
2021考研英语大纲I. 考试性质 (1)II.考查目标 (1)(一) 语言知识 (2)(二) 语言技能 (2)Ⅲ.考试形式、考试内容与试卷结构 (3)(一)考试形式 (3)(二)考试内容 (3)I. 考试性质英语(一)考试是为高等学校和科研院所招收硕士研究生而设置的具有选拔性质的全国统一入学考试科目,其目的是科学、公平、有效地测试考生对英语语言的运用能力,评价的标准是高等学校非英语专业本科毕业生所能达到的及格或及格以上水平,以保证被录取者具有一定的英语水平,并有利于各高等学校和科研院所在专业上择优选拔。
II.考查目标考生应掌握下列语言知识和技能:(一) 语言知识1. 语法知识考生应能熟练地运用基本的语法知识。
2. 词汇考生应能掌握5500左右的词汇以及相关附表中的内容(详见附录1、2)。
(二) 语言技能*①1. 阅读考生应能读懂选自各类书籍和报刊的不同类型的文字材料(生词量不超过所读材料总词汇量的3%),还应能读懂与本人学习或工作有关的文献资料、技术说明和产品介绍等。
对所选材料,考生应能:1) 理解主旨要义;2) 理解文中的具体信息;3) 理解文中的概念性含义;4) 进行有关的判断、推理和引申;5) 根据上下文推测生词的词义;6) 理解文章的总体结构以及上下文之间的关系;7) 理解作者的意图、观点或态度;8) 区分论点和依据。

同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平考试大纲及大纲变化一、指导思想为了客观地测试以同等学力申请硕士学位人员 (以下简称同等学力人员的英语水平,保证学位授予的质量, 根据《国务院学位委员会关于授予具有研究生毕业同等学力人员硕士、博士学位的规定》 (1998年 6月 18日通过和国务院学位委员会办公室 1994年下达的《关于在职人员以同等学力申请硕士学位外国语课程水平统一考试的通知》的精神和要求 , 结合具有同等学力的在职人员学习英语的特点,在总结近几年来同等学力人员英语水平统一考试工作的基础上 , 特制订本大纲 (第四次修订稿。
二、评价目标本考试重点考查考生的口语交际、阅读、写作和翻译的能力 (由于技术上的原因 , 本考试暂时取消听力测试, 口语交际的测试采用书面形式进行。
考生应在词汇知识、语法知识、会话技能、阅读理解能力、翻译能力和英语写作等方面分别达到以下要求:(一词汇掌握约 6220个英语词汇和约 600个常用词组。
对其中的 2360个积极词汇要求熟练掌握,即能在会话、写作和翻译中准确地运用;其余词汇则要求能在阅读中识别和理解。

(一)语言知识1. 语法知识考生应能熟练地运用基本的语法知识,其中包括:(1)名词、代词的数和格的构成及其用法;(2)动词时态、语态的构成及其用法;(2)形容词与副词的比较级和最高级的构成及其用法;(4)常用连接词的词义及其用法;(5)非谓语动词(不定式、动名词、分词)的构成及其用法;(6)虚拟语气的构成及其用法;(7)各类从句(定语从句、主语从句、表语从句等)及强调句型的结构及其用法;(8)倒装句、插入语的结构及其用法。
2. 词汇考生应能较熟练地掌握5500个左右常用英语词汇以及相关常用词组(详见附录相关部分)。
(二)语言技能1. 阅读考生应能读懂不同题材和体裁的文字材料。
2. 写作考生应能根据所给的提纲、情景或要求完成相应的短文写作。
考试时间为180 分钟。
满分为100 分。
试卷包括试题册和1 张答题卡。

考生应在词汇知识、语法知识、口语交际能力、阅读理解能力、语篇完形处理能力、英译汉能力和写作能力等方面分别达到以下要求: (一)词汇掌握约6 000个英语词汇和约700个常用词组。
对6 000个词汇中的2 800个左右的积极词汇要求熟练掌握,即能在口语交际和写作中准确地运用;其余词汇则要求能在阅读、语篇完形处理和英译汉等过程中识别和理解。

同等学力申硕英语水平全国统考大纲全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1National Unified Examination for Master's Degree in EnglishI. PurposeThe National Unified Examination for Master's Degree in English is designed to assess candidates' English language proficiency at an advanced level. It is intended for applicants who hold a bachelor's degree or equivalent and are seeking admission to English-taught master's programs in universities across China.II. Examination Format1. Listening Comprehension: This section tests candidates' ability to understand spoken English in various contexts, such as academic lectures, presentations, and conversations. It consists of multiple-choice questions and is timed.2. Reading Comprehension: This section assesses candidates' reading and comprehension skills by presenting them with passages on a range of topics, including literature,social sciences, and natural sciences. Questions may be multiple-choice, true/false, or short answer.3. Writing: The writing section requires candidates to produce coherent and well-structured essays on given topics. Candidates are expected to demonstrate proficiency in grammar, vocabulary, and organization. Essays may be argumentative, descriptive, or expository.4. Translation: This section tests candidates' ability to translate passages from Chinese to English and vice versa. Candidates are expected to accurately convey the meaning and style of the original text.5. Speaking: The speaking section assesses candidates' ability to express themselves fluently and coherently in English. Candidates may be asked to discuss a given topic, give a presentation, or participate in a role-play scenario.III. Examination Guidelines1. Preparation: Candidates should familiarize themselves with the exam format and practice using sample questions. They should also work on improving their English language skills through reading, listening, and speaking practice.2. Time Management: Candidates should allocate their time wisely during the exam to ensure that they complete each section within the allotted time. They should also allow time for checking their work for errors.3. Use of Resources: Candidates are not allowed to use dictionaries or other reference materials during the exam. They must rely on their own knowledge and skills to complete the tasks.4. Scoring: Each section of the exam is scored separately, and candidates will receive a total score based on their performance across all sections. Scores are used by universities to evaluate applicants for admission to their master's programs.IV. ConclusionThe National Unified Examination for Master's Degree in English is a crucial step for candidates seeking to pursue graduate studies in English-taught programs in China. By demonstrating their English language proficiency through this exam, candidates can enhance their chances of admission to top universities and pursue their academic and career goals. Candidates are encouraged to prepare diligently for the exam and strive to achieve their best performance on test day.篇2National Postgraduate English Level Examination Syllabus for Candidates with Equivalent Education BackgroundIntroduction:The National Postgraduate English Level Examination is a key component of the admission process for postgraduate programs in China. Candidates with equivalent education background are those who do not hold a bachelor's degree in English but wish to pursue postgraduate studies inEnglish-speaking countries or English-taught programs. This document outlines the syllabus for the English section of the examination, which aims to assess candidates' language proficiency and readiness for graduate-level studies.Language Skills:The examination covers four key language skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Each skill is essential for academic success and is evaluated through a variety of test formats.1. Listening:Candidates will be tested on their ability to understand spoken English in various academic contexts. This includeslectures, presentations, and discussions. Candidates will need to demonstrate their ability to follow complex arguments, identify main ideas, and take notes effectively.2. Reading:Candidates will be tested on their reading comprehension skills, including their ability to understand and analyze academic texts. The texts may cover a wide range of topics, including science, social science, humanities, and literature. Candidates will need to demonstrate their ability to identify main ideas, supporting details, and inferences.3. Writing:Candidates will be required to write essays on academic topics. This may include analyzing arguments, synthesizing information from multiple sources, and presentingwell-organized and coherent arguments. Candidates will need to demonstrate their ability to use appropriate academic vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structures.4. Speaking:Candidates will be tested on their ability to speak fluently and coherently on academic topics. This may include giving presentations, participating in discussions, and answeringquestions. Candidates will need to demonstrate their ability to express ideas clearly, support arguments with evidence, and engage in academic discourse.Syllabus:The examination syllabus is designed to assess candidates' language proficiency at the B2-C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The syllabus includes the following key components:1. Grammar:Candidates will be tested on their knowledge of English grammar, including verb tenses, sentence structures, and word forms. Candidates will need to demonstrate their ability to use grammar accurately in both written and spoken English.2. Vocabulary:Candidates will be tested on their knowledge of academic vocabulary, including words and phrases commonly used in academic writing and speaking. Candidates will need to demonstrate their ability to use vocabulary appropriately and effectively in different contexts.3. Reading Comprehension:Candidates will be tested on their ability to understand and analyze academic texts. This may include multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, and summary writing tasks. Candidates will need to demonstrate their ability to identify main ideas, supporting details, and inferences.4. Writing:Candidates will be required to write essays on academic topics. This may include argumentative essays, compare and contrast essays, and critical analysis essays. Candidates will need to demonstrate their ability to organize ideas coherently, use appropriate vocabulary and grammar, and provide evidence to support arguments.5. Listening Comprehension:Candidates will be tested on their ability to understand spoken English in academic contexts. This may include listening to lectures, presentations, and discussions. Candidates will need to demonstrate their ability to follow complex arguments, take notes effectively, and answer comprehension questions.6. Speaking:Candidates will be tested on their ability to speak fluently and coherently on academic topics. This may include givingpresentations, participating in group discussions, and responding to questions. Candidates will need to demonstrate their ability to express ideas clearly, support arguments with evidence, and engage in academic discourse.Conclusion:The National Postgraduate English Level Examination Syllabus for Candidates with Equivalent Education Background is designed to assess candidates' language proficiency and readiness for graduate-level studies. By following the syllabus and preparing effectively, candidates can improve their English language skills and increase their chances of success in the examination. Good luck to all candidates preparing for the examination!