



华尔街之狼台词英文版【篇一:华尔街之狼台词英文版】资料摘要:第86 届奥斯卡最佳改编剧本——《华尔街之狼》(the wolf of wall street) 英文电影剧本第86 届奥斯卡最佳改编剧本《华尔街之狼》(the wolf of wall street) 英文电影剧本【篇二:华尔街之狼台词英文版】精彩语句:1. it ’s our markup for our services.这是对我们工作的报酬。

2. does that ring a bell?想起来了吗?3. i was selling garbage to garbage men and making cash handover fist.我能把垃圾卖给垃圾工,财源滚滚而来。

4. i don ’t want to get personal, but theyre okay?别怪我打探私事,他们都正常吧?5. you cold-called me. 你突然给我打电话,而我根本不认识你。

6. this is the mary lou, which is really theshoe that put me onthe map. 这是玛丽露,就是这双鞋子让我红起来的。

7. he wants me to rat on myself?他想要我出卖我自己?8. were you trying to take a stab at wall street?你当时试图进入华尔街?9. in the ballpark?大概多少?10. in that particular trade, and it was one trade, north of half a million dollars. 那次交易,光说这笔交易,五十万美元以上。

11. the same gentleman that told me you tried to get yourbroker ’s license also told me that you are a straight arrow.那位告诉我你要考经纪人执照的先生还告诉我,你是个很规矩的人。



华尔街之狼经典台词【篇一:华尔街之狼经典台词】一个标题 + 简短的介绍 + 精选几个您喜欢的同类句子,就可以轻松制作属于您自己的句集,展现个性,寻找共鸣。

【篇二:华尔街之狼经典台词】1 我相信全身心的浸入,如果你想要有钱,你就要这样的想法武装自己的脑子。


2 挡在你和你的目标之间的唯一障碍,就是你不停地跟自己说的那些为什么我做不到的鬼话。

3 的人,100%的确信他们自己是命运的主宰者,他们不是环境的造物,而是条件的创造者,如果环境烂透了,成功的人要做的是改变它们。

4 如果你能给一个人足够的理由,他们总是会找到成功的方式。

5 能取胜的人,总是在说必须如何如何,未来如何如何。

6 当你过得都是穷日子的时候,你会伤害到每一个你所遇到的人,尤其是那些你所爱的人。

7 如果你想发财,永远不要放弃。








8 赚钱最容易的方法是制造出那些有所价值人人想要的东西,去给予与创造价值吧,钱就会随之滚滚来。

9 要表现得像是一个现成的高富帅一样,这样你就会肯定变成真的高富帅。




10 不要管过去发生了什么,你不是你的过去,你是你从过去所汲取的资源与能力。

























但在你离开这间满是赢家的房间之前,我要你好好看看你身边的人因为在一个不远的未来当你开着破破烂烂的普桑,停在红灯路口而那个人将开着全新的保时捷停在你的旁边,身边坐着“胸怀四海”的漂亮老婆,而坐在你旁边的是谁?三天没洗头穿着无袖衫的恶心“老母牛”车上还装满了从他妈减价超市买来的菜这就是坐在你身边的人!!so,听我说听好了你付不起信用卡账单了吗?太好了拿起电话开始拨你房东要把你扫地出门了吗?太好了拿起电话开始拨你女朋友觉得你是个没用的废物吗太好了拿起电话开始拨我想要让你们用钱解决一切问题!你们今天所要做的就是拿起电话开始拨说那些我教会你们的话而我就能把你们变得比美国绝大多数的ceo都要富我要你们走出去直到他们呛死为止直到他们呛死买下十万股股票我想要做的就是这个你们要凶残你们要冷酷你们要做打电话的恐怖分子现在开始动起来吧!【篇二:华尔街之狼演讲台词】电影《华尔街之狼》经典台词1 我相信全身心的浸入,如果你想要有钱,你就要这样的想法武装自己的脑子。




华尔街之狼演讲台词华尔街之狼演讲台词篇一:华尔街之狼演讲台词我来告诉你们一个有关电话的小秘密I mgonna let ou in on a little seret of these telephones.电话自己不会拨,懂吗,The re not gonna dial themselves. Oka?没有你们,这不过是一块没用的塑料。

Without ou, the re just orthless lunks plasti.就好像一把装满弹药的M16,却没有训练有素的陆战队开枪~Like loaded M16 ithout a trained Marine to pull the trigger.像电话这样的东西And in the ase of the telephone,取决于你们每一个人it s up to eah and everone of ou,我训练有素的斯特拉顿人,m highl-trained Strattonites.我的杀手们M killers!我决不妥协的杀手们!M killers, ho ill not take no for an anser!我的战士们~M fuking arriors,你们的客户死掉,或者买了任何股票之前ho ill not hang up the phone绝对不会挂掉电话~until thelient either bus,or fuking dies!篇二:华尔街之狼演讲台词对自己的属下:在动员大会上,Jorden的演讲做了三点一是上文提到的让属下们相信自己销售的东西是最好的,第二点就是把属下也捧的很高,从而激发其潜能。

82:09起:See this little blak boxes?The all it telephone,I am gonna let ou in one little seret about this telephone,It not gonna dialthemselves,OK?Without ou,the just orthless hungs of plastis. Like a loaded M-16 ithout a trained marine to pull the trigger.And in ase of the telephone. It’s up to eah and everoneof ou。



