●Basic scientific knowledge necessary to understand the nature of environmental problems and to be able toquantify them理解环境问题本质,并能够定量计算它们所必要的基本科学知识●Current state of the technology of environmental control in its application to water,air and pollution problems目前适用于水,空气和环境污染问题的环境控制技术的现状●Considerable gaps in our current scientific knowledge of understanding and controlling many of the complexinteractions between human activities and nature我们目前的科学知识在理解和控制人类活动和自然之间复杂的相互作用的科学知识上存在相当大的缺陷●Many environmental problems which could be eliminated or reduced by the application of current technology,butwhich are not dealt with because of society’s lack of will to do so,or in many instance because of a lack of resources to do so.许多环境问题可以应用现有技术消除或减少,但没有得到处理是因为社会缺乏这样做的意愿,或者像许多例子那样因为缺乏资源。

有机化学 Organic Chemistry
分析化学 Analytical Chemistry
现代仪器分析 Modern Instrumental Analysis
现代波谱学 Modern Spectroscopy
化学计量学 Chemomtrics
激光与近代光学 Laser and Contemporary Optics
光电子技术 Photoelectronic Technique
微机系统与接口 Micro Computer System and Interface
智能仪器 Intelligent Instruments
高等无机化学 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
废水处理工程 Technology of Wastewater Treatment
生物与化学传感技术 Biosensors & Chemical Sensors
现代分析化学研究方法 Research Methods of Modern Analytical Chemistry
神经生物学 Neurobiology
动物遗传工程 Animal Genetic Engineering
光纤通信系统 System of Fiber Communications
计算机网络 Computer Networks
光电检测与信号处理 Optoelectronic Detection and Processing
物理光学与光电子技术实验 Experiments for Physical Optics and Op
固体物理 Solid-State Physics

污水处理专业英语翻译大全专有名词病毒细菌Campylobacteria Jejuni 弯曲菌Coliform-group bacteria 大肠菌群Corynebacterium 棒状杆菌属Cryptosporidium 隐孢子虫Escherichia Coli 大肠杆菌Dipterex 敌百虫Giardia 贾第鞭毛虫Legionella 军团菌Methanogenes 产甲烷细菌Norovirus 诺罗病毒Pathogen 病原菌(致病菌)Rydrogenes and acetic aid genes 产氢气乙酸菌自建字库A/A/O法 anaerobic-anoxic-oxic process (厌氧-缺氧-好氧法)A-A-O生物脱氮除磷工艺 A-A-O biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal process Activated sludge process 活性污泥法Adsorption 吸附Aeration 曝气Aerobinen bakteeri 需氧微生物A-O脱氮工艺 A-O nitrogen removal processA-O除磷工艺 A-O phosphorus removal processAB法Adsorption Biodegradation process (吸附生物降解法)ammonia-nitrogen 氨氮ammonium salt 铵盐amino acid 氨基酸Anaerobinen bakteeri 厌氧微生物A/O法(厌氧-好氧法) anaerobic-oxic processBackwater 回用水Biofilm 生物膜法Biological aerated 生物曝气BOD (Biochemical oxygen demand) 生物需氧量Campylobacteria Jejuni 弯曲菌Carrousel Oxidation ditch 卡鲁塞尔氧化沟(荷兰DHV1967研制)CAST回圈式活性污泥法(Cyclic Activated Sludge T echnology,简称CAST) Cesspool 污水池COD(chemical oxygen demand)化学需氧量Colloid 胶体Corrosion腐蚀Cryptosporidium 隐孢子虫Giardia 贾第鞭毛虫Escherichia Coli 大肠杆菌Eutrophication 富营养化Flocculation 絮凝Flotation 悬浮法= flotaatioHBR (high compound biological reactor)高效复合生物反应器Hydrogen sulfide 硫化氢= rikkivetykaasuICEAS间歇循环延时曝气系统(Intermittent Cycle Extended Aeration System)Ion Exchange 离子交换Legionella 军团菌Microbiology 微生物Nitragen氨化反应Norovirus 诺罗病毒Nutrients 营养物Orbal oxidation ditch奥贝尔(Orbal)型氧化沟ozone generator臭氧发生器ozonation process臭氧法ozone disinfection臭氧消毒Pathogen病原菌(致病菌)pathogen microorganism病原微生物primary treatment, 一级处理SBR序列间歇式活性污泥法(Sequencing Batch Reactor Activated Sludge Process)secondary treatment 二级处理Sedimentation tank 沉淀池Sewage 污水Sewage treatment 污水处理sewage treatment rate 污水处理率Suspended solids 悬浮物Tertiary treatment 三级处理Total a radioactivity总a放射线Unitank好氧生物污水处理法Wastewater 污水B巴登福脱氮除磷工艺Bardenpho nitrogen and phosphorus removal process白水(漂洗废水) white water(bleaching water)板框压滤 plate pressure filtration离心机 centrifugal machine半渗透膜 semi-permeable membrane棒状杆菌属 corynebacterium薄膜式淋水填料 film packing饱和常数(Ks) saturation constant暴雨公式 storm flow formula暴雨径流 storm runoff溢流井 overflow well苯 benzene苯胺 aniline总B放射性 Total B radioactivity泵型叶轮暴气器paddle impeller aerator泵站 pumping stationBMTS型一体化氧化沟 BMTS intrachannel clarifier oxidation ditch 闭路循环closed loop表面冲洗surface washing表面负荷surface load表面过滤surface filtration表面活性剂 surfactant表面活性物质 surface active additive agent表面曝气 surface aeration表面曝气器surface aerator表面淹灌 surface flood irrigation表面冲洗装置 surface washing facility丙烯酸acrylic acid丙烯腈acrylonitrile病毒virus病原菌(致病菌) pathogen病原微生物pathogen microorganismBOD-污泥负荷 BOD-sludge load补充水 make-up water布朗运动 Brownian movementBOD (Biochemical oxygen demand) 生物需氧量Campylobacteria Jejuni 弯曲菌Carrousel Oxidation ditch 卡鲁塞尔氧化沟(荷兰DHV1967研制)Cast活性污泥法之一Cintinuous Loop Reator,简称CLR连续环式反应池COD(chemicaloxygendemand)化学需氧量C财务评价 financial evaluation配水系统 distribution system侧渠型一体化氧化沟 integrated oxidation ditch with side ditch产氢气乙酸菌 Rydrogenes and acetic aid genes产甲烷细菌 methanogenes产率系数 yield coefficient常规给水处理工艺 conventional water treatment processes敞开式循环冷却水系统 opened recirculating cooling water system 超高纯水ultra-high-purify water超过滤 ultrafiltration超过滤膜法ultrafiltration membrane process沉淀 precipitation, sedimentation沉淀池 sedimentation tank沉砂池 grit chamber城市废水 municipal wastewater城市废水处理 municipal wastewater treatment澄清clalification可持续发展sustainable development充满度 degree of fullness重现期 exceedion interval, period of recurrence抽风式机械通风冷却塔 induced draft mechanical cooling tower臭氧发生器 ozone generator臭氧法 ozonation process臭氧消毒 ozone disinfection初次(级)沉淀池 primary clarifier, primary sedimentation tank除水器 drift eliminator除铁除锰 iron and manganese removal除盐水(脱盐水) desalted water,demineralized water除渣 desilication, silica removal除藻 algal removal除氟 algal fluorine穿透曲线 penetration curve活性污泥法 activated sludge process生物脱氮工艺 biological nitrogen removal process船型一体化氧化沟 Boat Type in intrachannel clarifier oxidation ditch 纯(富)氧曝气法 pure-oxygen aeration process磁凝聚 magnetic coagulation磁盘法 magnetic disk process磁过滤法 magnetic fierration process萃取extraction萃取剂 extractantD达西定律Darcy’s law大肠菌群 Coliform-group bacteria大气泡曝气装置 large bubble aerator代谢 metabolism带式过滤 belt press filtration]单级传统消化池 single-stage conventional digester单螺旋式曝气装置 single spiral aerator氮 nitrogen氮循环 nitrogen cycle蛋白质 protein倒虹管 inverted siphon低放射性废物 low-level radio active waste制浆废水 kraft mill wastewater敌百虫dipterex敌敌畏dichlorvos涤纶纤维 polyester fiber地表漫流系统 overland flow system(OF)地表水 surface water地面(表)水环境质量标准 environmental quality standard for surface water 地下滤场 underground filtration field地下渗漏 underground percolation地下渗滤系统 subsurface infiltration system地下水 groundwater人工湿地系统artificial(constructed) wetland再生水回流地下水质标准 water quality standard for recharging parified wastewater water into groundwater aquifer地下水位 underground water level淀粉生产废水starch producing wastewater点滴-薄膜式淋水填料splash-film packing点滴式淋水填料splash packing点污染源 point pollufion source电动电位 electromotance potential电镀废水 electroplating wastewater电极 electrode电解法 electrolytical process电流密度 eletronic density电渗析 electrodialysis电渗析器 electrodialyzer电晕放电 brush discharge动态年成本 dynamic annual cost动植物油 oil and grease对硫磷parathion多层床 multibed多环芳烃 polycyclic hydracarban多氯联苯 polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs)Dat-Ita 活性污泥法之一Decant 排水E二次(级)沉淀池secondary clarifier, secondary sedimentation tank二级处理secondary tratamentEceas 活性污泥法之一Escherichia Coli 大肠杆菌F乏燃料spent fuel反冲洗black washing反渗透(逆渗透)reverse osmosis反渗透法reverse osmosis process反渗透膜reverse osmosis membrane反硝化,脱氮denitrification防止腐蚀corrosion prevention纺丝spining纺织废水textile wastewater放射性半衰期radioactive half-life放射性废水处理radioactive wastewater treatment放射性排出物radioactive effluent非点源污染(面源污染)non-point source pollution非离子氨non-ionic ammonia废水处理wastewater treatment废水中和neutralization of wastewaters分离separation分流制separate system分流排水系统separated sewer system酚phenol焚烧incineration风吹损失windage loss风筒式冷却塔chimmey cooling tower封闭循环系统closed recirculation system氟化物fluoride辐射流沉淀池radial flow sedimentation tank浮盖式消化池floating-cover digester气浮flotation福斯特利帕除磷工艺Phostrip phosphorus removal process福列德克斯脱氮除磷工艺Phoredox nitrogen and phosphorus removal process 腐蚀corrosion富营养化eutrophication富营养化湖泊、水库eutrophic lake,eutrophic reservoirFlocculant 絮凝Gr射线 gamma rays甘蔗废水 sugarcane wastewater干化 drying干化床 drying bed冷却塔 cooling tower钢铁工业废水 iron and steel mill wastewater高纯水 ultrapure water高放废物 high-level radio active wastes高分子电解质 polymolecular electrolye高分子絮凝剂 polymolecular floc高负荷活性污泥法 high-loading activated sludge method高负荷生物滤池 high loading biological filter高炉煤气洗涤水 wastewater produced from scrubbing blast furnace top gas 高锰酸盐指数 potassium permanganate index高速消化池 high-rate digester高梯度磁分离器(HGMS) high grade magnegic separator高浊度水 high turbidity water格栅 bar screen隔板反应池 baffle reaction tank隔板式混合槽 baffle mixer隔油池 oil separator镉cadmium铬chromium给水泵站 water pumping station给水处理 water treatment给水网管系统 water supply system工业水处理与循环系统industrial water treatment and recirculation system 工业废水 industrial wastewater汞 mercury鼓风曝气 blast aeration鼓风式机械通风冷却塔 forced draft mechanical cooling tower固定螺旋式曝气装置 fixed spiral aerator景观、娱乐水体landscape and recreation waterbody管道接口 conduit joint给水配水系统 water supply piping distribution system 网管平差 balancing netwok罐头生产废水 Cannery wastewater硅藻土 cilicious marH海水淡化 demineralization of sea water含酚废水 phenol contained wastewater含水量moisture content含盐量saline capacity含油废水 oily wastewater旱流污水量(DWF) dry-weather flow好氧生物处理 aerobic biological treatment好氧塘aerobic pond好氧稳定 aerobic stabilization合成洗涤剂 synthetic detergent合成纤维 synthetic fiber合成纤维废水 synthetic fiber wastewater合成橡胶 synthetic rubber合流城市废水 combined municipal wastewater合流制排水系统 combined sewer system水体功能分类 waterbody function classification核能工厂 nuclear power station核燃料循环 nuclear fuel cycle核素nuclide冶金工业废水 metallurgical industry wastewater黑液 black liquor黑液除硅 sillica-elimination from black liquid虹吸滤池 siphon filter化学处理 chemical treatment化学工业 chemical industry化学吸附 chemical adsorption化学纤维 chemical fiber化学需氧量 chemical oxygen demand (COD)环状管网系统 grid pipe network system缓蚀 corrosion inhibition缓蚀剂corrosion inhibitor磺化煤sulfonated coal挥发酚volatile phenol回流比recycle ratio回流污泥率 return sludge ratio汇水面积 catchment area, collection area混合 mixing混合床 miced bed混合液挥发性悬浮固体 mixed liquor volatile suspended solids(MLVSS)混合液悬浮固体 mixed liquor suspended solids(MLSS)混凝 coagulation混凝沉淀 coagulation-sedimentation混凝剂 coagulant浑浊度 tubidity活化产物 activation products硅酸钠 sodium silicate活性剂 activator活性染料 active dye活性炭 activated carbon活性炭的再生 re-generation of activated carbon活性炭吸附 active carbon adsorption活性污泥activated sludge活性污泥法 activated sludge process活性污泥负荷 activated sludge loading活性污泥驯化 acclimation of activated sludgeIdle 闲置Legionella 军团杆菌Oxidation ditch 氧化沟, 又名连续循环曝气池(Continuous loop reactor)Ritilä格栅?SBR(Sequencing Batch Reactor Activated Sludge Process) 序列间歇式活性污泥法Settle 沉淀Unitank活性污泥法之一污水处理技术知识目前,国内外城市污水处理厂处理工艺大都采用一级处理和二级处理。