篇3National Unified Examination for Postgraduate Admission of Master Degree Applicants with Equivalent Academic Background(英文全国同等学力申硕英语水平全国统考大纲)I. Test Introduction:The National Unified Examination for Postgraduate Admission of Master Degree Applicants with Equivalent Academic Background is conducted to assess the Englishproficiency of candidates who have the equivalent academic background for applying for a master's degree in China. The exam aims to evaluate the candidates' reading, writing, listening, and speaking abilities in English.II. Test Format:1. Listening Comprehension:This section consists of multiple-choice questions based on recorded material. Candidates will be required to listen to a series of dialogues, monologues, and conversations and answer questions related to the content.2. Reading Comprehension:Candidates will be required to read a set of passages and answer questions based on the information provided in the passages. The questions may include multiple-choice questions, true/false statements, and matching exercises.3. Writing:In this section, candidates will be required to write an essay on a given topic. The essay should demonstrate the candidates' ability to organize their ideas logically and coherently.4. Speaking:Candidates will be required to participate in a face-to-face interview with an examiner. The examiner will ask the candidates questions related to their personal experiences, opinions, and goals.III. Test Scoring:The National Unified Examination for Postgraduate Admission of Master Degree Applicants with Equivalent Academic Background uses a standardized scoring system to evaluate the candidates' performance in each section of the exam. The total score is calculated based on the candidates' performance in all sections of the exam.IV. Test Preparation:Candidates can prepare for the exam by practicing listening, reading, writing, and speaking exercises. They can also take sample tests to familiarize themselves with the exam format and improve their English proficiency.V. Test Administration:The National Unified Examination for Postgraduate Admission of Master Degree Applicants with Equivalent Academic Background is administered annually by the Ministryof Education of China. Candidates can register for the exam online and choose a test center near their location.VI. Conclusion:The National Unified Examination for Postgraduate Admission of Master Degree Applicants with Equivalent Academic Background is an important assessment tool for evaluating the English proficiency of candidates with equivalent academic background. Candidates who pass the exam will have a better chance of being admitted to a master's program in China. It is essential for candidates to prepare thoroughly for the exam to achieve a satisfactory score.。

一致学力人员申请硕士学位英语程度全国同一测验大纲(第六版)一.指点思惟本测验大纲领求经由过程教授教养使学生具有较好的用英语获守信息的才能和必定的用英语传递信息的才能.这就请求考生具有较强的浏览懂得才能,必定的白话外交才能和语篇信息处理才能,同时也必须具有必定的英译汉才能和写作才能.本测验旨在测试考生是否达到大纲所划定的各项要乞降具有大纲所划定的各项说话应用才能. 二.评价目的本测验重点考查考生的英语白话外交.浏览.语篇完形处理.英译汉和写作等技巧(因为技巧上的原因,本测验临时撤消听力测试,白话外交技巧的测试采取书面情势进行.考生听力才能的测试由各院校在考生进修时代进行).考生应在词汇常识.语法常识.白话外交才能.浏览懂得才能.语篇完形处理才能.英译汉才能和写作才能等方面分离达到以下请求:(一)词汇控制约6 000个英语词汇和约700个经常应用词组.对6 000个词汇中的2 800个阁下的积极词汇请求闇练控制,即能在白话外交和写作中精确地应用;其余词汇则请求能在浏览.语篇完形处理和英译汉等进程中辨认和懂得. (二)语法控制英语的根本语法常识.经常应用句型和构造,能精确懂得包含这些常识.句型和构造的句子和语篇. (三)白话外交能用英语进行日常白话交换.对于生涯.进修和工作中的罕有英语交换,能懂得交换情景.措辞人的意图和会话的寄义,并能应用响应的常识和断定进行适当的交换.能精确懂得英语白话中罕有的习习用法. (四)浏览能分解应用英语说话常识和浏览技巧读懂一般性题材的文章.告白等应用性文本和博客及跟帖等互动情势的浏览材料.请求能抓住大意,读懂细节,能懂得高低文的逻辑关系,并能体会和分辩作者或话语介入各方的重要意图和立场及其异一致. (五)语篇完形处理在懂得浏览材料的基本上能分解应用词汇.语法.搭配.语段.篇章逻辑等方面的常识和高低文等对语篇各层次的信息进行精确断定和完型处理. (六)英译汉能在不借助词典的情形下,把一般性题材的文章及科普文章中的段落从英语译成汉语,能精确表达原文的意思,语句通顺,用词根本精确,无重大说话错误. (七)写作具有效书面英语表达思惟和看法的基本性力.所写文章应符合主题,能精确表达思惟,意义连贯,无重大说话错误. 三.题型.题量.分值及参考答题时光本测验所制订的试卷共有七个部分,包含白话外交.词汇.浏览懂得.完形填空.短文完成.英译汉和写作.卷面满分为100分,测验时光共计150分钟. 第一部分白话外交本部分共设10题,每题1分,测验时光为15分钟.本部分包含 A.B两节,A节为完成对话,B节为完成访谈或问答等.在每段对话.访谈或问答等白话转写资估中设置3—4个空白,并在材料前给出一致数目的出自材料本身的备选答案.请求考生从备选答案中为每个空白选出一个最佳答案,使转写材料完全. 第二部分词汇本部分共设10题,每题1分,测验时光为10分钟.本部分设选择调换和选择填空两种题型,每次测验只采取个中一种.选择调换请求考生依据句意对句中带下画线的一个词或词组进行调换选择,即从所给的4个备选答案中选出一个最佳调换词或词组.选择填空请求考生依据句意对句中的一个空白进行填空选择,即从所给的4个备选答案中选出最佳答案并填人空白处,使句子完全. 第三部分浏览懂得本部分共设25题,每题1分,测验时光为45分钟.本部分包含 A.B两节,A节为段落浏览,B节的浏览情势可所以博客与跟帖或相干短文浏览.短文主题快凑.告白浏览等.A节请求考生在对浏览材料懂得的基本上从所给的4个备选答案中选出一个最佳答案.B节除了四选一以外,还可以在几份浏览材料的响应地位设置若干个空白,同时在它们前面供给一致数目的备选答案,请求考生依据考题指令从备选答案中为每个空白选出一个最佳答案. 第四部分完形填空本部分共设10题,每题1分,测验时光为10分钟.本部分在一篇难度适中的短文中设置10个空白,每个空白给出4个备选答案,请求考生从所给备选答案中选出一个最佳答案,使短文完全. 第五部分短文完成本部分共设20题,每题1分,测验时光为20分钟.本部分共有3篇短文,每篇短文自身有3—4个空白.同时,每篇短文前面又设有3—4个带有1个空白的说话段.这些说话段前设有方框,个中为每个说话段的空白供给了响应的备选答案.短文和说话段共设置20个空白.本部分请求考生在懂得短文和说话段的基本上完成两项义务:一是从说话段前面的方框中所设的备选答案中选出一个最佳答案分离填人各个说话段的空白处,使响应的说话段完全;二是从短文前的3—4个说话段选项中选出一个最佳答案分离填人短文的响应空白处.两项义务完成后应当使短文完全. 第六部分英译汉本部分请求考生把一段100词阁下的英语短文翻译成汉语,共10分,测验时光为20分钟.请求译辞意思精确,文字通顺. 第七部分写作本部分请求考生在规准时光内,按照话题和提纲的请求用英语写出一篇许多于150词的短文,共15分,测验时光为30分钟.本部分的测验情势还可所以看图作文.描写图表或依据一篇所给的文章写出内容提纲或读后感等.四.题型.题量.记分及参考答题时光一览表一致学力申请硕士学位人员英语程度测验的题型.题量.记分及参考答题时光如下:2015一致学力人员申请硕士学位外国语程度全国同一测验英语试卷一Paper One (100minutes)Part I Oral Communication (15 minutes,10 points) Section ADirections:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Dialogue OneA. Do you know what a handicapped space is?B. The signs always tell you how long you can park there and on what days.C. Then you also need to be aware of the time limits on the street signs.Student: Can you tell me where I can park?Clerk: Are you driving a motorcycle or an automobile?Student: I drive an automobile.Clerk: Fine. You can either park in the student lot or on the street. 1Student: Yes, I have seen those spots.Clerk: Well, when you see the blue spots with the handicapped sign, do not park there unless you have a special permit. Are you going to be parking in the daytime or evening?Student: I park in the evenings.Clerk: 2 Have you seen those signs?Student: Yes, I have seen those signs.Clerk: 3 .参考答案:ACBDialogue TwoA. The hours and limitations are printed on the card and this handout.B. May I have your driver’s license, please?C. Are you familiar with our rules and fines?Student: Excuse me. I am interested in getting a library card.Librarian: Sure, let me give you an application. You can fill it out right here at the counter.Student: Thank you. I’ll do it right now.Librarian: Let me take a look at this for you. 4Student: Here it is.Student: Yes. I know what to do.Librarian: ____6____Student: OK. I see.Librarian: Thank you for joining the library; We look forward to serving you.参考答案BCASection BDirections: In this section there is one incomplete which has four blanks and four choices A, B, C and D, taken from the interview. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the interview and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.A. And fooled the boys for a while.B. And I don’t think the boys have minded.C. Well, it’s because my British publisher.D. All this time I thought you were ‘’.Winfrey: So, this is the first time we’ve met.Rowling: Yes,it is .Rowling: (laughing) Yeah.Winfrey: J.K is …Rowling: ____8_____. When the first book came out, they thought ‘this is a book that will appeal to boys ’, but they didn’t want the boys to know a woman hadwritten it. So they said to me ‘could we use yourinitials ’and I said ‘fine’. I only have one initial.I don’t have a middle name. So I took my favorite grandmother’s name, Kathleen.Winfrey: ____9_____Rowling: Yeah, but not for too long, because I started getting my picture in the press and no one could pretend I was a man anymore.Winfrey: ___10____Rowling: NO —it hasn’t held me back, has it?