华尔街之狼的经典句子1. "我是华尔街之狼,我是这个世界的主宰。

"2. "贪婪是好的,贪婪是对的,贪婪能够带来成功。

"3. "我不是一个销售员,我是一个销售员的销售员。

"4. "我不相信失败,因为我从来没有失败过。

"5. "我不是一个疯子,我只是比你们更加有决心。

"6. "钱不是目标,它只是衡量成功的方式之一。

"7. "我不是在,我是在做生意。

"8. "我不会停下来,直到我变成百万富翁。

"9. "我不需要睡觉,我需要金钱。

"10. "我不会让任何人阻止我追求财富。

"11. "我不会让道德束缚住我的手脚。

"12. "我不会为了别人的利益而放弃自己的利益。

"13. "我不会为了道德而放弃利润。

"14. "我不会为了别人的幸福而牺牲自己的幸福。

"15. "我不会让任何人成为我的竞争对手。

"16. "我不会让任何人威胁到我的地位。

"17. "我不会让任何人抢走我的财富。

"18. "我不会让任何人剥夺我享受生活的权利。

"19. "我不会让任何人阻止我追求自己的梦想。

"20. "我不会让任何人限制我的自由。

"21. "我不会让任何人控制我的命运。

"22. "我不会让任何人左右我的思想。

"23. "我不会让任何人干涉我的决策。

"24. "我不会让任何人摧毁我的信心。

"25. "我不会让任何人剥夺我追求幸福的权利。

"26. "我不会让任何人阻挠我实现自己的目标。








斯特拉顿·奥克蒙特股份有限公♥司♥华尔街投资者的世界就像丛林The world of investing can be a jungle.牛市熊市Bulls. Bears.危机四伏Danger at every turn.我们斯特拉顿·奥克蒙特的员工That's why we at Stratton Oakmont作为丛林之王感到无比自豪pride ourselves on being the best.我们有训练有素的专业人员Trained professionals to guide you引领您穿越金融领域的荒野险境through the financial wilderness.斯特拉顿·奥克蒙特Stratton Oakmont.坚实可靠Stability.诚实经营Integrity.让您引以为傲Pride.斯特拉顿·奥克蒙特股份有限公♥司♥一One!二Two!三Three!第一个扔中靶心的混♥蛋♥我白送两万五千块Twenty-five grand to the first cocksucker who nail a bull's-eye! 来吧开始Come on! Let's go!一One!二Two!三Three!我叫乔丹·贝尔福My name is Jordan Belfort.不是他Not him.是我没错Me. That's right.我以前是个中产阶级I'm a former member of the middle class父母都是会计raised by two accountants在皇后区贝赛的一个小公♥寓♥里长大in a tiny apartment in Bayside, Queens.我26岁那年The year I turned 26,作为老总在自己的经济公♥司♥as the head of my own brokerage firm,赚了4900万I made $49 million,说来还真让我不爽which really pissed me off还差300万就是一周赚100万了because it was three shy of a million a week.不不不我的法拉利是白色的No, no, no. My Ferrari was white,和《迈阿密风云》里唐·约翰逊的一样like Don Johnson's in Miami Vice.不是红的Not red.看见那座庄园了吗See that humongous estate down there?那是我的房♥子That's my house.我妻子内奥米My wife, Naomi,布鲁克林湾脊区的女公爵the Duchess of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn,以前是模特拍过美乐淡啤的广♥告♥a former model and Miller Lite girl.没错Yeah.刚在法拉利里给我口♥交♥就是她She was the one with my cock in her mouth in the Ferrari. 所以把你的老二塞回裤裆里吧So put your dick back in your pants.除了内奥米和两个可爱的孩子In addition to Naomi and my two perfect kids,我还有一座豪♥宅♥ 一架私人飞机I own a mansion, a private jet,六辆豪车三匹骏马six cars, three horses,两处度假别♥墅♥和一艘170英尺长的游艇two vacation homes, and a 170-foot yacht.起锚了Anchors aweigh!我还赌博成瘾嗜酒成性I also gamble like a degenerate. I drink like a fish.一周能上五六次小姐I fuck hookers maybe five, six times a week.三所不同的联邦机构盯着想起诉我I have three different federal agencies looking to indict me. 我还酷爱嗑药Oh, yeah, and I love drugs.再来一轮One more round.-你喜欢吗 -喜欢- Oh, you like it? - Yeah.当夜晚些时候...拉起来快拉起来Pull up. Pull up!快坠机了老天We're gonna crash, for Christ sake!放松Relax!别紧张Just relax.-你还好吧 -没事- You okay? - Yeah, I'm all right.好样的Good job.回去小心You get in there safe, all right?下次见老兄Till the next time, brother.下次见Till next time.我每天吃的药量足够把Yup, on a daily basis I consume enough drugs曼哈顿长岛和皇后区放倒一个月to sedate Manhattan, Long Island and Queens for a month.乔丹先生Okay, Mr. Jordan.我每天吃10到15片安♥眠♥酮♥缓解"背疼"I take Quaaludes 10 to 15 times a day for my "Back pain,"一种治疗注意力缺失的药吃阿得拉好集中注意力Adderall to stay focused,吃佳乐定抗焦虑抽点大♥麻♥放松Xanax to take the edge off, pot to mellow me out,嗑点可♥卡♥因♥清醒一下再来点吗♥啡♥ cocaine to wake me back up again and morphine, well,因为那玩意真是一级棒because it's awesome.早上好奈森Good morning, Nathan.但是世界上所有的药中But of all the drugs under God's blue heaven,有一种我最为爱不释手there is one that is my absolute favorite.嗑够了这鬼东西你就所向披靡了You see, enough of this shit'll make you invincible.足以征服全世界Able to conquer the world,杀得敌人片甲不留and eviscerate your enemies.我说的不是这个And I'm not talking about this.我说的是这个I'm talking about this.金钱不仅能给你带来更好的生活See, money doesn't just buy you a better life,更精美的食物更好的车更美的妞better food, better cars, better pussy.还能让你成为更好的人It also makes you a better person.你可以慷慨资助教会You can give generously to the church或你支持的政党or political party of your choice.钱甚至能拯救濒危的斑点猫头鹰You can save the fucking spotted owl with money. 我一直都想当富翁I always wanted to be rich.回头看看过去So let me go back.22岁的我刚结婚I'm 22 years old, newly married,就已经是个追名逐利的小混♥蛋♥了and already a money-crazed little shit.那我怎么办呢So what do I do?我去了唯一一个I go to the one place on earth能满足我野心的地方that befit my high-minded ambitions.我爱你I love you.你的地位还不如水藻You are lower than pond scum.有什么意见吗You got a problem with that,乔丹Jordan?没完全没有No. No problem at all.很好因为你现在就这地位Good. Because that is what you are.