SBR的名词解释SBR是混凝土结构中常用的缩写,指代"Sequencing Batch Reactor",翻译为顺序批量式反应器。
1. SBR的工作原理和流程SBR技术基于容器内水处理的原理,是一种批量处理系统。
2. SBR技术的优点2.1 灵活性:SBR技术适用于不同规模和类型的污水处理,可以用于小型社区、工业园区和城市污水处理厂。
2.2 高效性:SBR技术采用了分阶段处理废水的方法,使得有机物、氮和磷等污染物的去除效率更高。
2.3 环保:SBR技术相对于传统的活性污泥法更加环保。
2.4 低运营成本:相比于其他废水处理技术,SBR技术的运营成本较低。
3. SBR技术在实践中的应用SBR技术广泛应用于国内外的污水处理和水质净化工程中。

纸业专业英语词汇翻译(B4)纸业专业英语词汇翻译(B4)纸业专业英语词汇翻译(B4)brown stock 粗浆,未漂浆brown stock chest 漂前浆池,粗浆池brown stock washers 漂前洗浆机browns 褐色包装纸bruise 压溃;分裂;捣碎bruising 挫击;压溃;分裂brush 毛刷brush coating 刷涂布brush dampener 刷式润湿器brush damper 毛刷湿润辊brush doctor 毛刷刮刀brush finish 刷装饰brush glazing 刷磨光brush mark 刷痕(纸病)brush molstening machine 毛刷润湿机brush out (纤维的)分离brush polish(ing) 刷磨光brush polishing machine 毛刷磨光机brush roll 刷辊brush smoothing 刷平辊brush wood 枝桠材;灌木条brushing machine 刷涂机brushless coating 无刷涂布brbble 泡沫;气泡brbble cap absorption tower 泡钟式吸收塔brbble coating 泡沫涂布brbble marks 气泡痕(纸病)brbble scrubber 泡沫洗涤塔brbble test 泡沫测定bubbling 冒泡,沸腾bucket conveycr 斗式提出升机bucket elevator 斗式提出升机buckeye(aesculus) 七叶树属bucking 弯曲,弯折bucking strength 浸渍强度;弯曲强度bud 发芽;接枝buffer 缓冲;缓冲剂;缓冲器buffer action 缓冲作用buffer solution 缓冲溶液buffring agent 缓冲剂buffing machine 磨光机building stone 结构基团,结构基石built-in strain 内部应变built-in stress 内部应力bulge resistance (纸板)抗破裂度bulging 膨胀;渗水bulk 松厚(度)bulk density 松厚密度;体积比重bulk factor 松厚率,松厚因子bulk bandling 散装处理bulk index 松厚指数bulk modulus 体积模数bulk storage 散装贮存bulkiness 松厚(性)bulking pressure 测松厚的压力ulking thickness 体积厚度;堆积厚度bulking value 松度值,松厚值bulky 松厚,庞大bull knotter 圆筒除节机bull screen 粗筛bunch tube flowbox 束管式流浆箱bundle 捆,扎,束bundling press 打包机buoyancy 浮力buret(te) 滴定管;量管,玻璃量杯burlap finish 布面装饰burner 燃烧炉burner gas 炉气burner liner 炉衬burning 燃烧,煅烧;黑煮burning of lime sludge 白泥煅烧burning point 着火点burning shrinkage 煅烧收缩burning zone 燃烧层burnisher 磨光机burnishing 磨光burnt 过干燥;煅烧的burnt chips 黑煮木片burnt cook 黑煮burnt lumber 灼烧木材,火烧木burr 刻石刀,刻石锉轮burr holder 刻石刀架burr lathe 刻石刀床burr number 刻石刀号码burring 刻石burring cycle 刻石周期burring device 刻石装置burring facilities 刻石装置burring schedule 刻石程序burst 破裂(度);耐破度burst factor 耐破因子burst index 耐破指数burst ratio 耐破比值burst tester 耐破度测定仪bursling pressure 耐破压力bursting strain 耐破应变bursting strength 耐破应力bursting test 耐破度测定bursting tester 耐破度测定仪bus 汇流条;导(电)条;总线bus converter 汇流变换器bush roll 刻刀石,锉轮business form 商业表格用纸butadiene 丁二烯butane 丁烷butcher's manila 肉食包装纸butcher's wrap 肉食包纸butt (树木)粗端butt end 平端头butt joint 对接butt swelling 环状润胀butted splice 对缝粘接butter carton 牛油包装纸盒butter wrap(per) 牛油包装纸butterfly nut 蝶形螺母butterfly valve 蝶形阀button 按钮button card 钮扣用卡纸button catycher 钮扣捕集器button specks 钮斑(纸病)button switch 按钮开关button trap 钮扣捕集沟buttonwood(platanus occidentalis l. 美国梧桐buttwood 环形材butvar resin butvar 施胶剂butyl acetate 醋酸(异)丁酯butyl alcohol 丁醇butyl group 丁基butyl rubber 异丁(烯)橡胶butyric acid 丁酸butyrite 丁酸脂butyryl group 丁酰基团by-pass (旁通)旁路;绕行by-pass valve 旁通阀by-product 副产品by-path 旁路,旁通bar coater 刮棒涂布机bead coater 液滴涂布机belflex coaterd belflex 辊式涂布机belt type cast coater 带式涂铸机bent blade coater 韧性(或软)刮刀涂布机blade coater 刮刀涂布机bracewell coater bracewell 喷雾涂布机brush coater 毛刷涂布机brus type double coater 刷式双面涂布机batch cooking 间歇蒸煮bisulfite cooking (酸性)亚硫酸盐法蒸煮bursting strength tester mullen 耐破度测定仪back-lining paper 书籍衬里纸backing paper 裱糊纸bag paper (纸)袋纸bag liner paper 衬里袋纸bagasse paper 蔗渣浆纸bakelite paper 浸渍绝缘纸bakelized paper 浸渍绝缘纸baling paper 单面沥青纸balloon paper 气球用纸bamboo paper 竹浆纸bandage paper 绷带纸bank paper 高级书写纸bank florpost paper 透明薄信纸banknote paper 钞票纸banquet table cover paper 餐桌纸barrier paper 抗渗透纸baryta paper 钡地纸baryta base paper 钡地原纸,照相原纸base paper 原纸bade tracing paper 描图原纸basewad paper (弹筒)装药用纸bast paper 韧皮纸bath paper 高级信纸battery paper 干电池用纸battery separator paper 电池隔膜纸battery pasting paper 蓄电池电极吸水纸battik paper 涂蜡装饰纸beaming paper 曲折纸板beer-filter paper 啤酒过滤纸between-lay paper 夹层纸bible paper 字典纸bibulous paper 吸水性纸张bill paper 帐目纸billboard paper 光泽广告纸billing machine paper 自动记录纸binder's paper 装订用纸biochargeable paper 生物纸biscuit paper 饼干包装纸biscuit cap paper 饼干包装纸bistered paper 蜡笔画纸bituminized paper 防潮纸,沥青纸black album paper 相册黑色衬纸black-bordered paper 黑边纸black line paper 黑线晒图纸black needle paper 黑色包针纸black photo paper 黑色相片纸black positive paper 黑色相片纸black print paper 黑线晒图纸black waterproof paper 防潮纸blackout paper 防空纸blade coated paper 刮刀涂布纸blank book paper 空白书籍纸blanket bag paper 毛毯袋用纸blanking paper 空白书籍纸blasting 弹药用纸blood proof paper 防血纸blotting paper 吸墨纸blue candle wrapping paper 蓝色洋蜡包装纸blue laid paper 蓝色书写纸blueing paper 蓝印纸blueprint paper 晒图纸board paper 扉页纸board glazed paper 单面光扉页纸bobbin paper 纱管纸;盘纸body paper 原纸bogus paper 仿制纸bogus drawing paper 仿图画纸bogus lining paper 仿衬里纸bogus pasting paper 仿裱糊纸bogus saturating paper 仿浸渍加工纸bond paper 证券纸;高级书写纸book paper 书籍纸book backing paper 书籍衬里纸book binder's paper 扉页用纸book cover paper 书皮纸book end paper 书籍扉页用纸book-keeping machine paper 记帐机用纸book lining paper 书籍衬里用纸book-match paper 火柴本用纸book printing paper 书籍纸booking paper 帐薄纸bottle labelling paper 瓶签纸bottle packing paper 瓶包装纸bottle wrapping paper 包瓶纸bowl paper 压光辊用纸box cover paper 纸盒糊面纸box enamel paper 纸盒糊面瓷釉纸brailleprinting) paper 盲文印刷纸bread bag paper 面包袋纸bristel 光泽纸brocade paper 锦纹纸,押印花纸brochure paper 小册子用印刷纸brlken paper 破损纸张bromide paper 溴素纸,照相放大纸bronze paper 金色纸brown print paper 棕色晒图纸brown wood paper 褐色磨木浆制的纸张brown wrapping paper 褐色包装纸brush (coated) paper 刷辊涂布纸brush enamel (led) paper 刷辊涂布纸bubble coated paper 泡沫涂布纸buff(ing) paper (制革用)磨光纸buff drawing paper 暗色绘图纸building paper 建筑用纸bulking (book) paper 松厚书籍纸bulky paper 松厚纸bunt paper 染色加工纸burlap lined paper 布纹纸burnished paper 高光泽纸burnished tin-coated paper 高光泽锡粉涂布纸burnt paper 染色加工纸butcher's paper 包肉纸butter paper 黄油包装纸butter parchment paper 黄油包装纸batch process 间歇方式,间歇方法beating process 打浆过程bersano process 磨浆法billerud process 亚硫酸氢钠两段蒸煮bio-oxidation process (废水处理)生物氧化法bisulfite process 亚硫酸盐法制浆bisulfite-soda process 亚硫酸氢钠法制浆bleaching process 漂白过程bradley process process process process process process process (亚硫酸钠废液)硫化物循环回收法bagasse pulp 蔗渣浆baled pulp 成捆浆板bamboo pulp 竹浆bisulfite pulp 亚硫酸盐纸浆bleachable pulp 易漂浆bleached pulp 漂白浆bleached chemicqal pulp 漂白化学浆bleached dissolving pulp 漂白溶解浆bleached kraft pulp 漂白牛皮浆bleached sulfate pulp 漂白硫酸盐纸浆bleaching pulp 漂白浆brown pulp 未洗硫酸盐浆;粗浆brown mechanical pulp 褐色磨木浆brown wood pulp 褐色磨木浆bisulfite pulping 亚硫酸氢盐法制浆brick 耐火砖bird saveall bird自动启动双鼓白水回收机bathroom tissue 浴巾纸,毛巾纸bct best convential pollutant cotrol technology最常用污染物控制技术的缩写bdmt bone dry metric tons绝干公吨的缩写bme bipolar membrane electro dialysis两极膜电透析的缩写bmp best management practices最优管理实践的缩写bod biochemical oxygen demand生化耗氧量的缩写bp boiling point沸点的缩写bpk bleached papergrade kraft and soda(生产)白纸用硫酸盐和荷性纳法浆的缩写bpt best practicable control technology最佳实用控制技术的缩写btu british thermal unit英热单位的缩写bw basis weight定量的缩写bahia sul 巴西“金鱼”牌漂白硫酸盐阔叶木浆bratsk 俄罗斯“布拉茨克”牌漂白硫酸盐针叶木浆,漂白硫酸盐阔叶木浆baikao 俄罗斯“贝加尔斯克”牌漂白与未漂白硫酸盐针叶木浆、化学溶解浆beiya realson 上海北亚瑞松贸易发展有限公司纸业专业英语词汇翻译(B4) 相关内容:。