参考答案:DCABPart II Vocabulary(10 points)Directions: In this part there are ten sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the four choices marked A, B, C and D that bestkeeps the meaning of the sentence. Mark your answer onthe Answer Sheet.11. There are several different options forgetting Internet access.A. choicesB. definitionsC. channelsD. reasons12. Earth has an atmosphere, which protects the surface from harmful rays.A. mineralsB. substancesC. gasesD. beams13. The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her hostile attitude toward customers.A. unfriendlyB. optimisticC. i mpa tientD. positive14. Since it is late to change my mind now, I am resolved to carry out the plan.A. reviseB. implementC. reviewD. improve15. Security guards dispersed the crowd that had gathered around the Capitol.A. arrestedB. stoppedC. scatteredD. watched16. To start the program, insert the disk and follow the instructions.A. take outB. turn overC. track downD. put in17. The patient’s condition has deteriorated since last night.A. improvedB. returnedC. worsenedD. changed18. I couldn’t afford to fly home, and a train ticket was likewise beyond my means.A. alsoB. nonethelessC. furthermoreD. otherwise19. Despite years of searching, scientists have detected no signs of life beyond our own solar system.A. withinB. besidesC. outsideD. except20. I prefer chicken to fish because I am worried about accidentally swallowing a small bone.A. intentionallyB. unexpectedlyC. anxiouslyD. hurriedly参考答案:11-15 A D A B C 16-20 D C A C B Part III Reading Comprehension (25 points)Section ADirections: In this section, there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneSometimes a race is not enough. Sometimes a runner just wants to go further. That’s what happened to Dennis Martin and Brooke Curran.Martin, 68, a retired detective form New York City, took up running after his first wife died. Curran,46, a philanthropist(慈善家)from Alexandria, started running to get out of the house and collect her thoughts. Both she and Martin got good at running but felt the desire to do more. “The more I trained, the better I got,” Curran said,” but I would cross the finish line with no sense of accomplishment.”Eventually , they worked up to runningmarathons(马拉松)(and longer races) in other countries, on other countries. Now both have achieved a notable -and increasingly less rate- milestone; running the 26.2-mile race on all seven continents.They are part of a phenomenon that has grown out of the running culture in the past two decades, at the intersection of athleticism and leisure: “runcations,”which combine distance running with travel to exotic places. There trips, as expensive as they are physically challenging ,are a growing and competitive market in the travel industry.“In the beginning, running was enough,” said Steen Albrechtsen, a press manager. The classic marathon was the ultimate goal, then came the super marathons, like London and New York. But when 90,000 people a year cantake that challenge, it is no longer exciting and adventurous .Hence, the search for new adventures began.”“No one could ever have imagined that running would become the lifestyle activity that it is today,”said Thom Gilligan, founder and president of Boston-based Marathon Tours and Travel. Gilligan, who has been in business since 1979, is partly responsible for the seven-continent phenomenon.It started with a casual talk to an interviewer about his company offering trips to every continent except Antarctica. And then in 1995, Marathon fours hosted its first Antarctica Marathon on King George Island. Off the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula; 160 runners got to the starting line of a dirt-and ice-trail route via a Russian icebreaker through the Drake Passage.21. At the beginning, Martin took up running just to .A. meet requirements of his jobB. win a running raceC. join in a philanthropic activityD. get away from his sadness22. Martin and Curran are mentioned as good examples of .A. winners in the 26.2-mile race on all seven continentsB. people who enjoy long running as a lifestyle activityC. running racers satisfied with their own performanceD. old people who live an active life after retirement23. A new trend in the travel industry is the development of .A. challenging runcationsB. professional racesC. Antarctica travel marketD. expensive tours24. The classic marathon no longer satisfies some people because .A. it does not provide enough challengeB. it may be tough and dangerousC. it involves too fierce a competitionD. it has attracted too many people25. The first Antarctica Marathon on King George Island indicates that .A. international cooperation is a must to such an eventB. runcations are expensive and physically challengingC. Marathon Tours is a leader of the travel industryD. adventurous running has become increasingly popularPassage TwoBefore the 1970s, college students were treatedas children. So many colleges ran in loco parentis system. “In loco parentis”is a Latin term meaning “in theplace of a parent.” It describes when someone else accepts responsibility to act in the interests of a child.This idea developed long ago in British commonlaw to define the responsibility of teachers toward their students. For years, American courts upheld in loco parentis in cases such as Gott versus Berea College in 1913.Gott owned a restaurant off campus. Berea threatened to expel students who ate at places not owned by the school. The Kentucky high court decided that in loco parentis justified that rule.In loco parentis meant that male and female college students usually had to live in separate buildings. Women had to be back at their dorms by ten or eleven on school nights.But in the 1960s, students began to protest rules and restrictions like these. At the same time, courts began to support students who were being punished for political and social dissent.In 1960, Alabama State College expelled six students who took part in a civil rights demonstration. They sued the school and won. After that it became harder and harder to defend in loco parentis.At that time, students were not considered adults until 21. Then, in 1971, the 24th amendment to the Constitution set the voting age at eighteen. So in loco parentis no longer really applied.Slowly, colleges began to treat students not as children, but as adults. Students came to be seen as consumers of educational services.Gary Dickstein, an assistant vice president at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, says in loco parentis is not really gone. It just looks different. Today’s parents, he says, are often heavily involved in students’lives. They are known as “helicopter parents.”They always seem to hover over their children. Gary Dickstein says these parents are likely to question decisions, especially about safety issues and grades. They want to make sure their financial investment is not being wasted.26. Before the 1970s, many colleges ran in loco parentis system because .A. they could take the place of the students’parentsB. parents asked them to do it for the interests of their childrenC. this was a tradition established by British collegesD. college students were regarded as too young to be treated as adults27. Who won the case of Gott versus Berea College in 1913?A. Berea College.B. Gott.C. It was a win-win case.D. The students.28. The word “dissent”(Para.5) probably means “”.A. extreme behaviorsB. violation of lawsC. strong disagreementD. Wrong doings29. In 1960,the court ruled that Alabama State CollegeA. had no right to expel the studentsB. was justified to have expelled the studentsC. shouldn’t interfere with students’ dailylifeD. should support civil rights demonstrations30. According to Gary Dickstein, today’s “helicopter parents_____A. don’t set their hearts at rest with college administratorsB. keep a watchful eye on their children’s life and studyC. care less about their children’s education than beforeD. have different opinions on their children’s educationPassage ThreeWe tend to think of plants as the furniture ofthe natural word. They don’t move they don’t make sounds, they don’t seem to respond to anything –atleast not very quickly. But as is often the case, our human view of the world misses quite a lot. Plants talkto each other all the time. And the language is chemical.Over the years scientists have reported that different types of plants, from trees to tomatoes,release compounds into the air to help neighboring plants. These chemical warnings all have the same purpose—to spread information about one plant’s disease