水藻Pond scum.你的工作是联络员Your job is connector,也就是说which means你每天要打500多次电♥话♥that you'll be dialing the phone over 500 times a day想法让我联♥系♥上有钱的大老板trying to connect me with wealthy business owners.在你考下证券经纪人执照前And until you pass your Series 7,你♥他♥妈♥也只能干这个坐下that is all you're gonna fucking be doing. Sit.坐下Sit!我告诉你我去年赚了30多万Now just so you know, last year I made over $300,000.你的另一个头儿他赚了100多万The other guy you'll be working for, he made over a million. 100万A million dollars?可想而知那家伙得多变♥态♥I could only imagine what a douchebag that guy must be. -乔丹·贝尔福 -是先生- Jordan Belfort. - Yes, sir.-我是马克·汉纳 -很高兴认识您- Mark Hanna. - A pleasure to meet you.我也是And you as well.我看你已经见过那个地头蛇了I see you've already met the village asshole.拨号♥并微笑Smile and dial.1点前别他妈抬头And don't pick up your fucking head until 1:00.甭管他Hey, fuck him.我才是高级经纪人I'm the senior broker here.他就是个当差的He's just a worthless piker.来给我吹个箫吧汉纳Why don't you blow me, Hanna?你真在面试的时候卖♥♥出去一股吗Now did you really pitch a stock in your job interview?想脱颖而出总得干点实事I had to do something to stand out.是吧先生Right, sir?就喜欢你这样的I fucking love that.-中午一起吃饭 -好- Lunch. Today. - Yeah.如果我们不在9点半整立刻开始打电♥话♥We don't start dialing at 9:30我们的客户就占线了because our clients are already answering the phone.三二一Three. Two. One.干起来吧Let's fuck!你想知道金钱听上去什么样吗You want to know what money sounds like?去华尔街的交易大厅听听吧Go to a trading floor on Wall Street.操这个日那个的"Fuck" This, "Shit" That.婊♥子♥ 鸡♥巴♥ 屁♥眼♥什么的"Cunt," "Cock," "Asshole."这些人说的话简直让我难以置信I couldn't believe how these guys talked to each other.-这一揽子交易真♥他♥妈♥好 -烂狗屎- Good fucking package... - Piece of shit!我当时就着迷了I was hooked in seconds.跟打了鸡血似的It was like mainlining adrenaline.混账看看今天股票怎么样Yeah. Fuckface, look at where the stock's at today, huh?日♥你♥妈♥You motherfucker,要是44你什么也捞不到you can't get any at 44...-快他妈打电♥话♥去 -抱歉- Pick up the cocksucking phone! - Sorry...你真是个臭傻♥逼♥ 汉纳You are such a fucking douchebag, Hanna.我们才不管什么技术We don't give two shits about how technology works我们只关心他妈怎么能赚钱because all we care about is getting fucking rich.-定了 2000 -乔丹·贝尔福- Solid, 2,000. - Jordan Belfort.成功了Done!该抬价了[以不正当手段哄抬股价]Time to paint the tape.微软 2000股上钩了2,000. Microsoft. Going in the hole!过来Come on.直播拿着小心烫手Live. Live. Hold on, that is hot.放进去把那玩意关上关上关上In. In. Shut that motherfucker. Shut it! Shut it! Shut it!成交了Sold!可♥卡♥因♥来点Tootski?不用了谢谢Oh, no. Thank you, though.汉纳先生Mr. Hanna,这么美好的午后您要来点什么what can I bring for you on this glorious afternoon?赫克托我告诉你怎么玩Well, Hector, here's the game plan.给我们上两杯马丁尼You're gonna bring us two Absolut Martinis.你知道我的口味要纯的You know how I like them. Straight up.整7分半后And then precisely seven and one half minutes after that, 再上两杯you're gonna bring us two more.然后每5隔分钟上两杯Then two more after that every five minutes直到我俩喝倒一个为止until one of us passes the fuck out.这想法不错先生Excellent strategy, sir.我现在喝水就好I'm good with water for now.谢谢Thank you.他今天刚来华尔街工作It's his first day on Wall Street.他会习惯的Give him time.-谢谢 -谢谢- Thank you. - Thank you.汉纳先生Mr. Hanna?你白天嗑了药You're able to do drugs during the day还能正常工作吗and then still function, still do your job?不然你以为怎么正常工作How the fuck else would you do this job?就凭可♥卡♥因♥和妓♥女♥了哥们Cocaine and hookers, my friend.是Right.我想说Well, I got to say,能加入你们我真的很高兴I'm incredibly excited to be a part of your firm. I mean...你们的客户实在是...The clients you have are absolutely...去他妈的客户Fuck the clients.你唯一的职责就是引他们上钩Your only responsibility is to put meat on the table.你有女朋友吗You got a girlfriend?我结婚了I'm married. I have a wife.我妻子叫泰瑞莎理发的Her name is Teresa. She cuts hair.-恭喜 -谢谢- Congratulations. - Thank you.多想想泰瑞莎Think about Teresa.你要干的就是Name of the game.把你客户兜里的钱揣到你兜里Move the money from your client's pocket into your pocket. 是Right.但如果同时能帮客户赚钱But if you make your clients money at the same time,不是互惠互利吗it's advantageous to everyone. Correct?不No.华尔街第一要义Number one rule of Wall Street.没有人Nobody...不管你是沃伦·巴菲特也好I don't care if you're Warren Buffett吉米·巴菲特也好or if you're Jimmy Buffett.没人知道股票是涨是跌Nobody knows if a stock is gonna go up, down,是持平还是兜圈子sideways, or in fucking circles.股票经纪人更不知道懂吗Least of all stockbrokers, right?都是掩的你知道什么叫掩吧It's all a fugazi. You know what a fugazi is?"赝"吗就是假的Fugayzie. It's a fake.什么掩啊赝啊嫖啊飘啊的Fugayzi, fugazi, it's a whazy, it's a woozy, it's...都是虚无缥缈的根本不存在Fairy dust. It doesn't exist.看不见摸不着It's never landed. It is no matter.