life expectancy :耐用期限,平均寿命poverty-stricken :贫穷的,贫困的,贫乏的smog-laden air :烟雾弥漫的天空,烟雾缭绕的空气,阴霾天气global conditions :全球状况haves and have-nots :富人和穷人underprivileged :社会地位低下的,相对贫困的,生活水平低下的,弱势的savanna :热带大草原,稀树草原predator :食肉动物,捕食者environmental disruptions :环境破坏,环境失调农药—pesticide / agricultural chemicals (including: pesticide, germicide, herbicide)化肥—chemical fertilizer 有机废物—organic wastes微生物—microorganism / microbe 衰减—attenuation阻滞的—retardant / blocking 稀释—dilution添加剂—additive 合成塑料—synthetic plastic 再生—regenerationUnit 4Precision and accuracy 精确度和准确度bulk collection 大量的搜集matric material 基体材料ananlytical sequence 分析结果Multivariate statistics 多变量的统计interactive effect 相互间的影响insofar 在...的范围overall analytical scheme 整体分析计划灵敏度sensitivity 采样sample collection 真实时间real time样品欲处理pretreatment of the sample 稳定性stability曲线拟合curve-fitting 吸附adsorb adsorption 累积accumulate accumulation 分析评价analytical evaluation 物理分离physical separation因次图dimension graph 标准方差standard varianceUnit 5primary pollutant 一次大气污染物secondary pollutant 二次大气污染物air stagnation 空气流动停滞,大气停滞nitrous oxide 一氧化二氮(N2O)nitric oxide 一氧化氮(NO) nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮(NO2)soot 煤烟dust 灰尘smog 烟雾ozone 臭氧herbicide 除草剂pesticide 杀虫剂/ 农药正常浓度normal concentration 严重污染的serious polluted / heavily polluted决定因素determining factor 光化学氧化物photochemical oxidant液体微滴liquid droplet 放射性物质radioactive substance不完全氧化incomplete oxidization / incomplete combustion含硫的sulfur-containing 风化wind erosion / weathering 汽车尾气automobile exhaustUnit 7出口outlet 多管高效旋风分离器multitube high-efficiency cyclone合成纤维synthetic fabric 捕集效率collection efficiency机械洗涤mechanical scrubbing 压力降pressure drop焚化炉incinerator 气体离子gas ion捕集板collection surface 碳黑carbon black尾气off-gas 可应用性applicability 工业规模full-scale 土壤床soil bed生物过滤器biofilter 固定资本fixed capital 易生物降解的easily biodegraded VOC 挥发性有机化合物APC 大气污染控制Regulatory program 调整项目Financial support 财政支持Operating cost 操作成本Biodegradation capacity 生物降解能力Environmental media 环境介质Biological 生物学的Technologies 技术、工艺Inorganic air pollutants 无机大气污染物Unit 10treatment facilities 处理设备municipality 市政当局, 自治市population equivalent 人口当量basement flooding 地下室浸水per capita per day 每人每天runoff 排水domestic sewage 生活污水type of terrain 地形种类Unit 12land disposal 掩埋处置fecal coliform 粪大肠菌群stringent effluent requirement 严格的废水排放要求assimilation capacity 同化能力practical outlets 可行的排出途径,现实出路aquatic life 水生生物detrimental to human health 对人体健康有害的endogenous phase 内源〔生长〕期Unit 13flow monitoring 流量监测equipment age and reliability 装备老化及其可靠性mechanistic facilities 机械设备microbial activity 微生物活性activated sludge 活性污泥controlling respiration 控制呼吸oxidation ditches 氧化沟on-line automation 在线自动〔监测〕手动控制operator control/ manual control 最优化minimize the effects微处理器microprocessor 统计分析statistical analysis质量衡算mass balance 动力学dynamics氧化还原oxidation and reduction /redox 停留时间residence time模拟simulation 参数parameter 水解hydrolysis 积分integralUnit 1 环境工程本书的内容:本书的目的是使工科和理科学生对环境问题的跨学科的研究有所了解:环境问题的起因,环境问题受关注的原因,如何控制环境问题。