so other plants can defend themselves. But exactly how plants receive and act on many of these signals is still mysterious.In this week’s Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers in Japan offer some explanations. They have identified one chemical message and traced it all the way from release to action.The scientists looked at tomato plantsinfested(损害) by common pest, the cutworm caterpillar(毛虫). To start out, they grew plants in two plastic compartments connected by a tube. One plant was infested and placed upwind and the others were uninfested and placed downwind. The downwind plants were later exposed to the cutworm caterpillar. The results showed that plants that had previously been near sick neighbors were able to defend themselves better against the caterpillar.The researchers also studied leaves from exposed and unexposed plants. They found one compound showed up more often in the exposed plants. The substance is called Hex Vic. When the scientists fed Hex Vic to cutworms, it knocked down their survival rate by 17%. The scientists identified the source of Hex Vic, and sprayed it lightly over healthy plants. Those plants were then able to start producing the caterpillar-killing Hex Vic. Researchers confirmed that uninfested plants have to build their ownweapon to fight off bugs and diseases. How do they know when to play defense? They are warned first by their friendly plant neighbors.It is a complex tale, and it may be happening in more plant species than tomatoes. It may also be happening with more chemical signals that are still unknown to us. For now though, we know that plants not only communicate, they look out for one another.31. What does the author try to emphasize Paragraph 1?A. How plants communicate is still a mystery.B. Enough attention has been paid to plant talk.C. Plants are the furniture of the natural world.D. Plants can communicate with each other.32. According to Paragraph2, what remains unknown is ______A. how plats receive and handle the signals from their neighborsB. why plants spread chemical information totheir neighborC. how many types of plants release compoundsinto the airD. whether plants send chemical warnings to their neighbors33. The tomato plants in the experiment were______A. placed separately but connected through airB. expose to different kinds of pestsC. exposed to the pest at the same timeD. placed together in a closed compartment34. The experiment shows that the infested plant helps its neighbors by ______A. making more Hex Vic to attract the pestB. releasing Hex Vic into the air to warn themC. letting them know how to produce Hex VicD. producing enough Hex Vic to kill the pest35.What may be the best title for the passage?A. Survival of PlantsB. Plant WorldC. Talking PlantsD. Plant Bug KillerPassage FourVancouver is the best place to live in the Americas, according to a quality-of-life ranking published earlier this month .The city regularly tops such indexes as its clean air, spacious homes and weekendpossibilities of sailing and skiing. But its status as a liveable city is threatened by worsening congestion(拥挤).Over the next three decades, another I million residents are expected to live in the Greater Vancouver region, adding more cars, bicycles and lorries to roads that arc already struggling to serve the existing 2.3 million residents.A proposal by Vancouver’s mayorseeks to prevent the worsening conditions. Upgrades would be madeto 2,300 kilometres of road lanes, as well as bus routes and cycle paths. Four hundred new buses would join the fleet of1,830. There would be more trains and more “sea bus”ferry crossings between Vancouver and its wealthy northern suburbs. To get all that, residents must vote to accept an increase in sales tax, from 7% to 7.5%. Polls suggest they will vote no.Everyone agrees that a more efficient transport system is needed. Confined by mountains to the north, the United States to the south and the Pacific Ocean to the west, Vancouver has spread in the only direction where there is still land, into the Fraser Valley, which just afew decades ago was mostly farmland. The road is often overcrowded.Yet commuters’suspicion of local bureaucrats may exceed their dislike of congestion. TransLink, which runs public transport in the region, is unloved by taxpayers. Passengers blame it when Skytrain,the light-rail system, comes to a standstill because of mechanical or electrical faults, as happened twice in one week last summer,leaving commuters stuck in carriages with nothing to do but expressing their anger on Twitter. That sort of thing has made voters less willing to pay the C$7.5 billion in capital spending that the ten-year trafficupgrade would involve.Despite the complaints, Vancouver’s transport system is a decent, well-integrated one on which to build, reckons Todd Litman, a transport consultant who has worked for TransLink. “These upgrades are all-importantif Vancouver wants to maintain its reputation for being a destination others want to go to.”He says.36. The biggest problem threatening Vancouver asa liveable city is .A. increasing congestionB. climate changeC. shortage of landD. lack of money37. The upgrade proposal by Vancouver’s mayor may be turned down by residents because .A. they do not want more people to move inB. they are reluctant to move to new placesC. upgrades would take away their living spaceD. upgrades would add to their financial burdens38. The only direction for Vancouver to further expand is towards .A. the eastB. the westC. the southD. the north39. TransLink is mentioned (Para.4) as an example of .A. world famous transport companiesB. local residents’complaints about the bureaucratsC. local effort to improve public transportD. worsening traffic congestion40. According to Todd Litman, the upgrade proposal .A. will solve the traffic problemB. will benefit local economyC. satisfies the transport companyD. deserves public supportSection BDirections: In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and the comments on it. The blog and comments are followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers A, B, C and D Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Towards the end of the 1990s, more than a decade and a half Diet Coke was first introduced, sale of Coca Cola’s best-selling low caloric drink appeared to slow down.However, in the decade that followed, diet sodas grew by more than 30 percent. In 2009, sales pushed above $8.5 billion for the first time. But America’s thirstfor Diet Coke is running dry again-and this time it could be for good.The diet soda slowdown isn’t merely an American thing- it’s also happening worldwide. But the future of diet colas is particularly cloudy in the United States.Low calorie sodas are fighting a hard battle against not one but two trends among American consumers. The first is that overall soda consumption has been on the decline since before 2000. Diet sodas, though they might come sugar- and calorie-free, are still sodas, something Americans are proving less and less interested in drinking.The second, and perhaps more significant trend, is a growing mistrust of artificial sweeteners(甜味剂). “Consumers’attitudes towards sweeteners have really changed.”said Howard Telford, an industry analyst.