元素周期表上找不到It's not on the elemental chart.根本都他妈是假的It's not fucking real.-对不 -对- Right? - Right.继续听我讲Stay with me.我们屁都不创造什么都不建We don't create shit. We don't build anything.的确No.所以假设你有个客户花8块买♥♥了一股So if you got a client who bought stock at eight现在涨到16了他乐开花了and it now sits at 16, he's all fucking happy.就想兑现清算He wants to cash in, liquidate,拿上钱打包走人take his fucking money and run home.-这可不行 -好的- You don't let him do that. - Okay.-因为那样就成真钱了 -是- 'Cause that would make it real. - Right.那该做什么No. What do you do?你得继续给他出金点子You get another brilliant idea.额外的想法A special idea.制♥造♥另一种"情况"Another "situation."让他拿收益再投一支股票不断投Another stock to reinvest his earnings and then some. 他每次也一定会投And he will, every single time.因为他们全都他妈是瘾君子'Cause they're fucking addicted.你就一直这么干And you just keep doing this,延绵不断无休无止again and again and again.他这时觉得自己要成土豪了Meanwhile, he thinks he's getting shit rich,理论上他的确赚了which he is, on paper.但我们这些经纪人But you and me, the brokers,从中收的佣金we're taking home cold hard cash可都是实打实的现金学着没via commission, motherfucker.是Right.这太神奇了老板That's incredible, sir.我都激动的无以言表了I can't tell you how excited I am.你就该兴奋You should be.做经纪人这行的成功要素有两点There's two keys to success in the broker business. 首先First of all...-你得淡定 -是- You gotta stay relaxed. - Yeah.你平时撸吗Do you jerk off?撸...撸吗Do I... Do I jerk off?撸撸啊我当然撸Yeah. Yeah, I jerk off. Yeah.每周几次How many times a week?三四次吧Like three or four.三四次有时五次Three or four times, maybe five.你得多撸啊Gotta pump those numbers up.干这行你这次数太菜鸟了Those are rookie numbers in this racket.我本人吧每天至少两发I myself, I jerk off at least twice a day.早晨健身之后来一发Once in the morning right after I work out,午饭后再来一发then once right after lunch.真的吗Really?我喜欢撸但我撸不是因为喜欢I want to. That's not why I do it.全他妈是被逼的I do it 'cause I fucking need to.你想想你是跟数字打交道的Think about it. You're dealing with numbers.整天都是什么小数点啊高频交易啊All day long, decimal points, high frequencies.全他妈是数Fucking digits.每天重任在肩喘不过气啊All very acidic above-the-shoulders mustard shit. 对吧All right?太让人抓狂了是吧It kind of wigs some people out. Right.所以就得多撸保持血液流通顺畅You got to feed the geese to keep the blood flowing. 私底下控制住节奏I keep the rhythm below the belt.懂了Done.我这可不是提醒你我给你开处方呢This is not a tip, this is a prescription.相信我Trust me.你不这么干就没法平衡了If you don't, you will fall out of balance,差额搞不清楚你就载了split your differential and tip the fuck over.还有更糟的Or worse yet,我亲眼见过猝死I've seen this happen, implode.别介我可不想猝死老板No, I don't want to implode, sir.当然没人想No. No, you don't.我♥干♥这行看得很长远的I'm in it for the long run, you know?-猝死可不是什么好事 -是- Implosions are ugly. - Yeah.所以有空就去洗手间来一发Pop off to the bathroom, work one out any time you can. 等你撸顺手了When you get really good at it,一边撸着you'll fucking be stroking it一边脑子里想的都是钱and you'll be thinking about money.干这行成功要素之二Second key to success in this racket就是这瓶子里的宝贝is this little baby right here.叫可♥卡♥因♥It's called cocaine.是Right.能让你耳聪目明It'll keep you sharp between the ears.还能让你拨号♥指速如飞It'll also help your fingers dial faster.你猜怎么着And guess what?你拨号♥快了我就赚了That's good for me.好了先生Yes, sir.周转不息明白吗Revolutions. You follow?周转不息Revolutions.让客户坐上摩天轮Keep the clients on the Ferris wheel.我们就开赚And it goes.游乐园365天全天候给他开着The park is open 24/7, 365,十年如一日百年也他妈这样every decade, every goddamn century.就这么回事That's it.这就是游戏规则The name of the game.尝尝希腊橄榄Halkidiki?谢谢Thank you.一起来Come on.我们是公分母We're the common denominator.继续Keep it up for me.你懂这回事You've seen the echo我们谈着钱And the money comes in游♥行♥进了城The parade comes to town走到百老汇Going down Broadway不管往哪去It's a one-way street都没回头路Whichever way I go之后的六个月The next six months,我开始了解华尔街的门道I got to know the ins and outs of Wall Street.边赚小钱边准备考执照Earning shit money as I geared up to take my Series 7. 真♥他♥妈♥爽Oh, fuckers.百老汇120号♥后来我终于拿下了执照Then I was a licensed broker at last,准备开始挣大钱了ready to make my fortune.那天起我开始向未来宇宙之王迈进My first day as a future Master of the Universe.1987年10月19日六个月前埃克森还是86块2毛5I have Exxon at 86 and a quarter six months ago.埃克森美孚美国著名石化公♥司♥现在都跌到36块5了Today it is trading at 36 and a half.先生先...Mr...他们管那天叫黑色星期一They called it Black Monday.1987年10月19日星期一世界股市价格暴跌真不是闹着玩的No shit.下午4点股市已经暴跌了508个点By 4:00 p.m., the market had dropped 508 points.是自1929年大萧条以来The biggest plummet最严重的一次崩♥盘♥since the crash of '29.我了解你的家庭你也了解我的I know your family, you know mine.我不知道欧洲某个傻♥逼♥国家干的No, I don't know. Some fucking country in Europe took a shit. 