大学各专业名称英文翻译——理科SCIENCE理科 SCIENCE课程中文名称课程英文名称矩阵分析 Matrix Analysis面向对象程序设计方法 Design Methods of Object oriented Program李代数 Lie Algebra代数图论 Algebraic Graph Theory代数几何(I) Algebraic Geometry(I)泛函分析 Functional Analysis论文选读 Study on Selected PapersHoof代数 Hoof Algebra基础代数 Fundamental Algebra交换代数 Commutative Algebra代数几何 Algebraic GeometryHoof代数与代数群量子群 Hoof Algebra , Algebraic Group and Qua numb G roup量子群表示 Representation of Quantum Groups网络算法与复杂性 Network Algorithms and Complexity组合数学 Combinatorial Mathematics代数学 Algebra半群理论 Semigroup Theory计算机图形学 Computer Graphics图的对称性 Graph Symmetry代数拓扑 Algebraic Topology代数几何(II) Algebraic Geometry(II)微分几何 Differential Geometry多复变函数 Analytic Functions of Several Complex Varian les代数曲面 Algebraic Surfaces高维代数簇 Algebraic Varieties of Higher Dimension数理方程 Mathematics and Physical Equation偏微分方程近代方法 The Recent Methods of Partial Differential Equatio ns激波理论 The Theory of Shock Waves非线性双曲型守恒律解的存在性 The Existence of Solutions for Non-linea r Hyperbolic Conservation Laws粘性守恒律解的稳定性 Stability of Solutions for Viscous Conservation Laws微分方程数值解 Numerical Methods for Differential Equations小波理论与应用 Wavelet Theory and Application非线性方程组的数值解法 Numerical Methods for No-linear System s of Eq uations网络算法与复杂性 Network Algorithms and Complexity Graph Theory 60近世代数 Modern Algebra高等量子力学 Advanced Quantum Mechanics统计力学 Statistical Mechanics固体理论 Solid State Theory薄膜物理 Thin Film Physics计算物理学 Computational Physics量子场论 Quantum Field Theory非线性物理导论 Introduction to Nonlinear Physics固体磁性理论 Theory of Magnetism in SolidC语言科学计算方法 Scientific Computation Method in C功能材料原理与技术 Principle and Technology of Functional Materials 超高真空科学与技术 Science and Technology of Ultrahigh Vacuum 60现代表面分析技术 Modern Technology of Surface Analysis现代传感技术 Modern Sensor Technology数学模型与计算机模拟 Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations计算物理谱方法 Spectral Method in Computational Physics蒙特卡罗方法在统计物理中的应用 Applications of the Monte Carlo Method in Statistical Physics理论物理 Theoretical Physics固体物理 Solid-State Physics近代物理实验 Contemporary Physics Experiments计算物理基础 Basics of Computational Physics真空与薄膜技术 Vacuum & Thin Film Technology高等光学 Advanced Optics量子光学与统计光学 Quantum Optics and Statistical Optics光电子学与光电信息技术 Optoelectronics and Optoelectronic Information Technology图像处理与分析 Image Processing and Analysis光纤通信系统 System of Fiber Communications计算机网络 Computer Networks光电检测与信号处理 Optoelectronic Detection and Processing物理光学与光电子技术实验 Experiments for Physical Optics and Optoelec tronic Technology非线性光学 Nonlinear Optics集成光学 Integrated Optics光子学器件原理与技术 Principle and Technology of Photonics Devices 物理光学与信息光子学实验 Physical Optics & Information Photonics Expe riments现代激光医学 Modern Laser Medicine生物医学光子学 Biomedicine Photonics激光医学临床实践 Clinical Practice for Laser Medicine光纤通信网络 Networks of Fiber Communications光接入网技术 Technology of Light Access Network全光通信系统 All-Optical Communication Systems计算机图形学 Computer Graphics信息光学 Information Optics光子学专题 Special Topics on Photonics激光与近代光学 Laser and Contemporary Optics光电子技术 Photo electronic Technique微机系统与接口 Micro Computer System and Interface智能仪器 Intelligent Instruments高等无机化学 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry量子化学(含群论) Quantum Chemistry(including Group Theory)高等分析化学 Advanced Analytical Chemistry高等有机化学 Advanced organic Chemistry现代科学前沿选论 Literature on Frontiers of Modern Science and Techno logy激光化学 Laser Chemistry激光光谱 Laser Spectroscopy稀土化学 Rare Earth Chemistry材料化学 Material Chemistry生物无机化学导论 Bioinorganic Chemistry配位化学 Coordination Chemistry膜模拟化学 Membrane Mimetic Chemistry晶体工程基础 Crystal Engineering催化原理 Principles of Catalysis绿色化学 Green Chemistry现代有机合成 Modern organic Synthesis无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry物理化学 Physics Chemistry有机化学 organic Chemistry分析化学 Analytical Chemistry现代仪器分析 Modern Instrumental Analysis现代波谱学 Modern Spectroscopy化学计量学 Chemistries现代食品分析 Modern Methods of Food Analysis天然产物化学 Natural Product Chemistry天然药物化学 Natural Pharmaceutical Chemistry现代环境分析与监测 Analysis and Monitoring of Environment Pollution 现代科学前沿选论 Literature on Frontiers of Modern Science and Techno logy计算机在分析化学的应用 Computer Application in Analytical Chemistry 现代仪器分析技术 Modern Instrument Analytical Technique分离科学 Separation Science高等环境微生物 Advanced Environmental Microorganism海洋资源利用与开发 Utilization & Development of Ocean Resources立体化学 Stereochemistry高等发光分析 Advanced Luminescence Analysis激光光谱分析 Laser Spectroscopy Analysis保健食品监督评价 Evaluation and Supervision on Health Food s生物电化学 Bioelectrochemistry现代技术与中药 Modern Technology and Traditional Chinese Medicine高等有机化学 Advanced organic Chemistry中药新药研究与开发 Study and Exploitation of Traditional Chinese Medi cine药物化学研究方法 Pharmaceutical Chemical Research Methods废水处理工程 Technology of Wastewater Treatment生物与化学传感技术 Biosensors & Chemical Sensors现代分析化学研究方法 Research Methods of Modern Analytical Chemistry 神经生物学 Neurobiology动物遗传工程 Animal Genetic Engineering动物免疫学 Animal Immunology动物病害学基础 Basis of Animal Disease受体生物化学 Receptor Biochemistry动物生理与分子生物学 Animal Physiology and Molecular Biochemistry分析生物化学 Analytical Biochemistry学科前沿讲座 Lectures on Frontiers of the Discipline微生物学 Microbiology细胞生物学 Cell Biology生理学 Physiology电生理技术基础 Basics of Electrophysiological Technology 生理学 Physiology生物化学 Biochemistry高级水生生物学 Advanced Aquatic Biology藻类生理生态学 Ecological Physiology in Algae水生动物生理生态学 Physiological Ecology of Aquatic Animal 水域生态学 Aquatic Ecology水生态毒理学 Aquatic Ecotoxicology水生生物学研究进展 Advance on Aquatic Biology水环境生态学模型 Models of Water Quality藻类生态学 Ecology in Algae生物数学 Biological Mathematics植物生理生化 Plant Biochemistry水质分析方法 Water Quality Analysis水产养殖学 Aquaculture环境生物学 Environmental Biology专业文献综述 Review on Special Information分子生物学 Molecular Biology学科前沿讲座 Lectures on Frontiers of the Discipline植物学 Botany动物学 Zoology普通生态学 General Ecology生物统计学 Biological Statistics分子遗传学 Molecular Genetics基因工程原理 Principles of Gene Engineering高级生物化学 Advanced Biochemistry基因工程技术 Technique for Gene Engineering基因诊断 Gene Diagnosis基因组学 Genomics医学遗传学 Medical Genetics免疫遗传学 Immunogenetics基因工程药物学 Pharmacology of Gene Engineering 高级生化技术 Advanced Biochemical Technique基因治疗 Gene Therapy肿瘤免疫学 Tumor Immunology免疫学 Immunology免疫化学技术 Methods for Immunological Chemistry 毒理遗传学 Toxicological Genetics分子病毒学 Molecular Virology分子生物学技术 Protocols in Molecular Biology神经免疫调节 Neuroimmunology普通生物学 Biology生物化学技术 Biochemical Technique分子生物学 Molecular Biology生殖生理与生殖内分泌 Reproductive Physiology & Reproductive Endocrino logy生殖免疫学 Reproductive Immunology发育生物学原理与实验技术 Principle and Experimental Technology of Dev elopment免疫学 Immunology蛋白质生物化学技术 Biochemical Technology of Protein受精的分子生物学 Molecular Biology of Fertilization免疫化学技术 Immunochemical Technology低温生物学原理与应用 Principle & Application of Cryobiology不育症的病因学 Etiology of Infertility分子生物学 Molecular Biology生物化学 Biochemistry分析生物化学 Analytical Biochemistry医学生物化学 Medical Biochemistry医学分子生物学 Medical Molecular Biology医学生物化学技术 Techniques of Medical Biochemistry生化与分子生物学进展 Progresses in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 高级植物生理生化 Advanced Plant Physiology and Biochemistry拟南芥—结构与发育 Arabidopsis-Structure and Development开花的艺术 Art of Flowering蛋白质结构基础 Principle of Protein Structure文档从互联网中收集,已重新修正排版,word格式支持编辑,如有帮助欢迎下载支持。

1,Regulating Pool 调节池2, Pumping Station 提升泵房3, Anaerobic Tank 厌氧池4, Facultative Tank 兼氧池(翻译把兼氧好氧池分开了) 5, Aerobic Tank 好氧池6, Biochemical Sedimentation Tank 生化沉淀池7, Reaction Tank 反应池8, Physical and Chemical Sedimentation Tank 物化沉淀池9, Fan Room 风机房10, Sludge Pool 污泥池11, The Sludge Concentration Pool 污泥浓缩池12, Sludge Dewatering Room 污泥脱水间Cids 酸Process Flow Chart 工艺流程图Wastewater 废水Emission On Standard 达标排放Overflow Into The Regulating Pool 溢液进调节池Sludge transport污泥外运Biogas 沼气Agent 药剂Bar Screen格栅Returned Slude污泥回流Boiler Room 锅炉房Switching Room 配电室Add The Pharmacy 配药间Office Lab 办公化验室Legend 图例Filter Press 板框压滤机Temperature(温度)pH(pH值)BOD5 at 20°C(五日生化需氧量)Total nitrogen (as N)(总氮)COD (mg O2 /l)(化学需氧量)Total phosphorus (as P)(总磷)Suspended solids (悬浮物SS)Total ammonia (as N) (总氨氮)Oils, fats & grease (动植物油类)Phenols (酚类)Mercury (as Hg)(汞)Nickel (as Ni)(镍)Cobalt (as Co)(钴)Lead (as Pb)(铅)Antimony (as Sb)(锑)Tin (as Sn)(锡)Chromium (as Cr VI)(六价铬)Chromium (as total Cr) (总铬)Arsenic (as As)(砷)Cadmium (as Cd)(镉)Zinc (as Zn)(锌)Copper (as Cu)(铜)"Mineral oils (Interceptors)(物理处理出水矿物油)" "Benzene, toluene & xylene (combined)(苯、甲苯、二甲苯总量)"Mineral oils (Biological Treatment)(生物处理出水矿物油)""Organochlorine pesticides (as Cl) (有机氯农药)" "Mothproofing agents (as Cl) (防蛀剂)""Organophosphorus pesticides (as P) (有机磷农药)" Adsorbable organic halogen compounds (AOX)(可吸附有机卤化物Sulphide(asS)(硫化物)Color (dilution ratio)(色度稀释倍数)Particulate matter(粉尘)Volatile organic carbons (as C) (excluding formaldehyde)(挥发性有机碳,不包含甲醛)Formaldehyde(甲醛)Isocyanates (as NCO)(异氰酸酯)Cyanide(氰化物)Silver总银Manganese总锰Selenium总硒Benzopyrene苯并芘Aniline苯胺类Nitrocompound总硝基化合物Malathion马拉硫磷Dimethoate乐果Parathion对硫磷Parathion-methyl甲基对硫磷Pentachlorophenol五氯酚Trichloromethane三氯甲烷Tetrachloromethane四氯甲烷Trichloro ethylene三氯乙烯Tetrachloroethylene四氯乙烯Close Xylene邻–二甲苯Face Xylene对–二甲苯Space Xylene间–二甲苯Ethylbenzene乙苯Chlorobenzene氯苯1,4-Dichlorobenzene1,4–二氯苯P-nitrchlorobenzene对硝基氯苯"2,4-Dinitrochlorobenzene2,4–二硝基氯苯"Phenol苯酚Space Cresol间–甲酚2,4-Dichlorophen2,4–二氯酚"2,4,6-Trichlorophenol2,4,6–三氯酚""Phthalic acid Dibutyl ester邻苯二甲酸二丁酯""Phthalic acid Dioctyl phthalate邻苯二甲酸二辛酯"Acrylonitrile丙烯晴给排水常用名词中英文对照1、给水工程water supply engineering 原水的取集和处理以及成品水输配的工程。

RO的名词解释RO,即Reverse Osmosis的缩写,翻译为反渗透,是一种常用于净水和水处理过程中的技术。
1. 反渗透的原理反渗透技术的原理基于半透膜的作用。
2. RO技术的应用2.1 家用净水机RO技术被广泛应用于家用净水机中,用于过滤自来水中的污染物质。
2.2 商业和工业应用RO技术在商业和工业领域中也有广泛应用。
2.3 医疗应用RO技术在医疗领域中也扮演着重要角色。
3. RO技术的优势与劣势RO技术具有许多优势,其中一个是高效的过滤效果。
4. RO技术的发展趋势随着环境污染和水资源短缺问题的日益突出,RO技术在未来的发展前景广阔。
环境工程专业英语翻译Unit 10-16 (A4)