“There’s a very negative perception about artificial sweeteners. The industry is still trying to get its head around this.”Comment 1Add me to the number of people addicted to diet colas who quit drinking soda altogether. I honestly think soda is addictive and I’m happy not to be drinking it anymore.Comment 2Perhaps the slowdown has something more to do with the skyrocketing cost of soft drinks.Comment 3I LOVE diet drinks! Am I unhealthy? Who knows? I guarantee I have a better physique than most 43-year-old men.Comment4This is a silly and shallow piece.The reason for the fall off is simply the explosion in consumption of bottled waters and energy drinks.Comment5As people learn more about health and wellness they will consume less sugar,less soda,less artificial sweeteners.41.What do we know about diet soda sale?A.It began to undergo a gradual drop starting from 2000.B.It was on the decline since the 1990s but is on the rise now.C.It reached its peak in the 2000s but began to drop since then.D.It has been decreasing since the 1990s.42.What does the author think of the prospects of diet soda sale?A.It will continue to drop.B.It will get better soon.C.It is hard to say for sure.D.It may have ups and downs.43.Which comment gives a personal reason for quitting diet colas?ment5.ment4.ment3.ment1.44.Which comment supports the author’s point of view?A. Comment2.B. Comment3.C. Comment4.D. Comment5.45.Which comments disagree with the author on the author on the cause of soda sale slowdown?A. Comment3 and Comment5.B. Comment2 and Comment4.C. Comment1 and Comment4.D. Comment2 and Comment3.Part IV Cloze (10 points)Directions: In this part, there is a passage with ten blanks. For each blank there are four choices marked, A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer for each blank and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.When asked about the impact of disturbing news on children, one mother said: “My 11-year-old daughter doesn’t like watching the news. She has 46 about whatshe has seen. One time, she watched a report about a person who killed a family member with a knife. Thatnight she dreamed that she too was being killed.”Another interviewee said: “ My six-year-old niece saw reports of tornadoes(龙卷风)from elsewhere in the country. For weeks 47 , she was terrified. She 48 call me on the phone, convinced that a tornado was coming her way andthat she was going to die.”Do you think disturbing news reports can frighten children? In one survey, nearly 40 percent of parentssaid that their children had been 49 by something theysaw in the news and that, 50 , the children had fearedthat a similar event would happen to them or their loved ones. Why? One factor is that children often 51 the news differently from adults. For example, small children maybelieve that a 52 that is broadcast repeatedly is really happening repeatedly.A second factor is that daily reports of disturbing events can distort a child’s 53 of the world. True, we live in “critical times hard to 54 .” But repeated exposure to disturbing news reports can cause children to develop lasting fears. “Children who watch a lot of TV news 55 to overestimate the occurrence of crime and may perceive the world to be a more dangerous place than it actually is,” observes the Kaiser Family Foundation.46.A. thoughts B. nightmares C. ideas D. pictures47. A. afterward B. ago C. before D. later48. A. should B. might C. could D. would49. A. bored B. angered C. upset D. disappointed50. A. in no time B. by all means C. all the moreD. as a result51. A. tell B. interpret C. narrate D. treat52. A. tragedy B. comedy C. play D. drama53. A. imagination B. view C. sight D. look54. A. give up B. stick to C. deal with D. set down55. A. prefer B. turn C. come D. tendPart V Text Completion (20 points)Directions: In this part there are three incomplete texts with 20 questions (Ranging from 56 to 75).Above each text there are three or four phrases to be completed. First, use the choices provided in the box to complete the phrases. Second, use the completed phrasesto fill in the blanks of the text. Mark your answer onthe Answer Sheet.Text OneA. angrierB. gettingC. actionPhrases:A. which makes you 56B. like 57 any compensationC. to take any 56Picture this situation: you have bought a faulty item from a shop and you take it back to complain. You go directly to the shop assistant and tell them your problem. They say they cannot help you, 59 to the point perhaps where you start insulting the poor shop assistant. Thiswill do you no favours, 60 , or even your money back. If you go directly to the first person you see, you may be wasting your time as they may be powerless 61 .So the important lesson to be learnt is to make sure firstlythat you are speaking to the relevant person, the one who has the authority to make decisions.参考答案:ABCABCText TwoA. the smallerB. as much asC. up to a yearD. more likelyPhrases:A. 20% 62 to feel happyB. 63 the physical distance between friendsC. but not 64 happinessD. lasted for 65The new study found that friends of happy people had a greater chance of being happy themselves. And 66 , the larger the effect they had on each other's happiness. For example, a person was 67 if a friend living within one and a half kilometers was also happy. Having a happyneighbor who lived next door increased an individual’s chance of being happy by 34%. The effects of friends' happiness 68 . The researcher found that happiness really is contagious (传染的).Sadness also spread among friends, 69 .参考答案:DABC BADCText ThreeA. later regrettedB. spendingC. tend toPhrases:A. remember past impulse purchases that you 70B. you may 71 purchase on impulseC. keep 72 under controlIn addition to the external pressure we face from marketing, our own feelings and habits can contribute to excessive spending. Here are some suggestions to help you 73 . First, resist your impulse buying. Do you enjoy the excitement of shopping and finding a bargain? If so, 74 . To resist, slow down and think realistically about the long-term consequences of buying, owning, and maintaining。

about to 即将above all 首先,尤其by accident/by chance 偶然,碰巧on account of 基于,由于on all accounts 无论如何on no account 决不take ... into account 考虑到……accustomed to 习惯于act on 对……起作用;按……行动,作用于add to 增加,添加,补充add up to 总计,等于;意指in addition to 另外,除……之外in advance 预先,在前面take advantage of 利用,趁机again and again 反复地now and again 不时地,常常地time and again 反复地,一次又一次地agree on/upon 同意agree with 与……意见一致ahead of 在……前,先于ahead of time 提前aim at 瞄准,针对;在,旨在above all 首先,尤其是after all 终究,毕竟at all 完全,根本in all 总计leave alone 听其自然,不要去管let alone 不要去管;更不用说all along 始终,一直one after another 一个接一个one another 互相anything but 根本不是,除……以外决不apart from 除……之外apply ... to 将……应用于;涂,抹approve of 赞赏,同意;批准,通过arm in arm 手挽着手;协同as ... as 与……一样as for/as to 至于;就……而言as if/as though 好像,仿佛;不妨ask after 问候……ask for 请求,要求pay attention to 注意on (an/the) average 平均起来;一般说来right away 马上,立刻back and forth 来回,往返back down/off 放弃,让步,退却back up 支持,援助have back 要回,收回based on 以……为基础on the basis of 以……为基础because of 由于,因为go to bed 去睡觉begin with 从……开始on behalf of 代表……,为……代表fall behind 落后leave behind 落后;把……留下;忘带believe in 信仰,信奉;对……有信心benefit from 受益于……at best/at the best 充其量,至多make the best of /make the most of 充分利用try one’s best 尽力better off 富裕起来,(日子)好起来for the better 好转,向好的方向发展had better 最好还是,应该by birth 在血统上;天生地give birth to 生育;产生a bit 一点,少许a bit of 一点儿的bit by bit 一点点地,渐渐地on board 在船(火车,飞机)上boast of /about 夸耀,说大话both ... and ... 既……又……break away (from) 脱离,逃跑break down 分解,瓦解break in 强行进入,闯入;打断,插嘴break into 闯入break off 中止,中断break out 突然发生,爆发break through 突破break up 打碎,拆散catch one’s breath 喘过气来,松口气hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸out of breath 上气不接下气in brief 简单地说bring about 使发生bring forward 将……提前;提议bring out 使出现,使显明bring up 抚养,教育;提出问题build up 增长;积累;增强burn out 烧掉burn up 烧尽burst into (tears/laugh) 突然(哭/笑起来)on business 因公,因事by air (railway, sea, plane, bus, truck, etc.) 乘飞机(火车、轮船、飞机、公共汽车、卡车等)by and by 渐渐地,不久以后call for 要求,需要call off 取消,放弃call on/upon 访问,拜访;号召,呼吁call up 打电话;召集,动员call down (使)平静下来capable of 能……的;有……能力care about 关心care for 照管,关心;喜欢,意欲take care 留心;保重take care of 照顾,照料;承当,处理,负责carry on 继续,坚持下去;从事,经营carry out 执行,贯彻in any case 不管怎样,无论如何in case 假使,以防万一in the case of 假如发生,万一发生catch fire 着火,烧着catch up with 追上,赶上take a/the chance 冒风险;碰运气in (the) charge of 负责take charge 负责,看管take charge of 负责(照)看;接管check in 办理登记手续check out 结账后离开;检验,核查check up/(up) on 校对,校验,核查cheer up 兴奋起来under/in no circumstances 在任何情况下都不clear away 清理clear up 解释,澄清;(天气)变晴around the clock/round the clock 昼夜不断地,连续24小时地have a cold 患感冒catch a cold 感冒come about 发生,产生come across 偶遇,碰到come off 成功,奏效come on 请,来吧,快点come out 出版,刊出;传出,显出,长出;结果是,结局是come round/around 来访,前来;苏醒,复原come through 经历,脱险come to 苏醒,复苏come true 实现,达到come up 出现;走上前来come up with 提出in common 共同的,共有的compare ... to 把……比做by comparison 比较起来as far as ... be concerned 就……而言on condition that 如果take ... into consideration 考虑到consist in 在于,存在consist of 由……构成,由……组成on the contrary 正相反in contrast with 与……相对比/相对照contribute to 为……出力/贡献out of control 失去控制under control 被控制住under the control of 在……控制之下convince ... of 使信服correspond to 相当于,对应;符合at all costs 无论如何,不惜任何代价at all the costs of 不惜任何代价at the cost of 以……为代价count in 包括,算上……count out 不包括count up 把……相加of course 当然cover up 掩盖,遮盖cross out 删去,取消cut back 削减,减少cut down 削减,减少,降低cut in 插嘴,打断cut off 切掉,剪去,删去cut out 切去;删除in danger 在危险中out of danger 脱离危险in the dark 在暗中;秘密地out of date 过时的,陈旧的up to date 时兴的,切合目前情况的day and night 日日夜夜day by day 成天,天天every other day 每隔一天the other day 前几天in debt 欠债,欠情deal with 处理,对付;讨论a great deal/a good deal 许多,大量;……得多in some degree 在某种程度上to a certain degree 在一定程度上take delight in 以……为乐in detail 详细地die down 渐渐消失,平息die off 相继枯死;渐渐消失die out 消失,灭绝make a difference 有影响,很重要in difficulty 处境困难dig into 探究dig out 挖出;查出dig up 开垦;查出,发现at a distance 隔开一段距离in the distance 在远处keep a distance with 与……保持距离do away with 消灭,丢掉do/try one’s best 尽力而为do without 没有……也行,将就have nothing/something to do with 与……无关/有关no doubt 无疑,必定draw in (汽车、火车)进站draw up 写出,画出,草拟dress up 穿出盛装,打扮得漂漂亮亮drop by/in 顺便走访drop out 逃学;离队出走due to 由于on duty 值班,当班off duty 下班each other 互相on earth 到底,究竟take it easy 别着急,慢慢来bring/come/go/put into effect 使生效;起作用take effect 生效,见效in effect 实际上,事实上either ... or ... 