让他们玩儿蛋去吧Let them do what they want to fucking do.我们的市场固若金汤Our market's solid.你不该卖♥♥掉这个This is not something that you want to sell.你知道怎么回事吗简直金融海啸You know what happened? A fucking tsunami.我觉得你这样以后要后悔的I think you're making a big mistake.好我可以和你妻子谈Yes, I will talk to your wife.相信我别接电♥话♥Trust me, do not answer the phone.会有许多人给您致电A lot of people are gonna be calling you,要挖您的家丑trying to get your dirty laundry.我们不知道怎么回事We don't know what's going on here.我知道我知道I know. I know.我了个Holy大操fucking shit!难以置信Unbelievable.我刚当上经济人就这么操蛋My first shitty day as a broker.不到一个月Within a month,L.F.罗斯柴尔德L.F. Rothschild,一所始建于1♥8♥9♥9年的投资银行an institution since 1♥8♥9♥9,美国著名商业投资银行机构1987年股市风暴中倒闭关门大吉了closed its doors.华尔街把我吃干抹净Wall Street had swallowed me up又把我拉出来了and shit me right back out again.实在不行我们可以把订婚戒指当掉We could pawn my engagement ring if we needed to.-亲爱的...-我不介意- Babe... - Because I don't mind.我是说实在不行的话If we needed to, I'm saying...-能听我说吗 -好吧- Will you listen to me? - Okay.什么都不用典当好吗You're not pawning anything. Okay?-好 -我一直怎么跟你说的- Okay. - What do I always tell you?你会成为百万富翁You're gonna be a millionaire.没错让我再看看That's right. Okay? Just let me look.会找到工作的We'll find something.-这个怎么样 -什么- How about this? - What?奇才必胜那个电器店Nobody Beats the Wiz, the electronics store.存货管♥理♥员♥电器电视音响奇才必胜货品管♥理♥员♥ 你觉得呢Stock boy. What do you think?你不能去那地方工作You're not gonna work at that place.但是先从...Yeah, but, you know, you start off...乔丹你去那儿的话Jordan, you're gonna be miserable at that place-会痛苦死的 -我知道- if you go there. - I know.先是做销♥售♥ 就能一路爬到总经理了It's sales. You work your way up, you'll be a general manager.-你不能做货品管♥理♥员♥ -为什么- You're not gonna be a stock boy. - Why not?因为你是股票经纪人'Cause you're a stockbroker.你知道现在没人雇股票经纪人了吧You understand that nobody's hiring stockbrokers right now?你知道吧You understand that?好吗Okay?培养法律医疗人才秘书股票经纪人因1987年业务发展需要投资者中心长岛办公室招聘人才应聘请致电这地方要This place is.-什么 -上面写什么- What? - What's that say?股票经纪人"Stockbrokers."在长岛In Long Island?-去长岛做股票经纪人 -对- Stockbrokers in Long Island? - Yeah.是在长岛那又如何It's in Long Island. So what?我找投资者中心Hey, I'm looking for Investor's Center.那是什么你要投股票吗What's that? You want to invest?不投资者中心我找投资者中心No. Investor's Center. I'm looking for Investor's Center. 对对就是我们就是这儿Yeah, yeah, that's us. Hey. This is it. This is it.-我叫德维恩 -你就是德维恩- I'm Dwayne. - You're Dwayne?你好德维恩我们在电♥话♥里谈过Hi, Dwayne. We spoke on the phone.我是乔丹·贝尔福I'm Jordan Belfort.那个纽约罗斯柴尔德的经纪人I'm the broker from Rothschild in New York.是请坐你好吗Yes, yeah. Have a seat. How are you?我们谈过...We had a conversation...我们之前讲过电♥话♥ 对吧We spoke on the phone earlier, right?-两小时前 -对- Two hours ago. - Right.没错Yeah.它们都是潜力股就是这意思They're up and comers. That's what that means.一股3分钱就是3块钱It's three cents a share, that's $3!你个小气鬼You cheap fuck!那么So...你们的科特龙在哪呢So where are your Quotrons here?-科特龙 -对就是电脑- Quotrons? - Yeah. Your computers.不我们这儿不用电脑No, no. We don't even need computers here.就在这些粉色股票单上交易We just trade right off the pink sheets here.-粉色股票单 -对都是仙股- Pink sheets? - Yeah, they're penny stocks.就那些资金不足没法在纳斯达克You know, companies that can't get listed on NASDAQ, 全称国家证券业者自动报价系统协会上市的公♥司♥they don't have enough capital?这些股票就在这儿交易Their shares trade here.-仙股 -对- Penny stocks? - Yeah.这个艾洛带因就是家非常有意思...This one, Aerodyne, is a really interesting...还是叫艾洛泰因来着Or Aerotyne...艾洛泰因对Aerotyne, yeah.艾洛艾洛泰因Aero... Aerotyne...艾洛泰因没错Aerotyne. Yeah.现在炙手可热Very hot stock right now.是吗Oh, yeah?是几个兄弟在车♥库♥里They're just a couple of brothers that are making造的雷达探测器radar detectors out of their garage.They're out in Dubuque.也许是微波炉我也不清楚Maybe it's microwaves. I'm not sure.但拨他们公♥司♥的主机But you call the company's main line,是他们的妈妈多萝西接人特别好their mom, Dorothy, answers and she is so sweet.-真是家好公♥司♥ -我都不知道还有什么- Good company. - I actually don't know what else to...除了这些我对他们一无所知I don't know anything else about them other than that.一股6分钱吗Six cents a share?拜托这种垃圾谁买♥♥Hey, come on. Who buys this crap?其实买♥♥主大多是些蠢货Well, I mean... Honestly, mostly schmucks.邮差总少不了邮差Postmen, there's always postmen.管道工Plumbers.在《皮条客》和《大众机械》的封底They see our ads in the back of看到我们的广♥告♥Hustler and Popular Mechanics.我们广♥告♥写着能快速致富Our ads actually say they can get rich quick.-《皮条客》 -对- Hustler? - Yeah.就那种色情杂♥志♥You know, those girlie magazines.是啊裸女杂♥志♥Yeah, yeah. Nudie mag.一♥丝♥不♥挂♥A lot.我们要帮他们买♥♥♥房♥♥ We're helping them finance houses,给老婆买♥♥钻戒we're helping them buy their wife a diamond ring...