Unit 10 水污染与治理1854年英国伦敦爆发了大规模的流行性霍乱。

Pollution:环境污染相关英语词汇集锦污染物aerosols 气溶胶/ 气雾剂agricultural wastes 农业废物asbestos 石棉commercial noise 商业噪音composite pollution 混合污染dioxins 二恶英hazardous substances 危险物质hazardous wastes 危险废物heavy metals 重金属hospital wastes 医院废物industrial effluents 工业废水industrial emissions 工业排放物industrial fumes 工业烟尘industrial noise 工业噪声inorganic pollutants 无机污染物lead contamination 铅污染liquid wastes 液体废物litter 丢弃物/ 废气物mercury contamination 汞污染micropollutants 微污染物mining wastes 采矿废物motor vehicle emissions 机动车辆排放物municipal waste 城市废物nitrogen oxides 氮氧化物noise pollution 噪声污染odour nuisance 恶臭公害organic pollutants 有机物污染persistent organic pollutants 难降解有机污染物pharmaceutical wastes 医药废物plastic wastes 塑料废物radioactive substances 放射性物质rubber waste 橡胶废物sewage 污水solid wastes 固体废物thermal pollution 热污染toxic substances 有毒物质toxic waste 有毒废物toxins 毒素traffic noise 交通噪音trash 废物/ 垃圾wood waste 木材废料污染源biological weapons 生物武器cement industry 水泥工业chemical weapons 化学武器chimneys 烟囱motor vehicles 机动车辆motorcycles 摩托车nuclear weapons 核武器ocean dumping 海洋倾倒oil spills 石油泄漏scrap metals 废金属excavation heaps 挖掘堆积污染治理acoustic insulation 隔音chemical decontamination 化学污染清除desulphurization of fuels 燃料脱硫filters 过滤器noise abatement 噪音治理pollution abatement equipment 污染治理设备pollution control technology 污染控制技术radiation protection 辐射防护scrubbers 洗涤器separators 分离器smoke prevention 防烟waste minimization 废物最少化废物battery disposal 电池处理chemical treatment of waste 废物的化学处理disposal sites 处置场所incineration of waste 废物焚烧mine filling 矿山回填oil residue recuperation 残油回收radioactive waste management 放射性废物管理recycled materials 回收的材料recycling 回收reuse of materials 材料再利用sanitary landfills 卫生填埋sea outfall 海洋排泄口septic tanks 化粪池sewage disposal 污水处置sewage treatment systems 污水处理系统solid waste disposal 固体废物处置waste assimilation capacities 废物同化处置waste conversion techniques 废物转化技术waste disposal 废物处置waste disposal in the ground 废物土地处置waste recovery 废物回收waste use 废物利用water reuse 水的再利用环境保护词汇集锦与环境保护有关的词汇World Environment Day Themes 历年世界环境日主题2006世界环境日主题:“沙漠和荒漠化--莫使旱地变荒漠”2006 Deserts and Desertification-Don't Desert Drylands!中国主题:生态安全与环境友好型社会1974 Only one Earth 只有一个地球1975 Human Settlements人类居住1976 Water: Vital Resource for Life 水:生命的重要源泉1977 Ozone Layer Environmental Concern; Lands Loss and Soil Degradation; Firewood关注臭氧层破坏,水土流失1978 Development Without Destruction没有破坏的发展1979 Only One Future for Our Children - Development Without Destruction为了儿童和未来--没有破坏的发展1980 A New Challenge for the New Decade: Development Without Destruction新的十年,新的挑战--没有破坏的发展1981 Ground Water; Toxic Chemicals in Human Food Chains and Environmental Economics 保护地下水和人类的食物链,防治有毒化学品污染1982 Ten Y ears After Stockholm (Renewal of Environmental Concerns)斯德哥尔摩人类环境会议十周年--提高环境意识1983 Managing and Disposing Hazardous Waste: Acid Rain and Energy管理和处置有害废弃物,防治酸雨破坏和提高能源利用率1984 Desertification沙漠化1985 Y outh: Population and the Environment青年、人口、环境1986 A Tree for Peace 环境与和平1987 Environment and Shelter: More Than A Roof 环境与居住1988 When People Put the Environment First, Development Will Last保护环境、持续发展、公众参与1989 Global Warming; Global Warning警惕全球变暖1990 Children and the Environment儿童与环境1991 Climate Change. Need for Global Partnership气候变化--需要全球合作1992 Only One Earth, Care and Share只有一个地球--一齐关心,共同分享1993 Poverty and the Environment - Breaking the Vicious Circle贫穷与环境--摆脱恶性循环1994 One Earth One Family 一个地球,一个家庭1995 We the Peoples: United for the Global Environment各国人民联合起来,创造更加美好的未来1996 Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home 我们的地球、居住地、家园1997 For Life on Earth 为了地球上的生命1998 For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas 为了地球上的生命--拯救我们的海洋1999 Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It! 拯救地球就是拯救未来2000 2000 The Environment Millennium - Time to Act2000环境千年- 行动起来吧!2001 Connect with the World Wide Web of life世间万物生命之网2002 Give Earth a Chance 让地球充满生机2003 Water - Two Billion People are Dying for It! 水--二十亿人生命之所系2004 Wanted! Seas and Oceans - Dead or Alive? 海洋存亡匹夫有责2005 Green Cities - Plan for the Planet! 营造绿色城市,呵护地球家园中国主题:人人参与创建绿色家园联合国环境与发展大会(环发大会)United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)环发大会首脑会议Summit Session of UNCED联合国环境规划署United Nations Environment Programs (UNEP)国际生物多样性日International Biodiversity Day (29 December)世界水日World Water Day (22 March)世界气象日World Meteorological Day(23 March)世界海洋日World Oceans Day (8 June )人与生物圈方案Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme (UNESCO)中国21世纪议程China's Agenda 21中国生物多样性保护行动计划China Biological Diversity Protection Action Plan中国跨世纪绿色工程规划China Trans-Century Green Project Plan生物多样性公约Convention on Biological Diversity防治荒漠化国际公约Convention to Combat Desertification气候变化框架公约United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change国家环境保护总局State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA)坚持环境保护基本国策adhere to the basic state policy of environmental protection污染者负担的政策"the-polluters-pay" policy强化环境管理的政策policy of tightening up environmental management环保执法检查environmental protection law enforcement inspection限期治理undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time生态示范区eco-demonstration region; environment-friendly region国家级生态示范区(珠海)Nationally Designated Eco-Demonstration Region国家级园林城市Nationally Designated Garden City工业固体废物industrial solid wastes白色污染white pollution (by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics)可降解一次性塑料袋throwaway bio-degradable plastic bags放射性废料积存accumulation of radioactive waste有机污染物organic pollutants三废综合利用multipurpose use of three types of wastes(waste water, waste gas, solid waste)城市垃圾无害化处理率decontamination rate of urban refuse垃圾填埋场refuse landfill垃圾焚化厂refuse incinerator防止过度利用森林protect forests from overexploitation森林砍伐率deforestation rate水土流失water and soil erosion土壤盐碱化soil alkalization生态农业environment-friendly agriculture; eco-agriculture水资源保护区water resource conservation zone海水淡化sea water desalinization造林工程afforestation project绿化面积afforested areas; greening space森林覆盖率forest coverage防风林wind breaks防沙林sand breaks速生林fast-growing trees降低资源消耗率slow down the rate of resource degradation开发可再生资源develop renewable resources环保产品environment-friendly products自然保护区nature reserve野生动植物wild fauna and flora保护生存环境conserve natural habitats濒危野生动物endangered wildlife珍稀濒危物种繁育基地rare and endangered species breeding center美化环境landscaping design for environmental purposes环境恶化environmental degradation温饱型农业subsistence agriculture空气污染浓度air pollution concentration酸雨、越境空气污染acid rain and transboundary air pollution工业粉尘排放industrial dust discharge烟尘排放soot emissions矿物燃料(煤、石油、天然气)fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas清洁能源clean energy汽车尾气排放motor vehicle exhaust尾气净化器exhaust purifier无铅汽油lead-free gasoline天然气汽车gas-fueled vehicles电动汽车cell-driven vehicles; battery cars小排量汽车small-displacement (engine) vehicles温室效应greenhouse effect工业废水处理率treatment rate of industrial effluents城市污水处理率treatment rate of domestic sewage集中处理厂centralized treatment plant>> 译海拾贝>> 英语>> 矿产.资源.能源.环境环境词汇(T-V)tag 作标记; 标志tagged 标记的; 示踪的tagged molecule 标记分子; 示踪分子tail 峰尾; 谱带尾色谱技术tail assay 尾料分析; 尾气分析tail recession 尾水消退tailings 尾渣; 尾矿tailings pond 尾矿池; 尾水池tamper 干扰; 暗中破坏tanker 油轮; 油船; 油罐车; 油槽车Task Force on Low and Cold Emission Sources 低和冷排放源问题工作队tax allowances for anti-pollution investments 税率优待反污染投资tax differenciation (on petrol) 对石油的差别计税tax incentives 税率奖励tax relief 税捐减免taxa [pl. of taxon] 生物分类群TCP 热带气旋计划TDGC 危险货物运输规则TECEMO 气象学仪器和观测方法成本效率问题Technical Commission for Climatology 气候学技术委员会technical grade 工业级Technical Regulations 技术规则; 技术规范technological articles 技术论文technological hazard 工艺危害; 技术危害technological installations 技术设备technological items 技术物品; 技术产品technological line 技术生产线technological plastics 高级技术塑料; 工艺塑料technological requirements 技术要求; 技术规格technological state of the art 最先进技术水平technology 技术; 工艺学telemetry 遥测技术Television Infrared Observational Satellite (Tiros) 电视红外观测卫星tellurium compounds 碲化合物temperate forest biosphere 温带森林生物层temperature inversion 逆温temperature lapse rate 温度直减率temperature stratification 温度分层; 热结层temperature, salinity and current report 温度含盐量及海流观测报告; 温盐流报告temporal resolution 时间分辨率temporal trend 时间趋势tentative standard 暂行标准teratogen 致畸物导致畸形胎儿的物质teratogency 产生畸形terrain 地形; 地面; 地区terrestrial biota 陆地生物terrestrial non-thermal-continuum radiation 地球非热连续辐射terrestrial radiation 地球辐射tertiary treatment 废水的三级处理TESAC 温度含盐量及海流观测报告; 温盐流报告test bed 试验台test cycle 试验阶段; 试用期test observatory 试验性观测台test procedures 试验程序test run 试运转; 试车tetrachlorethylene (Cl2C=CCl2) 