或……或……,不是……就是……or else 否则,要不然in the end 最后put an end to 使……终止end up 以(某种身份、状态、境况)结束enjoy oneself 过得快乐enjoy if/even though 即使,纵然every now and then 有时,时时,偶尔every other 每隔一个的for example 例如except for 除……以外with the exception of 除……外in existence 存在的to a certain/great/some extent 在一定/很大/某种程度上go to extremes 走极端catch sb.’s eye 引人注目keep an eye on 留神face to face 面对面地in the face of 面对make faces/make a face 做鬼脸face up to 大胆面对in fact 实际上,其实as far as/so far as 只要;就……而言far from 决不,决非by far 远远……,……得多so far 迄今为止find fault with 找岔子in fav(u)or of 支持;有利于feel like 想要a few 少许,一些quite a few 还不少,有相当数目figure out 算出,估计,推测fill in 填充,填写fill out 填好,填写find out 发现,查明,找出catch fire 着火make a fire 生火on fire 燃烧着;兴奋着set fire to 使燃烧,点燃at first 首先from the first 从头first of all 首先in the first place 首先focus on 集中于as follows 如下on foot 步行so forth 等等free from 无……的,不……受影响的free of 脱离,无……的get free 获得自由set free 释放(be) friends with 对……友好,与……交上朋友make friends 交朋友,友好相处in front of 在……前面,面对make fun of 取笑,嘲弄in future 今后,从今以后in the future 在将来in general 通常,一般来说get across 解释清楚,使人了解get alone (with) 相处;有进展,有起色get at 到达;领会get away (from) 逃离,离开get down to 着手进行get in 收获;到达,进站get off 下车,从……下来;离开,动身,开始get on (with) 继续做;上车;在……方面取得进展get out 下车;出版;泄露get out of 逃避,改掉get over 克服,(从病中)恢复过来get through 结束,完成;接通电话get together 集会,聚会get up 起床,起立give away 泄露,暴露,出卖give back 送还,恢复give in 投降,让步,认输give off 发出,放出give out 分发,分派give up 放弃,辞去;投降,屈服go about 从事,干;闲逛go after 追逐,追求go ahead 开始;前进,领先go along with 陪同前往,随行go around/round 足够分配go by 经过,放过,过去go for 竭力想取得;喜爱,支持,拥护go in for 从事,致力于;追求,沉迷于go into 研究,讨论,调查,审查go off 爆炸,被发射;离去,走调go on (with) 继续,持续go on the stage 当演员go out 出去;罢工go over 浏览,读一遍;检查,复习;重说(读、看)go through 完成,做完;检查,审查,搜查go up 上升;增长go with 陪同前往,与……一致,与……调和go without 没有,缺乏,将就;无需,没有……也行for good 永久的,一劳永逸的good at 擅长于good for 有效,适用,胜任take ... for granted 认为……理所当然on the ground of 以……为理由on guard 警戒;值班on one’s guard 警戒着in half 成两半at hand 在手边,在附近by hand 用手hand down 传下来,传给,往下递hand in 交上,递交hand in hand 手拉手;联合,连在一起hand on 传下来,依次传递hand out 分发,发给hand over 交出,移交,让给in hand 在掌握中;正在进行on the one hand 一方面on the other hand 另一方面hang about 闲荡,徘徊,逗留hang on 别挂(电话);紧抓不放hang on to 紧握住;坚持下去hang up 挂断(电话)have to/have got to 不得不,必须;牢记……head for 朝……走去at heart 在内心,实质上by heart 牢记,凭记忆heart and soul 全心全意learn by heart 记住,背下lose heart 丧失勇气,失去信心can not help 禁不住,忍不住help oneself 自取所需(食物等)here and there 到处,处处get hold of 抓住,掌握hold back 踌躇,退缩不前hold on 稍后;别挂(电话),坚持下去hold on to 紧紧抓住hold out 坚持,不屈服hold up 举起,支撑,承载;阻挡,使停止at home 在家,在国内;自在,自如in honor of 向……表敬意,为庆祝……,为纪念……keep house 管理家务how about ... 如何,……怎么样hurry up 使赶快;迅速完成in a hurry 匆忙,立即if only 但愿,只要what if 倘若……将会怎么样insist on/upon 坚持,坚持认为for instance 举例说,比如instead of 代替interfere in/with 妨碍,阻碍,干扰,干涉by itself 单独地,独自地keep back 阻止,阻挡;隐瞒,保留keep down 控制,压制,镇压;压低,放低(声音)keep off 不接近,避开keep on 继续,保持keep out of 躲开,置身……之外keep up 继续,坚持;保持,维持keep up with 跟上,不落后knock down 撞倒,击倒knock out 打昏,淘汰at large 总的,一般;在逃at last 最终,终于laugh at 讥笑,嘲笑lay down 放下;拟定;铺设lay off (临时)解雇;休息lay out 安排,布置,设计;摆开,陈列,展示lead to 通向;导致,引起at least 最低限度in the least 一点,丝毫leave out 省略,遗漏let down 放下,降低;使失望let go 放开,放手let in 让……进入,放……进来let off 放(炮、烟火),开枪let out 放出,发出;放大(衣服)throw light on 使……显得清楚;阐明……line up 排队,使排成一行a little 一些,少许;稍许,一点儿live on/by 靠……生活,以……为食live through 度过,经受住live up to 无愧于,不辜负as long as/so long as 只要,如果;既然before long 不久以后no longer 不再,已不look after 照顾,关心,照料look at 看,注视look back 回顾,回头看look down upon 看不起look for 寻找,寻求look forward to 盼望,期待look in 顺便看望,顺便访问look into 窥视,调查,过问look on 旁观,观看look out 注意,警惕look over 检查,查看,调查look through 浏览,温习look up to 尊敬,敬仰look up 查找,查阅,寻找,查出at a loss 困惑,不知所措a lot/a lot of/lots of 大量,许多;非常,相当fall in love (with) 相爱,爱上(be) made from 由……制造(be) made up of 由……组成/构成make for 走向,冲向make out 开列,书写;看出,辨认出;理解,了解make up 拼凑,组成,构成;编造(故事、谎言等)make up for 补偿,弥补a great many/a good many 许多,大量as a matter of fact 实际情况,真相no matter ... 无论,不管……by all means 一定,务必by any means 无论如何by no means 决不by means of 用,凭借in memory of 纪念at the mercy of 在……支配下bear/have/keep ... in mind 记在心里change one’s mind 改变主意make up one’s mind 决定,下决心never mind 不要紧,没关系by mistake 错误地mistake ... for 将……误认为mix up 混合,混淆,搞糊涂at the moment 此刻for the moment 暂时,目前in a moment 一会儿all the more 越发more or less 或多或少,多少有点no more 不再no more than 不过,仅仅at most/at the most 最多,至多in the name of 以……的名义neither ... nor ... 既不……也不……from now on 从今以后just now 刚才,一会儿以前now and then 时而,不时now that 既然a number of 许多have ... on 穿着……,戴着……on and off 断断续续,不时地so on 等等(all) at once 突然once in a while 偶尔,有时once again/more/over 再一次,又一次once and again 一而再,再三once for all 再也不,一劳永逸once upon a time 从前not only ... but (also) ... 不仅……而且……bring/put into operation 使实施,使执行come/go into operation 实施,执行in order 整齐,秩序井然in order that 以便in order to 以便,为了out of order发生故障,失调other than 除……之外all out 全力以赴out of 在……外,离开,从……里;出于,由于;缺乏,没有all over 到处,遍及owing to 由于,因为on one’s own 独自,靠自己keep pace with 与……保持一致take pains 尽力,煞费苦心take part (in) 参加,参与in particular 特别,尤其;详细地pass away 去世,逝世pass on 传递;向前pass over 省略;忽略pass out 失去知觉,昏倒pay back 偿还,回报pay for 付款;偿还pay off 偿清;取得成功in person 亲自pick out 选出,挑选pick up 捡起,拾起;(车船等)中途搭(人)/带(货);增加in place 在适当的位置in place of 代替in the first place 首先,第一take place 发生,进行take the place of 代替out of place 不适当的,不得其所的play with 以……为消遣,玩弄beside the point 离题,不相干to the point 切中要害;对准point out 指出,指明in a position to 有能力做……in practice 实际上,在实践中out of practice 久不练习,荒疏put ... into practice 加以实施at present 目前,现在for the present 目前,暂时in proportion to 与……成比例in public 公开地pull down 拉倒,拆毁pull in (交通车船)进站,靠岸pull off 完成(一件艰难的事情)pull out 拔出,抽出,取出;(交通车船)出站pull up 使停下on purpose 故意,有意put across 解释清楚,说明put aside 储存,保留put away 把……收起来,放好put down 记下,写下put forward 提出put off 推迟,拖延put on 穿上,戴上;上演;增加(体重)put out 熄灭,消灭,灭(灯);生产,出版,发布put up 举起,升起,提(价);为……提供食宿;建造,搭起,支起;张贴put up with 容忍,忍受beyond/without question 没问题in question 在考虑中,在议论中的out of the question 不可能的,办不到的queue up 排队at random 随机地;无目的地at any rate 无论如何,至少rather than 而不,不顾would rather 宁愿,宁可be/get ready for 愿意;准备好refer to 查阅,提到,谈到reflect on/upon 思索as regards 关于,至于in/with regard to 关于regardless of 不顾,不管……如何rely on 依靠;信赖remind sb. of ... 使想起,提起;提醒with respect to 关于rest on 依靠as a result 由于,因此result from 起因于result in 导致in return (for) 作为回报,作为报答get rid of 摆脱,除去all right 行,可以;顺利,良好be in the right 有理的ring off 挂断(电话)ring up 打电话give rise to 引起,造成on the road 在旅途中all round 周围,处处rub out 擦掉,拭去as a rule 通常run across 偶然遇到run down 撞倒,撞沉run for 竞选run into 偶然遇到,撞见;碰撞run out (of) 用光,耗尽run over 浏览,匆匆复习run through 匆匆地看in the long run 最终,从长远观点看for the sake of 为了……on sale 上市,出售;减价,贱卖for sale 待售all the same 仍然,照样地that is to say 也就是说it goes without saying 不言而喻on schedule 按预定时间in search of 寻找,寻求in secret 秘密地,私下地see about 调查,查询see after 照应,照顾see into 调查,检查see off 给……送行see (to it) that 负责,照料;注意,留心see through 看穿,识破see after/for 搜寻,寻找,寻觅send for 派人请,召唤;索取send in 呈报,提交,送来send off 寄发in a sense 从某种意义上说make sense 讲得通,言之有理serve as 担任;起……作用set about 开始,着手;出发set aside 宣布无效;驳回,废止set back 推迟,延缓,阻碍set down 记下,写下set forth 提出,阐明set off 动身,出发;使爆炸,使爆发;引起set out 动身,出发,开始;制定,打算set up 建立,设立,树立;资助,使自立,扶持settle down 定居,过安定的生活cut short 打断;缩减fall/run short (of) 缺少,快用完for short 简称,缩写in short 简言之,总之show in 领入show off 炫耀,卖弄show up 使显现,使醒目shut down 关闭shut out 排除shut up 住口;关上全部门窗sick of 厌烦side by side 肩并肩,一个挨一个at first sight 初看,乍看catch/have/get sight of 看到,发现in sight 被见到,在望lost sight (of) 没看见;失明out of sight 看不见,在视野以外sit up 迟睡,熬夜slow down 放慢速度or so 大约,左右so that 以便,为的是;结果是,以致so ... as to ... 如此……以至于……,如此……以便……so ... that ... 如此……以至于……as soon as 一……就……no sooner ... than ... 一……就……sooner or later 迟早,早晚speak for 替……讲话speak of 谈到speak out 大声说speed up 使加速in spite of 尽管,不顾,虽然on the spot 当场,在现场stand by 站在旁边,袖手旁观;站在一起,支持;帮助stand for 代替,代表,意味着stand out 突出,显眼stand up 站起,竖起stand up for 为……辩护,维护stand up to 勇敢地面对,坚决抵抗step by step 逐步step down 让位,下台step in 插入,介入step up 提高,加快,加紧stick to 坚持,忠于,信守substitute for 替代;取代,代替such as 像……那样的,诸如,例如such ... that 那样的……以致all of a sudden 突然sum up 总结,概括(be) sure of 确信……make sure (of) 查明,弄确实for sure 当然,一定;肯定,毫无疑问take after 与……相像take apart 拆开take back 收回,带回take down 记下,写下take ... for 误认为……,误以为……take in 接受,容纳;领会,理解;欺骗take off 拿走,脱下;起飞take on 呈现,具有,装出;接纳,接受;承担,从事take over 接管,接收take up 占去,占据;开始从事;拿起,捡起talk back 顶嘴talk into 说服talk over 商量,讨论in tears 流着泪,含泪,哭in good/bad temper 心情好/不好keep one’s temper 忍住性子lose one’s temper 发火,发脾气thanks to 由于,多亏that is 就是说,即think better of 改变主意,重新考虑think of 想到,想起think of ... as ... 