也可能是买♥♥船这地方有人管吗还是你们...Is this... Is this stuff regulated or are you guys...你们这是干什么呢What are you doing here?算是吧Sort of.算是吧Sort of?天哪这买♥♥卖♥♥差额好大Jesus Christ, the spread on these is huge.是重点就在这儿Yeah. And that's the point, that's...你叫什么来着What's your name again?我叫乔丹·贝尔福Mine... Jordan Belfort.乔丹蓝筹股你赚多少佣金Jordan, what do you get on that blue chip stock?1% 我原来赚1%I make one percent. Or I did make one percent.粉色股票单上你赚50%Pink sheets, it's 50.50%It's 50%?50%的佣金吗50% commission?-没错 -为什么- Yup. - For what?这就是我们服务的加价It's our markup for our services.这么说如果我And so if I... If I...一支股卖♥♥出去一万块钱If I sell a stock at $10,000,我的佣金就是5000块my commission is 5,000 bucks?如果你这支股卖♥♥出去1万块钱If you sell $10,000 worth of this stock,我亲自免费给你吹♥箫♥I will personally give you a blowjob for free.我翘首以盼And I hope it happens.你好约翰今天怎么样Hello, John, how are you doing today?你几周前寄了一张明信片到我公♥司♥You mailed in my company a postcard a few weeks back 咨♥询♥上涨潜力巨大requesting information on penny stocks that had下跌风险极小的仙股吗huge upside potential with very little downside risk.还记得吗Does that ring a bell?我好像的确寄过Yeah, I may have sent something.太好了约翰我今天打电♥话♥给你Okay, great. The reason for the call today, John, is,因为我刚刚发现一支潜力股something just came across my desk, John.大概能算我半年来见过最棒的一支It is perhaps the best thing I've seen in the last six months. 我想跟你聊聊If you have 60 seconds,只要60秒 1分钟好吗I'd like to share the idea with you. You got a minute?我其实现在...Actually, I'm really very...公♥司♥名叫艾洛泰因国际The name of the company, Aerotyne International.这是中西部一家尖端高科技公♥司♥It is a cutting edge high-tech firm out of the Midwest艾洛泰因 IND.马上就将获得下一代awaiting imminent patent approval雷达探测器的专利许可on the next generation of radar detectors现在这种雷达探测器的that have both huge military军用和民用价值都非常高and civilian applications now.就是现在约翰Right now, John,直接交易股价10美分一股the stock trades over-the-counter at 10 cents a share. 还有约翰我们的分♥析♥师And by the way, John, our analysts indicate认为这支股票日后能涨上天it could go a heck of a lot higher than that.你只要投资6000块Your profit on a mere $6,000 investment就能赚到6万块的收益would be upwards of $60,000!老天我住房♥按揭就6万Jesus! That's my mortgage, man.没错你就能还清按揭了Exactly. You could pay off your mortgage.这股票能帮我还清房♥贷This stock will pay off my house?约翰就算股市这个样子John, one thing I can promise you,我也能向你保证一件事even in this market,那就是我从不让客户is that I never ask my clients关注我赌对的股to judge me on my winners.我让他们看我赌输的股票I ask them to judge me on my losers因为我赌输的太少了because I have so few.至于艾洛泰因And in the case of Aerotyne,基于目前所有的技术因素约翰based on every technical factor out there, John,这绝对是满贯全垒打we are looking at a grand slam home run.行投吧我投4000块Okay, let's do it. I'll do four grand.4000美金那就是4万股约翰$4,000? That'd be 40,000 shares, John.我现在就去下单Let me lock in that trade right now然后让我秘书联♥系♥你and get back to you with my secretary确认信息可以吗约翰with an exact confirmation. Sound good, John? -行很好 -好极了- Yeah, sounds good. - Great.约翰Hey, John.感谢您的信任Thank you for your vote of confidence.欢迎加入投资者中心And welcome to the Investor's Center.非常感谢老兄Yeah, thanks a lot, man.再见Bye-bye.你♥他♥妈♥怎么做到的How'd you fucking do that?我就这样赚了2000块Just like that, I made two grand.其他人都目瞪口呆地看着我The other guys looked at me好像我刚发现了如何取火like I'd just discovered fire.好那更好了Great! Even better!买♥♥入长♥期♥股权我把垃圾股卖♥♥给垃圾人I was selling garbage to garbage men自己赚了个盆满钵满and making cash hand over fist.你将来只有一个问题The only problem you're gonna have就是当初买♥♥太少了is that you didn't buy more.-我卖♥♥给别人的都是垃圾 -加油- So I was selling them shit. - Way to go.但在我看来But the way I looked at it,他们的钱在我口袋里更好their money was better off in my pocket.我更懂得怎么花钱I knew how to spend it better.不好意思停车场里那辆车是你的吗Excuse me. Is that your car in the lot?是Yeah.-真漂亮啊 -谢了- It's a nice ride. - Thanks, man.我叫唐尼·亚速Donnie Azoff.我叫乔丹·贝尔福Hey. I'm Jordan Belfort.-幸会 -你好- Nice to meet you. - How you doing?我常看到那辆车You know, actually, I see that car around.-经常看到 -是吗在哪看到的- I see it around a lot. - Oh, yeah, where?我们好像住同一栋楼I think we live in the same building.-真的假的 -真的- No shit? - Yeah, yeah.-你住12楼吧 -是啊你住几楼- Twelfth floor? - Yeah. What floor are you on? 4楼Fourth floor.-我有两个孩子老婆很丑 -这样啊- I have two little kids. Ugly wife. - Right.你做什么的兄弟What do you do, bro?什么叫我做什么的What do you mean, what do I do?工作你做什么工作的For work, what do you do?我是股票经纪人I'm a stockbroker.-股票经纪人 -对- Stockbroker? - Yeah.我卖♥♥儿童家具的Children's furniture.不错啊。