四氯乙烯tetrachlorodifluoroethane (C2Cl4F2) 四氯二氟乙烷tetrachloroethylene 四氯乙烯tetrachloromethane 四氯甲烷tetrafluorodichloroethane 四氟二氯乙烷tetrafluoromethane (CF4) 四氟甲烷TFAP 热带森林行动计划thallium 铊thalweg 深泓线; 谷底线; 剖面线thematic map 专题地图Thematic Mapper (TM) 专题成像仪thermal adjustment time 热响应时间thermal belt 高温带; 绿化地带thermal capacity 热容量thermal discharge 排热; 散热thermal efficiency 热效率thermal expansion (of the Oceans) 海水的热膨胀thermal fluid 热流体thermal image 热像; 热影像thermal infrared spectrum (TIR) 红外热光谱thermal input 热输入thermal inverson 逆温thermal lag (of the oceans, of the Earth) 海洋或地球的热滞后thermal load 热负荷thermal losses 热量损耗; 热耗thermal plume 热卷流thermal pollution 热污染thermal stratification 温度分层; 热结层thermal zone 高温带; 绿化地带thermally unstable substance 热不稳定物质thermocline 温跃层; 斜温层thermodynamic model of climate 气候的热力学模式thermohaline circulation of the ocean 海洋的温盐环流thermopause 热层顶thermoplastic polymer mixtures 热塑性聚合混合物thermoplastic resins 热塑性树脂thermoplastics 热塑性塑料thermosets 热固性材料thermosetting resins 热固性树脂thermosphere 热层thickness of the ozone layer 臭氧层的厚度thindown 逐渐变弱; 逐渐稀薄thin-layer chromatography 薄层色谱法thinner 稀释剂; 冲淡剂thinning of the Arctic icecap 北极冰盖逐渐变薄thinning of the ozone layer 臭氧层逐渐变薄thio 硫; 硫代thiol 硫醇threatened species 受威胁物种three-membered ring 三元环; 三原子环three-way catalytic converter 三元催化排气净化器threshold dose 阈剂量; 最低有效剂量threshold for injury 造成伤害的阈值; 造成伤害的最低限值threshold limit value (TLV) 阈限值; 最低限值threshold value 阈值throughfall 贯穿降水量; 净降水量tidal energy 潮汐能tidal waterway 感潮水道; 潮汐航道; 感潮河道tidal wave 潮波; 潮汐波; 海啸; 地震或风暴潮所引起的异常高潮位tide flow 潮流tide gauge 验潮仪; 潮位水尺tide station 验潮站; 潮位站tide theory 潮汐理论tide-gauge station 验潮站; 潮位站tideline 涨潮线tilth 耕作; 耕层; 耕性timber 木材; 木料timber forest 用材林; 乔林timber line 树木线; 森林线time belt 时区time of occurrence 发生时刻; 潜伏期Time Series of Ocean Measurements (TSOM) 海洋测量时间序列time step 时步; 时间步长time trend 时间趋势time zone 时区time-averaged anomalies 异常的时间平均值time-scale 时标; 时间尺度time-series 时间序列; 时间先后次序time-space distribution (of ozone) 臭氧的时空分布time-to-death 致命时间timing modification 更改正时TiO2 TiO2 二氧化钛; (一般不译)tip burn on leaf 叶尖枯萎tipping 倾弃tipping bucket raingauge 翻斗式雨量计tipping site 垃圾场; 倾置场TIR 红外热光谱Tiros 泰罗斯卫星; 电视红外观测卫星Tiros Operational V ertical Sounder 泰罗斯业务垂直探空器titanium dioxide (TiO2) wastes 二氧化钛废料titrant 滴定剂; 滴定用标准液TLm 半数耐受水平TLV 阈限值; 最低限值to control chemicals 控制化学品; 管制化学品to control emissions 控制排放; 管制排放to counteract environmental degradation 阻止环境的退化; 减轻环境的退化TOC 有机碳总量TOD 总需氧量TOGA热带海洋与全球大气实验计划Tokyo Conference 东京会议tolerance 容许; 许可tolerance 忍受; 耐受TOMS 臭氧总量绘图系统top 树梢topical action 局部作用top-of-the-atmosphere fluxes 大气顶部通量topographic pattern 地形图形; 地形类型topsoil 表土; 耕层Toronto Conference 多伦多会议torr 托(一毫米水银柱高的气压)total airborne fraction 污染物在大气中的总份额total chlorine (or nitrogen) 氯或氮的总量total cloud cover 总云量; 云的覆盖总量total column ozone depletion 臭氧气柱消耗总量total deposition 沈积总量total dissolved solids 溶解固体总量total exchange capacity 交换总容量total head 总水头; 总能头total nitrogen 氮的总量total organic carbon (TOC) 有机碳总量total oxidant 氧化剂总量total oxygen demand (TOD) 总需氧量total ozone column 臭氧气柱总量total ozone content 臭氧总含量total ozone deviation 臭氧总量离差Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) 臭氧总量绘图系统total ozone oscillation 臭氧总量振荡; 臭氧总量起伏total ozone unit 总臭氧单位total radiation 全辐射; 总辐射total soil water potential 土壤水总潜力total sulphur 硫的总量total suspended particulates (TSP) 悬浮微粒总量total suspended solids (TSS) 悬浮固体总量TOVS 泰罗斯业务垂直探空器toxic chemical 有毒化学品toxic concentration low 低毒性浓度toxic dose low 低毒性剂量toxic rain 毒雨toxicant 毒; 毒素; 毒物; 毒剂; 毒药; 有毒的toxicant monitoring 毒物监测toxicity assessment 毒性评价toxicity elimination 消除毒性; 清除毒性toxicity emission factor 毒性排放系数toxicity hazard zone 毒性危害区; 毒性风险区toxicity index 毒性指数toxicity limit 毒性极限; 毒性阈值toxicity mode 毒性类; 毒性型toxics 毒物; 毒剂TPPs 三聚二缩磷酸盐或酯trace analysis 痕量分析trace element 痕量元素trace gas 痕量气体; 微量气体tracer 示踪剂tracer dilution technique 示踪剂稀释技术tracer solution 示踪剂溶液track of a cyclone 气旋路径tracking 追踪; 跟踪tradable emission rights 可以转让的排放权trade mark 商标trade name 商名; 商品名trade winds 信风; 贸易风trade-off 交易; 交换; 权衡; 折衷traffic pollution 交通污染trajectory model 轨迹模式trans-atmospheric pollution 越界空气污染trans-border disposal (of hazardous wastes) 危险废物的越界处理transboundary air pollution 越界空气污染transboundary movement 越境转移transboundary waters 越界水域; 跨越国界水域transfer of a pollutant 污染物的转移transfer rate 转移率; 输送率transfer station 转移站transformation rate 转化率(原生污染物转化为次生污染物的速度) transient 瞬变的; 瞬时的; 短暂的transient flow 瞬变流动; 不稳流动transient tracers in the ocean (TTO) 海洋中的瞬变示踪剂transit State 过境国transition lake 转变中的湖泊湖水从中性转变成酸性transition phase 转变阶段; 过渡阶段transmissible 可传染的; 传染性的transport 输送; 运输; 迁移transport (of a pollutant) in soil 污染物在土壤中的迁移transport model 迁移模型transport of a slick 浮油的迁移transport rate 输送率; 转移率Transportation of Dangerous Goods Code 危险货物运输规则transportation source 交通污染源trap 收集器; 阱trapped air (in old ice) 古冰气泡中的空气trap-test 收集性能试验travel 移动; 迁移; 漂移; 飘移travel 移动; 迁移; 漂移; 飘移travel time 迁移时间travelling standards 巡检用标准仪器treatment plant 处理厂treatment sludge 污水污泥tree belt area 保护林带区tree breeding 树苗育种tree cover 林木植被tree line 森林线; 树木线tree savanna 稀树干草原tree surgery 树木外科术tree-ring 树木年轮tree-ring climatology 年轮气候学tribromomethane (CHBr3) 三溴甲烷tributyl tin chloride 三丁基氯化锡trichloroethene 三氯乙烯trichloroethylene (CHCl=CCl2) 三氯乙烯trichlorofluoromethane (CCl3F) 三氯氟甲烷trichloromethane (CHCl3) 三氯甲烷; 氯仿trichloromonofluoromethane 三氯氟甲烷trichlorotrifluoroethane 三氟三氯乙烷trickling filter 滴滤池; 散水滤床trifluorochloromethane 三氟氯甲烷trifluoromethane (CHF3) 三氟甲烷triol 三醇triphenylmethylphosphonium bromide 溴化三苯甲基triple superphosphate (TSP) 三过磷酸钙tripolyphosphates (TPPs) 三聚二缩磷酸盐或酯tritium 氚trivial name 俗名trophic factors 营养因子tropical belt 热带tropical cyclone 热带气旋tropical cyclone landfall 热带气旋登陆地气象预报项目Tropical Cyclone Programme (TCP) 热带气旋计划tropical cyclone-prone area 易于受热带气旋侵袭地区Tropical Forestry Action Plan (TFAP) 热带森林行动计划Tropical Forestry Action Programme 热带森林行动计划tropical rain forest 热带雨林tropical storm 热带风暴Tropical Wind Observation System (TWOS) 热带风观测系统tropics 热带tropopause 对流层顶troposphere 对流层tropospheric chemistry 对流层化学tropospheric lifetime 在对流层停留时间tropospheric ozone 对流层臭氧tropospheric ozone pollution 对流层臭氧污染tropospheric ozone station 对流层臭氧观测站tropospheric residence time 在对流层停留时间trough 低压槽; 槽形低压true resin 真树脂; 天然树脂true specific gravity 绝对比重; 密度turbid 浑浊的turbidimeter 浑浊度计turbidity 浑浊度turbidity 浑浊度; 含沙量turbo(-)charged engine 涡轮增压发动机turbopause 湍流层顶turbulance 湍流; 湍动性turbulent diffusion 湍流扩散turbulent diffusion model 湍流扩散模式turbulent exchange 湍流交换turbulent flow 湍流two-dimensional (paper) chromatography 两向纸色谱法type-approval inspection 定型检查typhoon 台风typical odour 典型气味ultraviolet (solar) radiation (UVR) 紫外太阳辐射ultraviolet A radiation (UV A) 紫外线A波段; 长波紫外线ultraviolet B radiation (UVB) 紫外线B波段; 中波紫外线ultraviolet C radiation (UVC) 紫外线C波段; 短波紫外线ultraviolet range 紫外线波长范围UN class .. 联合国危险货物分类第..类unburnt solids 未燃固体uncertainty 不确定性; 不可靠性; 不精确度uncompacted tip 不压实的垃圾场unconfined groundwater 自由地下水; 无压地下水unconfined water 自由地下水; 无压地下水uncontrolled clearance 无节制地采伐森林; 无节制地清除uncontrolled dump 没有管理的垃圾场uncontrolled emissions 无节制地排放uncontrolled tipping 无节制地倾弃uncontrolled vehic le 未装废气净化装置的车辆under nitrogen blanket 在氮气层之下undercurrent 潜流; 底流underflow 地下水流; 冰下水流underflow 潜流; 底流underground flow 地下水流; 渗流underprediction 预测偏低understocked 立木度不足的uneven-aged forest 异龄林uniform flow 均匀流; 等速流uniform hazard 均匀危险因素; 均匀风险unintentional poisoning 事故性中毒unit discharge 流量模数; 单宽流量unit of ozone 臭氧单位United Nations Conference on Environment and Development 联合国环境与发展会议(环发会议)United Nations serial number 联合国产品编号United Nations Water Conference 联合国水事会议United States Environment Protection Agency 美国环境保护局; 环保局unlawful dumping 非法倾弃unleaded 无铅的; 未加铅的unlined landfill 非密封性垃圾填埋unmanaged ecosystem 没管理的生态系统unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) 未增塑聚氯乙烯unplasticized PVC 未增塑聚氯乙烯unreactive hydrocarbons 惰性烃; 惰性碳氢化合物unsafe water 不卫生的水unsatisfactory landfill 不合格的垃圾掩埋场unsaturated air 不饱和空气unsaturated derivative 不饱和衍生物unsaturated zone 不饱和带; 非饱水带; 包气带unstable atmosphere 不稳定大气unsteady flow 不稳定流; 非恒定流unsteady wind 不稳定风; 不稳定气流unstocked 无立木的upkeep 保持良好状态; 保养; 维持upper air 高层空气; 高空upper atmosphere 高层大气Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite 高层大气研究卫星upper layer of the oceans 海洋上层upper mid-latitude 北半球中纬度upper ocean 海洋上层upper stratosphere 平流层上部upper troposphere 对流层上部upper wind 高空风; 高空气流upper-air (sounding) station 高空探测站upper-air data 高层大气资料upper-air network 高层大气监测网upper-air wind 高空风; 高空气流uppermost levels of the atmosphere 大气的最高层; 大气的最上层up-slope wind 上坡风uptake 摄取; 吸收uPVC 未增塑聚氯乙烯upward (total) radiation 向上全辐射upward flow chromatography 上向流色谱法upward ozone transfer 臭氧的向上输送; 臭氧的上升输送upwelling 涌升upwind wind source of pollution 逆风污染物urban (ambient) air quality 城市环境空气质量urban climatology 城市气候学urban motor vehicle traffic 城市汽车交通; 城市机动车辆交通urban runoff 城市径流urbane solid waste 城市固体废物urea formaldehyde resin 脲醛树脂user charges 使用费user requirements 使用者需要usual name 常名; 俗名utilities 公用事业utilities cost 公用事业费用; 公用事业开支utility boiler 电站锅炉UVR 紫外太阳辐射vacuum distillation 真空蒸馏vacuum insulation 真空绝缘vacuum suction-drainer vehicle 真空吸水排水车vacuum sweeper 真空吸尘扫街车vagaries of climate 变化无常的气候; 多变的气候value 值vapour degreasing 蒸气清除油脂法; 蒸气脱脂法vapour pressure 水汽压力; 蒸气压力vapour recovery unit (VRU) 蒸气回收装置vapour release rate 蒸气释放速率variable wind 不定风variation of water level 水位变化varied flow 变速流; 非均匀流vascular plant species 维管束植物VC(M) 单体氯乙烯vector breeding site 传病媒介繁殖地vector control 传病媒介控制vector-borne disease 媒传疾病; 媒介传播疾病vegetal invaison of waters 水草在水体中大量繁殖vegetation belt 植被带vegetation cover 植被vegetation monitoring 植被监测vegetative cover 植被vegetative season 植物的生长季节vehicle manufacturer 车辆制造商; 车辆制造厂vehicle size 车辆大小vent (hole) 通风孔; 排气孔; 通气空vent air filter system 通风空气过滤系统ventillated gas 通风气体venting 通风; 透气; 排气; 风干verdant zone 无霜带versus (vs.) 