把……认为是……think over 仔细考虑throw away 扔掉,抛弃throw up 呕吐all the time 一直at a time 每次,一次at all times 总是,无论何时at any time 在任何时候at no time 从不,决不at the same time 同时;然而at times 有时for the time being 目前,暂时from time to time 时常in no time 立即,马上in time 及时地,适时地on time 准时take one’s time 不急不忙,从容进行on top of 在……之上keep in touch 保持联系out of touch 失去联系touch on 关系到,涉及try on 试穿try out 试验by turns 轮流,交替地in turn 依次,轮流take turns 轮流turn down 调低,关小turn in 交出,上缴;转身进入,拐入turn into 使变成turn off 关,关闭turn on 打开,拧开turn out 生产,制造;驱逐,使离开;证明是,结果是turn over 翻过来,翻倒;思考,考虑;移交,转交turn to 转向;求助于turn up 出现,发生up to一直到;等于;从事于,忙于make use of 利用put ... to use 使用,予以利用use up 用光,花完be/get used to 习惯于used to (过去)总是as usual 像往常一样,照例a variety of 多种的,各种各样的in view of 鉴于,考虑到;由于wait on 伺候ward off 避开,防止warm up 变热watch out (for) 戒备,提防by the way 顺便提一下,另外by way of 通过……方式get in the way 成为障碍give way to 让位于,被……代替in a way 在某种程度上;从某一点看in one’s way/in the way 妨碍,阻碍lead the way 带路,引路make one’s way 前进,行进make way (for) 开路,让路in no way 决不out of the way 不寻常的;已经解决的under way 进行中wear down 磨损,损耗;使疲劳wear out 穿坏;(使)耗尽as well 同样,也;倒不如as well as 既……又……,除……之外(还)what about (对于)……怎么样what if 如果……将会怎样,即使……又有什么要紧whether ... or ... 是……还是……,不管……还是……after a while 过了一会once in a while 偶尔on the whole 总的来说wipe out 消灭,毁灭no wonder 难怪,怪不得have a word with 和某人谈谈in a word 总而言之in other words 换句话说,也就是说keep one’s word 守信用leave word 留言word for word 逐字的at work 在工作,忙于out of work 失业work at/on 从事work out 解决,算出;设计出,制定出work up 引起,激起;逐渐向上,向上爬worry about 担心。

A1.a/an art. 一(个);每一(个);(同类事物中的)任何一个2.abandon vt. 放弃,抛弃,离弃3.ability n. 能力,本领;才能,才识4.able a.有能力的;有本事的,能干的5.Aboard adv. 在飞机上;[船] 在船上;在火车上 prep. 在…上6.about prep.在…周围;关于,对于 ad.附近,周围,到处;大约7.above a.上述的 ad. 在上面 prep. 在…之上,高于8.abroad ad. 到国外,在国外;在传播,在流传9.absence n. 缺乏,不存在;缺席,不在;缺席的时间10.absent a. 缺席的;缺乏的,不存在的;心不在焉的11.absolute a. 绝对的,完全的;确实的,肯定的12.absorb vt. 吸收;使全神贯注,吸引…的注意13.abstract a. 抽象的 n. 摘要,梗概 vt. 提取;摘录要点14.Abuse n.滥用;凌虐;唾骂;弊病;恶习,成规 vt.滥用;凌虐;唾骂15.Academy n.学院;研究院;学会;专科院校16.Accent n.口音;重音;夸大;特色;重音标记17.accept vt. 同意,认可;接受,领受18.acceptable a.值得接受的, 可接受的19.access n.接近,获得(机会等);入口通道 v.存取20.Accident n.事变;意外;[法]意外事变;机遇21.Accommodation n.住处,膳宿;调理;息争;预订铺位22.according to prep.据/照…(所说、所写);按…,视…23.Accordingly adv.是以,因而;响应地;照著24.account n.账户;说明,叙述 vi.(for)解释25.accurate a.准确的,精确的26.accuse vt.(of)谴责;指控,告发27.Accustomed adj.风俗的;凡是的;特有的28.Ache vi.痛苦悲伤;巴望 n.痛苦悲伤29.achieve vt. 实现,完成;达到,得到 vi. 达到预期目的30.acid n. 酸,酸性物质 a. 酸的,酸味的;尖刻的31.Acquaintance n.熟人;相识;领会;晓得32.acquire vt. 取得,获得,学到33.Acre n.地皮,地产;英亩34.across prep.横过,越过;在的对面 ad. 横过,穿过35.act v.表演;举动;起作用n.行为,法令;一幕36.action n.行动,动作;作用;运转;行为;战斗37.active a.活跃的,敏捷的,积极的;在活动中的38.activity n.活动;活力;能动性;39.Actor n.男演员;举措者;感化物40.Actress n.女演员41.actual a.实际的;现实的,真实的,目前的42.Actually adv.实际上;究竟上43.Ad=advertisement44.adapt vt.(to)使适应;改编45.add vt. 加;增加(进);进一步说/写 vi.(to)增添46.addition n. 加,加法;附加部分,增加(物)47.Address vt.演说;从事;忙于写姓名地点;向…致辞n.地点;演讲;致辞;措辞的本领48.adjust vt. 调节,调整;校对 vi.(to)适应于49.Administer vt.办理;实行;赐与 vi.赐与帮忙;实行遗产办理人的职责;担任办理人50.Administration n.办理;行政;施行;行政机构51.admire vt. 钦佩,赞赏,羡慕;称赞,夸奖52.admit vt. 承认,供认;准许…进入,准许…加入53.adopt vt. 采用,采纳;收养54.Adult adj.成年的;成熟的 n.成年人55.advance vt. 推进,促进;提升,提高 vi. 前进,进展 n. 前进,进展;预付56.advanced a. 超前的,先进的;高级的;开明的;前进的57.advantage n. 优点,有利条件;利益,好处58.adventure n. 冒险,冒险活动,奇遇 vt. 大胆进行59.advertise vt. 公告,公布;为…做广告 vi.登广告60.Advertisement n.广告,宣传61.advice n. 劝告,忠告,(医生等的)意见62.advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议;通知,告知63.aeroplane=airplane64.affair n. [pl.]事务;事情(件);(个人的)事65.affect vt. 影响;感动;(疾病)侵袭66.afford vt. 提供,给予;供应得起,负担得起67.afraid a. 害怕的,恐惧的;犯愁的,不乐意的68.Africa n.非洲69.African adj.非洲的,非洲人的 n.非洲人70.after prep. 在…以后;在…后面 ad. 以后,后来71.afternoon n.午后,下战书72.again ad. 再次,另一次;重新;除此,再,更,还73.against prep. 对着,逆;反对;违反;紧靠着;对比74.age n. 年龄;时代;老年;长时间 v. (使)变老75.Agency n.代办署理,中介;代办署理处,经销处76.agenda n. 议事日程,记事册77.Agent n.代办署理人,代办署理商;药剂;奸细 vt.由…作中介;由…代办署理 adj.代办署理的78.ago ad.(常和一般过去时的动词连用)以前,…前79.agree vi. 答应,赞同;适合,一致;商定,约定80.Agreeable adj.令人高兴的;得当的;蔼然可亲的81.agreement n. 协定;协议;契约;达成协议;同意,一致82.ahead ad.在前面(头);向(朝)前;提前83.aid n.援助,救护;助手,辅助物 vi. 援助,救援84.aim n.目的;瞄准 vi. (at)目的在于 vt.把…瞄准85.air n.空气;(复数)神气 vt. (使)通风;晾干86.Airline n.航空公司;航路 adj.航路的87.Airplane n.飞机88.Airport n.机场;航空坐89.Alcohol n.酒精,乙醇90.alike a.相同的,相似的91.alive a.活着的;存在的;活跃的;(to)敏感的92.all a.全部的;非常的 ad. 完全地,很 pron.全部93.allow vt. 允许,准许;承认;给予;(for)考虑到94.almost ad.几乎,差不多95.alone a.单独的,孤独的 ad. 单独地,独自地;仅仅96.along ad.向前;和…一起,一同 prep. 沿着,顺着97.aloud ad.出声地,大声地98.already ad.已,已经,早已99.also ad.而且(也),此外(还);同样地100.although conj.尽管,虽然,但是101.altogether ad.完全,总之,全部地;总共;总而言之102.always ad.总是,无例外地;永远,始终103.Amazing adj.令人惊奇的 v.使受惊(amaze的ing情势)104.Ambassador n.大使;代表;使节105.ambition n.雄心;野心106.ambitious a.有抱负的,雄心勃勃的;有野心的107.Ambulance n.[车辆][医]救护车;战时活动病院108.America n.美洲(包括北美和南美洲);美国109.American n.美国人 adj.美国的110.among /amongst prep. 在…之中;在一群(组)之中;于…之间111.amount n. 数量,数额,总数 vt.(to)合计,相当于,等同112.amuse vt. 给…提供娱乐;使开心113.analysis n.(pl. analyses)分析;分解114.analyze/-yse vt.分析,解析115.ancient a. 古代的,古老的116.and conj.和,与,而且;那么;接连,又117.anger n. 愤怒,气愤 vt. 使发怒,激怒 vi. 发怒118.angry a. 生气的,愤怒的;(天气)风雨交加的119.Animal n.动物120.annoy vt. 使烦恼,使生气,打搅121.annual a. 每年的,年度的 n. 年鉴,年刊122.another a.另一个,又,再 pron. 另一个,类似的一个123.answer vt.回答,答复,答案 v. 回答,答复,响应124.anticipate vt.预料;期望;预先考虑;抢先;提前使用125.anxiety n. 挂念,担心;渴望,热望126.anxious a. 焦虑的,担心的;急于(得到的),渴望的127.any a.(用于否定句、疑问句等)什么,一些;任何的128.Anybody pron.任何人n.紧张人物129.anyhow adv.总之;不管若何;不管怎样130.anyone=anybody131.anything pron.任何事132.Anyway=anyhow133.anywhere ad.无论哪里;(用于否定、疑问等)任何地方134.apartment n.公寓;房间135.apologize/-ise v.(to,for)道歉,认错136.apology n. 道歉,歉意137.appear vi.出现,出场,问世;好像是138.appetite n.食欲,胃口;欲望,性欲;爱好,趣味139.apple n.苹果140.apply vi.(for)申请 vt.(to)运用,应用141.appoint vt.任命,委派;指定,约定(时间、地点等)142.appointment n.录用;商定;录用的职位143.appreciate vt.感激,感谢;评价,欣赏,常识144.approach n.接近;看法,观点;办法 vi.临近,接近 vt. 走近,接近;处理,对待145.approval n.批准,通过;赞成,同意146.April n.四月147.Arab adj.阿拉伯的 n.阿拉伯人;阿拉伯马148.Arabian adj.阿拉伯的;阿拉伯人的 n.阿拉伯人149.area n.区域,地区;面积;范围150.argue vi. 辩论,争论 vt. 论证;说服151.argument n.争论(吵),辩论;理由;论证152.arise vi.出现,起来,升起153.arm n.手臂;武器;袖子;装备 vi.武装起来 vt.武装;备战154.around ad.在…周围,到处 prep. 在…四周(或附近)155.arouse vt. 唤醒,唤起,激起156.arrange vt.安排,整理,排列 vi. 安排,准备157.arrangement n.布置;整理;准备158.arrest vt./n.逮捕,拘留159.arrive vi. 到达;(时间、事件)到来,发生;达到160.article n. 文章,论文;条款,条文;物件;冠词161.artificial a. 人工的,人造的;做作的,不自然的162.as ad. 同样地 conj. 由于;像…一样prep. 作为163.ashamed a. 惭愧的,羞愧的 n.亚洲n n.亚洲人 adj.亚洲的;亚洲人的166.aside ad. 在旁边,到一边 n. 旁白;离题的话167.ask vt.问,询问;请求,要求;邀请,约请168.asleep a. 睡觉,睡着(用作表语)169.aspect n. 样子,面貌;(问题、事物等的)方面170.assignment n.分配;任务;作业;功课171.assist vt.协助,帮助,促进 vi. 帮忙,参加172.associate vt. 使发生关系,使联合 vi.交往,结交 a. 合伙的,有联系的 n. 合伙同事173.association n. 联盟,协会,社团;交往,联合;联想174.assume vt.假定,设想;承担,接受175.assure vt.使确信的,使放心;保证,担保176.astonish vt.使大吃一惊177.astronaut n.宇航员,航天员;太空旅行者178.at prep. [表示价格、速度等]以,达;在…方面179.atmosphere n.气氛;大气;空气180.atom n.原子181.attack vt./n.攻击,袭击;(病)发作182.attempt vt./n.企图,试图183.attend vt. 出席,参加;照顾,护理 vi.注意;伴随184.attention n. 注意,注意力;立正;特别照顾;照料185.attitude n. 态度,看法186.attract vt. 吸引,引诱187.attractive a.有吸引力的,诱人的188.audience n.观众;听众;读者;接见189.audio adj.声音的;[声]音频的,[声]声频的190.August n.八月191.aunt n.阿姨;姑妈;伯母;舅妈192.Australia n.澳大利亚,澳洲193.Australian adj.澳大利亚的,澳大利亚人的n.澳大利亚人194.author n.作者;作家;创始人 vt.创作出版195.auto(mobile) n.汽车(等于automobile);自动 vi.乘汽车196.autumn n.秋天;成熟期;渐衰期,凋落期 adj.秋天的,秋季的197.available a.可利用的,可提供的198.average n. 平均,平均数;一般水平,平均标准199.avoid vt.避开,避免200.award vt.授予;判定n.奖品;判决201.aware a. 意识到的,觉察到的202.away ad. 在远处;离开;渐渐远去;一直;去掉203.awful adj.可怕的,庄严的204.awkward a.尴尬的,别扭的;笨拙的;使用不便的,难处理的B205.baby n.婴儿,婴孩;孩子气的 vt.纵容,娇纵;把…当婴儿般对待 adj.婴儿的;幼小的206.back a.后面的 ad. 向后 v. 倒退;支持 n. 背;后面207.background n.背景,经历;幕后208.bad a.坏的;低劣的;不舒服的;腐败的;严重的209.bag n.袋;猎获物;(俚)一瓶啤酒 vt.猎获;把…装入袋中;[口]占据,私吞;使膨大vi.松垂210.baggage n.行李;[交]辎重(军队的)211.bake v.烤,烘,焙;烧硬,焙干212.balance n.平衡,均衡;秤,天平 v.(使)保持平衡;(收支)相抵213.bald adj.秃顶的;光秃的;单调的;无装饰的 vi.变秃214.ball n.球;舞会 vi.成团块 vt.捏成球形215.banana n.香蕉;喜剧演员;大鹰钩鼻216.band n. 乐队;一伙;带,箍;频道,波段217.bank n. 银行;岸,堤 vi. 存入(经营)银行;信赖218.banker n.银行家;银行业者;掘土工219.bar n. 条,杆,闩;酒吧;栅,障碍(物)v. 闩上,阻拦220.bare a. 赤裸的;极少的,仅有的221.base n. 基础,底部;根据地 v. (on)把…基于222.basic a. 基本的,基础的223.basically adv.主要地,基本上224.basketball n.篮球;篮球运动225.bath n. 沐浴,洗澡;浴室(池,盆)v. (给…)洗澡226.bathroom n.浴室;厕所;盥洗室227.battle vi./n.战斗,作战228.be (现在式am, are, is; 过去式 was,were; 过去分词 been; 现在分词 being) v.(就)是,等于;(存)在;到达,来到,发生229.beach n.海滩;湖滨vt.将…拖上岸 vi.搁浅;定居230.bear n. 熊;粗鲁、笨拙的人 vt. 忍受,经得起;承担,负担;怀有(爱憎等感情)231.beat n. 敲打;(心脏等)跳动 v. 打败;(心脏等)跳动232.beautiful a.