华尔街之狼英文语录【篇一:华尔街之狼英文语录】精彩语句:1. it’s our markup for our services.这是对我们工作的报酬。

2. does that ring a bell?想起来了吗?3. i was selling garbage to garbage men and making cash hand over fist.我能把垃圾卖给垃圾工,财源滚滚而来。

4. i don’t want to get personal, but theyre okay?别怪我打探私事,他们都正常吧?5. you cold-called me.你突然给我打电话,而我根本不认识你。

6. this is the mary lou, which is really the shoe that put me on the map.这是玛丽露,就是这双鞋子让我红起来的。

7. he wants me to rat on myself?他想要我出卖我自己?8. were you trying to take a stab at wall street?你当时试图进入华尔街?9. in the ballpark?大概多少?10. in that particular trade, and it was one trade, north of half a million dollars.那次交易,光说这笔交易,五十万美元以上。

11. the same gentleman that told me you tried to get your broker’s license also told me that you are a straight arrow.那位告诉我你要考经纪人执照的先生还告诉我,你是个很规矩的人。

12. sometimes i wonder if you let money get the best of you.有时候我想,你是不是让钱蒙蔽了头脑。



华尔街之狼英文语录【篇一:华尔街之狼英文语录】精彩语句:1. it’s our markup for our services.这是对我们工作的报酬。

2. does that ring a bell?想起来了吗?3. i was selling garbage to garbage men and making cash hand over fist.我能把垃圾卖给垃圾工,财源滚滚而来。

4. i don’t want to get personal, but theyre okay?别怪我打探私事,他们都正常吧?5. you cold-called me.你突然给我打电话,而我根本不认识你。

6. this is the mary lou, which is really the shoe that put me on the map.这是玛丽露,就是这双鞋子让我红起来的。

7. he wants me to rat on myself?他想要我出卖我自己?8. were you trying to take a stab at wall street?你当时试图进入华尔街?9. in the ballpark?大概多少?10. in that particular trade, and it was one trade, north of half a million dollars.那次交易,光说这笔交易,五十万美元以上。

11. the same gentleman that told me you tried to get your broker’s license also told me that you are a straight arrow.那位告诉我你要考经纪人执照的先生还告诉我,你是个很规矩的人。

12. sometimes i wonder if you let money get the best of you.有时候我想,你是不是让钱蒙蔽了头脑。



华尔街之狼台词英文【篇一:华尔街之狼台词英文】精彩语句:1. it’s our markup for our services.这是对我们工作的报酬。

2. does that ring a bell?想起来了吗?3. i was selling garbage to garbage men and making cash hand over fist.我能把垃圾卖给垃圾工,财源滚滚而来。

4. i don’t want to get personal, but theyre okay?别怪我打探私事,他们都正常吧?5. you cold-called me.你突然给我打电话,而我根本不认识你。

6. this is the mary lou, which is really the shoe that put me on the map.这是玛丽露,就是这双鞋子让我红起来的。

7. he wants me to rat on myself?他想要我出卖我自己?8. were you trying to take a stab at wall street?你当时试图进入华尔街?9. in the ballpark?大概多少?10. in that particular trade, and it was one trade, north of half a million dollars.那次交易,光说这笔交易,五十万美元以上。

11. the same gentleman that told me you tried to get your broker’s license also told me that you are a straight arrow.那位告诉我你要考经纪人执照的先生还告诉我,你是个很规矩的人。

12. sometimes i wonder if you let money get the best of you.有时候我想,你是不是让钱蒙蔽了头脑。





















华尔街 The Wall StreetMoney's something in case you don't die tomorrow.钱乃身外之物Life all comes down to a few moments.五分钟决定一生Ought to be a picture in the dictionary under "persistence"用你的行动来解释字典里“坚持”的含义What else you got besides connections at the airport你除了在机场有关系之外,还有些什么We buy everything in sight.能买的都买下He saw right through me.他一眼就看穿我了It's a dog with fleas它是垃圾You're looking very very wellyourself你很美丽You will not regret this.你不会后悔的That's so like Gordon.戈登总是这样的Not bad for a city college boy.对于城市大学生来说是不错了At the time I thought that was all the money in the it's a day's pay.我当时以为那已经是天文数字,而如今那只是我一日所得I want you to fill out the missing picture.我要你把大局给拼凑出来If you're not inside,you are outside若你不是局内人,你就出局了Now you had what it took to get into my real question is whether you got what it takes to stay.你有进我办公室的能耐,重点是你有无能耐留下来You got me.你说动我了If you feel that way, come on over.如果你是这样认为的话。