对; 对于; 相对于vertical circle 地平经圈; 垂直圈仪vertical column 大气气柱vertical distribution of ozone 臭氧的铅直分布vertical gradient of pollutant 污染物的铅直梯度vertical profile of ozone 臭氧铅直分布图vertical structure of atmosphere 大气的铅直结构vertical temperature gradient 温度铅直梯度vertical transfer 铅直输送vertical transport coefficient 铅直输送系数verticql temperature profile radiometer 温度铅直廓线辐射仪very high resolution radiometer (VHRR) 甚高分辨辐射仪very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) 甚长基线干涉测量Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer 保护臭氧层维也纳公约Vienna Convention on Fluorochlorohydrocarbons 关于含氯氟烃的维也纳公约Vienna Group 维也纳小组Villach Conference 关于气候变化和致温室效应气体问题的菲拉赫会议vinyl chloride (monomer) (VC(M)) 单体氯乙烯vinyl ether 乙烯醚; 二乙烯基醚vinyl trichloride (CHCl2CH2Cl) 1,1,2-三氯乙烷violator 违犯者virtual point source 虚拟点污染源; 理论点源visbreaking 减低粘度; 减粘裂化; 减粘轻度裂化visible 可看见的; 能见的; 显而易见的; 宏观的visible and infrared spin-scan radiometer (VISSR) 可见光和红外自旋扫描辐射仪visible radiation 可见光辐射VOC control technology 挥发性有机化合物控制技术VOC emission inventory 挥发性有机化合物排放物清单volatile 挥发性的; 易挥发的volatile organic compound 挥发性有机化合物volatile organic compounds (VOCs) 挥发性有机化合物volcanic ash cloud 火山灰云volume of pollutants 大量污染物volume of surface runoff 地面径流总量V oluntary Assistance Programme (V AP) 自愿援助计划voluntary observing ship (VOS) 自愿观测船vortex 涡旋vortex breakdown 涡旋崩解vulnerability analysis 弱点分析vulnerable to pollution 易受污染损害的译海拾贝资源共享首页| 免费发布工作| 寻找翻译| 寻找工作| 互助在线翻译| 我的资料| 翻译工具| 译海拾贝| 在线词典| 消息中心| 翻译论坛| 网站帮助|译心译意>> 译海拾贝>> 英语>> 矿产.资源.能源.环境环境词汇(R-S)作者:minjieabc 来源:翻译中国发布时间:2006-10-13 类型:转载点击数:25radiance 辐射率radiation accident 放射性事故radiation balance 辐射平衡; 辐射差额radiation climate 辐射气候radiation damage 辐射线损伤radiation data 辐射数据; 辐射资料radiation level 辐射水平; 辐射强度radiation medicine 放射医学; 辐射医学radiation standards 辐射标准radiation station 辐射观测站radiative code 辐射数据编码radiative effect 辐射效应radiative properties (of gases) 气体的辐射特性radiative transfer 辐射传输radiative transfer code 辐射传输规律radiatively active gas 影响辐射效应气体; 对辐射产生效应的气体radiatively important gas (RIG) 对辐射产生重要效应的气体radical 基; 根; 原子团; 游离基; 自由基radicular system absorption 根系吸收radioactive half-life 放射性半衰期radiobiology 放射生物学; 辐射生物学radioecology 辐射生态学; 放射生态学radionuclides 放射性核素radiosonde 无线电探空仪radiosonde observation (raob) 探空观测radiosounding 无线电探空radiowind 无线电测风radon 氡rain forest 雨林rain free period 无雨期; 干季rain recorder 雨量记录器rain sampler 雨水取样器; 降水收集器rain(-)fed agriculture 靠雨水浇灌的农业; 雨浇农业rain(-)fed farming 靠雨水浇灌的农业; 雨浇农业rain(-)gauge data 雨量计资料rain(-)out 云中的尘埃被形成云的水滴清除rain(-)out wash(-)out 雨水冲洗; 大气中的尘埃被雨水清除rainfall 雨量; 降雨rainfall amount 雨量rainfall regime 雨量型rainfall season 雨季raingauge 雨量器; 雨量计rain-producing system 致雨系统ram jet 冲压式喷气发动机range finding 测距rangeland 牧场; 牧地; 靶场raob 探空观测rapidly developing disasters 急剧恶化的灾害; 急剧恶化的事故rare earth metals 稀土金属rare taxa 稀有分类群rate 率; 速率; 速度rate of (ozone layer) depletion 臭氧层的消耗速率rate of climate change 气候变化率; 气候变化速度rate of deposition 沈积速率rate of discharge 排放速率; 倾卸速度rate of emission 排放速率rating 校准; 定标rationalization of hunting crops 狩猎的合理化ravine erosion 峡谷侵蚀raw radiance 原始辐射率raw refuse 未经任何处理的垃圾; 原始垃圾raw sewage 原污水; 未经任何处理的污水rawin 无线电测风仪RBC 生物转盘reactant 反应物; 反应剂reaction time 反应时间reactive gas 活性气体reactive hydrocarbon (RHC) 活性烃reactivity 反应性; 反应作用; 反应速度reading 读数re-affoestation 重新造林; 再造林reagent 反应物; 试剂reallocation (of halons) 哈龙的转产reawaking (of a volcano) 火山的复活recapture of CFCs 含氯氟烃的回收receiving area 承受面积receiving waters 承受水体; 承受水域receptor area 受体面积; 接受面积recession 退水; 消退recession discharge 消退排放量; 枯竭排放量recgarge area 地下水补给区recirculation (of gas) 气体的回流; 再循环; 重复循环reclaim 土地的开垦; 改良; 回收reclaimable waste 可再利用废物; 可回收废物reclaimed quarry 可回收碎石; 可再使用碎石reclamation 回收; 开垦; 改良; 驯化recommended exposure limit 建议的曝露极限; 建议的曝露限值record flood 创记录的洪水record of discharge 排放记录recording gas analyser 自计气体分析器recording rain gauge 自计雨量器; 自计雨量计recovery (of the ozone hole) 臭氧层空洞的复原recovery of CFCs 含氯氟烃的回收recovery of service station vapour 加油站蒸气的回收recovery period 复原期间recovery phase 复原阶段; 复原期间recovery plant 资源回收厂; 回收车间recruits 幼鱼recycling of CFCs 含氯氟烃的重复使用red mud 红泥red tide 红潮; 赤潮redesign 重新设计redevelopment of landfill sites 垃圾填埋地的重新整修redox potential 氧化还原电势; 氧化还原电位势reduced nitrogen species 被还原氮化物reduced sulphur species 被还原硫化物reducer Rreducing agent 还原剂reductant 还原剂reduction at source 在源头减少污染reduction schedule (for halon) 减少使用哈龙的时间表reductor 稀释剂; 冲淡剂re-engineering 再设计; 改建reference climatological station 基准气候站refillable container 可再装容器refining 净化; 精炼; 使成熟reflectorized marker 反射器标志reflectve placard 反光性标志牌reforestation 重新造林; 迹地更新refractories 耐火材料refrigerant 制冷剂refrigerant 500 500制冷剂refrigerant 502 502制冷剂refrigerant 503 503制冷剂refrigerant 504 504制冷剂refrigerant fluid 制冷液refrigerating medium 冷却介质refrigeration capacity 制冷能力refuse cart 手推垃圾车refuse chute 垃圾坑refuse collection 垃圾收集refuse collector 垃圾收集车; 垃圾收集器refuse production peak 产生垃圾高潮季节refuse receptacle 垃圾箱; 垃圾容器refuse reclamation 垃圾回收; 废物再利用refuse treatment 垃圾处理refuse truck 垃圾汽车refuse-derived 由垃圾产生的regeneration 再生; 恢复; 复兴regenerative capacity 再生能力regenerative heat exchanger 再生式热交换器regional basic synoptic network 区域基本天气观测站网Regional Centre for Seismology for South America 南美地震学区域中心Regional Meteorological Centre (RMC) 区域气象中心regional natural park 区域自然公园Regional Telecommunications Hub (RTH) 区域电信枢纽Register 登记中心registered 已登记的; 已注册的; 已立案的registration 登记; 注册; 立案regular gas 普通汽油regulated flow 调节流量; 调节径流regulatory action(s) 管制行动; 管制的行为; 管理的行为regulatory control(s) 规章; 条例; 制度rehabilitation (of victims of a disaster) 灾害受害者的复原rehabilitation of housing 住宅的翻新rehabilitation of the environment 恢复环境rehabilitative measures 善后措施reinforced thermoplastic sheet (RTS) 增强热塑性片材release (of a pollutant) 排出污染物; 放出污染物release agent 脱模剂; 隔离剂release of heat 放热; 释放热量release rate of CFCs 放出含氯氟烃的速率relief manager 救灾工作管理人; 救灾工作负责人relief worker 救灾工作人员remedial action 补救行动remobilization of a chemical 化学品的再流动remote sensing 遥感remote sensor 遥感传感器removable lid 活动盖子removal 去除; 清除removal efficiency 去除系数removal efficiency 去除效率removal of demolition waste 清理废墟removal of peat 移走泥炭removal of pollutants 消除污染物; 去除污染物removal process 消除过程; 消除步骤removal rate 消除速率repair the ozone hole 修复臭氧层空洞repeating pattern 重复型式; 周期性的型式replacement chemical 代替化学品; 代用化学品repopulation 再放养; 再引种; 种群恢复reporting format 报告格式reporting framework 报告格式reporting of an incident 事故的报告reporting of data 资料的报告reproductive failure 生殖失败; 繁殖失败reproductive potential 生殖潜能; 繁殖潜能reproductive success 生殖成功; 繁殖成功repugnant substance 恶臭物质research ship 调查船; 考察船; 研究船reserved forest 保留林reservoir 水库; 吸收库; 储层; 蓄水池reservoir of chlorine 氯的吸收库reservoir species 吸收库中的各种物质residence half-time 停留半衰期; 半存留期residence time 停留时间; 阻滞时间residence time 停留时间residual 残留物; 残积物residual fuel oil 残余燃料油residual soil 残积土resilience under stress 应力之下的回弹力resistant to pollution 耐污染的; 抗污染的resolution 分辨率resource base 资源基础resource recovery 资源回收resource recovery plant 资源回收厂; 回收车间respirable suspended particulates (RSPs) 可因呼吸进入人体的悬浮微粒respirable-sized particulates 颗粒大小可因呼吸进入人体的微粒response 回应; 反应; 响应response plan 应急计划; 反应计划response strategies 回应战略response time (of a measuring instrument) 测量仪器的响应时间restocking 再放养; 再引种; 种群恢复restoration of soils 土壤的恢复restored taxa 复原分类群restrictions on sulphur dioxide emissions 二氧化硫排放的限制retained dose 保留剂量; 持留剂量retarded spark timing 延迟点火正时retention 持水; 滞留水量retention efficiency 去除效率。