美的,美丽的;出色的,完美的233.because conj.因为,由于234.become vi. 变成,开始变得 vt. 适合,同…相称235.bed n.床;基础;河底,海底 vt.使睡觉;安置,嵌入;栽种 vi.上床;分层236.bee n.蜜蜂,蜂;勤劳的人237.beef n.牛肉;肌肉;食用牛;牢骚 vi.抱怨,告发;发牢骚 vt.养;加强238.beer n.啤酒 vi.喝啤酒239.before prep.(指时间)在…以前,在…前面,在…之前240.begin v.(began,begun)开始,着手241.beginning n. 开始,开端;起源,早期阶段242.behave v. 举止,举动,表现;运转,开动243.behavio(u)r n. 行为,举止;(机器等)运转情况244.behind prep. 在…的背后,(遗留)在…后面;落后于245.belief n. 信任,相信,信念;信仰,信条246.believe vt. 相信,认为 vi. 相信,信任,信奉247.belong v. (to)属于,附属,隶属;应归入(类别,范畴等)248.below prep. 在…下面,在…以下 ad.在下面,向下249.beneath prep. 在…下边,在…之下 ad.在下方250.benefit n. 利益,好处 vi. 得益 vt.对…有利,有益于…251.beside prep. 在…旁边,在…附近;和…相比252.besides prep. 除…之外(还)ad.而且,此外253.best n.最好的人,最好的事物;最佳状态 adj.最好的 adv.最好地 vt.打败,胜过254.better a. 较好的 ad. 更好(地)v.改良 n. 较佳者255.between prep. 在…之间,在(两者)之间ad. 在中间256.bicycle n.自行车vi.骑脚踏车vt.骑自行车运送257.big a. 大的;重要的;宽宏大量的;大受欢迎的258.bike=bicycle259.bill n. 账单;招贴,广告;(人员,职称等的)表;钞票260.bind v. 捆,绑,包括,束缚261.bird n.鸟;家伙;羽毛球 vt.向…喝倒彩;起哄 vi.猎鸟;观察研究野鸟262.birth n.出生;血统,出身;起源263.birthday n.生日,诞辰;诞生的日子264.bit n. 一点,一些;小块,少量;片刻;[计]位,比特265.bitter a.有苦味的;辛苦的,辛酸的;严寒的,刺骨的266.black adj.黑色的;黑人的;邪恶的 n.黑色;黑人;黑颜料vt.使变黑;把鞋油等涂在…上;把(眼眶)打成青肿 vi.变黑267.blame n. 责任,责备 vt. 责备,(on)把…归咎于268.bleed v. 出血,流血269.blind a. 盲的,瞎的;盲目的 vt. 使失明 n. 百叶窗270.block vt. 阻塞,封锁 n. 街区;路障,阻碍物;大块(木料,石料)271.blood n.血,血液;血统vt.从…抽血;使先取得经验272.blow vi. 吹,吹气,打气;吹奏;爆炸n. 打,打击273.blue adj.蓝色的;忧郁的,沮丧的;下流的 n.蓝色 vi.变蓝 vt.使成蓝色274.board n. 板,木板;全体委员;伙食 v.上船(车,飞机)275.boast n. 自夸的话,可夸耀的事 vi.(of,about)夸耀,说大话vt. 以有…而自豪,自夸276.boat n.小船;轮船 vi.划船277.body n.身体;主体;大量;团体;主要部分 vt.赋以形体278.boil v.(使)沸腾,煮(沸)279.bold a.大胆的,冒失的;鲜明的,醒目的,(线、字等)粗的280.bomb vt.轰炸,投弹于vi.轰炸,投弹;失败 n.炸弹281.bone n.骨;骨骼;香烟;一首歌vt.剔去...的骨;施骨肥于vi.苦学;专心致志282.book n. 书,书籍 vt. 订(票,座位,房间等),预定283.boom n./v.(发出)隆隆声;繁荣,兴隆起来284.boot vt.引导;踢;解雇;使穿靴 n.靴子;踢;汽车行李箱285.border n.边界,国界;边(沿)v. 交界,与…接壤;接近286.boring a.令人厌烦的287.born a. 出生的,产生的;天生的,十足的288.borrow vt. 借,借入;(思想、文字等)采用,抄袭289.boss n.老板;首领;工头 vt.指挥,调遣;当…的领导 vi.当首领,发号施令290.both prep. 两者(都),双方(都)a. 两个…(都)291.bother vt.烦扰,打扰;使……不安;使……恼怒 vi.操心,麻烦;烦恼n.麻烦;烦恼292.bottle n.瓶子;一瓶的容量 vt.控制;把…装入瓶中 vi.(街头艺人演出后)收拢钱币293.bottom n.底部;末端;臀部;尽头 adj.底部的vt.装底;测量深浅;查明真相vi.到达底部;建立基础294.bowl n.碗;木球;大酒杯 vi.玩保龄球;滑动;平稳快速移动vt.投球;旋转;平稳快速移动295.box n.箱,盒子;包厢;一拳vi.拳击vt.拳击;装…入盒中;打耳光296.boxing n.拳击;装箱;围模;做箱的材料v.将…装入盒中(box的ing形式)297.boy n.男孩;男人298.brain n.头脑,智力;脑袋vt.猛击…的头部299.branch n.(树)条,分支;分店;(学科)分科,部门;支流300.brave a. 勇敢的 v. 勇敢地面对(危险等)301.break vt. 打破;中止;违反 vi. 破(裂)n. 休息时间302.breakfast n.早餐;早饭vi.吃早餐 vt.为…供应早餐303.breakthrough n.突破;突破性进展304.breath n. 呼吸,气息305.brief a. 简短的,简洁的;短暂的 vt.简单介绍306.bright a. 明亮的,辉煌的;聪明的;欢快的,美好的307.bring v. 拿来,带来;产生,引起;使处于某种状态308.British adj.英国的;英国人的;大不列颠的n.英国人309.broad a. 宽的,广阔的;广大的;宽宏的,豁达的310.brother n.兄弟;同事;战友 int.我的老兄!311.Brown adj.棕色的,褐色的;太阳晒黑的 vi.变成褐色 n.褐色,棕色 vt.使变成褐色312.brush n. 刷(子),毛刷;画笔 v. 刷,擦,掸,拂;掠过313.build vt. 建造,建筑;建设,建立 vi.增大,增强314.building n.建筑;建筑物v.建筑;建立;增加(build的ing形式)315.burden n. 负担;负荷,载重;义务,责任316.burn v. 燃烧,烧着;烧毁;灼伤 n.烧伤,灼伤317.bury v. 埋(葬),安葬;埋藏,遮盖318.bus n.公共汽车319.business n.商业,生意;事务,业务,职责320.busy a.忙,忙碌的;热闹的,繁忙的;(电话)占线321.but conj. 但是 prep. 除…以外 ad.只,才,仅仅322.buy vt.买,买得;向…行贿,收买 vi.购买东西323.by prep.被;凭借;经由;由于 ad. 在近旁;经过C324.cake n.蛋糕;块状物;利益总额vt.使结块 vi.结成块状325.calculate vt. 计算;推测,估计;打算326.call vt. 叫,喊;打电话 vi. 叫;访问 n. 叫;号召327.calm a.(天气,海洋等)静的 n. 平静 v.(使)平静328.camera n.照相机;摄影机329.camp vi.露营;扎营vt.扎营;使扎营n.露营330.campus n.(大学)校园;大学,大学生活;校园内的草地331.can aux./v. 能;可以n. 罐头;容器 vt. 把…装罐332.Canada n.加拿大(北美洲国家)333.Canadian adj.加拿大(人)的n.加拿大人334.cancel vt. 取消,删去335.cap n.盖;帽子vi.脱帽致意 vt.覆盖;胜过;给…戴帽;加盖于336.capable a.(of)能干的,有能力的,有才能的337.capital n. 首都;资本,资金;大写字母 a. 资本的;重要的;大写的338.captain n.队长,首领;船长;上尉;海军上校vt.指挥;率领339.capture vt.俘获;夺得n.捕获;战利品,俘虏340.car n. 汽车,车辆,车;(火车)车厢341.card n.卡片;纸牌;明信片vt.记于卡片上342.care n.小心;关怀,照料 v. (about)关心,介意,计较343.careful a.小心的,仔细的;细致的,精心的344.careless a.粗心的, 草率的;随便的,不介意; 不关心的, 冷漠的345.carry v. 运送,搬运;传送,传播;领,带346.case n. 箱,盒,容器;情况,事实;病例;案件347.cash n. 现金,现钱 vt. 兑换成现金348.casual adj.随便的;非正式的;临时的;偶然的n.便装;临时工人;待命士兵349.cat n.猫;猫科动物350.catch v. 捕捉,捕获;赶上;感染;理解,听到351.cattle n.牛;牲畜(骂人的话);家畜;无价值的人352.cause n. 原因;事业 vt. 造成,引起353.celebrate vt.庆祝,赞美354.cent n.分;一分的硬币;森特(等于半音程的百分之一)355.center/-tre n.中心,中央,中间 vt.集中 vi. 以…为中心356.central a. 中心的,中央的;主要的,首要的357.century n.世纪,百年;(板球)一百分358.ceremony n.典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪;客套,虚礼359.certain a. 某,某一,某些;(of)一定的,确信的,可靠的360.certainly ad. 一定,必定,无疑;当然,行361.chain n. 链(条);(pl.)镣铐;一连串 v. 用链条拴住362.chair n.椅子;讲座;(会议的)主席位;大学教授的职位 vt.担任(会议的)主席;使…入座;使就任要职363.chairman n.主席,会长;董事长364.challenge vt.向…挑战 n. 挑战365.chance n.机会;可能性;偶然性,运气v. 碰巧,偶然发生366.change n.改变,变化;零钱 v. 更换,调换,交换;改变367.channel n.海峡;频道;渠道,管道368.chapter n.章,回;(俱乐部、协会等的)分会;人生或历史上的重要时期vt.把…分成章节369.character n.个性,性格;特征;人物,角色370.characteristic adj.典型的;特有的;表示特性的n.特征;特性;特色371.charge vt.收费,索价;控告,指挥;装满;充电 n. 负荷,电荷;负责;指收费372.chase v/n. 追赶,追逐373.cheap a. 便宜的;低劣的,不值钱的374.cheat vt. 欺骗,诈取 vi. 作弊,欺诈 n.欺骗行为;骗子,不诚实的人375.check/cheque vt.检查,校对;控制 n.检查,核对;控制376.chemical a.化学的n. (pl.)化学制品,化学药品377.chicken n.鸡肉;小鸡;胆小鬼,懦夫adj.鸡肉的;胆怯的;幼小的378.chief a.主要的,首席的 n. 元首,领导379.child n.儿童,孩子;产物;子孙380.childhood n.童年时期;幼年时代381.China n.中国 adj.中国的;中国制造的382.Chinese n.中文,汉语;中国人adj.中国的,中国人的;中国话的383.choice n. 选择(机会),抉择,选择项;入选者a. 精选的384.choose v. 选择,挑选;甘愿385.circle n. 圆,圆周;集团;周期,循环 v. 环绕,旋转386.circumstance n.环境,情况;事件;境遇387.city n.城市,都市adj.城市的;都会的388.claim vt. 声明,主张;要求,索取 n.权力,主张,要求389.class n.阶级;班级;种类vt.分类;把…分等级 adj.极好的390.classic n.(pl.)杰作,名著 a. 第一流的,不朽的391.classmate n.同班同学392.classroom n.教室393.clean a. 清洁的,干净的 v. 除去…污垢,把…弄干净394.clear a./ad. 清晰的(地)vt. 清除;使清楚 vi. 变清澈395.clever a. 聪明的,伶俐的,机敏的,精巧的396.client n.[经]客户;顾客;委托人397.climate n.气候;风气;思潮;风土398.climb v./n. 攀登,爬399.clinic n.临床;诊所400.clock n.时钟;计时器vt.记录;记时vi.打卡;记录时间401.close v./n. 关;结束 a./ad. 近的(地);紧密的(地)402.cloth n.布,织物;餐巾403.clothes n.衣服404.cloud n.云;阴云;云状物;一大群;黑斑vt.使混乱;以云遮敝;使忧郁;玷污 vi.阴沉;乌云密布405.club n.俱乐部,社团;夜总会;棍棒;(扑克牌中的)梅花vt.用棍棒打;募集vi.集资;组成俱乐部 adj.俱乐部的406.coal vi.上煤;加煤vt.给…加煤;把…烧成炭 n.煤;煤块;木炭407.coat n.外套vt.覆盖…的表面408.cock n.公鸡;龙头;雄鸟;头目vt.使竖起;使耸立;使朝上 vi.翘起;竖起;大摇大摆409.coffee n.咖啡;咖啡豆;咖啡色410.coil vt.盘绕,把…卷成圈n.线圈;卷 vi.成圈状411.cold a. 冷的,寒冷的;冷淡的 n. 冷,寒冷;伤风412.colleague n.同事,同僚413.collect vt. 收集 vi. 聚集,堆积414.college vt.盘绕,把…卷成圈n.线圈;卷 vi.成圈状415.colo(u)r vt.把…涂颜色,粉饰;歪曲;使脸红vi.变色 n.颜色;风格;气色,面色;外貌bine v.(使)结合,(使)合并;(使)化合e v. 来;出现于,产生;是,成为;开始,终于fort vt.使安慰,使舒服 n. 安慰,安逸,舒适fortable a. 舒适的,舒服的;感到舒适的,安逸的mand vt./n.命令,指挥;掌握,控制ment vi.(on)评论 n. 评论,意见mit vt.犯(错误、罪行等);把…托付给,提交mitment n.承诺, 许诺, 保证; 承担的义务mon a.普通的,寻常的;共同的,共有的municate v. 交际,交流(思想等);传达,传送通信,通信munity n. 社团,社区pany n. 公司;陪伴;宾客;连(队),(一)群,队,伙pare vt.(to,with)比较;(to)把…比作vi. 相比parison n.比较,对比,比喻,比拟pete vi. 竞争,竞赛petition n. 竞争,比赛;角逐,较量;[总称]竞争者plain vi.报怨,投诉plaint n. 报怨,诉苦,发牢骚plete vt.完成,结束 a.完整的,全部的;完成的,终结的;彻底的ponent n.(尤指机器或系统的)组成部分,组件,成分 a.构成的,组成的。

allow almost alone along aloud already also although altogether always amazing
汉 下午,午后 再,又,重新 反对,违反,靠近 年龄,时代,变老 代理,代办 议事日程,记事册 代理人,经办人 以前,…前 同意,一致,适合,商定 使人愉快的,欣然同意的 一致,协议,契约 前头,在前,向前 援助,救援,助手,辅助物 瞄准,志在,针对,目标 空气,天空,晾干 航空公司,航线 飞机 机场 酒精,乙醇 相同的,相似的 活着的,活跃的,活泼的
账户,说明,叙述 正确的,精确的 谴责,指控,告发 惯常的,习惯的 疼痛,酸痛 完成,达到,获得 酸,酸的 熟人,相识的人 取得,获得,学到 非洲人 在…之后,以后
词性 vt n a ad prep prep ad n a a vt n,a n,vt n n vt a n,vt n n prep
词性 vt vt vt n prep n n vt vt vt,vi n n v a n n n n n a,n n n n
平均,平均数,平常的,普通的 n,a
粗笨的,尴尬的,棘手的 a
vi,vt build
勇敢的,冒失的,粗的 a
汉 炸弹,轰炸 骨骼 书籍,预订 隆隆声,繁荣 靴子 边缘,交界,与…相似 令人厌烦的,钻孔 出生的,天生的,生来的 借用 老板,上司,头儿 二者,双方,双 打扰,麻烦,担心,焦急 瓶子 底部 碗 盒子,箱子,拳击,打耳 光 拳击 男孩,儿子 大脑,心智,智力 树枝,分支,分科 勇敢的,英勇的 打破,损坏,总之,破裂 早餐 突破,突破性的发现 呼吸,气息 简短,短暂,简单介绍 明亮的,聪明的,美好的 带来,产生,引起 英国人 宽广,宽宏,豁达 兄弟,同胞 棕色 刷,毛刷,画笔 建造,建立,修建 建筑物,大楼

考试以《大学英语教学大纲(文理科本科用)》中对大学英语四级水平 的具体要求为依据,主要测试考生在英语语法、词汇、阅读、翻译及写作 等方面的语言应用能力。
考试内容与形式 试卷总分 100 分,包括试卷一(选择题)和试卷二(非选择题)。 试卷一包括以下两个部分: 第一部分:词语用法和语法结构(Section I: Vocabulary and Structure) 共 10 题,总分 10 分,每空 1 分。本部分全是多项选择题,考试范围 为大学英语四级标准所含的词汇和短语。主要测试考生运用英语词语及短 语的能力以及把握英语语法结构的程度。 第二部分:阅读理解(Section II: Reading Comprehension)
考研翻译部分的总体要求是译文精确、完好、通顺,这与翻译的一般 以不变应万变。另外,大家还需要对考研阅读文章里面的长难句进行一个
标准忠实而通顺是基本一致的。精确、完好就是要忠实于原文,把原文的 重点的突破。长难句往往由于句子结构比较冗杂、句子和句子之间的规律
内容完好而精确地表达出来,不能对原文做任意的增加或删减。通顺,指 关系比较冗杂,所以导致我们同学在读文章的时候许多时候造成了理解障
此项测试的目的是测试考生把握英文文章主旨大意、说明主旨大意的事实 和详情、并进行肯定推断和推论的能力。
试卷二包括以下两个部分(在整个试卷中为第三和第四部分) 第三部分:英译汉 (Section III: Translation from English to Chinese) 共 1 题,总分 30 分。要求考生对这篇长度约为 300 词的英文文章进 行汉译,英文文章的难度与阅读理解的篇章相同。考生须在理解短文的基 础上,将全文译成中文。 第四部分:英文写作 (Section IV: Writing) 共 1 篇,总分 20 分。要求考生依据题目用英文撰写一篇 120 词左右 的文章。文章必需切题,表达思想清晰、文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本无 语言错误。




考生应能写不同类型的应用文,包括私人和公务信函、 ___、摘要、报告等,还应能写一般描述性、叙述性、说明性或议论性的文章。
答题卡分为答题卡1和答题卡2.考生应将1-4 5题的答案按要求填涂在答题卡1上,将46-52题的答案写在答题卡2上。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。