华尔街之狼台词英文【篇一:华尔街之狼台词英文】精彩语句:1. it’ s our markup for our services.这是对我们工作的报酬。

2. does that ring a bell?想起来了吗?3. i was selling garbage to garbage men and making cash handover fist.我能把垃圾卖给垃圾工,财源滚滚而来。

4. i don ’ t want to get personal, but theyre okay?别怪我打探私事,他们都正常吧?5. you cold-called me.你突然给我打电话,而我根本不认识你。

6. this is the mary lou, which is really the shoe that put meon the map.这是玛丽露,就是这双鞋子让我红起来的。

7. he wants me to rat on myself?他想要我出卖我自己?8. were you trying to take a stab at wall street?你当时试图进入华尔街?9. in the ballpark?大概多少?10. in that particular trade, and it was one trade, north of half amillion dollars.那次交易,光说这笔交易,五十万美元以上。

11. the same gentleman that told me you tried to get yourbroker ’ s license also told me that you are a straight arrow.那位告诉我你要考经纪人执照的先生还告诉我,你是个很规矩的人。

12. sometimes i wonder if you let money get the best of you.有时候我想,你是不是让钱蒙蔽了头脑。
















— 1 —。



电影《华尔街》台词电影《华尔街》台词2010-06-01 09:46 《华尔街》是1987年由奥立弗-斯通导演的一部经典商战电影, 这个故事是在美国80年代的债券丑闻事件发生后写就的, 奥立弗-斯通的父亲是一个真正华尔街股票经纪人,片中的角色情节都有相当的事实根据, 迈克尔·道格拉斯在片中演出气势逼人,获奥斯卡最佳男主角金像奖. 《福布斯》公布的十佳金钱影片,《华尔街》获第一.《华尔街》电影中一句台词:“贪婪不好听,却是好东西。

”(Greed,for lack of a better word,is good。


你有没有想过为何基金管理人打不过500股价指数,因为他们是绵羊,而绵羊是要被宰的” (戈登语)“我1969就入行,哈佛商学院的毕业生大多数都是狗屎DOGSHIT,这一行需要聪明的穷人,要够饥渴,还要冷血,有输有赢,但要不断奋战下去”(戈登语)“想在华尔街找朋友,那就找只狗吧。

外面的世界是近身肉搏战.” (戈登语)“你要么是局内人,要么就是出局.我不是指那些在华尔街讨生活年薪40万的老古板,坐坐头等舱,生活舒适就算了,而是指真正的财富,有钱到可以买私人喷气机,有钱到到可以不浪费时间,我说的不是5000万,就是1亿.做不成真正的玩家,就只能当无名小卒。

”“钱是永远不会睡觉的.” (戈登语)“我不是来摧毁公司的,我是来解放公司的.”(戈登语)想起索罗斯,他也说他是来帮助危机中各国完善自己的经济金融制度的.“贪婪,抱歉我找不到更好的词, 贪婪是好的, 贪婪是对的, 贪婪是有用的, 贪婪是可以清理一切的, 贪婪是不断进化和进步的精华所在,贪婪就是一切形式所在,对于生活,对于爱情,对于知识我们一定要贪婪, 贪婪就是人们的动力,请记住我的话,贪婪不但可以挽救泰达纸业,更可以挽救机制失调的美国.” (戈登语)“你要赚多少才满足?”( 保罗-布德语)“这不是多少才够的问题,伙计。



I'm gonna let you in on a little secret of these telephones. 电话自己不会拨,懂吗?
They're not gonna dial themselves. Okay?

Without you, they're just worthless lunks plastic.
就好像一把装满弹药的M16,却没有训练有素的陆战队开枪!Like loaded M16 without a trained Marine to pull the trigger. 像电话这样的东西
And in the case of the telephone,
it's up to each and everyone of you,
my highly-trained Strattonites.
My killers!
My killers, who will not take no for an answer!
My fucking warriors,
who will not hang up the phone
until they client either buys,or fucking dies!。




今天店铺给大家分享一些《华尔街之狼》中的经典台词,欢迎大家欣赏!电影《华尔街之狼》经典台词1 我相信全身心的浸入,如果你想要有钱,你就要这样的想法武装自己的脑子。


2 挡在你和你的目标之间的唯一障碍,就是你不停地跟自己说的那些为什么我做不到的鬼话。

3 成功的人,100%的确信他们自己是命运的主宰者,他们不是环境的造物,而是条件的创造者,如果环境烂透了,成功的人要做的是改变它们。

4 如果你能给一个人足够的理由,他们总是会找到成功的方式。

5 能取胜的人,总是在说“必须”如何如何,“未来”如何如何。

6 当你过得都是穷日子的时候,你会伤害到每一个你所遇到的人,尤其是那些你所爱的人。

7 如果你想发财,永远不要放弃。








8 赚钱最容易的方法是——制造出那些有所价值人人想要的东西,去给予与创造价值吧,钱就会随之滚滚来。

9 要表现得像是一个现成的高富帅一样,这样你就会肯定变成真的高富帅。




10 不要管过去发生了什么,你不是你的过去,你是你从过去所汲取的资源与能力。






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my highly-trained Strattonites.
My killers!
My killers, who will not take no for an answer!
My fucking warriors,
who will not hang up the phone
until they client either buys,or fucking dies!
I'm gonna let you in on a little secret of these telephones. 电话自己不会 Nhomakorabea,懂吗?
They're not gonna dial themselves. Okay?
Without you, they're just worthless lunks plastic.
Like loaded M16 without a trained Marine to pull the trigger.
And in the case of the telephone,
it's up to each and everyone of you,