urban heat island effect
treatment of domestic sewage
atmospheric monitoring system
energy consumption per unit of GDP
sulfurdioxide emissions

1) oilfield wastewater采油废水1.By samples experiment of different batches of microbiological preparations to verifying the effect of the removal rate of CODCr and petroleum hydrocarbon degradation of oilfield wastewater treatment, a method using Victory Blue B1 for detecting the quality of the microbiological preparations of oilfield wastewater treatment was proposed.通过不同批次制剂样品对采油废水的CODCr去除率和石油烃降解效果的检测实验,提出了以维多利亚蓝BI来检测油田废水微生物制剂质量的检测方法。
2.The photoelectrocatalytic degradation of oilfield wastewater containing high content of chlorine was studied in TiO_2 aqueous suspensions.以高压汞灯为光源,考察了在光催化、电氧化、光电催化及光电催化/H2O2体系中降解实际油田采油废水的效率。
3.A catalytic advanced oxidation process based on copper charging activated carbon and DO in wastewater has been studied for polishing oilfield wastewater treated by coagulation sedimentation of which COD could not meet the discharge standard.采用载铜活性炭和废水中溶解氧体系,用催化氧化法深度去除采油废水中的COD。

英文原文Sludge reduction during brewery wastewater treatment by hydrolyzation-food chain reactor systemAbstract: During brewery wastewater treatment by a hydrolyzation-food chain reactor (FCR) system, sludge was recycled to the anaerobic segment. With the function of hydrolyzation acidification in the anaerobic segment and the processes of aerobic oxidation and antagonism, predation,interaction and symbiosis among microbes in multilevel oxidation segment, residual sludge could be reduced effectively. The 6-month dynamic experiments show that the average chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal ratio was 92.6% and average sludge production of the aerobic segment was 8.14%, with the COD of the influent at 960–1720 mg/L and hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 12 h.Since the produced sludge could be recycled and hydrolyzed in the anaerobic segment, no excess sludge was produced during the steady running for this system. Keywords hydrolyzation, multilevel oxidation, excesssludge, reduction1.IntroductionDuring the 1980s, the main brewery wastewater treatment locally and abroad was the aerobic technique, then the hydrolytic-aerobic techniques showed up in the late 1980s. Currently, the main technology for brewery wastewater treatment are the activated sludge process, contact oxidation process, and hydrolytic-aerobic techniques. Although these techniques have some advantages of their own, they all have a problem with sludge disposal [1]. The sludge production is about 60% of the chemical oxygendemand (COD) removal amount for conventional activated sludge technology, and about 30% for conventional biofilm method [2]. The cost of sludge disposal had become an economic burden of the sewage plant. The sludge produced may bring about secondary pollution.Therefore, the study on water treatment processes that can lead to sludge reduction is becoming one of the important issues in sewage treatment.This study adopted principles of cleaner production. With the hydrolyzation-acidification in anaerobic segments, residual sludge could be translated into soluble organicmatter and small organic molecules, then enter the aerobic segment as organic load. A series contact oxidation system for food chain reactor (FCR) was applied in the aerobic segment to form amanual biogeocenose and food chain. Based on biological theory, the longer the food chain is, the moreenergy lost, and thus less energy that can be used for growth of the organisms, and less biomass left in the ecosystem as a result. Therefore, prolonging the food chain and strengthening the predation of microzoans in the food chain are both effective in sludge reduction. ‘‘Zero Discharge’’ of residual sludge was achieved during the brewery wastewater treatment by a hydrolyzation-FCR system. This study explored the mechanism of sludge reduction during the hydrolyzation process and multilevel oxidation process。

ORP到底是什么东西?ORP它在污水处理中有哪些作用?ORP的英文全称是oxidation-reduction potential,翻译过来是氧化还原电位。
其检测测原理和pH 类似,很多的pH在线检测仪表具有两通道的检测方式,其中就有ORP检测的通道。

污水处理厂常见流程英文English: A common process in a wastewater treatment plant involves several key steps to effectively treat and remove contaminants from the water. The first stage typically involves the removal of large debris and solids through a process known as screening, where objects like sticks, plastics, and other large materials are filtered out. Following this initial step, the water undergoes a process called primary treatment, where suspended particles and organic matter are settled out through sedimentation and separation. After primary treatment, the water moves on to secondary treatment, where bacteria and other microorganisms break down organic matter and further purify the water. Finally, the treated water may undergo tertiary treatment, which involves additional filtration and disinfection processes to ensure it is safe for discharge back into the environment. Throughout these stages, various equipment such as pumps, clarifiers, filters, and disinfection systems are utilized to aid in the effective treatment of wastewater.中文翻译: 污水处理厂中常见的流程包括几个关键步骤,以有效地处理和去除水中的污染物。
treated water翻译

treated water翻译treated water的中文翻译为“处理过的水”,也可称为“净化水”或“经过处理的水”。
treated water常见的处理方法包括:过滤、沉淀、消毒、蒸馏、反渗透等。
以下是一些用法和中英文对照例句:1. Treated water is safe for drinking.处理过的水可供饮用。
2. The wastewater is treated before being released into the environment.废水在排放到环境之前会经过处理。
3. This water treatment plant can provide treated water to thousands of households.这个水处理厂可以向数千户家庭提供处理过的水。
4. The treated water meets the quality standards set by the government.处理过的水符合政府制定的质量标准。
5. It is important to regularly test the quality of treated water to ensure its safety.定期检测处理过的水的质量非常重要,以确保其安全性。
6. The treated water can be used for irrigation, industrial processes, and recreational purposes.处理过的水可以用于灌溉、工业过程和娱乐目的。
7. The city invested in a new water treatment facility to provide high-quality treated water to its residents.这座城市投资了一个新的水处理设施,为居民提供高质量的处理过的水。

环保术语的英汉翻译发布人:圣才学习网发布日期:2010-08-20 16:53 共17人浏览[大] [中] [小] [摘要] 目前,国际社会对环境保护问题的重视程度不断提高,我国也是如此。
[关键词] 环保术语中文译名1 概述随着当今世界经济的迅猛发展和全球经济一体化进程的不断推进,可持续发展问题已同和平问题并列为世界两大主题,备受关注。
2 环境科学方面环境科学是一门精密而广博的学科。
由于环境保护这一课题的特殊性,它对大千世界的各类物质从环保的角度出发进行了严格定义,主要分有:returnable or recyclable(可回收利用的),disposable(一次性的或不可回收利用的),explosive(爆炸性的),reactive(易起化学反应的)等。
在能源方面,又分为renewable or nonrenewable energy sources (可再生和不可再生能源),non-polluting or polluting energy sources(无污染和污染性能源)。
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表1拉尼尔湖和查塔胡奇河流域放电地铁限制参数值cBOD 52.9mg/lTSS 5mg/l有机氮 1.5mg/lNH3-N 0.5mg/l总磷0.13或0.30mg/l浊度 3.0台大PH 6-9粪大肠菌群23MPN/100mg(集合平均数)溶解氧7.0mg/l1目前正在讨论。
20.13 mg / L的限制将适用于拉尼尔湖的污水排放和Chattahoochee河的支流。
0.30 mg / L的限制将适用于直接排放到Chattahoochee河。
表2处理技术,用于满足城域界限10.76-MGD 的设施,目前正在进行扩大至1.1百万加仑,使用相同的技术。
20.9-MGD 的设施0.3 MGD 目前安装的膜。
15 MGD 的设施是在规划阶段。
在这种替代金属的盐,通常铁添加氯,硫酸亚铁或硫酸铝,在下列次要的快速混合区澄清,以进一步减少orthophosphorus (OP )的浓度。
根据金属盐剂量,碱度和pH 值调整化学品,如氢氧化钠,可能需要。
无论从建设成本和运营和维护成本的增加,可能会产生(的O &M )的角度来看,因为需要额外的单位进程的数目。
在亚特兰大地区的设施在使用这种治疗技术的例子包括: 处理技术19号设施 生产的能力 笔记 三级化学澄清深床过滤6 6-20MGD 大多较大,绿地设施化学处理和过滤 4 0.76-3MGD1 主要是神额共计或改装较小现有的设施膜生物反应器 8 0.9-15MGD2 主要是新建设施公共和私用企业三级膜过滤 1 60MGN 目前没有被广泛使用1,盖恩斯维尔平河废水回收设施的市(WRF模式)。
第三快速混合,絮凝,澄清使用Infilco 得利满DensaDeg过程不断,反冲洗过滤将被添加在扩大。
2, Douglasville的道格拉斯县南环污水处理厂。
一个新的6 MGD的绿地设施目前正在设计使用传统的二级处理,三级的快速混合,絮凝,澄清,并连续反冲洗过滤器。
这20 MGD的设施使用高等教育的快速混合,絮凝,澄清,并快速重力过滤,以满足总磷限值为0.3毫克每升(毫克/升)。
这10 MGD的设施有0.14总磷限制mg / L和由序批式反应器(SBR)的治疗,高等教育快速混合,絮凝,使用板定居,并不断的反冲洗过滤澄清。
这家工厂,6 MGD的和可扩展到12额定MGD 的,采用相同待遇列车罗斯河污水处理厂。
6, Gwinnett郡楼韦恩山水再生中心(WRC)。
第一阶段,20 MGD的新工厂使用两的阶段recarbonation和传统的高pH值澄清下流深床过滤器,在其他进程中,实现地铁限制。
测试正在进行中使用化学除磷的SBR处理,以满足0.13 mg / L的总磷限制。
此3.0-MGD的设施,采用活性污泥工艺和磁盘过滤器要定期实现污水总磷0.13毫克/升.3,斯托克布里奇斯蒂芬D. Peurifoy WPCP的城市达到0.1毫克/升的污水总磷SBR 工艺中采用化学除磷随后前往桥过滤器。
污水从这个0.76百万加仑的工厂正在重用,但设施正在发生1.1 MGD的扩容和升级,以满足点源排放限制。
MBR的过程通常是在污泥浓度范围从8000 - 12,000经营毫克/升超滤和微滤膜,孔大小不等,从0.04 - 0.4微米,分别位于曝气储罐或专用膜坦克,都沉浸在混合酒。
然而,MBR 可以是一个更经济的选择如果现场条件非常艰苦,该网站的限制,或气味控制是必需的。
5.0 MGD的设施正在建设中,这将使用化学除磷放电拉尼尔湖和MBR工艺。
5.0 MGD的WRF模式将利用强化生物除磷化学除磷作为备份。
这现有的0.5-MGD的丁苯橡胶设施扩大到1.2 MGD和与沉浸膜改造。
6, Forsyth县福勒WRF模式。
7, Paulding县水和的下水道Pumpkinvine溪WRF模式。
这家工厂目前拥有0.5百万加仑计划新增1.0 MGD的额外膜安装膜。
这15 MGD的设施将利用MBR工艺和使用的设计/建造方法,将采购。
细筛,范围在0.5 - 1.0毫米(mm),通常是提供的保护膜。